HomeMy WebLinkAboutVermont Habitat Blocks and Habitat Connectivity 2014
Vermont Habitat Blocks and
Habitat Connectivity:
An Analysis using
Geographic Information Systems
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
April 2014
Eric Sorenson, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Jon Osborne, Vermont Land Trust
The support of Deb Markowitz (Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources Secretary), Patrick
Berry (Commissioner of the Fish and Wildlife Department), Kim Royar (Special Assistant to the
Commissioner, Fish and Wildlife Department), and Mark Scott (Wildlife Division Director) was
critical in completing this project. This project was funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
through a State Wildlife Grant.
Steering Committee Members:
Ginger Anderson, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation
John Austin, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Russ Barrett, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation
Diane Burbank, Green Mountain National Forest
Scott Darling, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Erik Engstrom, VT Agency of Natural Resources, Office of Geographic Information Systems
Forrest Hammond, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Linda Henzel, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation
Jens Hilke, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Bill Moulton, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation
Jon Osborne, Vermont Land Trust
Rose Paul, The Nature Conservancy
Leif Richardson, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Jim Shallow, Audubon Vermont
Eric Sorenson, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Liz Thompson, Vermont Land Trust
Cover photo and map: The Fox Hill habitat block in Vernon.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation ................................................................................................. 4
Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Connectivity .......................................................................... 6
Climate Change ........................................................................................................................... 8
Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Results ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Identification of Habitat Blocks ................................................................................................ 12
Delineation of Habitat Block Core Areas (>250 ac.) ................................................................. 14
Developing the Cost Grid .......................................................................................................... 15
Ecological Landscape Unit Groups ............................................................................................ 16
Assessment of Biological and Physical Diversity Value of Habitat Blocks ................................ 17
Cost Distance to Core Areas.................................................................................................. 18
ELU Weighted Acreage ......................................................................................................... 19
Element Occurrence Count ................................................................................................... 20
Percent Core ......................................................................................................................... 21
Block Size ............................................................................................................................... 22
Roads (miles of road/square mile of habitat block) ............................................................. 23
Percent Ponds ....................................................................................................................... 24
Percent Wetlands .................................................................................................................. 25
Exemplary Aquatic Features ................................................................................................. 26
Rivers/Streams (miles of stream/square mile of habitat block) ........................................... 27
Percent TNC Matrix Block ..................................................................................................... 28
Total Weighted Block Score .................................................................................................. 29
Assessment of Potential Threat to Habitat Block ..................................................................... 30
Building Density .................................................................................................................... 31
Average Parcel Size ............................................................................................................... 32
Population Change ................................................................................................................ 33
Percent Conserved ................................................................................................................ 34
Roads (miles of road/square mile of habitat block) ............................................................. 35
Combined Threat .................................................................................................................. 36
Wildlife Road Crossing Areas .................................................................................................... 37
Local Wildlife Road Crossings ............................................................................................... 38
Regionally Significant Wildlife Road Crossings ..................................................................... 39
Wildlife Corridors ...................................................................................................................... 40
Application for Conservation Planning at Multiple Geographic Scales .................................... 43
Viewing and Using the Habitat Block Data ............................................................................... 43
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 44
References .................................................................................................................................... 45
Many wildlife species rely on large blocks of contiguous forest and secure connections to other
large forest blocks for all or part of their habitat needs. For instance, the home range of an
adult male black bear can be as large as 50 square miles. Black bear, fisher, otter, bobcats, and
other species of wildlife move great distances to find food, water, dens, refuge, and other
important habitat resources. Many songbirds require large areas of forest cover that are free
from fragmentation and human disturbance. There are many other recognized ecological,
social, and economic values of large contiguous forest blocks. These areas represent many of
the natural heritage values and support the rural working landscape that makes Vermont
unique in the developing landscape of the northeast.
Although total forest cover in Vermont has increased over the past few decades, contiguous
blocks of forest have decreased in size as a result of residential and other development, road
construction, and other forms of permanent land clearing. More recently, wind energy projects
are recognized for their fragmenting effect on large blocks of contiguous habitat.
For purposes of this project a habitat block is defined as a contiguous area of natural vegetative
cover with little or no permanent internal fragmentation from human development. The
boundaries of habitat blocks are delimited by roads, other forms of permanent development,
and agricultural lands. The term habitat block is used instead of forest block to reflect the
varied habitat types that occur within these blocks, including interior forest habitat, forested
and open wetlands, ponds and streams, cliffs, rock outcrops, and early successional forest.
Vermont’s first Wildlife Action Plan was completed in 2005 (Kart et al. 2005). A priority
conservation strategy identified in the Wildlife Action Plan was to “Identify and prioritize, for
conservation, existing contiguous forest blocks and associated linkages that allow for upward
and northward movement (of species) in response to climate change.” This Vermont Habitat
Blocks and Habitat Connectivity project was was undertaken to address this conservation
strategy of the Wildlife Action Plan.
This project was conducted in order to better understand the statewide distribution of
contiguous habitat blocks. In addition, the goal has been to prioritize the significance of habitat
blocks for their biological and conservation values and to assess potential threat to them from
future habitat fragmentation. Finally, this project identifies likely road crossings and provides a
basis for evaluating wildlife corridors (wildlife linkage habitat) and landscape connectivity. The
specific objectives of the project include:
1. Identify habitat blocks using best-available Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data
and accepted scientific methods.
2. Rank the habitat blocks for their biological and conservation value and for the potential
threat to them from fragmentation.
3. Identify and rank the relative importance of potential wildlife road crossings statewide
based on the structural suitability of adjacent habitat.
4. Develop a cost grid based on land cover data that can be used as a tool for evaluating
potential road crossings and identifying potential wildlife corridors between identified
habitat blocks using GIS software.
Habitat blocks are areas of contiguous forest and other natural habitats that are unfragmented
by roads, development, or agriculture. Vermont’s habitat blocks are primarily forests, but also
include wetlands, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, cliffs, and rock outcrops. Forests
included in habitat blocks may be young, early-successional stands, actively managed forests, or
mature forests with little or no recent logging activity. The defining factor is that there is little
or no permanent habitat fragmentation from roads, agricultural lands, and other forms of
development within a habitat block.
When referring to natural communities, wildlife habitat, and landscapes, fragmentation means
dividing land with naturally occurring vegetation and ecological processes into smaller and
smaller areas as a result of roads, land clearing, development, or other land uses that remove
vegetation and create physical barriers to species’ movement and ecological processes
between previously connected natural vegetation.
Habitat blocks provide many ecological and biological values critical for protecting native
species and the integrity of natural systems. These values include (Austin et al. 2004):
supporting natural ecological processes such as predator-prey interactions and natural
disturbance regimes;
helping to maintain air and water quality;
supporting the biological requirements of many plant and animal species, especially
those that require interior forest habitat or require large areas to survive;
supporting viable populations of wide-ranging animals by allowing access to important
feeding habitat, reproduction, and genetic exchange; and
serving as habitat for source populations of dispersing animals for recolonization of
nearby habitats that may have lost their original populations of those species.
In addition, habitat blocks provide other social and economic benefits, which include (Austin et
al. 2004):
supporting public access to and appreciation of Vermont’s forested landscape;
providing important opportunities for education and research of forested ecosystems;
providing forest management opportunities for sustainable harvesting of forest
products; and
providing forest management opportunities to maintain a mixture of young,
intermediate, and older forest habitat.
One of the important reasons that habitat blocks provide these values is that they include areas
of interior forest. Interior forest is forest that shows no detectable edge influence from
adjacent development. Edge influence or edge effect is the change in composition, structure,
or function of the forest near it’s edge, as a result of influences from the adjacent development
or land use (Harris 1984; Harper et al. 2005). Edge effects also occur in natural settings
between two very different habitats or natural communities (such as lake shoreline and
adjacent forest), but the focus in this project is on the edge effects on forests from adjacent
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
Habitat loss and fragmentation are considered two of the major factors driving loss of biological
diversity and degradation of ecosystem services (such as air quality and climate regulation),
both in the United States and globally (Hansen et al. 2005; Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
2005; Hoekstra et al. 2005; Harris 1984; and Saunders et al. 1991). In Vermont, habitat loss (the
permanent conversion of habitat to a developed state) is probably most significant for sensitive
habitats (such as wetlands, shoreline and riparian habitat, and vernal pools), rare species
habitats, and rare natural communities (such as Pine-Oak-Heath Sandplain Forest and
Limestone Bluff Cedar-Pine Forest). Whereas loss of these sensitive and rare habitats receives
considerable conservation attention, fragmentation of Vermont’s predominately forested
landscape continues with much less attention.
However, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department and the Vermont Agency of
Transportation have been working cooperatively for many years on addressing the effects of
transportation on wildlife conservation (Austin et al. 2006; Austin et al. 2010). Also, the
Roundtable on Parcelization and Forest Fragmentation, convened by Vermont Natural
Resources Council and made up of over 100 private and public forest-related interestes, has
made a series of recommendations on steps that can be taken to reduce parcelization and
forest fragmentation in Vermont (Fidel 2007).
In most of Vermont, forest and habitat fragmentation results primarily from the construction of
roads and associated development. In the Champlain Valley and some other areas of the state
with highly productive soils, agricultural conversion has also been an important factor leading
to habitat fragmentation.
There has been considerable scientific research on the biological and ecological effects of
ecosystem fragmentation. Two review articles are especially helpful in summarizing this well-
studied field (Saunders et al. 1991; Trombulak and Frissell 2000). Trombulak and Frissell’s
(2000) article focuses on the effects of roads (the primary source of habitat fragmentation) and
breaks these ecological effects into the following seven categories.
Mortality from road construction. Road construction kills all plants and other sessile organisms
as well as some slow-moving animals in the path of the road.
Mortality from collision with vehicles. Mortality of wildlife from collisions with vehicles is well-
known by most Vermonters and is well studied. The majority of the information obtained from
road-kills on Vermont highways is for larger mammals, especially deer, moose, bear, fox,
coyote, and bobcat. However, many smaller mammals (mice, voles, moles, shrews, squirrels,
skunks, muskrats, raccoon, weasels, mink, and otter), amphibians (frogs and salamanders),
reptiles (snakes and turtles), and birds are also killed by vehicle collisions. The number of
insects killed along roads must be very high, and although there is probably little reason for
concern about mortality of very common species, the effects on populations of rarer species of
butterflies, dragonflies, and bees are unknown.
Modification of animal behavior. This is possibly the most recognized effect of habitat
fragmentation on wildlife – many species avoid roads, especially roads that are wide, paved,
and have high traffic volumes. Animal behavior is modified through at least five mechanisms:
home range shifts, altered movement patterns, altered reproductive success, altered escape
response, and altered physiological state (Trombulak and Frissell 2000). In North Carolina,
black bears shifted their home ranges away from high road density areas (Brody and Pelton
1989). In a Vermont study, black bears selected areas away from roads (mean distance 674
meters for adult males) and many animals used roads as their home range boundaries, but
seldom crossed these roads during daily and seasonal movement, especially in years with
natural food availability (Hammond 2002).
Roads and other forms of habitat fragmentation create edge effect, reduce the area of interior
forest habitat, and result in more forest fragments of smaller size. Forests in fragmented
landscapes have been shown to support fewer forest interior nesting migratory birds (Donovan
and Flather 2002). There is also increased nest predation by raccoons and other species and
nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds in smaller forested patches of fragmented
landscapes (Robinson et al. 1995; Keyser et al. 1998; Trine 1998). These examples show
modification of behavior by nesting birds, predators, and bird nest-parasites in response partly
to habitat fragmentation.
Disruption of the physical environment. Road construction results in transformation of the
physical environment under the road but also has significant effects on the physical
environment adjacent to the road. At least eight characteristics of the physical environment
are altered by roads: soil compaction, increase in soil temperature, decrease in soil water
content, increase in light, increase in dust, alteration of surface and ground water flow,
alteration in the patterns of surface water runoff, and increase in sedimentation of adjacent
streams, ponds, and wetlands (Trombulak and Frissell 2000). An additional physical alteration
is the change in local wind patterns adjacent to roads and other permanent openings.
These physical alterations adjacent to roads or other permanent opening are what result in
edge effects, which are most commonly observed as changes in species composition or
structure of the adjacent forests. Changes in light, wind, and moisture alter canopy cover, plant
recruitment, herbaceous plant density and richness, decomposition rates, tree blow-down from
increased wind, and many other factors (Harper et al. 2005; Burke and Nol 1998). Edge effects
on plant species composition have been shown to penetrate up to 60 meters (197 feet) on
south-facing edges and 20 meters (66 feet) on north-facing edges in North Carolina mixed
hardwood forests (Fraver 1994).
Alteration of the chemical environment. There has been extensive study of the effects of roads
on the chemical environment. At least five classes of chemicals are introduced into the
environment associated with road maintenance and use: heavy metals, salts, organic
molecules, ozone, and nutrients (Trombulak and Frissell 2000). In Vermont, primarily as a
result of road salt application and runoff, chloride concentations have been steadily increasing
in Lake Champlain and most of its major tributaries since the early 1990s and there is growing
concern about the effects on aquatic ecosystems (Shambaugh 2008). Phosphorus and
sediments are also associated with road runoff in Vermont. In the Winooski River watershed,
etimates are that over 40,000 metric tons of sediments are eroded from unpaved roads and
over 15,000 kg of total phosphorus (Wemble 2013).
Spread of exotic species. Invasive, exotic species are recognized as one of the primary threats
to biological diversity as they commonly out-compete native species (Allendorf and Lundquist
2003). Roads and other forms of fragmentation provide dispersal routes along which invasive,
exotic species move through the landscape. The altered physical site conditions along roads
make invasion more likely by removing native species and providing easier movement by wild
or human vectors (Trombulak and Frissell 2000). Disturbed soil, increased light levels, and
increases in soil nutrient levels are all features associated with road margins and disturbed
forest edges that contribute to invasive plant species spread into forests (Saunders et al. 1991;
Hutchinson and Vankat 1997). American robin nests in invasive, exotic honeysuckle and
buckthorn have been shown to experience higher nest predation than nests in comparable
native shrubs in an Illinois forest fragment (Schmidt and Whelan 1999).
Changes in human use of land and water. Roads that fragment forests provide additional access
for human use and development. Although human uses such as hiking may have relatively
minor ecological effects, residential or other development along roads significantly increase the
level of fragmentation.
The U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service’s program Forests on the Edge
(http://www.fs.fed.us/openspace/fote/index.html) identifies many of the ecological and social
values of intact forest ecosystems (Stein et al. 2005).
Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Connectivity
There is general agreement among conservation biologists that landscape connectivity and
wildlife corridors can mitigate some of the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation on wildlife
populations and biological diversity (Beier and Noss 1998; Noss and Cooperrider 1994; Haddad
et al. 2003; Damschen et al. 2006).
Wildlife corridors (also referred to as wildlife connecting habitat or linkage habitat)1 are lands
and waters that connect larger patches of habitat together within a landscape and allow the
movement, migration, and dispersal of animals and plants (Austin et al. 2004). Corridors
describe specific paths along which animals and plants move and migrate, usually providing
connections between blocks of suitable habitat across a dissimilar landscape matrix (Beier and
Noss 1998). Although individual species may vary in the rate and extent to which they use
corridors, the majority of mobile species rely on them for a variety of purposes (Gilbert-Norton
et al. 2010).
Landscape connectivity is the opposite of fragmentation – it refers to the degree to which
blocks of suitable habitat are connected to each other (Noss and Cooperrider 1994). Landscape
connectivity can be described in at least two ways: structural connectivity refers to a property
of the landscape and the spatial arrangement of habitat patches and barriers; functional
connectivity refers to the behavior of the dispersing organism or an ecological process and how
they are affected by landscape structure (Crooks and Sanjayan 2006; Boitani et al. 2007;
Baguette and Van Dyck 2007).
Functional landscape connectivity is the type of connectivity that is most important for effective
conservation as it describes the actual movement of organisms or processes (Noss and
Cooperrider 1994; Boitani et al. 2007). In contrast, structural landscape connectivity is the
most easily measured and applied to conservation planning, but it is only the physical
background and does not guarantee functional connectivity (Boitani et al. 2007). A landscape
with structural connectivity may provide functional connectivity for some species or processes
and not for others (Crooks and Sanjayan 2006). This habitat block project is based on structural
landscape connectivity – functional connectivity will need to be assessed separately based on
field assessments of actual wildlife movement. However, research in Vermont and elsewhere
on the movement, behavior, and habitat selection of various species of wildlife such as black
bear and bobcat offer important empirical data to effectively correlate structural and functional
habitat connectivity.
Maintaining functional landscape connectivity as development continues to fragment habitat is
an important conservation goal. Identifying potential corridors and structural landscape
connectivity using available GIS data and least-cost path models is a common approach (Beier
et al. 2008; Watts et al. 2010; Jantz and Goetz 2008). Some authors recommend modeling
corridors using generic focal species (Watts et al. 2010) or multiple focal species that are likely
to serve as a collective umbrella for many native species and ecological processes (Beier et al.
1 These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but do have distinct meanings that can be useful in
distinguishing between closely related concepts of animal and plant movement and propagation of ecological
processes. Corridor generally refers to a swath of land that allows movement of particular species between two or
more areas of disjunct but suitable habitat. Corridors are often thought of as narrow strips of land, but may also
be wider areas of suitable habitat used for animal or plant movement and migration. Linkage generally refers to
broader regions of connectivity that allow the movement of multiple species and that maintain ecological
processes. (Meiklejohn et al. 2009).
Climate Change
Our understanding of climate change has improved dramatically over the past ten years. In the
Northeastern United States we can expect winter temperatures to rise by 5 to 12oF by the end
of the century, summer temperatures to exceed 90 oF for 30 to 60 days, increases in the
likelihood and severity of heavy rainfall events, 20 to 30 percent increase in winter precipitation
with more precipitation falling as rain as winter temperatures rise, increases in the likelihood of
summer and fall droughts with extended periods of low stream flow, and a longer growing
season (NECIA 2006). These changes are expected to affect species distributions, terrestrial
and aquatic natural communities, and natural disturbance regimes in many ways that are still
uncertain. Although we know from the fossil records that many species have persisted through
periods of changing climates over the millennia by adaptation and by shifting their geographic
ranges, the fossil record of extinctions and extirpations suggests that adaptations and range
shifts are more limited during periods of rapid climate change, such as the changes that are
now predicted (Davis and Shaw 2001).
Maintaining or improving landscape habitat connectivity is recognized as a primary strategy for
conserving biological diversity in the face of a rapidly changing climate (Opdam and Wascher
2004; Krosby et al. 2010; Heller and Zavaleta 2009; Kart et al 2005). In response to rapidly
changing climate, metapopulations of species are most likely to be able to shift their geographic
ranges in landscapes with the least amount of habitat fragmentation (with the greatest
landscape connectivity) (Opdam and Wascher 2004).
Although there are many recommendations in the scientific literature on strategies to conserve
fish, wildlife, plants, habitats, and all aspects of biological diversity in response to the changing
climate, traditional conservation strategies will remain effective (Hunter et al. 2010). These
strategies include maintaining robust populations of species across their geographic ranges,
designing a resilient network of conserved lands that represent the full array of biological and
physical environments with redundancy, and maintaining landscape connectivity between
conserved lands with riparian zones and other features. Other scientists recommend that an
emphasis should be placed on protecting the full ranges of recurring geophysical settings (soil
types, geologic classes, elevation ranges, and latitude) instead of focusing on individual species
to effectively address conservation in the face of climate change. These authors refer to this
approach as conserving the biodiversity “arenas” or “stages” instead of conserving the
individual “actors” (Beier and Brost 2010; Anderson and Ferree 2010). The importance of
landscape connectivity is recognized in all of these conservation approaches.
The habitat block project is the result of the cooperative work of the steering committee
members and the two authors. Jon Osborne conducted all the GIS work for the project. Eric
Sorenson served as project manager. The Steering Committee met four times from October
2007 until July 2009. The purpose of each meeting was to discuss ideas on how to achieve the
four objective of the project:
1. Identify habitat blocks using best-available Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data
and accepted scientific methods.
2. Rank the habitat blocks for their biological and conservation value and for the potential
threat to them from fragmentation.
3. Identify and rank the relative importance of potential wildlife road crossings statewide
based on the structural suitability of adjacent habitat.
