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Minutes - City Council - 04/18/1977
SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL APRIL 18, 1977 Correction to Minutes made at the meeting of April 18, 1977. On page 8 the following should be added to the first motion on that page: The equivalent value is determined by the appraised valuation divided by the equalization rate for the previous year. The City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, April 18, 1977 in the Conference Room, City Hall, Williston Road. Members Present Paul A. Farrar, Chairman; Michael D. Flaherty, Catherine M. Neubert, Frank H. Armstrong Member Absent John B. Dinklage Others Present City Manager William J. Szymanski, Charlotte Marsh, John W. Rock. Martin Paulsen, Frederick Fayette Chairman Farrar asked if anyone objected to one addition to the agenda and to moving item #4 to the second order of business. No one did. Minutes of April 7, 1977 and April 11, 1977 Mrs. Neubert moved that the City Council accept the minutes of the public hearing of April 7, 1977. On page 2 of the minutes of April 11, 1977, the correction to the minutes of April 4, 1977 should read; The equivalent value is determined by the appraised valuation divided by the equalization rate for the previous year. Also on page two, near the bottom, it should read: "The Chairman felt that both the Planning Commission and the City Council had not given enough attention to the problem." Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the minutes of April 11, 1977, as corrected. The motion was seconded by Mr. Armstrong and passed unanimously. Consideration of appeal of Chalet Susse International zoning variance Mr. Frederick Fayette, a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, spoke to the Council on this issue. He told the members that the Planning Assistant and the Planning Commission had been expressing concern to them about the variance, and said that the most important thing to realize is that the request on the part of Chalet Susse had been granted on January 17, 1977. At that time they were asking to build on 2.1 acres of land. The request received about two weeks ago had no changes from the original request with the exception that the company had acquired more land and was now proposing to build on 4.8 acres. He said that had the Zoning Board turned down the latest request, they could have built the same complex on less land. He also said that the Board had discussed traffic and, based at least in part on the survey given them by Chalet Susse, had found no reason to turn them down. Mr. Farrar pointed out that the deadline for an appeal to the first request had long since passed and that it would do the city more harm than good to pursue the matter with an appeal. Mr. Armstrong then asked Mr Szymanski about the progress of the Dorset Street-Williston Road intersection project and was told that they would probably have the plans within a month and construction could begin in June. Mr. Fayette gave the Council the sheet Chalet Susse had done on traffic and left the meeting. Final action on fiscal 77-78 City Budget The Chairman asked if there were any changes to the budget other than the revenue-sharing funds for the school. Charlotte Marsh had a question about the trust fund, the interest from which pays for upkeep of the cemeteries. This was just a misunderstanding and was quickly cleared up. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council approve the 1977-78 budget as printed with the addition of the $15,500 in revenue-sharing funds for the school roof. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Review of Poundkeeper agreement Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council approve the Poundkeeper agreement subject to approval by the City Attorney. Mrs. Neubert seconded the motion end it was passed unanimously. Review of the Zoning Board and Planning Commission agendas Mr. Flaherty suggested that the Council might inform the Commission about the situation of Chalet Susse International, and Mr. Farrar said that he was going to be there anyway to talk about the growth policy. All items on the agenda having been taken care of, Mr. Farrar turned to another subject. He said that he had talked to Mr. Potter and that he, Mr. Potter, proposed changing his development from one which is restricted to people over 48 to one where everyone is accepted, regardless of age. He said that they had also discussed 1) removal of conditions on the land deeded to the city, 2) phasing for the project (18 units by the end of '77 and the rest under construction before June 1979), 3) that any changes other than those brought before the Planning Commission at the time of approval be brought before them again, and 4) whether his building permit is valid. Having been asked for clarification, the Chairman said that certain representations made during the presentation of the project were not included in the record so that they could be seen as part of the proposal. They were, however, included in the hearing before the Environmental Board, and so are on the record there. Mr. Farrar said that the city would like Mr. Potter to state his goals for the project. He then went on to say that he had discussed with Mr. Potter the possibility of buying some more land from him in order to broaden the strip owned by the city, since there is a need for more recreation land. The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:50 pm., at which time the members met as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board sign the Liquor Licences as presented by the City Manager on the recommendation of the Chief of Police. The motion was seconded by Mr. Armstrong and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Board return the application of Lockard Enterprises, Limited to the owner for correction as required. The motion was seconded by Mr. Armstrong and passed unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:55 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text