HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-17-35 - Supplemental - 0030 Iby StreetCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this -l-- day of J-Uhe, , 20_11, a copy of the foregoing public notice for 00�Z %I- [type of application] # S%17- 321 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) Dated atity�[town/city], Vermont, this 411— day of rGLlrl� , 20__Z_ Printed Name: J Such ope Ike N , LMA"t's Phone number and email: Z-- ;3 - SQ P L Gcb�Ut l COW Signature: Date: Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street Soutb Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 6.20.17 DRB Meeting Dumont Park Abutters South Burlington City Center PO Box 2204 South Burlington, VT 05402 Hugh Burns 28 Iby Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Paula and Kathleen Guczek 23 Iby Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Charles Hatter 44 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Charles and Maureen Bardier 46 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Huy and Cuong Do 48 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Daniel and Mary Jane Meunier 42 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Edward Ahearn 54 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Daniel Parks 56 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Jacqueline Norton 58 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Jiddu Sittu Trust c/o Rick Church 60 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Barrett Park, LLC PO Box 21 Colchester, VT 05446 Richard and Karen Bushway 50 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Cecile and Matthew Druzba 26 Iby Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Todd O'Neil 52 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Gregory and Francine Johnston 62 Barrett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Permit Number SP- - ? (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW El Administrative ❑✓ Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): City of South Burlington c/o Ashley Parker, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 tel: 802-846-4146, fax: 802-846-4101 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): 121 _126 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): City of South Burlington c/o Ashley Parker, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 tel: 802-846-4146, fax: 802-846-4101 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Ashley Parker 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 tel: 802-846-4146, fax: 802-846-4101 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: aparker@sburl.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Barrett Street and Iby Street 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0910-00030 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION General project description (explain what you want approval for): Installation of play structures, bridges over wetlands in a public park. Installation of gravel wetlands within the wetland buffer to improve the quality of the water entering the existing wetlands within the park. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Public park - 328,007 square feet c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): No new uses are proposed. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): No buildings are proposed. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): N/A f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): N/A g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): N/A h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Construction of park improvements including pedestrian and recreation (labeled multi -use) paths, play areas, passive recreation areas, and plantings. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE a. Building: Total Parcel Size: 328,007 Sq. Ft. Existing 0 Proposed 0 % / 0 sq. ft. / 0 sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 0 % / 0 sq. ft. Proposed 7.79 % / 25,542 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing N/A % / N/A sq. ft. Proposed N/A % / N/A sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 62,295 * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): b. Landscaping: $ N/A $ $62,000 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): $830,000 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): Pedestrian and bicycle traffic only 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: Weekday evenings and weekend days 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Weekends 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Spring 2018 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time�ot submitting the site pla application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. N ��L�K/ t -* 01 ��i� Administrative site plan applications require tI regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 E NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT GNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: Irl REVIEW AUTHORITY: Z Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION In the matter of: INDIVIDUAL WETLAND PERMIT City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dorn 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Application for the construction of trails and stormwater treatment at Dumont City Park with proposed impacts to 0 square feet of wetland and 9,253 square feet of buffer zone. File #: 2015-327 DEC ID #: EJ16-0372 Iby Street and Barrett Street, South Burlington Date of Decision: May 17, 2017 Decision: Approved Expiration Date: May 17, 2022 Any activity in a Class I or Class II wetland or its associated buffer zone is prohibited unless it is an allowed use under the Vermont Wetland Rules (VWR) or unless it receives a permit allowing such activity. 10 V.S.A. § 913. Applicants for an individual permit for a proposed activity in any Class I or Class II wetland or its buffer zone must demonstrate that the proposed activity complies with the VWR and will have no undue adverse effects on protected functions and values. VWR § 9.5(a). The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (Agency) received an application dated May 6, 2016 from City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dorn (permittee) seeking an individual Vermont Wetland Permit for a project involving activities in a wetland and associated buffer zone located in South Burlington, Vermont. The Agency gave notice of the application in accordance with the VWR. The Agency considered all comments received during the public comment period during review of the application and issuance of this permit. DECISION AND PERMIT CONDITIONS Based on the Findings contained in this permit below, the Secretary has determined that the proposed project will comply with 10 V.S.A. chapter 37 and the VWR and will have no undue adverse effect on protected functions and values of the wetlands. The permittee has demonstrated that the project will have no undue adverse effects on the protected functions and values of the significant wetlands