HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 07_SD-20-09_1650 Hinesburg Rd_Auclair_FP#SD‐20‐09  1  CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON  DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING    HEATHER AUCLAIR – 1650 HINESBURG ROAD  FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD‐20‐09  FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION    Final plat application #SD‐19‐33 of Heather Auclair to subdivide an existing undeveloped 194 acre parcel  and an existing 0.37 acre parcel developed with a single family home into two parcels of 191 acres (Lot  1) and 3.43 acres (Lot 2)  for the purpose of consolidating the existing septic and lawn area for the 0.37  acre parcel onto a single parcel (Lot 2), 1650 Hinesburg Rd.    The Development Review Board held a public hearing on March 17, 2020. The applicant was  represented by Bjorn Israel.  Board member Jim Langan recused himself from the hearing and did not  participate in the decision.  Based on the plans and materials contained in the document file for this application, the Board finds,  concludes, and decides the following:    FINDINGS OF FACT    1. Heather Auclair, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking final plat approval to  subdivide an existing undeveloped 194 acre parcel and an existing 0.37 acre parcel developed  with a single family home into two parcels of 191 acres (Lot 1) and 3.43 acres (Lot 2), 1650  Hinesburg Rd.    2. The owners of record of the subject properties are Heather Auclair and Vermont Land Trust.  3. The subject property is located in the Southeast Quadrant – Natural Resource Protection (SEQ‐ NRP) zoning district.  4. The application was received on February 20, 2020.  5. The plan set submitted consists of a three (3) page plan set.  Page one is entitled “Boundary Line  Adjustment Plat Heather Auclair & Vermont Land Trust, Inc.,” prepared by Trudell Consulting  Engineers, dated 3/28/2018 and last revised 1/17/2020.  6. The subdivision includes a proposed reconfiguration of the two parcels in order to consolidating  the existing septic and lawn area for the 0.37 acre parcel onto a single parcel (Lot 2), 1650  Hinesburg Rd.  7. The Board reviewed the sketch plan application for the subdivision on December 3, 2020.  At that  time, the Board asked the Applicant provide a draft conservation easement for the resulting 191  acre parcel.  The applicant has done so.          #SD‐20‐09  2  A) DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS  SEQ‐NRP Required Proposed  Lot 1  Proposed  Lot 2  Min. Lot Size 12,000 sf  8,319,960  149,411  Max. Building Coverage 15%  0%  2.0%  Max. Overall Coverage 30%  0%  3.2%  Min. Front Setback 20 ft.  N/A  Appx. 50 ft.  Min. Side Setback1 10 ft.  N/A  Appx. 45 ft.  Min. Rear Setback1 30 ft.  N/A  Appx. 170 ft.  Building Height (pitched  roof)  28 ft.  N/A  No change   Proposed to be in compliance  1. Estimated by staff      B) ZONING DISTRICT STANDARDS  9.12 SEQ‐NRP SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS  C.  A single tax parcel existing as of the effective date of these regulations which exceeds one hundred  (100) acres and is located entirely within the NRP sub‐district, as shown on the South Burlington Tax  Maps last revised 6/05 (June 2005), whether such lands are contiguous or not, may be subdivided  at an average overall density for the entire tax parcel of one (1) single‐family dwelling per ten (10)  acres.  Any new lots so created shall have a minimum size of 12,000 square feet per dwelling unit.   Such lots shall be clustered in a manner that maximizes the resource values of the property and shall  have no portion within a designated primary natural community or its related buffer. All dwelling  units  shall  be  detached  single  family  houses.  Such  subdivision plan  shall  be  subject  to  the  Development Review Board’s approval of a conservation plan in a form acceptable to the City  Attorney that permanently encumbers the land against further land subdivision and development.   The applicant has provided an unexecuted conservation plan for the resulting 191‐acre Lot 1.  The  Board finds the applicant must record the conservation easement simultaneously with the approved  plan.    The  Board  finds  this  subdivision and  conservation  easement,  combined with 9.12B and 9.12C,  permanently  encumber  both  involved  parcels  against  further  land subdivision and development  except as described in the conservation easement.     9.06 SOUTHEAST QUADRANT DIMENSIONAL AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO ALL SUB‐ DISTRICTS.    The standards of this section apply to development and improvements within the entire SEQ.  SEQ general standards pertain to Open Space and Resource protection, Agriculture, Public Services and  Facilities, and Circulation.  For Lot 1, the Board finds these criteria met.  For Lot 2, no development or  improvements are proposed, therefore the Board finds these criteria to be not applicable.      9.07 SOUTHEAST QUADRANT REGULATING PLANS  #SD‐20‐09  3  The Regulating Plan contains basic land planning and neighborhood design criteria that are intended  to foster attractive and walkable neighborhood development patterns.  No development is proposed, therefore the Board finds these criteria to be not applicable.  C) SUBDIVISION STANDARDS  (1) Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of  the project in conformance with applicable State and City requirements, as evidenced by a  City water allocation, City wastewater allocation, and/or Vermont Water and Wastewater  Permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation.  No changes to the use of the site are proposed.  The Board finds this criterion met.  (2) Sufficient  grading  and  erosion  controls  will  be  utilized  during  construction  and  after  construction  to  prevent  soil  erosion  and  runoff  from  creating  unhealthy  or  dangerous  conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. In making this finding, the DRB  may  rely  on  evidence  that  the  project  will  be  covered  under  the  General  Permit  for  Construction issued by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.  No construction is proposed.  The Board finds this criterion met.  (3) The project incorporates access, circulation and traffic management strategies sufficient to  prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. In making this finding the DRB may rely  on the findings of a traffic study submitted by  the applicant, and the findings of any  technical review by City staff or consultants.  No construction is proposed.  The Board finds this criterion met.  (4) The project’s design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams,  wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features  on the site. In making this finding the DRB shall utilize the provisions of Article 12 of these  Regulations related to wetlands and stream buffers, and may seek comment from the  Natural Resources Committee with respect to the project’s impact on natural resources.  The applicant’s engineer provided an affirmative statement at sketch that there are no wetlands on  Lot 2.  Wetland areas on Lot 1 are shown on the provided exhibi t entitled “Vermont Land Trust Auclair  Estate Farm December 2019,” and are not bisected by the proposed subdivision boundaries.  The  Board finds this criterion met.  (5) The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in  the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in  which it is located.   No construction is proposed.  The provided conservation easement is consistent with the purpose of  the SEQ, which states in part that the SEQ is formed in order to encourage open space preservation,  scenic view and natural resource protection, wildlife habitat preservation, continued agriculture, and  well‐planned residential use The Board finds this criterion met.  (6) Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities  for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas.   #SD‐20‐09  4  The conservation easement encumbers both involved parcels against further land subdivision and  development except for specific uses identified in the conservation easement.  The Board finds this  criterion met.  (7) The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or his designee to  insure that adequate fire protection can be provided, with the standards for approval  including,  but  not  be  limited  to,  minimum  distance  between  structures,  street  width,  vehicular access from two directions where possible, looping of water lines, water flow and  pressure, and number and location of hydrants. All aspects of fire protection systems shall  be  designed  and  installed  in  accordance  with  applicable  codes  in  all  areas  served  by  municipal water. This standard shall not apply to Transect Zone subdivisions.  No construction is proposed.  The Board finds this criterion met.  (8) Roads,  recreation  paths,  stormwater  facilities,  sidewalks,  landscaping,  utility  lines  and  lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such  services  and  infrastructure  to adjacent  properties.  For  Transect  Zone  subdivisions,  this  standard shall only apply to the location and type of roads, recreation paths, and sidewalks.  No site changes are proposed as part of this application.  The Board finds this criterion met.    (9) Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is  consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards, absent a specific  agreement with the applicant related to maintenance that has been approved by the City  Council. For Transect Zone subdivisions, this standard shall only apply to the location and  type of roads, recreation paths, and sidewalks.  No site changes are proposed as part of this application.  The Board finds this criterion met.    (10) The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the  affected district(s).  The objectives for the SEQ identified in the comprehensive plan are as follows.    Objective 60. Give priority to the conservation of contiguous and interconnected open space areas  within this quadrant outside of those areas [districts, zones] specifically designated for development.    Objective  61.  Maintain  opportunities  for  traditional  and  emerging  forms  of  agriculture  that  complement and help sustain a growing city, and maintain the productivity of South Burlington’s  remaining agricultural lands.    Objective  62.  Enhance  Dorset  Street  as  the  SEQ’s  “main  street” with traffic calming techniques,  streetscape improvements, safe interconnected pedestrian pathways and crossings, and a roadway  profile suited to its intended local traffic function.    The  Board  finds  the  proposed  subdivision  and  conservation  easement  supports  the  objectives  identified in the Comprehensive Plan.  (11) The project’s design incorporates strategies that minimize site disturbance and integrate  structures, landscaping, natural hydrologic functions, and other techniques to generate less  runoff from developed land and to infiltrate rainfall into underlying soils and groundwater  as close as possible to where it hits the ground. For Transect Zone subdivisions, this standard  #SD‐20‐09  5  shall  apply  only  to  the  location of  natural  resources  identified in Article XII of these  Regulations.  No site changes are proposed as part of this application.  The Board finds this criterion met.     DECISION  Motion by ___, seconded by ___, to approve final plat application #SD‐20‐09 of Heather Auclair, subject  to the following conditions:   1. All previous approvals and stipulations will remain in full effect except as amended herein.   2. This project must be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant and on file in the  South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning.  3. A digital file consisting of an ArcGIS or AutoCAD formatted file of the proposed subdivision, including  property lines, easements, and rights of way, either georeferenced or shown in relation to four  easily identifiable fixed points such as manholes, utility poles or hydrants, must be provided to the  Administrative Officer before recording the final plat plan.  4. Any changes to the final plat plan will require approval of the South Burlington Development Review  Board.   5. The final plat plan (“Boundary Line Adjustment Plat”) must be recorded in the land records within  180 days or this approval is null and void. The plat plan must be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk  prior to recording.  6. Finalization of the conservation easement document, including recording thereof, must occur no later  than concurrently with recording the mylar for this subdivision.   7. No further land subdivision or development of the subject properties shall occur, except as noted in  the conservation easement, unless changes to the regulations are made which allow otherwise in  the future.  Mark Behr    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present  Matt Cota    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present  Dawn Philibert    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present  Elissa Portman    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present  Brian Sullivan    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present  John Wilking    Yea  Nay  Abstain  Not Present    Motion carried by a vote of _ – _ – _     Signed this ___ day of March, 2020 by      _____________________________________  Matt Cota, Chair    PLEASE NOTE:  An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this  decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail with the Superior Court,  Environmental Division.  See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b).  A copy of the notice of appeal also must be mailed to  #SD‐20‐09  6  the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South  Burlington, VT 05403.  See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b) (4)(A).  Please contact the Environmental Division at 802‐ 951‐1740 or https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/environmental   for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address.      The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits  for this project. Call 802.477.2241 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist.  478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 633 1 www.tcevt.com 42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 054 78 802 528 5116 Civil Eng i neeri ng Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture January 28, 2020 Marla Keene, P.E. Development Review Planner Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: 18-001 Heather Auclair & Vermont Land Trust – Subdivision Final Plat Application 1650 Hinesburg Road (Route 116), South Burlington, VT Dear Ms. Keene, Trudell Consulting Engineers (TCE) is submitting this application behalf of the owner and applicant, Heather Auclair, for a two lot subdivision which proposes to alter the boundary line between two parcels located off Hinesburg Road in South Burlington. The project proposes to transfer 3.06 ac from the existing 194 ac Vermont Land Trust parcel formerly owned by the Ernest N. Auclair Family Trust to the existing 0.37 ac parcel owned by Heather Auclair. This transfer will result in a 3.43 ac parcel (0860-01650) owned by Heather Auclair and a 191 ac parcel (0860-01800) owned by the Vermont Land Trust, Inc. The proposed 191 ac Vermont Land Trust is within a conservation easement, see attached information from Vermont Land Trust for more details. As noted in the Sketch Subdivision review, this project does not propose any new development, ground disturbance or site changes, and simply proposes the transfer of 3.06 ac of land from one property to another. As previously state, this subdivision is proposed to eliminate existing easements between the properties by expanding the residential property boundary to contain the lawn and septic area which serves the home. Should you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, Jennifer Desautels, P.E. Senior Project Manager Trudell Consulting Engineers 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 GRANT OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS, PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT, and OPTION TO PURCHASE AT AGRIUCLTURAL VALUE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC., a non- profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Vermont, with its principal offices in Montpelier, Vermont, on behalf of itself and its successors, and assigns (hereinafter “Grantor”), pursuant to Title 10 V.S.A. Chapters 34 and 155 and in consideration of the payment of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid to its full satisfaction, does freely give, grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC., a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Vermont, with its principal offices in Montpelier, Vermont, and qualified under Sections 501(c)(3) and 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code (“VLT”), and the VERMONT HOUSING AND CONSERVATION BOARD, a public instrumentality of the State of Vermont with its offices in Montpelier, Vermont (“VHCB”), and their respective successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively “Grantees”) as tenants in common, forever, the development rights, public access easement, option to purchase at agricultural value as set forth in Section IX herein, and a perpetual conservation easement and restrictions (all as more particularly set forth below) in certain lands consisting of 191 acres, more or less, with the buildings and improvements situated thereon (hereinafter “Protected Property”) located in the City of South Burlington, Chittenden County, State of Vermont, said Protected Property being more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein. The development rights hereby conveyed to Grantees shall include all development rights except those specifically reserved by Grantor herein and those reasonably required to carry out the permitted uses of the Protected Property as herein described. The development rights and option hereby conveyed are rights and interests in real property pursuant to Title 10 V.S.A. §§ 823 and 6303. The conservation restrictions hereby conveyed to Grantees consist of covenants on the part of Grantor to do or refrain from doing, severally and collectively, the various acts set forth below, to the extent those acts relate to Grantor and not exclusively to Grantees. Grantor and Grantees acknowledge that the conservation restrictions constitute a servitude upon the land and run with the land. Reserved from this Grant and retained by the Grantor for itself and its successors and assigns is the right to sell and convey transferable development rights (“TDRs”) associated with the Protected Property as established under the South Burlington Land Development Regulations pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4423. Grantor and Grantees expressly acknowledge and agree that the Grantor and its successors and assigns shall have the continuing right to sell and convey TDRs to the owners of so-called receiving properties in accordance with the City of South Burlington Development Regulations without payment of any portion of sale proceeds to Grantees, and to execute and deliver deeds and other instruments of conveyance associated with such sale and conveyance without notice to Grantees. I. Purposes of the Grant. Grantor and Grantees acknowledge that the Purposes of this Grant are as follows: 1. Consistent with the goals set forth in 10 V.S.A. §§ 821 and 6301, the primary purpose of this Grant is to conserve productive agricultural and forestry lands and soil resources in order to facilitate active and economically viable farm use of the Protected Property now and in the future, and to contribute to the implementation of the policies of the State of Vermont designed to foster the conservation of the State's agricultural, forest, and other natural resources through planning, regulation, land acquisition, and tax incentive programs. 2. As a secondary objective, to conserve scenic and natural resources associated with the Protected Property, to improve the quality of life for Vermonters, and to maintain for the benefit of future generations the essential characteristics of the Vermont countryside. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 2 3. These purposes will be advanced by conserving the Protected Property because it possesses the following attributes: a) 1 acre of agricultural soils of prime significance; b) 98 acres of agricultural soils of statewide significance; b) 29 acres of managed forest; c) 3,616 feet of frontage on Vermont Route 116, a public highway with scenic vistas; d) wetlands, including areas of open and shrub riparian wetland; e) streams, including the Muddy Brook and its tributaries, that, with wooded buffers and natural flow, provide an array of ecological benefits including maintaining water quality and providing corridors for species movement; f) in the vicinity of 4 other properties previously protected by Grantees; and g) additional wetland, upland, and riparian habitat for wildlife. Grantor and Grantees recognize these agricultural, silvicultural, scenic, and natural resource values of the Protected Property, and share the common purpose of conserving these values by the conveyance of conservation restrictions, development rights, and option to purchase to prevent the use, fragmentation, or development of the Protected Property for any purpose or in any manner which would conflict with the maintenance of these agricultural, silvicultural, scenic, and natural values. Grantees accept such conservation restrictions, development rights and option to purchase in order to conserve these values for present and future generations and to ensure resale of the Protected Property at its agricultural value. The purposes set forth above in this Section I are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Purposes of this Grant.” II. Restricted Uses of Protected Property. The restrictions hereby imposed upon the Protected Property, and the acts which Grantor shall do or refrain from doing, are as follows: 1. No residential, commercial, industrial, or mining activities shall be permitted, and no building, structure or appurtenant facility or improvement shall be constructed, created, installed, erected, or moved onto the Protected Property, except as specifically permitted under this Grant. The Protected Property shall be used for agricultural, forestry, educational, non-commercial recreation, and open space purposes only. 2. Each time that the agricultural land on the Protected Property lies fallow for more than two successive years (the “fallow land”), Grantor shall cooperate with Grantees, at Grantees’ request, to maintain the fallow land in an open condition (meaning without trees and brush) and in active agricultural use. For example, Grantor shall permit access to the fallow land by Grantees and Grantees' contractors to crop, mow, or brush-hog. No obligation is hereby imposed upon Grantor or Grantees to maintain the fallow land in an open condition or in active agricultural use. 3. No rights-of-way, easements of ingress or egress, driveways, roads, utility lines, other easements, or other use restrictions shall be constructed, developed, granted, or maintained into, on, over, under, or across the Protected Property, without the prior written permission of Grantees, except as otherwise specifically permitted under this Grant, and as appear of record prior to the date of this Grant. Grantees may grant permission for any rights-of-way, easements of ingress Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 3 or egress, driveways, roads, utility lines, other easements, or other use restrictions, if they determine, in their sole discretion, that any such rights-of-way, easements of ingress or egress, driveways, roads, utility lines, other easements or other use restrictions are consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. 4. There shall be no signs, billboards, or outdoor advertising of any kind erected or displayed on the Protected Property. Grantor, however, may erect and maintain reasonable: (a) signs indicating the name of the Protected Property, (b) boundary markers, (c) directional signs, (d) signs regarding hunting, fishing, trapping, trespassing on the Protected Property or signs otherwise regarding public access to the Protected Property, (e) memorial plaques, (f) temporary signs indicating that the Protected Property is for sale or lease, (g) signs informing the public that any agricultural or timber products are for sale or are being grown on the Protected Property, (h) political or religious signs, or (i) signs informing the public of any rural enterprise approved pursuant to Section III below. Grantees, with the permission of Grantor, may erect and maintain signs designating the Protected Property as land under the protection of Grantees. 5. The placement, collection, or storage of trash, refuse, human waste, or any other unsightly or offensive material on the Protected Property shall not be permitted except at such locations, if any, and in such a manner as shall be approved in advance in writing by Grantees which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if such placement, collection or storage is consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. The on-site storage and spreading of agricultural inputs including, but not limited to, lime, fertilizer, pesticides, compost or manure for agricultural practices and purposes, the storage of feed, and the temporary storage of trash generated on the Protected Property in receptacles for periodic off-site disposal, shall be permitted without such prior written approval. 6. There shall be no disturbance of the surface, including but not limited to filling, excavation, removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rocks or minerals, or change of the topography of the land in any manner, except as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the uses permitted on the Protected Property under this Grant. In no case shall surface mining of subsurface oil, gas, or other minerals be permitted. 7. For purposes of this Grant, the Protected Property described in Schedule A hereto is considered to be one (1) parcel of land. The Protected Property shall not be subdivided or conveyed in separate parcels, nor shall ownership of the buildings on the Protected Property be separated from the ownership of the Protected Property without the prior written approval of Grantees, which approval may be granted, conditioned or denied in Grantees’ sole discretion except as otherwise specifically permitted in this Grant. 8. No use shall be made of the Protected Property, and no activity thereon shall be permitted which is or is likely to become inconsistent with the Purposes of this Grant. Grantor and Grantees acknowledge that, in view of the perpetual nature of this Grant, they are unable to foresee all potential future land uses, future technologies, and future evolution of the land and other natural resources, and other future occurrences affecting the Purposes of this Grant. Grantees, therefore, in their sole discretion, may determine whether (a) proposed uses or proposed improvements not contemplated by or addressed in this Grant, or (b) alterations in existing uses or structures, are consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 4 III. Permitted Uses of the Protected Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor shall have the right to make the following uses of the Protected Property: 1. The right to establish, re-establish, maintain, and use cultivated fields, orchards, and pastures together with the right to construct, maintain, and repair fences and gravel or other permeable surfaced access roads for these purposes, all in accordance with sound agricultural practices and sound husbandry principles; provided, however, that Grantor shall obtain Grantees’ prior written approval to clearcut forest land to establish fields, orchards or pastures. Grantees’ approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if such clearcutting is consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. 2. The right to conduct maple sugaring operations, and the right to harvest timber and other wood products, together with the right to construct and maintain roads necessary for both such activities, in accordance with sound forestry practices and in accordance with a forest management plan for which Grantor has received the prior written approval of Grantees. Grantor may conduct maple sugaring operations, and may harvest firewood for heating residences and structures located on the Protected Property, both on existing woods roads only, without submission and approval of a plan. Grantees' approval of forest management plans that may be submitted from time to time shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned, if such plans have been approved by a professional forester and if such plans are consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. 