HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0900 0850 0894 0896 0950 Hinesburg Road6 ngton PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP- (office use Drily) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑ Administrative evP elo ment Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): WGM Associates, c/o Keith Wright,P.O. Box 2352,850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403; 802-343-5550 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): Bk 675 / Pg 550 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation, c/o Sprint Nextel, 8 Airline Drive, Suite 105, Albany, NY 12205 (518-365-9711 / fax 518-862-6902) 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax ft Joseph A. Papa, Jr. , c/o Sprint Nextel , 8 Airline Drive, Suite 105, Albany, NY 12205; 518-365-9711; fax 518-862-6902 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: joseph.a.papa@gmail.com 5. PROJECT STREETADDRESS: 850 Hinesburg Road (at farm silo) 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0 8 6 0 - 0 0 8 9 6 ( map 4 8 ) 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846,4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Applicant proposes to install a communication facility consisting of radio equipment cabinets on a 101x 20' concrete pad and install six(6) antennas at 50ft(top of antenna)on existing 70+- t tall silo. Applicant will also install coax cables,ice bridge,cab e tray,uti i y connects. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Property is currently used by owner for residential and commercial purposes. Property also used by tenants for commercial communications equipment at the silo(1000+/- sq ft). c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): All existing uses to remain as is on the property. Proposed use(460+/-sq ft)by Sprint Nextel is communication at the silo similar to existing use of silo/property by existing tenants(1000+/- sq ft). d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): No change to existing building square footage on property. Applicant to install 120 +/- sq ft equipment pad. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): A pl icant Is equipment on pad will be 7 ft. tall. Applicant's antennas will be 50ft.(top of antenna) on existing 70+-ft. silo. No change to existing buildings. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): No change to existing residential units on property. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): No change. Applicant's communication facility is an unmanned facility. Applicant's technicians will visit once or twice per month. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Appl icant ' s proposed communication facility is consistent with existing uses on the property. Applicant facility will provide necessary wireless communications to the general area of South Burlington surrounding the silo. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 10+/- acres 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 2 . 9 9% / 13,000 sq ft (+ / - ) Proposed 3 % / 13, 4 6 0 sq. ft. (+ b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 11 . 5 3 % / 26, 500 sq. Proposed 11.58%/ 26, 960 sq c. Front yard (along each street) Existing no change % / no change sq. ft. Proposed no c ai nge % / no change s ft q• d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 500+- sq ft * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ N/A b. Landscaping: $ 2,500.00 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): $ 8 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Communications equipment pad, fencing, utility connections, communications equipment antenna mounts and cable tray on silo, and associated supporting equipment. 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N/A - unmanned communication facility 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N/A - unmanned communication facility (continuously operating 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/A - unmanned communication facility 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: May 15, 2 013 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the si e plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. � C j Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation (Sprint Nextel)(� A'' l : '1 -J' & �J`— w��hor/1'4 rep. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Comp The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I. Project Description This Application is respectfully submitted by Independent Wireless Once Leased Realty Corporation (herein referred to as "Sprint Nextel" or "Applicant"), for Site Plan Review, pursuant to City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations Article Fourteen, Article Fourteen (Site Plan and Conditional Use, and such other applicable Sections to allow a proposed wireless antenna communications facility to be located on the existing 70 +/- ft. farm silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road within the City of South Burlington. The project parcel is approximately 10 +/- acres and is identified as Parcel ID No. 0869- 00896 (tax map no. 48) within the Industrial -Open Space (IO) Zoning District. This project parcel is a large parcel which has two (2) existing wireless communication company tenants co -located on the silo and with supporting equipment on the ground near the silo. This Application proposes co -location of wireless communication equipment consisting of twelve (12) panel antennas [each measuring approximately 76" x14"x7; h x w x d] attached to pipe mounts on the existing silo at approximately 45 ft. (antenna centerline) together with supporting equipment (including fifteen (12) Remote Radio Units (RRUs) [each measuring approximately 24" x 13" x 7"; h x w x d], three (3) RRU filters [each measuring approximately 24" x 13" x 7"; h x w x d] and twelve (12) combiners [each measuring approximately 12" x 6" x 2", h x w x d] attached below the panel antennas). Applicant's equipment installed on the silo will be a non -reflective color to blend with the color of the existing silo and equipment on the silo which is white. On the ground near the base of the silo, Applicant will install a 10 ft. x 20 ft. concrete pad for its radio equipment cabinets within an 18 ft. x 26 ft. ground lease area which will be enclosed by a wood stockade fence and screened by existing and additional landscaping/shrubs to be planted by Applicant. Applicant will also install cables within a covered cable tray on the silo to connect the above listed equipment on the silo to the radio equipment that will be installed in the fenced ground area. Applicant's cables will run from the radio equipment area on an ice bridge that will connect to the base of the silo and which will protect the cables. Additionally, Applicant will install buried utility conduits to connect its radio equipment to existing telephone and electrical utilities that service the property. For a specific depiction of Applicant's proposed communication facility, please refer to the engineering/site plan drawings attached as Exhibit "I". Also, attached as Exhibit "2" are photos of the existing silo with existing communication equipment by other tenants. The herein proposed wireless communication facility on the silo at 850 Hinesburg Road is extremely important and necessary to allow Applicant to provide continuous reliable wireless services to the City of South Burlington. Applicant currently has a wireless communication facility with antennas located on a rooftop tower at 625 Hinesburg Road, but that tower is being deconstructed by its owner and the City of South Burlington will lose Applicant's wireless service that is currently provided from that rooftop tower unless the herein collocation of the silo is installed. The attached broadcast propagation plots within Exhibit "3" shows the wireless coverage this facility will provide and which is necessary to replace the wireless broadcast overage that will be lost when the rooftop tower at 625 Hinesburg Road is deconstructed by its owner. (Green represents best r coverage, while red represents weaker in -car coverage level, and blue represents weaker outdoor only coverage level). As with all of Applicant's wireless communications facilities, this facility will operate within strict compliance with all Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations including within permissible limits on radio frequency (RF) emissions. Attached as Exhibit "4" is Applicant's RF Emission Report. II. Local Compliance — City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations Applicant proposed communications facility to be located on the existing farm silo is similar to the existing antenna facilities by other tenants collocated on the silo and will not create any adverse visual impacts to the immediate area near the silo or to any distant views of the silo. This project does not cause any adverse impact on the City of South Burlington, its residents or any adjacent properties, nor will it cause any significant disturbance to the subject property because it is small and utilizes previously developed portions of the subject parcel. Applicant's project is in compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations and Site Plan Review approval pursuant to Article Fourteen (Site Plan and Conditional Use Review) should be granted for this project. Y ♦' INDEX OF ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS Application for Site Plan Review Project Description and Supporting Documents EXHIBIT 1 - Engineering/Site Plan Drawings EXHIBIT 2 - Photographs of Project Site Existing Conditions EXHIBIT 3 - Radio Frequency (RF) Emission Report EXHIBIT 4 — Propagation Plots of the Existing and Proposed Wireless Service (Broadcast Coverage) EXHIBIT I. Engineering/Site Plan Drawings PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING FENCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS \ COMPOUND, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON A CONCRETE PAD AND ANTENNAS ON AN EXISTING SILO, WITH ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES, NO WATER OR SEWER IS REWIRED. CODE GXNIPUANCE: Sprint ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 1. NY BUILDING CODE 5. UNIFORM PLUMBING SITE NUMBER: NE25XC443 2. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE S. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 3. BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE 7. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ADMINISTRATORS MECHANICAL CCOCA) S. CITY/COUNTYLOCAL NG CODE ORDNANCES 850 HINESBURG ROAD 4. UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME: SOUTH SURUNGTON SILO SITE ADDRESS: e50 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH SURLNiGM, VT 05403 LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40.e7' N LONGITUDE: 73, 09' 274r W PARCEL 1.0.; 01160-0010 (MAP 48) PARCEL SIZE: 10 ACRES ZONING DISTRICT: INDUSTRIAL h OPEN SPACE 10) PROJECT DIRECTORY LANDLORD: WGM ASSOCIATES, ATTN: KEITH WRIGHT 850 HINESBURG ROAD, P.D. BOX 2352 SOUTH 13URUNGTON VT OW3 APPLICANT SPRINT 8 AIRLINE DRIVE SUITE 105 ALBANY NY 12205 CONTACT; JOE PAPA Farm 1,7 SPman HIII Essex Beach, Cantor +. Essen Ethan Allen Mnooski s, 4unctlon Park VERMONT 1, SU tgton° ' 2A' Surttroon In1wmbonal KRbwr y Cw oueen City Park. S ibon TvAn Orchards CHITTENDEN Lake Pj �hAm�>xein ? lie All 4helbumo N OCINITY MAP Mrs I LOCA77ON MAP N. T.S INFINIGYue . 11 HERBERT DRIVE LATHAM, NY 12110 OFFICEf. (5f. 18) 8 FAX90-0793 CONTACT; PAUL FANGS INFINIGY PROJECT NUMBER: 195-000 PROPOSED RAD CENTER: ±47' AGL PHONE: (518) 355-971/ LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40.67" N LONGITUDE: 73' 09' 27.83" W DIG ALERT: CALL FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO DIGGING: 1 EMERGENC133 CHITTENDEN COUNTY, VERMONT CALL 911 DRAWING INDEX DRWG. III TITLE EV./ DATE TI TITLE SHEET 1 1/17/13 Z1 GENERAL NOTES k LEGEND 1 07/13 Z2 OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 1/17/13 Z3 COMPOUND k ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 1/17/13 Z4 ELEVATION VIEW 1 1/17A3 Z5 DETAILS 1 IA7113 to DETAILS , 1/17/13 Z7 DETAILS Ze FENCE DETAILS i 1/17/13 R{NFA. NOTES 1, ALL DIMENSIONS TO, OF, AND ON EXISTING BUILDINGS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR WITH ALL DISCREPANCIES REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. 2. DO NOT CHANGE SIZE NOR SPACING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. 3. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL. SIMILAR DETAILS APPLY TO SIMILAR CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. S. BRACE STRUCTURES UNTIL ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS NEEDED FOR STABILITY ARE INSTALLED. THESE ELEMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: LATERAL BRACING, ANCHOR BOLTS, ETC. 6. DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES, GROUNDS DRAINS, DRAIN PIPES, VENTS, ETC. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 7. INCORRECTLY FABRICATED, DAMAGED, OR OTHERWISE MISFITTING OR NONCONFORMING MATERIALS OR CONDITIONS SHALT. BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO REMEDIAL OR CORRECTIVE ACTION, ANY SUCH ACTION SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL. 6, EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. 9. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO EXAMINE ALL PLAN SHEETS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF ALL WU CONTRACTORS M ENSURE THAT WORK PROGRESSION IS NOT '.0. THE CONTRACTOR 1S RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A NEAT AND ORDERLY SITE, YARD AND GROUNDS .ER, REMOVE AND DISPOSE OFF SITE ALL RUBBISH, WASTE MATERIALS, LITTAND ALL FOREIGN SUBSTANCES. REMOVE PETRO-CHEMICAL SPILLS, STAINS AND OTHER FOREIGN DEPOSITS. RAKE GROUNDS TO A SMOOTH EVEN -TEXTURED SURFACE. 11, THE PUNKS SHOW SOME KNOWN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES, ABOVE- GROUND STRUCTURES ANO(OR UTILITIES BELIEVED TO EXIST IN THE WORKING AEA, LOCATION OF WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE LMKA7TDNS INDICATED. IN PARTICULAR, THE CONTRACTOR IS WARNED THAT THE EXACT OR EVEN APPROXI TE LOCATION OF SUCH PIPELINES. SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES AND OR UTILITIES IN THE AREA MAY BE SHOWN OR MAY NOT BE IR : AND IT SHALL BE HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROCEED WITH GREAT CARE IN DEECUTING ANY WORK. 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG, DRILL OR BLAST, CALL 1-888-344-7233 12. THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHAM, BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING CE ANY CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL NOT VARY FROM THE PLANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED APPROVAL OF THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 13. THE CONTRACTOR IS INSTRUCTED TO COOPERATE WITH ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK ON THIS JOB SITE WRING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY DAMAGED OR REMOVED TO AT LEAST AS GOOD OF CONDITION Fy5 BEFORE DISTURBED AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER OR OWNER S REPRESENTATIVE. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. 16. THE CONTRACTOR SH RBtALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING, AND INCI1NG THE COST OF ALL REWIRED PERMITS, INCLUDING, S'UT NOT LIMITED TO, THE BUILDING PERMIT, INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATES. ETD. 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE MONUMENTAMON. ANY MONUMENTATION DISTURBED OR DESTROYED, AS JUDGED BY THE OWNER DR OWNER'S PTENTATNE $HALL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. IS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL D;MENSONS AND COMITONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED I NBiD1ATELY TO THE ENGINEER. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. 20. TXkNSIRUCBON SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIN APRICA8LE OSHA REGMATIONS, AND 11AIi1A-222F, AM SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN 'DOM WEATHER'. GOOD WEATHER MEANS LLIITTRREE OR NO WIND AND RAIN AND MIRWUM TEMPERATURE OF 40 DEGREES F. CONTACT M 04CHM FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS IF'GOOD WEATHER' CANNOT BE ACHIEVED. 1. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION, FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS 2, ALL EXTERIOR STEEL WORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A123 AND AS FOLLOWS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: A) GALVANIZING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER SHOP FABRICATION AND WELDING TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. 0) ALL DINGS, SCRAPES, MARS. AND WELDS IN THE GALVANIZED AREAS SMALL BE COATED WITH A ZINC -RICH PAINT. USE SHERWWN- WILLIAMS 'ZINC CLAD IV' OR EQUIVALENT, APPLIED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. C) AFTER ZINC -RICH PAINT IS DRY, OVERCOAT WITH AN APPROPRIATE PAINT THAT 15 THE SAME COLOR AS THE STRUCTURE IF DESIRED. D) AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED SHOULD BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED AS NECESSARY DURING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. DO NOT PLACE HOES THROUGH STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS EXCEPT AS SHOWN AND DETAILED ON SHOP DRAWNGS 4. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: A) ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE USING E70XX ELECTRODES 8) ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS 010, LATEST EDITION, INCLUDING WELDER(S), QUALIFIED PROCEDURE AND SATISFACTORY WEATHER CONDITIONS THE WELDERS) SHOULD BE CERTIFIED FOR THE METHODS AND POSITIONS TO BE USED, AND SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE WELDING GALVANIZED MATERIALS. C) WHERE FILLET WELD SZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION. D) ALL WELDS SHALL IE INSPECTED VISUALLY AND WITH DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE TO MEET THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA OF AWS 01.1. SECTION 8 (W). REPAIR ALL WELDS AS NECESSARY. E) INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFQ6ED BY A QUAUFED WELD NMSPEGTOR. CRTIICA ION TO AWS, CO. OR ACM IS RECOMMENDED FOR VISUAL INSPECTION, AND ASNT-r-IA CEVFL 2 OR 3 FOR DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE WORK WELD INSPECTION REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO APPROVAL O CONTRACTORS FINAL PAYMENT. F) REPAIR ALL GALVANIZED AREAS AFFECTED BY THE WELDING, BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE PER NOTES 2B THROUGH 2D OF THIS DRAWING, G) BOLBOLOLT(314"NDICA ANDD U 14AYEEAAI MMIINIMUM OF TWO BTYPE OO. 5326 UNLESS THERW NOTED. H) CONNECTION DESIGN BY FA13RICATOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND WROVAL OF ENGINEER. 1, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CONCRETE ELEMENTS SMALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EOT:ONS Of THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE CODES: ACI 301 "SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR SUK.ONGS'I ACI 318. 'BUILDING CODE REGUIREME14TS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE'; 2, MIX DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE. 3, CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT. OX NR ENTRAINED (t1.5X) WITH A MAXIMUM 4' SUMP, AND HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4, MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE SHALL BE 1', 5. THE FOLLOW14G MATERIALS SHALL BE USED: PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTMS C 150, TYPE I REINFORCEMENT: ASOA A 180 NORMAL. WEIGHT AGGREGATE: ASTM C 33 WATER. DRINKABLE ADMIXTURES: NON -CHLORIDE CONTAINING 6. REINFORCING DETAILS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ALI 315, 7. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO AMU A 513, GRADE 60, DEFORMED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 165 WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPLICES SKALL BE CLASS AND ALL HOOKS SHALL BE STANDARD, UNO. 8. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR REINFORCING STEEL UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS: CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH........3 IN. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER: AND LARGER..................................2 IN, 5 AND SMALLER 4 WWF ...................1 1/2 IN, CONCRETE NOT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER OR NOT CAST AGAINST THE GROUND: SLAB AND WALL .................................3 4 IN. BEAMS AND COLUMNS ........................ 1 1/2 IN. 9. A CHAMFER 3l4' StAU. BE PROVIDED AT ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE, UNO, IN ACCORDAN E WITH AO 301 SECTION 4.2,4. 10, RISTALLATION OF CONCRETE EXPANSION/WEDGE ANCHOR, SMALL BE PER MANUFACTURES WRITTEN RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, NO REM SHALL. BE CUT WITHOUT PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE, It. CURING COMPOUNDS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-309, 12. ADMIXTURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE ASTM STANDARD AS REFERENCED IN ACI-301. 13. DO NOT WELD OR TACKWELD REINFORCING STEEL. 14. ALL DOWELS, ANCHOR BOLTS, EMBEDDED STEEL, ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, PIPE SLEEVES, GROUNDS AND ALL OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS AND FORMED DETAILS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE START OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 15, LOCATE ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AS ACCEPTABLE TO ENGINEER. PLACE REINFORCEMENT CONTINUOUSLY THROUGH JOINT. 16. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE COLD BENT WHENEVER BENDING IS REOURRED. 17. PLACE CONCRETE IN A UNIFORM MANNER TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF COD JOINTS AND OTHER PLANES OF WEAKNESS. VIBRATE THE CONCRETE TO FULLY EMBED REINFORCING, DO NOT USE VIBRATORS TO TRANSPORT CONCRETE THROUGH CHUTES OR FORMWORK. 15, DO NOT PLACE CONCRETE IN WATER, ICE, OR ON FROZEN GROUND, It. DO NOT ALLOW CONCRETE SUBBASE M FREEZE DURING CONCRETE CURING AND SETTING PERIOD, OR FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 RAYS AFTER PLACEMENT. 20. FOR COLD -WEATHER AND HOT -WEATHER CONCRETE PLACEMENT, CONFORM TO APPLICABLE ACI CODES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. IN EITHER CASE, MATERIALS COTMNING CHLORIDE, CALCIUM, SALTS, ETC. SHALL NOT BE USED. PROTECT FRESH CONCRETE FROM WEATHER FOR 7 RAYS MINIMUM. CIVIL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED FENCE ----- - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - T- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE T-- s OVERHEAD TELEPHONE C OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -a-- LEASE LINE ®_---- UTILITY POLE jQ CURB ASPHALT PAVEMENT BUILDING TREES, SHRUBS, BUSHES REF. DRAWING DETAIL NUM9ER X REF. DRAWBNG NUMBER E%ima BUILDING EXISTING LOCATION OF PERTY LINE (TYP.) 1 OVERALL SITE PLAN Lap -- � AS mulw- GRAPHIC SCALE 100' 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE (1107): 1" = 100'-0" SCALE (22X34): 1" = 50'-0" APPRaWA7E LOCAAW OF PRCPO9D SPIMTVT PARR ANW WAS NOEX U M nffV P FAIT OF e640lM. %0 W N AW/ MIS slowAND AWY watj ADCY@tl£ AND VlRi01LS CaMPQ51E717S (i1P. � {4C ANEMUS PER SEVIM (3) EECW WX) TIRO CRAM ORiVEWAY/P CRA tAT IANDSCAPIC (TYP.) LANDSG r/ JS4PSW NT FFAW PPN WWI, . ,—EXISTING PLO WRWF FENCED ttasE AREA 10 F naw POW & IFL(A7 OFLARC--- EXISTNG UMITY IACK80AR0 E1pmNET TELCO CABINET-- \\ -r_-J EYISTINC r--''---- PROPANE TANK - 1 I .�-'__ { I i I I I I I i I I I V I 1 1 i V I I I I II I I 1 1 I 1 i V V V f I I 1 r0clooT FAX IF G FJW ZO \ PAOPO.ffO SPAWT 1 Az &WW (n►J Z6 -EX!STNC EOU^IENT SHELTER -EXISTING CARRIER ICE BRIDGE (TYP,) Z.Silk CRAtEL DRIVEWAY/PARIONG LOT --EX�SING 12' YEOE 2 PAg90.SFD Z5 ODYcrfE 0� EXISTIIC 20'.20' FENCED Z P EOIIPMFNT AREA + swMrET L.L. Z ACCESS GATE e 9134T I -EXISTING 20'x20' FENCED EQUIPMENT AREA =0. `\ 1 OVERALL COMPOUND PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 20' 10' 0 10' 20' SCALE (11x17): 1" = 20'-0" SCALE (22x34): 1" = 10'-0" El El ---- 26' 2' 7 ��_� �E TC�ABAET 1 (m'• CFI) ZS fNQxIDSED NY 1 Z6++x• LI $j cnxrxe2-tz. �_Jaylt �� �� NE26XC443 26' SIL( \11f1/� \atilt aiu4/i Be0NI1E�U UII/ \�a�111/ '�\ i� ya i� 9e� 6arrH6uRUNm i 4"J AlVW= A'RMWN w P� a _� 2 ENLyARG�ED STTE�P+LAANN P K g LC. D�vg".q 8wlx: j N4TEB GRAPHIC rIAL- — 6' 3' 0 3' 6' ° COMPOUND ENLARGED SCALE (1107): 1" = 6'-0" SITE PLAN SCALE (22x34): 1" = S-0" ` NT NEX' EXGWG DRAWING PREPARED BY y9 2 KING MC DA"; 7/04 AND DOESNOT11 Z3 NT AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS NOT COMPLETED AT TIME OF ISSUANCE OF 7, SE DRAANGS. THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCITON.11 EXISING CARRIER PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTED TO INTERIOR EXISTNIG SIlO� OF r'7051lN', 9L0 DOME (TYP) Xl"NG CARRIER PANEL AVIVOW SW PAW A S M So WX lilt I= MW AW AMY m" "ww AND Wma oarawwls z IF (4)XVRX MR mmt t ELEVATION VIEW NOT TO SCALE ANTENNA MOUNTED TO Er.E.RIOR FACE OF LTOSTNG SILO (TYP.) snNc GARTER DIVOT CABLES ROUTED ON EXISTING SILO (TYP.) ,:� GROUND LEVEL ® ~r tTC VERTICAL CABLE MNTED TO FACE LNG SILO (TYP.) fwr I RIM 4 EMG aoro z7 III o Z rll IE Z TNE25XC443 .4••+ H 11 A5 NoreO mma wwp TMM ELEVATITION rwAry- Z4 !�-- 20'-C' — t EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND ANCHORING S" COMPACTED CRUM STONE OR GRAVEL. GRAVEL SHALL BE NATURAL OR CRUSHED PATH 100 FINISH GRADE PERCENT PASSING i• SIEVE.-- 43 TIE O 24' O.C. #4 CON% 4 PL tj�l 6" WIN. CRASHED CONSOIDATED/UNDISTURSED STORE OR COMPACTED SJSGRAGE COMPACTED TO GRANULAR TIL 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY SECTION M113L 1. SURFACE OF FINISHED SLAB SHALL BE LEVEL AND FLIT VATHN 1/8'. % 2 EQUIPMENT CABINET FOUNDATION OT TO SCALE e��ISDMETRIC EQUIPMENT VIEW NOT TO SCALE (SUPPLIED BY OTHERS) a ew 1OAIV PPE 2i' f2 ANC PLBLCS-) LONG r.nYnn IM %—STANNLESS STEEL SiR�PS ]/i' s ION a v, s/ts cALV. PIPE � 5G6 W2.102.1 WAIF FOUR SAI�iDR LATE W/ ADJUSTMENTS INCE BPoIX E FGSf INSULA ,,, , �C$421d'-V' TED CIGBE TOGROUNDING KIT CIL13E !�W CABLE (PR DED WIKM KIT) NOTES, I. THE ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF THE DIPS ANTENNA SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WRH THE FINAL RF REPORTS. 2. THE OPS ANTENNA MOUNT IS DESIGNED TO FASTEN TO A STANGARO 1-1/4- DIAMETER, SCNEWLE t0 QALVANIZED STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL PIPE. THE PIPE MUST NOT BE THREADED AT THE MRENNA MOUNT END. THE PIPE SHALL BE CUT TO THE REQUIRED LENGTH NBiHRM/ 1B INCHES) USING A HMND OR ROTARY PIPE CUTTER TO ASSURE A SMOOTH ANO PERPENDICULAR CUT. W . THE CUT PIPE END SHALL BE DEBURRED AND SM00 IN ORDER TO SEAL AGWIST THE NEOPRENE GASKET ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNA MOUNT. 4 GPS ANTENNA -- NOT TO SCALE BRIDGE R NOT TO EXCEED NL HMT ABOVE QtADE.LMdl 18" WOE SELF SUPPORTING ICE BRIDGE KIT, ID' LONG VALMONT P/N: 852164 OR EQUAL - JUMPER CABLE -� TRAPEZE KIT, DOUBLE LEVEL FOR 18" WIDE Rf SRC VAIAIONT P/Dk 802284 1>R EWAL 8'Mi STEEL 9ASEPUIf SILO WITH (a) 1/2° ANDitXi z AWD SEW TO BOLTS (TYP.) ZB EgUP�MENi MINE. IQUIPMENT 1' BELF LEVELING ORIIXINQ RING GROUT BASE FOR RUNOFF CONCRETE PAD FIN. GRACE .:/ \ PIER TYP. ZB 2P t� SNAP IN HANGER 1. THEN USING PIROO COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN TYP.) SEE CHART BETWEEN SUPPORTS ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL SHALL BE 19 FEET FOR 0% FOR 20 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL, OR 9 FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL SIZE PER EIEVA?ION Z WHEN USING PHROO COMPONENTS FOR SPLICING BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPLICE SHOULD DRAWING 8E PROVIDED AT THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. 7. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS, SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM CANTILEVER DISTANCE DF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TO THE FREE END OF 7HE ICE BRIDGE. 4, CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHOULD HAVE RAW EDGES TREATED WITH A MATERIAL TO RESTORE THE EDGES TO THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH, S. ICE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WTH COMPONENTS FROM MANUFACTURERS OTHER THAN PIROD, PROVIDED THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLA71ON GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. _ 8. DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT INSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESPECTIVE �FffR CONICRE '�- ZIS � MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL 7. ATTACH FANGED END OF SUPPORT POST TO CONCRETE PAD USING 4 - 3/8" DIA. HILT-HY 150 ADHESIVE ANCHORS. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4 1/2" EMBEDMENT. 8, DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS SHOWN ON STE SPECIFIC DRAWINGS OR STANDARD DETALS SECTION REQUIRE ENGINEERING APPROVAL SffiW M HANGER SE2BRG CHART t_ ICE BRIDGE SIZE COMMSDX'E P/N 7/8' iB73Q3R5 NOT TO SCALE 1070EZSNS 1'-9' LOW 3' C//C) (n 1'-W WIDE BRIDGE CHANNEL 2-ISOMETRIC ICE BRIDGE NOT TO SCALE -- POST I 4-06 E0, SPCD H i I I I jLT TIES 0 12' I ," CONCRETE 18' PIER UPPORT POST FOOTING aor To soALE STEEL ]' SCH BRIDGE y 1 112" ANCHOR NITS " M 4' MIN, E48EGMENT . • .: •. PROPOSED ," 1 " CU CRETE PAD ' KN EXPAIGNG EPDXY M.) c�YYSUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL \-- / NOT TO SCALE B-I2E Bit 52W SIFEL UNSTM)T 6'-0' 1010 rP PPE (TYh 07H I/rP U-BOLTS C,A�T TOMf 3'rrvl/4' OCAW CABINET ELM Wlv. siQl PPE cu I '7 1 I ( 1 CARNEY «I I t PPC RACK NOT TO SCALE rP SOT. 40 PPE (OALV) 10-5' LOW (TV) B-lME On 120A STEEL UNBIRUT W-0• LONG CELL SIZE LWtTMWA SOOW . 2aw12 OR EG wxw) PPC T7 C109 RE CONTRACTOR TO PRO MOUNTING Tun HARDWARE PPC RACK CPOWER p Ejt_1 MIN. Too p 1 Y (2) 112 W" OWES a /12 " IN 1/2' NC TE FLOOD LOT INTO WLY(ER PARR FIOR'1 PPC 1U. CELL S11E UGHT DETAIL a NOT TO SCALE HOLD DOWN CLAMP 12" MOUNT TRAY TO UNISTRUT WITH 1/2' - 13 % 1 1/2' LONG GALVANFLEO BOLTS, SPRING NUTS PIO10 k WASHERS -------- -� I CABLE TRAY O 1' RUNGS, 4' LOADING DEPTH. SUPPORT CABLES WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS EVERY 4 FT, TRAY COVER UNISTRUT P1000 i EVERY 4 ON CENTER MOUNT UNISTRUT TO BLDG. W/ 3/8' CIA HILTI HY O OR MY150 EPDXY MASONRY ANCHORS. 3 1/2' MIN EMIL IOmR� APPROVED EOUAL (TVP) VERTICAL MOUNT CABLE TRAY NOT TO SCALE STEEL 3' SCH 40 POST 8't8'tIJ2' STEEL .ASEPLATE 11/2' ANCHOR SOUS •. �� IN 4' MIN. EMBEDMENT ' PROPOSED 'S ' CONCRETE PA !T 3 SUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL -- NOT TO SCALE -NON •EXPANDING EPDXY (TYP.) SILT FENCE IS TO BE A TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICE, AND SHOULD REMAIN N PLACE UNTIL THE SITE IS FENCE- WHERE REOMD STABILIZED. COMMERGUL TYPE C SILT FABRIC ON UPSTREAM SIDE 01 FENCE CONC_TRLFy: 001F5 FOR FABRICATED 1. WOVEN ORE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO PO M' STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE, FENCE POSTS YAM W1TE TES OR STAPLES, ! DIRECTION OF 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED S€OJRELY TO MUL- WOVEN ORE 14 GA FLOW WOVEN WIRE FENCE OM TIES SPACED EVER S Y 24' AT TOP AND MID SECT&L S' MAX. MESH OPENING. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FLIR CLOTH ADM FILTER CLO'h FILER %, MRAF; EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER -LAPPED BY IEN ;COI' STABLINKA T14CN OR AND TOM. APPROVED EQUAL. �� III • �µA= 4. MAINTENANCE AL R BE PERFORMED ' AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL RE110VED WHEN 'BUI.DGES' DEVELOP IN eg;FAFWtICATED THE SILT FENCE. OE APAS EHMROFFNCE OR APPROVED 5. ALL Sq.T FENCE MATERIALS MUST BE LISTED ON EQUAL. IIII / THE CURRENT STATES. D.O.T QUAiOFlED PRODUCTS UST. wzl 1. DID TRENCH, 2. LAY IN FABRIC TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH. 3. BAWI L TRENCH, COVERING FABRIC, 5 SILT FENCE DETAIL •- NOT TO SCALE DRADEl t 12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE W-0' (MAX VAONO) _ AtL (TYP ON POSITS) �- PREFABRICATED WOODEN (INSTALL PER MANUFACTL RECOMMENDATION) --]'r3"�114° GALVANIZED ANCLE CKET AND THRI BOLT HARDWARE ALL PLAC �4' GALVANIZED SQUARE STEEL STOCK FOR ALL VERTICAL FENCE POSTS //--CRACE FOOTING OW.) WOODEN STOCKADE 4" OM. SIGN 40 GATE POST TOP RAID GCOMP /// S40E � rNr BLOCKING EV[MI.Y SPACED) FOOTING CM.) 2"X4" PRESSURE TREATED WOOD (S' LONG) rWOOD SCREW THROUGH BACK OF 2z4 INTO WOOD FENCE BLOCKING SECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE x iff L*4 is I I loll Photographs of Project Site Existing Conditions Approximate Elevation of Sprint -' Nextel antennas at between 40 and 50 ft. (AGL) on silo. .i e. ' Z �•"t j A : i'�` i„i1•. motif Rue f ,`e c „ • ti EXHIBIT 3 Radio Frequency (RF) Emission Report *.00 Sprint Together with NEXTEL City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Sprint Nextel David Kirk 6300 Sprint Parkway, KSOPHB0314-3A352 RF Engineer II Overland Park, KS 66251 Regulatory Compliance Office: (913) 315-1878 Fax: (913) 523-0436 January 3, 2013 Attention: Planning and Zoning Department This is in response to your request regarding the Sprint Nextel wireless telecommunications facility (Sprint Nextel Site No. NE25XC443) located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. Sprint Nextel designs, constructs and operates its wireless telecommunications facilities to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") rules and regulations governing human exposure to radiofrequency ("RF") emissions. For your information, Sprint Nextel performed an RF emission theorical analysis for the above facility. Based on the results from the analysis, the predicted level on the ground was 0.38 % of the FCC General Population/Uncontrolled Standard. A wireless telecommunications facility is considered compliant with the FCC's maximum permissible exposure guidelines if the readings are equal to or less than 100% of the standard. You can learn more about the FCC rules and regulations specifically pertaining to RF emissions by visiting the FCC website: www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety. If you have any questions, please call me directly. Sincerely, David Kirk National RF Engineering EXHIBIT 4 Propagation Plots of the Existing and Proposed Wireless Service (Broadcast Coverage) Sprint Coverage with Replacement Site Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage of Replacement Site Only Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 62S Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Current SDrint Coverage with Decom Site �• -.,. r .; Decom Site �- Replacement Site °--� Neighboring sites Ift L, In Building Coverage In Car Coverage ® On Street Coverage Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage without Decom Site lx Decom Site Replacement Site Neighboring sites me In Building Coverage In Car Coverage 41 On Street CoverageL , Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage of Decom Site Only s .7 Decom Site E Replacement Site _.- ` Neighboring sites In Building Coverage 4- In Car Coverage . On Street Coverage *< * • �Y r� Y { Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo 'a 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT QxpWSW g - SOlit ::;�.:: II��V � .T,.x. PLANNING & ZONING Permit "Ari////},-- / -Ce on CONDITIONAL USE / VARIANCE / MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board, I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): (X� Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( ) Other 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #}: WGM Associates, c/o Keith Wright,P.O. Box 2352,850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403; 802-343-5550 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) Bk 6 7 5 / Pg 5 5 0 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone, fax #) Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation, c/o Sprint Nextel 8 Airline Dr, Suite 105, Albany, NY 12205; 518-365-9711/fax 518-862-6902 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax #, if different from above): Joseph A. Papa, Jr., c/o Sprint Nextel, 8 Airline Dr. Suite 105, Albany, NY 12205; 518-365-9711 / fax 518-862-6902 a. Contact e-mail address: joseph.a.papa@gmail.com 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 850 Hinesburg Road (farm silo) 6)TAXPARCELID#: 0869-00896 (map 48) 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): Appl icant proposes to a communication facility with equipment cabinets on a x 20ft concrete pad and Six antennas at 50ft(top of antenna)on existing 70+-ft tall silo Applicant will also install coax cables, ice bridge, cable tray, and utility connections. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Property is currently used by owner for residential and commercial purposes. Property also used by other tenants for communication purposes(1000+/- sq ft) with equipment at silo c. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain):All existing uses to remain as is on property. Proposed use by Sprint Nextel is a communication facility (460+/- sq ft) similar to existing use of silo/property by existing tenants d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): No change to existing buildings on property. Applicant to add 120+/- sq ft equipment pad. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement &mezzanine):Applicant Is equipment on pad will be 7 ft. tall. Applicant's antennas will be at 50ft(top of antennas) on existing 70+-ft tall silo. No change to existing buildings. f. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): No change to existing residential units on property. g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees):Applicant Is facility is an unmanned facility. Applicant's technicians(non-office) are expected to visit the facility once or twice per month. No change to existing by owner and tenants. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): App t i cant Is facility is similar to existing use at silo and will provide necessary wireless communications to area of South Burlington surrounding the property. Conditional Use / Variance / Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 S) LOT COVERAGE 10+- acres a. Total parcel size: Sq. Ft. b. Buildings: Existing 2 . 9 9 % / 13 , 0 0 0 Sq. Ft (+ / - ) Proposed 3 % / 13, 460Sq. Ft. c. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 11 . 5 3 % / 26, 500 Sq. Ft. Proposed 11.58 % / 2 6 , 9 6 0 Sq. Ft. d. Front yard impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existingno chang(%o /no change Sq. Ft. Proposedno chang/no change Sq. Ft. e. Total area to be disturbed during construction: 500+- sq ft Sq. Ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a. Building (includ ng interior renovations): $ N/A b. Landscaping $ 2,500.00 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): $ 8 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Communications equipment pad, fencing, utility connections, communications equipment mounts and cable tray on silo, and associates supporting equipment. 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/A -unmanned communication facility N/A -unmanned communication facility 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION ((-nnt i nii=l y operating) 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION N/A -unmanned communication facilit 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE May 15, 2013 14) PLANS AND FEE Plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time C' 3 6 Conditional Use / Variance /Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. d Indepenent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation (Sprint Nextel) b A. �`-Ah�ko;�� tee, SIGNA RE OF PLICANT SIGNJ=4= A tt77�s Xelill I t /�)/t) ATURE OF PROP RTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I I have reeviee ed this application and find it to be: 1 C OMPLETE ❑Incomplete r The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Conditional Use / Variance / Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I. Project Description This Application is respectfully submitted by Independent Wireless Once Leased Realty Corporation (herein referred to as "Sprint Nextel" or "Applicant"), for Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations Article Fourteen, Article Fourteen (Site Plan and Conditional Use), Article Three, Section 3.07(D), and such other applicable Sections to allow a proposed wireless antenna communications facility to be located on the existing 70 +/- ft. farm silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road within the City of South Burlington. The project parcel is approximately 10 +/- acres and is identified as Parcel ID No. 0869-00896 (tax map no. 48) within the Industrial -Open Space (IO) Zoning District. This project parcel is a large parcel which has two (2) existing wireless communication company tenants co -located on the silo and with supporting equipment on the ground near the silo. This Application proposes co -location of wireless communication equipment consisting of twelve (12) panel antennas [each measuring approximately 76" xl4"x7; h x w x d] attached to pipe mounts on the existing silo at approximately 45 ft. (antenna centerline) together with supporting equipment (including fifteen (12) Remote Radio Units (RRUs) [each measuring approximately 24" x 13" x 7"; h x w x d], three (3) RRU filters [each measuring approximately 24" x 13" x 7"; h x w x d] and twelve (12) combiners [each measuring approximately 12" x 6" x 2", h x w x d] attached below the panel antennas). Applicant's equipment installed on the silo will be a non -reflective color to blend with the color of the existing silo and equipment on the silo which is white. On the ground near the base of the silo, Applicant will install a 10 ft. x 20 ft. concrete pad for its radio equipment cabinets within an 18 ft. x 26 ft. ground lease area which will be enclosed by a wood stockade fence and screened by existing and additional landscaping/shrubs to be planted by Applicant. Applicant will also install cables within a covered cable tray on the silo to connect the above listed equipment on the silo to the radio equipment that will be installed in the fenced ground area. Applicant's cables will run from the radio equipment area on an ice bridge that will connect to the base of the silo and which will protect the cables. Additionally, Applicant will install buried utility conduits to connect its radio equipment to existing telephone and electrical utilities that service the property. For a specific depiction of Applicant's proposed communication facility, please refer to the engineering/site plan drawings attached as Exhibit "I". Also, attached as Exhibit "2" are photos of the existing silo with existing communication equipment by other tenants. The herein proposed wireless communication facility on the silo at 850 Hinesburg Road is extremely important and necessary to allow Applicant to provide continuous reliable wireless services to the City of South Burlington. Applicant currently has a wireless communication facility with antennas located on a rooftop tower at 625 Hinesburg Road, but that tower is being deconstructed by its owner and the City of South Burlington will lose Applicant's wireless service that is currently provided from that rooftop tower unless the herein collocation of the silo is installed. The attached broadcast propagation plots within Exhibit "3" shows the wireless coverage this facility will provide and which is necessary to replace the wireless broadcast overage that will be lost when the rooftop tower at 625 Hinesburg Road is deconstructed by its owner. (Green represents best coverage, while red represents weaker in -car coverage level, and blue represents weaker outdoor only coverage level). As with all of Applicant's wireless communications facilities, this facility will operate within strict compliance with all Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations including within permissible limits on radio frequency (RF) emissions. Attached as Exhibit "4" is Applicant's RF Emission Report. II. Local Compliance — City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations Applicant proposed communications facility to be located on the existing farm silo is similar to the existing antenna facilities by other tenants collocated on the silo and will not create any adverse visual impacts to the immediate area near the silo or to any distant views of the silo. This project does not cause any adverse impact on the City of South Burlington, its residents or any adjacent properties, nor will it cause any significant disturbance to the subject property because it is small and utilizes previously developed portions of the subject parcel. Applicant's project is in compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations and a Condition Use Permit pursuant to Article Fourteen (Site Plan and Conditional Use Review), Article Three, Section 3.07(D) should be granted for this project. Section 3.07(D) requires a Conditional Use Permit for the herein proposed attachment of Applicant's antennas at 45 ft. (antenna centerline) on the 70+/- ft. silo because the antennas and supporting equipment are a "rooftop apparatus" above the 35 ft. limitation within said section. INDEX OF ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS Application for Conditional Use Permit Project Description and Supporting Documents EXHIBIT 1 - Engineering/Site Plan Drawings EXHIBIT 2 - Photographs of Project Site Existing Conditions EXHIBIT 3 - Radio Frequency (RF) Emission Report EXHIBIT 4 — Propagation Plots of the Existing and Proposed Wireless Service (Broadcast Coverage) EXHIBIT 1 Engineering/Site Plan Drawings PROUEGT DES, Pttl na EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING FENCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPOUND, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON A CONCRETE PAD AND ANTENNAS ON AN EXISTING SILO, WITH ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES. NO WATER OR SEWER IS REQUIRED. GODSAN� Sprint ALL WORKRK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK c NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 2 UN BUILDING CODE 5, ANSI/� ARIAMBING V SVITE1 'NUMBER:' BURLINGTON 2. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE S. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 3. ADMINISTTRATTOOIRS OFFICIALS AND CODE 7. 5. LOCALS BUILDINGAL �CODE ICAL CODE 4. UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 9. CITY/COUNTY ORDINANCES 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME: SOUTH BURUNGTON MLO SITE ADDRESS: 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr 05403 LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40,67' N LONGITUDE: 73' OV 27.83' W PARCEL I.D.: 0860-00806 (MAP 48) PARCEL SIZE: 10 ACRES ZONING DISTRICT: INDUSTRIAL k OPEN SPACE 10) PROJECT DIRECTORY LANDLORD: WOM ASSOCIATES, ATTN: KEITH WRIGHT 2352 SOUTHNBURRUNGTROONAVi 06403X APPLICANT SPRINT 8 AIRLINE DRIVE SUITE 105 ALBANY NY 12205 P Farm 12 an Essex 9aech, Carder #.=. Essen Ethan Allen II+Rnoo 4Wnction Perk ]an'tt' VERMI$NT BtMingbW sa Burlington lrterm% ,`_ Kirby Corner Oueen City Park, 4u Inst Twin Orchards CHITTENDEN Lake ll 4ShetbumA N 117CIN7 FY MAP MT.S ti;� � tl qye s� CS gyp. 116 South Burn �W 12 LOCA77ON MAP NM INFINIGY9. 11 HERBERT DRIVE LATHAM, NY 12110 OFFICE Xf. (5118) )690 077930 CONTACT: PAUL FANOS INFINIGY PROJECT NUMBER: 195-000 CONTACT: JOE PAPA PROPOSED RAD CENTER: ±47' AGL HONE: (sa) 365-97,1 LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40.67" N LONGITUDE: 73' 09' 27,83" W DIG ALERT - CALL FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO DIGGING: 1-6-OGE-7233 EMERGENCY• CHITTENDEN COUNTY, VERMONT CALL 911 DRAWING INDEX DRWG. f _ 111LE ®•. .# DATE Ti TIRE SHEET 1 1/17/13 Z) GENERAL NOTES k LEGEND , 1/17M Z2 OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 1/17/13 Z3 CWWOUND k ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 1/17/13 Z4 ELEVATION VIEW 1 1/17/13 Z5 DETAILS i 1/ 7/13 Z6 DETAILS 1 1/17M3 Z7 DETAILS , 1/17/13 Z6 FENCE DETAILS 5 1/17/13 III 0° Ell z lzt� 9 z NE25XC443 C Q. LA MM!y To* T1 MINIM 1. ALL DIMENSIONS M. OF. AND ON EXISTING BUILDINGS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR WITH ALL DISCREPANCIES REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. 2. DO NOT CHANGE SIZE NOR SPACING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. 3. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL; SIMILAR DETAILS APPLY TO SIMILAR CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. S. BRACE STRUCTURES UNTIL ALL STRUCTURAL. ELEMENTS NEEDED FOR STABILITY ARE INSTALLED. THESE ELEMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: LATERAL BRACING, ANCHOR SOUS, ETC. 6, DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES, GROUNDS DRAINS, DRAIN PIPES, VENTS, ETC. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, 7, INCORRECTLY FABRICATED, DAMAGED, OR OTHERWISE MISFITTING OR NONCONFORMING MATERIALS OR CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO REMEDIAL OR CORRECTIVE ACTION, ANY SUCH ACTION SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL. B. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. S. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO EXAMINE ALL PLAN SHEETS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND COORDINATE HI5 WORK WITH THE WORK OF ALL OTHERCONTRACTORS TO ENSURE THAT WORK PROGRESSION IS NOT 0. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A NEAT AND ORDERLY SITE, YARD AND GROUNDS. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OFF SITE ALL RUBBISH. WASTE MATERIALS, UTTER, AND ALL FOREIGN SUBSTANCES REMOVE PERRO-CHEMICAL SPILLS, STAINS AND OTHER FOREIGN DEPOSITS. RAKE GROUNDS TO A SMOOTH EVEN -TEXTURED SURFACE. 11. THE PUNS SHOW SOME KNOWN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES, ABOVE- CROUND STRUCTURES AND/OR UTILITIES BELIEVED TO EXIST IN THE WORKING AREA, EXACT LOCATION OF WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE LOCATIONS INDICATED. IN PARTICULAR, THE CONTRACTOR S WARNED THAT THE EXACT OR EVEN ARPROXINM�TE LOCATION OF SUCH PIPELINES, SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES AND, GR UTILITIES IN THE AREA MAY BE SHOWN OR MAY NOT BE SHOWN; AND IT SHALL BE HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROCEED WITH GREAT CARE IN EXECUTING ANY WORK. 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG. DRILL OR BLAST, CALL 1-BBB-344-7233 12. THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PUNS. THE CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL NOT VARY FROM THE PLANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED APPROVAL OF THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 13, THE CONTRACTOR IS INSTRUCTED TO COOPERATE WITH ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK ON THIS JOB SITE DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, 14, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY DAMAGED OR REMOVED TO AT LEAST AS ODOR OF CONDITION A15 BEFORE DISTURBED AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER OR OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, 16. THE CONTRACTOR SK41L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTNNAO, AND INCURRING THE COST OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE BUILDING PERMIT, INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATES. ETC. 17, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE MONUMENTATION. ANY MONUMENTATION DISTURBED DR DESTROYED, AS JUDGED BY THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. I& CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AILS CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISCREPANCIES STALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENGINEER 19, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK PATH THE WAN OF OTHERS. 20. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE OSHA REOAATION% AND 71A/EIA-222F, AM SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN '4OOD WEATHER', C000 WEATHER MEANS U* OR NO WIND AND RAIN AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 40 DES F. CONTACT NE ENO W FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS IF 'GOOD WEATHER' CANNOT BE ACHIEVED, 1. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE RISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION. FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS. 2, ALL EXTERIOR STEEL WORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE PATH ASTM A123 AND AS FOLLOWS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: A) GALVANIZING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER SHOP FABRICATION AND MELDING TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. B) ALL DINGS, SCRAPES, MARS, AND WELDS N THE GALVANIZED AREAS SHALL BE COATED WITH A ZINC -RICH PAINT. USE SHERWiN- WILUAMS "ZINC CLAD IY OR EQUIVALENT, APPLIED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. C) AFTER ZINC -RICH PANT IS DRY, OVERCOAT WITH AN APPROPRIATE PAINT THAT IS THE SAME COLOR AS THE STRUCTURE IF DESIRED, D) AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED SHOULD BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED AS NECESSARY DURING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF THE STRUCTURE, 3, DO NOT PLACE HOLES THROUGH STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS EXCEPT AS SHOMM AND DETAILED ON SHOP DRAWINGS 4. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: A) ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE USING E70XX ELECTRODES B) ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS D1.1, LATEST EDITION, INCLUDING WO.DER(S), QUALIFIED PROCEDURE, AND SATISFACTORY WEATHER CONDITIONS THE WELI"(S) SHOULD BE CERTIFIED FOR THE METHODS AND POSITIONS TO BE USED, AND SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE WELDING GALVANIZED MATERIALS. C) WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION, D) ALL WELDS SHALL BE INSPECTED VISUALLY AND WITH DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE TO MEET THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA OF AWS D1.1, SECTION 8 (III). REPAIR ALL WEDS AS NECESSARY. E) INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED WELD INSPECTOR, CERTIICATION TO AWS, GIN , OR ACWI IS RECOMYFNOD FOR VISUAL INSPECTION, AND ASNT-TC-1A LEVEL 2 OR 3 FOR DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE WORK WED INSPECTION REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER PRIOR '0 APPROVAL O CONTRACTORS FINK PAYMENT. F) REPAIR ALL GALVANIZED AREAS AFFECTED BY THE WELDING, BOTH INSIDE AND F(OUTSIDE PER NOTES 28 THROUGH 2D OF THIS DRAWING. Q) BOITSD(3/4'NE. D A) AND SHALL HAVE SHALL USE AI MINIMUM OF TWO DDDU S325 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. H) CONNECTION DESIGN BY FABRICATOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ENGINEER. 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CONCRETE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITORS OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE CODES: ACI 301 'SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS'; ACI 318, "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE': 2. MIX DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE. 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT, 6X AIR ENTRAINED (ti.SX) WITH A MAXIMUM 4' SUMP, AND HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 30DO PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 4, MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE SHALL BE 1". 5. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS SHALL BE USED: PORTIAND CEMENT: ASTM C 150, TYPE t REINFORCEMENT: ASTM A 185 NORMAL WEIGHT AGGREGATE: ASTM C 33 WATER: DRINKABLE ADMIXTURES: NON -CHLORIDE CONTAINING 6. REINFORCING DETAILS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 315. 7. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615, GRADE 50, DEFORMED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 185 WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPLICES SHALL BE CLASS '8' AND ALL HOOKS SWILL BE SANDARD, UNO. S. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR REINFORCING STEEL UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS; CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH........3 IN, CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER. f S AND LARGER..................................2 IN. #5 A40 SMALLER & WWF ...................1 1/2 IN. CONCRETE NOT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER OR NOT CAST AGAINST THE GROUND: SUB AND WALL.................................3/4 IN. BEAMS AND COLUMNS ........................1 1/2 IN. V. A CHAMFER 3/4' SKILL BE PROVDED AT ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE, UNO, IN ACWRDANCE WITH AG 301 SECTION 4.2.4. 10. INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE EXPANSION/WEDGE ANCHOR, SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURES WRITTEN RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SWILL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO NEW SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. 11. CURING COMPOUNDS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-309. 12. ADMIXTURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE ASTM STANDARD AS REFERENCED IN AG"-301, 13. DO NOT WELD OR TACKWELD REINFORCING STEEL.. 14. ALL DOWELS, ANCHOR BOLTS, EMBEDDED STEEL„ V ECTHICAL CONDUITS, PIPE SLEEVES, GROUNDS AND ALL OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS AND FORMED DETAILS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE START OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 15. LOCATE ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION JONTS REDUIRED TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AS ACCEPTABLE TO ENGINEER, PLACE REINFORCEMENT CONTINUOUSLY THROUGH JOINT. 16. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE COLD BENT WHENEVER BENDING IS REQUIRED. 17. PUCE CONCRETE IN A UNIFORM MANNER TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF COLD JOINTS AND OTHER PLANES OF WEA XNESS. VIBRATE THE CONCRETE TO FULLY EMBED REINFORCING, DO NOT USE VIBRATORS TO TRANSPORT CONCRETE THROUGH CHUTES OR FORMWORK. 16, CO NOT PLACE CONCRETE IN WATER, ICE, OR ON FROZEN GROUND. 14. CO NOT ALLOW CONCRETE SUBBASE TO FREEZE DURING CONCRETE CURING AND SETTING PERIOD, OR FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS AFTER PLACEMENT, 20. FOR COLD -WEATHER AND HOT -WEATHER CONCRETE PLACEMENT, CONFORM TO APPLICABLE ACI CODES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. IN EITHER CASE. MATERIALS CONTAINING CHLORIDE, CALCIUM, SALTS, ETC. SHALL NOT BE USED. PROTECT FRESH CONCRETE FROM WEATHER FOR 7 DAYS MINIMUM. CIVIL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED FENCE --+--+.- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - �- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE ---.® t OVERHEAD TELEPHONE S OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -A- LEASE LINE UTIUTY POLE CURB ASPHALT PAVEMENT BUILDING TREES, SHRUBS, BUSHES I t;< REPRESENTS DETAIL NUMBER X REF. DRAINING NUMBER EmiNG L=TION OF PEATY LONE (TYR) OVERALL 511E PLAN -- 5WIW - GRAPHIC SCALE 100' 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE (1107): 1" = 100'-0" SCALE (22x34): 1" = 5()'-0' AFFRaW PE LGCAIKN III PAMM N✓/DAVAS M2N= ro VnEXION FAEi w amm ALO MIN RBI IAWIS AUM ,M D AdAY NC ELAf ME.WEE AMD mews cowavENIS I'm or (4) AVNF MS PER SECR22 (T) SEC7ORS IWAt) EXISTING Ub"GAPING (TYP.)� PMTW09F0 Y WDF UIRAY INANE Few Lcw AREA W DFSW POi1F1P t TEECD "Ale EXIS"I 11LITY BACKBOARD EXISTINGGA TELCO FASTING �. — 'T Pe PROOPANE TANK r,�s�s.-- II i I 1 I I I 1 1 I i 1 I t I , I I 1 I i I I I 1 T I 1 I I I I ob L—"— " -------- 0 I s—_----_---- ZSTING GRAVE. DRIVEWAY/PAMWdG LOT ,,,—EKIST'MG KO �PAp4;C -EASING EQUIPMENT SNEi.TEA -EXISTING CARRIER ICE MODE (TIP.) IPNO GRAVE. DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT —EXISTTMC Ir WOE `/ EXISTING 2O'XZO' FENCED --EO\\UIPA#NT ARIA IpRagabFo vwr e0WKRATIPE0.IMWTgAV Ir Z5 CWKME'if EQW9ENi ACCESS GATE �ATWOM VW 'EXISTING 20Ya27 FENCED u I� EQUIPMENT AREA PROPWO MO=MV &T DOW LMAM~ (m) _ 1 OVERALL COMPOUND PLAN L Aw -- GRAPHIC SCALE 20' 10' 0 10' 20' SCALE (111117): 1" = 20'-0" SCALE (2204): 1" = 10'-0' BASEMAPPING PREPARED FROM A SITE NSIT PERFORMt BY INFINIGY ENGINEERING, AND INFORMATION PROVIDED SY SPRINT NEXTEL, EXISTING DRATWNG PREPARED BY GLOW 4 KING INC DATED: 7/04 AND DOES NOT 3 Id o Z _LL m Z F7 A®D0. M ZB EIEI 2Q• cncaee:.� or.:�( �ppyvGQly ,7M/i 1 `-PRN9^GSm iYA � � +� ES7~T C40IET NE25XC443 78' $1L1 \11I!/ i \liIl1/ a\1flft/ ae�NNIBiM \ I \Iiit/11�/ / ��\\/� ��t i ����\ � �•�� eourNww.INa i i I Ilk\ 4- J PRo"a� MacaAunr ar C EX6'MA8 av�carawva n,Pr ' r a KIm 2 ENLARGED S1iE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE mnwo�m; ML I ,w,u" COMPOUND 6' 3' 0 3' 6' SCALE (11x17): 1" = 6'-0" ENLARGED SITE PLAN -- - SCALE (2204): 1" = 3'-0" Z3 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS NOT COMPLETED AT TIME OF LSSUNHi OF WM DRAMANOS. INC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CCNSTRUCTION, COSTING CARRIER PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTED TO WYMOR / OF CASTING SILO DOME (TYP.) E)ASTRlG 9L0—\ PI1110POW 9YBNT PAM ANSWA Yew= 70 E nvw FAG[ Or EATSIWB SEA WRY RTN MIS BELOW AND NA r IrOUAE W IRE AND msaWNIS (iTP. OF (i) , Fa 5Ecrat (S) MCIAPS t ELEVATION VIEW NOT TO SCALE XISRNG CARRIER PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTED TO EXTERIOR FACE OF COSTING SLO (TYP.) xS1RIG CARRIER COAX CABLES ROUTED ON CASTING SILO (TIP.) t EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND ANCHORING 8° COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL, GRAVEL SHALL BE NATURAL OR CRUSHED PATH 100 FINISH GRADE F-PER CENT PASSING i' SIEYE---� {3 TEE 0 2 r O.C. /4 CAST, 4 PL ._____._._____._._--- _____._ � SCR4ISNF'Al- SS0U0ATEDfUNDISNRBEO STATE OR COMPACTED SUBSRADE COMPACTED TO GRANULAR FR.L 98% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY - SECTION 1. FACE OF FINISHED SLAB SHALL BE LEVEL AND FLAT YATHIN 11W %z EQUIPMENT CABINET FOUNDATION NOT TO SCALE wm efj�ISOMETRIC EQUIPMENT VIEW NOT TO SCALE (AIPPI�Imw.BYYA OTHERS) 1 1/4' AA SCH �2 scw ! 40 IV. PIPE 24' PLCS.) i LONG CADWELO I STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS 3/4' ��/ TYPE 201 NO. S422K14 3' OU. SCH 40 I 3 OAtV. PRE m 8x8 W2.1,W2A WVF FOURSDTS TOR uTE w/ AOAUSTMENTS f ICE BRIDGE POST 64.V. I! -BOUTS INAY.ATED TD q0B€ GRGUWXNG KIT I GCSE C8a8.2K1'-9' b >r GALV. S.OTTED i(2'4 CD CABLE FOR STRAP NMUM BEIIDPIG RA NUS PER MAMFACTURETYS S1AMO/V@ M 8CY �8 CABLE (PROV7OFA N11HTI01) 1�THE ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF THE CPS ANTENNA SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE ATTH THE FINAL RF REPORTS. 2. THE CPS ANTENNA MOUNT IS DESIGNED TO FASTEN TO A STANDARD 1-1/4- DIAMETER, 56HEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL W 5UUNLESS STEF1 PIPE. THE PIPE MUST NOT BE THREADED AT THE ANTENNA MWNT ENO. THE PIPE SHALL BE CUT TO THE REQUIRED LENGTH(MINIMUM OF 1S INCHES) USING A HAND OR ROTARY PIPE CUTTER TO ASSURE A SMOOTH AND PERPENDICULAR CUT. US . 7HE CUT PIPE END SHALL BE DESURRED AND SMO IN ORDER SEAL AGAINST THE NEOPRENE GASKET ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNA MOUNT. a GPS ANTENNA NOT TO SCALE o� CC S. 57 rq,e� w.ron — T- NE28XCd43 DETAILS m ImiE: � liPiOGE 6 NOT m FXCEW 6' NR HB6R7 ABOVE RRAOE I1:1E1 18' WIDE SELF SUPPORTING ICE BRIDGE KIT, 10' LONG VALMONT P/N; .2184 OR EQUAL - JUMPER CABLE �- -,IIAPEZE KIT, DOUBLE LEVEL fDR 10• WDHE BRIDGE VALMONT P/N: 902264 OR EQUAL NTH (a) I1r ANaiOR 26 /2 AWO BOW TO BOLTS (TYP.) EQUWMEN7 EQUIPMENT I' SELF 1EIEUNG CA&NET GROUND MXC GROUT BASE FOR RUNOFF < ' • FIN. GRADE CONCRETE P 5B' cONcTE 3 PIER TYP. 26 zr ELEVAMM SNAP IN HANGER 1. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN (TYP.j SEE CHART BETWEEN SUPPORTS ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL SHALL BE 10 FEET BELOW FOR SIRING, f'OR 20 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL, DR B FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL S12E PER ELEVATION 2, WHEN USING PIROO COMPONENTS FOR SPUC!NG BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPLICE SHOULDDRAWING BE PROVIDED AT THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. 3. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS, SUPPORT SHOULD 13E PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE BRIDGES, WTH A MAXIMUM CANTILEVER DISTANCE OF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TOTHE FREE END OF THE ICE BRIDGE. 4, CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHOULD HAVE RAW EDGES TREATED WITH A MATERIAL TO RESTORE THE EDGES TO THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH. S. ICE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS FROM MANUFACTURERS OTHER THAN PIRCD, PROVIDED THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. -'-- 6. DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT INSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESPECTIVE MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL COV PIER (TW. 3 ZB 7• ATTACH FLANGED END OF SUPPORT POST TO CONCRETE PAD USING 4 - 3/8" DNA. HLT-HV 150 ADHESIVE ANCHORS PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4 1/2' EMBEDMENT. S. DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS SHOWN ON SITE SPECIFIC DRAWINGS OR STANDARD DETAILS SECTION REQUIRE ENGINEERING APPROVAL SNAP IN HANGER SIPtIRi 04MT t- ICE BRIDGE SIZE COMMSM PJN 7/r 1673EZFN5 NOT m SCALE 1-5/9' 107GEZSNS 1'-6' LaMi UNImT W/ (6)-31V HOES (SPACED S. C/C) (TYP.) V-B' WOE BRIDGE CHANNEL 2 ISOMETRIC ICE BRIDGE NOT TO SCALE 3 SUPPORT POST FOOTING NOT TO SCALE /3 TIES O 12" tT d-4/2' STEEL 3' SCH 40 ICE BASEPLATE BRIDGE POST 6'XB"■1/2' STEEL j O O 6ASEKATE (4) I/2' ANCHOR BOLTS O WTH 4' MIN. EMBEDMENT • •' PROPOSED t •' Y CONCRETE PAa� . MON EXPANDING i SOH 40 CE EPDXY (TYP.) 1-1/2' BRIDGE POST 4 SUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STf11 L S'-0' II PORUI CASIET TGDO cAneET O-UTE MR 1241 UNISTRUT W-W LOW rW PIPE (TYP)'ITN 1/rs u-BOLTs r.role BaoW 0' PLAN 8' CALv. STEEL PIPE CAP 8-IAIE 622 120A 6TEEL •i i i i uNISTRUT 41-0' TONG T" POW rP 501. 40 PIPE 7n I I CA/NET 1 I I 1V-r LONG B22 (TYP) P I 1 I I 1 I 'm 120A STEEL UMSTRUT B-0' LONG CKT ! II� rl.rarsl/4', WAIVERS t PPC RACK NOT TO 5(:ALE COLL TARP OR 0 WAIVERS t PPC RACK NOT TO 5(:ALE COLL TARP OR 0 I' 'I f/ "111�1'I ISLA R PAIM1ll, M10 WONM PPo — CELL SITE LIGHT DETAIL -- NOT TO SCALE HOLD DOWN CLAMP— S• 12" MOUNT TRAY TO UNISTRUT WITH 1/2' - 13 X 1 1/2' LONG GALVANIZED BOLTS, SPRING NUTS P1010 At WASHERS ------------------ CAM TRAY 0 S" RUNGS. 4- LOADING DEPTH, SUPPORT CABLES WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS EVERY 4 FT. --�` TRAY COVER UNISTRUT P1000 EVERY 4' ON CENTER MOUNT UNISTRUT TO BLDG, WJ 3/8' DIA HILTI HY20 OR HY150 EPDXY MASONRY ANCHORS, 3 1/2' MIN EMS, OR APPROVED EOUAL (TYP) e a VERTICAL MOUNT CABLE TRAY NOT TO SCALE STEEL I — v 3' SOH 40 POST I 1 B/2' STEE! BASEPSEPUIE ( 1/2' ANCHOR BOLTS • + 'H t' MN. EM8E0IENT ' PROPOSED_ v . CONCRETE PAD NON EXPANDING HT EPDXY (TYR) 3 SUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL -- NOT TO SCALE SLT FENCE S TO SE A MAPORARr 1I EROSION CONTROL DENCE, AND SHOULD REMAIN IN PUCE UNTIL THE 91E IS STANRFD. iI ON ('ONcTRUOnON NOTES FOR FARRICAIEO 1. FRVEN MIRE FENCE TO BE fAS1<NEO SEWRELY TO mT-f(•; MIM, STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE. FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TES OR STAPLES. OF 2. FILTER CL01H TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO MNZ WOVEN 1RRE 14 GA Wo" WIRE FENCE WTIH TES SPACED EV47NY 2C AT B' MAX MESH OPENING. TOP AND MID SECrON. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH AGAIN FR R 6'N• FILTER X. WMHT EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER -LAPPED BY BIN 1001C STABRDNXA T14ON OR AND FOLDED. APPROVED EQUAL. 4. MAINTENANCE SNAIL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN 'SULO:ES' OEYELOP !N UNIT, PREF RmraTFO MIT: GEOFAB THE SILT FENCE EN OR APPROVED 5. ALL SILT FENCE MATERIALS MUST BE LJS11M ON EQUAL. THE CURRENT STATES. DOT_ Q'JVJF,E0 PRODUCTS UST, 1wr 1. 2. LC TRENCH,IN INFAS 2. LAY FABRIC TO COOF TRENCH. J. BACKFR.L TRENCH. COVERING FABRIBRC. 5 SILT FENCE DETAIL -- No, To SCARF (3) INDUSTRIAL NMLEABI.E IRON OFFSET PIN HINGES PER GATE PANEL (PAGE-W$SON M-8 OR EOUAU--� e12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL N0� TO SCALE 4' DfA SON 40 GATE POST GALVANIZED HORROMAL STEEL U-SOLT RNL (TYP.) CAP-N r 1TOP RAIL J iINSR� NJ (� COMPOU Te Yx3' BLOCKING (TYP. OF 3, EVENLY SPACED) CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) SECTION A —A NOT TO SCALE LONG) WOW SCREW THROUGH BACK OF 2x4 INTO WOOD FENCE BLOCKING STOCKADE FENCE AP " ON PREFABRICATED WOODEN PANEL !'-T ((I/M�AII/f�uSPACINGtALL POSTS) (INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS MUM RECOMMENDATION) -1 I I� j11� I�I� I� I�REFABRICATED WOODEN PANEL NSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS A" GALVANIZED ECOMMENDATION) �SIXIARE STEEL STOCK xrxl/4' GALYANIZEOGLE 13RACKET AND THRU HORIZONTAL RAIL (TYP. bBOLT HARDWARE ALL PLACES ) 4' GALVANIZED SQUARE io ANO E RACKET ANDGALVANIZ�THRU STEEL STOCK FOR ALL I BOLT HARDWARE ALL PLACES VERTICAL FENCE POSTS `-1/2" OROWN GRADE i -FINISHED GRADE DATE I r rL CONCRETE FOOTING VYP.) t -° r2WOODEN STOCKADE FENCE DETAIL L -- xoT TO SCALE 44 EXHIBIT 2 Photographs of Project Site Existing Conditions � \ A .� is ♦ a ` f-� YAK _. � e�.y s�. �� � Y # ` •f a �,� � 11 - r. EXHIBIT 3 Radio Frequency (RF) Emission Report Sprint Together with NEXTEL City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Sprint Nextel David Kirk 6300 Sprint Parkway, KSOPHB0314-3A352 RF Engineer II Overland Park, KS 66251 Regulatory Compliance Office: (913) 315-1878 Fax: (913) 523-0436 January 3, 2013 Attention: Planning and Zoning Department This is in response to your request regarding the Sprint Nextel wireless telecommunications facility (Sprint Nextel Site No. NE25XC443) located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. Sprint Nextel designs, constructs and operates its wireless telecommunications facilities to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") rules and regulations governing human exposure to radiofrequency ("RF") emissions. For your information, Sprint Nextel performed an RF emission theorical analysis for the above facility. Based on the results from the analysis, the predicted level on the ground was 0.38 % of the FCC General Population/Uncontrolled Standard. A wireless telecommunications facility is considered compliant with the FCC's maximum permissible exposure guidelines if the readings are equal to or less than 100% of the standard. You can learn more about the FCC rules and regulations specifically pertaining to RF emissions by visiting the FCC website: www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety. If you have any questions, please call me directly. Sincerely, David Kirk National RF Engineering EXHIBIT 4 Propagation Plots of the Existing and Proposed Wireless Service (Broadcast Coverage) Sprint Coverage with Replacement Site Decom Site Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage of Replacement Site Only Decom I� Replacement Site �1 Neighboring In Building Coverage "qIn Car Coverage 44 On Street .. 1r ir lip jl P t• Ir t - i Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, V Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Current SDrint Coverage with Decom Site Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage without Decom Site Wk go W-AW i�1 Decom Site Replacement Site Neighboring sites In Building Coverage In Car Coverage On Street Coverage low W-ML AWL. d A A DeCOM Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Sprint Coverage of Decom Site Only Decom Site . ..... Replacement Site 1 . ..... Neighboring sites In Building Coverage In Car Coverage On Street Coverage �. / ''sue• — `E .t � ,� h"�'r �� 7" 11 ; r . Decom Site = rooftop tower @ 625 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT Replacement Site = silo @ 850 Hinesburg Rd., So. Burlington, VT iygl1 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW APPLICANT TO INSTALL A COMMUNICATION FACILITY ON EXISTING SILO PURSUANT TO CITY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (INCLUDING ARTICLE FOURTEEN) BY INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE LEASED REALTY CORPORATION (SPRINT NEXTEL) AT 850 HINESBURG ROAD, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Parcel ID No.: 0860-00896 (Map 48) [Applicant Site No. NE25XC443] APPLICANT: Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation (Sprint Nextel) 8 Airline Drive, Suite 105 Albany, New York 12205 Attn: Joseph. A. Papa, Jr. Site Acquisition Consultant (518) 365-9711 (518) 862-6902 fax Submitted to: City of South Burlington Development Review Board 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Application Dated: February 15 2013 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW APPLICANT TO INSTALL A COMMUNICATION FACILITY ON EXISTING SILO PURSUANT TO CITY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (INCLUDING ARTICLE FOURTEEN AND ARTICLE THREE, SECTION 3.07) BY INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE LEASED REALTY CORPORATION (SPRINT NEXTEL) AT 850 HINESBURG ROAD, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Parcel ID No.: 0860-00896 (Map 48) [Applicant Site No. NE25XC443] APPLICANT: Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation (Sprint Nextel) 8 Airline Drive, Suite 105 Albany, New York 12205 Attn: Joseph A. Papa, Jr. Site Acquisition Consultant (518)365-9711 (518) 862-6902 fax Submitted to: City of South Burlington Development Review Board 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Application Dated: February 15, 2013 Sprint "0/0 Sprint Nextel 8 Airiine Drive Together with NEXTEL Albany, NY 12205 February 15, 2013 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS City of South Burlington Development Review Board c/o City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Conditional Use and Site Plan Review Applications for Communication Facility — Silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont Landowner: WGM Associates Tax Map Parcel ID: 0860-00896 Sprint Nextel Site: NE25XC443 Dear Mr. Belair: On behalf of applicant Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation, an FCC licensed wireless communications provider ("Sprint Nextel"), we are submitting the enclosed. Conditional Use and Site Plan Review applications and supporting documents for the necessary permits to allow Sprint Nextel to develop a wireless communication facility consisting of antennas and associated equipment collocated at the existing silo at 850 Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden, Vermont. This proposed communication facility will consists of mounting twelve (12) panels antennas with supporting equipment on the approx. 70 ft. tall farm silo at the approximate height of 50 ft. (AGL — top of antennas), together with radio cabinets on a 10 ft. x 20 ft. (w x 1) concrete pad within a fenced lease area (18 ft. x 26 ft, 1 x w), connection between the antennas and radio equipment with cables on an ice bridge, and buried conduit connections between the radio equipment and existing utility services (electric and telephone) serving the property near the silo base. Specifically, for the purpose of obtaining the required permits for this Sprint Nextel project, we are enclosing the following: - Original and additional copy of Application for Site Plan Review, together with supporting exhibits; - Original and additional copy of Conditional Use Application, together with supporting exhibits; - Three (3) full size sets of Engineering Drawings/Site Plan by Infinigy Engineering dated January 17, 2013; - One (1) reduced size (I I' x 17') set of Engineering Drawings/Site Plan by Infinigy Engineering dated January 1.7, 2013; - CCodmpact Disc with PDF electronic copy of the enclosed Engineering Drawings/Site Plan; an - Check in the amount of $486.00 payable to the City of South Burlington for your application fees (Site Plan Review $275 + $13 recording fee + $20 (0.1Ox200 sq ft. for non residential square footage), and Conditional Use $165 + $13 recording fee). City of South Burlington Development Review Board c/o City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer February 15, 2014 Page 2 Should you have any questions or need anything further in support of this application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. V y yours, Jo i A. PapkJr. Site Acquisition Consultant for Sprint Nextel 8 Airline Drive, Suite 105 Albany, NY 12205 (518) 365-9711/(518) 862-6902 fax Joseph. a.papa@lzmail.com cc: WGM Associates, Attn: Keith Wright Sprint Together with NEXTEL VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Sprint Nextel 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 April 30, 2013 City of South Burlington Development Review Board c/o City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 RECEIVED MAY 0 12013 City of So. Burlington Re: Conditional Use and Site Plan Review Applications for Communication Facility — Silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont Landowner: WGM Associates Tax Map Parcel ID: 0860-00896 Sprint Nextel Site: NE25XC443 Dear Mr. Belair: On behalf of applicant Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation, an FCC licensed wireless communications provider ("Sprint Nextel"), we are submitting the enclosed requested supplemental information (addressing the proposed landscaping plan) in support of the recently submitted Conditional Use and Site Plan Review applications to allow Sprint Nextel to develop a wireless communication facility consisting of antennas and associated equipment collocated at the existing silo at 850 Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden, Vermont. Specifically, we are enclosing the following documents: 1) Three (3) full and two (2) 11" x 17" of the Landscaping Plan prepared by the landscaping professional Linda Stancliffe, Landscape Architect, dated April 25, 2013. Please note that the Planting Schedule with Budget/Cost Estimate is included as a chart within the Landscape Plan; and 2) Compact Disc with PDF softcopy version of the Landscaping Plan. Should you have any questions or need anything further in support of this application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. ry truly ours, J h AA. Z a�, Jr. Site Acquisition Consultant for Sprint Nextel 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 365-9711 Joseph. a.papa&mail. com cc: WGM Associates, Attn: Keith Wright Page 1 of 1 ray From: ray Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 8:25 AM To: 'joseph.a.papa@gmail.com' Subject: 850 Hinesburg Road Communications Facility Hi Joseph, I sent you an email quite a while ago explaining that additional information was needed to have a complete application to move your application forward to a hearing before the City's Development Review Board and have received no reply. Do you wish to proceed with this application? Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbDathtosustainabilitv.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. /fyou have received this message in error, please notes us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 4/8/2013 Hi Joseph, I have reviewed the site plan submitted for approval to add panel antennas to the silo at 850 Hinesburg Road. Before I can deem the application complete, more information is required regarding the landscaping portion of the project. The plan indicates that some plantings will be relocated; we need to know what these plants are, size, species, etc. Also, additional plantings are proposed of which no information is provided. We need a planting schedule and budget for these new plants, also we need to know who the landscaping professional was who prepared the landscaping plan as this is a requirement of our regulations. Once I receive the missing information, I will deem the application complete and schedule it for review. Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburi.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. ALL NEW PLANTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED BY THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. INC. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTIUTY LINES PRIOR TO PLANTING AND SHALL REPORT ANY CONFLICTS TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE 3. STAKE LOCATIONS OF ALL PROPOSED PLANTING FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLANTING 4. ALL PLANT BEDS SHALL RECEIVE THREE (3') OF BARK MULCH. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL WORK INCLUDING WATERING, MOWING AND PROTECTION FROM TRAFFIC UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. 6. ALL AREAS DISTURBED BEYOND THE PLANTING BED SHALL RECEIVE TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH.. 1. ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED OR PLANTED SHALL RECEIVE TOPSOIL (6- MINIMUM DEPTH). 2. TOPSOIL SHALL CONSIST OF FERTILE, FRIABLE, NATURAL LOAM FREE OF SUBSOIL, CLAY LUMPS, BRUSH, STONES OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS LARGER THAN 2' IN GREATEST DIMENSION MEETING THE FOLLOWING GRADATION, PH AND ORGANIC CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: 100 PET PASSING Y RCEN 1' 95 - 100 J(� 65-100 NO. 200 20-60 PH 5.7 TO 7.0 ORGANIC CONTENT 10% MAX 3. PROPOSED TOPSOIL SHALL BE TESTED BY INDEPENDENT TESTING FACILITY WITH TEST RESULTS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL TESTING. ACCEPTANCE OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE BASED UPON TEST RESULTS ONE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED PER 100 C.Y. OF TOPSOIL 4. NATURAL TOPSOIL MAY BE AMENDED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS, BY APPROVED METHODS, TO MEET THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS. TRANSPLANTING NOTES 1. ALL PLANTS TO BE TRANSPLANTED SHALL BE FLAGGED BY THE ENGINEER AND PROTECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Z THE METHODS AND MATERIALS TO BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR TRANSPLANTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST CURRENT EDITION OF THE •MERI - u cT un rm FOR N �Ra?Y STOOL BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1. THE OWNER SHALL MAINTAIN THE PLANTS IN A VIGOROUS GROWING CONDITION THROUGH THE DURATION OF THE USE OF THE PROJECT SITE PLANTS NOT SO MAINTAINED SHALL BE REPLACED WITH NEW PLANTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT PLANTING SEASON. TREES WITH A CALIPER OF LESS THAN S' MAY BE REPLACED ON AN INCH-BYINCH BASIS WITH TREES OF THE SAME GENIUS OF AT LEAST 2' CALIPER EACH. NO PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR SUCH REPUREMENTS PROVIDED THEY CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SITE PLAN. REPLACEMENT OF TREES WITH A CALIPER OF GREATER THAN 5' SHALL REWIRE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SITE PLAN. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR THE INSTALLED PLANT MATERIALS THIS GUARANTEE SHALL BEGIN AT THE POINT OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND E70END FOR A PERIOD NOT LESS THAN ONE (1) YEAR. ALL PLANT MATERIALS, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE INCLUDED. THE GUARANTEE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER. THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES SHALL INSPECT ALL LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING. HE/SHE SHALL IDENTIFY ALL TREES. SHRUBS, AND OTHER PLANTS THAT ARE NOT IN A HEALTHY AND VIGOROUS CONDITION OR HAVE BEEN REMOVED AND PROVIDE A UST OF REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS AND A DEADLINE FOR RE -PLANTING TO THE PROJECT OWNER. NOTES ,TREE SHALL BEAR SAME RELATIONSHIP TO FINISH GRADE AS IN THE NURSERY. ,THIN BRANCHES k FOUAGE AS DIRECTED WHILE RETAINING NORMAL SHAPE OF TREE. NEVER CUT A LEADER. .TREE SHALL BE PLUMB @ STRAIGHT. ARCHITECT. NEATLY WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TRUNKS TO A HEIGHT OF THE SECOND LOWEST BRANCH (FALL PLANTING ONLY) 3' HT. PLANTING MIX SAUCER 3' DEPTH PINE BARK MULCH; PULL MULCH AWAY FROM TRUNK. AMENDED PLANTING MIX COMPACTED CUT ROPE SURROUNDING BOTTOM OF TREE TRUNK AFTER BACKFIWNG BUT BEFORE MULCHING. DO NOT REMOVE BURLAP. NAIVE SOIL DRAINAGE MOUND, COMPACTED TO 92% UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE DECIDUOUS/EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING lF NTS a , rA4A� ►4AC s'�a�w`F sa4,l� 44LF s;4A� �s,Yf Al�l�i t �64R: A4 rH► :Il o SIl al�lti +4''4 Toll V '!I IM• a4ll'4, S e �INR• A4�14 a4l 7 M TRANSPLANTS REC E'V E L. MAY 0 1 1--3 "o o ui inch 10 feces alty of So. Bur ington 1=111EV-1o,rr1na=11 BOTANICAL NAME ESTIMATED ESTIMATED KEY QTY. COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT SPACING REMARKS COST PER UNIT TOTAL COST TREES Ar 2 ACER rubrum Red Maple Red Sunset' 1-1/2-2" cal. B&B As Shown Single 280.DO 560.00 To B ThuJa occldentailt 5'-6' gig As Shown Heavy 120.00 720.00 American Arborvitae height To 7 Thu)o (TRANSPLANT) TRANSP As Shown 120.00 840.00 Arborvitae SHRUBS Ac 3 AMELANCHIER conodensls 5' B&B As Shown Multi at 100.00 300.00 Shodblow SerAcebarry height Vd 3 VIBURNUM dentatum 24•-36' /3 COnt. As Shown 70.00 Arrowwood Vlbumum 210.00 SUM Z630.00 'a C CM O O 'Ir J 0 O Z0 H v Z Z_ U Z � ofX_Nmz a- N f� Z (n W :D W Z Z m Z _ = m DLr) 2 0 00 O L, C 0) DJ UOV y ¢ YLu UP 2 • Lu�y Z U �C C z o J W (J V ZJ O z Z 0 jjB OZn N ,, J - W a8 Q U o z O rn O O _J En Z v C~� U Z X J LT) of W D Z DO 2 H O En L-1 Z g a W d U En 0 Z J I PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING FENCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPOUND, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON A CONCRETE PAD AND ANTENNAS ON AN EXISTING SILO, WITH ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES. NO WATER OR SEWER IS REQUIRED. CODE COMPLIANCE: ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: K Sprint,, SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 2 UN BUILDING CODE 5. ANSIORM PLUMBING -F SITE NUMBER: NE25XC443 2. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 6. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 3. BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE 7. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ADMINISTRATORS COCA) 8. LOCAL BUILDING CODE 850 HINESBURG ROAD 4. UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE g. CITY/COUNTY ORDINANCES SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Farm 127 Sip[ Beach Ethan Allen Winooski Park 8Uf'i ington� Burlington Internatil- l ;! Ousen City Park Twin Orchards' PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME: SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO SITE ADDRESS: 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40.67" N LONGITUDE: 73' 09' 27.83" W PARCEL I.D.: 0860-00896 (MAP 48) PARCEL SIZE: 10 ACRES ZONING DISTRICT: INDUSTRIAL & OPEN SPACE (10) PROJECT DIRECTORY LANDLORD: WGM ASSOCIATES, ATTN: KEITH WRIGHT 850 HINESBURG ROAD, P.O. BOX 2352 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 APPLICANT SPRINT 8 AIRLINE DRIVE SUITE 105 ALBANY, NY 12205 CONTACT: JOE PAPA PROPOSED RAD CENTER: ±47' AGL PHONE: (518) 365-9711 LATITUDE: 44' 26' 40.67" N LONGITUDE: 73 09 27.83 W DIG ALERT: CALL FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO DIGGING: 1-8 ERGSNCY:CY: CHITTENDEN COUNTY, VERMONT EMERGE_ CALL 911 i Hilt Essex Center 1 Essex Junlction VERMC$NT WMT Kirby Comer CHIT TENDEN III VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LOCH PON MAP N. T.S. INFINIGY81D.I�r. 11 HERBERT DRIVE LATHAM, NY 12110 OFFICE #: (518) 690-0790 FAX #: (518) 690-0793 CONTACT: PAUL FANOS INFINIGY PROJECT NUMBER: 195-000 DRAWING INDEX DRWG. # TITLE EV.# DATE T1 TITLE SHEET 1 1/17/13 Z1 GENERAL NOTES & LEGEND 1 1/17/13 Z2 OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 1/17/13 Z3 COMPOUND & ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 1 1/17/13 Z4 ELEVATION VIEW 1 1/17/13 Z5 DETAILS 1 1/17/13 Z6 DETAILS 1 1/17/13 Z7 DETAILS 1 1/17/13 ZB FENCE DETAILS 1 1/17/13 RECEIVED MAY 0 1 2013 City of So. Burlington C N $ o c' V mz�m Z=8A u- Z M90601111011, tl, % H M AR T YE T�(S��A1 Mc�T=iw ffi �MOJIIR. LAYS APPUC aDCAt 1 f RPASED 14A COMMENTS US IP103 e aSRta Sdt +'LTe+F°wtC Ste t/11/1] RR UMeIr/RErYd, AftV DO_,.. Drawn: Sea Date: t Deal .&—W— Date: 1ASA7 Checked: AGE Date: —j AI SD — Pngnr! Norrftff T9OWM Project TW NE25XC443 SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 350 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr 05403 Prepared For z zp" OUt' •r� L ' W►` U u� a Su'�tl°al Drawing Scale: A3 NOTED Dale: 1117113 _......... __...... Drawing Tille TITLE SHEET Drawing Nemeer T1 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO, OF, AND ON EXISTING BUILDINGS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR WITH ALL DISCREPANCIES REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. 2. DO NOT CHANGE SIZE NOR SPACING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. 3. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL; SIMILAR DETAILS APPLY TO SIMILAR CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY, 5. BRACE STRUCTURES UNTIL ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS NEEDED FOR STABILITY ARE INSTALLED. THESE ELEMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: LATERAL BRACING, ANCHOR BOLTS, ETC. 6. DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES, GROUNDS DRAINS, DRAIN PIPES, VENTS, ETC. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 7. INCORRECTLY FABRICATED, DAMAGED, OR OTHERWISE MISFITTING OR NONCONFORMING MATERIALS OR CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO REMEDIAL OR CORRECTIVE ACTION. ANY SUCH ACTION SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL. B. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. 9. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO EXAMINE ALL PLAN SHEETS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS TO ENSURE THAT WORK PROGRESSION IS NOT INTERRUPTED. 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A NEAT AND ORDERLY SITE, YARD AND GROUNDS. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OFF SITE ALL RUBBISH, WASTE MATERIALS, LITTER, AND ALL FOREIGN SUBSTANCES. REMOVE PETRO-CHEMICAL SPILLS, STAINS AND OTHER FOREIGN DEPOSITS. RAKE GROUNDS TO A SMOOTH EVEN -TEXTURED SURFACE. 11. THE PLANS SHOW SOME KNOWN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES, ABOVE- GROUND STRUCTURES AND/OR UTILITIES BELIEVED TO EXIST IN THE WORKING AREA, EXACT LOCATION OF WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE LOCATIONS INDICATED. IN PARTICULAR, THE CONTRACTOR IS WARNED THAT THE EXACT OR EVEN APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUCH PIPELINES, SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES AND/OR UTILITIES IN THE AREA MAY BE SHOWN OR MAY NOT BESHOWN; AND IT SHALL BE HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROCEED WITH GREAT CARE IN EXECUTING ANY WORK. 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG, DRILL OR BLAST, CALL 1-888-344-7233 12. THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL NOT VARY FROM THE PLANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED APPROVAL OF THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 13. THE CONTRACTOR IS INSTRUCTED TO COOPERATE WITH ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK ON THIS JOB SITE DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY DAMAGED OR REMOVED TO AT LEAST AS GOOD OF CONDITION AS BEFORE DISTURBED AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL. COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING, AND INCURRING THE COST OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE BUILDING PERMIT, INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATES, ETC. 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE MONUMENTATION. ANY MONUMENTATION DISTURBED OR DESTROYED, AS JUDGED BY THE OWNER OR OWNER`S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENGINEER. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. 20. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE OSHA REGULATIONS, AND TIA/EIA-222F, AND SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN "GOOD WEATHER". GOOD WEATHER MEANS LITTLE OR NO WIND AND RAIN AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 40 DEGREES F. CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS IF "GOOD WEATHER" CANNOT BE ACHIEVED. STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES 1. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION, FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS. 2. ALL EXTERIOR STEEL WORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A123 AND AS FOLLOWS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: A) GALVANIZING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER SHOP FABRICATION AND WELDING TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. B) ALL DINGS, SCRAPES, MARS, AND WELDS IN THE GALVANIZED AREAS SHALL BE COATED WITH A ZINC -RICH PAINT. USE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS "ZINC CLAD IV" OR EQUIVALENT, APPLIED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. C) AFTER ZINC -RICH PAINT IS DRY, OVERCOAT WITH AN APPROPRIATE PAINT THAT IS THE SAME COLOR AS THE STRUCTURE IF DESIRED. D) AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED SHOULD BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED AS NECESSARY DURING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. DO NOT PLACE HOLES THROUGH STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS EXCEPT AS SHOWN AND DETAILED ON SHOP DRAWINGS. 4. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: A) ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE USING E70XX ELECTRODES. B) ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS D1.1, LATEST EDITION, INCLUDING WELDER(S), QUALIFIED PROCEDURE, AND SATISFACTORY WEATHER CONDITIONS. THE WELDER(S) SHOULD BE CERTIFIED FOR THE METHODS AND POSITIONS TO BE USED, AND SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE WELDING GALVANIZED MATERIALS. C) WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION. D) ALL WELDS SHALL BE INSPECTED VISUALLY AND WITH DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE TO MEET THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA OF AWS DIA, SECTION 8 (III). REPAIR ALL WELDS AS NECESSARY. E) INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED WELD INSPECTOR. CERTIFICATION TO AWS, CWI, OR ACM IS RECOMMENDED FOR VISUAL INSPECTION, AND ASNT-TC-1A LEVEL 2 OR 3 FOR DYE PENETRATE OR MAGNETIC PARTICLE WORK. WELD INSPECTION REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF CONTRACTOR'S FINAL PAYMENT. F) REPAIR ALL GALVANIZED AREAS AFFECTED BY THE WELDING, BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE PER NOTES 28 THROUGH 2D OF THIS DRAWING. G) BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL USE BEARING TYPE GALVANIZED A325 BOLTS (3/4" DIA.), AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO BOLTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. H) CONNECTION DESIGN BY FABRICATOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ENGINEER. 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CONCRETE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE CODES: ACI 301 "SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS"; ACI 318, "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE"; 2. MIX DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE. 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT, 6% AIR ENTRAINED (t1.5%) WITH A MAXIMUM 4" SLUMP, AND HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE SHALL BE 1". 5. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS SHALL BE USED: PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTM C 150, TYPE I REINFORCEMENT. ASTM A 185 NORMAL WEIGHT AGGREGATE: ASTM C 33 WATER: DRINKABLE ADMIXTURES: NON -CHLORIDE CONTAINING 6. REINFORCING DETAILS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 315. 7. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615, GRADE 60, DEFORMED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 185 WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPLICES SHALL BE CLASS "B" AND ALL HOOKS SHALL BE STANDARD, UNO. B. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR REINFORCING STEEL UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS: CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH ........ 3 IN. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER: #6 AND LARGER..................................2 IN. #5 AND SMALLER & WWF ...................1 1/2 IN. CONCRETE NOT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER OR NOT CAST AGAINST THE GROUND: SLAB AND WALL.................................3/4 IN. BEAMS AND COLUMNS ........................1 1/2 IN. 9. A CHAMFER 3/4" SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE, LINO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 301 SECTION 4.2.4. 10.INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE EXPANSION/WEDGE ANCHOR, SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURES WRITTEN RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, NO REBAR SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. 11. CURING COMPOUNDS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-309. 12. ADMIXTURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE ASTM STANDARD AS REFERENCED IN ACI-301. 13. DO NOT WELD OR TACKWELD REINFORCING STEEL. 14. ALL DOWELS, ANCHOR BOLTS, EMBEDDED STEEL, ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, PIPE SLEEVES, GROUNDS AND ALL OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS AND FORMED DETAILS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE START OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 15. LOCATE ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AS ACCEPTABLE TO ENGINEER. PLACE REINFORCEMENT CONTINUOUSLY THROUGH JOINT. 16. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE COLD BENT WHENEVER BENDING IS REQUIRED. 17. PLACE CONCRETE IN A UNIFORM MANNER TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF COLD JOINTS AND OTHER PLANES OF WEAKNESS. VIBRATE THE CONCRETE TO FULLY EMBED REINFORCING. DO NOT USE VIBRATORS TO TRANSPORT CONCRETE THROUGH CHUTES OR FORMWORK. 18. DO NOT PLACE CONCRETE IN WATER, ICE, OR ON FROZEN GROUND. 19. DO NOT ALLOW CONCRETE SUBBASE TO FREEZE DURING CONCRETE CURING AND SETTING PERIOD, OR FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS AFTER PLACEMENT. 20. FOR COLD -WEATHER AND HOT -WEATHER CONCRETE PLACEMENT, CONFORM TO APPLICABLE ACI CODES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. IN EITHER CASE, MATERIALS CONTAINING CHLORIDE, CALCIUM, SALTS, ETC. SHALL NOT BE USED. PROTECT FRESH CONCRETE FROM WEATHER FOR 7 DAYS MINIMUM. CIVIL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED FENCE -a - - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ---E UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE -T- OVERHEAD TELEPHONE -T- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -E- LEASE LINE --- - UTILITY POLE CURB ASPHALT PAVEMENT BUILDING TREES, SHRUBS, BUSHES fi II�R DXX REPRESENTS DETAIL NUMBER ----- REF. DRAWING NUMBER Rm dz�m � L U Z ���ti IELi (3Uft�r� , v1;_11 A A l9pt An AYO tAwA , ,a'AAA Fsa G9 ENTS MI l/17/13 j ISREb fan KINOM4 aW 1/14/13 Drawn: no Date. 1A4/u Designed: AGF Date: 1/14/13 Checked:_ Date: 1~3 mlecl Nember t gs000 Project Tllle NE25XC443 SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 650 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Prevai ad Far e IV�QgQg ��� u S ppoUtppoU rT[�- uyZV lowig F ai �s2g�3k Drawing Scale: AS NOTED Date 1A 7h 3 Orewing Title GENERAL NOTES & LEGEND Drawing Nunber Z1 HINESBURG ROAD-' EXISTING BUILDING (TYP.) f 1 EXISTING SILO 'y EXISTING 1 LANDSCAPING (TYP.) EXISTING GRAVEL ^ DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT- PROPOSED X WDE U77LITY 1 .T EXISTING POOL-- ' EASEWIENr FROM PRL um iI -W MIT FENCED LEASE AREA TO ( 1 fxs7m PONER & 7ELCo Dames PRaPOS<D LANDSGAPNVG AS REQUIRED (TYR) 1 PROPOSED RELOCA11pV OF EXLS7ING LANDSCAPLNG (T)P.) -- ZONING DATA: (INDUSTRIAL & OPEN SPACES) DIMENSION: ZONING ORDINANCE EXISTING: PROPOSED: REQUIREMENT: MAX SITE COVERAGE: 30X 2.99% d 3.03% BUILDINGS ONLY MAX LOT COV AGE: BUILDING, PARKING & 50X 11.53X 11.58% IMPERVIOUS SURFACE MIN LOT SIZE 3 ACRES 10 ACRES NO CHANGE FRONT YARD SETBACK 50 FT, 13 FT, NO CHANGE REAR YARD SETBACK 35 FT, 386 FT.. NO CHANGE SIDE YARD 50 FT, 8 FT. NO CHANGE SETBACK BASEMAPPING PREPARED FROM A SITE VISIT PERFORMED BY INFINIGY ENGINEERING, AND INFORMATION PROVIDED BY SPRINT NEXTEL, EXISTING DRAWING PREPARED BY DUBOIS & KING INC DATED: 7/04 AND DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. EXISTING BUILDING 1 OVERALL SITE PLAN nPPNORIMI11,11 - SCALE: AS NOTED BUILDING SHED POOL ,--AWPOSE i WRINT ICE MW (TYP.) EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT7 N----PRovsm SPRMIr to' ow ACCESS EASEMOVT FROM HINESBURG ROAD 70 577E PRO1100SEDSWtINTTLl;rX 1r2 FENCED LEASE AREA Z3 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) GRAPHIC SCALE 100' 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE (11x17): 1" = 100'-0" SCALE (22x34): 1" = 50'-0" S� a V mZm_m y air E -7 =�## LL Z J �`s IOT "Ow. J6dAk3G#. �M COC/d. itiYR penam rw couuv/m..gce tn�nn a ,aaxn ra wwarnirn sw +h4M emraWtawm o� Drawn: .... 38e Data: rMA3 Designed: AGE Date: 1A4/13 kecked:_.Alf— Date: iA4A3 F"KI Nunw+ t$6 .Jed Tire NE25XC443 OUTH BURLINGTON SILO S50 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Prepared For i 0� mywo h�u omz��i Fa VUOY y U �OWO� U �ass V I ` Drawing Scale: AS NOTED Date: 1H 7N3 Drawing Tlge OVERALL SITE PLAN Drawing Number Z2 APPROWMAIE LOCAnQN OF PROPOSED SPRINT PANEL ANTENNAS MOWVIED 119 ErIERIOR FACE OF EVSTING SILO NIIN RRN LNVITS BELOW AND MAY INCLIVE MUL IRE AND VARIOUS COWPOINENTS (TYP. OF (4) ANTENNAS PER SECMR, (3) SEC7L7IRS TOTAL) ..... EXISTING LANDSCAPING (TYP.) PROPOSED X NIDE UTILITY , • • EASCIWENT MM PRCWOSED SPRINT FENCED LEASE AREA Io EDOSTMIG PONER & IELCID DEJWARC — ........... DOSTING UTIUTY BACKBOARD EXISTING TELCO CABINET EXISTING PROPANE TANK I i I I 1 r I t t I I I r I I t r r t I r1 1 i rr ri I t ' ----------- PROPOSED LAAIOSCAPING AS REQUIRED TO AMTCN D0TSIWG (TYP.) -- _..., Zrx'STING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT �E)QSMG SILO FACE 5E0 SPRINT T 4 TRAYMCYMlli VCIF iXSSTMIG SILO Z7 PROPWr POSED 1 i (7W.) lC'f 8RlDCE l � �r•) ZPJ Exi511NG EQUIPMENT SHELTER -EXISTING CARRIER j ICE BRIDGE (TYP.) /EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY/PARKING L077 EXISTING 12' WIDE f/ ACCESS GATE /��OVERALL COMPOUND PLAN " -- SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 20' 10' 0 10' 20' SCALE (11x17): 1" = 20'-0" SCALE (22x34): 1" = 10'-0" EXISTING 20'z20' FENCED EQUIPMENT AREA PROPOSED 12' NEE 7 DOWE SMW r.41rr" Z8 PROD SiW* d /I za FEOPO (EASE AREA 28 -PR40MO Ra00AWV OF EIOS'IldNG LAAIDSCAW (M.) BASEMAPPING PREPARED FROM A SITE VISIT PERFORMED BY INFINIGY ENGINEERING, AND INFORMATION PRDADED BY SPRINT NEXTEL, EXISTING DRAWING PREPARED BY DUBOIS & KING INC DATED: 7/04 AND DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. PRCVm(D sLr 27 EXISTING 20'z20' FENCED EQUIPMENT AREA -----\ 4 SPRINT Z5 OPS wr 2 PROPOSED SPRINT 18'xT8' FENCED LEASE AREA �PROPOSED QLfW IO PA Z5 CIGWCTPE7E EQUIfNAENT PAD �PROPC►�D SiPRgVT 21 N 0 _. 20,\—PROPOSED SPRMIT EOMPMENT CA 7 Z (T)P. OF 4) r f PROPOSED S`+Wr_:; • `�+, Gf BRILiI 17�y �' v» , ESED i1' 7 � lsssos Zg F'rojed ThleGALE NE25XC443 �tt i }} \\� it ��i i 26' \\�� �I Ali \> >i ��r � \\\\\� �► ��l �, ,\\\\� a �r� j' �/� f 11�\\ ��i/ �/� • ���/ I I SILO SOUTHBURLINGTON, T1 03 Prepared Fa a es 016 1 i/ �i� �� �� I 1 �1\ �� 6 Oy�00_ o's:409 PROPOSED RaOCAAON OF 3; ETIiSIM LANDSCAPING (TIP,) -, m F��dn V I _ ...... Drawing S-le' ENLARGED SITE PLAN A9NOrED RppR moklC m —. : N0"'" 5GALE' GRAPHIC SCALE Dale: 11""3 _..... ............. __. 6` 0 3' 6' prawing Tllle COMPOUND & ENLARGED SCALE (1107): 1" = 6'-0" SITE PLAN SCALE (2204): 1" = S 0" Drawing Number Z3 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS NOT COMPLETED AT TIME OF ISSUANCE OF THESE DRAWINGS. THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CONSTRUGTUX c� Q EXISTING SILO PIRGPOSM SPRINT PANEL AN7EWNA MOUN70 TO E rMWOR FACE OF E70SAN0 S+LO W7H RRN LM73 BELOW AND MAY INLYUD£ MUL IKE AND VARIOUS C011107CNEN75 (nP. OF (4) ANIDWVAS PER SECTM (5) 5EC70RS I E-? 1 ELEVATION VIEW NOT TO SCALE EXISTING CARRIER PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTED TO INTERIOR OF EXISTING SILO DOME (TYP.) EXISTING CARRIER PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTED TO EXTERIOR FACE OF EXISTING SILO (TYP.) )OSTING CARRIER COAX CABLES ',,.-'' ROUTED ON EXISTING SILO (TIP.) i GROUND LEVEL 7POSED SPRINT vo' AREA ON E70STINC SILO TiNG VERTICAL CABLE ( MOUNTED TO FACE "XISTING SILO (TYP.) SPRINT IiR77Crit Y NOI. To TO ' WSANC SLO Z7 �m V❑; wZmm LL Z u". r� 4It f 1HMgfp r0r aai+�r�i�s sca q ISSUED Poe ?fRWTtWb HE! ,d,t/a8 !R l.Ml•itM'Yloe :1gptl' bglq Drawn: Slfe Dale: , D..1ti-d:�_ Dale: 1114AJ Checked: AGL Dale: IP4/13 Project Number 195_090 Project Title N E25XC443 SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 550 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Prepared For e 5� �5�3� o N m s ywW°'� `ox�shd a a �154�4 �Vy Y I F SralNOTEDDale: I Title ELEVATION VIEW Drawing Number Z4 r----------------------------------------- ------------- GROWTH .-----.--••y• PRIMARY BATTERY MOOCELL ( MODCELL I I CABINET w_.-.W___.__ 26.77" FINISH GRADE 9.66" 11.38" 26.77' 27.50" 20'-0" ------------ FUTURE BATTERY CABINET 9.50` I 27.50' 2L SLOPE TYP t EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND ANCHORING 6" COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL. GRAVEL SHALL BE NATURAL OR CRUSHED WITH 100 PERCENT PASSING 1' SIEVE. ---� PROPOSED SPRINT 19-V LONG Wt6x15 STEEL BEAM (TYP. OF (2)) #3 TIE 0 24" O.C. -- #4 CUNT., 4 PL----_-- 6" MIN. CRUSHED ONSOLIDATED/UNDISTURBED 3" «. STONE OR COMPACTED/SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO GRANULAR FILL 95% STD. PROCTOR DENSITY SECTION NOTES: 1. SURFACE OF FINISHED SLAB SHALL BE LEVEL AND FLAT WITHIN 1/8 2 EQUIPMENT CABINET FOUNDATION NOT TO SCALE 6 Sn��C•£`h#1�� ti ISOMETRIC EQUIPMENT VIEW`°`°""`"""" 3 Drawn: alal Data: I/11/I3 -- NOT TO SCALE p03 CPS ANTENNA 3. CAeaked:_6w Data: IA4113 (SUPPLIED BY OTHERS)w #'^ Nixnds.t farms 1 1/4' CIA. SCH 2 AWG BCW PIWl TIM 40 GALV. PIPE 24" I (TYP. 2 PLCS.) LONG _._.. _ .... -- STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS 3/4" NE25XC443 GAOWELO TYPE 201 NO. S422K14 ISOUTH BURLINGTON 3" DIA. SCH 40 3/1B" SILO GALV. PIPE --� `rs 950 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT ©W3 - 6x6 W2.1xwz1 WWF 6" x 9" x 1/4' PLATE W/ FOUR SLOTS FOR P' m& l to For ADJUSTMENTS / ICE BRIDGE POST S E 6 ;3 (4) - 1/2" MA. GREEN CGALV. U-BOLTS INSULATED / 9 3 �� TD CIGBEmv°o`o GROUNDING KIT - CIGBEf C6xBu'--9" 4—J GALV. SLOTTED Moo Y "i COAX CABLE FOR STRAP o�o' ►MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD,-----,.,-,.. AWG BCW �2 Q S TO MIGB , V - AWG GROUNDING KIT .... Drawing Scale: CABLE PROVIDED WITH KIT ,'^�C. ( ) NOTES: 1. THE ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF THE CPS ANTENNA SHALL BE IN AS NOTED ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL RF REPORTS. oat. 1/17/13 2. THE CPS ANTENNA MOUNT IS DESIGNED TO FASTEN TO A STANDARD 1-1/4" -"" `.. DIAMETER, SCHEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL PIPE. THE i&-aar=ITWe PIPE MUST NOT BE. THREADEP,AT THE ANTENNA MOUNT END, THE PIPE SHALL BE CUT TO THE REQUIRED LENGTH (MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES) USING A DETAILS OR ROTARY" PIPE CUTTER TO ASSURE A SMOOTH AND PERPENDICULAR CUT. A HACK SAW SHALL NOT BE USED. THE CUT PIPE END SHALL BE DEBURRED AND SMOOTH IN ORDER TO SEAL AGAINST THE NEOPRENE GASKET ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNA MOUNT. Ykawisg Numtler 4 GPS ANTENNA NOT TO SCALE Z5 r IDGE IS NOT TO EXCEED 9'HT ABOVE GRADE LEVEL { 2'-D" MAX. 18" WIDE SELF SUPPORTING ICE BRIDGE KIT, 10' LONG VALMONT P/N: 852164 OR EQUAL JUMPER CABLE TRAPEZE KIT, DOUBLE LEVEL FOR 18" WIDE ICE BRIDGE VALMONT P/N: 802264 OR EQUAL 3' MIN. #2 AWG BCW TO EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT GROUND RING CABINET ANTENNA -C" B'xB` STEEL BASEPIA11 4 WITH (4) 1/2' ANCHOR Z6 BOLTS (TYP.) %i" SELF LEVELING GROUT BASE FOR f RUNOFF FIN. GRADE SILO _- CDNCRLTE PAD- C PIER(TYP.� TE ELEVATION SNAP IN HANGER (TYP.) SEE CHART BELOW FOR SIZING, SIZE PER ELEVATION DRAWING -16" C NCRETE PIER �TYP.) SECTION SNAP IN HANGER SIZING CHART SIZE COMMSCOPE P/N 7/B' 1873EZSNS 1070EZSNS NOTES* 1. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN BETWEEN SUPPORTS ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL SHALL BE 19 FEET FOR 20 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL, OR 9 FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL. 2. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS FOR SPLICING BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPLICE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. 3. WHEN USING PIROD COMPONENTS, SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM CANTILEVER DISTANCE OF 2 FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TO THE FREE END OF THE ICE BRIDGE. 4. CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHOULD HAVE RAW EDGES TREATED WITH A MATERIAL TO RESTORE THE EDGES TO THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH. 5. ICE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS FROM MANUFACTURERS OTHER THAN PIROD, TYP; PROVIDED THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. 6. DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT INSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESPECTIVE MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL. 7. ATTACH FLANGED END OF SUPPORT POST TO CONCRETE PAD USING 4 - 3/8" DIA. HILT-HY 150 ADHESIVE ANCHORS. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4 1/2" EMBEDMENT - 8. DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS SHOWN ON SITE SPECIFIC DRAWINGS OR STANDARD DETAIL S REQUIRE ENGINEERING APPROVAL. 1 ICE BRIDGE - - NOT TO SCALE 1'-6' LONG UNISTRUT W/ (6)-3/4" HOLES (SPACED 3" C/C) (Typ.)--._..- .�t 1'-6" WIDE BRIDGE CHANNEL 2 ISOMETRIC ICE BRIDGE NOT TO SCALE 3 SUPPORT POST FOOTING --- NOT TO SCALE, B"xB"xt/2' STEEL 3" SCH 40 ICE BASEPLATE BRIDGE POST 8"x8"0/2" STEEL 0 BASEPLATE° -' (4) 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS • •• .' C7 WITH 4" MIN. EMBEDMENT ' PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD 3" SCH 40 ICE BRIDGE POST 4 SUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL -- NOT TO SCALF #3 TIES ® 12" \:NON'EXP;NDIN`Gl EPDXY (TYP.) B-UNE B22 12GA STEEL UNISTRUT 6'-0' LONG - 5"-0" POWER CABINET TELCO CABINET PLAN 6" I 5'-0. i I I I 1 ) I POWER in I I CABINET 1 I CTEL ABINET N LV 1 PPC RACK NOT TO SCALE 3'# PPE (TYP) WITH 1/2 * U—BOLTS 3'0"0/4' BELOW PPC ENCLOSURE 6" � CALV_ STEEL PIPE CAP PPC RACK B-UNE B22 12GA STEEL UNISTRUT W-0" LONG C 3'0 SCH. 40 PIPE (GALV) IV-6- LONG (TYP) C� B-UNE B22 12GA STEEL UNISTRUT 5'-0' LONG 77 L 3'x3"x1/4', 6'-0' LONG TIE FLOOD LIGHT INTO BREAKER PANEL WITHIN PPC 1/2*0 GALV. STEEL U-BOLTS WITH LOCK WASHERS (TYP) HOLD DOWN CLAMP 12" MOUNT TRAY TO UNISTRUT WITH 1/2" - 13 X 1 1/2" LONG GALVANIZED BOLTS, SPRING NUTS P1010 & WASHERS —� CABLE TRAY ® 9" RUNGS, 4" LOADING DEPTH. SUPPORT CABLES WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS EVERY 4 FT. -- CELL SITE LIGHT UTHONIA 50OW LAMP MODEL jR _50012OLPIM12 OR EQUIVALENT) POWER TELCO CABINET GA,�11 2 CELL SITE LIGHT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE UNISTRUT P1000 EVERY 4' ON CENTER MOUNT UNISTRUT TO BLDG. W/ 3/8" DIA HILTI HY20 OR HY150 EPDXY MASONRY ANCHORS, 3 1/2" MIN EMB, OR APPROVED EQUAL (TYP)--- �4 VERTICAL MOUNT CABLE TRAY NOT TO SCALE TRAY COVER — CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE MOUNTING HARDWARE r 60 MIN. TIMER TYP io (2) 112 THHN WIRES & #12 GND IN 1/2' IMC x6"0/2" STEEL 4SEPL.ATE 3" SCH 40 POST---'. 6"x8"0 /2" STEEL BASEPLATE (4) 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 4" MIN. EMBEDMENT ' PROPOSED •, • 11 CONCRETE PAD H 40 POST 3 SUPPORT POST MOUNTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TYP 4� 1, ti KNON •EXPANDING ~ EPDXY (TYP.) SILT FENCE IS TO BE A TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICE, AND SHOULD REMAIN IN PLACE UN71L THE SITE IS STARILIZF..D,—' FENCE— WHERE REQUIRED COMMERCIAL TYPE C SILT FABRIC ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR FABRICATED SILT FENCE 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO PQ$T$; STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE. FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. DIRECTION OF 2• FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE: WOVEN WIRE 14 GA. FLOW WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT 6" MAX. MESH OPENING. TOP AND MID SECTION. 3, WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X, MIRAFI EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER —LAPPED BY 61N IOOX' STABILINKA T140N OR AND FOLDED. APPROVED EQUAL. GROUNOW `N, 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED ✓ " j'' AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN 'BULDGES" DEVELOP IN PREFABRICATED UNIT GEOFAB II THE SILT FENCE. ENVIROFENCE OR APPROVED + 5. ALL SILT FENCE MATERIALS MUST BE LISTED ON EQUAL. riEl THE CURRENT STATES. D.O T. QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST. NOT: 1. DIG TRENCH. 2. LAY IN FABRIC TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH. 3. BACKFILL TRENCH, COVERING FABRIC. 5 SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 8� o O•N-m� Z m as = E a v U Zr xx � J o LL aaaaaa� LL Z xz -A NO. 48 �tie:w.nq+rta_.. . i r�Ne a ucvs i 1RNK1) PIX CaYfNTS $0 ,IPPP3 oj M. •oe rtaaTlwc nle +A•sf3 Na tluMiWrlWbn nr Drawn: W Dale: IMA3 Designed:AGE Date: IM/13 CAeckad:_ V_ Date: I44113 Project Number 195-000 Project Tale NE25XC443 SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Prepared For t xOx �sx;EG �'oW962 • r ��;kaG u�o�g Drawing Scale: AS NOT ED Date: 1/17/19 Drawing Tale DETAILS Drawing Number Z% D (3) INDUSTRIAL MALLEABLE IRON OFFSET PIN HINGES PER GATE PANEL (PAGE—WILSON M-6 OR EQUAL) -----A GRADE 12' 4" DIA. SCH 40 GATE POST HORIZONTAL GALVANIZED RAIL (TYP.) STEEL U—BOL CAP , --, TOP RAtL—' INSIDE COMPOUN %3" BLOCKING TYP. OF 3, VENLY SPACED)--' BOTTOM RAIL " CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) 12' WIDE DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE — TYP ON PREFABRICATED WOODEN PANEL DSTS) (INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMEN^ BRICATED WOODEN PANEL ,LL PER MANUFACTURERS IMENDATION) /4" GALVANIZED BRACKET AND THRU ARDWARE ALL PLACES LVANIZED SQUARE STOCK FOR ALL ;AL FENCE POSTS ADE (ADE FENCE DETAIL 2"X4" PRESSURE TREATED WOOD (8' LONG) WOOD SCREW THROUGH BACK OF 2x4 INTO WOOD FENCE BLOCKING ,/ 8' TALL J —WOOD STOCKADE FENCE SEUM A —A NOT TO SCALE ANIZED STEEL STOCK kiL (TYP.) " ALVANIZED :KET AND THRU TARE ALL PLACES N GRADE 8i COO >�q� mZmm e m E v u Z.-L x O i L- Z t1141%I#IIIIFftF yt S M{�i�43�.s;; , AViva s. AA As f I REVISED M CMIEVS We r,hi%t e. €S9'SLd rot pftak'vw � �lienMY/RReln so I VIVS Me t>r Q._: AM Date: 1/II/13 Designed. sr% Dale t61m Checked: AGF Date: I g�gp+ie+t i ow I'Mccl Title NE25XC443 SOUTH BURLINGTON SILO 650 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Prepared For �� z9 N9z4W� 1^� ..L F • m �u L^ Drawing Scale: AS NOTED Dale: 1l17/13 Drawing Title FENCE DETAILS Drawing Number Z8 MURPHY MSK SULLIVAN KRONK February 19, 2016 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street En,itl Riwrlinoton, VT rll n(,3 Re: Telecommunications Antenna Replacement Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: This letter is sent to inform you of a replacement of existing antennas at the above - mentioned site. Verizon Wireless currently has a total of fifteen (15) antennas mounted inside the existing "stealth" extension on an 85' concrete silo located on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington. Verizon Wireless will be replacing two of its existing 700 MHz or LTE antennas, in order to enhance the "Long Term Evolution" (LTE) or "4G" technology by improving its existing coverage. This technology provides Verizon Wireless' subscribers in Vermont with the ability to access its wireless network at higher speeds. At this site, two (2) of the existing L TE/AWS antennas, measuring approximately 75.5" long x 11.8" wide will be removed and replaced by two (2) newer LTE/AWS antennas, measuring approximately 51.5" long and 6.4" wide (antenna specifications enclosed).' The replacement antennas will be mounted on the existing mounting frame and all antennas will continue to be hidden within the fiberglass enclosure. The total number of antennas will not change. This antenna modification will not alter the footprint or appearance of the telecommunication compound, and a structural analysis confirmed that the modification will not compromise the structural integrity of the structure. In accordance with the most recent changes to 24 V.S.A. § 4412(8)(A), which took effect ' Occasionally, due to equipment shortages and other unforeseen factors, it may be necessary to substitute an equivalent model antenna and/or remote radio head of substantially similar dimensions. 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.COM Mr. Ray Belair February 19, 2016 Page 2 of 2 In accordance with the most recent changes to 24 V.S.A. § 4412(8)(A), which took effect on May 27, 2011, no local permit shall be required for this project because the largest face of each of these antennas is well below 15 square feet (copy of the first, last and applicable page of the recent law are enclosed). Please let us know if you have any questions or if additional documentation is required. Very trul yoursXh X Brian J. Su BSullivan@mskvt.com Enclosures 00172059.doc �j I niirnrr;c M S V , Kiu>N n 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 0540E-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.CO tTECU_ ALL-POINTSl�01 L0GY CORPORAT ON October 8, 2015 Verizon Wireless 400 Friberg Parkway Westborough, MA 01581 Attn: Andrew Davis Re: Silo Equipment Changes South Burlington, Vermont Verizon Site: Williston 2 Dear Andrew, All -Points Technology Corporation, P.C. (APT) reviewed equipment changes proposed by Verizon Wireless on the silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Verizon proposes to replace existing antennas, with a final configuration of six DB846F65ZAXY, one 800-10510V01, two 948F65T2ZE-M, two LNX-4514DS and four 800-10765 panel antennas, three RRH2x60 remote radio heads and one DB-El-3B-8AB-0Z power/fiber distribution box, fed by two 1-5/8" hybrid power/fiber cables. The proposed equipment changes represent no additional wind load and insignificant dead loads on the silo. Our review indicates the structural integrity of the silo will not be compromised by installation of the proposed equipment changes. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, All -Points Technology Corporation, P.C. Robert E. Adair P.E. � Principal t0 = * NO. 114834 ' * = VT1415500 Williston 2 APT Itr 10-8-15.doc Struchttrs! !Sod w��O�NB 10 3 SADDLEBROOK DRIVE • KILLINGWORTH, CT 06419 • PHONE 860-663-1697 • FAX 860-663-0935 0 116 GRANDVIEW ROAD • CONWAY, NH 03818 • PHONE 603496-5853 • FAX 603-447-2124 Product Specifications COMMSCPE® LNX-4514DS-\/TM Andrew@ Antenna, 698-896 MHz, 450 horizontal beamwidth, RET compatible Broadband, providing future -ready single antenna for application in 700 MHz and existing 850 MHz cellular operation Air dielectric design provides superior PIM performance with repeatable antenna -to - antenna gain and pattern consistency Single piece radome provides long term mechanical stability ili l� Proven core design technology, with over 1,000,000 similar antennas deployed Specifically designed to have physical dimensions similar to most existing cellular antennas Electrical Specifications Frequency Band, MHz 698-806 806-896 Gain, dBi 15.5 16.4 Beamwidth, Horizontal, degrees 47 45 Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 17.3 15.8 Beam Tilt, degrees 2-18 2-18 USLS, typical, dB 16 15 Front -to -Back Ratio at 1800, dB 32 28 Isolation, dB 30 30 VSWR I Return Loss, dB 1.4 1 15.6 1.4 1 15.6 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc -153 -153 Input Power per Port, maximum, watts 500 500 Polarization ±450 f450 Impedance 50 ohm 50 ohm General Specifications Antenna Brand Andrew@ Antenna Type DualPol@ Band Single band Brand DuaIP019 Operating Frequency Band 698 — 896 MHz Performance Note Outdoor usage Mechanical Specifications Color Light gray Lightning Protection do Ground Radiator Material Aluminum Radome Material Fiberglass, UV resistant RF Connector Interface 7-16 DIN Female RF Connector Location Bottom RF Connector Quantity, total 2 Wind Loading, maximum 586.4 N @ 150 km/h 131.8 Ibf @ 150 km/h Wind Speed, maximum 241 km/h 1 150 mph Dimensions @2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks, respectively, of CommScope. page 1 of 2 All specifications are subject to change without notice. See www.commscope.com for the most current information. Revised: January 20, 2016 February 19, 2016 I Product Specifications LNX-4514DS-V FM Depth 163.0 mm 6.4 in Length 1308.0 mm 51.5 in Width 389.0 mm 15.3 in Net Weight 13.3 kg 1 29.3 lb Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) Information Model with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator LNX-4514DS-AIM Packed Dimensions Depth Length Width Shipping Weight 300.0 mm ( 11.8 in 1780.0 mm 70.1 in 545.0 mm 21.5 in 24.8 kg 1 54.6 lb COMMSCCRE® Regulatory Compliance/Certifications Agency Classification ISO 9001:2008 Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system Included Products DB380 — Pipe Mounting Kit for 2,4"-4.5" (60-115mm) OD round members on wide panel antennas. Includes 2 clamp sets and double nuts. DB5083 — Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4"-4.5" (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Includes a heavy-duty, galvanized steel downtilt mounting bracket assembly and associated hardware. This kit is compatible with the DB380 pipe mount kit for panel antennas that are equipped with two mounting brackets. * Footnotes Performance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performance ©2016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or " are registered trademarks, respectively, of CommScope. page 2 of 2 All specifications are subject to change without notice. See www.commscope com for the most current information. Revised: January 20, 2016 February 19, 2016 The 1, rTnont Statutes Online TRITIMM-111111 Chapter 117: MUNICIPAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT § 4412. Required provisions and prohibited effects Notwithstanding any existing bylaw, the following land development provisions shall apply in every municipality: (1) Equal treatment of housing and required provisions for affordable housing. (A) No bylaw nor its application by an appropriate municipal panel under this chapter shall have the effect of excluding housing that meets the needs of the population as determined in the housing element of its municipal plan as required under subdivision 4382(a)(10) of this title or the effect of discriminating in the permitting of housing as specified in 9 V.S.A. § 4503. (B) Except as provided in subdivisions 4414(l)(E) and (F) of this title, no bylaw shall have the effect of excluding mobile homes, modular housing, or prefabricated housing from the municipality, except upon the same terms and conditions as conventional housing is excluded. A municipality may establish specific site standards in the bylaws to regulate individual sites within preexisting mobile home parks with regard to distances between structures and other standards as necessary to ensure public health, safety, and welfare, provided the standards do not have the effect of prohibiting the replacement of mobile homes on existing lots. (C) No bylaw shall have the effect of excluding mobile home parks, as defined in 10 V.S.A. chapter 153, from the municipality. (D) Bylaws shall designate appropriate districts and reasonable regulations for multiunit or multifamily dwellings. No bylaw shall have the effect of excluding these multiunit or multifamily dwellings from the municipality. (E) No bylaw shall have the effect of excluding as a permitted use one accessory dwelling unit that is located within or appurtenant to an owner -occupied single-family dwelling. An accessory dwelling unit means an efficiency or one -bedroom apartment that is clearly subordinate to a single-family dwelling, and has facilities and provisions for independent living, including sleeping, food preparation, and sanitation, provided there is compliance with all the following: (i) The property has sufficient wastewater capacity. dwelling. (ii) The unit does not exceed 30 percent of the total habitable floor area of the single-family (iii) Applicable setback, coverage, and parking requirements specified in the bylaws are met. http://www.leg.state.vtus/statutes/fullsection.cfmAitle=24&chapter--i 17&section=04412[12/21/2012 2:47:54 PM) The' !Ihwnt Statutes Online nonconformity. (C) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the authority of a municipality to abate public nuisances or to abate or remove public health risks or hazards. (8)(A) Communications antennae and facilities. Except to the extent bylaws protect historic landmarks and structures listed on the state or national register of historic places, no permit shall be required for placement of an antenna used to transmit, receive, or transmit and receive communications signals on that property owneespremises ifthe area of the largest fare of the antenna is not more than 15 square feet, and if the antenna and any mast support do not extend more than 12 feet above the roof of that portion of the building to which the mast is attached. (B) If an antenna structure is less than 20 feet in height and its primary function is to transmit or receive communication signals for commercial, industrial, institutional, nonprofit or public purposes, it shall not be regulated under this chapter if it is located on a structure located within the boundaries of a downhill ski area and permitted under this chapter. For the purposes of this subdivision, "downhill ski area" means an area with trails for downhill skiing served by one or more ski lifts and any other areas within the boundaries of the ski area and open to the public for winter sports. (C) The regulation of a telecommunications facility, as defined in 30 V.S.A. § 248a, shall be exempt from municipal approval under this chapter when and to the extent jurisdiction is assumed by the public service board according to the provisions of that section. (D) A municipality may regulate communications towers, antennae and related facilities in its bylaws provided that such regulations do not have the purpose or effect of being inconsistent with subdivisions (A) through (C) of this subdivision (8). (9) De minimis telecommunications impacts. An officer or entity designated by the municipality shall review telecommunications facilities applications, and upon determining that a particular application will impose no impact or de minimis impact upon any criteria established in the bylaws, shall approve the application. (Added 2003, No. 115 (Adj. Sess.), § 95; amended 2005, No. 172 (Adj. Sess.), § 5, eff. May 22, 2006; 2007, No. 79, § 15; 2007, No. 79, § 15, eff. June 9, 2007; 2009, No. 54, § 45, eff. June 1, 2009; 2011, No. 53, § 14e, eff. May 27, 2011; 2011, No. 137 (Adj. Sess.), § 7, eff. May 14, 2012; No. 155 (Adj. Sess.), § 14; No. 170 (Adj. Sess.), § 16e, efff. May 18, 2012.) http://www.leg.state.vt.us/stames/fulLsection.cfm?title=24&chapter--i 17&section=04412[12/21/2012 2:47:54 PMI MURPHY MSKSULLIVAN KRONK. October 31, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Telecommunications Antenna Replacement Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: This letter is sent to inform you of a replacement of existing antennas at the above - mentioned site. Verizon Wireless currently has a total of fifteen (15) antennas mounted inside the existing "stealth" extension on an 85' concrete silo located on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington. Verizon Wireless will be replacing some of its existing 700 MHz or LTE antennas, in order to enhance the "Long Term Evolution" (LTE) or "4G" technology by improving its existing coverage. This technology provides Verizon Wireless' subscribers in Vermont with the ability to access its wireless network at higher speeds. At this site, the three (3) existing LTE antennas, measuring approximately 71" long x 11.2" wide, will each be replaced with new LTE/AWS antennas, measuring approximately 75.5" long x 11.8" wide (antenna specifications enclosed).' The replacement antennas will be mounted on the existing mounting frame and all antennas will continue to be hidden within the fiberglass enclosure. The total number of antennas will not change. This antenna modification will not alter the footprint or appearance of the telecommunication compound, and a structural analysis confirmed that the modification will not compromise the structural integrity of the tower. ' Occasionally, due to equipment shortages and other unforeseen factors, it may be necessary to substitute an equivalent model antenna and/or remote radio head of substantially similar dimensions. 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.COM Mr. Ray Belair October 31, 2013 Page 2 of 2 In accordance with the most recent changes to 24 V.S.A. § 4412(8)(A), which took effect on May 27, 2011, no local permit shall be required for this project because the largest face of each of these antennas is well below 15 square feet (copy of the first, last and applicable page of the recent law are enclosed). Please let us know if you have any questions or if additional documentation is required. Very truly yoys, Brian J. ul Ivan BSullivanCmskvt.com Enclosures cc; WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright (w/enclosures) Ms. Sandy Carter, Verizon Wireless (via email w/enclosures) Arthur Dreher, DuBois & King, Inc. (via email w/enclosures) 00111683.DOC MSK KN RUNK 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.CO 41 �r SCALA DIVISION 0 64 mm 0 0 M8� o �O 0 ®0 0 ® 0 Mounting Brackets for use with 2-point mount antennas Mast dia. 2-4.5 inches (50-115 mm) Weight: 4.4 lb (2 kg) Mechanical Tilt Brackets for use with 2-point mount antennas Weight: 9.5 lb (4.3 kg) (Model 850 10008) Order Information: Model Description 800 10765V01 Dual Band Broadband 6', 65 Degree Antenna RET Mechanical specifications: Weight 51.8 lb (23.5 kg) 56.2 lb (25.5 kg) clamps included Dimensions 75.5 x 11.8 x 6 inches (1918 x 300 x 152 mm) Wind load Front/Side/Rear Mounting category at 93 mph (150kph) 214 Ibf / 81 Ibf / 221 Ibf (950 N) / (360 N) / (980 N) H (Heavy) Wind survival rating 150 mph (240 kph) Shipping dimensions 85.3 x 12.7 x 7.5 inches (2166 x 322 x 190 mm) Shipping weight 62 lb (28.1 kg) Mounting Mounting hardware included for 2 to 4.6 inch (50 to 115 mm) OD masts. KAFHHEIN 86010149 r/% Tested To Comply ,rlllgt/ With FCC Standards This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. r 2625 inches ± 0.125 68 mm ± 4) 78.3 inches (1989 mm) 76.7 inches (1948 mm) 75.5 inches (1918 mm) 0 0 p Note: Refer to part number 860 10149 for the specifications of the remote control actuator. ® • • 6 inches (152 mm) 730 8 inches 0 mm) 800 10765V01 Dualband antenna with mounting bracket 0°-10° H 0°-10° electrical downtilt 800 10765V01 K Dualband antenna with mounting bracket and mechanical tilt bracket 0°-10° // 0°-10° electrical downtilt IRT out in IRT in out 698-894 II 698-894 IIII1710-2170111710-2170 —45° +45' —45° +45 7-16 7-16 7-16 7 1f long neck b tong neck - 8pin male Spin fer Spin female 8pin *Mechanical design is based on environmental conditions as stipulated in TIA-222-G-2 (December 2009) and/or ETS 300 019-1- 4 which include the static mechanical load imposed on an antenna by wind at maximum velocity. See the Engineering Section of the catalog for further details. All specifications are subject to change without notice. The latest specifications are available at www.kathrein-scala.com. Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500 Fax: (541) 779-3991 Email: communications@kathrein.com Internet: www.kathrein-scala.com K UTH y� i SCALA DIVISION • X-polarized (+45' and -451). • UV resistant fiberglass radomes. • Wideband vector dipole technology. 800 10765V01 Dual Band Broadband 6', 65 Degree Antenna RET • DC Grounded metallic parts for impulse suppression. • RET motor housed inside the radome and field replaceable. General specifications: Frequency range 698-894 MHz H 1710-2170 MHz Impedance 50 ohms VSW R <1.5:1 Intermodulation (2x20w) IM3:< -150 dBc Polarization +45' and -451 Connector 4 x 7-16 DIN female (long neck) Isolation intrasystem >30 dB // intersystem >35 dB See reverse for order information. IRT specifications: Logical interface ex factory') 3GPP/AISG 2.0 Protocols AISG 1.1 and 3GPP/AISG 2.0 compliant Hardware interfacez) 2 x 8pin connector acc. IEC 60130-9; according to AISG: — RCUin (male): Control / Daisy chain in — RCUout (female): Daisy chain out Power supply 10-30 V Power Consumption <i W (standby); <8.5 W (motor activated) Adjustment time (full range) 40 seconds Adjustment cycles >50,000 Certification FCC 15.107 Class B Computing Devices 698-894 MHz Horizontal pattern Vertical pattern ±45% polarization ±45°- polarization W-10' electrical downtilt 1710-2170 MHz Horizontal pattern Vertical pattern ±45°- polarization ±45% polarization 0'-10' electrical downtilt The protocol of the logical interface can be switched from 3GPP/AISG 2.0 to AISG 1.1 and vice versa with a vendor specific command. Start-up operation of the RCU 86010149 is possible in an RET system supporting AISG 1.1 or supporting 3GPP/AISG 2.0 after performing a layer 2 reset before address assignment. The protocol can also be changed as follows: AISG 1.1 to 3GPP: Enter "3GPP" into the additional data filed "Installer's ID" and perform a layer 7 reset or a power reset. 3GPP to AISG 1.1: Enter "AISG 1" into the additional datafield "Installer's ID" and erform a layer 2 reset or a power reset. After switching the protocol any other information can be entered into the "Installer's ID" field. 2) The lightning torque for fixing the connector must be 0.5-1.0 Nm ('hand -tightened'). The connector should be tightened by hand only! Specifications: 698-806 MHz 824-894 MHz 1710-1755 MHz 1850-1990 MHz 2110-2170 MHz Gain 15.3 dBi 15.8 dBi 18 dBi 18.5 dBi 18 dBi Front -to -back ratio >30 dB (co -polar) >30 dB (co -polar) >27 dB (co -polar) >27 dB (co -polar) >27 dB (co -polar) 34 dB (average) 34 dB (average) 34 dB (average) 34 dB (average) 34 dB (average) Maximum input power 500 watts (at 50-C) 500 watts (at 50-C) 300 wafts (at 501C) 300 watts (at 50oC) 300 watts (at 50°C) per input +45' and -45' polarization 68e (half -power) 65p (half -power) 63' (half -power) 62° (half -power) 63' (half -power) horizontal beamwidth +45' and -45' polarization 11.80 (half -power) 10.8° (half -power) 5.8° (half -power) 5.8° (half -power) 5.8° (half -power) vertical beamwidth Electrical downtilt 0°-101 0p-101 01-10° 01-10, 01-10° continuously adjustable Min sidelobe suppression for 00 5p 100 T 0° 5' 100 T 0° 5° 10° T 0° 5° 10° T 0° 5° 10° T first sidelobe above main beam 16 16 18 dB 18 18 16 dB 18 18 18 dB 18 18 18 dB 18 18 18 dB average 18 20 20 dB 20 22 20 dB 20 22 20 dB 20 22 20 dB 20 22 20 dB Cross polar ratio Main direction 0° 25 dB (typical) 20 dB (typical) 25 dB (typical) 30 dB (typical) 25 dB (typical) Sector ±60' >10 dB, 16 dB (avg) >10 dB, 14 dB (avg) >8 dB, 15 dB (avg) >10 dB, 15 dB (avg) >8 dB, 15 dB (avg) Tracking 1.0 db 1.5 db 1.5 db 1.0 db 1.5 db Squint ±2.5° ±3° ±3° ±2.5p ±3° f R®Hs AISG Lead -Free 11400 C Sep 1, 2012 936.4267 Antenna Inted—Standards Group Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500 Fax: (541) 779-3991 Email: communications@kathrein.com Internet: www.kathrein-scala.com No. 53. An act relating to the advancement of cellular, broadband and other technology infrastructure in Vermont. (5.78) It is. hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont; * * * Legislative Findings * * * See.1, PURPOSE AND FINDINGS () It is the purpose of this act to establish policies and pio rams designed to achieve statewide cellular and broadband deployment in Vermont by the end of the year 2013. Although these technologies are deployed by private sector providers, state regplation of tho telecommunications industry as well as zuvernment financial assistance can have a si pificant impact on private sector decisions to invest in and deploy infrastructure, particularly in underserved and imserved areas of the stata, Vermont initiatives must recognize that: (1) the availability of high-speed Internet access will spur economic growth and job creation; (2) cellular telephone service is increasingly becoming the telephoup service of choice for consumers and at the salve time can serve as a lifeline for those who choose it: and (3) the �epjoyvaent of smart grid tertg9logv may facilitate the drive to expand broadband Internet access. VT LE0270495.1 No. 53 Page 44 of 80 undef Ws seetien may gajatjeff under- subdivision 44 130h) ••; •, ••J .ril'r'vTviiivr'cva"vx' 300 square Rotor iimprevements assoolated with eanifMeatie?"nes) Sec. 14e. 24 V.S.A. § 44t2 is amended to read: § 4412. REQUIRED PROVISIONS AND PROHIBITED EFFECTS Notwithstanding any existing bylaw, the following land development provisions shall apply in every municipality; (8)(A) Communications antennae and facilities. Except to the extent bylaws protect historic landmarks and structures listed on the state or national register of historic places, no permit shall be required for placement of antennae an antenna used to transmit, receive, or transmit and receive communications signals on that property owner's premises if the aggregate area of the largest €aew face of the antennae antenna is ilot more than eight 15 square feet, and if the antennae antenna and any mast support dew do not extend more than 12 feet above the roof of that portion of the building to which the inast is attached. VT LEG 270495.1 No. 53 Page 80 of 80 (d) Fiber-optic facilities funded in whole or in part with fiends appropriated under this section shall be available for use by as ]nano telecommunications seryiceproviders as the technology will permit on a nondiscriminatory basis and according to published terms and conditions Sec. 25. EFFECTIVE DATE This act shall take effect on passage. Approved: May 27; 2011 VT LSO270495,1 I (,s Vv KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we IWO Holdinqs Inc., as Principal, and Westchester Fire Insurance Company incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its Home Office in Philadelphia, PA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of South Burlington, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403, as Obligee, in penal sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty and No/100 Dollars ($2,630.00) lawful money of the United States, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. (� L'LANDSCAPING BOND � VV BOND NUMBER: K0890697A WHEREAS, the Principal has applied to the Obligee for a Permit for Landscaping. Conditional Use Application #CU-13-02, Site Plan Application #SP-13-25. Sprint Site #NE25XC443. THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee against all loss to it caused by said Principal's breech of any ordinance, rule or regulation relating to such Permit then the above obligation shall be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. THE LIABILITY HEREUNDER may be terminated (a) by written notice from Surety to Obligee that liability shall terminate upon expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of such notice or (b) upon written cancellation from Obligee addressed to Surety. In either event, a copy of the notice of authorization shall be forwarded to the Principal. In the event of such cancellation by the Surety, the Surety shall refund the unearned premium, if any. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED the 3rd day of September, 2013. This bond is effective the 3rd day of September, 2013. IWO Holdings/lnc. By: Y George A. Manager,k, ddy ak Management hester Fire Insurance Company Debra C., SchneiderkAttorney-in-Fact e Principal Surety Sprint Sprint Corporation 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 September 30, 2013 Via Federal Express City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Zoning Permit Application — Sprint Communication Facility at Silo Applicant: Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation ("Sprint") [Sprint Site # NE25XC443] Project Property: Silo at 850 Hinesburg Road (Parcel 0860-00896 / Map 48) Dear Ray: On behalf of applicant Sprint, I am following up my recent submission of a Zoning Permit Application for a proposed communication facility on a farm silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road with the following requested additional items: 1) Three (3) full size copies of the revised engineering pages (pages C2, C3, C4) which reflect the Development Review Board required change to show six (6) antennas instead of twelve (12) antennas on the silo; and 2) Check in the proper amount of $413.00 for the application fee. Please return the previously submitted checks with the permit in the pre -paid envelope previously provided. If you have any questions or need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 518- 365-9711 or joseph.a.papakgmail.com. Thank you for your assistance. Sin VereJosa a, V Site Acquisition Consultant for Sprint Corp. 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 365-9711 / Joseph.a.papaggmail.corn Encl. Sprint Sprint Corporation 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 September 23, 2013 Via Federal Express City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Zoning Permit Application — Sprint Communication Facility at Silo Applicant: Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation ("Sprint") [Sprint Site # NE25XC443] Project Property: Silo at 850 Hinesburg Road (Parcel 0860-00896 / Map 48) Dear Ray: On behalf of applicant Sprint, we are submitting a Zoning Permit Application for a proposed communication facility on a farm silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road. This project will consist of. 6 panel antennas together with supporting equipment including remote radio units (RRUs) and fiber optic cabling within a protective cable tray installed on the silo; and ground communication equipment on a 10 ft. x 20 ft. concrete pad, ice bridge for the cables, and utility connections to existing electric and telephone service on the property. The project specifics are shown in the attached engineering drawings, which address the Development Review Board (DRB) approval (dated 07/02/13) conditions to show six (6) antennas instead of twelve (12) antennas. This project also includes landscaping pursuant to the landscaping plan previously approved by the DRB. Specifically, in support of this application we are enclosing the following: 1) Zoning Permit Application; 2) Two (2) sets of Construction Drawings by Infinigy Engineering, dated 09/12/13; 3) Landscaping Bond in the amount of $2,630.00 (required by DRB Approval). 4) Check for the application fee in the amount of $428.00 (based on $80,000 construction cost and $2,500 landscaping cost for non-residential addition/alteration) and a separate check - if needed at this time - for Certificate of Compliance fee in the amount $40.00. If you have any questions or need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 518- 365-9711 or joseph.a.papa@gMail.com. I have also enclosed a pre -paid return Fedex envelope for sending the Zoning Permit to us upon issuance. Thank you for your assistance. S' c rely, J epK apa, Jr. Site Acquisition Consultant for Sprint Corp. 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 365-9711 / Joseph. a.papaAgmail.com Encl. cc: WGM Associates, attn: Keith Wright (w/encl.) 1WE U�W south PLANNING & ZONING July 12, 2013 Re: #SP-13-25 & #CU-13-02 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board concerning your recent application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (Q mnnthc If you have any questions, please contact me. Since ly, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL -Return Receipt Requested # 7010 0290 0000 2215 5402 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com USPS.com® - Track & Confir- l Page 1 of 1 English Customer Service USPS Mobile 7Mi/R eco Quick Tools Track & Confirm Ship a Package Send Mail Manage Your Mail Enter up to 10 Tracking A Find Find USPS Locations Buy Stamps Celc lad§`°,c & Confirm Find a P o e Hold Mail Change of Address GET EMAIL UPDATES PRINT DETAILS YOUR LABEL NUMBER SERVICE 70100290000022155402 Check on Another Item What's your label (or receipt) number? Register! Sign In Search USPS.com or Track Packages Shop Business Solutions STATUS OF YOUR ITEM DATE & TIME LOCATION FEATURES '.. Delivered ! July 24, 2013, 1:19 pm LATHAM, NY 12110 Certified Mail' Processed through July 24, 2013, 3:06 am ALBANY, NY 12288 USPS Sort Facility Processed through : July 23, 2013, 10:23 pm ALBANY, NY 12288 '.. USPS Sort Facility '.. Processed through '.. July 21, 2013, 12:54 pm HARTFORD, CT 06101 USPS Sort Facility Depart USPS Sort July 20, 2013 HARTFORD, CT 06101 '.. Facility Processed through. July 20, 2013, 7:19 pm HARTFORD, CT 06101 USPS Sort Facility Arrival at Unit :. July 15, 2013, 6:59 am ALBANY, NY 12205 '.. Depart USPS Sort July 15, 2013 ALBANY, NY 12288 :. '.. Facility Processed through July 14, 2013, 9:16 pm ALBANY, NY 12288 USPS Sort Facility Depart USPS Sort; July 12, 2013 ESSEX Facility JUNCTION, VT 05452 Processed at USPS ! July 12, 2013, 9:48 pm ESSEX Origin Sort Facility JUNCTION, VT 05452 Dispatched to Sort '. July 12, 2013, 6:15 pm SOUTH Facility BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Acceptance '.. July 12, 2013, 4:33 pm SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 Find LEGAL ON USPS.COM Privacy Policy > Government Services > Terms of Use > Buy Stamps & Shop, FOIA � Print a Label with Postage > No FEAR Act EEO Data > Customer Service > Delivering Solutions to the Last Mile> Site Index> Copydght© 2013 USPS, All Rights Reserved ON ABOUT.USPS.COM About USPS Home, Newsroom > Mail Service Updates > Forms & Publications > Careers > OTHER USPS SITES Business Customer Gateway > Postal Inspectors I Inspector General Postal Explorer > https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfimiAction.action 7/25/2013 Proiect Review Sheet — City of South Burlington 1. Application # S P' 13 - 2S C(ti--0 -OT- 2. Street address & Project Name X>�S-b i[kilei Lq- 6cGi 3. Type of Review S`i . C P (Gtr, 4C- 4. DRB initial meeting date (p 18 JIS Additional Dates: 5. Lead Planning staff person to perform review -bon k 6. Second staff reader 7. Other departments to Review: Staff person responsible Fire: Y /� Date Provided: DPW: Y Date Provided: 8. Meeting with applicant on questions? 9. Staff notes complete by: Date >riew w n ed back: Datene�tJed back: Last revised 6/3/2013 l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: June 14, 2013 CU_13_02_and_SP_13_25_850HinesburgRoad_SprintNextel I Plans received: May 1, 2013 .doc 850 HINESBURG ROAD #3 CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION #CU-13-02 SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-13-25 Meeting date: June 18, 2013 Owner/Applicant Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corp. c/o Sprint Nextel 8 Airline Drive Suite 105 Albany, NY Location Map Property Information Tax Parcel 0860-00896 Industrial & Open Space Zoning District PROJECT DESCRIPTION Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corp., hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking conditional use approval and site plan approval to: 1) add six (6) panel antennas at 50 feet onto existing silo, and 2) add a 200 sq. ft. concrete pad for equipment cabinets, 850 Hinesburg Road. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on May 1, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements: Table 1. Dimensional Requirements Industrial & Open Space Zoning District Requirement/Limitation Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 acres 10 acres Max. Building Coverage 30% 3.03 Max. Total Coverage SO% 11.58 ♦ Min. Front Setback 50 ft. 13 ft. ♦ Min. Side Setback 50 ft. 8 ft. Min. Rear Setback 35 ft. 386 ft. N� Compliant ♦ Pre-existing non-compliance CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall 1. The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to locate telecommunications equipment between the 40-50 ft. height level on the exterior of an existing 70 + foot high silo. The applicant will also install radio equipment cabinets on a new 10' x 20' concrete pad along and install coax cables, ice bridge, cable tray and utility connects. The applicant states that the facilities will only require one or two maintenance trips per month. The site currently hosts similar equipment with antennas installed inside the silo and an associated small support structure. Staff feels that this project will not have a significant impact on the character of the area. 2. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Pursuant to Section 5.05(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Industrial and Open Space District is formed to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large lot office, light industrial, and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. Staff feels that the proposed placement of antennas and radio equipment cabinets are in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as it is in an area that is developing with commercial uses. 3. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. The proposal will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. The proposal is in keeping with the character of uses on surrounding properties and will not adversely affect the character of the area or the ability to develop adjacent properties. While'the proposed antennas will be mounted on the exterior of the silo, they will not extend above its top., Therefore, the proposed equipment location will not have a significant impact on the character of the area. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the The proposal will not affect traffic in the SITE PLAN Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land De review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. The proposed project will not have an impact on the transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. The proposed additional antennas will be compatible with the existing structures. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is not applicable to the proposed project. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has stated that the equipment will not protrude above the (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications n or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be una Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regu service modifications shall be underground. E (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of con characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screen d visual h transitions between buildings of different architectural sa The elevations submitted demonstrate saltntial adherencelo t1 will be visually compatible with existing structures osite. The apl with a value of $2630 to screen the newly inSO led r d%c uipme any of the existing silo. by exterior alterations materials rations to lines, services, and criterion. The proposed equipment ant is proposing new landscaping Cl!�i'[ a;the ground (f) Proposed structures- A lbe t'elated har�ron1au51j to the s lves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads fn'the vrctn�ty that halffiarvisual relationship to the proposed structures. The proposed protectliates harmoniously to the ara�There are no significant changes to the visual �i� appearance of the site. Site plan applitatrons, shall me a following speMc standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land eve opmen._". gulations: (a) irk reservation of lam may he rk uired on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collectohl street, to proWde additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve generdf-acc-ess and cirtMation in the area. It is not necessary to requires any additional access to abutting properties. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. As already stated, pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). There are no needs to revise the site plan with respect to this criterion. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements The applicant has submitted a detailed landscaping plan to screen the proposed radio equipment cabinets. The applicant is proposing to add $2630 of new landscaping to screen the ground mounted equipment. N>) Sprint )o Together with NEXTEL l Sprint Nextel it Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 May 28, 2013 City of South Burlington Development Review Board c/o City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Attn: Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Conditional Use and Site Plan Review Applications for Communication Facility — Silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont ---- �-- Landowner: WGM Associates Tax Map Parcel ID: 0860-00896 Sprint Nextel Site: NE25XC443 Dear Ray: On behalf of applicant Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation ("Sprint Nextel"), in support of its pending Conditional Use Application (#CU-13-02) to allow Sprint Nextel to develop a wireless communication facility consisting of antennas and associated equipment collocated at the existing silo at 850 Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden, Vermont, we are enclosing an original Certificate of Service signed and dated May 28, 2013, together with copies of the enclosures sent to the adjoining property owners listed within the Certificate of Service. Should you have any questions or need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. 'ery truly yours, Jo . Pa r. Sit AcquisitiConsultant for Sprint Nextel 11 Century Hill Drive, Suite 208 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 365-9711 Joseph. a.pa a&gmai1.com cc: WGM Associates, Attn: Keith Wright CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this cA84\day of May, 2013, a copy of the foregoing public notice for Conditional Use Application #CU-13-02, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. 1 further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) WRT — South Burlington Property LLC P. O. BOX 9507 Boston, MA 02114-9507 835 Hinesburg RD LLC 2 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Mansfield View Properties LLC 1035 Hinesburg Rd. South Burlington, VT 05403 Landrum P.O. Box 130 Burlington, VT 05407 Burlington Properties, LTD 85 Meadowland Dr. South Burlington, VT 05403 WGM Associates Attn: Keith Wright P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dated at Albany, New York, this a R day of May, 2013. Printed Name: Joseph A. Papa, Jr. (Site Acquisition Consultant for Sprint Nextel) Phone number and email: 518-365-9711. ioseah.a.naaa(&umail.coin Signature: Isi* A , N�5 Date: bs I&TIQ 13 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 TO: South Burlington property owners SUBJECT: Application before the Development Review Board for an abutting property The enclosed Development Review Board public notice or agenda is being sent to you because you have been identified as an abutting landowner to a proposed land development listed on the attachment. The distribution of this information to the abutting landowners is required by state law. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearing as participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Should you have any questions about the proposal, or wish to view the submittals, please contact the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. They can be reached at (802) 846-4106 or at City of South Burlington, Department of Planning & Zoning, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. Approved for Distribution by South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on June 18, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Conditional use application #CU-13-02 of Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation to: 1) add six (6) panel antennas at 50 feet on existing silo, and 2) add a 200 sq. ft. concrete pad for equipment cabinets, 850 Hinesburg Road. 2. Final plat application #SD-13-17 of David & Melissa Baker to expand the size of the building envelope on lot #2 of a three (3) lot subdivision approved on 12/5/06, 30 Highland Terrace. Mark Behr, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board A copy of the application is available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. May 30, 2013 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com d-""'Vvuyu rvunC 1V1a11a6e1 WCd nixon wits anot[e iy and Foster Cowey (WWII veterans) and Jo )Orville f- (Iraq and Afganistan veteran). ly !d around beautiful memory boards that staff created )tos and memorabilia from`various residents, along and stories in their own words. Thank you to all of Taps played:by._George Voland . r 4 "; Z�7 A&DKIUM6 F nvironmental, LLC November 5, 2012 City of South Burlington Code Enforcement Office 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Proposed Telecommunications Facility, South Burlington, VT To Whom it May Concern; A & D Klumb Environmental, LLC is conducting a Section 106 for the above referenced project at the request of our telecommunications client. This proposed site is to be located within on an existing 75' tall Silo located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Chittenden County, VT. The proposed site will consist of telecommunication antennas installed onto the exterior of the Silo at an elevation of 40' above ground level. The Latitude/Longitude of the tower location is: 440 26' 40.61 "N/73° 09' 27.87"W and is shown on the attached map. The equipment shelter, and all related equipment will be located on the southeast side of the Silo on a concrete pad. The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and the FCC require that the municipality and any local Historical Commission be notified of this project. ADKE have been retained to determine whether the proposed undertaking will adversely impact properties of historical significance (properties listed or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places). Our findings will be submitted in a report to the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation upon completion of the research. If you have any questions regarding this project please do not hesitate to contact us at the number or address below. Sincerely, Sarah Cate Associate Project Manager 54 Centennial Drive Wester, NH o5o 603-746-5065 Liumbenvironmental@klum6env.com s 0 N XMap® 7 South f ,i BUrfingto' New $IdtMge » N e f Op • + 0111 } aN i,i , � •� Imo' «, ,,� 'GSy. � - / 1 f�l '� eti � I 0 li ( „f 7 1 f •� Pr�� ect`Site ' N i• Win i iarv19 n •�� j ,-_ . j� "" 1 e p 1 / r •' s lj •+ s5J7 i ) • r South Burlington, VT Chittenden County 1987 Burlington VT USGS Topographic Map Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 24,000 MO3WO— _ C DeLorme. XMap� 7. MNc14.5"w m 01 0 300 f00 600 am ima www.deforme.com V = 2,000.0 ft Data Zoom 12-1 MSKMURI'HY SULLIVAN KRO N K October 25, 2010 Mr. Raymond J. Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, V 1 05403 Re: Permit No. ZP-10-036 Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Ray: Enclosed is an Application for Certificate of Occupancy, and a fee in the amount of $63.00, for the above referenced project. Please contact me if we need to discuss this further. Very truly yours, Brian J. Sullivan BSuilivan@mskvt.com c: Keith P. Wright, WGM Associates 00062630.DOC 275 College Street, PO Box 4485 1 Burlington, VT 05406-4485 1 phone 802 861-7000 1 Fax 861-7007 1 mskvt.com r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING March 4, 2010 Verizon Wireless c/o Brian J Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Kronk: Enclosed, please find copies of the Findings of Fact and Decisions rendered by the Administrative Officer on March 2, 2010 (effective 3/2/10). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Yana Bea,gley Planning and Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT: 7009 0820 0002 2430 2641 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 :v°uvw.sburl.com south"'L..., `a PLANNING & ZONING March 3, 2010 Michael Young 15 Dover Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Enc. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com rpt PLANNING & ZONING March 3, 2010 Arthur Dreher 34 Blai Park Road Williston, VT 05495 Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, 81W ?Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Enc. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846,4.101 www.sburl.coni O wso ttthbu 'iER:Y.ONf Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chaptet 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishingg to achieve interested- person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.-S.A. § 4461(b)..The DRB must keep a written record of -the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)_.A-copy of any decision rendered by-t-he DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing -and .having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of-an.appeal to -the environmental court; the DRB must supply a- list of interested persons to the appellant ��iin��five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: //L CAo/O PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! NAME nnnn Wrl Ar,mmr, — AAy-� I t� �I �I�P�,,1 1 �R lJ�i%� Pl�lc �C ppc�/ rrxIJJr—U 1 yr IN I tKEST —� COLfi�s AN p jO A irfo'r9- d-4 0 S-- 4�1sz,C N, I S 4�� K+t,— &11 I b 0'&1.&, orl, I i -ronyca orGt�' KAqL `r+ %n � V4 -ni s�� gVW1 I o 'L CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: February 24, 2010 \drb\sit\Wright850HinesburgRd_siteplan_cu.doc Plans received: February 8, 2010 850 Hinesburg Road CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION #CU-08-07 SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-10-03 Agenda #8 and #9 Meeting date: March 2, 2010 Owner Applicant WGM Associates C/o Keith Wright NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership & Cellco 850 Hinesburg Road Partnernship DBA as Verizon Wireless South Burlington, VT 05403 c/o Brian J. Sulivan, Esq. Murphy Sulivan Kronk, 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Property Information Tax Parcel 0860-00900 Industrial Open Space Zoning District 1 Verizon Wireless, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking conditional use approval to 1) replace six (6) of the 12 existing antennas and 2) add three (3) 700 MHz antennas, 850 Hinesburg Road. Verizon Wireless is also seeking site plan approval to 1) replace six (6) of the 12 existing antennas and 2) add three (3) 700 MHz antennas, all within the Stealth silo extension not to exceed 85 feet in height, 850 Hinesburg Road. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on February 8, 2010 and have the following comments. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 1410(E) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: 1. The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to locate telecommunications equipment within an existing 88 foot high silo. The proposed additions will not be visible. The applicant states that the facilities will only require one or two maintenance trips per month. Therefore, staff does not feel it will have a significant impact on the character of the area. 2. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Pursuant to Section 5.05(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Commercial 10 District is formed to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large lot office, light industrial, and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. Staff feels the proposed placement of equipment within the existing silo is in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as it is in an area that is developing with commercial uses. 3. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Staff believes that the proposal will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. 2 Staff believes that the proposal is in keeping with the character of uses on surrounding properties and will not adversely affect the character of the area or the ability to develop adjacent properties. Staff notes that the proposed additions will not be visible and will be within the existing silo. Therefore, the proposed equipment location will not have a significant impact on the character of the area. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposal will not affect traffic in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposal is in keeping with applicable regulations. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposal will not affect renewable energy resources. (f) General public health and welfare. Staff does not believe that the proposal will have an adverse affect on general public welfare or the health of the surrounding public. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff feels the proposed project will not have an impact on the transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. The proposed addition will be compatible with the existing structures. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is not applicable to the proposed project. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has stated that the equipment will not protrude above the height of the existing silo. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. M Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff finds that the elevations submitted demonstrate substantial adherence to this criterion. The proposed equipment will be visually compatible with existing structures on site. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff feels the proposed project relates harmoniously to the area. There are no proposed changes to the visual appearance of the site. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel it is necessary to require any additional access to abutting properties. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Staff has already stated that pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). There are no needs to revise the site plan with respect to this criterion. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Because no buildings are proposed, there are no requirements for additional landscaping. Access/Circulation 9 Access and circulation on the property will remain unchanged through the proposed project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Conditional Use application #CU-10-03 and Site Plan application #SP-10-15. Respectfully submitted, AA& AL Cathyanry', aRose, Asso iate Planner Copy to: Brian Sullivan, Contact 5 Sn SL (r SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FZCT ) 11wh.0& /I 1 LISTING CONCREI d' rt_ I I PARKING/ � I TURNAROUND ( 1 1 l _J IROPOSED DETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE n s m ao40 cDFI*) I Inch - 10 M 0 SYV O.C. 3 FPP PLANT I I* 15 PCG 10' D.C.0 TmmTmT 5 ASG- 40' O.C. EXISTING �I GRAVEL J PARKING/ I 1 ASG ;j TURNAROUND I I EXISTING 35 \`ONCRET'SILO 19a4 CA °SIC° I Existing Silo Latitude 44'-26'-40.67' Longitude 73'-09'-27.83' Base Elevation 413.0' Rim Elevation 478.0' Existing Top Elevation 488.0' Proposed Top Elevation 498.0' I •PROPOSED I CABLE BRIDGE / / 25 SYV 3' O,C,/ ROPOSED 12'X 30'� EQUIPMENT,,tHELTER F.F.E.f413.5' i OSION/ COGO¢ / SILT FTCE / ! ROPOSED ! PROPANE TANK ! / 17 Sri 3' O.C. / 0HONE I 1 yyfftD1LRY POLE TOM PROPOSED MITER /- / / i '--rmmTlLIT U Ll PLANT LIST DUANTI KEY BOTANIQ61 /COMMON NAME/COMMON NAME SZE R00T @ELfARKS DETAIL SITE PLAN 6 ASG ACER S. 'GREEN MOUNTAIN'/ 2 1/2-3' CAL.. B&B PLANT 40' O.C. GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE- GRAPHIC SCALE 3 FPP FIWINUS P. 'PATMORE'/- 2 1/2-3' CAL. B&B a « s « m PATMORE GREEN ASH 15 PCG PICEA GLAUCA/ 6' HT. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. (a �1) WHITE SPRUCE - 1 Inch . 301L 42 SW SYRINGA VULGARIS/ 4' HT. B&B PLANT 3' O.C. COMMON LILAC MURPHY MSKSULLIVAN KRONK February 12, 2010 BY CUSTOM COURIER Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Telecommunications Antenna Replacement & Addition Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: Pursuant to your telephone conversation with Brian Sullivan on February 9, 2010, enclosed are five (5) full size sets of permit plans for the above -referenced site. Please contact me if you need additional information. Very truly yours, Betsey N. L¢ach, Paralegal Bleach@mskvt.com Enclosures 00055085. DOC 275 COLLEGE STRLL"I, PO BOX4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONL 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVI.COM iE &F Show and tell SEVEN DAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS» view and post up to ?r11, Open 24/7/365. Extral Extra! '- Post &browse ads There's nolimitto 6 photos perad online. at your convenience. ad length online. troleum contamination. ci.burl ington.vt.us. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF VERMONT or respond to commu- by HFI herein. VERIFIED COMPLAINT of$1,042.22, which de. The proposed site plan CHITTENDEN COUNTY, nications from HFI. The NOW COMES The Hous- linquent property taxes Includes a man-made Date: February 10, 2010 By virtue and in execu- ss. Levees are still listed as DATED at Burlington, ing Foundation, Inc. are now a lien on the wetland thatwill process tion of the Power of Sale CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR the record owners ofthis Vermont thisl9th day of ("HFI"), by and through property. storm water; plant- PUBLIC HEARING contained in a certain COURT mobile home with the January, 2010. its counsel Nadine L b. The Housing Founda. ings and re -grading to SOUTH BURLINGTON mortgage given by Docket No. S60-10 CnC Town of Milton. Scibek, and hereby com- tion, Inc. has a lien on promote soil re genera- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW American Mortgage 5. The following security Nadine L. Scibek, Esq., plains as fol lows: the mobile home under tion; and mitigation of BOARD Network, Inc. to Lianne IN RE: ABANDONED interests, mortgages, Attorney for The Housing 1. HFI, a Vermont non- the Purchase Subsidy brownfields issues. W. Burleson dated July MOBILE HOME OF FRANK liens and encumbrances Foundation, Inc. profit corporation with Program in the amount • The purpose ofthe The South Burlington 19, 2006 and recorded &LAURA LAVEE appear of record with a principal place of of$4,000.00. proposed encroachment Development Review in Volume 693,➢age respect to the mobile DATED at Montpelier, business in Montpelier, 7. Chuck Bolton, Auc- Into the wetlands and Board will hold a public 733 of the Land Records VERIFIED COMPLAINT home: Vermont this 19th day of County of Washington, tioneecisapersondis- fioodplainareaistofa- hearing in the South of the Town of Essex, NOW COMES The Hous- a. Through January 19, January, 2010. State of Vermont, is the interested in the mobile cilitate public access to Burlington City Hall ofwhich mortgage the ing Foundation, Inc. 2010, Owners Levees are By: Doreen Phillips, Duly record ownerofa mobile home and the mobile and use of the shoreline Conference Room, 575 undersigned is the pres. ('HFI'), by and through In arrears on obligations Authorized Agent for The home park known as home park who is able to for recreation purposes. Dorset Street, South ent holder, for breach of its counsel Nadine L to pay property taxes Housing Foundation, Inc. Mountain View Mobile sell the mobile home at Burlington. Vermont on the conditions of said Scibek, and hereby com- to the Town of Milton, , Home Park (the "Park") a public auction. There are three primary Tuesday, March 2,2010 mortgage and for the plains as follows: Vermont in the aggre. VERIFICATION located in the Town of B. Mobile home storage purposesfor this notice. at 7:30 P.M. to consider purposes of foreclosing 1. HFI, a Vermont non- gate amount of$464.70, Hinesburg, Vermont, fees continue to accrue First, people who may the following: the same will be sold at profit corporation with plus current tax year of STATE OF VERMONT 2. Karen Lavalette at the rate of$346.00 be affected by activities Public Auction at 9:00 a principal place of $407.58 which are not WASHINGTON COUNTY, ('Lavalette") is the per month. Rent, storage in Floodplains and those 1. Final plat application A.M. on February 23, business in Montpelier, due until May, 2010. The S5. record owner are certain fees and late charges who have an interest #SD-10-03 of Robert L. 2010, at 134 Main Street, County of Washington, delinquent property - mobile home, described dus HFl as of January 19, in the protection of the Provost for a planned unit Essex, Vermont all and State of Vermont, is the taxes are now a lien on On this 19th day of as a 1987 Titan Cham- 2010 total$2,429.37. See natural environment development on a 0.57 singular the premises record owner ofa mobile the property. January, 2010, Doreen pion, Model FK3, bearing attached. should be given an acre parcel developed described In said mort- home park known as It. TO Bank, N.A., P.O. Phillips, duly authorized Serial No. C23743 (the Court costs and attor- opportunity to express with a single family dwell- gage: Birchwood Manor Mobile Box 1377, Lewiston, ME agent of The Housing 'Mobile Home"), located ney's fees per the Judg- their concerns and pro- ing. The proposal consists Home Park (the 'Park-) 04243-1377. Foundation, Inc., owner on Lot #15, 29 Bear Lane ment from the eviction vide information about of 1) adding an accessory To Wit: located In the Town of 7, Chuck Bolton, Auc- of the Birchwood Manor in Hinesburg, Vermont action total $1,630,42. these areas. Second,an residential unit to the Being Unit 1, located on Milton, Vermont. tioneer, is a person dis- Mobile Home Park in ("Lot"). The total amount of adequate public notice existing single family Lot C, as depicted on a 2. Frank &Laura Levee interested in the mobile Milton, Vermont, being 3. Lavalette leased a the unpaid debt is program can be an dwelling and 2) adding plan entitled 'Condo- (the-Lavees") are the re- home and the mobile first duly sworn, made lot in the Park from HFI $4,059.79, important public educe- a second single family miniums, Robert Lem ire, cord owners of a certain home park who is able to oath that she has read pursuant to a written 9,HFI sent written na- tional tool. The dissemi- dwelling, 27 BIrch Street. 134 Main St., Essex Jot., mobile home, described sell the mobile home at the foregoing Complaint, lease. On September 23, tice by certified mail to nation of information Vermont' dated April 13, as a 1992 Redman a public auction. and that the facts con- 2009 this Court issued the Town of Hinesburg about Floodplains can 2. Conditional use 2006. prepared by David Manufactured Home, 8. Mobile home storage tailed therein are true. a Judgment for eviction, and the Delinquent Tax facilitate and enhance application #CU-10-02 A. Tudhope and recorded 14' x 72', bearing serial fees continue to accrue costs, and attorney Col lector for the Town of Federal efforts to reduce of NFI Vermont, Inc. to at Map Slide #429, of number 12223466 (the at the rate of $274.00 Before me, Thomas fees against Owner Hinesburg on December the risks associated construct a 1,560 sq. the Land Records of the 'Mobile Home'), located per month. Rent, storage Young Lavalette in the matter 23, 2009 of HFI's intent with the occupancy and ft. addition to a group, Town of Essex, on Lot#43, Birchwood fees and late charges Notary Public The Housing Foundation, to commence this aban. modification of these home located with 1,000 Manor Mobile Home due Hill as of January 15, My Commission Expires: Inc. v. Lavalette, Docket donment action. See special areas. Third, as a feet of another group Terms of Sale: Park, 101 West Milton 2010 total $1,915.00, See 2/10/11 No. S0213-09 CnC. The attached. matter offaimess, when home, 100 Allen Road. $10,000.00 to be paid Road in Milton, Vermont attached. Court issued a Writ of WHEREFORE, HFI re - the Federal government in cash by purchaser at (the "Lot"). 9. HFI sent written STATE OF VERMONT Possession to HFI on spectfully requests that determines it will par. 3. Conditional use ap- the time of sale, with the 3. The Lavees leased the notice by certified mail CHITTENDEN COUNTY September 23, 2009 and the Honorable Court en- ticipate in actions taking plication#CU-10-03 of balance due at closing. Lot in the Park from HFI to the Town of Milton SS. HFI completed the evic- ter an order as follows: placein Floodplains, it Verizon Wireless to: l) Proof offnancing for the pursuant to a written and the Delinquent Tax CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR tion and took possession 1. Declare that the must inform those who replace six (6) ofthe 12 balance ofthe purchase lease. Collector for the Town COURT of the Lot on October 8, mobile home as been may be put at greater or existing antennas, and to be provided at the 4. The Levees last known of Milton on November Docket No, S50-10 CnC 2009, abandoned; continued risk. 2) add three (3) 70OMHz time of sale. Thesale mailing address Is P.O. 13, 2009 of HFI's Intent 4. Lavalette's last known 2. Approve the sale of antennas, 850 Hines- is subject to taxes due Box 791, Milton, Vermont to commence this aban- IN RE: ABANDONED mailing address is 29 the mobile home at Further information on burg Road and owing to the Town 05468. comment action. See MOBILE HOME OF FRANK Bear Lane, Hinesburg, public auction to be this determination is of Essex. S. The mobile home has attached. & LAURA LAVEE - Vermont 05461. held within 30 days of available a[h[[p://www. John Dinklage, Chairman been abandoned. The WHEREFORE, HFI re- S. The mobile home has the date ofjudgment, cedoburlington.org/wa- South Burlington Devel- The mortgagor is last known residents spectfully requests that ORDER FOR HEARING been abandoned. The pursuantto lO V.S.A.§ terfront/moran_plant/ opment Review Board entitled to redeem the ofthe mobile home the Honorable Court en- last known resident of 6249(h); moran_plant redevel- premises at any time were Frank Lavee and ter an order as follows: A hearing on HFFS Veri- the mobile home was 3. Grant judgment in opmenthtm. Written Copies ofthe applica- prior to the sale by pay- Laura Lavee. The Levees 1. Declare that the fed Complaint to declare. Karen Lavalette. Laval- favor of HFI and against comments must be tion are available for ing the full amount due moved out ofthe mobile mobile home as been as abandoned the ette was evicted from the mobile home for received by the city at public inspection at the under the mortgage, home in June, 2009. abandoned; mobile home of Frank the Park for non -pay- past due and unpaid the following address South Burlington City including the costs and They have removed all of 2. Approve the sale of Lavee & Laura Lavee ment of rent. Lavalette rent and mobile home on or before February Hall. expenses of the sale. their personal property the mobile home at a and authorize the sale has removed all of her storage charges through 25.2010: Community from the mobile home, public auction to be by auction has been set personal property from the date ofjutlgment, & Economic Develop- February 10, 2010 Other terms to be an- and utility services have held within 30 days of for March 4, 2010 at 8:30 the mobile home and together with HFI's court ment Office, 149 Church nounced at the sale or been terminated. They the date ofjudgment, a.m. at the Chittenden utility services have costs, publication and Street, Room, Burlington, STATE OF VERMONT inquire at Lobe &Fortin, have made no effort or pursuant to lO VS.A.§ Superior Court, 175 been terminated. Owner mailing costs, auction - VT 05401 and (802) CHITTENDEN COUNTY, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. attempt to remove the 6249(h); Main Street, Burlington, Lavalette has made sees costs, winterization 865-7173, Attention: SS. 306, South Burlington, home from the Park. HFI 3, Grantjudgment in Vermont 05401. no effort or attempt to costs, HFI's counsel fees Nick Warner, Special CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR VT OS403, 802'660- learned in September favor of HFI and against Jill C. Mongeon, Deputy remove the home from incurred in enforcement Projects Manager, during COURT 9000, that the Lavees had the mobile home for Court Clerk the Park. of the lease and in con - the hours of 8:30 AM DOCKET NO. S0915-08 vacated the mobile past due and unpaid Date: 1/26/10 6. The following security nection with this matter to 4:30 PM. Comments CnC DATED at South Burling- home and Contacted rent and mobile home interests, mortgages, and any other costs may also be submitted ton, Vermont this 20th TO Bank the lienholder. storage charges through STATE OF VERMONT liens and encumbrances incurred by HFl herein. via email at nwarner@ CltiMortgage, Inc., day ofJ.-ary. 2010, On November 13, 2009, the date ofjutlgment, CHITTENDEN COUNTY, appear of record with Plaintiff HFI's counsel spoke together with HFIfs court SS. respect to the mobile DATED at Burlington, v. CitiMortgage, Inc. with Frank Lavee and costs, publication and CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR home: Vermont this 19th day of Lianne W. Burleson And - h: cofir med that they mailing costs, auction- COURT a. Through January 19, January, 2010. Occupants residing at 134MSt By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lb ' hatl vacated the mobile eers costs, winteriza- Docket No. S61-10 CnC 2010, Owner Lavalette is an reef, ssex, o e orun, PLC home in June, 2009 as bon costs, lot cleanup in arrears an obliga- Nadine L. Scibek, Esq., Vermont, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 they could no longer charges, HFI's counsel IN RE: ABANDONED tion to pay property Attorney for The Housing Defendants South Burlington, VT afford the mobile home. fees incurred in conned MOBILE HOME taxes to the Town of Foundation, Inc. 05403 TD Bank has failed to tion with this matter and OF KAREN LAVALET.TE Hinesburg, Vermont In — • communicate with and/ any other costs incurred the aggregate amount e Site Plan Application I-" Permit Number SP- - 15 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): VJY I &M 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): NYNI&K Mobil -ram JAnr k�. Poor-F-ra6,p1 04-4 L:,<M Cn Qcu--l-nPr, ;p e ()r�1210 �Cy i )n 1A rt l �r�—Yo Sir tan 'S . vt l ? ✓1r 1,r9� V7- nova: ego)-) 8�01- �ooa J �ctx �$D2) SO - "7 J p! Yd j 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive II correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): s( Aw- a S_a kD3& °, a. Contact e-mail address: ssut 1b Voun @ WM- vi . Gnon 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: e2f2(o H ty, GSbwtl LnA _ sow 2' AkrY�� 0 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): OU fOD 089 (a \J 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): M�z CLk So I(\S*6<,. +h,G !>i,+CnStOYl . 1 Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 11. nn6a '1 qa;�J_ • PW'&3<_ -e kokec -- oe r-e-, d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): N/A- . No nu9nn&e, L h�i kd:k .raf . q.*, s)i A t t: x 3 ej'x w lit, e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): J f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 1 � C-YISilm . Ncr T �Jf g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): Noi . A -+c_,CV)n%rAI%1 V'1 StS tl r I- 2- � �C!N'-S 9!C(- rnOr-A-" h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, plgase note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: d OLC.r'c<� a. Building: Existing % Proposed % / sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % / sq. ft. V�1Gh� Proposed % sq. ft. 2 Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES �a00 a. Building (including interior renovations): $ ! , b. Landscaping c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): N0,Y' 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): Vaica� . J -�CEk�'�tGA�'1 �/td113 b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/ - YGS lJoeACPiS . c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N If - ►r�s L�Cr.Gc-S 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION:_ 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: T�1( ��ry rile Stk� or�.�CC1���rnr>♦1nVa01(J 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. Li- U V4nC,�_Z r � on C 0�%Ons . 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) 9 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. sV3WATQRE OF APPLICANT L� 1, R tte& SIGN , RE �0—FP—ROPL-11iY-19WNE'RjPRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: G v REVIEW AUTHORITY: LA Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewe this site plan application and find it to be: zComplet Incomplete n A�G� of Planning & Zoning or Designee 5 Permit # L�_- /t) - D 3 APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation ( Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( ) Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) �Q75 ss Q 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone and fax #) et*Vc : 0028to I —i000 Cgo2) 8c01 - -100-1 Po r'rnu.Sh �p uacn A f bb, 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax # if different from above): S a lry 02 L-Lhye. 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1�50 1+irZLbyfa ROM SOL+h %(440)/ V-1— • PARCEL . rr. 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION use): A. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and ly-OP►y C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): , A/#9 . NM ,nrnM.SIA kill WIr».c. F)6,CkrY) IZxA /) x 10� InVah eWi1(Yt' D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): tyro00scrl, b%" VV.1 y I c 6VVq 12'x30`,K_!o`h._� eqvc t-Sfrtfe E. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): N)jQ , 2rczylbf,&r_J F. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): N _ A 4C.r. I1Cz� t/!S I+ jr j�-� 1-L 41rria (xr rna� G. Other (list any othe information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size B. Buildings: Existing _ Proposed 10 a.rxw Sq. Ft / Sq. Ft % / Sq. Ft C. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) L)r '�1pP� Existing % / Sq. Ft. J_ Proposed % / Sq. Ft. D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: Miry, Sq. Ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES A. Building (including interior renovations): $ Cr I Soo B. Landscaping $ 0 C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): Nor, . 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average dailytraffic for entire property (in and out): .P�� C1rw�kc4&r, VNS IJ +VY, S`lkG 1 or Z -t-u a per ry0r�}��. B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/fi — Y4P,StcLxY A. C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): _ N /A — tc,j . 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 1 liG QDnD,�M LW+nU01X1V3 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION --fit , V n � SIP c»-�ca}� C.g4AMOL)41V1 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE LI. (e Wf.G��OIP �L�1'� CY) 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. RE OFIAFIPLICANT SIGNATORL 0� ROPERtY%OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: evelopment Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have =PT)E s application and find it to be: ❑ Incomplete of Planning & Zoning or Designee EXHIBIT 5 — LIST OF ABUTTERS Name Address Property No. Telephone Operating Company P.O. Box 1509 0860-00800 of VT, LLC Bangor, ME 04402-1509 Landrum c/o Philip Drumheller 0860-01000 P.O. Box 130 Burlington, VT 05407 Burlington Properties LTD 85 Meadowland Drive 0860-01020 South Burlington, VT 05403 Mansfield View Properties LLC 1035 Hinesburg Road 0860-01035 South Burlington, VT 05403 835 Hinesburg Road LLC c/o Jeff Davis 0860-0835 2 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 00054149.DOC MURPHY MSKSULLIVAN KRONK February 5, 2010 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Telecommunications Antenna Replacement & Addition Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: Verizon Wireless is seeking to replace six of the twelve antennas, which are currently mounted within a stealth silo extension on an 85' concrete silo, and to install three 700 MHz antennas, also inside the extension. The total number of antennas will increase from twelve to fifteen. The Property is owned by WGM Associates and is located at 850 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Enclosed are the following documents for filing: 1. Zoning Permit Application; 2. Application for the Development Review Board; 3. Application for Site Plan Review; 4. Supplemental Application for Site Plan and Conditional Use Approvals; 5. Five copies of permit plans were submitted with our original application in November 2004. We are not submitting new permit plans because no height changes are proposed for this Project and all proposed changes will take place 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.COM } E Mr. Ray Belair February 5, 2010 Page 2 of 2 within the silo dome which is hidden from view. Please see Exhibit 4 for the original permit plans; and 6. A check in the amount of $326 for the filing fees. Thank you for your consideration. If you need additional information or documentation, please contact me. Very truly yours, Brian J. Sullivan bsullivan@mskvt.com Enclosures cc: Keith P. Wright, WGM Associates (w/enclosures) Sandy Carter, Verizon Wireless (w/enclosures) Art Dreher, DuBois & King (w/enclosures) Alex Tyurin, Verizon Wireless (w/enclosures) 00054126. DOC MURPHY M S K SU PHY KAONK 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVF.CO SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS Location of Project The Project, an existing wireless telecommunications facility, hidden within an 85' concrete silo, is located on a portion of a ±10 acre parcel owned by WGM Associates and located at 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves replacing six (6) of the twelve (12) existing antennas, which are currently mounted within a stealth extension on the existing 85' concrete silo, and the installation of three (3) 700 MHz antennas, also inside the extension. The total number of antennas will increase from twelve (12) to fifteen (15). The existing cellular antennas (Exhibit 1) measure 48" long x 10.0" wide x 8.5" deep and will be replaced with cellular antennas (Exhibit 2) that will measure 72" long x 10.0 " wide x 8.5" deep. The three (3) new 700 MHz antennas (Exhibit 3) will measure 71" long x 11.2" wide x 4.5" deep. The proposed antenna replacement/addition is due to recent advancements in technology and allows Verizon Wireless to expand their service nationwide. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 861-7000; Fax: (802) 861-7007 BSuIIivan@MSKvt.com Landowner: WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 -1 - APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN The proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), as follows: 14.05 (D) — Application for Site Plan. The information required by subparagraphs (1) legal data, (2) general project description, and (3) existing conditions, have either been included with the original Project Drawings (Exhibit 4) or are not applicable to this particular application. Exhibit 5 is a list of the abutting property owners. As shown below, because the antenna changes will be within an existing structure, many of the review criteria simply do not apply. 14.050)(4) -Development Data. (a) Means of vehicular access, egress and pedestrian access and circulation: Unchanged. (b) One set of preliminary plans .... Unchanged. (c) Location and layout of off-street parking, loading areas, traffic circulation areas, pedestrian walkways and fire lanes. Unchanged. (d) Analysis of traffic impacts .... Unchanged. (e) Lot area and lot coverage .... Unchanged. (f) Location of proposed waterlines, valves Unchanged. (g) Cut sheets for outdoor lighting Unchanged. -2- (h) Preliminary grading .... Unchanged. (i) The extent and amount of cut and fill ... erosion and sediment control .... Unchanged. (j) Proposed stormwater management system .... Unchanged. (k) Detailed specifications and locations of planting .... Unchanged. (I) The general location of any free-standing signs. Unchanged. (m) The location of all existing and proposed site improvements .... The Project involves replacing six (6) of the twelve (12) existing antennas, which are currently mounted within a stealth extension on the existing 85' concrete silo, and the installation of three (3) 700 MHz antennas, also inside the extension. The total number of antennas will increase from twelve (12) to fifteen (15). (n) The location of any outdoor storage . . . and design of all solid waste -related facilities. Unchanged. (o) Location and design of all energy distribution facilities .... Unchanged. (p) Lines ... of property that is offered ... for dedication for public use .... Unchanged. (q) Estimated project construction schedule, phasing and date of completion. Depending on the weather, construction for the proposed Project should take between four to six weeks. -3- (r) Estimated cost of all site improvements. The estimated cost of the site improvements will be approximately $9,500. (s) Estimated daily and peak hour traffic generation .... Unchanged. (t) Finished grades of walls, pavements, and storm drains. Unchanged. (u) Detailed plans of retaining walls, steps, ramps, paving and drainage structures. Unchanged. (v) Estimate of all earthwork, including ... material to be imported to or removed from the site .... Unchanged. (w) Location and dimensions of all proposed water supply, sanitary sewerage, stormwater system, and other utility lines and equipment, including connections to existing facilities. Unchanged. (x) Detailed landscaping plan .... Unchanged. (y) Locations, types and cut sheets for all exterior light. Unchanged. 14.06 — General Review Standards: A. Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Unchanged. B. Relationship of the Proposed Structure to the Site. -4- (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for the adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement and adequate parking areas. Unchanged. (2) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Unchanged. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits. . . the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. Unchanged. (4) Newly installed utility services underground. . . shall, to the extent feasible, be Unchanged. C. Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Areas. Unchanged. 14.07 — Specific Review Standards: A. Access to Abutting Properties. Unchanged. B. Utility Services. Unchanged. C. Disposal of Wastes. Unchanged. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements. Unchanged. -5- APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE In addition to the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards, of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), the proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.10.(E), Conditional Use Review: General Review Standards, as follows: 14.10 (E) -General Review Standards (1) The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Unchanged. (2) The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Unchanged. (3) The proposed use shall not adversely affect: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Unchanged. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, or the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. Unchanged. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. Unchanged. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposed Project conforms to the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations currently in effect. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. Unchanged. -6- (f) General public health and welfare. Unchanged. -7- SCHEDULE OF ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1 Current Cellular Antenna Specification Exhibit 2 Proposed Replacement Cellular Antenna Specification Exhibit 3 Proposed 700 MHz Antenna Specification Exhibit 4 Permit Plans submitted with Original Filing in November 2004 Exhibit 5 List of Abutting Property Owners 00054128. DOC i DECIOW. `Sot Anle� 27 0 "- 160 'JV Horizontal 880 MHz (Tilt=O) 270 90 Vertical 880 MHz (Tilt=O) �0 so 0 DB844G65ZAXY 13.5 dBd, Directed Dipole, No Screen Antenna 806-896, 870-960 MHz GEN3VPOLTm ZoneMasterTM Frequency (MHz): 806.896 870-960 Weight: 12lbs (5.4 kg) Polarization: Vertical Vertical Dimensions (LxWxD): 48 X 10 X 8.5 in Gain (dBd/dBi): 13.5115.6 13.8/15.9 (1219 X 254 X 216 mm) Azimuth BW: 65* 65* Max. Wind Area: 0.97 ft 2 (0.09 IT?) Elevation BW: 15* 15< Max. Wind Load (@ 100mph): 53 Ibf (236 N) Beam Tilt: 0* 0* Max. Wind Speed: 125 mph (201 km/h) USLS* (dB): >15 >15 Radiator Material: Aluminum Null Fill* (dB): 20-25 20-25 Reflector Material: Aluminum Front -to -Back Ratio* (dB): 40 40 Radome Material: ABS, UV Resistant VSWR: <1.33:1 <1.33:1 Mounting Hardware Material: Galvanized Steel Impedance: 50Ohms 50Ohms Connector Type: 7-16DIN -Female(Back) Max Input Power: 500 Watts 500 Watts Color: Light Gray Lightning Protection: DC Ground DC Ground Standard Mounting Hardware: DB380 Pipe Mount Kit, included Opt Electrical Tilt: 6° 6- Downtilt Mounting Hardware: DB5083, optional Opt. Mounting Hardware: DB5084-AZ Azimuth Wall Mount ANDREUVE Andrew Corporation 8635 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas U.S.A 75247-3701 Tel: 214.631.0310 ¢bte;ch(a)andrew com Fax: 214.631.4706 Warranty: Five years Toll Free Tel: 1.800.676.5342 Date: 4/23/2004 Fax: 1.800.229.4706 " - Indicates Typical Values www.andrew.com Product Specifii cations DB846F65ZAXY Directed Dipolelm Antenna, 806-960 MHz, 650 horizontal beamwidth, fixed electrical tilt CHARACTERISTICS General Specifications �J f �;J ANDREWO A CommScope Company o Excellent azimuth roll -off, reducing soft hand-offs and improving capacity o Deep null filling below the horizon for improved signal intensity Rugged, reliable design, light weight for low tower loading • Air dielectric feed system Antenna Type Directed Dipole TM Brand Directed Dipole TM Operating Frequency Band 806 — 960 MHz Electrical Specifications Frequency Band, MHz S06-896 870-960 Beamwidth, Horizontal, degrees 65 Gain, dBd 60 Gain, dBi 14.5 14.8 Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 16.6 16.9 Beam Tilt, degrees 11.0 10.5 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (USLS), typical, dB 0 15 0 Front -to -Back Ratio at 1800, dB 40 15 VSWR I Return Loss, db 1.33:1 j 17.0 40 1.33:1 j 17.0 Intermodulation Products, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc -150 -150 Input Power, maximum, watts 500 500 Polarization Vertical Vertical Impedance, ohms 50 50 Lightning Protection do Ground do Ground www.commscope.com/andrew ,Join the Evolution • ® ® ® •. ©2009 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by 0 or Tm are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.All specifications are subject to change. See www.commscope.com/andrew for the most current information. page 1 of 3 10/19/2009 Product Specifications DB846F65ZAXY Mechanical Specifications Color Light gray Connector Interface 7-16 DIN Female Connector Location Back Connector Quantity 1 Wind Loading, maximum 387.0 N @ 100 mph 87.0 Ibf @ 100 mph Wind Speed, maximum 241.4 km/h j 150.0 mph Dimensions Depth 215.9 mm j 8.5 in Length 1828.8 mm j 72.0 in Width 254.0 mm j 10.0 in Net Weight 9.5 kg j 21.0 lb Regulatory Compliance/Certifications Agency RoHS 2002/95/EC China RoHS SJ/T 11364-2006 Rolls g ' Included Products OBS083 Classification Compliant by Exemption Above Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) Downtilt Mounting Kit for 4.5 in (114.3 mm) OD round members i I DB380 Pipe Mounting Kit for4.5 in (114.3 mm) OD round members DB382Ns Side Offset Bracket for 4.5 in (114.3 mm) OD round members www.commscope.com/andrew ANDREW® A CommScope Company Join the Evolution 0 ®.®®®, @2009 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.All specifications are subject to change. See www.commscope.com/andrew for the most current information. page 2 of 3 10/19/2009 Product Specii'cations DB846F65ZAXY www.commscope.com/andrew Horizontal Pattern Freq: 850 MH , Tilt: 0 Fmq: 940 MH; Tilt: 0 Vertical Pattern Fmq: 850 MHz, Tilt: 0 .,,,,, 350 0 10 _- Fmq: 940 MHz, Tilt: 0 t'- iJ ' A CommScope Company Join the Evolution . &M�, ©2009 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.All specifications are subject to change. See www.commscope.com/andrew for the most current information. page 3 of 3 10/19/2009 Mechanical specifications Length 1804 mm 71.0 in Width 285 mm 11.2 in Depth 114 mm 4.5 in Depth with z-bracket 154 mm 6.1 in Weight 4) 7.9 kg 17.0 Ibs Wind Area Fore/Aft 0,51 m2 5.5 ft2 Wind Area Side 0.21 m2 2.2 ftz Max Wind Survivability >201 km/hr >125 mph Wind Load @ 100 mph (161 km/hr) Fore/Aft 753 N 169 Ibf Side 351 N 79 lbf Antenna consisting of aluminum alloy with brass feedlines covered by a UV safe fiber- glass radome. Mounting & Downtilting Mounting hardware attaches to pipe diameter 050-160 mm; 02.0-6.3 in Mounting Bracket Kit 36210002 Downtilt Bracket Kit 36114003 Electrical specifications Frequency Range 696-900 MHz Impedance 500 Connector 3) NE or E-DIN Female 2 ports / Center VSWR 11 5 1.35:1 Polarization Slant ±45' Isolation Between Ports 11 < -25 dB Gain 11 14.5 dBd 16.5 dBi Power Rating 2) 500 W Half PowerAngle 11 Horizontal Beamwidth 63' Vertical Beamwidth 110 Electrical downtilt 5) 0° Null fill 1) 5% Lightning protection Direct ground Patented Dipole Design: U.S. Patent No. 6,608,600 B2 1) Typical values. 2) Power rating limited by connector only. 3) NE indicates an elongated N connector. E-DIN Indicates an elongated DIN connector. 4) Antenna weight does not include brackets. 5) Add'1 downtilts may be available. Check website for details. Improvements to mechanical and/or electrical performance of the antenna may be made without notice. Radiation-pattern'r 750 MHz Horizontal -10 10 180 \ 20 30 '13 50 120�`� 60 110 100 Vertical 850 MHz Horizontal Vertical _ f l;` _ riltit-li r lfl , 815.399.0001 • antel@antelinc.com ® www.antelinc.com BXA-70063/6CF _ When ordering replace "_" with connector type. �k�, Featuring our Exclusive ' "�` 3T TechnologyTM Antenna Design: ' c n oo ogy • Watercut brass feedline assembly for consistent performance. • Unique feedline design eliminates the need for conventional solder joints in the signal path. • A non -collinear system with access to every radiating element for broad band- width and superior performance. • Air as insulation for virtually no internal signal loss. Warranty: This antenna is under a five-year limited warranty for repair or replacement. Revision Date: 01/08/09 Vmpleinol tof1 y '1 ✓, �. t, yy.,t I a. -v ;t i� )Rr " a � I �tr�,'yK•t r4 /' nH � - ,t. 71` L �Jfn� ✓ S� .k FP •Jr J.jlr I� �r� ��I�r � , R J &J �u �a l,✓'� y� �, ' �2� trr� xF{f`�'�� �r Sf�.-`� ill { T�'� �yS d, ' ' 4At {i ... r. i �i'�., R ✓� �, f tih•�,i� G_ w w .r'r, a ,-nzr �l �.� i <, y -�J del f f 4 � - � rt Ya 5Y r r' y k A• � } 4 Sry ukaT,tey \b �.�a�•,ac'4 } yy iJBS � � ., r. w^J� '�tf y j I. . :�Ta'.M'��:✓f',.ti��.�rn.5�'rr`t .;.'�5r�"i•,.+e'�3'wbs�i,� •..� �.. t�� 2.°_v'ic �.E'i�_. �ia�.. tea+x k �,Yl13. QiQ ,trSf i.� .�'+jives b� W�. all 1 011 S � 7 On,; L d6L �S ✓� s .,ir1,+f,�p�' F`+C,� ", r "MAW � "P 44"�C k4' '�Y+I ''.'l r�„�, �a'�� 4 �r - ,ib ,� ,. `r i• .• �' A � " �i " i ry i I� . �7�9 � � � "r`'4.,, �_` `r ai 5 r �;��7 -i^ r t* Jf -�1� �7 k ? ,� ir• °4 T# �s; ��' r '' I_. rY� ¢ m �'y 1' e• Y ^�' R Y s' t S', "' 4i "+11Y 2 a,7'« ds') ` ,�'.^. • ` C �a� J i. `'�yr tr t ?...t I i{ 1( nl ,f�+ ♦ ap 71+ � t i i3.v4s3W � "' � A 1 { trZ� x tl yE' Y�y t+F t d... � J �t ��.:. 't�"'J y � .,E� f N •f t N �{ i{"''�'L�iT,'i AA ".!• -. ilk t t 3 4 � � � [f � , iM I r i,b r + •• y4 ih -[•� +ypi.��� ¢ .. } S, t% R _' � ri ,f �����yyy�''' � J r - i i f ��:.1r Ir ^z ,i �L Y �k h-+C sprit`",. 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"�_4 wnH,'� •,�,J'!� � rtyr�yr �7 � � �i tt • � .i, }� _ .. y ,.+-L+jy ( ?�' i' ���;�� Yr. {�,e1d' kP"' yr7l`�/ I f.w _ e t-di f tp �'.. r lr� �r "ii -„'• .� � � a rt ».: k%� 3 ` �'I r ll �';i SY .a ✓ ,� r d r fi 25?$rt' Ti�jc4�,+y 'V k T j'Y US f PROJECT LOCATION LAT. 440-26'--40.67" LONG: 73a-09'-2.83" 2Ba't— 1 I 1 � — I 1 I t, �`. • ;�� �A i 1 } •`�� `•�, � sY ram! � �' �i v ti `� .�viF�� '. ` 1 :-v>'t'�e s�r� i s � .,-. 4" �• � 1 f �� LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. Property, Owner. M. Keith Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road ' South Budington, Vermont 05407 2. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 c/o Brian Sullivan, Esq.. Murphy Sullivan Kmnk. P.O. Box 44e5, 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401-4485 802-861-7000 3. Engineer. DuBois h King, 25 Wentworth Drive, Williston, VT 05495 802-878-3000 4. Zoning DisWcL- Industrial A Open Space (10) 5. Zoning Dimensional Requirements: Minimum Renuired Eldgtin Minimum Lot Size: - 3 Acres 10 Acres Maximum Site Coverage -Buildings Only. 309 3% (12,500 SF) -Buildings, Parking and Impervious Surfaces: 50% 6% (26.000 SF) Front Yard Setback: 50 Feet N/A Side Yard Setback 35 Feel N/A Rear Yard Setback 50 Feet N/A 6. Proposed Use: Unattended Telecommunications Facility. (1-2) visits per month by technician. No water or sewer services required. . 7. Boundary Line Information based on Town of South Burlington Tax Maps. DuBois A King has not performed a boundary survey. 8. Topographic survey performed by DuBois do King; Inc. on June 22. 2004. 9. Elevations from GPS Observations.- � 1 i� I. III !Yi7 LEGEND APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE - - EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT •a. OVERHEAD UTILITY POLE — — Bo! ---• EXISTING CONTOUR LINE ----.50r - PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE ODECIDUOUS TREES 0 CONIFER TREES -- X— X = CHAIN LINK FENCE LEDGE EXISTING TREELINE /YYYYYI PROPOSED TREELINE STONEWALL . SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT VERMONT ROUTE 116 OVERALL SITE PLAN VERIZON SITE # 100585 VERIZON PROJECT # 2002015505 >meosed 10 Acres 3% (12.900 SF) 6% (26.400 SF) 160 Feet 205 Feet/365 Feet 595 Feet JWP JUL-04 :HECKED BY PRDI. N0. 418567P 'fi01. LNG. DRAW. NO. AWD 6529 SHEET 2 OF 4 ..:...,.,..,�.. .,._... ,...., nu/'.v/4llnd 1"'l •I r?n,l P" `.\VI I I I1<II11J\.I' Ilcs�iunJel hull 'i' nY 11- GRAVEL SURFACE 1� COMPACTED GRAVEL VARIES SUITABLE MATERIAL 2" SAND PIPE DIA -D HER MOUND BACKFILL 6'+/—, SEED k MULCH MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE SEE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS HAND PLACED e• '� / do CO�PACITU UNDISTURBED MIN. D+18' SOIL OR ROCK MAX D+24 (MAX —PAYMENT. WIDTH) NOTES: 1. WHERE B.ACKFILL IS DESIGNATED 'COMPACTED', THIS MEANS 90% TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR, AASHTO T=99. ALL FILL PLACED BELOW PIPES MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. - 2. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES GREATER THAN 4' IN DIAMETER, NO FROZEN LUMPS, AND ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF CLAY OR ORGANIC MATERIAL ALL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM OF 12' LIFTS AND COMPACTED BEFORE PLACING NEXT LIFT. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 10' EXTE DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION SCALE: I' - 2' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. FILTER FABRIC STAKES (IYP.) - FILTER - FABRIC (TYP.) - _ EXTEND FILTER FABRIC FLOW INTO TRENCH 13ACKRLL - AND COMPACT EXCAVATED SOIL EXISTING GRADE i, EXCAVATE 4' X 4' TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM - AND ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SIL( O' (TRUE NO (TYPICAL ANT ORIENTATION) 1/4' THICK CURVED CLADDING PLATES. CLADDING PLATES BOLTED TO FRP STRUCTURE WITH 3/8 0 IS2PLAST BOLTS .12O.C. U.N.O. 240' PLAN VIEW THROUGH STEALTH SILO EXTENSION N4) SCALE: 1' = 3' 1. DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. - 2. ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA AND UDDER WILL BE ADJUSTED TO SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS OF INDMDUAL SITE THE ORIENTATION PRESENTED IS AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT. �� �17, o r wi►19�@Ss REVISIONS ATTACH ANTENNA PIPES TO BOTTOM OF FLOOR 6' ABOVE:ANTENNA SEE 'DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION' THIS SHEET DOME .� I I I I I I I I I 10' I RESTAURANT FAN (VENTILATES INTERIOR) TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1' - 4' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. PROPOSED DOOR PROPOSED ACCESS LADDER EXTENSION PROPOSED SILO EXTENSION PROPOSED DOOR FEED PIPE TO SILO EXISTING ACCESS LADDER EXISTING SILO UNLOADING CHUTE WILLISTON 2 JWP JUL=04 "Ec PFW No 418567P SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT VERMONT ROUTE 116 PfmJ. RIG. pw No. engineering DETAILS AWD 6531 planning management VERIZON SITE # 100585 derelapment VERIZON PROJECT # 2002015505 SHEET 4 OF 4 /Y DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOA> 16 DECEMBER 2008 Ms. Quimby moved to approve Conditional Use Application #CU-08-07 and Site Plan Application #SP-08-113 of Omnipoint Communications subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. t _ Clerk Date -3- MURPHY MSK SULLIVAN K R.O N K. October 9, 2009 Mr. Raymond J. Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Permit No. 2P_05-013_#CU 04-1.3; #SP-04-39 Site Location:850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Write Dear Ray: In 2005, Verizon Wireless completed the construction of a wireless telecommunication facility at 850 Hinesburg Road; ISouth Burlington (copy of Zoning Permit enclosed. The project involved adding a 10' high fiberglass extension to an existing silo and then mounting twelve (12) antennas within that extension so they would be hidden from view. Verizon Wireless plans to install three additional antennas inside the stealth extension for its new 700 Mhz (LTE, Long Term Evolution) service. Because the additional antennas will also be hidden from view and there will be no changes to the footprint of the site, we assume that no additional permitting is required for this upgrade. For your information, enclosed is a portion of the 2006 RF Compliance Assessment that indicates that the emissions from this site measured 0.25% of the FCC limit. Please contact me if we need to discuss this further. Very truly yours, 44- Brian J. Sullivan BSullivan@mskvt.com cc: Keith P. Wright, WGM Associates Ms. Sandy Carter, Verizon Wireless Mr. Alex Tyurin, Verizon Wireless Po -it® Fax of% 7671 Date 13 b p#goes To From CoJDept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # 6 275 COLLEGE STREET. PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, V7 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.COM CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT PROPERTY OWNER pROpER`ry DE)RESS THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE FOLLOWING WORK: PERMIT NUMBER I ,TIVE OFFICER This permit issued in accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Post this card on the construction site in full view of the public. All work authorized by this zoning permit must start within six (6) months. PINNACE TELECOM GROUP Consulting and Engineering Services M Tekwm Conning ANTENNA SITE RF COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT ANd REPORT VERIZON WIRELESS WiMSTON 2 850 HkESbURG ROAd SOUTh BURLINqTON, VT OCTobER 26, 2006 14 RidgEdalE AVENUE, SUITE 209 • CEdaR I<Nolls, NJ 07927 • 973.451.1630 CONTENTS INTROdUCTION ANd SUMMARY SITE DESCRIPTION MEASUREMENT RESUFTS COMP1iANCE ANAfYSIS ANd CONCLUSION CERTIFICATION Of SITE COMPLIANCE APPENdix A. SITE MAP ANd PhOTOGRAPhS APPENdix B. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ANd PROCEdURE APPENdix C. BAckgROUNd ON THE FCC RF EXPOSURE LIMITS APPENdix D. REFERENCES V 3 0 Fl 5 2 INTROdUCTION ANd SUMMARY On September 14, 2006 at the request of Verizon Wireless, Pinnacle Telecom Group performed independent on -site measurements of potential RF exposure at the Verizon Wireless site identified as Williston 2 located on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, VT. Verizon Wireless operates antennas mounted inside a stealth silo at the site. Measurements were performed at ground level around the site. These areas allow unrestricted access to the general public and are therefore considered "uncontrolled" and the FCC's maximum permissible exposure (MPL) limits for the general population apply. The results of the on -site measurements at ground level around the site indicated RF levels 400 times below the FCC MPE limits for potential exposure of the general population. Based on the results of the on -site RF measurements, the site is in full compliance with all of the FCC requirements for control of RF exposure. The main section of the remainder of this report provides information on the site, the measurement results, an analysis of those results with respect to RF compliance, and a certification of site compliance. Appendix A provides a site map and photographs taken the day of the measurements. Appendix B provides a description of the measurement equipment and procedures. Appendix C provides background on the FCC limits for RF exposure. (Note that by federal law, these are the strictest limits than can be applied.) Appendix D provides a list of key references on RF exposure and site compliance. SITE DESCRipTION The Verizon Wireless Williston 2 site is a silo populated with antennas operated by Verizon Wireless. All antennas are mounted behind stealth walls at the top of the silo. 3 MEASUREMENT RESULTS The results of the on -site measurements expressed as a percentage of the FCC general population MPE limit, are overlaid on the plan view sketch below. 0.25% max in all accessible areas 0.25% max in all accessible areas 0.25% max all accessik areas \ 0max in alll accessible areas 0.25% max in all accessible areas 0.2510 max it, all accessible areas 0.25% max in all accessible areas 4 MSK February 24, 2010 MURPHY SULLIVAN KRONK Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Telecommunications Antenna Replacement & Addition Site Location: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: Pursuant to your telephone conversation with Brian Sullivan on February 9, 2010, enclosed is the original document signed by Keith P. Wright of WGM Associates waiving his right to appeal the decision of the South Burlington Development Review Board in the event that: 1) the DRB approves Verizon Wireless' application and 2) that no interested parties participate in the hearing. Please contact me if you need additional information. Very truly yours, .N. .- Betsey N. ch, Paralegal Bleach@mskvt.com Enclosure C. Keith P. Wright, WGM Associates 00055457.DOC 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKV F.COM CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: December 10, 2008 \drb\sit\romnipoint\HinesburgRd_siteplan_cu.doc Plans received: November 20, 2008 900 Hinesburg Road - CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION #CU-08-07 SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-08-113 Agenda #6 and #7 Meeting date: December 16, 2008 Owner Applicant Keith Wright Peter Katz/ Omnipoint Communications 900 Hinesburg Road 865 Overview Drive South Burlinqton, VT 05403 Jeffersonville VT 05464 Property Information Tax Parcel 0860-00900 Industrial Open Space Zoning District Location Map Omnipoint Communications, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking conditional use approval to install telecommunications equipment consisting of: 1) six (6) panel antennas to be attached to an existing silo structure, and 2) a 15' x 15' equipment area for general mounted cabinets, 900 Hinesburg Road. Omnipoint Communications is also seeking site plan approval to install telecommunications equipment consisting of: 1) six (6) panel antennas to be attached to an existing silo structure, and 2) a 15' x 15' equipment area for general mounted cabinets, 900 Hinesburg Road. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on November 20, 2008 and have the following comments. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: 9. The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to locate telecommunications equipment on an existing 88 foot high silo. The proposed additions will include six panel antenna, coaxial cable, and an equipment area and will not protrude any higher than the existing silo. The applicant states that the facilities will only require one or two maintenance trips per month. Therefore, staff does not feel it will have a significant impact on the character of the area. 2. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Pursuant to Section 5.05(A) of the Land Development Regulations, the Commercial 10 District is formed to provide suitable locations for high -quality, large lot office, light industrial, and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. Staff feels the proposed placement of equipment on the existing silo is in compliance with the stated purpose of the 10 District, as it is in an area that is developing with commercial uses. 3. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. Staff believes that the proposal will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is 2 located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. Staff believes that the proposal is in keeping with the character of uses on surrounding properties and will not adversely affect the character of the area or the ability to develop adjacent properties. Staff notes that the proposed additions will not protrude above the peak of the rooftop and is proposed to blend in with the existing silo. Therefore, the proposed equipment location will not have a significant impact on the character of the area. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposal will not affect traffic in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposal is in keeping with applicable regulations. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposal will not affect renewable energy resources. (0 General public health and welfare. Staff does not believe that the proposal will have an adverse affect on general public welfare or the health of the surrounding public. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Staff feels the proposed project will not have an impact on the transition from structure to site and from structure to structure. The proposed addition will be compatible with the existing structures. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking is not applicable to the proposed project. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has stated that the equipment will not protrude above the height of the existing silo. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 3 Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff finds that the elevations submitted demonstrate substantial adherence to this criterion. The proposed equipment will be visually compatible with existing structures on site. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff feels the proposed project relates harmoniously to the area. Staff advises the Board to examine the attached renderings which simulate the proposed antennas from multiple viewpoints. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel it is necessary to require any additional access to abutting properties. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Staff has already stated that pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). There are no needs to revise the site plan with respect to this criterion. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Because no buildings are proposed, there are no requirements for additional landscaping. M Access/Circulation Access and circulation on the property will remain unchanged through the proposed project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Conditional Use application #CU-08-07 and Site Plan application #SP-08-113. Respectfully submitted, AA 1%A t-Zdthyann aRose, AssZaitg PI nner Copy to: Peter Katz, Contact 5 LOCUS MAP K `Y* r ii7yjy7fl/.... cif 7- SITE LOCATION i I ) PHOTO LOCATION APPROX. NORTH PHOTO LOCATIONS NOT TO SCALE SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PHOTO LOCATION #1 VIEW FROM HINESBURG ROAD - LOOKING SOUTH SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS PROPOSED CONDITIONS PROPOSED 72"x 13.5"x4" PANEL ANTENNA, TOTAL OF 6, WITH 2 LNA's PER ANTENNA PHOTO LOCATION #1 VIEW FROM HINESBURG ROAD - LOOKING SOUTH SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS EXISTING CONDITIONS PHOTO LOCATION #2 VIEW FROM HINESBURG ROAD - LOOKING NORTH SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS PROPOSED CONDITIONS - - - - - - AAITrAI AI AC PHOTO LOCATION #2 VIEW FROM HINESBURG ROAD - LOOKING NORTH SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS EXISTING CONDITIONS PHOTO LOCATION #3 VIEW FROM INTERSTATE 89 - LOOKING SOUTHWEST SITE NO: 48V-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS mi PHOTO LOCATION #3 VIEW FROM INTERSTATE 89 - LOOKING SOUTHWEST SITE NO: 4BV-O342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG RD. SILO 11/17/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05407 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: PG SCALE: NTS ALL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LESSEE/LICENSEE'S STRUCTURAL & RF ENGINEERS. LOCATIONS OF POWER & TELEPHONE FACILITIES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY UTILITY COMPANIES. TER S e 8 9 PROPOSED EQUIPMENT PROPOSED ACCESS �� ON CONCRETE PADS FROM EXISTING - INSIDE FENCED 15'X15' GRAVEL DRIVE I I , - ! LEASE AREA EXISTING 88'f HIGH SILO = Q 7 I cn � I� �c�_�_-- G� 70 O APPROX. D I NORTH � SITE PEAK SCALE: 1 "=300' �REVIEWED _.... effJ By J St 7 6 rg af.8: 19 pm Sop 10 2008 RF APPROVED: 0 150 300 600 900 FEET *EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY TELCO AND POWER COMPANY. SffE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SffE NAME: HINESBURG ROAD SILO CO -LOCATE 09/09/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD S. BURLINGTON, VT 05407 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: JG SCALE: NTS ALL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LESSEE/LICENSEE'S STRUCTURAL & RF ENGINEERS. LOCATIONS OF POWER & TELEPHONE FACILITIES ARE SUBJECT TO PROPOSED E911 AnnOnvnl 0V IITII ITV ('OkAPd AIIFC M ANTENNA AZIMUTHS: SECTOR A= 30' SECTOR B= 150' SECTOR C= 270' EXISTING 88' HIGH SILO EXISTING CSC VAU LT & ( CABINET(" GPS/GS ANTENNAS ---------- PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE I I e EXISTING ICE BRIDGE EXISTING VERIZON EQUIPMENT SHELTER EXISTING METER BANK EXISTING PROPANE TANK PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ON CONCRETE PADS INSIDE FENCED 15'X15' LEASE AREA PROPOSED 12' GATE PROPOSED 8' HIGH WOOD FENCE I PROPOSED RELOCATION OF ARBORVITAE - EXISTING HEDGE ARBORVITAE HEDGE I EXISTING _ J ARBORVITAE - i - - HEDGE (TO BE RELOCATED) PROPOSED UNDERGROUND POWER/TELCO CONDUITS APPROX. RF APPROVED: ---------- NORTH *EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND UTILITY P LAN EASEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY TELCO AND POWER COMPANY. SITE NO- 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG ROAD SILO CO -LOCATE 09/09/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B S. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: JG SCALE: NTS NOTE: PER FCC MANDATE, ENHANCED EMERGENCY (E911) SERVICE IS REQUIRED TO MEET NATIONWIDE STANDARDS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. LESSEE/LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION REQUIRES DEPLOYMENT OF EQUIPMENT AND ANTENNAS GENERALLY DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN, ATTACHED TO OR MOUNTED IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE BTS RADIO CABINETS. LESSEE/LICENSEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE REASONABLE MODIFICATIONS TO E911 EQUIPMENT AND LOCATION AS TECHNOLOGY EVOLVES TO MEET REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS. OIL TOP OF EXISTING SILO EXISTING ANTENNA ELEV.= 80'—O"±(AGL) INSIDE SILO DOME n (BY OTHERS) u u TOP OF PROPOSED J ANTENNAS PROPOSED 53"x6.6"x3.2" ot ELEV.= 65 —0 t AGL Q PANEL ANTENNA, TOTAL -H OF 6, WITH 2 LNA's PER o ANTENNA 00 EXISTING 80't HIGH II SILO J O O EXISTING J EXISTING VERTICAL I LADDER N CABLE TRAY I ON SILO o z Ln PROPOSED EQUIPMENT I PROPOSED VERTICAL t w ON CONCRETE PADS CABLE TRAY II INSIDE FENCED I O 15'X15' LEASE AREA I PROPOSED COAX o (12 LINES ® 7/8" Z 1 LINE ® 1 /2") Q PROPOSED 8' HIGH I w WOOD FENCE I PROPOSED ICE 0 EXISTING VERIZON I BRIDGE 00 EQUIPMENT SHELTER I a_ ^- --- tL O a0 I F- �'4 a EXISTING GRADE EL. 0.0't (AGL) RF APPROVED:__________ PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ALL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE POWER/TELCO CONDUITS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LESSEE/LICENSEE'S STRUCTURAL & RF ENGINEERS.OF POWER & TELEPHONE FACILITIES ARE SUBJJECTIOTOSAPPROVAL BY ELEVATION UTILITY COMPANIES. SITE NO: 4BV-0342A OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SITE TYPE: SILO DATE: SITE NAME: HINESBURG ROAD SILO CO -LOCATE 09/09/08 ADDRESS: 900 HINESBURG ROAD S. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 15 COMMERCE WAY, SUITE B NORTON, MA 02766 DRAWN BY: JG SCALE: NTS ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 On March 24, 2009, Omnipoint Communications and Keith Wright, d/b/a WGM Associates, filed application #4C0881-3 for a project generally described as: the addition of six antennas (72" x 13.5" x 4") to be flush mounted on an existing 80' silo at 65' agl. Related equipment to be installed within 20' x 20' leased area with a proposed 8' wooden fence. The antennas will be connected to the cabinets by twelve 7/a"cables running down the silo across an ice bridge to related equipment. The project is located on Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the South Burlington Municipal Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board's web site (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup) by clicking on "Act 250 Database," selecting "Entire Database," and entering the case number above. No hearing will be held unless, on or before April 28, 2009, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearin{ on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by April 28, 2009. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vennont, this 3 Ft day of March 2009. By /s/ Peter E. Keibel Peter E. Keibel Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state.vt.us W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C0751-4C1000\4C0881\4C0881-3\4C0881-3 NOT.WPD <ti12 VERB ,, SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE LANDS LAND L 459 1 cliam9 omais P S on a 9 �110d i Vol - Lan r � P B DEED wimatet A. Pi A Ck 04 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, M. KEITH WRIGHT, a single person, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont (the "Grantor"), for Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration received, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY and CONFIRM unto M. KEITH WRIGHT, Trustee of the M. Keith Wright Trust dated October 17, 1994, as amended, (the "Trustee") and his successors and assigns forever, certain lands, with any improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont(hereinafter called the "Premises") and described as follows: A parcel of land with appurtenances thereto and improvements thereon, located on the easterly sideline of the right of way of Hinesburg Road and being that parcel of land reserved in the Warranty Deed of M. Keith Wright to Bernard Roy, George DeForge & Hickok & Boardman, Inc. dated January 5, 1978 and recorded in Volume 139 at Page 275 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Said parcel has frontage on the easterly sideline of the right of way of Hinesburg Road of 600 feet and a uniform depth of 727 feet. Reference is also made to a plan entitled "Property Survey, Wright Farm, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, owned by H & B Realty, Inc." dated February 7, 1979 and recorded in Map Volume 173 at Page 22 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. The Premises are subject to mortgages of record and may have the benefit of or be subject to rights, easements and/or rights of way of record not heretofore barred by the application of the Vermont Marketable Title Act (27 V.S.A. §§601-610. The Premises are further subject to: (1) That portion of the taxes assessed on the Grand List of April 1, 1995 yet due and payable on the date of this deed, which portion of said taxes Grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay as part of the consideration of this deed; and (2) the provisions of municipal ordinances, public laws, and special acts. Being a portion of Parcel Two set forth in the (Corrective) Warranty Deed of M. Keith Wright, Inc. to M. Keith Wright dated May 2, 1974 and recorded in Volume 115 at Page 342 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, in further aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted Premises to the Trustee, in fee simple, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging upon the trusts and for the uses and purposes set forth herein and in said Trust Agreement. The Grantor hereby affirms and supplements the terms of and the powers granted the Trustee in the Trust Agreement referred to above as follows: Full power and authority is hereby granted to the Trustee to protect and conserve the Premises; to sell, contract to sell and grant options to purchase the Premises and any right, title or interest therein on any terms; to exchange the Premises or any part thereof for any other real or personal property upon any terms; to convey the Premises, or any part thereof, by deed or other conveyance to any grantee, for full or nominal consideration; to mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber the Premises or any part thereof; to lease, contract to lease, grant options to lease and renew, extend, amend and Post -its Fax N to 7671 date �I o •l #ges� To /1 MA NO it From eAd Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # VOL4�� Pa Kg otherwise modify leases on the Premises or any part thereof from time to time, for any period of time, for any rental and upon any other terms and conditions; and to release, convey or assign any other right, title or interest whatsoever in the Premises or any part thereof. The interest of every beneficiary under the Trust Agreement and of all persons claiming under any of them shall be only in the earnings, avails and proceeds arising from the rental, sale or other disposition of the Premises. Such interest is hereby declared to be personal property, and no beneficiary hereunder shall have any right, title or interest, legal or equitable, in or to the Premises, as such, but only in the earnings, avails and proceeds thereof. No party dealing with the Trustee in relation to the Premises in any manner whatsoever, and (without limiting the foregoing) no party to whom the Premises or any part thereof or any interest therein shall be conveyed, contracted to be sold, leased, or mortgaged by the Trustee, shall be: (a) obliged to see to the application of any purchase money, rent or money borrowed or otherwise advanced on the Premises, or to see that there is compliance with the terms of said Trust Agreement; or, (b) privileged to inquire into the authority, necessity or expediency of any act of the Trustee, or into any of the terms of said Trust Agreement. Every deed, mortgage, lease or other instrument executed by the Trustee in rela- tion to the Premises shall be conclusive evidence in favor of every person claiming any right, title or interest thereunder: (i) that at the time of the delivery thereof the Trust Agreement was in full force and effect, (ii) that such instrument was executed in accordance with the trusts, terms and conditions hereof and the Trust Agreement and is binding upon all beneficiaries thereunder, (iii) that the Trustee is duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver every such instrument, and (iv) if a conveyance has been made to a successor or successors in trust, that such successor or successors have been properly appointed and are fully vested with all the title, estate, rights, powers, duties and obligations of its, his or their predecessor in trust. The Trustee shall have no individual liability or obligation whatsoever arising from his ownership, as trustee, of the legal title to the Premises or with respect to any act done or contract entered into or in- debtedness incurred by him in dealing with the Premises, or in otherwise acting as such trustee, except only so far as the Premises and any trust funds in the actual possession of the Trustee shall be applicable to the payment and discharge thereof. Except as hereinabove noted, the Grantor covenants that he has the right to convey the Premises to the Trustee in the manner aforesaid, that the Trustee shall have quiet possession of the Premises, free from all encumbrances, except as aforesaid, and that Grantor will execute such further assurances as may be requisite. Grantor hereby assigns to the Trustee all rights, warranties, actions and causes of action thereunder held by Grantor with respect to the Premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto caused this instrument to be signed, this 29th day of December, 1995. IN PRES M. ICEITH WRI 'HT -2- M. KEITH WRIGHT of South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantor , in the consideration of ---------------------------TEN AND MORE ------------------ _ _Dollars P Y aid to m full satisfaction b BERNARD ROY, GEORGE DeFORGE & HICKOK & BOARDMAN REALTY, INC. allof Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantees , by these presents, do freely 6tur. (grant. Orll, (fonuru Ana Qlanfirm unto the said Grantees BERNARD ROY, GEORGE DeFORGE F HICKOK & BOARDMAN REALTY, INC. as tenants in common, and their heirs and assigns forever, a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz; A certain parcel of land in South Burlington, Vermont, situated easterl of Hinesburg Road, southerly of Interstate 89, and comprised of approximately 114 acres, more or less. Being a part of land and premises decreed to M. Keith Wright from the Estate of May J. Wright by Decree of Distribution dated April 21, 1959, and recorded in Volume 48, Page 129 of the City of South Burlington Land Records, and by Decree from the Estate of Merton D. Wright by Decree of Distribution dated April 21, 1959, and recorded in Volume 48, Page 130 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Also being a part of the land and premises conveyed to M. Keith Wright by Warranty Deed of M. K. Wright, Inc. dated May 2, 1974, and recorded in Volume 115, Page 342 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Excluded from this contract and from the land and premises conveyed is a parcel of land containing ten (10) acres with three (3) houses an other farm structures thereon and being more particularly described as commencing at the north corner of the land presently owned by M. K. Wright and continuing in a southerly direction for 600' along Hinesburg Road; thence, turning easterly and continuing a distance of 727' to a point; thence turning northerly and continuing a distance of 6001 to.a point; thence, turning westerly and continuing a distance of 727' to the point or place of beginning. Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned Decrees of Distribution and Deed and the records thereof and the deeds and records contained therein in further aid of this description. Post -its Fax N to 7671 Date #gges► To From Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # uu haur tutb to BOO )d granted premises, with all t,, ) privileges and ap- purtenances thereof, to the said Grantees BERNARD ROY, GEORGE De FORGE & HICKOK & BOARDMAN REALTY, INC. as tenants n conmion, their heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; .Ind I the said Grantor M. KEITH WRIGHT for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant with the said Grantees .BERNARD ROY, GEORGE DeFORGE & HICKOK & BOARDMAN REALTY, INC. their heirs and assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents I am the sole owner of the premises, and have -dood ri-dht and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are 3frrr From Earrg Etuumbramr. I hereby engage to Varrant Anh 19efrnh whatever, +lit 3 di2nrsa Whrreaf. I this --3c /�6 day of _J- the same against all lawful claims hereunto set my hand and seal ,Mate Off Termont, .It Burlington this CHIT TL'I UhN B8' � �uunttt n`t''► dab of C,.c c..�r-z!��- .q. D. 19 ? �+ M. KEITH WRIGHT personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed. Before me NOTARY PUBLIC Vermont Proparty Tr in:: i 32 I!, .... A. Chap. .. _... kec'd.- V:. Rciurn Signed{tea L7lerk Date J -5 7 . iceived for Record January 5, 1978 at 11:20 a.m. Attest CI'r Vol. 115 FORM 901 VERMONT WARRANTY DEED rune �wHx N Page 342 AIM� Tbat it, M. K. WRIGHT, INC., a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Vermont with its principal place of business in r i alfc South Burlington in the County o — j Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantor , in the consideration of �. ---------------------------TEN AND MORE ------------------------ Dollars i paid to its full satisfaction by M. KEITH WRIGHT 1 , South Burlington in the Count o Chittenden °f ff County and State of bell, Grantee , by these presents, do freely OIbe, Orant, bell, Conbep anb Confirm unto the said Grantee iM. KEITH WRIGHT and his heirs and assifns forever; a • certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as I follows, viz: All and -'the same land and premises conveyed to the Grantor herein by Warranty Deed of M. Keith and Jean A. Wright dated August_2, 1969 and recorded in Volume 91,.pages 358-360 of the City of Burlington Land Records and being more particularly described therein as follows: "A farm of land with all buildings thereon containing 208 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL ONE: A parcel of land situated on the westerly side of State Highway No, 116, having a frontage thereon and uniform width of 70 feet and a uniform depth of 280 feet, and being all and the same land and'premises conveyed to M. Keith Wright by Warranty Deed of Donald A. and Agnes J. Leach, dated May 6, 1965, and recorded in Volume 73, page 281 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records. PARCEL TWO: A farm of land with buildings thereon, being all and the same land and premises decreed to M. Keith from the Estate of Mae J. Wright by Decree. of Distribution dated April 21, 1959 and recorded in Volume 48, page 129 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records, and by Decree from the Estate of Merton J. Wright by Decree of Distrib- ution dated April 21, 1959 and recorded in Volume 48, page 130 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records excepting therefrom: A) A rectangular parcel of land 430 feet by 85 feet., conveyed to Donald A. and Agnes J. Leach by warranty deed of M. Keith Wright dated May, 6, 1965 and recorded in Volume 73, page 282 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records. Vol:115 Pag; 343 3) A parcel of land containing 10.1 acres, more or less,'condemned by the State of Vermont for highway purposes as further de a condemnation order fix- scribed in fixing compensation dated May 10,1961, and recorded in Volume 48., pages 4819-499 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records." The within conveyed premises are subject to, and have the be nefit of all tights of way of record, and including an -easement and right of way granted to the Green Mountain Power Corporation, dated May 1, 1961 and recorded in Volume 63, 'page 15 of said Land Records. This deed is for the sole purpose of correcting the previous, d-e ed from the Grantor herein to the Grantee herein, dated January 30, 1914 and recorded in Volume-115, pages 169 - 171 of said Land Records, which said deed was improperly executed. Reference ' is hereby made to the above mentioned deeds, easement, and condemnation record, the records thereof and the references -therein i. contained in further aid of this description. MO babe anb to bolb said ... granted premises, with all the priviZefes and ap- partenances thereof, to the said GrdAtee M. KEITH WRIGHT and his heirs and 'assigns , to their own use and b0hoof loremr,, i .Ind it the said Grantor M. K. WRIGHT, INC. .for itself and its, successors and assigns do 'covenant with the said Grantee M. KEITH WRIGHT and his heirs and assigns, that until the ensealine of these presents it is .the sole owner of the premises, and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that th 'ey are -free from ebery encumbrance; State of Vermont Probate Court District of Chittenden, as. ESTATE OF: MAE J. WRIGHT, DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION South Burlington, Vermont ON APPLICATION OF M. Keith Wright, Administrator of the Estate of MLE J. WRIGHT, late of South Burlington, in said District, deceased, intestate, due notice to all persons interested having been given personally said Court DECREES as follows, to wit: WHEREAS, it appears from the files of this Court, that after the payment of the debts and funeral charges of the deceased and the expenses of administration of her estate, there remains in the hands of said Administrator, as a residue for decree and distribution, the following described property: REAL PROPERTY: A one-half (1) interest in home property located on Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, plus a one-half (1) interest acquired by 'wuit-Claim Deed of John J. Wright, dated August 30, 1955, and new farm and other improvements thereon. $16,200.00 P'_RSONAL PROPERTY: Live stock, farm equipment and other personal property located 6n said farm. 7,599.69 AND WHEREAS, it further appears from the files of this Court that the decedent is survived by two sons, to wit; M. Keith Wright of South Burlington, Vermont and John J. Wright of South Burlington, Vermont. AND WHEREAS, it further appears from the files of this Court, that John J. Wright quit -claimed all of his right, title and interest in and to all of the real property and personal property in this estate appearing of record in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of South Burlington, Vermont in Volume 34, Page 170. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in this Court, under and by the laws of the State of Vermont and in accordance with the Quit -Claim Deed of John J. Wright hereir_before set forth, the Court hereby sets over, assigns and decrees: UNTO: M. Keith Wright of South Burlington, Vermont, all of the real property and personal property hereir_before set forth. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same as aforesaid, to said heir and assignee, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever. And said Administrator is ordered to deliver over said estate according to said decree: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto affix the seal of said Court and subscribe my name at Burlington, in said District, this 21st day of April A.D., 1959. KENNETH P. AKEY, Judge STATE OF VERMONT ) PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN, SS.) I, Richard J. Marchessault, Register of the Probate Court for said District, having by the law the custody of the seal and all the records, books, documents and papers, of, or appertaining to, said Court, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the decree of distribution in the estate of MAE J. WRIGHT, late of South Burlington in said District, deceased, made by said Court on the 21st day of April, A.D., 1959 as appears by the records and files of said Probate Court. IN TESTIT".ONY WHEREOF, I hereunto affix the seal of said Court and subscribe my name at Burlington, in said District, this 21st day of April A.D. 1959. Richard J. Marchessault, Regisbar NO DUPLICATION OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS AUTHORIZED. Kenneth P. Akey Judge of Probate Received for record M:ay 15, 1959 at 2:30 P.M. ly, J, 444, Town Ulellz Post -it® Fax NotV 7671 Date Pa ofslo� To AAMIUAt From Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # State of Vermont Probate Court District of Chittenden, SS ESTATE OF: MERTON J. WRIGHT DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION S.Burlington, Vt. ON APPLICATION OF M. Keith Wright, Administrator of the Estqte of MERTON J. WRIGHT, late of South _urlington, in said District, deceased, intestate, due notice f to all persons interested having been given personally, said Court DECREES as fol- lows, to wit: 1ATiEREAS, it appears from the files of'this Court, that after the payment of the debts and funeral charges of the deceased and the expenses of administration of his estate, there remains in the hands of said Administrator, as a residue for decree and distribution, the following described property: REAL PROPERTY: A one-half (1) interest in home property located on Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, plus a one-half (--��-,) interest acquired by Quit -Claim need of John J. Wright dated August 30, 1955, and new farm and other i0provements thereon wt16,200.00 PFRSONAL PROPERTY: Livestock, farm equipment and other personal property ioaated on aaid farm 7,599.69 AND WHEREAS, it further appears from the files of this court, that the decedent is survived by two sons, to wit, M. Keith Wright of South Burlington, Vermont and John J. Wright of South Burlington, Vermont AND WHEREAS, it further appears from the files of this Court, that John J. Wright quit -claimed all of his right, title and interest in and to all of the real property and personal property in this estate appearing of record in the Town Clerk's office ,in the Town of South Burlington, Vermont, in Volume 34, Page 170. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in this Court, under and by the laws of the State of Vermont and in accordance with the Qgit-Claim Deed of John J. Wright hereinbefore set -forth, the Court hereby sets over, assigns and decrees: UNTO: M. Keith Wright of South Burlington, Vermont, all of the real property and personal property hereinbefore set forth. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same as aforesaid, to said heir and assignee, his heirs, -- executors, administrators, and assigns forever. And said :administrator is ordered to deliver over said estate according to said decree: IN TESTIMONY: -WHEREOF, I hereunto affix the seal of said Court and sub- scribe my name at Burlington, in said District, this 21st day of April A.D., 1959. KENNETH P. AKEY, Judge STATE OF VERMONT, PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN, SS. I, Richard J. Marchessault, Register of the Probate Court for said District, having by law the custody of the seal and all the records, books, documents and papers of, or appertaining to, said Court, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the decree of distribution in the estate of MERTON J. WRIGHT, late of South Burl- ington in said District, deceased, made by said Court on the 21st day of April, A.D. 1959. Richard J. Marchessault, Register NO DUPLICATION OF THIS CERTIFICATE IS AUTHORIZED Kenneth P. Akey Judge of Probate i Received for record May 15, 1959 at 2:30 P.M.��// Town C1 %ol,: 91 FORM A -I VERMONT • WARRANTY DEED �� %kACLIFFF, PAVER CO., INC 'age 358 S f bat We, M. KEITH WRIGHT and JEAN A. WRIGHT, Of South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State'of Vermont Grantors ,in the consideration of E ---------------------------- TEN AND MORE---------------------- Dollars paid to our full satisfaction by M. K. WRIGHT, INC., a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Vermont, having its principal place of business in MIA South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantee , by these presents, do freely gibe, Orallt, �2)eCl, Conbep anb Confirm unto the said Grantee M. K. WRIGHT, INC., and its kat*j; successors or assigns forever a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: A farm of land with all buildings thereon containing 208 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL ONE: A parcel of land situated on the westerly side of State Highway No. 116, having a frontage thereon and uniform width of 70 feet and a uniform depth of 280 feet, and being all and the same land and premises conveyed to M. Keith Wright by warranty deed of Donald A. and Agnes J. Leach, dated May 6, 1965, and recorded in Volume 73 at Page 281 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records. PARCEL TWO: A farm of land with buildings thereon, being all and the same land and premises decreed to M. Keith Wright from the Estate of Mae J. Wright by Decree of Distribution dated April 21, 1959, and recorded in Volume 48 at Pagg 129 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records, and by Decree from the Estate of Merton J. Wright by Decree of Distribution dated April 21, 1959, and recorded in Volume 48 at Page 130 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records excepting therefrom: a. A rectangular parcel of land 430 feet by 85'feet, conveyed to Donald A. and Ages J. Leach by warranty deed of M. Keith Wright dated May 6, 1965, and recorded in Volume 73 at Page 282 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records. b. A parcel of land containing 10.1 acres, more or less, condemned by the State of Vermont for highway purposes as further des- cribed in a condemnation order fixing compensation dated May 10, 1961, and recorded in Volume 48 at Pages 489-499 of the Town of South Burling. ton Land Records. The above -described premises are subject to and have the benefit of all rights of way of record, and including an easement and right of way granted to the Green Mountain Power Corporation May 1, 1961, and record ed in Volume 63 at Page 15 of the Town of South Burlington Land Records PARCEL TWO above is subject to a mortgage to the Federal Land Bank of Springfield, dated March 2, 1956, as recorded in Volume 40 at Pages 177-178 of the Town of South, Burlington Land Records, securing an indebtedness which the Grantee herein expressly assumes and agrees to pay. Jean A. Wright joins in this conveyance to release her interest in the homestead which forms a portion of the property herein conveyed. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned deeds, easement, and condemnation record, the records thereof and the references therein contained in further aid of this description. m To babe anb to bOib said granted premises, with all the privileges and ap- purtenances thereof, to the said Grantee M. K. WRIGHT, INC., its Fatah& successors or assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; And we the said Grantors M. KEITH WRIGHT and JEAN A. WRIGHT, for OURSELVES and our heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, do covenant with the said Grantee M. K.,WRIGHT, INC., its *tne, successors, or assigns, that until the ensealing of these presents we are the sole owner s of the premises, and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are ,free from ebery encumbrance; except as aforesaid, 9 Vol. 91 Page 359. /­ t Vol. 91 Fag6 360 r and we hereby engage to U arrant lint �Deftnb the same against all lawfa:l claims whatever, except as aforesaid. .3n Wltneol b.,rrrof, we hereunto set our hands and seals this a-­4.C7 day of �4K 7 U s A. D. 19 69. 3nprtsenrc of M, Keith Wright '' Jean A. Wright y° � V 9,tate of Vermont, g�. At Burlington this CHITTENDEN Countp fl-( day Of / - l ^ s A. D. 1969 M. KEITH WRIGHT and JEAN A. WRIGHT personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument, by them sealed and subscribed, to be; �rtr free act an deed. Before me Notary Public Q4 hCKNOVILEGGMENT o RETURN NO. __.,_/7, �I _1.l ---- moo SIGNED L "—L K -J«N DATE.--'- tn� QP GRN RFrr..�Cr..'�P� a 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PERMIT NO `......... APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT 1st. Copy CODE OFFICER DC`-V 2nd. Copy CITY ENGINEER Zone............ 3rd. Copy CITY ASSESSOR y� 4th Copy APPLICANT Date ............................... ......... / �/ The undersigned hereby applies for permission to make certain building Improvements as described below. (Plans to be submitted If required by Building Inspector.) All construction to be completed in accordance with the Zoning Laws and Building Regulations of the City of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and con- form to the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and any and all Federal Regulations now in effect. CONSTRUCTION STREET � ��.� [;�% Z�:NUMBER � .,J OCCUPANCY FLOORS LOT SIZE: Frontage Depth Lot No. Single Family t' B 1 2 3 Two Family Cement OWNER • BUILDER MM�_�� Apartment No. Fam. Earth Store Pine WATER SUPPLY: Pubic Private ❑ eIN SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Public El Septic Tank Permit * ROAD OPENING: (Show layout) Permit * No. Cars D4rt.C1 AME) ELEC. WIRING: Underground E] Overhead Permit * (`Z • ■INTERIOR . ■—DO©©Plot to scale Lot and Building Improvements, showing width of Front, Side and Rear yards. Mark N at Compass point Indicating North. .. e :: ���■■�� ■■■■■■■■ ilill■"'..C--Tnilil�i''r■r■■r■■■■■■■Ii'�■:■1�....■I ■�■■ .� ..■■.■■■■i■_ ■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■'■■■■■ 21 ...............■■...........I.....�., �.� EXTERIOR WALLS I Clapboar■�� ■■....��..........■ ........................... Pipaless Furnace OMEN .■■tl■■■■■■■■■■■■lrHot ■■■.