HomeMy WebLinkAboutDR-12-04 - Decision - 0002 0004 Market StreetCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MASTER SIGNAGE PERMIT #DR-12-04 JUDGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 100 DORSET STREET & 4 MARKET STREET FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Judge Development Corporation, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking to amend a previously approved master signage permit. The amendment consists of revisions to the provisions for freestanding and wall -mounted signs, 100 Dorset Street & 4 Market Street. Pursuant to Section 6 of the City of South Burlington Sign Ordinance, the erection, alteration, or relocation of any sign within this district shall require design review by the South Burlington Design Review Committee (DRC) and Development Review Board (DRB). Section 8 of the Sign Ordinance requires all property owners within the DS/CC Sign District to obtain a Master Signage Permit. Based on testimony provided at the public hearing and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: STATEMENTS OF FACTS The applicant is seeking to amend a previously approved master sign permit for the properties at 100 Dorset Street & 4 Market Street. 2. The subject property falls within the Dorset Street/City Center Sign District and is subject to the South Burlington Sign Ordinance adopted June 3, 2002. 3. The application was received on September 17, 2012. 4. The owner of record of the subject property is Judge Development Corporation. 5. The Development Review Board held a Public Hearing on November 6, 2012. Tim Sullivan represented the applicant. 6. The applicant has submitted photographs of the existing wall and freestanding signage, as well as renderings of proposed signage. DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA In reviewing an application for signage, Staff has considered the following: (a) Consistent Design The design of a sign must be compatible and harmonious with the design of buildings on the subject property and nearby. The design of all signs on a property shall promote consistency in terms of color, graphic style, lighting, location, material and proportions. The property contains several distinct buildings, each with different architectural styles and CAUsers\Mark\Documents\South Burlington DRB\12.4.12 Meeting Decisions\DR_12_04_100Dorset&4Market_Judge_ffd (1).doc colors. The applicant proposes to establish consistency through common elements among free- standing signs, among types of wall signs, and among design and colors of wall signs for businesses without direct access to the outside. The Board finds that the proposed sign package achieves consistency in graphic style, lighting, material and proportions. Signs are proposed to be internally illuminated (except for sign type 4). No standalone lighting is proposed. Illuminated signs shall be limited to internal illumination. Per the SB Sign Ordinance, internal illumination is limited to text and graphics only. The remainder of the body of the sign must be opaque. The proposed sign types are in compliance with this standard. (b) Promotion of City Center Goals Signs shall be designed and located in a manner which reinforces and respects the overall stated goals of the sign district and City Center Plan, including a high aesthetic quality and pedestrian orientation. The DRC and DRB find that the proposed signage is of high aesthetic quality and are visually pleasing. The location (adjacent to the walkways) and size of the signs (less than 32 square feet for freestanding signs) are oriented towards the pedestrian. (c) Color & Texture The color and texture of a sign shall be compatible and harmonious with buildings on the property and nearby. The use of a maximum of three (3) predominant colors is encouraged to provide consistent foreground, text and background color schemes. Free-standing signs: the applicant is proposing that freestanding signs be limited to a holly green opaque background with white translucent copy (text) and graphics. The Board finds this acceptable. Wall signs: The applicant proposed six colors for wall -mounted signs: red, blue, green, grey, black and white. The Board and applicant representative reviewed alternatives. The Board finds that due to the varied building types throughout the property, wall signs for tenants / business with direct access to the outside, each individual sign shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) colors, and that there shall be no limit on the overall number of colors. Wall signs for tenants / businesses without direct access to the outdoors shall be limited to a holly green opaque background with white translucent copy (text) and graphics. Wall signs for tenants / business with direct access to the outside, each individual sign shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) colors, and that there shall be no limit on the overall number of colors. Sign casings shall be either black or white. Sign casing colors shall not count towards the maximum number of colors permitted on a sign. Wall signs for tenants / businesses without direct access to the outdoors shall be limited to a holly green opaque background with white translucent copy (text) and graphics. CAUsers\Mark\Documents\South Burlington DRB\12.4.12 Meeting Decisions\DR_12_04_100Dorset&4Market_Judge_ffd (1).doc 2 Fonts: Due to the varied nature of the buildings on the property, the Board finds that no limitation on font or font types shall be required. (d) Materials Used- Signs shall be designed and constructed of high -quality materials complimentary to the materials used in the buildings to which the signs are related • Signs are constructed of steel, aluminum, and plexiglass facing; these materials are weather -resistant, very commonly used, and appropriate for the district. • The Board finds that the materials are of high -quality and fitting for the urban environment envisioned in the City Center design district. Pursuant to Section 