HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/27/1977CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1977 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, June 27, 1977 at 8:00 pm in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Rd. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Frank Armstrong, William Burgess Member Absent Martin Paulsen Others Present Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; William Szymanski, City Manager; Beverly A. Rutherford, Sandra Yendrezeski, Lou Vallee, Bob Watson, Ethel and Bill Schuele, Fran Brock, Free Press The Council added three items to the agenda: 1) signing a resolution honoring Mrs. Paquin, 2) discussing a petition presented to the Chairman, and 3) discussing the present situation on the Zoning Board. Interview applicants for vacancies on governmental bodies Sandra Yendrezeski Ms. Yendrezeski said that she would like to serve on the Recreation Committee because she was very interested in sports and wanted to get involved in the City. She said that she had no specific goals to accomplish right now, although she did see a need for more tennis courts in the future. She was not familiar with other members of the committee, but said that she did have the necessary time. Mr. Flaherty pointed out that she was very active in sports and could bring a knowledge and experience of the programs to the committee. Beverly Rutherford Ms. Rutherford said that she had only been in town for a week and that she had seen a copy of the Spokesman advertising the openings and she wanted to become involved. The Recreation Committee and Sign Review Board had interested her, so she decided to apply. She has been active in youth recreation in other communities, and would like to be active here. As far as the Sign Review Board, she is interested in community beautification, and felt that she could help there. The Council explained what that Board did, and she said that the Recreation Committee sounded more active and interesting, but that she would serve on either. Mr. Flaherty asked her and Ms. Yendrezeski if they would be willing to serve on other boards if there were openings and both said they would if they were interested in the areas, and thought they could contribute. Lou Vallee Mr. Vallee said that he felt a need to get involved and that the Recreation Committee was an area in which he could contribute. He has lived here for 3 years and has been active in sports, being a volunteer coach, and being involved in the hockey clinic in the fall. He said that he was willing to consider other committees. He had no specific changes to suggest as yet, and said that he had the necessary time. He did say, though, that he thought that many of the programs would need expansion to cover everything. Asked what other committees he would like, he said that his second choice would be the Corrections Center Liason Committee and that third choice would be the Natural Resources Committee. Bob Watson Mr. Watson said that he had lived here for 2 years and that now that his children are older, he had become interested in sports activities. He is a pediodontist, a dentist dealing with children and adolescents. He has the time available, and would serve on another committee, but is mainly interested in children and adolescents. His personal point of view is that if kids have enough to occupy their time they will get in less, trouble. He also felt that there were some holes in the recreation activities that South Burlington provided, such as 8th grade basketball, and would like to fill them in, as well as integrating school and recreation activities. He fully agreed with Bruce O'Neill's philosophy of semi-competitive sports. He said that the City is not out to create super people, and should have a good cross section of the community on teams. Mr. Farrar said that they were overwhelmed with the response they had gotten for the vacancies, and that if they could not give everyone a place on a committee, they would put the applications on file until vacancies occurred. Mr. Flaherty said that they would probably make appointments at the next meeting, when they had a full board. Minutes of June 20, 1977 Mr. Szymanski said that on page 2, under the E.D.A. projects, it should read Airport Drive, not Airport Parkway. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the minutes of June 20, 1977 as corrected. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burgess and passed unanimously. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Letters of certification Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the letters of certification to banks authorizing a change in the signature of the City Treasurer. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burgess and passed unanimously. Discussion of increasing Fine Arts Committee by 1 member and consideration of appointing Mrs. Olivia Brow for the opening. Also consider formation of a South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustees. Ethel Schuele said that she had a very valuable member of a subcommittee whom she would like to see on the Fine Arts Committee and she would like to have the membership increased. Mr. Flaherty asked if 7 wouldn't be a better number, since the odd member could break ties. He moved that the City Council increase the Fine Arts Committee to 7 members. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Ms. Schuele said that the Committee has been acting as a Library Board of Trustees, but that is not official and she and others would like the situation corrected. She said that there was a precedent for a board acting in more than one capacity, and she would like this board to. Mr. Burgess moved that the City Council create a South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustees, whose duty shall be the formation of policy for the operation of the community library, setting up its budget and responsibility for its smooth operation to serve the community, and that they appoint the present five members of the Fine Arts Committee as members of the Board. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Discuss procedure in the Act 250 hearing on Pyramid Mall Mr. Burgess expressed concern that the Planning Commission had been acting independently in asking for party status in the hearing, and he felt that it was more logical for the Council to make that decision. Mr. Farrar said that he had talked to the Chairman, and that he thought that it was a wise move. He said that the City has not taken a position yet, but that if they have party status they can make presentations, ask for additional witnesses, and bring out facts. He said that it would be good if the two bodies could coordinate their views, although it is possible that they would disagree. Mr. Flaherty suggested that the Council meet with the Planning Commission to see if they were of the same mind and whether they should form a group. The Council agreed with this. Discussion on Kennedy Drive and Dorset Street Interchange This item was tabled until the next meeting. Act on the Senior Citizen Housing recreation fee. Mr. Farrar said that he was not sure that they had the power to modify the fee, and said that he would like to discuss it with the City Attorney. The item was tabled until the next meeting. Review Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission agendas Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Ward if he saw any problem with the meetings of the Zoning Board since Mr. Myette has had a serious accident and cannot attend. If he did, he said, the Council could increase the number of members by resolution rather than waiting until the charter change took effect. Mr. Ward said that he did not think it would be a problem, since there is only one meeting in July. Mr. Armstrong asked about the request for a security system and private streets at Meadowood Spear on the Planning Commission agenda, and Mr. Ward told him that the developer had had a hearing, but decided that he wanted private streets after all. He explained the security system. Mr. Armstrong expressed concern that the quality of the streets remain the same if they do become private, and Mr. Flaherty pointed out that they have always been active against private streets. Mr. Armstrong wanted to be sure that the pedestrian trail and sidewalks continue to be public. Mr. Burgees moved that the City Council suggest that the Planning Commission seriously consider rejecting the request by Mr. Ireland to make the streets the reasons being, 1) inability to provide city services in the event of a power failure, and 2) in that the Planning Commission done grant the request, we ask that he maintain the right of public access to the trail system and insure that the streets and sidewalks be built to city standards. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Citizen's Petition Mr. Farrar read a petition asking that the Council check on the status of some storm drainage pipes supposed to be put in by Stu Ireland. (see attached petition) Mr. Szymanski said that some more pipe needed to be laid and some clean-up work done and Mr. Farrar asked him to report back on Mr. Ireland's legal status and obligations. Resolution for Mrs. Paquin Mr. Farrar read a resolution honoring City Clerk and Treasurer Helen Paquin (see attached copy) on her retirement and thanking her for her many years of devoted service. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the resolution. Mr. Armstrong seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council meet in Executive Session to discuss the Industrial Road acquisition and possible appointments to City Boards, and then to re-convene. Mr. Armstrong seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 9:10 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text