HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-78-0000 - Supplemental - 0101 0115 Holmes RoadCity of South Burlington 1175 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 f �'•.,,_ •,,•'' TEL. 863-2891 February 17, 1978 Air. Maurice Boisvert Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Dear Mr. Boisvert: This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving your final plat application, for a two lot residential subdivision, at its meeting of February 14, 1978. The minutes of the meeting are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your approval. These conditions, plus the requirements of the subdivision regulations which are applicable to the approved final plat, must be satisfied prior to the issuance of any building permits. Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page Planner SSP/cbp Enclosure PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 14, 1 78 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room, Iunicipal Offices, 1175 Williston Rd. Members Present William Wessel, Chairman; Ernest Levesque (late), David Morency (late), Sidney Poger, George Mona, Kirk Woolery, James Ewing Others Present Stephen Page, Planner; George-Voland, The Other Paper; William Schuele, Maurice Boisvert, Milton Gill, Robert Perry, W. Spenser Baker, Scott Hallock, Dick Trudell, Frank O'Brien, Rene Racine, Lucille Racine, Robert Krebs, Ronald Schmucker, Daniel O'Brien, Michael Weissman, Leo O'Brien, Jr., William N.syette, Wendell Hawley, C. Lewis Spinelli, Rowland Peterson, Pat and Linda Sullivan, Paul Casey, Harry Piccini, Harold Mleshket, Appleton King, Tom Sissel, Janet and William Mayette, Joseph King, Michael and David Brassard, Bob Larson, Minutes of February 7, 1978 This meeting was not held due.to bad weather. Public hearing, final plat, Boisvert 2 lot subdivision on Holmes Road Extension Mr. Frank O'Brien represented Mr. Boisvert. Mr. Page said that this was a minor subdivision and that both lots were served by municipal sewer. The water will come from a well on the property. A single family home will be built and access to the lake will be through a narrow strip of land. Mr. Poger asked Mr. Page to find out how a property owner who had water from his own well was taxed for the services of the city sewer, since the tax is measured by how much water goes into a house. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat of Maurice Boisvert, for s 2 lot subdivision, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Proposed Subdivision for Yaurice_ 'Boisvert , by resell Consulting Engineers, dated M178, subject to the -"following stipulations: 1) Both lots shall be served by municipal sewer. 2) A private road and waiver agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of any permits. 3) Any sales agreement for lot 2 rust notify purchaser of non -conforming status of _Fie e- zist ng camp. The no -won -was seC6n_cT3-by-'rr, Mona and passed with Mr. Moreney, who had just arrived, abs-tainink-.' " At this point, yr. Ewing arrived. Public hearing, preliminary plat, Flight Inn 2 lot subdivision, and Norco Auto ` Parts site Tan— 17 SVi1lisron R� id Mr. Robert Perry represented Norco, and said that one of the existing curb cuts into the motel would be closed and there -would be one single 40' CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT OR SUBDIVISION PERMIT 1. Applicant's Name, Address, and Phone Number Maurice Boisvert, Box 145, Shelburne, Vermont 05482 985-2404 2. Name, AddrEss, and Phone Number of the Person Whom the Commission should contact regarding this Application Frank O'Brien, Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc., Route 2A, Box 308, Williston, Vermont 05495 879-6331 3 Nature of the Development or Subdivision 2 lot subdivision 4. Location.of Development or Subdivision Holmes Road 5. High and Low Elevations of the Tract of Land involved with the Development or Subdivision High - 130, Low 103 6. Address of each or the Applicant's Offices in Vermont N/A 7. Applicant's Legal Interest in the Property (ree Simple, Option, Etc.) Fee Simple - 2 - 8. If the Applicant is not an individual, the Form, Date, and Place of Formation of the Applicant FORM: DATE: PLACE: 9. Estimated Cost, Exclusive of Land Cost of the Development (Applicant for a Subdivision Need Not hswer) N/A 10. Application for a Subdivision, the Number of Lots 2 11. What Restrictive Covenants are Planned for any Deed(s) to be issued? 