HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 09/10/2020 Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, September 10, 2020 @ 5 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting Members Present: Margery Vagt, Ted Lenski, Lee Freeman, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Penne Tompkins, Diane Bugbee, Jay Pasackow, Members Absent: Sonya Krakoff, Lauren Ballard, MargaretAnn Cross Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Friends of the Library Present: Chair Patrick Leduc called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m., and a quorum was established. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: No additions and deletions to the posted agenda Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda: None Consent Agenda: Approval of regular board minutes of July 16, 2020 Upon a motion made by Trustee Lee Freeman and seconded by Trustee Diane Bugbee, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda. Chair’s report Patrick shared that there will be an opportunity to tour the new building on 9/24 at 5:00pm. Since there is limited space and we want to have some ability to have social distance we will be limiting the tour to Library staff and Trustees. To that end, asked people to email him if they’d like to join the tour. If there is limited interest, we may open it up to more people. Patrick also shared the building construction is happening at a quick pace and the library portion of the building may be materially done in June. Executive Session - For the purposes of discussing a personnel matter Patrick asked the Trustees to consider going into executive session for a discussion on personnel matters. At 5:14pm, upon a motion made by Trustee Stacy Pape and seconded by Trustee Ted Lenski, the Trustees voted unanimously to enter executive session The board exited executive session at 5:27pm Friends of the Library Report: No report this month Governance and Nomination Committee No report this month Finance Committee Report Ted Lenski provided an update on FY21 and FY22 budgets and staffing plans and a discussion on investment policy. Advocacy Committee Report Lee Freeman provided an update on the advocacy campaign. Patrick proposed reaching out to the RMCS principal and PTO president to make sure relations are positive. Diane Bugbee offered to lead that effort and the committee will move forward on this as well as the video that Lee is leading. Director’s report. Jennifer Murray reported that FY20 budget came out in the black. Federal funds may be available to assist ongoing library expenses. Jennifer also reported this was a challenging month with balancing staff safety and service to the public. Staff is working on family kits and has advocated circulating puzzles and games. Susan Bliss has been working on adult programming, How to Become an Anti Racist. Kelly has suggested mystery theme bags. New staff member is taking over magazines and lost books. Jennifer gave an update on the progress of the library building. She is starting to plan the move to the new building, which will hopefully begin in June. Strategic planning: survey will go out after school has been in session a week or two. Patrick Leduc asked if there have been different dynamics in the library related to the upcoming election. SBPL no longer registers voters. Jennifer noted other libraries in the country are taking ballots and Jennifer has reached out to the city clerk in South Burlington to see if that is something we want to consider. There are issues to discuss ranging from legalities to an appropriate place to hold the ballots. Lee Freeman asked if the library can advocate to get out the vote. Jennifer noted that SBPL has done it before for local elections. Diane Bugbee raised concerns about where to put our advocacy energy. What is our priority? Jennifer suggested doing a display for “get out the vote.” She also suggested the advocacy committee help provide signage. Margery Vagt raised concerns about the staff and if they feel safe in their environment. Jennifer Murray replied that the staff are mindful of safety regulations. The public has been positive in their interactions with regard to safety procedures. Other Business Patrick Leduc suggested recording statements of support from each trustee member for the staff immediately following the adjournment. Adjourn There being no other business, Chair Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting at 6:14 p.m. Next meeting: 10/8/2020 Respectfully submitted Margery Vagt, Secretary