HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU-77-0000 - Supplemental - 0075 Community DriveGREEN MOUNT'AIN PO'vl',ER
G.B.I.C. Industrial Park, Shunpike Road
Area zoned Industrial District
Proposed use is allowed under Section 10.1C1 - Conditional
Conditional use reviewed under Section 13-10.
Proposed is the construction of a sub --station off Shunpike
Road and relocation of transmission lines. Existing line
runs through the property a distance of approximately 1900
feet - new location will parallel Shunpike Road; then
southerly across site near Potash Brook a distance of
approximately 5000 feet. Proposed poles to be 50 to 60
feet in height.
`March F, 1977
Attorney Paul D. ."heehey
P. J''ox 66
Tur -in-t on �,T 054-01
,tpl: Goriditional use approval, apy)lication of Green Nountuin
eower Corporntion
i)ear ",ttorney Sheehey:
`-?e advisn-d that th. i,st of "r,---nn ',Iountain `over -"or-,.
,,:or 'oerlissj.on to consL';ruct a di.sclribut'.on line froj, the.
town lin- sunst:iti.on to "nditstrILal i;ar-?� has
been 7ranteO Qondit-;.oial use rP,)-rc.,val.
.L'he t oard findim-s are that this rc-(,,u, st is in conformance
with 6eCtir
,)n 13.10 of the ',=outri "Fuarlin-ton 21oni.ng 111egulations.
17ery truly,
R i c h a r CIL `:arc
, onim, Vi.minist-rativr- '-,jl f'ices
,January 4, 1911
Paul h. 0heehey, Lsquire
Post Office Box 66
Burlington, Vermont 05401
I:e : Zoning appeal of Green Mountain Power
Substation off Shunpike (toad
South Burlington, Vermont
Dear NY. Sheehey :
uue to an oversight by this office, the appeal
of the Creen z4ountain Power Corporation will be
rescheduled before the Zoning Board of Adjustment
on ;Monday, February 7, 1977.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate
to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Richard Ward
Zoning Administrative Officer
?ebruary 24, 1977
Attorney aul .heehey
P . 4 ox 66
1 ur,ington, ` a 05401
Dear ',ttcrney heehey:
re advise(:; the youth urlington oning, Ioard of Adjust-
ment will hold a public hearing at the City ::all, Conrerence
oom, 1175 t:illiston _:oal on ` cnday, , "arch 7, 1977 at 5:00
p.~n. to consider the appeal of Green "ountain 'over Corpora-
tion for a substat'_on.
Please plan to attend.
nti,.'/ j
cc 'Jre! n `ountain " ower .:`orr.
Very truly,
-,ichard 'r;ard
oningAdministrative "facer
PAUL D. SHEEHEY 864,9891
December 311, 1976
Mrs. Susan M . Hudson
Vermont Public Service Board
120 State Street
Mantpplier, Vermont 05602
RE: Docket No. 4196
Petition of Green Mountain Power Corporation
For authority to construct an electric trans-
mission line and substation in the City of S.
Burlington under 30 V . S.A. Section 248
Dear Mrs. Hudson:
I enclose herewith five copies of supplemental testimony
of Ernest J . Ferguson in the above entitled case.
Copies of the enclosure are being forwarded to each
of the persons and agencies referred to in the statute.
Yours very truly,
Paul D. Sheehey
cc to: Vermont Attorney General
Vermont Department of Health
Vermont Agency of Environmental Conservation
Vermont Historic Sites Board
Vermont Scenery Preservation Council
Vermont State Planning Office
Vermont Aeronautics Board
Chairman-Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Chairman - South Burlington City Council
Chairman - South Burlington Planning Commission
Q. Please state your name.
A. My name is Ernest J. Ferguson.
Q. Have you previously prepared and filed testimony in this
A. Yes.
Q• 'Do you now wish to amend your previous testimony?
