HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-81-0000 - Supplemental - 0000 Kennedy Drive3• PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13, 1981 Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Mr. Poger asked Mr. Liu whether he objected to his recreation fee being used anywhere in the city, as the city sees fit, as long as it is used for recreation. Mr. Liu did not object to that. The motion carried unanimously. Application by Mr. 5pit2 said the school Board had submitted a letter stating that they would pick up children at this location. The building will look similar to buildings in the development. Mr, dalsh asked if the sidewalk was cleared in the winter and was told it was. Mr. Poger stated that the Planning Commission appreciated Treetop's efforts in closing the emergency access and in building this shelter. Mr. Mona moved that the South. -Burlington_ Planning approve . .. the application by Treetop Association for construction of a 6 foot by 10 foot school bus stop shelter to be located a:;proximately 75 feet west of the Treetopsmain entrance next_to_and just north of the sidewalk, subject to the following stipulations:__ 1. A paved walkway shall be proveded from the bus shelter to the curb at Kennedy )rive. 2. The shelter shall be maintained by.the--condominium association. If maintenance is_improper, the city shall have the option to remove the shelter. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. cite plan application by Garden Way, Inc, for renovations to the vacant Grandway store to create offices, a retail store, and storage space for Garden +yay Mr. Poger said the fire chief had submitted a letter on the project and he added that the Zoning Board had, several months ago, given its approval to the multiple uses on the site. It was noted that the Oppenlander report indicated that traffic to be generated by Garden Way would be about 112 that generated by the old Grandway store, at peak hour. The state also will be making major traffic changes in this area in the future. Garden Way has the Grandway property, some vacant land in the rear for future expansion, and a right of way across Farrell land. Ar. Sky Thurber, representing Garden Way, said the vacant area had been included in the traffic figures the city was working with. Messrs. Duncan and Lindberg explained the proposal. Mr. Duncan said landscaping in keeping with the Garden Way idea would be put in, such as edible landscaping. He noted that the parking spaces would be changed from angled spaces to 900 spaces. There will be 20' between parking stalls. The front 15' adjacent to the building will be landscaped. They will keep most of the landscaping close to the building. There will be trees in the curbed island areas. Mr. Duncan said retail customers would enter from the Shelburne Road side of the building and park in front. Garden Way employees would use the " 0 �J ,• j W Y O am 10/13/81 DHS MOTION OF APPROVAL For the Application by Treetop Association for construction of a 6 foot by 10 foot school bus stop shelter to be located approximately 75 feet west of the Treetops entrance next to and just north of the sidewalk: Stipulations: 1. A paved walkway shall be provided from the bus shelter to the curb at Kennedy Drive. 2. The shelter shall be maintained by the condominium association. If maintenance is improper or if the shelter causes difficulty for snow plowing or other City maintenance operations, the City shall have the option to remove the shelter. TREE- OP CANbn M tN i UMS , 50 3URUNC-Tbm SC"ML 3uSSToP s�kELTIGZ 5EV-1. nM Treetop Condominium South Rurlin7ton 6 oct. 1981 City of South Burlington Dent. of Planning snd Zoning Re. 'Building Permit - School Bus Stop Shelter Sirs: 4e are mAking this arrlication to place a school bus shelter within the 901 righ'- of way on Kennedy Drive. The shelter would be about a bus and a half length west of our entrance, and next to and north of '-he sidewalk. Tt would be built on concrete Tiers, with a pressuretreated wood deck and would duplicate the materials and look of the main and out buildings of the condominium. Enclosed please find map, drawing of shelter, photos of main buildings and rroposed site on Kennedy Drive. Yours truly Mrs. Thea Froling President, Treetop Association OHS Attn. Mr. Richard Ward - Zoning Mr. David Sitz - Planning SOUTH BURLINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 FREDERICK H. TUTTLE Superintendent LAWRENCE E. LECOURS Assistant Superintendent South Burlington Planning Commission Municipal Office Building 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Sirs: OFFICE: SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 550 Dorset Street October 12, 1981 I have been requested by Mrs. McCaffrey of Treetop Condominiums to write you regarding the school bus stop for Treetop. My understanding is that the Treetop Association is proposing construction of a shelter approximately 75 feet west of the entrance to Treetop that is closest to Williston Road. It is the intention of the School District to change the present bus stop location to pick up students at the shelter when this shelter is completed. Sincerely, Business Manager LPB/jw 1 MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 10/9/81 2) Ying Liu, Dorset Street 1. Sewage pumping station and force main shall be privately owned and main- tained until such time when the City expands its collection system and the station can be eliminated. The station must be installed on private property not within the Dorset Street right -of-way. 3) Treetop Bus Shelter, Kennedy Drive 1. Shelter should be of the type similar to those installed and maintained by C.C.T.A. 2. A paved walkway should be provided to Kennedy Drive. 