HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0021 0023 Meadow RoadCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FLAl'\JNUgG & ZOr-4E4G 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 18, 2005 Chris Haggerty Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203N South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Minutes Dear Mr. Haggerty: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the May 3, 2005 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 3 MAY 2005 4. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-05-28 of Provost Deal Estate, LAC and Robert & .'oyce Snyder for a planned unit development consisting of: 1) subdividing a 1.02 acre lot developed with a single family dwelling into two lots of 0.27 acres and 0.75 acres, 2) subdividing a 0.50 acre lot developed with a single family dwelling into two 0.25 acre lots, 3) combining the undeveloped 0.25 acre lot with the adjacent 0.75 acre lot to create a 1.0 acre lot, and 4) constructing two two-family dwellings on the 1.0 acre lot, and 4) constructing two two-family dwellings on the 1.0 acre lot, 10 and 14 Shunpike Road: Mr. Homsted said there have been no changes since Preliminary Plat. They have worked out all issues with the Fire Chief and City Engineer. They will have a fire hydrant in the development and partially sprinkler buildings (near the furnaces on the lower level). Mr. Boucher moved to approve final plat application #SD-05-28 of Provost Real Estate, LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat Application #SD-05-29 and Final Plat Application #SD-05-30 of Anthony Basiliere for a planned nonit development to subdivide a 0.26 acre parcel developed with two single family dwellings into two lots of 0.13 acres each, 21 and 23 Meadow Road: Mr. Basiliere noted this started as 2 houses on 1 lot. They want to sell one off,, and the only way they can do this is as a PUD. Mr. Belair said staff has no issues. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-O5-29 and Final Plat Application #SD-05-30 of Anthony Basiliere subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing: Master Plan Application 9MP-05-01 and Preliminary Plat Application for a planned unit development to subdivide 26.1 acres developed with two single-family dwellings into: 1) 17 single family lots, and 2) a 3.34 acre lot to be developed with six two-family dwellings, 1302-1350 Spear Street: Mr. Farrell said the plan is the same as at Sketch Plan Review. Two lots have existing single family homes. The road intersects Spear and connects to Vale Drive. They are talking with UVM about connecting water, but CWD would prefer they connect at one of the private homes. The applicant will talk with CWD about this. -2- Button Professional Land Surveyors, P.C. 20 KIMBALL AVENUE, SUITE 203 NORTH rzd� SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (P) 802.863.1812 OR 800.570.0685 (F) 802.383.0456 (E) VBUTTON@BAPLS.COM WWW.BAPLS.COM VAUGHN C. BUTTON, L.S. & LEONARD H. AMBLO, L.S. May 17, 2005 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ray, Please find attached the mylar survey plat entitled "Survey Plat Showing Lands of Anthony T. Basiliere — 2 Lot Subdivision, 23 Meadow Road, South Burlington, VT," dated 11/30/04, last revised 3/14/05, as granted final approval by the Development Review Board on May 3, 2005. Also attached please find a CD containing a DXF file of the above drawing and a check for $11.00 for the mylar recording fee. Thank you for your assistance and guidance throughout the course of this project. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Christopher Haggerty Attachments L\BPLS-Projects_ Drawings\South Bur Iington_70\SOUS0088-Basihere-Meadow Road\Basiliere-Plat Recording.doc BOUNDARY SURVEY — TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY — CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT — GPS% GIS — WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN & PERMITTING _`I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: April 26, 2005 \drb\sub\basiliere\prelim_final.doc Application received: April 7, 2005 BASILIERE— 2-LOT (MINOR) SUBDIVISION 23 MEADOW ROAD PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION #SD-05-29 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-05-30 Agenda #6 Meeting Date: May 3, 2005 Owners/Applicant Property Information Anthony Basiliere Tax Parcel 1150-00023-R 23 Meadow Road 0.26 acres So. Burlington, VT 05403 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District ( l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\basiliere\prelim final doc Anthony Basiliere, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary plat and final plat approval of a planned unit development to subdivide a 0.26 acre parcel developed with two (2) single family dwellings into two (2) lots of 0.13 acres each, 21 & 23 Meadow Road. Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 7, 2005 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Re uirements R4 Zoning District Required Proposed ♦ Min. Lot Size 9,500 SF Lot 1: 5,670 SF Lot 2: 5,609 SF * Max. Density _ 4 units/acre 7.7 units/acre ♦ Max. Building Coverage 20% Lot 1: 24.4% Lot 2: 16.1 % ♦ Max. Overall Coverage 40% Lot 1: 60.5% �l Lot 2: 21.4% �► Min. Front Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 13 ft. Lot 2: 5.5 ft. �l Min. Side Setback 10 ft. Lot 1: 10 ft. Lot 2: 10 ft. ♦ Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 8.2 ft. w► Lot 2: 16 ft. �1 zoning compliance ♦ waiver required pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) A pre-existing noncompliance A prohibited pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) The proposed project involves two existing single-family dwellings on one lot. This project will not change the existing conditions on the site. It will however, create two noncomplying lots and structures based on the dimensional standards outlined in Table C-2 of the Land Development Regulations. The applicant has applied for a PUD, so that many of the dimensional standards can be waived. Staff suggests that the Development Review Board grant the applicant a waiver for the minimum lot size, the building coverage, the overall coverage, and the proposed rear yard setback for Lot #1. Pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) of the Land Development Regulations, the Development Review Board cannot grant the applicant a setback waiver that will result in any structure being within five (5) feet from any boundary line. The applicant is proposing a front yard setback of 5.1 feet for Lot #2. 1. The Development Review Board grants the applicant the requested waivers as outlined in Table 1, Dimensional Requirements. l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\basiliere\prelim final.doc SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. The existing single-family dwellings are connected to the public water system. However, the applicant is proposing to make a new connection into the water main on Meadow Road, which will require approval from the South Burlington Water Department. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The existing single-family dwellings are connected to the public sewer system. However, the applicant is proposing to make a new connection into the sewer main on Meadow Road. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Lot #1 and Lot #2 are currently accessed by a private driveway off of Meadow Road. This access will not be altered through the proposed project. A twenty (20) foot -wide right-of-way is proposed across Lot #1 to serve Lot #2, which is in compliance with Section 3.05(B)(2)of the Land Development Regulations. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\basiliere\prelim final.doc The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The proposed project does not involve any construction, so this criterion is not applicable. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. Do to the existing conditions of the subject property, the two lots proposed through this project are in compliance with this criterion. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Preliminary Plat application #SD- 05-29 and Final Plat application #SD-05-30, as submitted. Respectfully submitted, Bfian Robertsofi, Associate Planner Copy to: Anthony Basiliere Button Professional Land Surveyors, P.C. 20 KIMBALL AVENUE, SUITE 203 NORTH SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (P) 802.863.1812 OR 800.570.0685 (F) 802.383.0456 (E) VBUTTON@BAPLS.COM WWW.BAPLS.COM VAUGHN C. BUTTON, L.S. & LEONARD H. AMBLO, L.S. April 7, 2005 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ray, We are writing on behalf of our client, Tony Basiliere, regarding his proposed two -lot subdivision located on Meadow Road. As you know, Mr. Basiliere is proposing to subdivide his 0.260-acre parcel at 23 Meadow Road into two 0.13-acre lots. Currently there are two detached dwellings on the property and the proposal is to have each dwelling on it's own lot. The utilities serving the dwelling at the rear of the lot (proposed Lot 2) currently tie into the dwelling at the front of the lot (proposed Lot 1) and are proposed to be relocated (within an appropriate easement) across Lot 1. New connections to the City water main and sewer main located on Meadow Road are proposed for Lot 2. As we've discussed, the proposal does not involve any change of use and will not change the nature of the parcel, as it currently exists. The following changes have been made to address requests by the Development Review Board, as discussed during Sketch Plan Review: • The access easement to Lot 2 has been revised to better accommodate vehicle parking and turnarounds. • The access easement to Lot 2 has been widened to 20 feet from 15 feet, as required. • The proposed subdivision line has been modified so that neither existing structure is within 5 feet of said line. In addition to the above changes, the following revision has been made to the proposed subdivision since Sketch Plan Approval: • The locations of the proposed sewer and water services have been revised. Previously, the proposed water service ran along the northerly property line of Lot 1, and the proposed sewer service ran along the southerly property line of Lot 1. At this time, the proposal is to run both services parallel to each other (separated 3 feet horizontally) along the southerly property line of Lot 1, within the proposed 10' wide utility easement. The proposed 3/a" Copper water service shall be sleeved with continuous 1 1/2" HDPE water pipe. This configuration has been approved through a recently issued Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit issued by the State of Vermont (attached). BOUNDARY SURVEY - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT - GPS/GIS - WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN & PERMITTING Mr. Ray Belair April 7, 2005 Page 2 of 2 The parcel is located in the Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District and based on the proposed subdivision, we are requesting the following variances: • The minimum lot size in the R4 District is 9,500 S.F. The proposed lot size for Lot 1 is 5,670 S.F. and 5,609 S.F. for Lot 2. • The minimum front yard setback in the R4 District is 30'. The proposed distance from the Lot 2 dwelling to the proposed property line is approximately 5.5 feet. • The minimum rear yard setback in the R4 District is 30'. The proposed distance from the Lot 1 dwelling to the proposed property line is approximately 6.8 feet. • The maximum lot coverage in the R4 District is 40%. The proposed coverage for Lot 1 is 56.8%. Please find attached the following: • Check for application fee (to be provided by client) • Application for Preliminary Subdivision Plat Review • Application for Final Subdivision Plat Review • Copy of Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit (State of Vermont) • Five (5) full size sets of plans (3 sheets each) • One (1) reduced 11"x17" set of plans (3 sheets) We are hoping at this time to be considered for Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Review at the next available meeting. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, V v Christopher Haggerty Attachments L\BPL5-Projects_Drawings\South Bur lington_70\50UB0088-Basiliere-Meadow Road\Basiliere-Cover Letter Belair-Prelim-Final.doc Postal aCERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT a (Domestic Ln t `� - a- ,11 13i a Ln M Postage 3 a Certified Fee O c Postman.' E3 Return Reclept Fee Here t� (Endorsement Required) l . .� Restrictad t3elivery Fee 111' j �; 4 y r (Endorsement Required) mTotal Posh-- Leonard Amblo E3 'sent To Button Professional Land Surveyors r- Si�eet, Apt. I` orPoeoxt 20 Kimball Avenue Suite 203 N city, s;g; South Burlington, VT 05403 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. s Attach this card to the back of the mailpigce, - or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to Leonard Amblo Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 N South Burlington, VT 05403 2. Article Number (Transfer from sery )eO PS Form 3811, February 2004 A. Sig X ❑Agent ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Date f Delivery D. Is delivery addressVifferent from item 1? LJ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 7000 3110 0001 598 5411 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 Brunelle N/F At / y \ 1261242 zvt / rrege °r n era. ro'"!ro. g 'ebb s r \ \ r� wary sa4yr° 4 la Meyy AD eA� "4b 4S \\ �q, Shiman & Guyette N/F 3361503 ''lhaj eo, ba roe Deb qe r'3°' u ry q�+�►� �'se� °"� w House4,'._rx,st,nq ;,Zrec P / / ok r�app Alsaffar & Mahassen N/F Lot6831243 5,639 S.F. 0.13Acres F`s f' ny House R L,°�wcO9j n f�a °.'pens` cc�%A \ \ / brber'M•�'rn '� M eery y _ �»°�,,�°e yaAm� �I• � , 'hgyue' of 4.4�e- °r e�' y rent ids dyed e � � y4a.9�,g °ono far e� rdMy tSe �Jr I,o1 I % 5,640 S.F. f 0.13 Acres \ 70 \ \\ Existing House Barnes N/F \\` 148/319 ,ry°groa�dr»r'ray \\ wa,r� House j� / Subject rr-f Property Line Proposed Property Line • Culculoted Paint Apparent Prpe ty Line / Survey Control Point. Right of fty 0 Outside Diameter of Eosmeat Ag Above Enatng (kale Centedhs of Road on Below Entity OOM o—o „ Nine F-ceine fF At &100,g Drove Ovehead ekes d ufCity Pd. n/I Now or Foanely • R lran Ptae Fred 5a291 Land Records Volume / Pop. • IS Rea ar Found 4.OY IS OAynd Lat 1 - See Note I(g) Q is Reber SET or to be SET Graphic Scale 28 B m 1 Inch = 20 feet 0 ro / 40� / 4oa c King N/F 6451142 lop \ / / King \ N% (S��9yyr Na OI le ., 6451142 IWPR/ q� City.{ South Buflh Received {or Recoro A.D I of _ O'tlock _Jnhutes�M are recerded h attest Torn LTerk 1. M/rmotbn Moen hereon l a /ofthf l prtroyd of ekcvmetancee pertinent to the -bj-t property and dted raced data. Ml plot c ,,Ihee WM ragvkernente of Abe 27. Sectkn 1403. (a) through (,). to the beet of my knaeledge and brill Vaughn C. Button, LS 415 Doted �6 FURCL/SO1V AVE. PR i --SITE Ls"n1ANAVF µMITE Ph_ :Q V RICE HAOLE y" Ilp. O MEMORIAL SC_ARFF AVE. _L�j AUGM SCHOOL IfuniE A .,•• vwsT. VE. FARRELL PARK Location Plan e N.T.S. Survey Notes 1. This SVDavelon Plot has been compiled ham fled eumya and record evidence in—a*,q the !,sowing rerorded plafm L %on of Property of Pebe. and 1Mkhom An a. Hadey Place, South B.HMgton, Vermont" prepared by Mdnfoeh R Ctmddl CIW ao— dated Isla, loaf re Need 19J9 and recrdM M Slid. 19 (Ibmhefy Val. 11, P.230) o/ the City of sauth BuHhgtan Land Re ds. a "Piof of 5ubdh4elw of Lands of Chad- h CecV, Bone. 27 Meadow Rood, south B Hngton, Vermont * ;npared by FTt�oMck-Uewepyn Im,ago-1e4 dated 7/1986 loaf revs ed 911986. and recoroed h 511N 1193 (Aa,,any M..",, P. 70) of Me City o/ South Budhgtm land Retard, C "Baundry Survey - Prgoe ly of UqK a K.then ne Bomm to be franofr to Michoei Drw,ea, South Burlington, V ant" repr.d by Krebs ! Loneil9 Caneulfng Engne knc, dated II/19BQ rid married i1 Slide 0149 (/armely VoL17X P.16) of the Gay of S—M Budkfm Land Reca'o. 0. Flot Plan - Robert Bmw Proprty. Oxnard Roa4 Seth amir9ton, Vant' preared by N tar -Martin, Mc., doted 6118163. ono warded k Slice 02 (formey Vd. 49, P. 90) o/ the City o/ Sovth 8unn9tm Land Retards. L 'PvgpWty Survey W Orml.y h nshe,, South BuHhgtan, V ant' p ar f by Harva.'l R Assoclate. Mc., dated 117967. and necarded n Slide 1B6 (fanmeiy Vo'.80, P. 48) o/ the City of South Burlington Land Reards. 2. Berke are boeed on a end. magn.lk cmpaw oberwtbn - 1219104. v%. Survey methods emplopd and the r.eultk tar of tlown,/r le/un ratio, mewl r ertsed mhMm pl-W- Vwkement. lr —Wrbm —,e , out - n "Standards /ar the Pracfice of Lai S—r V' ao pfed by Me Vermont Bard of Land S—,.. eNective 10/ 1/99. A ranem trawrx cantml loop eae wtobllehed acing a Nikon OrM-521 Total Station In union WM a So.1a SOR JJ Data Caaxfr. Me Reld Auto Zaa,bsrea uelng the Least Square Ae)nstment Method. M. mea --t. and n/ otion produced by this survey and a4.— hrean may coat—t ham recwdM survey of—tion rive to offlrences In orientation, dedhaflan r methods of meo ant. S. Me premie— shown and a—ibee hereon maybe waived to exiting buried ufliti- eoeemrr, right-0—, rwtrictiam --ants. permit. regutob— end/ setback then enkh may not be reaaded 0 the publk rrords. Clear evidence of an ea went or r to tion o/ record or eMaence of easements and structures ehkh re —ay apparent { o o-W above -ground view, an, delheotee hereon. No IA.Ulty is assumed by Me undrs/gn.d b any fae, oseadared Wth Me entente of any un—vered easement, r re,trkthm, on I uw of Me Property MIM re rent Morn of retard r re not reaawy awprent. 8. The p wk right of way of Meodow Rood b docvmented as 50' wine as shown m the pion listed inNote 1, Said Plan Mows the Rot of ruby to be 50, w for the entksfy o/ Nsodoe Rood erupt b that portion of the right of way Mkdn IA,a nrMMy o/ Ms sae Meoefely cone of Me prmlw Mown heem. F idle point na thedy; Me dot of way of Meadow Rood appears to be, an hcm.lsteif width. 7 Me o/ametre of ex/stlng mo menfation Moen an this plan reflect outside diameter d%menelon, Iran ph boundary mrkrs Mown harem - "SET' r "to be SET' re 3/8' diameter reh/°mhg steel, 40" long, owned with o plastic surwyr'e cap eel by a Vermont licensed land .urveyr of the disretion of the property oenr / deve'oper. Me Placement of then, main,,, may be netewry to eaflfy Me candtkn, of Me Imkg / Plannk / D velap f R.v Board'. approval. 9 M/s survey reeled bomorY nconsl.fwi between recame t and Phpkd boundary evidence pe U eat to this propetyy mess canel,tencba re Morn haven ond stared belor — in the plan U teal h Note 1, a discrepancy ww noted concemng Me owdf oiet-c. between in. south ins of Proctor Ave. ond Me north line of Hooky Rood. The plan llet.d in Note 1° Mower Me dl torte - G11.25', no-- Red meaeu —. --oh, to Note Ic indicate a msar distance of BIO't (an ex—e o/ appraxkmatey 8). It appear that through field and retard evWente that tin, excess le gh, has been oberbed into the St. Peter lot Mown an the plan If teal M Note I.. In 1950, two Pa . ors wbdh4oed —1 of the St. Peter parts (Ba,9Are NIT & AlebfialWhoesen N/F), the crmbhed frontaoee an Meadow Road totaling 136' (the plan ileted in Note to indicates a f,antog. of I28.12'-a difhrmce of 79). Me plan listed h Not, 16 (Moms IonM obufthg the subpct pon sl to the south) rrpeon to how honored this Mrsion aid held ,Win, phyeid evidnce of Me tine o/ the survey. I& The glee notkns of New eImo, and the phyakal evirlrnce located and writing an Me 9rwnd ore pared ond malyled to crndude o rind —do,,opinion mot indicative of the arignd intent of Me canveyah a ands harmony WM thing phyaknl bounary .viden try conflicts bet— phyekd boundary evidence and written retard nden- are substantial, deed, and/ d -ter Mould be executed to eliminate any cola of title or c ftkt. No bounds Mown herein are eetrmhed Na the legal theory of Adverse Pori ,Ain. Ml is o deferml—thn to be made by o court entrusted Win authority to oo ea. ENdenM whkh could be detenoed to be potential odwree poewwbn and oriml afe a pre..*Vve right If reasonoey opponent, Is Mown harm. To that extent these plot. of wares,, may be, subject to any-Identll/ed do., or dote. Assumptions for crreatnees and accuracy are indkateo an th/ plat of y 11. Ml ewwy 1, rfilMo to Me Anthony BO.Mre far Me shgWor pwpose of deMho Me pop— r bdMdeA lot, ban o tract of Imo eltuaf.d ewtedy o/ Meador Road. No hma/I, l assumed by the —desiph- lr any low at may M oasocbted elth the uw of Ml y other than .old the Purpow. 12. Rep oalcti .. of fhi, .kedr are not valb unless sealed with - mboeee t wnep s asd. 13. Mf. Ie an ad9rwl 1VlI P. Removed area calculations and proposed utilities HSWI Revised proposed subdivision line, oreas, and coveroge talcs per DRB review O RECORD DRANING 0 PRELIMINARY CurvPv Pleat .Ghost CAN CA/JS 6 Lanct rlv yslvnat Anthony T. BiislliereftE SOUBOO88 )RAWLand Surveyors, PC CAH 2OKr,"-A. WS.DWG CNEp(EO Claeun, M 8 Hgnrlarxf Inar VCe "an Fa°s° °V' 2-Lot Subdivision P`"k 9"' 802524 9401 8028811812 1 Off ©npmat 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, VT rFc Fob 0 n c3� jn�n9�o/I ► furniture FULL-SIZE IMPERIAL mattress, box spring and frame. New in 2003, used in guest room 10 times or less. Making room for new baby, must sell. New $500, will sett for $350/080. 241-3543. MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, mis- sion -style four -drawer dresser. A real find! $225. 371-9423. MOVING SALE: Oak roll-top desk, pine bedroom set, sleigh bed/dresser, mirror and armoire chest, Gazelle workout equip- ment, oak bunk bed. 434-8408. NEW LYNDON TABLE: Maple top, black wrought iron Queen Anne legs, 72 x 38. $1500 new. Best offer over $1000. 862- 7372. SOFA/LOVE SEAT SET: Oversized, Olive-green color, cor- douroy-esque material, very comfortable. Excellent condition. Asking $300. 999-9578 anytime. ► lost & found 14" IBOOK STOLEN FROM CAR 3t the Intervale, 3/31. Don't :are about laptop, but please -eturn files via email, for gradu- ate thesis. feb2004.xts files. Set ip an account anonymously and ;end to gundiee@uvm.edu. KONA WAS LAST SEEN at 2415 -hompson's Point Rd. on 4/1 at 1:45 a.m. Kona is very friendly rut most importantly has a very special diet and medical needs. 'Lease, if you have seen him ince this time or find him call :rich, 238-8756. .OST. MEWS WATCH on Shel- iurne/St. Paul near sidewalk. omewhere between Howard St. nd Flynn Ave. Black leather strap. 'lease contact 802-316-0776 or )hnjmcmurry@yahoo.com. '•TAGE SPEAKER STANDS found &g in the road. Describe in etail and we'll get you and your ear back together. Tell your !ends. Otherwise, look for these abies on eBay. kozmikarl@ ol.com. music for sale 8TH ANNUAL National Guitar lonth sale: acoustic/electric uitars, basses, amplifiers, ffects. Up to 35-55% off MSRP )r entire month of April. Be .usic, Rutland. 888-775-4030. ww.bemusicvt.com. ELLOS, STRING BASSES, VIO- INS, VIOLAS: New and old istruments, sates, restoration id repair. Experienced luthiers. aul Perley Cellos, in business nce 1988. 802-229-1501, pe rleyce llos@ ao L co m. DMPUTER RECORDING SYS- EM: Power Mac G4, 800 MHz ngle processor, 768 GB RAM, 20TOOLS DIGI 001 software and terface. Mouse and keyboard, monitor. Also includes tons of usic software and plugins incl. aason 2.5 and more. $900 takes L. Call 802-310-7456. IEMBE 25", COW HIDE HEAD /rope frets. Carved wood base, Imes w/African cloth belt and idded carrying case. Ashiko, V', cow hide drum head ULLLA IKAVrL 1/AUM JCl: All folds in to one case e -idtes. Some cymbals, thro ped- als. $300. Call 863-9 &,. OVER 100 LP RECORD ALBUMS: Folk, country, rock, '60s, classical and just plain odd. Most in very good condi- tion. $30. Email for partial list. dalep@pshift.com. PIANO: 1931 Stroud Baby -Grand piano for sale to good home. $3000 + moving costs. Beauti- ful details, good sound. Some superficial damage to original finish. 802-999-7848. ► music instruct. CLAW HAMMER BANJO: Learn Appalachian style pickin' and strummin' Emphasis on rhythm, musicality and technique. $25/hour. Call Mara, 862-3581. GUITAR: Berklee graduate with classical background offers les- sons in guitar, theory and ear training. Individualized, step-by- step approach. I enjoy teaching all ages/styles/levels. Call Rick Belford at 864-7195. PIANO AND/OR IMPROVISA- TION: Lessons in theory, harmo- ny and improvisation for all instrumentalists and vocalists. All ages! Beginning through advanced concepts taught with clarity and patience. Questions? Call Shane Hardiman, 279-8859, Winooski. hipkeys@lycos.com. PIANO LESSONS Classical, jazz and free improvisation. All ages, all levels. Exciting and encourag- ing approach. Can travel. William Michael, 802-899-6700 or 355-6234. ► music services COSMIC HILL project recording studio. 30-years experience. $40/hour. Moretown. 496-3166. NORTHERN VERMONT MUSIC Protools Recording Studio, mas- tering services, remote record- ing. Special block rates. CD/DVD duplication. Songwriter demos. Backing tracks avail. Call 802- 744-6446 or http://www.north ernvermo nt m usi c. co m. 0-ZONE STUDIO: Audio record- ing, mixing and mastering. 208 Flynn Ave., Studio 2B3, Burling- ton. 203-246-5124. ► musicians wanted BURLINGTON BAND CRITICAL MASS seeks experienced drum- mer for classic rock covers. Vocals a plus. Gigs already booked. Call Scott, 233-1279 or criticatmassvt@yahoo. co m. GUITARIST LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED drums, bass and keys. Originals and vocals a big plus. Rock, jazz, groove improv, originals and favorite covers. Call496-3166, before 5 p.m. SONGWRITER/GUITARIST look- ing to start acoustic/electric rock. Seeking drug/alcohol-free musicians of good musical range to play once a week. Have place to play. 318-1557. TECHNICAL/PROGRESSIVE METAL BAND in Burlington w/album of original material rnenaty, neattny, sense of humor. Pet only. Please, only inquiries from those with large parrot experience. Call 802-660- 4897 or blondemss@hotmail. com. Asking $1400. RED TAIL BOA FOR SALE! Beautiful snake. 6 feet long. Very good temperament. Includes tank, water bowl, heat- ing pad, feeding tank, tank lin- ers. $200. 660-8714. SMALL RETIRED PONY: Good pasture mate. Not a kids' pony. Sweet, friendly, smart. 878-8598. ► photography FEMALE MODELS: 15-35, need- ed for fashion shoots and other projects. No experience needed but models must be attractive and in good shape. Compensa- tion in pictures, experience and possible start in modeling indus- try. Call David Russell Photogra- phy, 862-1172 for interview or email rusldp@juno.com. ► stuff wanted WANTED: Salon equipment. Looking for all-purpose chair, shampoo bowl, hair dryer, the works. 453-5723. WANTED: TWO -TICKETS TO KIN at the Orpheum in Boston, Thursday or Friday night. 