HomeMy WebLinkAboutBatch - Supplemental - 0195 Allen RoadPLANNING COMMISSION
30 AUGUST 1988
1. A $5,400 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit.
This includes $3,150 for street trees and $2,250 for
individual lot trees. Proposed ash trees shall be replaced
more salt resistant trees as approved by the City Planner.
2. A bond for the new street, sewer and water shall be posted
prior to permit.
3. A-$200 per unit recreation fee shall be paid prior to
4. A $2250 gpd sewer allocation is made and the $2.50 per
gallon fee shall be paid prior to permit.
5. There shall be no parking around the cul de sac and signs
shall be posted by the developer.
6. The street shall be named by the developer and approved
the City Planner prior to Final Plat.
7. The plan shall be revised prior to Final Plat to show the
a) Drainage pipe outlet into the drainage way rather
than teeing into the existing 36" pipe.
b Proposed curbs will be concrete
c) Drainage pipe will be plastic
d) Limits of Conservation Zone
e) Proposed street and lot trees with a minimum caliper
of 2-1/2 inches
f) The preparer of the drawing
8. Legal documents for the new street (offer of dedication
and Deed) shall be submitted to the City Attorney for ap-
proval Prior to permit.
9. The Final Plat shall be submitted within 12 months or this
approval is nuliand void
Mr. Belter seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Public Hearing: Final Plat application gf Robert Brown�nd
Angelo Pizzagalli to readjust the common boun3� en two
1.2 acre lots located on Allen Road
30 AUGUST 1988
Gordon Harlow explained that there are nc structure on e1fJ)vr lot
at present. Mr. Pizzagalli's vacant lot is behind the Brown
lot. There will be no structures on the new Brown or
Pizzagalli lots. Mr. Weith noted they will be creating a lot
with no frontage on a public street and that the Zoning
Ordinance requires a 20 ft. right of way to reach the rear
lot. Mr. Maher asked that there be a stipulation that only
the southernmost driveway be used if these lots are ever
developed so there will be no more curb cuts on Allen Rd.
Mr. Harlow said he didn't see any objection to that. Mr.
Craig emphasized that the City will not maintain any of the
right of way.
Ms. Peacock moved the South Burlington Planning Commission
approve the Final Plat application of Robert & Windy Brown
and Angelo & Patricia Pizzagalli for readjustment of the
common property line between their 1.2 acre lots as depicted
on a plan entitled "Property Survey, Robert C. & Windy L.
Brown and Angelo P. & Patricia H. Pizzagalli" prepared by
Gordon G. Harlow and dated August, 1988 with the following
1. If and when a driveway is put in the 20 ft. right of way,
a 5 foot buffer will be maintained along with west property
line for snow storage
2. If and when development occurs on these 2 lots, the access
shall be shared.
3. It is the applicant's responsibility to record the final
/'`'�►. plat with the City Clerk within 90 days or this approval is
null and void. It shall be approved by the City Planner and
signed by the Chairman or Clerk of the Commission prior to
Mr. Burgess seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Cupola Golf Course/Syron situation
Mr. Weith explained that on 31 May, the Commission approved
the subdivision of a 1.5 acre lot for Synon and also the site
plan for the day care facility for Synon. In the approvals,
there was a stiuplation that the road from Spear St. to the
Synon lot be upped to city standards and deeded to the City.
Mr. Deslauriers feels this is not in their best interest
since the location of the road might be changed when the rest
of the parcel is approved. They want to wait until then to
deed the road. They also have indicated they do not want to
go with the Synon proposal if this stipulation holds. Synon
has asked the Commission to waive the stipulation as they
City of South Burlington
November A, 1988
u . Gordon hart nwl
I i lapLe Lawn Drive
Essex .iurtat ion, Vermont 05452
R": hounciary <.tmustment
Dear Mr. . Hnr l ot. :
Enclosed is a copy" o1 the 10/11/83 Planning Commission meeting
minutes at which the discrepancy in the 8/3U/HH mrnuLes was
discussed. 1L was mentioned aL the 10/11/88 meptin.0 that it was
not the Commissions intent Lo prevent development. un the subject.
lots. jr you have any clueuLions, please do not, hesitate to
c: on Lac• L me.
foe Wei10,
( i t.v YI nnnpr•
U /mc•li
1 I. 111, 1
11 OCTOBER 1988
9. Any lighting shall be downcast luminere.
10. The sale of gasoline and/or automobiles is prohibited.
No automobiles shall be stored on the lot for more than 60
days — — —
11. The applicant shall obtain the building permit within 6
months or this approval is null and void.