A. Yes.
Q. Please state how you wish to amend your previous testimony.
A. In answer to the question as to the requirements of the
proposed facility, I answered, in part, that the Plant's
maximum demand will be 2,500 KVA and that the monthly
use is expected to be 1,250,000 Kilowatt hours. I
now wish to amend that answer and to testify that the
facility's maximum demand will be approximately
7,500 KVA and that the monthly energy usage will be
approximately 3,500, 000 Kilowatt hours.
Q. Does this conclude your supplemental testimony?
A. Yes.
GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER �ORIPQRATION hereby appeals to the Zoning
Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use.
Property (�vner:Right of way owned by Green itAountain Power Coreoration
Property location & description: From "town line" substation on Muddy
Brook, southerly in the right of way of existing transmission line crossing
U.S. Route 2 and terminating at site of pM2osf,,d substation in GBIC
Industrial Park, a distance of a2proximately 2,300 Feet.
Variance of Section 13. IC) Conditional Use (Section 10.101)
(number) (titleof section)
Basis of appeal. Proposed construction of electric distribution line,
I UnClerstand the regular rneetings are held twice a month on Monday at
5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference; Room. The legal advertisement
must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days
before the hearing.. I agree to pay a fee of $80.00 which fee is to off -set
the costs of advertising and tho hearing.
Hearing Date
tree Mountain Power Corporation
Signptture of A-0-pellant
Paul D. Shee-hey, its attorney
P. 0. Box 66, Burlington, VT 054ol
In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91,
Title 24 V.-':-i*,.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold
a public hearing at the Z-,owth Burlington City OfFices, Conference Room,
1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont, on
at to consider the
(day of week) (month and date)
Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation _seeking a conditional use,
under Snescti:,ns 10. 101 and 13. Jo of the South Burlington Zoning Re-gula-
tions. Request is for permission to construct a distribution line From "town
line" substation an Muddy Brook, southerly in the right of way of existing
transvils-sion line, crossing U.-SI. Route 2 and terminating at site of proposed
substation in GE41C Industrial Park, a distance of approximately 2,,300 rest.
I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following:
conditional use, variance, decision of administrative officer.
Property Owner
Property location & description
Variance of Section ,
(number title of section)
Basis of appeal
I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday
at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertise-
ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen
(15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which
fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing.
Hearing Date
Signature of Appellant
In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter
91', Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment
will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices,
Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on
- 0- , c - % �y'7>-, at 4rr.° to consider the
day of w ek Tmonth and date) time
49 / Appeal of
a fir, E1_,�,.L. , f Section /P� �C�/ , �- /�-moo
of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-
tions. Request,, is for permis ion to
In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter
91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment
will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices,
Conference_Room,-1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont ---on
Monday, February 7, 1977 _, at :`0 P.M. to consider the
day of week month and date) (time)
#1 Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking
a conditional use , 666(1 Section 10.101 and Section 13.10
of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-
tions. Reauest is for permission to construct a substation within the -
GBIC Industrial Park, south of Shunpike Road and to relocate transmission
lines within said Park area, as per plan on file with the Zoning
Administrative Officer.
#2 Appeal of Rev. Robert J. Baffa, Sixteen Ninety Shelburne Road_, Inc. seeking
a variance , from Section 8.00 , Permitted uses
of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-
tions. Request is for permission to relocate a structure presently occupied
as a Group Home for Boys at 1690 Shelburne Road aridto continue operating
as a Group Home on a parcel of land containing 5.6 acres, located
at 100 Allen Road.
Richard A. Myette, Chairman
South Burlington Zoning Board
of Adjustment
GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION hereby appeals to the Zoning
Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use.
Property Owner:Ri.ght of way owned by Green Mountain Power Corporation
Property location & description: From "town line" substation on Muddy
Brook, southerly in the right of way of existing transmission line, crossing
U.S. Route 2 and terminating at site of proposed substation in GBIC
Industrial Park, a distance of approximately 2,300 feet.
Variance of Section 13. 10 , Conditional Use (Section 10. 101
(number) (title of section)
Basis of appeal: Proposed construction of electric distribution line
I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at
5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement
must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days
before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set
the costs of advertising and the hearing.
Gree' Mountain Power Corporation
Hearing Date Si nature of Appellant
P ul D. Sheehey, its attorn y,
P. 0. Box 66, Burlington, VT 05401
In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91,
Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold
a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room,
1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont, on
at to consider the
(day of week) (month and date) (time)
Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking a conditional use,
under Sections 10. 101 and 13. 10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-
tions. Request is for permission to construct a distribution line from "town
line" substation on Muddy Brook, southerly in the right of way of existing
transmission line, crossing U.S. Route 2 and terminating at site of proposed
substation in GBIC Industrial Park, a distance of approximately 2,300 feet.
December 2, 1976
Hon. Martin K. Miller
Vermont Public Service Board
120 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
RE: Docket No.
Petition of Green Mountain Power Corporation
under 30 V.S.A. Section 248
Dear Sir:
I enclose herewith five copies of each of the following:
1. Petition of Green Mountain Power Corporation under
30 V.S.A. Section 248 relating to the relocation of
a section of its transmission line in South
Burlington and the construction of a substation, in
connection with the construction of a plant by
Digital Equipment Corporation.
2. Prefiled testimony of Bernard F. Brault.
3. Prefiled testimony of Peter Bergh.
4. Prefiled testimony of representative of Digital
Equipment Corporation.
5. Exhibits 1, 2 and 3.
Copies of all. of the enclosures are being forwarded to
each of the persons and agencies referred to in the statute.
Y rs very truly,
*aulD. ZShe�e�he&y
cct Vermont Attorney General
Vermont Department of Health
Vermont Agency of Environmental Conservation
Vermont Historic Sites Board
Vermont Scenery Preservation Council
Vermont State Planning 3ffice
Vermont Aeronautics Board
Chairman-Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Chairman -South Burlington City Council.
Chairman -South Burlington Planning Commission
In Re:
Docket `,o.
Now comes the Petitioner, Green Mountain Power Corpora-
tion, a Vermont Corporation having its principal office at
Burlington, in the County of Chittenden and the State of
Vermont, and respectfully represents as follows:
1. Petitioner proposes to relocate a section of its
34.5KV transmission line, which runs between its substation
located on Muddy Brook in Williston, Vermont and its sub-
station on Dorset Street in South Burlington, Vermont. The
section of transmission line to be relocated involves a
distance of approximately 1POQ feet, and runs from east to
west across the central nart of a parcel of land in South
Burlington which now is owned by Greater Burlington
Industrial Corporation and is tinder option to Digital
Equipment Corporation of Maynard, Massachusetts. Said land
is bounded on the south by Interstate Highway No. 89 and on
the east by MOddy Brook and the Town line between South
Burlington and Williston. It is proposed to relocate said
section of transmission Line by dismantling said line in its
present location, as above described, and by constructing a
line across the northerly end of said parcel of land and
thence southerly near the westerly boundary thereof to the
point at which said line runs westerly from the parcel of
land herein involved. Petitioner further proposes to construct
on said land a substation with related transformers, switch-
ing gear and other e,juipment.in the northwesterly portion of
said parcel. of land.
2. The purpose of the proposed relocation of line and
construction of a substation is to provide space for the
construction of a building which is proposed for construction
by said Digital Equipment Corporation, and to provide
service thereto from the lines of the Petitioner.
3. The proposed relocation of line and construction of
a, s..bstation are necessary for the construction and operation.
of the proposed rlant of Digital- Equipment Corporation.
4. It is proposed to comnlet.e the construction of said
line and substation by May, 1978.
5. Said proposed construction will not unduly interfere
with the orderly development of the region and due consideration
will be given to any recommendations of the municipal bodies
6. Said proposed construction is required to meet the
need for present and future demand for service.
7. Said proposed construction will not adversely affect
system stability and reliability and economic factors.
3. Said proposed construction will not have an undue
adverse affect on esthetics, historic sites, air and water
purity, the natural environment and the public health and
9. Said proposed construction will nromote the general
good of the State of Vermont.
I4iEREFJRE Petitioner prays
(a) that the Board issue an Order (0 consenting to and
approving the construction here A r described and (ii) finding
that said construction (A) will not unduly interfere with
the orderly development of the region with due consideration
having been given to the recommendations of the municipal and
regional planning commissions and the municipal legislative
bodies; (B) is required to meet the need for present and
future demand for service; (C) will not adversely affect
system stability and reliability and economic factors; (D) will
not have an undue adverse affect on esthetics, historic sites,
-,ir and water purity, the natural environment and the public
health and safety; and (E) will. promote the general good of
the State of Vermont.
(b) That the Board issue its certificate to the effect
that said nroposed construction will nromote the general good
of the State of Vermont.
(c) That the Board grant such other and further authority,
if any, as may be necessary and annroAr9ate under the
provisions of 30 V.S.A. Section 248.
Dated December ;3 , 1976.
By: Lt
t c Pi-.Q s- tau i i %-.s
and Duly Authorized Agent
STATE OF' VERMONT At Burlington tl:i s , " day of
CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. December., 1976, personally annea.red
Gre,an Aokv..ta iv, POtut-v, Corp who, being duly sworn,
says that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the
contents thereof and that they are true.
Before me lb�
Notary Public
N �r
F EE3. 10, 1979
PSB Docket No.
Question: Please state your name and residence.
Answer: Bernard F. Brault, Barre, Vermont.
Question: By whom are you employed?
Answer: Green Mountain Power Corporation.
question: What is your position with Green Mountain Power
Answer: I am an Assistant Vice President. My duties consist
primarily of system planning and engineering.
question: Please summarize your educational and professional
Answer: I received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Notre Dame and have had 17
years experience in electric utility engineering
and operations. I have been with Green Mountain
Power Corporation since A, -,gust, 1971. I came with
the Company as chief engineer and am now an assistant
vice president. I am a registered professional
engineer in the State of Vermont.
question: Does Green Mountain Power Corporation serve the
City of South Burlington?
Answer: Yes.
question: Are you familiar with the petition filed by Green
Mountain Power Corporation in this case and with
the project to which it refers?
Answer: Yes.
question: Please describe the general nature of the project.
Answer: Essentially the project involves the relocation of 3
a transmission line in the GBIC industrial park in
South Burlington for the pi?rpose of permitting the
construction. of a new building on that part of the
land now occupied by the present line, and the
construction of a substation for the purpose of
serving the new building from the relocated
transmission line.
question: Please identify the land involved and the owner.
Answer: The land lies between U.S. Route No. 2 and Interstate
Highway No. 89 in South Burlington and is now owned
by Greater Burlington Industrial Cornor ation. It is
proposed that this land will be sold to Digital
Equipment Corporation and that Digital Equipment
will build a manufacturing plant there.
Question: Have you indicated the location of the land on a
section of map?
Answer: Yes.
question: Please identify it.
Answer: The section of map which is markers Petitioner's 1
for identification is from l County Highway Map and
it indicates the location of the parcel of land
involved in this proceeding, the arnroyimate course
of the existing transmission line, the anproximate
course of the relocated line and the approximate
location of the proposed substation.
question: Please identify the nearest roads as shown on
this map.
Answer: The land lies on the south side of Shunpike Road,
which runs south from Route 2 or Williston Road and
then turns sharply to the east and runs into
Brownell Road. Route 2 and Interstate Highway No. 89
are identified on the map. The road next west of
the land is .)1d Farm Road, which runs into Kennedy
Drive on the north and Hinesburg Road on the south.
�u.estion: I now show you a plan entitled "Proposed Digital
Facilities, South Burlington," dated October. 1.2,
1976, which is marked Petitioner's 2 for
identification. Can you identify this plan?