■ .................. Air Furnace No Sheathing .■..■..�i■■■■■■■■■.■..■...■...........,■■■■■■■■ Wood Shingles ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ = Hot Wat. or Vapor ME = ■■■■■■■■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ --ucco on Tile ,�k Veneer _rIck on Tile ■ ■■■■■■tI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Stone Veneer Conc. or �:. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r�®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■■■■■■�■�■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Terra Cotta Water Closet MEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Vitrolite Kitchen Sink Plate Glass ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■H■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Elct ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ PROPERTY 0 Demolition. Estimated Cost do ROOFING Asph. Shingles ,No Plumbing Wood Shingles 4 ■ ■Remarks Slate ■ Tile LIGHTING Metal Electric Composition No Lighting Roll Roofing NO. OF .. � Bsmt.■2nd.■■ ■®3rd.■ FEE COMPU ATIONr Plans received Yes ■ No ■ SIGNA`TGRE of­�W`NER or BUILDER, ADDRESS of OWNER — APPLICATION: REJECTED El APPROVED SIGNATURE OF •• OFFICER • TO Date PERMIT VALID FOR SIX MONTHS PERMIT SUBJECT TO APPEAL WITHIN 15 DAYS FROM DATE ISSUED I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PERMIT NO APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT 1st. Copy CODE OFFICER q 2nd. Copy CITY ENGINEER Zone... C , 3rd. Copy CITY ASSESSOR C[��7/� 4th Copy APPLICANT Date ......... .....1 .la . • ....t I ............. 19 ........ The undersigned hereby applies for permission to make certain building Improvements as described below. (Plans to be submitted If required by Building Inspector.) All construction to be completed in accordance with the Zoning Laws and Building Regulations of the City of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, end con- form to the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and any and all Federal Regulations now in effect. CONSTRUCTION I STREET `-1- 1 1 L-n —, C.4�t_G/ NIIMRFR �. OCCUPANCY �r- — • . • Depth Single Family■-0.00© Apartment No. Fam. ■=MMM■■■■ Store Im��EMOM WATER SUPPLY: Public El Private • = ■C■■■■ DISPOSAL: ■ SEWAGESeptic Tank Warehouse ■�■■■■ ROAD OPENING: (Show layout) Permit Res. Garage z No. Cars NNE ELEC. WIRING: Underground ■ Overhead E) Permit Gas Station ■ • • •■■■■ ■� 0■©© Plot to scale Lot .: ..Improvements,and Rear y d North. FOUNDATIONConcrete ■ SEES SEEg S ■..■_ �■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■r.■■■■■■■■■■�.. SEES! !■Mti■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■�■■■■■t■■■■■■■■�''■ Concrete Block■ ■■■■ ■ ■lr 0 11■■■ ■iMi ■i�i .■■■■.■.■►■■■.■■.■ SEEN In Brick or Stone■■■■� ■►,li1'L1■■11■■■� ■■�■■■■� Piers■■■■■ ■r..O■■11■ Sol .Ems .■.... ........■■■E/i /1■E■ Collar Area Full■ ■ MEN ::ISE�■■■_■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■ill■■,■■■OMENS ■ - : :. ■ �. ■■■■�l■O ■w!@. 'mi" ■SEES. .....■...�........ 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No:o yar Property Location: Z;>CD , f' �A 1 trtr Property Owner:�� Address: Tax Parcel ID No. Parcel Size: Present use of property (describe): Present structure/improvements on property (describe): Proposed use of property (describe): Proposed structures/improvements (including building dimensions): Attach sketch plan (see attached sketch plan instructions) or site plan. Estimated cost of improvements: ® x L Adjoining property owned by applicant/property owner: Property access (public road frontage, public water frontage, approved right-of-way): Applicant/Owner Certification The undersigned property owner hereby consents to submission of this application and understands that if the application is approved, the zoning permit and any attached condkrons will be binding on the property. PropeVy Owner Sign Date The undersigned applicant hereby affirms that the information presented in this application is true, accurate and complete. pplicant Sign1iture Date p ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION L_ /1 Date Received: � � Fee Received: $ Identification of zoning district: Identification of proposed use: 06—S;`` r Proposed use type: Permitted _ Conditional Date of site plan approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of subdivision approval/deriai Approval Date Denial Date Date of conditional use approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of appeal variance approvaUdenial: Approval Date Denial Date FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION ZONING PERMIT APPROVED` D to of Approvaltrative Officer's Signature This permit shall expire on� �`Cd Fee: DENIED Date of Denial Reason for denial: Administrative Officer's Signature Notice of Appeal Rights Any interested person may appeal this decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the development review board within 15 days of the date of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $85.00. J CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant: Application No:`�'` Address: j Daytime Tel. No: - Property LocationL..�� Property Owner: 1 1��� A., \CA Address: Tax Parcel ID No. C% l C Parcel Size: Present use of property (describe): ` t Present structure/improvements on property (describe): Proposed use of property (describe): Proposed structures/improvements (including building dimensions): Attach sketch plan (see attached sketch plan instructions) or site plan. Estimated cost of improvements: Adjoining property owned by applicant/property owner: Property access (public road frontage, public water frontage, approved right-of-way): Applicant/Owner Certification The undersigned property owner hereby consents to submission of this application and understands that if the application is approved, the zoning permit and any attached conditions will be binding on the property. Pro erty Owner Sign cure &Z�C� Date undersigned applicant by eby affirms that the information presented in this application is true, accurate and complete. l_,J Applicant Signature Date ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION Date Received: Fee Received: $��� Identification of zoning ' / � ' e Identification of proposed use: district: -55� Proposed use type: Permitted _ Date of site plan approval/denial Date of subdivision approvat/denial Date of conditional use approval/denial Date of appeal variance approvaUdenial: APPROVED Date of Approval This permit shall expire on DENIED Date of Denial Reason for denial: Notice of Appeal Rights Conditional Approval Date Approval Date Approval Date Approval Date Denial Date Denial Date Denial Date Denial Date FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION ZONING PERMIT .� Administrative Officer's Signature Fee: Administrative Officer's Signature Any interested person may appeal this decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the development review board within 15 days of the date of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $85.00. 2 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION ...� �� Applicant: JC'4� Application No: 2:��� (office use only). Address: e A P' Daytime Tel. No:� ;3K,anr` Property Location: Property Owner: F Tax Parcel ID No. Address: Parcel Size: Present use of property describe current use of property-i.e. single family dwelling, duplex, retail, etc.) Present structure/improvements on property (descrik all buildings on property, including size, dimensions, etc) Ole u� �- �j Proposed use of property (describe): Proposed structures/improvements (des The your project): aw Attach sketch plan (see attached sketch plan instructions) or site plan. Estimated cost of improvements: Does the property owner or applicant own the property next door? If yes, describe Property access (public road frontage, public water frontage, approved right-of-way): Applicant/Owner Certification I The undersig d pro rty owner h eby consents to submission of this application and understands that if the application is approved, the zoning permit and any atAhe.pcognnswill b ding on the property. 47 gnature Date Aundersilicant hereby a firms that the information presented in this application is true, accurate and complete. /$" �p Signature Date ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION Date Received: t p ba— Fee Received: $ Identification of zoning districtIdentification of proposed use: Proposed use type: I Permitted Conditional Date of site plan approval/denial Approval Date Date of subdivision approval/denial _ Approval Date Denial Date Denial Date Date of conditional use approval/denial Approval Date Denial Date Date of appeal variance approval/denial: Approval Date D&vial Date FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION ZONING PEWIT I) U1 8�� Date of Approval Administrative Officer' s Signature This permit shall expire on t DENIED Date of Denial Reason for denial: Administrative Officer's Signature Notice of Appeal Rights Any interested person may appeal this decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the development review board within 15 days of the datr of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $110.00. _' 2 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. rendered by the DRB must be mailed to eve § 4461(b). A copy of any decision having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Uponorebce pt of notice of anearingd appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: I OO PRINT �97 NAME AILING ADDRESS 4 PROJECT OF INTEREST GJ �hoo�k I IIQ Pcl� ��s �b� � �I'►1�,�bv n ,4i 0!5 09 OAA N r P o. ,,--CC 6MAn. W., OL14 K S �G r'd S ✓'40 A p December 12, 2008 Peter Katz 265 Overview Drive Jeffersonville, VT 05464 Re: Conditional Use #CU-08-07 & Site Plan #SP-08-113, 900 Hinesburg Road Hearings Dear Mr. Katz: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Also, please note that this hearing will be held at the Department of Public Works, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 104 Landfill Road (off Patchen Road). If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, 1--�Y 6eAk� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com hour permit ialt be fty cents 1 .00 3 24-hour en dol- d dollars a traffic lect the fee. ty of Novem A of Public in, P.E. :hnical Published 12/17/08. delete. dd. ii egulations the Public amend - Motor of Burling - :es: ces des- ny vehicle owing mobiles dicapped ,ursuant to amend - :hereof., ritten uth Union Written of Novem of Public , P. E. nicat 'ublished /17/O8. elete. I21 On the south side of Locust Street in the third space east of the westernmost ac ess road to Calahan Park. Adopted this 12th day of Novem ber 2008 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norman Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director -Technical Services Adopted 11/12/2008; Published 11/26/08; Effective 12/17/08. Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amend- ments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burling- ton's Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7. No -Parking Areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1) through (106) As Written (107) [In the single space directly in front of the entrance to 190 North Winooski Avenue.] Reserved. (108) through (506) As Written Adopted this 12th day of Novem- ber 2008 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norman Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director -Technical Services Adopted 11/12/2008; Published 11/26/08; Effective 12/17/08. Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE TOWN OF CHAROTTE LAND USE REGULATIONS Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Sections 4442 and 4444, the Charlotte Select Board will hold a public hearing at the Charlotte Town Halt on Monday, December 15, 2008 at 8:00 PM for the purpose of receiving public comment on proposed amendments to the Town of Charlotte Land Use Regulations. Chapter IX. Administration & lenient ,Ier X. Definitions The full text of the amendments is available for review at the Charlotte Town Office and on the Town's web -site: http://www. charlottevt.org. OPENINGS BURLINGTON CITY COMMIS- SIONS/BOARDS On Monday, December 15, 2008, the Burlington City Council will fill vacancies on the following City Commissions/Boards: Cemetery Commission Term expires 6/30/11 One Opening Fence Viewer Term expires 6/30/09 Three Openings Board of Tax Appeals Term expires 6/30/10 One Opening Board of Tax Appeals Term expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Telecommunications Advisory Comm. Term expires 6/30/10 One Opening Applications are available at the Clerk/Treasurers Office, Second Floor, City Hall, and must be received in the Clerk/Treasurers Office by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Appli- cants must be nominated by a member of the City Council to be considered for a position; a list of Council members is also available at the Clerk/Treasurer's Office. Please call the Clerk/ Treasurer's Office at 865-7136 for further information. The City of Burlington encour- ages persons from diverse backgrounds to apply to serve on boards, commissions and com- mittees. The City is committed to providing equal opportunity to all persons without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual prefer- ence, national origin, disability or any other non -merit factor. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Develop- ment Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Public Works Sonny Audette Building, 2nd Floor,104 Landfill Rd, South Burlington, Vermont on December 16, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Inc.,f/k/a Meritech Mortgage Services, Inc., as its Att,Y - in -Fact, Plaintiff, v Robert K. Bain and Dawn M. Bain, and Any Other Occu- pants of 318 Eagle Park Drive, Colchester, Vermont, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage Deed dated July 7, 2005, from Robert K. Bain and Dawn M. Bain to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Flexpoint Funding Corporation. Said Mortgage Deed was recorded on July 13, 2005 in Volume 530, Pages 556-573, of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The subject Promissory Note and Mortgage were assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Flexpoint Funding Corporation to Deutsche Bank Trust Company of Americas formerly known as Bankers Trust Company, a Trustee and Custodian for IXIS 2005-HE3 by: Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., f/k/a Meritech Mortgage Services, Inc., as its attorney -in -fact, by Assignment dated February 12, 2008 and recorded on February 22, 2008 in Volume 606, Page 264 of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The undersigned represents the Present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same which will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 o'clock PM, on the 12th day of Decem- ber, A.D., 2008, at the subject Premises of 318 Eagle Park Drive, Colchester, Vermont, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage will be sold as a whole. To wit: "Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Robert K. Bain and Dawn M. Bain by Warranty Deed of Thomas J. Hergenrother and Rachel D. Her- genrother dated 22 August 1991 and recorded in Volume 183, Page 403 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester. "Alt and the same lands and Premises conveyed to the within Grantors by warranty deed of Hauke Building Supply, Inc., dated May 18, 1976, and of record in Volume 28, Page 135 of the Colchester Land Records, and described therein as follows: medmng to convey a portion of the land, with all improvements thereon, acquired by Hauke Building Supply; Inc., in Warran- ty Deed of Rodney A. and Jane M. Reynolds dated August 30,1 974 and recorded in Vol. 24, Pages 363-365, of the Warranty Deed Records of Colchester. "Property is known and desig- nated as 318 Eagle Park Or "Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description." Terms of Sale: Purchaser at the sale shalt pay cash or certified funds, or pro- duce a commitment letter from a bank or mortgage company or other lender licensed to do business in the State of Vermont at the time of the sale for the amount of the winning bid. In any case the winning bidder shall be required to produce $10,000.00 (ten -thousand dollars) cash or certified funds at the close of auction as the deposit against the sale. The sale will be subject to the Con- firmation Order of the Chittenden Superior Court. In the event the auction terms are confirmed by the Superior Court aforesaid, and the winning bidder is unwilling or unable consummate the sale, the deposit shall be forfeit. In the event the sate is not confirmed the deposit wilt be returned without interest. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sate. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Grant C. Rees, Attorney, P.O. Box 108, Milton, Vermont 05468, 804- 893-7400. By: Grant C. Rees, Esq. Mortgagee or Mortgagee's At- torney Publication Dates: November 19, 2008 November 26, 2008 December 3, 2008 ise .City the p.m. if ial ie s call ons iblic ting ib- of ces: -red rmit fee. rvem- iblic shed 08. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amend- ments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burling- ton's Code of Ordinances: Sec. 27. No parking except with resident parking permit. No person shall park any vehicle except vehicles with a valid resi- dent parking permit or a valid guest pass and clearly identifi- able service or delivery vehicles on any street designated as "residential parking." (a) As Written (b) As Written (c) As Written (d) As Written (e) As Written (1) In the space in front of 190 North Winooski Avenue (2) On the south side of Locust Street in the third space east of the westernmost access road to Calahan Park. Adopted this 12th day of Novem- ber 2008 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norman Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director -Technical Services Adopted 11/12/2008; Published 11/26/08; Effective 12/17/08. Material in (Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amend- ments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burling- ton's Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7. No -Parking Areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following Locations: SEVEN DAYS november 26-december 03, 2008 1 clan I► sevendaysvtxom [click on class Show and tell. �►� Open 24/7/365. Extra! View and post up to Post & browse ads There's r 6 photos per ad online. at your convenience. ad lengt] The purpose of the proposed amendment is to make certain edits as found to be necessary and desirable based on public feedback and use of the docu- ment following its adoption in 2006. The proposed amendments to the Land Use Regulations will affect all lands within the Town of Charlotte. The proposed amended Land Use Regulations will have the following table of contents (ab- breviated): Chapter I. Authority & Purpose Chapter II. Zoning Districts & District Standards Chapter III. General Regulations Chapter IV. Specific Use Stan- dards Chapter V. Development Review Chapter VI. Subdivision Review Chapter VII. Subdivision Stan- dards Chapter VIII. Planned Residen- tial & Planned Unit Development Chapter IX. Administration & Enforcement Chapter X. Definitions The full text of the amendments is available for review at the Charlotte Town Office and on the Town's web -site: http://www. charlottevt.org. OPENINGS BURLINGTON CITY COMMIS- SIONS/BOARDS On Monday, December 15, 2008, the Burlington City Council will fill vacancies on the following City Commissions/Boards: Cemetery Commission Term expires 6/30/11 One Opening Fence Viewer Term expires 6/30/09 Three Openings Board of Tax Appeals Term expires 6/30/10 One Opening Board of Tax Appeals Term expires 6/30/11 Two Openings ions Telecommunications Advisory 'ublic (1) through (106) As Written Comm. 1. Conditional use applica- tion #CU-08-07 of Omnipoint Communications to install telecommunications equipment consisting of: 1) six (6) panel antennas to be attached to an existing silo structure, and 2) a 15' x 15' equipment area for general mounted cabinets, 900 Hinesburg Road. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. November 26, 2008 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S 278-08 CnC Deutsche Bank Trust Com- pany of Americas f/k/a Banker's Trust Company, as Trustee and Custodian, for IXIS 2005-HE3, by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., f/k/a Meritech Mortgage Services, Inc., as its Attorney - in -Fact, Plaintiff, v Robert K. Bain and Dawn M. Bain, and Any Other Occu- pants of 318 Eagle Park Drive, Colchester, Vermont, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage Deed dated July 7, 2005, from Robert K. Bain and Dawn M. Bain to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Flexpoint Funding Corporation. Said Mortgage Deed was recorded on July 13, 2005 in Volume 530, Pages 556-573, of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The subject Promissory Note and Mortgage were assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Flexpoint Funding Corporation to Deutsche Bank Trust Company of Americas formerly known as Bankers Trust Company, a Trustee and Custodian for IXIS 2005-HE3 by: Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., f/k/a Meritech Mortgage Services, Inc., as its attorney -in -fact, by Assignment "A lot of land with all build- ings thereon situated on the easterly side of Eagle Park Drive, so-called, the newly erected dwelling house on said lot being known and designated as No. 35 Eagle Park Drive, said land having a frontage on Eagle Park Drive of 120.00 feet and uniform width, and a uniform depth of 142.10 feet, all interior angles being 90', comprising 17,052 square feet, and being all of Lot No. 15 as shown on a plan of Eagle Park Sub -Division, Colchester, Vermont, dated February, 1973, revised July 27, 1973 and recorded in Plat Book 1 on Page 81 of the Town of Colchester Records. "This conveyance is made subject to certain Protec- tive Covenants dated July 18, 1974 and recorded in Volume 27, Pages 160-162, of Miscel- laneous Records of the Town of Colchester, and to any utility easement of record which may pertain to this lot. "Eagle Park Drive is now an ac- cepted street. "Meaning to convey a portion of the land, with all improvements thereon, acquired by Hauke Building Supply, Inc., in Warran- ty Deed of Rodney A. and Jane M. Reynolds dated August 30,1 974 and recorded in Vol. 24, Pages 363-365, of the Warranty Deed Records of Colchester. "Property is known and desig- nated as 318 Eagle Park Dr "Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description." Terms of Sale: Purchaser at the sale shall pay cash or certified funds, or pro- duce a commitment letter from a bank or mortgage company or other lender licensed to do business in the State of Vermont at the time of the sale for the amount of the winning bid. In any case the winning bidder shall be required to produce $10,000.00 (ten -thousand dollars) cash or certified funds at the close of auction as the deposit against the sale. The sale will be subject to the Con- firmation Order of the Chittenden Superior Court. In the event the auction terms are confirmed by the Superior Court aforesaid, and the winning bidder is unwilling DON'T SEE A SUP here that meets y Vermont 2-1-1, a United Way of Vei Vermont, that 2-1 4636 (toll -free) o of Vermont, 802-t Monday -Friday, 8: p, M. COED SINGLES GI 50-65, forming fc and fun. Chittend Activities to inch weekend dinner, I hikes, snow shoei etc. If interested csbnc27609@aol HOLIDAY GRIEF Grieving the loss Feeling uncertain holiday season7 l support: Novemb 4, 11, 5:30-7 p.n by Hospice Volun Please call 388-4 info. and to regis program. THE ADDISON CC OF THE COMPASS (TCF), a nonprofi bereavement sup families that hav the death of a cF its regular meetii December 1, 200 at the Hospice SE Located at the M; (first building on enter across fron Independent) in Bereaved parents grandparents are to attend to mee have gone throw, experience and f For more informs chapter leaders, at 388-6837, or 388-9603. WOMEN'S CLUB ages 18+. Held a nity Center (YMC every Friday fron will have a peer & social fun tim; Site Plan Application southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP-y (> - / 5 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): t. 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): 1r 5- / "6f ".7/ 3. PPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): • L m T. � ►�/���'i iLrS + y, rl • LWtiC:J � G S • � i.`r p��o �: 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): . 1k�4' a. Contact e-mail address: <eJ 2 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): �Y&cI C?;`(0 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): �;i i . .t�+fYi3-s J-1 �� [ ' 11�s ; Q -ti /�_( C_✓ � Ll '� wy el "7,, . � 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): t. f ,Lt L��L /y a iz � � 1 L � 4 {� Tlcc� c ai c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): '-re /e L0 .44AitA, 4.,A,-r S 7 Y`i, fi'ire, d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 'wh e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): g � h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: /0 -_/ Ai—er Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing % Proposed sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % sq. ft. 2 Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ -3c „,, z, b. Landscaping: $ c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out).- /,n��r i�,�►-y b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out)- c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out)- 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION- 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across astreet or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) ,r tb# i3c.c/t�n� -- to--i>c vw / Pf-6« P71�14v✓► k4etle.r- .Zwf 0%, TvLvl, WT %S,4ti7 10-a J&_tl k Ja, 0 . 5v, IIn,{a,n "(7r-0Q,rr411'" Crt'>- - ef,_ M&A 60,9'b440b Ir, jJ t 3� t 11.,SfVA t 1Ir 00 - L.L Z �.L4vv�1H i "Tsv,r�atis..fa, i Ut fiSYvi 3 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 1 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SI OF APPLICANT SI NATU OF P ROPE TY NER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: rl� �t-') REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have 7revieedthis site plan application and find it to be: mplete ❑ Incomplete Director of anning & Zoning or Designee Date 5 Nov. 5, 2008 Paul Connor Director of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset St. South Burlington, VT 05403 Subject: Omnipoint Communications Inc., a Delaware corporation d/b/a T-Mobile USA, proposed wireless communications facility at 900 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington, VT 05407. Dear Mr. Connor. - The following is a description of the proposed Omnipoint Communications Inc. (hereafter "T-Mobile") wireless communication facility on the existing Silo located at 900 Hinesburg Rd. in South Burlington, VT. The proposed installation would consist of six (6) panel antenna (53"x6.6"x3.2"), coaxial cable and a 15'x15' equipment area located at the bottom of the silo. The antenna would be located at an elevation of 65' above the existing grade. The proposed facility will require one to two maintenance trips per month. No sewer, septic or water is required. The proposed facility will comply with all applicable local, state and federal safety codes. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 802-730-4272. Thank you for your attention to this request. Best Regards, �tt j Peter Katz 11 Real Estate Development N111-lobiles Omnipoint Communications, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of T-Mobile USA, Inc. 15 Commerce Way, Suite B, Norton, MA 02766 Phone: (508) 286-2726 Fax: (508) 286 — 2726 November 5, 2008 Paul Connor Director of Planning & "Zoning 575 Dorset St. South Burlington, V'1' 05403 Re: Agency Authorization Property: Wright Silo Located at 900 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington, VT 05403 Applicant: Omnipoint Communications, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of T-Mobile USA, Inc. (the "Applicant") Dear Mr. Connor: Be advised, T-Mobile USA, Inc. has authorized Peter Katz of Centerline Communications, LLC to act as our agent in the signing and submission of required zoning permit applications and documents, as well as, to represent our company before the Town of South Burlington during the associated permit proceedings / hearings regarding the above referenced proposed communications facility. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Respectfully, Gerald P. Marquis New England Regional Manager Real Estate and Zoning cc: Michael Culbert OWMER AUTHORIZATION A("REEMENT Market: New England Site Number: 4BV0342 Site Name: WRI0HT SILO Site Address: 850 HINESBURG RD SO, BURLINOTONYT KE: Property described as; WRIGHT GRAIN SIIA) (the "Property") Keith & Nicole Wright are the Owners of the Property (the "Owner") and has the authority to enter into a lease agreement with Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (d/b(a "T-Mobile") concerning the portion of the Property that T-Mobile seeks to occupy. Owner hereby grants 1`-Mobile and its agents a revocable right to enter the Property to perform any reasonable tests that T-Mobile deems desirable to determine the feasibility of constructing and operating its communications, facility upon the Property, including but riot limited to 1) radio frequency testing; 2) soils testing; 3) on -site fieasibility assessment, and 4) filing of zoning applications (the "Access Right"). Owner may revoke the Access Right at any time by delivering written notice to Mobile by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the following address: Omnipoint Communications, Inc. 15 Commerce Way Norton, MA 02766 Attn: Leasing Manager This notice will be effective three (3) days after actual receipt by T-Mobile, provided, however, that "- Mobile may still enter the Property to remove any equipment it has placed there, Owner further agrees to cooperate with T-Mobile in obtaining, at T-Mobile's expense, all licenses and permits or authorizations required for T-Mobile's use of the Property from all applicable government and/or regulatory entities (including, without limitation, zoning and land use authorities, and the Federal Communications Commission) including appointing T-Mobile as agent for all land use and zoning permit applications, and Owner agrees to cooperate with and to allow T-Mobile, at no cost to Owner, to obtain a title report, zoning approvals, variances, and land -use permits. T-Mobile agrees to repair any damage to Property caused by T-Mobile's use of the Access Right. T- Mobile further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Owner harmless from and against any and all damages, losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from any claim, action or other proceeding that is based upon any negligent act or <)mission or willful misconduct of or Its employees or agents, arising in connection with the Access Right, FACET PARTY ACKNOWi,�F,r)CjF'S'1'14,A'I'TIJE OTHER HAS MADE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR COMMITMENTS THAT A V�, SE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE PROPERTY WILL BE ENTERED INTO IN THE FUTAMr, ONINIKANT CIOMMUNICATIONS, INC, BY: By: M Im DATE: DATE,: Market Number Channel,Block Sub -Market DesIgnafor . BTA249 C .. ;. 0 SPECIAL. CONDITIONS OR WAIVERS/CONDITIONS This authorization is subject to the condition that, in the event that systems using the same frequencies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory (Canada/United States), future coordination of any base station transmitters within 72 km (45 miles) of the United States/Canada border shall be required to eliminate any harmful interference to operations in the adjace.rit foreign territory and to -ensure continuance of equal access to the frequencies by both countries. .. ("Special Conditions or Waivers/ponditions" gont.i.nued on next.page ....} Conditions: , . •. - ,. Pursuant to.Section 309(h) of the Communications Act of.1934I as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 309(h), this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest In the licensee any right to operate,the station nor.any right in the use of the frequencies designafied in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other.manner than authorized herein: Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned. or otherwise transferred in. violation of the Communica#ions Act of . 1934; as.amended. See 47 U:S.C: Section 31.0(d): This license is subjectin terms to the. right of use.or control conferred b . Section O6 of the o u i'a c of 1934, as arne ded. See 47U.S.C.ectio 606. To view the _geographic areas associated with the license, go to the Universal. Licensing System (ULS) homepagGot: http://wireless.fcc.gov/uis and select"License Search". Follow the Instructions on how to. search. for license informations FCC 607 M B ' . Fe. ru ary 2006 No Text CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 Permit #c-y6- APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation (, Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( )Other, PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): �a. Kc-i+h uVrZiC,u-r qoo fbAas6u.!f ke , 1;0�-ry 03t''L - 04,v 4, irm r 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) , APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Ayr Cvzy,f'W k- 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing /address, phone & fax # if different from above): �'1R dlGu�-t ,�(�S" j,!y�7ZVi4w <iY �:t-��ia.s:.ur.ii�r�� of ZYSyk+j 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: WO fin esbk, , '�',. S�. ,v?�.t jin fit,;,, L-F 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: /llffi'' tip / ( a4, 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION use): A. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate 1 E` ATIAZ0to Y,1 B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): I 1 Y /E4- '.M.M �Llli G f�Tl7W /iQ-LJ/r'Th C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): , D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): �.;1,q E. Number of residential Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): ,; 1 F. Number of employees & co pany vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): N G. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: Sq. Ft. B. Buildings: Existing % / Proposed % / 4/ Sq. Ft Sq. Ft. rd C. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / Sq. Ft. Proposed % / Sq. Ft. D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: 0Z j Sq. Ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES A. Building (including interior renovations): $ B. Landscaping $ C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): F trgr Syr S74 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): l ��-�' /ito�✓i i� B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE_ 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): 634- �, Sc 7 :%ti �iywnb E G�,= "��' 7wvf,' •�,. ?a `j3,^ /.p°9 /3,f.0v IdN fl ee - GA�J�tcj�ihur�' a✓�.r�rli/�C:¢ 7jr� lie (3—/1).Sjtr., 4i K3C- .�+uts�jur� ( �[4 1 0 ;, �. a.,J; t 11 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: evelopment Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: 7 COMPLETE ❑ Incomplete r of PlarCning & Zoning or Designee Date DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 1 JULY 2008 Mr. Knudsen asked if the striping will remain. Mr. Nedde said it will. Mr. Farley asked about possible other traffic calming devices. Mr. Feussner said they had complaints from homeowners about the small island. Mr. Dinklage noted receipt of a letter from Lani Ravin asking for a sidewalk on the west side of the street in a northerly direction. Mr. Nedde said the applicant built a sidewalk to Indian Creek. He felt it wouldn't be safe to building a "sidewalk to nowhere." Ms. LaRose said the City will support the DRB if it requires the sidewalk, but it is not a burning issue, and the City would not commit to finishing the sidewalk. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-08-30 of Homestead Design subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Final Plat Application #SD-08-31 of William E. Dailey, III, to amend a previously approved five lot subdivision. The amendment consists of: 1) relocating the private road serving lots #2, 3 and 4, 2) replacing the cedar trees along the south side of the private road with Autumn Blaze Maple & split rail fencing, 1500 Dorset St: Mr. Gallo said they would shift the original alignment of Hemlock Lane because of the presence of a huge boulder. There would be no additional wetland impact. He also showed the location of the maple and split rail fencing. Ms. DeMaroney asked if the changes would affect their abutting property. Mr. Gallo said the changes are not near the DeMaroney property. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-08-31 of William E. Dailey, III, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. D8Miscellancous Application #MS-08-02 of Keith Wright to alter the existing grade by adding 872 cubic yards of fill to the property, 850-950 Hinesburg Road: Mr. Dinklage noted this is an "after the fact" application. Mr. Belair said there will be more fill to be placed on the property. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Miscellaneous Application #MS-08-02 of Keith Wright subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Final Plat Application #SD-08-32 of Precourt Investment Co., LLC, to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of three buildings of 9800 sq. ft., 3800 sq. ft. and 4500 sq. ft. for a multiple number of tenants and a multiple number of uses. The amendment consists of -3- August 7, 2008 Keith Wright PO Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re: Minutes — 850-950 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved July 1, 2008 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, V &Oz� Betsy onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 5?5 Da�Set strest g'02_.0"j"g tFI wri w, ib a r a -j m CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: June 27, 2008 drb\misc\wright\wright_fill.doc Application received: June 15, 2008 1100 HINESBURG ROAD Miscellaneous Application #MS-08-02 Meeting date: July 1, 2008 Applicant Property Information Keith Wright Tax Parcel ID 0860-01100 PO Box 2352 Industrial & Open Space District South Burlington, VT 05407 2.43 Acres Owners WGM Associates PO Box 9477 South Burlington, VT 05407 Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\misc\wright\wright fill doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Keith Wright, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking miscellaneous approval to alter the existing grade by adding 872 cubic yards of fill to the property, 850-950 Hinesburg Road. This is an after -the -fact application COMMENTS Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair have reviewed the plans submitted on June 15, 2008 and have the following comments. This application shall be reviewed under Section 3.12 of the Land Development Regulations. The removal from land or the placing on land of fill, gravel, sand, loam, topsoil, or other similar material in an amount equal to or greater than twenty (20) cubic yards, except when incidental to or in connection with the construction of a structure on the same lot, shall require the approval of the Development Review Board. The Development Review Board may grant such approval where such modification is requested in connection with the approval of a site plan, planned unit development or subdivision plat. This section does not apply to the removal of earth products in connection with a resource extraction operation. Standards and Conditions for Approval: (1) The Development Review Board shall review a request under this Section for compliance with the standards contained in this sub -Section 3.12(B). An application under Section 3.12(A) above shall include the submittal of a site plan, planned unit development or subdivision plat application showing the area to be filled or removed, and the existing grade and proposed grade created by removal or addition of material. The plan submitted by the applicant shows the location and the new grade of the additional fill. (2) The Development Review Board, in granting approval may impose any conditions it deems necessary, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Duration or phasing of the permit for any length of time. The applicant has noted that this fill is used to level off an old barn foundation and fill in an old manure pit. For this reason, staff does not recommend a time limit on the placement of the fill. (b) Submission of an acceptable plan for the rehabilitation of the site at the conclusion of the operations, including grading, seeding and planting, fencing drainage, and other appropriate measures. The proposed location of the fill is centrally located on the property. Staff does not recommend any further action with regards to this criterion. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING \drb\misc\wri ht\wri ht fill.doc (c) Provision of a suitable bond or other security adequate to assure compliance with the provisions of this Section. Staff does not feel this requirement will be necessary for the subject application. (d) Determination of what shall constitute pre -construction grade under Section 3.07, Height of Structures. The pre -construction height for future development will be the existing grade. Staff recommends that the DRB approve miscellaneous application #MS-08-02. Respectfully submitted, ACathyann aR4 )�24erins_ ose, Associate Planner Copy to: Keith Wright, Applicant MOUSE HOUSE CARA Graphic Scale Feet 30 0 30 60 90 120 \ a 1 VERIZON NEW ENGI.AND / �` '•I i � `tj IJi % � TDPsaL I t /... STOCKPILE /^ 1 I 1 r lY i` J '• !1 it 1 r � I i j i J �` Y o/ 1' f' i!1 +r � I I I i �r �i (t J% Ji '• j' t f g �• ' 1 t I : J i !JI ,,f I/ ' r + %• SHED //, it !• �� ,% i t '' 1/ i/ , ,'t ,i�`.l} TOPSOIL 1: 'r y /' /// j I • J' t 'i STOCKPILE a' d� 1, 1 ; rr / �' •�` � % % i .1 i� it �• 1 ; ! j 11 1// r !j !j ;r• 1, / ! ;1� ' 1 ! ''r !/ f/ i PS i I,\ ,l 1 i j r• J t. i it r� � 1; i'-/ r i ro r�r ', l � %!• ( !' 1 / �• % / i it i ) ±f � � t• i 1, !j j 11 r irJ ir• f' !!• 1;' !, j! j �• If 1/ Y. ) e,/' '' fr r / l tr. � f i` 11 � i j� � f• rjrr f � ' r• /. / j 1• !' (� 1 � //II DYNAPDN£R d LANE PRESS RECEIVED JuN 0 6 2008 City of So. Burlington TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS (TCE) 478 BWr M P.W P.O. Banc 308 M2)879-63314A%—) WI kbk Veman[ 054% 0302) 8794060(900 Vhlt LLs m 81e Web at www.lYuddlCelucdltrlg.oan toNarLwL Am:ovu. SIIDM{SSION P4LLPaINAKY APnLOVAL SlleMLiSK)N ACT ISO MAIMS SION 6 APPLICA— RHAL AMOVAL SLmMLSSION CONSnOCTION DAAV}Rtfl Im Arm eminrrwmx or r/a oewwww :. D�.Fce area k.�eme�d °n Flna.e w. °:d/n/b�r dwmhy, awr °ibn°'°°iM om� �Fe enrcw ene onaoww eume.:w. adrpe o can/Irvelwn evdnru } °pouFylpq�wr ceneln.°Ilm en NleneM 1° M ueN F mn�Mllon °d'Ign emlr°� eonnie� � I^ee;b:4« n/cmhLalu e.. JuuFy enaa e. a°+Nerw Yhd Ky°.d wem� �em°M.r ...d...eoi. one :e.e� Derma. °e. ei m. [.cµ wroeMn A�1 Y�Me Uri rewuneRl Y eneun IM copY uun�dne Me m°e 1 ewwlma .J,kaQ�,r ° N � 0 No. Denolptlul Deb By R-Isdoms ysCOTT yet D. i TAYLOR z �[ NO. 68a ]t will Project Keith Wright Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vr Sheet Thle Grading Plan Drawing Number : 2007115-50 Extension: I Project malagr • S0r Drawn • UPS Date: 11/7/07 F.B. NONE Silk: I' . 30' Project reference I xxx Mid: xxx Bench File L xxx r Id southburlington PLANNING & ZONING June 27, 2008 Keith Wright PO Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05407 Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com June 19, 2008 WGM Associates PO Box 9477 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is the draft agenda for the Lly 1, 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Keith Wright 5"Ps Dorset struat South , T Wf tss'i fax 082,84&,4 01 •. ww—r' urf—c r June 19, 2008 Telephone Operating Co of VT LLC PO Box 1509 Bangor, ME 04402-1509 Dear Property Owner; Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the.Luly 1 2008 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. a�5 D a t S ts,. a Stu : "LIT � g°.rsa�. VT V56; t a] &(!�R 4 8-*" 9 fz- -046 01 ddlo MOI so uthburlin t®n CY PLANNING & ZONING July 7, 2008 Keith Wright PO Box 2352 Burlington, VT 05407 Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board on July 1, 2008 (effective July 1, 2008). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy Mc onough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 5775 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 1 ) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 Permit #- Lob-y 9_� APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): ( ) Appeal from decision of the Administrative Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation ( ) Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY): WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING ? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone & fax #): t,41(41 pc,, $caw. cl 4 7) 5 $cx i U r' (1)(46 :2 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) 3) P ICANT (name, mailing address, phone qnd fax #) 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax # if different from above): 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: b 11 L'Q 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: if) (, I`D I COU 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION eU �� �� U �x11�(��Ui1���'0Yj��) A. Existing Uses on Property (in`clu ing description and size of each separate use): N6v��1PC1 L'c>r�`iS 1 �t'I ��3©( �q Lll C( i�r B. Proposed Uses on Property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): C. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): 2 © I Lq Ll 3 r0j �� J 6 0Ah 1%gLC)� D. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing Z buildings to remain, specify if basemeyrt & mezzanine): W_AiM4_ JAB E. Number of residential l�nits (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): L F. Number of employees & com vs. non -office employees): L vehicles (existing & proposed, note office G. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are pl{cable): �� `� of 8) LOT COVERAGE A. Total parcel size: B. Buildings: Existinc Proposea Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft Sq. Ft. C. Overall imperviou coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / Sq. Ft. Proposed % / Sq. Ft. D. Total area to be disturbed during construction: Sq. Ft. * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES A. Building (including interior renovations): $ B. Landscaping $ C. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: A. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and c B. A. M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): C. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DA 14) LIST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: (list names and address of all abutting property owners, including those across any street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): L A IkJd EVIA 81U ti, lrNvi,a 6ur l pry r t l -e-s LTO 0S`��'� x5s 1%no4aA&R� �,v � yd �e�FF�s I hereby certify that all the inXrnYalion requ t d , part of this application has been submitted and is accurate b st of m k o dge. SIG UR APPL T SUMATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: 0-0evelopment Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this application and find it to be: COMPLETE ❑ Incomplete win rector of Planning & Zoning or Designee l D Page 1 of 1 Print Message From "Scott Taylor, L.S." <Scott.Taylor@trudellconsulting.com> Date 2008/05/16 Fri AM 07:38:35 EDT To kwrightinc@verizon.net Subject Hinesburg Road Keith, We calculated the area of fill to be 872 cubic yards. Scott Scott D. Taylor, L.S. Trudell Consulting Engineers (TCE) 478 Blair Park Road P.O. Box 308 Williston, VT 05495 Tel:(802)879-6331 ext. 19 Fax: (802)879-0060 Close this window RECEIVED JUN Q 6 2 City of So,1f http: //netmail.verizon.net/webmail/servlet/HttpNimletDriver?nimlet=ManageEmailDetailN... 5/ 19/2008 1 � NBols ENGINEERING • PLANNING • DEVELOPMENT • MANAGEMENT &1 1C1C. December 14, 2005 418567P Mr. Ray Belair, Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Verizon Communication Facility, Williston II Wright Farm, Route 116, South Burlington Dear Ray, I have visited the site, inventoried the plantings and reviewed Landscape Contractor invoices which total $13,250.00 for labor and materials. I am satisfied that the value of the planting efforts exceeds the required minimum value of $9,700.00 for this project, and that the plantings will over time provide a suitable landscape buffer for this project. The attached Plan accurately reflects what was planted and where as requested by the landowner. Based on the modified planting plan and the actual planting costs, we request that the City proceed with issuing the required Certificate of Occupancy for this project. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, DuBois & King, Inc. �1 hn Steele ndscape Architect Enclosures Cc: Art Dreher, DuBois & King, Inc. Peter Bull, DuBois & King, Inc. Brian Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk Steve Connor, Green Mountain Communications, Inc. Wayne Lukachek, Verizon Wireless 34 Blair Park Road Suite 10 • Y.O. Box 1257 • Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 878-7661 (802) 878-2907 (FAX) www.dubois-king.com Randolph, Vermont Nashua, New Hampshire 1:zf1d1zuM u1j:4b UJJ5byi8k"'2 GREEN MOUNTAIN -9MM PAGE 01/04 FML 40tr—f-A To: Lr, From:; .k,r 0 Pages. )OZ , Fax: ZI 0,,7 pbopm CC. rtw WidifL, ff D urgent M4' ; Review 0 Pkase Comment 0 plaase Reply 0 Pleas® Recycle I L/ 13/ LYJCJ3 17'j; 4d bUJbb'jN` '11 1 GREEN MOUNTAIN -9MM PAGE 04/04 •:t�ui'f3mer; _�(.�.i<.�,c�(ii---� % S' �i 1_ /"�lJ r"� �tv ? � Ir Job 10#: Cost Code: Approved:' �-- o 2,30 Lien Cat. of Its. f ' - fed, ID # MOVAJ l �n.���� In 00 _ IL /D 7 D S �ISe,0 VAJ r -'-- ------------- rL ,�� Sc�►��T 7: / o 0 prey"L'c T6 bvvwl--I-f� k' S. s 121 1J/ 2UU!Z) IJ'J: 48 bd3bb9P'92 GREEN MOUNTAIN —9MM moor# ys,� ��s,� �Llj f3o z - �}v d V6 -r 2065- -ro: 62e-orli AAOv"-I-;Ol#-J dOmtA,) T D' -9ox 3 5� WOL.:TE80120 ,� 7-/ tv � ) A,&� rz— K'� --Fo-rA-t- -Doe, vvx PAGE 02/04 7 'fro V'6'7411.4^j dcL-L- 'lowe-rz- 2 S0 o V// 12/13/2005 09:48 603569P"'2 GREEN MOUNTAIN --'MM �NJ,lo PAGE 03/04 6if g rt2 t s wur-ly 14) 6c).2, - ZZ 0 —'S Cftir,40 MolkaAll\) ammuo'cw"mys Ta mix -- zS 4 - t;NH 4 - 625'�� - 1 kAl�&ikbS 1)ff��SiT } 'Kole-A-L S 1A/ 4,41L d^' JUL 2 5 ao EXISTING DOME - TO BE REMOVED 3'-6 TOP OF— ( IL IL I) I) ElaSDNG SILO =� SILO EXTENSION SUPPORT STRUTS (TYP) TO SEE CARIES FOR BE ANTENNA IN CABLE TRAY PUNS. PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING SILO. SEE DETAIL SHEET 7 OF 10. MOTION ACTNATED- PERIMETER CUT-OFF LIGHT OVER DOORS, PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE OF SILO STEALTH EXTENSION PROPOSED ACCESS DOOR IN STEALTH EXTENSION111"ETAILS. ROPOSED 3'-6' BERClA55 TEALTH EXTENSION 11 RH DOME SEE IERGRATE FOR 74, UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEELECTRIC .0. UTILRY POLE TO PROPOSED SHELTER n O H I Z EXISTING z 65' SILO W N W 0 0a- a o_ 0 0 EMERGENCY SIGN SHELTER AIR� —DITMNERS WARNING SIGNS SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE • • 7 • U M ( M I = ) I took - 6 tt NOTE REFER TO ANTENNA RECOMMEND PREPARED BY VERIZON WIRELESS FOR ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA. i S-fv ADETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE N • • N N ,A 15PCG---------� 4,1-�4 O.C. 5 AS _ 40' O.C. AI.]111'�U I _,� �, • �. Existing Silo Latitude 44°-26'-40.67" Longitude 73'-09'-27.83" - �� I Base Elevation 41.3.0' Rim Elevation 478.0' Existing Top Elevation 488.0' I EXISTING STRUCTURE ` I 4 - I Proposed Top Elevation 491.5' J I . - _ , }• I j R yLw - w $ ---------yl ` I EXISTING GRAVEL I 4SG i o 1 ' PARKING/ I TURNAROUND ROPOSED CABLE ABRIDGE / SYV 5trXpp&�����►ll,.�D r i. -._ 1" ROPOS 30'/ r 1 EQUIPMENT HELTER • r F.F.E. /413.25' ROSION CONTROV SILT FEPCE i Imo -PROPOSED 0 EXISTING PROPANE STRUCTURE 1 1 I O tp S1 3' 0. "�!/•.�?' +'^'W _.Sp .� LUE TRIC °A b 1 �1TjiETT11LEPHONE FkOMPOLE I�ROPOSED SWELTER i I / I I ® I roI. ,,,nmmTli n ( 1K IE6T ) Ih h_(DIE G. \OR � PLANT 3' OUTS RICHT-OF-WAY EXISTING B� CONCREf SILO \ I { PLANT LIST OUAN c IM BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME 512E 9291 REMARK$ 2 -t ASG ACER S. 'GREEN MOUNTAIN'/ 2 1/2-3" CAL. B&B PLANT 40' O.C. GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE r� ' 4 -W6 PCG PICEA GLAUCA/ 6' HT. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. WHITE SPRUCE Z .a OR OUERCUS RUBRA/ 2 1/2-3- CAL. B&B NORTHERN RED OAK ' rl! SYV S RINGA LGA.CIS/ 4' HT. B&B PLANT 3' O.C. N ToE Tt-kojp+ o. 4-5+47 NOTE: PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH LANDOWNER TO: 1. IDENTIFY WHERE THE CONTRACTOR CAN STORE MATERIALS ON SITE. 2. DETERMINE NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION. 3. REVIEW CONSTRUCTION PROCESS AND DURATION. UVMz2Pwlr8AM 11 © DETAIL SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE N N A M (arur) 1 loch - 60tt /� �•'� 411' - (512 qR 7AQ-rj�4& AAA I S _ 14 . :�Y* Mori f� 012.IGf�.lrC(o I�L6{-�TMCn I%.��J �F.g RED ALFDS SIZE VERIZON WIRELESS DP—AVMJwP lil JWP DATE 1 1-05 NBds WILLISTON II CHECKED BY PRa. NO. OJ. NO. �`�� l.7�Aa —i SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT JAS 418567P1 850 HINESBURG ROAD �I PRa. ENG. DRAW. NO. engineering DETAIL SITE PLAN AND ELEVATION AWD 6530 planning SHEET 3 OF t0 management VERIZON SITE # 100585 l develo meat VERIZON PROJF^T # 2002015505 EXIStM DOME - TO BE REMOVED SRO SUPP (Ite) PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNAS MOUt40 *(SIDE Of SLO STEALTH E IENSM PRIX'OSW hCCM ODOR *1 TEFLtN SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE • ♦ • ♦ n x (DrrwT) 1 Food - 611 DOTE: REFER TO ANTENNA RECOMMEND PREPARED BY VERIZON WIRELESS FOR ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA PROPOSED 3'-C NBERGLASS STEALIH EXTENSION Irt11I DOME SEE rOERGRATE FOR EXISTING 65 `CONCRETE S d' UNDERGROUND \ ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE FROM UTILITY POLE TO PROPOSED SHELTER PRO0POSED PROPANE TANK r . 1 DETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE • w ai ( lx l!ER ) IY.L - 10R - __-.__.__ _--._. _.. _-__ _................ .. ......_. ...._. 3 Axe RANT 3' OUTSIDE wcHr—of—wnr PLANT LIST �ANjQY M @QTANIC•i NAME/COMMON NAME Wl 0-091 EEMAR G/=L\-8- ASO ACER S. 'GREEN MWNFA*i'/ .2 1/2-3- CAL B&B PLANT" 40' O.C. GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR jAppLE -i9- PCG PICFA CLAUCA/ 6, HT. B&8 PLANT 10' O.C. r i WHITE SPRUCE 3 OR OmCUS RUORq/ 2 1/2-3" CAL B&B - NORTHERN RED OAK Q 915 —4£- m SYRINCA VULGARIS/ 4' HT. B&B PLANT 3' O.C. COMMON ULAC Qv.�le�an�I sin�a' PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH LANDOWNER TO: 1. IDENTIFY WHERE THE CONTRACTOR CAN STORE MATERIALS ON SRE. 2. DETERMINE NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION. 3. REVIEW CONSTRUCTION PROCESS AND DURATION.' 7.4 6 t,,)6Al6r-> AC- - erV7 eY Uwe 15 PCG i i P O.C.EXISTING 40' 0.. � ' E%i5ti119 Sao STRLCTURE-�' Latitude 44'-26'-40.67- Longitude 75-09'-27.83' Bose Elewtion 413.0' Rim Elewtion 478.0' 1 t A Existing Top Elewt:on 488.0' L OpS7WG t 1 1 Proposed Top Elewtion 491.5' SiRUCTIlRE I -} EXISTING GRAVEL 1 + PARIONG/ j TURWOUN0 1 ASC I EXtSI1NG �5 _ \ 25 m CONCRETE' 3' O.C. 1 l 1 + ppOSED I X 30'/ i!T F..F� UIP SILT FEIICE 1 � 1 ,(- EXISTING r , 0° 17 4OW I ! T f 3' O.C. I o; 91MISMER I \ O ' / , ,.T.,,-crnTrmITli I F DETAIL SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FESI' ) 16-1,-*OtL 4AA, �Pr rs ¢spa' God Apjo^ •ds REDUCED SCALE HALF SIZE Ch�R- 11 L1149(1 +6 17 Ar(odv vl*dL4 •.. VERIZON WI ESS JwP �E 1— �,y;�, WILLISTON II � t-2IQ 1.71(.�Jll? GHEGKED BY PRW. N0. B& SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT JAS 418567P1 850 HINESBURG ROAD PM. ENO. v`"'- NO• Ingiaeering DETAIL SITE PLAN . AND ELEVATION AWD 6530 plaaning VERIZON SITE # 100585 nanagemenl IerelDomeal VERIZON PROJECT 1 2002015505 SHEET 3 OF 10 DUSTING DOME - TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE OF SILO STE/J_1R DGEN90N ///��-PROf'OSED / ACCESS DOOR / M srExiH SILO ELEVATION (FAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE 1 • a • n a ( w rest ) I l004 - 6 IL NOTE: REFER TO ANTENNA RECOMMEND PREPARED BY VERIZON WIRELESS FOR ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA PROPOSED Y-6- FE802CIASS STEALTH EXTEN9ON WITH DOME SE FOERGRATE FOR , EXISTING 65' CONCRETE SILO V- d- [PROPOSED ELECTRIC METE - �— I + ' ! + UNDERGROUN PARKING/ TURNAROUND [ f I PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGE / UNDERGROUND I j PROPANE ELECTRIC AND � I \Y�' TELEPHONE FROM + + UTILITY POLE TO + PROPOSED SHELTER + I.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 i I I + ROPOSED / 1 17 SYV PROPANE I 3' O_C. TANK I i DETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE • M } p EEL -- ( IN rE67 ) 1 h"- 10M. I 1 1 RUSHED I STONE I SURFACE _J -EROSION —� CONTROL SILT FENCE M a i + + + +t25 � �1 Sri A /`lam 3, O.C. PLANT LIST QUANTITY Ka BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE - ROOT REMARKS 6 ASG ACER S. 'GREEN MOONTAM'/ 2 1/2-3- CAL B&B PLANT 40' O.C. GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE 15 PCC PICEA CLAUCA/ 6' HT. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. WHITE SPRUCE - 3 QR QUERCUS RUBRA/ 2 1/2-3- CAL. B&B NORTHERN RED OAK 42 SYV SYRINGA VULCARIS/ 4' HT. B&B PLANT 3' O.C. COMMON LILAC NOTE: PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH LANDOWNER TO: 1. IDENTIFY WHERE THE CONTRACTOR CAN STORE MATERIALS ON SITE. 2. DETERMINE NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION. 3. REVIEW CONSTRUCTION PROCESS AND DURATION. �C1� o r wireless 3 OR — PLANT 3' OUTS RIGHT-OF-WAY 15 PCG TTnTfffffff 10' O.C. j 5 ASG 40' O.C. EXISTING STRUCTURE _ Existing Silo Latitude 44-26'-40.67' 1 1 Longitude 73'-09'-27.83" Base Elevation 413.0' Rim Elevation 478.0 EXISTING , Existing Top Elevation 488.0' Proposed Top Elevation 491.5' STRUCTURE EXISTING �I T / GRAVEL I / PARKING/ I I 1 ASC I TURNAROUND I 1 I PROPOSED I CABLE BRIDGE -4 \� CXONCRETE` ISTI SILO {1 _ 25 SYV l \ 3 O.C. / \ ROPOSED iz" X 30'/ / \ _ _ EQUIPMENT/SHELTER 't F.F.E ,413.25' / I Or SION z CONTR I 9 SILT FFPCE ! f 1 \ m S ROPOSEI) A i II PROPANE TANKEXISTING A STRUCTURE 7 30 dl.cCTOv ELECTRIC ANIq O Y, fELEPHONEM OESHTER 1 / A) I 'mTIT<Iill (11 I l r ! DETAIL SITE PLAN p GRAPHIC SCALE i A •� Ma ( a reef ) 1 torn - 30CL lipe REDUCED SCALE HALF SIZE VERIZON WIRELESS DRAWNJwP BY JWP DAZE 1 —21-05 D ' WILLISTON 11 CHECKED ITr OJ. NQ- PRa1. no. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT JAS 418567PI 850 HINESBURG ROAD PROJ. ENc. DRAW. No. engineering DETAIL SITE PLAN _ AND ELEVATION AWD 6530 planning management VERIZON SITE f 100585 SHEET 3 OF 10 development VERIZON PROJECT # 2002015505 25 Wentworth Drive Williston, VT 05495 Phone (802) 878-7661 Fax (802) 878-2907 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: DATE: 7/29/05 PROJECT NO. 418567P1 ATTENTION: Ray Belair Department of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington RE: 575 Dorset Street Verizon Williston Site - Wright Farm South Burlington, VT 05403 850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington WF ARE SENDING YOU: r; l Attached ❑ Under Separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ®Plans ❑Samples ❑ Change Order ❑ Other: COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 7-29-05 11 x1 7 Revised sheet 3 of 10 "Landscape Plan", Landscape Change Order #2 THINGS ARE l RANWI I I to as cnecxea Deiow: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ® For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑Submit copies for dispersal ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review or comment ❑ Other: ❑ FOR BIDS ❑ PRINTS AFTER LOAN TO US Ray: Per our discussion yesterday we are replacing 5 sugar maples with 9 white spruce and relocating all 24 spruce along the north property line at Keith Wright's (owner's) request. No change in the overall landscape budget. b COPY TO: ���/1 1 SIGNED = -- r John Steele Landscape Architect 25 Wentworth Drive Du Williston, Vermont 05495 Bas (802) 878-7661 &KEC. Fax (802) 878-2907 g"' jsteele@dubois-king.com John A. Steele, Jr. ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEY Landscape Architect PROGRAM MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM 418567P TO: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer, City of South Burlington CC: Art Dreher, Brian Sullivan, Ron Gauthier, Steve Connor, Keith Wright SUBJECT: Landscaping Field Change Request No. 2, Verizon Wireless Williston II Site, Wright Farm, 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington DATE: July 29, 2005 During our meeting on Thursday, July 28, 2005, we discussed field changes at the above construction site in order to modify the proposed buffer plantings. At the landowner's request, we intend to replace 5 sugar maples with 9 white spruce and relocate all 24 spruce trees along owner's north property line. The landscape budget remains unchanged. It is my understanding that you concur with the proposed changes, and the attached site plan is a suitable record of these changes. As always, thank you for your assistance. John A. Steele, Jr. Landscape Architect MEMORANDUM 418567P 25 Wentworth Drive Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 878-7661 Fax (802) 878-2907 jsteele@dubois-king.com ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TO: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer, City of South Burlington CC: Art Dreher, Brian Sullivan, Ron Gauthier SUBJECT: Field Change Request, Verizon Wireless Williston II Site, 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington DATE: June 1, 2005 During our meeting last Thursday, I presented a request and site plan for a field change at the above construction site in order to modify the buffer planting closest to Hinesburg Road. At the landowner's request, we intend to replace 17 lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) with 17 arborvitae (Thuja o. elegantissima). The proposed modification neither changes the buffer location nor the size and spacing of the individual plants, and the landscape budget remains unchanged. You indicated that during the construction period, requests for minor field changes of this nature accompanied by a site plan illustrating the proposed changes may be approved by the administrative officer. It is my understanding that you concur with the proposed change, and the site plan that I left with you is a suitable record of this change. As always, thank you for your capable assistance. DuB01S & KING, INS. Engineering * Plan, * Development * Management ❑ Randolph, VT 05060 (802) 728-3376 ❑ Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0463 ❑ Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-7016 Williston, VT 05495 (802) 878-7661 WE ARE SENDING YOU 04 Attached ❑ Under separate cover via _ ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ LETT OF TRANSMITTAL DATE r 0 VV I V VV ATTENTION • RE: 1 it s er► 85d �s the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications DESCRIPTION INI ol/ P. A A.EM � ' :. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit ❑ Submit _ ❑ Return _ —copies for approval _ copies for distribution corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: e�,Aede If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. E Permit Bond Bond No. 6313698 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road, Bedminster, NJ 07921 , as Principal, and Safeco Insurance Company of America, Safeco Plaza, Seattle, WA 98185, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403, as Obligee, in the sum of Nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty Nine and 00/100 Dollars (S 9,549.00) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has been granted a special permit for landscaping maintenance at Williston 2 Site, located at 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington VT (Project #2002015005) and is required to post this bond as a condition of said permit. WHEREAS, the Obligee has agreed to accept this bond as security for performance of Principal's obligations under said permit: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the Principal shall faithfully perform its obligations under said permit, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this bond is executed subject to the following conditions: In the event of default by the Principal, Obligee shall deliver to Surety a written statement of the details of such default within 30 days after the Obligee shall learn of the same, such notice to be delivered by certified mail to address of said Surety as stated herein. No right of action shall accrue to any person or entity other than the obligee named herein. This bond may be canceled by surety by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the Obligee, stating therein the effective date of such termination or cancellation. Such notice shall not terminate any obligations resulting from default by the Principal that may have accrued under this bond prior to the effective date of such termination. Neither cancellation nor termination of this bond by Surety, nor inability of Principal to file a replacement bond or replacement security for its obligations, shall in itself constitute a loss to the Obligee recoverable under this bond. The aggregate liability of the surety is limited to the penal sum stated herein regardless of the number of years this bond is in effect or the amount of claims brought against this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounded Principal and Surety have hereunto signed and sealed this bond effective this 26th day of January , 2005. Verizon Wireless Principal BY: - " � Safeco Insurance Company of America S utety B; Y ylliu Je r 1�1.' Spi cs, Atto ney-' -Fact IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SURETY BOND CUSTOMERS REGARDING THE TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT OF 2002 As a surety bond customer of one of the SAFECO insurance companies (SAFECO Insurance Company of America, General Insurance Company of America, First National Insurance Company of America, American States Insurance Company or American Economy Insurance Company), it is our duty to notify you that the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 extends to "surety insurance". This means that under certain circum- stances we may be eligible for reimbursement of certain surety bond losses by the United States government under a formula established by this Act. Under this formula, the United States government pays 90% of losses caused by certified acts of terrorism that exceed a statutorily established deductible to be paid by the insurance company providing the bond, The Act also establishes a $100 billion cap for the total of all losses to be paid by all insurers for certified acts of terrorism. Losses on some or all of your bonds may be subject to this cap. This notice does not modify any of the existing terms and conditions of this bond, the underlying agreement guaranteed by this bond, any statutes governing the terms of this bond or any generally applicable rules of law. At this time there is no premium change resulting from this Act. S-6248 3/03 rir r• . � � . I POWER SAFECOINSU RANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA r77 7 A r C Lr V GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA ► Fr OF ATTORN EY HOME OFFICE: SAFECO PLAZA SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98185 No. 13030 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint ""`****""`***""`*******DOUGLAS R. HITE, ERINM. MARGELIS; LAURA L. BROWN; JENNIFER M. SPINKS; Washington, District of Columbia****** ****" ***" * its true and lawful attorneys) -in -fact, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 20th day of January , 2005 CHRISTINE MEAD, SECRETARY MIKE MCGAVICK, PRESIDENT CERTIFICATE Extract from the By -Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed forthat purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys -in -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OFAMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (I) The provisions of Article V, Section 13 of the By -Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power -of -attorney appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (III) Certifying that said power -of -attorney appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I, Christine Mead, Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By -Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By -Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation S-0974/SAEF ?/01 this day of LA UAA.A AOL) �PO�`�a�@��E COMp,Q. DWOM SEAL SEAL — C �� l953 �► �� rsi3 �~�—�' `r CHRISTINE MEAD, SECRETARY ® A registered trademark of SAFECO Corporation 01 /20/2005 P DF CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONENG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH DURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 8, 2004 Brian Sullivan Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Minutes Dear Mr. Sullivan: Enclosed, please find a copy of the minutes from the November 9, 2004 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Administrative Assistant Encl. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 9 NOVEMBER 2004 Ms. Quimby moved to approve Miscellaneous Application #MS-04-03 of Susan Heiser subject to the stipulations in the draft motion amended to delete condition #4. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-04-75 of South Burlington Realty Co., to amend a planned unit development consisting of: 1) 34,506 sq ft of medical office use, 2) 1803 sq ft of general office use, and 3) 2400 sq ft of restaurant & retail use. The amendment consists of converting 2400 sq ft of restaurant & retail use to retail food establishment use with less than 5000 sq ft, 360 Dorset St: Mr. Jaeger noted this is the former Donny's Pizza. The proposed use is ethnic food with take-out only. This can be accommodated with existing parking. Wastewater is not an issue as this use will require half of what was formerly needed. Mr. Belair noted the plan has no room for snow storage as the applicant has indicated that all snow is trucked off -site. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-04-75 of South Burlington Realty Co., subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion packed unanimously. Public Hearing: Application #CU-04-13 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless for conditional use approval under Section 14.10, onditional Use Review of the South Burlington Land Development egulations. Request is for permission to: 1) increase height of silo by 10 feet 0 85 feet, 2) install telecommunications towers on silo, 3) install a 12'x30' quipment shelter, and 4) install a propane tank and pad, 850 Hinesburg Road;and Site Plan Application #SP-04-39 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless to amend a plan consisting of four single family dwellings and accessory structures. The amendment consists of. 1) increasing the height of silo by 10 feet to 85 feet, 2) installing telecommunications towers on silo, 3) installing a 12'x30' equipment shelter, and 4) installing a propane tank and pad, 850 Hinesburg Road: Mr. Sullivan noted they have done this in other towns. The result is called a "stealth silo." The silo is existing now, and they will put antennas where the silo cap is, then add a cap so the antennas are not visible. He showed pictures of similar projects. The plan includes planning details. Mr. Bolton asked if there is any kind of residual radiation or similar concern. Mr. Sullivan said there is not. There will be only 100 watts, well below federal standards. -7- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 9 NOVEMBER 2004 Mr. Dinklage asked if it is possible and whether the applicant would allow anyone else to put their antennas in this location. Mr. Sullivan said yes, as long as there is 10 feet of vertical separation. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Application #CU-04-13 and Site Plan Application #SP- 04-39 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Public Hearing: Application #CU-04-12 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership) d/b/a Verizon Wireless for conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review of the South Burlington Land Use Regulations. Request is for permission to: 1) install a 60-foot high monopole with hidden antennas and 2) install a 12'x30' equipment shelter, 1068 Williston Road: and 14. Site Plan Application #SP-04-38 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless to amend a previously approved plan for a 174 room hotel and standard restaurant. The amendment consists of 1) installing a 60-foot high monopole with hidden antennas, and 2) installing a 12'x30' equipment shelter, 1068 Williston Road: Mr. Sullivan noted this location is behind the Holiday Inn. He said their site on Fletcher Allen is overused, and this is a capacity site to offload calls from that site. A new structure is designed to minimize any impact. It will be 60 ft, and antennas would be mounted inside the pole. He showed photos with the proposed tower superimposed. Mr. Belair said the plan has to be adjusted to reduce coverage. Mr Sullivan said they can eliminate some pavement. He indicated where. Mr. Belair was OK with this. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Application #CU-04-12 and Site Plan Application #SP- 04-38 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. /.,I -- & r? Date State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4CO881-2 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED APPLICANT NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) ADDRESS d/b/a Verizon Wireless c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 and WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0881-2, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit South Burlington, lingtonent pVermontlies to eas the lands identified in Book 655, Page 16, of the land records of the City of subject of a lease to Verizon Wireless from WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright, the landowner, Co- Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to install twelve panel antennas, both cellular and PCS, each measuring 4' long by 0.5' wide, on the dome of the existing 75' concrete silo at the nnas 73' above ground level, with a fiberglass extension installation of a 12' x 30nxe10' pre - equipment d new dome reaching a total height of 85'. The project includes: shelter at the base of the silo to house a propane -fueled emergency generator; installation of a 9' x 2.5' propane tank on a 10' x 4' pad just south of the equipment shelter; and underground utilities (telephone, electric, and fuel lines). The project is located at 850 Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material or substantial change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus constitutes "development" pursuant to EBR 2(A). Accordingly, a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to EBR 34. The Permittees, and their assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1, All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0881 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittees agree to allow representatives of the State of Vermont scheduled access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the Land Use Permit #4C0881-2 Page 2 of 4 purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission, and the conditions of this permit. 4. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 - "Orthophoto - Vicinity Plan," dated July 2004; Sheet 2 - "Overall Site Plan," dated July 2004; Sheet 3 - "Detail Site Plan and Elevation," dated July 2004, last revision November 9, 2004; Sheet 4 - "Civil Details," dated July 2004; and Sheet 5 - "Landscaping Details," dated July 2004. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 6. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Environmental Board Rules. Pursuant to EBR 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. 8. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A.§§ 6001-6092 and the rules of the Environmental Board. The responsibility of filing any such certification of the project shall belong solely to NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1, and its successors and assigns. 1. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittees confirm and agree that the conditions of this permit shall run with the land and the land uses herein permitted, and will be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest. 10. The Permittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 11. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. Land Use Permit #4C0881-2 Page 3 of 4 12. Grading shall be phased so that all exposed earth is mulched at the end of each construction day. 13. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be mulched and seeded before October 1. Between the periods of October 1 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites (1987). 14. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. §§ 1250-1284, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 15. There will be one exterior light associated with this project and detailed in Exhibit #28 (Lighting Cut Sheet). The fixture shall be mounted no higher than 7 feet above grade level and shall be located over the door to the equipment shelter. Exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 16. The Permittee8 shall not erect exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. Signage does not include signs that are required for safety reasons or that are required by the Federal Communications Commission. 17. The proposed equipment shelter shall have insulation levels of R-10 in. the floor, R-13 in the walls and R-19 in the ceiling. Mechanical cooling equipment for the equipment shelter will have a high-energy efficiency Bard Wall Mount 12 SEER HVAC equipment or an approved equivalent. The EER of this equipment shall be a minimum of 11.3 and will incorporate an economizer to cool equipment with ambient air. Electric resistance heat will not exceed five kilowatts per HVAC unit and will be controlled to not operate when the shelter interior temperature is above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and for cooling to active between 72 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Exhibit #27 (Applicant's November 24, 2004 Response to Draft Permit). 18. The Permittees shall notify the Secretary as a regulated -waste handler if used oil or any hazardous wastes are/will be generated from on -site operations (e.g., vehicle or machine wastes, tank bottoms, etc.) and if notification has not yet been made. Section 7-104(a) of the Vermont Hazardous Waste Management Regulations. 19. The Permittees shall remove the antennas if and when the antennas are no longer needed or used for purposes of wireless communication transmission. 20. If and when the antennas are removed, the Permittees shall remove all related above ground materials that were added as part of the construction and shall restore the Project site to pre - project conditions. 21. The Permittees shall submit a written certification with the District Commission that the antennas are being used for the purpose of a wireless communications facility and that alternative technologies are not reasonably available to obviate the need for the antennas. In determining Land Use Penn it #4C0881-2 Page 4 of 4 whether alternative technologies are reasonably available, the District Commission may consider, inter alia, Verizon Wireless' financial investment in the approved antennas, the cost of obtaining and using alternative technologies, and the effectiveness of alternative technologies in providing telecommunications services within Verizon Wireless' service area. Such written certification shall be filed on the third anniversary of the issuance of this Land Use Permit and every three years thereafter. The responsibility of filing any such certification of the project shall belong solely to Verizon Wireless, and its successors and assigns. 22. Each prospective purchaser of any lots shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan and the Land Use Permit before any written contract of sale is entered into. 23. No further subdivision, alteration, and/or development of the permitted project approved herein shall be permitted without the written approval of the District Commission. 24. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0881-2 in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 25. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(b) this permit is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittees have not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 26. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 10 day of December, 2004. ByVirginia Clarke, Clarke, Acting Chair in this matter District 4 Commission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Inge Schaefer The applicant or a party may file a motion to alter within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Environmental Board Rule 31. Any appeal of this decision must comply with all provisions of 10 V.S.A. §6089 and Environmental Board Rule 40 including the submission of the original and ten copies of the following: notice of appeal, a statement of why the appellant believes the commission was in error, a statement of the issues to be addressed in the appeal, a summary of the evidence that will be presented, a preliminary list of witnesses and this decision. Decisions on minor applications may be appealed if a hearing was held by the district commission or timely requested by the appellant. WAAct250\DIST4\PR07ECTS\4C0881\4C0881-2.pmt EXHIBIT LIST FOR I E DATE X R H E I C B E I I T V 4 APPLICATION #4C0881-2 Page 1 E A = Applicant N T = Town T EC = Environmental Conservation E RPC = Regional Planning Commission R ANR = Agency of Natural Resources E AOT = Agency of Transportation D DPS = Department of Public Services VDH = Vermont Department of Health DP = Division for Historic Preservation WMD = Wastewater Management Division B Y Nature of Exhibit and Date Entered 1 11/03/04 A Cover Letter by Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk (11/02/04) 2 41 51Act 250 Application for Communications Facilities Cover Sheets 3 16 95Schedule A For Communications Facilities- Fee Information 4 66Schedule B - For Communications Facilities - Response to the 10 Criteria & Subcriteria 5 Schedule E - Adjoiner Information 6 Schedule F - Certification of Service & Notice of Application 7 Notice of Act 250 Application g Antenna Specifications (actual antennas may vary slightly) 9 Specifications for Equipment Shelter 10 Emergency Generator Specifications 11 Verizon Site Justification 12 General Power Density Calculations 13 Air Conditioning Unit Specifications 14 Location and Photographic Simulations 15 Exterior Light Fixture Specifications 16 Operation Sound Level Study for New Prototype Cellular Facility Siting by Tech Environmental, Inc. (09/08/03) 17 South Burlington Comprehensive Plan (04/16/01) 18 " Ability to Serve Letter - Green Mountain Power Corp (09/21/04) 19 Ability to Serve Letter - Verizon (10/27/04) W:4C0881-2.exlist.bc EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION #4C0881-2 Page 2 20 11Excerpts from the 2001 Chittenden County Regional Plan (10/09/01) 21 City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations (Rev. 06/28/04) 22 Orthophoto: Vermont Rte 116 - Vicinity Plan (07/04) 23 Plan:: Vermont Rte 116 - Overall Site Plan (07/04) 24 11/29/04 Plan: Vermont Rte 116 - Detail Site Plan & Elevation (Rev. 11/09/04) 25 Plan: Vermont Rte 116 - Details (07/04) 26 11/29/04 Plan: Vermont Rte 116 - Landscaping Details (07/04) 27 Letter by Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk, Re: Enclosures and Language of the Agreement (11/24/04) 28 Mfg.'s Lighting Cut Sheet 29 12/8/04 Fax by Brian Sullivan re City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning Findings of Fact & Decision Dated 11/9/04 W:4C08 81-2. exlist. be CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 10 day of December, 2004, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 LAND USE PERMIT #4C0881-2, was sent first class mail, postage prepaid to: PARTIES: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Donna Kinville, City Clerk Chair, City Council/Chair, City Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 206 South Burlington, VT 05403 Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney Agency of Natural Resources 103 South Main St. - Center Bldg., 3rd Floor Waterbury, VT 05671-0301 FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Virginia Clarke, Acting Chair/James McNamara/Inge Schaefer 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Michael Pologruto, Technical Services/VTrans National Life Building, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 10 day of December, 2004. wAC0881-2.cs.cc Christi e ommo, A inistrative Secretary 879-5660 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZON➢1"JG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 20, 2004 Burlington Properties, LTD c/o Daniel Kalman PO Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �ZDO" L Betsy McDonough h Administrative Assistant Encl. NBois ENGINEERING • PLANNING • DEVELOPMENT • MANAGEMENT - Iill'1C. November 9, 2004 418567P Mr. Brian Robertson City of South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application # SP-04-39 Verizon Wireless, 850 Hinesburg Road, Wright Farm Dear Brian: Per the City's request stated in the October 27, 2004 DRB Report, we are submitting the following Landscape Budget for the proposed planting plan. 6 —'Green Mountain' Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum 'Green Mountains 2 1/2 - 3" Cal. $2 700.00 15 — White Spruce (Picea glauca) 6' Ht. $3,750.00 3 — Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) 2 1/2 - 3" Cal. $1,350.00 42 — Common Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 4' Ht. $2,520.00 Total $10,320.00 Please contact me at 802-878-7661 Ext. 15, if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully Submitted, DuB IS AND KIN NC. o A. Steele, ASLA Landscape Architect I:\418567P\Admin\Landscape Budget 11-9-04.doc 25 Wentworth Drive • Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 878-7661 (802) 878-2907 (FAX) Randolph, Vermont Nashua, New Hampshire Rutland, Vermont 0 Page I of I Enter Item No. 9234AZ Outdoor Architectural Bronze Outdoor Viall ILt Incandescent OW�� Height: 7" Width: 4.5" Number of Bulbs: 1 Body Material: ALUMINUM Maximum Wattage: 75W Shippable via UPS: Yes Bulb Base: Medium UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Voltage: 120V Locations Style: Contemporary Bulbs: bulb not included View other products in the New Street USA family. I,& Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and may not be repro without Kichler's written consent Powered by I* B Ft A N D M 0 t r P'X@ 2002 All Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the a< Agreemefif file://c:\windows\TEMP\triCLHFJ.htm �j 12/23/02 0 , Permit Number SP- 6 � 37 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) WGM Associates, c/n Keith P Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road, S Bur-1L%t;on, V1 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 675/550 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership1_, d/b/a Verizon Wireless 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk, 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401, 861-7000 phone, 861-7007 fax. 