HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU-18-01 - Supplemental - 0000 Market StreetI _t 4� yyr I n- Y ru ! I� � 0 Y o PLANNING & ZO�Q Itti m r-q March 7, 2018 Re: #CU-18-01 — Market Street Dear Applicant: ❑ Return Receipt (hardco ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) t9 - ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery;4 ',^y,�rq� ❑Adult Signature Required Y , ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Dellver ;' 3. Postmark Here Street and Apt. No., ort3S1#oxNo. """'--"-"""'--"--"--"'"" 14---M r-se--� --------------------- ---- City State, ZIP 4 " """"-'""--""'' "'"" s. v'T 05457- Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board concerning your recent applications. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, I Marla Keene Development Review Planner Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL -Return Receipt Requested # 7016 1370 0000 1412 0919 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.41()1 www.sburi.com ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A. Signature j�p / / ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X Q `�� r � so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by (Printed Name) I or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Arldfew Ro`'„e L-a.r'.n�.treux a Dtcx��s� Iq V'lor-se Pr Esse,e, V-T a 545 2 D. Is delivery address different from item 1 IO Addressee ? 111111111 III' I'll II I II lI I III I i II lI Il l l III ❑ duft Signature ❑ Registered ered Maill—ss® ❑� dult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 2555 6306 5298 39 p1 Certified Mail@ Delivery ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑ Return Receipt for ❑ Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) ❑ Collect on Deli very Restricted Delivery ^ '--• ired Mail ❑ Signature ConfirmationTM ❑ Signature Confirmation _ 7 016 1370 0000 141 C 0 919 fired Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery _ it $500) PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 9590 9402 2555 L30L 5298 39 United States Postal Service Firs t-Gies"MaiF,..,. Postage & F�Rttiii fYermit No. • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4�in this box• CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 ve ~ Matters Most !c in with someone special I like to send a quick text a long email to a friend or member with whom I've it of touch. The response re back, even if brief, is .ated and makes me feel acted with that person. also full of personal as - is and hobbies that add dour world. If you view extraneous "when I have ;oals, then it is doubtful u will ever make time for that if you'd like to expand Trent knowledge in order to advance in your career or explore a new one? That's a very important goal! But so is �x learning Span- ish or becom- ing a certified ff mushroom for- auer_ifthn.aearP aspirations that s� r would bring ful- fillment to your life. To make a commitment to these aspira- tions and hob- bies, schedule the time in your Lr as though it was a set ap- ent. Perhaps every Sunday to 4 p.m. is your "personal lon time." Or, search out in a desired subject and ance a week for a session. genuine start on some - hat matters most to you iay soon be a more regular your life. if having a cozy, orderly ; important to you, commit is well. Is there a chunk of ice or twice a week that n dedicate to solving a nized area of your home ases you stress? With this tment you will chip away i ness. The process maybe than you had hoped for, end resultwill be the same. 11 have a relaxing space 3 rou can enjoy the people, d aspirations, and hobbies ;tier most to you. theOther Paper • otherpapervt com a February 1, 2018 •-19- ,..w YNS t i� 3%.ii, FIBER W TREADMILL: Pacemaster SX-PRO SNOWBLOWER: Toro, 141cc 2-cy- a X:.-- Treadmill by Aerobics, Inc. You pick cle single stage, 21 inch wide, $125. -- • - -. up. 802-578-6379. (02/01) 802-862-2725.(01/25) — — — — — ' I PUBLIC HEARING 1 Classifieds 1. SOUTxBURLINGTON A FREE service for South Burlington residents. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1 BOARD Please Check One Below 1 I 1 ❑ Free Ad: Ads from South Burlington residents for ITEMS FOR SALE, I The South Burlington De- 1 FREE ITEMS, TAG SALES,WANTED ITEMS, FOUND ITEMS, LOST ITEMS and I velopment Review Board VEHICLES FOR SALE will be printed for 2 weeks free of charge, :"g will hold a public hearing 1 on a space available basis. I in the South Burlington City 1 I Hall Conference Room, 19 ❑ Paid Ad: SERVICE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or FOR RENT BY OWNER I Gregory Drive, South Burl- 1 ads cost $20 per week. Make checks payable to The Other Paper and I ington, Vermont on Tuesday mail to the address listed at the bottom of this form. I February20,2018 at 7:00 RM. 1 I to consider the following: 1 week(s) @ $20/wk = $ (please submit this amount) Conditional use applica- 1 Ad information (30 words or less) and applicable payment must be received I tion #CU-18-01 of South by our THURSDAY NOON deadline to be included in the next issue. I Burlington City Center, LLC Submit ads online at www.otherpapersbvt.com, mail this form to the to place fill in wetlands and I address below, or email to classifieds@otherpapersbvt.com. I Name, address and phone number are required forresidency verification. I wetland buffers and to clear trees within the wetland and buffers for the purpose of Name: preparing the property for 1 I future development, Market Phone Number: Street. Address: Bill Miller, Chair 1 South Burlington Develop - Advertisement: (50 words or less) I went Review Board' 1 1 1 A copy of the application is 1 1 available for public inspec- tion at the South Burlington ' City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prereq- uisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. 1 I 1 The Other Paper, 1340 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. ; February 1, 2018 — — _ — — — — — — v — — — — — — — — — — — — e a — — — a ere ,...._ F Y JAL ORGANIZING SERVICES, HELPS Ev ry Business, W Acceptable Management Practices for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The "Acceptable Management Practices for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont" ("AMPs") were first adopted on August 15, 1987 under the authority of Chapter 47 of Title 10 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, Water Pollution Control (10 V.S.A. §1251 a and 1259(f)). See Code of Vermont Rules 12 020 010. The initial adopted rule provided that "the AMPs are the proper method for the control and dispersal of water collecting on logging roads skid trails and log landings to minimize erosion and reduce sediment and temperature changes in streams." Act No. 64 of the Acts of 2015 amended 10 V.S.A. §2622 to require the Commissioner of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to revise by rule the AMPs. The purpose of the acceptable management practices is to provide measures for loggers, foresters, and landowners to utilize, before, during, and after logging operations to comply with the Vermont Water Quality Standards and minimize the potential for a discharge from logging operations in Vermont in accordance with 10 V.S.A. §1259. Pursuant to Section 2-03B.1 of the Vermont Water Quality Standards, there is a presumption that logging operations that are in compliance with the AMPs are also in compliance with the Vermont Water Quality Standards. However, any presumption provided by the Vermont Water Quality Standards shall be negated when a water quality analysis conducted according to Section 2-01(g) of the Vermont Water Quality Standards demonstrates that there is a violation of the Vermont Water Quality Standards. Additionally, logging operations that are in compliance with the AMPs are exempt from the discharge permit requirements in accordance with 10 V.S.A. §1259(f), the stream alteration permit requirements pursuant to 10 V.S.A §1021(f), the stormwater permit requirements pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §1264(d)(1)(C), and wetland permit requirements pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §913(a) and Sections 6.01 — 6.05 of the Vermont Wetland Rules. SECTION 2: POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of the AMPs is to provide measures for loggers, foresters, and landowners to utilize, before, during, and after logging operations to comply with the Vermont Water Quality Standards and minimize the potential for a discharge from logging operations in Vermont in accordance with 10 V.S.A. §1259. SECTION 3: AUTHORITY This rule is adopted pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §2622(a) and (b), 10 V.S.A. §1259(f), 3 V.S.A. §801(b)(11) and 3 V.S.A. §2853(5). SECTION 4: APPLICABILITY The AMPs apply to all logging operations on public and private lands in Vermont regardless of the purpose of the logging. For example, logging may be conducted for forest management purposes or logging may be conducted for the purpose of clearing land for some other type of land use, such as commercial, residential or utility development. SECTION 5: DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Rule, the following terms shall have the specified meaning: 5.1 "Agency" or "ANR" means the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. 5.2 "AMP" or "Acceptable Management Practices for Maintaining Water Quality on Logging Jobs in Vermont" means rules adopted under the authority of 10 V.S.A. §2622(a) and (b), 10 V.S.A. §1259(f), 3 V.S.A. §801(b)(11) and 3 V.S.A. §2853(5). 5.3 "Approaches to Stream Crossings" means that length of a truck road or skid trail associated with stream crossings that traverse through the forest buffer. 5.4 "At -Grade Ford" means a stream crossing on a truck road or, where no appropriate alternative exists, a skid trail, that is constructed perpendicular to the stream channel with approaches being properly stabilized with clean stone fill, and there is no change in existing stream channel cross-section and bed elevation except for minor bank grading at the point of the crossing. 5.5 "Broad -based Dip" means a drainage structure, usually used on truck roads where grades are less than or equal to 8 percent, that diverts the surface water runoff into a filter area. 5.6 "Brushed -in Crossing" means a temporary method of crossing intermittent streams during logging operations when the ground is frozen. Brushed -in crossings are constructed by placing logs in the bottom of the stream channel, parallel to the stream channel, and then placing topwood (tree limbs and branches) over the logs. K 5.7 "Check Dam" means a small barrier constructed in a drainage structure, its outlet or in a small gully or other watercourse to decrease the water flow velocity, minimize channel scour and promote deposition of sediment. A check dam creates a small sediment basin. Check dams may be constructed of hay bales or other stable and semi -porous material. 5.8 "Continuous Forest Cover" means maintaining a minimum of 60 to 70 percent crown cover or B-level stocking as recommended in the U.S. Forest Service silvicultural guides. 5.9 "Drainage Ditch" means a ditch constructed along a truck road, skid trail or log landing to collect the surface water runoff and divert it into a filter area. 5.10 "Drainage Structure" means a device, structure or method that diverts the surface water runoff from an impervious surface such as a truck road, skid trail or log landing into a drainage ditch or filter area. 5.11 "Filter Area" means a vegetated area where surface water runoff is diverted and dispersed so that sediment and other pollutants are trapped and retained. A filter area can include or be within a forest buffer. 5.12 "Forest Buffer" means an area of forested land adjacent to streams and other waters where forest management practices are modified to protect water quality. The width of the forest buffer shall be in accordance with Table 4. 5.13 "Forest Canopy" means a layer or multiple layers of branches and foliage at the top or crown of a forest's trees. 5.14 "Gully Erosion" means a form of soil erosion where gullies of six inches deep or more are created by surface water runoff. 5.15 "Hazardous Material" means any material determined by the Secretary to have an unusually harmful effect on water quality if discharged to the waters of the state. Hazardous substances associated with logging operations include but are not limited to petroleum products, solvents and coolants. 5.16 "Intermittent Stream" means a stream with a well-defined channel, evidence of sediment transport and which regularly experiences periodic interruption of surface flow throughout its length. 5.17 "Log Landing" means a place where trees and logs are gathered and sorted in or near the forest during a logging operation for further processing and transport to a mill or log yard facility. 3 5.18 "Logging Equipment" means equipment, implements, accessories, and contrivances used directly and principally in the cutting or removal of timber or other solid wood forest products. Logging equipment also includes equipment used to construct, maintain or install infrastructure necessary to and associated with the logging operation. 5.19 "Logging Slash" means any residual tree material, whole or part, including leaves, needles, bark, wood and root tissue, that is created as a result of a logging operation. 5.20 "Percent Grade/Percent Slope" means a measurement of incline or decline expressed as a percentage and as determined by dividing the length of vertical rise in elevation by the length of horizontal distance. (Example: A 6% grade would be a 6 foot vertical rise per 100 feet of horizontal distance: 6 _ 100 = .06 or 6%) 5.21 "Perennial Stream" means a watercourse or portion, segment or reach of a watercourse, generally exceeding 0.5 square miles in watershed size, in which surface flows are not frequently or consistently interrupted during normal seasonal low flow periods. Perennial streams that begin flowing subsurface during low flow periods, due to natural geologic conditions, remain defined as perennial. All other streams, or stream segments of significant length, shall be termed intermittent. A perennial stream shall not include the standing waters in wetlands, lakes, and ponds. 5.22 "Permanent Stream Crossing" means a bridge, culvert or at grade ford that is left in place after logging is completed. 5.23 "Permanent Truck Road" means a road that remains in place at the conclusion of a logging operation for continued long term access and is designed for year-round use. 5.24 "Person" means any landowner, logger, individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, joint venture, trust, municipality, the state of Vermont or any agency, department, or subdivision of the state, any federal agency, or any other legal or commercial entity. 