and associated buffer zones, provided the project is conducted in accordance with the following conditions: 2of10 City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dom VWP# A. All activities in the wetlands and buffer zones shall be completed, operated, and maintained as set forth in the permit application #VWP# and the supporting materials submitted with the permit application including site plans titled:. • C1.1 "Site Plan", designed by Engineering Ventures, dated I I/10/16 C1.6 "Class II Wetland Buffer Impacts", designed by Engineering Ventures, dated 11/10/16 No material or substantial changes shall be made to the project without the prior written approval of the Vermont Wetlands Program. Project changes, including transfer of property ownership prior to commencement of a project, may require a permit amendment and additional public notice. B. The permittee shall record this permit in the land records of the Town of South Burlington for all properties subject to the permit. Within 30 days of the date of issuance of this permit, the permittee shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Program with a copy of the recording of this permit. C. Prior to commencement of the approved project, the permittee shall notify the Vermont Wetlands Program digitally in writing of the date the project will commence. D. Restoration of Class II wetlands and buffer zones are required. Restoration shall consist of two phases and be completed by the Fall of 2018: Phase 1— Invasive Species Removal, and Phase 2- Supplemental Plantings as depicted in the ""Dumont Restoration Plan", authored by Northwoods Ecological Consulting, dated 2/24/2017, and the "Planting Plan, Overall Park", designed by Land Works, dated 2/24/2017. E. Prohibitions: No additional activities are allowed in the wetlands and associated buffer zones without the approval of the Secretary unless such activities are allowed uses under VWR § 6. No draining, dredging, filling, grading, or alterations of the water flow is allowed. No cutting, clearing, or removal of vegetation within the wetlands and buffer zones is allowed with the exception of the proposed project area as approved by this permit. F. This permit expires five years from the date of issuance. If the permittee has not completed all construction activities covered by this permit before the expiration date and wishes to continue construction, the permittee must request a permit extension or apply for a new permit. Any request for an extension must be received by the Agency at least 30 days prior to the end of the five-year period in order to prevent the expiration of the permit. A request for extension may be considered a minor modification at the discretion of the Secretary. Pursuant to VWR § 9.1, projects may not be extended beyond ten years of the issuance date. G. Wetland boundary delineations are valid for five years. The delineations will need to be re-evaluated by a qualified wetland consultant if the project is not constructed during the five-year period and a request for an extension is submitted. H. Within 30 days of completion of the work approved by this permit, the permittee shall supply the Vermont Wetlands Program with a letter certifying that the project was constructed in compliance with the conditions of this permit. 3of10 City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dom VWP# I. A continuous line of orange snow fence or flagging tape shall be installed along the limits of disturbance prior to the start of construction. J. If a stormwater construction permit is obtained for this project, the erosion prevention and control requirements of that permit shall be followed. At minimum, the permittee shall comply with the following: A continuous line of silt fence shall be properly installed by the permittee immediately upgradient of the snow fence or tape prior to any construction and shall be regularly maintained: Care shall be taken to ensure that silt fence is installed on the contour and not in areas of concentrated flow such as stream channels or ditches. Sediment shall be cleaned out before and after any significant storm event or when sediment has reached less than half the height of the fence. Removed sediments shall be disposed of in a stable, upland area outside the 50- foot buffer zone at least 100 feet from waters of the state and stabilized immediately with seed and mulch at a minimum. All other disturbed soils shall .be seeded and mulched within 48 hours of final grading. All sediment barriers and construction fencing shall be removed following the successful establishment of vegetation. K. All contractors' equipment shall be cleaned so as to contain no observable soil or vegetation prior to work in wetlands and buffer zones to prevent the spread of invasive species. The permittee shall monitor the portion of the wetland in question annually during early July for five years following construction for the nuisance plant species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and common reed (Phragmites australis). All nuisance plants found shall be pulled by hand and disposed of by burial or burning in a non -wetland location. If hand pulling is not feasible, a state approved invasive species control plan is required. 2. The Secretary maintains continuing jurisdiction over this project and may at any time order that remedial measures be taken if it appears that undue adverse impacts to the protected functions and values of the wetlands or buffers are occurring or will occur. 3. This permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to comply with any other applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permits. 4. The permittee shall allow the Secretary or the Secretary's representatives, at reasonable times and upon presentation of credentials, to enter upon and inspect the permitted property for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with this permit, the VWR, and the Vermont Water Quality Standards, and to have access to and copy all records required to be prepared pursuant to this permit. The Agency accepts no legal responsibility for any damage direct or indirect of whatever nature and by whomever suffered arising out of the approved project. This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to public or private property, or any invasion of personal rights, or any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit does not obviate the necessity of obtaining such federal, state, or local permits or approvals as may be required by law. Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution 4of10 City of South Burlington, do Kevin Dom V WP# of legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject to under other laws. 6. Within 15 days of the date of the decision, the permittee, any person entitled to notice under VWR § 9.2, or any person who filed written comments regarding the permit application may request in writing reconsideration of the decision by the Secretary in accordance with VWR § 9.6. 