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Minutes - City Council - 10/08/1979
CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 8, 1979 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, October 8, 1979 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; William Burgess, Kenneth Jarvis, Martin Paulsen Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Alex Guyette, Lowell Krassner, Robert Walsh, Ernest Cauchon, Jan Rozendaal, Peter Matta, Ernest Levesque, James Lamphere, Peter Lavallee, Steven Goodman, Kevin Hayes, Tyler Hart, John Holmberg, Gordon Woods, Doug Bouvier Minutes of September 17, 25, and 27, 1979 Mr. Jarvis moved to approve the September 17, 25, and 27 minutes. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Interview applicants for appointment to Zoning Board of Adjustment Alex Guyette - Mr. Farrar asked why Mr. Guyette wanted to serve on the board and what he hoped to do. Mr. Guyette replied that he had been a native of this area for 35 years and that he felt he had the time and the interest to become involved in city affairs. He hoped to uphold the rules of the city and pass fair judgement. He stated that he had the time for the job. He was familiar with the Zoning Ordinance some years ago but has not reviewed it recently. Lowell Krassner - Mr. Krassner told the Council he had some views on how the city should manage its land uses and he said that there were times he felt variances were reasonable and times they were not. He said he was familiar with the city planning documents and the deliberations of other boards in the city. He felt he could interpret the intent of the documents and give reasonable judgements. He stated that he was not totally satisfied with some of the Zoning Board's decisions and that he felt the protection of natural resources should be given more consideration by that Board. He had no problem with the time of and for the meetings. He has read part of the Zoning Ordinance. Robert Walsh - Mr. Walsh said he was interested in being on the board. He is not totally familiar with the Ordinance. He returned to South Burlington in 1976 after serving in the marines and is interested in preserving its beauty and natural resources. He saw two towns in Virginia lose their natural beauty to development. He was not against development, he said, but he felt there had to be a balance, and that was how he would approach decisions on the Board. He said he was familiar with some planning documents and sometimes attended Planning Commission meetings. Mr. Walsh said that he would like to remain on the Natural Resources Committee if that were not deemed a conflict of interest. Mr. Farrar said that two other applicants would be interviewed for the vacancy at the next meeting and appointments would not be made until after that meeting. Continue public hearings on the following Interim Zoning Applications Norman Ramsey to construct an 18-unit motel at 1108 Williston Road - Mr. Farrar stated that the applicant had asked that this item be withdrawn. No one had any objection to keeping the hearing open. Mr. Paulsen moved to continue the hearing on Norman Ramsey for an 18 unit motel until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Merrill Jarvis to construct two additional theatres to existing theatre-restaurant at 1214 Williston Road - Mr. Peter Collins said that the plan had been given to the Fire Chief. Mr. Farrar read a letter from the Chief dated October 2 (see attached copy), saying that the plans dated 9/28/79 were acceptable. Mr. Collins said that the parking patterns were changed to allow for easier access on the lot and that more spaces were provided. With this plan all the parking required by the statute is provided within the Jarvis property, and no other parking will have to be used. Parking is adequate for both present and planned theatres. Mr. Collins also noted that the seating in the new theatres will be 325, not 400 as originally thought. There will be a new fire hydrant on the property and another one in front of the Tower Restaurant. Mr. Jarvis asked about moving the main entrance east, as suggested by the traffic consultant and was told that had been incorporated into the plan. Mr. Farrar asked that this new plan be given to the traffic consultant to review. The movement should be 20' to the east, and the Dunkin' Donuts sign may have to be moved. Mr. Szymanski asked if some parking spaces could be eliminated if the read from Patchen Road is extended and was told they did not see any reason some could not be eliminated, since they now have about 10 extra parking spaces on the lot. 145 spaces were added and 100 were required for the new 400 seats that they thought would be added. Existing and proposed parking spaces are noted on the plan for the property. There are 615 seats in the present theatres and 325 proposed. Mr. Burgess moved to close the hearing pending receipt of comments on the plan dated 9/28/79 or revisions thereof from the traffic consultant and if there is a revision, from the Fire Chief; the revision shall only pertain to the movement of the Williston Road entrance by no more than 10' from what is shown on this plan. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. Ray Pecor to construct addition and operate car rental agency in conjunction with a car wash facility at 1700 Williston Road - Mr. Jan Rozendaal represented Mr. Pecor and said that the question left to be resolved was relative to traffic. Mr. Szymanski said the city's traffic consultant was away right now but that he hoped to receive the information from the consultant on Thursday. Mr. Farrar noted that no progress could thus be made on the application. He told Mr. Rozendaal that since the only piece of information the Council now needed was a report from its traffic consultant on whether the plan would cause a problem or not, the hearing could be closed, but he noted that if that were done, when the report came in, the applicants could not discuss it. He did not think closing the hearing was the best way to go. Mr. Rozendaal said there would be 20-30 transactions done per day in the business and he did not think that would create a problem. Mr. Rozendaal asked that the hearing be closed now and suggested that if the report were not favorable, it could be re-opened. Mr. Jarvis moved to close the public hearing subject only to receipt of the traffic consultant's report. Mr. Burgess seconded and all voted aye on the motion. Public hearings on the following Interim Zoning Applications The Merchants Bank to construct an 8' x 46' glass enclosed foyer to the front portion of the building and install an ATM teller system, at the branch bank located at 50 White Street - Mr. Ernest Cauchon, appearing for the applicant, requested that the application for an 8' x 4' glass