HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-95-0000 - Supplemental - 0030 0040 0050 Kimball Avenueft ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME/FILE REFERENCE BUSINESS PARK NORTH RESUBDI 1'. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDINGS & ORDER 2. BONDING OR ESCROW AGREEMENTS LANDSCAPING SEWER WATER STORM DRAINAGE ROADS CURBS SIDEWALKS (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREEMENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, INSPECTIONS COMPLETED, ETC.: 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS *, BILLS OF SALE RECORDED ACCEPTED 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6. ROADWAYS DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED * PRIVATE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT x 7. FINAL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - STA B. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED AND PERMITS GRANTED & SITE ,X, 1,4 / p/� r ",dww", 9 SIYID, & FILED OR RECORDED 9. MISCELLANEOUS AGREEMENTS LAND FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER 10. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CHANGE IN PROPERTY LINES) 11. (FEES P A ATE IN BUILDING PERMIT ENGINEERING INSP. SEWER RECREATION (RECORD CALCULATIONS AND DEPOSIT IN ACCOUNT) 12. IMPACT FOLLOW UP i.e., "ON LINE" EVALUATION: SCHOOL KIDS CAR COUNTS �-P P L I C A T I O N F O R L A N D U S E P E R M I T .. A M E N D M E N T INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form for all Land Use Permit amendments, including permit transfers.. Applications for permit transfers are to be completed by the transferree. _5ECTION I - FOR OFFICE .USE ONLY —ppl ication ' <1 Co- 3 i 0 -, Filing Date: Laws Inv_olv-erd: Q�.z��i a` Deemed Complete By: Fee: - Po rYr )ECTION II - TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT 6)1 1 F J ►� �: Ems-, P .s 1. APPLICANT: cpiC-"i</ �./r �f� ��sl�l/'y �.Gc,/L/ G�f tS"g-S'c�GC NAME ADDRESS esyri PHONE 2. PROPERTY OWNER: ^4-e .146ac,,e_ NAME . ADDRESS PHONE 3. PERSON TO BE CONTACTED ABOUT THIS APPLICATION (Complete only if different than #I1): ECT 4. WHAT IS YOUR LEGAL -INTEREST IN THIS PROPERTY? 5. If YOU ARE NOT FILING THIS APPLICATION AS AN INDIV DUAL, C MPLETE THE F LL WIN : �Q2T<Jc'2I ip Legal Entit date formed St. Dat Reg. in VT 6. WHAT IS THE NATURE OF THIS REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND USE PERMIT: :rc <9,4 eW D / e L c T eS Lam: /7t'_ V e-51, /70 — -C!_ 144 7-1 M12 L a 27 .l P f' �E t5 r.� ,�/, l 7�ef✓ f Z ,.¢ vvt / G' 3 7. DESCRIBE ANY CHANGES IN THE FOLLOWINr ITEMS FROM INFORMATION IN THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION a. Acreage in the entire tract of land //o b. Acreage in this -project rI'jo Q_ A,¢/z; y ,� c. Date the project will -be started Al, A d. Date the project -will be completed e. Funding or bonding of this project f. Municipal services to be used 96 C �, c� .c_ N III - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REOUIRED..ON PERMIT TRANSFERS 8. TRANSFERREE: I hereby agree to complete this project as set forth in the application, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the Land Use Permit #1 and as amended above: /I/ �4, Transferree) 9. TRANSFERROR: I hereby agree to the transfer of Land Use Permit W Al /9 as set forth above: (Transferror) ECTION IV - NOTICE TO PARTIES - TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS FOR ACT 250 PROJECTS 10. This application must be signed by the applicant. By signing this application the applicant assumes 'responsibility. for the information provided and, when the amendment involves Act 250, confirms that the town selectmen, Planning Commission_ and Regional Planning Commission were given a copy of the application as required. _L4Si gnature =� Apf 5licant). AUG 2 7 1980 ACT 250 NOTICE R E- I NT APPLICATION 10 V,SA, 26083-6088 Amendment application #4C0310-2 was filed by O'Brien Brothers, Box 1-184, South Burlington, Vermont, on August 28, 1980, to subdivide approved commercial lots #4 & #5 to create an additional lot (#11) in Business Parh ;forth off of Industrial Parh Road in South Burlington. This project will be evaluated in accordance with the 10 environ- mental criteria of 10 VSA, §6086(a). Statutory parties to this appli- cation are the mimicipality, the municipal planning commission, the Chittenden County Regional Planning, and affected State agencies. Adjoining property owners may participate to the extent the proposal will have a direct effect on their property under the 10 criteria. Other persons may participate at the discretion of the District Commis- sion. If you wish to participate, please contact the Coordinator for further information before the first hearing or date as specified