7. Any person with an interest in this matter may appeal this decision pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 917. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Division of the Superior Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Division; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project, or facility with which the appeal is concerned; the name of the permittee; and any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Division is: 32 Cherry Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 303, Burlington, VT 05401 (Tel. # 802-951-1740). FINDINGS 1. The Agency received a complete application from the City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dorn for Vermont Wetland Permit on May 6, 2016. 2. Wetland A is located just west of Iby Street and is adjacent to Tributary 3 of Potash Brook, which flows southwest. Wetland B is located southwest of lby Street and northwest of Barrett Street on the Dumont Parcel. Tributary 3 is north of the wetland. Wetland C is located southwest of Iby Street and north of Barrett Street on the Dumont Parcel. Tributary 3 is north of the wetland. 3. Laura Lapierre, Wetlands Program Manager, conducted a site visit to the subject property with April Moulaert and Ilona Blanchard on 10/20/2014. 4. The subject wetland known as "Wetland A" is identified as a palustrine wetland on the Vermont Significant Wetlands Inventory maps and therefore is designated as a Class II wetland under VWR § 4.6. The subject wetland known as "Wetland B" meet the presumptions listed in VWR § 4.6, the wetland is of the same type and threshold size as those mapped on the VS WI maps or greater than 0.5 acres (VWR §4.6a), and the Secretary has determined based on an evaluation of the functions and values of the wetlands that they are significant wetlands and therefore are designated as Class II wetlands. 5of10 City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dom vWP# The subject wetland known as "Wetland C" meet the presumptions listed in VWR § 4.6, the wetland is of the same type and threshold size as those mapped on the VSWI maps or greater than 0.5 acres (VWR §4.6a), and the Secretary has determined based on an evaluation of the functions and values of the wetlands that they are significant wetlands and therefore are designated as Class II wetlands. The wetland complexes and the subject wetlands in question are described in detail in the multiple wetland application table of the permit application and summarized in Table 1 below. Table 1: Summary of Wetland Characteristics, Functions & Values Under the Vermont Wetland Rules for Each Subject Wetland Impacted by The Project. Sparsely vegetated Duane & concave The wetland is Forest and scrub shrub vegetation 5.1, 5.2 Japanese honeysuckle, glossy Deerfield surface, water stained 5.1, 5.2, A mapped on the with emergent veg 5.3 5.5 5.4, A buckthorn, and sensitive fern soils depleted leaves, 5.3, 5.4 VSWI in the understory matrix. drainage pattern, geomorphic position Sparsely Same type and Red maple, grey birch, Duane & vegetated B/C size as VSWI 100%forested 5.1, 5.2, B : American elm,glossy Deerfield concave 5.1, 5.2, wetlands or wetland 5.4 buckthorn, sensitive fern soils, 0- surface, 5.4 -- over 0.5 acres o /o 5 slopes P water stained' leaves Sparsely Same type and Red maple, grey birch, Duane & vegetated B/C size as VSWI 100% forested 5.1, 5.2, C American elm, glossy Deerfield concave 5.1, 5.2, wetlands or wetland 5.4 buckthorn, sensitive fern soils, 0- surface, 5.4 over 0.5 acres 5% slo es P water stained leaves 'VWR §4.6 (a): wetland is of the same type and threshold size as those mapped on the VSWI maps; 2 Defined in the VWR Section 5: §5.1-Water Storage for flood Water and Storm Runoff, §5.2-Surface and Ground Water Protection, § 5.3-Fish Habitat, §5.4 Wildlife, §5.6 Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat, §5.10 Erosion Control 'ACOE Delineation Manual soil description 'ACOE Delineation Manual description 6. The proposed project is described in detail in Sections 17 and 18 of the permit application. The project consists of the construction of trails and stormwater treatment at Dumont City Park. Proposed impacts to the subject wetlands and buffer zones, summarized in Section 19 and detailed within the multiple wetland table of the permit application, are as follows (Tables 2 and 3 below): Table 2. Cumulative Impacts across all subject wetlands and buffers (sq. ft) for Project Wetland Alteration: Buffer Zone Alteration: Wetland Fill: 0 sq.ft. Temporary: 0 sq.ft. Temporary: 733 sq ft Other Permanent:: 0 sq.ft. Permanent:: 8,520 sq.ft. Total Wetland Impact 0 sq.ft. Total Buffer Zone Impact: 9,253 sq.ft. Table 3. Summary of Specific Subject Wetland Impact Descriptions and Impacts (sq. ft) Wetland Subject Wetland Buffer Complex Wetland Subject Wetland Impact Description Impacts impacts ID ID (sq. ft) (sq. ft) A A Gravel wetland, trails, boundary markers, kiosk 0 5,840 B/C B & C Trails, boundary markers 0 3,413 The protected functions of the wetland complexes include the following: water storage for flood water and storm (VWR § 5.1), surface and groundwater protection (VWR § 5.2), fish habitat (VWR § 5.3), wildlife habitat (VWR § 5.4), and erosion control through binding and stabilizing the soil (VWR § 5.10). 9. The following functions of the wetland complexes are either not present or are present at such a minimal level as to not be protected functions: exemplary wetland natural community (VWR § 5.5), threatened and endangered species habitat (VWR § 5.6), education and research in natural science (VWR § 5.7), recreational value and economic benefits (VWR § 5.8), and open space and aesthetics (VWR § 5.9). A summary of functions and values associated with the Class II subject wetlands is presented in Table 4 below. 10. The wetland complexes are significant for the water storage for flood water and storm runoff function as demonstrated in Section 7 of the permit application. Based on the factors described in Section 7.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. A summary of impacts to the subject wetland and statement of no undue adverse impact to this function for the subject wetland is located in Table 4 below. 8of10 City of South Burlington, c/o Kevin Dom vWP# 11. The wetland complexes are significant for the surface and ground water protection function as described in Section 8 of the permit application. Based on the factors described in Section 8.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. A summary of impacts to the subject wetland and statement of no undue adverse impact to this function for the subject wetland is located in Table 4 below. 12. The wetland complexes are significant for the fish habitat function as described in Section 9 of the permit application. In addition to the permittee's statements, the Wetland Ecologist states that Wetland Complex A contributes to fish habitat because it contains woody vegetation that overhands the banks of a stream, and provides shading that controls summer water temperature, refuges created by overhanging branches, and a source of terrestrial insects for food, and streambank stability. Based on the factors described in Section 9.