4. Develop a cost grid based on land cover data that can be used as a tool for evaluating
potential road crossings and identifying potential wildlife corridors between identified
habitat blocks using GIS software.
At each meeting the steering committee discussed specific topics and made decisions on how
to proceed. Although consensus was reached during most decisions, it was not possible to
reach consensus in all cases. Varying opinions on how to proceed were recorded in meeting
The steering committee was intentionally comprised of experts in a wide array of ecological
sciences. This allowed for the use of professional knowledge and judgment in directing data
analysis. Much of the Steering Committee’s work was to provide iterative reviews on the
results of the GIS analysis and suggestions on how it could be improved. GIS results were
presented to the committee at each meeting and real-time manipulation and display of the
data analyses in response to suggestions made it possible to make substantial progress at each
Some of the issues resolved at steering committee meetings and reflected in the final project
results include:
What land cover data should be used for the project?
Whether Class 4 roads should be considered a fragmenting feature for defining the
habitat blocks?
What minimum habitat block size should we use for the project?
What biological/ecological and physical landscape factors and related GIS data should
be used for the assessment of biological and physical diversity value of habitat blocks?
What factors and related GIS data should be used for the assessment of potential threat
to habitat blocks?
What weighting should be used for each factor in the biological and threat analyses?
What factors should be used (and do we have adequate GIS data) in designing the
corridor model and the potential road crossing locations?
What relative “cost” should be assigned to each land cover type for developing the cost
grid for the state?
This project describes the methods and results chosen by Vermont Fish and Wildlife
Department and the partners that served on the steering committee to identify habitat blocks
and to rank their relative conservation importance. The results of this analysis are considered
reliable and based on scientifically valid and appropriate data, sound professional judgment and
opinion, and analytical methods that have been accepted and used elsewhere for similar
analyses by scientists in the United States and elsewhere. Never-the-less, the Department
views the development of our understanding of habitat blocks and landscape scale habitat
connectivity as an iterative process that should and must evolve over time as our knowledge
In order to provide as much transparency to the project results as possible, the following
Results sections provide explanations of the decisions made and, when appropriate, provide
comments on how the results could be interpreted. Notes included with the descriptions of
some factor rankings are meant to explain specific issued that are raised by the associated
The project results are separated into multiple sections. The first section describes the process
that was used to identify and delineate unfragmented habitat blocks. The next sections
describe several tools that were developed in the early stages of the project that were used to
analyze and evaluate the significance of habitat blocks and to identify and rank potential road
crossings and wildlife corridors. The next sections describe the steps taken to rank habitat
blocks for their biological and physical diversity values and rank them for the potential threat of
fragmentation. The final results sections describe steps used to identify likely wildlife road
crossing areas for all of Vermont’s roads and how the cost grid can be used to identify likely
wildlife corridors between selected blocks using GIS software.
In addition to this description of steps taken and the accompanying images, the results of
habitat block ranking can be viewed on the Agency of Natural Resources Natural Resources
Atlas (http://anrmaps.vermont.gov/websites/anra/). Project GIS data and the accompanying
metadata is available from the Vermont Center for Geographic Information
Identification of Habitat Blocks
The analysis relied upon 2006 land cover data
from National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's (NOAA) Coastal Change
Analysis Program (C-CAP). The C-CAP land
cover types were classified by whether they
should be included in habitat blocks or not, as
The image on the right shows the C-CAP land
cover types for the Richmond, Jericho, and
Williston area, including the Winooski River
and Interstate 89.
Land Cover Type Block % Cover
Developed, High Intensity No 0.12
Developed, Medium Intensity No 0.69
Developed, Low Intensity No 1.25
Developed, Open Space No 0.74
Cultivated Crops No 4.50
Pasture/Hay No 10.38
Grassland/Herbaceous Yes 0.35
Deciduous Forest Yes 37.09
Evergreen Forest Yes 14.66
Mixed Forest Yes 19.29
Scrub/Shrub Yes 2.43
Palustrine Forested Wetland Yes 2.05
Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland Yes 0.94
Palustrine Emergent Wetland Yes 0.38
Estuarine Emergent Wetland Yes 0.00
Unconsolidated Shore Yes 0.02
Bare Land No 0.18
Open Water Yes 4.90
Palustrine Aquatic Bed Yes 0.02
The C-CAP land cover data were refined to improve
block delineations using several GIS layers, including
roads, E911 buildings, and hydrography. These layers
are shown in white on the image to the left. The
following decisions were used in defining habitat blocks:
Class 1, 2, and 3 roads were considered block
fragmenting features.
Class 4 roads were not used to define block
boundaries as they are mostly narrow and have
minimal traffic. It was recognized that the presence
of Class 4 roads within habitat blocks causes some
fragmentation and these roads are potential
locations for future development and
Power lines were treated similarly to Class 4 roads.
Open waters of ponds and rivers were included in
habitat blocks and not considered fragmenting
features. Although bodies of water may represent
movement barriers to some wildlife species, ponds
and rivers are natural habitats, as are cliffs and
Habitat blocks less than 20 acres were eliminated
from the analysis. These small habitat areas may
provide some wildlife, biological diversity, or
connectivity functions, but they provide little
interior forest habitat. Their removal also reduced
"noise" in the analysis.
Delineation of Habitat Block Core Areas (>250 ac.)
To the right is a close up of Richmond,
Williston, and Jericho with 2006 aerial
photographs and showing the final
habitat blocks in purple.
By this process, 4,055 habitat blocks were
identified in Vermont.
Interior portions of habitat blocks, generally
200 meters from habitat block edges, were
classified as core areas. The distance from
the edge of a habitat block to the core area
(buffering habitat) varies depending on the
land use adjacent to the habitat block. A
habitat block adjacent to agricultural lands
has more core area (a narrower band of
buffering habitat) than the identical block
situated next to high density residential
development. Core areas are where interior
forest conditions are likely to occur without
significant edge effect.
A minimum core area was considered to be
250 acres in order to support interior forest
habitat conditions. Therefore, core areas are
only delineated for those habitat blocks that
provide greater than 250 acres of core area.
In the close up of Richmond, Jericho, and
Williston to the left, core area are shown in
light purple.
Developing the Cost Grid
The cost grid is a tool to help evaluate the
suitability of habitat and land cover types for
wildlife movement and was used in several
later steps in the habitat block analyses. The
refined C-CAP data that was used to
delineate habitat blocks was the basis for
the cost grid. The relative cost for wildlife
movement within each land cover type was
added, with higher numbers indicating
greater cost of movement, as follows:
Additional modifiers were used to refine the
cost grid and more accurately predict animal
movement, including road traffic volume,
presence of ridgeline and riparian corridors,
steep slopes, bridge crossings, and block
core areas. These factors are most important
in the evaluating potential wildlife corridors
and are therefore described in more detail in
the Wildlife Corridor section of the report.
The map on the right shows the cost grid for
parts of Richmond, Jericho, and Williston,
with the darker green colors indicating
evergreen, mixed, and deciduous forests,
and the darkest red-brown indicating high
intensity development, especially roads with
high traffic volume, such as Interstate 89.
