HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0015 Holmes Roadsouthburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP- - (otficeuse only) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑✓ Administrative ❑Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being reiected and a delay in the review before the DevelnnmPnr Ravia:, R„�r,a 1.OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Holmes Road Properties, Inc. 15 Holmes Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (P) 802-864-4422 (F) 802-864-9878 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): Vol.295 Pg.362 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): David M. Farrell 5 Holmes Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (P) 802-864-4422 (F) 802-864-9878 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax ft Chris Galipeau 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington VT 05403 (p) 802-864-2323 (f 802-864-2271 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: cgalipeau@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 15 Holmes Road South Burlington VT 05403 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0870-00015 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburf.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION General project description (explain what you want approval for): The project is a property line adjustment between #5 Holmes Road and #15 Holmes Road. #15 Holmes road is adjusting the parcel size from 2.11 ac. to 1.59 ac. and #5 Holmes Road will be adjusting the parcel size from 12.89 ac. to 13.41 ac. (a difference of 0.52 ac.) b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): There will be no changes to the existing uses on the the property c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): There will be no changes to the existing uses on the the property. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): There will be no changes to the existing square footage on the property. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): There will be no changes to the existing height of the building or the number of floors. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): No residential units are existing or proposed g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): There will be no change to the number of employees. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 S. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 69,470.4 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 10.9 % / 10,049 sq. ft. Proposed 14.5 % / 10,049 sq. ft- b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 29.2 % / 26,879 sq. ft. Proposed 38.7 % / 26,879 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 2.1 % / 1919 sq. ft. Proposed 2.8 % / 1919 sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 0 * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ N/A b. Landscaping: $ N/A c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): N/A 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N/A 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: N/A 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)' regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the cty's fee schedule. Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 171, and one digital (PDF-format) copy. Site Plan Application Form. Revi2-2oi i NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF 510NA RE OF APPLICANT n ERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 7 REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete inistrative Officer The applicant or perrnittee retains the obligation to identify, applyfor, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 i('' southb irlin to,1 PLANNING & ZONING August 3, 2016 David M. Farrell Farrell Distributing 5 Holmes Road So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Expiration of #SP-15-34, 15 Holmes Road Dear Mr. Farrell: Please be advised that site plan approval #SP-15-34 issued to you on 06/04/15 to reduce the size of the lot at 15 Holmes Road from 2.11 acres to 1.59 acres became null and void on 12/04/15. This approval became null and void due to noncompliance with condition #5 of said decision which required that a zoning permit be issued for the approved amendments within six (6) months of the date of the decision or the approval would become null and void. Therefore, since the property is currently in violation for having been reduced in size, you must resubmit a site plan review application for this project within the next 10 days. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincer - y, Ray and I B Iair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com #SP-15-34 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING DAVID M. FARRELL —15 HOLMES ROAD SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-15-34 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION David M. Farrell, hereinafter known as "applicant", is seeking site plan review to amend a previously approved plan for a light manufacturing facility. The amendment consists of reducing the size of the lot from 2.11 acres to 1.59 acres when the applicant subdivided off 0.52 acres of land which was added to the adjacent property (#AD-15-02), 15 Holmes Road. Based on the plans and materials contained in the document file for this application, the Administrative Officer finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Applicant David M. Farrell seeks site plan approval to amend a previously approved plan for a light manufacturing facility. The amendment consists of reducing the size of the lot from 2.11 acres to 1.59 acres when the applicant subdivided off 0.52 acres of land which was added to the adjacent property (#AD-15-02), 15 Holmes Road. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is Holmes Road Properties, Inc. 3. The application was received on May 19, 2015. 4. The subject property is located in the Commercial 2 Zoning District. 5. The plan submitted is entitled, "Existing Conditions Site Plan", prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated 4/01/15. 6. The project involves amending the site plan to reflect the reduction in size of the lot when the applicant subdivided off 0.52 acres of land which was added to the adjacent property (#AD-15-02). 7. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements C-1, R-15Zoning District Required/Max. Proposed Residential Density N/A N/A �l Max. Building Coverage 40% 14.5% �l Max. Overall Coverage 70% 38.70%/o Max. Front Yard Coverage 30% 26.5% V Min. Front Setback 30 ft. NO CHANGE � Min. Side Setback loft. 40 ft. #SP-15-34 � Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. 95 ft. ✓zoning compliance 14.06 Genera/ Review Standards The following genera/ criteria and standards shall be used by the Development Review Board in reviewing applications for site plan approval. They are intended to provide a framework within which the designer of the site development is free to exercise creativity, invention, and innovation while improving the visual appearance of the City of South Burlington, The Development Review Board shall not specify or favor any particular architectural style or design or assist in the design of any of the buildings submitted for approval, The Development Review Board shall restrict itself to a reasonable, professional review, and, except as otherwise provided in the following subsections, the applicant shall retain full responsibility for design, A. Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Due attention by the applicant should be given to the goals and objectives and the stated land use policies for the City of South Burlington as set forth in the Comprehensive P/an, B. Relationship of proposed Structures to the Site, (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Already existing; no changes proposed. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. (2) Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. Already existing; no changes proposed. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings, (4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansion shall, to the extent feasible, be underground, C. Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Area, (1) The Development Review Board shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics (e.g., rhythm, color, texture, form or detailing), landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural #SP-15-34 styles (2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures Already existing; no changes proposed. The Board finds these criteria satisfied. 14.07 Specific Review Standards A. Access to Abutting Properties. The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. No changes proposed. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. B. Utility Services Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground insofar as feasible and subject to state Public utilities regulations Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Already covered above. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. C. Disposal of Wastes. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). Small receptacles intended for use by households or the public (ie, non-dumpster, non -large drum) shall not be required to be fenced or screened. No dumpster enclosure proposed. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements. See Article 13, Section 13.06 Landscaping, Screening, and Street Trees Already existing; no changes proposed. The Administrative Officer finds this criterion satisfied. DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Administrative Officer herby approves site plan application #SP-15-34 of David M. Farrell, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. #SP-15-34 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plans submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. All exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting, shielded fixtures. Prior to the issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall provide the Administrative Officer cut -sheets of any new exterior light fixtures. 4. The plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plans shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to permit issuance. a. The site plan shall be revised to show one (1) handicapped parking space. b. The site plan shall be revised to show a bike rack. c. The site plan shall be revised to show snow storage area(s). d. The site plan shall be revised to show any existing trees and shrubs. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 17.04 of the Land Development Regulations or this approval is null and void. 6. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer on the effective date of the zoning permit. SigneWmonl �of �r'il N� 2015, by lair, Admin strative Officer PLEASE NOTE: Pursuant to 24 VSA §4465, an interested person may appeal this decision by filing a Notice of Appeal with the secretary of the Development Review Board. This Notice of Appeal must be accompanied with a $233 filing fee and be filed within 15 days of the date of this decision. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.879.5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. ,.0 GENERAL NOTES rt _ A'fiaw9M/E FASEMEM _ I _ - - - °M""�° sil" °m HOUES ROAD I1- - - PRO ,ERTIES, INC. II s1 ; EXISTING BUILDING � s I•eLLAADm wooD TulcH I /, � :nrFT.vwss /7 (D %d t .._ IN s / I 1. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjacent to the surveyed premises. Existing utility locations are approximate only. The Contractor shall field verify all utility conflicts. All discrepancies shall be reported to the Engineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (888-344-7233) prior to any construction. 2. All existing utilities not incorporated into the final design shall be removed or abandoned as indicated on the plans or directed by the Engineer. 3. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plans (with ties) for all underground util itles. Those plans shall be submitted to the Owner at the completion of the Project. 4. The Contractor shall repair/restore all disturbed areas (on or off the site) as a direct or indirect result of the construction. 5. All grassed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation is established. 6. Maintain all trees outside of construction limits. 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for complete and operable facilities and utilities. 8. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all items and materials incorporated into the site work. Work shall not begin on any item until shop drawing approval is granted. 9. In addition to the requirements set in these plans and specifications, the Contractor shall complete the work in accordance with all permit conditions and any local Public Works Standards. 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, walkways and lawn areas shall be 0.1 feet 11. Any dewatering necessary for the completion of the sitework shall be considered as part of the contract and shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 12. The Contractor shall coordinate all work within Town Road R.O.W. with Town authorities. 13. The Contractor shall install the electrical, cable and telephone services in accordance with the utility companies requirements. 14, Existing pavement and tree stumps to be removed shall be disposed of at an approved off -site location. All pavement cuts shall be made with a pavement saw. 15. If there are any conflicts or inconsistencies with the plans or specifications, the Contractor shall contact the Engineer for verification before work continues on the item in question. 16. If the building is to be sprinklered, backfiow prevention shall be provided in accordance with AWWA M14. The Site Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser detail. 17. This plan is not a boundary survey and is not Intended to be used as one. 18. Property line information abstracted from City of South Burlington Land Records and field survey conducted by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. August 2014. Monumentation recovered is consistent with recorded documents. 19. Site Information is based on a field survey performed by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc August 2014. Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. survey orientation is Grid North, Vermont coordinate system of 1983 (Horizontal) and NAVD88 (Vertical) Established from CPS Observations an site. Water line location is based on information provided by the town of South Burlington Water Department and field located structures. SUE ENGINEER: LEGEND - - APPROXIMATE PROPER1yLINE _0� - APPROXIMATE SETBACK LINE im OUSTING CONTOUR DUSTING CURB CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ING 10 LWRSRRD eEWUIW SOUMBURIIMGTON, VT Mile OUSTING FENCE 9(G-9lFT9t9 FAx 90Qd =71 web: wxw.cwM.00m ____-______ DUSTING GRAVEL WS77NO PAVEMENT 00 e* - DAA11r ______ DUSTING ELECTRIC ---e1--- ENS77AGFORCEMNN MAB ---a--- DUSTING GAS ---a--- DUS71NOSTORM CJG ---' OUSTING GRAVTTVSEWER AePDovso ---r--- DUSTING TELEPHONE SAV ---w--- DUSTING WATER OWNER: ...