Mr. Burgess seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Discussion of South Burlington Zoning Regulations:
proposed amendments to Article II, Flood Plain District
Mr. Weith advised that the Regulations must be updated to
comply with new federal regulations in order to get flood
plain insurance. He then outlined the Flood Plain District
on the map. He suggested adopting a flood plain regulation
that overlays the Zoning Ordinance, instead of just a flood
plain district. If the City decides to keep a flood plain
district, they should indicate all the locations throughout
the city. Mr. Craig suggested having the City Attorney look
into the matter to see if the amount of State control is
really necessary. Members agreed Mr. Weith should come up
with wording and have it reviewed by the City Attorney before
bringing it to the Commission.
5. Possible Amendment to Article XIII, "Mixed Industrial and
Commercial District" to allow planned commercial developments
Mr. Weith said this is one zone in which the city wanted to
encourage grid development. Mr. Burgess recalled that pcd's
were specifically excluded though he could not recall why.
Mr. Maher said she would feel better if pcd's were made a
conditional use contingent upon Planning Commission judgment.
She suggested the Planner talk with Jane LaFleur,and David
Spitz to find out the history of this. Others agreed.
6. Other Business
a) Pizzagalli/Brown subdivision: a sentence in the Minutes
noted that there would be no structures on the new lots. The
applicants have said they don't want to limit themselves.
Mr. Jacob said this was no problem as it was not the
Commission's intent to limit building on those lots. The
Minutes only quoted the applicants.
b) Pomerleau: David White called regarding the discussion on
the Shelburne Rd. property. He said they had been asked to
table their request and come in with a Master Plan. Mr.
11 OCTOBER 1988
Jacob again said this was a non -issue as the Minutes only
quoted what Mr. Pomerleau said at that time.
c) Mr. Craig noted that his wife had attended a UVM Women
meeting at which a presentation was made of the University's
10, 20, and 30 year plans. Included was reference to low
level radioactive waste, sorting, compaction, etc. They also
want to reactivate the road between Spear St. and S. Prospect
Street. Members felt the University should be invited in to
discuss their plans with the Commission.
d) Mr. Jacob said he got a letter from someone on Hinesburg
Rd. in the Ag-Ind District. Their house is now for sale and
they can't sell it as a residence. Several people want to
buy it for family run businesses, but the Zoning Administra-
tor has turned them down. Mrs. Maher said she did not feel
those properties should be allowed to go commercial. It is a
very bad piece of road. Mr. Jacob added that the Commission
intended to protect all of those residences. It was the con -
census of the Commission to do nothing in this matter.
It was noted that there is a section that allows I -A lots
between 3 and 80 acres to be developed under pud
As there was no further business to come before the
Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
City of South Burlington
September 21, 1988
Gordon Harlow
17 Maple Lawn Drive
Essex Junction, Vermont 05452
Re: Boundary Readjustment, Allen Road
Dear Mr. Harlow:
Enclosed are the August 30, 1988 Planning Commission meeting
minutes. Please call if you have any questions.
Joe Weith,
City Planner
1 Encl
cc: Robert Brown
Mr. Angelo Pizzagalli
The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a
public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference
Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday,
August 30, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following:
1) Revised Final Plat application of Heathcote Associates for
construction of an 11,460 square foot addition to existing
South Burlington Factory Outlet Mall. Property is bounded on
the north by T. Farrell, H. Thomas and Champlain Oil Company,
Inc., on the east by Touchdown properties (F. Tiballi), on
the south by I-189 and on the west by Route 7 and is located
at 540-560 Shelburne Road.
