HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-73-0000 - Supplemental - 0064 Laurel Hill DriveO A - L O U C O R P O R A T I O. N 10 LOCUST STREET BURLINGTON, VT O AV 1 0 B, O u B R U L, P RES. TEL. 6 5 B- 3 6 0 0 April 4,1973 South Burlington Zoning Board South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen; Permission is hereby requested for a variance from the set back requirements as they pertain to the installation of swimming pools. I wish to locate the pool within five feet of the northerly boundary of my property where it borders the land formerly owned by the late Mr. Elmer Gove. If this variance is granted, the pool will still be over 150 feet from any structure in that direction. I am aware of the fencing requirements in the city and will be installing a solid fence on this particular side of the pool. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. David B. 64 Laurel Hill Drive South Burlington Vt. No Text 14r. David I DuLrul 61,- Laurcl hili Drive South Burl"111"tont TI: 05401 Dear Fir. DuLrul: Be advi--ed that the South 13urIin,(,:,rton 70ninj; Board, of LdJust- ment gran,.ed a varianoe fl,om, 'he pr(avi.sions Cf Section 12.55 of the '..,onini.; (",rdirianceq You to construct a sw ramin _; poel or, your property a, requested. A permit for construction will be issued upon your request. Very truly � hichard !-.'ard Zon.inU hdairiistrative Off'icel, R v:/ j , A pril 13, 1973 I 1.1r. David F. PuBrul 64 Laurel hill Drive South Purlington, V"' t) 05'401 Dear Mr. DuErul: 7 Fe advised that the 'k7outif', Fur-'Lin,_,7ton. i,oning Eoard of JI'6just- rent will hold a public hearin,4 at the City Hall, Conference M.".0m, 1175 Wil'iston T.oad on ''ednesday,, April 1973 at 7:30 P-^!- to consider your request for a zoning.- variance. Please plan to al -tend. Very truly, Richard Vlard Zoning Administrative Of" icer F,W/j Request is for constructiGn ,f an addition 12' x 2':-' to t e side - maintaining; the set -back of 20 feet. Dwelling constructed prior to 1964. Set -back under 1964 ordinance is 30 feet. Request is to construct within 5 feet of the rear yard line, minimum is 15 feet. Same as DuBrul request. T, YLOR Attached garage and breez::,,f,_­r (, :.-ryas .i4' 221) to be constructed within 10 fe, ;; _' ._z� . _ y side _^cmin imum required 15 feet. Side yar a < hues '-,,a rear of the Foley property on IATL.te at; n , �7�L'r� 1..:1V Request is to erect four facade: s .Gns. Two signs are 161 x 2' or 32 squ":_•_ and others are 21 x 3' and 1-,'F' x 3' ,tota:i of arp_:_ : __ ,IIY 74 square feet. Two are to be erected on front c'and one on rear directed at Hinesburg Ready An,o__, r erected on the building occupied by the Fab_^ic Building 32' x 14' or 448 square sect 448 square feet x .02 = 8.9 square feet 448 square feet x .05 = 22.4 square feet Without free standing sign maximum allowed 22.4 square feet. MIC 7L Same as DuBrul request to construct within 3 feet of side y.r`:. f 2 I MATTA Area zoned Business District, E - Proposed use not allowed. 1973 Proposed ordinance: Zone BR Proposed use not allowed - allowed only in BPD. On March 27, 1973 proposal received approval on a vote from the Planning Commission. / 10 .�. Would have been reviewed for a zoning permit on It""V73 1964 Ordinance Minimum 7-jot, 40,000 souare feet Total area 65,100 square feet Tower Restaurant occupies area 46,000 souare feet of total area. Proposed buildihg will front on a private riht-of-way, building located to rear of TowerQ This use is not nerm_-'tted in any district ender the 1964 ordinance - it is the recorv.qendation of the City lvlanager and Zoning Administrator that this proposal m-&*LZh-L-. be bett-C-1, served if an add it ion was constructed to the existing building or if the road owned by Bensen on Patchen Road could be extended. Hearing Date Advt. Date Advert,:i,i�e o days prior, Ito meeting. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of $30..00 which fee is to off -set costs of holding said hearing. Signature and Address Date SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a'.public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference, Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on day of week at to consider the following: month and date time Z Appeal of ,seeking a name �� variance from Section- J 5 , _ G�/,tiyy�rwc++' Oo of nurnoer) title of se ion the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Reque t is for p rmission to 1�y�j,�,°" �. o'��i � �[ �� � ,•it�./,�iiti+�Nlitrr /�'� �1 i � y _. � � J �U t ZONING BOARD OF. ADJUSTMaT I Hearing Date Advt. Date 'Z /7, Advertise 6 days Y prior to meeting. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, either now or before the ad appears,�a fee of $30..00 which fee is to off set costs of hp4 ingJ,said hearing. Date SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing,at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 ,Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on , day of week month and datetimej at _ to consider the following: Appeal of seeking a name variance from Section , of number— title of section the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is forfpermission to ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT O A - L O U COR R ORATION 10 LOCUST STREET BURLING TO N, VT O AV 1 D B. O u B R U L, P RES. T E L. 6 5 6- 3 B O O April 4,1973 South Burlington Zoning Board South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen; Permission is hereby requested for a variance from the set back requirements as they pertain to the installation of swimming pools. I wish to locate the pool within five feet of the northerly boundary of my property where it borders the land formerly owned by the late Mr. Elmer Gove. If this variance is granted, the pool will still be over 150 feet from any structure in that direction. I am aware of the fencing requirements in the city and will be installing a solid fence on this particular side of the pool. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. David B. 64 Laurel Hill Drive South Burlington Vt. f 1