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. A summary of impacts to the subject wetland and statement of no undue adverse impact to this function for the subject wetland is located in Table 4 below. 13. The wetland complexes are significant for the wildlife and migratory bird habitat function as described in Section 10 of the permit application. Based on the factors described in Section 10.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. A summary of impacts to the subject wetland and statement of no undue adverse impact to this function for the subject wetland is located in Table 4 below. 14. The wetland complexes are significant for the erosion control function demonstrated in Section 16 of the permit application. Based on the factors described in Section 16.2 of the application, as confirmed through a site visit by Agency staff, the proposed project will not result in an undue adverse impact to this function. 15. A summary of impacts to the subject wetland and statement of no undue adverse impact to this function for the subject wetland is located in Table 4 below. Table 4. Summary of Impacts and Statement of No Undue Adverse Impact to Function and Values for The Subject Wetland Subject Wetland Subject Subject Wetland Wetland Subject Wetland Contribution to Complex Wetland Impact Description Functions Functions and Values , No Adverse Impact Statement and Avoidance ID ID and Values' Constricted outlet and an unconstructed Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that 5.1 inlet; physical evidence of seasonal contribute to this function will not be affected by the project. floodingor ponding Restricted outlet; hydroperiod is Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that Gravel wetland, trails, 5.2 permanently saturated; contains contribute to this function will not be affected by the project. A A boundary markers, kiosk microtopography Contains woody veg that overhangs Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that 5.3 bank of stream, provides shading; cover; contribute to this function will not be affected by the project food sources 5.4 Potential habitat for amphibians and Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that reptiles contribute to this function will not be affected by the project 5.1. No outlet; physical evidence of flooding Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that contribute to this function will not be affected by the project 5.2 No outlet; microtopography Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that B/C B Trails, boundary markers contribute to this function will not be affected by the project 5.4 Habitat to support populations of Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that uncommon frog and reptile secies contribute to this function will not be affected by the project 5.1 No outlet; physical evidence of flooding Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that contribute to this function will not be affected by the project B/C C Trails, boundary markers 5.2 No outlet; microtopography Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that contribute to this function will not be affected by the project 5.4 Habitat to support populations of Buffer impacts only; the characteristics of the wetland that uncommon frog and reptile secies contribute to this function will not be affected by the project ' Defined in the VWR Section 5: § 5.1-Water Storage for flood Water and Storm Runoff, § 5.2-Surface and Ground Water Protection, § 5.3-Fish Habitat, § 5.4- Wildlife Habitat, § 5.5-Exemplary Natural Community, § 5.6-Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species, § 5.7-Eduation and Research in Natural Sciences, § 5.8-Recreational Value and Economic Benefits, § 5.9-0 en Space and Aesthetics, § 5.10-Erosion Control 16. Under 10 V.S.A. § 913 and VWR § 9.5, the Secretary may authorize activities in a Class II wetland or in its buffer zone if the Secretary determines that it complies with the VWR and will have no undue adverse effect on the protected functions and values. Based on the permit application, the site visit(s) by Agency staff, and the foregoing findings and analysis, the Secretary has determined that the proposed project will have no undue adverse effects on the protected functions and values of the subject Class II wetlands. 17. Pursuant to VWR § 9.5(b), the permittee has demonstrated that the proposed activity in the subject wetland cannot practicably be located outside the wetland or on another site owned, controlled, or available to satisfy the basic project purpose. All practicable measures have been taken in this proposal to avoid adverse impacts on protected functions, as described in the application. The permittee has demonstrated that this parcel is the most practicable site to satisfy the project purpose of having a park because it currently exists as a "park" with trails. Further, new wetland impacts have been avoided. Existing conditions present footpaths crossing wetlands in various locations, and this project will improve existing conditions by using boardwalks and a pedestrian bridge to cross over the narrowest parts of the wetlands. All major activity proposals have been designed to avoid wetland and buffer impacts. A gravel wetland to treat stormwater runoff has been proposed to improve water quality protection for one the wetlands. The permittee has demonstrated that there are no other alternative areas for the treatment structure on site without impacting more wetland or forested buffer, and so the designed was sited and minimized to impact only disturbed buffer areas where there's currently gravel fill, parking lot, and sparse vegetation. Lastly, a Restoration Plan has been developed to treat on -site invasive species and enhance the wetlands and buffers by planting native woody vegetation. 18. One public comment was received by Bernie Pientka, Fisheries Biologist with VT Fish & Wildlife Department, which was in regards to the stream running through wetland A and Agency riparian buffer guidance. The stream associate with wetland A is located off the park property, and therefore no infrastructure is proposed within the riparian buffer. Emily Boedecker, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation e-Sigu �20:37:01 apierre by. on 2017-05-1 GMT Laura Lapierre, Program Manager Wetlands Program Watershed Management Division Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this seventeenth day of May 2017 EB/LVPL/TMH SITE Location Plan n.t.s. Survev Notes y 19, 2017 revision Gerd AYtirreae akin to o correot e r r in traverse. raM Ams - US ewrsr * 2tnks Oi- - I Ask & f4reslkw Burlington posse SOU — -` Hof 45 i / M % x L 7his survey has been compk'od from lWd surwyw and record evidence khdudhg the lb#oe'kv plats s -Plat of Survey, for the City of South BuAhgton ki South Bieb9ton, VT, Ysrrnant' prepared by Laurence K Illi dated February i1. 