5.25 "Pole Ford" means a temporary method of crossing intermittent or perennial streams using logs placed in and parallel to the stream channel. 5.26 "Rut" means a depression in the soils of the forest floor or depressions in dirt roads or skid trails made from the passage of any vehicles or logging equipment. 2 5.27 "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources or the Secretary's authorized representative. 5.28 "Sediment" means soil that has been eroded from the land surface and is transported and deposited in streams or waters. 5.29 "Silt Fence" means a temporary sediment control device used to intercept and filter the surface water runoff to protect water quality in nearby streams and other waters. 5.30 "Skid Trail" means a cleared trail that is used by logging equipment during a logging operation to transport harvested trees and logs to a log landing. 5.31 "Stream" means the full length and width, including the bed and banks, of any watercourse, including rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, and branches, which experience perennial flow. "Stream" does not include ditches or other constructed channels primarily associated with land drainage or water conveyance through or around private or public infrastructure. 5.32 "Stream Channel" means an area that contains continuously or periodic flowing water that is confined by banks and a streambed. 5.33 "Streambank" means the portion of a stream channel that restricts lateral movement of water at normal water levels. 5.34 "Surface Water Runoff" means precipitation and snowmelt that does not infiltrate into the soil, including material dissolved or suspended in it. 5.35 "Temporary Stream Crossing Structure" means a bridge, culvert, pole ford or brushed -in crossing that is temporarily installed in or over a stream channel. Temporary stream crossing structures shall be removed after logging is completed as soon as ground conditions are stable or as specified in AMP 6.5.3, 6.5.4 and 6.6.1. 5.36 "Temporary Truck Road" means a minimum -standard road designed for short-term use to access a logging operation. Temporary roads must be closed out at the conclusion of logging. 5.37 "Top -of -bank" means the location up -slope from the scoured channel of a stream, or shoreline of other waters, where an abrupt change of slope occurs. 5.38 "Truck Road" means a road that connects a log landing to a public road system. A "truck road" may be designed, constructed and maintained to provide either permanent or temporary access. 5 5.39 "Turn -up" means a method of construction of a downhill skid trail that diverts the surface water runoff from ditches and road or trail surfaces into a filter area by turning the skid trail up the hill a short distance then turning downhill again. 5.40 "Waterbar" means a type of drainage structure constructed across the width of a skid trail or truck road that diverts the surface water runoff from ditches and road or trail surfaces into a filter area. 5.41 " Waters" means any natural body of open water other than a stream that is a water of the state under 10 V.S.A. Chapter 47. SECTION 6: ACCEPTABLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 6.1 Truck Roads — Practices to be Applied During Logging 6.1.1 Permanent and temporary truck roads shall not exceed 10 percent grade. Where no reasonable alternative exists, steeper sections exceeding 10 percent grade are allowed but shall not exceed 300 feet in length and shall be the minimum number of sections, grades and lengths necessary due to physical constraints, property boundaries and ground conditions. 6.1.2 Drainage structures on permanent and temporary truck roads shall be correctly installed to divert the surface water runoff into road ditches or filter areas. Drainage structures shall be spaced at intervals according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock and ledge conditions allow. 6.1.3 Water entering a permanent or temporary truck road shall be moved under and away from the road and into a filter area. Culverts used for ditch drainage on truck roads shall be at least 15 inches in diameter, correctly installed to divert ditch water into a filter area and spaced according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock, ledge and road bed conditions allow. 6.1.4 Drainage ditches along permanent and temporary truck roads shall not terminate directly into streams or other waters. On approaches to stream crossings, ditches shall be turned out into a filter area a minimum of 25 feet away from the top of bank. 6.2 Truck Roads - Practices to be Applied Immediately After Logging 6.2.1 Waterbars on temporary truck roads shall be correctly installed to divert the surface water runoff into a filter area and shall be spaced at intervals according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock, ledge and road bed conditions allow. n 6.3 Skid Trails - Practices to be Applied During Logging 6.3.1 Skid trails shall not exceed 20 percent grade. Where no reasonable alternative exists, steeper sections exceeding 20 percent grade are allowed but should not exceed 300 feet in length and shall be the minimum number of sections, grades and lengths necessary due to physical constraints, property boundaries and ground conditions. 6.3.2 Waterbars and turn -ups shall be correctly installed on skid trails to divert the surface water runoff into a filter area and shall be spaced at intervals according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock, ledge and skid trail conditions allow. 6.4 Skid Trails - Practices to be Applied Immediately After Logging 6.4.1 Ruts on skid trails shall be smoothed where soils, slopes, or depth and length of rutting, result in a likelihood of gully erosion, erosion or concentrated flow of surface water. All ruts of any depth shall be smoothed on approaches to stream crossings on skid trails within the forest buffer. 6.4.2 Waterbars on skid trails shall be correctly installed to divert the surface water runoff into a filter area and shall be spaced at intervals according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock, ledge and skid trail conditions allow. 6.5 Stream Crossings on Truck Roads and Skid Trails — Practices to be Applied During Logging 6.5.1 Streams and all waters shall be kept free of logging slash and logging debris. 6.5.2 Stream crossings shall be made perpendicular to the stream channel unless rock, ledge or other ground conditions prevent a perpendicular crossing and no other feasible alternative crossing exists. Stream crossings shall be located where the stream channel is narrow and well defined, the banks are stable and approaches are 10 percent grade or less. 6.5.3 Temporary stream crossings on truck roads shall be over a bridge, culvert or by constructing an at -grade ford. Culvert diameter and bridge structure opening shall be according to Table 2. Temporary bridges shall span the entire width of the stream channel. On truck roads, streams may be crossed by using an at -grade ford only where streams have low banks, stable beds (cobble or ledge) and stable, gradual approaches. Temporary stream crossing structures on truck roads shall be removed after logging is completed as soon as ground conditions are stable or within 18 months of installation, whichever is sooner. 7 6.5.4 Temporary stream crossings on skid trails shall be over a bridge, culvert or pole ford. Brushed -in crossings are allowed but only on intermittent streams and only when the ground is frozen. On skid trails, streams may be crossed by using an at -grade ford only where streambeds and approaches to streams are cobble or ledge and only if no other alternative exists. Culvert diameter and bridge structure opening shall be according to Table 2. Temporary bridges shall span the entire width of the stream channel. Pole fords are allowed on skid trails where the streambed is gravel, cobble or ledge. Temporary stream crossings that are brushed -in or that use pole fords shall be removed after logging is completed as soon as ground conditions are stable or within 12 months of installation, whichever is sooner. Temporary culverts or bridges shall be removed after logging is completed as soon as ground conditions are stable or within 18 months of installation, whichever is sooner. 6.5.5 Permanent stream crossings on perennial streams shall be in compliance with standards set forth in the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Stream Alteration Rule and General Permit. Environmental Protection Rule, Chapter 27, Subchapter 5. 6.5.6 Logging equipment shall be kept out of stream channels, except as necessary for the construction, maintenance, use, removal and stabilization of stream crossing structures or the use of at -grade fords. 6.5.7 On approaches to stream crossings, waterbars, turn -ups or broad -based dips shall be correctly installed on truck roads and skid trails to divert the surface water runoff into a filter area. They shall be installed as close to 25 feet away from the top of bank as existing soil, rock. ledge and ground conditions allow. 6.5.8 Except for the travelled portions of truck roads and skid trails, areas of exposed soil within 50 feet of the stream channel as measured from the top of bank shall be seeded and mulched, according to Table 3, immediately after installing stream crossing structures. 6.6 Stream Crossings on Truck Roads and Skid Trails — Practices to be Applied Immediately After Logging 6.6.1 All temporary structures on truck roads, and temporary bridges and culverts on skid trails, shall be removed from streams and the channel restored to a stable condition after logging is completed as soon as ground conditions are stable, or within 18 months of installation, whichever is sooner. On skid trails, brushed -in crossings and pole fords shall be removed after logging is completed, as soon as ground conditions are stable or within 12 months of installation, whichever is sooner. 9 6.6.2 After removing temporary stream crossing structures, waterbars shall be correctly installed as close to 25 feet back from the top of bank as ground conditions allow to divert the surface water runoff into a filter area. All areas of exposed soil shall be seeded and mulched a minimum of 50 feet on each side of the stream crossing. Seed and mulch at application rates according to Table 3 immediately after logging or as soon thereafter as ground conditions allow. 6.7 Forest Buffer 6.7.1 A forest buffer shall be left along streams and other waters in which only partial cutting can occur such that openings in the forest canopy are minimal and continuous forest cover is maintained. The width of the buffer shall be in accordance with Table 4 as measured from the top of bank. 6.7.2 New truck roads, skid trails and log landings shall not be constructed within a forest buffer, except for the necessary construction of stream crossings, unless there is no feasible alternative due to existing soil, rock, ledge or other ground conditions. Truck roads, skid trails and log landings that exist within the forest buffer prior to the adoption of this rule, in whole or in part, may only be used if the truck road, skid trail or log landing is stable and the AMPs have been implemented and the road, trail or landing is unlikely to erode or contribute to discharge of sediment to state waters. 6.7.3 Logging equipment shall not be driven within a 25-foot wide area along streams or other waters, as measured from the top of bank except as necessary for the construction, maintenance, use, removal and stabilization of stream crossings. 6.8 Petroleum Products and Hazardous Materials 6.8.1 Petroleum products and other hazardous materials shall be stored only outside of forest buffers and shall be removed immediately upon completion of logging. 6.9 Log Landings - Practices to be Applied During Logging 6.9.1 Log landings shall not be constructed in a forest buffer except where no feasible alternative exists due to existing soil, rock ledge or other ground conditions. Log landings that exist within the forest buffer prior to the adoption of this rule, in whole or in part, may only be used if the log landing is stable and the AMPs have been implemented and the landing is unlikely to erode or contribute to discharge of sediment to state waters. 6.9.2 Silt fencing, check dams and drainage structures shall be correctly installed on log landings to prevent sediment from entering streams and other waters. 6.10 Log Landings - Practices to be Applied Immediately After Logging 6.10.1 Log landings shall be stabilized and drainage structures shall be correctly installed to prevent sediment from entering streams and other waters. 6.11 Table 1: Distance (Feet) Between Drainage Structures on Truck Roads and Skid Trails Truck Roads Permanent Truck Roads Temporary Truck Roads Skid Trails During and After Logging. After Temporary Truck Roads Road Grade Logging (Percent During Logging. Slope) During After Logging Logging Broad- Ditch Relief Waterbars (Waterbars (Waterbars Based Dips Culverts and Turn - & Turn -Ups) Ups) 1 500 400 500 450 400 2 300 250 300 300 250 5 200 135 180 200 135 10 140 80 140 140 80 15 130 60 --- 130 60 20 120 45 --- 120 45 25 110 40 --- 65 40 30 100 35 --- 60 35 40 90 30 --- 50 30 fiM 6.12 Table 2: Minimum Culvert Sizing for Temporary Stream Crossings Drainage Area (Acres) Minimum Size of Opening Required For Bridges and Culverts (Square Feet) Minimum Culvert Diameter (Inches) 4* 0.6 (1.0 for drainage of ditches on truck roads)* 12 (15 for drainage of ditches on truck roads)* 8 1.0 15 15 1.5 18 20 1.9 18 40 3.2 24 50 3.8 30 80 5.3 36 100 6.3 36 150 8.6 42 200 10.6 48 250 12.6 48 300 1.4.4 54 350 16.2 60 450 19.5 60 550 22.7 66 640 25.4 72 *AMP 6.1.3 states that "Water entering a permanent or temporary truck road shall be moved under and away from the road and into a filter area. Culverts used for ditch drainage on truck roads shall be at least 15 inches in diameter, correctly installed to divert ditch water into a filter area and spaced according to Table 1 where existing soil, rock, ledge and road bed conditions allow." 11 6.13 Table 3: Methods of Seeding and Mulching Truck Roads, Log Landings, Skid Trails and Stream Crossings Options Rate of Application Timing of Application 60 bales/acre or 1 '/2 bales/1,000 square feet Option 1. Hay or Straw AND Mulch with Annual Annual ryegrass at 40 Anytime Ryegrass lbs./acre or 1 Ib./1,000 square feet 60 bales/acre or 1 '/2 bales/1,000 square feet Option 2. Hay or Straw AND Anytime Mulch with Winter Rye Winter rye at 112 lbs./acre or 2 '/2 lbs./1,000 square feet 60 bales/acre or 1 '/2 Anytime. Best when bales/1,000 square feet applied between April Option 3. Hay or Straw AND 15 —June 15 Mulch with Soil Soil Conservation Seed Mix OR Conservation Seed Mix at August 1 —September 42 lbs./acre 15 or 1 Ib./1,000 square feet 6.14 Table 4: Minimum Forest Buffer Widths Percent Slope of Land Between Skid Trails, Truck Roads or Log Landings and Streams or Other Waters Width from Top of Bank (Feet Along Surface of Ground Measured Perpendicular to the Stream or Other Waters) 0-10 50 11-20 70 21-30 90 31-40* 110 *Add 20 feet for each additional 10 percent slope 12 Lamoureux Engineers January 25, 2018 £t Dickinson • Surveyors Planners Wetland & Soil Scientists Marla Keene, P.E. Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Miscellaneous & Conditional Use Application Dear Marla: We are writing on behalf of The Snyder -Braverman Development Company, LLC in regards to the Conditional Use and Miscellaneous Application for the placement of fill in a wetland, for the construction of stormwater treatment facilities in a surface water buffer, and tree clearing. The following is provided in regards to your request for additional information.- 1 . Application fee — a check for $55 is enclosed. When combined with the $123 fee previously submitted, the total fee of $178 is met. 2. Enclosed are 3 full-size copies of the plans and a list of abutting property owners. 3. A location map is enclosed. 4. There are no planned easements or covenants at this time. While no activities are planned in the wetland and wetland buffer area to remain, no easements or covenants for these areas are currently proposed. 5. Trees will remain in the undisturbed wetland and wetland buffers. All trees within the proposed development area are proposed to be removed. 6. See the proposed Stormwater Grading Plans 1-5 by VHB for proposed grading. 7. The undisturbed wetland and wetland buffers will remain open in their natural condition. However, there are no designated open spaces proposed at this time. Open space will be proposed with form based code site development proposals in accordance with Article 8.08 of the Land Development Regulations. 8. There are no public open spaces being designated at this time. Open space meeting the requirements of Article 8.08 of the Land Development Regulations will be proposed with future site development through the form based code review process. 9. There are no public or private open spaces being designated at this time. The undisturbed wetland and wetland buffers will remain open in their natural condition. Open 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 802.878.4450 www.LDengineering.com ♦ Innovative Solutions ♦ Quality Service space meeting the requirements of Article 8.08 of the Land Development Regulations will be proposed with future site development through the form based code review process. 10. See the proposed Stormwater Grading Plans 1-5 by VHB for proposed grading. 11. 50 feet wide buffers have been added around the class 3 wetlands. Enclosed are the following: - $55 supplemental application fee - Location map - 3 full size copies of the plans • VHB ACOE Wetland Impact Plan (11 "x17" only) • VHB Class 2 Wetland & Buffer Plan (11"x17" only) • VHB Existing Conditions Plan • VHB Stormwater Grading Plan 1 SW5 • VHB Stormwater Grading Plan 2 SW6 • VHB Stormwater Grading Plan 3 SW7 • VHB Stormwater Grading Plan 4 SW8 • VHB Stormwater Grading Plan 5 SW9 - List of abutting landowners Please contact me with any questions. Since y, Andrew Rowe c: Chris Snyder Ken Braverman PA2015\15143 City Center\City\Miscellaneous - clearing 2018\Misc applic cover letter.doc Douglas Hudson 28 Mary Street South Burlington, VT 05403 1120-00028 South Burlington School District 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 1810-01175 Dorset Square Associates 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 101 South Burlington, VT 05403 0570/00150 Sonrise Partnership LLP c/o Unsworth Property Management 26 Railroad Ave. Essex Jct., VT 05452 0860-00075 1775/00075 Black Bay Ventures VIII LLC 226 Ridgefield Road Shelburne, VT 05482 0860/00137 Thomas & Eunice Branch 12 Iby St South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00012 Lawrence & Beatrice Gerlack 18,Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00018 Cecile & Matthew Druzba 26 Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00026 Bouchard & Sons Garage 16 San Remo Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 1490/00016 Thirty Three Mary Street, LLP Century Partners, LP c/o Judge Development Corp. c/o Judge Development Corp. 255 River Street, 6th Floor 255 River Street, 6th Floor Troy, NY 12180-3282 Troy, NY 12180-3282 1120-00033 0450-0006/00004 Poon Trust, LLC City of South Burlington 1569 Essex Road c/o Planning & Zoning Dept Williston, VT 05495 575 Dorset Street 0450/00005 South Burlington, VT 05403 0450/00000 Vermont Federal Antonio B. Pomerleau 84 Pine St 69 College St Burlington, VT 05401 Burlington, VT 05401 1165/00080 1810/12935 Edmund Chastenay Family Trust Chastenay Estates Inc 97 Hinesburg Road 97 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 0860/00097 0860/00111,00113 Robert S. Culver James & Susan Havers Sarah J. Shepard 10 Iby St. 8 Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00010 0910/00008 Luc, Sheila & Therese Lefebvre Maureen Hallihan 14 Iby St. 16 Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00014 0910/00016 Stanley Cynthia A Trust James & Shirley Menard 22 Iby St. 24 Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00022 0910/00024 Hugh E. Burns John & Gloria VanGraber 28 Iby St. 30 Iby St. South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT 05403 0910/00028 0910/00030 AOS Realty LLC 3N-SB LLC 6 San Remo Drive 300 Spectrum Center Dr Irvine, CA 92618 South Burlington, VT 05403 0570/00222,00200 1490/00006 PA2015\15143 City Center\City\abutters.doc May 12, 2017 • V - • J. too i i � i r r ►ter t "v �� r.j � .,._I�: South Burlington j -� f. City Center Project Site 1 1 .._-. 73°10'34.6"W OU ' 1 •Br'rng`O^ ti Ci .! 'I '' }SE��• ' r1ifl ..-� •. NEN' �'^�••'•rkirl ']r- 1 „ Ounth !..ub •� c$ . �. ,r.+y� t- ••al''a.,�' ' y Sob•-.4� ; i t'• • t s i AV -'' A / is L .f— •� "eCh%+r �.I t • .+ ••?-=. �/ • r� r yr ;1 'O'er r w.+� J/:, � I t � .- J(/5,,��\l' �� ��`• �. � / � . lip o f y ai �� yT� �/ Fy - .[�7'i)fih �•�. �.. ;.�! + -,+ �r'.,�rc, tl •"r 1 ••°f. , vt .. - t ��^•_ 1 10 JI It �� . i Project` Site Maine4,1V1 \ nt / wr I I New York New Hampshire ,,• / ' � �` '� se� .{ > b o I r\ USGS The National Map: 3D,�� ! I�� a Ixc^ r Elevatlon`P"rogram Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 'r South Burlington City Center Project South Burlington, VT 0 1000 2000 4000 Feet Legend Site Location Map Sources, South Burlington City Center Project Area USGS Background from National Geographic (2013); VCGI (Vermont Center for Geographic Information- 1 Existing Off site Stormwater Outfall _ Yls• ,� + s lZ Wetland 2012-RS-26 Permanent Impact 6 815 sq ft Temporary Impact: 800 sq. ft. t t I f Wetland 2012-RS-3 -- ' - Permanent Impact: 2,320 sq. ft. Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. tt ; yry I, , • .�. hey .. Wetland 2012-RS-4 ' Wetland 2022-RS-5 ' 17 _ +• ( Permanent Impact: 1,265 sq. ft. .-� Permanent Impact: 2,183 sq. ft. r s ff _ Temporary Impact: 0 sq, ft. t j tr I Ili Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft, �' XMum ��1 t t � - s r I Wetland 2012-RS-5 Permanent Impact: 1,603 sq, ft. I Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. u.. _µ J � ,i i �` ), ,, .:. �r. -�: "ADS.,, >?W • � _ !+ 4 - ` A. �,_ - � .r.•3•.. •� :?:- .� 4j 'N,Y •, ,t. • / tilt rr : ,�.(t,„--.-.� 8 '`* � . ��-` _'=fig' '?�t':'1.. ,wf �•� t �� t ,� 14 »k '�` ' - - A;,r - - - .i X� ..1� „� < <1��� t $ ; � =�' • : • •a, c. - _ t _ ,, • ��; - _ of • _ Pedestrian' Path to = --- - 5.�. Connect to Dumont Park 120 60 0 120 Feet I_ Permanent Wetland Impact Parcel Boundary (VCGI) Temporary Wetland Impact 5 ft. Existing Contour (VHB) Previously Permitted Weiland/ Class II Impacts (VHB) Existing Treeline (VHB) Delineated/ Avoided Wetland (VHB) Proposed Treeline (VHB) ---�! Delineated Stream {VHB) Road (VTrans) mm - Proposed Site Plan (VHB) Wetland 2012-RS-2A Permanent Impact: 34,940 sq. ft. Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft, Wetland 2012-RS-7 Permanent Impact: 215 sq. ft. Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. Wetland 2012-RS-lb Permanent Impact: 0 sq, ft. Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. ..' _ Wetland 2022-RS-1 _ Permanent Impact: 2,310 s% ft. ' \,,Temporary Impact: 910 sq. ft. South Burlington City Center THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY sources LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE VCGI(VerrnontCentelforGeographicInformation- VariousDateei VTrans (Vermont Agency of Transportation 417) CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50' BUFFERS VHf3 (site Plan DatedSeptember25,2017). iIfhb South Burlington, Vermont USACE 404 Wetland Impact Exhibit June 30, 2017 Revised: September 27, 2017 Last Revised: October 20, 2017 tt- .y 11�t tt7 ,t Ft° 5t ti5 It ,tt ,_y June 20, 2017 J�Vf lb Revised: July 7, 2017 _yt �y4 t1 1 �5 tt� it tt tt S�St f II rProjectoperty Limits Wetland 2012-RS-2A Wetland 2012-RS-2B Permanent Wetland Impact: 23,350 sq, ft. Permanent Wetland Impact: 34,940 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact 0 sq. ft Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq ft. Wetland 2012-PW-1 Permanent Buffer Impact: 30,786 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 65,540 sq. ft. Permanent Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft- Temporary Buffer Impact: 1,305 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft- PermanentBuffer Impact: 14,790 sq. ft- r f Temporary Buffer Impact: 1,630 sq. ft Existing Off site Stormwater Outfall �r •' ' + r 1 (1 Jib `� Y ��i 1 � 1 i1 - 1`t ' 1 `• \���` '� .+ � , •� •,.j�e �I pia al I �� ,D I 1 �I! � 1 ` t.`t 1 ir, j-til ., i1.' �� •• •Ilt i` '_`....>�"�`— / ~`..-Y 111 � �:j tl-• � 45 }�'.-- s ! i .._ 1 J/ `.n„a��.r.--.—� __ fir,�X.- r . —' J ..fit•' - r `.�ti—s,� 2.t. I _ --� ' l r Pedestrian Path to Connect to Dumont Park T m N 8 �r s r � 1 s 200 1CC' 0 200 feet Wetland 2012-RS-1 Wetland 2012-RS-lb Permanent Wetland Impact: 8,275 sq. ft. Permanent Wetland Impact 0 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact 0 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact 25 sq ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 49,860 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 3,430 sq_ ft. Temporary Buffer Impact: )t) sq. ft. Temporary Buffer Impact: 490 sq. ft. Dumont Pa, 6 South Burlington City Center Proposed Wetland and Buffer Impact Type (VHB) Delineated Wetland (VHB) Permanent Wetland Impact _ Class U Wetland Buffer (VHB) Temporary Wetland Impact --- Delineated Stream (VHB) Permanent Buffer Impact Proposed Site Plan (VHB) Temporary Buffer impact Previously Permitted Impacts (VHB) Road (VTrans; Parcel Boundary (VCGI) 5 ft. Existing Contour (VHB) Existing Treeline ,VHB) Proposed Treeline (VHB) South Burlington, Vermont Vermont Wetland Permit (VWP) Impact Exhibit Sources VLGI (Verrsort C ente- for Geographic Irfar, na for - Vanaxu Dates:; VTrans (Ve•rnmt Agency or Trarnportation - 2016,, VHB (Ste Plar Dat-t hula 1. 2017) THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50' BUFFERS \\da,\r„o7\vern,c��\e�saano x. e,,.r�q,n, c,r c•n,er\cna\.�\virn=ai\w«unn,�=� vP.ndns,q\5�9aso�.-.ex.�.,q f. Q 0 0 p I p 0 C�NA At; iR21 hb rj / l C I T r�r ,1 / 0 40IDX Dr 0 Building 100 Suite 200 • [01 Burlington,South 05403 - J 7.7 ^-�.,,.. s cP�°\ I ? 802. 96100 `(SEC 9 r w ram.n\� ° �--- TO DORSET STREET u 1 +. Legend CI= \ } 1-FPROJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARYZZT— ® a v, r )10 \ I ( THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 8 CLASS 3 WETLAND 50' BUFFERS —T— aaa-as ae atn ° "�^�...'♦ v V\���t � �} (� ,�- `..'" \ C? f r0je Rs-Pw 40 80 160F Nt l / V... t / South Burlingt --- City Center , I South Burlington, Vermont ,,.,..�,- 'o}'y �3• zr � ��,,•...,,,....N..r�^'+".^ .. �N A\�� f tines.♦..�.r..r.�.-u✓..n-F.�e-M.�s _. ../.,w.ti.n.,u...�..ti.� 1 17 A f ti. 1 I ♦♦. ,,.''��� `'� \ Wetland Permitting seP1 29, zoi 7 Not Approv®d for Construction Existing Conditions Plan _7A.Iz_- ,w lip- / �\ ,r srREEt`�...�• -- W101 z. } +- it j n n� I ❑0 \\Nabdgto\P•gjecla\STgaS.00 Wllwgtq city c«q t. \catl\id\Plgnsn;\alarm«o!e• P«r'n Cling\ST.. aJ.00-Stormd g i 1.5 f EIDsnNG OFFSIT TREATMENT' POND /7 (Mat-INDSAT) 1 / CLASS 2 WETLAND 200 DORM i ST. I dy �, L709TNO W'F911W tREA1101INT PM P (4461-M&AT) 202 DORSET ST. p0191 00 NOTE: DISTURBED AREAS WITH SLOPES LESS THAN 3.1("N) ARE SUBJECT TO THE POST CONSTRUCTION SOIL DEPTH Co'ALL R AND QUAUTY STANDARD OF THE 2017 VERMONT ATER ITO �SCNOp� x. o ns OPE$WATERANDSOILB RMANAGEMENT SARENOTSUBJECTNUAL THIS STANDARD. SEE DETAIL SHEET D4, UUMONT Pd2 C GRAVEL WETLAND ilS / CITY POND - SAST (7403-INPs) n EEp LO h b 40 lDX Dr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802.497,6100 TION 01 LEGEND SUBCATCHMENT BOUNDARY WETLAND BOUNDARY __— WETLAND BUFFER :......... STORM PIPE WETLAND AREAS STORMWATER TREATMENT PRACTICES POI N1 POINT OF INTEREST/DISCHARGE SUBCATCHMENT I.D. eE I I ' w STRUCTURAL TREATMENT PRACTICE I.D. ----------------- WETLAND BUFFER ' i I THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-11 BY LAMOUREUX 8 DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 26 CLASS 3 WETLAND 50, BUFFERS 2 / ` 0 35 999999 139.9ow I 4 I South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont �!- SS2 WETLAND T GRAVEL WETLAND #4 TAS PBS° Response to lan, oe, 2a17 1; 1 / DEC Comments jNot Approved for Construction 1� 7j l Ticatinent Pi oposed Storinwater 111nx7/ STR// `��ETLAHp BUFFER w+,wwraw+. SW1NO ABA 9u1LDINc� 0. !f 1 13 57%43,00 \\<L�b'wlo\pruj„c4\S'Va3.0O • b„tl 91- ct' rwmflW,y\5794.l.00-St,--V I .,PPP,P000"`PPP` o PROPOSE I S' DIAMETER FLOW BYPASS STRUCTURE -- 35' IR) INV. _ ba.5' IS' (OUT) INV.. ba.a' Se' (OUT) INV. _ ]O4.a' TOP Or wCRL WALL - JOS. J'� NIPIr.-PA, —J / MPEO ENp SEG1IpN WTN STONE ul ounETs; PROTECTION SF —OR OV[R/low STONE SPILLWAY �Nv..- o73070' J .+P' ,o WET POND OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAZA BUILDING 1 RESIDENTIAL 3 STORY +PARKING LEVEL BELOW e ' Vhb 40 IDX Cr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 \ 802.497.6100 \ — — — — — — WETLAND BUFFER f THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 124-18 By LAMOUREUX 8 DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50' BUFFERS 1 �11!1(1l�00, is PROPOSED DOWNSPOUT / i LOCATION wTH STONE '. �• SPLASH PAD 1� \, / � I 0 10 70 AO Poet \r South Burlington City Center IDP*= w ovatrtow w114(TM 0( °ff TZ 9 2) South Burlington, Vermont RIM (i BIORETENTION #2 311113 CLASS 3 WETLAND RD BUILDING 12 RESIDENTIAL � t 3 STORY +PARKING LEVEL BELOW, .,,. TAS PBS DEC Application Dec. 12. 2017 Submittal Not Approved for Construction) Storrnwater Facilities I1 Grading Plan 1 SW5 5 13 N I79l.UU 1 I J \\vlebticlo\Frcjac1.a\S 19a3.W c bvli. atcn c•Iy C-' r:cc\id\Picnaet\st-.rrr,wc'®r v ,ttw 9\579n 300-$k.