893-1744. ► volunteers HELP A SENIOR LIVE INDE- PENDENTLY: The Champlain Valley Agency on Aging (CVAA) is seeking kind souls who can donate one hour per week to visit with a senior and/or assist with essential tasks such as gro- cery shopping or light house- keeping. Info, contact Brett or Tom, 800-642-5119. ORGANIC FARM/WILDERNESS Collective in California seeking volunteers w/backpacking expe- rience and agrarian interests. Accommodations and veggie food. www.wildernessco(lec tive.com. WOMEN HELPING Battered Women needs your help! Women Helping Battered Women is cur- rently accepting applications for their May Volunteer Training. Opportunities range from work- ing directly with women and children to working "behind the scenes." Info, visit www.whbw. org or call 658-3131. ► want to buy ANTIQUES: Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical toots, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates and silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Call Dave at 802-859-8966. MODERN SOS AND 60S FURNI- TURE by Eames, Knott, Herman Miller, Bertoia, Saarinen, Aalto, Bertoia, Fritz Hansen, etc. Sometime called "space-age" or "retro". Also interested in pot- tery, ceramics and lighting from this era. 864-9386. WANT TO BUY A SINGLE JOG - clerk. Looking for employment in Chitte "aunty -area. Call Chris, i2-9740. ► legals PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 3, 2005, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Master plan application #MP- 05-01 and preliminary plat appli- cation for a planned unit devel- opment to subdivide 26.1 acres developed with two (2) single family dwellings into: 1) 17 sin- gle family lots, and 2) a 3.34 acre lot to be developed with six (6) two (2) family dwellings, 1302-1350 Spear Street. 2. Application #VR-05-01 of Michael Hopwood for a variance from Section 3.06, Setbacks and Buffers, of the Land Develop- ment Regulations. Request is for permission to allow an addi- tion to an auto repair and serv- ice facility to project 17 feet into the required 30 foot front setback requirement, 63 Ethan Allen Dr. 3. Final plat application #SD-05- 28 of Provost Real Estate, LLC and Robert & Joyce Snyder for a planned unit development con- sisting of: 1) subdividing a 1.02 acre lot developed with a single family dwelling into two (2) lots of 0.27 acres and 0.75 acres, 2) subdividing a 0.50 acre lot developed with a single family dwelling into two (2) 0.25 acre tots, 3) combining the undevel- oped 0.25 acre lot with the adjacent 0.75 acre tot to create a 1.0 acre lot, and 4) construct- ing two (2) two-family dwellings on the 1.0 acre lot, 10 & 14 Shunpike Road. 4. Preliminary plat application #SD-05-29 and final plat appli- cation #SD-05-30 of Anthony Basiliere for a planned unit development to subdivide a 0.26 acre parcel developed with two (2) single family dwellings into two (2) lots of 0.13 acres each, 21 & 23 Meadow Road. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board April 13, 2005 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, S.S CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. 50207-05-CnC Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. as nominee for CTX Mortgage Company, LLC. Plaintiff Vermont 05401, an Answer to the Complaint in the above enti- tled action within forty-one (41) days of the first publication of this Summons, which is 3/30/05. The action is a com- plaint and foreclosure which alleges that you have breeched attempts of Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated January 17, 2002. Plaintiff's action may affect your interest in real property described in the land records in the City of South Burlington at Volume 463, Pages 1-3. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chittenden, State of Vermont. It appearing from Affidavit duty filed in the above entitled action that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods prescribed in V.R.C.P 4(d) through (f) inclu- sive, it is hereby ORDERED that service of the above process shall be made upon defendant Michael Brace by publication pursuant to V.C.R.P. 4(g). This Order shall be published once a week for three consecutive weeks on 3/30/05, 4/6/05 and 4/13/05 in the Seven Days. DATED at Burlington, Vermont this 21st day of March 2005. STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. Chittenden Superior Court Docket No. SOOOI-05 CnC Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. As nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corporation: Plaintiff: VS. MICHAEL W. BRACE, USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK AND OCCUPANTS residing at 50" Spear Street, Shelburne, Vermont Defendants SUMMONS AND ORDER FOR PUB- LICATION TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANT: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Mayer & Mayer, Plaintiffs attorneys, whose address is, P.O. Box 59, South Royalton, Vermont 05068, an answer to plaintiff's foreclo- sure action in the above matter, within forty-one (41) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, which is April 6 2005. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Your answer must be filed with the Court. Unless the relief demanded in the Complaint is for damages covered by a liabili- tyinsurance polity under which the insurer has the right or obli- gation to conduct the defense, or unless has the right or obliga- tion to conduct the defense, or unless otherwise provided in Rule 13(a) your answer must state as a counterclaim any related claim which you may CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 April 13, 2005 Cecile Barnes 410 South Mountain Blvd Mountain Top, PA 18707 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, b Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 April 29, 2005 Leonard Amblo Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 N South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 21 & 23 Meadow Road Dear Mr. Amblo: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Bets Donough Administrative Assistant Encl. SOUTH '�URLINGTON :NT OF PLANNING & ZONING 'S DORSET STREET 'LINGTON, VERMONT 05403 SOUTH BURLINGTON ENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 75 DORSET STREET PLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 Tony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dana Basiliere io Sunset Ridge Jericho, VT 05465-9605 MEETNG.- DATE PLEA SE PRINT CLEA' RL YTY NAME N IN SHEET TABIBUIUM Ppn. IF=r.T OP IKITPQQT .12 3 V'�/ vwk-f u 33 ; I/ jell k44 -YL 3 All Shiman & Guyette NIF 3361503 .,„ Lot 2 v 62 v+ n)q Sr609 S.F. 0.13 Acres e a oc pr2�'Sosr A• \C a 7• ei5+ ��bq � \ icd � S y e 9 ` o �� ��•yy Ib +a ? C' h , Lot 1 iT / �e �[wreyary ��°• � 5670 S.F. � 0.13 Acres , o<,a� Existing House Qv ea d e // '�,ohb- dyer x7gyh de 4o�� W4� �'PR 2' a 0lr say a1 2'1).w \ \ � Abb r s Subject Tract Property Line Proposed Property Line iPr - arent Property Lite / - - Rght of Wyy O PBe ------ Slddin. of Ea. -art . Centerline of Road o-o-o-o-o We Fenceline 0 Overhead W&es & utility Pole - our Lhe s Exlstbg Se- Wg (opproxim to tocetbn) Exlsthg Water Lin. ec ' (approxknate lorotbn) n1f Proposed Sewer Lila •.. Al posed Mot- Line 531291 Brunelle N/F 1261242 Zoning Requirements Excerpt from City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations Adopted May 12, 2003 Zoning District: Residential 4 (R4) Exrstrng Proposed Proposed ReWkwd (R4) .423 Meadow Lot 1 Lot 2 \ Minimum Lot Size 9,500 sf.. 11,279 af. A670 sf. 5,609 S.f. Maximum Building Coverage 2OX 20.3X 24.4X 16, 1X / Maximum Lot Coverage 40X 41.1X 60.5% 21.4X / \ Front Yard Setback 30' 1345 13.4't 4.1 f / \ Side Yard Setback to' 9.7'2 9.7'.! 1"'+ Rear Yard Setback 30' 26.3't 8.2t 26.3't f At o.de Parking Spaces 2AU >2 >2 >2 Lorn pq,!' pa \ `r<d\ erg 'g d e rM a 'ay � � r yy9p•I., 6.Y our PF 5'I fa4�M dy. eo tea, 4,fe� .2'Bc \ a \ b yq re0yy M e.•0'de I, e 9� de, b b eo �0aj r4a �Z Existing House / Wy / jt , nrx P / ��� rim 4 p0 Atsaflar & / os $/ It ,a \ '4 \ \ og=eF. a o�' oar s Barnes QD' °s �\ N/F 1481319 House 4 of `/ (s••` 1 of 0 y !• 6 ban Pipe Found Reba, Found Reba, SET ar to be SET Calculated Point Survey Control POWs Outside Diameter Abo- Existing bode Belo. Existing Grade At Existing blade Now - F fly two Records Volume / Page Graphic Scale -10 0 10 20 40 80 1 Inch = 20 feet City of South Budhgtm, VT Reath d for Record Mahassen N/F 6831243 r'fO� A� huh IT \ / King 511 42 It Av0 / 1 \ / ® King \ N/F \ 6451142 Location Plan - N.T.S. Survey Notes 1. Mis Subd/4sbn Plat has been compiled from field suer-). and record evidence hcludhg the (thawing recorded plats. L 'Plan of Property of Pease and Rnkham known - Haley Place, South Budhgton, V ant,' prepared by Mdntoeli & a-ddl CIAl Enghean, dated 1918, last ra4xad 19M,, and recc at Slide 19 (/ edy Vd. if, P.2JO) of the City of South Sudhgtan Land Records 6 'Plat of Subdinsion of Lands or Charles & Ceade Bames, 27 Meadow Road, South Budhglon. V anL' prepared by Fit patdck-uewet/yn In a,poroted, dated 7/1986, last reversed 911986. and retarded In Side 1793 (f edy Vo1200, P.70) or the City of South Budin9t- Cold Recants n 18-roary Su y Property of Lloyd & Katherine Bames to be transferred to Michael Dreseeil, South Burlington, VonL' prepared by Krebs & Lmehg Consulting EngheerA Inc, doted 11/1960. orM recorded h Side 1/49 (/ a ly Vol 17Tr P.16) or the City of South Burlington Land Records. a P/ot Pan Robert flames Property, Orchard Road, South Burlington, Vont,' prepared by Webster -Martin, ha, dated 6/18/64 and recorded b SW, 142 (f edy Vol. 49, P. 90) of the City of South Bunhgton Land Records. of Property Survey for Bromley & usher. South Bunhgtm, V out,' prepared by Hermit & Associates Inc., dated 096Z and recorded h Side 136 (/ any Vd.80, P.48) of the City or South Burlington Land Records 2 Beorhgs are based m a slog/. magnetic compass obr-uan an 12/9/04. 3. Surwy methods employed and the resu/thg emor of dosure/preclefan ratio, meet I, exceed mhhnum precision rpu4etnwil for suburban surveys- out/kied at StandarCe for the practice of Land Sir-yhq adopted by Me V -t Bold of Land Sur -you effect,- 10/11/99. A random traverse control loop was estobllehed ushg a N&on DTM-521 Total Station Anunroon with a Sokkk SOR 33 Data Cdlector. The Bold dots ad)lsted ushg the Least Square Aakatmend. t Metha 4. Me measurements and in/ afim produced by this our-y and shown hereon may contrast ham recorded suer-y h! ation due to df errrces Al orl-ttrNm. dedhotbn or methods of meow -t. & the premises shown and d--bed herean maybe wbsct to existing buried utilities, easements, rights -of -way, restrictions, w~wts, permits regulations, mot/or setback lines which may not be recorded in the public retards aeon e4dmce of an easement or restriction of record - e4denoe of easement. and structure. ehkh are readily apparent from a casual abo--ground New•are delineated hereon. No llabNity aswmed by the undrelgleof / any Ion. assocluted wIM Me existence of any undiscovered -ant. or rest IM-s an Me use of the property ehich are, not shown of t,cant or are not readly apparent. 6. Me public right of way of Meadow Road /s documented as 50' wick as shown an the plan listed in Note la. Soil plan shows Me Right of Way to be 50' wide for the entirety of Meadow Road except for that partial of Me light It y which /ros northerly of Me southeasterly comer l the premise. shown hereon. From this poht narthany, the right of way of Meadow Rood appears to be an Inconsistent width. 7 The diameter, of existing monumentation shoen m this Plan mfieat outside dfoneter dknenslons 6 Iran ph boundary markers shown hereon as 'SEY or 'to be SET' are 5/8' diameter rehforebg steel, 40' long, crowned with a plastic our )-s cap set by a V out licensed land suer-yor at the dlscreNan of the property cent / d.,eloper. me p/acemant of these markers moy be necey to satisfy Me cmdltbns of the Zoning / Panning / Development Rt 4ew Boards approwl. & Me y re-orod boundary hconsletencl between nhx rded and physicd bound) e4dmce pa'thmt to this Property. These bconsi.tal lee are shown hereon -d stated b io - ..A. /n the plan listed Al Note 1c, a dkcrepency was noted concerning the ­0 distance between the saint line of Proctor Am and the north line of Hadley Road Me plan listed I,Note in shows Me dstance as 831.25; how.-r field meawrements accardhg to Note fc indcata a eawrad distance of 840'2 (on excess of appra, n,tely 8'). It appeals that through field and recore eWdmce that this excess length has been absorbed into the St. Peter lot shown - the pion /fated in Note 1. In /95a two parcels were -bdhid of out of the St. Peter parcel (Basgfere N/F & Alsaffor/Muhossen N/F)' the combined frontages an Meadow Road totallbg 136' (the plan listed A,Note is indkotes o frontage of 128.12'-a art-- of 7. 9'). Me plan listed In Note 16 (showfng lands abuttbg Me wbrbct parcel to the south) appeals to ha- hon rad this ohobsion and held ..tinting physical evidence at the time of the y 10. Me d-,xiptkns of thane /ands and the physical e4dence /oceted and -Whoq an the ground were compared and andyzed to canclud. o I" boundary opinion most hdicotim of the original Intent of the can -,antes and in hamony with existing physical boundary a idmce. Where conflicts between physical bound) evidence and written record evidence are eubstantial, deeds md/ documents should be executed to eliminate any color of title or conflict. No bounds shown herein ore detennlned vb Me legal they of AlVe A, Possession. Mk Isa determination to be made by a court entrusted with authority to do so. Evidence, which could be determined to be potential adverse poseeeskn and or Indict, o p-iotf- right, If reasonably apparent, is shown herein. To that extort, these plots or our ,s may be wbj-t to any unklentifled dakns or rights. Aswmptlons rot correctness and ac--y are indicated an this plot of w y 11. this w y /s chilfieo' to the Anthony Basgkre / the singular purpose of deflnhg the proposed wbd4ded lots horn a tract of land sduated westerly of Meadow Road No liability is aseumed by the undereigned / my lass that may be, aesocbted with the use of Mir sy other than said the pulp- 12. Rep odretims of this sk,teh are at ,olid unless sealed with an embossetl suer-yor's seal. 13. Mrs is m oyAe.IrnAn --_ _ A.D. 6 r. of o'c/o It mbutes___1l ," AS. 7 `r:•1 and recorded in attest: Town dark DATE RLl1SON BY Date or SURVEY ci RECORD DRAWING 0 PRELIMINARY Survey Plat Showing Lands of Data of Plat 11 30 04 C3 FWAL SKETCH cONDEPT 11 30 04 SLUNEYO�t ......... i 1 CA/JS utton Professional SO her atkn ahoy hereon is a rdrhfo/ port of okoumstancee pertinent to Me �.