1972% and recorded h the City of South 6urft'+9tcn Land Record% Map Sid. 13Q Page 13a1. h, Simii 6 Dumont Construction Ca' prepared by Emarsom Abbott Halow, h L..dy, Inc. doted October 4 196B, and recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Record; Map Sleds 9q Pogo ada s SLnnywfer B Dumont Construction Ca' prepared by Emerson, Abbott Harlow h Leedy, , Ina, dated October % 19M and recorded In the City of South Burington Land Record; Map S/ds al. Page 91. itBsahge ors bead on static GPS obssrwtins completed an December 9. 2011 4 The publk right-of-way of Barrett and lby Street is 50' per Survey In Note 16 and Book 104v Page 399. 4 7his property may be subject to /egd rights of others hdudhg acrid, sabn#fw% or ancient rood;, If anx additional sas meats, rsstrktkn*, and/or rsserwNans whether or not shown herwan that may or may not be found In the City of South Burti gton Land Records. Q Maw may be waft drg/ed shallow a otherwilim that could affect this property. a This surssy depicts the boundary lines of the City of South Burlington and IN owners based on record* as of eddy 6, 2015 7. Rgorodat/ons of this sketch am not valid unless signed with a blue liked surveyor a s/grhaturr qty of South Burlington Rooslved for Record • TIF r Ave � e.eeen N encroachment I N07F A. A RoaWs of ia30' and Interior Angfe of 12529' were used to create the arc shown hereon, based on deed calla and Survey Note fa The deed kicarec6y aaMs for a arc distance of td313 feet the said distance Is actually the - Long Chord distance per SLrwy Note Ia. The current arc length hr 22.56. pruzba 1278.292 I sae towom 18. 1' �94,498 2 Bc w e � meet ock • 11 pAeun\er � 3g6,700 6.17' \ \\Hatter &I o3,255Hatter R-W VI \\\�v° `i7 t to �In V 5 ! x mw 4 Q -j !o\ /bei • n4 c eta found im y0 O r�'` baled ground constant with Iran Rd Qo O to armed for h survey 1a encroachment �J ofwooden atookode �'� 4 determinedand 6.= distances ham shed aomere 5 is encumber an t h this area see Book 1 Page 126 . and lawn PF Pe Ir Aa • bees W07E drainage of easement_ aD. \ Hisser A 1/2'/ rebor found 2D' / above ground constant with survey of o'dock mkjutee--- M / ,� to. / 6tieem� /4 %limn pie set flush and recorded kr -A �a / / um s rvey f and distancer from survey to Canalatant attest with distance ham savvy to atom Town Clark reef R 3/41/ kon p4me set 6' above ground determined using / ahges and distances from calmer 14. s64-i7'Ss'w \ Conaso I with �taice from survey to alas 25•00' cp Corner Table. Cluioerio 10 *Arno is Calculated L e 4 6' p: 11.20' / points determined using distances 7b tgeeelel Y ewwsles how from survey 1b. Profset Boundary Lhe city Of South Burlington -��! 7509' N rAo b y �� �¢, p ^ / deeMlR d I�pb� fideeN /4 3/41/ km pipe set hrah. aeesersre/�EkR determined using distances hum - Adjhkvr Boundary tine 104:399 N84'06 14 E v s IPS to P.Mcoma ~ F b6'14' 000 / �Oc / to VMW k J/4'/ ion {ot set J' 1 goody, � %4 it 22' • e rf►hr icon P�me/Reha Found 25 00' q 34 .43 (R) 99.7 ,�� / o& / j above grand detam�ied ashg below distances from survey fa Conslatant with distances from aF Concrete Marks Found s 8 100.00, 1W / yd Cb �0 tree w A 1/2 % reba set 6' above survey 1b. Neld as ths contrdhg • +r T-Bar Found h 4 E ea (n / t J . u a O b� / ground determined uehg distance poht for angles and dirtances for flan surve fa Y camera B through 14. 2r��• +IK Pr � �� O trier 1 3/4 0 ion p{ow not 6' toners M IN -li IP Calculated 0 Psicon Pjae Set M S0548'06 E Norton Parks C5 12 �� C above g'aand determhd coin g points determined using distances distances, and angles from survey la liar army 1b. ® Calculated Point • 0 \, 114.84' 1240206 1 11 N / ta•w * 3/41/ ion p1pe art 6' Coneir k Concrete marker found 114.91 A t� Slttu Trust 1 mi / above ground determined uahg 4'x4' 1' below ground Constertant A Diameter (hakie) Q d1stancaa and angles prom survey )a with with coda from survey 1b. : Johnston \ nlf i Mae a lose 194'41 c - � � plat showing a tiwar,d dowDistance \ — ° � '� _ � / survey of lands of (R) (R) n/f RecordAbowl Record Distance Now orFormady telephone & cable �• deer box I*Ao 4'17'39E e• 19' -TY 10, ut9Rypole rtrrrr —Piled 6 � OF —u—a—x—x— *** Fence 41 •w 49.81 _ �- - -� �` 0 Fir r /`j by ]% ]%�17lf�71r 171r�� l7/r /r lf1� l7/l 71r lT SOUTH G TON — o — o — 0 — Chain Link Fahce The information shown hereon is correct to the best : v KMN !, LaRO$e Surveys, P.C. JL JL 1L JLd U JI \\ tr '1L 1 V' Wads, Stodrode Fence «�� of my knowledge and belief and is based on a -_ R. _ LacedS�,��eyors-Bo„r,da:yCo ,.dints Woven lift Fence -4 collaboration of pertinent deeds, plats, parol, and This in -* ' LAROSE � 707 `` Wm -& SeNu�Syst-De tgeea Barrett & lb Street y : E other recorded evidence. plat was prepared accordance with lies with Vermont Statute .,No. .' "4, .....-.....5``` I p.O.B-388-25AW-iSt-t g +� +� �o �o andcom p ' B,IstotNe—t05443 South Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont o p Title 27, Section 1403, (a) through (e). rr/I r ill+++`` 802.4533818 revised 02/11/16 by /gPL GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 60 feet I ?I/Ot 6 b r HAB n{ 1��=es� ys�� July 74, 2015 ! Kevin R LaRose, L.S. 05/19/17 bx HAS PRO,,ECT j15a30 I 1 C. t., 2017 of So. Burlington cU }. , �r.r~rrr c,rc r°arC'.d /D/ 0910-00030 "... Z4..._ _ ; \ 7 UI 7 WO NCH _ AG St(er,,-•"o',s.., j , 1 .lR < 14 \ _ •' ...x E otaAr�trti.; ;~ �A� � R��,� �'~�.ttr -rGj 1, ,-, , ., l r AREA WITH EQ61PMENT D krAur LOG BENCH, TYP. \ III o �..�,,. f E� IIv `� `e .'} .�''�/W p` -PG(L`xt3`t. % r �J , , r PROPERTY LINE TYP. '< t \�. .v� ._ ,..\ r $ t •yf %. \\ 1C \ 1 7 B L VEL FOOT ' r BRIDGE MULTI -USE POiH 1 `lto} N/a I MULTI -USE PATH GRAVELFOOTPATH BOARDWALK," \\ if . ��� rf TF r City of S0 ��G4 � rr y Is". �,�,°`° >su(i Von 7.,;.,.v ;,<r"inseaL _ �, x p ' City � �+ Burlington C^1. .,.f NR4 € i. >t-1��i`�� ' ! Viof So. L7UrlingLor� d4. Pp - H u r- \ r ., : r" A a �� i � -? LEGEND: GENERAL }A 25. �1/'� fi / ' � ...... ........... .. ..... ................ EXISTING CONTOUR C. ;tit?:i j i % _., ` s` rk�: e��tt�����, ,```.)yam'..-'.• 1 t,. t r .F •/, WETLAND Y .......� NO, ta ' 50' WETLAND BUFFER t. ^-'+ PROPERTY LINE risep ts�•,x 3�Ac ,,:� ��"`. ., ; �.a• ....^, `�. �._ N 11 AC — 7-_ - 80 REVISIONS. DRAWING NUMBER: g MiddleM1VTOS>53 FINAL ALTERNATIVES PLAN --_ DATE June 1, P011 Engineering Ventures North Woods —-- Landscape Architecture zza m.Pm so-e<r oOg PL�Aee°°e, s°neu Ecological Consulting ____.. __— SCALE: 1=4a-0" I DUMONT PARCEL LandWorks B° Iiq on, VT. 05401 P: R02.N6.4109 South Burlington, VT P R02R636225 -'— ----- DRAWN BY: LT/PC Planning �' Overall Park M1tIP°/ .no<rnd�.Wmgie�l.eem �2.366.3011 „+,+<'.engineeringvenhres.mm 5i)rkih isiieT; a"&f9S1 GrfljJhIC Design x+rwJn°drortsvmm — — CHECKED BY: DR \ Bur Ss I -. zb 12Dr 8:292 ° o _ ipys • ° 215 sf r • GUGZe \ ``` -• 014 sf • \ - ° o w� 3 sf jl- ind M 86nter 3 y, / bO.SSING 12 ' w�n,+tio e• I O �I .14REA 6,,105 i .`- v, U ° I. ��\ Halter & f .255 T 1� \\493sf ;.. •/J �\ \ � 1103 'I. p CROSSING 16 v 879 sf O ' CROSSING/5 \\� CROSSING 14 w •,5 ,,i'. ❑ _ __l._._.