HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/15/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 15, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting at the City Hall Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, on Monday, April 15, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Walter Nardelli, Chairman; Michael D. Flaherty, Paul A. Farrar, William J. Cimonetti and Catherine M. Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Roger and Ethel E. Vaughan, Walter and Margaret Douglas, Donald Duell, Highway Department Supervisor Audette, Harry Behney, Michael Jacobs, Joseph Kudlacik, Karen Dattilio, Patricia Mavor, Paul Dye, Free Press Reporter Lorna B. Lecker and Dr. F. Eweld Hofer and wife Kate Hofer, guests from 325 Hamelin, Germany. Chairman Nardelli called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 1, 1974 MEETING Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to accept the minutes of April 1, 1974 as read. The motion was seconded by Dr. Farrar and passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS The Chairman reminded the members that the disbursement orders were on the table to be signed. MEET WITH TEENAGERS FOR THEIR PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITIES AND OPERATION OF A TEEN CENTER Chairman Nardelli asked Mrs. Neubert to speak on the proposed teen center. She said she felt it was necessary for some of the young people to have more activities available to them. She noted that the City Hall basement area is unused most of the time, that she had approached Mr. Paul Dye, guidance counselor at the high school, to see if there was any interest in working on providing a teen center for teenagers and he felt there was a great deal of interest. Mrs. Neubert asked the spokesman of the youth group, Michael Jacobs to introduce the other students present. Michael did so, and then stated that an Adult Advisory Board had been appointed which included Mrs. Neubert, Mr. Dye and Mr. Nardelli. He passed out a set of rules, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Cimonetti questioned rule number 8 (If a new person wants to join, every member has to vote on it). He wondered if it should read "by majority vote." Michael Jacobs said that it was in error, it should read "by majority vote". Mr. Cimonetti asked if there were additional requirements for joining the group, and if membership would be restricted to students of South Burlington, and the spokesman said yes. Charlotte Marsh questioned the exclusion of people since tax payers' funds are involved in the establishment of the club and the use of city facilities. Mrs. Neubert said it would be restricted but to no greater extent than such organizations such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc. She said there would have to be restrictions because of the size of the facility available. Chairman Nardelli asked about the officers of the club and Michael named them. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there was a conflict with the Boy Scouts. Mrs. Neubert said yes, that the Scouts do abuse the privilege of using the facilities and they should be spoken to in this regard. Mr. Cimonetti asked the young people to report on their progress in establishing a club in a couple of weeks. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to approve the use of the city basement for "Friends" as per the rules as set up. Motion seconded by Dr. Farrar. The vote was unanimous in approval. Mr. Douglas asked if the facilities would be available for use by other people when the facility was free. He was told they could, however, once the teen center is established it may be difficult to find the available time. DISCUSSION ON THE CITY INDUSTRIAL ZONE, MR. WILLIAM J. CIMONETTI Mr. Cimonetti said he had attended a G.B.I.C. meeting a couple of weeks ago, and feels that G.B.I.C. is definitely involved in the interest of the city in acquiring the property for industrial development. He said that we should proceed to prepare sewer plans for the area, but not proceed with construction until we have a commitment from an industry. Also that the construction of an access road should not commence until we have such a commitment. Mr. Cimonetti made a recommendation that the Council meet on Friday, April 19, 1974, at 4 P.M. to sign the warning for a bond issue for construction of Phase V sewer. Dr. Farrar supported Mr. Comonetti's recommendation, and the Council unanimously agreed to hold the meeting. Mr. C. Harry Behney, Executive Director of G.B.I.C., was asked for his comments, and he supported Mr. Cimonetti's recommendations. Mr. Flaherty asked Mr. Behney how we could be of any assistance, and Mr. Behney said our commitment to build the sewers and roads is a great help. SIGN CITY HIGHWAYS ANNUAL PLAN The Highway Department's budget expenditures plan for 1974-1975 as required by Title 19 VSA was not signed, but was tabled for action at the meeting of Friday, April 19th. ACT ON ANY CHANGES IN THE BUDGET SUGGESTED AT THE BUDGET HEARING HELD APRIL 11, 1974 Mrs. Neubert reported that she had had a request for traffic lights at Brewer Parkway. There was some discussion regarding crosswalks. Mr. Cimonetti said there should be more education and inforcement instead of pedestrian signals. He recommended that the city get some quotations as to cost and delivery dates on traffic actuated controllers, that the painting of crosswalks be accomplished as soon as possible, and that the police enforce the rules of pedestrian crossing. Dr. Farrar recommended that the Highway Department install signals at Bartlett Bay Road, and the delay of amber on the traffic signals be increased to assist pedestrian traffic. A discussion regarding the operation of Red Rocks followed, and it was agreed upon to have Mr. O'Neill at the next meeting for a discussion of the matter. Mrs. Neubert said she had a call concerning the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (from Richard Myette), requesting $500, and she felt we should budget $1,000 for Human Services which would include this request and any assistance that may be requested for the Teen Center and similar requests. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to place $1,000 from Revenue Sharing for Human Services and Social Services for referendum. Dr. Farrar seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Dr. Farrar made a motion that the referendum items to be paid with Revenue Sharing be placed on the ballot as presented at the budget hearing of April 11, 1974 with the addition of the $1,000. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the 1974-75 budget as presented at the budget hearing of April 11, 1974. Mrs. Neubert seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SIGN CONSULTING ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR UPDATING SEWER PHASE V PRELIMINARY PLANS AND ESTIMATES Dr. Farrar made a motion to accept the Webster-Martin, Inc. proposal for updating the preliminary report on the Phase V Sewer Project and recommended that the Chairman sign the agreement. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion which passed unanimously. APPOINT CITY SERVICE OFFICER On motion made, seconded, and voted unanimously, City Manager William Szymanski was appointed as City Service Officer for a one year term beginning April 15, 1974. HIGHWAY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT UNION NEGOTIATIONS Dr. Farrar and the other Council members felt that we should proceed as agreed with binding arbitration with the Police Department Union and with Mediation with the Highway Department Union. It was decided to invite representatives to the next regular meeting. DOG ORDINANCE Mr. Walter Douglas requested consideration of the Dog Ordinance be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. ACQUISITION OF PARK LAND Miss Charlotte Marsh objected to the purchase of additional land saying the City Council should not be pressured to purchase any more land. On motion made, seconded, and duly passed, the regular meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. and the members went into session as the Liquor Control Board. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD MEETING Dr. Farrar made a motion to approve the liquor license applications reviewed by Chief Carter in his letters of April 2 and 15, 1974. Mr. Flaherty approved the motion which passed unanimously. The application of Arthur's, Incorporated of Queen City Park Road was not approved since it had not been reviewed by the Chief and the form was not complete. A list of the names and addresses of those applications approved is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Liquor Control Board adjourned its meeting at 9:45 P.M. Dr. Farrar made a motion to go into executive session to discuss acquisition of open spaces. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cimonetti and passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Krapcho, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Schuele and Mr. Szymanski were present at the executive session. Mrs. Krapcho made a presentation, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Mr. O'Neill also made a presentation regarding stage development of the land. The material presented by him is also attached and made a part of these minutes. On motion made, seconded, and so passed, the Executive Session was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Paul A. Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text