HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Cemetery Sextons - 04/27/2022 South Burlington Cemetery Sextons April 27, 2022 Time: 6:00 p.m. Virtual meeting only: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87555110404?pwd=b3Yybk9ZR1ZlQkhFKzIrQlVYcjM2Zz09 Agenda: Call to order 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in the order of the agenda items 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda 3. Approve minutes from March 30, 2022 4. Discussion on presentation to the Council/Cemetery Commissioners on May 2, 2022 including: a) Duties of sextons b) Rules and regulations 5. Approve membership in Vermont Old Cemetery Association 6. New business? 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment