HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Public Art Selection Committee - 10/19/2021
South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee
180 Market Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
6- 7:30 p.m.
Room 310 - South Burlington Public Library and City Hall, 180 Market Street
Attend virtually: https://www.gotomeet.me/SouthBurlingtonVT/sbpac-10192021
Attend via phone: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 519-407-829
6:00 PM Convene Meeting
• Review and approve meeting agenda
6:02 PM Opportunity for Public Comment
6:05 PM Review and approval of September minutes ACTION (attachment)
6:10 PM Interview Curator candidate for Public Art Gallery
6:40 PM Next show for Public Art Gallery (attachment)
• Review and approve show proposal from Trice and Penne - ACTION
• Plan for Opening Reception November 4
7:00 PM Review and approval of FY22 Annual Work Plan prepared by Amanda, Jean, Penne
ACTION (attachment)
7:10 PM Public Art Selection Process for CIP Funds ($5,000)
• Overview of Call for Artists – Ilona Blanchard
• Review Call for Artists – Committee
• Timeline - Committee
7:20 PM Discussion: adjusting the role for the Public Art Selection Committee with the City
Council (see draft Council Resolution attachment)
7:25 PM Other Business
7:30 PM Adjourn – next meeting Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 6 PM
South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee
Meeting Minutes September 13, 2021
In Attendance: Michele Bailey, Penne Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Trice Strattman, Jean
Sebastièn Chaulot, Ilona Blanchard (staff)
Meeting convened at 6:45 pm.
No members of the public were present.
Amanda moved to approve minutes, Jean seconded. Unanimous approval.
Ilona informed the members that the new committee member Denise Townsend had resigned
from the committee. Based on the current number of members, a quorum for our committee
is 4 members.
The Committee reviewed and made minor wordsmithing changes to the FY21 Annual Report.
Amanda motioned to approve submitting the 2021 end year report. Trice seconded.
Unanimously approved.
The committee explored using ARPA funding to develop a cultural plan and identify artists and
cultural organizations end in FYE 2022 end June 30 2022. A consultant should be hired to
establish a comprehensive list. We decided to have a longer discussion on this topic during our
next meeting.
Goose still hidden in the bush. Trimming will be arranged.
Committee agreed on the 3rd Tuesday each month for recurring meeting, with the proviso
that the committee may not find it necessary to meet every month.
Amanda, Penne and Jean will prepare the work plan draft for FY23 and the committee will
meet September 27th at 6:00 to review and approve.
Meeting was adjourned by Penne at 7:35p.m.
South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee
180 Market Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
SB Public Art Gallery: Show Recommendation
Purpose: mount the second show in the new Public Art Gallery at 180 Market Street
Dates: November 1, 2021 – January 7, 2021
Objective: Maintain the high standard set with the first show of works by Todd R. Lockwood
Description: Group Show of Vermont watercolor artists
Showcase the work of 5 watercolor artists, 3 of whom live in South Burlington, who are working at
a professional level and are recognized as signature members of the Vermont Watercolor
Society, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting the awareness and appreciation
of watercolor. Signature members have been juried into shows.
Trice and Penne reached out to the artists, and all have agreed to show work. Links to their
gallery pages on the VWC website are below:
Martin Lalonde, South Burlington martin-lalonde-gallery
Lynn Cummings, South Burlington lynn-cummings-gallery
Lauren Wooden, South Burlington lauren-wooden-gallery
Joey Bibeau, Essex, joey-bibeau-gallery
Alice Eckles, Middlebury, alice-eckles-gallery
Each artist will be asked to provide enough works (depending on size) with the intent to place the
bulk of the show on the long main hallway walls, using both sides and the concrete block, as well
as hang some smaller works along the the hallway to the Senior Center.
Trice and Penne will work with the artists to select the works.
Volunteers will be needed to organize an opening reception, with the proposed date of Thursday
November 4, from 5- 6:30 p.m.
FY 22 ANNUAL WORK PLAN: Action Items Worksheet
Public Art Selection Committee
Goal*Objective Strategy Action Items Planned
Completion Date Resources Needed Partners
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14, 42 28, 36, 97 Mount and publicize four shows in the public art gallery at
180 Market Street.
Quarterly - first show
opened August 2021
Staff Support, Public Information
City Staff, Curator, Artists
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14 28, 36 Develop content for the Residents/Public Art page on the City
November 2021 Staff Support, Public Information
City Staff
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14, 42 28, 36, 97 Broaden the Public Art Selection Committee Charge November 2021 Staff Support City Staff
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14, 42 28, 36, 97 Select a Curator for the public art gallery at 180 Market
November 2021 Staff Support City Staff
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14/16, 42 28, 36, 97 Commence a public art dedication for the 2021 installation of
"Season's Out of Time" in the 180 Market Street building.
January/February 2022 Staff support, Public Information
City Staff, Artist
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14/16, 42 28, 36, 97 Initiate a Public Art Selection Process for the Williston Road
Streetscape project.
Spring 2022 Staff Support City Staff
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
12, 14/16, 42 28, 36, 97 Commence a public art dedication for 2019 installation of
"Gooses" in City Center Park on Market Street. Place plaque
for the work.
May/June 2022 Staff support, Public Information
City Staff, Artist
Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust
sense of place and opportunity for our residents and
14 36 Initiate a Community Cultural Assessment by identifying
artists and organizations that live and operate in our
June 2022 Staff Support Artists
Land Use: Central District
42. (p.3-14) Establish vibrant streetscapes, civic spaces, public art and public facilities in the Central District and City Center.
97. (p.3-14) Develop a centrally located, well-designed public gathering space to serve as the focus of the new City Center.
City's Comprehensive Plan Reference
14. (p.2-53) Seek a livable balance between public, commercial, and civic activity and private tranquility and promote the health, peace, and well-being of residents in their daily lives.
16. (p.2-53) Build and reinforce diverse, accessible neighborhoods that offer a good quality of life by designing and locating new and renovated development in a context-sensitive manner.
36. (p.2-53) Actively plan for public spaces throughout the City, including public open spaces and public art, such that these spaces can be utilized daily and also for special community-
oriented events.
Copy of FY2022 - Annual Workplan - edited Action Items Worksheet 10/13/2021
WHEREAS, the City of South Burlington, Vermont recognizes the transformative power of art and
importance of public art in establishing identity; and,
WHEREAS, the South Burlington City Council established a Public Art Selection Committee in
2015 to make recommendations at the request of the City Council on the selection of artists for, and
acquisition of, permanent public art located on property owned or controlled by the City including
public facilities; and,
WHEREAS, the Public Art Selection Committee has now recommended and guided the installation of
two public art pieces and manages the public art gallery at 180 Market Street; and,
WHEREAS, the Committee members have a strong interest in public art and willingness to do
more to foster art in, for, and by the South Burlington community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Burlington City Council hereby
amends the Purpose of the Public Art Selection Committee as follows:
1. Purpose. The purpose of the Committee is to:
a) make recommendations at the request of the City Council on the
selection of artists and acquisition of permanent public art located on
property owned or controlled by the City including public facilities;
b) advise the City Council on planning and policy matters related to art;
c) conduct, organize or engage in activities that support art and artists as a
path to strengthen, transform and foster community within our diverse,
growing, and evolving City.
APPROVED this _____ day of _________________ .
__________________________________ ________________________________
Helen Riehle, Chair Meaghan Emery, Vice-Chair
__________________________________ ________________________________
Tim Barritt, Clerk Tom Chittenden
Matt Cota