Answer: Yes, it was prepared by our engineering department
for presentation in this case and it shows the
course of the existing line, the course of the
relocated line and the location of the proposed
,question: Please identify the transmission line which is
affected by this project.
Answer: It is the Company's 34- 5 KV line, designated as
line No. 3314, which runs from Essex to a
substation on Muddy Brook in Williston, crosses
Williston Road, runs along the west bank of Muddy
Brook southerly approximately half way across the
industrial park land (which is the section involved
in this case), then turns west and runs to a sub-
station on Dorset Street., and from there runs to
the Company's substation at Queen City Park.
.question: Is.there any other transmission line which would
be affected by the proposed relocation?
Answer: Yes. From the point at which,our transmission line
now turns to the west across the industrial park
land Vermont Electric Cooperative owns a transmission
line which interconnects with our 3314 line and
serves customers of the cooperative to the south
of this area.
question: Will it be necessary, therefore, to maintain the
existing line as it now runs north and south along
the east side of the land involved?
Answer: Yes.
question: Please describe the relocation which is proposed.
Answer: In order to clear the central part of the land for
the construction of buildings it is proposed to
discontinue the section of line which runs east
and west across the center of the land and to build
a line along the north and west boundaries of the
property to the point on the west boundary from
which the existing line now continues westerly.
This will involve the discontinuance of about 1900
feet of line and the construction of about 400
feet of new line.
question: Will the proposed new construction take place
entirely within the limits of the industrial
park land?
Answer: Yes.
question: Does Green Mountain Power Corporation now have an
easement from Greater Burlington Industrial
Corporation for the construction of the new line
as proposed?
Answer: No. But we are assured by Digital Equipment
Corporation that it will convey the necessary rights
when it has acquired title to the property.
question: What width of right of way will be reqvired.
Answer: Generally 100 feet and somewhat wider at the north-
west and northeast corners of the new construction.
question: Are the new pole locations as shown on
Petitioner's 2 definitive?
1nswe-: No. The actual number and location of rew poles
will depend upon the final survey.
)uestion: What type of structures are used in the existing
line? I
Answer: They are wooden poles with crossarms.
question: What type of structures will be used in the new
Arswer: Wooden poles approximately 50 to 60 feet high, with
three brackets for the attachment of conductors,
rather than crossarms.
question: What parts of a 50 foot pole and of a 60 foot pole
are below ground level normally?
Answer: Seven feet and eight feet, respectively.
question: I show you a drawing of a pole and attachments,
marked Petitioner's 3 for identification. Does
it generally represent the type of structure
proposed for use in this case?
Answer: Yes.
question: Referring to the Plan identified as Petitioner's 2,
why is the substation located several hundred
feet south of the Property line.
Answer: The Proposed location removes the substation from
the highway and redi.?ces the distance from the
substation to the customer's load. The proposed
location is also dictated in part by the contour of
the land, since there must be sufficient distance
between Muddy Brook and the corner pole opposite the
substation to permit guying in land which is not
subject to erosion.
question: Why cannot the proposed plant be served from
existing substations?
Answer: Because the planned load requirements for the plant
will exceed the spare capacity of those substations.
question: Please describe the proposed substation.
Answer: It will be a 34.5KV-12.Lf7KV distribution substation
located on a parcel of land approximately 200 feet
square. There will be two 34.5KV bays, a power
transformer, and 12.47KV switchgear, completely
enclosed by a 7 foot chain link fence. The switching
gear will permit the substation to bp fed at 34.5KV
from either direction. The transmission line
which serves Vermont Electric Cooperative will also
be connected to the new substation 34.5KV structure.
The substation will be designed for a 7.5MVA load
with future capability at 15-2014VA load. The future
capability will include room for a second transformer.
^she 12.47KV feeders to Digital will be underground
question: What is the proposed construction schedule?
Answer: The scheduling will necessarily be dependent upon
and coordinated with the development of the plans
of Digital Equipment Corporation. I understand that,
if all regulatory and licensing approvals are
secured in time, it irtends to purchase the land in
January, 1977. We would plan to build a 12.47KV
distribution line along the existing transmission
right of way, from the northeast, to serve the
12.47KV substation bus initially. This line would
have a capacity of three megawatts of power. It
would be operational by the fall of 1977, and the
7.5MVA line would be operational by the spring of
question: Does this conclude your direct testimony?
Answer: Yes, it does.
Q. Will you state your name and residence?
A. Peter Bergh, Charlotte, Vermont.
Q. What is your occupation?
A. Landscape Architect and Planner.
Q. Please state your education and training in the field of land
use planning.
A. I have a Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture from
Syracuse University, and a Master's degree from the Harvard
Graduate School of Design.
Q. Please summarize your experience in the field of land use
A. After graduating from Harvard in 1964, I worked as a Town
Planner with a firm in Copenhagen, Denmark for two years.
I was employed for four years by Dan Kiley in Charlotte as
a designer and planner, before establishing my own practice
in December of 1970.
Q. Do you hold any municipal office?
A. I am chairman of the Town of Charlotte Planning Commission.
Q. Have you worked with other municipal planning commissions?
A. I have been consulted by the Town of Williston Planning Commission
on various matters.
Q. What connection have you had with the proposed construction project
which is now being considered?
A. I have been consulted by Green Mountain Power about the matter
and was asked to make any recommendations which occurred to me
and to provide an opinion as to the effect of the proposed construction
on the development of the region, esthetics and the natural environment.
Q. Are you acquainted with the area in which the work will be done?
A. Yes.
Q. Have you visited the area in connection with this proceeding?
A. Yes.
Q. Please describe the area.
A. At present there is a large area of open fields at the end of
Shunpike Road running south to Interstate Highway 89. The
land falls off sharply to Muddy Brook on the east side and less
sharply to Potash Brook on the west. There is an existing pole
line of Green Mountain Power which runs north and south along
the east side of the land and it forms a "T" with a pole line
running westerly across the central part of the land.
Q. Have you reviewed the Company's plans for the proposed project?
A. Yes
Q. What do they involve generally?
A. It is proposed first to relocate that part of the existing transmission
line which runs east and west across the central part of the land
so that it will be constructed near the northern and western property
lines, making the central part of the land available for future
construction of buildings. A second part of the proposal involves
the construction of a substation a short distance westerly from the
course of the existing line in the northeast part of the land.
Q. Please describe the effect in your opinion, of the proposed
construction from a scenic and environmental standpoint.
A. The proposed newly constructed line will be somewhat longer than
the existing line, because it will follow the perimeter of the land
rather than cutting across it. The structures, which will use
bracket attachments rather than crossarms, should be somewhat
less conspicuous for that reason. The line will be farther removed
from the interstate highway and considerably less apparent from
that direction. It will be closer to Williston Road, but, because
of existing buildings and other screening, the newly constructed
line could probably not be seen from Williston Road. There are
residences on Shunpike Road and the newly constructed line will
be more apparent to those homes than is the existing line. The
substation, as described to me, will be located in a fenced area
comprising about one acre and the equipment will be so placed
as to maintain a relatively low profile. This structure will have
an obvious impact on the environment of the immediate neighborhood
in which it is constructed. But that impact will be minor in
relation to the environmental effect of the manufacturing plant
and associated facilities which are proposed for construction at
this location. The substation will be environmentally compatible
with the industrial comple-xwhich is proposed for this area.
I recommended that plantings around the substation area be used
for screening purposes.
Q. Has any comprehensive plan been adopted for this region by the
South Burlington Planning Commission?
A. Yes.
Q. Is the proposed construction of lines and electric ;substation
consistent with. the objectives of the comprehensive plan, in
your opinion?
