HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Housing Trust Fund Committee - 04/13/2022 - Joint Meeting with Affordable Housing CommitteeFY23 AHC Policy Priorities and Strategies
•Explore funding mechanisms to increase funding to Affordable Housing Trust Fund and make
recommendations to Council
•Work with staff to review options for buying privately owned or developing existing city-owned
land to develop additional perpetually affordable housing
•Make recommendations to Council on how best to use ARPA funding for housing
•Identify regulatory barriers and added costs of developing multi-unit buildings and propose ways
for SB to address them. Could include: waiver or reduction of city impact and permit fees for
perpetually affordable developments
•Articulate connections between dense housing development and climate change solutions
•Review zoning districts city-wide to identify additional locations for residential/mixed-use zoning
including conducting an inventory of vacant space.
•Identify regulatory barriers and added costs of redeveloping areas of SB and propose ways to
address them
•Propose an Impact Assessment Checklist for Council consideration
South Burlington Affordable Housing Committee
Housing Trust Fund Committee will join at 6:30 PM
Room #310 at 180 Market St
South Burlington, VT 05403
Participation Options
In Person: Room #310 – 3rd Floor – 180 Market St
Assistive Listening Service Devices Available upon request
Electronically: https://meet.goto.com/SouthBurlingtonVT/affordable-housing04-13-2022
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 625-257-173
Wednesday April 13, 2022 6:00 PM
1.*** Call to order, agenda review, approval of minutes from the March 28, 2022 AHC
meeting, announcements, public comment, City Manager Update (15m)
2.Discussion and possible action on committee’s meeting schedule (15m)
3.***Discussion and possible action on ARPA Recommendation to City Council (1hr 15m)
4.Discuss AHC members attending DRB meetings (15m)
March 28, 2022, SoBu Affordable Housing Committee Minutes – DRAFT Page 1
Prepared on April 6, 2022 Next meeting date/time: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 6:00 p.m. City Hall and online
AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMITTEE March 28, 2022, 10:30 a.m., meeting held online and at City Hall HOUSING TRUST FUND COMMITTEE March 28, 2022, 11:30 a.m., meeting held online and at City Hall
AHC Members attending: Janet Bellavance, Leslie Black-Plumeau (left 11:35), Vince Bolduc, Sandy Dooley, Ariel Jensen-Vargas, Patrick O’Brien Darrilyn Peters, John Simson, and Chris Trombly; member absent: Minelle Sarfo-Ado, Housing Trust Fund Committee members present: Ariel Jensen-Vargas and Emilie Krasnow; member absent: Larry Kuoferman; staff present: Jessie Baker, City Manager; Kelsey Peterson, City Planner; PC liaison, Monica Ostby, public: Linda Bailey
AGENDA 1.Call to order, agenda review, approval of minutes from 2/28/22 AHC meeting, announcements, publiccomment, City Manager Update
2.Discussion on General PUD Comment
3.Rental Survey Proposal from Ariel4.Discuss ARPA; Recommendation to City Council5.Adjourn
1.Call to order, agenda review, approval of minutes from 2/28/22 AHC meeting, announcements, publiccomment, City Manager Update
Call to order: Chris called the meeting to order at 10:32 a.m.Agenda review: Vince moved and Darrilyn seconded motion that agenda be modified by deleting agenda item 2,“Discussion on General PUD Public Comment”, and allocating the assigned 15 minutes to the agenda item
”Discuss ARPA; Recommendation to City Council”, and renumber agenda items accordingly. Motion approved:9-0-0Approval of minutes: Leslie moved and Sandy seconded motion that the 2/28/22 meeting minutes be approved
with the correction on page 2, iin item 4., that the location of the “good data” Leslie recommended is the AHC’swebpage on the City’s website. Motion approved: 9-0-0Announcements: The CCRPC’s sponsored meeting of housing staff and committee members and others inChittenden County will take place that evening at 6 p.m. online. Darrilyn reported that the Climate Change TaskForce will recommend that all future housing in South Burlington be net zero with regard to energy use. Briefdiscussion of effects of energy requirements and examine such requirements on housing crisis followed. Topics:thermal envelopes, current stretch code requirement and tighter buildings, energy efficiency lowers utility costs,which makes housing more affordable, need for rec paths so more people can travel by bike, park & ride, parking
garage, how do we want SoBu to respond to both climate change and housing crisis?, 13% of SoBu householdspay more than 50% of their income for housing, economic biosystem, So Bu housing problems identified in 2010Census are the same or worse in 2020 Census. Leslie thanked Monica for her letter to TOP in support ofcommittee’s work. Chris mentioned COTS walk and contributions ($1,045 total) and participation of committeemembers in the group he initiated. Would like more participants. Suggestion: reach out to other SoBuco0mmittees. Chris will draft something for inclusion in the City News. April is Fair Housing Month. Leslie will
draft something about this for inclusion in the City News. Suggestion: have Jess Hyman (director of CVOEO FairHousing project) come to committee in future. Monica shared that her liaison role vis-à-vis the committee maychange in future. Monica shared that PC will not be developing an Infill and Redevelopment PUD, in light of this
AHC’s Infill and Redevelopment subcommittee may want to revisit its mission and goal.Committee meeting schedule discussion outcome: change to meeting on 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings at 6p.m. Continue meeting twice a month; periodically review whether meeting twice each month is necessary to
support committee’s goals.Public Comments: None
March 28, 2022, SoBu Affordable Housing Committee Minutes – DRAFT Page 2
City Manager Update: Department heads are looking at staffing of City committees by City staff. 2(3).. Rental Survey Proposal from Ariel (2. Discussion on General PUD Public Comment): Jessie shared that
many developers already have rental advisory committees and suggested that the committee hear from them. Ariel shared her perception that SoBu does not have capacity to receive and follow up on concerns that folks who rent might have about how property owners/managers carry out their responsibilities. She suggested that we might consider developer’s record vis-à-vis responding to their tenants’ concerns in choosing proposal to receive ARPA funding.