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) parcel #0A6n_nnR69 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) 10 acre pdreel that includes several residences and a silo. b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Wireless telecommunication facility with. c;tealth ^nten installation in existing silo, a 121x30' ecrui�)= siielter andn cn ne tank and nad c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings io remain) 12,500 sqft d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Silo to be increased by 10' to 85' AGL, equipment shelter — 10' e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Three existing, none proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): The project is unmanned, a technician will visit the site once nr twice a month for maintenance. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 3 % Proposed %increase is de minimus b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 % Proposed % increase is de minimus c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed `Y() unchanged. 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ Z, Q . Od b) Landscaping: $ 9e5 76). po c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out):Technician will visit the site approximately once or twice a month. Otherwise, site is unmanned. b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/A — residences c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: The site will be operating continuously. 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: The unmarmed site will be operating continuously 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: approximately 4 — 6 weeks. 14) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 2 EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. o Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) o Survey data (distance and acreage) o Contours (existing and finished) o Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations o Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways o Zoning boundaries o Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) o Location of septic tanks (if applicable) o Location of any easements o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o North arrow o Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be down casting and shielded. o Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations o If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE New Application $ 60.00* Amendment $ 35.00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee 4 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless By. � , SIG UR OF APPL A T WGM Ass ates f OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION:_ f� REVIEW AUTHORITY: evelopment Review Board Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: fs;) Incomplete /� _ /1i I woo Adl-LI of Planning & Zoning or Designee 3 Permit Number 6 � -6 �- APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Type of application check one: ( ) Appeal from decision of Administrator Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation) (X) Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( ) Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY) WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) WQ'l Associates, c/o Keith P. Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 675/550 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)mM Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk, 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 861-7000 phone; 861-7007 fax. 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 850 Hinesburg Road- South Burlington, VT 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) Parcel #0860-00896 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) 1 o ac,rP parcel that i nol1 irlac qey raI res 1 denceS and a si i a b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Stealth antenna installation in existing silo and equipment shelter c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Prn ii n she ter — 10 , si 1 n to increase height ght by 10' to 85' e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Three existing, none proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) �.�i 1 1 �Tl Cl t ci to a 'mutely 1 times per month. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 3 % Proposed_ % de minimus b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 % Proposed _% de minimus c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _% Proposed % unchanged (does not apply to residential uses) 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ Z50, DOZE b) Landscaping: $ 6%, £370, ca c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): approximately 1 or 2 time per month. Otherwisese sunmanne . b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):_N/A _ rPc;i rlar,r pc; c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: The site will be operating continuously however, it will be unmanned. 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: The unmanned site will operate continuously. 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: ap 0xi mat ply 4-6 w ekG 14) LIST ABUTTERS ( List names and addresses of all abutting property owners on a separate sheet of paper). Attached at Exhibit 4. 3 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. NYNEX Mobily0:z1hk d Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless By: _ 0.1 f - WCM As OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: !v REVIEW AUTHORITY: Lam' Development Review Board ❑ Director, Planning& Zoning g I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete 11 Incomplete 4:9�� of Planning & Zoning or Designee ate 4 SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS Location of Project The Project, a proposed wireless telecommunication facility, will be located on a portion of a ±10 acre parcel owned by WGM Associates and located at 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves constructing a stealth antenna installation on an existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) and a stealth equipment shelter adjacent thereto (Exhibit 1). An array of twelve antennas, both PCS and cellular, each measuring approximately four feet long by one-half foot wide (Exhibit 2), will be mounted on the dome of the existing silo at approximately 73' above ground level ("AGL"), and a fiberglass extension and new dome will be fitted on the silo to conceal the antennas within. With the fiberglass extension and new dome, the total height of the silo will be 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). A 12' by 30' by 10' high pre -fabricated equipment shelter (Exhibit 3), which will also house a propane -fueled emergency generator, will be installed near the base of the silo and will be stealthed to blend in with the character of the area. A 2-1/2' wide by 9' long propane tank will be installed on an approximately 4' wide x 10' long pad just south of the equipment shelter. The antennas will be connected by cables running down the silo from each antenna and across a transmission line bridge to the equipment shelter. Access to the site will be through an existing gravel driveway on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). Telephone and electric lines will be installed underground from an existing pole on the property running to the equipment shelter. The fuel line from the propane tank to the emergency generator will also be buried. The Project will be unmanned and will not require water or sewer facilities. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless"), 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 861-7000; Fax: (802) 861-7007 bsullivan(al skvt.com Landowner: WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS Location of Project The Project, a proposed wireless telecommunication facility, will be located on a portion of a ±10 acre parcel owned by WGM Associates and located at 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves constructing a stealth antenna installation on an existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) and an equipment shelter adjacent thereto (Exhibit 1). An array of twelve antennas, both PCS and cellular, each measuring approximately four feet long by one-half foot wide (Exhibit 2), will be mounted on the dome of the existing silo at approximately 73' above ground level ("AGL"), and a fiberglass extension and new dome will be fitted on the silo to conceal the antennas within. With the fiberglass extension and new dome, the total height of the silo will be 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). A 12' by 30' by 10' high pre -fabricated equipment shelter (Exhibit 3), which will also house a propane -fueled emergency generator (Exhibit 4), will be installed near the base of the silo and will be stealthed to blend in with the character of the area. A 2-1/2' wide by 9' long propane tank will be installed on an approximately 4' wide x 10' long pad just south of the equipment shelter. The antennas will be connected by cables running downthe silo from each antenna and across a transmission line bridge to the equipment shelter. Access to the site will be through an existing gravel driveway on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). Telephone and electric lines will be installed underground from an existing pole on the property to the equipment shelter. The fuel line from the propane tank to the emergency generator will also be buried. The Project will be unmanned and will not require water or sewer facilities. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless"), 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 861-7000; Fax: (802) 861-7007 bsullivan@mskvt.com Landowner: WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN The proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), as follows: 14.05 (D) — Application for Site Plan The information required by subparagraphs (1) legal data, (2) general project description, and (3) existing conditions, have either been included with the Project Drawings (Exhibit 1) or are not applicable to this particular application. Exhibit 5 is a list of the abutting property owners. 14.05(D)(4) -Development Data (a) Means of vehicular access, egress and pedestrian access and circulation: The Project, which is located on an improved property, will use the property's existing gravel drive for ingress and egress to the site from Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). This facility will not be open to the public. (b) One set of preliminary plans .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (c) Location and layout of off-street parking, loading areas, traffic circulation areas, pedestrian walkways and fire lanes. The Project, which is located on an improved property, will be unmanned, and will generally be visited once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits by service technicians. An existing graveled parking/turnaround area is provided at the site. The site will not require off-street parking or loading areas, will not have an effect on local traffic circulation and the facility will not be open to the public. (d) Analysis of traffic impacts .... The Project, which is located on an improved property, will be unmanned, and will generally be visited once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits by service technicians. After the initial construction, the Project will have no impact on traffic. (e) Lot area and lot coverage .... Please see Exhibit 1, Sheet 2, Project Drawings. -2- (f) Location of proposed waterlines, valves The Project will not require water or sewer facilities. (g) Cut sheets for outdoor lighting The Verizon Wireless equipment shelter will be equipped with a downshielded entrance light near the doors, set on a motion detector, which will only be used when the ambient lighting is insufficient for the technician. The wattage of that light will be equivalent in intensity to a light above a residence door (Exhibit 6). (h) Preliminary grading .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (i) The extent and amount of cut and fill ... erosion and sediment control .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (j) Proposed stormwater management system .... Not applicable, the Project, which is located on an improved property, consists of a 12' x 30' prefabricated equipment shelter and a propane tank pad. (k) Detailed specifications and locations of planting .... As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. (1) The general location of any free-standing signs. There will be no free-standing signs on the Project. The proposed signs, which are required by the FCC, will be an approximately 1-1/2' x 2' yellow sign that indicates the site number and an emergency telephone number and hazmat warning signs (triangular) that lists the symbol for batteries and fuel. These required signs will be mounted on the equipment shelter door. - 3 - (m) The location of all existing and proposed site improvements .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (n) The location of any outdoor storage . . . and design of all solid waste -related facilities. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings for equipment shelter location. There will be no dumpsters or solid waste -related facilities required for this Project. (o) Location and design of all energy distribution facilities .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (p) Lines ... of property that is offered ... for dedication for public use .... Not applicable, the Project is located on an improved property. (q) Estimated project construction schedule, phasing and date of completion. The project consists of two separate operations, which are not dependent on each other. Either can proceed independent of the other depending on construction and material scheduling. These operations are the construction of the ground mounted equipment shelter and generator and the construction of the "stealth" silo extension. Each will be described separately. A. Equipment Shelter (Approximate Construction Duration: 4 - 6 Weeks) 1. Rough grade, excavate, install footings, and pads. 2. Construct utility shelter (Frame walls, roof, install exterior finish, roof, etc.). 3. Fit -up interior of shelter with electrical services and mechanical equipment (HVAC Units etc.) Install telecommunication equipment inside shelter and generator on pad. 4. Install utility conduits and wires, antenna coax, and grounding system. B. Stealth Silo (Approximate Construction Duration 4 Weeks) 1. Construct stealth silo extension consisting of support structure and fiberglass exterior. 2. Install antenna inside stealth silo. C. Silo and Shelter Completion (Approximate Duration 1 Week) 1. Final inspection by agencies regulating project. 2. Startup and testing of equipment. D. Operation Once site is completed, and operational, it is unmanned and is visited by technicians once or twice per month. (r) Estimated cost of all site improvements. The estimated cost of the site improvements will be approximately $361,870. (s) Estimated daily and peak hour traffic generation .... After construction has been completed, the Project will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (t) Finished grades of walls, pavements, and storm drains. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings, for applicable information. (u) Detailed plans of retaining walls, steps, ramps, paving and drainage structures. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings, for applicable information. (v) Estimate of all earthwork, including ... material to he imported to or removed from the site .... No major changes in grading are planned and materials removed or imported will be minimal; limited to equipment shelter foundation and communication yard surface material (crushed stone). (w) Location and dimensions of all proposed water supply, sanitary sewerage, stormwater system, and other utility lines and equipment, including connections to existing facilities. The Project will not require water or sewer facilities. Underground electric and telephone service will run from an existing utility pole on the property to the equipment shelter. -5- (x) (y) Detailed landscaping plan .... As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. Locations, types and cut sheets for all exterior light. The Verizon Wireless equipment shelter will be equipped with a downshielded entrance light near the doors, set on a motion detector, which will only be used when the ambient lighting is insufficient for the technician. The wattage of that light will be equivalent in intensity to a light above a residence door (Exhibit 6). 14.06 - General Review Standards: G C Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Project, which, according to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan (the "Plan") is located in the Southeast Quadrant, is consistent with the planned character of the area. According to the Plan, the goal for the Southeast Quadrant is to "promote a pattern of land use and development that respects and maintains the open and special character" of the area (p. 47). The Plan's goals are for the preservation and enhancement of "the open character ... and scenic views" as well as encouraging development in accordance "with the physical characteristics of the land." (p. 53) The Project conforms with these goals by mounting the facility within an existing silo and installing an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns. Relationship of the Proposed Structure to the Site. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for the adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement and adequate parking areas. The mounting of antennas within an existing silo, and installation of an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns, -6- accomplishes the desired transitions. As illustrated on the drawings, the landscaping conforms with the requirements of the City of South Burlington, the site will not be open to the public or pedestrian traffic, and there is adequate on -site parking for the service technician who will be visiting the site once or twice a month. (2) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. As illustrated on the plans, the existing parking/turnaround area is located on the north side of the silo and equipment shelter. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits. . . the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. The existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) will receive a fiberglass extension and new dome, increasing the total height of the silo to 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). The equipment shelter will be approximately 10' high. Both structures will be compatible with the existing buildings on the site. (4) Newly installed utility services . . . shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. As illustrated on the plans, new utility service from the existing on -site pole to the equipment shelter will be underground. C. Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Areas. The mounting of antennas within an existing silo and installation of an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns, as well as the screening provided by the landscaping, will create an attractive transition between buildings and relate harmoniously to the adjoining areas. 14.07 — Specific Review Standards: A. Access to Abutting Properties. The proposed Project will not affect access to abutting properties. B. Utility Services. As illustrated on the plans, new utility service from the existing on -site pole to the equipment shelter will be underground. -7- C. Disposal of Wastes. The unmanned telecommunication facility will not produce solid waste. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements. As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, the Project complies with Article 13, Section 13.06 of the Regulations. Approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. -8- APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE In addition to the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards, of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), the proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.10.(E), Conditional Use Review: General Review Standards, as follows: 14.10 (E) - General Review Standards. (1) The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Project, which, according to the Plan is located in the Southeast Quadrant, is consistent with the planned character of the area. According to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan ("Plan"), the goal for the Southeast Quadrant is to "promote a pattern of land use and development that respects and maintains the open and special character" of the area (p. 47). The Plan's goals are for the preservation and enhancement of "the open character ... and scenic views" as well as encouraging development in accordance "with the physical characteristics of the land." (p. 53) The Project conforms with these goals by stealthing the facility within an existing silo and installing an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns. Its effect on the character of the area will, therefore, be de minimus. In addition, because it is a discrete project that will improve wireless telecommunication coverage, the Project may help to attract the "high quality, large -lot, environmentally consistent industries or offices" that, according to the Plan, are currently planned for this area (p. 50). (2) The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Please see the answer to Item 1 above. The proposed Project does conform with the stated purpose of the Southeast Quadrant District ("SQD"), some of which are "to encourage open space preservation, scenic view and natural resource protection ... continued agricultural use ...." (3) The proposed use shall not adversely affect: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. The proposed facility will have no effect on the City's existing or planned facilities, including without limitation, police, fire, rescue, schools, water, sewer and roads. The Project does not require water or wastewater facilities; it is unmanned; the equipment shelter is fireproof, and is silently -9- alarmed to a Verizon Wireless central facility; it will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, or the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. The Project will not adversely affect the essential character of area, its scenic or natural beauty or the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. The Project will retain the open and agricultural/low density residential character of the area by concealing the antennas and equipment building within existing farm structures or structures built to resemble existing farm structures. Therefore, the property will continue to look as it does. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed Project will have no effect on the capacity of roads and highways in the vicinity. It will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposed Project conforms to the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations currently in effect. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposed Project will have no effect on others' ability to utilize renewable energy resources. (f) General public health and welfare. The Project will have no adverse effect to the general public health and welfare. Verizon Wireless is obligated by Federal law to comply with the radio frequency ("RF") emissions levels established by the Federal Communications Commission. Attached as Exhibit 7 are the power density calculations illustrating compliance with those standards. -10- SCHEDULE OF ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: Drawings, consisting of Orthophoto-Vicinity Plan (Sheet 1 of 4), Overall Site Plan (Sheet 2 of 4), Detail Site Plan and Elevation (Sheet 3 of 4), and Details (Sheet 4 of 4) Exhibit 2: Antenna Specifications Exhibit 3: Equipment Shelter Specifications Exhibit 4: Emergency Generator Specifications Exhibit 5: List of Abutting Property Owners Exhibit 6: Exterior Light Fixture Specifications Exhibit 7: Power Density Calculations No Text I B 1 � — 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I ,yap,• . ; { V `7 � � r i t t � �. } T. "-Z; , I} PROJECT LOCATION _y'r �Ve LAT: 44 -26--40.67 LONG. 73°-09 -27 83�4, 'ar5f —�ZBBTt— LOCATION MAP ^I NOT TO SCALE weelT l �' 1 1 1 1 ` 1 10.2 Acres II I �I AND WATER- 10' ELECTRICAL. 30 �.... — / I */ /ry0/ GRAPHIC SCALE UM- o �' � r� Wft1 ss ( of rtar ) t Loch -100in, NOTES : 1. Properly Owner: M. Keith Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont 05407 2. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile limited Partnership 1 c/o Brian Sullivan, Esq., Murphy Sullivan Kronk, P.O. Box 4485, 275 College Street, Burlington, Vf 05401-4485 802-861-7000 3. Engineer. DuBois do King, 25 Wentworth Drive, Williston, VT 05495 802-878-3000 4. Zoning District: Industrial k Open Space (10) 5. Zoning Dimensional Requirements: Minimum Required ExWting Minimum Lot Size: 3 Acres 10 Acres P-FaPa9Cd 10 Acres Maximum Site Coverage —Buildings Only: 30R 3% (12.500 SF) 3% (12,900 SF) —Buildings, Parking and Impervious Surfaces: 50% 6R (26.000 SF) 6% (26,400 SF) Front Yard Setback: 50 Feet N/A 160 Feet Side Yard Setback: 35 Feel N/A 205 Feet/365 Feet Rear Yard Setback: 50 Feet N/A 595 Feel 6. Proposed Use: Unattended 'Telecommunications Facility. (1-2) visits per month by technician. No water or sewer services required. 7. Boundary Line Information based on Town of South Burlington Tax Maps. DuBois k King has not performed a boundary survey. B. Topographic survey performed by DuBois El King, Inc., on June 22, 2004. 9. Elevations from GPS Observations. APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE Q SURVEY CONTROL POINT w OVERHEAD UTILITY POLE --- ---501 --- EXISTING CONTOUR LINE ----- 50r PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE ODECIDUOUS TREES 0 CONIFER TREES — X — X — CHAIN LINK FENCE LEDGE �yyYyyy Yy-� EXISTING TREELINE /WWY'N PROPOSED TREELINE STONEWALL Y LRILVI\ Yy1RL LLJJ WILLISTON 2 JWP BY PRW. NM4 SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT HCM 418567P VERMONT ROUTE 116 PRW. EW. DRAW. NO. engineering OVERALL SITE PLAN AWD 6529 planning management VERIZON SITE # 100585 development VERIZON PROJECT # 2002015505 SHEET 2 OF 4 :A 4'riSFil'VdwdAI 17i>P./(� [-I _Iw:i, D9. '>/20(iA II:.OM1 PM, ��,Oflll'oilAJV �'' Uo� y�..c. RUU I9 by , PARKING/ FAN ..AROLTNID ----------- 7 ROPOSED PANEL 10 PPROPOSED ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE OF CONTROL SILO CABLE SION 15 PCG STEALTH EXTENSION BRIDGE To' O.C. EXISTING 65 SILT FENCE PROPOSED 10' CONCRETE SILO 5 ASG STEALTH EXTENSION ry WITH DOME + 0 40' O.C. a Existing Silo f1 , + Longitude Latitude 44*7S -26'-40-61* DOOR PROPOSED ttr 3,Vl/% -OW-27.83" f + 1ACCESS IN STEALTH Base Elevation 413.0 10 TEXIENSM Rim Elevation 478.0- V7., Top 488.0' + ProposedExisting Elevation Top Elevation 498.0' + TOP OF---- + EXISTING SILO A" J — — — — — — — — — - UNDERGROUN + PROPANE ROPANE + EXISTING + GRAVEL SUPPORT STRU15 + + PARKING/ (TYP) + TURNAROUND � II + + G UNDERGROUND ROPOSED I AS, PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND + PROPANE if CABLE TELEPI-1.141 IR, + TANK BRIDGE 7 POLE T ACCESS UTIL 0 + + LADDER ;;a_ FILTER + EXIMSTING T155' CABLES FOR- PRO OSED SH + + + CONCRETE- SILO 25 SYV ANTENNA IN C� �LE + + + + TRAY PANTED 70 + + + + + 25 SYV 3, O.C." MATCH 00SUNG SILO 3, O.C. 'X 30' IIII + ROPOSED 12' ++ + EQUIPMENT,,SHELTER Lik F.F.E. -1,4135 + ROSION 17 SYV CO 0 0 3' D.C. .. .... SILT FTCE EXISTING PROPOSED� 65' SILO PROP IJ I TANKANE 17 SYV .C. DETAIL OF COMPOUND_11 �.-.EIRGR U 3* O 01 Ift-ECTRIC GRAPHIC SCALE IrLrp.loc E F 0M All, UTY POLE ITO PROPOSED SWELTER 0 z ITT MT I I-h - TOIL 3 FPP PLANT 3' RIGHT-OF-WAY OUTSIDE I '—,MTMTTFMI r.) \1 PLANT LIST 0uednnc KEY I DETAIL SITE PLAN 6 ASG r=1NOMIMNOTANININAM 2 I/S2M-3- CAL. B&B PLANT 40- D.C. MOWN ALWAT -7 GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE PMMETER cUr%FF GRAPHIC SCALE LIGHT OVER DOOR 'PATMORE'/ 2 1/2-3- CAL, B&B /S 3 FPP FRAXINUS P. PATMORE GREEN ASH 15 PCG PICEA GLAUCA/ 6' HT. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. WHITE SPRUCE w nca I 1zMh - 91111. SHELTER 42 SW SYRINGA VULGARIS/ 4' HT. B&B PLANT 3' D.C. EMERGENCY SIGN NO' COMMON LILAC SIGNS SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE N, ( IN FnT ) I Inah - oft dw,), 6:'I, ''l PM, \\,Vill SION\HP I)—jtIr,I'j !;00 -1, by II-' GRAVEL SURFACE OTHER MOUND BACKFILL 6'+/-, SEED & MULCH 18' MIN. �j COMPACTED GRAVEL \� �/ MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE VARIES • SUITABLE / SEE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL \ �� 12` SAND j PIPE DA.-D - -? HAND (ACED g- '/� / h COMPACTED UNDISTURBED MIN. D+18' SOIL OR ROCK MAX D+24 (MAX. -PAYMENT WIDTH) NOTrc• 1. WHERE BACKFILL IS DESIGNATED 'COMPACTED'. THIS MEANS 90R TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR, AASHTO T-99. ALL FILL PLACED BELOW PIPES MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. 2. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES GREATER THAN 4• IN DIAMETER. NO FROZEN LUMPS, AND ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF CLAY OR ORGANIC MATERIAL ALL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM OF 12' LIFTS AND COMPACTED BEFORE PLACING NEXT LIFT. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION SCALE: I' - 2' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, FILTER FABRIC STAKES (TYP.) FILTER - FABRIC (TYP.) -' - 3" [FLEXTOW { _ FILTER FABRIC F .. . " .-': ' '_'-•`^' "' -- SEE 'DETAIL OF STEALTH INTO OTTO TRENCH BACKFILL �'OW = _'• _ :: ' -. `., :,.:�-+ SILO EXTENSION" THIS SHEEP RESTAURANT FAN AND COMPACT -`• •" : `�-_ -.: " > — — — — — — — — — — — (VENTILATES INTERIOR) EXCAVATED SOIL EXISTING GRADE - �• - I EXCAVATE 4' % 4' TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM I ( PROPOSED AND ALONG THE LINE _ DOOR OF POSTS 10• NEW SILO DOME DOME I (MATCH EXISTING) SILT FENCE DETAIL j PROPOSED NOT TO SCALE I I ACCESS LADDER I I EXTENSION SIU O' (TRUE NO (TYPICAL ANI ORIENTATION) 1/4' THICK CURVED CLADDING PLATES. CLADDING PLATES BOLTED TO FRP STRUCTURE WITH 3/8' 0 ISOPLAST BOLTS 012' O.C. U.N.O. 240' PLAN VIEW THROUGH STEALTH SILO EXTENSION NOTES: SCALE: 1' = 3' 1. DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2. ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA AND LADDER WILL BE ADJUSTED TO SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL SITE THE ORIENTATION PRESENTED IS AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT. // 120' ATTACH ANTENNA PIPES TO BOTTOM OF FLOOR 6' ABOVE ANTENNA 1 si E%TE TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1' - 4' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. PROPOSED SILO EXTENSION PROPOSED DOOR FEED PIPE TO SILO EXISTING ACCESS LADDER EXISTING SILO UNLOADING CHUTE 65G7DTv1.dwc.. ( 1 ­/:lool (.'. 1-, w; I'M. \\NdllI \li)N\Ili' 11r.,n,0,.I r;W 12 1- I11' CISEV 948F65T2ZE -M Base Sta6on Anfe/17tRS 17.2 dBi, Directed Dipole, No Screen Antenna 1850-1990 MHz • Exceptional azimuth roll -off reducing soft hand-offs and improving capacity • Excellent upper side lobe suppression • Deep null filling below the horizon assures improved signal intensity • Low profile appearance and low wind loading profile for easier zoning approvals A 90 0 180 Azimuth 1950 MHz (Tilt-2) 270 0 90 Horizontal 1950 MHz (Tilt=2) Frequency (MHz): Polarization: Gain (dBd/dBi): Azimuth BW: Elevation BW: Beam Tilt: USLS* (dB): Null Fill* (dB): Front -to -Back Ratio* (dB): VSWR: IM Suppression - Two 20 Watt Carriers Impedance: Max Input Power: Lightning Protection: Opt Electrical Tilt: 1850-1990 Vertical 15.1/17.2 65' 8° 2° >16 15 40 <1.33:1 -150 dBc 50 Ohms 250 Watts DC Ground 4°,6° 0 180 Vertical 1950 MHz (Tilt=2) Weight: Dimensions (LxWxD): Max. Wind Area: Max. Wind Load (@ 100mph): Max. Wind Speed: Radiator Material: Reflector Material: Radome Material: Mounting Hardware Material: Connector Type: Color: Standard Mounting Hardware: Downtilt Mounting Hardware: Opt. Mounting Hardware: y y Andrew Corporation Fax: 214.631.4706 8635 Stemmons Freeway Toll Free Tel: 1.800.676.5342 Dallas, Texas U.S.A 75247-3701 Fax: 1.800.229.4706 Tel: 214.631.0310 www.andrew.com dhtarh 'A[1drvw rortl dB Director@ MaxFiIITM ZoneMasterTM 90 .0 9.5 Ibs (4.3 kg) 48X6.5X4in (1219 X 165 X 102 m m) 1.18 ft' (0.11 m2) 67 Ibf (298 N) 125 mph (201 km/h) Low Loss Circuit Board Aluminum ABS, UV Resistant Galvanized Steel 7-16 DIN- Female (Bottom) Light Gray DB390 Pipe Mount Kit, included DB5098, optional DB5094-AZ Azimuth Wall Mount Warranty: Five Years Date: 4/8/2004 * - Indicates Typical Values iIV DB844G65ZAXY Base Station Antennas 13.5 dBd, Directed Dipole, No Screen Antenna 806-896, 870-960 MHz • Excellent azimuth roll -off, reducing sector to sector interference and reducing soft hand-offs • Air dielectric feed system, no screws, rivets, welds or solder in RF element feed path • Strong upper side lobe suppression • Low profile appearance and low wind loading profile for easier zoning approvals 0 90 !0 180 YV Horizontal 880 MHz (Tilt=O) 270 0 90 Vertical 880 MHz (Tilt=O) Frequency (MHz): 806-896 870-960 Weight: Polarization: Vertical Vertical Gain (dBd/dBi): 13.5/15.6 13.8/15.9 Dimensions (LxWxD): Azimuth BW: 65* 650 Max. Wind Area: Elevation BW: 150 15' Max. Wind Load (@ IOOmph): Beam Tilt: 0. 0" Max. Wind Speed: USLS* (dB): >15 >15 Radiator Material: Null Fill* (dB): 20-25 20-25 Reflector Material: Front -to -Back Ratio* (dB): 40 40 Radome Material: VSWR: <1.33:1 <1.33:1 Mounting Hardware Material: Impedance: 50 Ohms 50 Ohms Connector Type: Max Input Power: 500 Watts 500 Watts Color: Lightning Protection: DC Ground DC Ground Standard Mounting Hardware: Opt Electrical Tilt: 6' 6� Downtilt Mounting Hardware: Opt. Mounting Hardware: Andrew Corporation 8635 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas U.S.A 75247-3701 Tel: 214.631.0310 Fax: 214.631.4706 Toll Free Tel: 1.800.676.5342 Fax,1.800.229.4706 www.andrew.com GEN3VPOLTM ZoneMasterTM 12 Ibs (5.4 kg) 48X10X8.5in (1219 X 254 X 216 mm) 0.97 ft 2 (0.09 m2 ) 53 Ibf (236 N) 125 mph (201 km/h) Aluminum Aluminum ABS, UV Resistant Galvanized Steel 7-16 DIN -Female (Back) Light Gray DB380 Pipe Mount Kit, included DB5083, optional DB5084-AZ Azimuth Wall Mount Warranty: Five years Date: 4/23/2004 * - Indicates Typical Values VERIZON WIRELESS MODULAR EQUIPMENT SHELTER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS: SITE* VT0000 VARIOUS, VT TYPE: STANDARD AGGREGATE BUILDING DIMENSIONSI 1 '-6n X W-011 NON-COMBUSTIBLE STEEL FRAME SHELTER SINGLE PHASE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 200 AMP SERVICE FLOOR LIVE LOAD OF 150 PSF INCLUDING WEIGHT OF EQUIPMENT ROOF LIVE LOAD OF 50 PSF SNOW LOAD OF 50 PSF WIND LOADING: 120 MPH EXPOSURE "C" NOTES: 1) NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY. 2) ONLY INTENDED TO BE USED FOR .THE SHELTER OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT. 3) CONSTRUCTION TYPE 2C 4) USE GROUP U 5) ELECTRICIAN'S SPEC NOTES - SEE SHEET 10 OF 15 MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. • uuu euue salm owvvrc DATA PLATE NOTE: THE QUANTITIES OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (I.E. BATTERIES & DIESEL FUEL), AS DEFINED IN THE BUILDING CODE, TO BE STORED, DISPENSED, UTILIZED, OR HANDLED WITHIN THIS BUILDING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE EXEMPT AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE BUILDING CODE. COVER SHEET m a. pk..hn.� amwt:otiw or w+w aea:y VERMONT BUILDING CODES: 1993 BOCA NATIONAL BUILDING CODE WITH 1996 AMENDMENTS 1993 BOCA NATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE WITH 1996 AMENDMENTS 1996 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE WITH 1999 AMENDMENTS 1993 BOCA NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE VERMONT ENERGY CODE ACT 250 DRAWING LIST: SHEET I REV DATE I DESCRIPTION 01 1 0 1/2/04 COVER SHEET 02 1 0 1/2/04 BILL OF MATERIALS 03 1 0 1 1/2/04 1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 05 1 0 1/2/04 JINTERIOR ELEVATIONS 06 0 1/2/04 REFLECTED CEILING 07 0 1/2/04 CONCRETE FLOOR FRAMING 08 0 1/2/04 ROOF FRAMING & ROOF PLAN LAYOUT 09 0 1/2/04 WALL SECTION 10 0 1/2/04 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULE 11 0 1/2/04 ALARM WIRING 12 0 1/2/04 FOUNDATION PLAN 13 0 1/2/04 X—BRACING 14 0 1/2/04 FASTENING TABLE 15 0 1/2/04 X—BRACING TABLES Fred Harper APPROVED BY: I SCALE: NONE 0000 VARIOUS, VT MMER: VERIZON WIRELESS EET: GATE: 01 OF 15 06/08 2E I BUILDING TYPE: a 1163OLS1P200A ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION MODEL No. ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION MODEL No. 1 2 BARD 60,000 BTU (12 SEER) HVAC UNIT WITH 5 KW HEATSTRIP AND ECONOMIZER WA611-A05EPXXXJ 43B 16 SYLVANIA BULBS F032/730 44 1 DAYTON EXHAUST FAN 4C440 2A 1 3'-6" X 7'-0", 18 GA. INSULATED, PRIMED AND PAINTED STEEL DOOR VC3670N81C 45 1 1 TORK TIMER FOR EXHAUST FAN T101 50A 1 4" X 4" X 4' WIREWAY 2B 1 3'-6" X 6'-8", 18 GA. INSULATED, PRIMED AND PAINTED STEEL DOOR VC3668N81 C 50B 1 6" X 6" X 4' WIREWAY 51 1 12" X 12" HOFFMAN BOX FOR ALARMS 3 2 PULL HANDLE WITH BEST DEADBOLT AND BLUE CORE 83T-B 86 2 WIDE ANGLE VIEWER 87 1 2000W GENERATOR ROOM BASE HEATER 3UG29 4 2 15" X 48" DOOR HOOD PAINTED TO MATCH TRIM MBS 6000 88 1 KATOLIGHT 60KW DIESEL GENERATOR D60FDJ4 89 1 GEN. EXHAUST W/RETAINING BRACKET MBS6020 6 2 ANTI -PICK GUARD MBS 6016 90 1 4' X 4' GEN. ROOM INTAKE LOUVER MBS6010 8 1 EXTERIOR INCANDESCENT CANISTER LIGHT * 91 1 3' X 3' GEN. ROOM EXHAUST LOUVER MBS6008 92 1 GENERATOR FUEL FILL AND VENT W/ALARM MBS6009 9 1 MICROFLECT 18 PORT CABLE ENTRY PANEL B1333 93 * 18" LADDER RACK W/HARDWARE 10A 1 EXTERIOR 4" X 23" X 1/4" GROUND BAR TINNED COPPER 94 * 7'-4" X 6" LADDER RACK W/HARDWARE 11 1 GE NEMA LINE-5 120V 20A EXTERIOR GFI RECEPTACLE GFR5342-2 * 1 EYE WASH KIT * 1 28" X 46" FLOOR MAT 16 2 EMERGENCY LIGHT & EXIT LIGHT COMBO CCX31 RWHDH * 1 WALL MOUNT FOLDER HOLDER 18 2 NORTON DOOR CLOSER 9305BC * 1 6' FIBERGLASS STEP LADDER 19 2 KIDDE 10LB CO2 FIRE EXTINGUISHER PR010CDM * 1 18" BROOM 20 * HALO GROUND WITH #2 GREEN. INSULATED COPPER WIRE WITH 1 UNDER GROUND BARS 6004 * 1 DUST PANMBS * 1 WASTE BASKET 21A 2 (IVORY) 12 HOUR TIMER FOR INTERIOR LIGHTS FF12H 21 B 1 (IVORY) 2 HOUR TIMER FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FF2H GENERAL NOTES: 1) ALL EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS WEATHER PROOF. 2) HVAC UNITS HAVE ECONOMIZERS AND 5KW HEATSTRIPS. VERIFY OVERLOAD PROTECTION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURES DATAPLATE. 3) INTERIOR HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE IS 8'-6 3/4" A.F.F. 4) CABLE RACK IS 7'-9" A.F.F. 5) ALL EQUIPMENT AND CABLE RACK ARE TO BE GROUNDED 91-DIRECTIONALLY BACK TO THE NEAREST CORNER. sPEaAL NOTES: 1) HVAC MEA #357-93-E. 22 3 (IVORY) 120 VOLT 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 5252 23 3 (IVORY) 120 VOLT 20 AMP QUAD RECEPTACLE 5252 24 1 6' X 8' X 3/4" PLYWOOD TELCO PAINTED BLACK FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD 25 1 MASTER GROUND BAR GH-7008 27 28 30 1 200 AMP INTERSECT INTEGRATED LOAD CENTER AM30OM-1-458-2-6M 31A 1 DAYTON HIGH TEMP CONTROL 2E-206 318 1 DAYTON LOW TEMP CONTROL 2E-206 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: Fred Har er APPROVED BY: SCALE: NONE JOB NO: 0000 SEAL 41 1 COMSTAT 3 LEAD LAG THERMOSTAT CSTAT3 42A 2 GENTEX SMOKE DETECTOR 7000 SERIES SNE: VARIOUS, VT 42B 1 HEAT DETECTOR A12528 43A 8 LITHONIA LIGHTS W WRAP AROUND LENS / C 2 32 120 GEB CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS SHEET: G 02 OF 15 dIIE p 06 OV 04 MILLER ❑LEOLA, BUILDING A PA SYSTEMS, INC. xusn awnna surds cgxrmr - ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,Vi mr t ^^^ prapM°ry °t° an q ms as .."t mq a. t° a.,y «ert ( ter °. �'""°M,aM°pn«` wn.q q "Mxgbn °( Milly Buq°inq Sy°tama, �r, °c. °�tqM a ".r" a xnl., eailgip ay.t.,,,., m.J ql WIN19uiWipq BILL OF MATERIAL srzE B BUILDING TYPE: 1 1630LS1 P200A REV 1 0 NOTES: a as 1. 20' OF #2 TINNED COPPER 8 86 4 TINGROUND NED PBAR 9PER ' WIRE IS TO BE CAD WELDED all I TO THE EXTERIOR GROUND BAR. 2 LIFTING BRACIGeISTO BE SUPPLIED WI1H EVERY SHELTER. II II I >El I . � I 28 3 6 6 3 2A LIFTING PLATES TO BE PATCHED T 1 IN FIELD. �NOTE 2 WALL A WALL D 89 CAULK W/HIGH TEMP. INSTALL BRACKET SILICONE, INSIDE AND OUT 44 AGGREGATE SIDING AND BRACE PAINT MOUNTING RING INSIDE AND OUT I KEY PLAN: I I I 90 JOB N0: SEAL +3/, THROUGH 4" PENETRATION W/PVC WALLS (7 REO'O) CAPPED BOTH ENDS 92 B1 WALL B 0000 2" POWER ENTRY SITE: W/RIGID CONDUIT VARIOUS, VT WALL C Sromm- VERIZON WIRELESS in. Eo�vmml am De �me",�anm mro®waeq SHEET: DATE: MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. "��"°"1° D1AW" �` CHECKED �` 3 OF 15 06/08/04 Fred Harper may SIZE BUILDING TYPE:REVmr aEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PPPROVED BY: SCALE'm""" °""" °°°° '"` 1/4' = 1'—O^ e 1 1630LS1 P200A 0 ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN __Cl BENNINGTON ,Vi sya�a m . __ NOTE: 1) FRAME FOR TWO OTHER MICROFLECT LOCATIONS AND COVER OPENINGS WITH INTERIOR AND EXTRIOR SIDING 30•-1 3/4" 30•-0" 721-0' SEE DETAIL B-B ON PAGE �{ 2'-0"� 6 5/8" 09 OF 15 FOR 2 HOUR 9'-8" DIVIDING WALL 31-01, 8,_,1„� 4" PENETRATION 4< SEE NOTE 1. 91 92 THROUGH WALL 3" 1'-0. ECS 23 1 ' BATTERIES T I O 2-10 - - JT 22— ----0 ---8-7— I 22 SEE NOTE 1. lr- 77 25 -Lt�- -—'—-—-—'—-— -—- —-— - - — - -- 11 C E JL - 23 11 41 512'-10JJCA23D f1 n I H 30 28 27 16 1 19 1 22 9 5'-0 1 /4" 1 I AIF 4 4 8 10A 28 2A 2'-0" s —s' FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT 10•-10' a•-2" CONSTRUCTION PLAN JOB NO: SEAL KEY PLAN: 0000 s VARIOUS, VT cVERIZON WIRELESS MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ° °"° °° sum° FFPd HBY:CHECKED BY:04 OF 15 06 08 04 gagiebry daf • wa°b M M e a8" d.7 °�" awr°.,m°°,"°°°.°.HOr er m°" FLOOR PLANS❑LEOLA, PA A mum H oowx O O° " <e p ° ° 1. Mai. MU;: s x.ma,"i °.) OVED BY: SCALE: - SZE BIIKIMIG TYPE: REV ❑ ❑ BENNINGTON ,VT Sy,� °°'I0f^"" °"'"°":mi°" °r umr WIlda9 1 �4" 1'-0" B 1 1630LS 1 P200A 0 MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. A - � SISIM fpOIRI ]LEOLA, PA 0 ELKHART, IN ,ILLE SIONS R.O. ]P OF ,BEAM" WALL D WALL E HVAC R.O. DIMENSIONS A I B I C I D I E 36 7/16"53 5/16"82 5/16"93 3/16" 30 7/8" F INTERIOR ELEVATIONS m ary ata,M1 (acapl er a m Nila B"YE'rq SYrtmm. �°�) BENNINGTON ,VT BY: 777 WALL ei ALL EQUIPMENT GROUND WHIPS MUST BE INDMDUALLY CRIMPED TO HALO GROUNDING. NOTE: 1. 3/4" PVC CONDUIT Qa 45° THROUGH WALLS 7 REQ'D. 2. PIPING FOR GENERATOR TO BE INSTALLED ON SITE. 3. INSTALL MICROFLECT BLANK (INSIDE & OUT) AS BACK PLATE FOR EXHAUST THIMBLE FOR COMBUSTIBLE REQUIREMENTS. SEE PAGE 14 FOR R.O. DIMENSIONS ON PLATE AND GENERATOR LOUVER. KEY PLAN: JOB No: 0000 SITE: VARIOUS, VT Cusromm VERIZON WIRELESS SHEET: DATE 05 OF 15 1 06/1 SCALE: 4" = 1'-0^I B I 11630LS1P200AI o NOTES: 1) ALL EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT WEATHERPROOF. 2) 4" X 4" X 4' WIREWAY WITH (3) 3/4" SEALTITES CONTAINING 2 RECTIFIER DROPS PER SEALTITE (6 IN ALL). SEALTITES WILL BE 8'-0" IN LENGTH, EACH CIRCUIT WILL EXTEND 2'-0" PAST SEALTTTE WITH A STRAIGHT FOR ONE SEAL11TE AND A 90i CONNECTOR. 4) BOND CABLE TRAY TO HALO WITH #6 GREEN IN ONE LOCATION. 5) BOND CONDUITS AND COUPLINGS WITH #6 GREEN TO HALO. 6) BUILDINGS NEED TO BE SHIPPED WITH HVAC EXTERNAL BREAKER IN THE ON POSITION. 8'-6" 20'_3 1 /8" CUT EXCESS THREADED 7'-0" 4-0" ROD FROM CEILING AN _ 4._9., 1'-5' DOUBLE NUT ENDS 93 I 43 3 N b H-7-71, _ --------- - - - _ - } - - - - - - - - - - — — — - -------- a, - - - - } - - - - - - — -- i b I 4 —3 io I 2 T 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-1 9/16" LADDER RACK LAYOUT CEILING LAYOUT KEY PLAN: JOB NO: SEAL 0000 S TE: VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ma ei mat ."e m imi °" it m.a .m i DRAWN BY: Fred Harper CHECKED BY: SHEET: DATE / / 06 OF 15 06 08 04 ,im Tit a ..i.iaii.a. ii.e ., el.iio..a m iiy.., o, • rau anmw sstou mrmrr.r m i"Y .stint (a.wpt q > m Nila BwIeM° Syiti,ria ��) REFLECTED CEILING APPROVED BY: SIZE BUILDING TYPE: REV SCALE: ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,VT s"""°a "tii°"° ""`" °""° °"°" °f """' a"""' 1 4" = 1'—O" a 1 1630LS 1 P200A 0 3 1/2" w n FRONT VIEW (> 1 0 TYP. TWO 1/8" WEEP HOLES IN WELDS 3/8" LIFT PLATE TYPICAL ALL PLATES ARE TO BE FULLY WELDED WITH 1/4" WELDS 3/8" WEB STIFFENER WELDED TO EACH SIDE OF LIFT PLATE 3/8" LIFT PLATE TO CLOSE OFF ENDS. ALL TYPICAL PLATE FULLY WELDED STANDARD W/ 1/4" WELDS. LIFTIN DEVICE SIDE VIEW O ri WELD (2) 1" NUTS (2) 1"X2 1/2'. TO INSIDE OF BOLTS PLATE DETAIL A SCALE: NTS LIFTING PLATE DETAIL W12 X 26 MAIN BEAMS 12"x12" 1/8" VINYLS COMPOSITE TILE 4" FIBER REINFORCED 3500 PSI CONCRETE 1 1/2" 22 GA B—LOK--- GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING 1. 1/2" R-10 RIGID INSULATION MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO -- DECKING WELD A 2" X 13" X 3/8" BAR TO THE TOP OF THE BOTTOM_/ FLANGE FOR USE AS A TIEDOWN (REQ'D IN FOUR CORNERS) WELD 100% TOP & BOTTOM NOTES: 1) ALL STEEL GRADE A36 OR BETTER 2) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, STRUCTURE IS TO BE CONTINUOUSLY SUPPORTED ALONG MAIN BEAMS. WB X 15 BEAMS SPACED 04'-0" O.C. W8 X 15 INTERMEDIATE 3'-0" LIFTING PLATE BEAMS (7 REO'D) WITH (4 REO'0) 3/16" X 6" FILLET WELDS BOTH SIDES OF WEB W12 X 26 FULLY WELDED END BEAMS (2 REQ'D) I I C 0 B -- m 0 A W12 X 26 FULLY LIFTING PLATES WELDED MAIN BEAMS 6'-0. TYPICAL Ii Rcn•n1 ALL ULIAIL A 12"x12"x1/8" VINYL COMPOSITE TILE 3 5/8" BOTTMI TRACK FLANGI COPE W12 X 25 END BEAMS i BOTH ON TOP AND BOTTOM SO THE FLANGES ARE FLUSH W12 X 26 BEAMS W12 X 26 MAIN BEAM X 26 END BEAMS //MAIIIWN X15W8 X 15 :j �W12 EAMS EDIATE INTERMEBIEAM FULLY WELDED 1/4" 3/16" 6" SECTION A —A SECTION B—B WELD DETAIL (TYP 4 PLACES) SCALE: 1"=1'—O" WELD DETAIL (TYP 8 PLACES) SCALE: DING SYSTEMS, INC. =LA, ♦ rya s.ue smx+ aan°vr 0 ELKHART, IN 0 BENNINGTON ,VT mar ..e."e (•>va °r . Iz SCREW PATTERN FOR RIGID INSULATION F— 8'-1 O 00 O c � I FLOOR FRAMING _4" FIBER REINFORCED 3500 PSI CONCRETE 1 1"" 22 GA. B—LOK GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING FASTENED TO INTERMEDIATES WITH HILT] DECK PINS 12" O.C. 1 1/2" R-10 RIGID INSULATION MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO DECKING W/3" SCREWS & HEX PLATES SECTION C—C SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'—O" DRAWN BY: Fred Harper CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: SCALE 1/4" = 1' 3" X 3" X 3/16 ANGLE W12 X 26 FULL LENGTH OF END BEAMS END BEAM 1 1/2" 22 GA. B—LOK GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING W8 X 15 INTERMEDIATE BEAMS ® 4'-0" O.C.—\ 3/16" 1-12 SECTION D—D END SUPPORT OF DECKING SCALE: 1 1/2"=1"-0 0000 VARIOUS, VT sraMER: VERIZON WIRELESS EEr. wre 07 OF 15 06/08 ZE BUILDING TYPE: 3 1163OLS1P200A III I II � III I I _ I I I I ------------------------- I I --- ---------------------------------I--- I I III I II I .III I I NOTE: FASTENING ZONES SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE 14. MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. � suu answx moss coxnwr 7LEOLA. PA 0 ELKHART. IN mtlwmt (a'syet«ntinmc) ROOF SECTION piam Bull°Inp 8" ROOF 20" 16 GA. x 1.5" RAFTER STRAP EACH END OF RAFTER SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE- 14 FOR SCREW & NO. PLACE UNDER DECK 20" 16 GA- X 1.5" STRAP AT EACH STUD (5) #12 SDS X 1" INTO STUD (3) #12 SOS X 1" INTO ROOF TRACK 8" ROOF JOIST 30" 16 GA. x 1.5" RAFTER STRAP EACH END OF -RAFTER SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE 14 FOR SCREW & NO. PLACE UNDER DECK NOTE: SLACK IN STRAP IS NOT PERMITTED 4" = 1'— JOB NO: 0000 UE: VARIOUS, VT :USTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS SHEET: DATE: 08 OF 15 1 06 08 SIZE BUILDING TYPE: e 11630LSlP200A STEEL TRACK . ALL SIDES 8" STEEL TRACK 8" STEEL TRACK TYP. ALL SIDES V, STEEL TRACK (1) LAYER OF 6" R-19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 2" ISO BOARD R-14.6 1'-9" BOTH SIDES RUBBER MEMBRANE ATTACHED HERE WITH TURNBAR� 8" 16 GA. STEEL TRACK 3 1/2" R-13 KRAFT FACED FIBERGLASS INSULATION 3 5/8" 16 GA. STUDS 33 KSI MIN. ® 16" O.C. WRAPPED W/ TYVEK-",. 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK--,. FASTEN BOTTOM TRACK FLANGE TO FRAME WITH HILTI X-ZF WITH 1" WASHER 24" O.C. J-CHANNEL MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. A g1811 � SRhl6 - 7LEOLA. PA 71ELKHART. IN 1/2" TYPE C SHEETROCK 1/2" TYPE C SHEETROCK d LAMINATED W/ .090 FRP Y 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK o LAMINATED W/ FRP g 0 x c� 4" VINYL o COVE BASE w z 12" X 12" X 1/8" m VINYL COMPOSITE TILE FLOOR FRAMING SEE SHEET 07 OF 15 " — °"`°'°°" °' °°'°"° `" — """"'I CROSS SECTION .rtn-1 - PI - .060 EPDM RUBBER MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 9/16" 22 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING 8" X 1 5/8" X 1/2" RETURN 16 GA. 33 KSI AT 16" O.C. SEE TABLE 1 PAGE 14 FOR ROOF FRAME WALL CONNECTION STANDARD I AGGREGATE z z w J O H zz ui z z co LIFTING PLATES DRAWN BY: I CHECKED BY: Fred Harper BY: 1SCALE: 1/4" = 1 PARTITION WALL & NOTES: 1. WALL BOTTOM TRACK TO BE FASTENED TO CONCRETE WITH HILTI X-ZF WITH 1" WASHER ® 16" O.C. 2. WALL TOP TRACK FASTENED INTO JOIST WITH 1 1/2" #10 SCREWS ® 16" O.C. 3. PARTITION WALL END STUDS FASTENED TO LONG WALL STUDS WITH 1 1/2" #10 SCREWS ® 16" O.C. RATED WALL UL U-491 WITH MODIFICATIONS 3/4" ULTRACODE II III 3/4" ULTRACODE CORE LAMINATED li it n ii CORE LAMINATED WITH FRP WITH FRP 4" 16 GA. STU 4" MINERAL WOOL INSULATION WALL E WALL F FIRE TAPE AND SPACKLE SHEETROCK PER UL REQUIREMENTS. DETAIL B-B IOB NO: SEAL 0000 VARIOUS, VT ISTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS 1EET: DA1E: 09 OF 15 66/08 04 SIZE I BUILDING TYPE: I REV B 11630LS1P200A 0 PANEL SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURE: INTERSECT MODEL.• AM30OM-1-458-2-6M SERVICE: 2" C, (3) #3/0 AWG, #4 AWG GIRD LOAD VOLTS:120/240PHASE:10 kN BUS AMP: 200 A IMAIN CB AMP: 200 A WIRE: 3W MOUNTING: SURFACE DESCRIPTION NEMA TYPE: ONE NEUTRAL 13AR:YESGROUND BAR: YES I KEY LOCK: YES GFCI: YES A/C: 10,0000 A RECTIFIER #1 * MINIMUM WIRE SIZE IN SHELTER IS 18 GA. 600V RATED. • HVAC'S ARE NOTTO BE WIRED TO SHUT DOWN WITH SMOKE DETECTORS. RECTIFIER #2 * WIRE GENERATOR LOUVERS NORMALLY OPEN RECTIFIER #3 NOTES: 1) SITE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AIC RATING OF UTILITY DOES NOT EXCEED 10,000 AIC BEFORE CONNECTING PERMANENT POWER. RECTIFIER #4 2) ALL WIRE IS COPPER, AND RATED PER NEC CODE. 3) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS GROUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 250. 4) ALL CIRCUITS ARE IN SURFACE MOUNTED CONDUIT.- SPARE #5 5) SPARE CIRCUITS, WIRES AND BREAKERS SUPPLIED. 6) WIREWAYS CONTAINING THREE OR MORE CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE BE DERATED PER TABLE 310-15(8)(2)(A) OF THE NEC. 7) ELECTRICUWSARE TOUSE STEEL COMPRESSION FITTIN6 SPARE #6 6) ELEC RICUNS ARE TO USE METAL 2IPPITS FOR ANCHORING EQUIPMENT. 9) ANY REQUIRED PENETRATION PROTECTION OF FIRE SEPARATION ASSEMBLIES TO BE PROVIDED AT SITE BY OTHERS. SPACE 10) CONCUR FILL IS BASED ON CHAPTER 9, APPENDIX C OF THE NEC d WIRE SPACE AMPACMES ARE PER TABLE 310-16 AND TABLE 31 O-15(9)(2XA) OF THE NEC. 111 WIRES ARE COLOR SPECIFIC LE PURPLE FOR ALL SWITCH LEGS AND CONTROL CIRCUITS, SPACE LAYOUT OF CONDUIT WILL COMPLY THE NEC AND TO CUSTOMER STANDARDS, CONDUIT RUNS MAY VARY PER SHELTER SPACE SPACE ONE LINE SPECIFICATIONS SPACE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURE PARTirRATING COMMENTS UTILITY FEED N/A N/A 200A,120 24OV,10. 3W BY UTILITY GENERATOR N/A N/A 200A,120 24OV,10, 3W BY OWNER RECEPTACLE N/A N/A 200A, 600V BY OTHERS TRANSFER SWITCH SURGE ARRESTOR INTERSECT AM300M145826M 200A, 240V,te . BY MBS BY OTHERS BY OTHERS 2" C, FEED (3) #3/0 AWG GENERATOR T EMERGENCY NEC 230 #4 A^G GRD NEC 250, 445, 700 TRANSFER SWITCH NEC 380 2" C. -- (3) #3/0 #4 AWG GF GROUNDING NEC 250 I 1 MCH 11 ARRESTOR DISTRIBUTION NEC 280 PANEL NEC 384 ONE LINE DIAGRAM MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. A YYDI BIB,IX, S1,IFY, 1'.,NPAMf 3LEOLA, PA ❑ELKHART, IN ❑BENNINGTON ,VT CIR#31 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IeturY daN ne trw...cM..1 .0.r Bond., SyxlemP, mti du°vn:nt and Ih. W—U,e cont,mw artln rya a .. .xteM (e eeM MVow10 MN.'xrl WwiN srxt.ru,�b,c.j ut to prior wrMm aut,adzation o1 Milkr ewlding PANEL SCHEDULE LOAD PER PHASE(VA) LEFT BANK I RIGHT BANK ON= �ME �00 ME am mME ��®® am m© ME am n_ME No M ME= s®MINE m� MENIUMEM am 00ME ommmm©® no MOD ME am mN IM ME Em ME SPACE I I I I IP4144 SPACE SPACE LEFT BANK SU13 TOTAL 8640 8640 199A TOTAL PANEL AMPS: 1.25 X (TOTAL ELECTRICAL 201 2 CIR#2,4 CIR#6,8 0000 RE: VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS LOAD PER PHASE(VA) LOAD A 8 Ya, CITY DESCRIPTION 3840 7680 1 HVAC UNIT #1 3840 3840 7680 1 HVAC UNIT#2 3840 1056 96 11 LIGHTS 240 120 2 SMOKE DETECTOR 180 180 1 GFI RECEPTACLE 150 150 1 EXHAUST FAN 360 180 Z RECEP WALL A&C 1080 360 3 RECEP WALL DP 120 120 1 HEAT DETECTOf 180 180 1 Roar/K= HEA ° 1000 2000 1 WALL HEATER 1000 156 1156 1 LOUVERS SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE 10552 10330 RIGHT BANK SUB TOTAL 20882 .25=198.760 LEFT BANK SUB TOTAL 17280 PANEL TOTAL LOAD 38162 10 OF 15 1 06 08 0,e SIZE BUILDING TYPE: RE 1'-0"B 11630LS1P200A 0 KEY PLAN: #1 #2 HVAC e e e e CONTROLLER e e e e C COMMERCIAL e e 9 e POWER FAIL e e e e F— SURGE e e e e C PROTECTOR e e e e F— GENERATOR GENERAL e e e e C ALARM e e e e C Low e e e e C FUEL e e e e C TRANSFER e e e e SWITCH e e e e C GENERATOR e e e e F— RUN e e e e F— FIRE e e e e F— C ALARM e e e e MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ALARM WIRING b ary atmt ( M w h YiM liulJN9 SY+r°ma. Y,c.) ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON IT SMOKE ALARM INTRUSION ALARM HIGH TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE TERMINAL STRIP DIAGRAM 1.) GENERATOR LOUVERS WIRED NORMALLY OPEN (N/O) ALL OTHER ALARMS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED (N/C) GENERATOR 2.) HVAC'S ARE MOTTO BE WIRED TO SHUT DOWN WITH LEAK ALARM SMOKE DETECTORS. GENERATOR ROOM LIQUID ALARM #1 GENERATOR ROOM LIQUID ALARM #2 JOB NO: BLANK 0000 SM. VARIOUS, VT Cusromat VERIZON WIRELESS oPAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SNE1 : OF 15 �06 OS Fred Harper srzE BUILDING TYPE APPROVER BY: SCALE: 1/4" = t'-0° B 11630LSlP200A I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WELD MAIN BEAM ACCORDING TO TABLE GRADE BEAM PLAN 3/4" 3'-0" MIN. OR BELOW LOCAL FROST DEPTH 1 BLACK PLASTIC WEED BARRIER 1" (- 4" GRAVEL A IL CONCRETE ON COMPACTED �I SECTION A -A GRADE (TYP.) NOTES: 3/4" a HOOKED J BOLTS 1. THIS DRAWING IS SUPPLIED AS A MEANS TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ON HOW TO SUPPORT THE SHELTER SHOWN IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS. THE iv tD FOUNDATION SHOWN IS ONE OF MANY FOUNDATION 04 TYPES THAT CAN BE USED TO SUPPORT A UNITED STRUCTURE'S SHELTER. THE DESIGN AND DETAILING OUTLINE OF SHELTER OF THE FOUNDATION TYPE SHOWN NEEDS TO BE BASE FRAME PERFORMED AND APPROVED BY A LICENSED 3" 6" 3" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT PROPER DESIGN PARAMETERS SUCH AS SITE 12" X 12" TYPICAL STEEL BEARING 12" SPECIFIC SOIL CONDITIONS BEARING CAPACITIES 1/2 (MIN) X PLATES MUST BE GRADE A36 OR BETTER, ANCHORING REBAR SHOULD BE 2 #4 J-HOOKS 1 12" LONG, FULLY WELDED TO PLATE. PLATE TO BE FLUSH WITH TOP OF GRADE BEAM. FOUNDATION DIMENSION TABLE BUILDING "A" DIM "B" DIM "C" DIM FRAME SIZE # OF PLATES WELD LENGTH /PLATE 11'-6" X 30'-0" 1 12'-1" 30'-0" 1 13'-0" 1 6 1 3/8" FILLET WELD 12" LONG PER PLATE in•e n•nin °n MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. mnr ne< a r•a°d�.a, °.w n di.<lo..d m nm mnn A Mh1FR 911�LNC lYSIklO C04PNIY to °M pleM (e.cvpt by or R Minn Building=Y�Nm°. ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN 0 BENNINGTON VT s1°ym,n. iM. FOUNDATION PLAN W-130v ►re»rAlaml4fam AND APPLICABLE CODE REQUIREMENTS. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CABLE ENTRY LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. FOUNDATION DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS. THIS DRAWING IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY TO SHOW LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF BEARING PLATES. 0000 SITE: VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: 1.2 r� OF 1 5 06 O$ 04 Fred Har er L NPPROVED BY: SCALE: SIZE BUILDING TYPE: RE 1 4" = 1'-0" e 1163OLS1P200A p NOTES: 1. DO NOT WELD, SCREW OR STAPLE STRAP AT ANY POINT OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING. 2. TENSION STRAP BEFORE FASTENING. SEE PAGE 14 FOR COLUMN ASSEMBLY "LOW BAY" SEE DETAIL B � I I x 50c� w 1= coo 9 SEE DETAIL A SEE PAGE 14 FOR STRAP "LOW BAY 1 1'-8" WALL D SEE D SEE PAG COLUMN "STAN[ SEE MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. � WP BII10,14 SY41ElC '(.C,PKf/ ]LEOLA, PA ❑ELKHART, IN SEE PAGE 15 WELD LE STRAP CONNECTION PLATE SEE DETAIL A —A CONTINUOUS WELD ALL THE WAY AROUND DETAIL A NTS COLUMN ASSEMBLY IF APPLICABLE SEE TABLE PAGE 15 NOTE: 1) CONTINUOUS WELD TEACH SIDE OF STRAP. WELD 3-12 ELSEWHERE TYPICAL EACH SIDE 2) TYP. EACH SIDE 9) TRACK SLIGHTLY SHORTER THAN COLUMN SLIPS INSIDE BOTTOM &TOP WALL TRACK. a �:. X—BRACING . IM pnwu.nnanYautlwnze len °, .. Burg SEE PAGE 15 FOR SEE PAGE 15 FOR WELD LENGTH "LOW WELD LENGTH "LOW BAY"1 BAY" STEEL TRACK ICOLUMN ASSEMBLY OR END ( "LOW BAY" I RAFTER WALL TOP TRACK STRAP "STANDARD STUD COLUMN STRAP "LOW ASSEMBLY BAY" BAY' "STANDARD BAY" DETAIL B NTS DETAIL C NTS 14 GA. STEEL � 1 7/8" 33 KSI MIN.—\ GALVANIZED 1 7/8" INTERIOR 11 3/8' SIDE EXTERIOR SIDE 12' DTE 3/8" CHAMFE FOR W12 X 22 (4) PLACES DETAIL A —A STRAP CONNECTION PLATE NTS J08 NO: SEAL 0000 VERIZON WIRELESS 13 OF 15 SHE-�06 08 04 SIZE I BUILDING TYPE: RE 1'-0" e 1163OLS1P200A 1 0 FASTENING TABLE ELEVATION: LANDSITE3 FIRE RATING: NON-COMBUSTABLE STRUCTURAL WALL SHEATHING: STUD, (ZONE 4) STUD, (ZONE 5) STUD SPACING (ZONE 4) STUD SPACING (ZONE 5) WALL SHEATHING FASTENING (ZONE 4)S'' WALL SHEATHING FASTENING (ZONE 5f' ROOF SHEATHINGS ROOF FASTENING ROOF FASTENER6 ROOF SYSTEM ROOF ZONE FASTENER MULTIPLIER RAFTER STRAP FASTENER AND NO. SHORT WALL ROOF TRACK TO WALL TRACK LONG WALL ROOF TRACK TO WALL TRACK WALL STUD TO FLOOR TRACK CONNECTION FLOOR TRACK TO FRAME STENNI NO STENNP° 3 5/8" 16 GA.12 3 5/8" 16 GA.12 16" O.C. 16" O.C. 12" O.0 2'4 8" O.C.2 12" O.C: .° 8" O.C.2 0.6C22 12" O.C. ZONE 3; 24" O.C. ELSEWHERE #12 SDS FMI-45 OR EQUIVALENT SEE LINE 8 2 #8 SDS EACH END OF STRAP" FBGWS 2"-36" 4 PLACES MIN. FBGWB 2"-60" 4 PLACES MIN. 2 #8 SDS, ONE EACH SIDE OF STUD HILTI X-ZF WITH 1" WASHER 24' O.C. NOTES: 1. STENNI FASTENERS: #8-15 2 1/4" SDS 2. GYPSUM FASTENERS: #8 SDS (DRY WALL SCREW NOT PERMITTED; SEE NOTE 6) W/ WAFER, PANCAKE OR MODIFIED TRUSS HEAD; PANEL MAY BE APPLIED PARALLEL TO STUDS. DO NOT USE BUGLE HEAD SCREW. 3. RAFTERS 8" CEE. 4. ORIENT AND FASTEN GYPSUM PER UL REQUIREMENTS FOR RATED WALLS WITH STENNI PANEL. 5. HEIGHTS MEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE US[ BUILDING: ADD 10 FT. TO NUMBER, WHICH IS HEIGHT TO BOTTOM OF USI FLOOR. 6. FASTENERS MUST CONFORM TO SAE J78 OR ICBO AC 118. 7. ZONE 5 - 3 FT. FROM EACH CORNER, ZONE 4 - ELSEWHERE ON WALL. 8. WELDING RAFTER TO ROOF OR WALL TRACK NOT REQUIRED. 9. FBGW - FLARE BEVEL GROOVE WELD. 10. STRUCTURAL SHEATHING IS EXTERIOR 5/8" TYPE X FOR NON-COMBUSTABLE APPLICATION. 11. STRAP MAY BE 1 1/2" 20 GA. MINIMUM. 12. STUDS ARE 3 5/8" X 1 5/8" X 1/2" RETURN. MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. A - a"n"c ssre"s CO~ INTERIOR VIEW FRAMING DIMENSIONS FOR GENERATOR LOUVER AND EXHAUST BACK PLATE DRILL 4 HOLES AND ATTACH TO WALL WITH 2" HEX HEAD - SCREWS OR EQUIVALENT 8" PIPE TRIM TO THICKNESS OF WALL COMPLETED THIMBLE 4" PIPE TRIM TO THICKNESS OF WALL DRILL 4 HOLES AND ATTACH TO WALL WITH 2" HEX HEAD SCREWS OR EQUIVALENT INTERIOR PIECE EXTERIOR PIECE 0000 SITE: VARIOUS. VT II VERIZON WIRELESS N ttafin wntainea nerem the DRAWN BY: aHECKEU NT: a", s.eme. 14 OF 15 06 08 04 I. rman"`"m.wse" Fred Harper FASTENING TABLE SIZE BUILDING TYPE: REV APPROVED BY: SCALE: 1/f4 = 1'—O" B 1163OLS1P200A 0 LOW BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 F 4 -' STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS 3lJrx a COLUMN STANDARD BAY4 NA WELD LENGTH (INCHES) STANDARD BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 4 STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAY31 NA COLUMN STANDARD BAY4,3�2 WELD LENGTH (INCHES) 11 10' WIDE SHELTER NOTES: 1. N/A 2. BAY WIDTH AND STRAP LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN DRAWING. 3. "LOW " BAY = STRAP CONNECTED TO COLUMN BELOW ROOF END RAFTER. 4. "STANDARD BAY" = STRAP CONNECTED TO ROOF END RAFTER DIRECTLY ABOVE COLUMN. 5. N/A 6. N/A MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. C,„a°�"M„ A ru. w.ona anmu mw,.r, m ,,,,." � c�w�• a X—BRACING TABLES ey"o. w Mle B.I SJ+tmv, �) 7LEOLA. PA M ELKHART. IN 71 BENNINGTON .VTM°"°' M"`" ""'� 12' WIDE SHELTER LOW BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES) STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS 3Sz x /4" COLUMN STANDARD BAY' NA WELD LENGTH (INCHES) 11 STANDARD BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 4 STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAY' NA COLUMN STANDARD BAY43� STUD WELD LENGTH (INCHES) t1 NOTES: 1. MAY BE REPLACED WITH 31/2" X 6" 16 GA. BOX1. 2. BAY WIDTH AND STRAP LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN DRAWING. 3. "LOW" BAY = STRAP CONNECTED TO COLUMN BELOW ROOF END RAFTER. 4. "STANDARD BAY" = STRAP CONNECTED TO ROOF END RAFTER DIRECTLY ABOVE COLUMN. 5. MAY BE REPLACED WITH 4"X 6" 16 GA. BOX1. 6. MAYBE REPLACED WITH 4"X 6" 14 GA. BOX2. 0000 VARIOUS, VT cusTomm VERIZON WIRELESS sxEEr: oar: 15 OF 15 06/08 '04 4- = 1,-0°l B 1 1 1630LS1 P200A 1 0 SEAL Mndel Relectinn / Ratina Chart: Waxer Cooled Deration RATINGS & CHARACTERISTICS STANDBY CONTINUOUS ALTITUDE; a 00 n (� � m), ooa rt (ass m) atxw� Mcx1el Na. HL Ebm YS2iI� M Im AA - KW 1800 RPM 60 Hz. 60 H4 60FRF4 60 3 277/480 75 60 6&7.5 55 TEMPERATURE.: 60FPF4 60 3 120P208 75 60 68.71 55 oarata25%per to-F(2%por11'C} 60FJF4 60 3 120/240 75 60 68.75 55 nbaVe 0 1 120/240 60 60 55 1500 RPM 50 Hz. 50 Hz: 55FRF5 50 3 220/380 68.75 55 57.5 46 55FPF5 50 3 110/190 68.75 55 57.5 46 55FJF5 50 3 110=0 68.75 55 57.5 46 55FGF5 50 1 II0/220 1 55 55 46 W M Tong ENGINE- GENERATOR: TYPE- We Mukicyiinder - 8:1 ComWossion Ratio CYCLE: 4 TYPE: Revolving Field6rushless-0 mot Conoodod-12wire CYLINDER: a BOAC: in. (cm) 4.4 11.i CONSTRUCTICNJ: Single Beating-O" CoWled STROKE: in. (am) DISPLACEMENT: In O(IN) 3.85 460 9.78� 6 RE"rULATIt7N: Static Regulator Maintairss I1Y.; of Rated Vokago BMEP: psi (kAa) 12b 8 INSULATION: Class H (dii)ped and tralcad} 1qQQ f rW RPM -m CONNECTION; WYE, DELTA, or Single Phase mpkw: 104 26 176 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:1041F (40°C) ASPIRATING: Dim ((00/min) 215 (B_1) 185 (S2) FUEL CONSUMPTION: Nat.Gas (1tf00 6TLt/fP); tt'rhr (m'Rtr); 1,050 (20.7) 900 25. � _ Yarn+11114- lei--f, Kn "- Cf.v,..it.,. Sn ITT Cfnlldhv =DIMENSION$cWEIGHT *Length in, (cm) Width in. (cm) Weight in. (cm) *DryWelght lb. ) 84 32 45 2,400 (213) (81) (114) (la" E(HAUSTSYSTEM *(;as Temperature (Stack) -Gas Volume at Stack Temp. *Maximum AllowableEack Pot - in_ 'F VQ CFM W/mi�J H'0 (mnttlg) 1,200 685 34 (649) (193) (G3,5) 11000 540 34 (5387 (635) LIQUID C"AC:ITY --- COOLING SYSTEM `F 105 (41) 41Ctil Sump gal (lit) 2 (7.6) *Ambient capability of radiator ('G7 105 (41) •Engirtc Jacket Water Capacity gal (lit) S.S CZ110) *Maximum allowable Static ure 00 radiator exhaust in. 14�O (mmlis) 015 (93) 0.5 (.93) "Stem Coolant r4odion to coolant BTuM (kW) 5,5W (96.5) 4,600 40 00.7) (151.4) Capacity gat (lit) 7.0 (26.0) Water Pump Capadty gFtn (tit/min)r � (1 •Heat radiated to ambient B"im, (kW) _ t tid7 (17) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AIR REQUIREMENTS *UomicVolt 1)C *Cold Crantang Amps 12 -Aix flow required for radiator hooted unit am (ma/rein) 917R (276) 8.175 (230) 0"IF (.17,7'Q 630 •Air flow nxluiruakirhart cxchurgcr/rxnote radiator r. hn 20'F � e _ cf}r .,.Qtx' S 140 113 4 575 30 'Installation data basest on 480 volt application and open power unit. Form 60F/10% 60 kW, Natural Gas/LP, Water Cooled 70 5/B 45 1 /2 2S. 1 /9 GENSET GONTNUL EXHAUST 00LET EXNAU'.T OUTLET PANEL A5 3- 0,0, TUBING SPECIFIED FUEL INLET 2.4 3/0 zI 5m kk 94 I BASE "cc NN-ES 32-_-. 9/IG Dlll fill Diu not use the above dimensions for installation purposes, consult factory for detailed dimensions and drawings, ■ Matolight Genwixtp( nwnufactured to moat NEMA-MG0-22.4D and GSA standards, t Engine and generator controls are designed :and manufactured by KatollghL ■ 7 olapnone Inituotvae factor Is well within NEW standards. a Wave totm deviv" lector Is no more than 6%, well within NEMA stanaxds. ■ Voltage Regulation - Stwtdard MAu regulaxta will keep vottaje within f % of rated voltage. w Hamonlc Content )s 3% maximum. 11 Permanently lutxicated, bag type bearings. ■ &C. Generator - brushtess single bearing ■ ENGINE -LSQ 876 (460) equipped with: tube ail pump - NO flow tube oil filter, tube ell coolef - jacket water pump - tttemwstat air Biter - exhaust manifold - 12 volt efecrrtc starting motor anct 12 volt charging Afternew with ammeter - electric tsoctmnoue govemo. ■ Control Patel - unit mounted: AG voitmet0r •- AC ammeter- 4 position VM,AM aeleoro' switch - frequency meter - KASSEC auto engine control with cyclic canidng, 4 engine shutdovms (high temperature, tow ell pressure, engine overspaO, engine overcrank) wittl separate failure lights - engine gauge°' (4) - 3 position mode switch, ■ Steel sub -base • Vlbraation isolators - pad type ■ Battery box and cables M Hexible fuel and ercttaust arnnoctors Material and Specifications May Change Without Native. KATOLIGHT CORPORATION 3201 'Third Avenue P.Q. Box 3229 Mankato, Minnesota $6002-3229 Phone: (507) 625-7973 FAX: (507) 625-2960 r special Voltage: up to Ran molts AG. ■ Frequency: 50, 60, 400 Hz. ■ Special array of temperature Min (50', 60°. 701, go% 105' and 130 `C) generators mrallable, meeting NEMA-MG-1-2Z84 standards, ■ Custom designed control systems -- spock7f motoring -- Bussing -- Switch gear. ■ Cooling — RwtKKo radiawatiotwell tank -- HeatexCt"era • Fuel systems -- Valvas - Controis ■ 8audes — Lead acid -- Lead calcium,- Nickel cadmium ■ Enclosures — weather resistant -- Thermal Insulated -- Samd attenuated ■ Custom designed Trailer mounting For more information contact your nearest Representative, Distributor, or Dealer below, SG050 SG060Liquid Cooled Gas Engine Generator Sets Standby Power Rating Prime Power Rating 50KW 60 Hz / 50KVA 50 Hz 40KW 60 Hz / 40KVA 50 Hz 60KW 60 Hz / 60KVA 50 Hz FEATURES ■ INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it doesn't stop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, environmental testing, destruction and life testing, plus testing to applicable CSA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance. ■ TEST CRITERIA: ✓ PROTOTYPETESTED ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓ ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ✓ NEMA MG1 EVALUATION ✓ MOTOR STARTING ABILITY ✓ SHORT CIRCUITTESTING ✓ UL 2200 COMPLIANCE AVAILABLE 40KW 60 Hz / 45KVA 50 Hz Power Matched Naturally Aspirated ■ SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque -matching the surge loads to the engine. ■ SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. You are never on your own when you own a GENERAC POWER SYSTEM. ■ GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES, SWITCHGEAR AND ACCESSORIES. Long life and reliability is synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason forthis confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer systems, accessories, switchgear and controls for total system compatibility. GENERAC (E) POWER SYSTEMS, INC. APPLICATION & ENGINEERING DATA SG050 / 060 GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS TYPE.............................................................. Four -pole, revolving field ROTOR INSULATION.............................................................. Class H STATOR INSULATION............................................................ Class H TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION ............................................... <3% TELEPHONE INTERFERENCE FACTOR (TIF) ........................... <50 ALTERNATOR ........................................ Self -ventilated and drip -proof BEARINGS (PRE -LURED & SEALED) ................................................ 1 COUPLING............................................................Direct, Flexible Disc LOAD CAPACITY (STANDBY) .................................................... 100% LOAD CAPACITY (PRIME).......................................................... 110% NOTE. Emergency loading in compliance with NFPA 99, NFPA 110, paragraph 5-13.2.6. Generator rating and performance in accordance with ISO8528-5, BS5514, SAE J1349, IS03046 and D/N6271, EXCITATION SYSTEM O BRUSHLESS ............................. Magnetically coupled DC current ✓ Eight -pole exciter w/ battery -driven field boost ✓ Mounted outboard of main bearing ✓ 17 PERMANENT MAGNET EXCITER ............. Eighteen pole exciter ✓ Magnetically coupled DC current ✓ Mounted outboard of main bearing ✓ REGULATION.................................................................. Solid-state ✓ ±1% regulation ✓ GENERATOR FEATURES ■ Four pole, revolving field generator, directly connected to the engine shaft through a heavy-duty, flexible disc for permanent alignment. ■ Generator meets the temperature rise standards for class "F" insulation as defined by NEMA MG1-32.6, while the insulation system meets the requirements for the higher class "H" rating. ■ All prototype models have passed a three-phase symmetrical short circuit test to assure system protection and reliability. ■ All prototype models are tested for motor starting ability by measuring the instantaneous voltage dip with a waveform data acquisition system. ■ All models utilize an advanced wire harness design for reliable interconnection within the circuitry. ■ Magnetic circuit, including amortisseur windings, tooth and skewed stator design, provides a minimal level of waveform distortion and an electromagnetic interference level which meets accepted requirements for standard AM radio, TV, and marine radio telephone applications. ■ Voltage waveform deviation, total harmonic content of the AC waveform, and T.I.F. (Telephone Influence Factor) have been evaluated to acceptable standards in accordance with NEMA MG1-32. ■ Alternator is self -ventilated and drip -proof constructed. ■ Fully life -tested protective systems, including "field circuit and thermal overload protection" and optional main -line circuit breakers capable of handling full output capacity. MAKE.................................................................................... GENERAC MODEL......................................................................................... 5.7GN CYLINDERS...................................................................................... V-8 DISPLACEMENT..................................................5.7 Liter (350 cu. in.) BORE......................................................................101.6 mm (4.00 in.) STROKE.......................................................................88 mm (3.48 in.) COMPRESSION RATIO............................................................... 9.4:1 INTAKE AIR............................................................. Naturally Aspirated NUMBER OF MAIN BEARINGS..........................................................5 CONNECTING RODS..........................................................8 PM Steel CYLINDER HEAD................................................................... Cast Iron PISTONS .......................................... 8-Notched Head, Aluminum Alloy CRANKSHAFT................................................................................ Cast VALVE TRAIN LIFTER TYPE............................................................... Hydraulic Roller INTAKE VALVE MATERIAL ........................................... Stainless Steel EXHAUST VALVE MATERIAL ......................................... Stellite Faced HARDENED VALVE SEATS............................................................ Yes ENGINE GOVERNOR O ELECTRONIC......................................................................Standard FREQUENCY REGULATION, NO-LOAD TO FULL LOAD . ±0.5% STEADY STATE REGULATION ........................................... +0.25% LUBRICATION SYSTEM TYPE OF OIL PUMP..................................................................... Gear OIL FILTER............................................................... Full flow, cartridge CRANKCASE CAPACITY Lit. (qts.)........................................ 4.7 (5.0) COOLING SYSTEM TYPE OF SYSTEM ................................ Pressurized, closed recovery WATER PUMP ................................................... Pre-lubed, self-sealing TYPEOF FAN............................................................................ Pusher NUMBER OF FAN BLADES...............................................................10 DIAMETER OF FAN mm(in.)................................................559 (22.0) COOLANT HEATER ....................................................... 120V, 1000 W FUEL SYSTEM FUEL • Natural Gas or L.P. Vapor ............................................... Standard O L.P. Liquid Withdrawal....................................................... Optional CARBURETOR..................................................................... Down draft SECONDARY FUEL REGULATOR .. Nat. Gas or L.P. Vapor System HOT WATER VAPORIZER .................. L.P. Liquid Withdrawal System AUTOMATIC FUEL LOCKOFF SOLENOID .......................... Standard OPERATING FUEL PRESSURE VAPOR SYSTEMS ..... 7" to 14" H2O ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BATTERY CHARGE ALTERNATOR ..........................15 Amps @ 12V STARTER MOTOR........................................................................ 12 V RECOMMENDED BATTERY .......................... (1) - 12 V, 90 A.H., 27F ■ System Torsional acceptability confirmed during Prototype Testing. GROUND POLARITY.............................................................. Negative Rating definitions -Standby: Applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available forthis rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, IS03046 and DI N6271). Prime (Unlimited Running Time): Applicable for supplying electric power in lieu of commercially purchased power. Prime power is the maximum power available at variable load. A 10 %overload capacity is available for 1 hou r in 12 hours. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, IS03046, IS08528 and DIN6271). GENERAC° POWER SYSTEMS, INC. SGO50/060 OPERATING DATA STANDBY PRIME SGO50 SG060 SGO50 SG060 GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/KW-60Hz, kW AMP NG kW AMP LP kW Amu kW AMP NG kW AMP LP kw amo 120/240 1-phase, 1.0 pf NOTE: Consult your 50 208 54 225 59 246 40 167 40 167 50 208 120/208V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf Generacdealerfor 50 173 57 198 62 215 40 139 40 139 50 173 120/240V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf additional voltages. 50 150 57 171 62 186 40 120 40 120 50 150 277/480V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 50 75 60 90 65 96 40 60 40 60 50 75 600V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 50 60 60 72 65 78 40 48 40 48 50 60 GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/KVA-50Hz KVA AMP NG kW AMP LP kW AMp KVA AMP KVA AMP 110/220V, 1-phase, 1.0 pf NOTE: Consultyour 40 181 48 218 52 236 32 145 36 163 115/200V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf Generac dealer for 50 144 60 173 65 188 40 115 45 130 100/200V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf additional voltages. 50 144 60 173 65 188 40 115 45 130 231/400V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 50 72 60 87 65 94 40 58 45 65 MOTOR STARTING KVA 231/240 400/480 231/240 400/480 231/240 400/480 231/240 400/480 with standard alternator 50 / 60 Hz 83/100 94/113 100/120 117/141 83/100 94/113 100/120 117/141 with optional alternator 50 / 60 Hz 234/281 276/331 234/281 276/331 234/281 276/331 234/281 276/331 FUEL Load 50% 750% 100% 500/9 75% 100% 500/9 75% 100% 500/Q 75% 100% Natural Gas-60 Hz ft3/hr. 413 515 655 495 625 785 340 420 530 415 490 625 m3/hr. 11.7 14.6 18.6 14.0 17.7 22.2 9.6 11.9 15.0 11.8 13.9 17.7 Liquid Propane-60 Hz ft3/hr. 161 201 255 193 244 305 133 164 207 162 191 244 m3/hr. 4.6 5.7 7.2 5.5 6.9 8.6 3.8 4.6 5.9 4.6 5.4 6.9 COOLING Coolant capacity System - lit. (US gal.) 18.9 (5) 18.9 (5) 18.9 (5) 18.9 (5) Coolant flow/min. 60 Hz - lit. (US gal.) 90.8 (24) 90.8 (24) 90.8 (24) 90.8 (24) 50 Hz - lit. (US gal.) 75.6 (20) 75.6 (20) 75.6 (20) 75.6 (20) Heat rejection to coolant 60 Hz - BTU/hr. 213,000 255,000 175,000 192,000 Inlet air 60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 207.6 (7330) 207.6 (7330) 207.6 (7330) 207.6 (7330) 50 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 184 (6500) 184 (6500) 184 (6500) 184 (6500) Max. operating air temp onto radiator 'see note °C (°F) 60 (140) 60 (140) 60 (140) 60 (140) Max. operating ambient temp 'see note °C (°F) 50 (122) 50 (122) 50 (122) 50 (122) COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS Flow at rated power60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 4.1 (145) 4.9 (173) 3.25 (115) 3.48 (123) 50 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 3.3 (116) 4.1 (148) 2.63 (93) 2.75 (97) EXHAUST Exhaustflow at rated output 60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 13.56 (479) 16.7 (590) 9.7 (342) 11.2 (395) Max recommended back pressure - "Hg 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Exhaust temp at rated output 60 Hz - C° (°F) 677 (1250) 732 (1350) 621 (1150) 660 (1220) Exhaust outlet size N.P.T. (female) (2) - 2.5" (2) - 2.5" (2) - 2.5" (2) - 2.5" ENGINE NG LP NG LQ Rated RPM 60 Hz 1800 1800 1800 1800 50 Hz 1500 1500 1500 1500 HP at rated KW 60 Hz 80 91 99 66 73 78 50 Hz 63 72 77 51 57 62 Piston speed - m/min (ft/min) 60 Hz 318 (1044) 318 (1044) 318 (1044) 318 (1044) m/min (ft/min) 50 Hz 265 (870) 265 (870) 265 (870) 265 (870) BMEP - psi 60 Hz 101 116 125 83 92 99 50 Hz 95 109 118 77 87 94 POWER ADJUSTMENTS FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature -5% for every 10°C above - °C 25 25 25 25 -2.77% for every 10°F above - OF 77 77 77 77 Altitude -1.1% for every 100 m above - m 150 150 150 150 -3.5% for every 1000 ft. above - ft. 500 500 500 500 Note: Values given are maximum temperatures to which power adjustments can be applied. Consult your Generac Power Systems representative if operating conditions exceed these maximums. STANDARD ENGINE & SAFETY FEATURES SG050/060 ■ High Coolant Temperature Automatic Shutdown ■ Low Coolant Level Automatic Shutdown ■ Low Oil Pressure Automatic Shutdown ■ Overspeed Automatic Shutdown (Solid-state) ■ Crank Limiter (Solid-state) ■ Oil Drain Extension ■ Radiator Drain Extension ■ Factory -Installed Coo[ Flow Radiator ■ Closed Coolant Recovery System ■ UV/Ozone Resistant Hoses ■ Rubber -Booted Engine Electrical Connections ■ Fuel Lockoff Solenoid OPTIONS ■ OPTIONAL COOLING SYSTEM ACCESSORIES O 208/240V Coolant Heater ■ OPTIONAL FUEL ACCESSORIES O Flexible Fuel Lines ■ OPTIONAL EXHAUST ACCESSORIES • Critical Exhaust Silencer (Std. on enclosed gensets) • Single Exhaust Kit for Indoor Installations ■ OPTIONAL ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES () Battery, 12 Volt, 90 A.H., 27F O Battery Heater O 2A Battery Charger O 10A Dual Rate Battery Charger O Main Line Circuit Breaker ■ OPTIONAL ALTERNATOR ACCESSORIES O Alternator Upsizing to 125kW O Alternator Strip Heater 0 Alternator Tropicalization O Voltage Changeover Switch ■ CONTROL CONSOLE OPTIONS O Analog Control "C" Panel (Bulletin 0151160SBY) O Analog/Digital Control "E" Panel (Bulletin 0161310SBY) ■ Secondary Fuel Regulator (N.G. and L.P.) ■ Battery Charge Alternator ■ Battery Cables ■ Battery Tray ■ Vibration Isolation of Unit to Mounting Base ■ 12 Volt, Solenoid -Activated Starter Motor ■ Air Cleaner ■ Fan Guard ■ Control Console ■ Isochronous Governor ■ Air Duct Adapter ■ ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Automatic Transfer Switch 3 Light Remote Annunciator 5 Light Remote Annunciator 20 Light Remote Annunciator Remote Relay Panel Unit Vibration Isolators 0 Oil Make -Up System O Oil Heater 0 5 Year Warranties O Export Boxing () GenLink® Communications Software ■ OPTIONAL ENCLOSURES Weather Protective Sound Attenuating O Aluminum and Stainless Steel O Enclosed Muffler Distributed by: Design and specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions shown are approximate. Contact your Genemc dealer for certified drawings. DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. 2830 [l 11.42"] - ®o 1363 [53.66"1 1404 [55.28"] 8 .0. 2360 [93"] 940 [37.01 "] y mm [IN] GENERAC" POWER SYSTEMS, INC. • P.O. BOX 8 • WAUKESHA, WI 531 87 262/544-481 1 • FAX 262/544-4851 Bulletin0165570SBY/Printed in USA 09.01, rev:03.04 ©2004 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless Landowner: WGM Associates Project: Stealth wireless telecommunication installation Location: 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. Abutting Property Owners Name Address Property No. Verizon (Mail code FLG1-300) c/o Cushman & Wakefield 0860-00800 Verizon Portfolio Management 8800 Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619-3526 Landrum c/o Philip Drumheller 0860-01000 P.O. Box 130 Burlington, VT 05407 Burlington Properties LTD c/o Daniel Kalman 0860-01020 P.O. Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05407 Mansfield View Properties LLC Charlotte, VT(as per VPTTR) 0860-01035 380 Hurricane Lane #101 Williston, VT 05495 (as per Sec of State online database, Ken Merritt reg. agent)) 835 Hinesburg Road LLC c/o Jeff Davis 0860-0835 2 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Page 1 of 1 Click to SEE MICIN i and SHOP ON1dIV Enter Item No. Im GumE tl Height: 7" Width: 4.5" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 75W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage: 120V Style: Contemporary Bulbs: bulb not included ,,;. Outdoor Architectural o. Body Material: ALUMINUM Shippable via UPS: Yes UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Locations View other products in the New Street USA family. << Sack Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and may not be repro without Kichler's written consent Powered by Ell RA N b rn C1 t r f xY © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement file://c:\windows\TEMP\triCLHFJ.htm 12/23/02 General Power Density Site Name: Williston 2, VT Tower Height: 73 ft rad center Calculated Maximum Operator Operating Number of ERP Per Total ERP Distance to Power PermissableMPE Fraction of Frequency Trans. Trans. Target Density Exposure (MHz) (watts) (watts) (feet) (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)(%) Verizon 880 9 200 1800 73 0.1215 0.56733 21.41 % Verizon 1900 3 200 600 73 0.0405 1 4.05% Total Percentage of Maximum Permissible Exposure 25.46% *Guidelines adopted by the FCC on August 1, 1996, 47 CFR Part 1 based on NCRP Report 86, 1986 and generally on ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 MHz = Megahertz mW/cm^2 = milliwatts per square centimeter ERP = Effective Radiated Power Absolute worst case scenario, maximum values used. Page 1 ion. Dedicated to making your music sound great. $25 per hour. 496-3166. Moretown, VT. QUESTION MARK PRODUC- TIONS: Audio engineering/pro- duction, live sound, recording. 802-578-9356. REMOTE RECORDING: We just went mobile! Charles Etter Studios is pleased to announce the addition of our new remote recording rig. Record anywhere you want on our new Yamaha 02R96 console with Protools HD for a total of 56 channels at 24bit/96k. Our collection of vin- tage and modern microphones as well as classic outboard gear makes this a unique recording option. Record your next CD for far Less than the cost of a studio CD without compromising the quality! For more info about "Big Blue' see us at charlesellerstu- dios.com or call 802-425-3508. ® musicians wanted BASS PLAYER WANTED for ready to gig band. Local. Stone Temple Pilots, Three Doors Down and more. Contact Cory or Chris, 288-1528. DRUMMER WANTED ASAP: Touring band from Burlington needs experienced drummer under 25. Must travel 3-4 nights/week. Rock, funk, Reggae influence pref. 315-212-0924. ® music instruct. CELTIC FIDDLE instruction with experienced dance band musi- cian. All levels. Technique and style emphasized. Peter Macfarlane, 802-759-2268, petermac@gmavt.net. FUN PIANO LESSONS for all ages. Learn from a patient and experienced teacher. Andric Severance, 802-310-6042. GUITAR: ALL styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musician- ship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kiliman jaro, Sneakers Jazz Band, etc.), 862-7696, www.paulasbelLcom. GUITAR INSTRUCTION: Relaxed yet disciplined arena. 20+ years experience. No -pretense environ- ment fosters technique and cre- ativity. Beginners welcome. Refs. avail. 802-877-3624. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUC- TION in Essex Jct. Beginner to advanced. Many styles; seven - string, electric, acoustic, bass. 872-8861.fra n ky. a ndreas@veri zon.net. VIOLIN LESSONS with Tom Charpentier. For all ages and abilities. Experience the joy of the four strings of the violin vibrating in harmony under your chin, right from the first lesson. Impossible you say, call today. Let me know that you saw this ad and receive your first Lesson free. For more information, call Tom 434-4449. ® travel CHEAPEST CHINA TOURS: Beijing, 5-days, only $249! 11L L Norm Ba''win, P.E. Assists `ector-Technical Service. Adopted 10/6/2004; Published 10/20/04; Effective 11/10/04 Material in (Brackets) delete. Material underlined add. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVEL- OPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board wilt hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, November 9, 2004, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Application #CU-04-11 of Frank & Mary Mazur for condi- tional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to expand a single family dwelling by constructing a covered 10'x 30'second story porch, 52 Bartlett Bay Road. 2. Application #CU-04-13 of Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless for condi- tional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to: 1) increase height of silo by 10 feet to 85 feet, 2) install tetecommu- nications towers on silo, 3) install a 12' x 30' equipment shelter, and 4) install a propane tank and pad, 850 Hinesburg Road. 3. Application #CU-04-12 of Nynex Mobile Limited Partnership 1, d/ba/Verizon Wireless, seeking conditional use approval under Section 14.10, Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request is for permission to: 1) install a 60-foot high monopole with hidden antennas, and 2) install a 12'x3O' equipment shel- ter, 1068 Williston Road. 4. Final plat #SD-04-75 of South Burlington Realty Co., to amend a planned unit development con- sisting of: 1) 34,506 sq ft of medical office use, 2) 1,803 sq ft of general office use, and 3) 2,400 sq ft of restaurant and retail use. The amendment con- sists of converting 2,400 sq ft of restaurant & retail use to retail food establishment use with less than 5,000 sq ft, 360 Dorset Street. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board October 20, 2004 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Market Street STP 5200 (17) from the Municipal Project Manager - Lamoureux & Dickins- Consulting Engineers, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 878-4450. A copy of the RFF and related documents are available for review at the City of South Burlington City Offices, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington. ® support groups DON'T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? CaR United Way GET -INFO (a confiden- tial help line) 652-4636, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SUPPORT GROUP FOR PAINTERS: Borders, upstairs, Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Info, contact Jacqueline, 658-2976. INTERESTED IN WRITING for children? Support and critique group meets monthly. Call Anne, 861-6000 or anne@booksbyme.us. MOM SUPPORT GROUP: Mothers of young children meet in a sup- portive environment to talk about what parenting is really like. The Growth Center, 8 Pearl St., Essex Junction. 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. every other Wednesday, beginning November 17. Must pre -register. Info, 879-1207. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 862- 4516, or visit www.together.net/-cvana. PARENTING GROUP: Parenting group for parents/guardians of children of any age. Wednesday mornings. Please call River Valley Associates for more infor- mation. 651-7520. AL-ANON/ALATEN: Local meet- ings held in Burlington, South Burlington and Colchester. For more information, call 860-8388 or toll -free, 1-866-972-5266. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE: Support group fur those who have lost a Loved one to suicide. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Inn in South Burlington, (1068 Williston Rd.), from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Cory Gould, 223-4111 or cgould1136 @earthlink.net. Sponsored by the American Foun- dation for Suicide Prevention -VT. FREE WORKSHOP FOR SUR- VIVORS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE: The Women's Rape Crisis Center is offering a free workshop series called "Considering the Uses of Adversity: Self -Healing for Survivors of Sexual Violence'. This series, designed and facilitated by Gwen Evans, will run Tuesday evenings, October 5 through November 16. Info, 865-0555. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS: 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem with sex or relationships? We can help. Sunday meetings, 7- 8:30 p.m. Call Valerie, 655-9478, SUICIDE SURVIVORS GROUP: Survivors and their families meet monthly for mutual support in the Burlington area, 6-7 p.m. Call for location, 223-4111. SMOKING CESSATION GROUP: Wilting to kick the habit? This free, five -week program helps nuif+arc fn f lln,.. *V.. ,..L, are free and confidential. Please call Amy at 247-5460 for more information. WOMEN CHANGING: A continu- ous educational support group for women who are interested in changing patterns in their Lives. Wednesdays -ongoing. 12:30-2 p.m. Call Angie at AWARE in Hardwick, 472-6463. SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Battered Women's Services and Shelter of Washington County. Please call 1-877-543-9498 for more info. REIKI SUPPORT GROUP: July 18, 1-3 p.m. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington. ALL levels of students and practitioners are welcome. For more info., contact Joan at 860-4673 or Lynn at 893-3064. WANTED: Fellow painters to get together bi-weekly for coffee and to discuss our work. Support each others creativity! Show your work. Meet at local down- town coffee shops. Call 658- 2976, if interested. AHOY BREAST CANCER SUR- VIVORS: Join our support group where the focus is on Living not on the disease. We are a team of dragon boaters. Learn all about this paddle sport and its health - giving, life -affirming qualities. Any age. No athletic experience needed. Call Linda at 802-434- 4423 or email: dragonheartver mont@gmavt.net or go to: www.dragonheartvermont.org EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS: Fridays, 6-7 p.m. The Society of Friends Meeting House, 173 N. Prospect St., Burlington. Free. Info, 479- 0684. 12-step program designed to help women and men with depression, negative thinking or any mental/emotional problems. SELF -REALIZATION: Social/sup- port group for like-minded peo- ple interested in spirituality, yoga, psychic experiences, tran- scendence and transformation. Burlington. If interested, call Jill at 877-3375 or email jlo@together.net. NAKED IN VERMONT: The pre- mier Nudist/Skinnydipper organi- zation in Vermont offering infor-. mation Library, message board, chat room, yahoo group, and more. (ALL FREE) Visit www.nakedinvermont.com. SCLERODERMA FOUNDATION New England: Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732 or atblythet @aoL.com. WOMEN'S WEIGHT LOSS SUP- PORT GROUP: Do we know what to do? Yes! Do we do it? Not always! Sometimes the answer is mutual support - for free! Let's decide together what works for us. I want to start - do you? Anne, 861-6000. BIPOLAR SUPPORT GROUP open to new members. Meets downtown. Our goal is to become healthy and happy. For info, call Gerhard at 864-3103. ALS (LOU GEHRIG DISEASE) monthly support group: For patients, caregivers and loved ones who are living or have lived with ALS. Third Thursday of the month, 1-3 p.m. Jim's House, 1266 Creamery Rd., Williston. T-Z- -.-A J------_- non -'^ TRANS PARTNERS sup Meet and talk w/other transgendered/transsexl The second Friday of ev R.U.1.2? Community Ce p.m. 860-RU12. HEPATITIS C SUPPOR Second Thursday of ea, McCLure MultiGeneratio 6-8 p.m. Those who ha tis, their friends and f< members are welcome. ARE YOU A BUTCH, F; StoneButch, TGButch, 1 Femme, High Femme or description of Butch, Fi Femme/feminine woma. join us as we plan fun and offer each other re: support and friendship Butch/FtM-femme wort( more info, contact Miss at missmorpheusl@yah HARD-OF-HEARINGsu group: I'm starting a sul group for adults who ha ing loss that affects the of their work/famiLy/soc Lets share personal exp( and knowledge of hearin technology. Marlene, 86, WOULD YOU LIKE to j( thriving, mixed social gi Get together for various ties/friendship in Montp Burlington. 229-4390 o treesha7@email.com. SKINNYDIPPERS UNITE Vermont Au Nature(. Join naturists and like-mindec for support, discussions a www.vermontaunatureL cc PARENTS TOGETHER sul groups: Would you like to share ideas with other pa about the joys and chaLLr! children? Support groups parents. Connie, 878-7091 MENTAL ILLNESSES:Th National Alliance for the Mentally Ill holds supper ings for the families and of the mentally it[at Hov Center, corner of Flynn al Second and fourth Tuesdi every month at 7 p.m. Pa Pine St. lot and walk dov, 862-6683 for info. NONCUSTODIAL SUPPOI group for parents. Contac Bagdon, 434-6495. ARE YOU UNABLE TO gel debt? Do you spend more i you earn? Is it a problem i Get help at Debtors Anony Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.n ALano Club, 74 Hegeman A Fort Ethan Allen, Colche5a Contact Valerie P. at 324-7 BRAIN INJURY: Open to ! who sustained a brain inju their caregivers and family. speakers often scheduled. Wed. of every month, 6-8 L Fanny Allen Campus, Colch, Call Deb Parizo, 863-8644. LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUA] Transgender, Queer and Questioning: Support grout survivors of partner violem sexual violence and bias/h crimes. Free and confident SafeSpace, 863-0003 or 86 869-7341 (toll -free). MENTAL HEALTH RECOV] group: support and educat people with psychiatric cK Lenges. Joan, 865-6135. FAMILY/FRIENDS OF THC CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: October 27, 2004 \drb\misc\nynex_hinesburg\conditional_use.doc Application received: October 4, 2004 CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION #CU-04-13 SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-04-39 850 HINESBURG ROAD Agenda #13-14 Meeting Date: November 9, 2004 Owner Applicant WGM Associates Nynex Mobile Limited Partnership 850 Hinesburg Road So. Burlington, VT 05403 Enqineer Property Information Dubois and King, Inc. Tax Parcel 0860-00850-C 25 Wentworth Drive Industrial & Open Space (10) Zoning District Williston, VT 05495 n 11 Nynex Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking conditional use and site plan approval under Article 14, Site Plan and Conditional Use Review, of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. Request if for permission to: 1) increase height of silo by 10 feet to 85 feet, 2) install telecommunications towers on silo, 3) install a 12' x 30' equipment shelter, and 4) install a propane tank and pad, 850 Hinesburg Road. Associate Planner Brian Robertson and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on October 4, 2004 and have the following comments. Table L Dimensional Requirements 10 Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 3 acres 435,600 SF Max. Building Coverage 30% 3% Max. Overall Coverage 50% 6% Min. Front Setback 57 ft. 160 ft. Min. Side Setback 35 ft. 205 ft. Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. 595 ft. Front Yard Coverage 30% <30% zoning compliance CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 14.10(E) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: 1. The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the planned character of the area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. The proposed is consistent with the stated purpose of the 10 Zoning District. 3. The Development Review Board must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: N (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. The proposed project will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. Staff does not feel that the proposed project will have an adverse affect on the character of the neighborhood or zoning district that this property falls within. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed structure s will not have an adverse affect on the traffic patterns in the vicinity. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposed project is in keeping with applicable regulations. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposed project will not affect renewable energy resources. (t) General public health and welfare. The proposed project will not have an adverse affect on general public welfare. Verizon Wireless is obligated by Federal law to comply with the radio frequency emissions levels established by the Federal Communications Commission. Pursuant to Section 3.13(F) of the Land Development Regulations the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: The Development Review Board, in granting conditional use approval, may impose conditions of the following: 1. Size and construction of structures, quantities of materials, storage locations, handling of materials, and hours of operations. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 2. Warning systems, fire controls, and other safeguards. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. 3. Provision for continuous monitoring and reporting. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed 3 project. 4. Other restrictions as may be necessary to protect public health and safety. Staff does not feel it is necessary to impose any of these conditions to the proposed project. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Sections 14.06 and 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed conditional use shall meet the following standards: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement and adequate parking areas. The proposed project has been planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. Section 13.18 of the Land Development Regulations requires that the proposed project provide adequate parking spaces for maintenance, service, or other vehicles required for the facility. The applicant has stated that the proposed facility will be visited once or twice per month for routine maintenance, so one (1) additional parking space shall be provided on the subject property. The plans depict an adequate parking area for the proposed structures. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. The parking spaces on the subject property meet this requirement. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The proposed antenna will be installed on top of an existing 75' high silo and a false silo top will be installed. The silo will be increased by 10' for a total height of 85'. Pursuant to Section 3.07(G) of the Land Development Regulations, the Development Review Board may approve the height of communication antennas and farm silos to exceed the limitations set forth in Section 3.07(B) of the Land Development Regulations subject to conditional use approval. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 1. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. M (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Staff feels that the proposed landscaping is adequate to satisfy this requirement. M Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Staff feels that the proposed structure will relate harmoniously to existing buildings in the area. (g) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not feel it is necessary to require any additional access easements as part of the proposed project. (h) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (i) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). No dumpsters are depicted on the plans. (j) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Pursuant to Table 13-9 of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed project will require a minimum of $9,549 of landscaping. The applicant is proposing $9,870 of landscaping, which exceeds the minimum requirement. The applicant has submitted an adequate landscape plan. However, the applicant has not submitted a landscape budget prepared by a landscape professional. 2. The applicant shall submit a landscape budget prepared by a landscape professional, prior to site plan approval. 3. The applicant shall post a landscape bond for $9, 549, prior to the issuance of the zoning permit. This bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the 61 landscaping has taken root and has a good chance of surviving The City Arborist reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memorandum dated November 3, 2004 (attached). 4. The landscape plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Arborist, as outlined in his memorandum dated November 3, 2004, prior to site plan approval. (k) Other The applicant has stated that the proposed equipment shelter will be equipped with downshielded entrance lights. However, the applicant has not submitted exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) for the proposed lighting fixtures. 5. The applicant shall submit exterior lighting details (cut -sheets) for the proposed lighting fixtures, in compliance with Appendix D of the Land Development Regulations, prior to site plan approval. The City Engineer reviewed the plans and provided comments in a memorandum dated November 4, 2004 (attached). 6. The plans shall be revised to comply with the requests of the City Engineer, as outlined in his memorandum dated November 4, 2003, prior to site plan approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Conditional Use application #CU-04-13 and Site Plan Application #SP-04-39. Respec ys{abmitted, J�da'n Robert , Associate Planner Copy to: Brian Sullivan 9 BILL SZYMANSKI, City Engineer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 846-4106 (phone) 846-4101(fax) COMMENTS Verizon Wireless Hinesburg Road & Holiday Inn 11/4/04 1. The telephone company should prepare an elevation view of these towers superimposed on photos of adjacent buildings. Similar to what was prepared for the Dorset Street and Allen Road water storage tanks. These towers of 6o and 8o feet in height may have a visual impact in the area. Verizon Wireless Holiday Inn -Vicinity Plan 11/3/04 Dubois & King A planting detail along with planting specifications is needed, otherwise the plan looks OK Verizon Wireless Williston 2 Dubois & King • Green Ash is not an acceptable species due to over planting in South Burlington • A planting detail and planting specifications is needed • I would recommend adding a few more trees along Rte 116 as the spacing on the plan is pretty wide MSK MURPHY SULLIVAN KRO N K October 4, 2004 HAND DELIVERY Mr. Raymond J. Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Wireless Telecommunications Facility Application for Site Plan Review and Application for the Development Review Board Site Location:850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington Vermont Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless Landowner: WGM Associates (Keith P. Wright) Dear Mr. Belair: Enclosed are an original and four (4) copies of an Application for Site Plan Review and Application for the Development Review Board (Conditional Use), together with a filing fee in the amount of $320.00 ($185.00 for Site Plan and $135.00 for Conditional Use) and five (5) full-sized sets of permit plans. These applications are being submitted on behalf of NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless. The Project involves constructing a stealth antenna installation on an existing 75' concrete silo, and a stealth equipment shelter adjacent thereto. An array of twelve panel antennas, both PCS and cellular, each measuring approximately four feet long by one-half foot wide, will be mounted on the dome of the existing silo at approximately 73' above ground level and a fiberglass extension and new dome will be fitted on the silo to conceal the antennas within. A 12' by 30' by 10' high pre -fabricated equipment shelter, which will also house a propane -fueled emergency generator, will be installed near the base of the silo and a 2-1/2' wide by 9' long propane tank will be installed on an approximately 4' wide x 10' long pad just south of the equipment shelter. The Project will be unmanned and will not require water or sewer facilities. 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVT.COM s Mr. Raymond J. Belair, Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington October 4, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Thank you for your consideration. If you need additional information or documentation, please contact me. Very truly yours, Brian J Ilivan Enclosures cc: Keith P. Wright, WGM Associates (w/enclosure) Ms. Sandy Carter, Verizon Wireless (w/enclosure) Mr. Doug Culp, Verizon Wireless (w/enclosure) Arthur W. Dreher, Sr. Engineer, DuBois & King, Inc. (w/enclosure) 00006352 K ` -- MS K 275 COLLEGE STREET, PO BOX 4485 1 BURLINGTON, VT 05406-4485 1 PHONE 802 861-7000 1 FAX 861-7007 1 MSKVi'.COM NBois ENGINEERING • PLANNING • DEVELOPMENT • MANAGEMENT ➢IIC. November 9, 2004 418567P Mr. Brian Robertson City of South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application # SP-04-39 Verizon Wireless, 850 Hinesburg Road, Wright Farm Dear Brian: Per the City's request stated in the October 27, 2004 DRB Report, we are submitting the following Landscape Budget for the proposed planting plan. 6 —'Green Mountain' Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain') 2 1/2 - 3" Cal. $2,700.00 15 — White Spruce (Picea glauca) 6' Ht. $3,750.00 3 — Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) 2 1/2 - 3" Cal. $1,350.00 42 — Common Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 4' Ht $2,520 00 Total $10,320.00 Please contact me at 802-878-7661 Ext. 15, if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully Submitted, DuBQIS AND KIN NC. o A. Steele, ASLA iA Landscape Architect I:\418567P\Admin\Landscape Budgetll-9-04.doc 25 Wentworth Drive • Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 878 7661 (802) 878 2907 (FAX) - ---._ - Randolph, Vermont Nashua, New Hampshire Rutland, Vermont No Text No Text I 10' PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE OF SILO STEALTH EXTENSION PROPOSED ACCESS STEALTH STEALTXI 10'I I II � l ii iI Ii E I ; TOP OF --- EXISTING SILO SILO EXTENSION SUPPORT STRUTS (TYP) ANTENNA IN CABLE TRAY PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING SILO EXISTING 65SILO PROPOSED 10' FIBERGLASS STEALTH EXTENSION WITH DOME �r EXISTING 65' \, CONCRETE SILO \ i r-- k ' �+ UNDERGROUND j I PROPANE ` ++ I UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE FROM UTILTIY IjI + + + + POLE TO PROPOSED SHELTER/ + I ++ / ++ NI IIIIi ++ ICJ 17 SYV !I I 3' O.C. I PARKING/ TURNAROUND I ------------ /- PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGE / —yam_ I I I CRUSHED STONE / I SURFACE —EROSION —� CONTROL SILT FENCE M + O + i + + + + + + + �)--25 SYV 03' O.C. PROPOSED / PROPANE I TANK I DETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE w s Aa s p ( IX rssr ) I hwh — 10 tL PLANT LIST QUAINT] M BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME 5aE 6 ASG ACER S. 'GREEN MOUNTAIN'/ 2 1/2-3" CAL. MORON ACTIVATED GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE PERIMETER CUT—OFF LIGHT OVER DOORS 15 PCG PICEA GLAUCA/ 6' HT. WHITE SPRUCE 3 OR OUERCUS RUBRA/ 2 1/2-3" CAL. EMERGENCY SIGN NORTHERN RED OAK SHELTER 42 SYV SYRINGA VULGARIS/ 4' HT. 10' COMMON LILAC AIR CONDITIONERSWARNING SIGNS SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE v4 A2 „ ( IXrm) I Inch — 8 & ROOT REMARKS B&B PLANT 40' O.C. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. B&B B&B PLANT 3' O.C. 3 ORS PLANT 3' OUTS RIGHT—OF—WAY i rn 15 PCG — 10' O.C. 5 ASGITMI —� 40' O.C. I � I � I 1 I 1 ASG EXISTING Q5'—" \ CONCRETE` SILO 1 i �I IL \ 01 I \ 9 I \ I 1 y I l I ! 1l I Existing Silo Latitude 44-26'-40.67" Longitude 73'-09'-27.83" Base Elevation 413.0' Rim Elevation 478.0' ! Existing Top Elevation 488.0' Proposed Top Elevation 498.0' — — — — — — — i A i PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGE / N 25 SYV / 3' D.C. / R0 OSED 12X 30' EOUIPMENTAHELTER F.F.E. EROSION / CONTRO¢ SILT FENCE t 'ROPOSED I J rl 'ROPANE r ANK / 1 SYV (( $ O.C. a 1 ' I JTILITY POLE TO (PROPOSED SMELTER I i 1 I i I �� 10 i 1 MI n 1 EXISTING I GRAVEL PARKING/ I TURNAROUND i I I I DETAIL SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE l0 N ]C N IN (IX F66T ) I Inch - JOtt REDUCED SCALE HALF SIZE GRAVEL SURFACE �� rR OUND BACKFILL 6"+/—, SEED & MULCH COMPACTED GRAVEL \ MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH TOP OF PIPE VARIES MATERAL \ SEEFINISELECTRCALOSPECIFICATIONS 1 2" SAND a PIPE DIA—D Ni'���i�i�i�i�i \—UNDISTURBED MIN. D+18" SOIL OR ROCK MA % D+24 (MAX. —PAYMENT WIDTH) 'IES: WHERE BACKFILL IS DESIGNATED 'COMPACTED', THIS MEANS 90% TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR, AASHTO T-99. ALL FILL PLACED BELOW PIPES MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES GREATER THAN 4" IN DIAMETER, NO FROZEN LUMPS, AND ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF CLAY OR ORGANIC MATERIAL. ALL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM OF 12" LFTS AND COMPACTED BEFORE PLACING NEXT LIFT. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION SCALE: 1" = 2' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATED COMPOSITF SILI 0' (TRUE NO (TYPICAL ANT ORIENTATION) 1 /4" THICK CURVED CLADDING PLATES, CLADDING PLATES BOLTED TO FRP STRUCTURE WITH 3/8 0 ISOPLAST BOLTS 012" O.C. U.N.O. SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 249 PLAN VIEW THROUGH STEALTH SILO EXTENSION NOTES: SCALE: 1" = 3' 1. DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2. ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA AND LADDER WILL BE ADJUSTED TO SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL SITE. THE ORIENTATION PRESENTED IS AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT. 13 &GOW0 r7wireless 120' ATTACH ANTENNA PIPES TO BOTTOM OF FLOOR 6" ABOVE ANTENNA SEE "DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION" THIS 1 D( I S EXTE PROPOSED DOOR PROPOSED ACCESS LADDER EXTENSION IROPOSED SILO EXTENSION PROPOSED DOOR FEED PIPE TO SILO EXISTING ACCESS LADDER EXISTING SILO UNLOADING CHUTE TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1" - 4' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. REDUCED SCALE HALF SIZE �. �JU1Z�„� -fLM�CNECKED ac. VERIZON WIRELESS WILLISTON 2 SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT JWP JwP BY DATE J OJ. NO. PROD. NO. 418567P VERMONT ROUTE 116 PROD. ENG. DRAW. NO. engineering CIVIL DETAILS AWD 6531 planning management VERIZON SITE # 100585 SHEET 4 OF 5 development VERIZON PROJECT # 2002015505 TRUNK FLARE JUNCTION WEED SEPARATOR FABRIC 3" BARK MULCH 3" CONTINUOUS SOIL RIM FINISHED GRADE �_{I Imo€ If BACKFlLL I_...... . I I....... �......._ L.-� I ....... �� r ROOT BALL �3 x BALL DIAMETER--J TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO PLANTING, CHECK PLANTS DAILY AND WATER TO KEEP SOIL DAMP -CONTINUOUS WEED BUT NOT SOAKING WET. SEPARATOR FABRIC COVER ENTIRE 2. ANTI DESICANT SPRAY MAY BE APPLIED SHRUB PLANTING BED TO ALL EVERGREENS AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. .0 3' BARK MULCH LIMITS OF CRUSHED '~5,..'::" (�; 3. PLANT TREES AND SHRUBS SO THAT STONE SURFACEy�, '�' i„i 3" CONTINUOUS THE ROOT BALL FIRMLY ON TOP OF GRADE TO DRAIN `� SOIL RIM UNDISTURBED SOIL WITH THE JUNCTION AS SHOWN ON PLAN GRADE TO DRAIN AWAY ..w TRUNK FLARE SLIGHTLY HIGHER (1-2") 2-4" CRUSHED FROM SHELTER YARD FINISHED GRADE THAN THE FINISHED GRADE. STONE SURFACE 11 - - - 4. REMOVE THANE AND BURLAP FROM TOP STABILIZATION... ......-: (.. - 1/3 OF BALL. IF SYNTHETIC, REMOVE FABRIC PLACED ................. ........... _...... :: 'i . .........: COMPLETELY. REMOVE THE HALF OF WI RE ON SUBGRADE I ( ::::_:......... I :_::::_:-_.::; I ::_:_:::_...: ACKFILL BASKET AND CUT THE REMINDER IN NUMEROUS PLACES. SECTION THROUGH SHELTER YARD i_ 00T BALL 5. BACKFlLL WITH SUITABLE SOIL FROM HOLE. NOT TO SCALE AMEND WITH TOPSOIL AND COMPOST AS 3 x BALL DIAMETER DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. UGHTLY TAMP NOTE: BACKFlLL IN LAYERS TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL AND WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 48 HOURS REMOVE TOPSOIL FOR THE PLACEMENT OF PLANTING. OF YARD STONE AND STOCKPILE ON SITE. NOT TO SCALE BLEND TOPSOIL INTO NEW GRADE IMMEDIATELY 6. USE AGED, UNCOLORED DOUBLE SHREDDED SURROUNDING THE FENCED -IN AREA, AND BARK MULCH.TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF TRUNK. INSURE THAT IT REMAINS WITHIN THE TOP 7. STAKE AND GUY TREES WHEN NECESSARY LAYER OF SOIL STRATA. TO STABILIZE ROOT BALL IN LOOSE SOIL OR HIGH WINDS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. REMOVE ALL STAKES AND GUY MATERIALS ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING. LL 'ARATOR FABRIC MULCH NUOUS SOIL RIM GRADE SEEDING FORMULA URBAN AREAS LBS./A. NAME PUR% 34.0 CREEPING RED FESCUE 98 8.0 PERENNIAL RYE GRASS 95 34.0 KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 85 4.0 ANNUAL RYE GRASS 95 80.0 GENERAL NOTES SEED MIXTURE: SHALL NOT HAVE A WEED CONTENT EXCEEDING 0.40% BY WEIGHT AND SHALL BE FREE OF ALL NOXIOUS SEED. SEED: TO BE APPLIED PER SEEDING FORMULAS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. FERTILIZER: FORMULA 10-20-10, TO BE USED WITH SEED, APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 500 LBS./ACRE. (HYDRO SEEDERS MAY USE 19-19-19 FORMULA). AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE: TO BE APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 2 TONS/ACRE, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. HAY MULCH: TO BE PLACED ON EARTH SLOPES AT THE RATE OF 2 TONS/ACRE, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. TOPSOIL: TO BE USED WITH SEED AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. REDUCED SCALE HALF SIZE t r fill 300 13 � Win Nj• i ..., ' F7+ t •.•. SH zteasion 1 �N} •' - /{♦ it Win mill //IJJI 14Ut - • ; f` r ! t N r 1 "� �2uarryfyjc i Verizon , ins •- .. . _. Williston4\Ii�I View tPoint Locaton Map_ •• No Text No Text A ��'l��, � l+ 4.�•r'et'�•! a t�t'i X-►.7- 4 7j'elf I_rff f^7 View Point 2 (Williston II) t s, Y Existing Condition ;1' ,�r �;f `,"Y ;ctr ,Y�►/ �; `,� From 120 Kimball Dr near Shunpike Rd P9,South Burlington, Vermont September 22 2004 9 / , OUT 1 View Point 2 (Williston II) Proposed Condition From 120 Kimball Dr near Shunpike Rd 'l*4 -6y- South Burlington, Vermont Y,,�� Y. ,` �' September 22, 2004 ilk View PointWilliston ll Ex.istjnngyC�dition F"rom-Hinesburg Road & Tilly Drive South Burlington, Vermont September 22, 2004 �fi• c: �i View Point 3�'`(_Willis-ton II) Proposed Condition ._From Hinesburg Road & Tilly Drive South Burlington, Vermont September 22, 2004 Photo simulations created by Dubois & King, Inc. Photo is equivalent to conventional 50 mm lens. Photo is equivalent to conventional 50 mm lens. Irm -odo—W —, .—I I ) iWaV 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 10, 2004 Brian J. Sullivan Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Nynex Mobile Limited Parnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless 850 Hinesburg Road and 1068 Williston Road Dear Mr. Sullivan: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced projects approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on 11/9/04 (11/9/04). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months of this approval or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough, Administrative Assistant Encl. Q24- 0 03 3\1U Ckx)6 Ctg 5b4 L9 Permit Number SP- CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) 675/550 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) NYNEX MobileMQbile Limited mi ted r n hill 13 d/b/a Verizon Wireless 1 ess 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401, 861-7000 phone, 861-7007 fax. 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) barrel 0860-00869 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) 10 acre pdreel that includes several residences and a silo b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Wireless telecoammirnrion fari 1 i ty with stealth antenna 11 instaati nr, in existing silo, of a 1 2'x30' equipment shieltpr and propane tank and padl c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Silo to be increased by 10' to 85' AGL, equipment shelter — 10' e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Three existing, none proposed f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): The project is unmanned, a technician will vigit thesi encP or twice a month for maintenance. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 3 % Proposed %increase is de minimus b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 % Proposed % increase is de minimus c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _% Proposed % unehanged. 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): b) Landscaping: $ I Q , 00 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out):Technician will visit the site approximately once or twice a month. Otherwise, site is unmarme . b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/A — residences c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: The site will be operating continuously__ 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: The unmanned site will be operating continuously 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: approximately 4 — 6 weeks, 14) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 2 EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. o Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) o Survey data (distance and acreage) o Contours (existing and finished) o Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations o Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways o Zoning boundaries o Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) o Location of septic tanks (if applicable) o Location of any easements o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o North arrow o Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be down casting and shielded. o Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations o If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE New Application $ 60.00* Amendment $ 35.00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee 4 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1, d/b/a Verizon Wireless By, /vWV%M0fZ1L4 SIGatU OF WGM Ass es By: SIGXATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date 3 Permit Number APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in M. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Type of application check one: ( ) Appeal from decision of Administrator Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation) (X) Request for a conditional use ( ) Request for a variance ( ) Other PROVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE IN QUESTION (IF ANY) WHAT ACTION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ARE YOU APPEALING? 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Associates,c/o Keith P. Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #)._6 Z5/550 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)NYNF�X Mobile Ltd Partnership 1, d b a Verizon Wireless 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Brian J. Sullivan, Murphy Sullivan Kronk, 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 861 7000 phone 861-7007 fax. 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS:_ 850 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) Parcel #0860-00896 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) 1 o aCrP nary _1 that i nc i V1PC seirpral rPCi rlences, and a si 1 o b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Stealth antenna installation in existing silo and equipment shelter c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) ej LE n shPl tPr — 1 q' , silo o to increase ease height by 10' to 85' e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Three existing, none proposed. f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing____I_ % Proposed -% de minimus b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 % Proposed -% de minimus c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _% Proposed % unchanged (does not apply to residential uses) 2 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ �55aj DOD b) Landscaping: $ 91670. po c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): approximately 1 or 2 time per month. Otherwise se* e is urunanne . b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): N/A — ,-Psi [len(•as c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: The site will be operating continuously, however, it will be unmanned. 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: The unmanned site will operate continuously. 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: annroxi ma tely 4-6 weeks 14) LIST ABUTTERS ( List names and addresses of all abutting property owners on a separate sheet of paper). Attached at Exhibit 4. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. NYNEX Mobile tnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless By: Q".f.. WGM As By: --70 TY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee 4 Date SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS Location of Project The Project, a proposed wireless telecommunication facility, will be located on a portion of a ±10 acre parcel owned by WGM Associates and located at 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves constructing a stealth antenna installation on an existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) and a stealth equipment shelter adjacent thereto (Exhibit 1). An array of twelve antennas, both PCS and cellular, each measuring approximately four feet long by one-half foot wide (Exhibit 2), will be mounted on the dome of the existing silo at approximately 73' above ground level ("AGL"), and a fiberglass extension and new dome will be fitted on the silo to conceal the antennas within. With the fiberglass extension and new dome, the total height of the silo will be 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). A 12' by 30' by 10' high pre -fabricated equipment shelter (Exhibit 3), which will also house a propane -fueled emergency generator, will be installed near the base of the silo and will be stealthed to blend in with the character of the area. A 2-112' wide by 9' long propane tank will be installed on an approximately 4' wide x 10' long pad just south of the equipment shelter. The antennas will be connected by cables running down the silo from each antenna and across a transmission line bridge to the equipment shelter. Access to the site will be through an existing gravel driveway on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). Telephone and electric lines will be installed underground from an existing pole on the property running to the equipment shelter. The fuel line from the propane tank to the emergency generator will also be buried. The Project will be unmanned and will not require water or sewer facilities. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless"), 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 861-7000; Fax: (802) 861-7007 bsullivanc(?mskvt.com Landowner: WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVALS Location of Project The Project, a proposed wireless telecommunication facility, will be located on a portion of a ±10 acre parcel owned by WGM Associates and located at 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves constructing a stealth antenna installation on an existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) and an equipment shelter adjacent thereto (Exhibit 1). An array of twelve antennas, both PCS and cellular, each measuring approximately four feet long by one-half foot wide (Exhibit 2), will be mounted on the dome of the existing silo at approximately 73' above ground level ("AGL"), and a fiberglass extension and new dome will be fitted on the silo to conceal the antennas within. With the fiberglass extension and new dome, the total height of the silo will be 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). A 12' by 30' by 10' high pre -fabricated equipment shelter (Exhibit 3), which will also house a propane -fueled emergency generator (Exhibit 4), will be installed near the base of the silo and will be stealthed to blend in with the character of the area. A 2-112' wide by 9' long propane tank will be installed on an approximately 4' wide x 10' long pad just south of the equipment shelter. The antennas will be connected by cables running down the silo from each antenna and across a transmission line bridge to the equipment shelter. Access to the site will be through an existing gravel driveway on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). Telephone and electric lines will be installed underground from an existing pole on the property to the equipment shelter. The fuel line from the propane tank to the emergency generator will also be buried. The Project will be unmanned and will not require water or sewer facilities. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless"), 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 c/o Brian J. Sullivan, Esq. Murphy Sullivan Kronk 275 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: (802) 861-7000; Fax: (802) 861-7007 bsullivan@msl<vt.com Landowner: WGM Associates c/o Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Road P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN The proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), as follows: 14.05 (D) — Application for Site Plan. The information required by subparagraphs (1) legal data, (2) general project description, and (3) existing conditions, have either been included with the Project Drawings (Exhibit 1) or are not applicable to this particular application. Exhibit 5 is a list of the abutting property owners. 14.050)(4) - Development Data. (a) Means of vehicular access, egress and pedestrian access and circulation: The Project, which is located on an improved property, will use the property's existing gravel drive for ingress and egress to the site from Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). This facility will not be open to the public. (h) One set of preliminary plans .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (c) Location and layout of off-street parking, loading areas, traffic circulation areas, pedestrian walkways and fire lanes. The Project, which is located on an improved property, will be unmanned, and will generally be visited once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits by service technicians. An existing graveled parking/turnaround area is provided at the site. The site will not require off-street parking or loading areas, will not have an effect on local traffic circulation and the facility will not be open to the public. (d) Analysis of traffic impacts .... The Project, which is located on an improved property, will be unmanned, and will generally be visited once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits by service technicians. After the initial construction, the Project will have no impact on traffic. (e) Lot area and lot coverage .... Please see Exhibit 1, Sheet 2, Project Drawings. -2- (f) Location of proposed waterlines, valves The Project will not require water or sewer facilities. (g) Cut sheets for outdoor lighting The Verizon Wireless equipment shelter will be equipped with a downshielded entrance light near the doors, set on a motion detector, which will only be used when the ambient lighting is insufficient for the technician. The wattage of that light will be equivalent in intensity to a light above a residence door (Exhibit 6). (h) Preliminary grading .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (i) The extent and amount of cut and fill ... erosion and sediment control Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (j) Proposed stormwater management system .... Not applicable, the Project, which is located on an improved property, consists of a 12' x 30' prefabricated equipment shelter and a propane tank pad. (k) Detailed specifications and locations of planting .... As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. (1) The general location of any free-standing signs. There will be no free-standing signs on the Project. The proposed signs, which are required by the FCC, will be an approximately 1-1 /2' x 2' yellow sign that indicates the site number and an emergency telephone number and hazmat warning signs (triangular) that lists the symbol for batteries and fuel. These required signs will be mounted on the equipment shelter door. -3- (m) The location of all existing and proposed site improvements .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (n) The location of any outdoor storage . . . and design of all solid waste -related facilities. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings for equipment shelter location. There will be no dumpsters or solid waste -related facilities required for this Project. (o) Location and design of all energy distribution facilities .... Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings. (p) Lines ... of property that is offered ... for dedication for public use .... Not applicable, the Project is located on an improved property. (q) Estimated project construction schedule, phasing and date of completion. The project consists of two separate operations, which are not dependent on each other. Either can proceed independent of the other depending on construction and material scheduling. These operations are the construction of the ground mounted equipment shelter and generator and the construction of the "stealth" silo extension. Each will be described separately. A. Equipment Shelter (Approximate Construction Duration: 4 - 6 Weeks) 1. Rough grade, excavate, install footings, and pads. 2. Construct utility shelter (Frame walls, roof, install exterior finish, roof, etc.). 3. Fit -up interior of shelter with electrical services and mechanical equipment (HVAC Units etc.) Install telecommunication equipment inside shelter and generator on pad. 4. Install utility conduits and wires, antenna coax, and grounding system. B. Stealth Silo (Approximate Construction Duration 4 Weeks) 1. Construct stealth silo extension consisting of support structure and fiberglass exterior. 2. Install antenna inside stealth silo. -4- C. Silo and Shelter Completion (Approximate Duration -I Week) 1. Final inspection by agencies regulating project. 2. Startup and testing of equipment. D. Operation Once site is completed, and operational, it is unmanned and is visited by technicians once or twice per month. (r) Estimated cost of all site improvements. The estimated cost of the site improvements will be approximately $361,870. (s) Estimated daily and peak hour traffic generation .... After construction has been completed, the Project will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (t) Finished grades of walls, pavements, and storm drains. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings, for applicable information. (u) Detailed plans of retaining walls, steps, ramps, paving and drainage structures. Please see Exhibit 1, Project Drawings, for applicable information. (v) Estimate of all earthwork, including ... material to be imported to or removed from the site .... No major changes in grading are planned and materials removed or imported will be minimal; limited to equipment shelter foundation and communication yard surface material (crushed stone). (w) Location and dimensions of all proposed water supply, sanitary sewerage, stormwater system, and other utility lines and equipment, including connections to existing facilities. The Project will not require water or sewer facilities. Underground electric and telephone service will run from an existing utility pole on the property to the equipment shelter. -5- (x) Detailed landscaping plan .... As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. (y) Locations, types and cut sheets for all exterior light. The Verizon Wireless equipment shelter will be equipped with a downshielded entrance light near the doors, set on a motion detector, which will only be used when the ambient lighting is insufficient for the technician. The wattage of that light will be equivalent in intensity to a light above a residence door (Exhibit 6). 14.06 — General Review Standards: A. Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Project, which, according to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan (the "Plan") is located in the Southeast Quadrant, is consistent with the planned character of the area. According to the Plan, the goal for the Southeast Quadrant is to "promote a pattern of land use and development that respects and maintains the open and special character" of the area (p. 47). The Plan's goals are for the preservation and enhancement of "the open character ... and scenic views" as well as encouraging development in accordance "with the physical characteristics of the land." (p. 53) The Project conforms with these goals by mounting the facility within an existing silo and installing an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns. B. Relationship of the Proposed Structure to the Site. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for the adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement and adequate parking areas. The mounting of antennas within an existing silo, and installation of an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns, -6- accomplishes the desired transitions. As illustrated on the drawings, the landscaping conforms with the requirements of the City of South Burlington, the site will not be open to the public or pedestrian traffic, and there is adequate on -site parking for the service technician who will be visiting the site once or twice a month. (2) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. As illustrated on the plans, the existing parking/turnaround area is located on the north side of the silo and equipment shelter. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits. . . the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. The existing 75' concrete silo (65' to the base of the dome) will receive a fiberglass extension and new dome, increasing the total height of the silo to 85' (75' to the base of the new dome). The equipment shelter will be approximately 10' high. Both structures will be compatible with the existing buildings on the site. (4) Newly installed utility services . . . shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. As illustrated on the plans, new utility service from the existing on -site pole to the equipment shelter will be underground. C. Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Areas. The mounting of antennas within an existing silo and installation of an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns, as well as the screening provided by the landscaping, will create an attractive transition between buildings and relate harmoniously to the adjoining areas. 14.07 - Specific Review Standards: A. Access to Abutting Properties. The proposed Project will not affect access to abutting properties. B. Utility Services. As illustrated on the plans, new utility service from the existing on -site pole to the equipment shelter will be underground. -7- C. Disposal of Wastes. The unmanned telecommunication facility will not produce solid waste. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements. As shown on Exhibit 1, Sheet 3, the Project complies with Article 13, Section 13.06 of the Regulations. Approximately 4' high lilac hedges (which will grow to approximately 10' to 15' at maturity) will be planted along the south and east sides of the shelter, providing a buffer for the industrial park on the east, and another lilac hedge will be planted to the west of the equipment shelter, providing a buffer for the residencies along Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). In addition, three 2-1/2 to 3" Patmore green ash will be planted along Hinesburg Road, six 2-1/2 to 3" Green Mountain sugar maples will be planted to the north and east of the existing gravel parking area, and fifteen 6' high white spruce will be planted, in groups of five, along the northeast corner of the property improvements. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE In addition to the requirements of Article 14.05.(D), Application for Site Plan, Article 14.06, General Review Standards, and 14.07, Specific Review Standards, of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations ("Regulations"), the proposed Project complies with the requirements of Article 14.10.(E), Conditional Use Review: General Review Standards, as follows: 14.10 (E) - General Review Standards. (1) The proposed use, in its location and operation, shall be consistent with the planned character of the area as defined by the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Project, which, according to the Plan is located in the Southeast Quadrant, is consistent with the planned character of the area. According to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan ("Plan"), the goal for the Southeast Quadrant is to "promote a pattern of land use and development that respects and maintains the open and special character" of the area (p. 47). The Plan's goals are for the preservation and enhancement of "the open character ... and scenic views" as well as encouraging development in accordance "with the physical characteristics of the land." (p. 53) The Project conforms with these goals by stealthing the facility within an existing silo and installing an equipment shelter to conform with existing architectural patterns. Its effect on the character of the area will, therefore, be de minimus. In addition, because it is a discrete project that will improve wireless telecommunication coverage, the Project may help to attract the "high quality, large -lot, environmentally consistent industries or offices" that, according to the Plan, are currently planned for this area (p. 50). (2) The proposed use shall conform to the stated purpose of the district in which the proposed use is located. Please see the answer to Item 1 above. The proposed Project does conform with the stated purpose of the Southeast Quadrant District ("SQD"), some of which are "to encourage open space preservation, scenic view and natural resource protection ... continued agricultural use ...." (3) The proposed use shall not adversely affect: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. The proposed facility will have no effect on the City's existing or planned facilities, including without limitation, police, fire, rescue, schools, water, sewer and roads. The Project does not require water or wastewater facilities; it is unmanned; the equipment shelter is fireproof, and is silently -9- alarmed to a Verizon Wireless central facility; it will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, or the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. The Project will not adversely affect the essential character of area, its scenic or natural beauty or the ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. The Project will retain the open and agricultural/low density residential character of the area by concealing the antennas and equipment building within existing farm structures or structures built to resemble existing farm structures. Therefore, the property will continue to look as it does. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. The proposed Project will have no effect on the capacity of roads and highways in the vicinity. It will be visited no more than once or twice a month for routine maintenance visits, and will only be visited more frequently in the event of an emergency. (d) Bylaws in effect. The proposed Project conforms to the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations currently in effect. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. The proposed Project will have no effect on others' ability to utilize renewable energy resources. (f) General public health and welfare. The Project will have no adverse effect to the general public health and welfare. Verizon Wireless is obligated by Federal law to comply with the radio frequency ("Ill'") emissions levels established by the Federal Communications Commission. Attached as Exhibit 7 are the power density calculations illustrating compliance with those standards. -10- SCHEDULE OF ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: Drawings, consisting of Orthophoto-Vicinity Plan (Sheet 1 of 4), Overall Site Plan (Sheet 2 of 4), Detail Site Plan and Elevation (Sheet 3 of 4), and Details (Sheet 4 of 4) Exhibit 2: Antenna Specifications Exhibit 3: Equipment Shelter Specifications Exhibit 4: Emergency Generator Specifications Exhibit 5: List of Abutting Property Owners Exhibit 6: Exterior Light Fixture Specifications Exhibit 7: Power Density Calculations - 11 - No Text ri 1 l I 1 I l 1 1 I _ PROJECT LOCATION LAT: 44a-26'--40.67" LONG: 73a-09'-27.83" 1� I • n rI it ll, 10.2 Acras I l 111 f. IL ` i � 385' Il I 1 �I D WATER / LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTES : 1. Property Owner. M. Keith Wright, 850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont 05407 2. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile limited Partnership 1 c/o Brian Sullivan. Esq.. Murphy Sullivan Kmnk. P.O. Box 4485, 275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401-4485 802-861-70W 3. Engineer. DuBois k King, 25 Wentworth Drive, Williston, VT 05495 802-078-3000 4. Zoning District: Industrial d: Open Space (10) 5. Zoning Dimensional Requirerisnts: Minimum Required E7clytipg Minimum Lot Size: 3 Acres 10 Acres Maximum Site Coverage —Buildings Only: 30% 3% (12,500 SF) —Buildings, Parking and impervious Surfaces: 50% 6% (26.000 SF) Front Yard Setback: 50 Feet N/A Side Yard Setback: 35 Feet N/A Rear Yard Setback: 50 Feet N/A 6. Proposed Use: Unattended Telecommunications Facility. (1-2) visits per month by technician. No water or sewer services required. 7. Boundary Line Information based on Town of South Burlington Tax Maps. DuBois k King has not performed a boundary survey. B. Topographic survey performed by DuBois do King. Inc., on June 22. 2004. 9. Elevations from GPS Observations. APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE EROSION CONTROL. SILT FENCE A SURVEY CONTROL POINT m. OVERHEAD UTILITY POLE -- --- 501 ---- EXISTING CONTOUR UNE -----501 -- PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE �,/���,,0/// DECIDUOUS TREES CONIFER TREES — X — X — CHAIN LINK FENCE �L- [-i i-1 LEDGE r-eyyy-yyyy-% EXISTING TREELINE f`YWYY-N PROPOSED TREEUNE STONEWALL mpased 10 Acres 3% (12,900 SF) 6% (26,400 SF) 160 Feet 205 Feet/365 Feel 595 Feet Y cnrcvi� nm�u.w.a AP JUL.-04 4W11 STON 2GRAPHIC SCALE cNE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 418567P \ / ij i VERMONT ROUTE 116 (m ner) ✓✓ engineering lahnin OVERALL SITE PLAN AWD 6529 1 tmh - 100 itP g management VERIZON SITE 100585 0- DATE BY CK'D develg meal VERIZON PROJECT 2002015505 SHEET 2 OF 4 I:\T 1tSSE:/h'\dwq\t; 121:�f; /;if'i)i.dw�, Uy /:'1/'1)()I l:l •IC,it-1 Pv. \,\wlll`.1I0N\I'' Li—iii,01:1 800 1:' by 51 St n SILO ELEVATION (EAST ELEVATION) GRAPHIC SCALE ( IXnxt) I Ineh - 6 tL i \,- PARKING/ I -� TURNAROUND ----------- PROPOSED EROSION -^� CAB OUSTING 65' I l \ BRIDGE /J CONSILT FENCE ROOL `CONCRETE SILO 1 ry-,N 1 \ m + o I k Ytll / f + I UNDERGROUN I PROPANE. + xa�A0.1 + I + u } I + + /x + 1 " DERGROUND I I ROPOSED i I "CTRIC AND + I + PROPANE I EPHONE FROM I I / + ' TANK + I 5ii POLE TO I DPOSD + + + SHELTER 1 + + + + + + + + + + + / 1 25 SW / 1 + + �M 3' O.C. II I + I I 17 SW � I 3' O.C. 1 I DETAIL OF COMPOUND GRAPHIC SCALE _ s » w w I a (ate) I 1 Ineh _ IO K. PLANT LIST QSJKEY BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME ;SIZE RM REMARK$ 6 ASG ACER S. 'GREEN MOUNTAIN'/ 2 1/2-3- CAL., B&B PLANT 40' O.C. GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE 3 FPP FRAXINUS P. 'PATMORE'/- 2 1/2-3- CAL. B&S PATMORE GREEN ASH 15 PCG PICEA GLAUCA/ 6' HT. B&B PLANT 10' O.C. WHITE SPRUCE 42 SW SYRINGA VULGARIS/ 4' HT, B&B PLANT 3' O.C. COMMON LILAC 3 FPP PLANT RIGHT - 15 PCG TffrffrnTfT 10' O.C. 5 ASG 40' O.C. D, Ir I ' I / / I f. - EXISTING �1 Existing Silo Latitude 44'-26'-40.67- Longitude 73-09' 27.83' Base Elevation 413.0' Rim Elevation 478.0' Existing Top Elevation 488.0' Proposed Top Elevation 498.0' GRAVEL / 1 1 PARKING/ TURNAROUND 1 ASG I PROPOSED CABLBRIE -. EXISTING r CONCRETE• SILO 25 SW •i \ 1 1 J' . ,v'§t 3' D.C. ROPOSED 12'ix 30'/ 1 / EQUIPMEW,,SHELTER / F.F.E. �413.5' i / 7 v Osi / • <-1 y I I SILT FITICEROPOSED � •• J .� I i I� (N �, TROKANE I 1 17 SYV O 1141) ROUN� 3' O.C. I I ---�I-� ^I 9yfREPHONENFROM OLITY I II ROPOSED WELTER I i /a 1 LrmTtl 111111111111 1..1 I , I I DETAIL SITE PLAN a GRAPHIC SCALE » w w m ( IN @St ) 1 Imh - 301L I\,=l WA, /I `, Iw.�\.C.: n:,s / I I U I.(19/;,'.,/lC-1 6 11.'.I IM_ \. 101A HE' I,inJr,l 1,00 -1', by CIF' GRAVEL SURFACE OTHER MOUND BACKFILL 6"+/-, SEED & MULCH 18 FILTER FABRIC STAKES (TYP.) COMPACTED GRAVEL �� MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE VARIES •SUITABLE / SEE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL \ �/KEN,. \ _ FILTER FABRIC (TYP.) - EXTEND FILTER FABRIC INTO TRENCH BACKFILL ROW _ 12 S/WO / \ AND COMPACT EXCAVATED SOIL EXISTING GRADE - _ _ - `• ". PIPE DIA.=D / -I , HAND LACED _ B' •�� / & COMPACTED - _ - EXCAVATE 4" X 4' FLOW TRENCH E FROM AND ALONGNG THETHE LINE UNDISTURBED OF POSTS ' MIN. D+18' SOIL OR ROCK MAX D+24 (km. -PAYMENT ENT SILT FENCE DETAIL NOTES 1. WHERE BACKFILL IS DESIGNATED "COMPACTED', THIS MEANS 90X TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR, NOT TO SCALE AASHTO T-99. ALL FILL PLACED BELOW PIPES MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. 2. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES GREATER THAN 4' IN DIAMETER, NO FROZEN LUMPS, AND ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF CLAY OR ORGANIC MATERIAL. ALL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM OF 12" LIFTS AND COMPACTED BEFORE PLACING NEXT UFT. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 10' EXIEI DETAIL OF STEALTH SILO EXTENSION SCALE: 1" - 2' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. SILT 0' (TRUE NO (TYPICAL ANT ORIENTATION) 1/4' THICK CURVED CLADDING PLATES. CLADDING PLATES BOLTED TO FRP STRUCTURE WITH 3/8' M ISOPLAST DOLTS 012' O.C. U.N.O. 240' PLAN VIEW THROUGH STEALTH SILO EXTENSION NOTES SCALE: 1" = 3' 1. DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2. ORIENTATION OF ANTENNA AND LADDER WILL BE ADJUSTED TO SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS OF INDMDUAL SITE. THE ORIENTATION PRESENTED IS AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT. ATTACH ANTENNA PIPES TO BOTTOM OF FLOOR 6" A13OVE ANTENNA SEE "DETAIL OF STEALTH ---� SILO EXTENSION" THIS 1 DC 1 SI EXTEI TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1' - 4' DETAIL AND DESIGN PROVIDED BY FIBERGRATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. PROPOSED DOOR PROPOSED ACCESS LADDER EXTENSION PROPOSED SILO EXTENSION PROPOSED DOOR FEED PIPE TO SILO EXISTING ACCESS LADDER EXISTING SILO UNLOADING CHUTE DECIS V 948F65T2ZE-M BaseStation Antennas 17.2 dBi, Directed Dipole, No Screen Antenna dB Director® 1850-1990 MHz MaxFiIITM ZoneMasterTM • Exceptional azimuth roll -off reducing soft hand-offs and improving capacity • Excellent upper side lobe suppression • Deep null filling below the horizon assures improved signal intensity • Low profile appearance and low wind loading profile for easier zoning approvals 0 90 20 180 Azimuth 1950 MHz (Tilt=2) 270 0 90 Horizontal 1950 MHz (Tilt=2) 0 - 180 Vertical 1950 MHz (Tilt=2) Frequency (MHz): 1850-1990 Weight: Polarization: Vertical Dimensions (LxWxD): Gain (dBd/dBi): 15.1/17.2 Azimuth BW: 65' Max. Wind Area: Elevation BW: 8= Max. Wind Load (@ 100mph): Beam Tilt: 2" Max. Wind Speed: USLS* (dB): >16 Radiator Material: Null Fill* (dB): 15 Reflector Material: Front -to -Back Ratio* (dB): 40 Radome Material: VSWR: <1.33:1 Mounting Hardware Material: IM Suppression - Two 20 Waft Carriers: -150 dBc Connector Type: Impedance: 50 Ohms Color: Max Input Power: 250 Watts Standard Mounting Hardware: Lightning Protection: DC Ground Downtilt Mounting Hardware: Opt Electrical Tilt: 4°,6' Opt. Mounting Hardware: 90 !0 9.5 Ibs (4.3 kg) 48X6.5X4in (1219 X 165 X 102 m m) 1.18 ft' (0.11 m') 67 Ibf (298 N) 125 mph (201 km/h) Low Loss Circuit Board Aluminum ABS, UV Resistant Galvanized Steel 7-16 DIN- Female (Bottom) Light Gray DB390 Pipe Mount Kit, included DB5098, optional DB5094-AZ Azimuth Wall Mount Andrew Corporation Fax: 214.631.4706 Warranty: Five Years 8635 Stemmons Freeway Toll Free Tel: 1.800.676.5342 Date: 4/8/2004 E�* Dell 21, Texas 4.631 0310 A 75247-3701 ww a1.nd ew com06 ' -Indicates Typical Values dhtech4anrirPw.nom 27 F 0 180 -- Horizontal 880 MHz (Tilt=O) 270 90 Vertical 880 MHz (Tilt=O) '0 90 0 Frequency (MHz): 806-896 870-960 Weight: 12 Ibs (5.4 kg) Polarization: Vertical Vertical Dimensions (LxWxD): 48 X 10 X 8.5 in Gain (dBd/dBi): 13.5/15.6 13.8115.9 (1219 X 254 X 216 mm) Azimuth BW: 65" 65" Max. Wind Area: 0.97 ft2 (0.09 m2) Elevation BW: 15° 15" Max. Wind Load (@ 100mph): 531bf (236 N) Beam Tilt: 0° 0° Max. Wind Speed: 125 mph (201 km/h) USLS" (dB): >15 >15 Radiator Material: Aluminum Null Fill* (dB): 20-25 20-25 Reflector Material: Aluminum Front -to -Back Ratio" (dB): 40 40 Radome Material: ABS, UV Resistant VSWR: <1.33:1 <1.33:1 Mounting Hardware Material: Galvanized Steel Impedance: 50 Ohms 50 Ohms Connector Type: 7-16 DIN -Female (Back) Max Input Power: 500 Watts 500 Watts Color: Light Gray Lightning Protection: DC Ground DC Ground Standard Mounting Hardware: DB380 Pipe Mount Kit, included Opt Electrical Tilt: 6° 6- Downtilt Mounting Hardware: DB5083, optional Opt. Mounting Hardware: DB5084-AZ Azimuth Wall Mount Andrew Corporation 8635 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas U.S.A 75247-3701 Tel: 214.631.0310 Fax: 214.631.4706 Warranty: Five years Toll Free Tel: 1.800.676.5342 Date: 4/23/2004 Fax: 1.800.229.4706 " - Indicates Typical Values www.andrew.com VERIZON WIRELESS MODULAR EQUIPMENT SHELTER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS SITE:# VT0000 VARIOUS, VT TYPE: STANDARD AGGREGATE BUILDING DIMENSIONSI 1 �-6n x 30'-0" NON-COMBUSTIBLE STEEL FRAME SHELTER SINGLE PHASE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 200 AMP SERVICE FLOOR LIVE LOAD OF 150 PSF INCLUDING WEIGHT OF EQUIPMENT ROOF LIVE LOAD OF 50 PSF SNOW LOAD OF 50 PSF WIND LOADING: 120 MPH EXPOSURE "C" NOTES: 1) NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY. 2) ONLY INTENDED TO BE USED FOR .THE SHELTER OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT. 3) CONSTRUCTION TYPE 2C 4) USE GROUP U 5) ELECTRICIAN'S SPEC NOTES - SEE SHEET 10 OF 15 MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. �LEOLA. DA 0 ELKHART. IN 171 BENNINGTON .VF DATA PLATE NOTE: THE QUANTITIES OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (I.E. BATTERIES & DIESEL FUEL), AS DEFINED IN THE BUILDING CODE, TO BE STORED, DISPENSED, UTILIZED, OR HANDLED WITHIN THIS BUILDING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE EXEMPT AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE BUILDING CODE. _ MAM BY: I COVER SHEET VERMONT BUILDING CODES: 1993 BOCA NATIONAL BUILDING CODE WITH 1996 AMENDMENTS 1993 BOCA NATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE WITH 1996 AMENDMENTS 1996 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE WITH 1999 AMENDMENTS 1993 BOCA NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE VERMONT ENERGY CODE ACT 250 DRAWING LIST: SHEET I REV # I DATE I DESCRIPTION 01 1 0 1 1/2/04 COVER SHEET 02 1 0 1 1/2/04 BILL OF MATERIALS 03 1 0 1 1/2/04 1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 05 1 0 1/2/04 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 06 0 1/2/04 REFLECTED CEILING 07 0 1/2/04 CONCRETE FLOOR FRAMING 08 0 1/2/04 ROOF FRAMING & ROOF PLAN LAYOUT 09 0 1/2/04 WALL SECTION 10 0 1/2/04 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULE 11 0 1/2/04 ALARM WIRING 12 0 1/2/04 FOUNDATION PLAN 13 0 1/2/04 X—BRACING 14 0 1/2/04 FASTENING TABLE 15 0 1/2/04 X—RRAC`INC; TARI FS 0000 VARIOUS, VT CusTomm VERIZON WIRELESS SHEEP: DATE 01 OF 15 06/08/04 1163OLS1P200A F9 ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION MODEL No. ITEM CITY. DESCRIPTION MODEL No. 1 2 BARD 60,000 BTU (12 SEER) HVAC UNIT WITH 5 KW HEATSTRIP AND ECONOMIZER WA61 1-A05EPXXXJ 43B 16 SYLVANIA BULBS F032/730 44 1 DAYTON EXHAUST FAN 4C440 2A 1 3'-6" X 7'-0", 18 GA. INSULATED, PRIMED AND PAINTED STEEL DOOR VC3670N81C 45 1 TORK TIMER FOR EXHAUST FAN T101 50P 1 1 4" X 4" X 4' WIREWAY 2B 1 3'-6" X 6'-8", 18 GA. INSULATED, PRIMED AND PAINTED STEEL DOOR VC3668N81 C 50B 1 6" X 6" X 4' WIREWAY 51 1 12" X 12" HOFFMAN BOX FOR ALARMS 3 2 PULL HANDLE WITH BEST DEADBOLT AND BLUE CORE 83T-B 86 2 WIDE ANGLE VIEWER 87 1 2000W GENERATOR ROOM BASE HEATER 3UG29 4 2 15" X 48" DOOR HOOD PAINTED TO MATCH TRIM MBS 6000 88 1 KATOLIGHT 60KW DIESEL GENERATOR D60FDJ4 89 1 1 GEN. EXHAUST W/RETAINING BRACKET MBS6020 6 2 ANTI -PICK GUARD MBS 6016 90 1 4' X 4' GEN. ROOM INTAKE LOUVER MBS6010 8 1 EXTERIOR INCANDESCENT CANISTER LIGHT * 91 1 3' X 3' GEN. ROOM EXHAUST LOUVER MBS6008 92 1 GENERATOR FUEL FILL AND VENT W/ALARM MBS6009 9 1 MICROFLECT 18 PORT CABLE ENTRY PANEL 81333 93 * 18" LADDER RACK W/HARDWARE 10A 1 EXTERIOR 4" X 23" X 1/4" GROUND BAR TINNED COPPER 94 * 7'-4" X 6" LADDER RACK W/HARDWARE 11 1 GE NEMA LINE-5 120V 20A EXTERIOR GFI RECEPTACLE GFR5342-2 * 1 EYE WASH KIT * 1 28" X 46" FLOOR MAT 16 2 EMERGENCY LIGHT & EXIT LIGHT COMBO CCX31 RWHDH * 1 WALL MOUNT FOLDER HOLDER 18 2 NORTON DOOR CLOSER 9305BC * 1 6' FIBERGLASS STEP LADDER 19 2 KIDDE 10LB CO2 FIRE EXTINGUISHER PR010CDM * 1 18" BROOM 20 * HALO GROUND WITH #2 GREEN. INSULATED COPPER WIRE WITH 1 UNDER GROUND BARS MBS 6004 * 1 DUST PAN # 1 WASTE BASKET 21A 2 (IVORY) 12 HOUR TIMER FOR INTERIOR LIGHTS FF12H 21 B 1 (IVORY) 2 HOUR TIMER FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT FF2H GENERAL NOTES: 1) ALL EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS WEATHER PROOF. 2) HVAC UNITS HAVE ECONOMIZERS AND 5KW HEATSTRIPS. VERIFY OVERLOAD PROTECTION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURES DATAPLATE. 3) INTERIOR HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE IS 8'-6 3/4" A.F.F. 4) CABLE RACK IS 7'-9" A.F.F. 5) ALL EQUIPMENT AND CABLE RACK ARE TO BE GROUNDED BI—DIRECTIONALLY BACK TO THE NEAREST CORNER. SPECIAL NOTES: 1) HVAC MEA #357-93-E. 22 3 (IVORY) 120 VOLT 20 AMP DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 5252 23 3 (IVORY) 120 VOLT 20 AMP QUAD RECEPTACLE 5252 24 1 6' X 8' X 3/4" PLYWOOD TELCO PAINTED BLACK FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD 25 1 MASTER GROUND BAR GH-7008 27 28 30 1 200 AMP INTERSECT INTEGRATED LOAD CENTER AM300M-1-458-2-6M 31A 1 DAYTON HIGH TEMP CONTROL 2E-206 318 1 DAYTON LOW TEMP CONTROL 2E-206 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY:SHEET:DATE:MILLER Fred Har er APPROVED BY: SCALE: NONE JOB NO: 0000 sm 41 1 COMSTAT 3 LEAD LAG THERMOSTAT CSTAT3 42A 2 GENTEX SMOKE DETECTOR 7000 SERIES WE: VARIOUS, VT 42B 1 HEAT DETECTOR A1282B 43A 8 LITHONIA LIGHTS W/ WRAP AROUND LENS C 2 32 120 GEB �VERIZON WIRELESS 02 OF 15 06 08 04 ❑LEOLA, BUILDING PA SYSTEMS, INC. ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,Vr I aow"w°' oa . ""m° ,M1a°,u. k° °" �° ca�eeNb ^^+�� a" b BILL OF MATERIAL SIZE B Bu'LO' TYPE:R 1 1630LS1 P200A 0 T V WALL A 'HIGH TEMP. INSIDE AND OUT JNTING RING 0 OUT WALL C NOTES: 1. 20' OF #2 TINNED COPPER WIRE IS TO BE CAD WELDED TO THE EXTERIOR GROUND BAR. 2. L WrM BRACKETS TO BE SUMMED 11 VM EVERT SHELTER. WALL D I KEY PLAN: I 90 11'-6" JOB N0: SEAL WALL B MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. "�°°'e..°o1e,,,'"a.VSOia n,iier,,,,°w.�a„°,�'eij,,�'w"' d' m.r r ,.oAepa w.a a e.�r ti m, •+� . f EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS �DRA*N ROVED ]LEOIA, PA ❑ ELKHART. IN M BENNINGTON .VT ad*4 4" = 1'-0' 0000 VARIOUS, VT �V RIZON WIRELESS 1 3 OF 15 1 06/08/04 1 1163OLS1P200A 1 0 NOTE: i 1) FRAME FOR TWO OTHER MICROFLECT LOCATIONS AND COVER OPENINGS WITH INTERIOR AND EXTRIOR SIDING 30-1 3/4" 30'-0" SEE DETAIL B-B ON PAGE 2'-0"� 6 5/E" 12 -0 09 OF 15 FOR 2 HOUR 8gDIVIDINGWALL 4" PENETRATION 44 SEE NOTE 1. 3'-0" 8'-4"-y 91 92 THROUGH WALL 3 - 1 ECS 23 BATTERIES j - I 22 24 I 22 0 97 2'-10" O I 88 SEE NOTE 1. " a a —_~CAgINE CAB G BIN C BINElCCABJINEf _—___—_ — °� �j ----- _—_ __— _ _25 11 }—_—___—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_____—_ — 2'-to^ — L f JL_J--JL_JL_J c 0 23 1 1 41 51 23 30 28 27 I n N � � 16 1 19 1 19 1 16 AIF I 4 4 8 2B 2A 2'-0" s'-6^ FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT 10'-10" CONSTRUCTION PLAN JOB NO: SEAL KEY PLAN: ° OOOO SITE. VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS aYtmen DRAWN aY; CHECKEO BY: SHEET: OATS MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. "u TM. 0°"n'N'„ p 04 OF 1J 06 O$ 04 ° FLOOR PLANS Fred Har er slzE BUILD N6 TYPE: REV . �uu uun s+sim °ov a wy ..� < q o. ro wr easy K) APPROVED BY: SCALE: ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,Vr ""' " °""° '°"°" ° a 1 /4" = 1'-01, B 1 1630LS 1 P200A 0 SHIP 6" X 7'-6" LADDER rd MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. .�.. 7LEOLA. PA ❑ ELKHART, IN GRILLE °NSIONS OR R.O. TOP OF "I —BEAM" WALL D WALL E HVAC R.O. DIMENSIONS A I B I C I 0 I E 36 7/16"53 5/16"82 5/16"93 3/16" 30 7/8" TM% h -' Fred Har INTERIOR ELEVATIONS y "aeR ( W a m err ewebqs�w,) APPROVED 8Y: r� VVAJ.L U ALL EQUIPMENT GROUND WHIPS MUST BE INDIVIDUALLY CRIMPED TO HALO GROUNDING. NOTE: 1. 314" PVC CONDUIT @ 450 THROUGH WALLS 7 REaD. 2. PIPING FOR GENERATOR TO BE INSTALLED ON SITE 3. INSTALL MICROFLECT BLANK (INSIDE & OUT) AS BACK PLATE FOR EXHAUST THIMBLE FOR COMBUSTIBLE REQUIREMENTS. SEE PAGE 14 FOR R.O. DIMENSIONS ON PLATE AND GENERATOR LOUVER. KEY PLAN: 0000 SITE VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER VERIZON WIRELESS .cKEo E sH05 OF 15 oA 06 08 04 SIZE -U-E TYPE: REV LE. = l'—O"I e 1 11630LS1P200A o NOTES: 1) ALL EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT WEATHERPROOF. 2) 4" X 4" X 4' WIREWAY WITH (3) 3/4" SEALTITES CONTAINING 2 RECTIFIER DROPS PER SEALTITE (6 IN ALL). SEALTITES WILL BE 6'-0" IN LENGTH, EACH CIRCUIT WILL EXTEND 2'-0" PAST SEALTITE WITH A STRAIGHT FOR ONE SEALTITE AND A 90' CONNECTOR. 4) BOND CABLE TRAY TO HALO WITH #6 GREEN IN ONE LOCATION. 5) BOND CONDUITS AND COUPLINGS WITH #6 GREEN TO HALO. 6) BUILDINGS NEED TO BE SHIPPED WITH HVAC EXTERNAL BREAKER IN THE ON POSITION. 20-3 1 /8" CUT EXCESS THREADED 1'-5' 4-0" ROD FROM COUNG AN 4._9„ DOUBLE NUT ENDS 93 - N m E4+4 O O Q 4'-3" 9/16" CEILING LAYOUT LADDER RACK LAYOUT KEY PLAN: JOB NO: SEAL 0000 s TE VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET - MILLER Fred Hq er MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. �*',"I;:,,,,„,,,,.,,„,,,,,�,,,,,�,,w, 1 O6 08 02R- JAPPROVEO REFLECTED CEILINGSIZE BUILD NO TYPE: ❑LEOLA PA p ART BY: SCALE: ❑BENNINGTON VT �....4" _ �'-0.. B 1163OLS1P200A "4 FRONT VIEW n r� j- 1 T(P. TWO 1 /8'. WEEP HOLES IN WELDS 3/8" LIFT PLATE TYPICAL ALL PLATES ARE TO BE FULLY WELDED WITH 1 /4" WELDS 3/8" WEB STIFFENER WELDED TO EACH SIDE OF LIFT PLATE 3/8" LIFT PLATE TO CLOSE OFF ENDS. ALL TYPICAL PLATE FULLY WELDED STANDARD W/ 1/4" WELDS. LIFTIN DEVICE SIDE VIEW WELD (2) 1" NUTS (2) 1"X2 1/2" TO INSIDE OF BOLTS PLATE DETAIL A SCALE: NTS LIFTING PLATE DETAIL W12 X 26 MAIN BEAMS COPE W12 X 26 END BEAMS r BOTH ON TOP AND BOTTOM SO THE FLANGES ARE FLUSH /-W12 X 26 END BEAMS SECTION A -A WELD DETAIL (TYP 4 PLACES) SCALE: 1 "=1'-0" MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. A rya u m m ILEOLA. PA FIELKHART. IN 12"x12" 1/5" VINYL COMPOSITE TILE 4" FIBER REINFORCED_ 3500 PSI CONCRETE 1 1/2" 22 GA IL B-LO GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING 1 1/2" R-10 RIGID INSULATION MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO - DECKING WELD A 2" X 13" X 3/8' BAR TO THE TOP OF THE 807TOM- FLANGE FOR USE AS A-TIEDOWN (REQ'D IN FOUR CORNERS) WELD IOOX TOP & BOTTOM - W12 X 26 MAIN BEAMS W8 X 15 INTERMED `BEAMS 6" V 6" SECTION B-B WELD DETAIL (TYP 8 PLACES) SCALE: NOTES: 1) ALL STEEL GRADE A36 OR BETTER 2) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, IS TO BE CONTINUOUSLY SUPPORTED ALONG MAIN BEAMS. -D^ STRUCTURE W8 X 15 BEAMS SPACED O 4'-0" O.C. W8 X 15 INTERMEDIATE 3'-0" LIFTING PLATE BEAMS (7 REQ'D) WITH (4 REO'D) 3/16" X 6" FILLET WELDS BOTH SIDES OF WEB ` n W12 X 26 FULLY WEIDED END BEAMS (2 REQ'0) I- t c 0 B -- I D A W12 X 26 FULLY UF1NG PLATES WELDED MAIN BEAMS �� �A 6'-0" TYPICAL H acn•ro e SEE DETAIL A 4" FIBER REINFORCED 3" X 3" X 3/16 ANGLE 12"x12"x1/8" VINYL 3500 PSI CONCRETE W12 X 26 TH OF END BEAMS COMPOSITE TILE 1 1/2" 22 GA. B-LOK END BEAM 1/2" 22 GA. 3 5/8" BOTTOM GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING LOK GALVANIZED TRACK FLANGE FASTENED TO INTERMEDIATES EEL DECKING WITH HILTI DECK PINS 12" O.C. i3/162 W12 X 26 a °° < RMEDIATE MAIN BEAM n '-0" O.C.-\ W8 X 15 INTERMEDIATE BEAM SCREW PATTERN FOR RIGID INSULATION Imo- e'--{ 0 00 0� (D O I FLOOR FRAMING 1 1/2" R-10 RIGID INSULATION MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO DECKING W/3" SCREWS & HEX PLATES SECTION C-C SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-O" DRAWN BY: CHECKED 4" = 1' SECTION D-D END SUPPORT OF DECKING SCALE: 1 1/2"=1"-0 0000 VARIOUS, VT irOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS M7: DATE 07 OF 15 106 08/04 CE I BUILDING TYPE REV 1163OLS1P200A I p AT 16" O.C. L I I I I _ I I I I I I ---a--------------------------------a--- I I III I II I .III I I Ham, FASTEToN(i ZONES SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE 14. MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. . r'u ..ao ss�m mvwr ILEOLA. PA Fl ELKHART. IN m w a+nq rr �.uu�anaim a w.'�ism 8" ROOF 20" 16 GA. x 1.5" RAFTER STRAP EACH END OF RAFTER SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE- 14 FOR SCREW & NO. PLACE UNDER DECK 1� 20" 16 GA. X 1.5" STRAP AT EACH STUD (5) #12 SDS_ X 1" INTO STUD (3) #12 SOS e" L I X i" INTO ROOF TRACK ROOF SECTION 8" ROOF JOIST 30" 16 GA, x 1.5" RAFTER STRAP EACH END OF RAFTER SEE APPLICABLE TABLE PAGE- 14 FOR SCREW & NO. PLACE UNDER DECK NOTE: SLACK IN STRAP IS NOT PERMITTED 8Y: 4" = 1' 0000 VARIOUS, VT TOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS ET: DATE D8 OF 15 06 08 E I BUIU)f "I G TYPE: 11630LSlP200A STEEL TRACK . ALL SIDES '8" STEEL TRACK 'B" STEEL TRACK STEEL TRACK . ALL SIDES (1) LAYER OF 6" R-19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 2" ISO BOARD R-14.6 1'-9" BOTH SIDES RUBBER MEMBRANE ATTACHED HERE WITH TURNBAR� 8" 16 GA. STEEL TRACK 3 1/2" R-13 KRAFT FACED FIBERGLASS INSULATION� 3 5/8" 16 GA. STUDS 33 KSI MIN. ® 16" O.C. WRAPPED W/ TYVEK-",. 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK—,-. FASTEN BOTTOM TRACK FLANGE TO FRAME WITH HILT] X-ZF WITH O.C. WASHER 24" O.C. J-CHANNEL MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. • wua wow¢ srnm cosrrr 1/2" TYPE C SHEETROCK 1/2" TYPE C SHEETROCK d LAMINATED W/ .090 FRP Y 5/8" TYPE X SHEETROCK o LAMINATED W/ FRP g 0 x c� 4" VINYL o COVE BASE w z 12" X 12" X 1/8" b VINYL COMPOSITE TILE FLOOR FRAMING SEE SHEET 07 OF 15 CROSS SECTION avert (� 4 : to IGv aaana fie. tie.) .060 EPDM RUBBER MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS / 9/16" 22 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL DECKING 8" X 1 5/8" X 1/2" RETURN 16 GA. 33 KSI AT 16" O.C. SEE TABLE 1 PAGE 14 FOR ROOF FRAME WALL CONNECTION STANDARD I AGGREGATE z z w J O cn — a z o: z co w L FTING PLATES MWN BY: Fred Har{ APPROVED BY: PARTITION WALL & NOTES: 1. WALL BOTTOM TRACK TO BE FASTENED TO CONCRETE WITH HILT[ X-ZF WITH 1" WASHER ® 16" O.C. 2. WALL TOP TRACK FASTENED INTO JOIST WITH 1 1/2" #10 SCREWS ® 16" O.C. 3. PARTITION WALL END STUDS FASTENED TO LONG WALL STUDS WITH 1 1/2" #10 SCREWS ® 16" O.C. RATED WALL UL U-491 WITH MODIFICATIONS TT TT Tf 3/4" ULTRACODE 3/4" ULTRACODE CORE LAMINATED iiu CORE LAMINATED WITH FRP WITH FRP 4" 16 GA. STUD-\ INSULATIONL WOOL 4" = 1'-01 B WALL E f WALL F FIRE TAPE AND SPACKLE SHEETROCK PER UL REQXRENIENT3. DETAIL 8-B 11 SEAL LolailIi. IOUs, VT e: IZON WIRELESS DATE OF 15 06 08 04 IUIU)ING TYPE 11630LSlP200A ro PANEL SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURE: INTERSECT MODEUAM30OM-1-458-2-6M SERVICE: 2" C, (3) #3/0 AWG, #4 AWG GRID LOAD VOLTS:120/240 PHASE: 1 a AIN BUS AMP: 200 A MAIN CS AMP: 200 A WIRE: 3W MOUNTING: SURFACE DESCRIPTION Q vNIT A NEMA TYPE:ONE NEUTRAL BAR: YES GROUND BAR: YES I KEY LOCK: YES GFCI: YES I A/C: 10,0000 A RECTIFIER #1 1 4320 * MINIMUM WIRE SIZE IN SHELTER IS 18 GA. 600V RATED. • HVACS ARE MOTTO BE WIRED TO SHUT DOWN WITH SMOKE DETECTORS. • VWRE GENERATOR LOUVERS NORMALLY OPEN NOTES: 1) SITE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AIC RATING OF U-nUTY DOES NOT EXCEED 10,000 AIC BEFORE CONNECDNG PERMANENT POWER. 