HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0003 Holmes RoadTo; From; euutg Burlington ..tre Department 575 Dornet street *auto Nurlington, 13ermnnt 05401 August 22,1985 So. Burlington Planning Commission Chief James W. Goddette Sr. Subject; Lot Sub -division and fire dept. upgrading. . r OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE , SR. CHIEF 863-6455 A. Lot sub -division for fire dept. sub -station. B. Building Size and costs. C. Fire department equipment replace. fees and costs. If there are any questions please feel free to call me at 658-7960. Enclosed is a report sent to city council. .�v�t4 +gurlingtun Nire DepaAment ; 575 Dorset *trees N . *nut4 Nurlingtnn, Vermont 05401 � z a a • OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863-6455 August 22,1985 To; William Szymanski City Manager South Burlington City Council From; Chief James W. Goddette Sr. Subject; Upgrade Fire Service $ Shelburne Sub -Station There has been many questions on when the fire department needed to be upgraded as well as a sub -station on Shelburne Road area of the city. The city has had two inspections from the I.S.O. one in 1972 and the second one in 1982 which both reports stated that a sub -station was needed. Since the fire department was formed in 1970 the Shelburne Road area has growth has added 531,800 Sq. ft. of commercial property and 971 homes and apartments. At this time it is felt that we must look at the problems in that area and set up a program as soon as possible to better our service to that area in a way to be afordable to the community The following is a schedule we should work for in trying to upgrade the department with in the next five years; A. Purchase of land for sub -station and payments made from budget if possible. B. Man Power; Starting with the 86-87 budget year add 12 men to the department per year until sub -station is constructed so that the total paid staff is up to 16 men. This will give us 3 men per shift at the main station and 2 men per shift at the sub -station. The 3rd. man at the main station would be used to cover sick time and vacation to help keep down the over time down. 1'g. -1 C. Sub -Station; Should be constructed by 1988 and put in operation no later then 1989. This would help us work out a solution in how funds will be raised for the upgrading costs. The sub -station should be 50' X 70' and would consist of living qtrs. and apparatus floor. The cost for the station would be around_$170,000.00 Or $50.00 Sq. Ft. D. Equipment upgrading; Looking at the fire department equipment it is getting old and a program must be set up to fit the need of the department and the cost to the community. At this time the total investment to the community for our equipment is $170,700.00 to replace it today the cost is $1,036,000.00. Pumpers today cost $160,000.00, Towers $380,000.00, Tankers $85,000 and rescue equipment $55,000.00. The following is a schedule we again should try to set up for replacing heavy apparatus; A. 1St. Pumper 1989-90 Budget yr. B. 2Nd. Pumper 1992-93 it it C. 3Rd. Pumper 1995-96 if it D. Tanker Rescue Truck 1998-99 E. Tower Truck 2002-2003 " Funds for replacing heavy apparatus; There are two possable ways to raise funds for upgrading our equipment; A. Charge a fee per sq. ft for all new construction. Bydoing it this way funds could be set aside for a program which would enable us to purchase the equipment when we had the money which would save the community from having to pay interest. B. Get approved by the voters for .01� on the tax rate for replacment of equipment. again putting it in a fund until there is enough money to buy the equipment WHICH WILL SAVE THE COMMUNITY PAYING INTEREST. I would like to bring to your attention that on new equipment we arelooking at a design of the vehicles which will give a better service and longer life to the community which will help keep the cost down in the furture. cJ w- ; ,'/—. 14% - - - s/A i A 1 • `Q. if ��. t. O 1 r �-. 5 too' 4 -pou. / 1� and rccorded in Vol. W4 01 on Page /o2 / aces �%J�.n. J9 �� Taum Clak to% l q,'i9 J zr 7 h CO O 0 is � ?• �-`'! y ! �r �� `J lit. 0 0• i ` C40044e v - /<S' 'A? 0 ui 0 t Dated; 12-30-63 .E"Eri tf G� iil%.f .15, /91; i September 9, 1985 Mr. Alexander Lewis Collme-r Cir`cle, Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Dear Mr. Lewis; Be advised that the Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, September 23, 1985 at 5:00 P.M. to consider your application. please plan to attend this hearing. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative officer RW/mcg SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South BudZoReulot.ons andnapter 11n7gitteg4 VS.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a rpublit hearing at the South Bur- Fngton Municipal Offices, Con- ference room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, September 23, 1965 at 5:00 p.m. to consider the follow- ing: M 1 Appeal of W. Dana Flanders III and Alice Stead seeking a variance from Section 18.00/18.105 Dimensional re- quirements and approval from Section 19.65 Multiple uses of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to con- struct a single-family dwelling containing935 square feet on a lot cantainy 7500 sgware foot located on the easterly side of Bartlett Bay Road and to demol- ish an existing dwelling and re- place with a 1280 square foot single-family dwelling on a lot containing 15,000 square feet located on the westerly side of Bartle" Bay Road. Said stru~o to be located to within fifty-eight (581 feet of fake Champlain high water level, both structures re- quiring a variance from the r, ni- mum setback and side yard requirements located at 62 Bqt- le" Bay Road. N2 Appeal of Vito and Michael Franco seeking a variance, from Section 18.110, Minimum area requirement of the South Burling- ton Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a single- family dwelling (25' x 58') on a lot containing 1.7 acros with twenty eight (28) f.At frontage, located at 120 Airport Porkway. M3 Appeal of Roger Olson and Kit Zokowski seeking a variance from Section 18.113, Minimum dwelling standards of the South - Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to convert on existing garage into a studio apartment containing approxi- mately 360 square feat located of 206 Airport Parkway, M4 Appeal of Alexonmder S. Lewis and City of South Burling- ton seeking a variance, from Section 18.00, Dimensional re- quirements an approval from Section 12.20 •Conditional uses of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for permission to set-off a 22,000 square foot lot from a 2.6 acre parcel and con- struct a 3,500 re foot munic- ipol facility (fire sub -station) located off Holmes Road to the rear of Chittenden County Volks- wagon. Richard Word Zoning Administrative Officer September 7, 1985 NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Name, address and telephone # of applicant Name, address of property owner Property location and description I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance or decision of the administrative officer. I understand the meetings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). The legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing. I agree to pay the hearing fee of $30.00 which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Hearing Date Signature of Appellant Do not write below this line ---------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on at (day of week) (month and date) time to consider the following: <" Appeal of /�E�,r.r; .�µs , .:/=Q A,,,� seeking a 4idf c. *# c.e¢ o , from Section .✓1 J'rl t�J,L•f ��s.-t.t:�_ �, /��6r^"LG (� r> � " ,�,a..,,, +�:;' � ,� i �' �!i� u�r of the South 17 Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to r 19 �IIII ���." Y✓L � i � r. .. , Z '1�-�" ,"/ a AsTe-� �' - A/ T io N 5,1� f%O LM eS,n�o-2 yoZ /VES — /�o 4 d 1361 � r oz SCL&4 S r �r� trh t, R(,61 F=-1 U OD 427" �Saoa .oa No Text ovv�✓iy, , ov � � a - � ------ � � . ©off._ _-___ .�.__� � °�}'0 . ___—� v • oo �_ .��_� ..__. _..___ p__-_-_T--�__..,.,L,,.,,.._ _ __-_-y��----_._._ �� _ o �OG7� �Q_.____�-�-�,_._.___ �._...�..____ __.__ �_- ._d _ n _ wax 000 /Ig190 � 17000 `7�'I� / 970 38000 /996 �.50, o0CD (1,9 702.) - ?oc, - �%- row -0-t / 97 - SJ 000 /995 ��5,oao -y-�r�74L� oo .} 1 NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Name, address and telephone # of applicant a„y Q,-Yr {�. lle vwyt V Name, address of property owner Prorperty location and description ��d �11 / I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance or decision of the administrative officer. I understand the meetings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). The legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing. I agree to pay the hearin f of $30.00 which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Lt92f�� Hearing Date ignature o Appe ant Do not write below this line ---------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on at (day of week) (month and date) time to consider the following: Appeal of seeking a , from Section , of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to > ,t ,*.Juth Nurhngton Ntrr Urpttrtntrnt 575 Barset street *nuts N urltngtnn, Vermont 05401 OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF (802) 658-7960 May 22, 1987 South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington City Hall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Gentlemen: Please consider this letter as a request for an extension to my original approval to construct a sub -station on Holmes Road. The Zoning Board granted the fire department a variance and conditional use approval on September 23, 1985 and the Planning Commission approved a two lot subdivision on November 11, 1985. The original proposal was to purchase the land and construct a station within a five year time frame. Due to the increase growth of the City's south end and also concerns from citizens living in the area and through the cooperation of Fire District 4 the entire time frame was amended. In November 198E a station was designed by Adams Construction and presented to the City Council. During budget preparation for 1987, the City Council and I worked towards the construction of the sub -station this year. At the annual meeting voters approved for bonding of approximately two hundred thousand dollars and hopefully we will start construction within the next forty five days. My plan is to bid for the construction of a 50' x 70' building, my estimates for completion would be January - February 1988. As ,you know, I have always promoted fire safety for the people and property of this City. I am grateful to the City Council and citizens of South Burlington for allowing me to provide fire service to the south end in a faster and safer. matter. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment May 22, 1987 Page 2 Based on the evidence submitted in this letter I have always shown intent to pursue this project and hereby request an extension of my original approval. Be advised that; I have scheduled site plan approval by the Planning Commission for Tuesday, June 9, 1987. I am available to discuss my plans at any time. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly, James Goddette, Fire Chief JG/mcp ,i ZON` TMENT �.n .' 23 19$5 M'w September Mr`. Olson said that he and Kit Zokowski were co -owners -of the propdrty and presently were not planning on having more than one person.livirg there. Mr. Dinlage'. sai.d.,,'that he thinks the purpose of the 850 square foot minimum Is so that there be some leverage in -the neighborhood to control the cutting up of a large house into small apartmentef;?' There was no one speaking for or against the appeal. Donald Graff made the motion that should the appeal be granted the stipulation that only two people reside in.the dwelling as presented. The motion was seconded by James Thibault and unanimously approved.y The appeal was granted on a vote of 5 to 1. NO. 5 - APPEAL OF ALEXANDER LEWIS AND CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Appeal of Alexander Lewis and City of South Burlington seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements and approval from Section 12.20 Conditional uses, request is for permission to set-off a 22,000 square foot lot from a 2.6 acre parcel and • construct a 3,500 square foot municipal facility (fire sub -station) located off Holmes Road to the rear of Chittenden County Volkswagon. Mr. Ward said that the area was zoned C-2. The minimum Lot size is 40,000 square feet with 120 feet frontage. The proposal is a 22,100 square feet lot to be set off with a 130 feet x 170 feet frontage to be set-off from a 2.6 acre parcel. The use will be a sub -station for the City of South Burlington Fire Station which is a municipal facility which is a Conditional Use. The building that is going to be applied to that is a 50' x 