HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 10/08/2020 Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, October 8th, 2020 @ 5 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting Members Present: Margaret Ann Cross, Lee Freeman, Patrick Leduc, Ted Lenski, Stacey Pape, Penne Tompkins, Margery Vagt Members Absent: Lauren Ballard, Diane Bugbee, Sonya Krakoff, Jay Pasackow Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Friends of the Library Present: Katherine McConnell Chair Patrick Leduc called the meeting to order at 5:05pm, and a quorum was established. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: There were no additions and deletions to the posted agenda. Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda: None Consent Agenda: Approval of regular board minutes of September 10, 2020 Upon a motion made by Trustee Stacey Pape and seconded by Trustee Penne Tompkins, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda. Chair’s Report Patrick Leduc discussed developments in construction of the new Library building and noted the existence of the new SB city newsletter. Patrick discussed lack of response and attendance from one of the trustees and shared the pertinent parts of the bylaws related to resignation of board members. Penne Tompkins offered to send a personal email to see if she can get a response and Patrick indicated that he has tried multiple times. Margery Vagt asked if there are people who are still interested to be on the board and if the city will appoint a new member off cycle. Patrick confirmed there is interested people and that he is checking with the city on their ability to appoint out of cycle. Patrick suggested this be moved into our next meeting. Friends of the Library Report: Katherine McConnell reported that they are unable to have the Booksale or the summer Ice Cream Social, due to COVID-19. The Wheeler House on Dorset Street will remain closed to the public, but patrons can set up an appointment for book donations by emailing fotsbpl@gmail.com to see if their donations are eligible. Stacey Pape commented on the new book sale space and then Margery Vagt asked if the cookie sale would be able to happen in December to which Katherine said no, not this year. Committee Reports Governance and Nomination Stacey Pape reported the committee has not met yet. Finance Committee Ted Lenski reported out on the draft library investment policy that the finance committee has worked on. He shared that the committee is recommending that the full board adopt the policy as written. Discussion followed. Trustee Leduc motioned “that the board adopt the Library Investment Policy as presented and previously circulated”. Trustee Lauren Ballard seconded the motion. The policy was unanimously adopted. Ted then shared an up on the Blanchette fund, which has improved recently. He noted that cash is available for the city if need be. The City appears to need the funds in the first quarter of 2021 and Jennifer will confirm this timeline with the city. Patrick Leduc provided an update on funding instruments with regards to the Blanchett Fund. Ted Lenski discussed the budget for FY21 and FY22. Staffing will have to increase given the size of the building. We anticipate much more traffic given the site and the nearby schools. Ted and the finance committee will plan to assist Jennifer’s staffing requests Margery Vagt asked about specific staffing needs. Jennifer Murray responded she does not have the FTE at the moment but has some general ideas that are not ready for formal sharing yet. The needs revolve around expects the needs to be around general FTE needs, additional tech support, Young Adult and New Adult literature, as well as assistance in circulation. and shelving. Advocacy Committee Trustee Lee Freeman shared that the committee has not met, but he in his role as Chair is working on a promotional video. He will need to schedule a time to come into the library to make the video. As it relates to making connections with RMCS, Kathleen Kilbourne, Principal of RMCS, expressed a “general” interest in being connected and staying in touch. Lee asked all members to continue to engage the community to support the library and the library staff. Related to advocacy, Jennifer Murray said she shared the video the board made in support of the staff, and they would like to share the video on social media. Patrick Leduc asked if anyone present would feel uncomfortable with sharing the video and the trustees present indicated they had no concerns. Patrick then asked Jennifer to reach out to the members not present to confirm they are also comfortable to sharing the video and if so instructed Jennifer to use it however she likes. Patrick Leduc then asked for all committees to review their purpose statements, discussed them with the members of their committee and bring them back to the full board for adoption. Director’s Report Jennifer Murray gave an update on the construction of the new building. Wall board has arrived and has begun being installed. She talked about the murals for the library. Once the walls go up Jennifer Murray will ask Katie Obrien-Barritt to do some painting. Jennifer Murray mentioned some recent staffing discussions and the challenges that sometimes come up in dealing with library patrons. While the majority are pleasant at times challenges do arise. Jennifer indicated that the stress of the times we are in, is creating a “difficult period.” Margery Vagt asked if it was an issue with following COVID rules. Jennifer says patrons are following the rules, but a few patrons are anxious and have been snapping at the staff. Although the staff receive lots of positive feedback from patrons, the unpleasant patrons tend to leave a lasting impression. Margery Vagt asked if the staff feels safe. Jennifer Murray responded that the staff has some COVID anxiety, but generally feel safe. Other Business None Adjourn Hearing no other business Chair Leduc adjourned the meeting at 5:50pm Respectfully submitted, Margery Vagt, Secretary