- DUSTING SWALE ® MANHOLE HOLMES ROAD ® DUSTING STORM MANHOLE O O EXISTING CATCH BASIN PROPERTIES, INC. EXISTING HYDRANT • DUSTING SHUT OFF EXISTING UTILNYPOLE 0 o EXISTINGLIGHTPOLE 15 HOLMES ROAD OUSTING OUT WIREIPOLE SOUTH BURLINGTON T DOSTM SIGN VERMONT t o� ENS77NG DECIDUOUS TREE DUSTING CONIFEROUS TREE PROJECT: EDGE OF BRUSHIWOODS O IRON RODIPIPE FOUND 11 CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND PROPOSED LOT ® GILCULATED Mfg LINE ADJUSTMENT HOLMES ROAD PROPERTY, INC. DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY 15 HOLMES ROAD REWD, E=ING PROPOSED SOUTH BURLINGTON LOT AREA 40,00o SF 1.e acres 1.6 acres VERMONT FRONT SETBACK 30 91, oil SIDE SETBACK 10 5T 57" so P REM SETBACK 30 40 40 _ BUILDING COVERAGE 40% 14.5% 14.5%- LOT COVERAGE 70% 38.7% 36.7% LOT FRONTAGE COVERAGE 30% 2e.5% 26.5% HOLMES ROAD PROPERTY, INC. PARKING SUMMARY 7 EXISTING TRUCK CAR FROM YARD 9 11 REAR & SIDE YARD 0 0 TOTAL 9 11 LOCATION MAP GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FECY ) I i-h = 30 ft. 1' = 2" EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN un DDAwaeT KUIlliffllI 0410112015 scan C1.0 1"=30' - se. 14188 r� I 1 01, f� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP-- (office use o ly) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑p Administrative El Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Holmes Road Properties, Inc. 15 Holmes Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (P) 802-864-4422 (F) 802-864-9878 2..LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): Vol.295 Pg.362 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): David M. Farrell 5 Holmes Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (P) 802-864-4422 (F) 802-864-9878 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Chris Galipeau 10 Mansfield View Lane South Burlington VT 05403 (p) 802-864-2323 (f) 802-864-2271 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: cgalipeau@cea-vt.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 15 Holmes Road South Burlinqton VT 05403 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0870-00015 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): The project is a property line adjustment between #5 Holmes Road and #15 Holmes Road. #15 Holmes road is adjusting the parcel size from 2.11 ac. to 1.59 ac. and #5 Holmes Road will be adjusting the parcel size from 12.89 ac. to 13.41 ac. (a difference of 0.52 ac.) b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): There will be no changes to the existing uses on the the property. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): There will be no changes to the existing uses on the the property. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): There will be no changes to the existing square footage on the property. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): There will be no changes to the existing height of the building or the number of floors. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): No residential units are existing or proposed. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): There will be no change to the number of employees. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 69,470.4 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 10.9 % / 10,049 sq. ft. Proposed 14.5 % / 10,049 sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 29.2 % / 26,879 sq. ft. Proposed 38.7 % / 26,879 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 2.1 % / 1919 sq. ft. Proposed 2.8 % / 1919 sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 0 * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ N/A b. Landscaping: $ N/A c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): N/A 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N/A 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: N/A 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (I V x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fe schedule. S ` / `� 711-t 1 Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ,SIGNA RE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OFIPROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: Administrative Officer PRINT NAME REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: %5 The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 CIVIL s1IrINEIRE tlllr ASOZ500CI M'So, 11 IC, 10 Mansfield View Lane Phone: 802-864-2323 South Burlington, VT 05403 Fax: 802-864-2271 E-Mail: maiWcea-vt.com June 17, 2015 Mr. Raymond Belair Administrative Officer City of South Burlington - Department of Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Application for Site Plan #SP-15-34 Holmes Road Properties, Inc. 15 Holmes Road, South Burlington, VT Dear Ray: In regards to the final decision for Holmes Road Properties, Inc., Site Plan Application #SP-15- 34, attached you will find approved plans with the following added revisions: • One handicapped parking space; • One bike rack; • Snow storage; • All existing trees and shrubs If you should require any additional information or should have any questions, please email me at mburke &cea-vt.com or call me at 864-2323 x304. Sincerely, Mary Ann Burke CAD Technician Attachments: 3 full size plans P:\AutoCADD Projects\2014\14186\3-Permitting\1-Local Applications\14186 Belair Letter-15 Holmes Rd Site Plan Final.doc June 4, 2015 Re: #SP-15-34 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six- 6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. :Sin4cer, ymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 3, 1995 Mr. Daniel Desautels NPC Processing Company 15 Holmes Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Sewer & Water Connection Dear Mr. Desautels: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that my records indicate that the Swift Company constructed the building located at 15 Holmes Road. The building was connected to municipal water and sewer in 1971. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, K_.��14-1 Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp S_ TUM AGREAMENT' m&de the de of L*w-uber, 1970* by ARt MOTOwa Ot Smth burtimsma, bortoir-after reftrre'd to a,,i TOWN, wW comft-Nly. a Del*wat* wl x3ratioa leg-` Sterc; 4a husbe-wi In the Am# of Wtdnatjw referrvJ w asSMPT. WMFLEAS. SWIFT has ap�tiej w do Town fom 'twat bubo to be kuowu as SVq I FT Z U&I FANY rZAL-B 4 f 11,VM dw of Holmes R�4d in the altd 1W4,RRjSAS. tbv 'Tuwu, t ttroUib tv#.-Piannlk- Comlal-,iwift, is WMILOSAJ9 a" **Icaftn4 swjt~c to -;ftUla lgft brit;. Is her*j agSOW44 ftbow-s: 17%U #Wleugh SVMThelicve4 0* wbdiviatop rogulatiot-,4 of tha Town 1 7 J", �N IFT wets tit in rQua-m Only to ar* wt aoplirANe or Wi thin 3tP41"tum *m It WLU comi Ay It ttle "G*Dual SUMM-Ston RefO&OMOM" p.-tv at, c d-4 mijb4 regulabout of tL. 6e-�xtn-.Lqw 2,il, 19,63, ts dime Amended, un"ws &sty vviv*d'jy acticm of Vit aky-nadasion or othmoxime wt forth t p this .-a, ii'Ieu 0!* Awl towtig ln�"V,)Veflldm in In uwmon, SVVIFT wl" .4th aid devej-,�iiaut. te, a va ive be us ed tht ti rmtrindm of Ow vaur _-K wber. extvne-�a wsir ws west pro pem aue. tt the -amz "f. ;;�T;tcwrhit 1. tNc �­ ater z4erAcc atm! 1 4173W vae pim 90 dvg3**4 w of water iiAiu. (4) lbgt �Wlz-'T is agreew:ut v: Jelay r"d ".d site mark unW toe gewor is tyk n1ace. ,d) That SWIFT is Urecawo to pvGtWing a a4eve for the -4myor line. Tho WICK, DiNSE 9]2gbwft 1* ID provide SVVT & CONIPANN in wrid & ALLEN A ng, tue SpecidCAU"S for ATTORNEYS AT LAW 813PLINGTON. VtRMONT WICK. DIN5L & ALLEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW BURU".TON. VERMONT 4"k ry at skoos, dWmWxbWj W"* and tm*rlt to Ow center lift of the 0sm. (0) Ttia SwIln's lar"3WAPing P14A.Wil1 be Submitted to the P168miag colami"Im fair &Moval. Any 1"tscaptag cast of the daftned (im of dw east prapIrty lias may be 4@4ayod umii 6c ll:catio�, of Plne -*,traet Extension to 4*MntbwdlF- I ` TbU Pil F 1' i-6 agreft ble to lAwring the cost of the oxanalft 91 Holm" to 10 rtl & pr vveM I ii.e. (0) SWIFT agreca uAt ,).! eifttrkcal vervkie tines wrill be plaoad und*rpvwW. 3. 11wU SV1I4'l wili not consUuct 4uy Improvements uooii ttlat portion of its mparty which a4y b,.-., coamined within the propot-v4 riSfa of vay *I fte Street Bxuma�iva. 'Ibis restrictioa uN., V IFV:3 use )f Its Prapp-M, &,,-,a' ! 144 only Until dw right cf way of nue ftiwt Extent -don Is wattively determ!uee, Lf said &Uft ot way id not !* *Ktanded uputi the property of SV,1117T, said restrittSon sedan be L41 &ad vow. 4.1 For SUM000 of the m-fur"WO 91 tblt $VW*ft4iy numdoned SWIFT &bAU dwiver to Me T U N NT 8 bond -as required by 24 VSA ftetiou 4440 and by wAxAvialon irapljaW�aii Gaf ttw TJWI-,, is " ax4oua of $ 11, 6N. IN Vi ri-NAISS WHRKE,,---F, die mt ties have execo wi this Agreement Ow day above rectod. LN, PRHSJsNc a 0Ft S7 ATA 10-IF VE lill mot-17 At COLNI-Y, this -,6y of OF $0L-'.T1i B"Uh- LINGTON Authorized Agent t SXIjr1,7 & ""CWTAN-Y - its Duly Auithor"dA4pa , 1970 ,-Utly auth-arized agent of die T�,PIN 0? R,-'PLINVTQlN personally oppesr*d, - 6- LAW OFFICES OF JOHN T_ EWING 86 ST. PAUL STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 JOHN T. EWING ('� AREA CODE 802 RICHARD A. SPOKES December 15, 1970 863-2877 Mr. Richard Ward Town Office Building South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Dick: I am enclosing a photocopy of the revised agree- ment on Swift, which I have approved, and which is being forwarded to Swift for their signatures. Jim Lamphere has also indicated that the Planning Commission is agree- able to the arrangement concerning Pine Street extension as contained in Paragraph 3. Let me know if you have any objections to the form of the agreement. Very truly yours, 4 � John T. Ewing JTE/dap Enclosure TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGI'ON SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 Tel. 863-2891 October 28, 1970 Dear Mr. Parks: This is to inform you that the South Burlington Planning, Commission approved your plan for Swift Company on Crown Road with the following stipulations: 1. A valve must be included at the end of the water main. 2. Water service should enter site at 90 degrees. 3. Road design must be submitted showing profile, curbs on both sides, storm sewer, and a typical section showing road base, etc. �+. Road work near tracks and site work should not be un(?ertaken until the sewer line installation is completed. 5. The railroad siding across the proposed street will add to the hazard of the crossing. 6. The proposed sewer at the siding should be sleeved. 7. Underground services. 8. Landscaping plan be submitted and approved after the tree warden visits the site. 9. Plan for proposed Pine Street extension be submitted. 10. Easement be given by the owner for the proposed Pine Street extension. 11. The cost of the extension of Crown Road be borne by the developer. 12. Investigate possibility of railroad siding approaching from the north. 13. Bond be submitted covering landscaping, and services. Very truly, Richard Ward Zoning Administrator AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MIDDLE SCHOOL DORSET STREET OCTCBER 27, 1.970 1. Minute s 2. Pomerleau (fin.61, plan Hinesburg Road) 3. Informal discussion Swift Co. 1+. University Mall, Dorset Street (Revised plan) Reminder: Wednesday, October 28, 1970, 7:30 P-1-4. Meeting, Velco presentation Middle School, Room 142 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning Commission FROM: William Szymanski, Town Engineer RE: Swift & Co. DATE: October 28, 1970 I have reviewed the above referenced plans and have the following comments: 1. A valve must be included at the end of the water main. 2. Water service should enter site at 90 degrees. 