HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Development Review Board - 10/15/2019
The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 15
October 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street.
MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Cota, Chair; B. Sullivan, D. Philibert, J. Langan
ALSO PRESENT: D. Hall, Administrative Officer; M. Keene, Development Review Planner; D.
Crawford, A. Rowe, S. McAllister, S. Homsted, M. Abrams, N. Merril, S. Bellinski, L. Lackey, T.
McKenzie, K. Braverman, L. Nadeau. D. Praino
1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room:
Mr. Cota provided directions on emergency evacuation procedures.
2. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items:
There were no additions, deletions or changes.
3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the Agenda:
No issues were raised.
4. Announcements:
Mr. Cota thanked Mr. Sullivan for stepping in to chair the meetings when he could not be
Mr. Cota advised that he and Mr. Kochman had participated in a hearing at the City Council
regarding keeping some minimum parking standards so the DRB could have some input. The
Council voted 3-2 in favor of removing parking minimums from the LDR, and the DRB will abide
by that decision.
Mr. Cota also advised that Mr. Kochman has resigned from the DRB, so the Board is down a
member. This position will soon be advertised.
Mr. Cota advised that item #7 on the agenda would not be heard that evening as there was not
a quorum of members present who could hear the item.
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5. Sketch Plan Application #SD-19-26 of Scott McAllister to subdivide an existing 1.2 acre
parcel developed with a single family home into three lots of 0.63 acres (Lot #1), 0.28
acres (Lot #2), and 0.28 acres (Lot #3) for the purpose of constructing one new single
family home on each of Lots 2 and 3, 1430 Hinesburg Road:
Ms. Philibert advised that she had previously been a neighbor of Mr. McAllister when they lived
in Williston. She felt no conflict in hearing the application.
Mr. McAllister said the 2 new homes will be accessed from Highland Terrace.
Staff comments were addressed as follows:
1. There must be an option agreement to purchase TDRs prior to final plat approval.
The applicant was OK with this stipulation.
2. Regarding lot ratio issues, Mr. Homsted said his calculations show that these are
met. He will provide that information for the next hearing.
3. Regarding setbacks, it was noted that the maximum allowable from the back of the
sidewalk is 25 feet. Mr. McAllister said there is no sidewalk and no curb at that
location. Ms. Keene read from the regulations which do not indicate where to
measure if there is no sidewalk. Mr. Homsted noted there will be no building
envelopes shown as these will be lots for sale.
4. Ms. Keene advised that because subdivision in the southeast quadrant is required to
be a PUD, elevations are required, but they should submit the minimum information
necessary to demonstrate compliance so there is the most flexibility in what the
homes look like. Mr. Homsted said they would do that.
Mr. McAllister noted that they have been to the City Council for Interim Zoning approval which
they did receive.
Mr. Abrams expressed concern with the changing character of the street due to the adding in of
smaller properties. He felt the same predictability that is afforded to developers should be
afforded to residents. He was also concerned with the capacity of the aquifer. He felt old
neighborhoods should be grandfathered so larger lots don’t have smaller lots developed near
them. He suggested that a compromise could be to have the new homes accessed via
Hinesburg Road.
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Mr. Cota noted there are things the DRB can and can’t do. Grandfathering would be a Planning
Commission issue.
Mr. Crawford noted that the Natural Resources Committee is willing to meet with the applicant.
6. Conditional Use Application #CU-19-07 of Ashley Truax to construct a 795 sq. ft.
addition to an existing single-family home to be used as a garage and 552 sq. ft.
accessory residential unit, 89 Hadley Road:
The applicant said they want raise the height of the second floor. They will also demolish the
current garage, rebuild it, adding an apartment above it either for family or rental.
Staff comments were addressed as follows:
1. The Board should require a specific height measurement. The applicant was
OK with this.
2. The Board must determine whether the project meets the character of the
zoning district. The applicant said they are trying to make this a “forever
home.” He showed renderings of the proposed house and garage. The
garage will be attached to the house (it is not at this time). There will be
more of a colonial look.
The applicant asked where building height is measured from. Ms. Keene said it is measured
from the average preconstruction grade to the midpoint of the roof.
Mr. Merrill, who owns the house next door, was concerned with a 2-story wall about 5 feet
from his property line. There are no windows shown on that side of the building. Ms. Bellinski
was concerned with the removal of trees. Both were concerned with the size of the proposed
building(s). An overhead photo was shown, and Mr. Merrill indicated the location of his kitchen
window from which he would see the blank wall. Mr. Praino said there would not be windows
on Mr. Merrill’s side but there would be windows in the front and back.
Mr. Sullivan asked if there will be any tree removal. The applicant said they are not planning
any, but they may have to remove some limbs.
Ms. Philibert asked if the addition could be moved back. Mr. Praino said it could, but Ms. Keene
said it might create a lot coverage issue.
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Mr. Cota moved to close CU-19-07. Ms. Philibert seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
7. Continued Final Plat Application #SD-19-27 of Dorset Meadows Associates, LLC, for a
planned unit development on two lots developed with one single family dwelling. The
planned unit development is to consist of 94 single family home, 24 dwelling units in
two-family homes, 35 dwelling units in multi-family homes, one existing single family
home, conservation of 15.80 acres on-site and conservation of approximately 55 acres
off-site through the purchase of 68 transfer of Development Rights, 1505 Dorset
Mr. Sullivan recused himself. Mr. Cota moved to continue SD-19-27 to 5 November 2019. Ms.