-- / \, / P Street .,,. CROSSING ND 5 is 49 'f L, \ �. 2si?; —'�--- --- o loea sr - 70 sf 445 cf _ , - a \ / (tYP ) \ CROSSING _1 / 260 sf I \ j o � ` I/ pass 2 AREA 2J, 146 SE IF I ,oY _A. City of South Burlingt n I i 104:399 t O �o dry w / ..... �- rks 6' a /t ohnston I n i \ �_ Barrett Street" { GRAPHIC SCALE t inch = 40 it for sheet in- 24' 0 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE LIMIT OF WETLAND CLASS 2 WETLAND BUFFER(5V) LIMIT OF IMPACT Vetland 'A' Buffer.. Temporary. Permanent Gravel Wetland/lby St 5,014. Pedestrian Bridge 215 Pathway and Kiosk 589 Park Boundary Marker 22 215 ',. 5,6z5.. Pedestrian Boardwalk 324 Pathway(Crossing#2) 811 Pathway( Crossing #4) 879 Park Boundary Marker 16 324 1,706 Wetland 'C' Buffer Temporary Permanent Pedestrian Boardwalk 194' Pathway(Crossmg #3) 899 Pathway 260 Park Boundary Marker 30 194 1,189 Total impacts(sf) 733 8,520 PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION flEV1aIDN3: DRAWING NUMB�H: DUMONT PARCEL LandWorks Engineering Ventures North Woods � zog Rly� n.e��e s�im zn Ecological Consulting Class 2 Wetland Buffer Impact, g g DATE: M 19, 201] •Y BCP E AS No•tl South Burlington, VI R Landscape° nsingArchkecture 228 Ma le Strcn Planning Miealcbury, VT05]53 Eatlhmgt63.v'r, osaoi r:goz.ea6.aim p: 802.863.6226 h J/xww.northwocdcemlo 1 rP' bra .gym DRAWN BV: WC Exh 1 44YtfCE°ke teg')858£LY66 fl112.3RA.3011 Graphic lJ851gn wwwJeoAvocYmrom wwa•.enginreringven[ureccmm CHECKED BY: KW No Text l I N APPROX LIMITS OF FILL ' TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH. REFER TO LANSCAPE V a' ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR 4. g SEED MIX. BRIDGE DECK ELEVATION = . 2223 313.00 .'XJ10.123 CONCRETE APPROACH RAMP Of' (10' X 10') a W/EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH SEE DETAIL SHEET 41C1.7 CONCRETE ABUTMENT WITH WING WALLS. REFER TO I REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS BRIDGE AND RAMP DETAILS I 1r'+. 310 wt e2 -- I f 1 X ,f e7 BRIDGE DECK ELEVATION = 1 312.50 CONCRETE ABUTMENT WITH WINGWALLS. REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS. �( d CONCRETE APPROACH (10' X 10) 10.. W/EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH SEE DTL 41C1.7 a " - 20 I a X 309:77 d OF APPROX LIMITS OF TOPSOIL, SEED AND MU .."................. ......... REFER TO LANSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR C SEED MIX. �1 G (P m v A z GRAPHIC SCALE / forla� c1xe 6 eh24f°. 36- MULTI —USE BRIDGE PLAN CONIC. APPROACH (10') BRIDGE SPAN 121. 1 GONG. APPROACH (101 320 315 310 DATUM ELEV 305.0 ............... ....,,.... ........ ......... ... ....6'.CONCRETERAMP.. .._.......,. ...._... ...,...,......,,..... _... ... ...ST ... ......._ L.BEAMS.._,.... _ _... _ _...... _ ............ . ...... .. .. ........ ........ ......... ......... ...... . .,... AT4% MAX 'FILL PER TYPICAL'SE'CTION: . .......... ..................� ............pa, ... ......' MULTI -USE PATH: 4% MAX E.:. .... .. .... .............. .... ...... ......... .......... EXISYING GRADE .... ............ _ _ O..NOGRDUND�OISTURBAMCE.... .... GRADE) g ..PERMI7TEL{1N.... ZEXISTIN .. ARFAI........ ..... .......... ................. W..........THIS W 01 o J wt I MULTI —USE BRIDGE AND APPROACH PROFILE PERMIT REVIEW scALL 1 = 5' (e) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION = 1' 5' M DUMONT PARCEL LandWorks Architecture Multi -Use Path Bridge 208Rn A—,S.i.2Aes North Woods zoezayMA.e°°rs°gym zA Ecological Consulting B°Iiq..,W05401 REVISIONS: — — DATE: May,R. 20„ BDAW1, As Ndad DRAWING NUMBER: «✓" ".'a $ouLh Burlington, VT 2zs Mepi,s .t Mddlcb VT051Si Planning "'1' �,3RR3°1, Plan and Profile P: 802.8464107 PH028636225 hnp:i/M+� nha du iogic°I.mm �.°�I°tt°�°°°�°� — DRAWN BY: WC Cl Scut y, .,_ yk8$ Graphic Design ,M.-I�ym.mm CHECKED BY: KW ■Landscape PAVED ` UNPAVED (PAVEMENT, SIDEWALKS) REFER TO APPLICABLE DETAIL FOR LENGTH OF OPEN TRENCH SHALL BE PAVEMENT AND PAVEMENT SUBBASE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. 4' LOAM SEEDS MULCH OVERFILL FOR SETTLEMENT COMPACTED IN 8' 6 '.^-1; � r / ! � \ METALLIC WARNING TAPE MAX. LIFTS TO 95% n UNDISTURBED EARTH MODIFIED OPTIMUM v DENSITY SUITABCTED IN TO TRENCH � COMPACTED IN 77 UFTS TO BACKFILL SUITABLE NATIVE �� '\ 92% MODIFIED OPTIMUM MATERIAL y�� �A DENSITY �K'�,*,i 3/4' CRUSHED STONE MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS, FREE OF 1 �\' PARTICLES GREATER THAN V INRIAL 17 MIRAFI 140 GEOTEXTLLE FABRIC 84CNFILL SPRING LINE o NAUNCHING BEDDING 6" PIPE BEDDING AND HAUNREQUIREMENTS NT CRUSHED STONE MEETINGG REQUIREMENTS OF EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE, O.D. 24' IF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS MATERIAL, INVERT AND SLOPE REMOVED, REPLACE WITH MATERIAL REVIEWED BY ENGINEER STORM TRENCH NOTES 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ASSUME CLASS 'C' SOILS. PERFORM ALL EXCAVATIONS TO OSHA REQUIREMENTS. 2. BEDDING TO PROVIDE A FIRM STABLE CONTINUOUS AND UNIFORM SUPPORT FOR THE FULL LENGTH OF PIPE. 3. WHEN APPLICABLE INSTALL PIPE WITH BELL ENDS DOWN SLOPE. PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING NEW STORM DRAIN SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, 4. NO MECHANICAL TAMPERS SHALL BE USED DIRECTLY OVER PIPE TO INSURE PIPE IS NOT DAMAGED. 5. REFER TOINSULATION DETAIL FOR AREAS WHERE PROPER COVER CAN NOT BE ACHIEVED. 6. BACKFILL SHALL BE OF A SUITABLE NATIVE MATERIAL REMOVED FROM EXCAVATION EXCEPT WHERE OTHER MATERIAL IS SPECIFIED. DEBRIS, FROZEN MATERIAL, LARGE CLODS OR STONES, ORGANIC MATTER OR OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE USED FOR BACKFILL. TYPICAL STORM DRAIN TRENCH DETAIL SCALE: NONE ' PAVED UNPAVED _ METALLIC WARNING TAPE INSULATION INPAVED AREAS: \ INSULATIONIN UNPAVED AREAS'. COVER INSUL WIDTH I INSUL THICKNESS COVER NSULWIDTH INSULTHICKNESE 03' LOWER DRAIN0'-Z SEE PLAN 3'.w 6'HP 3' 2'J' 6'ir 3' 4'i' 44' 7 3'-V 4'A' 7 > I NO INSUL REDUIRED 6' NO INBUL REQUIRED L RIGIDINSULATION(EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE) LAP ALL SEAMS. REFER TO APPLICABLE TABLE FOR WIDTH AND THICKNESS. TRENCH NOTES 1. REFER TO APPLICABLE TRENCH PETAL FOR SPECIFIC BACKFILL INFORMATION, INSULATION OVER SHALLOW DRAIN DETAIL 2 SCALE NONE CB FRAME AND GRATE FINISHED GRADE N� MORTAR (FOR CB' 8'} \ NOT IN PAVED AR&) 1 1a CONCRETE SLAB TOP FLEXIBLE BTIUMASIIC SEALANT -ALL JOINTS EXCAVATION UMR ( FLEXIBLE RUBBER BOOT OUT GRANULAR BACKFILL TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF EARTHRORK 5' IN. SPECIFICATIONS 9511 48' MIN. or EVENLY SPACE 8, 2' DIA PERFORATIONS IN THE BASES OF SELECTED STRUCTURES AS NOTED PRECAST MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE UNDISTURBED -- REWI EMENTS FEEARTHWDRK E MEETING THE MATER_ ,. - SPECIFICATIONS JI: a TJ CB. FRAME N PLAN ANL.f'1 D GRATE r FINISHED GRADE r( C.I. COMER NCRETE RISER AND - C.I RIM TO GRADE OP ENRVG OP FROM ST.1 CONCRETE BAFF REFER TO STRUCTURE SCHEDULE FOR PIPE SIZE, AND INVERT. SECTION UNDISNP-CZS ED � EXTEND STONE HMIN. OF PRETREATMENT TANK NOTES: EXTEND STONE A MIN.. 7. PRECAST TANK SHALL BERATED FOR H2O LOADING. ON ALL BIDES OFTANK. 