A. Yes, it is.
Q. In your opinion, will the proposed construction of lines and
substation have an undue adverse effect on esthetics, historic
sites, air and water purity, the natural environment or the
public health and safety?
A. No.
Q. In your opinion, will the proposed construction unduly interfere
with the orderly development of the region involved?
A. No.
Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony?
A. Yes.
Question: Please state your name and place of residence.
Answer: My.name is Ernest J. Ferguson. I reside at Heritage
Circle, RFD 3, Hudson, New Hampshire
Question: By whom are you employed?
Answer: I am employed by Digital Equipment Corporation.
Question: Where is your principal place of employment?
Answer: My office is located on Parker Street in Maynard,
Massachusetts. In order to ensure that mail is property
delivered, the building in which my office is located
is designated Pk-l.
Question: What is the nature of your employment by Digital Equipment
Answer: I am a project manager. In that capacity, I am responsible
for the layout, construction, hiring, budget and general
supervision relating to new facilities.
Question: Are you familiar with the plans of Digital Equipment
Corporation for the construction of a plant in South
Burlington, Vermont?
Answer: Yes, I am.
Question: Please describe generally what is proposed by Digital
Equipment Corporation in that regard.
Answer: Digital Equipment Corporation proposes to construct and
operate a new manufacturing plant on a parcel of land
lying between U.S. Route 2 and Interstate Highway No. 89.
The land is now owned by Greater Burlington Industrial
Corporation and is subject to an agreement -of purchase
and sale with Digital. The plant will be located toward
the northern side of the parcel of land and extend south-
erly, eventually, to the central part of the land.
Page -2- c
Question: Does Digital propose to construct its plant in an
area which is now crossed by the existing trans-
mission line of Green Mountain Power Corporation?
Answer: Yes. The existing line crosses the central portion
of the land, in an east -west direction.
Question: Have the plans for the relocation of its transmission
line by Green Mountain Power Corporation been reviewed
by Digital?
Answer: Yes, they have.
Question: Have those plans been approved by Digital?
Answer: Yes, they have.
Question: How is it proposed to provide electric service to the
proposed plant?
Answer: The plant will be served from a substation to be
located on the premises and a short distance west of
the existing transmission line which runs southerly
along the west bank of Muddy Brook.
Question: What will be the requirements of the plant in respect
to electric service?
Answer: The plant will initially be served by a 3 MVA line
which we expect will be replaced by a 7.5 MVA line
no later than May, 1978. The plant's maximum demand
will be 2,500 KVA. Monthly use is expected to be
1,250,000 kilowatt hours.
Question: In your opinion is the relocation of the existing
transmission line necessary for the proposed construction?
Answer: Yes.
Question: In your opinion is the construction of an electric
substation on the premises of the proposed plant reason-
ably necessary for Digital's proposed operation at
this site?
Answer: Yes.
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Green Mountain Power Corporation
T<hereby appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following:
conditional use, an�a�xxbeoc�xxacia�icsRasec3��8R .
✓Property Owner Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation
\Aroperty location & description South of Shunpike Road in Greater Burlington
rial Corporation Industrial Park
Variance of Section
number title of section)
Proposed relocation of transmission line and construction of sub -
Basis of appeal station complies with standards of Sec. 13.10 and appeal procedure is
prescribed by that section. Jurisdiction of the Board is limited by 24 V.S.A. Sections
1 understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Mon ay 409(a)
at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertise and(b).
ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen
(15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which
fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing.
