HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - City Council - 12/02/2019AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL South Burlington City Hall 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Regular Session 6:30 P.M. Monday, December 2, 2019 1.Pledge of Allegiance. (6:30 – 6:31 PM) 2. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency. (6:31 – 6:32 PM) 3.Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. (6:32 – 6:34 PM) 4.Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. (6:34 – 6:44 PM) 5. Announcements and Manager’s Report. (6:44 – 6:54 PM) 6.Reports from Councilors on Committee assignments (6:54 – 7:04 PM) 7. Consent Agenda: (7:04 – 7:06 PM) A. *** Consider and Sign Disbursements 8.Presentation by Maura Carroll, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns. (7:06 – 7:36 PM) 9.Recommendation from the Housing Trust Fund Committee related to an application for funding fromthe Champlain Housing Trust and possible action by the Council- Larry Kupferman (7:36 – 8:00 PM) 10.***Interim Zoning application #IZ-19-06 of Blackrock Construction to subdivide a 6.91-acre undeveloped parcel into two (2) lots for the purpose of a 32-unit residential planned unit development.The planned unit development is to consist of 10 single family homes and 22 units in two-family dwellings, plus off-site infrastructure improvements, 550 Park Road (WARNED FOR 8:00 pm) (8:00 –8:15 PM) 11. Update on proposed Indoor Recreation Facility – Brian Leet, Freeman French Freeman (8:15 – 8:45 PM) 12.Update on the conservation of the former Auclair property by representatives of Dirt Capital and theBread and Butter Farm – Paul Conner (8:45 – 9:45 PM) 13.CCTV Annual presentation - (9:45 – 10:05 PM) Meghan O'Rourke, Channel Director. 14.Council update and discussion regarding City of Burlington Zoning Permit #20-0514CA related to proposed improvements at a site owned by Burton Snowboards (10:05 – 10:35 PM) 15.Possible executive session to receive attorney/client communication regarding City of BurlingtonZoning Permit #20-0514CA related to proposed improvements at a site owned by Burton Snowboards (10:35 – 11:05 PM) 16. Council action to ratify prior action taken that resulted from consideration and discussion of candidates for appointment to the Development Review Board during an executive session that the Council inadvertently held without affirmative vote. (11:05 – 11:07 PM) 17. Council discussion and possible action on establishing a process to allow gifts to be made to the City to include those made in memoriam. (11:07 – 11:17 PM) 18. Other Business (11:17 – 11:22 PM) 19. Adjourn (11:22 PM) Respectfully Submitted: Kevin Dorn Kevin Dorn, City Manager *** Attachments Included Issues raised by Councilors or the public that have not been on a prior meeting agenda: 1. Cost of development/cost of open space. Issues that have been discussed by the Council where further action is pending: 1. Street light policy. 2. Airport noise survey. 3. Evaluate water billing and rate structure. South Burlington City Council Meeting Participation Guidelines City Council meetings are the only time we have to discuss and decide on City matters. We want to be as open and informal as possible; but Council meetings are not town meetings. In an effort to conduct orderly and efficient meetings, we kindly request your cooperation and compliance with the following guidelines. 1. Please be respectful of each other (Council members, staff, and the public). 2. Please raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. Once recognized please state your name and address. 3. Please address the Chair and not other members of the public, staff, or presenters. 4. Please abide by any time limits that have been set. Time limits will be used to insure everyone is heard and there is sufficient time for the Council to conduct all the business on the agenda. 5. The Chair will make a reasonable effort to allow everyone to speak once before speakers address the Council a second time. 6. The Chair may ask that discussion be limited to the Councilors once the public input has been heard. 7. Please do not interrupt when others are speaking. 8. Please do not repeat the points made by others, except to briefly say whether you agree or disagree with others views. 9. Please use the outside hallway for side conversations. It is difficult to hear speaker remarks when there are other conversations occurring. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 12/03/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 12/3/2019 3673 Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. 3,558.07 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/8/2019 VI-14970 U25567 700.00 700.00 11/13/2019 VI-14971 U25621 2,858.07 2,858.07 12/3/2019 3674 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 635.92 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/14/2019 VI-14962 5638954 94.32 94.32 11/14/2019 VI-14963 5638783 541.60 541.60 12/3/2019 3675 Fastenal Company 9.34 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/28/2019 VI-14964 VTBUR266742 9.34 9.34 12/3/2019 3676 FirstLight Fiber 20.57 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/15/2019 VI-14973 6244689 20.57 20.57 12/3/2019 3677 Douglas Guild 165.19 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/21/2019 VI-14972 REFUND 165.19 165.19 12/3/2019 3678 Office Essentials 1,022.70 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/8/2019 VI-14965 36616 43.10 43.10 11/8/2019 VI-14966 36617 979.60 979.60 12/3/2019 3679 City Of So. Burlington 18,000.