HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-95-0001 - Decision - 0030 Community Drive( FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT a COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of Cynosure, Inc. for subdivision of a 178 acre lot into six (6) lots of 4.05, 4.61, 4.62, 4.67, 4.76 and 155 acres, 115 Kimball Avenue. On the 14th of March, 1995, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of Cynosure, Inc. for final plat approval under Section 204 of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of the subdivision of a 175 acre parcel into six (6) lots ranging in size from 4.05 acres to 146.66 acres. Lot #6 is developed with the former Digital plant. The preliminary plat was approved on 1/10/95. 2. Access: Access to lots #1, #4 and #5 will be via access easements over the existing Digital access road. Access to lots #2 and #3 will be via a shared access on Kimball Avenue located across from Shunpike Road. Metes and bounds information for these easements should be provided on the subdivision plat. This complies with preliminary plat condition #5a. 3. Lot size/frontage: The minimum lot size requirement of 40,000 square feet (0.92 acres) will be met. The minimum frontage requirement of 200 feet will be met for lots 1-4 and lot 6. Lot 5 will have no frontage on a public road. 4. Lot #6 is proposed to have 1,250 feet of frontage along Kimball Avenue, approximately 700 feet of frontage west of lot #1 and 550 feet east of lot #4. 5. Coverage/setbacks (lot #6): Building coverage is 4.2% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 13.7% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 0.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Setback requirements are being met. 6. Recreation paths: The City's Official Map and Comprehensive Plan show future recreation paths/pedestrian trails on this property. The Recreation Path Committee reviewed the plans and submitted comments to the Planning Commission. The applicant has incorporated a 20 foot bike path easement along the property's frontage. 7. At the preliminary plat hearing, the Commission expressed a desire to have a sidewalk constructed along Kimball Avenue. As indicated in the Recreation Path Committee memo, the committee is 1 recommending that a recreation path be constructed (i.e., 10' wide) instead of a sidewalk. Staff suggested that such a path be constructed along the entire frontage (approximately 2500 feet) prior to the occupancy of the first building constructed on either lot 1,2,3 or 4. This condition was acceptable to the applicant. 8. Wetlands: The final plat plans show the wetland limits and the limits to the 100 year floodplain as the same line. These lines are not the same and the plan should be revised to show them accurately. The proposed subdivision will not impact these wetlands. 9. Sidewalks: The proposed recreation path along the property's frontage will also serve as a sidewalk. 10. Sewer: This property was originally allocated 20,000 gpd according to the applicant. The applicant requests that this allocation be divided as follows: -- Lots #1-4 (1500 gpd each) = 6,000 gpd. -- Lot #5 = 0 gpd. -- Lot #6 = 14,000 gpd. Total = 20,000 gpd. No additional allocation requested. 11. Other: --- the site plan (sheet SP1) should be revised to remove the notation "(access drives not included)" adjacent to the note on overall coverage limitation. --- subdivision plat should be revised to show the boundary line between lots #2 and 3 going all the way to the Kimball Avenue r.o.w. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Planning Commission approves the final plat application of Cynosure, Inc. for subdivision of a 178 acre lot into six (6) lots of 4.05, 4'.61, 4.62, 4.67, 4.76 and 155 acres, 115 Kimball Avenue, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page 1 entitled "Digital Equipment Corporation, Shunpike Road, South Burlington, VT, Subdivision Plat", as prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 12/21/94, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for either of lots 1-4, or 2 start of utility construction, all appropriate legal documents including easements (e.g., utility, sewer, drainage, water, recreation path, access, etc.) shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington land records. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for either of lots 1-4, or start of utility construction, bonds to cover the costs of utility and recreation path (i.e., bike path) construction shall be posted. The amount of the bond shall be approved by the City Engineer. 4. In accordance with Section 301.5 of the subdivision regulations, within 14 days of completion of required improvements (e.g., water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc) the developer shall submit to the City Engineer "as -built" construction drawings certified by a registered engineer. 5. The plans shall be revised prior to recording as follows: a) The subdivision plat shall be revised to provide the metes and bounds information for the access easements to lots #1,2,3,4 and 5. b) The site plans (sheets SP1 and SP2) shall be revised to show the wetland limits and the 100 year floodplain limits as shown on the City's Official Wetlands and Overlay Districts Maps. c) The site plan (sheet SP1) shall be revised to remove the notation "(access drives not included)" adjacent to the note on overall coverage limitation, and d) The subdivision plat shall be revised to show the boundary line between lots #2 and #3 going all the way to the Kimball Avenue r.o.w. e) The subdivision plat shall be revised to show easements for the water line and gas line serving lot #6 which cross over lot #4. f) Sheets SP1 and SP2 shall be revised to show the correct configuration of lot #5 as shown on the subdivision plat. 6. The applicant shall construct a 10 foot wide recreation path along the entire frontage (approximately 2500 feet) prior to the occupancy of the first building constructed on either lot #1,2,3 or 4. 