HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 05B_SD-19-33_1650 Hinesburg Rd_Auclair_SK_plansPROPOSED BOUNDARY LINEEXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO BE ELIMINATEDPROPOSEDPARCELLIDAR CONTOUR(TYPICAL)VSWI CLASS II WETLAND(TYPICAL)WOODEDWOODEDEXISTING BOUNDARY(TYPICAL)CHEESEFACTORY ROADVT ROUTE 11 6 410 370370370370370370370370370370370355355355 355355 355355355355355350 350 350350350350 350350350 350345345345345345 345 345 355 355355355355345345345345 345345 345345345365365365365365365365365365360 360360360 360360360360 360335335 335335335 335 340340 340 340340340340340340340330 330330330330330330330330330325 325325325325325325 325325325405420 395 390405 390 375395395385385 3803803803375375 375 375375375370370370370 400400380385370375375375 370 385 360 36538 380380 395395380390 390 375375385385380 380380 355355380355 355355375375375375375340340340340340340 340370370370 370350 350350350350350350 365 365365365365365365365365360360 360 360360360360360360360350350350335 335335335335335 335335330330 330330320320 405405 405405405 405405 410410 410 415 410395 395395395395395395395 395 395 390390390390390390390 390390460470450450475465440445 5 405405405405405455435435 435435435435 405405 405415445445440440440440430430430430430430 430 415415415415 415415415 420420420 420420420 425425425425 425425 425 410410410410410410 400400400 400400 400400 400400400400400400405395395395395 400400400 400390390390 390 385385385385 385 385385385385 375375375375380 380380380380 380365370370370 370 360375365370340335345360355350 415410400390350340400400400 400400395 395395395395 395395 360 360 385385385385 385365 365 370 370370370 420 415415 415415415400400400400405405405 400410410410410 410405 405405 405390 390390390390375 375375375365380380380 380355 355355350345360360360360355355355355 350350350350 350 350 345345345 345 345345345 340340340340 330400395390 38536535038538536035538038035036034534534537537037065365365 335 335335350 345345340340340340335335335335335 330330330330330330330330 LAWRENCE & VALERIE PARKER127 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403EDWARD S. III & ANN B.EMERY TRUST1549 HINESBURG ROADSOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 LAURA & FRANCISDAVENPORT1982 HINESBURG ROADSOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403MICHELE AUCLAIR,2000 HINESBURG ROAD, APT 5SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403WILD TURKEY DIVIDE, LLC32 MAIN STREET, SUITE 203ACHATHAM, NY 12534DANIEL & WHITTNEY BARKHUFF166 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403RE AND ST COTELIVING TRUSTJANUARY 6 2015654 VAN SICKLEN ROADWILLISTON, VT 05495TAX MAP PROPERTY BOUNDARY(TYPICAL)NINA FRISCIA607 WILLOW BROOK LANEST. GEORGE, VT 05495RANDEE BROWNELL& JO ANNE LAMARCHE,4344 SOUTH BROWNELL ROADWILLISTON, VT 05495JULIE LAPOINTE140 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403RICHARD & SUSAN COTE654 VAN SICKLEN ROADWILLISTON, VT 05495MARC GREENBLATT14 MOSS GLEN ROADSOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403HEATHER M. AUCLAIRVERMONT LANDTRUST, INC.CHESTNUT HILL FARM, LLC47 HIGHLAND TERRACESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403UVMBURLINGTON, VT 054010FeetGraphic Scale300 600 900 395395 5540040015°±VT GridMagneticSheet TitleProject TitleUse of These DrawingsScale:Project Number:Date:Drawn By:Project Engineer:Approved By:No. Description Date ByRevisions478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COMENGINEERING SURVEYNo. 8917CIVILJENNIFER ANN DESAUT ELSSTATE OF VERMON T PROF E SSIONAL ENGINEERLICENSEDField Book:1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended forpreliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines orutilities, and/or approval from the regulatory authorities.¬They are not intended as construction drawings unless notedas such or marked approved by a regulatory authority.2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project,the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved,and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits,and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines,including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect,to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, butnot limited to, contract documents, specifications,owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanicalplans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permitsfor construction.3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design andlocation of buildings shown, including an area measured aminimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinatingfinal utility connections shown on these plans.4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the usershall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the mostcurrent revisions.5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are nottransferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, andcopies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive property.