70' sub station. That use would be reviewed under Conditional Use - review criteria applies. Minimum lot size is the variance. Mr. Blais asked Chief James Goddette if he was speaking for Mr. Lewis as well as the City of South Burlington and request he tell the Board why he felt this variance should be granted. Chief Goddette explained thatthe sub -station should be as close to a residential area as possible in order to provide protection as rapidly as possible, but also in a commercial area because of the noise of the sirens and because of children playing in residential areas. Also, looking at distances of one station from another, the sub -station we are proposing would be approximately three miles. The growth in the Shelburne Road/Spear Street are has been phenominal and we should have a station in that area. Property in that area is extremely expensive. Looking at some acreage on Shelburne Road which is going for 80,000 to 100,000 dollars per acre. Our plans to build a sub -station do not require 40,000 square feet. You are not looking at a business where you would y n F P t 6- ZONING."BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 23 SEPTEMBER 1:985 . f, have < lot of people coming in you are looking at a building that would have two people to get the equipment out quick and get to the pscene quick and you rlooking t uture, This stationisdesignednot ronly ltoentake careequipment ofournneeds xw A, probably nothing would be done for about 4 years. What we 4: " are trying to do is to do it gradually so that we don't burden the ra axpayers. We are looking to get the land paid off within the aCirking:'budget and in the 5th year to build a station . It would s ,'`.bed-sma21 living quarters, dormitory style, a day room, a kitchen a small office where we can do our reports when we come back ' rolo .a fire.Ini.:ially we would have a pumper coming out of the main `"'s� on and as money became available we would add additional `€ruipment again trying to burden the taxpayer as little as possible. With';22,1OO square feet we still have ample space to give us our green area. Traffic would come out on Holmes Road and we are hoping to1`have a traffic light. The only residential property is at the end of" Holmes Road. The paperwork for this proposal is before the State. Dan King inquired if this would take care of expansion for the next 5 to 10 years. Chief Goddette said yes. He also said that City Council and City Planning have approved. • David Boehm said that this request does not meet the five Criteria. The City,,has made rules for this area and should abide by the rules. He doesn't think that the rules should be changed for the benefit of the City. Traffic problems were discussed. Mr. Blais wanted it on record that this appeal was not requested by the Chief of the Fire Department. Mr. Blais called for a vote. There were no stipulations and no motions. The appeal was granted on a vote of 5 to one. Mr. Dinlage moved that the Minutes of the meeting of September 9th be approved with the following changes: Page 7 in the middle of the page - 'Dick Ward said the appeal is both non -conforming use extension and conditional use.' The work condi- tional should be multiple. Page 11 add. "The Appelant testified that he had attempted to purchase the ajacent property, but that property recently changed ownership and was not available for consolidation of lots." The minutes, as corrected, adopted unanimously. Mr. Dinklage said before we adjourn we questioned that we had a stipulation in the appeal of Patricia Starr that the property only be used by the immediate family and would not be available for rental. This should be added to the minutes. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P;-M. CLER CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1) OWNER. OF RECORD (name, address, phone #) CITY OF SO. BURLINGTON 575 DORSET STREET ( FIRE DEPARTMENT ) 2) APPLICANT (name, address, phone #) SAME FIRE DEPT. 658-7960 3) CONTACT PERSON (name, address, phone #) CHIEF JAMES W. GODDETTE 658-7960 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: #3 HOLMES ROAD SO. BURLINGTON 5) LOT NUMBER (if applicable) 6) PROPOSED USE(S) FIRE SUB -STATION 7) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e. total building square foota-ge, # units, maximum height and # floors, square feet per floor)__50_`_X'70'__ 1j1__ ,STORIES 3500_ SO. FT. 8) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES VOLUNTEERS FURTURE 2-MEN PER 24 HR. SHIFT 9) LOT COVERAGE: building 15 %; landscaped areas_5_0_% building, parking, outside storage 35 % 10) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings $1$ �©QD Landscaping Other Site Improvements (please list with cost) $ 2$,6Q.0_,_0-0- SEWER -WATER CONNECTION, TEL. & POWER PAVED PARKING LOT 11) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: JANUARY 1988 12) FSTIMITFD AVERAGE'' DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) N/A Est.irnat;ed trip ends (in and otit.) during the fol lowi nr bonus: Monday through E~ r i d iy 11-12 noon 1-2 p 1 I •.. 3-4 m 4 5 p.rn ; 5 6 p.rn 6-7 p.m. 1 3) PEAK HOURS OF OPERAT f ON : N/A_ 1 4) PEAK DAYS OF 0PI1'1-, T f 0N, : ___.__ N/A DATE OF S(1BM1 �S 10N � SIGNA`I'URE OF APPL I tY/ 12 THRU 14 TRIP ENDS N/A DUE TO NATURE OF SERVICE PROVIDED PLEASE SUBMIT FOUR COPIES OF THE SITE PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Lot drawn to scale (20 foot scale if possible.) Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping. Existing and proposed curbcuts, pavement, walkways. Proposed landscaping plan (number, variety and size) equal to of greater than the required amount in the Zoning Regulations. Number and location of Parking Spaces: (9' x 18') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required. Number and location of compact car spaces. ( This requires separate Planning Commission approval). Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. (1.3 feet by 20 feet in size, one per every fifty spaces) Location of septic tanks (if applicable). Location of any easements. Lot: coverage information: Building footprint, building, parking and outside storage, and landscaped areas. Location of site (Street # and lot #). North arrow. Name of person or firm.preparing site plan and date. 'L 6/9/87 KP MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of the City of South Burlington to construct a 1 1/2 story, 5,250 square foot Fire Sub -station at 3 Holmes Road as depicted on a plan entitled "South Burlington Fire Department, Holmes Road Sub -station," prepared by Adams Construction Company dated 11/4/86 last revised 6/4/87 with the following stipulations: 1) A sewer allocation of 30 gallons per day shall be obtained prior to permit. 2) A revised site plan showing site lay -out change shall be submitted to the City Planner as a record. rll� e v i-a 3) The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this permit is null and void. PLANNING COMMISSION 9 JUNE 1987 PAGE 4 $8500 in landscaping is required. They have proposed $3000 and feel this new planting is adequate. They will keep the large blue spruce in front and have filled in with Norway maple, red oak and 14 small ornamentals. Mr. Caron estimated they will have 25-30 cars for sale at one time, those in the lot and those in the shop being worked on. There will be no wrecked cars on the lot. He had no problem stipulating that cars be only in the 27 spaces or in the graveled lot behind the building. The question of the deceleration lane was -raised. The Zoning Board required this as one of their stipulations. The ap- plicant does not feel it is necessary and has talked with the Agency of Transportation. The Agency apparently agrees with the applicant and feels a deceleration lane may actually be more dangerous because it would encourage vehicles to pass on the right. Mrs. Maher said she would like the Planner to contact the Agency and hear what they have to say. She felt it is a very dangerous area for traffic. Mr. Dooley moved that the site plan application of Larry Caron be continued to allow an investigation 12y the City Planner into the question of whether the Planning Commission should require a deceleration lane and also for a recommen- dation on the landscaping requirement with credit to be given for existing trees. Mrs. Maher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Siteplanapplication of City of South Burlington Fire Department to construct a 1-1/2 story, 5,250 sq. ft. fire station at #3 Holmes Rd. Chief Goddette said that for safety reasons they have "fIi.p- flopped" the original building layout. It will be a metal building with the living quarters raised above the aparatus floor. The building will have the capability of being expanded to a second floor in case female firefighters are ever in the department. The Chief has talked with the Police Chief about allowing police cruisers to come in to do paper work in slow periods instead of having to go back to City Hall and be so far from their patrol area. The building could also be used for an emergency/ambulance vehicle to serve both South Burlington and Shelburne in the future. Mr. Dooley moved that the Planning Commiss site plan application of the City of South construct a 1-1/2 story, 5280 sq. ft. Fire Holmes Road as depicted on a plan entitled Fire Department, Holmes Road Sub -station," on approve the Burlington to Sub -station at 3 "South Burlington prepared 12y Adams PLANNING COMMISSION 9 JUNE 1987 PAGE 5 Construction Company, dated 11/4/86 last revised 6 4 87 with the following stipulations: 1. A sewer allocation of 30 gpd shall be obtained prior to permit. 2. A revised site plan showing site layout change shall be submitted to the City Planner as a record prior to permit 3. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. Mrs. Maher seconded. Motion passed unanimousl 7. Site plan application of Tony Cairns, Champlain Oil Co. to construct a service station with a 1400 sq. ft. building and 2 pumping stations at 356 Dorset St. Mr. Cairns explained the station would be on the site of the present Country Kitchen. He explained his self -conducted traffic study which resulted in more vehicles than allowed by the overlay district. Mr. Burgess said there was again a question of whether to use the overlay district, and you can't have it both ways. (referring to the Timberlane application). Mrs. Maher said that in both the overlay and Mr. Cairns' figures the allowable vehicles is exceeded and she could not vote for the plan. It was noted that there is a plan for a convenience store at this same location that has been tabled by the Zoning Board. A poll of the Commission showed that no one was disposed to exceed the overlay zone. Mrs. Hurd moved that the Planning Commission deny the site plan application of Tony Cairns (Champlain Oil Company) on the grounds that it does not meet the traffic overlay district. Mrs. Maher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Site plan application of Berard Construction Co,Inc, to construct a 2400 sq. ft. Vermont Custom Sheet Metal building for storage use at 5 Ethan Allen Drive. Mr. Belter stepped down from the Commission during this discussion. Randy Berard explained the necessity for the second driveway to bring in supplies twice a month. Trucks must back into the building and they would not want to use the existing drive because of its proximity to the telephone pole. In order to use the back of the building they would have to use part of the steep embankment. A tractor trailer will be completely off the road when backed up. The existing curb 4+��JjN epnu hCrph ��pr L+ rNFpA rpWM 109 PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 June 5, 1987 0 Fire Chief James Goddette Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 3 Holmes Road, Fire Sub -station Dear Chief Goddette: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the agenda and my comments to the Planning Commission regarding your plan. Please be sure someone is present on June 9, 1987 to represent your application. Sincerely, Kathryn Perkins, Acting Planner KP/mcp Encls is shown. The applicant apparently requests credit for existing vegetation. Traffic: This lot is in traffic overlay zone 5. The maximum permitted tripends allowed for this lot is 284 trips/peak hour based on a + 5.8 acre lot. There is no ITE traffic data for auto/body repair or used car sales, but the applicant estimates 18 tripends/peak hour. Using ITE data for new car sales and service stations, this use does not exceed the overlay. Sewer Allocation: A sewer allocation of 150 gallons per day shall be obtained prior to permit. Other: See Bill Szymanski's and Chief Goddette's comments. 