12. Description of the Proposed Development of Subdivision A. Plans and Specifications: (1) Attach a detailed plat or plot plan of the proposed project drawn to scale, showing the location and dimensions of the entire tract. This plan should also show: all lots, streets, roads, water lines, sewage systems, drain systems, buildings, existing or intended. (2) In subdivisions where individual water and sewage facilities are intended, indicate the proposed location(s). (3) Show all easements, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial, existing or intended. (4) Include a contour may of the land involved drawn on a scale of 5 foot contour intervals. (5) Indicate on the plans the location and width of any easements for utilities, roads, etc., exist- ing or intended. Attach a written explanation of any such easements. -3- 13. What is the purpose of this Subdivision or Development and What is the intended use of the land after Subdivision or Development? 1 single family dwelling to be built on Lot 1 14. Describe the Site of the Proposed Development or Subdivis- ion including information, if available, on Soils, Streams or Other bodies of Water, Bedrocks, Etc. See plan. 15. Acreage: A. Number of acres owned, or in which you have a legal interest 3.6 B. Number of acres in this project C. 3.6 Number of acres previously developed None D. When do you anticipate beginning the project N/A F. When will this development or subdivision be completed N/A 16. Water System: A. What type of water system is to be provided, such as: Individual system on each d oot, community system, municipal system, etc. B. Where is the nearest municipal water system and is it available and feasible to use it? 800, Not available 17. Sewage System: A. I -hat type of sewage disposal system is to be provided or intended, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, or municipal system? Municipal system. - 4 - B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? Available C. If the sewage system is other than a community, municipal, or individual lot septic tank and leaching field, include competent professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners. Michael Weissman, Holmes Road, South Burlington, Vt. Thomas Farrell, Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vt. B. What is the adjacent property used for at present? Camps and undeveloped land. C. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? Unknown 19. Zoning: A. Which'District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? R1 MAURICE �BOOISVERT DATE �F i �7 SIGNATUP,E A 7 TiD'.iINI STRAT IV E CHECKLIST PPICJECT lI a E/FILE R 4 FERENCE Qi //�/ P V 1. LEri'TER OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDINGS & ORDER 2. ^ONDING OR ESCR011 AGREEMENTS LAHDSCAP ING 11 7 • Ft0rJJS i ELKS (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREE114ENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, AND PERMITS GRANTM & SITE INSPECTIONS COMPLETED.._. ETC.: 4. UTILITY EASE?AL°NTS *, BILLS OF SALE RECORDED ACC E.I T -, D 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6 . R0IAD 'AYS STRE �. PIR�TE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT 7. FINAL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - STAMPED , SIGNED, & FILED OR RECORDED 8. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED 9. MIS-C_' LANEOUS AGlZF .NlENTS LAND FOR ROAD ':fIDE?�IING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER 10. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CH;i NGE I24 PROPERTY LINES P A I �DAT_ 2cl ' L�GI.iI IG IrrSP• -- FcECR_.,.=-i'ION (t;- CO— J CALCUL TIO1, S A.I�e\D DEPOSIT 1 V ACCOU' T) 1'f S Y '161 - k i.e., •O�� L.�:�t�. E�%.T�iJ:�T I0.7: SCHOOL KIDS CriR COUNTS o- rY' nrr�`i„ Mate of Vermont _ AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Montpelier, Vermont 05602 DIVISION OF PROTECTION Department of Fish and Game Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Protection Natural Resources Conservation Council Mr. Maurice Boisvert Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Dear Mr. Boisvert: Ill West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 February 21, 1978 Application # EC4-0397 On behalf of the Protection Division of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, I acknowledge receipt of your application for a single family residence in South Burlington. The application was received by this office on February 17, 1978. You will be notified promptly of any decisions made on this appli- cation. Sincerely, Paul Duchesneau Regional Engineer cc: Planning Commission So. Burlington March 13, 1DM idr. Richard Ward Zoning MUA—iistrative Officer South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Bear Sir, I would like to respond to your latter of February 17, 1978 in reference to filling on my property on Holmes Road. Nearly all the fill was placed adjacent to the building to replace soil that eroded in years past. I was trying to fillnext to the foundation to prevent water damage in the spring. I was not aware that I was in conflict with any zoning regulations nor did I intend to be. When informed by Steve .Page that this was, in his opinion, prohibited, all filling was stopped. I would like to discuss with you the possibility of draining the low portion of the property and adding a little topsoil so that a lawn or ground cover could be started. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have in this regard. My apologias for any inconviences that this may have caused. Sincerely, Maurice Boisvart Y.O. Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 L PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, Feb. 14 , 197$, at 7:30 p.m., to consider the following: Final plat application of Maurice Boisvert for �gUbdivision of a parcel of 3.6 acres into 2 lots of 1.0 and 2.6 acres each, on Holmes Road Extension. The proposed subdivision is —bounded on the west by Lake Champ ain, o1L_t e rthd east b lands of Thomas Farrell, and on tbg South by lands of Michael Weissman. - Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William B. Wessel, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission L Thomas Farrell Box 85 Winooski, Vermont 05404 Michael Weissman 115 Holmes Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 un — C�u- ? /n►�rt- To jo(�JAA H(sr C40IN4 OH 3 5) Nordic Realty Lighting Plan A revised plan, showing a lighting scheme which conforms to the requirements of the ordinance, will be presented. 6) Boisvert 1 Lot Subdivision This is a minor subdivision, city sewer is being proposed. Since there is a large pulley on the proposed lot, the submission of contour information is essential to evaluate the usable area of the lot, as well as the extent of the CO District on it. Private right-of-way approval is required. 7) Victory Property - Proposed Residential Project A very similar proposal for this project was reviewed in June, 1976. 'Because of the lack of capacity in the Airport Parkway treatment plant, I feel a lenghty review of the physical setting, proposed layout, etc., would be useless at the present time. City of South Burlington 1175 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 ti-�.�,•� TEL 863-2891 February 17, 1978 Mr. Maurice Boisvert P.O. Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Dear Mr. Boisvert: Mr. Page informed me that you are filling on a parcel of land located off Holmes Road west of the railroad tracks. Be advised that filling with any earth products, except when incidental to or in connection with the construction of a building, requires approval of the City's Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission. No permit has been issued for any building nor has approval been granted for filling. Due to this fact you are in direct violation of the City's Zoning Regulations. It is my understanding that you were informed by Mr. Page some time ago. If you plan to continue filling we suggest you obtain proper approval otherwise we will be forced to take necessary legal action. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. Thank you for your co-operation. Yours truly, Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer RW/cbp Memorandum - South Burlington Planning Commission February 10, 1978 Page II Business Park North Comments regarding conformance to zoning regulations were provided in memorandum dated December 13, 1977. These are in addition to that memo: Lot 1, 2,& 3 appear to have no physical problems, these can be developed in total conformance. Lot #2 has a setback requirement of 100 feet from centerline of stream. Lot 4 appears to have many site problems, setbacks, deep racines, question whether this is a buildable lot. Lot 5,6, & 7 appear to have sewerage disposal problems. If on -site disposal is considered, based on the percolation information submitted, suggest a "treatment system" be designed to sewer these lots. Recommend that lot #7 be provided access entirely off Industrial Park Road. Lot 't-8 has setback problem (boundaries of C.O. District sub -section 3 page 32) appears that a waiver is required. Lot T#9 will require a waiver from Section 11.00 (minimum lot frontage) or a permanent easement a minimum of 20 feet approved by Planning Commission. Lot �1) appears to have slope problems, plans showing final grade should be submitted. Boisvert Subdivision Area zoned Residential 1 District and Conservation Open Space District (minor stream - 50 feet set -back) Subdivision is conforming. Holmes Road is a private road requiring approval by Commission for land development (Section 11.35) Water will be on site (drilled well) sewer is being constructed and should be available to lot T1. Approval should be conditioned on the fact that municipal sewer is available. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Mr. William B. Wessel, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Wessel: VIM :cb P.O. BOX 108, 58 PEARL STREET ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT 05452 802 658-3004 January 30, 1978 This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of the following: 1. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; Scott Hallck and Spencer Baker, 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; Maurice Boisvert., 3. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR; David and Michael Brassard 4. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; Daniel O'Brien. Si eer ly, 7 P Victor I . orri n , III ASSOCIAT PLANNER ... Serving the Municipalities of ... Bolton Burlington Charlotte Colchester Essex Junction Essex Town Hinesburg Huntington Jericho Milton Richmond St. George Shelburne So. Burlington Underhill Westford Williston Winooski TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inc. 1 p..;,o Q�I77 Maurice Boisvert Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Telephone: 985-2404 ROUTE 2A BOX 308 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 879.6331 M E M O R A N D U M To; South Burlington Planning Commission From:William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Norco Auto Supply Site Plan Date:February 13, 1978 1. Profile of Airport Drive entrance shall be such that the elevation of the drive at property line is 3" above the crown of Airport Road to accomodate proposed future widening and curbs. 2. If the proposed building has a flat roof the roof drains shall be connected to the storm drain. 3. North lot shall be graded to the drain toward the proposed inlet or another inlet added. 4. Since the motel is to be remodeled to eliminate some toilets, this building will substitute for those eliminated as contribution to the sewerage anticipated. Re: Maurice Boisvert Subdivision J (Holmes Rd. Extension) Date: February 13, 1978 1. Sewer should be extended to serve this lot. Respectfully submitted, William J. Szymanski., City Manager State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT CASE No. EC-4-0397 APPLICANT Maurice Boisvert ADDRESS Box 145 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 :.0K=-v�- !5tD8c>svrb4o+4 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Vermont State Board of Health Regulations, Chapter 5, Sanitary Engineering, Sub- chapter 10, Part 1, Subdivisions This project, consisting of a single lot subdivision located off Holmes Road in South Burlington, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above, subject to the following conditions: (1) The subdivision must be completed as shown on the plans prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineering, Inc. on January 9, 1978, and which have been stamped "approved"'by the Division of Protection. No changes shall be made to the approved plans without prior written approval from the Agency of environmental Conservation. (2) The lot is approved for on -site water supply from a drilled or driven well provided that the well is located as shown on the plans and no closer than 100 feet to any subsurface wastewater disposal system. (3) The lot is approved for wastewater disposal by town sewers as authorized by the City of South Burlington. (4) Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan, the engineer's site report and the Land Use Permit before any written contract of sale is entered into. (5) This project has been reviewed and is approved for the construction of one single family residence on the approved lot. Construction of other type dwellings, including public buildings, duplexes and con- dominium units, is not allowed without prior review and approval of the Agency, and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 16th day of T4arch, 1978. Distribution: Applicant Permit Administrator So. Burlington Planning Comm. Trudell Consulting Engineers FOR TIIE DIVISION OF PROTECTION Paul Duchesneau, Regional Engineer Eric Blatt, Asst. Regional Engineer 2 �/7 8 S,_. SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - B011SVERT I move that the South 3urlington Planning Commission approve the final plat of Maurice 73oisvert, for a 2 lot subdivision, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Proposed Subdivision for Maurice Boisvert", by Trudell Consulting Engineers, dated 1/9/78, subject to the following stipulations: (1) Both lots shall be served by municipal sewer (2) A private road and waiver agreement shall be executed prior to issuance Of any permits. (3) The subdivision fee of/29 - shall be paid prior to issuance of any permits. (4) Any sales agreement for lot 2 must notify purchaser of non -conforming status of the existing camp. ........................ . 2, )/7 8 SSA SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - BOISVERT I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat of Maurice Boisvert, for a 2 lot subdivision, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Proposed Subdivision for Maurice Boisvert", by Trudell Consulting Engineers, dated 1/9/780 subject to the following stipulations: lBoth lots shall be served by municipal sewer .�T '_ (2) A private road and waiver agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of any permits. (3) The siTb issuanc s. for to (4) Any sales agreement for lot 2 must notify purchaser of non -conforming status of the existing camp. �_ �>Lj Lj�5-e�-, L-Co U-I�a 1%." No Text '6 -r