¬Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. Iferrors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought tothe attention of TCE immediately.6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy containsthe most current revisions.PLANNING ENVIRONMENTALPARCEL ID: 0860-01560& 0860-01800PROJECT INFORMATION:1. OWNER OF RECORD: HEATHER M. AUCLAIR 1650 HINESBURG ROADSOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC8 BAILEY AVEMONTPELIER, VERMONT 056022. TAX PARCEL ID: PARCEL ID: 0860-01560 & 0860-018003. PHYSICAL ADDRESS 1650 & 1800 HINESBURG ROAD (ROUTE 116) OF PROPERTY: SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT4. PARCEL SIZE: PARCEL ID:0860-016500860-01800EXISTING 0.37 ACRES 194 ACRESPROPOSED 3.43 ACRES 191 ACRESEXISTING CONDITIONS NOTES:1. THE PURPOSE OF OF THIS PLAN IS TO IDENTIFY THE SUBJECT PARCELS AND ADACENT PROPERTIES.LIMITED SITE FEATURES ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.2. OVERALL PERIMETER BOUNDARIES SHOWN HEREON FROM TAX MAP INFORMATION ONLY THIS PLAN DOES NOTDEPICT A FORMAL BOUNDARY SURVEY.3. REFER TO PLAT BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS ENTITLED "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, HEATHERAUCLAIR & ERNEST N. AUCLAIR FAMILY TRUST, PARCEL ID# 0860-01650 & 0860-1731, VERMONT ROUTE 116,HINESBURG ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT" DATED 03/28/20194. WETLAND BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE FROM THE VERMONT STATE WETLAND INVENTORY (VSWI).TCE HAS NOT CONDUCTED A WETLAND DELINEATION ON THE SUBJECT PARCELS.5. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN IS BASED ON LIDAR, NOT SURVEY DATA.PROJECT LOCATIONOverall Site PlanC2-0118-001JAD¬¬Heather Auclair1650 & 1800 Hinesburg Road(Route 116)South Burlington, Vermont1" = 300'10/09/2019No. 8917CIVILJENNIFERAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNDEEEEEEEESSAAAAAAAUUUUT ELSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAATEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOFVERRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOMMNT 85.00'XXXXXXXXXXXD-BOXSEPTIC TANKHOUSEDRILLED WELLGRAVELDRIVEGRAVEL DRIVEEXISTING BOUNDARY LINE(TO BE ELIMINATED)HEATHER AUCLAIR0.37 ACRES (EXISTING)TAX MAP NO. 0860-01650VERMONT LAND TRUST, INC.194 ACRES± BEFORE ADJUSTMENT191 ACRES± AFTER ADJUSTMENTNOTE: AREAS ARE ONLY LANDS INSOUTH BURLINGTON WHICH ARE EASTERLYOF ROUTE 116 AND NORTHERLY ANDWESTERLY OFTHE MUDDY BROOKTAX MAP NO. 0860-01800399 392 392398397396 396379 379381 381394 394393 393374389 389373378378377377376376386 386385 385384 384382 382383 383391 391388 388387 387444442437 437436 436434 434433 433443414 418418431431 431 431 41432439428417417 416416 438421421429429429429409 419419 427427426411 424 424408423 423 410 422422413 412 LAWRENCE & VALERIE PARKER127 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403JULIE LAPOINTE140 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403OHWOODED WOODEDAREA "A"3.06 ACRES TO BE ANNEXED TOTAX MAP NO. 0860-01650FOR A NEW TOTAL ACREAGE OF 3.43 ACRESAPPROXIMATELOCATION OFEXISTING SEPTICSYSTEM ANDASSOCIATEDINFRASTRUCTUREAPPROX.LOCATIONSEPTIC EASEMENT(TO BE ELIMINATED)DANIEL & WHITTNEY BARKHUFF166 HIDDEN MEADOW LANESOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403395375390 435 440430430415 420 425178'±35'±70'±354'±144'±112'±140'±144'±112'± 246'±231'±43'±20'±182'±276'±0FeetGraphic Scale30 60 90 437437 15°±VT GridMagneticSheet TitleProject TitleUse of These DrawingsScale:Project Number:Date:Drawn By:Project Engineer:Approved By:No. Description Date ByRevisions478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COMENGINEERING SURVEYNo. 8917CIVILJENNIFER ANN DESAUT ELSSTATE OF VERMON T PROF E SSIONAL ENGINEERLICENSEDField Book:1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended forpreliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines orutilities, and/or approval from the regulatory authorities.¬They are not intended as construction drawings unless notedas such or marked approved by a regulatory authority.2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project,the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved,and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits,and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines,including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect,to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, butnot limited to, contract documents, specifications,owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanicalplans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permitsfor construction.3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design andlocation of buildings shown, including an area measured aminimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinatingfinal utility connections shown on these plans.4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the usershall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the mostcurrent revisions.5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are nottransferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, andcopies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive property.¬Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. Iferrors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought tothe attention of TCE immediately.6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy containsthe most current revisions.PLANNING ENVIRONMENTALNOTES:1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE PLAN IS TO DEPICT THE SUBJECT PARCEL ANDASSOCIATED WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE. LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEPTICSYSTEM IS APPROXIMATE.2. NO SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT.PAVEDDRIVELEGENDPROPERTY LINEVCGI WETLAND LIMITFENCEWATER SUPPLY WELLUTILITY POLEOVERHEAD UTILITYPAVED DRIVE OR ROADGRAVEL DRIVE OR ROADLIDAR CONTOURSUNDERGROUND UTILITY124OHUGXWADJOINING PROPERTY LINEPARCEL ID: 0860-01560& 0860-01800Site PlanC2-02Date18-001JADHeather Auclair1650 & 1800 Hinesburg Road(Route 116)South Burlington, Vermont1" = 30'No. 8917JENNIFERANNDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEESSSSSSSAUT ELSSTATEEEEEOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRMMMMMMMMOMNTthe most current revisions.