HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0106 0110 0120 Kimball Avenuec,w State of Verniont tAl :.> . DEFERRAL OF PERMIT RETAINED PARCEL LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED: 18 VSA §1218-1220 and Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1. Subchapter 3-Subdivisions, §1-305 Deferral of Permit PERMIT NUMBER: DE-4-2354 APPLICANT AND ADDRESS: (Person Retaining Parcel) Richard & Robert Willis 16 Highlands Drive Williston VT 05495 LOCATION OF SUBDIVISION: (Road and Town) Kimball Avenue, South Burlington DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION: Retain Lot #3 4.4 acre parcel. �i6Lti1"Lf1Pm (1) The parcel retained under the provisions of this permit may not be resold unless a subdivision permit is obtained, or the waiver of developmental rights is included in the deed or lease and notice of the purchaser's name and address is filed with the Division prior to conveyance. Any waiver of developmental rights shall be made a term of any contract of sale or of lease of the parcel, and shall be recited in any deed in the form as follows: "WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENTAL RIGHTS" "In order to comply with the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules on the subdivision of lands and disposal of waste including sewage, the grantee shall not construct or erect a structure or building on the parcel of land conveyed herein, the useful occupancy of which will require the installation of plumbing and sewage treatment facilities or convey this land without first complying with said State regulations. The grantee by acceptance of this deed acknowledges that this lot may not qualify for approval for development under the appropriate environmental protection or health regulations and that the State may deny an application to develop the lot." (2) If the parcel is to be considered for building development at some future date, the applicant(s) understand(s) that the information required by Section 1-307 of the Rules must be submitted for evaluation. If such information does not meet the Environmental Protection Rules, permission to build on the lot will be denied. (3) The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for recording this permit and the "Notice of Permit Recording" in the South Burlington Land Records within 30 days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. (4) This permit does not constitute Act 250 approval (10 VSA §151). The permittee is hereby reminded to procure all relevant state and local permits prior to proceeding with this project. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, on ��» 1998. Canute E. Dal asse, Commissioner Departmten of Environmental Conservation By " Irene L. Roberge t/ Administrative Secretary cc: For the Record City of South Burlington Planning Commission and Selectboard AWARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Pine and Kimball Limited Partnership, a Vermont limited partnership with its principal place of business at 431 Pine Street, City of Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantor, in consideration of TEN AND MORE DOLLARS, paid to its full satisfaction by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a Vermont municipality situated in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantee, by these presents does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, a certain piece or parcel of land in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Commencing at a point in the north sideline of Kimball Avenue, which point is the southeast corner of Lot No. 2 as shown on a subdivision plat prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc. entitled "Plat of Land R.D.R. Enterprises, South Burlington, Vermont," dated December 1976, last revised April 30, 1984, recorded in Book 197 at Page 59 of the South Burlington Land Records; Then proceeding N13°26142"E a distance of 558.38 feet in the east boundary line of said Lot No. 2 to a point in the south boundary line now or formerly of J. Brown; Then turning to the left and proceeding N78°22150"W a distance 30.02 feet in the south bondary line now or formerly of J. Brown to a_ r,oint7 The turning to the left and proceeding S13°26142W a distance of 542.35 feet to a point; Then turning to the right and proceeding S63°14135"W a distance of 12.91 feet to a point in the north sideline of Kimball Avenue; Then turning to the left and proceeding S66°57132"E in the north sideline of Kimball Avenue a distance of 40.43 feet to the point of beginning; Being a portion only of the aforesaid Lot No. 2 and a portion only of the land and premises conveyed to Grantor herein by the Warranty Deed of Williams and Davis Company & \Vwn. Inc., dated August 28, 1990, recorded in Book 298 at Page 26 of the South Burlington Land Records. Reference is made to the aforementioned plat and deed, the references contained therein, and the respective records thereof, all in further aid of this description. The above -described piece or parcel of land shall be used for a public street, and for purposes incidental or related thereto. Mountain Cable Company, a Vermont limited partnership having a place of business at 18 Avenue B, Williston, Vermont, tenant of the aforesaid Lot No. 2 under a Lease with Purchase and Sale Rights, dated June 13, 1989, a Notice of which is recorded in Book 280 at Page 50 of the South Burlington Land Records (the "Lease") has executed a counterpart of this Deed also executed by Grantor's predecessor, Williams and Davis Company, for the purpose of terminating tenant's right, title and interest under the Lease with respect to the piece or parcel of land described above provided that such termination shall be effective only upon acceptance of such counterpart and this Deed by Grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, to its own use and behoof forever; and the said Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents, it is the sole owner of the premises and has good right and title to convey the same in the manner aforesaid, that they are FREE FROM EVERY ENCUMBRANCE, except as stated above; and it hereby 2 engages to WARRANT AND DEFEND the same against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as state above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this deed to be executed this day of, 19y�. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Duly'Authoriz,eAgent --- L,,LNGRU( K SPERM &- %Fool.. PINE ; AND- KIMBALL '.LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, By The Davis Development Corporation, Its General Partner By: _ ��L - Derrtc)-,Davis Its President and MOUNTAIN CABLE COMPANY By Pericles Communications Corporation, Its General Partner By: Its _Vice PreAdent and Duly Authorized Agent CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By: Its Duly Au orize Agent L.AXG1AUC'1< S1,1,1111', & Wool. 1. STATE OF VERMONT ) CHITTENDEN COUNTY ) SS. At Burlington, Vermont, in said county, this day of April, 1992, personally appeared DERRICK DAVIS, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by him/her signed and sealed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of The Davis Development Corporation and Pine and Kimball Limited Partnership/ Before me: l--- G 17X Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ) noTTc R CC N COUNTY ) SS. At ,�� f in said county, this / day of Wfegoing rsonally appeared ice President ,who acknowledged he instrument, by him/her signed and sealed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of Pericles Communications Corporation and Mountain Cable Company. liBefore me: II -- STATE OF VERMONT ) CHITTENDEN COUNTY ) SS. Notary Public My Commission Expires: NOTARIAL SEAL JALYN D. TEZIK, Notary Public Coudersport, Potter County M Commission Expires Feb. 10, 19SG Z'�— in said county, this u�< 199z-s personally appeared ,f- day of _, duly authorized agent of the?'City of South Burlington, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by him/her signed and sealed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. Before me : 4992p2/46 4 Notary Public My Commission Expires: 5. PLANNING CC):C4IS�;ION A�,'RIL 10, 1984 ap,-roved the road is 30' wide with curbs. They would like to replace the curbs with soft shoulders everywhere except in front of the units. lie said the Commission usually had 24' wide roads in condominium projects and none of them had curbs. Mr. Hausner said that before they had bought the project, it had been engineered. In the absence of a specific plan, the engineer had put in a lot of items they do not feel are necessary. They want to keep costs down and would rather see green than paving. Parking will be off the street, so they feel 24' is wide enough. The fire chief has no objection. Mr. Jacob moved that the Homestead Design project, Winding Brook Condominiums, be approved with a road width of 24' paved and a reduction in curbing 450' in on the Kennedy Drive end and on the Hinesburg Road end. There will be curbing in all areas in which there are condominiums. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all voted for it. Sketch plan review of application of RDR Enterprises, Richard dillis for a three 3 lot commercial subdivision on Kimball Avenue, westerly of Shunpike Road Mr. Ward said the three lots would have 4.8 acres, 7 acres and 11.9 acres. The 7 acre lot will be the new home for the Scottish Rite Temple. Mr. Lamphere said he represented the Temple, but that the applicant was RDR. They have to move out of there present location, so they want to build here. He showed where a building might go on the site. I✓tr. Jacob asked about a connection to Dr. Brown's land for access to Kimball Avenue, as was discussed when Dr. Brown was before the Commission some time ago. Mr. Mona agreed the applicant needed to talk to Dr. Brown about possible access. Other business The next meeting was set for May 1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pm. Clerk 2. PLANNING COMMISSION SEPT_EMBER 25, 1984 posted. The plan shows S1600-i1800 worth of landscaping, and Mr. Wallman wants credit for the balance of the amount for what exists on the site. Mr. Poger felt the city should have someone take a look at the area and determine the value of what is there. Ms. Bechtel also wondered if there was enough landscaping shown on the plan. Mr. Wallman admitted that it was deficient and said he would like to add more trees. Mrs. Maher moved to continue this item until two weeks from tonight, at 7:30 pm at City Hall. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and all voted for it. Final plat application of RDR Enterprises for a 3 lot subdivision located at Kimball Avenue Mr. Mark Lawdon represented RDR. He said all stipulations from preliminary plat had been met. The line showing the Kimball Avenue right of way needs to be corrected on the plan, as does the location of the 24" CWD water main. The three lots in question contain ll.9 acres, 7 acres, and 4.8 acres. The 60' right of way to Dr. Brown's property will be shown between lots 1 and 2 and the correct water and sewer lines will be put on the plan. In addition, two 10' triangles of land will be included as right of way. This land is for proper curb radii. There will be two curb cuts for the three lots. Mr. Belter asked whether Dr. Brown was aware of this right of way location and Ms. Bechtel said he had been notified of the hearing as an abuttor. Whoever comes to the Commission first is able to dictate the location of that right of way. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of RDR Enterprises for the subdivision of a 23 acre parcel into three lots as depicted on a plat entitled "Site Plante RDR nteiirises Subdivision" dated 3 4 84 and revised 5 31%84 prepared by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects with the following stipulations: 1. That the reserved 60 foot right of way be used for common access lot #1 (4.8 acres and lot #2 7.0 acres and shall serve as a reserved r, of way to Dr. Brown's property from Kimball Avenue for potential use as a public street and noted as such on the plan. between ah t ----- 2. The 60' rignt of way shall include two 10 foot triangles at the Kimball_ Avenue intersection for future construction of adequate intersection radii_ and to protect sight distances. 3. That the sewer allocation is 1400 gallons per day for the three lots and separate allocations for each lot at site plan review shall be deducted from this amount. This is number 3 on the waiting list. 4. The location of the 24 inch water main shall be shown on the plan in the correct location. The revised mylar shall show this change and shall be filed with the City Clerk within 90 days. 5. This approval expires in 3 years. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all v oted aye. The final plat application of David M. Farrell for re -subdivision of 2 lots into 3.6 acres and 9.6 acres located at 70 Farrell :street has been withdrawn. P1,'ZJ4NING C0rNT !! )' T0N May 8, 1984 page 4 Properties, Inc.," Final Plat dated May 1, 1984, prepared by Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn, Inc., with the following stipulations: 1 All stipulations from the final approval Mated 7/11/83 and VT773 shall remain in effect. 2 That a revised landscaping plan be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Belter seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Preliminary plat application of R.D.K. Enterprises, Richard Willis or a three 3 lot commercial sub -division on Kimball venue, westerly of Shunpike Road Mr. Lamphere explained that the property borders Kimball Avenue and comes back against the O'Brien and Dr. Brown properties and the Willis property. It slopes toward a drainage ditch and drains into Potash Brook. The adjacent lots are not yet de- veloped. There will be 2 curb cuts on Kimball Avenue, with a frontage of 700 feet. Access for the left hand lot would have to be across the brook. Zoning is Commercial -Industrial. The land is owned by the three Willis Children: Mr. Mona noted that if this subdivision is made, there is the question of possible right-of-ways for Dr. Brown's land. Mr. Lamphere says he has checked with Dr. Brown who says he has no interest in an access to the street. Mr Poger said he thought it would be in the City's interest to reserve an access as it would be better for the city not to have people come onto Williston Road or the Shunpike Road residential area. Mr. Ward noted thatthey had heard that Dr. Brown has applied to the State for access onto Williston Road. Mr. Ward has also heard the Dr. Brown's property is back on the market and a realtor is approaching Dr. Brown about it. Mr. Lamphere said he had talked with the realtor and with Dr. Brown. He added that Willis would not be interested in giving a right of way, but might be interested in selling one. Mr. Poger said the Commission cannot force Brown to get a right- of-way from Willis, but they can force Willis to provide it. Mr. Mona suggested that the Planner go back to the earlier Minutes for the discussion of Dr. Brown's property regarding the desirability of access to Kimball Avenue. The final motion voted upon was as follows: Mrs Maher moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of K.D.R. Enterprises or a subdivision of a 23 acre parcel into three 3 lots as e icted on a plat entitled "Site plan - R.D.K. Enterprises Su division"dated March 7, 1-984,re ared by Wiemann-Lam here Architects with the following stipulations: PLANNING COMMISSION: May 8,1984 page 5 2. That any sewer allocation for the remaining lots be provided in accordance with the sewer policy adopted the Planning A Commission. location not to exceed or the three lots in question without prior ap rova y the P anning ommission. 3. That the final lan shall show a reserved right-of-way from r. Brown's property to Kimball Avenue. 4. This approval expires in 18 months. Mr. Burgess seconded with 5-0 approval, Mr. Poger abstaining. Site plan review application of the Scottish trite Tem le for construction of a 9, square foot building on lot #2 oT77e R.D.R. Enterprises subdivision, Mr. Ward noted this would be a conditional use.and the request has not yet gone through the Zoning Board. Mr. Poger said the Commission.could thus only give an indication whether it feels the plan would be approved given Zoning Board approval. Mr. Lamphere explained the structure will be back into the existing wooded area. It will be possible to look through the glass at both ends of the building to the woods. Part of the building will become 2 stories with a kitchen on the lower level. A walkway will bridge the 2 levels. The theatre portion of the building and offices for the Scottish Rite and Grand Lodge will be on the upper level. The theatre will seat 280. The dining facility on the lower level will seat 300. 