2) ALL WIRE IS COPPER, AND RATED PER NEC CODE. 3) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS GROUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 250. 4) ALL CIRCUITS ARE IN SURFACE MOUNTED CONDUIT.- 5) SPARE CIRCUrfS, WIRES AND BREAKERS SUPPLIED. 6) WIREWAYS CONTAINING THREE OR MORE CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE BE DERATED PER TABLE 310-15(8)(2)(A) OF THE NEC. T) ELEa WVMARETOU EBrRSOCERTIDR3 8) ELECINCIAM ARET0UEERETAL2IPPRB FOR ANOHORM EQUIPMENT. 9) ANYFMKZ6 PEE7MTION PROTE61M OF FIFE SWAMTM ASBBB.9ETO BE PROLIDED Nr UMBYOTHERS, 10) OONDLUFILL 16BASMONCNAFIER0, APPOW0OFTM NEC 6 WIRE MPAWMARE PERTABLE MO.16AND TABLE310-1969NYNA) OF TM NEC. 11)WIRES ARE COLCR SPMM LE. KMKE FOR ALL8WRCH LBBBMD OWTROLCIROURS. -AYOUT OF CONDIET WLL COMPLY THE NEC AND TO CUSTOMER STANDARDS, CONDOR RUNS MAY VARY PER SHELTER RECTIFIER #2 1 4320 RECTIFIER #3 1 4320 RECTIFIER #4 1 4320 SPARE #5 1 SPARE #6 1 SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE ONE LINE SPECIFICATIONS SPACE SPACE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURE PARTff RATING COMMENTS SPACE UTILITY FEED N/A N/A 200A,120/24OV,16, 3W BY UTILITY SPACE GENERATOR N/A N/A 200A,120 24OV,16, 3W BY OWNER SPACE RECEPTACLE N/A N/A 200A, 600V BY OTHERS LEFT BANK SUB TOTAL TRANSFER SWITCH SURGE ARRESTORI 1NTERSECT AM30OM145826M 200A, 24OV,10 BY MBS CIR# BY OTHERS BY OTHERS UTILITY FEED M(3)#3/0 2 C,EMERGENC AWG ciRlf2o EC 230 #4 AWGGIRD7 GENERATOR NEC 250, 44TI.OrFi--�7 TRANSFER SWITCH NEC 380 2" C. (3) #3/0 AN #4 AWG GRID GROUNDING NEC 250 I I MCH I I ARRESTOR DISTRIBUTION NEC 280 PANEL NEC 384 ONE LINE DIAGRAM MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. • —muss wwnwr ❑LEOLA, PA ❑ELKHART, IN ❑BENNINGTON ,Vr CIR#31 PANEL SCHEDULE LOAD PER PHASE(VA) LEFT BANK RIGHT BANK WIN ll� ME moo 0 ©® 0■ ■� in, ME am am MIE ME am ON am MM ME am WIN ME am mm ME ■m mal ME am 199A TOTAL PANEL AMPS: 1.25 X CIRCUIT DIAGRAM "a •� w""�••�•• "•� •� N• DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: S ,.,a �a u,• t�ata. "an"m•L n..a" Fred Harper '°"'b "•'° w �"°"° " °" """"" " ELECTRICAL M M"w dt Ix.) APPROVED BY: 1M. = 1 _ 20 1 2 CIR#2,4 CIR#6,8 3 NO: LOAD PER PHASE(VA) LOAD S A e UNIT V.A. QTY DESCRIPTION 3840 7680 1 HVAC UNIT #1 3840 3840 7680 1 HVAC UNIT#2 3840 1056 96 11 LIGHTS 240 120 2 1 SMOKE DETECTOR 180 180 1 GFI RECEPTACLE 150 150 1 EXHAUST FAN 360 180 2 RECEP WALL A&C 1080 360 3 RECEP WALL D&E 120 120 1 HEAT DETECTOR 180 180 1 � c �/� WATO 1000 2000 1 WALL HEATER 10D0 156 156 1 LOUVERS SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE 10552 10330 RIGHT BANK SUB TOTAL 20882 .25=198360 LEFT BANK SUB TOTAL 17280 PANEL TOTAL LOAD 38162 0000 TE VARIOUS, VT )STOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS iEET: 10 OF 15 GATE: 06 08 04 UE I BUI DING TYPE I REV 8 11630LSlP200A 0 #1 #2 HVAC e e a e f L� CONTROLLER e e e e C COMMERCIAL e e 9 e POWER FAIL e e e e C SURGE e e e 6 PROTECTOR e e e 9 C GENERATOR GENERAL e e e e ALARM e e e e F— LOW FUEL 9 6 6 6 F— TRANSFER e e SWITCH 9 e e 9 C GENERATOR e 6 9 e RUN e e e e C FIRE e 6 e e ALARM e e s e MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. .'.""` "..' ALARM WIRING • 1R1l11 RAM ]MSIE16 WIiMIT 19L- Ne.)❑LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,VT"" SMOKE ALARM INTRUSION ALARM HIGH TEMPERATURE LOW TERMINAL STRIP DIAGRAM TEMPERATURE 1.) GENERATOR LOUVERS WIRED NORMALLY OPEN (N/O) ALL OTHER ALARMS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED (N/C) GENERATOR 2) HVAC'S ARE NOTTO BE WIRED TO SHUT DOWN WITH LEAK ALARM SMOKE DETECTORS. GENERATOR ROOM LIQUID ALARM #1 GENERATOR ROOM LIQUID ALARM #2 BLANK Fred Harper ROVED BY: SGN.E 1 4" = 1' JOB NO: 0000 VARIOUS, VT WsroNER VERIZON WIRELESS SHEET: DATE 11 OF 15 06 08 512E I BUILDING TYPE 8 11630LSlP200A 2'-0" A � "Cu I I I I I I I I I I I I n WELD MAIN BEAM ACCORDING TO TABLE GRADE BEAM PLAN 2'-0" I I I I I I I i I I I I " 3/4C"A""ER� 3'-0" MIN. OR BELOW LOCAL FROST DEPTH BLACK PLASTIC WEED BARRIER 1" 1- 4" GRAVEL -71 CONCRETE ON COMPACTED SECTION A —A GRADE (TYP.) NOTES: 3/4" a HOOKED J BOLTS 1. THIS DRAWING IS SUPPLIED AS A MEANS TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ON HOW TO SUPPORT THE SHELTER SHOWN IN THIS SET OF DRAWINGS. THE — —r - — — — —— - — — i° v FOUNDATION SHOWN IS ONE OF MANY FOUNDATION TYPES THAT CAN BE USED TO SUPPORT A UNITED STRUCTURE'S SHELTER. THE DESIGN AND DETAILING OUTLINE OF SHELTER BASE FRAME OF THE FOUNDATION TYPE SHOWN NEEDS TO BE PERFORMED AND APPROVED BY A LICENSED 3" 3" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT PROPER DESIGN PARAMETERS SUCH AS SITE 12" SPECIFIC SOIL CONDITIONS BEARING CAPACITIES 1/2 (MIN) X 12 X 12 TYPICAL STEEL BEARING PLATES MUST BE GRADE A36 OR BETTER, ANCHORING REBAR SHOULD BE 2 #4 J—HOOKS 12" LONG, FULLY WELDED TO PLATE. PLATE TO BE FLUSH WITH TOP OF GRADE BEAM. FOUNDATION DIMENSION TABLE. BUILDING "A" DIM "B" DIM "C" DIM # OF PLATES WELD LENGTH /PLATE FRAME SIZE 30'-0.11 12-1" 1 30'-0" 1 13'-0" 1 6 1 3/6" FILLET WELD 12" LONG PER PLATE MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. . rux ■.c.n s�oa avn. ILEOLA. PA F1ELKHART. IN FOUNDATION PLAN d•.�c e,.am�.e�,a.��s r n. ans «`'l;e.� ae,atiaum a Mo. aIW. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY, Fred HOr er APPROVED BY: SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 AND APPLICABLE CODE REQUIREMENTS. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CABLE ENTRY LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. FOUNDATION DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS. THIS DRAWING IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY TO SHOW LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF BEARING PLATES, 0000 TE: VARIOUS, VT 1STOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS 4EET: DATE: 12 OF 15 1 06/08 RZE I BUILDING TYPE: B I 11630LS1P200A NOTES. 1' DO NOT WELD, SCREW OR STAPLE SEE PAGE 15 FOR W*LENGTHSEE PAGE 15 FOR SEE PAGE 15 FOR STRAP AT ANY POINT OTHER THAN WELD LENGTH "LOW WELD LENGTH "LOW I IOMTM ON THIS DRAV01M SEE PAGE 14 FOR BAY COLUMN ASSEMBLY BAY STEEL TRACK END 2. TENSION STRAP BEFORE FASTENING. COLUMN ASSEMBLY "LOW BAY RA RAFTER "LOW BAY" SEE DETAIL BLL L_ m I 53w I= WALL m o TOP N TRACK CONTINUOUS WELD ALL STRAP "LOW STRAP "STANDARD STUD COLUMN ASSEMBLY THE WAY AROUND BAY BAY' "STANDARD BAY" SEE DETAIL A DETAIL 8 DETAIL A NTS DETAIL C NTS SEE PAGE 14 FOR NTS STRAP "LOW BAY" COLUMN ASSEMBLY 14 GA. STEEL 1 7/8" 33 KSI MIN. IF APPLICABLE SEE WALL D GALVANIZED FT TABLE PAGE 15 5'-9" MIN. L I7/8'• I SEE DETAIL C __j1 INTERIOR 11 3/8" SIDE EXTERIOR SIDE 12" SEE NOTE SEE PAGE 14 FOR BELOW COLUMN ASSEMBLY 3/8" CHAMFE ' FOR W12 X 22 "STANDARD BAY (4) PLACES DETAIL A —A STRAP CONNECTION PLATE N NTS ROTE: JOB NO: SEAL R) CONTIaiOUS WELD r EACH SIDE OF STRAP. GGGO WELD 342 ELSEWHERE TYPICAL EACH SIDE. SITE: 2)TYP•EACH SIDE VARIOUS, VT WALL B �SSLIP YB �BTOPWWLLLTER THAN �RACK. CUSTOMER: SEE DETAIL A R VERI VERIZON WIRELESS �..Y' SHEET: I DATE GRA7 BT: CFIECKEO Br: 13 OF 15 06 08 04 Fred Ho er MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. :� M m. w .'uw.. Ya�.a A YYkA t{pIG 3131p6 eWNn [EjLEOLA, m ary ubrA ( q s m Yir iiiq l�wa X—BRACING Yet APPROVED BY: SGfiE: SSE - BUILDING T1PE: REV PA 0 ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON ,VT s�`""`�.e.,.°p., P4 — "u"�°" °� r" B"�9 1 4" = 1'—O" B 1 163OLS 1 P200A 0 FASTENING TABLE ELEVATION: LANDSITES FIRE RATING: NON-COMBUSTABLE STRUCTURAL WALL SHEATHING: STUD, (ZONE 4) STUD, (ZONE 5) STUD SPACING (ZONE 4) STUD SPACING (ZONE 5) WALL SHEATHING FASTENING (ZONE 4)'-' WALL SHEATHING FASTENING (ZONE 5)a' ROOF SHEATHINGS ROOF FASTENING ROOF FASTENER' ROOF SYSTEM ROOF ZONE FASTENER MULTIPLIER RAFTER STRAP FASTENER AND NO. SHORT WALL ROOF TRACK TO WALL TRACK LONG WALL ROOF TRACK TO WALL TRACK WALL STUD TO FLOOR TRACK CONNECTION FLOOR TRACK TO FRAME STENNI NO STENNP' 3 5/8" 16 GA.72 3 5/8" 16 GA.12 16" O.C. 16" O.C. 12" O.C2,4 8" O.C.2 2" O.C. ` 8" O.C.' 0.6C22 12" O.C. ZONE 3; 24" O.C. ELSEWHERE #12 SDS FMI-45 OR EQUIVALENT SEE LINE 8 2 #8 SDS EACH END OF STRAP" FBGW9 2"-36" 4 PLACES MIN. FBGW' 2"-60" 4 PLACES MIN. 2 #8 SDS, ONE EACH SIDE OF STUD HILTI X-ZF WITH 1" WASHER 24" O.C. NOTES: 1. STENNI FASTENERS: #8-15 2 1/4" SDS 2. GYPSUM FASTENERS: #8 SDS (DRY WALL SCREW NOT PERMITTED; SEE NOTE 6) W1 WAFER, PANCAKE OR MODIFIED TRUSS HEAD; PANEL MAY BE APPLIED PARALLEL TO STUDS. DO NOT USE BUGLE HEAD SCREW. 3. RAFTERS 8' CEE. 4. ORIENT AND FASTEN GYPSUM PER UL REQUIREMENTS FOR RATED WALLS WITH STENNI PANEL. 5. HEIGHTS MEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE USI BUILDING: ADD 10 FT. TO NUMBER, WHICH IS HEIGHT TO BOTTOM OF USI FLOOR. 6. FASTENERS MUST CONFORM TO SAE J78 OR ICBO AC 118. 7. ZONE 5 - 3 FT. FROM EACH CORNER, ZONE 4 - ELSEWHERE ON WALL. 8. WELDING RAFTER TO ROOF OR WALL TRACK NOT REQUIRED. 9. FBGW - FLARE BEVEL GROOVE WELD. 10. STRUCTURAL SHEATHING IS EXTERIOR 5/8" TYPE X FOR NON-COMBUSTABLE APPLICATION. 11. STRAP MAY BE 1 1/2" 20 GA MINIMUM. 12. STUDS ARE 3 5/8" X 1 5/8" X 1/2" RETURN. MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. . -iei ..nwe amm ww,wr 0 0 0 °0Oo° O 0 0 COMPLETED THIMBLE FASTENING TABLE INTERIOR VIEW FRAMING DIMENSIONS FOR GENERATOR LOUVER AND EXHAUST BACK PLATE DRILL 4 HOLES AND ATTACH TO WALL WITH 2" HEX HEAD - SCREWS OR EQUIVALENT 8" PIPE TRIM TO THICKNESS OF WALL 4" PIPE TRIM TO THICKNESS OF WALL DRILL 4 HOLES AND ATTACH TO WALL WITH 2" HEX HEAD SCREWS OR EQUIVALENT INTERIOR PIECE DRAWN BY: I CHECKED BY: EXTERIOR PIECE JOB NO: SEAL 0000 im. VARIOUS, VT :USTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS SHEET: DATE: 14 OF 15 06 08 04 SIZE I BUILDING TYPE: I REV B 1163OLS1P200A 0 777 LOW BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 4 STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS 3 irz 1/2 i4 COLUMN STANDARD BAY4 NA WELD LENGTH (INCHES) STANDARD BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 4 STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS NA COLUMN STANDARD BAY4 3 &W Sru WELD LENGTH (INCHES) 1, 10' WIDE SHELTER NOTES: 1. WA 2. BAY WIDTH AND STRAP LOCA77ONS AS SHOWN IN DRAWING. 3. "LOW" BAY= STRAP CONNECTED TO COLUMN BELOW ROOF END RAFTER. 4. STANDARD BAY" = STRAP CONNECTED TO ROOF END RAFTER DIRECTLY ABOVE COLUMN. 5. N/A 6. WA MILLER BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ;", Sy� X-BRACING TABLES . ,uFA lVafw' s3tpe Cav/xv mGa atm �.xcgt M a tv Niln 1Nq S)+t�m. Nc) wMw[ IM poor rrlMan wNarlxatian d {!e 9iNq ]LEOLA, PA ❑ ELKHART, IN ❑ BENNINGTON .VT 12' WIDE SHELTER LOW BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)24 STRAP GAUGE 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS sisr z 4" COLUMN STANDARD BAY4 NA WELD LENGTH (INCHES) 11 STANDARD BAY DETAILS STRAP WIDTH (INCHES)2 a STRAP GAUGE ! 14 COLUMN, LOW BAYS' NA COLUMN STANDARD BAY'i3I �zo WELD LENGTH (INCHES)I 11 NOTES: 1. MAY BE REPLACED WITH 31/2" X 6" 16 GA. BOX1. Z BAY WIDTH AND STRAP LOCA770NS AS SHOWN IN DRAWING. 3, "LOW" BAY = STRAP CONNECTED TO COLUMN BELOW ROOF END RAFTER. 4, STANDARD BAY"= S7R AP CONNECTED TO ROOF END RAFTER DIRECTLYABOVE COLUMN. 5. MAYBE REPLACED WITH 4" X 6" 16 GA. BOX7. 6. MAYBE REPLACED WRH 4" X 6" 14 GA. BOX2 JOB NO: SEAL 0000 srrE: VARIOUS, VT CUSTOMER: VERIZON WIRELESS =CKED BY: SHEET: DATE 15 OF 15 06 08 04 SIZE I BUILDING TYPE: REV 4' = V-0--1 B I 11630LS1P200A 0 Water Coaled Mode[ Selectinn / Rcif Ina 176%rf t�....�.:. _ RATINGS & CHARACTERISTICS ST Nvex CONTINUOUS ALTITUDE: Derate R.S. par 1.000 rt (sos tn) ebwu Modof No. dL Phase yDb VA Idol AM - 1800 RPM 60 Hz, 60 Hz I&W 3,200a(1,00errq. GOFRF4 60 3 277/480 75 60 66.75 55 TEMPLHATtmL, 60FPF4 60 S 12O/208 75 60 66.75 $5 D"ato ?-S% por I V F (296 per 11-0) GOFJF4 60 3 120/240 75 60 68.75 S5 above 104-F (40-C). 0 1 120/240 60 60 55 55 15W RPM 50 Hz 50 Hz WRFS 50 3 220/380 68.75 55 57.5 46 55FPF5 SO 3 110/190 68.76 55 57.5 46 55FJF5 50 3 110=0 68.75 55 57.5 46 55FG F5 50 1 1 i C)/220 55 55 1 46 46 ENGINE: - — TYPE, Yea Muk4onder - 8:1 Compression Ratio c1�4ERATOR: CYC1 E: 4 CYLINDER: B 11fPE: Revahring F(elci #Srushiess DiraGt Conc�scted 12 wire BORE: In_ (0m) STROKE: In. (an) 6MEF N:p I a ( pH) 4.4 3.85 1 W 11.1 9.783 0ONSTRMTION: Single &oaring-Gkre9 Coupled RCGULATiON: Static Regulator MairgAhis 1%of Rated Voltage 1000 RPM r� INSULATION: Class H (dopod and baked) W '26 04 176 CONNECTION: WYE, DELTA, or Single Phase 94 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:1049F (40°G) FUEL C(7NSUMPTIOA: dm min) 215 (6.1) 189 (52) Nttt Qas (1gg0 9T(1!(t'): (t'/lu (m*Ilx); r o •erenw .��. ..�.... - 1,q&0 (2a.>7 t)00 (25.a� Ynct�llat�nn 1i`+a�te. - - DIMENSION & WEICHT *Lcngth in. (am) *'Width im (cm) *Height in. (cm) *D Wei ht Ib. ) 84 32 45 2,400 (213) (81) (114) (IA%) E'KIIAUST SYSTEM *l;,as Temperature (Stack) 004s Volume at Stack Temp. 914mimurn Allowable Back PmsvuM IF (10 CFM W/nuv) to H20 (mmli) vv au awnuu 11200 (649) 685 (19.4) 34 (63.5) a ru otuuaa 1,000 (OM 570 (16.1) 34 (63,5) UQUID CAPACITY 4100 Sump gal (lit) 2 (7.6) COOLING SYSTEM *Ambient capability of radiator `F 105 (41) 105 (41) *En7&c Jacket *Maximum allowable static Water Capacity gal (lit) •system Coolant 5.5 (21.0) rteypradiatorex6ust in.13xC7 (trtrrtLiP) 05 G43) OS G93) Capacity gal (lit) 7.0 (26.0) •rejoction to coolant *Waturr Pump Cgaaty BTUM (k6V') gpm (Ilt/min) 5,590 50 (96.S) (189) 4,600 40 (80.7) (151.4) *11eat radiated to ambient BTUM (kW) I'm (25) 1,647 (17) ELECIRiCAL SYSTEM A1R REQUIREMENTS +Elomic Veit DC 12 *Air flaw required Ear *Q)IdCrankingAmps 0 -F `C) radiator coded unit dm W/"n) V1750 (276) 8,125 (230) 07.7 630 • par flaw rc u roe Air heat exehugear/rraaoie radlator 'F gLin (01mw'S 113 575 0 'installation data based on 480 volt application and open P-- unit. Forut 60410% 60 kW, Natural Gas/LP, Water Cooled 70 5/0 48 I/2 25 1/8 3a GENSET GUNTHK %HAU5T OUTLET EXHAUST OUTLET PANEL A5 3- 0.0, TUBING FUEL INLET SPECIFIED 24 Ve 27 5/8 6 10 32- 32 --- A-.-10 30 84- &ASf NTG NOLE4 32 9/IG DIA fix Do not use the above dimensions for installation purpows, consult factory for detailed dimensions and drawings, Ili Vatoligltt Gonerou mamfaciumd to moot NEM84MG-1-22An and WA standards. • Cripine and generator wncrda are designed and marxaf ued by Kaloll^ ■ Toloptwo Innuomm factor Is wv(l wlttin NEIM amndaM& ■ Wave form dovtadon faclor 1s no more than M well within NEMA sw)dams, lfl voltage Regulation - standerd atatic negulatm will IwW voltage YAOM t % of raW voltage. • Hamwntc Content la 3% maximum. • Penmanondy lubricated, bad "o bearings. ■ A.C. Gonerator - brushless single bowing ■ ENGINE -tZG 876 (460) equipped with: tube an pump - fug flow tube oil idler - tube ad Aooler - Jacket water pump - tw umtat -. air deter • eximust atn111W -12 volt eletaric starling motif 0*4 12 volt chargintl altertur" With ammeter - elec4lc lsodwongus governor. 0 Cottvol Garret - tmk mounted: AC voltmeter - AC *MOW- 4 position VM-AM selector switch - tequancy melon - KAWE0 auto arche control with cyclic "ankfng, 4 engine shutdowns fhlgh temperature, low vd pressure, engIrm uverWeo, wVIno ovemaniq with separate failure lights - wVlne gauges (4) - 3 position mode switch. ■ Steel sub -base !K Vibration isolators - pad type i Bad" box and cables N Flexible fief surd exhaust oomectors Material and Spedfirations May Change Without Notice. KATOL,IGHT CORPORATION 3201 TWO Avenue P. Q. 'Box 3229 Mankato, Minnesota S6002-322s Phone; (507) 625-7973 PAX: (507) 625-2963 ter Specal voltages up to one volts AC_ K FrOgUerlcy: 50, 00, 400 Hz. ■ Special attay of tempera"a rise (50 60°. 70`. 80•.105- and 130 -0) awwwors avanable, mooling NEMA- MOI-1-22.a4 aOuKlTv'ds. ■ custom designed Gonad aysbams -- &poclal mow" -- 6uesing — Switch gdar. ■ Cooting — RemQto radiaUamotwell tank -- Banat ettdMvem ■ Fuel systems -- Valves - Controls ill Saitarlas — Lead aria — Lead CaId rn Nickel cadmlum ■ Enclosures — WeWhor resistant -- Thermal Insulated -- $QuW ansnuated ■ Custom designed gaffer mounting For more information contact your nearest Representative, Distributor, or Dealer below' W %J%A%J�v SG060 Liquid Cooled Gas Engine Generator q g e ator Sets Standby Power Rating Prime Power Rating 50KW 60 Hz / 50KVA 50 Hz 40KW 60 Hz / 40KVA 50 Hz 60KW 60 Hz / 60KVA 50 Hz 40KW 60 Hz / 45KVA 50 Hz Bin W i Also ZLj Power Matched I. Naturally Aspirated Ic cz Zi FEATURES ■ INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it doesn't stop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, environmental testing, destruction and life testing, plus testing to applicable CSA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance. ■ TEST CRITERIA: ✓ PROTOTYPETESTED ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓ ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ✓ NEMAMGI EVALUATION ✓ MOTOR STARTING ABILITY ✓ SHORT CIRCUITTESTING ✓ UL 2200 COMPLIANCE AVAILABLE ■ SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque -matching the surge loads to the engine. ■ SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. You are never on your own when you own a GENERAC POWER SYSTEM. ■ GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES, SWITCHGEAR AND ACCESSORIES. Long life and reliability is synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer systems, accessories, switchgear and controls for total system compatibility. GENERAC @) POWER SYSTEMS, INC. APPLICATION & ENGINEERING DATA SGO50 / 060 GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS TYPE.............................................................. Four -pole, revolving field ROTOR INSULATION.............................................................. Class H STATOR INSULATION............................................................ Class H TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION ............................................... <3% TELEPHONE INTERFERENCE FACTOR (TIF) ........................... <50 ALTERNATOR ........................................ Self -ventilated and drip -proof BEARINGS (PRE-LUBED & SEALED) ................................................ 1 COUPLING............................................................ Direct, Flexible Disc LOAD CAPACITY (STANDBY) .................................................... 100% LOAD CAPACITY (PRIME).......................................................... 110% NOTE. Emergency loading in compliance with NFPA 99, NFPA 110, paragraph 5-13.2.6. Generator rating and performance In accordance with IS08528-5, BS5514, SAE J1349, IS03046 and DIN6271. EXCITATION SYSTEM O BRUSHLESS ............................. Magnetically coupled DC current ✓ Eight -pole exciter w/ battery -driven field boost ✓ Mounted outboard of main bearing ✓ O PERMANENT MAGNET EXCITER ............. Eighteen pole exciter ✓ Magnetically coupled DC current ✓ Mounted outboard of main bearing ✓ REGULATION.................................................................. Solid-state ✓ ±1 % regulation ✓ GENERATOR FEATURES ■ Four pole, revolving field generator, directly connected to the engine shaft through a heavy-duty, flexible disc for permanent alignment. ■ Generator meets the temperature rise standards for class "F" insulation as defined by NEMA MG1-32.6, while the insulation system meets the requirements for the higher class "H" rating. ■ All prototype models have passed a three-phase symmetrical short circuit test to assure system protection and reliability. ■ All prototype models are tested for motor starting ability by measuring the instantaneous voltage dip with a waveform data acquisition system. ■ All models utilize an advanced wire harness design for reliable interconnection within the circuitry. ■ Magnetic circuit, including amortisseur windings, tooth and skewed stator design, provides a minimal level of waveform distortion and an electromagnetic interference level which meets accepted requirements for standard AM radio, TV, and marine radio telephone applications. ■ Voltage waveform deviation, total harmonic content of the AC waveform, and T.I.F. (Telephone Influence Factor) have been evaluated to acceptable standards in accordance with NEMA MG 1-32. ■ Alternator is self -ventilated and drip -proof constructed. ■ Fully life -tested protective systems, including "field circuit and thermal overload protection" and optional main -line circuit breakers capable of handling full output capacity. ■ System Torsional acceptability confirmed during Prototype Testing. MAKE.................................................................................... GENERAC MODEL......................................................................................... 5.7GN CYLINDERS...................................................................................... V-8 DISPLACEMENT..................................................5.7 Liter (350 cu. in.) BORE......................................................................101.6 mm (4.00 in.) STROKE.......................................................................88 mm (3.48 in.) COMPRESSION RATIO............................................................... 9.4:1 INTAKE AIR............................................................. Naturally Aspirated NUMBER OF MAIN BEARINGS..........................................................5 CONNECTING RODS. ......................................................... 8 PM Steel CYLINDERHEAD................................................................... Cast Iron PISTONS .......................................... 8-Notched Head, Aluminum Alloy CRANKSHAFT................................................................................ Cast VALVE TRAIN LIFTER TYPE............................................................... Hydraulic Roller INTAKE VALVE MATERIAL ........................................... Stainless Steel EXHAUST VALVE MATERIAL ......................................... Stellite Faced HARDENED VALVE SEATS............................................................ Yes ENGINE GOVERNOR 0 ELECTRONIC...................................................................... Standard FREQUENCY REGULATION, NO-LOAD TO FULL LOAD. ±0.5% STEADY STATE REGULATION ........................................... ±0.25% LUBRICATION SYSTEM TYPEOF OIL PUMP..................................................................... Gear OIL FILTER............................................................... Full flow, cartridge CRANKCASE CAPACITY Lit. (qts.)........................................ 4.7 (5.0) COOLING SYSTEM TYPE OF SYSTEM ................................ Pressurized, closed recovery WATER PUMP ................................................... Pre-lubed, self-sealing TYPEOF FAN............................................................................ Pusher NUMBER OF FAN BLADES...............................................................10 DIAMETER OF FAN mm(in.)................................................559 (22.0) COOLANT HEATER ....................................................... 120V, 1000 W FUEL SYSTEM FUEL O Natural Gas or L.P. Vapor ............................................... Standard O L.P. Liquid Withdrawal....................................................... Optional CARBURETOR..................................................................... Down draft SECONDARY FUEL REGULATOR .. Nat. Gas or L.P. Vapor System HOT WATER VAPORIZER .................. L.P. Liquid Withdrawal System AUTOMATIC FUEL LOCKOFF SOLENOID .......................... Standard OPERATING FUEL PRESSURE VAPOR SYSTEMS ..... 7" to 14" H2O ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BATTERY CHARGE ALTERNATOR ..........................15 Amps ® 12V STARTERMOTOR........................................................................ 12 V RECOMMENDED BATTERY .......................... (1) - 12 V, 90 A.H., 27F GROUND POLARITY.............................................................. Negative Rating definitions -Standby: Applicable forsupplying emergency powerfor the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available forthis rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, 1S03046andDIN6271). Prime (Unlimited Running Time): Applicable for supplying electric power in lieu of commercially purchased power. Prime power is the maximum power available at variable load. A 10 % overload capacity is available for 1 hourin 12 hours. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, IS03046, IS08528 and DIN6271). GENERAC® POWER SYSTEMS, INC. SGO50/060 OPERATING DATA STANDBY PRIME GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/KW-60Hz, SG050 SG060 kW AMP SG050 SG060 120/240 1-phase, 1.0 pf NOTE: Consultyour NG kW AMP LP kW Am 50 208 54 225 59 246 kW AMP NG kw AMP LP kW AMP 40 120/208V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf Generacdealerfor 50 173 57 198 62 215 167 40 167 50 208 40 139 120/240V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf additional voltages. 50 150 57 171 62 186 40 139 50 173 40 120 277/480V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 50 75 60 90 65 96 40 139 50 150 40 60 600V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf 50 60 60 72 65 78 40 60 50 75 40 48 40 48 50 60 GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/KVA-50Hz 110/220V, 1-phase, 1.0 pf NOTE: AMP NG kw AMP LP kW Amp KVA AMP KVA AMP Consult your 115/200V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf Generacdealerfor 40 181 50 144 48 218 52 236 60 173 32 145 36 163 100/200V, 3-phase, 0.8 pf additionalvoltages. 50 144 65 188 60 173 65 188 40 115 40 45 130 231/400V, 3 hase, 0.8 f p P 50 72 60 87 65 94 115 40 45 58 45 65 65 MOTOR STARTING KVA with standard alternator 50 / 60 Hz 2311240 400/480 83/100 94/113 231/240 400/480 231/240 400/480 231/240 4001480 with optional alternator 50 / 60 Hz 234/281 276/331 100/120 117/141 234/281 276/331 83/100 94/113 234/281 100/120 117/141 276/331 234/281 276/331 FUEL Load Natural Gas-60 Hz ft3/hr. 521/6 75% 100% 413 5,_Q[° 750% 100% 50% 75% 1 °/ 5Q% r° 100% m3/hr. Liquid Propane-60 Hz 515 655 11.7 14.6 18.6 495 625 785 14.0 17.7 22.2 340 420 530 9.6 11.9 15.0 415 490 625 11.8 13.9 17.7 ft3/hr. m3/hr. 161 201 255 4.6 5.7 7.2 193 244 305 5.5 6.9 8.6 133 164 207 162 191 244 3.8 4.6 5.9 4.6 5.4 6.9 COOLING Coolant capacity System - lit. (US gal.) Coolant flow/min. 60 Hz - lit. (US 18.9 (5) 90.8 18.9 (5) 18.9 (5) 18.9 (5) gal.) 50 Hz - lit. (US gal.) (24) 75.6 (20) 90.8 (24) 75.6 (20) 90.8 (24) 75.6 (20) 90.8 (24) 75.6 Heat rejection to coolant 60 Hz - BTU/hr. 213,000 255,000 175,000 (20) Inlet air 60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 207.6 (7330) 207.6 (7330) 207.6 (7330) 192,000 207.6 (7330) 50 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) Max. operating air temp onto radiator 184 (6500) 184 (6500) 184 (6500) 184 (6500) 'see note °C (OF) Max. operating ambient temp 60 (140) 60 (140) 60 (140) 60 (140) 'see note °C (OF) 50 (122) 50 (122) 50 (122) 50 (122) COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS Flow at rated power60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 4.1 (145) 4.9 (173) 3.25 (115) 3.48 (123) 50 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 3.3(116) 4.1 (148) 2.63 (93) 2.75 (97) EXHAUST Exhaustflowatrated output 60 Hz - m3/min. (cfm) 13.56 (479) 16.7 (590) 9.7 (342) 11.2 (395) Max recommended back pressure - "Hg 1.5 1.5 Exhaust temp at rated output 60 Hz - C° (OF) 677 (1250) 732 (1350) 1.5 621 (1150) 1.5 660 (1220) Exhaust outlet size N.P.T. (female) (2) - 2.5" (2) - 2 5" (2) - 2 5" (2) 2 5" ENGINE Rated RPM 60 Hz 1800 NG LP 1800 LE 50 Hz HP at rated KW 60 Hz 1500 80 1500 1800 1500 1800 1500 50 Hz Piston speed - m/min (ft/min) 60 Hz 63 318 1044 ( ) 91 99 72 77 318 (1044) 66 51 318 73 78 57 62 m/min (ft/min) 50 Hz BMEP - 265 (870) 265 (870) (1044) 265 (870) 318 1044 ( ) 265 (870) psi 60 Hz 101 116 125 83 92 99 50 Hz 95 109 118 77 87 94 POWER ADJUSTMENTS FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature -5% for every 100C above - °C 25 25 25 2.77% for every 10°F above - OF 77 77 77 25 Altitude 77 -1.1 % for every 100 m above - m 150 150 150 -3.5% for every 1000 ft. above - ft. 500 500 150 500 500 Note: Values given are maximum temperatures to which power adjustments can be applied. Consult your Generac Power Systems representative if operating conditions exceed these maximums. STANDARD ENGINE & SAFETY FEATURES SGO50/060 ■ High Coolant Temperature Automatic Shutdown ■ Low Coolant Level Automatic Shutdown ■ Low Oil Pressure Automatic Shutdown ■ Overspeed Automatic Shutdown (Solid-state) ■ Crank Limiter (Solid-state) ■ Oil Drain Extension ■ Radiator Drain Extension ■ Factory -Installed Coo[ Flow Radiator ■ Closed Coolant Recovery System ■ UV/Ozone Resistant Hoses ■ Rubber -Booted Engine Electrical Connections ■ Fuel Lockoff Solenoid OPTIONS ■ OPTIONAL COOLING SYSTEM ACCESSORIES O 208/240V Coolant Heater ■ OPTIONAL FUEL ACCESSORIES O Flexible Fuel Lines ■ OPTIONAL EXHAUST ACCESSORIES O Critical Exhaust Silencer (Std. on enclosed gensets) O Single Exhaust Kit for Indoor Installations ■ OPTIONAL ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES O Battery, 12 Volt, 90 A.H., 27F O Battery Heater O 2A Battery Charger O 10A Dual Rate Battery Charger O Main Line Circuit Breaker ■ OPTIONAL ALTERNATOR ACCESSORIES O Alternator Upsizing to 125kW O Alternator Strip Heater O Alternator Tropicalization O Voltage Changeover Switch ■ CONTROL CONSOLE OPTIONS O Analog Control "C" Pane[ (Bulletin 0151160SBY) O Analog/Digital Control "E" Pane[ (Bulletin 0161310SBY) ■ Secondary Fuel Regulator (N.G. and L.P.) ■ Battery Charge Alternator ■ Battery Cables ■ Battery Tray ■ Vibration Isolation of Unit to Mounting Base ■ 12 Volt, Solenoid -Activated Starter Motor ■ Air Cleaner ■ Fan Guard ■ Control Console ■ Isochronous Governor ■ Air Duct Adapter ■ ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT O Automatic Transfer Switch O 3 Light Remote Annunciator O 5 Light Remote Annunciator O 20 Light Remote Annunciator O Remote Relay Panel O Unit Vibration Isolators O Oil Make -Up System O Oil Heater O 5 Year Warranties O Export Boxing O GenLinkO Communications Software ■ OPTIONAL ENCLOSURES O Weather Protective O Sound Attenuating O Aluminum and Stainless Steel O Enclosed Muffler Distributed by: Design and specifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions shown are approximate. Contact your Genemc dealer for certified drawings. DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. 2830 [111.42"I � [� 1028 [40.47"] ®OO EJ 1363 [53.66"] 1404 [55.28"] Ll 2360 [93.1 . --I 940 [37.01 "J y mm [IN] GENERAC• POWER SYSTEMS, INC. • P.O. BOX B • WAUKESHA, WI 53167 262/544-461 1 • FAX 262/544-4B51 Bulletin 0165570SBY/ Printed in USA 09.01, rev:03.04 02004 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice. Applicant: NYNEX Mobile Limited Partnership 1 d/b/a Verizon Wireless Landowner: WGM Associates Project: Stealth wireless telecommunication installation Location: 850 Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), South Burlington, Vermont. Abutting Property Owners Name Address Property No. Verizon (Mail code FLG1-300) c/o Cushman & Wakefield 0860-00800 Verizon Portfolio Management 8800 Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619-3526 Landrum c/o Philip Drumheller 0860-01000 P.O. Box 130 Burlington, VT 05407 Burlington Properties LTD c/o Daniel Kalman 0860-01020 P.O. Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05407 Mansfield View Properties LLC Charlotte, VT(as per VPTTR) 0860-01035 380 Hurricane Lane #101 Williston, VT 05495 (as per Sec of State online database, Ken Merritt reg. agent)) 835 Hinesburg Road LLC c/o Jeff Davis 0860-0835 2 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Page 1 of 1 Height: 7" Width: 4.5" Number of Bulbs: 1 Body Material: ALUMINUM Maximum Wattage: 75W Shippable via UPS: Yes Bulb Base: Medium Voltage: 120V UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Style: Contemporary Locations Bulbs: bulb not included View other products in the New Street UISA family. « Back 16, Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and may not be repro without Kichler's written consent Powered by 44 B R A N o m t? t r i X © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the liner Agreement file://c:\windows\TEMP\triCLHFJ.httn a EXISTING WPUTY Pot r N &T CO 56 ET QMP CORP 72 N€T4T CO 6 5.7 tz C9 0-M-PREH-ENSIVE 5 -1JE PLAN -_ , GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 so I imb 00 tL /00 TO UMIZr D(IS77NG A -CC., "�� 'S D#VWAMV'- ­- PARK-ING AREA E/F PROPOSM 1W PPG MIN! PROPOSED IWO EQUIPMENT ON 9 x 12' CONCREYE PAD SING SILO pRopwmp I*v unury ROUTING (A PPROXMA 7E 1. X-A 7701V) 0 1 ID/i 4/pl I ISSUED FpR W61449: LEASE EXHIBIT 11 REV. I DATE COMMENTS CLOUGH. HARBOUR WRIGHT SILO DAIM Q/W2061 &ASSOCIATES LLP Mllktat,*99:8. SLF*wE%1:l�-. PLANNEM COMMUNICATIONFA ErisS CILITY :-- -.- - - - - S06LE I&S NOTED NE63XC815A - CITY OF SOUTH BUR NO N. CHITTE N COUNTY. V _NpE00 EMO T _ . _ _U _R _ NT SHM:3 PT 1 OF CHA RQJ. MD. - 10756-1025 1 IWO To UnL/ZE EXIS77NQ ACCES . D/ l AND PARKINI AREA - EXISTING CONCRETE PAD EXISRNG SILO 5'-0' -- — 4/7' __€R- AR €Q -SITS_ PLAI - GROHM sCALE 10 0 5 10 1 imh=10 tt _t� "TWIluSED Ili °C M/N/ I IN =PROPOSED /KV EQUIPMENT ON 9' x 12' COWME-TE PAD O 14/14/01 ISSUED FOR LEASE LEASE EXHIBIT ---- — REV. DATE COMMENTS PHCLOUGH, HARBOUR WRIGHT SILO DATE Qf;4/20o; &A_SSOCIATES LLP s f .� .� COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ® >� L.�_RF�E -rs 906'LE As NOTED 3Pda P= m-m CITY_ OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. CHITTENDEN COUNTYf VERMDNT j jEET - - CHA P.ROJ. NO. = 10756-1023 NIhdFA 01E."{1tl756t107Ei1.E1.OK PLpi:t�i, W.S. 09fn4A 01 I.S1© %W4 NVA (TYP OF 3) 9 /WQ CAHLE TRAY sto-rcR j Wic MR- 2 ANTENNA LAYOUT /ov NOT TO SCALE F SILQ ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE LEASE EXHIBIT REV. DATE COMMENTS CL0UGk1, HARBOUR WRIGHT SILO DATE s/14/2001 &ASSOCIA9'ES LLP GH COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY SCALE AS NCTEO • NE63XC815A pi ," PTY OF SOUTH BURUNGTON, CHITTENDEN COWNT-Y, VERMONT SPIFFY 3 OE 3 CRA PRO.L NO. = 10756=1025 DEPENDENT IRELESS CNE Sprint PCS' Network Partner SITE I.D.# NE63XC""815A WRIGHT SILK 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 DIRECTIONS: FROM 1-89 TAKE EXIT SOUTH BURLINGTON, ROUTE 2. GO RIGHT ON ROUTE 116, HINESBURG ROAD. FOLLOW 116 (HINESBURG ROAD) SOUTH, JUST PAST A LARGE VERIZON BUILDING, SITE IS ON THE LEFT. LARGE WHITE SILO. OCTOBER, 2001 IS A VIOlAWN WmMW FOR ANY PERAWLE EY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIREMON OF A X:NSED PRMEEWNAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS LOCATION MAP NO SCALE �CLOUGH, HARBOUR A & ASSOCIATES LLP DRA111NG OWYAIGHT ENGINEERS, SURVEY S, Fl AIV,J� © 2= 6 LANDSCAPE AFICHFTE= III WINNERS CIRCLE — ALBANY, NEW YORK — 12205 P.O. BOX 5269 518-453-4500 CHA Project No. 10756-1025 PROJECT INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS: 850 HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 LATITUDE 44' 26' 40.6" LONGITUDE 73' 9' 28.1" ZONING CLASSIFICATION: INDUSTRIAL/ OPEN SPACE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION: f 700s.f. PROJECT DIRECTORY ° o.• sp�h° ` OWNER: KEITH M. WRIGHT, TRUSTEE 850 HINESBURG ROAD ' t SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 a '""edy Dr APPLICANT: INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE L I Shunpike Rd SPRINT PCS NETWORK PARTNER p RATE PLAZA 2540WA0SH NGTON EXTENSION ALBANY, NY 12203 I 89 ENGINEER: CLOUGH HARBOUR & ASSOCIATES LLP III WINNERS CIRCLE P.O. BOX 5269 ALBANY, NY 12205-0269 0 GENERAL DRAWINGS NE63XC815A—Tl TITLE SHEET x. ` NE63XC815A—Zl Shy ��N'S � `PLAN f NE63XC81 A,2— EN'LARG6 Stiff PROJECT LOCATION NE63XC815A'—Z3 ELEVATION & NOTES NE63XC815A—Z4 DETAILS I ZONING DRAWINGS NE63XC815A—Z5 , DETAILS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NE63XC815A—Z6 MICROCELL DETAIL- , NE63XC815A—Z7 CELL SIXJN3�'tCATI0N NOTES DIG SAFE - VERMONT SAVE BIG, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. g Rd 1-888—DIG—SAFE �on S,�kLe� No Text ANTENNA TYPE: TYPICAL AZIMUTH 90'-4901OX W/TBP DOWNTILT AZIMUTH 290' - 4901OX W/T89 DOWNTILT Tx1/Rx1 CPS ANTENNA 5 V I. lb URZIZE EX/S77NG ACCESS OR/FE AND PARKING AREA \ 2 PROPOSED INN RESTORE ANY DIS7RBED ZS AN7ZNNA (7W.. OF 2) AREAS IN KIND (7)1_. ) E%ISnNG CUNCRETE PAD JR. * E%15TING 65'E CONCRETE SILO /017 COAX BZSPROPOSED (ZIDZE AIOUNRD 70 SILO_VI 3 PRCWOSED /No Z4 ICE SNDCIr — /MO EElPROPOSED Z5 6PS ANIENNA - E/T i Z PROPOSED /NO EOUIPIIENT ON Z4 Z4 9'.Y12' CLWOPEIE PAD ---- PROPOSED /IN7 SAOCDOARD -- ENLARGED SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 I inch = 10 fL CLOUGH, HARBOUR C A & ASSOCIATES LLP URAWNG COPYRIGHT ENC9NEEFE•, SLIFIA—Y_ . PL-ANP E77G © 2001 s L_ANCISCAPE APr_-IIT1=_= IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PER3WNUESS III WINNERS CIRCLE - ALBANY, NEW YORK - 12205 THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OMKp, O. BOX 5269 518-453-4500 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. CHA Project N. 10756-1025 WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT LL PREMIUM JUMPER 4M/DINM 453 FT. -PREMIUM 7/16" DIN FEMALE CONNECTOR (ANTENNA) DIN MALE DIN FEMALE CONNECTOR SEE BELOW FOR PART /. GROUNDING KIT (GABLEWAVE 916391). GROUND (TYP.OF 6) 22 BAR Al ANTENNAS) E5 STANDARD COAX. SEE BELOW FOR SIZE. j-GROUND BAR <& rANTENNA BARBA) E5 PE FEMALE CONNECTOR LOW FOR PART /. ABLE END LE NTYPE MALE CONNECTORCABLE COVER ASSEMBLY EXIT UPERFLEX FLEXIBLE JUMPER FLC12 NTYPE FEMALE CONECTORNM/PNM-4 FT. PREMIUM (815414-004P) (SUPPUED W/ACCAPRIMARY RADIO CABINET SECTOR (TYP.) ANTENNA CABLE CONFIGURATION i— CPS ANTENNA KIT LUCENT 407517689 OR 407479336 FOR RUNS LONGER THAN 300 FT. N TYPE FEMALE CONNECTOR (ANTENNA) N TYPE MALE CABLE CONNECTOR CABLEWAVE 734803 ES - GROUNDING KIT CABLEWAVE TYPE 916382 FLEXWELL FLC 12 CABLE TYPE 810918-001 GROUNDING KIT CABLEWAVE TYPE 916382 N TYPE MALE CONNECTOR CABLEWAVE 734803 NTYPE FEMALE CONNECTION (SUPPLIED W/ACCA) • ESTIMATED LENGTHS FROM AVAILABLE INFORMATION- ---••�•••��•• .+ �ru 5-tlUILI UKAWING` AZIMUTH 90' DOWNTILT= 2 AZIMUTH 290' OOWNTILT= 0 Dr AZIMUTH - DOWNTILT= - CPS ANTENNA FROM/TO COAX CABLE LENGTH COAX LENGTH COAX LENGTH ' COAX CABLE LENGTH 03 RX © RX/TX O5 RX © TYPE/SIZE RX/T1(Q RX QQ TYPE/SIZE CA LE TYPE/ ZE T PFS TOP JUMPER CABLE 15396-006P 6 6 15396-OO6P 815396-006 E C72) 1 /2� 1/2" 6 6 FROM TOP JUMPER ANTENNA TCOVER 810921-D01 80 BO 810921-001 810916-001 810918-001 ASSEMBLO YE 7/8" 7/8- 125' 121 1-1 4" / - - 1/2' 20' ANTENNA CABLE COVER ASSEMBLY 826031003P 82603ID03P 826031003P TO PRIMARY RADIO CABINET _ 1/2 3 3 1/2' 3 3 1/2, - - N/A - nurAV lm AKE NFIIHIN t 2. OF INFORMATION SHOWN WITH REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ANTENNA CABLE CONFIGURATION SITE WORK GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL SITE WORK SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWING AND STIPULATED IN THE SPECIFICATION PROJECT SUMMARY. 2. RUBBISH, STUMPS, DEBRIS, STICKS, STONES AND OTHER REFUSE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSED OF LEGALLY. 3. THE SITE SHALL BE GRADED TO CAUSE SURFACE WATER TO FLOW AWAY FROM THE PCS EQUIPMENT AND TOWER AREAS. 4. NO FILL OR EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON FROZEN GROUND. FROZEN MATERIALS, SNOW OR ICE SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN ANY FILL OR EMBANKMENT. 5. THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED AND BROUGHT TO A SMOOTH UNIFORM GRADE PRIOR TO FINISHED SURFACE APPUCATION. 6. ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES WHERE ENCOUNTERED IN THE WORK, SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING OR PIER DRIWNG AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES - CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. 7. ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER UTILITIES, WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING. 8. THE AREAS OF THE OWNERS PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND NOT COVERED BY THE BUILDING OR DRIVEWAY, SHALL BE GRADED TO A UNIFORM SLOPE. FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND COVERED WITH MULCH AS SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIFICATION LANDSCAPE WORK. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH STATE OF VERMONT GUIDELINES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND COORDINATED WITH THE TOWN/COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE. 10. CONTRACTOR IS TO SUPPLY 8-COMBINATION LOCKS (MASTER LOCK 175LH, PART NUMBER 71649 39565). 0 VAk­ DEPENDENT miF*rUtt, RELESS ONE Sprint PCS' NezPeOrk Pa1T : THIRD PARTY BILL OF MATERIALS NAM � MMI T N ITEM NO. % 1 DESCRIPTION FIR OUANTIIY C7"410' (EACH) 1 JLWPER CABLES: FLEXWEL COAXIAL JUMPER ASSEMBLY (CABLEWAVE B15J96-006P): 4 • FLEXWEIL COAXIAL JUMPER ASSEMBLY CABLEWAVE ILMO31-DO.TP 4 2 MAIN CABLES •1/2' DIA FLEXXLE COAXIAL (CABLEWAVE 810918-001j 1 •7/8' DIA- FLEXMELL COAXIAL (CABLEWAVE 810921-ODI) 4 •1-1/4' DIA FLEXKU COAXIAL (CABLEWAVE 810916-DOl) N/A TO •1-5/e' DIA. FLEXWEW COAXIAL (CABLEWAVE 810920-001) N/A LENGTH NIA •2-I/4' DIA FIEXWELL CDAXIAL (CABUMAV46 E 8110-001) N/A LENGTH N/A N/A 3 GROUNDING KITS WITH 60' GROUND CABLE AND 2-HOLE LOGS FOR THE FOLLOWING. ••1/2' CABLE (CABIEWAVE 916382) N/A N/A N/A 7/8' CABLE (CABLEWAVE 915395) •1-IIC / CABLE (CABLEWAVE 915870-021) N/A N/A N/A •1-5/B' CABLE (CABLEWAY£ 916J91) N/A N/A NIA -2_ 1/4" CABLE (CABLEWAVE 915870-026) N/A N/A N/A 4 CONNECTORS - UNATTACHED FOR GPS AND MAIN CABLES :MALE -N' 1/2' (CABLEWAVE 7348G3) •FEMALE 'N' 1/2' (CABLEWAVE 734806) NSA N/A N/A •FEMALE 'DIN' 7/6' (CABLEWAVE 734752) 4 •FEMALE 'N' 7/8' (CABLEWAVE 734857) 'DIN' N/A N/A .FEMALE 1-1/4" (CABLEWAYS ]34754) •FEMALE 'N' N/A NIA N/A 1-1/4' (CABLEWAVE 73WW) -DIN- N/A •FEMALE 1-5/9- (CAKEWAVE 734756) •FEMALE 'N' N/A N/A N/A 1-5/8' (CABLEWAVE 738863) 'DIN' NSA •FEMALE 2-1/4' (CABLEWAVE 734947) •FEMALE 'N- N/A NIA N/A 2-1/4' (CABLEWAVE 734949) N/A 5 PPC MINI (200 AMP), IN LINE TYPE AS MANUFACTURED BY NORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES. MODEL III N2101-MD1 6 ACCA PROVIDED BY WCENT W/O JUMPERS N/A N/A N/A 7 HOISTING GRIPS N/A •1/2' CABLE (CABLEWAVE 910303) N/A NIA N/A •7/e' CABLE (CABLEWAVE 91G307) NIA NIA N/A •1-1/4' CABLE (CABLEWAVE 915158) N/A N/A N/A •1-5/8' CABLE (CABLEWAVE 910311) N/A N/A N/A •2-1/4- CABLE (CABLEWAVE 914988) N/A N/A N/A 6 WEATHERPROOFING KITS (CABLEWAVE 916132) 4 N/A N/A 2. ITEMS ITEMS 4VARE HELDuFABRICATED BY CONTRACTOR Val•9 ISAIm FDR m .wPRo✓AL sea MDDAB 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD "MINIS ALBANY, NEW YORK 1 2203-5971 — AS— oEssNm — DRAWN s. INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE ENLARGED SITE PLAN 10/02/01I NE63XC815A-Z2 Ii1 IS -A VIOUTION OF UW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLF THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A I^ LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. EXISTING 65'1 / CONCRETE SILO 9EC7W 2 Illl AZ - 290' , 'ACE 1 'J ZS 'ApOSED /MD EoLwm NT 1 2 95,12' CON0WE7E PAD Z4 Z4 SILO ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE CCLOUGH, HARBOUR L Al & ASSOCIATES LLP g1AYMlG COPYR T ENGINEETaS, SURVEYORS. PLFVV\Eg�'S © 21- E. LANOSCJAPE AROHFFI=-= III WINNERS CIRCLE - ALBANY, NEW YORK - 12205 P.O. BOX 5269 518-453-4500 CHA P,.jed No. 10756-1025 /MD 1 COAX CABLE ZS GEUERAL NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO, OF, AND ON EXISTING BUILDINGS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR WITH ALL DISCREPANCIES REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER. 2. DO NOT CHANGE SIZE NOR SPACING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. 3. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL: SIMILAR DETAILS APPLY TO SIMILAR CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. 5. BRACE STRUCTURES UNTIL ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS NEEDED FOR STABILITY ARE INSTALLED. THESE ELEMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: LATERAL BRACING, ANCHOR BOLTS, ETC. 6. DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES, GROUNDS DRAINS, DRAIN PIPES, VENTS, ETC. BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 7. INCORRECTLY FABRICATED, DAMAGED, OR OTHERWISE MISFITTING OR NONCONFORMING MATERIALS OR CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO REMEDIAL OR CORRECTIVE ACTION. ANY SUCH ACTION SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL. 8. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, AND COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. DESIGN DATA 1. LIVE LOADS MINIMUM UNIFORM LOADS: FLOOR ROOF 40 PSF 20 PSF WIND LOADS: PER STATE, LOCAL AND NATIONAL CODES AS APPLICABLE ICE LOADS: 1/2" RADIAL ON ALL COMPONENTS & CABLE SNOW LOAD: PER STATE, LOCAL AND NATIONAL CODES AS APPLICABLE SEISMIC LOADS: PER STATE, LOCAL AND NATIONAL CODES AS APPLICABLE AN�NNASUPP�T BRACKETNO�SBRACKET NOBS 1. DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY OF ANTENNA MOUNTING BRACKETS AND POLES AND ALL SECTOR 1 COMPONENTS THERE OF AND ATTACHMENT THERE TO SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY AZ - 90' OF THE MANUFACTURER. MFR. SHALL PROVIDE TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, DRAWINGS DETAILING ALL COMPONENTS OF THE ASSEMBLY, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS, DESIGN LOADS, AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT DATA. ALL SUBMISSIONS SHALL BEAR THE STAMP AND SIGNATURE OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE THE WORK IS BEING PERFORMED. 2. BRACKETS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO SUPPORT CURRENT AND FUTURE PANEL ANTENNAS COAXIAL CABLES AS SHOWN. STRUCTURAI STEEL NOTES 1. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AISC "SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS'. ALL STEEL SHALL BE ASTM A-36 2. ALL INTERIOR STRUCTURAL STEEL USED SHALL BE, WHEN DELIVERED, FINISHED WITH ONE COAT FABRICATOR'S NON -LEAD, RED OXIDE PRIMER. PRIMING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER SHOP FABRICATION TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. ALL DINGS, SCRAPES. MARS, AND WELDS IN THE PRIMED AREAS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY FIELD TOUCHUP PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF THE WORK. WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT 3. ALL EXTERIOR STEEL WORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION ASTM A123 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. GALVANIZING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER SHOP FABRICATION TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. ALL DINGS, SCRAPES, MARS, AND WELDS IN THE GALVANIZED AREAS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY FIELD TOUCHUP PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF THE WORK USING ZRC COLD GALVANIZING COMPOUND OR APPROVED EQUAL 4. DO NOT PLACE HOLES THROUGH STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS EXCEPT AS SHOWN AND DETAILED ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 5. CONNECTIONS: A. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY A CERTIFIED WELDER USING E70XX ELECTRODES AND WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS D1.1. WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC 'MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 9TH EDITION. AT THE COMPLETION OF WELDING, ALL DAMAGE TO GALVANIZED COATING SHALL BE REPAIRED. B. BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL USE BEARING TYPE GALVANIZED ASTM A325 BOLTS (3/4' DIA) AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM OF TWO BOLTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. C. NON-STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS FOR STEEL GRATING MAY USE 5/8' DIA. GALVANIZED ASTM A 307 BOLTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. D. CONNECTION DESIGN BY FABRICATOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. CONCRETE NOTES 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CONCRETE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE CODES: ACI 301 'SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS'; ACI 318, 'BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE'; 2. MIX DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE. 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT, 6% AIR ENTRAINED (f1.5%) WITH A MAXIMUM 4" SLUMP, AND HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4000 PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE SHALL BE 1'. 5. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS SHALL BE USED: PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTM C 150, TYPE I REINFORCEMENT: ASTM A 615, GRADE 60 NORMAL WEIGHT AGGREGATE: ASTM C 33 WATER: DRINKABLE ADMIXTURES: NON -CHLORIDE CONTAINING 6. REINFORCING DETAILS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 315. 7. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 615, GRADE 60, DEFORMED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 185 WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPLICES SHALL BE CLASS 'S' AND ALL HOOKS SHALL BE STANDARD, UNO. ►�PENOENT -:� Sprint, i2ELESS ONE Sprint PCS' Ne'*nrk Rimw 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 CONCRETE NOTES CONT B. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR REINFORCING STEEL UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS: CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH........3 IN. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER: 16 AND LARGER..................................2 IN. /5 AND SMALLER & WWF ................... 1 1/2 IN. CONCRETE NOT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER OR NOT CAST AGAINST THE GROUND: SLAB AND WALL.................................3/4 IN. BEAMS AND COLUMNS ...................._..1 1/2 IN. 9. A CHAMFER 3/4" SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE, LINO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 301 SECTION 4.2.4. 10. INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE EXPANSION/WEDGE ANCHOR, SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURES WRITTEN RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE. THE ANCHOR BOLT. DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO REBAR SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. 11. CURING COMPOUNDS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-309. 12. ADMIXTURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE ASTM STANDARD AS REFERENCED IN ACI-301. 13. DO NOT WELD OR TACKWELD REINFORCING STEEL. 14. ALL DOWELS, ANCHOR BOLTS, EMBEDDED STEEL, ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, PIPE SLEEVES, GROUNDS AND ALL OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS AND FORMED DETAILS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE START OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 15. LOCATE ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AS ACCEPTABLE TO ENGINEER. PLACE REINFORCEMENT CONTINUOUSLY THROUGH JOINT. 16. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE COLD BENT WHENEVER BENDING IS REWIRED. 17. PLACE CONCRETE IN A UNIFORM MANNER TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF COLD JOINTS AND OTHER PLANES OF WEAKNESS. VIBRATE THE CONCRETE TO FULLY EMBED REINFORCING. DO NOT USE VIBRATORS TO TRANSPORT CONCRETE THROUGH CHUTES OR FORMWORK. 18. DO NOT PLACE CONCRETE IN WATER, ICE, OR ON FROZEN GROUND. 19. DO NOT ALLOW CONCRETE SUBBASE TO FREEZE DURING CONCRETE CURING AND SETTING PERIOD, OR FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS AFTER PLACEMENT. 20. FOR COLD -WEATHER AND HOT -WEATHER CONCRETE PLACEMENT, CONFORM TO APPLICABLE ACI CODES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. IN EITHER CASE, MATERIALS CONTAINING CHLORIDE, CALCIUM, SALTS, ETC. SHALL NOT BE USED. PROTECT FRESH CONCRETE FROM WEATHER FOR 7 DAYS MINIMUM. EXCAVATIONS/FOUNDATION 1. FOUNDATION EXCAVATION SHALL BE HAND -TRIMMED TO REMOVE LOOSE MATERIALS. 2. DO NOT PLACE FOOTINGS IN WATER OR ON FROZEN GROUND. 3. SOIL BEARING SURFACES, PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, WHICH ARE ALLOWED TO BECOME SATURATED, FROZEN OR DISTURBED SHALL BE REWORKED TO SATISFACTION OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 4. DO NOT ALLOW GROUND BENEATH FOOTINGS TO FREEZE. 5. ALL STRUCTURAL BACKFILL AND SUBBASE UNDER SLABS SHALL BE SELECT STRUCTURAL FILL MEETING THE GRADATION AND SOUNDNESS REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING GRADATION: A. GRADATION. THE MATERIAL SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING GRADATION: SIVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 4 INCH 100 NO. 40 0 TO 70 NO. 200 0 TO 15 B. MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBSTANTIALLY FREE OF SHALE OR OTHER SOFT, POOR DURABILITY PARTICLES. IF TESTING IS ELECTED BY OWNER, MATERIAL WITH A MAGNESIUM SULFATE SOUNDNESS LOSS EXCEEDING 30% WILL BE REJECTED. COMPACT TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY PER ASTM D-698. 6. SUBGRADE BELOW SLAB -ON -GRADE SHALL BE REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER BEFORE CONCRETE SLAB PLACEMENT. 7. ALL LOOSE AND/OR ORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PREPARATION OF THE AREA FOR PLACEMENT OF STRUCTURAL BACKFILL OVERALL PLAN AREA OF WORK SHALL EXTEND 3'-0' MINIMUM BEYOND THE FINAL DIMENSIONS. 9. SCARIFY THE EXISTING SOILS TO A DEPTH OF 6' AND RE -COMPACT USING A PLATE TAMPER. ANY SOFT AREAS SHALL BE OVEREXCAVATED 12' AND BACKFILLED WITH MATERIALS AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 10. PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF STRUCTURAL BACKFILL AND SUBBASE SHALL BE DONE IN 8' LIFTS. EXCAVATE FOR THE FOOTING EDGE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 11. CONTRACTOR TO GRADE SITE LEVEL WITH EXISTING, TWO FEET BEYOND PROPOSED EQUIPMENT PAD FOOTPRINT, THEN TAPER TO EXISTING GRADE IF REQUIRED AT A MAXIMUM OF 3:1 SLOPE 65Um Fdt ZOMNC MPNWK 9tR REN W g AS No1Fn or=va�Eu vc6 drAw� sI® ON �Vi V INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE ELEVATION & NOTES DATE DRAWING NUMBER 10/02/01 NE63XC815A-Z3 1" PVC SLEEVE FOR -\ GROUNDING CABLE PAD AND FLOOR STAND CL 1" PVC SLEEVE FOR GROUNDING CABLE 3 3 �OF V CO A. H ST R. 101 N _q I. - S"COONCRETE AT CENTER O.C. EACH WAY 3 4" CHAMFER AT ENTER OF SLAB WAY AT CENTER OF SLAB / en 10 3/4- n FLOOR STAND UILINE CHAMFER n N CENTERED ON AD 1_ i \ I I ^ - i-I I -111I- l� w I- =III=1T RI=1DI PAD AND m ° 6 -III= 1=III- 8" CRUSHED ROCK 1 _III_ 1- 8" CRUSHED ROCK _ z, FLOOR STAND v0i COMPACTED SOIL TO MIN 95% MODIFIED 1 -0-O" �I "a o a I- -1 COMPACTED SOIL TO MIN 15MODIFIED � MAX DENSITY PER ASTM 01557 METHOD C 5 MAX DENSITY PER ASTM ESPECIFIC METHOD C #5 CONT. E.F. (TO BE VERIFIED WITH SITE SPECIFIC SOIL (TO BE VERIFIED WITH SITE SPECIFIC SOIL v n 0 12" MAX. REPORT WHEN AVAILABLE). REPORT WHEN AVAILABLE). 4'x4' CONCRETE PAD �— 1NO SE ONLY WHEN APPROVED n �— 0 STIRRUPS BY IWO. FROST WALL IS TO BE Q 12- CONSIDERED STANDARD DETAIL 2-#5 CONT 1 -O- 2. SEE STANDARD CONCRETE NOTES FOR 3" (TYP.N ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TYP ALTERNATE FOUNDATION DETAI 1" PVC SLEEVE FOR 1" UOUID TIGHT POWER 1. *FROST PENETRATION DEPTH. GROUNDING CABLE CONDUIT ATTACHED TO RIGID 1" PVC SLEEVE FOR STEEL CONDUIT STUB -UP GROUNDING CABLE 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED WITH THE 1" LIQUID TIGHT TELCO NEUTRALIZED VINSOL SERIN, DAREX AEA OR CONDUIT ATTACHED TO RIGID SIKA AEA. THE AIR ENTRAINED AGENT SHALL 2 SLAB ON GRADE PLAN VIEW STEEL CONDUIT STUB -UP COMPLY WITH ASTM C260, LATEST EDITION - NO SCAM WITH MINIMUM ENTRAINED AIR OF 3% TO 5% 3. GRAVEL SHALL BE NATURAL OR CRUSHED GRAVEL - EQUIPMENT PAD `'NTH 100 PERCENT PASSING 1 INCH SIEVE NO SCALE STANDARD FOUNDATION DETAIL NOTE: FOR ATTACHMENT OF EQUIPMENT SEE DETAIL 7 ON SHEET Z6 ATTACH TRAY TO EXISTING TOWER ANTENNA CABLES CABLE TRAY TIE WRAP CABLES (OR STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS) TO TRAYS SUPPORT POST 6' JUMPER CABLE 6 PIPE HEAD ARM (INVERTED) t(TYP.MICROCELL MICROFLECT No.B 09 OR EQUAL, OF 2) SEE THIS SHEET, DETAIL El4-#4 EQ. SPCD ro o z F T� 2-1/4" DIA. ANTENNA CABLE BENDING RADIUS AS PER #3 TIES ®18 MFR'S STANDARDS CONC CABLE TRAY SHALL BE PROVIDED NTH A HEAVY DUTY "U" 3" DIA. STD. WEIGHT PIPE PIER SHAPED COVER SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR THIS PURPOSE. 1'-6- THE COVER SHALL BE FASTENED USING STANDARD, TWO I.T. EXISTING HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED, HEAVY DUTY COVER CLAMPS. SILO PIPE SUPPORTS SHALL BE SPACED GROUNDING CLAMP 1' 0" WIDE CABLE TRAY AT INTERVALS OF NO MORE THAN 6 FT. OZ GEDNEY TYPE CTGC 9" RUNGS 4" LOADING DEPTH, 5J SIDE RAIL HEIGHT 3a,A FOUNDATION PIER REBAR PLAN - NO SCALE SECTION HOLD DOWN CLAMP (TYP.) PIPE HEAD ARM (INVERTED) MICROFLECT No.B D9 OR EQUAL CONCRETE SLAB BALA3" DIA STD. WEIGHT PIPE SE PTE EXISTING GRADE 2-1/4 (4) 1/2- GALV. HILTI KWIK SILO FOUNDATION a RACEWAY -CABLE TRAY MOUNTING BOLTII WITH 2-1/4 EMBEDMENT - CONCRETE PIER aelA NOT TO SCALE 7RACEWAY-STANDARD DETAIL SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET e CABLE TRAY MOUN NCI G NOT TO SCALEg,s A .. -a Ile \F Arc C� CLOUGH, HARBOUR H/� ASSOCIATES LLP L_—H ENGINEEFF.SURVEYOPS,PLANnE3z:S © 2 s LANOSC.APE APC FHFFECTS III WINNERS CIRCLE - ALBANY, NEW YORK - 12205 P.O. BOX 5269 518-453-4500 CHA Project Ne. 1D75e-Io25 WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT INDEPENDENT * -Sprint, WHZELESS ONE Snot PCs";. cfk-v.,, P 4iPo 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 INDEPENDENT FIRELESS ONE �� i DETAILS IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. s M FOR zomw APP & sxe R® -P No, arc RtvrspNs a,. ax APP•o DATE: ORAWINC NUMBER REv sic A Norm oFaONEo �a owaw sxa 10/02/01 NE63XC815A-Z4 0 U 3 0 CH CLOUGH, HARBOUR N E L-A & ASSOCIATES LLP oa, �vexHr ENGT IEEPS. SUFTVEI'�, PLAi�f�i R. I$"A. N OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON., © 6 LAN❑SCAPE APC7-IITE= - III WINNERS CIRCLE — ALBAN Y, NEW YORK — 12205 G UNDER 1HE DIRECTION TEA P.O. BOX 5269 518-453-4500 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. CHA Project No. 10756-1025 FASTEN P1000 UNISTRUT (OR EQUAL) TO WALL W/(2)-3/8" DIA. LAG BOLTS. FASTEN EXISTING TO CONCRETE OR BRICK WALL SILO WALL STRUCTURE WITH 1/2' DIA GALV. �; HILT) HY20 OR HY150 ADHESIVE p ANCHOR, 3 1/2" MIN EMBEDMENT (TYP) COAXIAL CABLE ASSEMBLY HELIAX 42396A AND 31769 COAX MOUNTING DETAIL NTS EXISTING CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ANTENNA & TILT MOUNT BOLT (TYP) ATTACH ANTENNA TO BRACKET USING MFR MOUNTING HOLES. (2) 1/2" DIA. GALV. HILTI HY20 OR HY150 ADHESIVE ANCHORS, 3 1/2" MIN. EMB., OR APPROVED EQUAL (TYP) 2 NO SCALE NOTE: BRACKETS SHALL BE SNIVEL BRACKETS BY DAPA OR EQUIVALENT ANTENNAS AND MOUNTING ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PAINTED. OWNER SHALL APPROVE COLOR. SEE ROOF PLAN & ELEVATION FOR ANTENNA LOCATIONS. WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT Ah-DEPENDENT 3pr&t RELESS ONE Sp w PCs- New"A Partner 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 BY LUCENT) II u 2 III II I I CABLE TO PIPE CONNECTOR 2 AWG BCW �TYP I I III BURNDY TYPE GAR TC (TYP 2 PLCS) 2 PLCS) MOUNTING TILT HOLES FOR ADJUSTMENT BRACKET PLATE I I o II III 4 3 0 I 2"0 PIPE GROUNDING KIT 2 HOLE LUG (TYP) 1/2"0 COAX CABLE /2 AWG BCW MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD CIGBE GROUND BAR 16 AWG GROUNDING KIT CABLE (PROVIDED WITH KIT) /2 AWG BCW TO MIGB GPS ANTENNA MOUNTING BRACKET NOTE: 1. THE ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF THE GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL RF REPORT. 2. THE GPS ANTENNA MOUNT IS DESIGNED TO FASTEN TO A STANDARD 1-1/4" DIAMETER, SCHEDULE 40. GALVANIZED STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL PIPE. MOUNT END THE PIPE SHALL BE CUT TO THE REQUIRED LENGTH MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES USING A HAND OR ROTARY PIPE CUTTER TO ASSURE A SMOOTH AND PERPENDICULAR CUT. A HACK SAW SHAI1 NOT BF Ic D THE CUT PIPE END SHALL BE DEBURRED AND SMOOTH IN ORDER TO SEAL AGAINST THE NEOPRENE GASKET ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNA MOUNT. 3. THE MOUNTING PLATE SHALL BE FABRICATED AS SHOWN AND ATTACHED TO THE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT STRUCTURE USING U-BOLTS. THE SUPPORT PIPE SHALL THEN BE ATTACHED TO THE MOUNTING PLATE USING THE OVERSIZE U-BOLTS PROVIDED TO ALLOW ADJUSTMENT IT IS CRITICAL AND THE THAT THE GPS AN TUNA I� M IN D 410{ THAT IT IS W17HIN D GR c _n: tiRnPxi BASE OF THE AN TUNA 1� NITHIN DWHIFFS OF lFVEI BILL OF MATERIALS ITEMI DESCRIPTION «(ea h) O1 1-1/4" sch. 40 x 18" LG. MIN SS OR GALV. PIPE j (� PLATE 1/4 x 4-1/4 x 1'-4 1/4" I.G. GALV.(A-36) 1 O STD. U-BOLT FOR 2" PIPE W/ DOUBLE HEX NUTS AND WASHER, GALV, 2 O STD. U-BOLT FOR 2" PIPE W/ DOUBLE HEX NUTS AND WASHER, GALV. (SEE NOTE 3) 2 1'-4 I TF' 7/16" x 7/0" SLOTTED HOLE FOR 1-1/4"0 PIPE NOTE: OVERSIZE U-BOLT PROVIDED m m TO ALLOW LL WOLERANCE/ADJUSTMENT TO ACHIEVi T. 7/16" x 2-7/8" SLOTTED HOLE FOR 2"0 PIPE U-BOLT WITH DOUBLE NUTS AND WASHERS. (TYP.) PLATE 1/4" THK. MOUNTING BRACKET PLATE 1 T� 3 AIAI A NO SCALE Q aapa INDEPENDENT FIRELESS ONE eV 0� eanm M MM AM60W4 I 5xe No. as T- sry� As rolm ocslcraFo sxe ose.N sxa D EfAI LS 10/02/011 NE63XC815A—Z5 AC INPUT AC GROUND ALARMS AC OUTPUT POWER BACK-UP CABINET POWER AND ALARM ENTRY PORTS �'• �1 i ► \ li �• \ b III � . RF HATCH PLATE O e GPS HATCH PLATE #6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED /6 AWC STRANDED INSULATED COPPER WIRE TO MAIN GROUND TOP VIEW GROUND WIRE TO MAIN GROUND BUS BAR BUS BAR /6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED BACK VIEW /6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED COPPER MARE TO MAIN GROUND GROUND WIRE TO MAIN GROUND BUS BAR BUS BAR JUNCTION BOX /6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED GROUND WIRE ('C' TAPPED TO 02 AWG) FLEXENT MICROCELL CABINET ��� (SHOWN WITHOUT COVER) 1 a IrRnlINf11NR I ncennNC FnR FI FYFIJT realuCT NO SCAL PEE F VE9 i ANT * TEL R. 90 No. 3 SSA AL ��G I R IS A NOTATION OF TAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLE THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A '^ LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. CPS ANTENNA COAX CABLE CONNECTION GPS HATCH PLATE /6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED GROUND WIRE ('C' TAPPED TO /2 AWG) FRONT VIEW AC POWER OUT TO FLEXENT MICROCELL (AC CONDUIT) Rxl (RECEIVE DIVERSITY ANTENNA CONNECTION) ENT MICROCELL 1/0 /2 IDUIT /2) FLEXENT MICROCELL 1/0 /1 (CONDUIT 01) AC GENERATOR (OPTIONAL) ALARM FROM PBC AC PANEL GRO UND (OPTIONAL) TOP VIEW OF AC SERVICIN E FLEXENT MICROCELL 1/0 j2 SINGLE PDC CABINET (OR OPTIONAL POWER BACKUP CABINET) (CONDUIT /2) AC OUT TO FLEXENT FLEXENT MICROCELL 1/0 /1 MICROCELL (AC CONDUIT) (CONDUIT /I) RIGHT HAND SIDE VIEW TI/EI IN EXTERNAL USER ALARMS IN BOTTOM VIEW OF SINGLE PDC CABINET BPOWER DISTRIBUTION CABINET NTRY POINTS 06 AWG STRANDED INSULATED GROUND WIRE ('C TAPPED TO /2 AWG) #6 AWC STRANDED INSULATED GROUND WIRE ('C' TAPPED TO /2 ANSI LEFT HAND SIDE VIEW THREE SECTOR FLOOR STAND CONFIGURATION: ANCHOR HOLE LAYOUT ROCELL EQUIPMENT SI'AND FOR FLOOR STAND NOTE: 1. ATTACH FLOOR STAND USING 1/2" DIA GALV. HILTI HY150 ADHESIVE ANCHORS WITH 5- IMBEDMENT. 2. FOR TWO -SECTOR CONFIGURATION, THE MICROCELLS ARE MOUNTED ON THE SIDES. THE MPDC IS MOUNTED ON THE BACK OF THE FLOOR STAND (MIDDLE CARNET IS ELIMINATED). CCLOUGH. HARBOUR WRIGHT SILO LA & ASSOCIATES LLP COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ORAWNG COPYRIdIT ENGINEERS,.SLJFiVEYC33IS. PLA r,- NE63XC815A © 2- 5 L ANOSCA DE ARCHITECTS III WINNERS CIRCLE - ALBANY, NEW YORK — 12205 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON P.o- BOX 5269 518-453-4500 CHITTENDEN COUNTY CHA Project No. 10756-1025 VERMONT *DEPENDENT ELE SONE ► Sp l� SPnnt r W Wwork Pa, TIP.( 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 u /6 AWG STRANDED INSULATED GROUND WIRE ('C' TAPPED TO /2 AWG) FRONT VIEW RIGHT HAND SIDE NEW SINGLE PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION CABINET �F 66 _1§INNP4� PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION ABIN T IJ SALE /9 'o% LSSU♦D fDR IDMNG APRIOVK SRB No. DATE REV6pNb gY sa1E ws Nmco ocvwm sRe wAw1 sim Y.i.+ 1 �I l INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE MICROCELL DETAILS 10/02/D11 NE63XC815A-Z6 CELL SITE INSTALLATION NOTES - THE FOLLOWING INSTALLATION NOTES HAVE BEEN COMPILED FROM THE EXISTING PROJECT DOCUMENTS (I.E. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, SPRINT STANDARD PRACTICE, LUCENT DOCUMENTS, ETC.) FOR USE, THESE NOTES SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CELL SITES TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROJECT DESIGN AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. A. GROUNDING, 1. ALL METAL CONDUIT FOR GROUNDING DOWN CONDUCTORS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE GROUND SYSTEM AT BOTH ENDS. 2. GROUN➢ING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE MAIN WATER PIPE USING A BURNDY TYPE GAR-TC CLAMP. 3. KOPR-SHIELD ANTI -OXIDATION COMPOUND SHALL BE USED ON ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS. 4. ALL UNDERGROUND GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE CADWElijcPROCESS. 5. ALL CADWELDYDSHALL BE INSTALLED USING THE PROPER CONNECTION/MOLD AND MATERIALS FOR THE PARTICULAR CONNECTION AND/OR APPLICATION. D:E.CONNECimtl SkEFP CONNECTION POST CONNEI'M]N ANTENNA POST (CAD.ElD 4+ADWELD #2 AWG BCV A➢VELD 2 AWG BCV #2 AVG BCV 6. ALL BOLTED GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH LOCK WASHER UNDER THE NUT. HARDWARE FOR BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MINIMUM OF 3/8' DIAMETER AND SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. 7. GROUNDING WIRE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED OR ROUTED THROUGH HOLES IN ANY METAL OBJECTS OR SUPPORTS TO PRECLUDE ESTABLISHING A 'CHOKE' POINT. #2 AWG BCW DEPICTS CHOKE POINT (NOT ACCEPTABLE) B. FERROUS METAL CLIPS WHICH COMPLETELY SURROUND THE GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SHALL NOT BE USED. CLIPS OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS AND TYPES MAY BE USED TO FASTEN AND SUPPORT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS. • PLASTIC CLIPS • METAL CLIPS WHICH DO NOT COMPLETELY SURROUND THE GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 9. STANDARD BUSS BARS (CIGBES AND MIGBS) SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED. THEY SHALL NOT BE FABRICATED OR MODIFIED IN THE FIELD. 10. THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO THE POWER AND TELCO CABINETS OF THE PPC SHALL BE MADE BY CONNECTING THE CONDUCTOR FROM THE GROUND RING TO THE FACTORY FURNISHED BUSS BAR IN EACH COMPARTMENT. 11. ALL GROUNDING WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT LOOPS (PIGTAILS) AND SHARP BEND RADIUS. Rt srIATIir ' N G� C7 CLOUGH. HARBOUR L-IQ & ASSOCIATES LLP ##A#rle mPvawT ENGINEERS. SUPIVEYC>PS, PLANrJEPS S p ® = 6 LANEOSEA ARC HrFE= IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY P UNLESS III WINNERS CIRCLE — ALBANY, NEW YORK — 12205 THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE OIRECDON OF P.O. BOX 5269 -^ LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS 518-453-4500 DOCUMENT. CHA Project No. 10756-1025 B. ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLES (WAVEGUI(DE) NOTE' THE RF TRANSMISSION LINE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE PRIMARY RADIO CABINET (PRC), FURNISHED BY LUCENT, AND THE ANTENNA CONSISTS OF A COAXIAL CABLE, SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS A WAVEGUIDE. 1. ALL ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLES AND JUMPERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT LOOPS AND/OR PIGTAILS. 2. ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE GROUND KITS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED ON THE JUMPER BETWEEN THE ANTENNA AND MAIN LINE CABLE. 3. ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE GROUND KITS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE TO THE CONNECTOR AS POSSIBLE AT EACH ANTENNA. IF THIS IS NOT FEASIBLE THE GROUND KIT SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BEND ON THE FIRST STRAIGHT RUN OF CABLE. THE GROUND KIT SHALL BE INSTALLED ON STRAIGHT SECTION OF CABLE ONLY AND NOT ON BENDS. 4- ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH THE MANUFACTURE'S MINIMUM BEND RADIUS SPECIFIED BELOW. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL RACEWAY FOR COAXIAL CABLE USING THE PROPER FITTINGS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THAT THE MINIMUM BEND RADIUS REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. (REFERENCE, TECHNICAL INFORMATION BULLETIN NO. 96-026) COAXIAL CABLE MINTMIIM BFNTI RATITIM MANUFACTURER CABLE TYPE CABLE SIZE: (DIAMETER) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS IN TRAY MINIMUM BEND RADIUS IN 4" OR 6" CONDUIT ANDREWS LOF4-50A 1/2" 5" 10" ANDREWS LDF5-50A 7/8" 10" 18" ANDREWS LDF6-50A 1 1/4" 15" 22" ANDREWS LDF7-50A 1 5/8" 20" 28' ANDREWS LDF12-50 2 1/4" 22" 36' CABLEWAVE FLC 12-50J 1/2" 5' 10" CABLEWAVE FLC 78-50J 7/8" 10" 18" CABLEWAVE FLC 114-SOJ 1 1/4" 15" 22' CABLEWAVE FLC 158-501 1 5/8" 20" 28' CABLEWAVE FLC 214-50J 2 1/4 22' 36" 5. THE GPS ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS CABLE RUN, FROM THE CONNECTOR AT THE ANTENNA HEAD TO THE CONNECTION AT THE BTS CABINET, WITHOUT JUMPERS. 6.ALL ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLES SHALL BE MARKED AND TAGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS IN PROJECT SPECIFICATION G-002, SECTION 16000, PARAGRAPHS 36 AND 37. THE FIGURE BELOW INDICATES AN EXAMPLE OF THE COLOR CODE MARKED ON THE COAXIAL CABLES. WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT DEPENDENT APdfit RELPSS ONE Sprint panwr 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 C. ELECTRICAL- 1. THE ELECTRICAL RACEWAY INSTALLED FROM THE MINI—PPC TO THE PRIMARY RADIO CABINET, FURNISHED BY LUCENT, SHALL HAVE AN 1 1/4' MALE CONNECTOR/REDUCER FOR THE TIE TO THE ELECTRICAL FITTING ON THE CABINET. THIS MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED USING EITHER A 1 1/4' CONDUIT, 1 1/4' FLEXIBLE CONDUIT OR A 1 1/4' BUSHING. dull 431 000', 0 m E111!!!711 SCNE AS N m IDemmm w I DPAru 4m INDEPENDENT IIIRELESS ONE CELL SITE INSTALLATION NOTES DATE- IDRAWING M ER 10/02/01 1 NE63XC815A—Z7 No Text STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES INTERAGENCY ACT 250 REVIEW COMMITTEE RE: Independent Wireless One ) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL Realty Corp ) COMMISSION # 4 APPLICATION # 4CO881-1 November 28, 2001 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE Please enter the appearance of the Agency of Natural Resources ("Agency"), State of Vermont, by and through its legal staff, Erin Flynn, in the above -captioned matter. COMMENTS Criterion 9F - Energy Conservation In order to meet the requirements of Criterion 9(F), an applicant must demonstrate that the planning and design of the proposed subdivision or development reflects the principles of energy conservation and incorporates the best available technology for efficient use or recovery of energy. The Vermont Department of Public Service (Department) reviews Act 250 applications for compliance with Criterion 9(F). Christopher Owen, Energy Efficiency Specialist with the Department, has reviewed the proposed cellular installation. The Department has previously reached an agreement with IWO representatives regarding the equipment and energy system configuration for IWO sites in Vermont. This application reflects that agreement. The Department concludes this nreposal satisfies Criterion g(F) provided any land use rnermit inrlr!de language essentially stating: "Radio equipment shall consist of a Lucent Technologies FLEXNET CDMA Distributed Base Station, commonly known as "Microcell," or its equivalent in terms of electric demand and consumption. Additional equipment, which increases energy use at the site, shall be proposed as an amendment application subject to review under Criterion 9(F) and 9(J). Electric resistance space heat is expressly prohibited." Application # 4CO881-1 Dated November 28, 2001, at Waterbury, Vermont. November 28, 2001 Respectfully submitted, State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources -a By Erin Flynn Legal Staff Planning Division CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I, Roger Adams, Administrative Assistant for the Planning Division of the Agency of Natural Resources, sent a copy of the foregoing Entry of Appearance and Comments dated November 28, 2001, regarding File #4C0881-1 (Independent Wireless One.Realty Corp.) by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the following: Independent Wireless One Sprint PCS 52 Corporate Cir Albany NY 12203-5176 M Keith Wright Trustee for the M Keith Wright Trust 850 Hinesburg Rd South Burlington VT 05403 John R Ponsetto Esq Gravel & Shea 76 St Paul St PO Box 369 Burlington VT 05402-0369 Donna Kinville, S Burlington City Clerk Chair, City Council / Chair, Planning Commission 575 Dorset St South Burlington VT 05403 Michael Crane, Exec Dir Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission PO Box 108 Essex Junction VT 05453 District 4 Environmental Commission 111 West St Essex Junction VT 05452 Adjoiners: Landrum % Philip Drumheller Box 130 Burlington VT 05402 835 Hinesburg Road LLC Jeffrey Davis Two Church St Burlington VT 05401 Burlington Properties Ltd % Dan Kalman PO Box 9210 South Burlington VT 05407 Bell Atlantic Corp 800 Hinesburg Rd South Burlington VT 05403 D d November 29, 2001, at Waterbury, Vermont tRr dams 11/20/01 MOTION OF APPROVAL INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE —INSTALLATION OF THREE PANEL ANTENNAS —CONDITIONAL USE AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS, 850 .? HINESBURG ROAD t" (/ It" I move the uth Burlington Develo ment Review Boar p d approve conditional use and site plan plications #CU-01-45 and #SP-01-78 of Independent Wireless One to: 1) nstall ) panel antennas on an existing farm silo, and 2) install ground equipment on concrete pad, 850 Hinesburg Road., as depicted on a seven (7) set of plans page one (1) entitled " Site I.D.# NE63XC815A Wright Silo 850 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403", prepared by Clough, Harbour & Associates LLP, with a stamped received date of 10/9/01, with the following stipulations: 1) All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2) The plans shall be revised prior to issuance of a zoning permit to show the changes listed below and shall require approval by the Director of Planning and Zoning (hereinafter Director). Three copies of the revised plans shall be submitted. a) The plan shall be revised to include landscaping to screen the ground -mounted equipment from Hinesburg Road. . 3) The applicant shall post a landscape bond in an amount to be determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning, prior to issuance of a zoning permit. The bond shall remain in effort for three (3) years to assure the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of survival. 4) The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 5) The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the antennas. 6) Any change to the plans shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. CITY OF SOUTH BIJRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 16, 2001 Mr. Chris Bramley Independent Wireless One 131 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Site Plan Application- 850 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Bramley: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting, and my comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl./td I A TRUE N tAP,C3- IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANNF�EOSON, UNLE THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRE01'.. OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. M TER THIS DOcumENT. LANDS N/Y MTMANSF7ELD AND NOVEX MOBILE LIMITED PAR7NERWP I L 421 P. 196 ikppp y iA 06UNDA NOA Y� /.N "PICKETT FEN AV /IN7 f0Uh-A0Vr FUEL TANK 9kJTi GYAyCRETE PAD L DIETA") G RA L I D C L CATIO N E R - 4!X i ATITUOE: N DE: �,A LAN N E T L ,..,DEL TANKS I 7 RA It DR If 4MOVE Mk�E BLNDARY 7, LANDS Nr BURLINGTON PROPER77ES UM17LD PARTNERSHIP L 273 P. 265 FCLOUGH, HAR13OUR -H77A &ASSOCIATES LLP LANOSCAPE APCHUIECTS III WINNERS CIRCLE — ALBANY, NEW YORK — 12205 P.O. E30X 5269 518 — 45 3 — 4500 CHA Project N,. 10756—IG25 SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 1 nr) I inch - 100 ft. WRIGHT SILO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NE63XC815A CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CHiTTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT t VINDEPENDENT SPr'jlt' WiRO ELESS Nr: Splint PCs- I-v 319 GREAT OAKS BOULEVARD ALBANY, NEW YORK 12203-5971 LANDS N/V LANDRUM L 459 P. 222 AS NOTED DESIGNED INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE COMPREHENSIVE SITE PLAN I DATE, I DRAWING NUMBER 1 10/31/01 INE63XC815A—Z1A E DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 13, 2001 835 Hinesburg Road, LLC C/O Jeffrey Davis 2 Church Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Property Owner Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in the Burlington Free Press. It includes an application for development on property located near your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106 or attend the scheduled public hearing. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street Phone: 846-4106 Fax: 846-4101 Fax To: Christopher Bramley From: Stephanie A. Smith Fax: — (0z- j (o Date: November 13, 2001 Phone: 951-2445 Pages: 2 Re: CC: Re: 850 Hinesburg Road Conditional use and Site Plan Application Dear Mr. Bramley: Please find attached the preliminary comments on the above referenced application. The project is currently scheduled to be considered by the Development Review Board on November 20, 2001. If you wish to respond to these comments or submit additional information, please do so as soon as possible. Please be sure that someone is at this meeting to represent your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Stephanie A. Smith Associate Planner City of South Burlington, Planning & Zoning 1 To: Applicants From: Stephanie Smith, City of South Burlington RE: Project Staff Notes Date: November 1, 2001 CU-01-45 & SP-01-78 Site flan and Conditional Use Application — 850 Hinesburg Road Overview: Applications #SP-01-78 & #CU-01-45 of Independent Wireless One seeking conditional use approval from Section 26.05, Conditional Uses, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to: 1) install three (3) panel antennas on an existing farm silo, and 2) install ground equipment on 9' x 12' concrete pad, 850 Hinesburg Road. Issues: Staff recommends screening of the ground mounted equipment with plant material so that it is not visible from the public roadway. Completeness of flan: The applicant has submitted sufficient information for Development Review Board to consider the site plan and conditional use applications with the above exceptions noted. Please provide additional information by November 12, 2001. Recommendation: Staff recommends that this application be authorized to proceed for site plan and conditional use consideration at the November 20, 2001 meeting. PUBLIC HEARING S IJTH GLI �L:NG T C'd DEVE ENT acre o x :s RE` I r 2GARD t' � _yes t arras 20C The South Sur,ngban ne_ esf velopment Rev I.V 5card poi cr.=,J-0'-45 will hold a public hearing of Independent Wireless at J,,e South Burlington )ne se,,'-ing conditional City Hall, Conferenca u1se ram Sac - Room. 575 orset Street tier. 26 ^: '.anditicnal �'outh South Bun:naton. Veer- Uses. of r Bur- mont on Tuesday No- iincton _Toning Regula- vember 20, 001 at 1-:30 lions. Request is for per - P.M. to consider the fol- mission to: 1] install three lowing; i.11 ,oanel antennas on an existing farm silo, and 21 1. Application 4FCU-01-44 install ground equpment of Timberlake Assoc!ates on 9' :t i2' concrete pad, seeking conditional use 050 Hinesburg Road. approval. from Section 51 Final plat application 26.35. Conditional Uses. =SC-01-58 of South Bur - of the South Burlington lington Realty Company Zoning Regulations. The to amend a planned unit request is to: 11 add one develoment consisting of: [1] additional fueling posi- 11 a 2400 sq. ft. retail tion to a convenience ouilding, 2] an 8016 sq. ft. store with gas sales with building consisting of three[31 fueling posi- 3500 sq, ft. of general of - dons, and 21 add air and rice use and 1560 sq. ft. ice dispensers and pay used for a number of phone, 801 Williston commercial uses for a Road. multiple number of ten- 2. Application 40J-01-42 ants, 3] an 8944 sq, It. of Tamarark Services of buildina for a number of Vermont, Inc. dba Thrifty commercial uses for a Car Rental seeking con- multiple number of ten- ditional use approval ants, and 41 a 20.000 sq. from Section 26.05, Con- ft. medical office building, ditional. Uses, of the The amendment consists South Burlington Zoning of making sit, and fa - Regulations. Request is cade modifications, 364,- for permission to con- '66 and 363 Dorset struct an auto rental stor- Street. age facility, 7 Commerce 31 Final pi.t application .Avenue. *SD-01-60 -f Fairway 3. Final plat application Estates, LLC to amend a #SD-01-59 of Pau( F. planned residential deve- Heald to subdivide a 5,22 lament consisting of 296 residental units and an 18 hole golf course. The amendment consmits of: 11 amending !andscaping, and 21 adding berms along Swift Street, Econ- omou Farm Roan. 71 Final plat application 4ASD-01-57 of Farwater, Ltd. to amend 'a planned. unit develcpri,am consis- icing of 85 residential units in four [41' building and a 42 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of. relocating electrical transformer, bike rack and dumpstern, 303-305 Lime Kiln Road. Copies of the applica- tions are available for public Inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Devel- cipment Review Board November 3, 2001 List of Adioiners Landrum c/o Philip Drumheller Box 130 Burlington, VT 05402 835 Hinesburg Road LLC clo Jeffrey Davis Two Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Burlington Properties Ltd. c/o Dan Kalman P.O. Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05407 Bell Atlantic Corporation 800 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 ICI" "Y OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMEI,'TT OF PL.A1\JIaTTfIgG & ZOl' E4G 575 DORSET .STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 Permit Number SP- DI - '7 i� APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information zither on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board- 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) 1<e4h M. Wri4A4 Trvs+,ee. 050 PiAes burg 94 Savf). 8vr 1in1+on bane z ft2y $6Z 1 osgo 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) '. Q v r , i n for, 10 w p 18 Pit rGe l 0 6, 0 5 16 R 3� APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) LAt) s irPi er BreA rplev i ot4t)4 toehdeti4 V%6r'fless 0he SV- 4 6o r3vrl�ny;�ps V7 UyotT p arent -W d80 7C,- 4) CONTACT PERSON (Name. mailinr sy pflo�ne and fax #) Ghr�s�-ob/,Qr �rr�mlty __ 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 6 S d Wiles b S-ov4 0-yrd,rMitr VT" 05V03 -)TAX PARCEL, TD # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) MIP `i $ puree', 0660—C,0896 k' 7) PROJECT DDESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed. Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain)- of�t/t (BdttlnvnlC4�lcri $ 17,n4ehntt On + Ae f ,Afl . AA S1/e Qh rt1Ak;lve y vtmr Af aA << ix/% car,crrtr p A 4 AWiace,rt -Fe -f0silo e) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) /00 Sip. JCf. d) Ueight of buil ing & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) N f 1 e) Naumber of re idential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) N x1 f i Number of e ployees &. company Vehicles (-existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees', At 1 g) (Dther (list any other information pertinent to this applicatic net specifically requested above, please note 11 Overlay Dismicts are applicable): JW vs+r► u cc 8) LET COVERAGE a.) Building: Existuig % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) E.-,dsti.g O/o Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 9) COST EST24ATES a) Building (including interior renovations): Z 0j 0 0 (2 b) Landscaping: $ 9 c) Other site mprovements (please list -Mth cast): 10) EST TED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): Yh ► n J nl a b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 'VIA c) P.iiil. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N 11) PE A IK HOURS OF OPERATION: s wa"l % o p e ra #e Z ! 