20 of the Sign Ordinance, all signs shall be of substantial and sturdy construction, kept in good repair, and painted or cleaned as necessary to maintain a clean, safe, and orderly appearance. The proposed sign package is of substantial and sturdy construction: as previously stated, materials are weather -resistant and high quality. The maintenance of orderly appearance shall be enforced. All signs shall be kept in good repair; landscaping surrounding the freestanding signs shall be kept trimmed and neat and shall not obscure the text of the signs. This criterion shall be enforced (e) Wall Mounted Signs Section 10 of the Sign Ordinance governs the size and location of wall -mounted signs and shall be enforced by the Code Officer. Pursuant to Table 10-1 of the Sign Ordinance, a wall -mounted sign for a multi -tenant building or a multi -building lot with a master signage permit in any district with freestanding or landscape sign shall not exceed 15% of the area of the facade to which it is attached or 100 sq. ft., whichever is smaller. Pursuant to Table 10-1 of the Sign Ordinance, the total area of all wall -mounted signs on the subject property shall not exceed 10% of the area of principal public facade of each building. Section 10(c) states that a wall -mounted sign shall not project above the roof or parapet of the building nor below the top of any first floor doorway unless permitted through the design review approval process. Pursuant to Section 10(d), a wall -mounted sign shall not cover any opening or project beyond the top or end of any wall to which it is attached. Section 10(g) stipulates that a wall -mounted sign shall not project from the wall in excess of 9". The Code Officer shall ensure that these requirements are met at the time of application of CAUsers\Mark\Documents\South Burlington DRB\12.4.12 Meeting Decisions\DR_12_04_100Dorset&4Market_Judge_ffd (1).doc 3 individual signs. (0 Freestanding Signs Section 9(h) states that free-standing signs along Dorset Street are to be located in a sign corridor that begins adjacent to the road Right -of -Way and runs sixteen (16) feet from the edge of the Right of Way toward the building face. One of the proposed freestanding signs is within the Dorset Street Sign Corridor and is in compliance with this criterion. Section 9(h) states that free-standing signs in the Dorset Street/City Center District may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in overall dimensions and may be no higher than twelve (12) feet, measured from the average finished grade at the base of the sign to the highest point of any part of the sign structure. This shall be enforced by the Code Officer at the time of application of individual signs. OTHER: Landscaping The proposed master signage permit proposes the removal of a tree on the property. Landscaping is not within the purview of the Sign Ordinance, and therefore is not reviewable by the Board with this application. The decision shall not be construed to make a finding or approval of such landscaping changes to the property. DECISION Motion by Roger Farley, seconded by Tim Barritt, to approve Design Review Application #DR- 12-04 of Judge Development Corporation subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall obtain a sign permit consistent with the master sign approval from the Code Officer prior to any changes to signs on the property 3. Illuminated signs shall be limited to internal illumination. 4. Wall signs for tenants / business with direct access to the outside, each individual sign shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) colors, and that there shall be no limit on the overall number of colors on the entire property. Sign casings shall be either black or white. Sign casing colors shall not count towards the maximum number of colors permitted on a sign. 5. Wall signs for tenants / businesses without direct access to the outdoors shall be limited to a holly green background with white copy (text) and graphics. These shall not be illuminated. These signs shall be 1" deep aluminum with %" Plexiglas copy. These signs shall match the spec sheet submitted by Barlo Signs, Sheet B-12-05-9661 sheet 3.4. CAUsers\Mark\Documents\South Burlington DRB\12.4.12 Meeting Decisions\DR_12_04_100Dorset&4Market_Judge_ffd (1).doc 4 6. Freestanding signs shall be limited to opaque green background with white translucent copy (text) and graphics 7. There are no limitations on font or font type. 8. Pursuant to Section 20 of the Sign Ordinance, all signs shall be of substantial and sturdy construction, kept in good repair, and painted or cleaned as necessary to maintain a clean, safe, and orderly appearance. 9. All signs shall be kept in good repair; landscaping surrounding the freestanding signs shall be kept trimmed and neat and shall not obscure the text of the signs. Tim Barritt yea nay abstain not present Mark Behr yea nay abstain not present Roger Farley yea nay abstain not present Art Klugo yea nay abstain not present Bill Miller yea nay abstain not present Michael Sirotkin yea nay abstain not present Bill Stuono yea nay abstain not present Motion carried by a vote of 6 — 0 — 0 Signed this 6th day of December 2012, by Digitally signed by Mark C. Behr Mark C B e h r em =Mark C. Behr, o, , c emaitil=mark@rhbpc.com=US Date: 2012.12.06 08:23:58-05'00' Mark Behr, Chairman Please note: An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail to the Superior Court, Environmental Division. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b). A copy of the notice of appeal must also be mailed to the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b)(4)(A). Please contact the Environmental Division at 802-828-1660 or hftp://vermontoudiciary.org/GTC/environmental/default.as for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.879.5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. C:\Users\Mark\Documents\South Burlington DRB\12.4.12 Meeting Decisions\DR_12_04_100Dorset&4Market_Judge_ffd (1).doc 5