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/20/2019 VI-14974 FY20 GIS 18,000.00 18,000.00 12/3/2019 3680 Ti-Sales Inc. 8,723.13 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 11/14/2019 VI-14967 INV0112351 883.66 883.66 11/11/2019 VI-14968 INV0112213 819.47 819.47 11/12/2019 VI-14969 INV0112256 7,020.00 7,020.00 Printed: November 26, 2019 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 12/03/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 32,134.92 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: November 26, 2019 Page 2 of 2 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4131 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington City Council Kevin Dorn, City Manager FROM: Paul Conner, AICP, Director of Planning & Zoning SUBJECT: Public Hearing Interim Zoning Application #IZ-19-06 (550 Park Road) DATE: December 2, 2019 City Council meeting Blackrock Construction, in conjunction with Highlands Development Company, LLC is seeking approval from the City Council to subdivide a 6.91-acre undeveloped parcel into two (2) lots for the purpose of a 32-unit residential planned unit development. The planned unit development is to consist of 10 single family homes and 22 units in two-family dwellings, plus off-site infrastructure improvements, at 550 Park Road. This 6.91 acre parcel is part of the 2015 stipulated Master Plan agreed upon via Court-approved settlement amongst the City, Highlands Development Company LLC, and JAM Golf, LLC, and was the subject of a land exchange between the City and these parties. The Stipulated Master Plan, as indicated below, approves up to 32 dwelling units for this “Wheeler Parcel” lot in buildings consisting of between one and four dwelling unit each at the Master Plan level. The Stipulated Master Plan also determined that the preliminary & final plat reviews for the project would take place under an amended set of Land Development Regulations, established through a collaborative process between the City and property owner. “6. New Land Development Regulations for Wheeler Parcel Project Area. a. A portion of the City Parcel, specifically the +/-6.91 acres currently in the Wheeler Nature Park east of Dorset Street and north of Park Road, being the lands labelled ‘6.91 Acres CITY of SOUTH BURLINGTON to JAM GOLF, LLC’ on the survey incorporated herein as Exhibit A also referred to as the Wheeler Parcel Project Area, is not presently in a zoning district that allows the use contemplated by this Amended Agreement. The City agrees to amend its Land Development Regulations, including necessary maps, to allow the Wheeler Parcel Project Area to be developed with a maximum of 32 dwelling units in structures consisting of 1-4 dwelling units within the intent of this Amended Agreement. The City and Developers agree to cooperate and to work together to ensure that the amendments contain provision that allow development of residential structure 2 consisting of 1-4 dwelling units similar in type and size to those presently existing in the Project, that include site and building design standards similar to those applicable to the Southeast Quadrant, Neighborhood Residential Subdistrict version of the Land Development Regulations that took effect on May 7, 2012, and that include site design standards that require compatibility with adjacent natural areas. Applications for preliminary and final plat and site plan approval for the Wheeler Parcel Project Area that be reviewed under the amended Land Development contemplated by this Paragraph 6 (the ‘Amendments’).” Amended Stipulated Master Plan, 2015-09-28. The amended Land Development Regulations contemplated in the paragraph above were adopted by the City Council and took effect January 11, 2016, and were subsequently amended effective June 19, 2017 to allow for an affordable housing density bonus should the property seek a future change in their proposal. Enclosed with your packet are the following materials: • Applicant cover letter dated October 18, 2019 • Applicant Narrative to accompany the application • Completed application form • Site Plan showing the proposed subdivision • Overall Golf Course Plan Public notices were sent out in compliance with State Law. Recommendation Similarly to the recently-reviewed Interim Zoning proposal at 1227 Dorset Street (#IZ-19-02), staff recommends that the Council confirm with the applicant that the proposed project is contained within the limitations of the Stipulated Master Plan, and if so, issue a determination of jurisdiction. October 18, 2019 Marla Keene Development Review Planner, City of South Burlington 802-846-4106 575 Dorset St. South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Marla, Thank you for all of your feedback and efforts in assisting us with this project. We appreciate all of the Staff’s efforts and look forward to moving this well thought out project forward and integrating our new neighborhood into the South Burlington Community. As you are aware, the plan has a mix of housing types, excellent connectivity to public use paths, community recreation features and open space. The following is a general overview of the project components, as further described in the attached Sketch Plan packet: 1. The proposed development density fits within the parameters for the zoning district. 2. We have created a plan of mixed housing types to serve the community across the spectrum. There is a mix of attached housing including one and two story duplex units, two story townhomes, single family homes and single story “carriage” style housing, that has been particularly attractive to seniors and empty nesters. With this variety in housing comes a range of pricing that is meant to attract a variety of buyers. 3. The project will feature a number of community-based components. Some of these will include a pocket park between sets of townhomes and community garden beds. Also, a new section of recreation path, intended to extend the existing Dorset Street infrastructure to Park Road. The location also provides excellent pedestrian connectivity to the adjacent Wheeler Nature Park and all of its natural amenities. This plan encompasses many of the components of mixed housing type and smart growth. It is a design that lends itself to pedestrian access and mobility and we believe it is a natural extension of the existing settlement pattern. We feel that the development of this parcel will be an asset to the community as a whole and contribute to easing the ongoing housing shortage across Chittenden County. We look forward to the coming meetings and bringing this project forward. Best regards, Benjamin Avery BlackRock Construction LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE A C E HIGHLANDS DEVELOPMENT CO., LLC VERMONT NATIONAL COUNTRY CLUB 1227 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, AT ______________ O'CLOCK ON THE ______ DAY OF __________, 20_____. ATTEST: ____________________________, CITY CLERK APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, ON THE _____ DAY OF ________, 20____, SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID RESOLUTION. SIGNED THIS _____ DAY OF _________, 20______. BY ___________________________________, CHAIRPERSON ORIGINAL INK on MYLAR - REDUCED for RECORDING