HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-19-29 - Supplemental - 1840 Spear Street (7)PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The throb Burlington Developmm[ Revuew Bond will hold a public hearing a the South BivlmNan City hall Cmf Friona, 575 Danes Street, Soon Burlington, Ye®oot on Tlveaday, Nov. 5, 20199 ) p.m m cmuider de following Final Plat app icahon #SD-19-29 of SOuW Village Coamunutiea, LLC to amend Plone = of a preciously approved multi -phase 334 um phoned unit deielopumt no aaendment co num of ramvmg the manor plan Condition regmrmg couavuction of a left -band tom lace at the soidhemmml mtrmea trm Speer Sheet onto South led an Road, 1840 Spea Sheet. Matt Coca, Chin South Bcvhoguia 1Nnvdopmmt Renew Board A copy of the applrcahon u mailable fur public arpecdum at the South Burlington Cay Hall Pmvcrpanm m the local proceeding u a prxa3aerm to the right to lake my anbeegieot appeal CcWxr 17,2019