HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 11/30/2020 - Joint Committee Meeting
Members of the Bike and Pedestrian, Recreation and Parks, Natural Resources and Energy
Committees held a joint meeting to hear a presentation from O’Brien Brothers on a proposed
new development, on Monday 30 November 2020, at 6:00 p.m., via Go to Meeting remote
Those Present: A. Parker, City Project Manager; M. Keene, Development Review Planner; H.
Rees, Recreation Director; A. Gill, E. Langfeldt, O’Brien Brothers; Committee Members: R.
Gonda, Acting Chair; D. Shelter, L. Kupferman, D. Crawford, J. Challot, C. Frank, B. Britt, S.
Goddard, N. Anderson, D. Farr, H. Gagne, D. Leban, M. Simoneau, J. Kochman, E. Goldman, M.
Murray, J. Pence, A. Chalnick
Mr. Langfeldt said that the property being developed is the Old Farm Road property which has
been owned by O’Brien Brothers since 1942. The entire property is 140 acres, part of which is
already being developed as the Hillside Project. The proposed new development will be about
100 acres bordering on Old Farm Road, over the crest, and down to Potash Brook. The proposal
is for a large mixed use development, continuing the Hillside neighborhood with more
residential, some mixed residential and commercial, and then some commercial/industrial. The
mixed use will allow people to live and work in the same area and will result in efficient use of
the land with higher density.
Mr. Gill then provided an overview of the proposed development. He identified the main
arteries and existing Hillside area on a plan and identified the zoning districts and their
allowable uses. He then showed an aerial rendering of what the project could look like at full
buildout. He noted that no residential uses are allowed in the commercially zoned area.
Mr. Gill noted that the site was reviewed by Gilman and Briggs, environmental scientists. They
found no impact on irreplaceable communities. The Class 2 wetland will not be impacted. A
slide of the City’s natural resource areas showed that these lined up with what the scientists
had found. Mr. Gill said the large stands of trees near the brook and the riparian area will
remain untouched. Two wildlife areas will be incorporated into the plan, and the corridor will
remain intact.
The entire residential area proposed is in the R-1 district which allows for 25% coverage. 25%
will also remain as open space. Mr. Langfeldt noted that the residential area includes
additional housing to achieve affordable housing and the density bonus that goes with it.
Mr. Gill then identified the “green building” practices from the Hillside project that will
continue in this neighborhood. These are in excess of current regulations. Mr. Langfeldt added
that they will add conduits for solar paneling. “HERS” scores will be in the 20-25 range.
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Mr. Gill noted there is an area adjacent to Kimball Avenue with about 95% ledge. They will
remove and process that material for sidewalks and buildings. This can save 18,000 truck trips
to and from the quarry, about 102,000 miles of trucking.
Regarding connectivity, Mr. Gill showed how the site connects with existing neighborhoods. He
also indicated surface paths and walkways.
There will be 6 green spaces around the development equaling 17 acres of useable open space.
Mr. Gill indicated the park spaces including access and parking capability. He also showed a
rendering of the park spaces and indicated a playing field large enough for a small soccer field.
He also pointed out the historic barn which will be preserved. They are proposing a community
garden and a pool for the community. Mr. Gill showed a rendering of that area and noted its
event capability. Another flat area could serve as a seasonal skating rink. There is also a
“natural play area” which will be maintained for children. Mr. Langfeldt noted that a private
residence on the site will remain private.
Mr. Gill identified the largest open space which will contain a fenced-in dog park. There will be
parking adjacent to it. He also indicated the location of a “fitness loop” with workout stations.
In response to a question of whether the green space with be maintained by the development
or by the City, Mr. Langfeldt said the barn and one other area will be maintained by the HOA
dues. The other green spaces would be given to the City at some point, similar to what is being
done with the Hillside project. These spaces would be open to the public. Ms. Kochman asked
whether the fitness trail and natural play area would be open to the public. Mr. Langfeldt said
they would be.
Mr. Langfeldt said they still haven’t come up with a use for the 2-story barn. It has a
challenging interior structure. They are open to suggestions.