Land Cover Type Cost % Cover
Developed, High Intensity 60 0.12
Developed, Medium Intensity 50 0.69
Developed, Low Intensity 40 1.25
Developed, Open Space 30 0.74
Cultivated Crops 11 4.50
Pasture/Hay 10 10.38
Grassland/Herbaceous 9 0.35
Deciduous Forest 5 37.09
Evergreen Forest 1 14.66
Mixed Forest 4 19.29
Scrub/Shrub 6 2.43
Palustrine Forested Wetland 2 2.05
Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 3 0.94
Palustrine Emergent Wetland 7 0.38
Estuarine Emergent Wetland 7 0.00
Unconsolidated Shore 8 0.02
Bare Land 20 0.18
Open Water 12 4.90
Palustrine Aquatic Bed 13 0.02
Ecological Landscape Unit Groups
A classification of habitat blocks was
developed based on Ecological Landscape
Units (ELUs) and their relative abundance in
each habitat block. ELUs were developed by
The Nature Conservancy and are based on the
physical landscape features (elevation zone,
substrate, landform, and aspect) present for
each 30-meter pixel. The multivariate analysis
technique used to classify the habitat blocks
into ELU Groups was very similar to the
process used to classify natural communities
based on species composition (Two-Way
Indicator Species Analysis, McCune and
Mefford 2006)). The nine ELU Groups are:
acidic gentle hills;
mid elevation acidic steep hills/mountains;
upper elevation acidic steep
calcareous/moderately calcareous gentle
calcareous/moderately calcareous mid to
upper elevation steep hills/mountains;
coarse sediment flats;
fine sediment flats;
acidic low elevation steep hills with
sediment flats;
calcareous/moderately calcareous low
elevation steep hills with sediment flats.
Assessment of Biological and Physical Diversity Value of Habitat
The 4,055 habitat blocks identified in Vermont using the methods outlined above were
evaluated using 11 factors to assess their biological value and their contribution in representing
physical landscape diversity. For each factor, the ecological importance of the factor is
described as is the process used to evaluate the blocks for this factor. The 11 factors were each
weighted to reflect the relative importance of the factor in determining the final biological and
physical diversity rank for the blocks. Factor weightings ranged from 15 percent to 5 percent;
the rationale is provided for each factor weighting. These 11 factors and the final block
weighted score are described on the following pages.
For each factor description there is an accompanying map of Vermont that shows all habitat
blocks ranked for that factor. In these maps, the highest ranked habitat blocks are colored dark
green, the moderately ranked blocks are yellow, and the lowest ranked blocks are red.
Cost Distance to Core Areas
To evaluate a habitat block’s contribution to
connectivity at a landscape level, the cost grid was
used to calculate the cost for wildlife to travel
between large core areas (> 2,000 acres). Large
habitat blocks with core area greater than 2,000 acres
rank highest, smaller blocks that have good
connectivity to the larger blocks rank moderately high,
while isolated blocks that have poor connectivity (high
cost to travel) to larger blocks rank lowest. Viewed by
itself, this map shows clearly the areas of Vermont
with high habitat connectivity and those areas that are
highly fragmented by development.
Factor weight: 15%
Rationale: Habitat blocks that are large and have good
connectivity to other blocks provide the most
important anchors for landscape connectivity and
make a significant contribution to the primary habitat
blocks functions of providing interior forest habitat
and maintaining ecological processes.
Note: This factor assesses landscape connectivity in
Vermont. Probably more than any other factor
evaluated, this factor should ideally be assessed on a
regional basis, not based on Vermont’s political
boundaries. Although that regional assessment was
not possible as part of the scope of this project, other
projects are addressing habitat connectivity at the
regional scale, such as Two Countries, One Forest
(http://www.2c1forest.org/), Staying Connected
Initiative (http://stayingconnectedinitiative.org/), and
The Nature Conservancy’s modeling landscape
permeability (Anderson et al. 2012,
ELU Weighted Acreage
The nine Ecological Landscape Unit (ELU) Groups
developed for the project were used to represent physical
landscape diversity in habitat block rankings. For each of
the nine ELU groups, we calculated what percentage of
the landscape they occupy (ranging from 1.9 percent for
coarse sediment flats to 49.2 percent for upper elevation
acidic steep hills/mountains) and the average block size
for each of the groups (ranging from 162 acres for coarse
sediment flats to 9,684 acres for upper elevation acidic
steep hills/mountains). A habitat block of a rare ELU
group (one that occupies a small percentage of the
landscape, such as coarse sediment flats) that is larger
than the average block size for that ELU group ranks
higher than a habitat block of a common ELU group that
is larger than the average block size for its ELU group.
The goal of this factor is to give higher rank to those
blocks that represent less common physical features in
the landscape, with additional weight given to large
blocks within each category.
Factor weight: 10%
Rationale: Representing physical landscape diversity is
recognized as an important strategy for conserving
biological diversity. The approach used here is one way
to address this complex issue but does not address all
types of physical landscape diversity.
Element Occurrence Count
An element occurrence is a place on the ground where
there is a rare species or state-significant natural
community that has been mapped by Vermont Fish
and Wildlife Department. Conservation of rare species
and state-significant natural communities is an
important component of conserving biological
diversity. Habitat blocks with more rare species or
state-significant natural communities rank higher than
blocks with fewer or no element occurrences. Element
occurrences of widespread (S4) and common (S5)
natural communities were excluded as there has been
little inventory of these community types except on
state land.
Factor weight: 10%
Rationale: Rare species and natural communities are
critical components of biological diversity and their
presence increases the conservation value of a block.
However, the primary habitat block functions of
providing interior forest habitat and maintaining
ecological processes are typically not altered by the
presence or absence of rare species.
Note: Rare species and natural community inventories
have not been completed statewide, so some habitat
blocks and regions of the state that have been more
thoroughly inventoried have higher block ranks, such
as Mount Mansfield and the Nulhegan Basin. Also, as
this factor is based on a count of element occurrences
within a block, larger blocks generally rank higher than
smaller blocks. Although this method favors larger
blocks, it also clearly identifies smaller blocks that are
known “hotspots” of rare species and significant
natural communities, such as Bald Mountain and the
Missisquoi Delta.
Percent Core
Each habitat block with at least 250 acres of core was
ranked based on its ratio of core area to total block area.
Habitat blocks with a higher percentage of core provide
more interior habitat values for wildlife. 250 acres was
considered to be a minimum core area to support interior
forest habitat values. The percent of a habitat block that
is core is directly related to the size of the habitat block
(larger blocks have more core), the shape of the habitat
block (round blocks have more core than elongated
blocks), and the degree to which the block boundary is
formed by fragmenting features (blocks with roads and
developments that partially penetrate into the block have
less core area – this is really a part of the shape of the
habitat block).