3. The right to construct, maintain, repair, renovate, replace, enlarge, rebuild, and use new and existing barns, sugar houses, or similar non-residential structures or facilities, together with necessary access drives and utilities for agricultural and forestry uses, on the Protected Property; provided, however, that (a) the structures are used exclusively for agricultural or forestry purposes, and (b) any new construction, other than normal maintenance and repair, has been approved in writing in advance by Grantees. Grantees' approval may include designation of a complex surrounding the structures and shall not otherwise be unreasonably withheld or conditioned; provided, however, that the structure or other improvement is located in a manner which is consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. Grantor shall not deem unreasonable a condition by Grantees that certain structures must be located within an existing complex or a complex which may be designated in the future as provided in this Section III. 4. The right to use, maintain, establish, construct, and improve water sources, courses, and bodies within the Protected Property for uses permitted in this Grant; provided, however, that Grantor does not unnecessarily disturb the natural course of the surface water drainage and runoff flowing over the Protected Property. Grantor may disturb the natural water flow over the Protected Property in order to improve drainage of agricultural soils, reduce soil erosion or improve the agricultural potential of areas used for agricultural purposes, but shall do so in a manner that has minimum impact on the natural water flow and is otherwise consistent with the Purposes of this Grant and complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The construction of ponds or reservoirs shall be permitted only upon the prior written approval of Grantees, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned; provided, however, that such pond or reservoir is located in a manner which is consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 5 5. The right to clear, construct, and maintain trails for non-commercial walking, horseback riding, skiing, and other non-commercial, non-motorized recreational activities within and across the Protected Property, all in a manner consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. Non- commercial snowmobiling may be permitted at the discretion of Grantor. 6. The right to construct, maintain, repair, renovate, replace, enlarge, rebuild, and use new farm buildings for non-residential, agricultural uses and appurtenant structures and improvements, including drives and utilities, normally associated with a dwelling or farm, all within Complex A or Complex B without the prior written approval of Grantees. With the prior written approval of Grantees, the right to construct, maintain, repair, replace, relocate, improve and use systems for disposal of human waste and for supply of water for human consumption (collectively “Systems”) on the Protected Property outside of Complex A or Complex B for the benefit of buildings or structures permitted in the Complexes, provided that such Systems comply with Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules or the then applicable law or regulations governing Systems. Complex A and Complex B are two areas consisting of approximately 5.0 acres, and 8.1 acres, respectively, and are more particularly described in Schedule B attached hereto and incorporated herein, and are depicted on the Auclair Estate Farm Plan described in Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein. Grantor shall notify Grantees in writing prior to commencing construction on any new structure or improvement within Complex A or Complex B. 7. For the purpose of providing housing exclusively for Grantor who is engaged in farming operations on the Protected Property or for persons employed by the Grantor in farming operations on the Protected Property, and for the employee’s family or household members, as a nonmonetary benefit of farm employment, the right to construct, use, maintain, repair, renovate, replace, enlarge and rebuild farm labor housing which may be within an existing building or a new building (“the FLH”) together with appurtenant non-residential structures and improvements, including drives, utilities, and water and wastewater systems normally associated with a residence; provided, however, that prior to construction, renovation, replacement, enlargement or rebuilding Grantor shall obtain Grantees’ written approval which, in Grantees’ sole discretion, may be withheld or given subject to such conditions as the Grantees deem appropriate, if Grantor demonstrates to Grantees’ satisfaction that the FLH or alteration thereto is: a) necessary to the current and reasonably foreseeable farm business on the Protected Property in order to facilitate the active and long-term economically viable agricultural use of the Protected Property; and b) located within an existing building complex or, if not, that there are specific reasons why the proposed location is necessary to the current and reasonably foreseeable farm business on the Protected Property and otherwise consistent with the Purposes of the Grant; and c) designed and sized to be no larger than is necessary to meet the needs of the current and reasonably foreseeable farm business on the Protected Property and to ensure that the Protected Property remains available for production agriculture, affordable and owned by persons actively engaged in farming; and d) otherwise consistent with the Purposes of the Grant. The FLH shall not be conveyed separately from the Protected Property, but may be subdivided with the prior written approval of Grantees if such subdivision is required by state or local regulation. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 6 If the FLH is not needed for farm labor housing in the future, temporary alternative uses of the structure deemed by the Grantees in their sole discretion to be consistent with the Purposes of this Grant may be permitted with the prior written approval of the Grantees. 8. The right to conduct rural enterprises consistent with the Purposes of this Grant, especially the economically viable use of the Protected Property for agriculture, forestry and open space and the conservation of agriculturally and silviculturally productive land. In connection with such rural enterprises, the right to maintain, repair, enlarge, replace and use permitted structures with associated utility services, drives and appurtenant improvements within Complex A or Complex B or other designated complex permitted by this Section III. Grantees may approve a new, non-residential, structure for an approved rural enterprise only if an existing structure is not suitable and the new structure is: a) located within Complex A, Complex B or other designated complex; b) fewer than 1500 square feet as an exterior measure of the footprint and no more than 25 feet from the lowest undisturbed ground level to the roof peak; c) inclusive of all storage space so that no part of the business is conducted outside of the structure; d) of a nature, intensity, scope, size, appearance, type and quantity compatible with the existing agricultural structures; e) located in a way that minimizes negative impact on future operations and expansion of agricultural uses, does not interfere with current agricultural operations and does not displace farm or forestry storage, use or functions; f) non-residential; and g) not inconsistent with the Purposes of this Grant. No use or structure contemplated under this Section III(8) shall be commenced, constructed or located without first securing the prior written approval of Grantees, which approval Grantees may deny or condition in their sole discretion. All structures and uses shall conform with all applicable local, state and federal ordinances, statutes and regulations. Grantees' approval may be conditioned upon, without limitation, receipt of copies of any necessary governmental permits and approvals that Grantor obtains for such use or construction. Grantee VHCB shall not approve a new structure for a non-agricultural approved rural enterprise unless the proposed structure meets factors (a) through (g), above. However, VHCB may waive factors (b), (c) or (d) if the Grantees determine that the unique circumstances of the situation warrant waiver and approval. 9. The right to construct, use, maintain, repair and replace one (1) fully enclosed camp being no more than fifteen (15) feet high as measured from the average undisturbed ground level to the roof peak and having a footprint of no more than 800 square feet including decks and porches, provided, however, that any such camp shall be used exclusively for non-commercial, periodic camping, hunting and recreational purposes, and not for permanent occupancy, and shall not have commercial utility services or an access road improved beyond what is minimally required to afford reasonable vehicular access. Alternatively, Grantee may approve a camp having different dimensions; provided, however that such camp shall have an aggregate total exterior wall surface area from undisturbed ground level to stud wall height, excluding gables and roof, of no more than 800 square feet. Grantors shall notify Grantee in writing prior to commencing construction on the camp, relocating it or enlarging it so that Grantee may review and approve the proposed location, Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 7 dimensions and access of the camp which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned, provided that the dimensions and access of the camp are in compliance with this section and are located in a manner consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. 10. The right to construct, repair, maintain, and use a minimal number of minor structures (for example: deer stands, gazebos, hunting blinds, lean-tos, Adirondack shelters, tent platforms, tree houses, children’s play houses, privies, kiosks, outdoor fireplaces) on the Protected Property provided that such structures shall not have any access roads or drives, utility services or facilities, waste disposal systems, or plumbing, and shall not be used for year-round, continuous residential occupancy or for any commercial activity of any nature (except as Grantee may permit in its sole discretion pursuant to the rural enterprises clause in Section III) and shall not exceed 300 square feet of floor space and fifteen feet in height. Grantors shall secure the written approval of Grantee prior to the construction of any such minor structure, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned, provided that the structure complies with the requirements of this Section III(10) and the number and location of such structures are consistent with the Purposes of this Grant. 11. The right to construct, or to permit another person to construct, one (1) residential dwelling, together with customary appurtenant utilities and improvements associated with a dwelling, including a wastewater disposal system and potable water supply, in a portion of Complex B which has yet to be identified but which shall be delineated by Grantors prior to the commencement of any construction, consisting of an area not to exceed two (2) acres (the “Future House Site”). The dwelling and appurtenant utilities and improvements, or the right to construct same, may be conveyed separately from the Protected Property with the benefit of a permanent easement or other interest in land approved by the Grantees, over and under the Future House Site to allow the construction, use, maintenance, repair and replacement of the dwelling and appurtenant utilities and improvements. The Future House Site shall remain a portion of the Protected Property subject to this Grant. Any mortgage securing a loan for the purchase of an interest in the Future House Site and structures thereon shall be subject and subordinate to this Grant. Also, the right to convey an easement for ingress and egress between Vermont Route 116 and the Future House Site in the location depicted as “ROW” on the Auclair Estate Farm Plan. The dwelling, appurtenant utilities and improvements, or the right to construct same, and the easement or other interest and easement for ingress and egress shall be freely alienable; provided, however, that before the first conveyance the Grantors shall obtain the written approval of the Grantees which approval shall be given if, in Grantees’ sole discretion, they determine that: (1) the instrument and manner of conveyance and the description of the Future House Site and easements therein is consistent with the provisions of this Section III(11) and states that the use and development of the Future House Site shall remain subject to this Section III(11); and (2) it provides the Grantors and their heirs, successors and assigns in ownership of the Protected Property with a perpetual right of first refusal to acquire the dwelling together with the appurtenant utilities and improvements. Grantors shall notify Grantees prior to commencing construction on any new residential structure or appurtenant utilities and improvements. Any use of the Protected Property outside of the Future House Site by the owner of the dwelling in the Future House Site shall be subject to obtaining the prior written approval of the Grantees under Section II(3) of this Grant. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 8 IV. Wetland Protection Zone The Protected Property includes certain lands containing and buffering wetlands hereby made subject to special protections to protect the water quality and the ecological processes associated with such wetlands. Such wetlands are herein designated as the “Wetland Protection Zone” or “WPZ”. The WPZ is more particularly described as four areas of open, shrub, and forested riparian wetland associated with Muddy Brook and its tributaries, and is generally depicted as “WPZ” on the Auclair Estate Farm Plan. The boundaries of the WPZ may be changed from time to time by mutual agreement of Grantor and Grantee/s, as established by and depicted on a new Farm Plan signed by Grantor and Grantee/s and maintained on file with Grantee VLT. Within the WPZ, the goals, prescriptions, and restrictions of this Section IV are in addition to the provisions of Sections II and III of this Grant, and where inconsistent, the provisions of this Section IV shall control. Within the WPZ the following shall apply: 1. Protection or restoration of the ecological functions of the wetland natural communities, as well as the natural communities that naturally develop in the future in the WPZ, and the ecological processes that sustain them, shall be Grantor’s and Grantees’ highest priority. 2. All management activities, including without limitation forest management and ecological management, shall focus on the goals of a) maintaining or restoring soil integrity, natural hydrology, and water quality, and b) maintaining the natural structure and species composition of the natural communities present or communities that may develop naturally over time, informed by the best current ecological science. 3. There shall be no agricultural activities (including without limitation the grazing or pasturing of animals), except as may be approved by Grantees in their sole discretion. 4. All forest management activities shall be conducted pursuant to a forest management plan that is consistent with the Purposes of this Grant and this Section IV. Without limiting the foregoing, the installation of new roads and trails shall require Grantees’ prior written approval. In the context of acting under this Section IV, Grantor and Grantees may confer about what constitutes the best available ecological science; provided that, Grantees’ interpretation thereof shall control. V. Riparian Buffer Zone. The Protected Property includes certain lands and premises lying on the westerly side of the Muddy Brook in those locations that are not protected by the Wetland Protection Zone, and also along a headwater tributary of Muddy Brook, subject to special protections as set forth herein to protect the water quality of such waterways and the ecological health of the natural systems associated with such waterways. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section V, in the event that Grantor conveys a grant of conservation buffer easement, river corridor easement or a similar set of restrictions protecting water quality, riparian habitat and river function (“Buffer Easement”) to Grantee VLT, then such Buffer Easement shall control and the terms of this Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 9 Section V shall no longer be in effect so long as such Buffer Easement remains in full force and effect. The location of and the restrictions applicable to these areas are as follows: Those areas on the Protected Property lying within fifty feet (50’) of the top of the banks of Muddy Brook and its tributary, as those waters may move from time to time, and also including any land located between the said tops of banks and the low water marks of such waterways, shall be designated as Riparian Buffer Zones (hereinafter “RBZ”). The location of the RBZ as of the date of this Grant is generally depicted on the Auclair Estate Farm Plan, described in Schedule A attached hereto. Within the RBZ, the goals, prescriptions and restrictions of this Section V are in addition to the provisions of Sections II and III, and where inconsistent, the provisions of this Section V shall supersede the provisions of Sections II and III. Specifically, the principal goal for management within the RBZ is the establishment and maintenance of high quality buffers that provide an array of ecological benefits including, but not limited to: (i) buffering aquatic and wetland plants and animals from disturbance; (ii) preventing wetland and water-quality degradation; (iii) providing important plant and animal habitat; and (iv) providing organic matter, nutrients, and structure to aquatic systems. Any management or use of the RBZ shall be conducted in a manner designed to protect soil integrity and minimize erosion, shall incorporate up-to-date ecological knowledge and management practices, and shall be consistent with the principal goal detailed above. Without limiting the foregoing, any forest management activities within the RBZ (including without limitation the installation of new roads and trails) shall require Grantee’s’ prior approval. There shall be no agricultural activities (including without limitation the grazing or pasturing of animals) within the RBZ, except as may be approved in Grantee’s’ sole discretion. VI . Public Access Easement. Grantor does freely give, grant, sell, convey and confirm unto Grantees, and their respective successors and assigns, forever, a perpetual and separately assignable easement for an unpaved public recreational trail (all as more particularly set forth below), said easement being on, over, under and across the Protected Property, and measuring one (1) rod in width. The location of the easement will be fixed at the time the trail is to be developed by mutual consent of the parties and will be located in a manner that minimizes the impact on the agricultural soils and farm operation. The intent of the parties with respect to the location of the public recreation trail is to provide additional public recreation opportunities in South Burlington, in addition to connecting with a larger trail network in South Burlington, should one be created in the future. Such access shall be for non-motorized recreational use only. Grantees may limit or restrict the public use and access in the public interest. Grantees shall consult with Grantor from time to time about the public use and access and shall take reasonable steps to correct any erosion Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 10 problems caused by public use and to minimize any adverse impact on Grantor’s use and enjoyment of the Protected Property. The rights conveyed pursuant to this Section VI are in addition to, not in lieu of, the covenants and restrictions otherwise conveyed by this Grant. In addition, Grantees, and their respective successors and assigns, shall have the right to improve, construct, manage, and maintain the trail for public recreational use, provided Grantees shall first notify Grantor of the name of the entity or organization that will be responsible for maintenance and management for the public's use of the trail. Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns, expressly acknowledges that the easement and trail contemplated by this Section VI may become a part of the public trail systems in the City of South Burlington and, toward that end, Grantor, if requested, shall convey to said City such deeds of easement as may be required in order to effectuate that goal. VII. Archaeology Zone. Four archaeology zones, referred to in this Section VII as “Archaeology Zone,” are hereby designated which shall consist of those four areas depicted on the Auclair Estate Farm Plan and identified by the State of Vermont as sites VT-CH-151, VT-CH-152, VT-CH-153, and VT-CH-154. In furtherance of the Purposes of this Grant, Grantor undertakes to do (and to refrain from doing as the case may be) each of the following actions. It is understood that the goals, prescriptions and restrictions of this Section VII are in addition to the provisions of Sections II and III. Where inconsistent, the provisions of this Section VII shall supersede the provisions of Sections II and III. Existing archaeologically, culturally or historically significant features on the Protected Property including, but not limited to, such features as documented in the Baseline Documentation Report shall be maintained consistent with the guidelines provided in The Secretary of Department of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties pursuant to 36 CFR Part 68, as amended. The up-to-date version of such guidelines shall be maintained by Grantees in the Baseline Documentation Report and made available to Grantor upon request. The archaeologically, culturally, or historically significant features may not be altered or removed without Grantees’ prior written approval, which approval shall not be given except where the proposed activity is accomplished in accordance with the guidelines provided in The Secretary of The Department of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. 1. Within the Archaeology Zone, Grantees shall consider the impact of certain proposed structures or activities on the archaeological resources before giving Grantor their prior written approval pursuant to Sections II and III of this Grant. Grantees shall consult with a qualified archaeologist before making their final determination, provided that a qualified archaeologist from the state of Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and/or the Natural Resources Conservation Service is available and willing to consult on the matter. In addition to the standard of review required for Grantees’ approval under Sections II or III, Grantees’ approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if the structure or improvement can be constructed, completed and used or activity conducted in a manner which protects the archaeological and historical significance of archaeological resources of the Archaeology Zone. Activities that do not require Grantees’ approval under Sections II or III, above, and that do not impact the Archaeology Zone deeper than the historical plow depth, may be conducted within the Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 11 Archaeology Zone without the need for approval under this Section VII. 2. Grantor shall permit Grantees, or Grantees’ designee, access to the Archaeology Zone for the purpose of documenting and conducting research related to the archaeological and historical significance of the archaeological resources of the Archaeology Zone; provided that Grantees shall secure the prior consent of Grantor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned, provided the nature, duration and timing of Grantees’ access does not significantly interfere with Grantor’s exercise of rights reserved under this Grant, especially the conduct of agricultural activities. Any such permission may be conditioned upon Grantees, or Grantees’ designee, returning the surface of the land to as near its original condition as reasonably possible. 3. Grantor shall neither collect nor give permission to any person or entity to collect historical or cultural artifacts on or from any portion of the Archaeology Zone, provided that Grantor may permit the State of Vermont, Division for Historic Preservation to collect historical or cultural artifacts on or from any portion of the Archaeology Zone. All artifacts and objects of antiquity recovered from the Protected Property after the date of this Grant shall be the property of the State of Vermont, Division of Historic Preservation. 4. This Section VII shall not be construed to convey any right to the general public to have access to or otherwise use the Archaeology Zone. The rights and interests under this Section VII shall be separately assignable by Grantees. VI II . Enforcement of the Restrictions. Grantees shall make reasonable efforts from time to time to assure compliance by Grantor with all of the covenants and restrictions herein. In connection with such efforts, Grantees may make periodic inspection of all or any portion of the Protected Property, and for such inspection and enforcement purposes, Grantees shall have the right of reasonable access to the Protected Property. In the event that a Grantee becomes aware of an event or circumstance of non- compliance with this Grant, Grantee shall give notice to Grantor and the other Grantees of such event or circumstance of non-compliance via certified mail, return receipt requested, and demand corrective action by Grantor sufficient to abate such event or circumstance of non-compliance and restore the Protected Property to its previous condition. In the event there has been an event or circumstance of non-compliance which is corrected through negotiation and voluntary compliance, but which has caused Grantees to incur extraordinary costs, including staff time, in investigating the non-compliance and securing its correction, Grantor shall, at Grantees' request, reimburse Grantees for all such costs incurred in investigating the non-compliance and in securing its correction. Failure by Grantor to cause discontinuance, abatement, or such other corrective action as may be demanded by Grantees within a reasonable time after receipt of notice and reasonable opportunity to take corrective action shall entitle Grantees to bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the terms of this Grant and to recover any damages arising from such non-compliance. Such damages, when recovered, may be applied by Grantees to corrective action on the Protected Property, if necessary. If the court determines that Grantor has failed to comply with this Grant, Grantor shall reimburse Grantees for any reasonable costs of enforcement, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, in addition to any other payments ordered by such court. In the event that a Grantee initiates litigation and the court determines that Grantor has Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 12 not failed to comply with this Grant and that one or more of Grantees have initiated litigation without reasonable cause or in bad faith, then the Grantee(s) who commenced the court proceedings shall reimburse Grantor for any reasonable costs of defending such action, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees; provided, however, that this clause shall not apply to the VAAFM. The parties to this Grant specifically acknowledge that events and circumstances of non- compliance constitute immediate and irreparable injury, loss, and damage to the Protected Property and accordingly entitle Grantees to such equitable relief, including but not limited to injunctive relief, as the court deems just. The remedies described herein are in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other remedies available to Grantees at law, in equity, or through administrative proceedings. No delay or omission by Grantees in the exercise of any right or remedy upon any breach by Grantor shall impair Grantees' rights or remedies or be construed as a waiver. Nothing in this enforcement section shall be construed as imposing a liability upon a prior owner of the Protected Property, when the event or circumstance of non-compliance occurred after said prior owner's ownership or control of the Protected Property terminated. IX. Option to Purchase at Agricultural Value. Grantee shall have an option to purchase the Protected Property at its agricultural value in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Section IX (“this Option”). This Option is an integral part of this Grant and constitutes a restriction and a right and interest in real property that runs with the land. This Option shall be perpetual in duration and is given on the following terms and conditions. 