2. TANK SHALL BE 3,000 GALLONS, 3. PERFORM LEAKAGE TESTING PER SECTION 333ODD.3A8D REMOVE AND REPLA EXISTING CONCRETE CA H BASIN WITH ST3. TIE IN ' EXISTING UNDERDRAIN INTO ST3 AND EXISTING OUTLET , cblutlet PIPE OUT OF SITS ' REUSE EXISTING \ OUTLET PIPE er 00 TO GRAVEL WE7V+ND STORMWATER PRE-TREATMENT TANK DETAIL n SCALE: NONC RIP -RAP, SEE NOTE 1. PIPE, SEE PLAN FOR SIZE, LENGTH LENGTH AND SLOPE rRIP-RAP, SEE PLAN NOTE 1. T- IF CULVERT IS GREATER THAN 10" IN DIAMETER, \ SEE SECURE CULVERT GRATE DETAIL.. PIPE, SEE PLAN FOR SIZE, LENGTH AND SLOPE FILTER FABRIC, WWI PIPE FLARED END SECTION WM OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT FLARED END SECTION WITH STONE OUTFALL FLARED END SECTION AND STONE OUTFALL NOTES 1. RIPRAP SHALL BE TYPE It STONE FILL (V.A.O.T.) FLARED END SECTION DETAIL SCALE'. NDNE r � FLARED END SECTION E DTL THIS SHEET SE GRAPHIC SCALE in 4✓N ABAt ...... . "• i r .. 1 inch = 10 r4 \ I / .._ . .. mT .beet size 24" x 38" l STRUCTURE SCHEDULE PROPOSED GRAVEL WETLAND ST1 ST2 5 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED PE -TREATMENT TANK PROPOSED OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE RIM = 309.30 RIM = 309.20 RIM - 308.20 INV OUT(12' HOPE) = 3D7.42 W IN (12' HOPE FROM STi) = 307.30 INV IN (8' PVC) - 305.50 INV OUT (12' HOPE TO ON) = 307.20 INV OUT 18'(PVC) - 305.45 (TIE TO EXISTING - VIT) GRAVEL PATH (SHOULDERS TOP OF BERM TOP OF 8' PERF HOPE RISER WICAP (2) ELEV= 308.75 OVERFLOW WEIR ELEV=30825 NEW OUTLET CONTROL\ STRUCTURE ST3 \ PEA GRAVEL \\\\ (VTR4N5704.O1A,{'STONE) N 8' WETLAND SOIL 3 TOP O 7 r " 07RE66 EL - 3W.66 WP sk 307.66 307.0 EXIST 18' PVC INV 305.45(VIR 3060 1 8' PVC PIPE AT 1% -I DRAINAGE STONE (MEETING VTRANS 70402C, 1STONE) MIRAFI 140 N (OR APPROVED EO ' 6^ SOLID HOPE PIPE TOP OF 8" HOPE PERF RISER WICAP (2) PROVIDE 4' MIN, TOPS OIL, SEED AND EROSION CONTROL NETTING HOPE FROM PRETREATMENT UNIT (ST2) MIRAFl 14ON (OR APPROVED EQUAL) \ I. IERF. HOPE DRAINAGE STONE (MEETING VTRANS 704,02C, 1? STONE) CATCH BASIN NOTES 1. PROVIDE A LEEIARON 24'124' TYPE E OR EQUAL 3 RANGE GRATE AND FRAME NEXT TO CURBS AND 4 RANGE GRATE AND FRAME AT ALL DTHER LOCATIONS 2. CATCH BASIN AND GRATE SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR H2O LOADING. GRAVEL WETLAND SECTION 6 CATCH BASIN DETAIL SCALE NONE PERMIT REVIEW SCALH NONE 3 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISIONS: DRAWING NUMBER: DUMONT PARCEL LandWorks Gravel Wetland and Details Engineering Ventures 208 LTlynn Avenue, Sulro 2A North Woods - Ecological Consulting DATE: M-y 19,-17 $oath BuilinglOn, VT ATChIIBCTUTO Mi MnPIASvicel LandsPlanning Planning 229 pk VT05]53 Bur0ngroq VT, 05GI1 P: BD2.6w,, V5 WWw<ngmAed enm nm - p; 6112.846.4107 hn9 2.846. nortM1wa,dveu�logicel.mm SCALE: AB No ea DRAWN BY: WC southliurllugi4 ............. .3663nIO Graphic Design ra P g .lasdwo,ksn.mm _ CHECKED BY: KW N TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH WITH - NATIVE SEED MIX - SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHRECT'S PLAN. REINFORCED BASE WITH TOPSOIL WIDTH VARIES. SEE PLAN 3' TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH WITH NATIVE SEED MIX- SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN. 2% MODIRED) PATHWAY CONSTRLCTRN NOTES: PATH WIDTH VARIES. SEE PLAN 6" FINE CRUSHED GRAVEL 12" COARSE CRUSHED GRAVEL SUB -BASE I. a et ­u 1.o ur IJ wVu uUrvll-H� I tU IU YJ10 MAIIMUM UtNJI I Y rv.:WNU 1IU-IM LL1-1 MODIFIED PROCTOR. 2. CONTRACTOR TO GRADE FINISH SURFACEAT 2% CROSS -SLOPE, FOLLOWING EXISTING CROSS -SLOPE 3. FINISH SURFACE TO. BE INSTALLED AT 6' ABOVE EXISTING GRADE(TYP.), MAXIMUM OF 12-AT BOARDWALK RAMPS AND PATHWAY INTERSECTIONS, PATHWAY MATERIAL NOTES: 1. SHUR-PAC MATERNAL TO BE WHITCOMB,SHUR-PAC, PRODUCT I47. MULTI -USE GRASS/GRAVEL PATHWAY SECTION SCALE: NONE 1 10' (PATHWAY WITHIN PARK) 12' (RESIDENTLAL GRAVEL DRIVE PER PLAN) 7 SHLMRA^ B'RE CRUSHED GRAVEL 17 TOPSOIL SEED AND MULCH WITH GRAV COVE CRUSHED ED NATIVE SEED MIX -SEE LANDSCAPE GRAVEL9JBBASE ARCHITECT'S PLAN. -- -- --- -- - -,-� MIRAFI 500X STABILIZATION FABRIC UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED FILL(95k ' OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MODIRED) 12"MI PATHWAY CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. ALL SUBBASE MATERIALS SHALL BE PLACED IN 6' UFTS AND COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY ACCORDING TO ASTM D-1557 (MODIFIED PROCTOR). 2. CONTRACTOR TO GRADE FINISH SURFACE AT 2% GROSS -SLOPE, FOLLOWING EXISTING CROSSSLOPE 3. FINISH SURFACE TO BE INSTALLED AT 6'ABOVE EXISTING GRADE(TYPJ,MAXIMUM OF 12" AT BOARDWALK RAMPS AND PATHWAY INTERSECTIONS, PATHWAY MATERIAL NOTES: 1. SHUR-PAC MATERIAL TO BE WHITCOMB, SHUR-PAC, PRODUCT M47. MULTI -USE GRAVEL PATHWAY SECTION 2 STALE NONE TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH WITH NATIVE SEED MIX -SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN. S7 EXISTING GRADE MIRAFI 5DOX STABILIZATION FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. TOPSOIL SEED AND MULCH WITH NATIVE SEED MIX - SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLAN. L - - - iN's AT Vr OC.; EACH WAY MULTI -USE PATH SURFACE. U REFER TO TYPICAL DETAIL MIRAR 500X FIL 1. CONCRETE TO BE 40000 WITH 66 R ENTRAINMENT. 2. PROVIDE EXPOSED AGGREGATEF N USING WHRCOMB 3B'MINUS AGGREGATE 3. REFER TO LAYOUT PLAN FOR SIZE LOCATION. 4 PLACE A LA E S4WCUT JOIN 1I8 WIDE DAT LEAST 1130E THE DEPTH AT S'SPACING. OR AS NOTED ON PLANS CONCRETE APPROAC RAMP DETAIL 4 SCALE: NONE 7TOPMSEEOANDMULCH 3"SHLR4'AC B'RNE CRUSHED GRAVE IIINECRUBNED-0. COARSECRUSHED 17COARSE CRUSH:O G RAVELSUBBASE / / GR4VELEU.E UNNSTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED FILL M DIF ED) REINFORCED TURF GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ALL SUBBASE MATERIALS SHALL BE PLACED IN 6-LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY ACCORDING TO ASTM D-1557 (MODIFIED PROCTOR). IBY STREET ACCESS TURF AND GRAVEL TURNAROUND SECTION 6GNENON s �`�---yu 4X4 TOE RAIL WITH 72"CHAMFER FLUSH GRANITE Q� 318'X8'STAINLESS STEEL LAG SCREW AND WASHER, TYP.. CURBING(8' LONG) g I FLUSH GRANITE CURBING(B LONG) (2) PER CONNECTION - COUNTERSUNK TO BE FLUSH WITH SURFACE 3W I 2X4X8" SPACERS(EQ. SPACED, APPROX 4' OC) HELICAL ANCHOR ' 514" DECKING (RANDOM WIDTH) 3' SHUR-PAC WITH BENT PLATE (TYP OF 4 PER 1S' SPAN) (4) 2 %12 PRESSURE TREATED JOISTS (EQ. SPACED) -1-112' CRUSHED STONE zMi 11 ��- '• IRAFI 140N GEOTE* ILE FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT FLUSH GRANITE CURBING e'LONG \ \r` -LIMITSOFWETLANDS j FLUSHGRANITE- CURBING(8'LONG) VERTICAL I8'x Ir BILL GRANITE CURB CENTERED ON () TIERED BOARDWALK WETLAND HORIZONTAL IS- X 6" X B'(L) GRANITE CURB, CENTERED ON BOARDWALK COARSE CRUSHED GRAVEL EXTEND 12' BEYOND EDGE OF CURBING PATHWAYCONSTRUCTION NOTES: 7. EXCAVATE BABE MATERIAL AND SUBBASE MATERIAL IF INADEQUATE. 