100 parking spaces are planned which meets the requirements. There is a large turn -around for buses, which they prefer not to change. There is no problem with creating a swale along the northern part of the property. There is also a turnaround for the kitchen area. Sewer allocation is 400 gpd. The question of switching sewer allocations was raised. Mr. Poger said he wozzld like the OK of University Mall; if the Mall wants this allocation, the Scottish Rite will have to get in line. It was noted that if at final plat the Planning Commission feels more parking is needed, the applicant should be prepared to say where it would be. No objections were voiced by the Commission, and the project will be voted on as soon as it has been through the Zoning Board. Continue preliminary plat a2plication of Fassett's Bakery,Peter ouyea, ree of commercial sub -division, Shelburne Road, southerly of #lbc)3. tahlecl Anr;l In laR Mr Ward explained the issue had to do with access to lots 2 and3 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 5/4/84 2) Muir, 31-33 Patchen Road The applicant, adjoining property owner and the City Engineer have worked out the drainage concerns. See Mr. Szymanski's memo. 3) H. Bensen, 65 Patchen Road Access from Patchen Road is proposed, involves extension o f the present driveway. Drive will be private, 20 feet in width. Street is presently called Executive Drive. Street should have a base similar to City specifications. The sewer capacity, projected is 4000 g.p.d. this project will be second on the waiting list, in accordance with the Planning Commission sewer policy. The recreational fee ($200.00 per unit) is payable prior to the issuance of a building permit. Landscaping: plan should be submitted at final plat review, the site has a growth of popular trees. The Commission may wish to allow a credit, however, those trees have no real value. A planting schedule of $350 per unit on a average would be considered acceptable. Setbacks, along with parking meets the requirements. 4) V.L. Properties, Dorset Square Shopping Center Proposed is a new design of the buildings, the foot print will change which will result in a reduction of the square footage. Approved was 47,044 square feet, the new design is 46,868 square feet. Parking design and circulation changes, however, the parking spaces remain the same (220 spaces). An area of 12 compact cars is proposed. The green area will be increased to 29.4%. Commission approved 29% originally. Access drive to the side and rear of the complex is reduced from 24 to 22 feet. Entrance to complex remain the same, however, southerly entrance to University Mall will be relocated. A revised landscape plan must be submitted for approval by the Planner or the Commission. 5) R.D.R. Enterprises Parcel contains 23.7 acres - division into three lots (a) 4.8 (b) 7.0 (c) 11.9 acres. Access to Dr. Brown's property was discussed at sketch plan review. Joint access along easterly property line of the Scottish Rite Temple lot is proposed. Sewer capacity of two remaining lots will be determined as uses are proposed. Not able to consider the gallonage, therefore impossible to include those lots on waiting lost. Suggest a maximum of 1000 g.p.d. for the two lots in question. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commissio From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner ` Re: September 25, 1984 agenda items Date: 9/21/84 3) IRWIN WALLMAN, SHELBURNE PLASTICS, HARBOR VIEW ROAD Mr. Wallman received site plan approval on May 24, 1983 for the construction of the Shelburne Plastics building. A $6000 land- scaping bond was posted prior to permit. Mr. Wallman is requesting approval of a revised landscaping plan. This new plan shows fewer new trees; he is asking for credit for the existing trees. Additional plantings are proposed around the door of the building and appear to be an improvement in this location over the first plan. I am enclosing the minutes from the original approval. Please note that Mr. Wallman's concern is to preserve the views. David Spitz was concerned with the down hill side and the view from the street, as am I. The request is for new landscaping costing approximately $1600 to $1800 and a $4400 credit for existing landscaping. In my view, the existing landscaping, especially on the downhill side could be substantially improved and needs more than the proposal before the Commission. 4) RDR FINAL PLAT PUBLIC HEARING FOR 3-LOT SUBDIVISION, KIMBALL AVE. All stipulations from the Preliminary Plat applications have been met. A 20 foot minimum common access is provided along the joint property lines of lot #1 (4.8 acres) and Lot #2 (7.0 acres). The plan also shows this as a reserved right-of-way to Dr. Brown's property from Kimball Avenue. At the Preliminary hearing, the Commission requested that I review earlier minutes for the discussion of the desirability of access to Kimball Avenue from Dr. Brown's land. At the time of the sketch plan review for the Brown industrial subdivision on Williston and Shunpike Road (3/24/81). Sid Poger indicated the desirability of access to Kimball and an elimination of access to Shunpike Road. Others felt access to Kimball through Browns property would restrict the usefulness of the land. The Brown's subdivision was approved with a 60' future right-of-way to Willis land. Nothing has been built to date. The RDR final plat shows a 60' R.O.W. to Dr. Browns property that is also for shared access to lots #1 and 2. Once fixed, this would affect the alignment of any future access through Dr. Browns to Williston Road if that is indeed desired by Dr. Brown. Memorandum September 25, 1984 agenda items 9/21/84 Page 2 The sewer allocation to these 3 lots was 1400 g.p.d. Scottish Rite Temple (Green Mountain Masonic Center) received 400 g.p.d. from this amount for lot #2. One thousand gallons per day remain for the 2 other lots. This is number 3 on the waiting list. 5) DAVID