HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0635 Hinesburg RoadO!BIUEN f B R O T H E R S .. REAL ESTATE DEVELOP' NT AND MANAGEMENT VIA HAND -DELIVERY June 11, 2015 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Permit #SD-15-12 Landscape Agreement Execution Dear Ray: Further to the requirements of City of South Burlington Permit #SD-15-12, enclosed please find: 1. Per Condition 3, revised landscaping plans, and revised site plans that reduce the size of the garden by 40% to allow additional snow storage. As required, three (3) copies of the revised plans are printed and submitted with this letter. 2. Per Condition 16, digital project plans. Two discs are enclosed which contain: a. All civil project plans in their final form; b. All landscape plans and phasing plans in their final forms; and c. Lighting Plans. 3. Per Condition 17, Mylar for recording. The subdivision mylar is attached for recording in the land records. 4. Per Condition 19, Sheet C 1 for recording (as a mylar). Sheet C 1 is provided for recording. Also included is the CAD file for the GIS Coordinator. This file is geo- referenced. As required by the above conditions, we have also included a check for $30 for the recording fees, and a check for $60, for the GIS Coordinator fees. We kindly request your confirmation when the appropriate items are recorded. As always, please call our office with any issues, or if anything is missing. Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Project Coordinator Enclosures E V E L O PI N T AND M A N A G E M E N T A e N t VIA HAND DELIVERY June 18, 2015 Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Permit #SD-15-12 Zoning Permit Request Dear Ray: Further to the requirements of City of South Burlington Permit #SD-15-12, enclosed please find: 1. Per Condition 12, an original executed Letter of Credit agreement is attached for your records. Enclosed please also find a complete and executed zoning permit application, requesting approval to commence with site and infrastructure work, as well as the requisite $43 fee. A permit for the construction of buildings will be fled immediately after the final Act 250 permit issues at the State level, at which point all impact fees will be paid. As always, please call our office with any issues, or if anything is missing. Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Project Coordinator Enclosures O P M ENT AND MANAGEMENT Application Table of Contents Cover Letter Project narrative and description of Project compliance with South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Exhibit A City of South Burlington Preliminary Plat Application City of South Burlington Final Plat Application Exhibit B Complete Site Plans for the Project Exhibit C The Staff Report dated January 30, 2015 Exhibit D Architectural elevations, including floor plans and building sections. Dimensioned and to scale. Exhibit E Complete Landscape Plan including plant locations. Phasing Plan indicating project phases. Exhibit F Tree preservation plan, to be applied to trees indicated on Landscape Plan. Exhibit G Project landscaping budget, prepared by Landscape Architect. Exhibit H Preliminary water allocation from Champlain Water District. Exhibit I Letter of Intent from VTrans re access to State Highway 116 Exhibit J Lighting plan with point -by -point foot-candles and average foot-candles. Darkness plan showing light distribution. Fixture cut sheets. IENT AND M A N A G E M E N T VIA HAND -DELIVERY March 18, 2015 South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary and Final Plat Application: Parcel #0860-00635; 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Development Review Board: Attached as Exhibit A, please find a complete City of South Burlington, Planning and Zoning Application for Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat Review, for a Planned Unit Development on an existing 7.19 acre parcel located at 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont (the "Parcel"). This application seeks the approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board (the "Board"), on the planned redevelopment of the Parcel, to expand the number of multi -family dwelling units from twenty-four to forty-eight, in addition to associated site improvements indicated on the enclosed site plans attached at Exhibit B (the "Project"). The details of the Project and its compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations, adopted on May 12, 2003 and amended most recently on September 24, 2013 (the "Regulations"), were discussed at a Sketch Plan Review hearing on February 3, 2015, (the "Hearing"). The South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning has reviewed the Application, and produced a report dated January 30, 2015 (the "Staff Report"), that discusses the Application, and its compliance with the Regulations, the Staff Report is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Below please find a comprehensive analysis of the Project's compliance with the Regulations, as well as responses to issues raised at the Hearing, and at subsequent meetings with City Staff. Also included is a written response to questions and criteria discussed in the Staff Report. For the sake of simplicity, requisite compliance items already addressed and confirmed in the Staff Report or at the Hearing are not discussed in detail below. This application will rely on previous discussion, and the already -written conclusions of the Staff Report. The below application is divided into the following sections, which parallel the criteria of the Staff Report and the Regulations: I. Zoning District and Dimensional Requirements (Request for Setback Waiver) II. Compliance with Section 14.06 and 14.07 Site Plan Review Standards South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 III. Compliance with Section 15.18 of the Regulations, Review Criteria for PUD's IV. Miscellaneous Regulation Requirements V. Conclusions Enclosed you will find requisite copies of the Application, as well as a check for the appropriate fee (Preliminary Plat and Final Plat combined plus the recording fees). We hope that this application can be scheduled for a hearing in the near term, as we hope to commence work on the Project this summer. If anything is missing from this application, please