HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 01/15/2020 NATURAL RESOURCES MEETING MINUTES 01/15/2020 Attending: Ashley Parker, Lisa Yankowski, Tim Hess, Jean Chaulot, Ray Gonda, Duncan Murdoch Public Attendees: Jessica Louisos; Cathyann LaRose Absent: David Crawford Meeting began at 6:15pm 1) Ashley reviewed emergency procedures. 2) No additions or deletions. 3) No public members attending. 4) Ray motioned to adopt the minutes from December 4, 2019. Lisa 2nd. a. Minutes approved unanimously 5) Presentation/discussion with Planning Commission Chair Jessica Louisos and CathyAnn Larose , City Planner. The presentation regarded new language being drafted to bolster and protect the natural resources in the city. This new language is being crafted with input from other city committees. From the Planning Commission minutes: “The Planning Commission started work towards creating a classification of conservation resources within the LDRs and potentially adding to those that are regulated.” “Classifying land according to primary & secondary conservation areas is a useful tool in assigning the various levels of protection of a type of resource. How resources are classified into and these two categories varies by community according to their own priorities.” The discussion took a further look at what the primary & secondary classifications are with the hopes to enhance some already under state between guidelines. The goal is to identify and regulate to protect. To increase legal protection and streamline the language. For PUDs (Planned Unit Development),this will mean removing resources you can’t touch and developing your plans based on what is left. There is currently no protection for trees so now there needs to be some prioritizing of green areas in the city. More information can be found in the Planning Commission meeting minutes. Check chapter 12 &15 6) Chair’s comments. Duncan, the acting chair resigned his spot on the NRC Committee and as the acting chair. He will be moving to Charlotte, VT and will no longer be a resident of the city of South Burlington. a. Discussion arose as to how to elect a new chair. Tim was nominated as the temporary “Point” person nominated by Duncan and 2nd Jean. Approved. b. We are unsure how to proceed as the committee and meeting the quorum requirements. We need instruction from the city as to how to function until we can recruit so new members. The city should be advertising and committee members need to help. Ashley will try to get clarification from the city. 7) Tim presented the letter he crafted and was vetted by the working group. The letter is addressed to Marla Keene, PE, City of SB Development Review Planner. The subject: Initial Natural Resource Considerations for Project Applicants. It explains the importance of protecting our natural resources and explains what we would like considered when planning a new development. Ray motioned we send the letter, with spelling corrections and removal of the phrase “ponder and”. Tim 2nd. Approved. Ashley will modify the document and send to Marla. a. Discussion led to questions about site visits. Marla feels site visits are important and there is an understanding that sites under development may be visited. 8) The proposed SBLT Cents for Conservation will not be on the ballot for March 3, 2020. There are too many other considerations being proposed: reappraisal, the school board wants a new middle/high school, another group wants a new art & rec center and the State of VT has stated school taxes wi a. South Burlington is ahead of most towns with our 1% tax towards being able to have funds for purchasing land to preserve from development. 9) Staff report- refer to her report. Ashley is waiting on some information for further repairs in Red Rocks. She will heading a task force to look at the management plans for Red Rocks, Underwood & Wheeler Parks. Lisa will be part of this group. 10) We voted and approved extending the meeting beyond 8pm. For future agenda items: We need to work on getting new committee members and find out how we can function as a committee under city guidelines. The next meeting is WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 04, 2020 at 6 pm. Jean motioned to adjourn, Duncan 2nd. Adjourned at 8:08pm.