M. FARRELL, PUBLIC HEARING OF FINAL PLAT 2 LOT RE SUB- DIVISION -- WITHDRAWN The two new lots will be 3.6 acres and 9.6 acres. The smaller lot is the site of the former Lakeside Tennis, I have stipulated that a revised Final Plat shall show both lots at the approved acreage and the ownership (David M. Farrell 3.6 acres and Thomas A Farrell 9.6 acres). There was a question at the last meeting whether the original sub- division was recorded at 3.6 acres or 4.8 acres. Our tax records show that Thomas Farrell sold David Farrell a 4.81 acre lot in 1973. (Volume 108, page 484). Lakeside Tennis was built on this lot. There is no indication that a 3.6 acre lot was ever created and therefore this request is appropriate in order to create the de- sired lots. 6) JEFF DAVIS, 1270 SHELBURNE ROAD Mr. Davis proposes to build a 3900 square foot (60'x65') addition to the existing 2480 square foot structure. It will be two stories and requires a variance from the Zoning Board to have a 27.5 foot set back. The building will be for office use. Assuming this is granted on September 24, my comments are as follows: Circulation: A 32 foot wide drive is proposed twenty foot aisles are shown. Parking: All requirements have been met. 1 handicapped space and 2 loading and unloading spaces are shown and forty four parking spaces. Landscaping: Proposed landscaping has been verified at greater than the $5250 required. Traffic Overlay Zone: As you may remember, this lot is in traffic overlay zone 3. As an office use, the maximum permitted size is 10,343 square feet, using Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) estimates. The proposed 10,280 square feet is under this maximum. Jeff Davis has been working with the neighborhood residents to resolve any concerns regarding this use. It is my understanding that the residents have no objections to the use of this building as office space. 9/24/84 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of RDR Enterprises for the subdivision of a 23 acre parcel into three lots, as depicted on a plat entitled "Site Plan-RDR Enterprises Subdivision" dated 3/4/84 and revised 5/31/84 prepared by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects with the following stipulations: 1. That the reserved 60 foot right of way be used for common access between lots #1 (4.8 acres) and lot #2 (7.0 acres) and shall serve as a reserved right of way to Dr. Brown's property from Kimball Avenug VP� � _ CS.4 �J �, U c� 0-0 bUc§,gv T 2. The 60' right of way shall include�0 foot triangles at the Kimball Avenue intersection for future Aconstruction of adequate intersection radii and to protect sight distances. aktorv. 3. That the sewer allocation is 1400gper day for the three lots, and separate allocations for each lot at site plan review shall be deducted from this amount. This is number 3 on the waiting list. 4. The location of the 24 inch water main shall be shown on the plan in the correct location. The revised mAlar shall show this change and shall be filed with the City Clerk within 90 days. 5. This approval expires in 3 years. DW 5/4/84 MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of R.D.R. Enterprises for a subdivision of a 23 acre parcel into three (3) lots, as depicted on a plat entitled "Site plan - R.D.R. Enterprises Sub- division dated March 4, 1984, prepared by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects with the following stipulations: 1) That a common access of a minimum 20' be provided along the joint property lines of lot #1 (4.8 acres) and lot #2 (7.0 acres) to provide future access to the adjoining property. 2) That any sewer allocation for the remaining lots be provided in accordance with the sewer policy adopted by the Planning Commission. Allocation not to exceed 1,000 g.p.d. for the two lots in question without prior approval by the Planning Commission. 3) This approval expires in 18 months. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record RDR Enterprises Kimball Ave. South Burlington, Vermont b. Applicant Richard Willis ) Robert Willis ) ---- At the above address Dina 111. Hall / DBA ) c. Contact person Dennis B. Webster Wiemann-Lamphere Architects Inc 289 College Street - Burlington Vermont (864-09501 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use (s). 3 lot subdivision, middle lot to be developed for Scottish Ri Temnle. 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) Owners 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties See Site Plan, RDR Enteprises Subdivision 4/3/84 by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects, Inc. 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. Fxtending services from street to buildings. 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: None 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: (Forwarded under separate cover 4/3/84) 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). ' 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. Si nature)) applican or )ennis B. 1Nebster, AIA tact person / da to �✓415/84 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 8 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final Plat application of RDR Enterprises for a 3 lot subdivision of a 23.7 acre parcel on Kimball Drive Property is bounded on the north by Brown, Munson, Rozzi and Assembly of God, on the east by Baker. Willis and RDR Enterprises, on the west by O'Brien Brothers and on the south by Kimball Drive (Application repeated due to applicants failure to record final plat) 2 Preliminary plat application of Alan and Julie Gi ure agent for Vito Franco for subdivision of a 1.7 acre parcel into 4 lots with a maximum of 7 units on Airport Parkway. Property is bounded on the north by Giaure Dangarra Franco Danyow, Moreau, Flynn, on the east by _Racicot and Dumont on the south by Dumont and on the west by Gigure ..and Airport Parkway. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Peter L. Jacob Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission June 21, 1986 CITY OF SOUTH BURLI=N Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT .fry . . n I 1) Name of Applicant. 2) Name of Subdivision 3) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: 5) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit tfo draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. (Signature) applicant or contact person Date September 28, 1984 James Lamphere Wiemann-Lamphere 289 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Jim: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 25 at which the Final Plat for RDR Enterprises was approved. The following stipulations were placed on this approval: 1) That the reserved 60 foot right of way be used for common access between lot #1 (4.8 acres) and lot #2 (7.0 acres) and shall serve as a reserved right of way to Dr. Brown's property from Kimball Avenue for potential use as a public street and noted as such on the plan. 2) The 60' right of way shall include two 10 foot triangles at the Kimball Avenue intersection for future construction of adequate intersection radii and to protect sight distances. 3) That the sewer allocation is 1400 gallons per day for the three lots, and separate allocations for each lot at site plan review shall be deducted from this amount. This is number 3 on the waiting list. 4) The location of the 24 inch water main shall be shown on the plan in the correct location. The revised mylar shall show this change and shall be filed with the City Clerk within 90 days. 5) This approval expires in 3 years. Please be sure to file a revised mylar within 90 days. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Richard Willis City of South Burlington tn 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658-7955 September 21, 1984 Jim Lamphere Wiemann- Lamphere 289 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Lamphere: JIm ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Agenda for the September 25 Planning Commission meeting. Please be sure someone is present to re- present your application. Also enclosed is my memo to the Commission and any other pertinent materials. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, C7-h� Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encls cc: Richard Willis M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Next weeks agenda items Date: 9/21/84 4)/ R.D.R.,ENTERPRISES SUBDIVISION, KIMBALL AVENUE 1. The 60' reserved R.O.W. should include 10 feet triangles at the Kimball Avenue intersection for future construction of adequate intersection radii and protect sight distance. 2. The 24" water main is not at location shown but southerly near or beyond the street rights of way. 6) JEFF DAVIS, 1150 SHELBURNE ROAD 1. New sidewalk on Imperial Drive shall be constructed on property line continuous across entrance drive. Drive shall include a depressed concrete curb. 2. All site drainage shall be toward the proposed parking lot in- lets. 3. Drainage pipe shall be plastic, concrete or asbestos cement no metal or aluminium. 4. All work within the Shelburne Road rights of way will require a State Highway permit. This includes the Imperial Drive entrance radius and tie ins to the Shelburne Road drainage. 7) NORTHERN AIRWAYS (Landscaping Plan) Burlington Airport No Comments. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658-7955 July 31, 1984 RDR Enterprises Kimball Avenue South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Willis: S ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 The State has advised us that there is presently some uncommitted reserve sewer capacity at the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant. Your application is number three on our waiting list. Applicant number four has applied to the State for 250 gallons per day of treatment capacity, but is being detained by applicants higher on the list. Since the permit date for your project is uncertain, we would like to advise the State to allocate this 250 gpd to applicant number four. Unless we receive written objections from you within 10 days (by August 10) we will advise the State to commit 250 gpd to this applicant. Please sign and return the attached consent form for our files by August 10. JSB/mcg Name of applicant of Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner CONSENT FORM , representing the subdivision approval , located at Project address hereby grant approval to allocate 250 gpd sewage treatment capacity to an applicant presently awaiting State permit approval. I under- stand I will resume my location on the waiting list after this allocation. Signed Da to City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 863-2882 May 30, 1984 Richard Willis RDR Enterprises Kimball Ave. So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Sewer Allocation for 3-lot Subdivision on Kimball Ave. Dear Mr. Willis: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-2486 This letter is to notify you that the 1400 gallons per day allocated to the above mentioned project is now available and you are no longer on a waiting list. The Planning Commission received and approved a revised Preliminary Plat application from a developer whose lower, revised allocation freed up sewer capacity for your project. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this and when I can expect a Final Plat application from you. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel City Planner PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 8, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Preliminary plat application of R.D.R. Enterprises for a three (3) lot subdivision of a parcel containing approximately twenty-three (23) acres, located on Kimball Drive. Property is bounded on the north by Brown, Munson, Greenfield and Assembly of God, on the east by Baker, Willis and R.D.R. Enterprises, on the west by O'Brien Bros and on the south by Kimball Drive. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B.,Poger Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission April 22, 1984 April 23, 1984 Mr. Dennis Webster Wiemann-Lamphere Architects 289 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401. Re: R.D.R. Enterprises Dear Dennis: Regarding the subdivision of the Willis property, be advised that the May 8, 1984 hearing will be for preliminary plat instead of final plat. Originally I told you no need for a preliminary hearing however, the regulations require a hearing. At the May 8, 1984 meeting I plan to schedule the Scottish Rite Temple for site plan review. If. you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Aden istrative Officer RW/mct CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant RDR Enterprises 2) Name of Subdivision RDR Enterprises Subdivision 3) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: No Changes 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: See Enclosed Letter 5) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit too draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. I ry- (Signature) applicant or contact person April 17, 1984 Da to M17 n F-10� April 17, 1984 Mr. Richard Ward Planning/Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington Municipal Building Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Scottish late Temple Project Dear Mr. Ward: In telephone conversation of April 16, 1984 with Dr. Brown, an abutting owner, Jim Lamphere was told that Dr. Brown is not interested in a right-of-way to his property from Kimball Avenue. Also note, that in our separate proposal for the Scottish Rite Temple we indicated the suggested common curb cut access for the 4.8 acre lot and 7 acre lot. If you have any further questions, please contact me, Thank you. Very truly yours, WIEb-LAMPHERE ARCH CTS,/ IN�C.._ Dennis B. Webster, A.I.A. DBW/clq Enclosures WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS • 289 COLLEGE ST. • BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 • 802-864-0950 Memorandum Next week's agenda items 4/6/84 Page 3 S) R.D.R. Enterprises Kimball Avenue Proposed three lot subdivision, (a) 4.8 acres (b) 7.0 acres (c) 11.9 acres, all lots fronting on Kimball Avenue. Seven acre lot will be developed by the Scottish Rite Temple. Doesn't appear to be any major concerns. Planning Commission may wish to consolidate curb cuts, one opening could serve the 4.8 acre and 7.0 acre lots. Sewer is available to these lots, however, no capacity is available at this time. The 11.9 and 7.0 acre lots are in part located within the Conservation -Open Space District (Potash Brook), set backs will be an issue then development is proposed. AN < '� 5-© Vc u r) , ©i I '�'1 c `fit.\ �'t� r t `T� C 44A Page 1 Administrative Checklist - FINAL PLAT Subdivision Name V:� 3-- SV1oC�iV\S�6�r'1 2. Property lines, including perimeter bounds, lct lines, street lines, easements, paths, land for dedication or reservation, etc. 3. Survey details (such as bearings, distances, curves, def - lection, tangent, etc.) tied to established reference points. 4. Reserved areas, or those for which offers of cession are proposed. 5. Number of lots, blocks, units, buildings. 6. Location of required improvements:: Reference monuments lot corner markers Street signs streets _- _, curbs s idevia lk s outdoor lighting , water mains S�Uw , storm drains _ sewer lines fire hydrantsS►G. , landscaping , V>--" other capital improvements 7. Construction dra•winas for all required improvements. 8. Name of streets or subdivision doesn't resemble any existing 9. List of waivers granted: Page 2 10. Legal documents for dedication, reservation, title cert- ification, or maintenance of parkland, open space, school sites, etc., submitted approved by City Attorney 11. Set amount of performance bond for required improvements and agreement on type of security required.'Iv �0--Q- 12. Copies of any covenants or deed restrictions 13. Management organization prospects i 14. Legal documents, in the case of a private street, relating to permanency, maintenance, number of units to be served, etc. 15. Warning notice drawn up qjb noticed published date 16. Compliance with conditions of Preliminary Plat Approval 'S 17. Plan Referrals: comments Name received Title or Agency Date Referred r rage 3 18. Date & Itemize changes to Plat since date of Final -Plat application (graphic or otherwise): 19. Date of Planning Commission action on this plat 20. Nofification letter sent to applicant date _ 21. Compliance with conditions of final plat approval:: 22. Plan stamped, endorsed, & recorded date 23. Bond posted, or suitable agreemert fully executed. 