HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Natural Resources Committee - 06/21/2018 (2)Natural Resources Commiee Meeng Meeng Minutes June 21, 2018 In Aendance: Krisn Williams, David Crawford, Lisa Yankowski, Laura Williams Absent: Bey Milizia Staff: Holly Rees 7:05 Call to order Emergency Procedures: Holly reviewed emergency procedures Changes to Agenda: No changes to the agenda Comments from the Public: No comments Edlund Leer: The two proposals of leers in support of the NRC involvement with potenal re-zoning process of the Edlund Property were discussed and edited into one comprehensive leer. Dave C mooned to approve the leer, Krisn W seconded and a final leer was unanimously approved to forward to the Planning Commission ahead of their work plan meeng next Tuesday June 27. Meeng Adjourned at 7:48 Next Regular Meeng: June 27, 2018 6:00-8:00 .