1. Option Trigger. Grantors shall not sell, transfer or convey the Protected Property, in whole or in part, without first offering the Protected Property for sale to Grantee pursuant to this Section IX; provided, however, that the following described transactions shall not trigger Grantee’s rights under this Option: a) Any mortgage, pledge, or other assignment of the Protected Property to a lender as security for indebtedness, provided the Grantee’s interest under this Option is treated as an interest in real estate such that in the event of foreclosure Grantee is deemed a necessary party defendant in such foreclosure case and has the right to redeem the Protected Property from the foreclosure action; and b) Any conveyance by the Grantors to Grantors’ family, as the latter term is defined in Section X below, by gift, inheritance, sale or other transfer; and c) Any conveyance of the Protected Property to a person who presently earns at least one-half of his or her annual gross income from the “business of farming,” as that term is defined in Regulation 1.175-3 issued under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and who, in connection with the farming operations on the Protected Property, will continue to earn at least one-half of his or her annual gross income from the “business of farming” (“a Qualified Farmer”); and d) Any lease to a Qualified Farmer or a lease having a term of 15 years or less, including renewal rights; provided, however, that any such lease shall expressly Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 13 provide that, unless otherwise agreed by Grantee, the lease shall terminate and possession shall be delivered free and clear of any rights of the tenant upon a closing of the sale of the Protected Property following exercise of this Option. e) The sale of transferable development rights as allowed under the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. f) The conveyance of the dwelling, and associated rights in accordance with Section III(11), above. This Option shall apply to all other sales and conveyances of the Protected Property, including any sale or conveyance of any interest in the Protected Property including any conveyance by, or conveyance of any interest in a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other holding entity. 2. Notice of Intent to Sell. Whenever Grantors receive an offer from a person or persons (“Buyer”) to purchase or lease for a term in excess of fifteen (15) years, including renewal rights, all or any part of the Protected Property including an offer involving property other than the Protected Property (“the Offer”), and Grantors accept the Offer subject to this Option, Grantors shall deliver to Grantee at its principal place of business by certified mail, return receipt requested a Notice of Intent to Sell, which notice shall include: a) A complete duplicate of the Offer, together with such other instruments as may be required to show the bona fides of the Offer; and b) A written description of the Buyer’s training and experience as an agricultural producer and an agricultural business plan for the Protected Property, including a description of the agricultural activities to be conducted or facilitated by Buyer, proposed improvements to the Protected Property, and a statement of anticipated agricultural income and expenses for the three-year period following Buyer’s acquisition of the Protected Property or, if Buyer has no such training and experience or intention of operating an agricultural business on the Protected Property, a written statement to that effect; and c) If the Buyer is purported to be a Qualified Farmer or family member, the documents necessary to establish the Buyer as such, including the Buyer’s most recent federal income tax filing, if applicable; and d) The Grantors’ current mailing address. Information delivered to Grantee pursuant to this clause shall remain confidential and shall not be released to any person or entity not a party to this Grant, without the prior consent of Grantors. 3. Exercise of Option. This Option may be exercised by Grantee as follows: Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 14 a) A Grantee shall give written Notice of Intent to Exercise not more than thirty (30) days following receipt of the Notice of Intent to Sell described in Section IX(2); failure by a Grantee to provide such notice shall constitute a waiver of its rights under this Option; and b) Thereafter, Grantors and Grantee shall fix the purchase price for the Protected Property by establishing a Price Agreement in the manner described in Section IX(4), below. c) A Grantee shall exercise this Option by giving written Notice of Intent to Purchase not more than thirty (30) days following Grantors’ and Grantee’s establishment of the Price Agreement. Notices required by this Section IX(3) shall be delivered to Grantors either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address provided by Grantors in the Notice of Intent to Sell described in Section IX(2), above. 4. Purchase Price. The Purchase Price shall be determined by mutual agreement of Grantors and Grantee; provided that if no such agreement can be reached, the purchase price of the land only shall be the greater of: a-1) $240,000.00 plus an inflation adjustment determined by multiplying the foregoing value by 1 (one) plus the fractional increase calculated from the date hereof in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers, Northeast, All Items published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, or a successor index published by the United States government to the date of the Offer; or a-2) The full fair market value of all Protected Property land subject to the Offer (including the site of any structures) assuming its highest and best use is commercial agricultural production commonly occurring within the market area where the Protected Property is located on the date of the Offer, as determined by a mutually approved disinterested appraiser selected by Grantors and Grantee, with the expense of such appraisal divided equally between Grantors and Grantee. Permanently installed land improvements, such as in-ground irrigation systems, farm roads, and drainage tiling shall be considered part of the land. This appraisal shall take into consideratio n the permitted and restricted uses set forth in, and the impact on value caused by the Grant. With respect to any agricultural, forestry or minor incidental structures and improvements in existence as of the date of the Offer, then in addition to the foregoing land value, the Purchase Price shall also include: b) The value of all such structures and improvements on the Protected Property as of the date of the Offer excluding all land (which is included in the Section IX(4)(a) valuation, above). The value of the structures and improvements shall be determined using the replacement cost approach to valuation (i.e., the cost to replace the structures and improvements with those of comparable size and utility, less depreciation and functional obsolescence) by a mutually approved disinterested Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 15 appraiser selected by Grantors and Grantee, with the expense of such appraisal divided equally between Grantors and Grantee. With respect to any residence(s) in existence as of the date of the Offer, then in addition to the foregoing land value, the Purchase Price shall also include: c) The value of the residence and its appurtenant structures and improvements as of the date of the Offer excluding the value of the land upon which these structures sit (which is included in the Section IX(4)(a) valuation, above). The value of the residence and appurtenant structures and improvements shall be determined using the replacement cost approach to valuation (i.e., the cost to replace the residence, structures and improvements with those of comparable size and utility, less depreciation and functional obsolescence) by a mutually approved disinterested appraiser selected by Grantors and Grantee, with the expense of such appraisal divided equally between Grantors and Grantee. Grantors and Grantee shall establish the Purchase Price by either entering into a written agreement fixing the Purchase Price as provided in this Section IX(4), within ten working days of reaching mutual agreement or, if no such agreement is reached, the Purchase Price shall be based upon the appraised values determined in accordance with this Section IX(4) which shall be the Purchase Price unless another Purchase Price is mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties within ten working days after the last party’s receipt of such appraisals (the “Price Agreement”). The passage of said ten working days shall constitute the effective date of establishing the Price Agreement. 5. Entry onto the Protected Property. After receiving the notice from Grantors described in Section IX(2), above, and upon reasonable notice to the Grantors, the Grantee shall have the right to enter upon the Protected Property from time to time for the purpose of preparing for the purchase and disposition of the Protected Property, including but not limited to preparing appraisals, conducting soils tests or engineering studies, advertising, showing prospective buyers or assignees, or obtaining other information about the Protected Property. Grantee’s entry onto or testing of the Protected Property shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes any disturbance to the land and to the use and enjoyment of the Protected Property by the Grantors or any tenants in possession. 6. Closing of the Purchase. If this Option is exercised, the parties shall close on the sale on or before thirty (30) days from the delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase described in Section IX(3)(c), above, unless otherwise agreed. The following conditions shall apply to said closing: a) Grantors shall, by Vermont Warranty Deed, deliver good, clear, record and marketable title to the Grantee, free of all liens or other encumbrances (including discharge or release of outstanding mortgages), sufficient for the Grantee to secure title insurance at Grantee’s sole expense. Grantee agrees to accept title subject to (i) customary utility distribution easements, (ii) rights of the public to use roads laid out by municipalities, the state or federal government, (iii) rights of way and other easements that do not, in the Grantee’s opinion, materially impair beneficial use of the Protected Property; and (iv) the terms and conditions of this Grant. The state of Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 16 title to the Protected Property shall be determined by a title examination paid for by the Grantee. b) Grantors agree to use reasonable efforts to deliver marketable title as set forth in Section IX(6)(a), above. In the event Grantors are unable to give marketable title, then the Grantee may elect to terminate its exercise of this Option. The Grantee shall have the right to elect to accept such title as Grantors can deliver and to pay the purchase price without reduction. c) Grantors agree to obtain at their sole expense any and all permits and approvals required under law or regulation for the conveyance of the Protected Property to Grantee under this Option. The parties shall extend the closing date as necessary to enable Grantors to obtain all such final permits and approvals. d) Grantors represent to Grantee that Grantors are not aware of any hazardous waste having been dumped or placed upon the Protected Property. Grantors will update this representation in writing upon the Grantee’s delivery of the Notice of Intent to Exercise described in Section IX(3)(a), above. Grantors agree that the Grantee may, at the Grantee’s expense, perform any and all tests and/or inspections necessary to confirm these representations. In the event that the Grantee discovers that hazardous wastes have been dumped or placed upon the Protected Property, the Grantee may at the Grantee’s option declare its exercise of this Option to be null and void. e) The Grantors and the Grantee shall prorate property taxes as of the date of closing. f) The Grantors shall not physically alter the Protected Property or the improvements on the Protected Property or enter into any lease after Grantee delivers the Notice of Intent to Exercise provided in Section IX(3)(a), above, and while the Grantee may purchase pursuant thereto, except to perform generally accepted agricultural practices and normal repairs. In the event any structure is substantially destroyed by fire or other casualty, Grantee may elect to (1) proceed to closing and accept the proceeds of any insurance policy Grantors may have with respect to such destruction; or (2) if such insurance proceeds are less than the value of the structure as determined under Section IX(4), above, proceed to closing and accept the proceeds of said insurance policy and reduce the purchase price by the difference between such value and insurance proceeds; or (3) withdraw its election to exercise this Option. g) The Protected Property shall be conveyed free of all leases, tenancies, tenants and occupants, unless Grantee otherwise agrees in writing. h) All personal property, livestock, machinery and equipment not included in the sale shall be removed from the Protected Property, and all other waste and debris shall be removed from the Protected Property prior to closing. Grantors and Grantee will jointly inspect the Protected Property 24 hours prior to closing. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 17 i) After closing, this Option shall remain in full force and effect with respect to all subsequent conveyances of the Protected Property, except as identified in Section IX(1), above. 