6) SOUTH BURLINGTON FIRE STATION, #3 HOLMES ROAD The City of South Burlington proposes to construct a 1 1/2 story, 50' x 70' fire sub -station (5250 square feet total) on a 22,100 square foot lot. Access: Access is shown via a 40 foot wide driveway off Holmes Road and a 24 foot wide driveway in the rear of the building to access the back parking lot. This driveway has access on to a private road off Holmes Road. Parking: 10 parking spaces are shown. This is adequate. Circulation: Circulation on the side is shown via two driveways at the front (40 feet wide) and back (24 feet wide) side of the lot and is adequate. Landscaping: Landscaping is adequate Traffic: Traffic generated by this project is not applicable due to nature of service provided. Sewer Allocation: A sewer allocation of 30 gallons per day shall be obtained prior to permit. Other: See Bill Szymanski's comments. 7) CHAMPLAIN OIL COMPANY, 356 DORSET STREET Tony Cairns of Champlain Oil Company proposes to construct a 1400 square foot service station building on a 17,500 square foot lot. This lot is zoned C-2. Approximately 12 feet beyond the existing r.o.w. will be taken with the widening of Dorset Street. Mr. Cairns has applied for a variance to have both a convenience store and a service station on this lot. It was tabled until June 8. See Zoning Board minutes. 4 SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Re lotions and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burl' ton Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 27, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: #1. Appeal of Robert Bates seeking a variance, from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to construct a 10' x 12'.6" kitchen addition and a 14' x 22'.6" garage to within eight (8) feet of the wester- Iside yard, at 35 Baldwin Avenue. #2. Appeal of South Burling- ton Fire Department seeking t appproval from Section 18.112 Height of structures sub section E of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to erect a radio tower and antenna fifty nine (59) feet high which exceeds normal height limitations, at the fire sub station, 3 Holmes Road. 03. Appeal of Tygote Prop- erties d.b.a. Econo Lodge seeking approvol from Sec- tion 19.35 F'LNing with earth Froducts of the South Bur- il, ton Regulations. R st is for permission to fian area containing approxi- mately 33,000 square feet to a maximum depth of 25 feet, located to the rear of the Econo Lodge, 1076 Wil- liston Road. #4. Appeal of Roland Boos- ka seekingg approval from Section 19.35 Filling with earth products of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to fill an area containing approxi- mately 6000 square feet to an average depth of 15 feet, !o ated at 67 Swift Street. #5. Appeal of James D. Wood seeking approval from Section 19.65 Multiple uses, sub section 19.652 of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for permis- sion to construct an 80' x 100' building on a lot con- taining 41,370 square feet and on 80' x 120' building plus 1000 square feet office area on a lot containing 41,064 square feet (lots 15 & 16 respectively) Occupy- ing both buildings with a dual use, located at Ethan Allen Industrial Park. #6. Appeal of Green Tree Park, Inc., Ken Desmond seeking approval from Sec- tion 19.65 Multiple uses, sub section 19.652 of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for permis- sion to construct a 15,144 square foot building occupy- ing with a maximum of three ( (31 uses, on a lot containing 1.8 acres, lot #6, Green Tree Pork. Richard Word, 7r,.,;..n AA,in;,t— — City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment )ate '.pplicant j.�'E "ire". AddresS.3 Owner, leasee, agent //' ,�^ Telephone # ,andowner4ii 'y lv" "�• *O-/ Address Official Use APPLICATION �$' HEARING DATE a FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT N v Tel # ocation and description of property Type of application (check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative )ffice ( ) request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a nonth (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisment must appear a ninimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing which is to off-se.t the cost of the hearing. ?rovisions of zoning ordinance in questions%/p• �� r�✓�r]'"��iy,,,, T,,,p, Reason for appeal Phe owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) glans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any Dther additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. Hearing Date Signature of Appellant ------------------------- Do not write below this line SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE :n accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Fitle 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold 3 public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on . at (Day of week) to consider the following: (month and da e) Time w �-appeal of seeking A& from Sections of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record A)dC, '.5 . e '3 a/ IS h e-Z13aAzV& F V — b. Applicant C', / N CO c. Contact person h �- :� KY i2'M[-` �oaldQ- e- S P 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). CUv I6t 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties e. w oo 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 November 22, 1985 Alexander Lewis Chittenden County Volkswagon 1325 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Re: 2 lot subdivision, Shelburne Road and Holmes Avenue Dear Mr. Lewis: The South Burlington Planning Commission approved the Final Plat for the two lot subdivision on Shelburne Road on Tuesday, November 12, 1985. Please be sure to file the record copy with the City Clerk within 90 days or this approval will be invalid. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner JBL/mcp 1 Encl cc: James Goddette, Sr. PLANNING COMMISSION 12 NOVEMBER 1985 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, 12 November 1985, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Mary -Barbara Maher, Chairman; Judith Hurd, John Belter, William Burgess, James McClary, Peter Jacob Others Present Jane Bechtel Lafleur, City Planner; Sidney Poger, The Other Paper; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Mike Dugan, Leonard Lamoureux, Ira Tate, William & Sherry Swett, Carol Gingras, Will Clark, Sam Bloomberg, Jeff, 1, Minutes of 22 October 1985 Members agreed to review the Minutes of 22 October at the next regular meeting. a, Consider request of Vermont Federal Bank to postpone discussion of the relocation of Cluster One of Indian Creek Condominiums until December 10, 1985 Mrs. Lafleur advised that the applicant feels they are not ready to submit the level of detail needed. They will want to go to sketch plan on December loth. Mr. Burgess moved that the Commission grant the request of Vermont Federal Bank to postpone discussion of the relocation on Cluster 1 of Indian Creek Condominiums until 10 December 1985 3. Public Hearing: for Final Plat application of Alexander Lewis and the City of South Burlington for the 2-lot subdivision at 1301 Shelburne Road (frontage on Holmes Road) Mrs. Maher reminded the Commission that one of the lots will be the proposed site of the new fire substation. Chief Goddette said they want equipment to exit onto Holmes Rd. Mr. Lewis requested a 30-foot road if he wants to build in the future. The station will be a 2-bay facility. They in- tend to put a light at the Holmes Rd./Shelburne Rd. inter- section to relieve driveways from exiting traffic. Mr. McClary moved that The Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Alexander Lewis and the City of South Burlington for the two lot subdivision of 1301 Shelburne R, known as lot #4 behind Chittenden Count Volkswagen with Holmes Road frontage as depicted on a plan entitled "Property South Burlington south end Fire Station, PLANNING COMMISSION 12 NOVEMBER 1985 PAGE 2 dated 10/22/85, prepared �y William J. Szymanski with the following stipulations: 1. The parcel is approved at 2.1 acres and .5 acres. 2. The final plat shall be recorded with the City Clerk within 90 days. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion which passed unanimously. y, Site Plan application of Paul Adams for a 3920 sq. ft. addition to building for welding business at 1215 Airport Parkway Mr. Dugan explained that the addition ties across the back to the existing building. It will be used for fabrication. There will be no increase in employees. The building will be served by 1 overhead door and will be the same color and same roof eave height as the present building. Mrs. Maher said the property is now a mess and asked what will be done to improve it. Mr. Dugan said the stockade fence will stay but they will add landscaping including new hedging and new trees along the existing rail fence. He said that part of the problem with stuff in the yard would be taken care of by the new addition. On the Offset House side of the building, there will be new landscaping of white pine. They do not plan to pave the area. Drainage will be toward the back where the property drops off dramatically. Mrs. Lafleur said when she visited the site, equipment and things were being stored in the parking area. She also has seen cars parked on the Airport Parkway which should not be. Mrs. Maher said she couldn't see how parking is to be laid out and designated. She felt the system wouldn't work if parking spaces weren't designated. Mr. Dugan said they have 9 employees and 2 company vehicles and are providing for 15 spaces. Mr. Jacob suggested putting up a small fence and lining up parking against it. The stockade fence could also be brought back and used for a parking line with landscaping in front of the fence. Mr. Belter agreed and added that the front half of the lot could be paved with designated parking spaces. Mr. Dugan said they could move some of the planned trees to that area. Mrs. Maher stressed no mountain ash or crabapple and preferably trees should be evergreen. There should also be no white pine along Airport Parkway. Mr. McClary moved that the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Paul Adams for the construction of a 3922 sq. ft. addition to the existing building at 1215 Airport Parkway as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Ad- 11 )/85 JBL MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Alexander Lewis and the City of South Burlington for the two lot subdivision of 1301 Shelburne Road, known as lot #4 behind Chittenden County Volkswagon with Holmes Road frontage as depicted on a plan entitled "Property South Burlington south end Fire Station;' dated 10/22/85, prepared by William J. Szymanski with the following stipulations: 1. The parcel is approved at 2.1 acres and .5 acres. 2. The final plat shall be recorded with the City Clerk within 90 days. 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. i 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions:- ccz » 2r- Z ck 2 orzay ('_Q (- flu - 8) Submit four copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record, and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and cove- nants. 4) Type of, location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. da tee M E M O R A N D U M U v V To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner Re: November 12, 1985 agenda items Date: November 8, 1985 2) VERMONT FEDERAL BANK, INDIAN CREEK The applicant requests that the discussion of the relocation of Cluster One be postponed until December 10, 1985. Although this had been warned as a Final Plat Public Hearing, the applicant is not ready for the level of detail and instead will request conceptual approval (sketch plan) on December 10, 1985. (see enclosed letter from Douglas Fitzpatrick) 3) LEWIS AND THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, 1301 SHELBURNE ROAD The applicant requests approval of this two lot subdivision. It is zoned C-2. The parcel is 2.6 acres and will be subdivided into .5 acres and 2.1 acres. The non -conforming lot received a well publicized variance from the Zoning Board. The lot is the proposed site of a fire substation. The City will be constructing a road into the back of the Lewis property as part of the purchase agreement. 4) ADAMS, 1215 AIRPORT PARKWAY The applicant proposes to construct a 3920 square foot addition to the existing building at 1215 Airport Parkway. It will be built to serve his present welding business and will not result in new employees. Access and Circulation: Access will remain from the 24 foot driveway. Circulation is adequate if the parking lot is used as shown on the plan. Parking: Eleven spaces are required. The applicant proposes 15 in the gravelled parking lot. Parking should be restricted to this area only. Landscaping: A $1100 landscaping plan is shown as required. A bond shall be posted prior to permit. A stockade fence along the western side and -front of the property screens the parking/ storage area. A rail fence exists on the eastern side and front of the property. The rear of the property drops off steeply. Other: See Goddetts and Szymanski's comments. November 8, 1985 Alexander Lewis Chittenden County VW 1325 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Two lot subdivision, Shelburne Road and Holmes Road Dear Mr. Lewis: Enclosed are the agenda and a copy of my memo tothe Plaening Commission regarding the Final Plat application for the above project. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner JBL/mcp Encls cc: James Goddette PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Rom, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, November 11 1985, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Final plat appl imatinn of Alexandt-r Lewis and tl:jQ Cite of South Burlington for a 2-lot subdiuision of A2.6acrP parmal into approximately .5acres and 2.1 acres. operty is hounded on the north by East-O-Lake Associates,on the Past h4 Alexander Lewis (Chittenden County Volkswagon) on the west by Thomas Farrell and on the south by Holmes Road Copies of the application South Burlington City Hall. October 26, 1985 are available for public inspection at the Mary -Barbara Maher Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission N"_ /z -e, E ,. CITY OF SOLTM BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant C r%✓ d �f �,, fSuh/livrl`rjiJ -4 cl-�, . EVpv 2) Name of Subdivision 3) Indicate any changesito name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: � Y9 1V poll 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: 5) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. (Signature) applicant or contact pers/ Date To; From; =nutq wurlington -ire Department ; 575 i9orset Itreet enut4 Nurlingtnn, Uermnnt 05401 August 22,1985 So. Burlington Planning Commission Chief James W. Goddette Sr. Subject; Lot Sub -division and fire dept. upgrading. ur - OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE , SR. CHIEF 863-6455 A. Lot sub -division for fire dept. sub -station. B. Building Size and costs. C. Fire department equipment replace. fees and costs. If there are any questions please feel free to call me at 658-7960. Enclosed is a report sent to city council. �out4 Nurlingtnn dire Department 575 Burset Itreet J�auth Nurlingtnn, Vermont 054111 1 r ~� OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863-6455 August 22,1985 To; William Szymanski City Manager South Burlington City Council From; Chief James W. Goddette Sr. Subject; Upgrade Fire Service & Shelburne Sub -Station There has been many questions on when the fire department needed to be upgraded as well as a sub -station on Shelburne Road area of the city. The city has had two inspections from the I.S.O. one in 1972 and the second one in 1982 which both reports stated that a sub -station was needed. Since the fire department was formed in 1970 the Shelburne Road area has growth has added 531,800 Sq. ft. of commercial property and 971 homes and apartments. At this time it is felt that we must look at the problems in that area and set up a program as soon as possible to better our service to that area in a way to be afordable to the community The following is a schedule we should work for in trying to upgrade the department with in the next five years; A. Purchase of land for sub -station and payments made from budget if possible. B. Man Power; Starting with the 86-87 budget year add 12 men to the department per year until sub -station is constructed so that the total paid staff is up to 16 men. This will give us 3 men per shift at the main station and 2 men per shift at the sub -station. The 3rd. man at the main station would be used to cover sick time and vacation to help keep down the over time down. 1'g. -2 C. Sub -Station; Should be constructed by 1988 and put in operation no later then 1989. This would help us work out a solution in how funds will be raised for the upgrading costs. The sub -station should be 50' X 70' and would consist of living qtrs. and apparatus floor. The cost for the station would be around.$170,000.00 Or $50.00 Sq. Ft. D. Equipment upgrading; Looking at the fire department equipment it is getting old and a program must be set up to fit the need of the department and the cost to the community. At this time the total investment to the community for our equipment is $170,700.00 to replace it today the cost is $1,036,000.00. Pumpers today cost $160,000.00, Towers $380,000.00, Tankers $85,000 and rescue equipment $55,000.00. The following is a schedule we again should try to set up for replacing heavy apparatus; A. 1St. Pumper B. 2Nd. Pumper C. 3Rd. Pumper D. Tanker Rescue Truck E. Tower Truck 1989-90 Budget yr. 1992-93 " 1995-96 "it 1998-99 if 2002-2003 "tv Funds for replacing heavy apparatus; There are two possable ways to raise funds for upgrading our equipment; A. Charge a fee per sq. ft for all new construction. Bydoing it this way funds could be set aside for a program which would enable us to purchase the equipment when we had the money which would save the community from having to pay interest. B. Get approved by the voters for .01¢ on the tax rate for replacment of equipment. again putting it in a fund until there is enough money to buy the equipment WHICH WILL SAVE THE COMMUNITY PAYING INTEREST. I would like to bring to your attention that on new equipment we arelooking at a design of the vehicles which will give a better service and longer life to the community which will help keep the cost down in the furture. 'SOUn BURLING7 W, : Z N i NG nontu) of MR)SIrtrsn• OONOITIONAI.'-USE REVIEW Findings in •aooc;rdaeIciet:Wiith--Section 19.05 of` the South Burlington Zoning Regulations: (1) That the propos�.-d use'oorplies with the stated -purpose of the district in which the proposed-use•is to be located; (-J1 • (2) That the proposed use will not adversely affect: a. The -capacity of elcisting or planned municipal or educational facilities; b. The essential -character of the*neighborhood or district in which the property is'located, nor the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate pses; 4 c. Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity; d. Bylaws in effect; or e. General public health and welfare. --�- Hearing 1 �- Date Applican S Vote: Yes No Sign List findings below: 1. 40 `XMVBURLIN' 1W 'ZONING DORM) OF ADJUSS'IMEWE' 00NOIT1ONAVAJSE REVIEW Findings in -a600r&tio6I iith. Seddon 19.05 of` the South Burlington Zoning Fegulations: (1) That the proposed use'oonplies with the stated.'purpose of the district in which the proposed - us,! • is to be located; I j • � (2) That the proposed use will not adversely affect; fect; a. n,e capacity of elcisting or planned municipal or educational facilities; (� b. The essentia chcha-rraJctee of thee -neighborhood or district in which the .properEy.is located, nor the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses; c. Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity; d. Bylaws in effect; or e. General public;health and welfare. Hear ing I J r� Da to Applicant,1�.�" Vote: Yes (`l 1 Sign � . List findings below: ru C c X �_-�-__C�S OJO r" �5+-v VISI)r�%(C fib c-/. /9 . ; , -L . a _ C.U�✓,l �� i�7it/ i r� IJ ' ll 470 QQ ' 7a / ` o / Soo sui h av o ,0 0 �b 2o-r/..p l and rccorded in Vol. W4 01 , r on Page ae-a- 2 A . k Gak i ��l t9 / �r9.10 1 / � I• vo I 0 Go o 1 J v a �1 \ r1• 1, J Cevu-.v ,p o�i.� - As, 'A 2 o cu l Dated; 12-30-63 h"Eri .4tv-f 15, /9R Y 2 J � •� '�� / lCAGG / •'"/OO • S Memorandum September 17, 1985 agenda items September 13, 1985 Page 6 which can be granted if the development meets the P.U.D. stand- ards. The applicant proposes 192 lots of approximately 1/3 acre each and :has a different understanding of the ordinance. The development is served by City Streets with one new access from Hinesburg Road and two other accesses to the Butler Farm subdivision. The sketch plan shows 8.3 acres of open space along Hinesburg Road, continuing the greenbelt concept started at Butler Farms. A 4.5 acre recreation area is set aside within the development. The subdivision regulations require 4 acres of parkland as a minimum in this development but allow the Commission to require up to 15% of the area (15 acres) for open space. See Bill Szymanski's comments. 11) LEWIS ALEXANDER, 1301 SHELBURNE ROAD (HOLMES ROAD The applicants Mr. Lewis and the City of South Burlington propose to subdivide a 2.6 acre parcel into two lots of .5 and 2.1 acres. The property is behind the Volkswagon dealer parcel and is zoned C-2. The proposed subdivision is for a future fire substation and requires a variance for lot size since 40,000 square feet is the minimum and a 22,100 square foot lot is proposed. As a condition of the sale, the City would construct an access road to the 2.1 acres at the rear of the parcel. Tks September 13, 1985 Alexander Lewis Chittenden County VW 1325 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: 2 lot subdivision, Shelburne and Holmes Road Dear Mr. Lewis: Enclosed is the Planing Commission agenda and my memo regarding the proposed 2 lot subdivision. Sincerely, Jane Bechtel Lafleur, City Planner JBL/mcp Enc is N ILKSWAGEN, INC. SHELBURNE RD. SO. BURLINGTON, VT. 05401 PHONE 658-1130 1 PORSCHE +AUDI 0 AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED DEALER DEALER State of Vermont AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Department of Fish and Game Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering Natural Resources Conservation Council May 20, 1986 Carl H. Lisman Lisman & Lisman Attorneys at Law P. 0. Box 728 Burlington, VT 05401 Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Essex Junction Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 RE: Land Use Permit EC-4-0974 and Deferral of Permit D-4-0925; City of South Burlington and Alexander Lewis, South Burlington. Dear Mr. Lisman: Our office has reviewed your letter to Ms. Brenda Gilmond dated May 8, 1986 regarding Deferral of Permit D-4-0925 and Alexander Lewis. In your letter you, on behalf of your client Mr. Lewis, ask us to begin proceedings to revoke the Deferral of Permit. Please understand, the Regional Office does not have the authority to revoke permits, this ability vests only with the Commissioner of Water Resources. Additionally, to remove the Deferral of Permit as you request, the Deferred lot and the lot conveyed to the City of South Burlington would have to be recombined into its pre -application boundaries. In consideration of the concerns by Mr. Lewis, I offer the following. Presently the laws of the State of Vermont requires that all new public buildings as defined by statute, obtain a permit from the Agency of Environmental Conservation prior to construction. This requirement would hold true whether or not the two permits were revoked as described above. The only change in status of the Deferred lot comes about if Mr. Lewis, or future owners, decided to construct a single family residence. Prior to the subdivision of the property, the lot would have been considered a pre-existing lot as defined by the Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 3 - Subdivisions. Therefore, our office would not have had any jurisdiction if a single family house was proposed on the original undivided property. Presently, though, our office would have jurisdiction if a single family residence is proposed on the Deferred lot. Normally, it is not an involved procedure to remove the Deferral for the single family residence when municipal sewer and water is involved. Much of our review would surround the length of the building sewer from the municipal main to the house and reserve capacity at the treatment plant for the sewage generated by a single family residence. Carl Lisman EC-4-0974 & D-4-0925 Page Two Please advise this office if your client wishes to proceed with the revocation proceedings. I am enclosing a copy of Chapter 2 of the Rules which addresses the procedure for revocation of permits. Should you need anything further, please contact this office. Sincerely, Ernest P. Christianson Regional Engineer cc: Donald Robisky Richard Spokes Alexander Lewis City of So. Burlington-,- Encl. September 29, 1981 Mr. Thcmas Farrell Farrell Distributing 5 Holmes Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Farrell: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted your request for a zoning variance. The Board will issue formal findings at a later date. j� Upon satisfaction of the conditions setforth by the Planning Ccmission,we will issue the necessary permits. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, 1 Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg September 14, 1981 Mr. Thomas Farrell Farrel Distributing 5 Holmes Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Zoning hearing Dear Mr. Farrell: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Office Complex, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, September 28, 1981 at 5:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this hearing. Very truly, \, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg cc: Mr. James Lamphere