enclosed foyer be withdrawn. North American Shopping Centers, Inc., to construct a shopping complex located easterly side of Shelburne Road known as 1690 - Mr. Peter Collins showed the Council where the land was. With him was Steve Goodman, president of North American Shopping Centers. The proposal is to build a small shopping center with a supermarket and smaller stores in addition to a restaurant and/or bank facility. The main entrance will be off Shelburne Road and there will also be an access to the rear to Green Mountain Drive, which is signallized at its intersection with Shelburne Road. A traffic study will be presented to the city on the proposal by an engineer in Mass. Mr. Farrar was given a copy of a letter from this traffic engineer. The study will be started in two weeks, so it will be 30-45 days before the study is finished. The proposal meets all setback, parking and side line requirements in the city. If the traffic study shows that a signal is required at the entrance on Shelburne Road, the company will pay for that. The State has been approached for permission for the curb cut on that road and has indicated that approval will probably be given. Mr. Goodman indicated that this was a conceptual meeting and he said he would like to know now if the Council did not feel the project was feasible. Mr. Collins felt the project was in keeping with the Master Plan and was compatible with the neighborhood. He did not see a negative impact on city services. He noted that they had to meet the conditional use criteria. Mr. Collins felt other projects with more traffic impact could be built on the site. Mr. Goodman said that when they returned, they would know whether they were planning a bank or restaurant. He asked the Council to wait on the application until they got back with the traffic study. He requested that the hearing be continued and said November 19 was probably a good date to set. Mr. Burgess moved that the public hearing for North American Shopping Centers. Inc., to construct a shopping complex located easterly side of Shelburne Road, known as 1690 be continued to the 19th of November, 1979. Mr. Jarvis seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Review any additional data and formulate action and stipulations on the following closed public hearings Gordon Jarvis and Edward Flynn to operate a car rental agency in conjunction with auto service station at 860 Williston Road - Messrs. Farrar and Burgess were not present for all the hearings on this proposal. Mr. Paulsen moved to instruct the staff to prepare a motion of approval for Gordon Jarvis and Edward Flynn to operate a car rental agency in conjunction with auto service station at 860 Williston Road with the stipulations that the activity shall cease as of July 1, 1980 and that there shall be an upper limit of 6 cars in connection with this activity. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it carried without a dissenting vote. Mr. Burgess asked that the City Attorney be consulted on the legality and/or desirability of granting temporary approvals. Mr. Farrar said he could request such a review. South Burlington Realty to operate a warehouse in conjunction with a printing service and paint store at 364 Dorset Street - Mr. Szymanski said the city had received a letter from the applicant dated September 21 requesting that the application be withdrawn. Vermont National Bank to convert existing two-story dwelling into bank facility with drive-in to north side at 117 Shelburne Road - The city has received a letter from the bank regarding cooperation with the neighboring property owners when they develop (see attached copy, dated Sept. 29). The Council decided to return to this item later in the meeting, after some information they wanted was located. Review and Sign Police Union Contract Mr. Kevin Hayes said the union was prepared to sign the agreement. Mr. Paulsen moved to go into Executive Session and Mr. Burgess seconded. Mr. Paulsen wanted to discuss the contract further and asked for clarifications on several of the sections. He felt the language should be cleared up on several sections. Mr. Paulsen then withdrew his motion and Mr. Burgess his second. Mr. Burgess moved to empower the Chairman to sign the Police Department Union Contract. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and all voted aye. Mr. Burgess suggested changing some of the wording in next year's contract. Consider personnel policy of substituting accumulated sick leave for vacation time The proposed policy is that any employee who has 100 days of sick leave accumulated may take two days of sick leave in exchange for 1 extra vacation day up to 1 week of additional vacation per year, if he does not use more sick leave than he has above the 100 days. He may have a week off or an extra week's pay. Messrs. Burgess and Paulsen did not like the motives for the policy. Mr. Jarvis moved to approve the concept of substituting accumulated sick leave for vacation time. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion. Mr. Paulsen was interested in seeing the proposed wording of the section. The motion carried on a 3-1 vote, with Mr. Paulsen voting no. Vermont National Bank to convert existing two-story dwelling into bank facility with drive-in to north side at 117 Shelburne Road Mr. Jarvis moved to instruct the staff to prepare a motion of approval for the Vermont National Bank to convert an existing two-story dwelling into a bank facility with a drive-in to north side at 117 Shelburne Road with the usual motion and a stipulation to provide two accesses onto Shelburne Road with one enter only and one exit only with the exit only to be located near the south property line. There shall also be a stipulation that they cooperate with the neighboring property owners in co-ordinating that exit at the time when they are ready to develop. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. At this point Mr. Ernest Cauchon of the Merchants Bank, said that when he asked to withdraw the application for the 8' x 46' glass foyer he wished to return to the original size of 5' x 8'. He was told the Council could not consider that item because it was not on the agenda. Mr. Burgess felt that the agenda as it stands now had been warned and no changes had been made to it at the beginning of the meeting. He did not want to make a change to it this late in the meeting, when everyone had already left. He felt the application could and should be discussed at the next meeting. Mr. Cauchon said he had not realized he could request an amendment to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. Review Planning and Zoning agendas Mr. Paulsen requested information on an item on the Planning agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text No Text No Text