3. Shelter shall be maintained by the condominium Association If maintainerce becomes a problem city shall have the option to remove. 4) Gardenway, Shelburne Road 1. Landscape islands and perimeter areas shall have barrier type curbs. 2. A site drainage plan should be prepared and sutmitted for review. The site lacks a drainage system which contributes to the serious deteroration of the paved surface. 5) Corporate Circle 1. After a meeting with developer and engineer the items stated in previous memo have been resolved except for the Mary Street turnaround and the access drive to Central School. Both are very important issues. The Mary Street turnaround is important for maintenance of this street Snow plows have to have a place to turnaround. The entrance to Central School has been planned for years. This new entrance will eliminate school bus traffic on Williston Road. 2. Traffic signals at Dorset Street must be updated to accomodate the new street prior to opening this street for public use. This work to be coordinated with Bruce Houghton. 3. The Hinesburg Road intersection will require traffic signals. This work must be coordinated with State Highway Department which has jurisdiction over Hinesburg Road. 4. Underground power shall have provisions for street lights. j r MEMORANDUM ` To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 10/9/81 2) Ying Liu, Ashbrook Park There are no major changes since preliminary plat approval. However, several previous stipulations on driveway widths and curb radii, parking spaces, and fire hydrant location have not yet been incorporated into the engineering plans. This must be done prior to final approval. Also, size of the cedar hedge screening the adjacent dwelling must be shown on the plans. A recreation fee will be required. Final approvals by the city attorney and by the water department are still forthcoming_ 3) C Treetops Bus Shelter Section 19.752 of the proposed zoning ordinance (and a similar section of the existing ordinance) requires that any transit authority bus shelter located within the City r-o-w be approved by the Planning Commission. I feel that school bus shelters should be treated the same way. The shelter will be outside of the sidewalk about 75 feet west of the main entrance. I see no problems with this application. 4) Garden Way Applicant received a multiple use variance from the Zoning Board several months ago. They plan to use old Grandway building for offices, a retail store, and storage space (see attached brochure). The Garden Way uses are expected to generate considerabley less traffic than the previous Grand Way store (see attached traffic report). Therefore, I have not asked the applicants to evaluate the ability of the roadway to handle existing through traffic (as would be required in a PCD application) but only to evaluate Garden Way's entering and exiting movements. Since traffic signals currently exist at both major entrances, the only suggested improvement is an increase in curb radii at the northerly entrance where trucks will. be encouraged to enter and exit. The major changes, in addition to extensive landscaping, will be in internal traffic circulation. The large opening between Garden Way's parking lot and Agel-Corman will be closed, thereby discouraging cars from using the parking lot as a bypass to the traffic signal. One opening will still remain next to the drive-thru bank, and conflicts with the bank's stacking lanes must still be resolved before the new arrangement can be approved. Lastly, extensive drainage improvements will be needed. These will not alter landscaping or circulation patterns, but stipulations for drainage review and approval by the City administration should be made. A PROTEUS & CO. RT. 1, BOX 1 WAITSFIELD, VT. 05673 Treetop Condominiums: So. Burlington, Vt. I am pleased to submit these alternatives of a school bus shelter for your consideration. The exterior and interior would duplicate the look, materials, and detail of the main buildings and carports. The floor would be of pressure treated lumber on concrete piers. Shelters l,and 5, have the same roof pitch as the main buildings. 1, sheds water to the front and back, 5, to the sides. 4, and 6, are variations of 5. 4, has a greater roof pitch and 6, has a two Foot roof overhang on the front. 2,nd 3, also feature front overhangs. 3, in addition, has --,_...&-four foot curtain wall. Floor dimensions are E foot wide b,10 foot lgnS. Door height is 6 foo�t,,t Tnterior wa �he'ig�i'�' Is ov rµsfoot in every model butte'; where the back wall is 5 feet heig `:�"` Prices: 1. 1299.00 f- 2. 1399.00 3. 1655.00 4. t 1349.00 5. 8 1299.00 6. 1 1363.00 Benches 1 60.00 Andow opening, no glass 1 25.00 PHONE (802) 496.2444 STOP ro L bu5 :LTER SIDE VIEW KEN14 ED` DR, . d. KI MBALL AVM. TREETOP 6c,t400L LT E K AN VIEW 5XYf>ERRY W.