3. Road design must be submitted showing profile, curbs on both sides, storm sewer, and a typical section showing road base etc. 4. Road work near tracks and site work should not be undertaken until the sower line installation is completed. 5. The railroad siding across the proposed street will add to the hazard of the crossing. 6. The proposed sewer at the siding should be sleeved. ME M OR A N D U M TO: Planning Commission FROM: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Swift Co. Crown Road DATE: October 26, 1970 I have reviewed the plan of Swift Co. to be located on Crown Road. All requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance have been met. Particular attention should be given to the proposed Pine Street extension. Also involved is the construction of about 225 feet of road. A bond for landscaping, water and sewer lines and the roadway, of 8,000 dollars has already been assured by the developer. Richard Ward Zoning Administrator RW/ j TELEPHONE: (312) 431-2800 seGLOBE ENGINEERING COMPANY 17S WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60604 November 5, 1970 Mr. Richard Ward Zoning Administrator Town of South Burlington South Burlington, Vermont 05401 SWIFT & COMPANY - SALES UNIT BUILDING SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Dear Mr. Ward: Your letter of October 28, 1970 addressed to Mr. N. P. Park, Manager of the Swift & Company Sales Unit, Burlington, Vermont advising that the South Burlington Planning Commission had approved the plan for the new building for Swift & Company on Crown Road has been received by the writer for further handling. I have taken up the matter of the thirteen (13) stipulations with the principals of Swift & Company who are in agreement as follows: 1. It is agreed a valve shall be installed at the termination of the water main when extended to the Owner's west property line. 2. With the water main extended, the water service can enter the site at 90 degrees to the water main. 3. It would be preferable for the Engineer for the Town of South Burlington to submit to the Owner plans and specifications for the road extension, curbs, storm sewer, and cross-section of the road base in writing to avoid misunderstandings. 4. The Owner is agreeable to delay road and site work until the sewer line is in place. 5. The railroad siding crossing Crown Road has been relocated. (See revised plot plan.) 6. The Owner is agreeable to providing a sleeve for the sewer line. The Town Engineer is to provide the Owner in writing the type of sleeve, diameter, length, and invert to center line of sleeve. Mr. Richard Ward - 2 - November 5, 1970 7. The Owner has contacted Mr. Ralph A. Whitney of the Green Mountain Power Company relative to the underground electric service. 8. After the Tree Warden visits the site, a land- scaping gan will be submitted for approval. The Owner does request any landscaping east of the defined line to the east property line be delayed until the location of Pine Street exten- sion is determined. 9. It is the opinion of the Owner that the proposed plan for the Pine Street extension should be developed by the Town Engineer. 10. When the location of the Pine Street extension has been determined, the Owner is agreeable to granting an easement to the Town of South Bur- lington. The easement to be granted is to ex- tend from the east property line and no farther west from the east property line than the defined line as shown on the Plat, Drawing #C4737-91947A, as revised 11/3/70. In granting this easement and a condition thereof, the Owner is to be free and clear from all future assessments against the Owner's property due to the extension of Pine Street. 11. The Owner is agreeable to bearing the cost of the extension of Crown Road to the west property line. 12. The possibility of the railroad siding approaching from the north has been investigated. According to the Vermont Railway, Inc. Engineer's Office, it is difficult to serve this site from the north because the main line track ascends to the north, making a very difficult approach at a prohibitive cost. The Vermont Railway Engineers have suggested an alternate method of turning the building 9 degrees on the site, which shortens the approach and places the railroad crossing at Crown Road,oA railroad pro- perty. This alternate has been accepted by the Owner and has been incorporated into the Plot Plan as re- vised 11/3/70. 13. The Owner has agreed to furnish a bond to the Town of South Burlington covering landscaping and ser- vices. Their Local Manager, Mr. N. P. Park, has been given authority to secure this bond in the amount determined by the Town of South Burlington. Mr. Richard Ward - 2 - November 5, 1970 It is the Owner's request, now that the thirteen stipulations as outlined in your letter of October 28, 1970 have been agreed to by the Owner, that the building permit will be issued at the earliest possible date. Yours very truly, GLOBE ENGINEERING COMPANY E. A. Schlernitzauer EAS: jas