—.aw9 PROPRIETARY PRETREATMENT OEWCE EMERGENCY SPT[WAY INV, PCNR CUTEET ��\ V Ihb 40IDX Dr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802A97.6100 — — — — — WETLAND BUFFER THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50- BUFFERS 0 0 10 20 40 Feet South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont h TAS _ PBS DEC Application Dec 12, 2017 Submittal Not Approved for Construction Storniwater Grading Plan 2 01 o-�ti ro�rr, YY ` SW6 s 13 5794100 \\vtrodow\p.aieaia\57W oo v �a,we:,� ary arc=r\.m\id�r�ao.+oi\sm..�.:ar.r asrrr;un,a\s�aao.00-eiorm.a.Q BIORETENTION #2 )1d 1 G� 2 J L )ENT n�Ll NG 3 I �TIAL c, BEVEL BELOW \ \ \I 20' LONO FWROY 0 ZIV t O, hb \ 40IDX Dr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802.497,6100 / — — — — — — WETLAND BUFFER THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50' BUFFERS 0 10 A 40 Feet OVERFLOW STONE SPILLWAY MV=706.e'- i \ — \ `� r'' South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont <, / a �s I SSZW�t��F,�,r/ TAS RBS P G`II II DEC Application Doc, 12. 2017 << Submittal •� f ,,<• � �,,,F \ t Not Approved for Conxtruction Storniwater Facilities < I I / 57943.00 t V ,, Ir- Cn 1-9 M M COP!) L M 17- 00 M 0 O cn + > M C: U) M M D 10 20 40 F90 ACCEOSRI WETLA14D 0 10 20 M40 FW hb--- ------- 40 IDX Dr Building 100 suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802,497.6100 ---------- - ----- -- — — WETLAND BUFFER 0`THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY `L'0CA''"".HS rQN 'VAT5`'"0NE LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE STAW ZATION CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 50'BUFFERS R D0R. TJ 314 DOME ORATE RIM-314' (TW FOR 2) BIORETENTION #1 Lj r T1 South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont MARKET STREET �j TAS Pas DEC Application Dim 12,2017 Submittal \ — Wy Not Approved for Construction BM -DING 18A BUIL Storinwater FadlitieS RESIDENTIAL RE Grading Plan 4 2 STORY PROPRIETARY PRETREATMENT P" ",O(X SW8 -0 0 5794 3 OO qmvhb�0' 40 IDX Dr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802,497,6100 WETLAND BUFFER THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED ON 1-24-18 BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON TO SHOW THE CLASS 2 & CLASS 3 WETLAND 501 BUFFERS a0 10 IO 40 F.1 South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont o \, `GRAVEL WETLAND #5 aa TAS 2 PENO OUTLET Responseto Jan, OB, 2017 --jL-j SPILLWAY INV -307 0 DEC Comments 1" R Not Approved for Construction -------------- x"17o3 --------------- Storniwater Facilities 3 3011 aosGrading Plan 3 307 307 300 o /, 307 3Q7 304 \—PRETREATMENT DEYCE 5W7 EXISTING OFFSITE WETPOND 7 13 00 I Lamoureux Et Dickinson Engineers Surveyors January 19, 2018 Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 Planners Wetland & Soil Scientists RE: Miscellaneous Application Placement of fill in a wetland Stormwater treatment facilities in a surface water buffer - Site clearing Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of The Snyder -Braverman Development Company, LLC to request approval of the enclosed Miscellaneous Application by the Development Review Board. This application involves the 32.4 acres on the north and south side of Market Street owned by South Burlington City Center, LLC. Approval is requested for placement of fill in a wetland and for the construction of stormwater treatment facilities in a surface water buffer. This application involves the lands owned by South Burlington City Center, LLC within the designated New Neighborhood and TIF District that comprise a portion of the City Center planning area. The project lands are bisected by Market Street, with tributary 3 of Potash Brook flowing through the south and easterly portion of the parcels. The Marcotte Central School is located to the north, with developed commercial parcels to the west and northwest. Applications for specific site development within the City Center will be submitted in accordance with the Form Based Code provisions of the Land Development Regulations (LDRs). Detailed design plans will be provided with the Form Based Code related applications. The class 2 wetland complex located along the easterly and southerly boundary includes tributary 3 of Potash Brook. LDR Article 12.01.0 of the requires a 50 feet wide surface water buffer along tributary 3. Since the stream channel of tributary 3 is contained within the class 2 wetland complex, the surface water buffer is encompassed by the class 2 wetland buffer. In addition to the class 2 wetland complex along the easterly and southerly boundary, there are additional class 2 and class 3 wetlands scattered throughout the City Center development area. Impacts to wetlands and wetland buffers is necessary to create an integrated, pedestrian oriented, mixed commercial and residential use growth area that will function as the City Center as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations, and Form Based Code. A State Wetland Permit has been issued for the proposed class 2 wetland and buffer impacts. Class 3 wetlands do not require a State Wetland Permit, as they have functions that are either 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 802.878.4450 www.LDengineering.com ♦ Innovative Solutions ♦ Quality Service absent or present at insignificant levels. The US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) which maintains jurisdiction over Class 3 wetlands has reviewed and approved the impacts that are being proposed. The proposed development of the subject property will involve placement of fill in 45,775 square feet of class 2 wetland, 157,615 square feet of class 2 wetland buffer, and 7586 square feet of class 3 wetland. The wetland and buffer impacts include the construction of stormwater treatment facilities. These stormwater treatment facilities are also partially located within surface water buffers, which are contained within the class 2 wetland buffer. Approval of the stormwater treatment facilities is requests in accordance with Article 12.01.C.(4)(f). A stormwater management plan, meeting the current Vermont Stormwater Treatment Standards, has been prepared for the proposed site development. A draft State Stormwater Discharge Permit has been issued, and is currently on public notice through February 12. Each phase of site development will be subject to the Vermont Construction General Permit, which regulates stormwater runoff from construction sites. Construction activities will comply with best management practices for erosion prevention and sediment control. Site specific erosion prevention and sediment control plans will be prepared for each phase of site development. Approval of tree clearing in both wetland and upland areas is requested for the project development area. Vegetation outside the approved wetland and buffer impact areas and the proposed development area will remain in it's natural condition. Tree clearing will be completed in stages, corresponding to upcoming planned site development. Tree clearing will comply with the VT Department of Forests, Parks, & Recreation Acceptable Management Practices for Maintainina Water Qualitv on Loaaina Jobs in Vermont. Encroachment into the class 3 wetlands and the class 2 wetland and wetland buffers is requested in accordance with Article 12.02.E.(3). The following is provided to demonstrate that the project's overall development, erosion control, stormwater treatment system, provisions for stream buffering, and landscaping plan achieve the required standards for wetland protection. (a) The encroachment(s) will not adversely affect the ability of the property to carry or store flood waters adequately; See Summary of Delineated Wetlands prepared by VHB, dated June 28, 2017. The class 3 wetlands do not provide this function. The class 2 wetlands have varying capacity to carry or store flood waters. The proposed class 2 wetland impacts will be mitigated by the proposed stormwater treatment facilities, which provide treatment and detention of stormwater runoff from both the proposed site development and existing offsite development. Existing offsite development currently discharges unmanaged stormwater runoff into the class 2 wetlands located on the northwesterly portion of the project parcel. The proposed stormwater management facilities will provide detention of runoff for a range of storm events, including the 100 year design storm. While class 2 wetland impacts are proposed, the resulting discharge from the project and offsite development to the remaining class 2 wetlands and tributary 3 will have improved stormwater treatment and detention. (b) The encroachment(s) will not adversely affect the ability of the proposed stormwater treatment system to reduce sedimentation according to state standards, See Stormwater Management Summary by VHB, dated September 29, 2017, and draft State Stormwater Discharge Permit. In addition to managing runoff from the proposed site development, the proposed stormwater facilities will provide water quality treatment and peak flow mitigation in accordance with the current Stormwater Treatment Standards for the untreated offsite impervious surface. In addition to meeting requirements for the proposed site development, the stormwater management facilities will result in a reduction of the total suspended solids and phosphorus loading from the offsite runoff. In addition, detention of the offsite runoff will be provided, achieving the goals of the City's Flow Restoration Plan for Potash Brook. (c) The impact of the encroachment(s) on the specific wetland functions and values identified in the field delineation and wetland report is minimized and/or offset by appropriate landscaping, stormwater treatment, stream buffering, and/or other mitigation measures. As discussed above, the proposed stormwater treatment facilities will manage runoff from both the project site and existing offsite development. The proposed stormwater treatment facilities include infiltration practices that will contribute to groundwater recharge, which combined with the management of runoff from existing offsite development will mitigate the proposed wetland impacts, such that there is no loss of functions. Enclosed are the following for your review: - Miscellaneous Application - $123 application fee - Individual Wetland Permit and Determination - Draft Stormwater Discharge Permit - Representative Wetland and Waters Photographs - Existing Conditions Plan prepared by VHB, dated September 29, 2017 - Summary of Delineated Wetlands prepared by VHB, dated June 28, 2017 - Vermont Wetland Permit Impact Exhibit prepared by VHB, dated July 7, 2017 - USACE 404 Wetland Impact Exhibit prepared by VHB, dated October 20, 2017 - Stormwater Management Summary prepared by VHB, dated September 29, 2017 - Proposed Stormwater Treatment Plan prepared by VHB, dated January 8, 2017 - Proposed Clearing Limits, dated January 19, 2018 Please contact me with any questions. Sincerel2zgf� Andrew Rowe c: Chris Snyder Ken Braverman P.\2015\15143 City Center\City\Miscellaneous - clearing 2018\Misc applic cover letter.doc Permit # CU - I � - p5 (office use only) CONDITIONAL USE / VARIANCE / MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ❑ Request for a conditional use Request for a variance F✓ Other 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): South Burlington City Center, LLC P.O. Box 2204 South Burlington, VT 05404 863-9039 Tim@southburlingtonrealty.com 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) Book 853, page 222 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone, fax #) Snyder -Braverman Development Co., LLC 4076 Shelburne Rd, Suite 6 Shelburne, VT 05482 985-5722 or 343-6330 kenneth.braverman@gmail.com 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax #, if different from above): Andrew Rowe - Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex, VT 05452 878-4450 ph 878-3135 fax a. Contact e-mail address: Andy@LDengineering.com 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: north & south sides of Market Street 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: 0450-00002 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Place fill in class 2 and class 3 wetlands and wetland buffers located in a portion of the City Center / TIF District / designated New Neighborhood. Stormwater facilities are also proposed within the surface water buffer. Trees will be cleared along the Garden Street corridor. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): The property is currently vacant. c. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Future mixed use buildings and related site improvements will be proposed in accordance with the LDR FBC requirements with future applications. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): to be determined with future applications in accordance with LDR FBC requirements e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): to be determined with future applications in accordance with LDR FBC reauirements f. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): to be determined with future applications in accordance with LDR FBC requirements g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): to be determined with future applications in accordance with LDR FBC requirements h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): Approval for the placement of fill in a class 3 wetland is requested in accordance with LDR Setion 12.02.E.(3). Approval for new uses and encroachments with stream buffers is requested in accordance with LDR Section 12.01(2)(4)(f). Conditional Use / Variance / Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8) LOT COVERAGE a. Total parcel size: 32.4 acres --Sq-.-Ft. b. Buildings: Existing 0 % / 0 Sq. Ft Proposed 0 % / 0 Sq. Ft. c. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0 % / 0 Sq. Ft. Proposed 0 % / 0 Sq. Ft. d. Front yard impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing N/A % / N/A Sq. Ft. Proposed N/A % / N/A Sq. Ft. e. Total area to be disturbed during construction: TBD Sq. Ft. * Area of disturbance to be determined with future FBC application(s) * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ TBD * b. Landscaping $ TBD * c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): sitework and utility costs to be determined * * costs to be determined with future FBC application(s) for specific development 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION _TBD 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION TBD 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE TBD 14) PLANS AND FEE Plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time Conditional Use / Variance / Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the informs ion requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my lmowl ke../ 61UNA" UR7OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE O O R P TWA. Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this application and find it to be: VCOMPLETE ❑ Incomplete The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 4 Conditional Use /Variance/Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION INDIVIDUAL WETLAND PERMIT AND DETERMINATION In the matter of - Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 4076 Shelburne Road, Suite 6, Shelburne, VT 05482 Application for the mixed use development of an approximately 20-acre parcel, and will include residential, commercial, municipal buildings, associated transportation infrastructure upgrades, stormwater treatment and water quality improvement features with proposed impacts to 45,775 square feet of wetland and 157,615 square feet of buffer zone. Along Market Street between Dorset St. and Hinesburg Road, South Burlington File #: 2013-293 Date of Decision: December 6, 2017 DEC ID #: EJ17-0044 Permit Decision: Approved Wetland Determination: Class II Permit Expiration Date: December 6, 2022 Any activity in a Class I or Class II wetland or its associated buffer zone is prohibited unless it is an allowed use under the Vermont Wetland Rules (VWR) or unless it receives a permit allowing such activity. 10 V.S.A. § 913. Applicants for an individual permit for a proposed activity in any Class I or Class II wetland or its buffer zone must demonstrate that the proposed activity complies with the VWR and will have no undue adverse effects on protected functions and values. VWR § 9.5 (a). The Secretary may, upon a petition or on his or her own motion, determine whether any wetland is a Class II wetland or a Class III wetland, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 914 and the Vermont Wetland Rules, Vt. Code R. 12 004 056 (VWR). The Secretary may establish the necessary width of a buffer zone of any Class II wetland as part of any wetland determination pursuant to the Rules. As required under 10 V.S.A. § 914 and Section 8 of the VWR, this wetland determination is based on an evaluation of the functions and values of the subject wetland as described in Section 5 of the VWR. Public notice of this wetland determination has been given in accordance with Section 8.3 of the VWR. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Agency) received an application and petition (application) dated September 29, 2017 from Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) (permittee) seeking an individual Vermont Wetland Permit for a project involving activities in wetlands and associated buffer zones 2 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 located in South Burlington, Vermont. The Agency gave notice of the application in accordance with the VWR. The Agency considered all comments received during the public comment period during review of the application and issuance of this permit. DECISION AND PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. Based on the Findings contained in this permit below, the Secretary has determined that the proposed project will comply with 10 V.S.A. chapter 37 and the VWR and will have no undue adverse effect on protected functions and values of the wetlands. The permittee has demonstrated that the project will have no undue adverse effects on the protected functions and values of the significant wetlands and associated buffer zones, provided the project is conducted in accordance with the following conditions: A. All activities in the wetlands and buffer zones shall be completed, operated, and maintained as set forth in the permit application #2013-293 and the supporting materials submitted with the permit application including site plans titled Vermont Wetland Permit Impact Exhibit, VHB, September 27, 2017 and Large -Scale Master Plan Set for Wetland Permitting, VHB, September 29, 2017. No material or substantial changes shall be made to the project without the prior written approval of the Vermont Wetlands Program. Project changes, including transfer of property ownership prior to commencement of a project, may require a permit amendment and additional public notice. B. The permittee shall record this permit in the land records of the Town of South Burlington for all properties subject to the permit. Within 30 days of the date of issuance of this permit, the permittee shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Program with a copy of the recording of this permit. C. Prior to commencement of the approved project, the permittee shall notify the Vermont Wetlands Program electronically in writing of the date the project will commence. D. Prior to commencement of construction of pond #2, a deed restriction or conservation easement, with language approved by the Agency, shall be secured for the majority of wetland complex B and its buffer zone within the project parcel. E. Prohibitions: No additional activities are allowed in the wetlands and associated buffer zones without the approval of the Secretary unless such activities are allowed uses under VWR § 6. No draining, dredging, filling, grading, or alterations of the water flow is allowed. No cutting, clearing, or removal of vegetation within the wetlands and buffer zones is allowed with the exception of the proposed project area as approved by this permit. F. This permit expires five years from the date of issuance. If the permittee has not completed all construction activities covered by this permit before the expiration date and wishes to continue construction, the permittee must request a permit extension or apply for a new permit. Any request for an extension must be received by the Agency at least 30 days prior to the end of the five year period in order to prevent the expiration of the permit. A request for extension may be considered a minor modification at the 3 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 discretion of the Secretary. Pursuant to VWR § 9.1, projects may not be extended beyond ten years of the issuance date. G. Wetland boundary delineations are valid for five years. The delineations will need to be re-evaluated by a qualified wetland consultant if the project is not constructed during the five-year period and a request for an extension is submitted. H. Within 30 days of completion of the work approved by this permit, the permittee shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Program with a letter certifying that the project was constructed in compliance with the conditions of this permit. I. If a stormwater construction permit is obtained for this project, the erosion prevention and control requirements of that permit shall be followed. At minimum, the permittee shall comply with the following: A continuous line of silt fence shall be properly installed by the permittee immediately upgradient of the snow fence or tape prior to any construction and shall be regularly maintained. Care shall be taken to ensure that silt fence is installed on the contour and not in areas of concentrated flow such as stream channels or ditches. Sediment shall be cleaned out before and after any significant storm event or when sediment has reached less than half the height of the fence. Removed sediments shall be disposed of in a stable, upland area outside the 50-foot buffer zone at least 100 feet from waters of the state and stabilized immediately with seed and mulch at a minimum. All other disturbed soils shall be seeded and mulched within 48 hours of final grading. All sediment barriers and construction fencing shall be removed following the successful establishment of vegetation. All contractors' equipment shall be cleaned so as to contain no observable soil or vegetation prior to work in wetlands and buffer zones to prevent the spread of invasive species. The permittee shall monitor the portion of the wetlands in question annually during early July for five years following construction for the nuisance plant species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and common reed (Phragmites australis). All nuisance plants found shall be pulled by hand and disposed of by burial or burning in a non -wetland location. If hand pulling is not feasible, a state approved invasive species control plan is required. K. The permittee shall retain an Agency approved environmental compliance monitor to inspect the construction site and report weekly to the Vermont wetlands program of progress for each phase. The monitor will immediately notify the Agency of any non - permitted disturbance to the wetland or buffer zone. 2. The Secretary maintains continuing jurisdiction over this project and may at any time order that remedial measures be taken if it appears that undue adverse impacts to the protected functions and values of the wetland or buffer are occurring or will occur. 3. This permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to comply with any other applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permits. 4. The permittee shall allow the Secretary or the Secretary's representatives, at reasonable times and upon presentation of credentials, to enter upon and inspect the permitted property for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with this permit, the VWR, and the Vermont 4 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 Water Quality Standards, and to have access to and copy all records required to be prepared pursuant to this permit. 5. The Agency accepts no legal responsibility for any damage direct or indirect of whatever nature and by whomever suffered arising out of the approved project. This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to public or private property, or any invasion of personal rights, or any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit does not obviate the necessity of obtaining such federal, state, or local permits or approvals as may be required by law. Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject to under other laws. 6. Within 15 days of the date of the decision, the permittee, any person entitled to notice under VWR § 9.2, or any person who filed written comments regarding the permit application may request in writing reconsideration of the decision by the Secretary in accordance with VWR § 9.6. DETERMINATION DECISION 1. Based on the Findings listed below, the Secretary has determined that wetland complex A is a Class II wetland. 2. Effect of Class II Wetland Determination Activity in a Class II wetland or its associated buffer zone is prohibited unless it is an allowed use under the VWR, or unless it is authorized by a permit, conditional use determination or order issued by the Secretary. The Secretary may impose any permit conditions as necessary to achieve the purposes of the VWR. Section 9.1 of the VWR. This Determination does not relieve the petitioner or any other person of the responsibility to comply with all other applicable federal, state or local laws. The attached mapping of the wetland shall be added to the Vermont Significant Wetlands Inventory. 3. Reconsideration of Wetlands Determination Within 15 days of the date of this decision, the applicant, any person entitled to notice under Section 8.3(a) of the VWR, or any person who filed written comments regarding the permit application may request in writing reconsideration by the Secretary. Section 8.4 of the VWR. Such a request shall specify all action(s) for which reconsideration is sought and shall provide an explanation of the reason(s) why the request is filed. Where a request for reconsideration has been properly filed, additional evidence may be submitted concerning the functions and values of the wetland, and concerning any other material issue as deemed appropriate by the Secretary. The Secretary may appoint a designee, who shall be at the Division Director level or higher, to render a decision on the request for reconsideration. The Secretary's written reconsideration decision shall be issued as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances, and shall be distributed in accordance with §8.3(c) of the Wetland Rules. If the Secretary fails to act on a request for reconsideration within 20 days of its filing, the 5 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 request shall be deemed to be denied. The Secretary's written reconsideration decision shall constitute a final act or decision of the Secretary, subject to appeal pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 8504 and Section 10 of these Rules. 4. No request for reconsideration may be filed concerning or resulting from a request for reconsideration. If the Secretary fails to act on a request for reconsideration within 20 days of its filing, the request shall be deemed to be denied. 5. Filing a timely request for reconsideration with the Secretary tolls the 30-day period for filing an appeal with the Environmental Court. The full time for appeal shall commence to run and shall be computed from the date of the issuance of the Secretary's decision on the reconsideration request. GENERAL CONDITIONS The following conditions shall apply to both the wetlands permit and determination: 1. Appeals. Any person with an interest in this matter may appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 917. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Division of the Superior Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Division; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project, or facility with which the appeal is concerned; the name of the permittee; and any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Division is: 32 Cherry Street, 2"d Floor, Suite 303, Burlington, VT 05401 (Tel. # 802-951-1740). FINDINGS The Agency received a complete permit application and determination petition from Snyder - Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) for a Vermont Wetland Permit and wetland determination on September 29, 2017. 2. The wetlands and adjacent 50-foot buffer zones are located in the following areas: wetland complex A is located on the west side of Market Street stretching from Market Street to the ditches at the end of Garden Street at the norther portion of the project parcel; wetland complex B is located along Tributary 3 of Potash Brook on either side of Market Street. 3. Laura Lapierre Wetlands Program Manager, conducted a site visit to the subject property with Ken Braverman, Chris Snyder, Tim Makenzie and others on 12/4/2015. 6 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 4. Wetland complex B is identified as a palustrine wetland on the Vermont Significant Wetlands Inventory maps and therefore designated as a Class II wetland under VWR § 4.6. Wetland complex A meets the presumptions listed in VWR § 4.6, the wetland is of the same type and threshold size as those mapped on the VSWI maps or greater than 0.5 acres (VWR §4.6a). 