below. Any party can request that the District Commission hold a public hearing on this proposal by notifying that office not later than Sep- tember 11, 1980. If no request for a hearing is filed, the District Commission may dispose of the case by stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order or default. BY Susan I1. Cain, District Coordinator 111 West Street, Essex Junction 879-6563 August 28, 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 23, 1979 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 1979 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Sidney Poger, Chairman; Ernest Levesque, James Ewing, Kirk Woolery, -eter Jacob, George Mona (late), James Draper Others Present Stephen Page, former Planner; Sandy Kleppinger, Taylor McDermott, Harry Wallace, William Schuele, Leo O'Brien, Lowell Krassner, Richard Wiemann, Peter Gebauer Minutes of October 16. 1979 Mr. Ewing moved to approve the October 16, 1979 minutes. Mr. Levesque seconded the motion and all voted aye. Co,atine_,�ublic hearing on final plat application for resubdivision of Busine, Park North Mr. Page said the plan shown tonight was exactly the same one shown at preliminary plat. What used to be the west end of lot 4 and the east end of lot 5 is now an additional new lot, so there are 11 rather than 10. The number of access points on Kimball Avenue does not change with this plan and there will be a service road parallel that road. One access point will serve lots 11,5,6, and 7. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Daniel and Leo O'Brien for a resubdivision of the Business Park North plat to add 1 lot, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Final Plan, Business Park North..." revised 9 79 by SJM, subject to the following stipulations: 1. 'dater supply and sewage disposal shall be off -site, via the municipal systems. . 2. All applicable stipulations of the previous approval for Business Park North remain in full effect, such as the deferral of grading_-iiHa 3r_ainage plans to site plan review. �+ 3. The final plat shall show the mutually agreed upon location of the pedestrian easement along Potash Brook and shall be recorded within, 90 days. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion. Mr. Mona arrived just before reading of the motion. Mr. Leo O'Brien felt that stipulation #3 would give the developers and the City enough' time to work out the location of that easement. The motion carried, . with Mr. Mona abstaining because he did not participate in the discussion. Continue site plan review of Farrell Real Estate proposal for former Lake Cha--,lain :%.otors property at corner of Allen Road and Shelburne Road I-Ir. rage stated that this application had been withdrawn. October 12, 1979 Mr. Daniel O'Brien 1336 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Resubdivision of Business Park worth Dear Mr. O'Brien: Be advised that the South Burlington Planning Commission tabled any action on the above to October 23, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. This action was taken on October 9, 1979, no one represented Business Park DNorth at this meeting. Very truly, Richard Wald, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg 10/9/79 ,P SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - BUSINESS PARK NORTH I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of Daniel & Leo O'Brien for resubdivision of the Business Park North plat to add 1 lot, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Final Plan, Business Park North..." revised 9/79 by SJM, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Water supply and sewage disposal shall be off -site, via the municipal systems. 2. All applicable stipulations of the previous approval for Business Park North remain in full effect, such as the deferral of grading and drainage plans to site plan review. 3. The final plat shall show the mutually agreed upon location of the ped- estrian easement along Potash Brook and shall be recorded within 90 days. 5• PL.k NNING COMISSI ON Setch plan review 1 lot subdivision 4t 62 'East Terrac OCTOBER 9, 1979 r. Ray Ploof said the proposal was to construct a house with ��two a-partments in it on a lot with 18,000 so. ft. and 130' of frontabe. The lot to be divided into two pieces has an existing house on the south side. '-r. Ploof said there w as an a_ argent complex to the rear Of this lot and that no covenants : rohi b] tad 1h.e use. -r. Jacob added that this lot was away frcm o"r,e, on t :at street. r`r. :Ioof said the house would loop lire a sirzle gaily =iling and that it ==_t all setIacr It ►:11 fit in '.'i to t o - i r_. ^a. T— -t s =_ :et is very lon,z and it as s'.:s'--estad t--t a lot Of t._=f_c on th_t :_:d Of .-e -,._a ,'jid i T3JLL ce G jo01 ii^iess e cul-de-sac :._ e V: __`d. It L 1 o tr;e C-?__St1IIz _^.ci:se GII t!?e 10t C011.^�. �.ie �?;:e z �::i: �E3 .:Q t'r � �__c: e 'nc: c jw� ---� '_O+S on t.^.e street wr•ich could ccrnta n dli: � __C-� for a totF1 of <, on t-e e' ._, e sty _et. Ar. Jacob did not thins t_.at _any wc,.:ld -e 1,_ii it, ..=c_.;se of the . :e of the land in that area. Fo`-er did not want to see 4 duple?.es at t_^.at en., c?f the street. Site r1anl reyie 2 revised access, park1in!S and circulation for the f or=er T _-e Cha!::•lain at t e corner of Allen and S.:PY`urne YcafS "r. Yichael Tom:€an said t_,-t the rc_•e_t} _^.a1 two eT1StlLrv' C';rb CUtS ?Ita i at ey 'would like to cicse both �:nd :'7t in a _'_2w 40' Cut. -ey would also like to add 11 new par __-ng s- aces on the - ront o; L-e _,rC: rty v- re the cars used to be dlsola}'cd. They would also 1:_:e a new rear access read on t e north si-ze next to the Partlett _ rod arty. Th; s drive will . e a ea .-E and, will be for access to the rear of the b,;ildinr:,. l:r. DU"an said they rCE,ed L._^.e extra s. aces to market the building but it was pointed out that the site ni`nt have to have some revisions once a tenant went into the building. Mr. Mona said that building used to be a source of controversy in the area because the CoTm—ission limited the number of cars which could be disrla ed and that number was exceeded. It was su€Eested that the minutes of the last l;ear__gs on the. building be researched. *'.r. Wiring did not think the Co=;-ssion could aLprove the site plan until it knew what business was going into the building. The Col—ission had no proble= with the access around the building or the revised curb cut. Yr. Page wanted to look at the ErBding for the access to t:.e rear of the building, noting that sDme fill :rc.uld be neceEsary --s thr-t ti.Ere vgs not a lot of room between the e.:.ie of the 1 aL'E::.Ent End the f rG: E: ty 1'_?.e. 'r. -wing mc;ved to contin'.e the-earinc _nail 2 : 'e.-s fro tc)n-' t1 on October 23,_1979 at 7:30 o=at Citv mall_ Ks. _'or.s sE-cor.ied the notion. It .-s su€gested that the Fire Chief look at the plea. he motion carr'ed un r.imousl; ;bllc hear_nr oII ']' ^ zt-Lon of Dhniel and Leo fcz- oc• - :z�e said he -was una'-le to 1Gca`-e e:A er Of the ".r. Oolery _owed to cc.ntirue the ru lic cearinz of Car.:el and :/--o C"_en for re5:1✓�_YiP?oII Of lots 4 a.'id'5 Of .cinESS 8_'G "tinto 3 IOsS�-do -o_r, r-'O' tG.''•1� t, .icto:,er G3,----%?� at 7:30 'm a t r� t' -L11 "r.G�. •: _ =c'a. a.y-1 all vote-4 ave. 'fie =Feting :as adjourned at 9:15 p=. C1er- PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, October 9, , 197 9, at 7:30 p.m., to consider the following: inal plat application of Daniel and Leo O'Brien for the resubdivision of s 4 and 5 of the Business Park North subdivision at 30-40 Kimball Avenue into three two acre lots. 2. Final plat application of Craig Spafford for subdivision of a 10.5 acre parcel into 31 single family lots, located west of Sherry Road and north of Oakwood Drive. The proposed subdivision is bounded on the north by lands of the Rand Corporation and Couture, on the east by Brookwood Drive, landSof O'Brien, Francis, Kirby, Sheffield, Finnigan, on the south by Paire, Wilcox, Maglaris, Provencher, Reuss, Parot, Latelle, and Gero, and the west by I-89. 3. Final plat application of Vermont Broadcasting Inc. to divide a 4 acre parcel into two 2 acre commercial lots. The proposed subdivision is bounded on the south by Joy Drive, on the west by lands of Business Systems of Vermont, on the north by Rice Memorial highc oo n Burlington Realty Corporation. 4. Final plat application of Mrs. Aurora Nowland for approval of a 2 'lot subdivision (1.99, 2.37 acres) at 1560 Spear Street. The proposed subdivision is bounded on the east and south by lands of the applicant, on the west by Spear Street, and on the north y iands of Gagnon and the applicant. Copies of they a�nl iratinnS are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Poger, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission Septmber 22. 