HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-01-05 - Supplemental - 0038 Knoll Circle�j EXISTING STONE WALL HOUSE EXISTING TIMBER WALL SE PAUL & CHERYL HOUCHEN ol IPF TBM ELV. 100.01 ROCK ELV, 111.91 f ROCK ELV. 111.85 SECOND PROPOSED RETAINING WALL TOP ELV. APPROX, 110.00 EXISTING DECK HOUSE FIRST PROPOSED RETAINING WALL TOP ELV. APPROX. 114.00 r JOHN & SUSAN HOOD IPF am. ,���� JZJ2 g' y y� s 4)/,IX PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1"=20' 20' 10' 0 20' SCALE: I "= 20' I 0 SURFACE ROCK A STATION MARK 0 IRON PIPE FOUND BENCH MARK 0 YYY z PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS NOTES: '* PLAN IS FOR REVIEW ONLY; NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL PROPERTY LINES, EXISTING FEATURES, AND PROPOSED Fr, J.S ARE AT APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. 3. ALL PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. of 0 iji7 FILE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 5, 2001 Mr. David Main 38 Knoll Circle South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Misc. Application - 38 Knoll Circle Dear Mr. Main: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the September 18, zooi Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl./Td DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 SEPTEMBER 2001 PAGE 2 5. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-01-48 of Wright/Morrissey Realty Corp. to amend a planned unit development consisting of: 1) a 95 room hotel, 2) 160 residential units in four buildings, 3) a 130 unit congregate housing facility, 4) sub -dividing two parcels of 24.458 acres into eight lots, 5) a 91,000 sq. ft. building which will include 11,000 sq. ft. of retail, 150 seat 7500 sq. ft. restaurant, 70,000 sq. ft. of general office, 2500 sq. ft. of drive-in bank, and ten residential units, 6) a 7200 sq. ft. addition to an indoor recreational facility, and 7) an existing 16,000 sq. ft. television studio and office building. The amendment consists of minor road and parking modifications, 65 Farrell St: Members agreed that the amendments are made necessary by circumstances beyond the applicant's control. Mr. Farrell said they have worked out changes with the Ben Franklin Store which had appealed to Act 250. Changes include: adding a left turn lane coming in, adding roadway hatching so the intersection won't be blocked when the light is red, easing the radius of the curb cut, making a handicapped accessible curb, changing an island to road markings, widening a curb cut for delivery truck access and easier access to Bacon Street, adding a sign to direct traffic to Bacon Street in order for traffic to turn north on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Farrell noted that the changes result in a loss of 6 parking spaces. Mr. Belair said staff has no issues. He noted that Bacon St. is a private road but there is an agreement to dedicate a portion of it to the city. Mr. Cameron moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-01-48 of Wright/Morrissey Realty Corp. subject to the stipulations in the draft motion of 18 September 2001. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing: Application #MS-01-05 of David and Heather Main seeking approval from Section 25.117, Alteration of Existing Grade, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to place 84 cubic yards of fill on property at 38 Knoll Circle: Ms. Main said they had 2 decks, one of which was in bad shape and was removed. The area is now too steep to walk down. This is the access to their yard and they want to bring in fill that will be held in place by a retaining wall. The area will be grassed. Ms. Main presented a letter from neighbors indicating their support of this plan. Mr. Kupferman asked if this will affect the whole neighborhood. Ms Main noted a neighbor put in a retaining wall and fill earlier this year. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 SEPTEMBER 2001 PAGE 3 Mr. Kupferman asked where drainage goes. Mr. Belair said there is a large wetland behind the property. Mr. Dinklage noted that any changes to the plan will require Board approval. Mr. Cameron moved to approve Application #MS-01-05 of David & Feather Main subject to the stipulations in the draft motion of 18 September 2001. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Fearing: Preliminary Plat application #SD-01-36 and Final Plat application #SD-01-37 of Robert and Marjorie Skiff to subdivide a 12.85 acre property into three lots of 7.54 acres (lot 1), 3.13 acres (lot 2), and 2.11 acres (lot 3), 89 Springhouse Road: Mr. Collins said the main issue to be resolved is whether the road will remain a private road. The neighbors want it that way to maintain the ambiance of the neighborhood and also feel a public road is not needed. The proposed private road will be increased to 18 ft. and will be gravel. Mr. Collins indicated they have signed agreements for the City Attorney to review for the private roadway and sewer. This would forever be a private road and would be privately maintained. Mr. Rowe noted that the driveway was moved so that lights from incoming cars don't shine into someone's house. There is also an agreement with the Fire Chief that the 2 new homes will have residential sprinklers. Mr. Belair noted that the city denied a project and then a few months later approved a similar project. There is a question of consistency. The City Attorney has stressed the importance of being consistent. In another case, this Board required a public road up to where the houses would be served. Mr. Belair also noted that someday this may not be a rural part of the city. Mr. Collins said the Goldberg case was different as that road can be connected to another property. The road in question here goes nowhere. A straw vote of members showed that all would support a private road. The draft motion was then amended as follows: 1) The opening of the motion reads "...approve preliminary plat application #SD-01-36 and final plat application #SD-01- 37... "; 2) stipulation #3 reads: "Prior to recording the final plat plans, the applicant shall CITY ENGINEER'S COMMENTS FOR MEETING 9/i8/oi DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD David & Heather Main - 38 Knoll Circle i. Concrete curb along the street shall be protected if trucks hauling fill will drive over it. If it is damaged it shall be replaced. Marcelino, A. - Williston Road - Temporary housing units i. Services to units must be winterized if they are occupied during winter months. Eddy Holdings, Lot 29, Commerce Avenue i. Depressed curb at entrance shall have a 1 1/2 inch reveal and not flush as plan shows. O'Dell Parkway, Farrell Corp. Grading Plan 1. The site plan showing limited site work in the northwest section of the project is acceptable. This plan No. C4 dated 11-18-99 was prepared by Civil Engineering Associates. Paul Heald - 6 lot Subdivision - lzoo Dorset Street 1. Plan should show all utilities, water, sewer and drainage. z. Power and telephone lines shall be placed outside of the street Right -of -Way. 9/14/O1 ARBORIST'S COMMENTS FOR 9/i8/oi MEETING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD HEALD - 6 LOT SUBDIVISION A mix of z or 3 different species in roughly equal proportions is advisable. Soil test should be performed. If soil PH is alkaline Freeman Maple may not be the best choice although "Celzam" is probably one of the better cultivars of Freeman Maple for those conditions. I also recommend moving the trees back further from the road (8 to Io feet. This will help reduce damage from plowing and vehicles. ROBERT & MARLEY SKIFF - 89 SPRINGHOUSE ROAD I recommend eliminating Green Ash as a species as it is over planted in the City of South Burlington. Soil testing should be performed to access ph. If soils are not below 7.0 ph, Red Maple should not be planted. The possible species substitutions include Honey Locust, Freeman Maple, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Bur Oak, English Oak, Hybrid American Elms. Planting Detail - - Fertilize should not be added to backfill at time of planting. - Branches should only be pruned to a height of 6 ft. if they conflict with landscape, traffic, etc. Use of arbor tape or tree saver (rubber rope) is preferable to iz gauge wire encased in rubber hose for staking. Stakes should also be removed after 1 year. FIRE CHIEF'S COMMENTS FOR 9/i8/oi DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEETING i. Site Plan & Conditional Use, zo Palmer Court - Access to the southern portion of the building, where the dwelling units are proposed, is inadequate. Access, in the form of a road, should be provided to the southern facade of the building. z. Preliminary Plat, xzoo Dorset Street - The applicant should consult with the fire department on the location of a fire hydrant along the new road. 9/i8/oi MOTION OF APPROVAL DAVID & HEATHER MAIN I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve application #MS-oi-o5 of David and Heather Main seeking approval from Section 25.117, Alteration of Existing Grade, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request if for permission to place 84 cubic yards of fill on property at 38 Knoll Circle, as depicted on a plan entitled "Heather & David Main 38 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403", dated 9/4/ot, with the following stipulations: i. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. z. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 3. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to the use of the fill. 4. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. Paul and Cheryl Houchens 36 Knoll Circle South Burlington, VT 05403 To whom it may concern: August 29, 2001 This letter is intended to show our support of the landscaping project proposed by our neighbors, David and Heather Main, of 38 Knoll Circle. We understand the project involves bringing in about 84 yards of fill - to be held with two retaining walls - which will ease the very steep hill currently between our two properties. We further understand the proposed retaining walls will closely approach our property so as to avoid a steep valley, which would cause safety concerns. The Main's landscaping project will be a significant improvement for the land between our houses. Currently that land is unusable because of the steep pitch, and the proposed project will be both aesthetic and practical. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 658-1321. Sincerely, Paid,-Houchens 4 Caryl Houchens CITY OF SOUTH BI✓TRI.rlNGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONESTG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 September 14, 2001 Mr. David Main 38 Knoll Circle South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Misc. Application — 38 Knoll Circle Dear Mr. Main: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and my comments. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl./td '"_LC HEARING SOUTH BURUNGTON 0E'dEL:3PMENT ,. REVI&N BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board ;vial hold a public hearing at the South Bur- lingtonity Hall Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington. Vermont on Tuesday Sectemoer 18, 2001, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Appeal of a decision of the Code. Officer pursu- ant to Section 29 of the South Burlington Sign Ordinance denying sign permit application #SN- 01-42 of IDX Systems Corp. This permit was denied because the pro- posed 230 square foot free standing sign ex= ceeds the size limitations of 80 square feet, 40 IDX Drive. 2. Application #CU-01 36 of A. Marcelino $ Company seeking ap- proval from Section 26.05, Conditional Uses, and Section 26.605, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to utilize four 41 recrea- tional vehicles for tempo- rary residential facilities, 20 Palmer Court. 3. Preliminary plat appli- cation #SD-01-46 of Paul Heald to subdivide a 5.32 acre lot into six (61' lots ranging in size from 0.32 acres to 1.32 acres, 1200 Dorset St. 4. Final plat application #SD-01-48 of Wright/ Morrissey Realty Corp. to amend a planned unit development consisting of: 1] an 95 room hotel, 2] 160 residential units in four (4] buildings, 31 a 130 unit con regate housing facility, 41 subdi- viding two [2] parcels of 24.458 acres into eight [81 lots, 51 a 91,000 sq. ft. building which will in. clude 11,000 sq. ft, of re- tail, a 150 seat 7,500 sq. ft. restaurant, 70,000 sq. ft. of general office, 2,- 500 sq. ft. of drive-in bank, and ten [10] resi- dential units, 61 a 7,200 sq. ft. addition to an in- door recreational facility, and 7] an existing 16,000 sq. ft. television studio and office building. The amendment consists of minor road and parking modifications, 65 Farrell Street. 5. Application #MS-01- 05 of David and Heather Main seeking approval from Section 25.117, Al- teration of Existing Grade, of the South Bur- lington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to place 84 cubic yards of fill on property at 38 Knoll Circle. Copies of the applica- tions are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board September 1, 2001. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 UORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (302) 846-4106 FAX (302) 346-4101 September 5, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Houchens 36 Knoll Circle South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl / td CITY OF SOUTH BU LINGTOI DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 September 5, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. John hood 28 Dubois Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl/td CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 September 5, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Kelly 30 Dubois Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl/td City of South Burlington Application to Development Review Board Official Use APPLICATION HEARING DATE V FILING DATE �YG FRR AlvtrlrTNT Name of applicant(s) V I Neftke 1 A l /J Address 3 CJ 1'I&ML-4- C �� �-C� Telephone # Represented by Landowner Location and description of r° V Adjacent property owner(s) & Address j?&I- 7 �V[, 1Utf4eWg Z �gll ✓ l oci 2� ,(A 9,1 ,� ��' 3 /.,��� C� .� (I aws Z�"V' Type of application check one: ( ) appeal from decision of Administrator Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation) kequest for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Provision of zoning ordinance in question 20 KLg,nS' (i F- Reason for appeal Other documentati ®8 --Z-4-0 / Date ----------------------- In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, , at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Application of seeking a from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to Heather and David Main RECEIVED 38 Knoll Circle So Burlington, VT 05403 802 865 9899 i y o o. Burlington Sarah MacCallum So Burlington City Planners Office 575 Dorset Street So Burlington, VT 05403 August 31, 2001 Dear Sarah: I stopped your office today to deliver the attached contour drawing of my property where my husband and I hope to do some landscaping work to improve our ability to access our back yard. Please note that this is a review drawings and not for construction. As you know from the photographs supplied to your office earlier this week, this area of our property is a fairly steep hill that was never landscaped when the house was built, (in fact this was where construction garbage was buried) and is our primary access to the back yard. Our plans include necessary retaining walls for fill and we plan to blend our hill with the neighbor's hill, requiring that the retaining wall closely approach our property line. We understand a retaining wall challenges a law regarding a ten foot set back, and very much hope to be able to proceed with our plans given the unique situation of the neighbors steep hill dropping into our yard. As you stated in our meeting Monday, our plans fits within the intention of the law, but not the letter of the law. Please call me with any questions. David and I are eager to work in a cooperative and positive nature with the city on this project, which will greatly enhance our ability to enjoy our back yard. Sincerely, Heather H. Main EXISTING STONE WALL EXISTING TIMBER WALL NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE LOCATION RECEIVED fAW IPF MW W y SURFACE ROCK l r TBM ELV. 100.01 City of So. Burlington STATION MARK ROCK t J IRON PIPE FOUND ELV. 111.91 j J/ ROCK � ELV. 111.85 I ! BENCH MARK HOUSE PROPERTY LINE SECOND PROPOSED RETAINING WALL TOP ELV. APROX. 110.00 EXISTING PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS DECK FIRST PROPOSED RETAINING WALL TOP ELV. APROX. 114.00 PLAN VIEW /./ SCALE: 1 "=1,0' Fe IPF 20 10 0 20 FILE Heather & David SCALE: 1 "= N' MAIN 38 Knoll Circle South Burlingtion, VT 05403 (802) 865-9899 REVISIONS DEPARTMENT DESIGNED Q DEPT HHM PROJECT DRAWN Q TIMBER DWM RETAINING CHECKED Q WALL HHM Q JOB EET SH1HO,SH2 Q EounoN oRAWI LOC DWG RECOMMENDED APPROVED SCALE REC APP 40 No Text No Text 8/28/0138 Knoll Circle No Text 8/28/01 38 Knoll Circle �. � ..ate � � • ti Z-i- V1 MAIM V�c 36 KNo 0 woov"05, WC, wire bvi 14&j bvr ied • RG{cun;tj viah on EQs+' ed9eoF ov+P,a. AQeA of- P(ofq 41,115 01 6-*r0005,- QVY5 gae �0,,n 4z> ea54i ,Hpvc,6.,4s Sots )m % 4 _�pL S+. Q a j AfeW 9A)WAP �n H o us E- 3 8 �N C i rz c..c. ' DL�It •`►e r l r '� ; • owev- a"bet-'! ate. . ... . �..�r.. OR 16 I N 4L- ilA-A-f-D CC\ ZZ 1-7 1111, oc r of T CI C CI C4 C4 CI `fQ i? D3'27-0) /-ac.,4 3Y L/fivt c� r Sfi�,FI7"' To �PF f '_----- 67 ��!/N//✓�7 G l�iiz(.G OF LnP Y Ar,5' - pg, .200/ %o: 5a vtl-& Aa,ca PK RE : 1r.1�la{cct. Iv our p�,r,�'f ap p l�cafro�n di .5w4k sa'ry -t&t� Is Aa4towrrt*,Plj IKy 1s on tom. -;i'f7- t wa, A-4VL 6 p,b r;A some., noes off' -UP laru . p" sOc ow �WPM�-y- (A '7L, YD d- � `ec-t in Voly es sdc o"'!1 o a,Mea.. P P� P � our 4-F OAaa,,, W &J par k at l cove�d.� k y �`'`' Pr.� wee rerko.b�c i f tva.a !!in reGenf ►y• Ae _9 awn •�.�, ,, �'s /�c.,�-e.�r�os�rd. d�'r f: ,� i nc lc s a• VIJt� u9 !� area, o f' Wca�ls a i a! + w if404 1 rem r1 I wkick cotxes hk6. We- -m'edd /6 c(ea*r a a/�Po- oo n props-r'l sit' bvr'! a.� C -Sores ,- �, I y heeds p iv�essrbrta-G p . Gu1a�a.. .�ie � 7A, ea I aW Z,aov G� 7Fo �ose. proble�cs Wi-fi� e.✓os�o,� ,� duo �� � wa,tX 1-tIMy i-iov:s i ! I �v our nor- i eve.*\ s4ee-A. a4, oe, .� pUY 104,14SCA.P - k" PYOPosed� add.A-P.� 84 8wcts of 4'11 Iv tom- c46 x 41 ' aAco,. 4-tta..* Gca (r 61,e, oL w 1 44� .�,��, �- Wat 1s wi f I �o (6l, � s a(( � e-fP�a�- . �0��5 {�; (�. Too 4 r� �► I ec� (o' ovY p✓oP' y( M 0/1 4 -ayi�yl ow Pvi,j sale y 60"4c- �, y rQsu (+ �n Q- !t -Axi- txw ur p tam5 W� CU�� a(p ,6 b M Czuc t- cf- �t/ic�-�- re,liwciAa4�f a-4(a� &)V- 60,1t ate- v pyovld.�. �fvea<. c.�rr ( �u rW- sae. OTC cu �7`- rvs ih ow o-Fwc..d - We- d& y. mod- coope ve �- � protect �Q � f3 � �' /h &0 C�4 '7 � � W �c o l c- 'AO a P