HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-72-0000 - Supplemental - 0023 Lindenwood DriveMarch 2, 1972 Mr. Leonard 'Monroe 23 Lindenwood. Drive South Durlington, VT 05h0l Dear 11r. 'Ionroe: The ',south Burlington Boning Foard of Adjustment has granted your request for a variance at their March 1,, 1972 meeting, This office will issue a buildin.,; permit upon y;,-)ur request. Very truly, Richard '--'ard Zoning Administrat-r C� RW/j Page 2 I MONROE Residential District B. a Minimum frontage required 100' . *" Present lot contains 85 feet. 1 Request to add a second kitchen al evert "`single .fam' y unit into duplex. `'+ ' Apt. #1 would contain 734 square feet minimum requirement being 750 square feet. "k Apt. 92 would contain 774 square etj � 04 r; Parcel in question abuts City pr 'ierty.- Farrell Park. , •r � t Y, t %4. SOUTH RUd L �s `a I C = 10dI NC 110TICE The South Burlington Zcni. g E'orf of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the SouJ'- Sirlington City Offices, Con- ference Room, 1 175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Ver- mont on Wednesday, March 1, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. to con- sider the following: 1-1 Appeal of Leon C. Bundy seeking a variance from Section 6.10, Use regulation of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct a building to be used as a small showroom for Cromogloss Wastewater Treatment Systems at 35 Myers Court. #2 Appeal of Leon C. Bundy seeking a variance from Section 6.40, Yard requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct a building, 24 feet x 30 feet, within five (5) feet of the west- erly and within five (5) feet of the southerly property lines, at 35 Myers Court. #3 Appeal of Eugene W. Twoney seeking a variance from Section 7.10, Use regulation of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to alter the gxisting building, to be used in part for display and sale of building materials, at Mammoth Mart, Inc., 947 Shelburne Road. #4 Appeal of James G. Harvell seeking a variance from Section 6.80, Sign requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to erect a facade sign, containing twelve (12) square feet, at 1437 Williston Road. #5 Appeal of Fairview Toyota seeking a variance from Section 7.10, Use regulation of the South Burlington Zor.'ng Ordinance. Request is for permission to use a parcel j of :-nd, for storage of motor vehicles, located northerly of Nordic Ford on Shelburne Road. #6 Appeal of Raymond Ploof, Jr. seeking a variance from Section 12.40, Lots on accepted street of the South Burling - tor Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct or relocate a single family dwelling, on a parcel of land, located northerly of.#31 Henry Court. #7 Appeal of Leonard C. Monroe seeking a variance from Section 6.51, Dwelling standards of the South Burlington Zer ig Ordinance. Request is for permission to convert a sing'_ family dw-_1G-- unit into a duplex, said unit will be ut '.er mi,iimum square frontage, at 23 Lindenwood Drive. #8 paccl of Leonard C. Vonroe seeking a variance from Section 6.21 Lot fr- ,-age req jirements of the South Burling- ton Zoning Ordiranc-:. Request is for permission to set-off a lot containing eial ty-five (85) foot frontage and convert a single'.family unit .to a duplex, of 23 Lindenwood Drive. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN] Richard A. Myette, Chairman Hearing Date �G � ����%Z Advt, Date-ll"-e.�` :///�Advei-tl.se 6 days M prior to r pptinr South Purlington Zoning; Board of Ad jusnt +��-' ;off: T'•tzr]- torlr Ve4ont I ►,creby apn.nal to the ',.oninr Foard of Rd ju:t ent ;'or 'the fol' c-A J vari-nee. j T un :erstan1 that regular r ec tin,, dates prey the first and f.:tir o- i'cln.;36 :,'S �f' the month at 7:30 p.m. at 11-J3 Sou';"i Firlingtcn Clf, t ffi �c s, Co,ference Room. 6 The Ierai ,.dvPrtJ_semc.nt small anr.ear as foil, a.nd I eith-r n ,r before the ad appears, a fee W'. C30,,00, �,Thich rI to off­t _opts of I.oldin,7 :paid he:arinpl 1 i r � ' ,3 S )'UTII PI ; LJ (`T0l`: :,XIr; , ;t" 110T The of v- ­;rl_inrton .,:onin,! f oarcl o.L` Iit.; j tr.;l wi'Ll ti ;-�'A rl !l>l ;1 i c hearing 'it tine South :siirlington City Off es, Conferen:>� t.:.;�:�, 111/> Willisto',, =: ad, Sout'. Piirlingtcn, Vermc nit. 1311 _ ,It to cc�.;: dw he f �'llowI l- month an,, date) t1me� APT)- l of ���. � � . brio �� ._.�_ >F�et> An �. variance from ;;ecti,arA ., Tiumber `�-- title se ticrx) South Purl ins ton ZoanLig Ordinance. Reque is for pe.-misr l on tc s i ZONING I-, BARD OF DJUST'LIZI IT 4 lliebruary 25, 1972 Mr . Loonard Monroe. 23 Lindenwood Drive South Purlington, VT ("1""401 Dear !"lonroe: Be advised tiiat the South Furlington 'oning Board of Adjust- ment will hold za public iearin7 at the Soui.1,11 13-urlinr-ton City hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road on ItIednesday, March 1, 1972 at 7:30 P.m. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend. Very truly, .,i(°hard R. Ward Zoning Administrator No Text 7 I-- 0,