Factor weight: 15%
Rationale: Percent core relates directly to primary habitat
block functions of providing interior forest habitat and
maintaining ecological processes.
Block Size
Larger blocks provide more interior forest habitat
values, better support the needs of wide-ranging
wildlife, and are most likely to include a diversity of
physical and environmental conditions found in that
biophysical region.
Factor weight: 15%
Rationale: Block size relates directly to the primary
habitat block functions of providing interior forest
habitat and maintaining ecological processes.
Note: The largest habitat blocks in Vermont are at
higher elevations in the Green Mountains and other
remote areas, such as the Northeast Kingdom, Groton
State Forest, and the Taconic Mountains. The
Champlain Valley, Vermont Valley, and most of the
piedmont biophysical regions have very few large
habitat blocks because of concentrated development
in these areas, but these regions have high levels of
biological diversity.
Roads (miles of road/square mile of habitat
Habitat blocks with higher densities of Class 4 and other
narrow roads included within their boundaries rank lower
than blocks with fewer interior roads. While Class 4 and
other narrow roads identified on the E-911 data layer
were not considered fragmenting features in the context
of habitat block delineation for this model, these roads do
create some habitat fragmentation that can have an
adverse effect on ecological integrity of a block. In
addition, Class 4 roads are public rights-of-way and may
be the sites of future development – this is addressed as
a potential threat to habitat blocks under the threats
Factor weight: 10%
Rationale: The presence of Class 4 and other narrow
roads within a block reduces its contribution to the
primary habitat block functions of providing interior
forest habitat and maintaining ecological processes.
Note: It is interesting that although this factor is
normalized to block area (it is presented as road density),
small habitat blocks generally rank higher than large
blocks. The explanation for this is simply that there are
no roads within the smallest blocks. Although these
smallest blocks include no roads they also provide less
interior forest habitat value.
Percent Ponds
Habitat blocks are ranked by the ratio of pond surface
area to overall block size. Habitat blocks that include a
high percentage of ponds rank higher than habitat
blocks without ponds. Lakes and ponds are very
important habitat for many species of plants and
animals and they are a relatively rare landscape
feature compared to upland habitats.
Factor weight: 5%
Rationale: Ponds provide important habitat for many
aquatic and wildlife species and are an important
component of biological diversity. Their presence
increases the conservation value of a block. However,
the primary habitat block functions of providing
interior forest habitat and maintaining ecological
processes are typically not altered by the presence or
absence of ponds.
Percent Wetlands
Habitat blocks are ranked by the ratio of wetland area to
overall block size. Habitat blocks that include a high
percentage of wetlands rank higher than habitat blocks
with a small percentage of wetlands. Wetlands are very
important habitat for many species of plants and animals,
provide good connectivity habitat, and are a relatively
rare landscape feature compared to upland habitats.
Factor weight: 5%
Rationale: Wetlands provide important habitat for many
plant and animal species, provide many ecological
functions, and are an important component of biological
diversity. Their presence increases the conservation
value of a block. However, the primary habitat block
functions of providing interior forest habitat and
maintaining ecological processes are typically not altered
by the abundance of wetlands.
Exemplary Aquatic Features
Exemplary aquatic features are those that were
identified as the best examples of each aquatic natural
community type for the Vermont Biodiversity Project
(Langdon et al. 1998). Habitat blocks are ranked by
the percentage of block area that is in a watershed
containing one or more exemplary aquatic features.
For example, a block falling entirely within the Lewis
Creek watershed (Lewis Creek is an exemplary aquatic
feature) ranks higher than a block that has 20 percent
of its area in the Lewis Creek watershed and 80% in
Little Otter Creek watershed (not identified as an
exemplary aquatic feature). This ranking does not
consider the role habitat blocks play in all watersheds
upstream of an exemplary aquatic feature, only those
blocks that are in a watershed containing the water
Factor weight: 5%
Rationale: The exemplary aquatic features identify
some of the best examples of each aquatic natural
community type, but all aquatic features are important
for maintaining aquatic biodiversity. The presence of
exemplary aquatic features increases the conservation
value of a block. However, the primary habitat block
functions of providing interior forest habitat and
maintaining ecological processes are typically not
altered by the presence or absence of these features.
Rivers/Streams (miles of stream/square mile
of habitat block)
To account for the high aquatic habitat value of streams
and the connectivity benefits of riparian corridors, habitat
blocks are ranked by the length and size of streams and
rivers contained within them. Streams and rivers are
weighted by stream order, so a block traversed by 0.5
mile of the Lamoille River ranks higher than an upper
elevation block with 0.5 mile of first order streams.
Factor weight: 5%
Rationale: Rivers and streams provide important habitat
for many aquatic and wildlife species and are an
important component of biological diversity. Their
presence increases the conservation value of a block.
However, the primary habitat block functions of providing
interior forest habitat and maintaining ecological
processes are typically not altered by the density of
streams and rivers.
Percent TNC Matrix Block
Habitat blocks are ranked by the percent of a block
that falls within a matrix block as identified by The
Nature Conservancy (TNC) through their ecoregional
planning process. TNC matrix blocks are large areas
with minimal fragmentation by roads that were
selected across ecoregions as the best locations for
conservation of the "matrix" forest natural community
types that are included in these blocks. Although only
assigned a five percent weight toward the overall
block scores, this factor identifies a few habitat blocks
that are likely to have regional significance as they
were identified as part of TNC's ecoregional planning.
(See Anderson et al. 2006 for description of TNC matrix
blocks for the Northern Appalachian ecoregion.)
Factor weight: 5%
Rationale: This factor adds a regional perspective to
the analysis of Vermont’s habitat blocks.
Note: Matrix forest natural communities are those
that dominate the landscape and form the background
in which other smaller scale communities occur. In
Vermont, matrix forests include Northern Hardwood
Forest and Montane Yellow Birch-Red Spruce Forest.
Total Weighted Block Score
The 11 biological and physical landscape diversity
factors were combined using the specified weights for
each factor. This resulted in a total weighted score for
each habitat block. Although this process favors large
blocks, it is important to note that many small blocks
also rank high for overall block quality and significance.
Values range from a low of 0.8 to a high of 8.3, with an
average of 3.49, as shown in the graph below.
The total weighted block score can also be presented in
classes of values to simplify interpretation of the results.
Both the “raw” weighted block score and the weighted
blocks score separated into 10 equal interval classes are
provided in the attribute table of the available GIS data.
Assessment of Potential Threat to Habitat Block
The 4,055 habitat blocks were also evaluated using five factors to assess the potential threat of
the block being fragmented by future development. The factors relating to threat of
fragmentation that were available or could be developed as statewide datasets were building
density, average parcel size by town, human population change by town, percent of the habitat
block conserved, and the density of Class 4 and other narrow roads in the block.
No specific time frame was assigned to this potential threat analysis. Since it is based on a
limited number of factors and development patterns are likely to change in the future, it is
recommended that potential threat be re-evaluated within ten years or as new tools become
All of the five threat factors were considered equal in their potential contribution to habitat
block fragmentation and all were weighted equally (20 percent) in determining the overall
potential threat.
Building Density
Building density, derived from E911 data, was used as
an indicator of development pressure on
unfragmented habitat blocks. Habitat blocks adjacent
to areas of high building density rank high for threat
of fragmentation or development. The blocks with
the highest threat ranks are adjacent to most urban
areas and also areas of dense development, such as
ski area.
Factor weight: 20%
Average Parcel Size
Related to population growth and building density,
average parcel size in a town is an indicator of
development trends. Analysis of each town’s Grand
List showed that average parcel sizes range from a
third of an acre in Rutland to over 5,800 acres in
Averys Gore. Habitat blocks in towns with larger
average parcel sizes rank low for potential threat.
Factor weight: 20%
Population Change
The assumption is that an increase in population
results in greater local development pressure on
habitat blocks. Population growth per acre was
calculated by town for the period 1990 to 2004.
Population growth rates ranged widely, with a
general trend of population declines in traditional
population centers like Burlington, Rutland,
Brattleboro and Bennington and population increases
in so-called "bedroom communities" – areas within
commuting distance of population centers, like
Hinesburg, Hubbardton, Putney, and Shaftsbury.
Habitat blocks in towns with high population growth
rates rank high for potential threat; blocks in towns
with low population growth rates rank low for
potential threat.
Factor weight: 20%
Percent Conserved
Roads, houses, other forms of development, and
forest conversion for agriculture are the leading
source of habitat fragmentation in Vermont. Most
land that has been conserved by legal means will not
be developed in the future, although some forms of
development, such as ski areas and wind energy
projects have occurred on public lands. Habitat
blocks that contain a higher percentage of conserved
lands are less threatened than those with little or no
conserved lands. The conserved lands data used for
this analysis are those available statewide and include
federal land, state land, town land, and other land
conserved by legal means. Unfortunately, land
enrolled in the Use Value Appraisal Program was not
used in this analysis, as it is currently not yet available
for the entire state in a digital format.
Factor weight: 20%
Roads (miles of road/square mile of habitat
This is the same factor that was used in the biological
value assessment of habitat blocks. Here it is used as
an indication of potential threat to the interior of a
habitat block by future development. Habitat blocks
with higher densities of Class 4 and other narrow
roads included within their boundaries rank higher for
threat than blocks with fewer interior roads.
Note: Some large habitat blocks, such as the
Nulhegan Basin in northeastern Vermont, contain
many small roads but the blocks are largely conserved
(Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge and
conservation easements). In these cases, the road
density does not represent a threat of future
development although it may represent a higher level
of internal fragmentation.
Factor weight: 20%
Combined Threat
The five factors used to assess the potential threat
of habitat blocks being fragmented by future
development were combined using the specified 20
percent weight for each factor. This produced the
Combined Threat scores for all blocks. Rural areas,
characterized by low population growth and large
tracts of conserved land or “working” forest
generally have the least threat of habitat
fragmentation. The more intensive population
growth found in the northern Champlain Valley, and
the population growth, less conserved land, and
greater road density found in portions of central
Vermont and the southern Connecticut River valley
result in higher potential block fragmentation
threats in these areas.
Note: Development of ridgeline wind energy
projects represents a relatively new and significant
source of fragmentation in large habitat blocks.
Most wind energy projects in Vermont have been
proposed for relatively remote areas in which the
associated habitat blocks have been ranked low for
potential threat using this analysis.
Wildlife Road Crossing Areas
A wildlife road crossing analysis was performed to identify likely road crossing areas for all
roads in Vermont based on habitat characteristics adjacent to the road. This analysis relies on
the cost grid, which is described on page 15.
The cost grid and this wildlife crossing analysis using the cost grid have intentionally been
conducted considering the general needs of wildlife species and habitat connectivity and are
not modeled to the needs of any particular wildlife species. The goal is to have the results
apply to a wide range of animals that move across the landscape, but also reflect habitat
connectivity that is relevant to a much broader range of plant and animal species migrations in
the face of climate change or other environmental changes.
Local Wildlife Road Crossings
The cost grid was used to identify road segments
where favorable habitat occurs on both sides of the
road as a tool to help predict locally significant wildlife
crossing areas (linkages). Forested uplands and
forested wetlands are considered the most favorable
habitats (least cost for wildlife movement) and road
segments with these land cover types on both sides
receive the highest linkage rating. Road segments
with favorable habitat on only one side, and areas in
or near developed areas receive lower linkage ratings.
The most likely wildlife crossings (highest linkage
ratings) are shown in red, orange, and yellow in the
map to the right and can be thought of as road
crossing "hot spots". The road segments with the
lowest wildlife crossing ratings are shown in green.
The map shows Green River Reservoir to the north,
Elmore Pond to the south, Morrisville to the west and
Route 15 running east-west along the Lamoille River
across the center.
Note: The road segments with the highest rating for
potential wildlife crossings are based on vegetation
and habitat structure adjacent to the roads. Field
verification is needed to determine if these highly
rated road segments are actually functioning for
wildlife crossing. However, field data has been
collected to verify some road crossings and this effort
is continuing in Vermont and adjacent state through
efforts such as the Staying Connected Initiative.
Regionally Significant Wildlife Road Crossings
To identify regionally significant wildlife crossings
(linkages) the cost distance between core areas greater
than 2,000 acres was calculated. Road segments that
have favorable habitat on both sides and are situated
between large habitat blocks with significant core areas
are rated high. This approach highlights those areas of
the Vermont landscape with the highest habitat
connectivity and de-emphasizes individual road crossing
areas that may be very important at the local scale. The
statewide view of the regionally significant road crossings
closely matches the habitat blocks that are highest ranked
for the “cost distance to core” factor. The
recommendation is that consideration be given to both
these local and regional scales of wildlife road crossings as
both scales are critical to the long term conservation of
habitat connectivity for all species. In some highly
fragmented areas of the state, such as much of the
Champlain Valley, only these locally-significant road
crossings are all that remain as there are no large habitat
blocks with greater than 2,000 acres of core.
Wildlife Corridors
Modeled wildlife corridors are not specifically a product of the habitat block project but are
instead one of the important uses of the cost grid that was developed for the project.
Identifying potential wildlife corridors using the cost grid requires ArcMap and Spatial Analyst
software (ESRI Inc.)2.
The cost grid was used to identify likely travel corridors between any two selected habitat
blocks. To more accurately predict animal movement throughout the landscape, especially in
areas where development has impeded free movement, a series of cost modifiers were
developed. Those modifiers include: highway traffic volume, presence of ridgeline and riparian
travel corridors, steep slopes, bridge crossings, and core areas.
Using Annual Average Daily Traffic data from the Vermont Agency of Transportation the state
highways were classified into three categories and the cost for wildlife crossing them was
scaled accordingly. Highways with high traffic volumes create, at a minimum, a barrier to
animal movement and often times contribute to animal mortality. These areas have therefore
been modified to have a higher cost than a highway with relatively low traffic volumes.