1979 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Stephen Page, former Planner Re: Next Meeting's Agenda Items Date: 10/5/79 #2 Business Park North Resubdivision There are no substantive issues to be resolved, and no changes to the plan since you last saw it. Spafford Subdivision (now called "Brookwood" The plan has been revised to satisfy the conditions of preliminary plat approval, a draft of the convenants has been approved by Dick Spokes which will preserve the important concept of building envelopes. I have a list of minor modifications which pertain to the legal do cuments and can be in- corporated into a motion of approval. #4 Vermont Broadcasting Subdivision All is O.K. #5 Nowland Subdivision I suggest the final plat carry the notation, "Reserved for Future City Street", immediately south of lot #2, to make it perfectly clear to the lot buyer where access to the balance of the land should be located, and where the potential east -west street may go. #6 1 lot subdivision at 162 East Terrace The division of a 1 + acre lot, is proposed to create a.6 acre lot with an existing dwelling on it, and a.4 acre lot (large enough for a duplex). All City services are at the site. The existing dwelling should be plotted on the plan to insure that the new dividing line does not create any non -conforming situations. #7 Site Plan Review, Plywood Ranch The applicant has agreed to improve screening and revise landscaping. The re- visions to the plan will be presented at the meeting. #8 Site Plan Review for former Lake Champlain Motors buildin The building's owners wish to obtain site plan approval for revisions to existing access, parking, and circulation, to serve a future tenant who is as yet un- determined. I assume this is'being done to improve the marketability' of the proposal. Access is substantially improved, through the closing of two old curb cuts on Allen Road, and the installation of a new one farther away from Shelburne Road. Parking is being increased to a total of 42 spaces; circulation is sufficient, although I question the _advisability of the dead end service road to the north of the building. Also, the grading plan doesn't make it clear whether or not fill or surface water will be divertedfit, the adjoining property to the north. In any event, there should be a site plan review of this property when a particular client has been found. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, September 25, 1979. at 7:30 p.m., to consider the following: Preliminary plat application of Daniel and Leo O'Brien for the resubdivision of lots 4 and 5 of the Business Park North subdivision at 30-40 Kimball Avenue into three 2 acre lots. It r Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Poger Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission September 8, 1979 2. PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 4. A walkway shall be constructed along the path of the water main loop to Kennedy Drive. 5. Details on storm drainage for clusters 4 and 7 shall be as approved by the City Engineer and finallized prior to issuance of building permits for the respective clusters and the City Engineer shall inform the Planning Commission of his action by letter. 6. Bonding for all required improvements, including landscaping, shall _ be secured prior to issuance of any permits. 7. "As -built" drawings of all utilities, including service connections, shall be submitted prior to release of �qy bonds. 8. The land for the easterly road extension shall be secured (in fee simple) by an offer of irrevocable dedication. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion. Mr. Jacob asked about extending the right of way. to Kennedy Drive from the area of cluster 7. Mr. Poger did not favor that because there were a limited number of curb cuts on Kennedy Drive and he felt that every time one was opened, Kennedy Drive was destroyed. Mr. Ewing felt it would be good for the city to have the option. Mr. Draper arrived at this point. Mr. Ewing moved to amend the motion to add Stipulation ##9, as follows: A 60' right of way to Kennedy Drive shall be extended from the cul-de-sac beyond clusters 6 and 7. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and it carried with Messrs. Mona and Poger voting no. The amended motion passed without dissent. Public hearing on preliminary plat for resubdivision of lots 4 and 5 of Business j Park North into 3 lots Mr. Dan O'Brien said that the lots met the minimum frontage and area requirements. He was told that the commission did not want access for lot 9 to be from Kimball Avenue through lots 3, 4, 5, or 11. Mr. O'Brien said that would not be practical to do anyway, and that there was no intention of so doing. Mr. O'Brien said that they were not proposing any new curb cuts with this plan - access to lot 11 will be via a road using the cut for lots 5 and 6. That cut will serve lots 11, 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Mona moved preliminary plat app Business Park North that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the lication of Daniel and Leo O'Brien for resubdivis_ion of the plat to add 1 lot, as depicted on'the plan of reccrd, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Water supply and sewage disposal shall be off -site, via the municipal systems. -----__---- - - -_ 2. The final plat for recording shall show monumentation, survey distances, and bearings, and the service access road extended to the west line of the new lot #11 . 