GreerqMountain Power Corporation
Hearing Date Sign ture of : ppellant
Paul D. Sheehey, its attorney
In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter
91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment
will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices,
Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on
, , at to consider the
day of week month and date) (time)
Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking
a conditional use , fRxm Sections , 10.101 and 13.10
of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-
tions. Request is for permission to construct a substation within the GBIC
Industrial Park, south of Shunpike Road and to relocate transmission lines within
said Park area. Alternatively, Appellant seeks a determination that zoning regulation
is limited under 24 V.S.A. Section 4409 (a) or that state regulation pre-empts under
24 V.S.A. Section 4409 (b).
January 26, 1977
Paul D. Sheehey , sc;uire
P . O.T.' ox 66
J Durlinrton, VT o5401
Re: Zoning l;:)peal of green IMountain Power Substation off'
Shunpike oad
Dear '`r. heehey:
1 Be advised teat the South Turf inFton :,oninF, Poard of AdJust-
4 ment will hold a public hearing- at the City mall, !;onferenee
Room, 1175 `;-`i .liston ;=:oad on Yonday, 2ebruarY 7, 1977 at
5:0O p.m. to consider the anp�,�,,1 of 'xreen Mountain Power.
Please plan to attend.
(Very truly,
diehard hard
Zoning Administrative Officer
ar---------' o^rE-'-'--_' suomsoT-',/ '. — ---------- s*sEr NO -----------
oHuc, BY ------- DATE -------------- __.______-_---___'---_-__----_---'-'-'- JOB mo
-------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ------------`------`---
In occordonce with the South Bur-
lington Zoning Regulations and
Chapter 91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South
Burlington Zoning Board of Adjust-
ment will hold a public hearing at
the South Burlington City Offices,
Conference Room, 1175 Williston
Road, South Burlington, Vermont, on
Monday, March 7, 1977, at S p.m. to
consider the following:
No. 1. Appeal of Auram and Gorrie
Klavon seeking a variance, from
Section 11.00, Dimensional Require-
ments, of the South Burlington Zon-
Ing Regulations. Request Is for per.
mission to construct a 20' by 25- oddl-
tlon (family room) to within nine (9)
feet of the easterly side yard, at 25
Clover Street.
No. 2. Appeal of Green Mountain
Power Corporation seeking a condi.
tional use, under Sectlons 10.101 and
13.10 of the South Burlington Zoning
Regulations. Request Is for Per-
mission to construct a distribution
line from "town fine" substation on
Muddy Brook, southerly in the right
of way of existing transmission line,
crossing U.S. Route 2 and termi-
nating at site of proposed substation
In GBIC Industrial Park, a distance
of approximately 2,3W feet.
No. 3. Appeal of John 6 Marilyn
Larkin seeking a variance, tram Sec-
tion 11.15, Multiple use of the South
Burlington Zoning Regulations. Re- I
Quest Is for permission to operate a
real estate office (tour full time
agents) In conjunction with a motel
andapartment complex, at 1195 Shel-
burne Road.
Richard A. Myette, Chairman
South Burlington Zoning Board i
of Adjustment
Feb. )9, 1977
In occordance with the South Bur-
ington.Zoning Regulations and
Chapter 91, ;'lfle 21 V.S.A. the South
Burlington Zoning Board of Adjust.
ment will hold a gubi'Ic hearing of
the South Burlington 'City Offices,
Conference Room, 1175 Williston
Rood, South Burlington, Vermont, on
Monday, February 7, 1977, at 1:00
a.m. to consider.the following:
F. Appeal of Green Mountain Power
Corporation seeking a conditional
use,'.under Section 10.101, and Sec-
tion 13.10 of the South and
Zoning -Regulations. Request. Is for
.permission to construct a substation
'within the<GBIC Industrial Park,
-south of Shunpike Road and to re-
locate transmission lines within said
Park area, as perplan on file with
the Zoning Administrative Officer.
Z Appeal of Rev. Robert J: Baffa,
Sixteen Ninety Shelburne Rood, Inc.,
seeking a variance, from Section
8.00, Permitted uses, of the South
Burlington Zoning Regulations. Re-
quest is for permission to relocate a
structure -presently occupied as o
Group Home for Boys at 1690 Shel-
burne Road and to continue operat-
.ing as a Group Home on a parcel of
-land containing S.6 acres, located at
100 Allen Rood. Richard A. Myette,
South Burlington Zoning Board
of Adjustment
Jan. 22