Wildlife biologists generally agree that wildlife tends to travel along certain linear features in
the landscape, namely ridges and riparian corridors. Therefore, the cost along prominent
ridges and river corridors was reduced, so that assuming all other costs were equal, predicted
travel corridors would favor these linear features.
While steep slopes in a core area may limit movement by some wildlife species, the assumption
was made that eventually most animals could negotiate steep terrain or circumnavigate it.
Steep areas were considered only as they pertain to road crossings, trying to identify locations
where very steep slopes or road cuts might restrict wildlife traveling between large habitat
blocks. The steepest slopes were given a higher cost, resulting in these areas showing up as less
favorable for wildlife crossing in the model.
Tracking experts and biologists have established that many kinds of wildlife utilize manmade
highway infrastructure to facilitate road crossings. By decreasing the cost for the area
immediately adjacent to a bridge on a state highway or town road, “weak spots” were created
where an animal would be more likely to cross, even if it meant traveling some distance to get
2 For directions on using ArcMAP and Spatial Analyst to identify potential wildlife corridors with the cost grid,
contact Eric Sorenson (eric.sorenson@state.vt.us).
For the purposes of delineating corridors for wildlife
movement, two separate versions of the cost grid were
developed. For one, the assumption was made that an
animal could travel mostly unimpeded through core areas
and therefore the travel cost within blocks was reduced to
zero. A wildlife corridor model using this “no cost within
block” assumption is shown in the map on the left. In this
map, the two darkest red blocks were those selected as
targets; the most favorable corridor between these two
blocks is shown in red, with orange and yellow showing
alternative corridors. Note the blocky quality of the
model as a result of the entirety of blocks within the
corridor being included in the model.
For the second version of the cost grid, the assumption
was made that there is low cost for traveling within a
habitat block, but the cost is not zero. This approach
produces wildlife corridor models that are more linear in
appearance and that favor ridgelines and riparian
corridors. The map on the right shows this approach
which produces slightly different results. The
recommendation is to evaluate wildlife corridors using
multiple model approaches and, most importantly, to
confirm the accuracy of the model by on-the-ground
observation of wildlife movement.
Note: The wildlife corridors identified through this GIS
modeling process are based on the weighting of the cost
grid and the additional modifications described in this
section. Field verification is needed to determine if the
potential corridors identified through this model are
actually functioning for wildlife movement.
Application for Conservation Planning at Multiple Geographic Scales
For conservation planning purposes, the results of the habitat block project can be applied
using GIS at multiple geographic scales: state, biophysical region, county, and town. At the
statewide scale, the ranking of habitat blocks for their biological and physical diversity values
can be applied directly for conservation planning, either by using the total weighted block score
or any of the individual factor ratings that are included with the final GIS project (see the
attribute table habitat block scores for individual factors or the final weighted score). At the
biophysical, county, and town levels, those blocks that occur within that geographic area can be
compared to determine which blocks are most significant for the area.
Maintaining or improving landscape habitat connectivity is recognized as a primary strategy for
conserving biological diversity, especially in the face of a rapidly changing climate and an
uncertain climate future. The results of the “cost distance to core” habitat block analysis, the
results of the local and regional wildlife road crossing analyses, wildlife corridor models run
between selected blocks, and especially on-the-ground observations of wildlife movement
provide important insights into landscape connectivity in Vermont and should help in
developing a statewide habitat connectivity strategy. All of these project results on landscape
connectivity can also be applied at multiple scales: state, biophysical region, county, and town.
The results of the habitat block project were used directly in identifying high priority habitat
blocks and a network of connected lands in the Agency of Natural Resources’ BioFinder project.
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has provided suggested conservation strategies to be
applied at the town level for habitat blocks (“contiguous forest”) and connecting habitat (Austin
et al. 2004). More specific conservation strategies are provided in “Community Strategies for
Vermont’s Forests and Wildlife: A Guide for Local Action” (VNRC 2013). The habitat block
project results provide some of the first steps necessary for this local conservation planning:
identification and prioritization of the habitat blocks and landscape connectivity.
Viewing and Using the Habitat Block Data
The habitat block assessments of biological and physical landscape diversity and potential
threats are available on the Natural Resource Atlas (http://anrmaps.vermont.gov/websites/anra/).
Habitat blocks are included within the “Fish and Wildlife” map layers on the Natural Resources
Atlas. The results of the local and regional wildlife road crossing analyses are also available on
the Natural Resources Atlas. A subset of high priority habitat blocks and a network of
connected lands based in part on habitat block project results are also available and described
as part of the Agency of Natural Resources’ BioFinder project (http://biofinder.vermont.gov/).
GIS habitat block data is available to download and use in ArcMap from the Vermont Center for
Geographic Information (VCGI) website (http://vcgi.vermont.gov/).
This project identifies habitat blocks statewide and ranks them for their biological and physical
landscape diversity values, ranks the blocks for the potential threat from future development,
and provides tools for evaluating wildlife corridors and landscape connectivity. These project
results can be applied directly for conservation planning at the state, biophysical region, county,
and town levels.
The project results should be viewed as a first iteration of habitat block identification and
ranking for Vermont. As new data becomes available on land cover/land use, roads and other
development, and biological conditions on the land, revisions may be needed to this habitat
block assessment. Similarly, as new analysis tools become available and as our collective
understanding of interior forest habitat and landscape connectivity improve, future iterations
of a habitat block analysis should take these factors into account.
The habitat blocks identified in this project represent very real land and water areas of
contiguous forest and associated wetlands, ponds, streams, cliffs, and outcrops. There is a high
likelihood that the larger and higher ranked habitat blocks provide interior forest habitat and
other wildlife and ecological functions, even though many of these larger blocks have not been
inventoried for these functions. In contrast, the wildlife road crossing areas and the tools for
wildlife corridors and are based on GIS models and represent structural connectivity (the
physical conditions on the ground), not necessarily functional connectivity (connections that
are actually being used by wildlife). Although these models will be one more useful tool in
assessing potential wildlife movement areas, on-the-ground verification of actual wildlife
remains a critical step in the successful conservation of a functional network of connected lands
and waters. However, field data has been collected to verify some road crossings and this
effort is continuing in Vermont and adjacent states through efforts such as the Staying
Connected Initiative.
Identification and long term conservation of a connected network of habitat blocks is one part
of the larger goal of conserving Vermont’s biological diversity. This connected network should
be based on both habitat blocks and riparian corridors and should include viable populations of
all of Vermont’s rare native plant and animal species, representative examples of all of
Vermont’s terrestrial and aquatic natural community types, representation of the diversity in
the physical landscape, and intact river and stream corridors. Maintaining a connected
landscape of this type will not only allow continued movement and migration of wildlife now,
but is the primary strategy to maintain biological diversity over the long term, especially in the
face of a rapidly changing climate.
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