HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/07/1977CITY COUNCIL MARCH 7, 1977 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 7, 1977, in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. MEMBERS PRESENT Paul A. Farrar, Chairman; Frank H. Armstrong, John B. Dinklage, Michael D. Flaherty, Catherine M. Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Russ Garland, Mike Chmielewski, James W. Goddette, Sr., Pat Burgmeier, Robert Earley, Fred Thon, Gary Rounds, Nick Bogert, Brian Searles Chief Carter, William Schuele, Ethel Schuele, Albert Audette The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:00 p.m. Additions to the Agenda The Chairman asked for a discussion of the Salary Review Committee under Agenda item #7. He also asked for an Executive Session following the regular meeting for the purpose of discussing the proposed union contracts. The Council members agreed to these additions. Interview applicant for Planning Commission and/or Corrections Center Liaison Committee The Council interviewed Mr. Mike Chmielewski for a vacancy on the Planning Commission and also the Corrections Center Liaison Committee. Mr. Chmielewski said at this time he would prefer not to state a choice as to which committee he would rather serve on. Accept Certificate of Award from South Burlington Chapter of the Disabled American Veterans Mr. Robert Earley and Mr. Fred Thon presented a Certificate of Award to the Chairman of the Council. The Certificate was read aloud by Mr. Earley who expressed appreciation for the use of the O'Brien Civic Center for the meetings of their organization. He described briefly their plans for setting up an office in South Burlington which would serve all veterans of the area, not just members of D.A.V. Free Press item regarding delinquent taxes The Chairman called attention to an item in the Sunday Free Press which gave incorrect interpretation of the delinquent tax figures, although the figures quoted were correct. Although more taxes had become delinquent, the collection procedure had worked much better because of increased activity on the part of the tax collector, so that the amount of delinquency was reduced over that of the previous year. Reading of the Minutes of February 22 and February 23, 1977 It was noted that page 4, line 4 from the bottom of the page, in the Minutes of February 22nd, the word Committee should be added after the words Correctional Center. Mr. Dinklage moved that Council approve the Minutes of February 22, 1977, as corrected, and the Minutes of February 23, 1977, as presented. Seconded by Mr. Armstrong and voted unanimously. Disbursement orders The Chairman called attention to the Disbursement orders to be signed by Council members. Appoint Town Service Officer It was moved by Mr. Flaherty that Council appoint Mrs. Neubert as the Town Service Officer and Mr. Szymanski as Deputy Town Service Officer. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and voted unanimously. Mrs. Neubert called attention to the fact that the Town Service Officer does not actually spend any money. Item for next Agenda The Chairman asked that the next Agenda include a discussion on whether or not Council should appear before the Act 250 hearings on certain proposals for South Burlington. Review Planning Commission and Zoning Board Agendas Council felt no action was necessary concerning the Planning Commission Agenda. After discussing the appeals on the Zoning Board Agenda, Mr. Dinklage moved that the City become a party to the review of Appeal #1 and Appeal #4 on the Agenda for the Zoning Board scheduled for March 21, 1977, with a representative to be designated by the Chairman. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. Appeal #3 was discussed, with Mr. Szymanski reassuring Council that he could see no problem. Just a wet area is involved, not a stream; the owner is getting fill from the two restaurants to be constructed; he is to fill in a wet area but leave the drainage ditch the way it is now. Review of proposed 1977-1978 budget The Chairman first explained the operation of the Salary Review Committee which was formed three years ago and is now a permanent committee of Council. The committee approaches its work from the point of view of recommending some changes which would be adequate and fair to the employees and fair to the City. They are concerned with the base level; merit performance level; and longevity performance level; they are proposing no basic changes in the structure of the plan. The proposal is for an 8% increase, but in looking at the actual distribution approximately 2½% of that would be applied not in salary but in improvements in fringe benefits. He referred to the new dental plan; the modification to the Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan itself; and the modification in the life insurance plan. Mr. Farrar said he was recommending approval of this plan of the Salary Review Committee. Mr. Flaherty moved that Council accept the recommendations of the Salary Review Committee. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. The modifications referred to above were submitted to members of the Council as separate Attachments to the report of the Committee. Before proceeding to review the proposed budget, the Chairman said the emphasis was to make sure expenditures are handled carefully such as putting expenditures into the year's budget if possible rather than in long-term debt; to make sure a budget is prepared which adequately provides for the needs of the citizens, but not one dollar more; to leave future Councils as much flexibility as possible in meeting future financial problems; to make sure we don't take advantage of the citizens in order to make the present Council look good and future Council look bad. The Chairman explained certain items to be paid for by Revenue Sharing money would be put up to a separate vote as had been done in the past. Also that the City Attorney had recommended showing certain items as In and Out payments, such as moneys received for the right of way for the industrial park road and would be used for part of the cost of paving that road. This would not change the expenditures or tax rate but in keeping with the spirit of the Charter the Attorney felt these items should be included. The Council then reviewed the proposed budget, page by page. Item 202 was questioned, with the City Manager explaining a certain amount is paid per copy, and this was the best financial arrangement the City had been able to procure. Item 203, it was explained that duplicating material included the paper. Under Item 209, the Chairman said the City Attorney stated the Council would have the power to eliminate the poll tax; this could be done at a time when there was a favorable tax situation; it would not be done this year and the income from poll taxes as well as the expense of the poll listers is to be anticipated in this year's budget. Item 210 should be increased by $500 for the two additional members to the Zoning Board at $250 each. Item 216, the City Manager said the contract for Dog Control would be renewed on the same basis as it seems to be working out very well. Item 229 was questioned, and the City Manager said the City has to have a Health Officer. The officer is a nurse and she follows up on any occasional health complaints. Item 239 was questioned by Mr. Dinklage who recommended leaving this as a one-line item for Mr. Szymanski's discretion. Item 251 was questioned by Mr. Armstrong who said he was familiar with the work of the Extension Service but had not realized the towns were assessed for any of it. Mr. Farrar explained each municipality is assessed for part of the cost of the Extension Service, the assessment based upon the grand list. Item 252. Mr. Szymanski said there had been no request for assistance with the fireworks; last year $1,000 was budgeted because of the BiCentennial. Item 263, Data Processing. Mr. Dinklage asked if this was an adequate amount of money to cover programming, to be sure the best possible use is being made of the equipment. He mentioned data the Planning Commission is acquiring, and said some additional investment might be required but it would be a wise investment. The City Manager said they are how receiving free services from high school students and a college student; more expert service would cost money. Under Hospitals, it was noted the new payment would leave a balance of a little over $3,000 because of interest. Item 295A Human Services. Mrs. Neubert explained the needs of South Burlington do not fit into that kind of budget support; it is mostly supported by Federal money. RSVP is an on-going thing and she would like to see that supported by $800 or perhaps a little more because it is growing all the time and there perhaps should be $200 for other emergencies. The City Manager is to check into the $2,500 encumbrance of the 1975-76 budget to make sure this money is still available. Fire Department Budget Account 219. Mr. Goddette explained the Koehler Hand Lights are expensive to purchase but more economical because the batteries of the present lights have to be replaced often and are very expensive. As to the other requests, Mr. Goddette said it would depend on whether or not Council wanted to go to the taxpayers. They are all necessary. Mr. Flaherty asked Mr. Goddette about working with the Planning Commission in fire protection with new developments. Mr. Goddette said this was very important, particularly with the kinds of developments now being proposed; the Fire Department should have access around the buildings as well as in front. The Chairman told Mr. Goddette his recommendations should go directly to the Planning Commission and be included in final plot plan approval. Account #219, 01, it was noted by the Chairman that $880 should be added to Salaries. Account #220, Fine Arts, was discussed next. Regarding Adult Programs, a question was raised as to how much is being paid by the people who use the program. Also the Community Chorus was questioned. It was explained by Mr. O'Neill and Mrs. Schuele they had tried to get a grant for this from