3(4). Discuss ARPA; Recommendation to City Council: Prior to committee discussion, Jessie “set the table” by recommending that committee identify “values” it would propose to City Council (CC) be the basis of the Scope of Work that would be part of the City’s Request for Proposals to receive up to $1 million of the City’s ARPA funds. Values could include type of housing, # f units, leveraging other funding sources, local, proven track record, perpetual affordability, housing for seniors or non-seniors, deadline of 12/31/26 for having spent $. She recommended against proposing to CC that amount be increased to $2 million and instead mention that
proposals indicating what could be achieved with $1 million and also what could be achieved with more than $1 million are allowed. Monica mentioned that PC had discussed how to invest the $1 million and their proposal is that one-third be for housing, one-third be for open space, and one-third be for other unidentified needs. Jessie took notes and prepared a summary of this discussion and a matrix showing which “values” were mentioned by one or more committee members. These documents are attached to these minutes. Thank you, Jessie! The discussion included the following comments that are not suggested values: high interest in SoBu’s proposal to use $1 million ARPA funds for housing; costs of materials and labor have increased dramatically, these constitute 40% of cost of building affordable housing, for profit and nonprofit organizations should be eligible to apply for funding, need $300,000 to build a 1,100 sf condo, Monica asks Jessie to spread the word that AHC prioritizes having these funds support homeownership opportunities, Patrick grew up on farm—led to him seeing
large lots as better; now sees that large lots are not necessary, fine for homeownership units to be in multifamily buildings, should entertain a variety of housing types, need way to deal with problems with property owners and sellers, there will be listening sessions for Comp Plan update, will SoBu have additional staff to support this and
other projects?, Proposal made that each committee member write their own paragraph regarding criteria/values, consensus that
this would not be sufficiently helpful to CC. Plan; Jessie will prepare summary and matrix by Thursday (3/31), which ARPA subcommittee will review and use to draft a statement for committee to review, possibly modify, and possibly approve at its April 13, 6:00 p.m. meeting 4(5). Adjourn: At 12:32 p.m. Janet moved and Vince seconded motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved: 9-0-0.
Affordable Housing Committee & Housing Trust Fund
March 28, 2022
Question: With $1M or more in ARPA funding, what do we want to incentivize through an RFP
Homeownership 1 1 1 1 4
80 (rental) -100% (owner) AMI 1 1 1 3
Integrated neighborhoods (80-120% AMI, age mix, etc) 1 1 1 3
Maximize # of new homes 1 1 2
Support those struggling to stay (pay their taxes, down payment assistance)1 1 2
Energy efficiency/Climate change mitigation/approcah Net Zero 1 1 2
Twice IZ requirement 1 1 2
Developer/project readiness 1 1
ADUs and technical assistance 1 1
Leverage PUD tool 1 1
Off set financial barriers (permitting costs)1 1
Citywide 1 1
Redevelop existing spaces (TOD/City Center)1 1
2-3 bedrooms 1 1
Encourage joint proposals 1 1
Perpetually affordable 1 1
Maximize leveraging other dollars/tools 1 1
Focus on hosuing quality 1 1
Less than 80% AMI (transitional, at risk of homelessness)1 1
The AHC’s ARPA subcommittee, Chris, Darrilyn, Janet, Leslie, and Sandy, sends the following
statement the committee’s consideration for approval, with or without modification.
“The Affordable Housing Committee proposes that the City Council approve the following
statement of criteria to be used by City staff in developing a Request for Proposals for the
development of housing to be supported by up to $1 million in ARPA funds.
“To be eligible for receipt of up to $1 million in ARPA funds, a proposal is required to meet
criteria A., B., and C. stated below. Proposals that, in addition, meet one or more of criteria
D., E. or F. shall be given additional weight in the ranking of proposals submitted.
1.All proposals shall:
A.include a mix of market rate and affordable housing units in which the percentage
of affordable units is at least twice that required by South Burlington’s Inclusionary
Zoning regulations. Affordable units shall meet all applicable requirements in the City’s
Inclusionary Zoning regulations with the exception that pricing for homeownership
units shall not exceed what HUD deems affordable at the 100% Area Median Income
(AMI) level.
B.be submitted by an entity, or two or more entities collaborating, having
demonstrated success in developing affordable housing and leveraging additional
funding sources in support of affordable housing
C.include information supporting the entity’s/ies’ capability to have all funds obligated
no later than December 31, 2024, and spent no later than December 31, 2026
2.Applicants are encouraged to incorporate the following optional criteria in their proposals,
which represent South Burlington’s desired outcomes for these ARPA funds.
D.Proposals in which affordable homeownership units constitute the vast majority (or
all) of the affordable units developed
E.Proposals in which the energy efficiency of all (or “of the affordable”) units exceeds
the current requirements of South Burlington’s land development regulations—the
closer to net zero the better.
F.Proposals in which the housing units are located in the Transit Overlay District.
3.Applicants may:
G.Propose the development of housing via new construction or the repurposing of
existing structures
H.Include additional information about what might be achieved with respect to
affordable housing should South Burlington make available more than $1 million in
ARPA funds.’”