7 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: I 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. 30 d o ys a- f-tr rt coif a4l �vi my Perm A. 14) SITE PLANAND FEE �/ Ai site plan shall be subanitted which shows the in --formation listed on Exhibit AL attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" ., 17") of the site plan must be submitted. As site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (se-- Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. VA �,� 10 a t Igo not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ development Review Board ❑ Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date E-SIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit frive (5) copies and one reduced copy (I I " x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following infon -nation will result in your application being rejected and a dewy in the review before the Development Review Board. o Lot drawn to scale (20 feat scale if possible) o Survey data (distance and acreage) o Contours (existing and finished) o Proposed landscaping schedule (-number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations o Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, waWvays o Zoning boundaries o Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) o Location of septic tanks (if applicable) o Location of any easements o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o North arrow o Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be down casting and shielded. o Dumpster locations. (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle racy as required under Section 25?53(b) of the zoning regulations o If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of :door area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE XNew Application 1 $ 60.00* ❑ Amendment S 35.00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee City of South Burlington Application to Development Review Board Official Use APPLICATION # ��V " D 1 .fs� HEARING DATE I ii 0 l FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Name ofapplicant(s) LhrA4 opho, pram )`'`/ (ay 0) T-hdeh ehdIh f W)relsS Address 131 Mil i n Si # 607 Telephone #_ 90 Z- ICI - z y y S- 8Vr11'J1 toh , VT OS N01 Represented by Landowner M. Wtjq�*/ vs feC Location and description of property 6 SO H h t S b v'y Qcl . S o v4 A B v, b n 5 fv h VT l) `/ 0.3 Adjacent property owner(s) & Address (sr, a f fa chid R b u 4 o rj• )t'0) Type of application check one: ( ) appeal from of Administrator Officer (includes appeals from Notice of Violation) N request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance ( ) other I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (first and third Tuesdays). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Provision of zoning ordinance in question Reason for appeal/application o [ far 1 S fh II a iy �n o{ f IC (0 f* T u n i l N .� an A h .fit h h nS 0.4 1A n Qx�ifln+� Sfrvcd�re �AS 4�ttl o1S ItIN'lt+� 8�6✓n' I�✓�PYNn>f Other documentation J /0 / :�)o Date Signature Jnd rrtndeh f (N,re0he ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, , at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Application of seeking a from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to MEMO To: Mr. Ponsetto From: Ms. Sundarabhaya Subject: IWO/Wright silo APO Date: October 5, 2001 I reviewed the South Burlington land records on 10/2/01 to obtain the names and addresses of the adjoining property owners to the M. Keith Wright farm located on the east side of Hinesburg Road. Please review the attached copy of the tax map to determine if we should include additional adjoiners. Landrum c/o Philip Drumheller Box 130 Burlington, VT 05402 835 Hinesburg Road LLC c/o Jeffrey Davis Two Church Street Burlington, VT 05401 Burlington Properties Ltd. c/o Dan Kalman P.O. Box 9210 South Burlington, VT 05407 Bell Atlantic Corporation 800 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 <IWO Wright Silo APO/144671//SBS> October 5, 2001 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington State of Vermont RE: Application for the proposed co -location of telecommunications equipment on the Wright Silo, 850 Hinesburg, Rd., South Burlington. Dear Mr. Belair: Independent Wireless One Leased Realty Corporation (IWO) is the Sprint PCS affiliate in the areas through out the North East Region of the United States. IWO is in the process of expanding the existing Sprint PCS network of digital wireless facilities. Providing the South Burlington, Vermont area with Sprint PCS digital wireless service requires multiple antenna sites to insure that end users are provided with contiguous service. A team of radio frequency engineers has determined that the existing 60' silo at 850 Hinesburg Road is an ideal location for a facility. Acquiring this space is essential for IWO to maintain its telecommunication services and network capacity. The proposed facility will be an essential part of IWO's telecommunications network throughout Vermont to facilitate wireless communications for emergency services, businesses and individuals in the South Burlington area. Additionally, construction of the proposed facility will allow IWO to fulfill its obligations under its FCC license to provide PCS service throughout communities in the State of Vermont. The intended primary and sole use of this site is to house the equipment necessary to transmit and receive communication signals within the PCS (personal communication system) network. This equipment includes three (3) antenna panels that will be placed on the existing silo at 60', adding no additional height to the facility. IWO equipment will be mounted on a 9' x 12' concrete pad adjacent to the silo. Construction will take approximately 30 days and the site will be routinely visited on a monthly basis. IWO has examined other possibilities with regard to siting this PCS telecommunications facility and has determined that the Site is the most technologically feasible as well as most unobtrusive from the standpoint of the community. Co -location of telecommunications equipment has little impact on the appearance of the existing structure. In addition, construction and maintenance to the site are minimal. This is a quick, easy way for an unobtrusive installation that will improve the PCS coverage for the South Burlington community. This Site has minimal impact while allowing IWO to satisfy its requirements in accordance with its federal license. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns regarding any of the enclosed application materials. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Christopher Bramley Pyramid Site Acquisition Services Agent for IWO 802.851.2445 John J. Bergeron Vincent A. Paradis Edward D. Fitzpatrick Priscilla B. Dube Douglas G. Kallen Daniel P. O'Rourke Kerin E. Stackpole Michael D. Danley Christopher D. Rottler David D. Aman* OF COUNSEL: John W. O'Donnell *(Not admitted in Vermont) Ray Belair Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street S. Burlington, VT 05403 BERGERON PARADIS , FITZPATRICK LLP March 3, 2004 Re: WGM Associates, 850, 900 & 950 Hinesburg Road Dear Ray: REPLY TO: 34 Pearl Street P.O. Box 174 Essex Jct., VT 05452-0174 Tel (802) 879-6304 Fax (802) 879-6533 www.bpflegal.com The purpose of this letter is to summarize our discussion regarding the above parcel. As you know, this single parcel is occupied by four residential structures, being the primary residences of Keith Wright (850 Hinesburg Road), Sharon Greer (900 Hinesburg Road), and Nancy McGovern (950 Hinesburg Road). There is also a mobile home on the property that is rented by my clients. When my clients' father, M. Keith Wright passed away, the property was transferred out of his trust into WGM Associates. WGM Associates then leased the residences to my clients. This was done as a convenience to my clients, and to assist them with their homestead taxation. It was not done for the purpose of development or resale. It is my understanding that under these circumstances, my clients do not need subdivision approval from the City of South Burlington. Would you please confirm this in writing. Sincerely, Edward D. Patrick, Esq. efitz&essex.bpfle 7ag_l.com EDF/kja e:wrighUbelairltrl BURLINGTON OFFICE: 27 Main Street 0 P.O. Box 925 0 Burlington, Vermont 05402-0925 • Tel (802) 863-1191 • Fax (802) 863-5798 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.()- flux 308 14 Mal- Park Rq;)fi Wlllf�ton, Vr 05495 600' t sly61staNcff icA4 ,4 ,:5 41) MPH ko Cq CX LIL Q te) ago cr- r-, in- (N4 tY OASE Fl-AN ca Mss Vill "All HILL HINESPURC, ROAD - VT ROUTE 116 420-72' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONANG 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH RURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 9, 2004 Edward D. Fitzpatrick, Esq Bergeron Paradis & Fitzpatrick LLP P.O. Box 174 Essex Junction, VT 05452-0174 Re: WGM Associates — 850,900, & 95o Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick: This is in response to your letter of March 3, 2004. It is my opinion that the division of the WGM Associates parcel into three (3) leased parcels for taxation purposes only does not constitute a subdivision of the parcel. Subdivision approval is therefore not necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerer, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Visual Impact Analysis Wright Silo South Burlington, VT NE43XC815A ATC111 ATC Realty Inc. 44 EXCHANGE STREET, SUITE 301 ♦ PORTLAND, ME 04101 TEL: (2)7) 773-0242 ♦ FAX: 007� SM -5707 Visual Impact Analysis ATC Realty Inc has been requested, by IWO/Sprint PCS Network Affiliate to prepare a photo simulation that accurately replicates the addition of antennas to the Wright Silo in South Burlington, Vermont. Study Area In general, the ATC staff utilizes a standard 3 mile radius to assess the potential visual impact of antenna installations to existing structures. Based upon our experience with photo simulations it is our opinion that views beyond this distance offer no visual impact. Prior to the field visit, we use the MAPINFO 5.0 Suite of software, to access potential areas of impact. This is supplemented with a field visit to the subject area with a thorough review to insure that all vantage points are catalogued. Camera For the majority of the population, vision is most accurately replicated with a 55mm — 70mm lens. In an effort to accommodate the widest range of vision, the differing levels of visual acuity, and to insure accuracy of the photo simulations, a 70mm lens was used for the standard photographs. Recognizing that the distance from the visual vantage point to the subject (i.e. the Silo) may preclude an accurate understanding of the visual impact of the IWO/Sprint PCS equipment, a 210mm inset is included to assist the viewer with the overall scale of the project. Camera: Minolta Series 800 35mm Lens: Minolta 70mm-210mm variable Film: FUJI — 100 speed No Text No Text No Text No Text ti �; t ;y/ �'. ���i` .;,�'_?� AN No Text 3-D Topographic View of Site and Surrounding Areas "•rat J - 5 e _ ^ { • ', _ _ � _ ,, � f-• i r - j y 1 I f w! CFR",Fi t *, aptech, WRIGHT, Keith 850 Hinesburg Road Area zoned IAg District. Section 16.40 Permitted uses, sub section 16.401 - 16.406 (pre- existing small lots). Existing lot 10 acres with 600 feet frontage presently occupied by 3 single family units, a mobile home and three accessory buildings (barn and storage sheds). Section 19.00 Non conforming uses, sub section 19.003 extension and 19.004 use changes. Proposed use change, marine repair shop from existing out- building in conjunction with existing residential uses. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 June 10, 1992 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Keith Wright P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, Ve-rmont. 054 ):? Re: . _Zoning a,,;=peal Dear Mr. Wright; Be advised that the Sri=u .si Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room. 575 Dorset Street or: McTi�c?._xy, June 22, 1992 at 7 •I 00 P.M. to corisider your request for a zoriiiig variance. Plea:=.e plan to attend this meeti-i'g. Very t,: u.l .' , Rxcriard. Wai c, , L—,ning Administral..".ve Officer 1 Encl Grp/mcp June 1, 1992 City of South Burlington Zoning Board 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 In response to variance: My position is that five years ago I worked at a marina. I went to school and was certified by Mercruiser. Three years ago I stopped working there, but there were about 10 to 15 people who wanted me to continue working on their boats. My work consists of about three weeks in the spring and three weeks in the fall with a few repairs during the summer. I do not wish to open a full-time shop, put up a sign, or advertise. My work is just a hobby to me. 1) My unique condition is that this being just a hobby, it makes most sense to utilize the pre-existing garage. 2) That being just a hobby, it would not be cost effective to utilize the 10 acres just for this purpose. 3) There is no physical hardships. 4) We do not plan to physically change anything on the lot or put up any signs. 5) All I would like is permission to work on my clients boats and would agree to no signs. Also, if necessary a boat limit in the yard. Thank you for your time. Keith P. Wright 850 Hinesburg Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 44 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD PROPER TIES 00 •L ZL ' I -425 I i 1 Ft . iir 4 tl I h �.. 'IE� , ty�' k _I�i r7hl) '•N �i it {� �'N4 f ,I� rr) ,t �' �I� * , ::1" ,t f , y!• � �<!�. ' �1 �.�li�'' h r�: 1 �, / rilr + •� N r fi ( 4 ,,y ` 1 t,r rr' , '.if !J� .....:.•.1. ! C 40 1 i h '{ ! 7 urn 74. 1 j of i b i S n 0 or I c � 2 , F I 1 N i i Z t 2 x 1 ' 727. 00' ;7 NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE , � 1 Ml SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 22, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following; #1 Appeal of Elizabeth H. Durick seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a deck, approximately 210 square feet. to within ten (10) feet of the rear property line, located at 25 Greening Avenue. #2 Appeal of Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 19-00 Nonconforming uses and structures, sub section 19.003 extensions of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to operate a marine repair shop from an existing farm building in conjunction with four existing residentialunits, on a lot containing ten (10) acres, locaed at 850 Hinesburg Road. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer June 6, 1992 A 9 Z N D A South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington City Hall 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Meeting @7:00 P.M. Monday, June 22, 1992 1) Appeal of Elizabeth H. Durick seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements. Request is for permission to construct a deck, approximately 210 square feet to within ten (10) feet of the rear property line located at 25 Greening Avenue. 2) Appeal of Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Non conforming uses and structures, sub section 19.003 extensions. Request is for permission to operate a marine repair shop from an existing farm building in conjunction with four existing residential units on a lot containing ten (10) acres, located at 850 Hinesburg Road. 3) Minutes and findings of June 8, 1992. Respectfully submitted, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer f0= N N Na NOTICE In accordance with tfie South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Trice 24, V.S.A. the " may. •M.1 S-�'a_-' - LEGAL NOTICES South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 22. 1992 at 7:00 p.M. to consider the fol- lowing: #1 Appeal of Elizabeth H. Durick seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Di- mensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to con- struct a deck. approxi- mately 210 square feet to within ten (10) feet of the rear property line, located at 25 Greening Avenue. #2 Appeal of Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Noncon- forming uses and struc- tures, sub section 19.003 extensions of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission i to operate a marine repair shop from an existing farm building in conjunc- - tion with four existing res- idential units, on a lot containing ten (10) acres, located at 850 Hinesburg s Road. r Richard Ward 1- Zoning Administrative v Officer June 6, 1992 I I I . 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . A p , , & , 0 6 a * - - I A , A 0 . 1 0 , A , a , , I , - 0 A A A A 0 p A , . A , i A , A A , 0 A $ # I # , y I 04� A-11 City of South Burlington APPLICATION # Application to Board of Adjustment 6y 7 HEARING DATE Pate \�/�j"p — FILING DATE' Appa_icant �.J ! — �Q� � Owner, leasee, agent FEE AMOUNT Address �/`e Telephone #L: Landowner � -r' �/(% &q_r_aj0(y 7aAddress Location and description of property _, T/Z0 -- 2 so 14 tY,0,S 6 Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer.( )request for a conditional use (Y, ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Reason for appeal The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams -(drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve s support evidence to the Board. Hearing Date Si nature of Ap llant Do not write below this line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOTTTN B TPT TNIGTON " """T - v.r •-'var 111Vv V lJ lTC ii In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Month and Date Appeal of Day of Week at to consider the following: Time seeking a from Section 70- of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to ,G.. , till CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 17, 2000 Keith Wright P.O. Box 2352 South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Variance Request, 850, 900, & 950 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: Enclosed please find a copy of the April 18, 2000 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant Encls DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 APRIL 2000 Mr. Dinklage read the warning which appeared in the Burlington Free Press from the appeal to the Zoning Board in 1986. He noted that the appellant was asking for a waiver to within 5 feet of the property line. He also noted that members were given a copy of the Zoning Board's decision and a court decision involving the Town of Sherburne in 1990. Mr. Simendinger said the plan was scaled to be 3 ft. from the property line, and he believed that former Zoning Administrator Dick Ward measured it wrong. Mr. Simendinger said they built the canopy according to the plan at 3 ft. from the property line. He felt this issue is similar to a case in Sherburne where there was a conflict between a public notice and the actual plan, and the court found that the plan prevailed. Mr. Dinklage asked whether the Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting showed any discussion on this issue. Mr. Belair said no. He also said the applicant did not appeal the Board's decision indicating that the canopy could come to within 5 ft. of the property line. Mr. Belair said it is his opinion that the ZBA intended to approve 5 feet. Mr. Dinklage said he was on the ZBA at that time. He said it was a practice for the Chair to read the public warning so that any discrepancy between what the appellant was requesting and what the ZBA was considering could be addressed. He said the decision in this case was based on the warning. Mr. Belair added that the Zoning Board would not -be able to grant a variance larger than what had been requested without rewarning an item. Members reviewed the plan and felt it was scaled at close to 5 ft. Mr. Dinklage said he can remember no discussion that the Zoning Board was approving a variance to within 3 ft. instead of 5 ft. Mr. Schmidt moved that the Development Review Board confirm the decision of the Administrative Officer that Wesco, Inc., is in violation of the zoning regulations. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. O'Rourke left the meeting at this time. Item #10. Public Hearing: Application #VR-00-02 of Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 25.00, Area Density and Dimensional Requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to subdivide a 10 acre parcel into four lots of 2.5 acres each in a district which has a minimum lot size of three acres and a minimum average lot size of eight acres, 850, 900 and 950 Hinesburg Road: 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 18 APRIL 2000 Mr. Wright said they are now requesting a 3-lot subdivision, not 4. He added that this is an old family farm and the houses have been there for 50-70 years and are occupied by family members. There is also a mobile home on the lot that has been there since 1978. In 1996, Mr. Wright got a variance to run a boat repair business in the garage, but that is no longer going on. Mr. Wright said they want to keep the three houses but divide the land so each house has 3+ acres. Mr. Belair noted this is the Industrial -Open Space Zone which allows lots to be as small as 3 acres but the average lot size of a development must be 8 acres, and that would not be possible in this instance. Mr. Dinklage added that it was the intent that 10 acre lots not be subdivided. Mr. Wright asked if the zoning can be changed. Mr. Dinklage said that would have to be brought to the Planning Commission and ultimately to the City Council. Mr. Farley moved that the Development Review Board adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and deny the applicant's request for a variance to subdivide a 10 acre parcel into three lots of 3.33 acres each in a district which requires a minimum average lot size of eight acres, 850, 900, & 950 Hinesburg Road, for the following reasons: The five criteria necessary for the granting of a variance pursuant to 24 VSA S4468 have not been met. Mr. Schmidt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the ko 12 the meeting was adjourned. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 4, 2000 Keith Wright 900 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Variance Request, 850, 900, & 950 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: Enclosed please find a copy of Finding of Facts of the Development Review Board meeting on April 18, 2000 (effective date May 3, 2000). Please note that there are thirty (30) days in which this decision may be appealed. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. * K City of South Burlington Application to Development Review Board Name of applicant(s) 1 Official Use ' / APPLICATION # V K '"6--kl —� Z r DARING DATE 1� — ( ti - O Q FILING DATE o� C/ U \FEE AMOUNT / /&t4T Address 0 81 elephone #t z l r--6 --5 Represented by I`�SLt��_�A) Landowner � �4 1, / Location and description of property S (� r Gj/�(`%i / ky `JCJ/q Adjacent property owner(s) & Address a of 1) /'PSS - d, "" - Type application check one: ( ) appeal from decision of Administrator Officer ( ) request for a conditional use ( I request for a variance I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing and I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of hearing. Describe request: ��� r i�� �f% /,] G ,P e 1457 11i U �/ Z & Y � �Y�vi I liate Signature SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, , at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Application of seeking a from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to No Text To: Applicants From: Sarah MacCallum, City of South Burlington RE: Project Staff Notes Date: April 6, 2000 VR-00-02 Variance request by Keith Wright from Section 25.00 of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance — 900 Hinesburg Road Previous Action: None Overview: The applicant requests a variance from Section 25.00, Area, Density, and Dimensional Requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to subdivide a 10 acre parcel into four (4) lots of 2.5 acres each in a district that has a minimum lot size of an average of eight (8) acres. Issues. ■ There are no unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topography or other physical conditions peculiar to the particular property, and that the unnecessary hardship is not due to such conditions, and is due to the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located. ■ Because there are no physical circumstances or conditions, there is a possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore unnecessary to enable reasonable use of the property. ■ The unnecessary hardship has been created by the appellant. ■ The variance, if authorized, will alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, and will substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, and will be detrimental to the public welfare. ■ The variance, if authorized, will not represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will not represent the least modification possible of the zoning regulations and of the plan. Completeness of Plan: The applicant has submitted sufficient information for Development Review Board to consider the variance. Recommendation: Staff recommends that this application be authorized to proceed for Development Review Board consideration. 1) Staff recommends denial of this variance request based on the apparent lack of conformance with the five criteria listed above. 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 April 7, 2000 Keith Wright 900 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Variance Requests for 850, 900, and 950 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Wright: Please find enclosed preliminary comments on the above referenced application. The project is currently scheduled to be considered by the Development Review Board on April 18, 2000. Please be sure that someone is at this meeting to represent your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant Enclosure PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 80ARD The South Burfingtcpd _Development Re�' publylv lington City Hall Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, Couth Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday. P.M. to consider the tol- 1, Final plat application of Robert Shand to sub- divide a 4.56 acre lot into two (2 lots into two (2] lots a) 2.22 acres and 2,36 acres, 5 Ethan Allen 2. Applicaticiii of Keith Wright seeking a vari- ance from Seclion 25.00,, Area Density and Dimen- siorial Requirements of the South Burlington ,Zoning Regulations: Re, quest is for permission to subdivide a 10 acre parcef into four [4] lots of mum lot ��ize of an aver - of eight [81 acres, burg Rcad. 3. Application of Many 9 Auto Body seeking con- ditionai use approval .iitional Uses of the :�I)Llth. Burlington Zoning Regulations,,. Requetit is for Qermission to convert inq from rental of equio- noblie 4. Application of Berard conditional ise approval � ° from Section. 26.05, Con- ,.tional, Uses, and Sec - Structures. and Uses on Lots, of the South Eur- Joris. Request Is 49P.1- )ftice space to i�ennel use, 75 Ethan Allen Appeal of Wesco, Inc. seeking to overturn the decision of the Admi�,�' trative Officer that appel- lant "Is in violation of 'he; zoning regulations for; having constructed a �i 1.5 feet to 2 feet further into the requ'red f'Zt proved "' the Zoning I Bowd of Adjustment on 1 S Final plat application of Ocrs.et Square Associ- ates to amend a previ- ously approved planned shopping center with four t4l buildings. The amendment consists of the construction of a me- chanicaf platform an the south side of the building �esulfinq in ihe reduction in Width c� an access driveway, 150 flaris are availab�e for public !nspection aT the South Burlington Development Board April 1xnua' 0r ^ | , PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Bu, ;,..yLon, Vermont on Tuesday, April 18, 2000, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application of Robert Shand to subdivide a 4.58 acre lot into two (2) lots of 2.22 acres and 2.36 acres, 5 Ethan Allen Drive. 2. Application of Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 25.00, Area Density and Dimensional Requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to subdivide a 10 acre parcel into four (4) lots of 2.5 acres each in a district which has a minimum lot size of an average of eight (8) acres, 850, 900 & 950 Hinesburg Road. 3. Application of Many°s Auto Body seeking conditional use approval from Section 26.05, Conditional Uses of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to convert a 6100 square foot building from rental of equipment and miscellaneous items use to automobile repair and service use, 1901 Williston Road. 4. Application of Berard Properties, LLC seeking conditional use approval from Section 26.05, Conditional Uses, and Section 26.65, Multiple Structures and Uses on Lots, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to convert 3,200 square feet of general office space to kennel use, 75 Ethan Allen Drive. 5. Appeal of Wesco, Inc. seeking to overturn the decision of the Administrative Officer that the appellant is in violation of the zoning regulations for having constructed a canopy which projects 1.5 feet to 2 feet further into the required front yard setback than approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on 7/7/86, 1118 Williston Road 6. Final plat application of Dorset Square Associates to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of a 54,480 square foot shopping center with four (4) buildings. The amendment consists of the construction of a mechanical platform on the south side of the building resulting in the reduction in width of an access driveway, 150 Dorset Street. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT November 27, 1995 The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment held a meeting on Monday, November 27, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs Conference Room at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Fred Blais, Chairman; Dennis Johnson, Lance Llewellyn Members Absent Dan King, Mary Anne Murray, Joseph Randazzo Others Present Keith Wright, John McGovern 11 - Appeal of Keith Wright Seeking approval from Section 25.117 Alteration of existing grades. Request is for permission to fill with earth products (approximately 3000 yards) 2.75 acres on a ten (10) acre parcel, located at 900 Hinesburg Road. Mr. Ward's notes stated that the area is zoned Industrial/Open Space District. Parcel contains 10 acres with 600 feet frontage, developed with three (3) single- family dwellings and a mobile home. Section 25.117 Alterations of existing grades requires ZBA approval. Proposed filling 2.75 acres with approximately 3000 yards of earth products. Majority of fill (clay) coming from Dynapower site. Mr. Blais opened the meeting and explained that it would not be a criteria judicial proceeding and therefore no testimony would be taken. He asked for questions from Board members. Mr. Johnson asked how deep the fill will be. Mr. Wright said that the deepest fill will be to level the old manure pit behind where the barn used to be; the average otherwise will be 4 or 5 feet. Mr. Blais noted that Bill Szymanski said he saw no problem with the request. Mr. Johnson added that Mr. Szymanski had required the area be seeded. Mr. Wright said that was no problem. John McGovern said it could be stipulated by the Board. Mr. Llewellyn asked whether the subject 10-acre lot is a subdivided parcel; Mr. Wright said yes, off the old farm. Mr. Johnson said the whole area has been subdivided; that's where Dynapower and other places came from. Mr. Llewellyn said his concern was the possibility of Act 250 restrictions on what can be done with the lot; did the appellant know of ZONING BOARD November 27, 1995 page 2 any? Mr. Wright said he didn't think so. There was some discussion about the location of the property in relation to the New England Telephone parking lot. Mr. Llewellyn said since this is a subdivided parcel, there have to be restrictions regarding wetlands and primag soil issues. Mr. Blais said if there is a condition to the permit that has already been granted it can't be modified by the Zoning Board. Mr. Wright said he had been given a permit to take topsoil off. Mr. Llewellyn said that is different from filling in wetlands or primag soil. Mr. McGovern said there are no wetlands; the area to be filled is only where the barn was. There was some discussion about how far back the area lies and how much frontage there is; Mr. Johnson said there is 600 feet frontage with three homes. Mr. Blais said the Board can continue the appeal for an opportunity to see what the permit specifies or it can approve the appeal with the condition that the applicant demonstrate that it is in conformity with the approval granted by the State. Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Wright would then have to show Ray Belair that there are no restrictions on the parcel. Mr. Llewellyn asked whether Mr. Wright had owned the farm before subdividing; Mr. Wright said his father owned it. Mr. Llewellyn asked when the property was subdivided; Mr. Wright said 1977, when GBIC bought it. Mr. Llewellyn said that was after Act 250 was instituted. Mr. Blais explained to Mr. Wright that the Board had to make sure approval of the appeal was consistent with the State permit. Mr. Wright said that Mr. Belair had looked it up for him and said he didn't need to go the State. Mr. Blais stated that the Board can't modify anything the State put on the permit 18 years ago; Mr. Wright must meet the criteria of the permit. Mr. Llewellyn asked what is the purpose of the fill. Mr. Wright said he had torn down the old barn and now wants to grade up and level off the site to put in grass and spruce up the property. Mr. Blais asked how far the swale goes onto the NYNEX property; Mr. Wright said it isn't down that far. Lance Llewellyn made a motion to stipulate that should approval be granted to fill in the subject property that it be subsequently graded and seeded, that the filling is in conformance with any State and City permits in effect, and that the appellant comply with the requirements set forth by the City Engineer as to erecting a silt fence Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and all voted aye ZONING BOARD November 27, 1995 page 3 There was some discussion about whether the filled area would be left as lawn. It was determined that other use of the lot would have to come back before the Board for approval. Dennis Johnson moved to approve the appeal subject to the stipulative conditions Mr. Llewellyn seconded the motion and all voted aye. Mr. Blais instructed Mr. Wright to show Mr. Belair that there are no permit restrictions in conflict with the granting of his appeal. Mr. Johnson added that a particular concern would be any Act 250 restrictions. Mr. Wright agreed to see Mr. Belair. Dennis Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Llewellyn and all voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Clerk South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment L � v:� 7/6 A<r/T/� L-/7IaXi7` AGENCY OIL NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND (---NVIR0I\!(,1F-NTAL BOARD (ACT 250) PROJECT REViEVV SHErT 1 I IIS IS NOT A PI=I:f.ill i 01'A!. I)i_C i'i_RP91 f: RE SPO^:SE D 1TF _ f Ni)ifJG 111'1'l_I:: •.IIO;! Y DISTRICT _ l OVYN t"'1U _ P!N 4 OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: NAME: kt c ADDRESS: d Iry �--kA , �/ (� G TELEPHONE: Based on information provided by tract/tracts of land of 10 acres, located on 0-f bAyow-106— Prior Permits From This Office: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: ADDRESS: -.. TELEPHONE: r';J e ct— cl� on 5 a project was reviewed on a The project is generally described as: PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE is PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 6007(C)). Commercial, residential or municipal project? Has the landowner subdivided before?_ AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED.-_ COMMENTS: Length of new/improved road(s) Whentw erel# of lots YES NO: Copies sent to Statutory Parties: YES NO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DISTRICTS #4. 6, & 9 SIGNATURE: DATE: /,2 ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT): 111 WEST EET (Azgistm*) District Coordinator Telephone , >Z ESSE)( JUNCTION. VT 05452 2. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQU!RED YES NO Water Supply 8 Wastewater Disposal Subdivision Wor Exemption Deferral of Subdivision TentfTravel Trailer Campground Mobiie Home Park Sever E4ension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASS!GNED: AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SIGNATURE: _ _ DATE: ADDRESS: III WEST STREET Environmental Assistance Division (802) 879-6563 ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 Wastewater Management Division Telephone: THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION E 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: Discharge Permit: pretreatment permits: industrial, municipal Stormwater permits Indirect discharge permit Residuals management sludge disposal (OVER) M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment From: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer Re: Zoning Board meeting 11/27/95 Date: November 17, 1995 I will be vacationing the Thanksgiving week and therefore will not be attending your 11/27/95 meeting. The only agenda item is a request to fill an area (2.75 acres) on the Keith Wright property. Under Section 25.117 of the zoning by-laws any filling of more than twenty (20) cubic yards requires Zoning Board approval. Please review Section 25.117 sub section (d) The Board needs a voice vote for the record. A motion to approve or deny is acceptable. The City Engineer has reviewed this proposal, his comments are enclosed. The two tabled appeals will be continued to the December 11, 1995 meeting. Enclosed for your review, is a copy of the Callahan appraisal of the property located at 14 Cottage Grove Avenue. Please note the letter dated December 11, 1984 to Mr. Martin Lavin and the facts and conclusions on page 5. Mrs. McKenney has admitted that she converted the property to a five unit apartment in 1984. She plans to attend the 12/11/95 meeting to offer evidence. M. KEITH WRIGHT 900 Hinesburg Road Area zoned Industrial/Open Space District. Parcel contains 10 acres with 600 feet frontage, developed with three (3) single family dwellings and a mobile home. Section 25.117 Alterations of existing grades requires ZBA approval. Proposed filling 2.75 acres with approximately 3000 yards of earth products. Majority of fill (clay) coming from Dynapower site. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, November 27, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: Appeal of M. Keith Wright seeking approval from Section 25.117 Alterations of existing grades of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to fill with earth products (approximately 3000 yards) 2.75 acres on a ten (10) acre parcel, located at 900 Hinesburg Road. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Planning and Zoning Office, located at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer November 11, 1995 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 1, 1995 Mr. Keith Wright P.O. Box 2096 South Burlington, Vermont 05407 Re: Fill Permit Dear Keith: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment granted your request to fill 2.75 acres (approximately 3,000 yards) located at 900 Hinesburg Road. The Board stipulated that the area be graded and seeded upon completion and that the filling be in conformance with any State and City permits. The toe area of the fill will require installation of a silt fence (hay bales are acceptable). This letter will serve as your permit. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 November 13, 1995 Mr. Keith Wright P.O. Box 2096 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Permit To Alter Grades Dear Mr. Wright: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, November 27, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a permit to fill at 900 Hinesburg Road. Please plan to attend this meeting. please give me a call. RW/mcp 1 Encl If you have any questions, Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer SOUTH BURLINGTONE ZONING NOTIC In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, No- vember 27, 1995 at 7:00 p.m, to consider the fol- lowing: Appeal of M. Keith Wright seeking approval from Section 25.117 Alterations Of existing grades of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to fill with earth products (approxi- mately 3000 yards) 2.75 acres on a ten (10) acre parcel, located at 900 Hi- nesbu►V goad. Plans are on file with the and Zoning Office, lo- cated at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Bur- lington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Ad- ministrative Office November 11, 1995 Official Use City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date Applicant Owner, leasee, ag nt Address 9Qa f TelepKone Landowner Location and description of property APPLICATION # 93,-&3 HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT .J / / - '� -;�J_' Address "/V01�.r�Es6�/�` ,la•y.� Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question ZS''"/ 1 Reason for appeal The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams rawn to cale) traffic data and any other additional information wh' 11 serve as support evidence to the Board. Hearing Date 'Sigr&tureF of Appellant ---- Do not w ite below this line --------- --------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Day of,, Week to consider the following: Month and Date/ Time Appeal of seeking ap from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to j-ce _ r 9aa /" may- boo ��� �/�.�. � ,'_s,1 � ,�.. � /G �,! �Oilf Cc.-�. �G� To Planning Commission of South Burlington; November 7,1995 SUBJECT:Request for permit to deposit fill. Keith Wright Farm We would like to bring in 3000 yards of clean fill over the next two to three years. Our hours of operation would be 7;OOAM to 4;OOAM. Staked hay bales at the (lower)perimeter to prevent erosion and run-off. CONCLUSION: Grading with top-soil,seeding and mulching. M E M O R A N D U M To: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: Keith Wright Propety - Hinesburg Road - Proposed Filling Leveling Date: November 17, 1995 I see no problem with the filling and leveling of an 300'x 400' area of the Wright parcel on Hinesburg Road as shown on a plan prepared by Bill Robenstein dated 11/4/95. A silt fence shall be placed down slope of the filling and the filled area shall be seeded upon completion. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 February 13, 1991 Mr. Kevin M. Dragon Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 308 Williston, Vermont 05463 Re: Top soil removal, 900 Hinesburg Road Dear Kevin: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 This letter is to inform you that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment has approved your request to strip top soil from the Wright property at 900 Hinesburg Road. Approval is granted in accordance to a plan entitled "Topsoil Stripping Operation", project #91002-30, dated 1/18/91 and further support- ed by written documentation filed with the application. If you should have any questions regarding this approval please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. February 11, 1991 Charles Hafper, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Topsoil Stripping Operation Dear Mr. Hafper: Attached is a plan for a topsoil stripping operation on a farm owned by Keith Wright. The farm is located on Hinesburg Road (Route 116) in South Burlington, just south of the New England Telephone building. The operation will be conducted by Ormond Bushey, Ormond Bushey and Sons, Inc.. Approximately 7 to 8 acres will be involved in the operation. The topsoil will be stripped to an approximate depth of 12", stockpiled, and removed from the site. There will be no substantial changes to the site. The site will be reclaimed consistent with the conditions prior to the operation. The project is subject for review under Act 250. Therefore, will you please forward a review letter stating the project will not have an adverse affect on the following Criterion 7, Municipal Services (fire, police, rescue), and Criterion 10, Local and Regional Plans. Thank you. If you have any questions or would like to meet on -site, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, TRUDELL CONSULTING Kevin M. Dragon cc: Ormond Bushey ENGINEERS, INC. P O. Box 308 14 Blair Park Road Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 879-6331 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 11. 1991 The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment held a meeting on Monday, February 11, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Fred Blais, Chairman, Don Graf, Maureen O'Brien, Joe Randazzo, George Chamberland and Dan King Others Present Dick Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer, Sid Poger, The Other Paper, Keith P. Wright., Keith M. Wright, Richard Bushey and Kevin Dragon, Trudell Consulting Engineers Appeal of M. Keith Wright and Ormond Bushey, seeking approval from Section 19.35 Removal of earth products. Request is for permission to remove approximately 9600 cubic yards of top soil from a eight (8) acre parcel of land, located at 900 Hinesburg Road. Mr. Ward informed members that Section 19.35 from the zoning regulations require that removing or filling with earth products is subject to Zoning Board of Adjustment approval. The area is zoned Ag-Industrial District. Mr. Wright owns ten acres and is requesting to strip eight acres, approximately 9600 cubic yards at a depth of 12 inches. The stripping is proposed in three phases, stripping 2.5 to 3 acres per phase. Average daily trip end projected will be 22. Mr. Szymanski has concerns about dirt control. Chairman Blais requested a brief presentation from Mr. Dragon outlining the project as submitted by written documentation. Mr. Dragon stated that tests were conducted, stripping should average 12 inches leaving 3 to 4 inches of top soil for reseed- ing. Stripped topsoil will be stock piled and hauled as needed. as an option, Mr. Bushey may remove the top soil to another site. Stripping is proposed in three phases each area to be reclaimed as area is completed. Once site is totally stripped entire area will be restored including haul road. Soil erosion and traffic control is main concerns, written docu- ment addresses these issues. Mr. Blais questioned Mr. Dragon as to who will monitor the strip- ping allowing enough top soil for reseeding. Both Mr. Wright. and Mr. Bushey are responsible. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT -2- FEBRUARY 11, 1991 Mr. Randazzo discussed slopes. Mr. Dragon informed that the slope is 6% which is considered a B grade and is acceptable to engineering standards. Mr. King inquired about tracking of mud on to Route 116. Mr. Bushey informed that hauling would be suspended on rainy days and he would keep Hinesburg Road clean of all top soil should any be tracked off -site. Mr. Graf asked Mr. Wright that if after stripping can the land still be used for farming? Mr. Wright advised that it could be. Members were also informed that this request is subject to an Act 250 permit, an application will be made pending outcome of this meeting. Ms. O'Brien made a motion to approve the project as presented, motion seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously. Ms. O'Brien moved that the minutes and findings of January 14, 1991 be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Graf, all voted unanimously. Ms. O'Brien moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. King. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. Clerk WRIGHT, Keith M. BUSHEY, Ormand 900 Hinesburg Road Section 19.35 - Removal and filling with earth products. Approv- al required by Zoning Board of Adjustment. Area zoned Ag-Industrial District. Area to be stripped contains approximately 8 acres - 9690 cubic yards is estimated volume at a depth of 12 inches. Average daily trip ends 22. Proposed is a 3 phase operation, stripping 2.5 to 3 acres each phase. See Bill Szymanski's comments regarding dust control. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Top Soil Removal, Wright Farm, Hinesburg Road Date: January 31, 1991 The operations report prepared by Trudell Engineering addresses the procedure adequately and is acceptable except it does not address dust control. This has been our biggest problem in these type of operations. Mainly dust generated from stockpiled soil and from the haul road. I would recommend stock piling be kept at a minimum and stockpile be seeded with a quick growing seed like rye, wheat, oats, or pile covered with pavement fabric that can be moved from pile to pile and later reused. Haul road should be treated with chloride when dust becomes a problem. A G E N D A South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Regular meeting @7:00 P.M. M .�gnd�a February 11. 1991 1) Appeal of M. Keith Wright and Ormond Bushey, seeking approv- al from Section 19.35 Removal of earth products. Request is for permission to remove approximately 9600 cubic yards of top soil from a eight (8) acre parcel of land, located at 900 Hinesburg Road. 2) Minutes and findings of January 14, 1991. Respectfully submitted, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date January 22, 1991 ui iciai Use APPLICATION # HEARING DATE Applicant Address Ormond Bushey Owner, leasee, agent 15 Avenue A Williston, Vermont 05495 Telephone # Landowner M. Keith Wright FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT 863-2432 Address Hinesburg Rd. - Rn_ RUrl Location and description of propertyy The property is located south of I-89 on Hinesburg Road (Route 116), adjacent to Irew e ep one no an . Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( X )request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Approval as per Section 19.35- Removal of or Filling with Earth Products. Reason for appeal The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. z�u r 1 v� u -2 Hearing Date Signature Appe lant Do not write below this line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Re-Tulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on �99 Day of/Week at %-�����(. to consider the following: Month ,`and Date Time Appeal of seeking j; from Section of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to qoo /'L .moo IeA•� '�/020 /�/; 4(,l 96 c, y f z Z' City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 28, 1991 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wright. 900 Hines urj Read South Burlington. Verm'Dnt. 05403 Re: Topsoil removal Bear Ke.th: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, February 11, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request to strip t,:,psoil from your property at. 900 Hinesburg Road. Please plan to attend thlis hearir:g . Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mc;J cc: Kevin Dragon LEGAL NOTICES 1 SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlin ton Zoni Board of Adjustment wi I hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575;Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, Feb- ruary 11, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the fol- lowing: Appeal of M. Keith Wright and Ormond Bushey seeking approval from Section 19.35 Removal of earth products of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request Is for per- mission to remove approximately 9600 cubic yards of top soil from a eight (8) acre parcel of land, located at900 _ Hinesburg Road. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer January 28, 1991 SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will ':fold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, February 11, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: Appe4C of. M. Keith Wright and Ormond Bushey seeking approval from Section 19.35 Removal of earth products of. the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to remove approximately 9600 cubic yards of top soil from a eight (8) acre parcel of land, located at 900 Hinesburg Road. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer January 28, 1991 i TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. January 24, 1991 Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator South Burlington Planning Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Dick: Attached is an application to the Board of Adjustment for a topsoil stripping operation. The project will be located on a farm owned by Keith Wright. Ormond Bushey is listed as the applicant since he will conduct the operation. The farm is located on Hinesburg Road (Route 116), just south of the I-89 crossing. Currently, there exists on site three single family residences, a mobile home, and several outstructures. The existing structures will not be changed or used for this project. Adjacent landowners to the project include: New England Telephone (north), Lane Press (east), and Orchard Lake Road Properties (south). Also, attached are eight copies of a narrative which describes the operation, procedure, and reclamation of the site, once the project is completed. Approximately, 7.5 to 8 acres of the farm will be involved in the stripping operation. The plans and relative details are included within the narrative. Should you have any questions or additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Kevin M. Dragon cc: Ormond Bushey IPO.Box308 14 Blair Park Road Williston, Vermont 05495 (802) 879-6331 TOPSOIL STRIPPING OPERATION FOR M. KEITH WRIGHT FARM HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Prepared by: Kevin Dragon Checked by: J. Tyler Hart, P.E. Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 308 Williston, Vermont 05495 802-879-6331 Date: January 24, 1991 Contents Project Description Operation Season of operation Hours of operation Scope of operation Procedure Reclamation Permanent seed mix ratio Traffic Erosion Control Appendix A- Site Plans Appendix B- Miscellaneous Details Appendix C- Soils Testing Results Appendix D- Approximate Estimate of Material Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 Project Description The project consists of a topsoil stripping operation on a farm currently owned by M. Keith Wright. The farm is located on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), approximately 1/4 mile south of the I-89 underpass. Topsoil will be stripped, stockpiled and removed from the site. To simplify the process, the farm will be divided into several management areas. As each area is stripped, the organically rich topsoil will be stockpiled. Reclamation will consist of final grading and seeding. Mulching will be used in areas where erosion occurs. The existing structures (single family residences, barns, and other outstructures) will remain. operation Three management areas have been designated on the plans. The areas and thier relative succession were designated to limit potential soil erosion. Beginning with Area I, the area will be stripped of all but 3 to 4 inches of topsoil. The stripped topsoil will be stockpiled for removal. The disturbed areas will be final graded and seeded to prevent erosion. Upon the removal of 75% of the Area I stockpile, Area II will be stripped. The topsoil in the Area II stockpile will be removed after the stockpile of Area I is completely removed. The stockpile areawill then be reclaimed. This process will continue until Area III is stripped, stockpiled and reclaimed. Upon removal of the entire stockpile of Area III, all disturbed areas (i.e. all stockpile areas, roadways, loading areas) will be graded and seeded. Season of Operation: May 1 to October 15. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday : 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Scope of operation: For purposes to limit erosion, each area is assumed to remain open for three months. The total stripping operation will be completed within 2 years. Procedure: Area I is stripped, stockpiled and reclaimed. Upon removal of 75% of Area I stockpile, Area II is stripped, stockpiled and reclaimed. Upon removal of 75% of Area II stockpile, Area III is stripped, stockpiled and reclaimed. All remaining disturbed areas will be reclaimed. Reclamation As each area is stripped, the area will be graded and seeded. Mulch will be used in areas where erosion occurs. All disturbed areas will be seeded with at least one of the following mixtures: Permanent Seed Mix Ratios Seed mixture Rate per acre in Lbs. Mix No. 1 - (useful for excessively, well to moderately well drainage). Kentucky bluegrass 20 Creeping red fescue 20 Ryegrass 5 or Redtop 2 Mix No. 2 - (useful for excessively, well to moderately well, and poor drainage). j Creeping red fescue 20 l Redtop 2 Tall fescue 20 I or Smooth bromegrass 20 Mix No. 3 - (useful for excessively, well to moderately well drainage). Creeping red fescue 20 Tall fescue 20 or Smooth bromegrass 20 and Birdsfoot trefoil 8 Mix No. 4 - (useful for excessively, well to moderately well drainage). Creeping red fescue 20 Redtop 2 Birdsfoot trefoil 8 Mix No. 5 - (useful for well to moderately well, and poor drainage). Tall fescue 20 Creeping red fescue 15 Reed canarygrass 10 Redtop 3 Source: "Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites", Special Publication No. 3. Vermont Geological Survey. Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Agency of Environmental Conservation. Revised September, 1987. Upon completion, all disturbed areas will have a vegetative cover on 3 to 4 inches of topsoil. The entire site will be graded to provide positive drainage consistent with the existing drainage pattern prior to the stripping operation. Traffic The project will use the current driveway access for the farm and the single family residences (three houses and mobile home). The access (shown on the plans) will be upgraded by using a stabilized construction entrance, and will conform to the current Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) Standard B-71 Commercial Driveway. The existing site distances are 1000 feet to the south, and 500 feet to the north. L The posted speed limits for Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116) are 40 mph in the northbound lane and 45 mph in the southbound lane. Based on the VAOT B-71 standard, the required site I distances are 440 ft (to the south) and 495 (to the north). i Based on the quantity of material observed, the estimated truck loads of material for each area are: Area No. truckloads Estimated Volume Area I 320 3840 CY Area II 307 3678 CY Area III 182 2178 CY In order to calculate a reasonable estimate of the average truck trips per day, the removal of topsoil from the site is assumed to occur during two weeks (or 10 days) of each month. Therefore, Ave. trucks per day= 320 truckloads (conservative) 3 months x 2 weeks/month x 5 days/week Ave. trucks per day= 11 trucks/day Truck trips= 11 trucks/day x 2 trips (enter and exit) Truck trips= 22 truck trips. The actual number of truck trips per day will vary depending upon the demand for topsoil. On some days, the number of trucks may be significantly higher than the estimated amount: while on other days, there may not be any truck traffic from the site. The low volume of trucks should have no adverse impact on Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116). Any inconvenience to the existing traffic patterns will be temporary. Erosion Control All disturbed areas will be reclaimed as soon as possible to I minimize soil erosion. The erosion potential for each area was evaluated using the "Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites". Based on the evaluation, each area has a low classification for erosion potential. Therefore, the erosion control devices will primarily consist of seeding all disturbed areas and installing silt fences. As each area is stripped, the area will be graded and seeded with the seed mixtures as outlined above. The new vegetative growth will aid in reducing soil erosion. In areas where "washouts" or other problem areas occur, mulching will be required to secure the seed. Mulch will consist of either straw or a processed binding agent applied by hydro -seeding. silt fences will be located along the downslope edge of all disturbed areas. The fences will be inspected and repaired weekly and after each storm. I To prevent erosion of the stockpiles, the pile will be seeded with one of the above mixtures, and a silt fence will be installed at the toe of each stockpile. The upslope areas will be stripped first allowing the downslope edge of the area to act as a sediment trap. The finished grade will be lower than the existing grade. The edge which is formed will also aid in reducing erosion. A stabilized construction entrance will also be installed. The entrance will help prevent sediment from being carried onto the public right of way. Any sediment which is transported onto the public right of way will be removed. Appendix A- Site Plans Base Plan (SP1) Plan 1 (Area I stripped) (Sp2) Plan 2 (Area II stripped, Area I reclaimed) (SP3) Plan 3 (Area III stripped, Area II reclaimed) (SP4) Plan 4 (Area III reclaimed) (SP5) TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. Box 308 14 Blair Park Road WIIllatom VT 05495 JOB SHEET NO DRAWN BY _ CHECKED BY SCALE [11.�.-es���►�I SPI DWG 91002-25 MSS DATE 1/1" KMD DATE 1118190 1' - 100, 1000't boo' f- --- HILL Sl�,NT DISTANCE Slp-1T DISTANCE r 45 MPH ----- - HINES13URG ROAD — VT ROUTE 116 40 MPH - - -- - _. 420.72. ___ - -- azo -- - - - - - A tUBILE ® 179- 28' •.. *?S 410A� PO115E HOUSE 4 1 WlWItJWWWiI! GARAGE BARN 420 \ �-- -- OSLO 410.E - V -- TP-1 \ - --. GARAGE 405 f l4jS u aJ ` `\ ~ BARN Q y FO-10ATION \ X LLJ oC N 1' _ w a C) -- ------ TP-2 y ~- --_ \ — -�- TP-3 �- -- - - 2 -W _ -4p0 390 -01� t\ - - --- - _ -- 3 z M.K. WRIGHT - \ v,139 p.275 --- —395 10 Acres LJ _ �a5 J Q O ' N 1 Q V-- i TP-5 TP-4 � 380 600.00, LANE PRESS (LANDRUM)� _ 3�5 -375 v.258 p.119 r-- Iroe PLAN 1 SPZ Dwc 9/002-25 SHEET NO. TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. DRAWN BY MSS DATE 1/1" P.O. Box 308 14 Blab Park Road W01lston, VT 05495 CHECKED BY KMO DATE 1/1" crei c 11 - 100' ko HILL'''�� --- - loco' t — --- -- --- 600' f --- --- �— � SIGLJT DISTANCE SIGLIT D15TANCE 45 MPH ---'-- HINESt(UHU HL)AU - V 1 rC VV I G l i v 40 MPH - -- --- - 420. 7, - - — - ----- _ Y 179- 28' - 420 -----$TABILIZEU 1 coIl4 UCTI0N e O 410 _ _ N 405 O 400 - 395 w - --_ ---- _ - - �J �\ --405 tUW-_4� ` _-- --TP-3 390-��WQ"TOPSO �Tp-2 eSTOCl�ILE - -� - 395 P8 AReA A.QEA I Z5 ACr7ES zz TP-5 �\ Alh-TP-4 SILT FE-]VCE (1) / - --- -385 i 600.00' LANE PRESS (LANDRUM) JOB PLAN 2 SHEET NO. SP3 DWC 91002-25 DRAWN BY Mss DATE 1118191 CHECKED BY KMD DATE 1116191 SCALE 1* 1001 HILL I (T� I TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. Box 308 14 Blair Park Road W9113ton. VT 05495 � 1000,1600' t 45 MPH 40 MPH - 420 — — -_I 410 V N v O 40,5 N 39S,� W QL O 390 —0: Q. • O cc Q V O 600.00p 5�5 / LANE PRESS (LANDRUM) ` — ] _ — —375 (7� TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. Box 308 14 Blab Park Road WHI stm VT 05495 JOB SHEET NO. - DRAWN BY _ CHECKED BY SCALE SP4 MSS KMV 1' - 100, DWG 91002-25 DATE 1/1" DATE 1/1" 1�•f _ 600_f _ HILL SIG"T DISTANCE SIGLIT DISTANCE 45 MPH HINESBURG ROAD - VT ROUTE 116 40 MPH - _ -- -- 420.72- 420 �r — — — — — STABILIZED O CONSTRUCTION aVMANCE410_ _ -- TP- I ---- ------- -- ---_ _-- - --= _= - -Q. -- zo Lu - - -= Q. -=�---- -== 4, a I � Cl 11 \ � I >TPSILT 0NICE (IIIJ 3 TOPSOIL ! e STOCKI'►LE— r �, 8 AQEA - ._-- -- -- AREA III * TP-4 25 AGES O 390 _ 380 1 600.00' / LANE PRESS (LANDRUM) ` _ __ _ _ _ 75 �r TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. Box 308 14 Blalr Park Road Wdllatom VT 05495 45 MPH 40 MPH 420— — LLJ W Q 390 -4 cli_ _ 1000• f S194T DISTAN1 JOB SHEET NO. - DRAWN BY - CHECKED BY SCALE PLAN 4 SP5 DWG Ms`S DATE KAV DATE l' - 100, f _ HILL ANCE 91002-25 1/1" 1/1" _ HINESBURG ROAD - VT ROUTE 116 -- 420.72' 0 STABILIZED 1 CON G7QCICTION P6 O SNTRANC"E TP-I,�` \ Q. -405 I�' 1 1 ---- TP-2 ♦ ' -- -- TP-3 \ — i - - w _ -400 I � ♦ -- --395 1 TP-5 380 / 600.00 ' LANE PRESS (LANDRUM\ - Appendix B- Miscellaneous Details Stabilized Construction Entrance (SP6) I Silt Fence (SPA) € Temporary Topsoil Stockpile Erosion Protection (SP8) �n MINIMUM 50' OR AS SHOWN ON PLAN 0 o° V �Q oV o L o 00 C( O o ° °�DVO o °�L jO oUo V� °o000 ° Q0 o p° oQ� 00 o p o oQ0 o,o p o oQp °moo p o oQp o o p 0 0�0 ° -0° of 00 QO 0 0 0: 0,R 0 0:0 0 0oz o Oo.`° ° 0° 0,0 -io o nCir�i ° o C am( ) ° n C �i° o °C�� � ° ° C X2 1 1�� ° ° C dC� ° 0 O�J., O,O-o 0 �].00 . o•oo�j+ 0.�. �o oo`o O� o.00� o OQ o oo0.foO� o c ° oQp o t$ oil0 ° o p o 0Q0 0 0 ! oil0 ° ° p 0Qp ° ° p on0 ° ° pQ °( ° oo j(( j� - ^ u - °^ 1�rC - C c?_r � ° ooC )drC-n 00 oc C('- � ° ° c)�C X J ° 0'b�C X J°o ° o�C 7. J o PLAN MINIMUM 8" CRUSHED STONE 15, SECTION J� O� �P EXISTING GRACE STABILIZATION FABRIC ON TOP OF SUBGRADE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1. STONE SIZE SHALL BE NOMINAL 1-112 INCHES. 2. LENGTH SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET 3. THICKNESS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 8 INCHES. 4. FILTER FABRIC (MIRIFI 50OX, OR EQUAL) SHALL BE PLACED OVER ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF STONE. 5. WIDTH SHALL BE Nor LESS THAN FULL WIDTH OF ALL POINTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS. ti W 6. WHEN NECESSARY, TRUCK WHEELS SHALL BE V WASHED OR CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT W'CcPRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT -OF a WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE IN ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE, WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, DITCH, OR WATERCOURSE, THROUGH USE OF APPROVED EROSION CONTROL METHOD. 7. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE As CONDITIONS DEMAND, AS WELL AS MAINTENANC OF ALL SITE SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES. ALL SEDIMENT DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATEL 1' - 10' AN, cA n a v N n x Z o � i I �I2 T (MIRAFI ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED.) FILTER FABRIC, OR WOVEN WIRE FABRIC WOODEN OR METAL STAKE (MAX. 10' O.C.) EXIS7INC UNDISTURBED GRADE SUBGRADE WITH TOPSOIL REMOVED KEY FABRIC INTO GROUND (MIN. 6") CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SILT FENCE SHALL BE EITHER PRE —FABRICATED EROSION CONTROL FENCE (MIRAFI ENVIROFENCE, OR EQUAL), OR CONSTRUCTED —IN —PLACE, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. PRE —FABRICATED SILT FENCE 1)FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PARALLEL TO GROUND CONTOURS, AND FILTER FABRIC SIDE SHALL FACE UPSTREAM; MESH AND STAKES SHALL FACE DOWNSTREAM. 2) TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED MINIMUM 6 INCHES DEEP ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE LINE. EXCESS FLAP OF FILTER FABRIC (MINIMUM 8 INCHES) SHALL BE PLACED IN TRENCH. TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED. CONSTRUCTION IN THIS MANNER PREVENTS SEDIMENT —LADEN RUNOFF FROM FLOWING UNDER SILT FENCE. 3) SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY, AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT PRECIPI TA TION EVENT. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED, AND SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN 'BULGES' DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. 4)BROKEN STAKES SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. CONSTRUCTED —IN —PLACE SILT FENCE I)FENCE POST SHALL BE DRIVEN, 10 FEET MAXIMUM ON CENTER; POSTS SHALL BE DRIVEN MINIMUM 24" BELOW GRADE, FENCE SHALL BE POSITIONED AS SHOw$N, PARALLEL TO THE GROUND CONTOURS. 2)TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED MINIMUM 6 INCHES DEEP ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE LINE, 3) WOVEN WIRE FABRIC (14 GA., 6 INCH MAX. MESH OPENING) SHALL BE STAPLED OR FASTENED SECURELY WITH WIRE TIES TO UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE POSTS. WOVEN WIRE FABRIC SHALL EXTEND MINIMUM 36 INCHES ABOVE GRADE. 4)FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF WOVEN WIRE FABRIC WITH WIRE TIES, SPACED EVERY 24 INCHES, AT TOP AND MID— SECTION OF FENCE. MINIMUM 8 INCH FLAP OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED IN TRENCH ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE, AND BACKFILLED. 5)WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FABRIC ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY 6 INCHES, FOLDED AND STAPLED. 6)SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY, AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT PRECIPITATION EVENT. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED, AND SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN SILT FENCE. .,1 C g El I s 70 r r 0 m (SEE SILT FENCE DETAIL FOR SPECIFICA TIONS) NOTE: SILT FENCE TO COMPLETELY ENCLOSE STOCKPILE AREA. SILT FENCE TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL TOPSOIL IS REMOVED. N �i n rm z 0 z r" r" n n 0 = O n f n m m Z Q e g m Appendix C- Soil Testing Results Test Pit Results excavated January 11. 1991 for Ormond Bushey and Keith Wright TP-1 011- 8" Topsoil 811- 30" Silt loam TP-2 011- 24" Topsoil 2411- 30" Silt loam TP-3 011- 30" Composted Manure TP-4 011- 12" Clay topsoil 1211- 30" Clay loam TP-5 011- 12" Clay topsoil 1211- 30" Clay loam Appendix D- Approximate Estimate of Material Approximate Estimate of Materials: Area I Using an average stripping depth of 12 inches, CY= 103673 SF x 12 INCHES/1 FOOT 27 CF/CY CY= 3840 CY # TRUCKLOADS= 3840 CY/ 12 CY= 320 Area II Using an average stripping depth of 12 inches, CY= 99317 SF x 12 INCHES/1 FOOT 27 CF/CY CY= 3678 CY # TRUCKLOADS= 3678 CY/ 12 CY= 307 Area III Using an average stripping depth of 9 inches, CY= 78408 SF x 12 INCHES/1 FOOT 27 CF/CY CY= 2178 CY # TRUCKLOADS= 2178 CY/ 12 CY= 182 0 A G R E E M E N T AGREEMENT made this 1979 b ? day of l �. '• a f r r Y and between M. KEI"PII WRIGHT of South Burlington, Vermont (herein- after referred to as WRIGHT) and THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON acting by and through. its Zoning Board of Adjustment (hereinafter referred to as CITY). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, WRIGHT applied to the CITY for a variance to locate a mobile home on his property located at 850-900-950 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont; and WHEREAS, the !_)asis of WRIGHT'S request is to permit WRIGHT'S daughter and son-in-law to assist him in his farm operations and there is no availab'.e residence on his property to house them; and WHEREAS, the CITY is willing to grant the variance provided that the variance terminates in three years or when WRIGHT trans- fers ownership of -the subject property, whichever occurs first in time; and W,11.'k.iAS, WRIGHT is williliy Lo accept- a condition to the granting of -the variance that the mobile home will be removed from his property within three years or when he transfers ownership, whichever occurs first in time. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed by the parties as follows: -1- 143 588 i 1. THAT the CITY confirms its.Zoning Board of Adjustment granted a variance to WRIGHT, as set forth in the Decision and Findings of Fact filed with the City Clerk on 2. THAT WRIGHT covenants and agrees to terminate the occupancy ame from his property within of said mobile home and remove the s ears from the date of said Decision and Findings of Fact, or three y u on transfer of the subject property, whichever occurs first in P time. 3, THAT WRIGHT shall cause the mobile home to be removed from his property within three years of the date of said Decision and transfer of the subject property, which - Findings and Fact, or upon ever occurs first in time. 4. THAT each day the mobile home remains on the WRIGHT above set forth, pre mises at the expiration of three years, as herein as hereinab or after transfer of said property, ove set forth, it shall be deemed to constitute a separate violation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment's approval and the zoning permit granted pursuant thereto. 5, THAT WRIGHT expressly consents that the CITY may seek in- rtionetary damages junctive relief to have the mobile home removed, provided for each day a violation continues, and any other remedy by law in the event that WRIGHT violates the terms of this Ag ree- of Adjustment's approval or the zoning ment or the Zoning Board permit issued thereto. 6. THAT this Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 'SA Page 589 Dated at South Burlington the date firstabovewritten. THE PRESENCE OF: ------------ CE OF VERMONT 2TENDEN COUNTY, ss. M. A-5;1Th WRIGHT CITY OFISOUTH-BUR INGTON B Z_ Dully Authorized, ent At South Burlington this Ig_ day of M. KEITH WRIGHT personally appeared, and he acknowledged this 'rument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and Before me, Notary,.P�j vib 1. E OF VERMONT -TENDEN COUNTY, ss. At South Burlington this day of WILLIAM SZYMANSKI, duly authorized agent of The City of South ington personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, im, - sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the act and deed of The City of South Burlington. Before me, otary, -.7-1,� c- -3- 0 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The South Burlington Zoning Board of November 27, 1978 at 5:GC pm in the Williston Road. Members Present NOVETM3EP 27, 1978 Adjustment held a meeting on Monday, Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Robert Martineau, Chai-rman; Everett Reed, Howard Perkett, Norman Campbell, William S; ignesi Members Absent Richard Myette, Paul Graves Others Present Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Joe Johnson, John Larkin, Jerry Jourdan, Frank Wilder, Vince Paradis, ;ally Keith, Judy and Robert Root, M.K. Wright, Niohael Beaudin R. 'Martineau said that on behalf of the Board he would like to welcome the newest member, Bill Spignesi, who is replacing Fred Fayette. He said the 3oard ;Was looking forward to his contributions to its work. No. 1 Appeal of John P. Larkin ;appeal of John P. Larkin seeking a variance from Section 11.00, Dimensional requirements and Section 13.00, Non -conforming structures of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a 12' x 31' two story utility and storage room to within fifteen (15) feet of the northerly side yard and eleven (11) feet of the rear yard, at 1185 Shelburne Load. R. ;lord said the area was zoned Interim Zoning District and Business Manned Development under the 1974 regulations. Section 11.00 of the ordinance requires minimum side and rear yards of 3t.,'. The existing i22' x 20' building is non -conforming and the proposed 12' x 3.1' structure will. be located in the same area within 15' of the northerly side yard and 11' of the rear yard. The existing setbacks from the lot lines will be maintained. Xr. John Larkin said that when he had added to his building recently the Fire Marshal had recommended that something like this be done because this is a storage building and in addition to paints and other items, there is a how water tank and a furnace in -that shed. Mr. Larkin said the shed did not look good the way it was now and that he would rather put up a new one than fix this old one. He said he granted two stories because there is a smokestack in the spied which is better hidden and because that will give him more storage area. If he is .allowed the addition, he said, there will be no more dwelling units, people, or cars because of it. It is gust for storage and will make the area lo,k nicer. Mr. Larkin said that in the `utuae he planned to be :educing the number of dwelling units he has now. The appeal was granted unanimously. No 2 AANeal of M. _Keith Wright Appeal of M. Keith Wright seeking a variance from Section 1.1.15, 40 2. ZONING BOARD CF ADJUSTP"FNT NGVF.�B Fc 27, 1978 Multiple uses and Section ll.GL, Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to locate a 14' x 70' mobile home on a lot presently occupied by three single family dwellings and a dairy barn, lot contains ten (10) acres, at 850-90C-950 Hinesburg Rd. R. 'Ward said thearea was zoned AR and that the minimum lot size was 1G acres. The existing 10 acre lot is occupied by three single family dwellings and a farm building. The lard surrounding this lot isused for agricultural purposes. Section 11.15 allows only one use or structure per lot. The prW1;osal is to locate a 14' x 7'' mobile home in conjunction with the other three structures. Mr. Wright said this would be a temporary situation. He is phasing out of farming and needs his daughter and son-in-law to help him for this time. The three houses are all occupied right now and no one shows any sign of moving out, including the tenant who lives in one of the homes. Mr. 'Wright's daughter and her husband have already bought the mobile home and will move it onto the lot and live in it. Mr. Wright anticipated selling the 1C acre parcel with the homes in 2-5 years, perhaps. He has lived on the land for 58 years. he lives in one home, his son in another, and a tenant in the third. He said it was very hard and expensive to get a tenant to move and he did not want to go through it again. It was noted that a mobile home was tc be considered as a permanent structure so the Board was considering putting 4 structures on one lot. The lot is already non -conforming with three structures, though. It was noted that although a mobile home had to be considered as a permanent structure, the fact remained that it was mobile and could be removed from the lot after its usefulness was gone. A time lock on the approval was mentioned and Xr. Wright said he had no objection to that, although he was not sure what a reasonable time limit would be. N. Campbell asked what would happen to the mobile home if the tenant left and was told that the house would either be rented to someone else or the mobile home would be taken by the son living in a house now and put on property that the family owns in South Hero. The appeal was granted unanimously with the stipulation that this variance shall be in force for ., years or until Mr. Wright transfers ownership of the property to another party, whichever occurs first. At such time the variance shall expire and the mobile home shall be removed from the property. The mobile home will be expressly for the use of Mr. Wright's daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Robert Foot. Xr, Wright had no objections to -the above stipulation. AoPeal of Gerald Jcurdan (tabled November 20) R. Plartineau noted that.H. Perkett and W. Spignesi had not heard the apoeal previcusly and he asked that testimony be presented from the beginning. it added that if the two members did not participate, the Board would not have a quorum. ... Martineau said he had been unable to find time to look at the property and would not vote until he had, but he said he could come into city.hall and do that tomorrow The property is non -conforming because the house is too close to the property lines and. the ren:vations will cost more than. 25/6 of the fair market value. The question of fair market value was resolved at the last meeting, where it was decided that the Board had to use the City Appraiser's May 17, 1982 Mr. M.K. Wright 900 Hinesburg load South Burlington, Vermont 05101 r Dear Keith: On December 14, 1981 you were granted a six (6) month extension by the Zoning Board of Adjustment regarding a permit to locate a mobile 40M on your property. Be advised that the permit will expire effective June 1, '_.382. Your original request was granted based on the fact that you n6eded help operating the farm. You still have theoggim of appearing before the Zoning Bayard of Adjustment. D ` In any case we must know your intent by June 1, 1982. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Ofi:icer RW/mCJ December 15, 1981 Mr. M.K. Wright 900 Hinesburg RDad South Burlington, vaimwL 05401 Dear Keith: On Monday, December 14, 1981 the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted your request for an extension of time on the permit relative to the mobile home. The Board granted a six (6) month extension (June 1, 1982). If you have any questions please contact me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer Ida/rig 30 NOVEMBER 81 ZON I N,G BOARD CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT GENTLEMEN: I CURRENTLY HOLD A TEMPORARY PERMIT TO LOCATE A HOUSE TRAILER ON MY HINESBURG ROAD PROPERTY. THE PERMIT IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE. I AM PRESENTLY IN SEARCH OF A SUITABLE PERMANENT LOCATION FOR THE TRAILER. TO DATE, BECAUSE OF AVAILABILITY PROBLEMS, ETC, NO SITE HAS BEEN FOUND. IN VIEW OF THE FACT MY FAMILY HAS MADE THEIR HOME HERE FOR OVER 60 YEARS AND A SUITABLE SITE CANNOT BE FOUND IMMEDIATELY, I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST AN EXTENSION OF TIME ON THE PERMIT. SINCERELY, M. K. WRIGHT HINESBURG ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05401 September 1, 1981 Mr. M. Keith Wright 900 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Keith: On November 27, 1978 you were granted a variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustment permitting the installation of a 14100' mobile hone on your property. The Board stipulated that the unit shall be removed from the property when your daughter and son-in-law no longer reside in it, or when you transfer or sell your property and that this permit shall expire within three (3) years from date of approval. This office has been receiving inquiries about the property, which indicates that you may be selling. This being the situation the mobile hoarse would have to be removed from the property, in any case the unit must be removed by November 27, 1981. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg November 28, 1978 M.R. Wright 900 Hinesburg road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Wright: Be advised that the South Burlington :Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted your request for a zoning variance allowing for the installation of a 14' x 70' mobile home on your property at 900 Hinesburg Road. The Board stipulated that the unit shall be removed from the property when your daughter and son-in-law no longer reside in it, or when you transfer or sell your property and that this permit shall expire within three (3) years from date of approval. This office will issue a permit for the installation of the home, if you have any questions feel free to contact me. Very truly, Richard ward Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcg SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUMENT Findings in accordance with Section 446P of the Planning & Development Act (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to the particular propertyg and that the unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; l (2) That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property; ' n (3) That such unnecessary hardship has not been created by the appellant; D (4) That the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential' character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, nor be detrimental to the public welfare; and (� (5) That the variance, if authorized, will'represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least modification possible of the zoning regulations and of the plan. EJ Date Appellants-�" Vote: Yes � No List findings belo i• 2. Appeal # Sign,-��---_ .. r :Y t h � 4 O Li o06,� odor QOOI ;F:r (Loft) aI � N F CS pI pyoi• OIO/•�GoiR OC7 a 'or NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance, decision of administrative officer. Property Owner M . K, tli6la Property location & description `%0 0 4 KS-0 .....,. Variance of Section , (number`) (title of section) Basis of appeal iv . '►" I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing. Hearing Date 'Signature df'App�lant SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on (day of week following: Appeal of at to consider the (nionth and date) (time) seeking a A..-._,_c IF from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is �for permission to _�� WRIGHT 900 Hinesburg Road Area zoned - A-R District Section 11.00 Dimensional requirements minimum lot size - 10 acres existing lot 600' x 727' (10 acres) occupied by three single family dwellings and farm building. Land surrounding this lot used for agriculture purposes (operating farm). Section 11.15 Multiple uses -no more than one use or structure per lot. Propose to locate a 14' x 70' mobile home in conjunction with other three structures.