HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 11/05/2020 - Governance & Nomination Committee Meeting Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Gov & Nom Committee Thursday, November 5, 2020 @ 5 pm Location: Zoom Call Members Present: Stacey Pape, Margery Vagt Members Absent: Lauren Ballard Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Chair Stacey Pape called the meeting to order at 4:15 pm, and a quorum was established. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: There were no additions and deletions to the posted agenda Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda: None Approval of the January 29, 2020 minutes Margery Vagt moved to approve and seconded by Stacey Pape. Motion approved. Welcome to new committee members and overview of committee Stacey Pape welcomed Margery to the Gov & Nom Committee and reviewed the committee purpose statement. The committee then discussed outreach to other libraries to see what they have for documentation for library policies as well as whether or not they have a purpose statement for each of their Board Committees. Margery will reach out to Milton library, Stacey will reach out to Montpelier library and will also ask Lauren about reaching out to Williston library. Jennifer Murray then asked the committee to research other libraries policies around levels of services during the pandemic and to review the current document created for the library. Stacey Pape then sketched out the plan to meet quarterly and include a review of a set of Library policies so that we are sure to look at each policy annually. We will begin with the Loan Period and Privacy policies at our next meeting. Review Trustee Policies and Procedures for updates The committee agreed to table this agenda item until our next meeting. We will also inquire with other libraries to see if they have such a policy statement as it seems that much of this document is covered in the Trustee by-laws and it may not be necessary to have a separate document. Other Business None Adjourn Seeing no other business Stacey adjourned the meeting at 4:48 pm Respectfully submitted by Stacey Pape