Mr. Anderson asked about a rec path on Old Farm Road. Mr. Langfeldt said there will be a
sidewalk on the west side of the road, and they would like one on the east side as well. Mr.
Anderson noted there are a lot of “crossing points” and suggested measures so the road
doesn’t get used as a cut-through. Mr. Langfeldt said that is a big discussion. It is now a
dangerous situation. They have some ideas for traffic calming (e.g., narrowing street widths, no
long/clear stretches, etc.) and would be open to any suggestions.
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Mr. Gill showed another potential site for a rec path. He also noted there will be more
intersections on Old Farm Road and possibly STOP signs to slow things down and make it less
attractive for a cut-through.
Ms. Kochman asked if there would be restrooms around the barn. Mr. Gill said there would be.
Mr. Langfelt described the connection to Tilley Drive as a more desirable commuter option
from Hinesburg Road to Kimball Ave. Mr. Gill said they would consider a recreation path on the
I/C road.
Mr. Chalnick of the Energy Committee noted that the “stretch code” has been updated and
asked if they will try to orient buildings to take advantage of solar. Mr. Langfeldt said they are
looking into that. Sun Commons helped them with the Hillside development, and a lot of the
proposed homes in the new development will be similar, probably with the same capacity. Mr.
Gill added that homes with a southwest exposure have worked will at Hillside.
Mr. Chalnick asked about considering electric heat instead of running gas lines. Mr. Gill said
they have not considered not running gas lines. They will continue to offer heat pump furnaces
as an alternative.
Ms. Leban asked about the grade down Old Farm Road to Kimball Avenue. Mr. Langfeldt said
they are “killing” some of the topography by doing it that way they are. He felt it will be safer.
The grade is 8%, and they have leveled it where they can.
Mr. Kupferman asked if the playground will be to city standards. Mr. Gill said they will meet the
city standards. They have a consultant and will be using a local vendor.
Ms. Keene asked to see where the development was improving intersections. Mr. Gill indicated
there would be pedestrian beacons at Eldridge and Hinesburg Road as part of the Hillside
Development. they are working on a design for the Old Farm Road/Hinesburg Road
intersection. They’re planning a signal and turn lanes onto the IC Road. At Old Farm Road,
they’re proposing new right and left turn lanes, a signal, and crosswalks. At Two Brothers and
Kennedy, they’re proposing a signal and a rec path crossing. In general, at the external touch
points, they’re proposing to widen the intersections.
A committee member asked about night lighting. Mr. Gill said they are not proposing many
lights except in the commercial area. He showed the location of lights at the intersections.
Homes will have front porch lights.
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In response to a question about the nature of businesses in the commercial area, Mr. Langfeldt
said they don’t have any proposed business uses yet. They would like a community-scale
grocery store, a bank, possibly a pharmacy, but not a “strip mall.”
A committee member asked about the number of people expected to live in the development.
Mr. Gill said with 450 dwelling units, there would be 800-1000 people. When the issue of traffic
was raised, Mr. Gill said there will be a traffic study done.
With regard to tree removal, Mr. Gill said the area where they will be removing ledge does have
a lot of trees but they are neither large nor mature, consisting predominantly of 6-8” white
pines and buckthorn. Most of the mature trees are around Potash Brook. They are planning on
saving trees around the barn and along Old Farm Road, but there are a lot of trees being lost to
Ms. Keene noted that a memo has been prepared for each committee with questions and
asking for feedback to the DRB. She noted that plans are available for review. The DRB will
likely hear the application in mid-January, so comments should get to staff by early January to
be incorporated into the process. Ms. Rees noted that staff can send out a recording of this
meeting to the committees.
A committee member asked how to ensure the landscape management plan is adhered to. Mr.
Langfeldt said if it is a permit condition, it is required by the City. Other than that, it is up to the
Homeowners’ Association.
Ms. Leban expressed concern for 10 houses with driveways on Old Farm Road and felt it could
be dangerous and could change the character of that road. Mr. Langfeldt said the character of
the road will change, and that is a good thing. There is a challenge re: rear-loading garages.
They can’t add an alley without going over coverage ratios. They are looking at different
When all questions and comments had been heard, the meeting was adjourned by common
consent at 7:40 p.m.