the Vermont Council of the Arts and were turned down because it was felt there were already several of these choral groups in the area. There are now 20 people who would be charged $20 for two 15-week semesters. The amount in the budget would bring the cost down so that more people would be interested; the people would still pay a fee but a smaller one. Regarding Senior Citizens, Mr. O'Neill said the $775 requested is to carry on their various activities such as bus trips, speakers, social gatherings. They do not get any Federal money and they were only eligible for State funding for three years. They are given the use of the O'Brien Center. Mrs. Neubert asked how many people were involved, and Mr. O'Neill replied 80 people, with from 30 to 55 at one function, depending on the activity. Mrs. Neubert asked about the "in kind" contribution. Mr. O'Neill said they don't rent the O'Brien facility to anyone, and the Chairman felt it would be very difficult to put a very rational "in kind" cost on the use of the facility. Mrs. Neubert then asked about Girls Recreational Programs and Mr. O'Neill said they were coming along very well. Under Park and Recreation, the item for utilities for the O'Brien Center was questioned. Mr. O'Neill said in order to have a pay phone they have to guarantee 30¢ a day to the phone company; regarding heat, it is a very old and drafty building and expensive to heat although the upstairs is hardly heated at all. Mr. Dinklage asked about metered lighting for the high school tennis courts, Item 15, and Mr. O'Neill said this could be done only at the time of installation, not for an already existing facility. Regarding Item 22, B.I.G. Games, Chairman Farrar said $1,000 was being requested by the B.I.G. committee this year. Mr. O'Neill said he felt the Recreation Committee would be opposed to this increase. This is not the travel year, the games are to be held in Burlington. Mr. Durrell commented he had seen parties and dances poorly chaperoned, and partiality shown to some of the contestants from other towns. Asked about Item 25, Special Activities, Mr. O'Neill said this was a transfer account. Asked about fencing for Red Rocks, Mr. O'Neill said he hoped to do some of it but this would be contingent upon the developer agreeing to fence the mutual boundaries. The proposed budget of the Police Department was then discussed with Chief Carter. Asked about the request for helmets, the Chief said they would cost close to $40 each. Chief Carter explained his reasons for requesting additional personnel, saying the department needs more coverage and the most pressing need is for investigative work. Mr. Searles explained the plan to replace the unmarked cars which are now 5 and 6 years old with 65,000 and 70,000 miles on them. One problem is that by keeping a car that long, everyone recognizes it in spite of changing license plates or color. His recommendation was to purchase used cars and keep them a shorter time, saying they didn't need big enginges or all the extra heavy things like the cruisers require and they could get three cars for about $6,000 and the sale of the present two cars. They should get $1,500 each for the present two unmarked vehicles and should get about $2,000 decent cars to take their place. This would add about $3,000 net to the budget. Mr. Dinklage asked Chief Carter if he felt having more patrol cars on the street would be a hindrance to the present type of criminal activity. The Chief replied that exposure is very important. Mrs. Neubert brought up the question of parking at night in front of the Civic Center, saying she had received more complaints from the neighbors in the area and she herself felt it was a hazard. The City Manager said people do not want to park out back at night because there had been vandalism and instances of cars broken into. In discussing the proposed Highway Department budget, Mr. Audette called attention to #507 and #511 being for the same project. Mr. Audette explained the increase in the budget for salt is due to the increase in price, not an increase in volume used. He was complimented by members of Council for his judicious use of salt, particularly at hazardous intersections, without over-use. Item #553 Mr. Audette explained was to pay a man who works for Mr. O'Neill, setting up basketball equipment at the schools for instance, working wherever he is needed, even cleaning at City Hall. There were no questions concerning the Sanitation Department proposed budget, except to ask how many people are in the department. The answer was four. Chairman Farrar suggested another meeting before the Steering Committee meeting rather than trying to make decisions now. The date of Monday, March 14th, at 8:00 p.m. was selected for this special budget meeting. Mr. Flaherty then moved that Council adjourn the regular meeting and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Union contracts. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and voted unanimously. The regular session was declared adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text