7. Partial Release of Option. At the request of Grantors, Grantee shall execute a partial release of its rights under this Option Agreement (”the Partial Release”), and upon the first to occur of the following events, the Grantee shall immediately deliver the Partial Release to the South Burlington City Clerk for recording in the South Burlington Land Records: a) Grantee’s failure to deliver the Notice of Intent to Exercise as described in Section IX(3)(a), above; b) Grantee’s failure to deliver the Notice of Intent to Purchase as described in Section IX(3)(c), above; or c) Grantee’s election to terminate its exercise of this Option based on title defects as provided in Section IX(6)(b), hazardous materials as provided in Section IX(6)(d), or destruction of structures as provided in Section IX(6)(f). Should Grantee not exercise this Option as provided in Section IX(3), above, or should Grantee fail to close following its delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, Grantors may proceed to close on the sale to the Buyer on the terms and conditions described in the Notice of Intent to Sell, within twelve (12) months of the delivery of said Notice to Grantee. Provided, however, this Option shall remain in full force and effect with respect to all subsequent conveyances of the Protected Property, except as identified in Section IX(1) above. 8. Partial Assignment by Grantee. Grantee may partially assign its rights under this Option, provided: a) No such assignment shall be made prior to Grantors and Grantee establishing the Price Agreement described in Section IX(4), above; b) Such assignment shall be in writing, with the assignee undertaking to discharge all obligations of Grantee with respect to purchase of the Protected Property, and a copy of the written assignment shall be delivered to Grantors; c) The assignee shall be a party which, in the reasonable opinion of the Grantee, will use or will facilitate the use of the Protected Property for commercial agricultural production; and d) The partial assignment shall pertain only to a single exercise of this Option in response to a discrete Notice of Intent to Sell delivered to Grantee. While no consent of Grantors shall be required for said single exercise, Grantee shall not otherwise assign all of its rights and interests under this Option without the prior written consent of Grantors. X. Miscellaneous Provisions. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 18 1. Where Grantor is required, as a result of this Grant, to obtain the prior written approval of Grantees before commencing an activity or act, and where Grantees have designated in writing another organization or entity which shall have the authority to grant such approval, the approval of said designee shall be deemed to be the approval of Grantees. Grantor shall reimburse Grantees or Grantees' designee for all extraordinary costs, including staff time, incurred in reviewing the proposed action requiring Grantees' approval; but not to include those costs which are expected and routine in scope. Upon the request of Grantor, Grantees shall deliver to Grantor, in written recordable form, any approval, disapproval, election, or waiver given by Grantees pursuant to this Grant. 2. It is hereby agreed that the construction of any buildings, structures, or improvements, or any use of the land otherwise permitted under this Grant, or the subdivision and separate conveyance of any land excluded from this Grant in Schedule A attached hereto, shall be in accordance with all applicable ordinances, statutes, and regulations of the Town of South Burlington and the State of Vermont and at Grantor’s sole expense. 3. It is further agreed that the Protected Property is accurately depicted and described in both the Auclair Estate Farm Plan and a Baseline Documentation Report (“BDR”) signed by the original Grantor on or about the date of this Grant and held by Grantee VLT, on behalf of all Grantees. Grantees may use the Auclair Estate Farm Plan or BDR in enforcing this Grant, but are not limited in their use of the Auclair Farm Plan and BDR to show a change of conditions. 4. Grantees shall transfer the development rights, option to purchase, and conservation easement and restrictions conveyed by Grantor herein only to a State agency, municipality, or qualified organization, as defined in Chapter 34 or Chapter 155 Title 10 V.S.A., in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont and the regulations established by the Internal Revenue Service governing such transfers. 5. In the event the development rights or conservation restrictions conveyed to Grantees herein are extinguished by eminent domain or other legal proceedings, Grantees shall be entitled to any proceeds which pertain to the extinguishment of Grantees' rights and interests. Any proceeds from extinguishment shall be allocated between Grantor and Grantees in accordance with the value of their respective interests as determined by an appraisal commissioned by Grantees at the time of extinguishment; provided, however, that the allocation of proceeds to Grantees shall be no less than fifty seven and five tenths percent (57.5%) of the full fair market value of the Protected Property exclusive of the value of improvements. Grantor and Grantees agree that this percentage figure is the relative value of the conservation restrictions as compared to the unrestricted value of the Protected Property as of the date of this Grant. Grantees shall use any such proceeds to preserve undeveloped and open space land in order to protect the aesthetic, agricultural, educational, scientific, forestry and natural resources of the State through non-regulatory means. 6. In any deed or lease conveying an interest in all or part of the Protected Property, Grantor shall make reference to the conservation easement, restrictions, and obligations described herein and shall indicate that said easement and restrictions are binding upon all successors in interest in the Protected Property in perpetuity. Grantor shall also notify Grantees of the name(s) and address(es) of Grantor's successor(s) in interest. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 19 7. While title is herein conveyed to Grantees as tenants in common, the rights and interests described in this Grant, including enforcement of the conservation easement and restrictions, may be exercised by Grantees collectively, or by any single Grantee individually; provided, however, that court enforcement action by a single Grantee shall foreclose action on the same issue(s) by the other Grantees who shall be bound by the final determination. 8. The term “Grantor” includes the successors, and assigns of the original Grantor, Vermont Land Trust, Inc. The term “Grantees” includes the respective successors and assigns of the original Grantees, Vermont Land Trust, Inc. and Vermont Housing and Conservation Board. The term “family” includes: (a) any spouse of Grantor and any persons related to Grantor by blood to the 4th degree of kinship or by adoption, together with spouses of family members, (b) a corporation, partnership or other entity which is wholly owned and controlled by Grantor or Grantor's family (as defined herein), (c) any estate of Grantor or Grantor’s family, and (d) all owners of a Grantor corporation, partnership, trust or other entity who are related to each other by blood to the 4th degree of kinship or by adoption, together with spouses of family members. 9. Grantor shall pay all real estate taxes and assessments on the Protected Property and shall pay all other taxes, if any, assessed in lieu of or in substitution for real estate taxes on the Protected Property. 10. Grantor warrants that Grantor has no actual knowledge of a release or threatened release of hazardous substances or wastes on the Protected Property. 11. Grantor shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend Grantees from and against any liabilities, claims and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees to which Grantees may be subjected, including, but not limited to, those arising from any solid or hazardous waste/hazardous substance release or disposal or hazardous waste/ hazardous substance cleanup laws or the actions or inactions of Grantor as owner or operator of the premises, or those of Grantor’s agents. 12. If any Grantee takes legal title to Grantor’s interest in the Protected Property, the Grantee acquiring title shall commit the monitoring and enforcement of the Grant to another Grantee until the Grantee acquiring title conveys title to a successor Grantor. 13. This Grant shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont. In the event that any provision or clause in this Grant conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions hereof which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Grant are declared to be severable. 14. Grantor and Grantee recognize that rare and unexpected circumstances could arise that justify amendment of certain of the terms, covenants or restrictions contained in this Grant. To this end, this Grant may be amended only by mutual agreement of Grantor and Grantee; provided that Grantee determines in its sole discretion that such amendment furthers or does not materially detract from the Purposes of this Grant. Amendments shall be in writing, signed by both Grantor and Grantee, and shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor and Grantee have no right or power to agree to any amendment that would limit the term of the Grant, or adversely affect the qualification of this Grant or the status of Grantee under applicable laws, including without limitation Title 10 V.S.A. Chapters 34 and 155, Section 170(h) and 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and regulations issued pursuant Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 20 thereto. INVALIDATION of any provision hereof shall not affect any other provision of this Grant. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted development rights, public access easement, option to purchase and a perpetual conservation easement and restrictions, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantees, VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC. and VERMONT HOUSING AND CONSERVATION BOARD, their respective successors and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever, and the said Grantor, VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC., for itself and its successors, and assigns, does covenant with the said Grantees, their successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents, it is the sole owner of the premises, and has good right and title to convey the same in the manner aforesaid, that the premises are free from every encumbrance, except those of record, not intending hereby to reinstate any interest or right terminated or superseded by this Grant, operation of law, abandonment of 27 V.S.A. Ch. 5, Subch. 7; and it hereby engages to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever, except as aforesaid. I set my hand at ____________, Vermont this ____ day of ____________, 2019. GRANTOR VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC. By:______________________________ Its Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT _____________ COUNTY, ss. At __________________, this ____ day of _____________, 2019, _____________________, duly authorized agent of the Vermont Land Trust, Inc., personally appeared and ____ acknowledged this instrument, by ____ sealed and subscribed, to be ____ free act and deed, before me. Before me, ______________________________ Print Name - __________________________ Notary Public, State of Vermont Credential #_______________________ My Commission Expires: January 31, 2021 Approved by the VERMONT HOUSING AND CONSERVATION BOARD: ______________________ By:________________________________ Date Its Duly Authorized Agent Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 21 STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, SS. At Montpelier, Vermont on this _____ day of _____________________, 2019, personally appeared _____________________________, duly authorized agent of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, and he/she acknowledged this instrument, by him/her sealed and subscribed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, before me. _________________________________ Print Name: Elizabeth M. Egan Notary Public, State of Vermont Commission No. 157.0002746 My Commission Expires: 01/31/2021 Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 22 =============================================== SCHEDULE A PROTECTED PROPERTY Being all and the same lands and premises, including farm buildings, conveyed to Grantor by Warranty Deed of Heather Auclair, Jennifer Morway, and Heidi Auclair, Trustees of the Ernest Auclair Family Trust, dated October 5, 2018, and recorded in Book 1442, Page 24 of the South Burlington Land Records. Excepted and excluded from this description of the Protected Property is a three and six-hundredths (3.06) acre parcel depicted as “Area ‘A’” on a survey entitled “Boundary Line Adjustment Plat, Heather Auclair & Earnest N. Auclair Family Trust, Parcel ID# 0860-01650 & 0860-01731, Vermont Route 116, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont” prepared by Mark A. Day, dated March 28, 2018 and to be recorded in Map Slide ____ of the South Burlington Land Records. Meaning and intending to include in this description of the Protected Property all of the Grantor’s land with any buildings and improvements thereon lying on the easterly side of Vermont Route 116, in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, and generally described as containing 191 acres, more or less. NOTICE: Unless otherwise expressly indicated, t he descriptions in this Schedule A and in any subsequent Schedules are not based on a survey or subdivision plat. The Grantor and Grantees have used their best efforts to depict the approximate boundaries of the Protected Property and any excluded parcels, complexes or special treatment areas on a plan entitled “Vermont Land Trust - Auclair Estate Farm, Town of South Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT, ____________ 2019” signed by the Grantor and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (referred to throughout this Grant and its