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Minutes - City Council - 03/09/1977
CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 9, 1977 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 1977, in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. This meeting was for the purpose of discussing contracts with the South Burlington Police Department union members and also the Highway Department. MEMBERS PRESENT Paul A. Farrar, Chairman; John B. Dinklage, Michael D. Flaherty, Catherine M. Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT Frank Armstrong The City Manager was also absent POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMBERS PRESENT Gregory E. Mitchell, Robert A. Hawke, Wendell North, David Smith HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MEMBER PRESENT Gary Rounds OTHERS PRESENT Peter E. Gadue, Stephen P. Burke, Joseph H. E. Lemay, Thomas Frazer, Wayne Parizo The meeting was called to order by Chairman Farrar at 7:40 p.m. Chairman Farrar announced that Council had approved the recommendations of the Salary Review Committee and therefore those recommendations would now become part of the offer being made to the union. He read aloud the provisions of these recommendations. Click here for Police Department Schedule and Graphs. The Chairman stated he had made comparisons of salaries and benefits of other communities and copies would be made available for the union representatives. He said his overall conclusion was that the South Burlington Plan was superior to these other communities — Essex Junction, Colchester, Winooski, Shelburne — while Burlington's plan is similar to that of South Burlington. Considering individual points, our life insurance program is superior, specifically for police patrolmen, with a range of $10,000 to $14,000, while other communities have $10,000 or less. South Burlington has $50,000 for on-duty situations as law enforcement officers. In health insurance South Burlington's plan is superior to all except Essex Junction which pays the full cost for dependents; we don't do this until after five years. The retirement plan is superior to two communities and equal to three others, the best estimation he can get. Our sick leave is the best of any. Our dental plan is superior because most communities don't have one. It is equivalent to the plan in Essex Junction which doesn't have as great benefits but does pay for the full cost — better in one way but not in another. Regarding vacations, we are better than Winooski; all others have the same plan except Burlington which has a better one. For disability, Shelburne does have a policy; no other community has one. The Chairman summed it up by saying South Burlington does have, over-all, a superior plan to any other community, from what he could learn in his survey. Regarding salaries, he said he had tried to get the same information as best he could. Burlington used to have a two-step plan. Their last contract was signed two years ago which did away with the second step and increased the first step. Any patrolman in South Burlington would receive a salary equal to or greater than in Burlington except the individual who has been here for seven years. In that case a Burlington patrolman would receive about $100 a year more for that single year; any other year South Burlington would be paid more. Essex Junction is the nearest to us but they do not have a formal plan. Shelburne's plan would compare approximately to our pay scale on this year's salary plan. Colchester has no plan but is somewhat the same as in Shelburne. Winooski is very low. Chairman Farrar said the conclusion from these two studies is that the offer being made is certainly fair and just and compatible with the offer being made or action taken by surrounding communities. David Smith asked about modifications to the contract, and Mr. Farrar said these are the modifications which, added to the Salary Review Committee's recommendations, would be a fair and reasonable offer. Council is willing, he said, to discuss any alternatives and possible changes. Mr. Smith replied that anything not pointed out as being something the union were opposed to is hereby agreed upon. Discussion of the proposed contract then took place. ARTICLE I, Section 2. Mr. Smith said State Police sergeants are included in the union. Colchester includes theirs. State Police sergeants have more authority; ours are not much more than dispatchers; they are not supervisors. Chairman Farrar said Council's position is that the sergeants function as supervisors and would like to see them function more in that capacity. Mr. Mitchell said he could not see sergeants in an advisory position. Mr. Dinklage compared a sergeant to a foreman who is considered an advisor but is not making policy decisions. Mr. Mitchell said he would compare it to a State Police sergeant who has more advisory duties. Mr. North said the only thing the sergeants participate in is evaluation. Mr. North felt a State Police sergeant has more authority than a Chief of Police in some cities. ARTICLE VIII, Section 1. In Item b the words whenever possible had been added at the February 23rd discussion. Chairman Farrar said the intent was not to say exactly the same number on each shift, different numbers of men might be wanted on different shifts, but night work should be divided as equally as possible. Section 4. Mr. Hawke said this has not worked out very well. Many nights two patrolmen are covering the whole City with the other officer on the desk. This strips the City of sufficient police protection. Asked how often this happens, he replied it is more common than unusual. Mr. North said there is more crime now and less men. The Chairman said they would like something which would not lock the following Council into a position. Personally, he would like to start this year to increase the manpower. Mr. Flaherty explained the constraints the City operates under in regard to budgeting. Mr. Mitchell said it should be looked at from the point of view of the average person living in South Burlington, that the Police Department is the most important thing a citizen is paying taxes for. The quality of life in South Burlington is directly related to the effectiveness of the Police Department. Section 5. Mr. Smith explained three people are trained for this purpose, firearms training, and records of training are being kept. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. Mr. Smith asked to have added the provision or more than eight hours a day. Section 6. Mr. Smith felt there was confusion and this section should be clarified. If a man has accumulated compensatory time he should have some input as to when he should take the time. Chairman Farrar said there was some concern about piling up an amount of compensatory time. They might be able to work something out for compensatory time and vacation time that would be satisfactory to all. Mrs. Neubert questioned the term at the employee's discretion. Mr. Smith said it could be applied for as is done for vacation time. Mrs. Neubert felt there should be rules for that. Section 7. Mr. Smith said they were not asking for money but for compensatory time, adding that the department had come a long way in their training programs. Mr. Dinklage said he would like to discuss this with the Chief. Section 8. Mr. Smith explained men have been called in for three hours on their day off and there should be a minimum amount they get paid. ARTICLE X. Section 1. Mr. Smith said they would accept the format but they were still quite firm in wishing to be up-graded. The requirements for their job far exceed some of the ones in the South Burlington classification plan. A high school education is required; they are required to go to the Police Academy; 75% of them have been to college with quite a few holding degrees. Except for the firemen they are the only department required to work rotating shifts which is a heavy strain on the family. They are required to work on holidays when other employees have them off. They are also expected to make "the supreme sacrifice." Policemen are graded the same as people whose responsibilities end when they leave the office or their work. They have more authority and more decision making than anybody in town. It takes a special kind of person to do police work, and they are asking for one grade up. Mrs. Neubert called attention to the fact that other employees such as the City Manager, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Assistant, are required to come back in the evening for official meetings after their usual day at work. The Highway Department often works at night. Section 2. Mr. North said a person who was automatically acting as sergeant should receive pay for that. Chairman Farrar said Council was in agreement with that. Section 3. Chairman Farrar said he much preferred to pay people for their accomplishments rather than for their degrees, but money invested in training is money well spent. Mr. Flaherty said he would rather discuss up-grading to another level. He thought it was somewhat overlapping to be requesting up-grading because of education and then requesting a salary increase for education. Mr. Hawke said this was an incentive for people to get more education. ARTICLE XI. Section 1. Chairman Farrar felt the request for Lincoln's Birthday as an additional holiday was really asking for another day's pay because they do not get holidays off per se. In comparison with other communities he found that Burlington gets 12½ holidays plus 1½ days for personal business. Winooski gets 9, the others surveyed get 12. Section 2. Mr. Smith explained they were asking for additional compensation for holidays because they have more family hardship than other employees have and the only way to make up for that is with more money. Mr. Smith asked for the addition of a provision that if a holiday falls when an employee is on vacation, one additional day should be granted to the employee. ARTICLE XIII. Section 1. A. Mr. Mitchell asked for more input by the men about the equipment they are going to be using. Boots and gloves purchased last year were very unsatisfactory. The men know what they need and should have something to say about how the money is spent. They know what will wear the best. Mrs. Neubert suggested a committee to meet with the Chief and to have a certain amount of money to spend. Mr. North said this would be acceptable if the committee had some authority. Mr. Mitchell said the question of how the money is being spent is very critical. Regarding Section 1. B. it was stated there is no set allocation for the amount to be spent. ARTICLE XV. Section 1. Mr. Smith suggested adding in the capacity of a police officer. Chairman Farrar replied there was no reason to limit the type of work. Section 5. Mr. Smith felt an off duty officer should have protection for false arrest when acting as a policeman at a school for instance. Chairman Farrar said he was not sure there was a problem there but he would have this clarified. If South Burlington equipment is to be used, Mr. Farrar said, there must be permission of the Chief. Mrs. Neubert felt damaged equipment should be paid for by the officer. A gun might become damaged on the off duty job, for instance. ARTICLE XVI. Section 1. Mr. Smith felt the vacation set up should be one that would encourage people to stay in the department. Section 6. Mr. Smith felt two weeks notice would give the Chief enough notice for scheduling. Chairman Farrar concluded the discussion by saying South Burlington has the best police force in the area and they are trying to put together a plan with emphasis on keeping people. Mr. Flaherty said when the package was first put together, the Police Department was upgraded more than any other department in the City; at that time they tried to make a plan so the men would know where they were going. Council members and the members of the Police Department are to meet again for discussion on Tuesday, March 15th, at 7:30 p.m. Meeting with representatives of the Highway Department Mr. Gary Rounds represented the Highway Department. He commended Chairman Farrar for his work on the Salary Review Committee and said the Highway Department was accepting the committee's recommendations. Regarding sick leave, they would probably go along with what the committee comes up with. Regarding coveralls, the ones they have seen would be satisfactory to them. Concerning holidays, Mr. Rounds said they would rather have a floating holiday than a day's pay. There are no complaints about being able to take holidays. The Chairman replied this could be discussed further next week. City Charter Addition The Chairman said that after discussion with the City Attorney he felt the Growth Chapter from the Master Plan should be put into the City Charter. Mr. Flaherty moved that Council refer to the City Charter Committee a suggestion that the Growth Chapter from the Master Plan be included in the City Charter. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and voted unanimously. Mr. Dinklage then moved that Council go into Executive Session and then adjourn without transacting any further business. Seconded by Mr. Flaherty and voted unanimously. The regular meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text