24. Copy of Plat to Assessor 25. Describe and date amendments, if any, to approved final plat: To WIEMANN LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 289 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05401 PHONE (802) 864-0950 Ms. Jane Bechtel South Burlington Municipal Offices Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05401 Gentlemen: We are sending you the following items XX herewith Date 9/13/84 Project No. 8257 Project Scottish Rite - Green Mt. Temple �'. BURLtMG�C�IV` under separate cover SEP 141984 No. riptien., Remarks 4 Copies each *(8 tot ) of R siteplan/and Scottish Rite site plan Items transmitted as follows: ❑ Approved Approved as noted Not approved ❑ Resubmit for approval F1Furnish corrected copies For your files Items sent by: Our messenger Your messenger first class mail WIEMANN—LAMPHERE 2500 QCP 284 By: James A. Lamphere/cql N 0 2 0 WIEMANN LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 289 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PHONE (802) 864.0950 Mr. Richard Ward To: Zoning/Planning Administrator Dorset St. Municipal Building Gentlemen: South Burlington, Vermont 05401 We are sending you the following items XX herewith Date 4/17/84 Project No. 8257 Project Scottish Rite Temple under separate cover No. Description Remarks 12 Copies of Print - Site Plan - Scottish Rite Temple revised 4 16 84 6 Copies of Print - Site Plan - PDR Enterprises 1 Copy of City of South Burlington Application for Site Plan Review with attachments 1 Copy of City of South Burlington - Subdivision Items transmitted as follows: ❑ Approved ❑ Approved as noted Not approved ❑ Resubmit for approval Furnish corrected copies For your files Items sent by: Our messenger Your messenger By: DBW/cql class mail WIEMANN—LAMPHERE 2500 QCP 284 . d Xx 11 i3A'-0E 1111 U_,3.A PUBLIC HEARING - SOUTH BURLINGTON . PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Plan- ning Commission will hold a pub- lic - hearing at the: South Burlington City Hail, Conference Room, 575 .Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 8, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. to considerthe following:, A. Find Plotapplication of RDR Enterprises for a lot subdivision of a 23.7-acre parcel on Kimball Drive. Property is. bounded on ,the north -,by, Brown, Munson, Rozzi andAssemblyof God, on ..the east by Baker, Willis and RDR Enterprises, on the west by O'Brien Brothers <. and on the south by Kimball Drive. (Applica- tion repeated due to applicants failure to record final plotf: 2) Pr mine plat application of Alan and Jul:o Gigguure agent for Vito Franco' for.subdivis:on of a 1.7 acre parcel into 4 lots with a maximum of. 7 units 'on Airport Parkway. Property is`bounded on the north by G:gure, Dong ir- ra, Franco, Danyow, - Moreau, Flynn, on the eastbyRacicot and Dumont, on the south by Dumont and on the west by Gigure and Airport, Parkway. _ Copes of the "applications are available far. public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Peter L. Jacob Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission June 21, 1986, - PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Plan- i nirj Commission v+ill hold a pub- lic hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South ' Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 8, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: , I Preliminary plat application of Harold B. Bensen for a planned commercial development consist- ing of sixteen (16) residential and two commercial office com- plex 1presently existing) on a lot containing approximately 3.7 acres. Proposed development is located at 65 Patchen Road, bounded by propertios of Hal- Imatta Inc., Merchant Properties, Inc., Parsons 8. Sons lumber Company, Dr. John Hessie, My. ers and the City of South Burling- ton. 2) Revised final plot application by V.L. Properties, Inc., for a 4.9 acre planned commercial devel- opment at 150 Dorset Street. Property is bounded on the north by Earl's Schwinn, on the east and south by Lake Buick and on the west by Ruth Wood and Dorset Street. 3) Preliminary plat application of R.D.R. Enterprises for a three (3) lot subdivision of a arceI con- taining approximately twenty- three (23) acres, locatad on Kim- ball Drive. Property is bounded on the north by Brown, Munson, Greenfield and Assembly of God, on the east by Baker, Willis and R.D.R. Enterprises, on the west by O'Brien Bros and on the south by Kimball Drive. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Pager Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission April 21, 1984 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Plan- ning Commission will hold a pub- lic hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, September 25, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final plat application of David M. Farrell for the re -subdivision of two lots containing of 3.6 acres and 9.6 acres. Parcel is located on Farrell Street and is bounded by properties of G & P O'Brien, K. O'Brien, Griggs, L & L Brooks, Barney, Harkins,, Payne, Lee, Boldt, Weatherly, Cady, Reddington, R 8. M O'Brien, Bar- lovick, Steen, Market Square, Champlain Oil Company, Inc., Reyes and Garden Way, Inc. 21 final plat application of R.D.R. Enterprises for a three 13) lot subdivision of a parcel containing approximately twenty-three (231 acres, located on Kimball Drive. Property is bounded on the north . by Brown, Munson, Greenfield and Assembly of God, on the least by Baker, Willis and R.D.R. Enterprises, on the west by O'Brien Bros and on the south by Kimball Drive. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Poger Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission September 8, 1984 BEGIN _R-OW PROJ�:CT M 5200(I) STA. 11 +0 (SF;UNPIKE RD.) GREATER BURLINGTON ItUUSTRIAL ICORP %4 L O+OO t, SHUNP;KE RD If 00 40 LT. 4y 25' AT. ^:: • STD 0.00 LQ Bc:'�r Pwo✓rer M5.200o) 0 I •aoc � \�' GQ. too' - \` - SR 0 I �� Q P p M L. 0+69 of 30 RT.ZA nr j I� ! • / SR -- GRfATf U^ER RG SHUNPIKE RD. 9+10 R Q R fN7SONVS �4 _' _,• 25 RT. / ES (NC s - st J une c 1 I r (� • ' h 4Q. C IA YI I l DL R. ENTERPRISES INC. �O�n � 1 O- Ac, I --- 1 �o \� 04C ar i J► 1 n 10 e- 0 172 • R�`1 •p Id-Y• ♦- fA •TA. Aria r