2) Preliminary Plat application of A.C.M. Associates for a four -
lot residential subdivision on a 1.72 acre parcel. The
property is bounded on the north by H. Giguire, L. Dongara,
W. Wade and G. Danyow, G. Moreau, L. Flynn, on the east by M.
Pacicot, on the south by R. Dumont, and on the west by
Airport'Parkway, and is located on Airport Parkway.
3) Resubdivision application of Robert Brown and Angelo
Pizzagalli to resubdivide two adjoining 1.2 acre lots on
Allen Road. The two existing lots, each with a frontage of
155 feet on Allen Road, would be resubdivided to create two
new lots, one with a frontage of 310 feet on Allen Road, and
the other located behind the lot fronting Allen Road. A 20
foot right-of-way will be provided along the western
boundary of the newly created front lot for access to the
rear lot. The property is bounded on the north by Allen
Road, on the east by R. Brown, A. Pizzagalli, on the south by
F. Irish, and on the west by R. Brosseau, and F. Irish.
Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at
the South Burlington City Hall.
August 13, 1988
Peter L. Jacob
South Burlington
Planning Commission
Subdivision Application - FINAL PEAT
Robert C. & Windy L. Brown
1) Name of Applicant Angelo P. and Patricia h Pizzagalli
2) Name of Subdivision N/A
3) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record,
applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer
since preliminary plat application: NONE
4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units,
)1 property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental
timetable, since preliminary plat application:
i Revised interior lot line.
S) Submit four copies of a final set of plans consisting of a final plat plus
engineering drawings and containing all information required under section
202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section
i 204.1(a) for a major subdivision.
6) Submit tto draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1
(11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and
under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision.
(Signature) applicant oC2� ntact person
Da to
Memor-ar►d► m
AugusL 30,
August 26,
Page 2
- Planning
1988 agenda iLems
Mr. Brown arid Mr. Pizzagalli propose Lo readjusL Lhe common
pvoperLy line beLweeri Lheir respecLive 1.2 acre parcels on Allen
Road. Each of Lhe 2 luLs YYr•esefiLly has a 155 fuoL fror►Lage on
Allen Road. The bour►dary acijusLu►enL would urea Le 2 new 1.2 acre
lots with or►e loL fronLir►g Allen Road (Brown's loL) arid Lhe oL1►er
loL (Pizzagalli's luL) locaLed behind Lhe fvonL loL wiLh no
fror►Lage on Allen Road. Since Lhe proposed boundur•y adjusLmenL
would urea Le a loL with no road fronLage, Lhe applic:anLs are
required Lo obLain-subdivision approval from Lhe Planning
Commission (Sec Lion 19.20 of Lhe Zoning regulaLior►s) .
Access: Access for Lhe loL fror►Lir►g Allen Road will be from
Allen Road. Access for Lhe back loL will be provided by a 20
fool wide privaLe righL-of-way along Lhe easLern bour►dary of Lhe
froriL loL. The Zoning regulaLions require LhaL subdivision of
to Ls wi Lh no fr•on Lage on a public s Lree L mus L be provided wi Lh
access Lo such a sLreeL by eiLher a pern►arrer►L easeu►er►L or righL-
of-way of aL leasL LweriLy feel in width. Therefore Lhe proposed
plan meets Zoning requiren►enLs.
OLher•: See Bill Szy,ursr►ski's commeriLs.
Paul Marquis proposes Lu cunsLrucL a 27,720 square fool planned
commercial developu►enL in Lwo buildings for warehousing, lighL
disLribuLion arid lighL manufacLur•ing uses on a 2.55 acre parcel.
Mr. Marquis was unable Lo geL me Lhe plan by Lhe Lime Lhis memo
was wriLLeri, so I have noL yeL reviewed iL. I will provide
con►meri Ls a L Lhe ,nee Ling .
Zoning: The parcel is- zoned Commercial 2 which requires a
minimum of 4 acres for- PCD's. Mr. Marquis is going in fronL of
Lhe Zoning Board AugusL 22, 1988 Lo request a variance from Lhe
minimum 4 acre r-equir•emenL. Therefore, Lhi6 projecL is
conLingenL upon Lhe Zoning Buard's decision.
To: South Burlington Planning Commission
From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager
Re: August 30, 1988 agenda items
Date: August 19, 1988
I. Drainage pipe shall be.plastic not metal or aluminum.
2. Road including island shall be lined with a concrete curb.
3. Street shall be named.
4. The cul-de-sac is sub -standard but is acceptable. This is
the best plan of the many we have had for the parcel.
6. Drainage pipe to outlet in drainage way not tee into existing
36" pipe.
8. Work on Airport Parkway shall be completed during this (1988)
construction season.
1. Creating lots served by 20' right-of-way should be
discouraged. City has had a lot of experience with these types
of subdivisions. Adjacent owners complain about excessive speed
on them, dust if they are not paved and approach the City to plow
them because they are so long.
1. About 70-80 parking spaces will be lost for snow storage
during the -time they are most needed. Hauling snow away will
require a dumping site. South Burlington land fill cannot be
used for that purpose.
2. The plan legend is very misleading and should be corrected.
The grassed areas should be lined with concrete curb to protect
them. A few trees and shrubs should be added.
City,of South Burlington
August 19, 1988
Gordon Harlow
17 Maple Lawn Drive
Essex Junction, Vermont 05452
Re: Resubdivision ApplicaLiono Allen Road
Dear Mr. Harlow;
Enclosed are the agenda item and my commenLs Lo Lh'e Planning
Commission. Also enclosed are Bill Szymanski's comments.
Please be gore someone is present-on.Tuesday, August.30, 1988 aL
7:30 P.M::`tti1'
.:represe4t your ris4uest.
Joe Weith,
CiLy Planner
cc: Robert Brown
Angelo Pizzagalli
Statd if Vermont r
PERMIT NO.: D-4-129.1
18 V.S.A. 951218-1220 and Environmental Protection
Rules, Chapter 3-Subdivisions, S 3.06 Deferral
of Permit`
Angelo P. & Patricia Pizzagalli
1855 Spear Street
So. Burlington, VT 05403
Robert C. & Wendy L. Brown
197 Allen Road
So. Burlington, VT 05403
Robert C. & Wendy L. Brown
197 Allen Road
So. Burlington, Vermont 05403
South of Allen Road, So. Burlington, Vermont
Convey 1.23 acres, not improved. Remaining 1.23 acres subject to
(1) The deed for a parcel purchased under the provisions of this
permit must include the following "Waiver of Development Rights." All
subsequent deeds, leases or contracts of sale must also contain the waiver
unless a subdivision permit is obtained. Notice of the purchaser's name
and address must be filed with the Division of Protection.
"In order to comply with the State of Vermont Environmental
Protection Rules on the subdivision of lands and disposal of
waste including sewage, the grantee shall not construct or
erect a structure or building on the parcel of land conveyed
herein, the useful occupancy of which will require the in-
stallation of plumbing and sewage treatment facilities or
convey this land without first complying with said State
regulations. The grantee by acceptance of this deed ac-
knowledges that this lot may not qualify for approval for
development under the appropriate environmental protection
or health regulations and that the State may deny an appli-
cation to develop the lot."
(2) If the parcel being acquired is to be considered for building
development at some future date, the purchaser understands that the
('information required by Section 3-08 of the rules must be submitted for
evaluation. If such information does not meet the Environmental Protection
Rules, permission to build on the lot will be denied.
(3) The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will
be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and
successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for recording
this permit and the "Notice of Permit Recording" in the So.
Burlington Land Records within 30 days of issuance of this
permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the
jurisdiction of this permit.
Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 30th day of March, 1989.
Patrick A. Parenteau, Commissioner
Department of Environmental Conservation
By i, i, G' Z�LttL—
Ernest P. Christianson
Regional Engineer -
cc: Town Planning Commission ---"'
Donald Robisky