HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-06-105 SD-06-106 - Decision - 1100 Hinesburg Road#SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING EAST MOUNTAIN VIEW, LLC - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1100 HINESBURG ROAD PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION #SD-06-105 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-06-106 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION East Mountain View, LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking preliminary and final plat approval for a planned unit development consisting of a 24,400 sq. ft. 2- story medical office building, 1100 Hinesburg Road. The Development Review Board held a public hearing on January 2, 2006. Jeremy Matosky represented the applicant. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearing and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is seeking preliminary and final plat approval for a planned unit development consisting of a 24,400 sq. ft. 2-story medical office building, 1100 Hinesburg Road. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is East Mountain View, LLC. 3. The subject property is located in the Industrial & Open Space (10) Zoning District. 4. The plans submitted consist of an 11 page set of plans, page two (2) entitled, "Boundary Plat East Mountain View 1100 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT", prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, dated 8/28/06. - 1 - #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements 10Zoning District_ Required Pro osed ♦ Min. Lot Size 3 acres 2.43 acres Max. Density n/a n/a Max. Building Coverage 30% 11.5% Max. Overall Coverage 50% 49.7.0% 4 Min. Front Setback 50 ft. 42 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. 35 ft. Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. >50 ft. 4 Max. Building Height 35 ft. 43.3 ft. Front Yard Coverage 30% 25.3% zoning compliance n/a no residential units proposed ♦ pre-existing non-compliance 46 waiver required The applicant is requesting a front setback waiver of 7'3" for the porte-cochere. The remainder of the building is beyond the front setback. This request reasonable as the plans already account for a future widening of the roadway. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated December 14, 2006. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. -2- #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 The applicant has submitted grading and erosion control plans The South Burlington Stormwater Superintendent is reviewing the grading and erosion control plans and may have comments prior to the hearing. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to this property is proposed via a two-way 24' drive off of Hinesburg Road. The applicant is proposing a 13' one-way drop off lane. Visitors to the site may either utilize the drop off lane and then continue to circulate around the building, or they may drive straight and proceed to the parking in the rear of the building or park underneath. The applicant is also proposing an underground parking garage. It appears that there is an entrance and exit at both the north and south sides of the garage. Both access points are proposed to be ingress and egress. The official city map projects a future recreational path or bike lane to be built along the eastern side of Hinesburg Road. The applicant should provide a 20 foot easement to the City of South Burlington, starting from the existing state Right -of -Way of Hinesburg Road. At sketch plan review, the applicant stated that they would provide this easement. It is shown on the site plan and the survey plat. At sketch plan review, staff recommended, and the Board supported, a shared access drive for this property and the lot to the south. This has been adequately shown on the site plan and the survey plat. The South Burlington Fire Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated December 28, 2006. According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, the 24,400 square feet of medical office use is estimated to generate 85 PM peak hour trip ends. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The applicant has stated that the subject property does not contain any wetlands, streams, or other unique natural features. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. According to Section 6.04(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Industrial -Open Space 10 District is established to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large -lot office, light industrial and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. The l0 District regulations and standards are intended to allow high -quality planned developments that preserve the generally open character of the district, minimize impacts on natural resources and water quality, and enhance the visual quality of approaches to the City while providing suitable locations for -3- #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 employment and business growth. The location and architectural design of buildings in a manner that preserves these qualities is strongly encouraged. The proposed project is in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as outlined in the Land Development Regulations. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The open spaces on this property are largely limited to the perimeter of the lot. This should allow for the creation of open spaces between adjoining parcels. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. It has already been stated that the Fire Chief has reviewed the plans and provided comments. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The applicant is proposing a stormwater retention pond on the property. The resulting amount of impervious surface meets the guidelines for state review and so the project shall be reviewed at the state level. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. The City Engineer has reviewed the pans and provided comments in a memo dated December 21, 2006. A lighting point by point plan for the proposed project has been submitted for this proposal, and meets the requirements in Appendices A.9 and A.10 of the Land Development Regulations. In addition, the applicant has submitted exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) for the proposed lighting on the subject parcel. The proposed lighting fixtures are in compliance with Appendix D of the Land Development Regulations. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). The proposed development of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. The applicant has provided for adequate pedestrian movement to and within the subject lot. According to Table 13-1 in Section 13.01(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the 24,400 SF of Medical Office use shall require 122 parking spaces. The applicant is proposing to provide 106 parking spaces. Therefore the applicant is requesting a parking waiver of sixteen (16) spaces, or 13.1 %. The applicant shows five spaces marked as handicapped accessible. Five are required. The dimensions of the proposed parking spaces meet the requirements in Table 13-8 of the Land Development Regulations. Section 13.01(G)(5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is depicted on the plans. Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. All of the proposed parking is located either below the building or to the rear; therefore this project is in compliance with this criterion. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The height of the building is proposed to be 43.3 feet above average pre -construction grade which is 8.3 feet higher than permitted. The applicant is seeking a waiver and provided a building elevation showing that from Hinesburg Road, the height of the building will appear to be 29'8". Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed building. -5- #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted elevations of the proposed building. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. The importance of a shared curbcut for this property and the one to the south has already been discussed. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans depict one dumpster with a fenced enclosure. Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on the submitted cost projections for this property of $3.2 million, the minimum landscaping budget shall be $39,500. The applicant is proposing $42,096. The City Arborist has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memo dated December 20, 2006. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, in all off-street parking area with twenty-eight (28) or more parking spaces, at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking area shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other plants. All interior and perimeter planting shall be protected by curbing. Interior planted islands shall have a minimum dimension of six (6) feet on any one side, and shall have a minimum square footage of sixty (60) feet. Large islands are encouraged. This parking lot contains more than 28 spaces. The site plan appears to show significant islands. The applicant has specified the percentage of the parking area which is included in these islands. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage area #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 must be specified and located in an area that will minimize the potential for run-off. The plans depict acceptable snow storage areas. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any utility cabinets on the site shall be effectively screened to the approval of the Development Review Board. DECISION Motion by Gayle Quimby, seconded by Roger Farley, to approve Preliminary Plat Application #SD-06-105 and Final Plat Application #SD-06-106 of East Mountain View, LLC, subject to the following conditions: 1) All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect, except as amended herein. 2) This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant, and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3) The plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plans shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording. a) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the South Burlington Water Department. b) The applicant shall comply with the requests of the South Burlington Fire Department per the letter dated December 28, 2006. c) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer as outlined in his memorandum dated December 21, 2006. d) The plans shall be revised to remove any reference or depiction of a project sign. e) The landscaping plan shall be revised to include any utility cabinets on the site. They shall be effectively screened to the approval of Staff. 4) The applicant shall adhere to the stipulations of the South Burlington Water Superintendent per the letter dated December 14, 2006. 5) The applicant shall comply with the requests of the South Burlington Fire Department per the letter dated December 28, 2006. 6) The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer as outlined in his memorandum dated December 21, 2006.. 7) The Board grants a front setback waiver of 7'3" for the porte-cochere. -7- #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 8) The port-cochere shall not be converted into an enclosed space without additional approval from the South Burlington Development Review Board. 9) The Board grants an 8.3' height waiver pursuant to Section 3.07(E)(2) of the Land Development Regulations for a maximum height of 43.3' above pre -construction grade. 10) The applicant shall obtain final wastewater capacity allocation from the Director of Planning and Zoning, Juli Beth Hinds, prior to permit issuance. 11) The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. 12) For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Development Review Board estimates that the office building will generate 85 additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 13) Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. 14) The Board grants the applicant a parking waiver of 16 spaces, or 13.1 % for a total of 106 spaces. 15) Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall post a $39,500 landscape bond. This bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of survival. 16) Any new exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting fixtures. Any change to approved lights shall require approval of the Administrative Officer prior to installation. 17) Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall record a Notice of Conditions approved by the City Attorney which requires the applicant to provide an access easement deed to the property owner(s) abutting property to the south and east for ingress and egress over the access easement shown on the approved plat upon approval of a development plan on the abutting property by the Development Review Board. 18) The mylar shall be recorded prior to permit issuance. 19) Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 20) The final plat plan (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning and Zoning. #SD-06-105 #SD-06-106 Mark Behr — yea/nay/abstain/not present Matthew Birmingham — rhea/nay/abstain/not present John Dinklage — yea/nay/abstain/not present Roger Farley — yea/nay/abstain/not present Eric Knudsen — yea/nay/abstain/not present Peter Plumeau — yea/nay/abstain/not present Gayle Quimby — yea/nay/abstain/not present Motion carried by a vote of 7-0-0. Signed this L" day of 2007, by John Dinklage, Chair Please note: You have the right to appeal this decision to the Vermont Environmental Court, pursuant to 24 VSA 4471 and VRCP 76 in writing, within 30 days of the date this decision is issued. The fee is $225.00. If you fail to appeal this decision, your right to challenge this decision at some future time may be lost because you waited too long. You will be bound by the decision, pursuant to 24 VSA 4472 (d) (exclusivity of remedy; finality).