5. The wetland complexes and the subject wetlands in question are described in detail in the multiple wetland application table of the permit application. Wetland complex A is a 1.6 acre shrub -scrub wetland that is seasonally flooded with redox dark surface and histisol hydric soils. Wetland complex B is a 5.5 acre shrub -scrub and emergent wetland adjacent to tributary 3. Wetland B has dark surface, and depleted matrix hydric soils and saturation. 6. The proposed project is described in detail in Sections 17 and 18 of the permit application. The project consists of a mixed use development of an approximately 20-acre parcel, and will include residential, commercial, municipal buildings, associated transportation infrastructure upgrades, stormwater treatment and water quality improvement features. 7. Proposed impacts to the wetlands and buffer zones, summarized in Section 19 of the permit application and multiple wetland application table of the permit application, are as follows: Wetland Alteration: Buffer Zone Alteration: Wetland Fill: 44,065 sq.ft. Temporary: 1,710 sq.ft. Temporary: 8,095 sq.ft. Other Permanent: 0 sq.ft. Permanent: 149,520 sq.ft. Total Wetland Impact 45,775 sq.ft. Total Buffer Zone Impact: 157,615 sq.ft. 8. The protected functions of the wetlands include the following: water storage for flood water and storm runoff (VWR § 5.1), surface and groundwater protection (VWR § 5.2), and erosion control through binding and stabilizing the soil (VWR § 5.10). 9. The following functions are either not present or are present at such a minimal level as to not be protected functions: fish habitat (VWR § 5.3), wildlife habitat (VWR § 5.4), exemplary wetland natural community (VWR § 5.5), threatened and endangered species habitat (VWR § 5.6), education and research in natural sciences (VWR § 5.7), recreational value and economic benefits (VWR § 5.8), open space and aesthetics (VWR § 5.9). 10. Wetland complexes A and B are significant for water storage for flood water and storm runoff function as demonstrated in Section 7 of the permit application and wetlands evaluation form. Based on the factors described in Section 7.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 11. Wetlands A and B are significant for the surface and ground water protection function as described in Section 8 of the permit application and wetlands evaluation form. Based on the factors described in Section 8.2 of the application and multiple wetlands application table, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 7 of 7 Snyder -Braverman Development Co. (c/o Ken Braverman) & South Burlington City Center (c/o Tim Makenzie) 2013-293 12. Wetland B is significant for the erosion control function demonstrated in Section 16 of the permit application and wetlands evaluation form. Based on the factors described in Section 16.2 of the application and multiple wetlands application table, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 13. Under 10 V.S.A. § 913 and VWR § 9.5, the Secretary may authorize activities in a Class II wetland or in its buffer zone if the Secretary determines that it complies with the VWR and will have no undue adverse effect on the protected functions and values. Based on the permit application, the site visit(s) by Agency staff, and the foregoing findings and analysis, the Secretary has determined that the proposed project will have no undue adverse effects on the protected functions and values of the Class II wetlands. 14. Pursuant to VWR § 9.5(b), the permittee has demonstrated that the proposed activity in the wetlands cannot practicably be located outside the wetlands or on another site owned, controlled, or available to satisfy the basic project purpose. All practicable measures have been taken in this proposal to avoid adverse impacts on protected functions, as described in the application. In summary, the applicant conducted a robust alternative site analysis and conducted a financial feasibility study. The applicant had multiple design iterations before finding a design which would meet the City Center purpose, provide treatment for untreated Stormwater from offsite, and avoid direct impacts to wetland B. The majority of wetland B will be placed in conservation. In Lieu Fee payments will be made to compensate for unavoidable losses of a significant portion of wetland A. 15. No public comments were received during the public comment period. Emily Boedecker, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation e-Si I `e. Lapierre by. on 20 7-12-0 ,'.O9 18 GMT Laura Lapierre, Program Manager Wetlands Program Watershed Management Division Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this sixth day of December 2017 EB/LVPL 1 Permit No. 7736-INDS.A Project ID No. EJ17-0044 STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DRAFT STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT STORMWATER RUNOFF TO WATERS OF THE STATE In compliance with provisions of 10 V.S.A. § 1264, the Stormwater Management Rule for Stormwater-Impaired Waters and in accordance with "Terms and Conditions" hereinafter specified, The Snyder -Braverman Development Company, LLC 4076 Shelburne Road, Suite 6 Shelburne, VT 05482 South Burlington City And Center, LLC 286 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Impervious Area: 18.5 acres South Burlington City Center And Owner's Association, Inc. 4076 Shelburne Road, Suite 6 Shelburne, VT 05482 the permittee, is hereby granted permission to discharge stormwater runoff from South Burlington City Center located along Market Street in South Burlington, Vermont to tributary 3 of Potash Brook. This permit amends and replaces previously authorized permit 7736-INDS for 6 Market Street. This individual permit is required due to the impairment of the receiving water. 1. Expiration Date: Five years from issuance date of final permit. Note: This permit, unless revoked, modified or suspended, shall be valid until the designated expiration date not withstanding any intervening change in water quality, effluent, or treatment standards, or classification of the receiving waters including groundwater. However, any such changed standard or classification, and any applicable requirement in a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for, shall be applied in determining whether or not to renew this permit, and in determining the conditions of a renewed permit. The permittee shall reapply for a renewed discharge permit ninety days prior to the expiration date of this permit. Revocation: 10 V.S.A. §1267 provides as follows: The Secretary may, after notice and opportunity for a public hearing, revoke, modify or suspend this permit if it is found that the permittee submitted false or inaccurate information in its application or has violated any requirement, restrictions, or condition of this permit, or if there is any change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge. The Secretary shall impose conditions as the Secretary deems necessary for regulating the discharges of a permittee whose permit has been revoked, modified or suspended. Revocation shall be effective upon actual notice thereof to the permittee. 3. Operating Fees: This discharge is subject to operating fees under 3 V.S.A. §2822. The permittee shall submit the operating fees to the Agency in accordance with procedures provided by the Secretary. 4. Recording in Land Records: The permittee shall record a one -page notice of issuance of this discharge permit in the local land records within fourteen (14) days of issuance of this permit on the form provided by the Secretary, per §22-312 of the Stormwater Management Rule for Stormwater-Impaired Waters. A copy of this form is available on the Stormwater Management Program website. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recording to the Stormwater Management Program within fourteen (14) days of the permittee's receipt of the copy of the recording from the local land records. 5. Transfer of Permit: This permit is not transferable without prior written approval of the Secretary. Provided all applicable fees under 3 V.S.A. §2822 have been paid, a permittee may submit a notice of transfer to the Stormwater Management Program. The notice shall be submitted at least five (5) days prior to the proposed date of transfer. The notice shall state that the prospective permittee has adequate funding to comply with this permit. The permittee shall provide a copy of this permit to the new owner or tenant and inform him of the responsibility to make application for a permit which shall be issued in his name. Any failure to do so shall be considered a violation of this permit. Permit # 7736-INDS.A Page 2 of 5 6. Right of Entry: The permittee shall allow the Secretary, or his or her authorized representatives, at reasonable times, upon presentation of credentials, to enter upon and inspect the permitted premises, and the stormwater collection, treatment and control system; and to sample any discharge to determine compliance with this permit; and to have access to and inspect and copy any records required to be kept pursuant to this permit. 7. Receiving Waters: Tributary 3 to Potash Brook 8. Manner of Discharge: S/N 001: Stormwater runoff from building rooftops, roadway surfaces, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks receives treatment in a wet pond and gravel wetland which captures an additional 9.65 acres of offsite impervious, a portion of the drainage area is treated in a bioretention system (designed for groundwater recharge) all discharging via stabilized outfalls to tributary 3 of -Potash Brook. Pretreatment is provided in proprietary devices, deep sump catch basins, or sediment forebays as dictated by the final layout following the specifications on plan sheets D-1 and D-4. S/N 002: (From 7736-INDS) - Stormwater runoff from rooftop and driveway to a dry swale that discharges via the municipal stormwater collection on Market Street to an unnamed tributary of Potash Brook. Upon completion of the wet pond and gravel wetland described in S/N 001 above, this manner of discharge for S/N 002 shall be superseded by the manner of discharge for S/N 001. S/N 002: Stormwater runoff from building rooftops, roadway surfaces, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks receives treatment in a gravel wetland, a portion of the drainage area rooftops are treated in an underground infiltration system with overflow to the gravel wetland, all discharging via stabilized outfalls to tributary 3 of Potash Brook. Pretreatment is provided in proprietary devices, deep sump catch basins, or sediment forebays as dictated by the final layout following the specifications on plan sheets D-1 and D-4. Runoff from the proposed walking path to Dumont Park receives treatment in accordance with Simple Disconnection, discharging overland to tributary 3 of Potash Brook. S/N 003: Stormwater runoff from building rooftops, roadway surfaces, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks receives treatment in a gravel wetland discharging via stabilized outfall to tributary 3 of Potash Brook. Pretreatment is provided in proprietary devices, deep sump catch basins, or sediment forebays as dictated by the final layout following the specifications on plan sheets D-1 and D-4. S/N 004: Stormwater runoff from building rooftops, roadway surfaces, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks receives treatment in gravel wetland systems, a portion of the drainage area is treated in a bioretention system (designed for groundwater recharge) all discharging via stabilized outfalls to tributary 3 of Potash Brook. Pretreatment is provided in proprietary devices, deep sump catch basins, or sediment forebays as dictated by the final layout following the specifications on plan sheets D-1 and D-4. 9. Wastes Permitted: Stormwater runoff from the above named areas of the project herein after treatment as specified in the manner of discharge. 10. Volumes Permitted and Frequency of Discharge: Such volumes and frequency as required by the discharge specified in the Manner of Discharge above. Permit # 7736-INDS.A Page 3 of 5 11. Approved Project Design: This project shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the following site plans and details prepared by VHB. By reference, the following plans are made a part of this permit: (Sheet SW1, "Proposed Stormwater Treatment Plan", dated 1/8/2017, last revised 1/8/2018; Sheet SW2, "Existing Conditions Hydrology Plan", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet SW3, "Soils Investigation Plan", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet SW4, Stormwater Maintenance Plan", dated 1/8/2017, last revised 1/8/2018; Sheet SW5, "Stormwater Facilities Grading Plan V, dated 12/12/2017; Sheet SW6, "Stormwater Facilities Grading Plan 2", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet SW7, "Stormwater Facilities Grading Plan 3", dated 1/8/2017, last revised 1/8/2018; Sheet SW8, "Stormwater Facilities Grading Plan 4", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet SW9, "Stormwater Facilities Grading Plan 5", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet D1, "Stormwater Details 1 ", dated 1/8/2017, last revised 1/8/2018; Sheet D2, "Stormwater Details 2", dated 12/12/2017; Sheet D3, "Stormwater Details 3", dated 1/8/2017, last revised 1/8/2018; Sheet D4, "Stormwater Details 4", dated 12/12/2017, last revised 1/8/2018); 6 Market Street Plans to be replaced by City Center Plans upon construction: Lamoureux and Dickinson; (Sheet ST-1, "Stormwater Layout Plan", dated 01/06/2017, last revised 5/04/2017; Sheet 6, "Details & Specifications - Site & Stormwater", dated 01/06/2017, revised 01/13/2017; Sheet 7, "Details & Specifications - Storm, Water, & Sewer", dated 01/06/2017, last revised 5/04/2017) and all supporting information. 12. Inspection and Maintenance Reporting Requirements: a. The stormwater collection, treatment and control system shall be maintained in good operating condition at all times and shall be inspected annually and cleaned as necessary to maintain design specifications. The inspections shall be conducted between the conclusion of spring snow melt and June 15" of each year. b. Any sediment removed from the stormwater collection, treatment and control system shall be disposed of properly in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulations. C. By July 15 of each year the permittee shall submit an annual inspection report to the Secretary; or by July 30 of each year if performed by a utility or municipality pursuant to a duly adopted stormwater management ordinance. Annual Inspection Reports shall be submitted electronically to the DEC - Watershed Management Division, Stormwater Program at: https://anronline.vennont.gov i. Unless previously submitted by the permittee(s) under a previously issued authorization or discharge permit, the first report submitted after construction completion shall also be submitted with a Designer's Initial Statement of Compliance that the project was built in compliance with the Approved Project Design outlined above at https:Hanronline. vermonLgov. ii. Initial statement of compliance shall be submitted with the annual inspection report at the time of completion of each phase. The final pretreatment approach shall be clearly identified at the time of Initial Statement of Compliance submittal. 