7. The Planning Commission approves the following sewer allocation for the subdivision. Lots #1- 4 (1500 gpd. each) = 6,000 gpd. 3 Lot # 5 = 0 gpd. Lot # 6 = 14,000 gpd. Total = 20,000 gpd. 8. Any further subdivision of lot #6 shall require upgrading the Digital plant access to City street standards. 9. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chairman or Clerk prior to recording. /,ce&u < ,, Chairman or clerk South Burlington Planning Commission Date 4 ,/2006 15:57 FAX 802 860 1695 TECHNOLOGY PARK _ Wil&`2006 18:17 802m& TRUDELL CONSUL7""IG PAGE 01(03 r,Q.r)v : C; t-I or 5u, 8 FFD; r;0. : 1 E'- 2 E88 4 M J Aug. '41 2M1 1 J: 40AM P1 1FINDINGS OF PACT & DECISION STATE OF VE-PNONT COUNTY OF 01I'1"I'ENPEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLiNGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of Cynosure# Inc, for subdivision of a 178 acre lot into sic (6) lots of 4.05, 4.61, 4.62, 4.$7, 4.76 And 155 acres, 115 Ximbali Avenue. On the 14th of Marsh, 1995, the South Burlington Planning cammissidn approved the request of Cynosut•e, Inc. for final plat approval under Section 204 of the South Burlington 5ubdiV�sion Regu.latibrn based on the following findings: 1. 'rhls project consists of the subdivision of a 175 acre parcel ,into six (6) lots ranging in size from 4.05 acres to 146.66 acres. Lot #6 1st developed with the former Digital plant. The prelimLnary plat was approved on 1/10/95. 2. RaaOss: Access to lots fl, #4 and 05 will be acc s easem over the existing- c o Coss to .lots #2 and 4.3 w5l e a a shared access on Kimbal Avenue ITEM ac f'com Shun i3�e Road g es an s ova on for t ese eaaement: s ou1Q a pravicied an the subdivision plat . This complies with preliminary plat condition 05a. 3, Lot size/fronts e: The Minimum lot size requirement of 40,000 square Feet (0. 2 acres) will be rn$t;. The -minimum frontage .requirem"ent of 200 feat will be met for lots ].-4 and lot 6. Lot 5 will have no frontage on a public road. 4. Lot #6 is proposed to have 1,250 feet of frontage along Kimball Avenue, approximately 700 feet of frontage west of lot #1 and 550 feet east of lot #4. 5. Cove -aqe/setbacks ,(clot 06 )_c Building coverage is 4 .2% (maximum allowed is 330 overall coverage is 13.7% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage in 0.51 (max4muiu allowed is 30%). Setback tequirements are being met. G. Recreation paths: The Clty's Official. Map and comprehensive Plan show Future recreation paths/pedestrian trails on this property. The Recreation Path Oommittea reviewed the plans and submitted comments to the Planning Commission. The applicant has lncorperated a 20 foot bike path ea®ement along the property's frontage. 7� At the preliminary plat hearing, the commission expressed a deaire to have a sidewalk conatructed alontj Kimball Avenue. As indieateil in the Recreation Path Committee memo, the comrijtten is Post4t' Fax Note 7671 Co. Phono _0/2006 16:09 FAX 802 860 1695 TECHNOLOGY PARK 67/1P,-'2666 09;2e 6026790 TRUDELL CONSUL -NO JUL-Z0-2006 07;10A FRO[ -I' C; , f OF 30UTH BURLIN 50=-154101 1 .. 90T9o060 u 9 I i Start of' utility construction, all appropriate legal document; includinrl easements (e.g., utility, sewer, drainage, water reoreatit)n pa>h, access, etc.) shall be submitted to the Cit, Attorney flor dpproval and recorded in the South Btirlington Ian( xecordo. 3. Prior to J_dsuance of a zoning permit for either of lots 1-4, of start of utility construction, bonds to cover the Costs of util.it3 and recr(tatiori path (i.e., bike path) construction shall be posted, The amou;ht of the bond shall be approved by the City Engineer. 4. In accordance with Section 301.5 of the subdiv'ieior regulatihns, within 14 days of completion of required improvements (e.g., water imains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, etc) the developer shall, submit to the City Engineer "as -built" construetior drawings certltied by a registered engineer. 5. The 1hlans 6hell be revised prior to recording as follows: a.) The sth3division plat shall be revised to provide the metes and bounds information for the access easements to late #1,'s,3,4 And 5. b) The Fete plans (sheets SPI and SP2) shall be revised to show the uketland limits and the 100 year floodplain limits as shown on the City's Official Wetlands and Overlay Districts Maps. c) The site plan (sheet SP1) shall be revised to remove the nothtion "(access drives not included)" adjacent to the note on overall coverage limitation, and d) 'The subdivision plat shall be revised to show the boundary li.n.d betw6an lots 02 and #3 going all the way to the Kimball AveAue r.d.w. e) The subdivision plat shall be revised to show easements for the water line and gas line serving lot 96 which cross oven lot 44. f) Sheets SP1 and SP2 shall be revised to show the correct conftgurat.ion of lot 95 as shown on the subdivision plat. 5. The hppliCant shall construct a 10 foot wide recreation path along thO entii:e frontage (approximately 2500 feet) prior to the occupancy of the first building constructed on either lot #1,2,3 or 4. 7. The Planninq Commission approves the following sewer allocation for the Elubdiviision. ZotEl *1- 4 (1500 gpd. each) = 6,000 gpd• 3 P0AtJrFq Nall 7671 °a'a ve °1, T From CWDopl, Co Mona 4 Mn4 or F. , Fa- a LyJuV'I PAGE 02/02 P.1 d/2006 16:09 FAX 802 860 1696 TECHNOLOGY PARR _ 0'/ 16/ -006 18: 1, 7 80287906 TRUDELL CONSULT' PAGE V 03/ 63 fF1d-9 • I.':I Ly n{ ki FK'S PIO. : 1 E82 658 4' qR Hug. 21 2,0J1 1fa �Flrn f'� Lot # 5 0 gpd. LOt 41 6 C 14,000 jpd. Total. 20,000 gpd. 8. Any `Further subdivision of lot �6 shall require upgrading the Digital plant access to City street standards. 9. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 9D days or this approval is nvl.l and void. FM* plans shall be signed by the Planning commission Chairman or Clerg Prior to recording. Chairman or clan South Burlington Planning /Commigsion 4