3. All applicable stipulations of the previous approval for Business Park North remain in full effect, such as the deferral of grading and drainage plans to site plan review. 3. PLANNING COIL-;ISSION SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 4. The final plat shall show the mutually agreed upon location of the pedestrian easement along Potash Brook. Mr. Draper seconded the motion and it —carried without dissent. Mr. Woolery arrived at this time. Public hearing on preliminary plat application of Dr. Paul K. French for a 4 lot subdivision at 1550 Hinesburg Road Ns. Alan Palmer said this was a 4 lot subdivision. One lot has been added since the sketch plan review. The City Engineer and Planner walked the land and suggested a road serving the 5 lots off VanSicklen Road. Mr. Palmer said the road would follow contour line 355. Mr. Jacob felt it was a waste to divide those lots by the road but Mr. Page pointed out that if the road were run across the extremity of the lots, the driveways and power line extensions to the homes would have to be much longer and more expensive. He said the best house sites were west of the road. All the lots have frontage on Hinesburg Road. Mr. Ewing pointed out that there might be some temptation to build two homes on the lots if they were split by the road, and he said the commission expected to see only one home per lot. Zoning requires only 1 home per 10 acre lot in that area. Mr. Page was asked why the road for the lots would be a city street and he said there could be some problems if it were to be privately maintained and one of the owners of a lot didn't maintain his part of the road. Mr. Jacob hoped the street would not have to be curbed, etc. Mr. Draper pointed out that if lot 1 were further subdivided, the proposed road could not serve those three pieces but Mr. Bob Paterson said that there was no intention to further subdivide at this time. It was suggested that a different lot layout could be made in light of the fact that the road will be a city street but Mr. Paterson said that they had wanted to try to have the property lines follow the existing stone walls on the land as much as possible. Mr. Palmer did not think there would be any objection to extending the road right of way to the south property line as long as that square footage could still be included in lot 5. Mr. Page said a septic system design would have to be submitted for final plat. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat approval of Dr. Paul K. French for a 5 lot subdivision submitted_ on a plan drawn by Palmer Co., Ltd., revised 9/7/7 subject to the following stipulations: 1. That the access shall be from VanSicklen Road with a right of way extension to the south boundary of lot 5 and that this access be a city street; the Planning Commission waives curbs and sidewalks. 2. That the final plat shall show exact lot layout, sewage disposal plan, and road layout. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. Review of Goals chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Mr. Page was asked to define and identify "neighborhood". Lower cost housing was discussed and it was determined that the city had some programs in mind, such as rent vouchers. Some changes were made to the chapter. 5. PLANNING COY -MISSION AUGUST 28, 1979 new commercial zoning proposed by the Commission that the Council has had in its hands for the last year might fake care of that. Mr. Woolery said that if the 1.73 acres did become a parking lot, he would feel strongly that JayCee park should be fenced on .that side. Mr. Mona asked if Mr. Matta could sell the 1.73 acres without coming before the Commission and was told he could. Mr. Mona felt that might be desirable to do, and the subdivision could occur after. -the sale. The 1.73 acres could not be sold to anyone, because it is not a developable lot, but it could be sold to an adjoining property owner. If that acreage is not sold first, than the separation of Vallenti and Tower produces 3 lots. The Commission seemed to have no other objections to the 21an. Sketch plan review for resubdivision of lots 4 and 5 at Business Park North, t add 1 additional lot Mr. Leo O'Brien said the suggested plan would make a better lot layout. The access for lot 5 would be used for this new lot also. Frontages on the new lots would be roughly 215' on lot 5, 245' for 5A, and 290' for lot 4. Each lot has about 2 acres. Lots 4 and 5A have small buildable areas. Lots 4 and 5 have been divided into lots 4, 5, and 5A under this plan but all have buildable area. One access will serve lots 5A, 5, 6, and 7. Lot 9 was