13. Secretary's Determination: The Secretary has determined that this project meets the requirements of the Agency's 2017 Stormwater Management Manual. The Secretary has determined that the proposed discharge will not reduce the quality of the receiving waters below the classification established for them. 14. Personnel and Training Requirements: Such personnel and training as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Inspection and Maintenance Reporting above. 15. Monitoring and Reporting Requirement: No monitoring required; reporting requirement as specified in the Inspection and Maintenance Reporting above. 16. Other Requirements: a. Treated stormwater runoff is the only waste authorized for disposal under the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any hazardous materials or hazardous waste into the stormwater management system is prohibited. b. The issuance of this permit does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility to obtain any other local, state or federal permits required by law. Permit # 7736-INDS.A Page 4 of 5 C. At time of build -out an updated as -built maintenance plan sheet shall be submitted showing the pretreatment option chosen for each stormwater practice in accordance with plan sheets referenced above. 17. Compliance with Anti -degradation and Water Quality Standards: The Secretary has determined that the permitted discharges satisfy Vermont's Anti -degradation Policy provided in Section 1-03 of the Vermont Water Quality Standards and the Department of Environmental Conservation's Interim Anti -degradation Implementation Procedure because the applicant has demonstrated how the proposed development will implement practices and offset projects as necessary to ensure water quality is maintained in receiving waters. In particular, the applicant has demonstrated how the proposed development will implement appropriate best management practices (BMPs) designed in accordance with the requirements of the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual and as necessary offset projects in accordance with Chapter 22: Stormwater Management Rule for Stormwater-Impaired Waters. These BMPs and offset projects where necessary will manage and mitigate the proposed stormwater discharge from the project such that no lowering of water quality is expected to occur in the receiving waters. 18. Renewable Energy Projects — Right to Appeal to Public Utility Commission: Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Vermont Public Utility Commission pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §8506 within 30 days of the date of this decision. The appellant must file with the Clerk an original and six copies of its appeal. The appellant shall provide notice of the filing of an appeal in accordance with 10 V.S.A. §8504(c)(2), and shall also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Vermont Department of Public Service. For information, see the Rules and General orders of the Public Utility Commission available on line at www.puc.vennont.gov. The address for the Public Utility Commission is 112 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05620-2701 (Tel. #802-828-2358). 19. All Other Projects — Right to Appeal to Environmental Court: Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available online at www.vermontjudiciary.org or call (802) 951-1740. The address for the Environmental Court is 32 Cherry Street, 2nd Floor Suite 303 Burlington, Vermont 05401. Dated this day of 2018 Emily Boedecker, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By: Padraic Monks, Program Manager Stormwater Management Program *V#h Representative Wetland and Waters Photographs b South Burlington City Center Project South Burlington, Vermont ; 7 tic A. 'F � i r � a ,�,• � �r .x. x ,dry Yn " Photograph 1. View Jurisdictional Swale offsite, east of Trader Joe's that conveys Photograph 2. View of wetland 2012-RS-1 looking east hydrology from 2012-RS-2B, looking southeast w n Photograph 4. View of stream 2012-SC-1 looking west on the eastern section of Photograph 3. Offsite debris dam south of the Healthy Living culvert on Tributary 3 to Potash Brook wetland 2012-RS-1 .i` F Photograph 6. View of wetland 2012-RS-2A looking east from the middle of the Photograph 5. View of the southeast section of 2012-RS-1 wetland Photographs taken by VHB Environmental Scientist Chris Sheldon on March 14, 2017 Page 1 of 3 \\vhb\proj\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SitePhotos\\\vhb\proj\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SitePhotos Representative Wetland and Waters Photographs vhb South Burlington City Center Project South Burlington, Vermont l r -111101WOO. Photograph 7. View of wetland 2012-RS-26 looking southwest on the western Photograph 8. Photo of the soil and depth of the transition from sandy soil to side of the wetland clay soil in wetland 2012-RS-2A >t y r y s 1 f� I ..\ail +F� 'C,:w ,k' , "�` •.i `f . .t w ' ✓. al "lM.. ,yrY„ • > ,. T �'r S r r s T ♦. + Jj,', _� .,.. 1 Photograph 9. View of wetland 2012-RS-4 Photograph 10. View of wetland 2012-RS-5 ri Photograph 11. View of the landscape surrounding 2012-RS-8 looking west Photograph 12. View of wetland 2012-RS-8 looking southeast Photographs taken by VHB Environmental Scientist Chris Sheldon on March 14, 2017 Page 2 of 3 \\vhb\proj\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SitePhotos\\\vhb\prof\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SltePhotos Representative Wetland and Waters Photographs vhb South Burlington City Center Project South Burlington, Vermont or .< Photograph 13. View of the wetland RS-8 looking northeast with the parking lot on the right and the stake that is in the snow bank representing the wetland boundary r or`�t�';.sP��__ Photograph 14. View of wetland 2012-RS-8 view a storm drain within the wetland boundary marked by the stake t •�[�. t. .'-.. ..S „grtia s�.. ,� dry, `� 1 �yP.V�i '1�A ,��. ��r � ' r w : .• e., r M ��Y f Photographs taken by VHB Environmental Scientist Chris Sheldon on March 14, 2017 Page 3 of 3 \\vhb\proj\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SitePhotos\\\vhb\proj\Vermont\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\SitePhotos To: South Burlington City Center Project File From: Peter Smiar, P.E. Introduction two-vhb * Date: June 19, 2017 Revised September 29, 2017 Project: 57943.00 Re: South Burlington City Center Project Stormwater Management Summary This memorandum provides a general overview of the proposed stormwater management strategy for the City Center Project (the "Project"). Existing Conditions Stormwater Summary The Project area lies to the north and south of Market Street in South Burlington, within the Potash Brook Tributary 3 watershed, which has been designated as impaired by stormwater and is subject to a Flow Restoration Plan in accordance with the City of South Burlington's obligations under the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation ("DEC") Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit ("MS4"). The site is largely wooded with surface runoff generally traveling via sheet flow to the south and west toward Potash Brook Tributary 3, or to the long slender Class 2 wetland reach that outlets to Tributary 3 through the existing wet pond system to the east of the Healthy Living/Trader Joe's parking lots. Existing runoff from the Marcotte Central School parking lot to the north flows overland before being captured in catch basins and conveyed via subsurface piping that flows east under Market Street to an existing 24-inch storm line outfall at Tributary 3, just south of the Market Street crossing. At the northwest boundary of the Project, behind the Venue Nightclub parcel (Poon Property), an existing 24-inch corrugated metal storm pipe discharges a significant amount of untreated and uncontrolled stormwater onto the Project property. The 24-inch pipe outlets to an existing Class 2 wetland which drains via a ditched channel into the Healthy Living/Trader Joe's pond system and outlets directly to Tributary 3 without water quality treatment or significant peak flow mitigation. The contributing drainage area to this pipe is approximately 13.5 acres in total area with 8.2 acres of untreated impervious surfaces. Soil Conditions Existing soils as mapped by Natural Resource Conservation Service ("NRCS") are primarily Au Gres soils, Duane and Deerfield, and Adams and Windsor loamy sands. Slopes range from 0 to 8 percent. These soils have relatively high infiltration rates, but infiltration capacity is limited by the depth to the seasonal high water table ("SHWT") which is generally within eighteen inches of the existing ground surface, based upon test pitting. Adams soils typically feature greater depth to groundwater but in many portions of the site, evidence of push piles and leveled areas suggest that the former native soil profile has been heavily manipulated, with areas of sandy soils removed and imported fill soils present in locations along Potash Brook Tributary 3. The results of past soil explorations indicate that there is minimal opportunity for installation of significant stormwater infiltration practices on the site due to shallow groundwater. 40IDX Drive Building 100, Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403-7771 P 802.497.6100 South Burlington City Center Project / Stormwater Management Summary Ref: 57943.00 September 29, 2017 Page 2 Proposed Conditions Stormwater Management Approach Management of Onsite Runoff. The Project will be designed in accordance with the 2017 Vermont Stormwater Management Manual. The proposed stormwater management approach for the project seeks to utilize Low Impact Development ("LID") components to provide recharge of groundwater and minimize runoff volumes leaving the site. Bioretention islands will be installed throughout the project to break up expanses of pavement and allow runoff to sheet flow into planted areas for treatment. The LID practices will be used to treat up to the first inch of runoff to the extent feasible given locations of fill soils and groundwater separation requirements. Where site conditions allow, rooftop runoff will be directed to subsurface infiltration galleries to promote infiltration into the soil prior to overflowing to the detention basins. LID practices are typically not sufficient for providing peak flow mitigation during larger storm events, therefore detention basins are utilized to provide match of the existing condition peak discharge rates during the 1, 10 and 100-year regulatory storm events. Elevation on the site is very limited and subsurface volume detention facilities are generally not feasible. Management of Mite Runoff: In an effort to mitigate effects of Project wetland impacts and in recognition of the impaired status of Potash Brook, the Project proposes to construct a series of shallow wetland/pond systems along the Project's western property line, east of the existing Healthy Living/Trader Joe's stormwater ponds. The proposed system will provide water quality treatment and peak flow mitigation in accordance with the 2017 Stormwater Management Manual for the existing 8.2 acre of untreated offsite impervious surface. Given the multiple upstream property owners and the fact that the existing discharge travels exclusively across private lands, the City Center Project represents a unique opportunity to improve water quality in the Potash Brook and Lake Champlain watersheds. Under the proposed scenario, discharge of Total Suspended Solids from the offsite contributing area is reduced by 80- percent and phosphorus loading will be reduced by 40-percent. Detention of runoff volumes during the 1-year storm event will provide compliance with the Channel Protection Treatment standard of the VSMM, thus achieving the goals of the Flow Restoration Plan of the City's MS4 permit. Attachment: • Sheet C-6.00 Stormwater Details \\vtnfdata\projects\57943.00 S Burlington City Center\docs\memos\Stormwater Managment\Stormwater Management Approach.docx '943.00 5 Burlington City Centw\cod\d\Pk3nse1\ Permittin9\57943.00-EXAwt; 7, /1 0 0 C > 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 CP 0 0 -j 0 0 -- 40 1DX Dr 0 0 Building 100 Suite 200 01 0 South Burlington, VT 05403 0 802.497.6100 jf o 0\ TO DORSET STREET Legend 0 0 0 PROJE6-PROOtRTY BOUNDARY NBUC WGHT-OF- 0 UMff OF PERMANENT OISTURFMCE 0 1 3 UMIT OF TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE -T-1 BOUNDARY -1- BlIFER 0 0 .............. . 0 N 0 �.7r. L e0i�-R \\\ .. \.... � 't,' _.__.... '��- � r ooc�, -HD 4304. em 17 0 0 0 40 80 16OF-t U South Burlington 41 City Center W" -j PE 12*** 7 0 N '13 w South Burlington, Vermont 17 T1771 IIN �J N 7-� N 0 N J, 0 Wetland Permit L - ting Sept. 29, 2017 0 Not Approved for Construction N 7� N X" --^ Existing Conditions Plan 11 yy 24 ORE, 4 no ti A/ 71 ----------- 71 mARKErsTHE Er,,— 'TO ROUTE IM L 0 1z i=ovh 0 006' 7- --4: - W1.01 -7 . .. ... 'S Mn 57943.00 0 South Burlington City Center Project Snyder -Braverman Development Company South Burlington, Vermont Summary of Delineated Wetlands Prepared by VHS (R. Scott) (O.McEnroe) June 10, 2013 Updated: June 28, 2017 "`* hit Vermont Wetland Rules RAP Wetland Assessment Mapped Riparian VWR Section 5 Functional Mapped Class U Contiguous Wetland Criteria Presence/ Highway Wetland ID Area (Square Buffer Area Cowardin Hydrology Hydric Soil to a VSWI- Contiguous VWR Section Significance 9 VHS Proposed Methodology Typical Vegetation Corn rTlerlis Feet)' (Square Classification' Indicator to Stream 4.6 VWR Principal Functions HGM Class3 fCl9 VHS- Feet)' mapped PP Channel? Presumptions4 Classification and Values' Wetland? (Flow Types Proposed Re ime)3 Significant? PEM: Maianthemum cana ense, 2012-PW-1 is connected to 2012-RS-18 through a continuous wetland 2012-PW-1/ 2012-RS 56,160 88,894 PEM, PSS Saturation (A3), Water- Thick Dark Yes vas a, b, c 5.1, 5.2, 5.10 Yes 11 GW, FF, STP, NUT, SS, Riverine Osmunda cinnamomea S5: feature that extends outside of the Study Area. Stream 2012-SC-1 (Tributary 16 Stained Leaves (69) Surface (Al2) W Storm and Flood Water Storage Viburnum cassinoides 3 to Potash Brook) runs south through the wetland until it drains to a (0.67), Modification of Ground Water Recharge (0.76), Modification of culvert under Market Street. Surface Water (Al), High Water Quality (0.75), Modification of Large wetland with an open water feature in the southwest corner of the Water Table (A2), Depleted GW, FF, F, STP, NUT, Ground Water Discharge (0.44) PEM: Photons arundinacea, Typha Study Area. Stream 2012-SC-1 (Tributary 3 to Potash Brook) runs southwest 2012-RS-1 117,910 190,668 PEM, P55, POW Saturation (A3), Drainage Matrix (F3) Yes No a, b, c 5.1, 5.2, 5.10 Yes II SS, W Riverine r a, latijolio PSS: Lonicera tataIlex to west through the wetland until it becomes diffuse within the central Patterns (B10) venc�dlata portion of the wetland. Saturation (Al), Sediment Depleted PEM: Ppatiens Small wetland feature located at the culvert inlet north of Market Street. 