Philibert seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
8. Continued Site Plan Application #SP-19-35 of the City of Burlington/Burlington
International Airport to amend a previously approved plan for an airport complex.
The amendment consists of constructing a 5,400 sq. ft. addition to an existing
maintenance building to provide covered storage for snow removal equipment, 1200
Airport Drive:
Mr Sullivan rejoined the Board. Mr. Sullivan noted that his law firm represents the Airport
regarding the hotel application. He saw no conflict with hearing this application.
Mr. Lackey indicated the location of the project on Aviation Avenue and showed an overhead
photo of the site. They are planning a 60’x90’ addition to the existing building to store very
expensive snow removal equipment.
Staff comments were addressed as follows:
1. The applicant indicated the will fix the incorrect square foot calculation.
2. The applicant indicated they have provided documentation of compliance
regarding airport approach cones.
3. Regarding stormwater, Ms. Keene noted the airport must maintain all
stormwater facilities.
4. Regarding the removal of 4 parking spaces, Mr. Lackey said they have plenty
of parking without them. Ms. Keene questioned whether the shown parking
meets dimensional requirement. Ms. Keene questioned whether the spaces
can be 9’x18’ and still have enough space for the driveway. Mr. Lackey said
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they can show whether it does, and if it does not, they can configure it as
there is plenty of space.
5. Regarding relocation of the overhead utility pole and whether utilities can be
underground, Mr. Lackey said the service from the pole to the building is
already underground and this condition will persist with the relocated pole.
Power to the pole will continue to be aboveground.
6. Regarding landscaping, Ms. Keene talked about how the airport is putting in
landscaping where they don’t need it and it is creating problems down the
road. They need to do a master plan. Mr. Lackey said they are proposing a
pollinator project on the garage roof and are requesting to use that project
to meet the required landscape budget. He noted they are working with a
group to enhance the rooftop project. He showed members what the
project would look like. It will be viewable to the public. Ms. Keene said
there is a question as to whether this will qualify as an “agricultural
exemption,” which give the DRB no control over it.
7. Regarding snow storage, Mr. Lackey showed a new plan and said they will
remove snow to another location if there is too much for the proposed
8. The applicant said they will remove the circulation arrows from the plan.
9. Regarding wetland impact and the need for DEC approval, Mr. Lackey said
the DEC said they don’t have to come out, and they can do a general permit.
This is just a wetland buffer for a Class 2 wetland. Ms. Keene read the email
from the State.
10. Mr. Lackey indicated this project will actually improve the situation because
there will be a stormwater treatment system. Ms. Philibert asked where the
equipment is parked now. Mr. Lackey said all over, but uncovered. They
have a long term plan for a nicer maintenance facility.
11. Mr. Lackey indicated where bicycle parking will be located, which is by where
people walk in the front door.
Mr. Crawford noted the Natural Resources Committee doesn’t have a position on bees, but
thinks there should be a place on airport for trees. He supports the development of a
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landscape master plan. Mr. Lackey said the airport would be amenable to a condition of
approval requiring them to hire a consultant prior to next site plan approval.
Mr. Cota then moved to continue SP-19-35 to 5 November. Ms. Philibert seconded. Motion
passed 4-0.
9. Reconsideration of preliminary & final plat application #SD-19-24 of Snyder-
Braverman Development Co, LLC, to subdivide an existing 21.74 acre lot into 6 lots of
0.43 acres (Lot M1), 0.69 acres (Lot M2), 1.33 acres (Lot M3), 1.35 acres (Garden St.),
5.86 acres (Lot N) and 12.08 acres (Lot L), for the purpose of constructing Garden
Street and a project south of Garden Street on Lots M1, M2, and M3 which will be
reviewed under separate site plan application, 390 Garden Street:
Mr. Cota explained the decision to reopen this hearing. He noted that the number one
requirement is for the road to be connected.
Mr. McKenzie explained the requirement is problematic because of build-to lines. He noted
they have worked with Justin Rabidoux and the City Attorney to address the issue. Mr.
McKenzie said they will build the roadway curb to curb and create a 6-foot wide bituminous
path from the existing end of Garden Street by Healthy Living to Market Street. They are still
working on when ownership of the road changes hands. They will also build the cycle track and
sidewalk in front of the first building (Lot M2) and to the existing end of Garden St. He
indicated on the plan where they will build. Ms. Keene asked if the sidewalk in front of building
M1 will go in when building is built. Mr. McKenzie said it will if M1 is built before M2.
Mr. McKenzie then read emails to and from Mr. Rabidoux indicating the latter’s acceptance of
the proposed plan. Mr. McKenzie added that they will also install the lighting and trees inside
the sidewalk line. Mr. Braverman said that works for them as well.
No other issues were raised.
Mr. Cota moved to close SD-19-24. Mr. Sullivan seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
10. Minutes of 1 October 2019:
Ms. Philibert moved to approve the Minutes of 1 October 2019. Mr. Langan seconded. Motion
passed 4-0.
11. Other Business:
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No other business was presented.
As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by
common consent at 8:30 p.m.
These minutes were approved by the Board on November 5, 2019