HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 09/09/2021
Draft Minutes
South Burlington Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, September 9, 2021 @ 6 p.m.
Location: South Burlington Public Library
Members Present: Margaret Ann Cross, Lauren Ballard Hatch, Alicia Lamonda, Patrick
Leduc, Ted Lenski, Stacey Pape, Jay Pasackow, Donna Swartwout,
Rebecca Stazi, Lee Freeman
Members Absent: Margery Vagt
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
Friends of the Library
Call to Order
Patrick Leduc called the meeting to Order at 6:02 pm
Additions and deletions to the posted agenda
Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda
Approval of regular board minutes of August 12, 2021
Upon a motion made by Trustee Ted Lenski and seconded by Trustee Lee Freeman, the
Trustees voted unanimously to accept the minutes of August 12, 2021.
Chair’s report
The Chair presented the Annual Trustees Report for consideration by the trustees.
Upon a motion made by Trustee Lee Freeman and seconded by Trustee Ted Lenski, the
Trustees voted unanimously to accept the Annual Trustees Report.
The Chair reviewed the Board’s meeting dates for the remainder of the year and noted date changes for
the month of October and November. The Chair provided an overview of the new strategic planning
process for the city. It is hoped that the Board can use the city process and the board process to dovetail
in one strategic plan. The Board will be updated as the process moves along.
COVID 19 update
Currently the guidelines for both City Hall and the Library encourage everyone to wear a mask in the
building. The director reported that 80-90% of those entering the building are wearing masks, including
small children. The situation continues to be monitored; no changes to policy as of this meeting.
Friends of the Library Report
Sue Raatikainen submitted the following written report:
“Book Donations have been pouring in since mid-August. Our storage room is full. Thankfully Jennifer
Murray allowed us to use the Community Room closet as a temporary storage space. We are closing
donations on 9/10 because we have run out of room in that closet to store more!
The Book Sale is happening this month. It was decided that we could do it safely by limiting the number
of people in the Community Room and encouraging masks. All of the Friends are comfortable with this
decision. Sale dates are Th., Sep. 23 (5-7, Members of the Friends only), Fri., Sep. 24 (2-5) and Sat., Sep.
25 (10-2) for the public. We have LOTS of books to sell and are promoting it throughout the area. We
have an amazing assortment of books at low prices. It is hoped that Trustees will attend if able.
We received a $1000 donation from a South Burlington resident. It has been placed in the gift account
for Jennifer to use at her discretion. Our location in the new library is definitely increasing our visibility
in the community.”
Committee Reports
Governance and Nomination Committee Report
The Auditorium Usage Policy is in the final review phase by the city and should be ready for board
approval at the next meeting.
The Child Safety Policy, which was emailed in advance of the meeting was discussed and non-material
suggestions were provided back to Stacey on the policy.
Upon a motion made by Trustee Lee Freeman to accept the policy with the proposed edits and
seconded by Alicia Lamonda, the Trustees voted unanimously to accept the Child Safety Policy.
Finance Committee Report
Library fees should be ready to finalize for next month. The committee will meet to begin the budget
process which is scheduled for early December. A Transfer Policy for the Library Foundation is also in
discussion and will be shared with the board in the near future.
Advocacy Committee Report
No report
Director’s Report
Jennifer Murray augmented her written report and shared that that there is one FTE still open and she
will evaluate the need for the position in January. The self-checkout machines are still not working at
this time. She then reviewed the now closed FY21 budget and actuals in preparation for next year’s
budget process. The library was 23% underspent in some very explainable categories (COVID 19
closures, and opening a new building) and we were able to give back some funds to the city. Some
increases in programming were due to staff being creative and providing passive programs that could be
picked up and taken home. Jennifer then provided oversight of the new budget and the strategic
planning process and will keep the Board updated as needed.
Other Business
The Board continued the discussion around the ongoing need for a book mobile. The current one is very
old and does not have heat or AC. A working committee was proposed to discuss how best to move
forward with the request for FY24.
Meeting Adjournment
Seeing no other Business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:04 pm.