Schedules as “Auclair Estate Farm Plan”). The Auclair Estate Farm Plan is based upon Vermont Base Map digital orthophotos and other information available to VLT at the time of the Plan’s preparation. Any metes and bounds descriptions included in the Schedules herein are approximate only. They are computer generated and are not the result of field measurements or extensive title research. The Auclair Estate Farm Plan and any metes and bounds descriptions herein are intended solely for the use of the Grantor and Grantees in establishing the approximate location of the areas described and for administering and interpreting the terms and conditions of this Grant. No monuments have been placed on the ground. The Auclair Estate Farm Plan is kept by VLT in its Stewardship Office. The Auclair Estate Farm Plan is not a survey and must not be used as a survey or for any conveyance or subdivision of the land depicted thereon. Grantor and Grantees do not intend to imply any limitation on the area of land included in this description, should a survey determine that additional land is also encumbered by the Grant. If, in the future, the Grantor or Grantees shall prepare a survey of the Protected Property, of any portion thereof, or of any excluded lands, and that survey is accepted by the other party or confirmed by a court, the descriptions in the survey shall control. Reference may be made to the above described deed and record, and to the deeds and records referred to therein, in further aid of this description. Auclair Estate Conservation Restrictions Page 23 ========================================== SCHEDULE B COMPLEX A The “Complex A” referred to in Section III(6) of this Grant contains 5.0 acres, more or less, located on the easterly side of Vermont Route 116 and is more particularly described as follows, all bearings are referenced to “Grid North”: Beginning at a point on the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116, said point being northerly a distance of 78 feet, more or less, along said sideline from the northerly boundary of land formerly belonging to W. & M. Auclair, now belonging to Francis J. and Laura Davenport; thence proceeding Northerly a distance of 400 feet, more or less, along the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116 to a point; thence turning and proceeding South 86 ½° East a distance of 545 feet, more or less, across the Protected Property to a point; thence turning and proceeding South 03° West a distance of 400 feet, more or less, across the Protected Property to a point; thence turning and proceeding North 86 ½° West a distance of 545 feet, more or less, across the Protected Property to the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116 and the point of beginning. COMPLEX B The “Complex B” referred to in Section III(6) of this Grant contains 8.1 acres, more or less, located on the easterly side of Vermont Route 116 and is more particularly described as follows, all bearings are referenced to “Grid North”: Beginning at a point on the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116, said point being northerly a distance of 327 feet, more or less, along said sideline from the centerline of Muddy Brook and the southern boundary of Grantor Northerly a distance of 213 feet, more or less, along the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116 to a point; thence turning and proceeding North 49 ½° East a distance of 175 feet, more or less, across the Protected Property to a point; on the southerly edge of the “R.O.W. & Easement, 25’ Width Centered on Existing Farm Road” as depicted on a survey entitled “Right of Way & Easement Plat for Ernest N. Auclair Family Trust, Parcel ID# 0860-01731, Vermont Route 116, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont” by Mark A. Day, Trudell Consulting Engineers, dated 7-24-2018 and recorded in Slide #23 on Page 5 of the South Burlington Land Records; thence turning and proceeding Easterly and southeasterly a distance of 722 feet, more or less, along the southerly edge of the R.O.W. & Easement to a point, , said course have a tie line of South 66 ¾° East a distance of 570 feet, more or less; thence proceeding South 11° West a distance of 395 feet, more or less, across the Protected Property to a point; thence turning and proceeding South 67° West a distance of 677 feet, more or less, more or less, across the Protected Property to the easterly sideline of Vermont Route 116 and the point of beginning. Vermont Route 116Mu d dyBroo k Complex A± 5.0 acres Complex B± 8.1 acres SouthBurlingtonWillistonWPZ WPZ WPZ RBZ WPZ RBZ WPZ ROW !Y !Y !Y !Y Excluded± 3.06 acres 448000 448000 449000 449000212000 212000213000213000214000214000D#*!! SHELBURNE POND NATURAL AREA Brownell Mountain 840 EE WILLWILL UTHUTH NGTONNGTON ST. GEORGEST. GEORGE Kirby Corner Shelburne PondHubbardHubbard IshamIsham SipSip McKayMcKay Hill R&JHill R&J MailleMaille O'Brien PO'Brien P LeducLeduc BarrBarr Mud PMud Po BB Auclair EstateAuclair Estate Ie Aq AÞ 34c SHELBURNE POND NATURAL AREA 250 0 250 500 750125Feet 50 0 50 100 150 20025Meters THIS MAP IS NOT A SURVEY This map is not a survey or subdivision plat, and should not be used or construed for such purposes. It was prepared without the benefit of field measurements or extensive title research. It is intended solely to assist the owner(s) of the conserved land and the holder(s) of the conservation easement in the admin- istration and interpretation of the conservation easement by clearly depicting the presumed boundaries of the protected property, calculating the approximate acreages, and showing the approximate locations of any excluded lands, farmstead or homestead complex, farm labor housing complex, or special treatment areas. !GRID NORTHThe Auclair Estate Farm Conservation Plan is based on the following State of Vermont Base Map 1:5000 orthophoto(s): Williston - South Burlington, #100212, 2018Auclair Estate Farm Town of South Burlington Chittendent Co., VT Vermont Land Trust December 2019 VLT Project #1301130 VHCB #2018-057-001 1:5,000 1 inch = 416.7 feet Reference(s): 1) "Plat of Boundary Survey Showing a Portion of Lands of Ernest Auclair Family Trust and Purchase of Development Rights by Rye Associates, LLC, Route 116, South Burlington, Vermont" by Christopher A. Haggerty, Button Professional Land Surveyors, PC, dated 9/3/2015. 2) "Boundary Line Adjustment Plat, Heather Auclair & Ernest N. Auclair Family Trust, Parcel ID# 0860- 01650 & 0860-01731, Vermont Route 116, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont" by Mark A. Day, dated March 28, 2018. Reviewed and Accepted by: Duly Authorized Agent of Vermont Land Trust, Inc. Date Duly Authorized Agent of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board Date Protected Property Complex Boundary jjjjjj Wetland Protection Zone (WPZ)RRRRRRRRRRRRRiparian Buffer Zone (RBZ) Archaeology Zone!Y Excluded Land ACREAGE INFORMATION¹ 1. All acreage is approximate, and exclusive of public road rights of way. ± 191 acresTotal Protected Property Tillable Pasture Scrub/Shrub Woods Open Water/Wetland Complexes 65.1 acres 58.2 acres 7.0 acres 29.3 acres 18.3 acres 13.1 acres Excluded Land ± 3.06 acres X X X X X X X85.00'PLATANDPLANREF.6&7S82°34'14"W353.62'S06°59'27"E246.09'S06°59'27"E43.36'S08°33'15"E182.42'N80°37'09"E19.86'N80°30'57"E276.46'N 04°06'15"E35.45'C1N82°32'53"E230.53'S 03°44'34"W70.12'C2C3C4TOTALCURVEFORNEWLOTCONFIGURATIONCURVEDATATABLECURVEARCLENGTHRADIUSCHORDBEARINGCHORDLENGTHDELTAANGLEC2177.64'2904.79'S01°36'55"W177.61'3°30'14"C3112.09'2904.79'S01°14'31"E112.08'2°12'39"C4139.99'2904.79'N03°43'41"W139.98'2°45'41"429.71'2904.79'N00°52'15"W429.32'8°28'33"C1N88°43'11"E144.00'N01°14'31"W112.00'S88°45'03"W144.00'0FeetGraphicScale505010015020015°±VT GridMagnetic PROJECTLOCATION1OF103-28-2018This plat was created using pigment based ink on stable media DescriptionRevisionsByDate#478BLAIRPARKROAD|WILLISTON,VERMONT054958028796331|WWW.TCEVT.COMTRUDELLCONSULTINGENGINEERSDate:Scale:DrawnBy:Crdfile:Sheet:SurveyedBy:LANDSURVE Y ORSLICENSED MARKA.DAYNo.732ST A T E OFVERMONTTHISPLATISBASEDONAFIELDSURVEYWHICHMEETSOREXCEEDSTHEMINIMUMSTANDARDSASSETFORTHBYTHEVERMONTBOARDOFLANDSURVEYORS.FIELDEVIDENCE,PERTINENTRECORDINFORMATION,ANDPAROLEEVIDENCEWASUSEDINTHECALCULATIONANDDETERMINATIONOFTHEBOUNDARIESSHOWNONTHISPLAT.ANYINCONSISTENCIESARESHOWNHEREONTOTHEBESTOFMYKNOWLEDGE.THISPLATMEETSTHEREQUIREMENTSOF27VSA1403.MARKA.DAY,L.S.#732 FieldBk:Project#:101/17/20NLSAddNoteforConserv.EasementUTILITYPOLEBARBEDWIREFENCEOVERHEADUTILITYLINEREINFORCINGBAR(FOUND)CONCRETEMONUMENT(TOBESET)CONCRETEMONUMENT(FOUND)REBAR(TOBESET)IRONPIPE(FOUND)CALCULATEDPOINTXOHLEGEND18-001BGP35018002.crdHeatherAuclair&VermontLandTrust,Inc.ParcelID#0860-01650&0860-01731VermontRoute116,HinesburgRoadSouthBurlington,VermontBoundaryLineAdjustmentPlatBGP1"=50'CURVEDATATABLEREFERENCEC1EXISTINGBOUNDARYLINENEWBOUNDARYLINEVT.RTE.116~HINESBURG ROADt axmapno.0860-01650HeatherAuclairv,1321,p.217mapslide537,map10.37Acres(Existing)DRILLEDWELLSEPTICTANKD-BOXEXISTINGBOUNDARYLINE112'X144'(TOBEELIMINATED)HI DDE NME ADOWL ANEPAVEDDRIVE taxmapno.0847-00127Lawrence&ValerieParkerv.917p.289mapslide599,map5mapslide537,map1mapslide448,map3taxmapno.0847-00130JulieLaPointev.774p.322mapslide599,map5mapslide448,map3taxmapno.0847-00166DanielA.&WhittneyD.Barkhuffv.1376p.173mapslide599,map5mapslide448,map3PLATREFERENCES:1."PLATOFBOUNDARYSURVEYSHOWINGAPORTIONOFLANDSOFERNESTN.AUCLAIR&PURCHASEOFDEVELOPMENTRIGHTSBYDORSETSTREETASSOCIATES,LLC&G&AASSOCIATES,LLC,ROUTE116,SOUTHBURLINGTON,VERMONT"DATED12-08-2005ANDLASTREVISEDON02-05-09,BYBUTTONPROFESSIONALLANDSURVEYORS,PC,ANDRECORDEDASSLIDE537MAP1.2."PLATOFSURVEYSHOWINGFORMERLANDSOF1600HINESBURGROAD,LLCANDTRANSFEROFDEVELOPMENTRIGHTSBYMICHEALJ.ANDERSON,HIDDENMEADOWLANE,SO.BURLINGTON,VT",BYBUTTONPROFESSIONALLANDSURVEYORS,PC,DATED09-04-04ANDLASTREVISEDON09-14-16ANDRECORDEDASSLIDE599MAP5.3."SUBDIVISIONPLATOFTHELANDSOFMICHEALJ.ANDERSONROUTE116,HINESBURGROAD,SO.BURLINGTON,VT",BYBUTTONPROFESSIONALLANDSURVEYORS,PCDATED09-07-04ANDRECORDEDASSLIDE448MAP3.4."SOUTHBURLINGTONPROJECTFno021-1(5),SHEETS6AND9OF44",APPROVEDBYTHEF.H.C.ON06-02-79.5."SOUTHBURLINGTONPROJECTROSno021-1(4)S,SHEETS4&5OF31",APPROVEDBYTHEF.H.C.ON10-27-76.NOTES:1.THISPLATISBASEDONDEEDSRESEARCHEDINTHECITYOFSOUTHBURLINGTONLANDRECORDSANDFEATURESLOCATEDINTHEFIELDWITHATOTALSTATIONON03/01/18.2.BEARINGSAREBASEDONMAGNETICNORTHAREVERMONTSTATEPLANEGRIDNORTHESTABLISHEDWITHATRIMBLERTKUNITWITHOBSERVATIONSFROMVERMONTCORSSTATIONVTRI(RICHMOND).3.PARCEL#0860-01731WASCONVEYEDTOVERMONTLANDTRUST,INC.INVOLUME1442PAGE24.4.REBARSSETARENO.5REINFORCINGBARSWITHALUMINUMCAPSSTAMPED"TRUDELLCONSULTINGENGINEERS,LLS732".5.DISTANCESARESHOWNTOTHEHUNDREDTHOFAFOOTANDBEARINGSARESHOWNTOTHESECONDFORMATHEMATICALCLOSUREPURPOSESONLY.6.ANATTEMPTHASBEENMADETOIDENTIFYORDELINEATEEASEMENTS,RIGHTSOFWAY,LEASELANDS,ENCROACHMENTS,ETC.OBSERVEDINTHEFIELDORREADILYFOUNDINTHELANDRECORDS.ADDITIONALENCUMBRANCESMAYEXISTWHICHARENOTSHOWNONTHISPLAT.7.UNDERGROUNDUTILITYLINESSHOWNAREBASEDONABOVEGROUNDSTRUCTURESANDPLANSOFRECORD.ACTUALLOCATIONOFUNDERGROUNDLINESMAYVARY.NEWBOUNDARYLINE5/8"REBARUP0.8'YELLOWPLASTICCAP"VTLS695"5/8"REBARUP1.3'BENTWESTYELLOWPLASTICCAP"VTLS695"5/8"REBARUP0.25'ALUMINUMCAP"VTLS741"4"X4"CONCRETEMONUMENTUP0.8'taxmapno.0860-01731VermontLandTrust,Inc.v.1442p.24mapslide537,map1194acres+-beforeadjustment191acres+-afteradjustmentNote:AreasareonlylandsinSouthBurlingtonwhichareEasterlyofRoute116andNortherlyandWesterlyoftheMuddyBrook5/8"REBARUP2.1'LOOSE'ALUMINUMCAP"VTLS695"5/8"REBARUP0.8'YELLOWPLASTICCAP"VTLS695NYLS50435"5/8"REBARUP0.9'YELLOWPLASTICCAP"VTLS695"IRONPIPE1-1/4"O.D.3'LONGFOUNDLAYINGONGROUND.(NOTHELDORDIMENSIONEDONTHISPLAT)PROPOSEDNEWBOUNDARYLINE4"X4"CONCRETEMONUMENTFLUSHMONUMENTWASDESTROYED.SHOTCENTERLINEOFMULTIPLEREBARS4"X4"CONCRETEMONUMENTUP1.0'PAINTEDREDDRIVEWAYTONADEAUPROPERTYHOUSEPURPOSEOFTHISPLAT:1.ADJUSTTAXMAPNUMBER0860-01650BYMERGINGITWITHAREA"A"FORATOTALAREAOF3.43ACRES.AREA"A"3.06Acrestobeannexedtotaxmapno.0860-01650foranewtotalacreageof3.43Acrestaxmapno.0860-01731VermontLandTrust,Inc.v.1442p.24mapslide537,map1194acres+-beforeadjustment191acres+-afteradjustmentNote:AreasareonlylandsinSouthBurlingtonwhichareEasterlyofRoute116andNortherlyandWesterlyoftheMuddyBrookSOUTHBURLINGTONCITYCLERK'SOFFICERECEIVEDFORRECORD______________________________________A.D.202_________at_____________O'clock____________minutes________mandrecordedinSlide__________________________________Attest:_____________________________________CityClerkAPPROVEDBYRESOLUTIONOFTHEDEVELOPMENTREVIEWBOARDOFTHECITYOFSOUTHBURLINGTON,VT.ONTHE______DAYOF________________________202___,SUBJECTTOTHEREQUIREMENTSANDCONDITIONSOFSAIDRESOLUTION.SIGNEDTHIS______DAYOF________________________202___,BY__________________________________________CHAIRMANORCLERKGRAVELDRIVENEWLIMITOFPERMANENTCONSERVATIONEASEMENTHELDBYVERMONTLANDTRUST PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO BE ELIMINATED PROPOSEDPARCEL LIDAR CONTOUR (TYPICAL) VSWI CLASS II WETLAND (TYPICAL) WOODED WOODED EXISTING BOUNDARY (TYPICAL) CHEE S E F A C T O R Y R O A D VT ROUTE 1164 1 5410370 370 3 7 0 370370370370370370370370355355355355355355 355 35535535 5350 35035035035035 0 350350350350345345345345 345345345 355355355355355345 345345345345345345345345365365 3 6 5 365 365 365365 365 365360360360360360360360360360335335335335335335340340340340340340 340 340 340 340330 330 330330330330330330330330325325325325 325 3 2 5 32 5325 325325405 420395390405390375395395385385380380380375375375 375375 375 37537037037 0 37 0 400400 380 380 385385370375375375 370385360365 380380380395 395380390390375375385 3853803803 8 0 355355 380355355355375375 375375375 340340340340340340 3403703703703703 5 035035035035035 0 350 365365365365365365365 365365 3 6 0360360360 360 360360360 360 360350350350335335335 335335335335335330330330330 32 0 320405405405405405405405 4104104 1 0 4154103953953953953953 9 5 395395395395 390390390390390390390390 390460 470 45 0 450 475465440445405 405405 405 405 405455435 4354354354354354054 0 5 405415445 445 44044044044 0 430 43 0 430430430430430 415415415415415415 415420420420420420 420425 425 425425425425425 410 410 4 1 0410410410 400 400400400400400400400 40040040040 0 400405 395395395 395400400 400400 3903903903903853853853853853853853853853753753 7 5 375380380380380380380380365370370370370 3 6 0 375 365370340335345360355350 415 410 400 390350340 4 0 0 400400400400 3 9 5 395395395395395395360360385 38538 5385385365365370370 370 370420415415415415415 400400400 4 0 0 4 0 5 