�:` VA N „� c�aA ds Land Surveyors, PC Anthony T. Baslllere SOU80088 eubj-t properly and cited record dafo. Mfe plot tenpins Wth requ ants of 1/8e 27. seatkrn 1403. (a) through (e). to Me seal of my knowledge and belief. = 4 N * CAH 20 KrnbagA y di�'.^.wv !a>,� _. -.- WS.DWG . 8 Highlmd Htl 415 � ` cHEa ED aawre .South Pai kx. yr • • • VCB Balirgfm OvCr 54 PLAN S/EEi ,{ grin C. B Rm. L5 4/5 �ted 2-Lot Subdivision y' F �� 1111 � e� �` t�z erz�+-Ta12 twz-sz4-soot P L 1AP0-57Ds0685 ©s Madam 23 Meadow Road, South Burlington, VT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 4, 2005 Leonard Amblo Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 N South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Findings of Fact — Basiliere Dear Mr. Amblo: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on May 3, 2005 (effective 4/3/05). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within go days (must be submitted by 8/1/05) of this approval or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough, Administrative Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL - #7003 3110 0001 3598 541.1 Permit Number SD- 0 C -�_ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Volume 445, Page 504 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Leonard H. Amblo, L.S. Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 North South Burlington, VT 05403 802-863-1812 (phone) 802-383-0456 (fax) 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 21 and 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, VT 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1150-21-23 (21 & 23 Meadow Road) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) No change in use on the property is proposed at this time. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 2,280 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Not applicable e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. The proposal is for each dwelling to be on it's own lot. No new units are proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): Not applicable g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The subdivision essentially involves dividing the existing 0.26-acre parcel in half, with one dwelling on each proposed lot. Utilities serving Lot 2 currently tie into the existing house on Lot 1 and are proposed to be relocated (with appropriate easements) across Lot 1. No change in use is proposed. h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc.: 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: #23 Meadow Existing: 20.2% Lot 1 Proposed: 24.4% Lot 2 Proposed: 16.1% b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) #23 Meadow Existing: 40.3% Lot 1 Proposed: 56.8% Lot 2 Proposed: 24.0% c) Front yard (along each street) #23 Meadow Existing: 57.4% Lot 1 Proposed: 57.4% Lot2 Proposed: 40.6% 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): No building or renovations are proposed at this time. b) Landscaping: No landscaping is proposed at this time. 2 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): Utilities currently serving the dwelling on Lot 2 (sewer, water, electricity) currently run to/from the dwelling on Lot 1. The proposal is to relocate the sewer and water services (to Lot 2) between the dwelling on Lot 1 and the Lot 1 southerly property line (with an appropriate easement). The proposed 6" SDR35 Sewer service will connect to the existing 8" sewer main on Meadow Road. The proposed 3/a" Copper Water service will be sleeved in a continuous length of 1 1/a" HDPE water pipe and shall run parallel to the sewer main, connecting to the existing water main on Meadow Road. The electrical service to Lot 2 shall be overhead or underground at the Electrical Utility Company's discretion, within the proposed 10' wide utility easement, and shall be independent of Lot 1. Estimated Total Cost for Improvements: $4,000.00 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): No change in daily traffic is anticipated. b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): Not applicable c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): Not applicable 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Not applicable 14) PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach a separate sheet. Cecile Barnes, 410 South Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, PA 18707 Saffaa Alsaffar & Hania Mahassen, 19 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael Sheehan & Elise McLaughlin, 29 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Jeremy King, 24 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 David & Susan Brunelle, 14 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT'05403 David Shiman & Elise Guyette, 20 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 15) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIG ATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 1/0 J I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Incomplete �S D of Planning & Zoning or Designee 4 Permit Number SD- O � - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Volume 445, Page 504 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Leonard H. Amblo, L.S. Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 North South Burlington, VT 05403 802-863-1812 (phone) 802-383-0456 (fax) 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 21 and 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, VT 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1150-21-23 (21 & 23 Meadow Road) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) No change in use on the property is proposed at this time. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 2,280 S.F. d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Not applicable e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. The proposal is for each dwelling to be on it's own lot. No new units are proposed. i) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): Not applicable g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): The subdivision essentially involves dividing the existing 0.26-acre parcel in half, with one dwelling on each proposed lot. Utilities serving Lot 2 currently tie into the existing house on Lot 1 and are proposed to be relocated (with appropriate easements) across Lot 1. No change in use is proposed. h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc.: 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: #23 Meadow Lot 1 Lot 2 Existing: 20.2% Proposed: 24.4% Proposed: 16.1% b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) #23 Meadow Existing: 40.3% Lot 1 Proposed: 56.8% Lot 2 Proposed: 24.0% c) Front yard (along each street) #23 Meadow Existing: 57.4% Lot 1 Proposed: 57.4% Lot2 Proposed: 40.6% 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): No building or renovations are proposed at this time. b) Landscaping: No landscaping is proposed at this time. 2 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): Utilities currently serving the dwelling on Lot 2 (sewer, water, electricity) currently run to/from the dwelling on Lot 1. The proposal is to relocate the sewer and water services (to Lot 2) between the dwelling on Lot 1 and the Lot 1 southerly property line (with an appropriate easement). The proposed 6" SDR35 Sewer service will connect to the existing 8" sewer main on Meadow Road. The proposed 3/a" Copper Water service will be sleeved in a continuous length of 1 1/a" HDPE water pipe and shall run parallel to the sewer main, connecting to the existing water main on Meadow Road. The electrical service to Lot 2 shall be overhead or underground at the Electrical Utility Company's discretion, within the proposed 10' wide utility easement, and shall be independent of Lot 1. Estimated Total Cost for Improvements: $4,000.00 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): No change in daily traffic is anticipated. b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): Not applicable c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): Not applicable 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Not applicable 14) PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach a separate sheet. Cecile Barnes, 410 South Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, PA 18707 Saffaa Alsaffar & Hania Mahassen, 19 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael Sheehan & Elise McLaughlin, 29 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Jeremy King, 24 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 David & Susan Brunelle, 14 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 David Shiman & Elise Guyette, 20 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 15) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. J, �LU4 SIGNA URE OF APPLICANT. SIG AT RE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: (/ I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete ,-) ❑ Incomplete M �/P,5` of Planning & Zoning or Designee 4 Ap"°r~ GRAPHIC SCALE LLEWELLYN • HOWLEY Anthony T. Basiliere— "°""' '°°°°" Cene.pUpkaeh PlM .Mt OOL71Np P.11.1em NO INCORPORATED pe mlt B. m wtte.et Eng3nwrinp Pennittinp CeneulNrg B.nArn 0—bF LM FI-I PI.t FEET 20 Kimba Ave. St.. 202N F (802)65 26p2 20MIp700 ACT 2W w o.e. North I incIN h '�OUAingt.n T (802166 210 Site P! n � C.II.HtI.11M KYrM�wF�.�yw -�Ya�.etO.�rpl�lw�116� IL-1 �1 05009 iMw.111ncty.oLcom / III.M I 6 2 State of Vermont WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective January 1, 2005 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective June 19, 2003 Case Number: WW-4-2365 Landowner: Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington VT 05403 PIN: EJ05- QI , 6 ,�® rrr r-- rr rr This permit affects property referenced in deeds recorded in Book 25 Page 667 of the South Burlington, Vermont land records. This project, to create Lot 1 (0.13 acres) and Lot 2 (0.13 acres) each with an existing single family residence, served by municipal water and wastewater services, located on Meadow Road in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. GENERAL l . This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, Water Quality Division — telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department of Labor & Industry — telephone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 879-2300, the Department of Health — telephone (802) 863-7221, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 2. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans prepared by James Howley which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Project #2005018: Anthony T. Basiliere Plans: Sheet 1 of 2 "Site Plan" dated 03/11/05 and Sheet 2 of 2 "Water Details" dated 03/11/05. 3. The project shall be also completed as shown on the following plan prepared by Button Professional Land Surveyors which has been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Job No. SOUB0088: Survey Plat Showing Lands of Anthony T. Basiliere Plans: Plan Sheet 1 of 1 "2-Lot Subdivision" dated 11/30/04, last revised 3/14/05. 4. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location or the approved use of the buildings, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2365 Anthony Basiliere Page 2 5. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (30) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 6. This project has been reviewed and approved for the existing single family residence on each lot. The permittee shall not construct any other type structures requiring plumbing, including public buildings, duplexes, condominium units, or commercial buildings, without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. Such approvals will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. 7. The Wastewater Management Division now reviews the water and wastewater disposal systems under 10 V.S.A., Chapter 64 — Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit. 8. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 9. A copy of the approved plans and this permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction, and upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. 10. The Division has relied solely upon the licensed designers certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. WATER SUPPLY & WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 11. No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a certification from a designer or the installer, signed and dated, that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests." This shall include the new water service line and new sanitary sewer line to the single family residence on Lot 2. 12. The project is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of obtaining potable water without prior review and approval. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2365 Anthony Basiliere Page 3 13. The project is approved for wastewater disposal by connection to the municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of wastewater disposal without prior review and approval. 14. The wastewater disposal and water supply system for Lot 2 is subject to an easement onto the lands identified as Lot 1. No conveyance of the approved lot is allowed until such time as a copy of the executed easement has been recorded and indexed in the town land records. It is recommended that a copy of the executed easement be sent to the Wastewater Management Division. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on April 4, 2005. Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By &:�� M Dolores M. LaRiviere Assistant Regional Engineer C For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Select Board James Howley State of Vermont r AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation Department of Fish.and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conervation State Geologist RELAY SERVICES FOR HEARING IMPAIRED 1-800-253-0191 TDD>VOICE 1- 800-253 -0195 VOICE > TDD March 21, 2005 Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington VT 05403 Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 Telephone: (802) 879-5656 RE: WW-4-2365, 23 Meadow Road installing new municipal water and sewer services to Lots #1 with existing 3 bedroom single family residence and Lot #2 with an existing 2 bedroom single family residence, no increase located at 23 Meadow Road, South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on March 15, 2005, including a fee of $375.00 paid by check #4115. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 30 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. For the Division of Wastewater Management Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission James Howley Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury State of Vermont WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective January 1, 2005 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective June 19, 2003 Case Number: WW-4-2365 PIN: EJ05-0108 Landowner: Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington VT 05403 This permit affects property referenced in deeds recorded in Book 25 Page 667 of the South Burlington, Vermont land records. This project, to create Lot 1 (0.13 acres) and Lot 2 (0.13 acres) each with an existing single family residence, served by municipal water and wastewater services, located on Meadow Road in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. GENERAL This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, Water Quality Division — telephone (802) 241-3770, the Department of Labor & Industry — telephone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 879-2300, the Department of Health — telephone (802) 863-7221, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 2. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans prepared by James Howley which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Project #2005018: Anthony T. Basiliere Plans: Sheet 1 of 2 "Site Plan" dated 03/11/05 and Sheet 2 of 2 "Water Details" dated 03/11/05. 3. The project shall be also completed as shown on the following plan prepared by Button Professional Land Surveyors which has been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Job No. SOUB0088: Survey Plat Showing Lands of Anthony T. Basiliere Plans: Plan Sheet 1 of 1 "2-Lot Subdivision" dated 11/30/04, last revised 3/14/05. 4. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location or the approved use of the buildings, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-2365 Anthony Basiliere Page 2 5. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (30) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 6. This project has been reviewed and approved for the existing single family residence on each lot. The permittee shall not construct any other type structures requiring plumbing, including public buildings, duplexes, condominium units, or commercial buildings, without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. Such approvals will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. 7. The Wastewater Management Division now reviews the water and wastewater disposal systems under 10 V.S.A., Chapter 64 — Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit. 8. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 9. A copy of the approved plans and this permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction, and upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. 10. The Division has relied solely upon the licensed designers certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. WATER SUPPLY & WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 11. No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a certification from a designer or the installer, signed and dated, that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests." This shall include the new water service line and new sanitary sewer line to the single family residence on Lot 2. 12. The project is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of obtaining potable water without prior review and approval. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit W W-4-2365 Anthony Basiliere Page 3 13. The project is approved for wastewater disposal by connection to the municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The Wastewater Management Division shall allow no other method, or location of wastewater disposal without prior review and approval. 14. The wastewater disposal and water supply system for Lot 2 is subject to an easement onto the lands identified as Lot 1. No conveyance of the approved lot is allowed until such time as a copy of the executed easement has been recorded and indexed in the town land records. It is recommended that a copy of the executed easement be sent to the Wastewater Management Division. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on April 4, 2005. Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By A6-&W M -J zA aiX Dolores M. LaRiviere Assistant Regional Engineer C For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Select Board James Howley AGENCY OF NATUI Al. RESOURCES (ANR) AND NATURA) RESOURCES BOARD http://www.anr.sta us/dec/ead/pa/index.htm / http:Hw ate.vt.us/envboard/ PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT . TOTAL # OF DEC PERMITS: PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW: RESPONSE DATE: PENDING, 0APPLICATION #: WcO• Lt. rR3US DISTRICT: TOWN: ��n t J�i� PIN Q5-01OT OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: _ APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: (Name) ` a t (Name) (Address) 9 hoc.,' e" . (Address) (Town) (State) (Zip) (Telephone) — '7a lln . 051L163 (Town) (State) (Zip) Tele hone) Project Name: Based on a written or oral request or information provided by S L^I&OU-tI received on _3�11•05 , a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of 0 9(0 acres, located on 973 P-4k�o� iP,-' The project is generally described as: ftm a-� 0,.96,14; �a� I.�� �� 13 A-S15t0-b-2r I-tw s��e /C.j :`"�•• _ I-e$—(Ac 1u Ep4 V.1Pi ��/ pi1� �YV1 �1�4�C`� t-P �j�uNC� bt Vt�VQ COl�V`C L�FtC +CM/ 1��� Prior permits from this office: PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ® I hereby request a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordinator or Assistant District Coordinator regarding the jurisdiction of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250) over the project described above. ❑ Landowner/Agent ❑ Permit Specialist ❑ Other Person ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION, AND A WRITTEN REQUEST FROM THE ANR PERMIT SPECIALIST, THE LANDOWNER/AGENT, OR OTHER PERSON. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V. S.A. Chapter 220). (#47) ** Project: ❑ Commercial residential ❑ Municipal Has the landowner subdivided before? ❑ Yes ❑ No When/where: # of lots: AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: ❑ Yes No Copies sent to Statutory Parties: ❑ Yes No BASIS FOR DECISION: .��•�,C�y¢-�`�. 3,..p�"tT�rc_S v�Y C_cY�S �s 3.,i'� O— �..�`�''�T� w��� Z�� SIGNATURE: 2 1 DATE: 3no 05ADDRESS: District #L-A Environmental Commission District oordinator Telephone: 111 West St. Essex Jct. Vt. 05452 l / WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED?Yes ElNo Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (#I & 42)** ❑ Notice of Permit Requirements (deferral language ) (#2) ❑ Floor Drains (t(1.2) ❑ Campgrounds (tt3) ❑ Extension of sewer lines (#5) REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED:'boko'es SIGNATURE: _ DATE: T,'?F 5 ADDRESS: Dept. of Environmental Conservation Environmen I istance Division, Permit Specialist Telephone: / El Wastewntei Ma gement Division, Telephone: OVER »»»»»»» —NOTE: NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES (#) REFER TO PERMIT INFORMATION SHEETS IN THE VERMONT PERMIT HANDBOOK littp://www.atir.state.vt.us/dec/pertnit hb/index.htm THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON-BINDINu JETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERIv,� i S WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO j COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS INDICATED BELOW. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-41-3822) Contact: ❑ Discharge Permits: pretreatment; industrial, municipal (#7_1, 7_2, & 8) ❑ Indirect Discharge Permits (#9 & 9_1) ❑ Residuals Management (#10) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888-520-4879) Contact: ❑ Construction/modification of source (#14) ❑ Open Burning (#18) ❑ Wood Chip Burners (>90 HP) (#14) ❑ Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation (#14) ❑ Industrial Process Air Emissions (#14) ❑ Diesel Engines (>450 bHP) (#14) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) (800-823-8500 in VT) Contact: ❑ New Hydrants (#22) ❑ >500' waterline construction (#22) ❑ Community Water System (CWS) ❑ Bottled Water (#20) ❑ Operating permit (#21) ❑ Transient Non -Community water system (TNC) (#21) ❑ Capacity Review for Non -transient non -community water systems (NTNC) (#21) 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR STORMWATER PERMITS (Hotline 802-241-4320) (#6 — 6.5) Contact: Contact: Stephanie Lanphear 802-241-4320 ❑ River Management (241-3770) ❑ Ponds (#32.1) ❑ Construction General Permits>1AC of disturbance (#6.1)241-3779 ❑ Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Steve Hanna (#28) ❑ Stormwater from new development or redevelopment sites (#6.2 & 6_3) ❑ Wetlands (241-3770) (#29) ❑ Multi -Sector General Permit (MSGP) industrial activities w/ SIC codes (#6.4) ❑ Stream Alteration / Section 401 Water Quality Certification / Stream Crossing Structures (751-0129 / 879-5631 / 786-5906 (#27 & 32) (�)WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: ❑ Hazardous Waste Handler site ID (241-3888) (#36) ❑ Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) (#331, ❑ Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities drop off (241-3444) (#37,39,40) ❑ Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) ❑ Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) (#41 & 44) ❑ Composting Facilities (241-3444) (#43) ❑ Waste oil burning (241-3888) ❑ Waste transporter permit (#35) ❑ Demolition waste 241-3477 )R::jIsed septic system components/stone (#41) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: ❑ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.) (241-3451) (#45) ❑ State -funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MERCURY DISPOSAL HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) #46) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS & MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: Judy Mirro/John Daly 10. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (802-241-3700) Contact : ❑ Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) (#47.4) ❑ Stream Obstruction Approval (#47.5) 11. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office Contact: ❑ Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) (#49, 50, 50.1, 50.2) ❑ Storage of flammable liquids, explosives ❑ LP Gas Storage ❑ Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers (#50.2) ❑ Boilers and pressure vessels (#50.3) 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: ❑ Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors (#51, 51.1, 52, 53, 53.1) ❑ Program for asbestos control & lead certification (#54, 55, 55.1) ❑ Children's camps - ❑Hot Tub Installation & Inspection — Commercial (#51.1) 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: ❑ Child care facilities (1-800-649-2642 or 802-241-2159) (#57) ❑ Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) (#59) ❑ Nursing Homes (241-2345) (#59) ❑ Assisted Living and Therapeutic Community Residences (241-2345) (#59) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact`. ❑ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) (#66) ❑ Junkyards (828-2053) (#62) ❑ Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) (#63) ❑ Railroad crossings (828-2710) (#64) ❑ Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) (#61) ❑ Airports and landing strips (828-2833) (#65) ❑ Construction within state highway right-of-way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) (#66) ❑ Motor vehicle dealer license (828-2067) (#68) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (800-675-9873) Contact: ❑ Use/sale of Pesticides (828-3478) (#72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) ❑Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) (#81) ❑ Milk Processing Facilities (828-3428) (#83, 83.1, 85, 87) ❑ Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-2421) (#89, 89.1) ❑ Golf Courses (828-3478) (#71) ❑ Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) (#88) ❑ Green Houses/Nurseries (828-3481) (#79) ❑ Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) (#75.1, 80, 16. VERMONT ENERGY CODE ASSSISTANCE CENTER TOLL FREE 888-373-2255 ❑ VT Building Energy Standards (#47.2) 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) ❑ Historic Buildings (#47.1 & 101) ❑ Archeological Sites (#47.1 & 101) 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) ❑ Liquor Licenses (#90) ❑ General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) ❑ Business Registration (#90.1) ❑ Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) (#90.2) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551 & 828-5787) ❑ Income & business taxes (sales, meals/ rooms, etc) (#91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96) 21. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2070) ❑ Fuel Taxes; Commercial Vehicle (#69-70) (12-I'l LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 2' U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 8 Carmichael St., Ste. 205, Essex Jct., VT 05452 (802) 872-2893 (#97, 98, & 99) 24. OTHER: Sections #3424 above have been completed by Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Date.7-9-Ir-6 may be reached at 802-879-5676 Copies have been mailed to: Revised 2/05 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 17, 2005 Leonard Amblo Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 N South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Minutes — Basiliere Property Dear Mr. Amblo: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the February 1, 2005 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, '6f Betsy Mc onough Administrative Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 1 iFEBRUARY 2005 The applicant asked to combine preliminary and final plats. Mr. Dinklage said this would be at the applicant's risk. 6. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Application #CU-04-30 of Wesley & Patricia Eldred for conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to expand the single family dwelling by enclosing a 560 sq. ft. portion of an open porch, 114 Central Avenue: Mr. Eldred showed the area to be enclosed. Mr. Belair said there are no issues for staff. Mr. Eldred asked about the requirement for landscaping. Mr. Dinklage explained that the amount for landscaping can be worked out with staff. Mr. Boucher moved to approve Conditional Use Application #CU-04-30 of Wesley & Patricia Eldred subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Continued site plan Application #SP-04-46 of Ichiban Oishii, Inc., to amend a previously approved plan for a 123 seat standard restaurant. The amendment consists of 1) constructing a 500 sq. ft. addition to the restaurant, and 2) constructing a 38 space parking lot expansion, 702 Shelburne Load: Mr. Belair noted that the outstanding items were screening along the parking lot and one- way angled parking. The plan also now shows a right-of-way to indicate legal access. Mr. Kupferman asked about drainage. The applicant showed the direction of drainage and the location of catch basins. No other issues were raised. Mr. Boucher moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-04-46 of Ichiban Oishii, Inc., subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sketch plan application #SD-05-01 of Anthony Basilere for a planned unit development to subdivide a 0.26 acre parcel developed with two single family dwellings into two lots of 0.13 acres each, 21 and 23 Meadow Road: The applicant explained that the 2 houses on the lot have existed for many years. Mr. Belair noted that dividing the lots will create 2 non -conforming lots. It was noted that the applicant has applied for a PUD so the dimensional standards can be waived. Staff recommends that waivers be granted for minimum lot size, building -3- 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 1 1♦EBRUARY 2005 coverage, overall coverage and rear yard setback. The DRB can't grant a setback waiver for any structure to be placed within 5 feet of any boundary line, and the applicant proposes a front yard setback of 4.1 feet for lot #2. This will have to be addressed. The question of an easement across lot #1 for access to lot #2 was raised. The applicant showed the location of this. Mr. Belair noted that the proposed subdivision will make things more complying. He added that this is an odd pre-existing situation. No other issues were raised. 9. Public Hearing: Conditional Use Application 4CU-04-19 of Humane Society of Chittenden County for conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The request is to create a 7,257 sq. ft. fenced in supervised dog play area, 142 Kindness Court: and 10. Site Plan Application #SP-04-55 of Humane Society of Chittenden County to amend a previously approved plan for a 16,700 sq. ft. animal shelter. The request is to create a 7,257 sq. ft. fenced in supervised dog play area, 142 Kindness Court: Mr. Rabinowitz said they will be fencing in a grassed area that is now open. This will be done with a 6-foot chain link fence. The area will also be used for outdoor classes. Mr. Rabinowitz noted this is a relatively flat area and they have done no filling. Mr. Belair noted coverages will change, but this is not an issue. Mr. Boucher moved to approve Conditional Use Application #CU-04-19 and Site Plan Application #SP-04-55 of Humane Society of Chittenden County subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Public Nearing: Conditional Use Application #CU-04-18 of Brad Rabinowitz Architect, for conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is to amend a previously approved plan for a 16,700 sq. ft. building for animal shelter use. The amendment consists of retaining an existing building for ausc as a single family dwelling (caretaker cottage), 60 Kindness Court: and 12. Site Plan Application #SD-04-54 of Brad Rabinowitz Architect to amend a previously approved plan for a 16,700 sq. ft. building for animal shelter use. The amendment consists of retaining an existing building for use as a single family dwelling (caretaker cottage), 60 Kindness Court: Mr. Dinklage noted receipt of a letter from the applicant's attorney. Permit Number SD- 0�- o I APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Volume 445, Page 504 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Anthony Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-363-9167 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Fee Simple 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Leonard H. Amblo, L.S. Button Professional Land Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203 North South Burlington, VT 05403 802-863-1812 (phone) 802-383-0456 (fax) 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 21 and 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, VT 05403 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 1150-21-23 (21 & 23 Meadow Road) 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) No change in use on the property is proposed at this time. c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 2,291 S.F. d) Proposed height of building (if applicable) Not applicable e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Two residential dwellings exist on the property. The proposal is for each dwelling to be on it's own lot. No new units are proposed. f) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) The subdivision essentially involves dividing the existing 0.26-acre parcel in half, with one dwelling on each proposed lot. Utilities serving Lot 2 currently tie into the existing house on Lot 1 and are proposed to be relocated (with appropriate easements) across Lot 1. No change in use is proposed. 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: #23 Meadow Existing: 20.3% Lot 1 Proposed: 24.4% Lot 2 Proposed: 16.1 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) #23 Meadow Existing: 41.1 % Lot 1 Proposed: 60.5% Lot 2 Proposed: 21.4% c) Front yard (along each street) #23 Meadow Existing: 57.4% Lot 1 Proposed: 57.4% Lott Proposed: 33.9% 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) No existing encumbrances were recovered. Proposed Easements: 1. 15' Wide Access & Utility Easement Over Lot 1 to benefit Lot 2 2. 10' Wide Utility Easement Over Lot 2 to benefit Lot 2 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) Utilities currently serving the dwelling on Lot 2 (sewer, water, electricity) currently run to/from the dwelling on Lot 1. The proposal is to relocate the sewer service (to Lot 2) between the dwelling on Lot 1 and the Lot 1 southerly property line (with an appropriate easement) connecting to the sewer main on Meadow Road. The water service to Lot 2 is proposed to run across the northerly end of Lot 1 (within an Access & Utility Easement), connecting to the water main on Meadow Road. 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) Cecile Barnes, 410 South Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top, PA 18707 Saffaa Alsaffar & Hania Mahassen, 19 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Michael Sheehan & Elise McLaughlin, 29 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 Jeremy King, 24 Meadow Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 David & Susan Brunelle, 14 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 David Shiman & Elise Guyette, 20 Orchard Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: June of 2005 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A sketch subdivision application fee is $125. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of knowledge. AW4� SIGNATURE OF APPLICAA�NT SIGNATURE PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line C � DATE OF SUBMISSION: J d C I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: �Compl efe) ❑ Incomplete Zoning or Designee V Date CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONE'4G 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 28, 2005 Leonard Amblo, L.S. Button Land Professional Surveyors 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 203N South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 21 & 23 Meadow Road Dear Mr. Amblo: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 25, 2005 \drb\sub\basiliere\sketch.doc Application received: January 5, 2005 BASILIERE — 2-LOT (MINOR) SUBDIVISION 23 MEADOW ROAD SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-05-01 Agenda #8 Meeting Date: February 1, 2005 Owners/Applicant PropertV Information Anthony Basiliere Tax Parcel 1150-00023-R 23 Meadow Road 0.26 acres So. Burlinaton. VT 05403 Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \d rb\s u b\ba si l i e re\s ketc h. d o c Anthony Basiliere, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking sketch plan review of a planned unit development to subdivide a 0.26 acre parcel developed with two (2) single family dwellings into two (2) lots of 0.13 acres each, 21 & 23 Meadow Road. Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on January 5, 2005 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements R4 Zoning District Required Proposed ♦ Min. Lot Size 9,500 SF Lot 1: 5,670 SF Lot 2: 5,609 SF �► Max. Density 4 units/acre 7.7 units/acre ♦ Max. Building Coverage 20% Lot 1: 24.4% Lot 2: 16.1 % ♦ Max. Overall Coverage 40% Lot 1: 60.5% Lot 2: 21.4% w► Min. Front Setback 30 ft. Lot 1: 13 ft. 10 ft. Lot 2: 4.1 ft. - Min. Side Setback Lot 1: 10 ft. Lot 2: 10 ft. ♦ Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. Lot 1- 8.2 ft. A Lot 2: 16 ft. zoning compliance ♦ waiver required pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) �► pre-existing noncompliance 40 prohibited pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) The proposed project involves two existing single-family dwellings on one lot. This project will not change the existing conditions on the site. It will however, create two noncomplying lots and structures based on the dimensional standards outlined in Table C-2 of the Land Development Regulations. The applicant has applied for a PUD, so that many of the dimensional standards can be waived. Staff suggests that the Development Review Board grant the applicant a waiver for the minimum lot size, the building coverage, the overall coverage, and the proposed rear yard setback for Lot #1. Pursuant to Section 15.02(A)(3) of the Land Development Regulations, the Development Review Board cannot grant the applicant a setback waiver that will result in any structure being within five (5) feet from any boundary line. The applicant is proposing a front yard setback of 4.1 feet for Lot #2. 1. Staff recommends that the Development Review Board grant the applicant the requested waivers for the minimum lot size, the building coverage, the overall coverage, and the proposed rear yard setback for Lot #1. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\su b\basiliere\sketch.doc 2. The proposed boundary line should be adjusted so that the minimum setback from any boundary line is a minimum of five (5) feet, prior to submittal of the next plat application. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at an acceptable pressure. The existing single-family dwellings are connected to the public water system. However, the applicant is proposing to make a new connection into the water main on Meadow Road, which will require contacting the South Burlington Water Department. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The existing single-family dwellings are connected to the public sewer system. However, the applicant is proposing to make a new connection into the sewer main on Meadow Road. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Lot #1 and Lot #2 are currently accessed by a private driveway off of Meadow Road. This access will not be altered through the proposed project. A fifteen (15) foot -wide right-of-way is proposed across Lot #1 to serve Lot #2. Section 3.05(B)(2)of the Land Development Regulations requires that the right-of0way be a minimum of twenty (20) feet wide. 3_ The plans shall be revised to depict a twenty (20) foot -wide right-of-way serving Lot #2, prior to submittal of the next plat application. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\sub\basiliere\sketch.doc The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The proposed project does not involve and construction, so this criterion is not applicable. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. Staff feels this requirement is being met. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff feels this requirement is being met. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Lot Layout. According to Section 15.10 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, a minimum width to length ratio of one to five (1:5) shall be used as a guideline by the Development Review Board in evaluating lot proportions. Square or roughly square lots shall not be approved. Do to the existing conditions of the subject property, the two lots proposed through this project are in compliance with this criterion. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "comments section of this document prior to submitting a preliminary plat application. Respectfully submitted, rian Robertson, Associate Planner Copy to: Anthony Basiliere BUT` PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY( P.C. 2u KIMBALL AVENUE, SUITE 203 NORTH SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802)863-1812 (800)570-0685 vbutton(c,aol.com Vau,hn C. Button, L.S. Leonard H. Amblo. I..S. January 5, 2005 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ray, We are writing on behalf of our client, Tony Basdiere, regarding his proposed two -lot subdivision located on Meadow Road. As you know, Mr. Busiliere is proposing to subdivide his 0.260-acre parcel at 23 Meadow Road into two 0.13-acre lots. Currently there are two detached dwellings on the property and the proposal is to have each dwelling on it's own lei. The utilities serving the dwelling at the rear of the lot (proposed Lot 2) currently tie into the dwelling (At the front of the lot (proposed Lot 1) and are proposed to be relocated (with appropriate easements) across Lot 1. New connections to the City water main and sewer main located on Meadow Road are proposed for Lot 2. As we've discussed, the proposal does not involve any change of use and will not change the nature of the parcel, as it currently exists. The parcel is located in the Residential 4 (R4) Zoning District and based on the proposed subdivision, we are requesting the following variances: 1) The minimum lot size in the R4 District is 9,500 S.F. The proposed lot size for Lot 1 is 5,670 S.F. and 5,609 S.F. for Lot 2. 2) The minimum front yard setback in the R4 District is 30'. The proposed distance from the Lot 2 dwelling to the proposed property line is approximately 4.1 feet. 3) The minimum rear yard setback in the R4 District is 30'. The proposed distance from the Lot 1 dwelling to the proposed property line is approximately 8.2 feet. 4) The maximum lot coverage in the P.4 District is 40°%. The proposed coverage for Lot 1 is 60.5%. Please find attached the following: • Check for application fee of $125.00 • Application for Subdivision Sketch Plan Review • Five (5) full size copies of the 2-Lot Subdivision Plat • One (1) reduced 11"47" copy of the 2-Lot Subdivision Plat We are hoping at this time to be considered for Sketch Plan Review at the next available meeting. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Christopher Haggerty Attachments L:\BPL5-Projects_Drawings\South Burlington_70\SOUR0071-GILBERT STREET\Cover Letter Belair.doc TOTAL # DEC PERMITS RESPONSE DATE DISTRICT c_ TOWN OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW_ PENDING APPLICATION # s0074 AUkUkQ70/y PIN #_ NAME:,4IU711DAY /5ASIL1,eRE JAyKE5 AASK14-WC, rv� /3a��uF,2E l�(Dw+�S /3AS��Le,2E ADDRESS: ­-�3 n4CA ak1 Qa(. ADDRESS: �o.614,k-( -IKI('7ox) 1l7- OSVd TELEPHONE: �c (ram — TELEPHONE: Based on information provided by U/-� !,",4 1*11Z'AIreceived on ! a-15 a project was reviewed on a tractttracts of land of acres, located on yh4F4frJ Q.ri. he project is generally described as: / IAJOk AoawdA�y 0,WA1JCEs v 4E-fx1S7/,UC La73 (Al n' A3 M,154dew 2d. j . cd.44)6'E occuot(xic /�) l `?Fl A)ItL JJ67 kt Q-U1A r A 57`,476 5ur6d. ACtMI T ACA ; " PP24CCLO u.Q E R-f-LATEd 7U ,QcdrSIOAJS DF 5 u drdrbl041S " QAatzO 104EC '9(0; .4S AS AUO G-UT Od4A US A(A dF_ 7. 1L1,fA1 414er 4- AU077(/-4JG n1ok-c -rWaX) lEiE PQE EX.,s-71t)G ,4ouJF f QA,�aaF_ A,4A�7MCuJ7 A2r AQC<,d BUJ rF/E GOj Pr'1or Permits From This Office: �E�* PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 6007(C)). Commercial, .residential or municipal project? Has the landowner subdivided before? AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED _ COMMENTS: SIGNATURE: (Assistant) District Coordinator Length of new/improved road(s) When/where/# of lots YES NO; Copies sent to Statutory Parties:. YES NO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIO DISTRICTS #4, 6 & 9 111 WEST STREET DATE. ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT CJ2 Telephone 9 7 9- S- to /y 2. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED YES )— NO Water Suppiy & Wastewater Disposal Subdivision &/or Exemption Deferral of Subdivision Tent/Travel Trailer Campground Mobile Home Park _Floor Drains (UIC) Sewer Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: SIGI\ IATURE: DATE: cam' Environmental Assistance Division AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIC ADDRESS: 111 WEST STREET Wastewater Management Division Telephone: 9 7 1 - 5 � 5 6 ESSEX JCT., VT 05452 THIS IS.A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS INDICATED BELOW AMID ON THE REVERSE SIDE. 3. WASTEWATEP MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: Discharge Permit; pretreatment permits; industrial, municipal Stormwater permits (state and federal, UIC) Indirect discharge Permit Residuals management sludge disposal 5 &.5 o 1 Pl Sd EFE j Fv,Q N44-OLY4) A- 05" T S Gig" -7/;Zr/4'7 OVER OTH` PERMITS AND REVIEWS YOU MAY NEEDi 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3840) Contact: 1 Construction/modification of source Open Burning Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation Industrial Process Air Emissions ' 'ontinued) Diesel Engines (> 200 bHP) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) Contact: Well head protection areas Bottled Water New Hydrants Sprinkler Systems Construction Permit, water system improvements Permit to operate New Source 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hydroelectric Projects (241-3770) Use of chemicals in State waters(241-3777) Shoreland encroachment (241-3777) Aquatic nuisance control (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate. (241-3770) Stream Alteration (748-8787/786-5906) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) Hazardous waste handler notification requirement (241=3888) Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) Waste oil burning (241-3888) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact:__ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.)(241-3451) State funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Contact: Judy Mirro 802-241-3745 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact: Nongame & Natural Heritage program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obstruction Approval 11. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office# Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) Storage of flammable liquids, explosives LP Gas Storage Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers Boilers and pressure vessels 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Child care facilities (241-2158) Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Junkyards (828-2067) Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) Railroad crossings (828-2760) Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) Construction within state highway right -of way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contact: Use/sale of pesticides (828-2431) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Milk processing facilities (828-2433) Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-2421) Golf courses (828-2431) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) Green Houses/Nurseries (82872431) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16. PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD (802-828-2358) Hydro projects Sells water to 1 or more persons 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3226) Historic buildings Archeological sites 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-43°-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals & rooms, amusement machines) 21. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste g.DLOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. FEDERAL PERMITS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BLDG 10-18, CAMP JOHNSON, COLCKESTER, VT 05446 (655-0334) 25. OTHER: REVISION DATE: Form Date 11/97 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 2, 1997 Carolyn Alberts 19 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 19 and 23 Meadow Road Dear Ms. Alberts: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 A question has arisen as to the validity of the subdivision of the two (2) lots at 19 and 23 Meadow Road. Please be advised that it is the City's position that the Zoning Board of Adjustment decision of 12/14/81 validates this subdivision. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Since ly, t/�l� Raymo d J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp cc: Kathie Goodheart AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES '.R) AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD'(ACT 250) PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TC T %ti : DEC PERMITS RESPCNSE DATE PENDING APPLICATION DIST-RiCT T 0WN�5'& Zd 16019(.1Xj: T4i(I PIN OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: NA .E: (A&,YK) 1406"rs ADDRESS 14 M6.48312�1 Ak -=-L _ APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE.' NAM E: ADDRESS: TE LE?HONE: Bid on information provided by[�a� , received on ? a,) a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of!and of acres, located on McAtl/lu_) Gd--O • ' T e project is generally described as: M, zlok 1.4oujrj0AAy 044qxjQf.S -ro P�`-Fxrsr,UC, t-,17s e M2M rFrtf6 AS / 4 .1 a3 M fAAdw >2d� CAUa>t OCCu��QING l�l 1qf j U)IL. Ik)0 2EQulk� 4 sTl4lA- sut IUtstvs�l IOf:QInAL7 P€�? "N2nC+�Du�f 2>ru�7�4 iro /2£�:Srvltl� DF Su�trlr�ISroa1S 1)47Erd !O j6kC• "2; AS LOAJG 4 1� p co-r L4,4 4A)dcs i4AUC-;Atekr 3 A-Aec- srNCrE / 411; of U07"dHJU4 A6k'C 7y-jAAJ A Z;1A)CCr, FAlkit-V fid)uE' IS A-AeXbd 6JU 74-c- LJT �Uo s?r47� su�vdturSyo� /�Es�wtt?s Ci1tCL /;✓ �£C4EQ PrN P--r.it; From This Ofnce: PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMIE NCE',1ENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL C=IN!CN EASED UPON AVAILABLE INFOR :'ATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE GUTCC, .Y.,,Y APPEAL TO THE ENV1R0t::'ENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 5007(C)). C=mmercial, residential or municipal prcject? Has the landowner subdivided before? AIN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED:_ C0M. 11.1ENTS: SIGi .TURE: Length of newlmproved roads) .: -ec ,vIn _` lots YES `.C: Cc pies sent to Statutory Parma:_ YES NO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISS10 DISTRICTS #4, 6 & 9 111 WEST STREET DATE r ?DDRESS (�F DIFFER -ENT): Ill JUNCTION, VT 054F2 GI6 '1 nJ 2- WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DMSION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED YES X— NO Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal Subdivision Wor Exemption Deferral of Subdivision Tent/Travel Trailer Campground Mobile Hcme Park Sewer Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: _ a AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES SIGNATURE:%'iJ�� �? ��'Z G%'�'DATE: -1 —< ADDRESS: n OF ENIIIOWEST STREET NMENTAL SERVATIO Environmental Assistance Division ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 Wastewater Management Division Telephone: 2 ) R 7 9 -57,r S(e i HIS IS A PREUMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS NDICATED. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DMSION, ANR (802-2413822) Contact Discharge Permit: pretreatment permits, industrial, municp2� Stormwater permits (state and federal) Indirect discharge permit Residuals management sludge disposal OTHER PERMITS YOU MAY NEED: (Continued) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DMSION,'...R (802-241-3840) Contact: Construction/modification of source Waste oil burning Open Burning Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation Industrial Process Air Emissions Diesel Engines L 200 bHP) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) Underground injection control (Floor Drains) Construction Permit, water system improvements 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Hydroelectric Projects (241-3770) Shoreland encroachment (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Stream Afteration (748-87871786-5906) Contact: Well head protection areas Bottled Water Permit to operate New Source Contact: Use of chemicals in State waters(241-3777) Aquatic nuisance control (241-3777) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate; (241-3770) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Hazardous waste handler notification requirement (241-3888) Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3737) Con _ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft-)(241-3451) _ State funded municipal water/sewer extensionslupgrades (241-3737) Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact:_ Nongame &. Natural Heritage program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obstruction Approval 11. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office# Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, access Storage of flammable liquids, explosives Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers Boilers and pressure vessels LP Gas Storage 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-Z550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Child care facilities (241-2158) Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Junkyards (828-2049) Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) Railroad crossings (828-2760) Development within 500' of a limited acces.� highway (828-2653) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) _r' on§truction within stats7iry�i��(vJri�ht-c?>=�r+ay (Unir�es'Signs, etc.) _ (,828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contact: Use/sale of pesticides (828-2431) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Milk processing facilities (828-2433) Animal shefters/kennels/livestock dealers (828-2421) Goff courses (828-2431) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-243&) - Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Po uttry/Oleo/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16. PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD (802-828-2358) Hydro projects Sells water to 1 or more persons 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3226) Historic buildings Archeological sites 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-842-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2366) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals & rooms, amusement machines) 21. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste c�LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 73. FEDERAL PERMITS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BLDG 10-18, CAMP JOHNSON, COLCHESTER, VT 05446 (655-0334) 24. Ar.iERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 25. OTHER: REVISION DATE: 3197 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 12, 1982 The motion was seconded by Mr. Levesque. In discussing the motion Mr. Poger noted the absence of any representative of Investers Corporation of Vermont. He called for a vote and the motion passed unanimously. Sketch plan application b- James and Ethel Basiliere for a 2-lot subdivision at 21-23 Meadow Road. Mr. Spitz said he had no slides on this property but said it was originally designed to contain 2 lots, and the lot sizes would conform with the others in the neighborhood. He added that the Zoning Board has already granted a variance in lot size since one will be slightly under 10,000 square feet. Chairman Poger asked Mrs. Basiliere to have the line surveyed and get back to the planner with a site plan. Site Plan Application by Ray Unsworth for a 3600 square foot industrial building on Airport Parkway just south of Lime Kiln Bridge. Mr. Spitz showed slides of the Unsworth property, pointing out the existing buildings on surrounding property and its proximity to the Lime Kiln bridge, St. Michaels College and the Airport. He noted that the building would have to be placed 100' from the river. The access was designed to serve future development. The property contains 8.7 acres and the use in the zone was cleared with the City Council. Paul Wamsganz then displayed the site plan and pointed out the area proposed for the building. He said the entrance was developed with potential growth in mind, that Mr. Unsworth was not going to sub -divide. The entrance was designed to avoid the septic system. He felt if other buildings were erected the one entrance would serve them all. Chairman Poger asked what use was proposed for the building. Mr. Wamsganz said it was to be a service center for truck repair. The Commission members asked about storage and Mr. Spitz said the vehicles would be parked on the gravel parking area, there would be no storage except in that area. Mr. Mona expressed his concern that the area be well screened and Mr. Woolery said he hoped there would not be an accumulation of unregistered cars on the site. Chairman Poger said the parking area should be well landscaped. Mr. Wamsganz said that trucks shouldn't be tied up for a long time and Mr. Mona said whatever was there should be well hidden. Mr. Wamsganz said the total cost of the planned landscaping meets the 3% require- ment, they were planning to have white pines along Airport Parkway, 25 feet apart and about 8 to 12 feet high, 2 flowering crabs at the entrance about 6 to 7 feet high and Japanese yews 15 to 18 inches high in front of the building. He said he was working with Gardenside Nursery on the landscaping. Chairman Poger felt the landscaping should be denser between the building and the road. The Commissioners agreed that they would like him to check on other trees which might be denser and faster growing. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGMN Subdivision Application - SKEICH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record(,�a. 3 ,Me I JI -XId G 386 b. Applicantk c. Contact person lScF�l,c�ccfe- 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lo0tsi,C units, or parcels and proposed use (s) . -;� 1�.,v-•�i�f -vita f'- _.* C� x < / /O-IA 'Q_ 14 1.4 Ail. 7. i/ (3k. � �.i'P . rOr �w �L•s Y i ;2�.. _ r: 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. i 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: ` r 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of, record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. gnature) applica t or contact person a to MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 1/8/82 2) ICV, Shunpike Road I have been notifed by telephone that I.C.V. is withdrawing its application for this property. I hope to have written verification of that withdrawal before next Tuesday's meeting, otherwise it will be necessary to deny the application. 3) ,Basiliere, Meadow Road Existing lot contains 20,400 square feet. Zoning Board has approved area and frontage variances that will allow a 9,000 square foot lot with 60 feet frontage and an 11,400 square foot lot with 76 feet frontage. No setback variances have been granted. This subdivision will be compatible with the neighborhood as many existing lots are as small or smaller than the proposed lots. I see no problems with this application. 4) Unsworth, Airport Parkway Proposed building is on an 8.7 acre parcel located on Airport Parkway just south of the Lime Kiln bridge. Property is large enough to accommodate several build- ings. No subdivision is being proposed now, however, access is being laid out with considerations of potential future development in mind. Proposed driveway lies between the bridge and a wide curve along much of the property, and site distance is sufficient in both directions. Proposed use(s) are listed as automotive repair or light industrial service. Parking for 12'cars is provided in connection with this type of use. Any change in type of use or expansion of use that would require more parking would need revised site plan approval. No outside storage is proposed. Several cars to be worked on may be parked for short time periods in the designated parking spaces. Landscaping value appears to be less than the required amount. Size of proposed trees must be indicated. 5 and 6) Bartlett Property and Precourt Because of unexpected delays (day in court), my memo on these items will not be available until Monday. 7) Dugan -Moore This proposal is identical to the site plan approved by the Planning Commission approximately one year ago. The approval expired last September. The Vermont Agency of Transportation right -of -way -division is currently working on acquisition of this parcel which is located at a key intersection for the proposed South Burlington connector. I�ASILI A 3 IRO po -1 No Text December 15, 1981 jt J h1r. James Basiliere 23 Meadow Road ,- South Burlington, Verm-^+- 05401 Dear Mr. Basiliere: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted your request for a zoning variance. Your proposal is subject to subdivision approval by the Planning Commission, you should contact the City Planner Mr. David Spitz at 863-2882 for scheduling. The Zoning Board will issue formal findings at a later date. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg November 24, 1981 :sir. James Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Basiliere: LUEnclosed is a copy of the presentation procedures used by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. When considering a variance the Board must find ttRt the five criteria has been rivet. e---, r Your request for a zoning variance has been tabled to December 14, 1981. At this meeting you should be prepared to address the five criteria. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning AdminiStrative Officer 1 Encl _ 0. / '•—' _'r ate- -- C.�-� Ga_ 4/ �Ri / % s---/h i 46 —max / s r-,• __1-_ _`. o, y�U - /3, �- a oa (, o /4) T -- Inc' . C.� t� �-- - -� - U J# ---- - 00, -- --------- s� N9'- 7�i,Jd `/ �,Z, o a c �5--✓ ---=-- -T--- ------- --- - __ - -- -- - _ -. __ --- -- — - -- -- — - - November 9, 1981 Mr. James Basiliere 23 Meadow Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Zoning hearing Dear Mr. Basiliere: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference izomt U on Monday, November 23, 1981 at 5:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this meeting. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Acuninistrative Officer W/mc9 LEGAL NOTICES SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Bur- linglon Zoning Regulations and Chapter I11. Title 10 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adiustment will hold a public hearing of the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday November 23, 1981, at S:00 P.M. to consider the following: I Appeal of James and Ethel Bosiliere seeking a variance, from Section 11.00, Dimensional re- quirements of the South Burling. Ion Regulations Request is for permission to subdivide on exist nip lot containing 20,400 square feel Into two lots, lot no. 1 contain ing 9.000 square feet with 60 feel IroNnge and lot no 7, containing II,41110 sauure Mel with 76 feet Iron loge, of 11 73 Meadow Rood. 7. Appear of V.L. Properties, Mervin Brown seeking a variance, from Section 6.00, Permitted Uses of the South Burlington Regu- lotions. Request is for permission to occupy aciproximolely 1100 square feet of on existing building for offices (aaproximately 1400 square feet for weight control cen- ter and 300 square feet for orrice of o electrical contractor) at 59S Dorset Street. Richard Word. Zoning Administrative Offli:er November 7, 1901 WMIRM " IYss s fee U NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Name, address and telephone # of applicant a Name, address of property owner t �i e ze_.'&A /( O S Q Property location and description I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance or decision of the administrative officer. I understand the meetings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). The legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing. I agree to pay the hearing fee of $30.00 which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Hearing Date S'1g ature of Appellant Do not write below this line --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference.Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on 1272 -on awe, , at (day of w ek) month and date) time to consider the following: Appeal of serking a_.,��. ,�,. from Section, 4 p / / of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to 41btj'r o F "or 0 w BASILIERE 21-23 Meadow Road Area R-4 District Section 11.00 Dimensional requirements - minimum lot 10,000 square feet single family - 18,000 square foot two family - minimum frontage 100 feet. Existing lot 20,400 square feet with 136 feet frontage - occupied by two dwellings. Proposed sub division creates one lot at 76xl50 (11,400 square feet) and lot 2 at 60x150 (9,000 square feet). -� Proposed under new zoning - single family - 9,500 square feet x 80 feet two family-12,000 square feet x 85 feet