HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Common Areas for Dogs Committee - 05/09/2023 Draft Common Area for Dogs Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Members Present: Betty Milizia (Chair), Muriel More, Robyn Birgisson, Linda Yankowski, Linda Chiasson, Molly Joy (Clerk) Staff Present: Holly Rees (Recreation Director) Public: Barbara Sirvis Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. 1. Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. 2. Public comments: There were no public comments 3. Review and Approve Minutes April minutes were accepted with changes: Muriel More was not present during the last meeting. The April minutes should also note that no action was taken on recommendations made in Section 5 regarding Leash Ordinance Review due to lack of quorum. 4. Review Comprehensive Plan Draft Holly presented the draft Recreation Comprehensive Plan and asked Committee to think about the objectives and supporting strategies to include in the Plan as it relates to dogs. Feedback is needed before the end of the May. Betty will draft an email to the Committee for their feedback via email. 5. Review Committee Member Reappointments/Process The City Council makes appointments and reappointments in May and June. Many committees have members whose terms are ending. The City Council is deciding whether or not to require committee members who are reapplying, go through interviews. Our committee has had no new applicants, to date. 6. Review Dog Incident Log Question was raised as to what hours the Animal Control Officer (ACO) works. ACO is responsible for both domestic and wild animals. Maybe ACO could patrol dog parks randomly. ACO will come to next meeting for discussion. 7. Review Draft Survey The Committee reviewed the draft survey regarding off-leash space. Recommendations were as follows: • Age: It could be beneficial to add more age ranges such as college students. • Status: Insert the word “owner” next to “guardian” as some may not understand the term guardian • Dog Size: We need to revisit the dog sizes to ensure they are standardized and maybe add an additional size for extra large dogs. Betty will follow-up with veterinarian for commonly used dog sizes measured in pounds. • Off-Leash: The term off-leash areas could be interpreted differently amongst person-to-person which could skew responses. We may want to define what we mean by off-leash or ask where people desire to walk off leash. • Preferences: Add more options such as “large open spaces.” • Why Choose Off-Leash: Add option that it’s “good for dog’s vitality” (health and mental wellness) • Importance of Off Leash Areas: Add another bullet for “quality of life.” This question shall allow individuals to rank by most to least important. We should add a section at the end of the survey where people can add additional comments. 8. Review Changes to Rules Signage The current park rules are wordy and park users are not reading the signage and/or following rules. • Facility Usage: o Recommend lowering age threshold from 12 to 10 years old. • Restrictions: o Remove bullet regarding “No animals other than dogs.” o Move bullet specifying “Dogs must be spayed or neutered, no exceptions” to top of list and make all in caps to emphasize importance o Remove “no dogs in heat, injured, or sick” since this is covered in bullet above o Remove “no skateboards, bicycle, skates, or motorized vehicles (except wheelchairs)” 9. Annual Report FY24 and Work Plan FY24 Process Annual Report will need to be prepared for FY23. FY24 Work Plan will need to be completed ahead of the council retreat. MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 8 PM PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Future Meetings Tuesday, June 13th, 6 – 7 PM