2012-PW-2 319 - PEM Deposits (62), Water- Matrix No No - 5.1, 5.10 No M - Riverine - Due to its small size, the wetland does not provide any significant functions Stained Leaves (B9) (F3) capennacea, Impatiens capensis or values and is therefore considered Class III Surface Water (Al), High Water Table (A2), Storm and Flood Water Storage Saturation (A3), Water- Redox Dark (0.67), Modification of Ground Water PEM: Osmunda cinnamomea, Large wetland separated from wetland 2012-RS-2B hydrologically by an 2012-RS-2A 35,870 77,015 PEM, PSS Stained Leaves (B9), Surface (F6) No No a 5.1, 5.2 Yes II GW, FF, STP, NUT Depressional Recharge (0.62), Modification of Impatiens capensis P55: Viburnum undersized culvert. Wetland 2012-RS-2A is underlain by sandy soils. Hydrogen Sulfide Odor Water Quality (0.78), Modification of recognitum (Cl) Ground Water Discharge (0.44) Surface Water (Al), High Water Table (A2), Storm and Flood Water Storage Saturation (A3), Water- (0.67), Modification of Ground Water PEM: Phalaris arundinaceo, Ontx/ea Large wetland separated from wetland 2012-RS-2A hydrologically by an 2012-RS-2B 23,360 36,256 PEM, PSS Stained Leaves (B9), Histosol (Al) No No a 5.1, 5.2 Yes II GW, FF, STP, NUT Depressional Recharge (0.57), Modification of sensibilis PSS: Alnus incona undersized culvert. The wetland receives untreated stormwater inputs from Hydrogen Sulfide Odor Water Quality (0.83), Modification of impervious areas to the north (Cl) Ground Water Discharge (0.67) 2012-RS-3 2,320 - PEM, PSS Water -Stained Leaves (B9) Redox Dark Surface (F6) No No - 5.1, 5.2 No III - Depressional - PSS: Alnus incona, Frangula alnus Small pocket wetland located adjacent to a large fill pile. 2012-RS-4 1,265 PEM, PSS Water -Stained Leaves (139) Redox Dark No No 515.2 No III STP, NUT Depressional PSS: Frangula alnus, Viburnum sp. Small pocket wetland. Surface (F6) 2012-RS-5 2,183 PEM, P55 Water -Stained Leaves (89) Redox Dark No No 5.1, 5.2 No ]II GW, FF, STP, NUT Depressional PSS: Frangula alms PEM: Onoclea Small pocket wetland formerly connected to 2012-RS-4. VHB observed no Surface (F6) sensibilis connection during 2012 delineation efforts. 2012-RS-6 1,603 PEM, PSS Water -Stained Leaves (89) Redox Dark No No 5.1, 5.2 No III GW, FF, STP, NUT Depressional PSS: Frangula alms PEM: Small pocket wetland. Surface TO Dryopterts intermedia 2012-RS-7 927 PEM, PSS Surface Water (Al), Water- Redox Dark No No 5.1 No III GW, STP, NUT Depressional PSS: Alnus incona, PEM: Typha Small pocket wetland north of Market Street. Dominant vegetation consists Stained Leaves (B9) Surface (F6) latifolia, Phragmites austrolis of Phrogmites austrolis. Surface Water (Al), High Water Table (A2), Although all 3 wetland parameters are met, this feature was determined to Saturation (A3), Water- Redox Dark PEM: Onoclea sensibilis PSS: be not a Jurisdictional Wetland by the USACE. Wetland maintains standing 2012-RS-8 2,588 PEM, PSS Stained Leaves (B9), Surface (F6) No No 5.1, 5.2 No III GW, STP, NUT Depressional Frangula alnus, Cornus sericea water. Water is received from adjacent parking lot and flows to a drain Hydrogen Sulfide Odor located north of the delineated boundary. (C 1) `All wetlands approximately mapped per the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Welland Delineation Manual: Northeast and North Central Region. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2011. italics indicate wetland feature continues outside of the Study Area 'Classification follows Cowardin, LM., V. Carter, F.C. Golat, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitat of the United States, U.S. Fish and Wildlde Service. F WS/ODD-79/31. 103pp. 'Wetland contiguity to streams as defined in the Vermont ANR 12/9/05 Guidance for Agency Act 250 and Section 248 Comments Regarding Ripanan Buffers and confirmed d a delineated perennial or intermittent stream channel inflows, through lbws, and outflows from a delineated wetland. The vegetative assemblage or natural community type is used when determining riparian vegetation function. Flow regime determined based on qualitative observations of instream hydrology indicators and geomorphic characteristic and are subject to professional judgment (P=perennial, l=intermittent E=epherema0. (Alpha -numeric codes correspond with Saction 4.6 Presumptions of the 2017 Vermont Wetland Rules. sVWR Section 5: Functional Criteria for Evaluating a Wetland's Significance: 5.1-Water Storage for Flood Water and Storm Runoff, 5.2- Surface and Groundwater Protection, 5.3=Fish Habitat 5A=Wildlife Habitat 5.5=Exemplary Welland Natural Community, 5.6=Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species Habitat 5.7=Education and Raeardr in Natural Sciences, 5.8=Recreational Value and Economic Benefds, 5.9=0pen Space and Aesthetics, 5.10•Erosion Control Through Binding and Stabilizing the Sol. (P)= Present, (H)=High, (L)=low, Correspond to observed li of functionality (VHB-Proposed MR Classification is based on review and application of the MR, particularly VHB's interpretation of Section 4.6 Presumptions. 7U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - New England District. 1999. The Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement Wetland Functions and Values - A Descriptive Approach. NAEEP-360-1-30a. Functions and Values are codified as folom: GW=Groundwater Recharge/Discharge, FF=Flood Bow Alteration, F= Fish and Shellfish Habitat, STP=Sediment/Toxicant Retention, NUT=Nutrient Removal, PE -Production Export SS-Sediment/Shoreline Stabilization, W=Wildlife Habitat R=Recreation. ES-EducMional/Sdenlific Value, H=Hentage Uniquaness, V-Visual/Aesthelia, and RTE=Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species Habitat Principal Function(s)/Value(s) are in bold. Results from the 2006 delineation. a Brinson, M.M. 1991 A hydro9-Thic di eificalmn for wetland, Technical Report W RP-DE-4, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 9 Magee, Dennis W., and Garrett G. Hollands. A Rapid Procedure for Assessing Wetland Functional Capacity: Based on Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Classification. Association of Slate Wetland Managers, 1998. \\vhb\proj\VermoM\57943.W S Burlington City Cemer\,,heels\Wetl_Wine, summary\WNl,r S 2017update-ma,ter6/28/201) I oft June 20, 2017 'Vhb Revised: July 7, 2017 55. Y 55 55 555 55 55 �5 55 55 �5 ,5 555 55 55� 55 �5 55 55 5 ti 4 s Project Property Limits =MOD Wetland 2012-RS-2B Permanent Wetland Impact: 23,350 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 30,786 sq. ft. Existing Offsite Stormwater Outfall Wetland 2012-RS-2A F Permanent Wetland Impact: 34,940 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 65,540 sq. ft. Temporary Buffer Impact: 1,305 sq. ft. I �� Wetland 2012-PW-1 Permanent Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 14,790 sq. ft. Temporary Buffer Impact: 1,630 sq. ft. x Wetland 2012-RS-1 Wetland 2012-RS-lb Permanent Wetland Impact: 8,275 sq. ft. Permanent Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Pedestrian Path to Connect Temporary Wetland Impact: 0 sq. ft. Temporary Wetland Impact: 25 sq. ft. E to Dumont Park Permanent Buffer Impact: 49,860 sq. ft. Permanent Buffer Impact: 3,430 sq. ft. s - Temporary Buffer Impact: 0 sq. ft. Temporary Buffer Impact: 490 sq. ft. a` G Dumont Pa; v D v • c 0 o+ o r� t; v a 200 100 0 200 Feet South Burlington City Center Proposed Wetland and Buffer Impact Type (VHB) Q Delineated Wetland (VHB) Road (VTrans) ZU Permanent Wetland Impact j •••r Class II Wetland Buffer (VHB) Parcel Boundary (VCGI) Temporary Wetland Impact --- Delineated Stream (VHB) — 5 ft. Existing Contour (VHB) ® Permanent Buffer Impact Proposed Site Plan (VHB) Existing Treeline (VHB) I� Temporary Buffer Impacts Proposed Treeline (VHB) South Burlington, Vermont Vermont Wetland Permit (VWP) Impact Exhibit Sources., VCGI (Vermont Center for Geographic Information - Various Dates); Vrrans (Vermont Agency of Transportation - 2016); VHB (Site Plan Dated June 1, 2017) Previously Permitted Impacts (VHB) X Wetland 2012-RS-2B Wetland 2012-RS-2A Permanent Impact: 6,815 sq. ft. r, Permanent Impact: 34,940 sq. ft. Existing Offsite Temporary Impact: 800 sq ft Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. Stormwater I 11X Outfall Wetland 2012-RS-7 ) Lssqq -f f it Permanent Impact: 215 sq. ft. ..... ------ Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. 77—l--­L -7. % z v Wetland 2012-RS-3 N\ N Permanent Impact: 2,320 sq. ft. Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft Nx E S ux 77 o Wetland 2012-RS-5 Wetiand 2012-RS-4 77 Permanent Impact: 1,265 sq. ft. % Permanent Impact- 2,183 sq. ft. ic Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. % 0 ter Q alit) Wetland 2012-RS-6 I provro ent Permanent Impact: 1,603 so.. ft. E Proje& Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. n ni .. . ....... 7. U 41 aw J-- 0 w .7: -7 Wetland 2012-RS-lb Permanent Impact: 0 sq. ft. IL Temporary Impact: 0 sq. ft. V L 9jk X X- Wetland 2012 -RS-1 Pedestrian Path to 2 Connect to Permanent Impact: 2,310 sq. ft. Dumont Park Temporary Impact: 910 sq. ft. South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont 120 60 0 120 Feet Permanent Wetland Impact Parcel Boundary (VCGI) Temporary Wetland Impact 5 ft. Existing Contour (VHB) Sources: VCGI Center for Geographic Information Various Dates); USACE 404 Wetland (Vermont - VTrans (Vermont Agency of Transportation - 2017): Impact Exhibit Previously Permitted Wetland/ Class II Impacts (VHB) Existing Treeline (VHB) VHB (Site Plan Dated September 25, 2017). Delineated/ Avoided Wetland (VHB) Proposed Treeline (VHB) June 30, 2017 Delineated Stream (VHB) Road (VTrans) V, h b Revised: September 27, 2017 Last Revised: October 20, 2017 Proposed Site Plan (VHB) \\Nsbdata\projects\57943.00 s b.,[Mgton city center\cod\Id\Planset\s( ar permitting\57943.00—Storm.dwIg I O / NOTE: O 1.5S R/C!( � ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1 (H:V) L ARE UB ECT THE N SOIL p cFNTRq �R OT / ANDSQUALITI' SOTANDARDTOFOTHET2017TVOERMON DEPTH _ 7 ' S�- POND STOLOPES ANATER ANAGEMENT D SOIL BERMSIARE NOT SANUAL URMWATER BJECT TO �. _ ! THIS STANDARD. SEE DETAIL SHEET D4. "- �.�;% SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT _ --1---_r--T- PREVIWSLY PERMITTED UNDER _^�� ` 7736—INDS TO RECEIVE TREATMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2017 VThb STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL \ 4 � X40IDX Dr ? a1, C Building 100 Suite 200 � � s 1.4S �o g o � South Burlington, VT 05403 802.497.6100 h BIORETENTION #1 LEGEND SUBCATCHMENT BOUNDARY r ' 9'f3-_ ---- -- - - WETLAND BOUNDARY /'�1 B \ - WETLAND BUFFER 4.25 i [ STORM PIPE WETLAND AREAS /' tr� �` 9' `'� •� sd -- �QJ ya TREATMENT PRACTICES at�P�J� POINT OF INTEREST/DISCHARGE ' INTERCEPT FLOW FROM / XQ9P�RO /"(C Q)V EXISTING 24' MP 0 5/ \ QP�� 4,1 S /� EXISTING OFFSITE TREATMENT' �; - :; -l" POND 02 (A451-INDS.AT) J SUBCATCHMENT I.D. �11� STRUCTURAL TREATMENT �y L o' � ' PRACTICE I.D. / ' y QP � r . .. sr ell, / 2 , US BIORRETENT J #2 �G • �'P,FOF /�1A, , I 0 35 69.9999 139.998ffit DOR pT f ST2B . i N /r ti 4T c 9 / AZA i I PL6' / ( G x 4.4S BUILDING 1 BUILDING 12 �PsaF�.c South Burlington � � I 3S1 /, .�� s s �2F / City Center - —__ � �O yu -i l' •, �C z? _ - - l South Burlington, Vermont »o .<. A-d. 1.2S t BUILDING LRPIL 2S P ry EXISTING OFFSITE n 'A C J � TREATMENT POND ND #1 /1 z � ,>r � GRAVEL WETLAND #4 (4461—INDS.AT)� T n t- _.. _.. • \\ \ CITY POND — WEST \ — I ?by g'Ic m y, I _.� ICi1 0 ® \.�' (7463 INDS) \ .T _ETA$ p PBS J r N INFILTRATION CHAMBERS w� e� \\ - 202 I m -�� .�\) — of -e; -Ib <tD'' �1 Response to Jan.08, 2017 ° DEC Comments DORSET ST. ago �� v -: W' o , . G pVE q1 / .- - \ PW �' / � ApprovedNot GRAVEL a� \ WETLAND P01 #4 / \ .��� vI � Proposed Construction —" rmwater POI #2 if v Treatment Plan a J POI#1 I �,.;,'� �� n�r:1rI a POI _ 1 a _ ' 3.2S �� r c, n I 3S �i J V V i R 1 ) \ _ PA'1H TO DU w RECEIVE 3S SIMPLE Y D( i IOA7 P.-IRh GRAVEL WETLAND #3 CITY POND EAST (7463—INDS) 57943.00 ,VA...-t\57943.00 S PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (TYP.) �LW PRETREATMENT UNIT INV, IN 304,0 INV, OUT 303,5-.ter NEW HEADWALL AND PIPE TO INTERCEPT oiSITE TLOW. 1 �- 24' INV. - 30a,°t- RIM - 309x 1 _ 1 zmz-Rs-zo nu I ' New >6 me INV. =3n2.c FASTING CDcr Or PAVEMfNT (TY1)—\ o-YPfC/OAs \ Off! ,\ 1 9 10 1,♦!♦ fO 'f < ���q-�, zote�v-1 (Ir,l IiPLr+r." �� 4 ...`� fLb' �F \\ I -24' OUTLET PIPE INV 305.8 BUILDING 12 `�°"% / 44 WITH 'TONE STABILIZATION - -. AND LEVEL SPREADER ¢ BUILDING 1 BTORr PAIRK IEVf.I ARCHEOLOGICAL AREA �P REBNE LEVEL RELOIN PTORY . PAfAR- IN S I r �A� Irv' � \ �• 1 BUILOING 3 11 °TORT•PA°"wo cvELeELa^ \ ' ter, UILOI)y© 1 1 I .{ ti �\ 1 I - 1^\�\ /'•Y p'•� �---. aSl`NTE4 T�„yw,ArtA ram.. _� a G" ,I,�. / e�vr • PAnxyro ,,;`= +e SUBSURFACE GROUND- 1 11'f' s WATER RECHARGE SYSTEM - S L ..- J tit c) L ' — _ � / MA N \ RKFTS n1IPRCC7 #—i 2 J -01t.OW SPILLNA, INV - 3M6 ' ILDIN4 -.- ACCESS DRIVE T1ll _ WpJN�IJ PPE INV. TI 304 z \ / "/ f \�` WITH STONE' TAZA°r ON AND I p°� NTH J��-•/ 'y z1112-RS-1 t11> + '�T["([�1 T t V 1 LEVEL SPREADER -PROPOSED MODULAR &0CK I \f �..:/ RETAINING WAIL (iYT') / `pD12_Td. 'i �� ,.f _ �w.•�*-"� l Apy J ` PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PAT• TO SPAN WETTLA+N.DD \ PIPE P.%IL':I AND 'i KAI, SPILWWA, - :JDUTWjT PIPE INV. - �_ ,I IIRI ..GW SPILL 30T,B FOND 0, VJ S-307' 1\• �'^+�' OSJD UNITS OFD1STURRANC: (TYP) �- � PROPOSED CLEARING TO FOLLOW -�— 1+" APPROVED LIMITS OF WETLAND AND BUFFER IMPACTS FUTURE nUMnNT PARK E O r \��0 `! vlib 401Dx Dr Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403 802,497.6100 Legend tl\H•Jf NFu. [N•[MSY:VAW.[ {Wlf' U- fAaGYFf" pp ' JM4HCf WfT'..VTl4Wifi. erf*..A,O THIS PLAN WAS ANNOTATED BY LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON ON JANUARY 19, 2018 TO SHOW THE OVERALL LIMITS OF PROPOSED CLEARING ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED CITY CENTER SITE DEVELOPMENT. O 40 4 160feet South Burlington City Center South Burlington, Vermont Wetland Permitting Sept. 29, 2017 MP-1.00 1 5790.00