HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 05/04/2022 - Strategic Planning CommitteeDRAFT Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Strategic Planning Committee Wednesday, May 4, 2022 @ 5 p.m. Location: South Burlington Public Library & Zoom Members Present: Patrick Leduc, Ted Lenski, Stacey Pape, Margery Vagt Members Absent: Donna Swartwout Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Call to Order Chair Called the Meeting to Order at 5:03 pm Additions and deletions to the posted agenda None Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda None Welcome & Purpose Patrick outlined the scope of the Committee’s work as reviewing the work that was started three years ago, determining what might need to be re-done and what could be leveraged of the existing work. The overarching goal being that the group was tasked with drafting a high level strategic plan, in the three to five year window, for consideration by the board of trustees. This plan would then be used to engage the community and set annual goals that would support the strategic plan. Jennifer added that the plan should also be cognizant of the City’s strategic plan and be able to connect to so that the plans were mutually supportive of each other. Themes from old SOAR process Patrick invited Jennifer to share with the workgroup the SOAR process that was completed three years ago and the resulting themes that came out of that. The Committee engaged in a robust conversation on how those themes could be used in the strategic plan as a basis for determining “goals”. Following a good discussion some core themes were uncovered that might be a base for formulating goals. Vibrant Library, Inclusive, Community Oriented, Accessible, engaged, respectful, and sustainable were captured. The committee attempted to, as a working model, move one of those themes into an potential high level goal. Theme: Engaged Potential Goal statement: Expand engagement to more of the South Burlington community with a specific focus on traditionally marginalized populations. Discuss community outreach Patrick posed the question of community outreach and if, given the recent outreach in planning for the new building, what level of outreach was needed and at what stage of our process. Considering the goal of inclusivity, the committee thoughtfully landed on evaluating how best to engage the community once we have a draft plan to respond to. Stakeholders The most immediate stakeholder the workgroup wanted to engage was the library staff. The workgroup felt that other stakeholders would be engaged indirectly through connecting the eventual plan to the City’s plan and the community outreach plan previously discussed. Laying out our process Following more conversation on the current mission, vision, and values, the committee decided to not re-evaluate these components but use them as a test out strategic goal against. In short the committee felt that if a goal was valid it must support or be aligned with the mission, vision, and values but through that process if a goal seemed to be important and valuable but did not align with the mission, vision, and goals that might be an indicator that those components need to be evaluated. Next steps The committee agreed that each member would independently work to create a “goal” for each of the themes uncovered. Through that process committee members may uncover new themes that need to be addressed and may find that current theme may not fit into “goals”, potentially meaning they might be “values”. Jennifer will do a similar process with library staff. The themes are/were: Vibrant Library, Inclusive, Community Oriented, Accessible, engaged, respectful, and sustainable The next meeting of the committee will focus on sharing the independent goal ideas each member brings, with a lens toward drafting singular/combined (best of the best) goals for consideration. Following that process, high level action items will be considered. Other Business Seeing no other business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:15 pm.