discussed and it was mentioned that the Commission probably would not like to see that dot subdivided further. Site plan review for Plywood Ranch Mr. John Stuart said this lot was #10 in Business Park North and was on Williston Road. The Plywood Ranch wants to build a 12,000 sq. ft. building with 50 parking spaces. The business is similar to Grossman's. The parking lot will be paved and the entrance is through a 60' right of Tray. Trees on that right of way, which goes to lot 9 „will be preserved until a road goes in for that 1 Tt. Municipal water and sewer is available for the lot and there will be building sprinklers. Runoff will be put into the storm system across Williston Road. Landscaping will conform to regulations and white pines will be put in for screening. The building will be metal and have a 20' overhang for storage of materials. There will also be storage in the rear. The roof of the building will be about level with the bank near Clinton Street. There will be no air conditioning units on the roof. Hr. Poger said the Commission would rather they did not store on the side of the building, except temporarily. Mr. Levesque felt 50 parking spaces was excessive for this business and it was suggested that some area be paved and some be gravelled so that spaces could be put in later if necessary. If all the parking were not put in now, the Commission did not want that area in front to be used for storage or display. The sidewalk was discussed and the Commission felt it should be put in. %r. Robert Roesler, representing the owner, said they would rather not put it in because it would start and end nowhere. It was pointed out that sidewalks had to start on someone's lot. Yx. Page said there was enough room for the walk and it probably would not -be taken when the woad was widened. The Commission asked that the traffic island be deleted and buffers put in to protect the parking spaces nearest the entrance. Lights will be 9-10' high and directed down or towards the building. Traffic was discussed and Xr. Page said that estimates were given at subdivision review. The estimate for this lot at the peak evening road hour was 10 entering and 10 exiting. Xr. Foger felt he would like to see the modified plan before giving approval. Memorandum Re: Next Meeting's Agenda Items 8/23/79 Page 2 (continuation of #5) Access and circulation are the most important issue: a 20' right-of-way must be deeded to lot #2 (for which R.O.W. approval is necessary) and also retained for the LaBerge residence to the rear; a commitment for up to 12' of land should be secured off of lot #1 for widening of Williston Road. The status of the connectors (4 of them) to the three abutting properties should be confirmed - it is my understanding that they will be kept open. Finally, the Comprehensive Plan mentions the so called "North Side Service Road", which is shown as a westerly extension of the road on the Benson property, leading to a future north -south street in the vicinity of Econolodge. It is not specified whether this is to be a City street or not. In my judgement it would be reasonable to have parking lot aisles align to make up such a service access; if a City street is deemed necessary, I believe compensation for the right-of-way would be appropriate. #6 Sketch plan for resubdivision of. Business Park North The attached sketch shows how lots 4 & 5, which formerly totalled 6.25 acres +, are planned for resubdivision into three lots of about 2 acres each. There is still adequate buildable area on all three resulting lots and the number of access points is unchanged - an approved service access from Kimball Avenue will be used for 4 lots instead of 3. #7 Plywood Ranch site plan Access, via a right-of-way adequate (see attached sketch). landscaping schemes are in need reworked. More information on WJS on storm drainage, grading, shared with a lot to the rear is Parking is ample. Circulation and of improvement and are being lighting is needed. See memo from and erosion. � Q Y 1' Y� V M p ^ Q ,Zest J00 J ei N ti 0 a No Text THANKYOU! RECEIPT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON No• 0 2 4 8 3 8 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT RECEIVED FOR: ❑ COUNCILMEN ❑ HIGHWAY SEWER OTHER DESCRIPTIO . RECEIVED FOR: AMOUNT ❑ ❑ BUILDING PERMITS SEWER INSP. _ ❑ ZONING DATE ❑ LANDFILL ay_ G� DOLLARS "CAL RECEIVED BY TREASURER �P91 % li 0 1 r � ` vti ' _ �( AAAjjjJ 4 NEW DI�VoAu,, ��.\ • � � �• ��� mot. ..--#,- .. _ ._ - - _ X _ ` _ ._. •104 Aifo A. -AAqr ell A. flub i i '4 do's 1y4,1.Fi1rt'i1 m Gvq M "ra awm.&:u TTT Z1N�'d I , -l"I- IN Cklv�ac� 8.�.ir�► cam a'� I I � ti �-5 7vh." 3 nt`f�n 1 \ �' —77 dc:A7 Q!j* l Z719 0tjvaa -a-Iaci W7"n QQ3/%-l.-A —dl' N/ V4011'Vwol \ \