2. COMPACT ALL FILL MATERIAL TO 95% OPTIMUM DENSITY. MATERIAL NOTES 1. JOISTS TO BE STRUCTURAL SELECT, PRESSURE TREATED 2. DECKING MATERIAL TO BE BLACK LOCUST. DECKING TO BE RANDOM WIDTH Dr. 8-APPROX) 3. TOE RAIL AND SPACERS TO BE EASTERN WHITE CEDAR (FULL DIMENSIONAL, ROUGH SAWN) DEDUCT ALTERNATE: PROVIDE WHITE CEDAR DECKING MATERIAL. BOARDWALK PROFILE AT GRAVEL FOOTPATH CONNECTION 3 SCALE MINE JL _Iff `IL III HE CALANCHOR - t (TYP OF 4 PER 16 SPAN) BOARDWALK CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL IDENTIFY AND STAKE THE LIMITS OF WETLAND AT BOARDWALK CROSSING PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE I6'CENTER SPAN OF THE BOARDWALK IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO BE ABLE TO INSTALL EACH OF THE HELICALANCHORS WITHOUT DISTURBING THE WETLAND. 3. ADJACENT LENGTHS OF BOARDWALK AND GRANITE CURBING TO BE INSTALLED AT MAX GRADE OF 5% TO MEET GRAVEL FOOTPATH. I TYPICAL BOARDWALK PLAN AND PROFILE 6 SCALE: XUE EARTHWOR (NOTES WIDTH AS NOTED ON PLANS 3" SHUR-PAC 1. PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WILL BE HELD WITH THE CONTRACTOR, TOPSOIL, SEEOA OWNER, AND PROJECT ENGINEER TO REVIEW PROCEDURES, IDENTIFY RESPONSIBILITIES, UNLESS STATED "DEPTH OF 1-U2' CR NED APE MULCH SEE LANDSCAPE OTHERWISE, ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF STONE ARCHITECTS PLAN FOR ViRANS SPECIFICATIONS. 2% SEED MIX.(TVP.) 2. COMPACTION OF ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED USING VIBRATORY ROLLERS AND WATER IN LIFTS OF x r NO GREATER THAN SIX INCHES. COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE REQUIRED DENS17Y IS ',u a EXSTNGGRADE .- ACHIEVED. DENSITY SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ASTM D2922 AND SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE REQUIRED gr.�-4 �I"�` ye �^; AMOUNT AS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D1557. 4. COMPACTION TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR EVERY LAYER OF MATERIAL PLACED AND FOR EVERY 1000 s eY i, 12'MIN MIRAR 140N GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, PATHWAY CONSTRUCTION NOTES: PROVIDE 18" OVERLAP. 1. ALL SUBBASE MATERIALS SHALL BE PLACED IN 6' LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY ACCORDING TO ASTM 0-1557 (MODIFIED PROCTOR). 2. CONTRACTOR TO GRADE FINISH SURFACE AT 2% GROSS -SLOPE, FOLLOWING EXISTING CROSS -SLOPE. 3. FINISH SURFACE TO BE INSTALLED AT V ABOVE EXISTING GRADE(TYPJ, MAXIMUM OF 12'AT BOARDWALK RAMPS AND PATHWAY INTERSECTIONS. PATHWAY MATERIAL NOTES: i. SHUR-PAC MATERIAL TO BE WHITCOMB, SHUR-PAC, PRODUCT #47. GRAVEL FOOTPATH SECTION Sf1NE NONE SQUARE FEET OF AREA 5. ALL WORK SHALL MEET THE LATEST EDITION OF THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION' AS PUBLISHED BY VTRANS. B PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 40 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT, NOR WHEN THE ROAD BASE TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 40 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. PAVEMENT SHALL NOT FALL BELOW IBE DEGREES FAHRENHEIT PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF ROLLING. PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SUBGRADE IS FROZEN OR THE GRADES ARE INCORRECT. 7. ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL. B. THE SEEDING OF 3:1 OR GREATER SLOPES SHALL REQUIRE THE USE OF EROSION CONTROL MATTING. 9. ALL EARTHWORK MATERIALS SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM APPROVED SOURCES. THEY SHALL CONSIST OF SATISFACTORILY GRADED, FREE DRAINING MATERIAL, REASONABLY FREE FROM LOAM, SILT, CLAY AND ORGANIC MATERIAL. EARTHWORK MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING TABLES: A SAND BLANKETIBEDDING: SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES 21NCHE$ 100 1-112ING ES 90-100 1121NCH 70-1DO NOL1 60.100 N0. 1. 0-20 NO, 200 0.8 B. 314" CRUSHED STONE: SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES UNDSTURBEDSOU 11NCH iDO 314INCHES 9D-1DD -- _ 117 NTUNNWSWFAANGCOURSE. 318INCH 2O-55 -_- --- - TYPEM VA0T069 NO.4 0.10 ' Y BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE. NO.B C. 1117 CRUSHED STONE: SIEVE DESIGNATION 0-5 PERCENT BYWEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES tYP"cil. vnor4oBD3 1INCH H 100 6'FNE CRUSHEDGRAYEL 11121ACH 90-100 1 INCH 2O-55 - - •---- T� 1Y CWJISE CAUSN�GWAVEI 3141NCH 3181NCH 0.15 0-5 - D. COARSE CRUSHED GRAVEL: SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES COAT WITH EMULSION MN. 4INCHES 95-100 WHEN BUTTING UP TO \ NO.4 25.50 EXISTING PAVEMENT ` MIRAFI 50OX STABILIZATION FABRIC NO. 100 0"12 OR APPROVED EOMYALENL NO.200 0-6 E. FINE CRUSHED GRAVEL: SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES 5 2 INPAVEMENT 100 PATCHING NOTES 1-8IN 1-CHE5 90.100 1. IN ALL PAVEMENT AREAS TO BE PATCHED, SAW CUT AND REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT. N0.4 30-60 2, EXCAVATE BASE MATERIAL AND SUBBASE MATERIAL IF INADEQUATE. NO. 100 0-12 3. COMPACT ALL FILL MATERIAL TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. NO.200 O.6 F. GRANULAR BACKFILL SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES 31NCHES 100 212INCHES 90-100 TYPICAL PAVEMENT DETAIL NO .0 4oii g No. 2o0 C.B SCALE: NONE G. TYPE I STONE FOR STONE FILL 2 X 12 PRESSURE TREATED JOIST (2) Y8"0 BOLTS B• e HSS2ja"12y'xy \\\ B'41�ki'-0"BENT PLATE Jr B ANGLED HELICAL ANCHOR FOR LATERAL SUPPORT, PER MANUFACTURER. SECTION HELICAL ANCHOR PROVIDE ELEVATION BOLT THROUGH TUBE AND - ANCHOR, COORDINATE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER THE LONGEST DIMENSION OF THE STONE SHALL VARY FROM 1 INCH TO 12 INCHES, AND AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE VOLUME OF THE STONE IN PLACE SHALL HAVE A LEAST DIMENSION OF FOUR INCHES. H. TYPE 11 STONE FOR STONE FILL THE LONGEST DIMENSION OF THE STONE SHALL VARY FROM TWO INCHES TO 36INCHES, AND AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE VOLUME OF THE STONE IN PLACE SHALL HAVE A LEAST DIMENSION OF 12 INCHES, 1. DRAINAGE AGGREGATE: SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES 1 INCH 100 W41NCH 90-100 3181NCH 2O-55 No .4 60. 1DO N0. 100 0-10 NO. O5 SECTION BELOW APPLIES SECTION BELOW APPLIES WHEN IN ROAD Qi WHEN CROSS COUNTRY TRENCH LIMB. - 2' iGRAVEN SUBBASE i y / e. 3"CONCRETE ALL AROUND TRENCH GRADE - LOAM AND SEED - NO ROCK SHALL PROJECT INSIDE OF TRENCH LIMITS - WARNING TAPE "CAUTION: ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW" - CLEAN BACKRLL COMPACTED TO 90%MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY - 3" SAND ALL AROUND HELICAL ANCHOR CONNECTION UNDERGROUND LIGHTING TRENCH g 10 SCNE:NONE srueNONE PERMIT REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISIONS: D''It tlOw,� PARCEL 1 ���/{�,O�L� Engineering Ventures North Woods DATE: M1111, 2117 DRAWING NUMBER: t M N ARCGL L d n Path and Site Details and Notes 2DBPITM A.e��r S.Ira 2A Ecological Consulting SCALE, Aa NMI /� .. South Burlington, VT Landscape Architecture 226MzhN 5trcn F: 802.gron V'T, 05401 P: BD2.a46.am7 / 1 . g Mid"( VT P.802.863.6225 DRAWN BY: WC ■V Planning a. nmnnwo�a mFoglcal.«m stmthbLr�icLglo Graphic n .iBR.3DI1 .�aBm« a al me m _ ___ xs P 9 .lenma'e�ksm-mm CHECKED BY: KW