405405 4004 10 41041041041040540540540539039039 0 390390 360375375375 375 365380 380380380 355355355350 345 360360360360 3 6 0 360355 355 355 355350 350350350 350350345345 345345 3 4 5 345345340340 340340330 400395 390385390365 350385 385360355380380380 350 360 345345345 375 375375370370 370 365365365365335 335 335350345 345340340340340340335335 335335 335330330 330330 330330 330 330LAWRENCE & VALERIE PARKER 127 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 EDWARD S. III & ANN B. EMERY TRUST 1549 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 LAURA & FRANCIS DAVENPORT 1982 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 MICHELE AUCLAIR, 2000 HINESBURG ROAD, APT 5 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 WILD TURKEY DIVIDE, LLC 32 MAIN STREET, SUITE 203A CHATHAM, NY 12534 DANIEL & WHITTNEY BARKHUFF 166 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 RE AND ST COTE LIVING TRUST JANUARY 6 2015 654 VAN SICKLEN ROAD WILLISTON, VT 05495 TAX MAP PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYPICAL) NINA FRISCIA 607 WILLOW BROOK LANE ST. GEORGE, VT 05495 RANDEE BROWNELL & JO ANNE LAMARCHE, 4344 SOUTH BROWNELL ROAD WILLISTON, VT 05495 JULIE LAPOINTE140 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 RICHARD & SUSAN COTE 654 VAN SICKLEN ROAD WILLISTON, VT 05495 JENNIFER & ROBERT MORWAY 23 TYLER DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 MARC GREENBLATT 14 MOSS GLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 HEATHER M. AUCLAIR VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC. CHESTNUT HILL FARM, LLC 47 HIGHLAND TERRACE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 JENNIFER & ROBERT MORWAY 23 TYLER DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 UVM BURLINGTON, VT 05401 NOTE: 191 ACRE PARCEL IS IN CONSERVATION 0 Feet Graphic Scale 300 600 900 15°±VT GridMagneticSheet Title Project Title Use of These Drawings Scale: Project Number: Date: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Approved By: No. Description Date ByRevisions478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COMENGINEERING SURVEY No. 8917 CIVILJENNIFER ANN DES A UT ELSSTA TE O F VER M ONT PROF ESSIONA L E N G INEERL ICE N S E D Field Book: 1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended for preliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines or utilities, and/or approval from the regulatory authorities.  They are not intended as construction drawings unless noted as such or marked approved by a regulatory authority. 2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project, the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved, and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits, and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines, including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect, to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, but not limited to, contract documents, specifications, owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanical plans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permits for construction. 3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design and location of buildings shown, including an area measured a minimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinating final utility connections shown on these plans. 4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the user shall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the most current revisions. 5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are not transferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, and copies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive property.  Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. If errors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought to the attention of TCE immediately. 6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy contains the most current revisions. PL AN NI NG ENV IRONMENTA L 1 01/24/20 ALDAdd Parcel Conservation Note PARCEL ID: 0860-01560 & 0860-01800 PROJECT INFORMATION: 1.OWNER OF RECORD: HEATHER M. AUCLAIR 1650 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC 8 BAILEY AVE MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 2.TAX PARCEL ID: PARCEL ID: 0860-01560 & 0860-01800 3.PHYSICAL ADDRESS 1650 & 1800 HINESBURG ROAD (ROUTE 116) OF PROPERTY:SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 4.PARCEL SIZE: PARCEL ID:0860-01650 0860-01800 EXISTING 0.37 ACRES 194 ACRES PROPOSED 3.43 ACRES 191 ACRES EXISTING CONDITIONS NOTES: 1.THE PURPOSE OF OF THIS PLAN IS TO IDENTIFY THE SUBJECT PARCELS AND ADACENT PROPERTIES. LIMITED SITE FEATURES ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. 2.OVERALL PERIMETER BOUNDARIES SHOWN HEREON FROM TAX MAP INFORMATION ONLY THIS PLAN DOES NOT DEPICT A FORMAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. 3.REFER TO PLAT BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS ENTITLED "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, HEATHER AUCLAIR & ERNEST N. AUCLAIR FAMILY TRUST, PARCEL ID# 0860-01650 & 0860-1731, VERMONT ROUTE 116, HINESBURG ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT" DATED 03/28/2019 4.WETLAND BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE FROM THE VERMONT STATE WETLAND INVENTORY (VSWI). TCE HAS NOT CONDUCTED A WETLAND DELINEATION ON THE SUBJECT PARCELS. 5.TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN IS BASED ON LIDAR, NOT SURVEY DATA. PROJECT LOCATION Overall Site Plan C2-01 18-001 JAD     Heather Auclair 1650 & 1800 Hinesburg Road (Route 116) South Burlington, Vermont 1" = 300' 10/09/2019 85.00'XXXXXXXXXXXW D-BOXSEPTIC TANK HOUSE DRILLED WELL GRAVEL DRIVE GRAVEL D R I V E EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE (TO BE ELIMINATED) HEATHER AUCLAIR 0.37 ACRES (EXISTING) TAX MAP NO. 0860-01650 VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC. 194 ACRES± BEFORE ADJUSTMENT 191 ACRES± AFTER ADJUSTMENT NOTE: AREAS ARE ONLY LANDS IN SOUTH BURLINGTON WHICH ARE EASTERLY OF ROUTE 116 AND NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE MUDDY BROOK TAX MAP NO. 0860-01800 399392392398397396 396379379381381394394393393374389389373378378377377376376386386385385384384382382383383391391388388387387444442 437437436436434434433433443414 432 41841 8 431431 4314314414324394284284174 1 7 41641643 8 421421429429 429 429409419419427427426426411424424 408 423423410422422 413412LAWRENCE & VALERIE PARKER127 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 JULIE LAPOINTE 140 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 OH OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHWOODED WOODED EDWARD S. III & ANN B. EMERY TRUST 1549 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 AREA "A" 3.06 ACRES TO BE ANNEXED TO TAX MAP NO. 0860-01650 FOR A NEW TOTAL ACREAGE OF 3.43 ACRES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE APPROX. LOCATION SEPTIC EASEMENT (TO BE ELIMINATED) DANIEL & WHITTNEY BARKHUFF 166 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403395 375 38539043544043 0 430415420425178'±35'±70'±354'± 144'±112'±140'±144'±112'±246'±231'±43'±20'±182'±276'± NOTE: 191 ACRE PARCEL IS IN CONSERVATION 0 Feet Graphic Scale 30 60 90 15°±VT GridMagneticSheet Title Project Title Use of These Drawings Scale: Project Number: Date: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Approved By: No. Description Date ByRevisions478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COMENGINEERING SURVEY No. 8917 CIVILJENNIFER ANN DES A UT ELSSTA TE O F VER M ONT PROF ESSIONA L E N G INEERL ICE N S E D Field Book: 1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended for preliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines or utilities, and/or approval from the regulatory authorities.  They are not intended as construction drawings unless noted as such or marked approved by a regulatory authority. 2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project, the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved, and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits, and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines, including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect, to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, but not limited to, contract documents, specifications, owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanical plans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permits for construction. 3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design and location of buildings shown, including an area measured a minimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinating final utility connections shown on these plans. 4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the user shall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the most current revisions. 5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are not transferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, and copies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive property.  Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. If errors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought to the attention of TCE immediately. 6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy contains the most current revisions. PL AN NI NG ENV IRONMENTA L 1 NOTES: 1.THE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE PLAN IS TO DEPICT THE SUBJECT PARCEL AND ASSOCIATED WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE. LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATE. 2.NO SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. PAVED DRIVE VT. RTE. 116~ HINESBURG ROADLEGEND PROPERTY LINE VCGI WETLAND LIMIT FENCE WATER SUPPLY WELL UTILITY POLE OVERHEAD UTILITY PAVED DRIVE OR ROAD GRAVEL DRIVE OR ROAD LIDAR CONTOURS UNDERGROUND UTILITY 124 OH UG X W ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE PARCEL ID: 0860-01560 & 0860-01800 Site Plan C2-02 Date 18-001 JAD Heather Auclair 1650 & 1800 Hinesburg Road (Route 116) South Burlington, Vermont 1" = 30' 01/24/20 ALDAdd Parcel Conservation Note 85.00'XXXXXXXXXXXD-BOXSEPTIC TANK HOUSE DRILLED WELL GRAVEL DRIVE GRAVEL D R I V E EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE (TO BE ELIMINATED) HEATHER AUCLAIR 0.37 ACRES (EXISTING) TAX MAP NO. 0860-01650 VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC. $&5(6“%()25($'-8670(17 $&5(6“$)7(5$'-8670(17 NOTE: AREAS ARE ONLY LANDS IN SOUTH BURLINGTON WHICH ARE EASTERLY OF ROUTE 116 AND NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE MUDDY BROOK TAX MAP NO. 0860-01800 399392392398 397396 396379379381381394394393393374389389373378378377377376376386386385385384384382382383383391391388388387387444442 4374374364364344344334334434 1 4 41841 8 431431 4314314414324394284174 1 7 416416 43 8 421421429429 429 429409419419427427426411424424 408 4234 23 410422422 413412LAWRENCE & VALERIE PARKER127 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 JULIE LAPOINTE 140 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 OH WOODED WOODED AREA "A" 3.06 ACRES TO BE ANNEXED TO TAX MAP NO. 0860-01650 FOR A NEW TOTAL ACREAGE OF 3.43 ACRES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE APPROX. LOCATION SEPTIC EASEMENT (TO BE ELIMINATED) DANIEL & WHITTNEY BARKHUFF 166 HIDDEN MEADOW LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403395 37539043544043 0 430415420425 “ “ “ “  “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ NOTE: 191 ACRE PARCEL IS IN CONSERVATION 0 Feet Graphic Scale 30 60 90 ƒ“VT GridMagneticSheet Title Project Title Use of These Drawings Scale: Project Number: Date: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Approved By: No. Description Date ByRevisions478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COMENGINEERING SURVEY No. 8917 CIVILJENNIFER ANN DESA U T ELSSTA TE O F VER M ONT PROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERLICE N S E D Field Book: 1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended for preliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines or utilities, and/or approval from the regulatory DXWKRULWLHV¬ They are not intended as construction drawings unless noted as such or marked approved by a regulatory authority. 2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project, the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved, and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits, and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines, including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect, to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, but not limited to, contract documents, specifications, owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanical plans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permits for construction. 3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design and location of buildings shown, including an area measured a minimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinating final utility connections shown on these plans. 4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the user shall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the most current revisions. 5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are not transferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, and copies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive SURSHUW\¬ Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. If errors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought to the attention of TCE immediately. 6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy contains the most current revisions. P LA NNI NG EN VIR ON M EN T AL 1 NOTES: 1.THE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE PLAN IS TO DEPICT THE SUBJECT PARCEL AND ASSOCIATED WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE. LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATE. 2.NO SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. PAVED DRIVE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE VCGI WETLAND LIMIT FENCE WATER SUPPLY WELL UTILITY POLE OVERHEAD UTILITY PAVED DRIVE OR ROAD GRAVEL DRIVE OR ROAD LIDAR CONTOURS UNDERGROUND UTILITY 124 OH UG X W ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE PARCEL ID: 0860-01560 & 0860-01800 Site Plan C2-02 Date 18-001 JAD Heather Auclair 1650 & 1800 Hinesburg Road (Route 116) South Burlington, Vermont 1" = 30' 01/24/20 ALDAdd Parcel Conservation Note