contact our office and we will provide it as soon as possible. I. Zoning District and Dimensional Requirements (Request for Setback Waiver): As outlined in the Staff Report there are different dimensional standards for the residential and non-residential uses proposed. Since the Hearing, the coverage for the application has changed slightly, largely in response to concerns for Fire Department access that have resulted in changes to the parking area increasing impervious area. However, the Project remains in compliance. In past conversations with the Board, concern has been present when lots were proposed to be within a few percentage points of the allowed coverage. While the below does propose to be within 1-2% of the maximum coverage, we want to reiterate to the Board that this does allow for future improvements, and that we are comfortable with this coverage level. Though we are within a few percentage points of the maximum, the parcel is 7.19 acres. Given this, 1 % coverage is over 3,100 square feet. We believe that future improvements will certainly fit within this space. Updated charts that mirror those from the Staff Report are provided below: Dimensional Requirements R-7 Zoning District Max Allowed (Commercial) Existing/Proposed Commercial) Max. Building Coverage 40% 26.6% Max Overall Coverage 60% 59.6% Min Front Setback (Hinesburg Road) 50 ft. >50 ft. Min Side Setback 10 ft. >10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. >30 ft. Max Building Height 25 ft (flat). < 25 ft. 2 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 Dimensional Requirements R-7 Zoning District Max Allowed (Residential) Proposed Residential Residential Density 7 units/acre 6.7 units/acre Max. Building Coverage 20% 16.90% Max Overall Coverage 40% 38.90% Min Front Setback (Hinesburg Road)' 57 ft. 30 ft. Min Side Setback 10 ft. >10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. >30 ft. Max Building Height 28 ft. (pitched) < 28 ft. As outlined above, the Project remains in compliance with the district dimensional, coverage, heighe and setback requirements for both the commercial and residential portions of the Project save the front yard setback. In the Staff Report, the City voiced its support of the requested setback waiver: "Staff supports the setback waiver because this configuration promotes better pedestrian connectivity and makes more efficient use of the undeveloped portion of this property." We agree with this assessment, as did the majority of the Board at the Hearing. Furthermore, we would add to this assessment that the setback waiver is an intricate part of the overall design of the project, and allows the project to be designed differently than would be required if the prescribed setbacks were followed. We believe that the setback waiver allows for a design that is much more in keeping with the surrounding area, and the existing adjacent neighborhoods. Given the above, we trust that the Board will confirm this waiver, as was indicated in the Hearing. II. Compliance with Section 14.06 and 14.07 Site Plan Review Standards As you know, all applications for a PUD as defined at Section 15 of the Regulations also require Site Plan Approval. Section 14.06 of the Regulations outlines the review criteria for Site Plan Approval: 1. 14.06(A) Project Conformance with Comprehensive Plan: As outlined on page four of the Staff Report, attached as Exhibit C, the: "Staff considers the project to be in ' A waiver is being requested from the Board for this Criterion. 2 Please see the building section at Exhibit D which is typical of each of the three buildings and which shows compliance for this criterion. 3 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan." Given this, no further discussion of this compliance is provided herein. 2. 14.06(B) Project Site Planning, Parking and Transitions: a. Section 14.06(B)1 Desirable Transitions and Safe Pedestrian Movement: We believe this criterion is met, as confirmed by the Staff Report. As shown in the elevations attached at Exhibit D, the Project is of a similar scale and character as the buildings that surround it. As indicated in the Staff Report: "This project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to structure as this is an infill project and will be [of] a similar scale, hiding a portion of the existing parking." Further, with regard to pedestrian movement, the Staff Report notes: "the project promotes safe pedestrian movement due to the orientation of the buildings which in turn supports the use of the Hinesburg Road sidewalk." With regard to adequate parking, the plans have been updated since the Hearing. A new chart outlining the parking proposed follows: Parking Requirements and Waiver Request Existing Parking Removed 20 Existing Parking Reconstructed at New Locations 20 Net Change In Parking for Existing Uses 0 Parking Required for Proposed Dwellings (2.00 x # of Dwellings)' 48 Parking Proposed for New Dwellings 42 Handicap Parking Proposed (1 per 25 units required by Table 13-7 of the Regulations) 1 Percent Waiver Requested 12.5% Under 25% and Waivable by DRB Yes As outlined above, the current plan proposes the construction of 42 parking spaces associated with 24 new apartments, which requires a waiver of 12.5% from ' Per Note 1 of Table 13-1 to 13-6 in the Regulations: "If all parking spaces are common, i.e. non -reserved, and if there are more than 10 DUs, the requirement decreases to 2 spaces per DU." 4 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 the Board. While the numbers above have changed since the Hearing (the percentage waiver has increased by about 4% from the original application, and the proposed parking has decreased by 2 spaces), we believe that the request for such a waiver by the Board remains valid, for the reasons discussed at the Hearing and in previous applications, as well as in the Staff Report. Based on our experience and existing rental properties, and given that the apartments being constructed are all one -bedroom apartments; we believe that the proposed parking will be more than sufficient. And request that the Board grant this waiver, as it indicated it would at the Hearing. b. Section 14.06(B)2(c) Building to Width Ratio: As outlined on the Site Plan, we have located parking behind buildings or to the side of buildings in accordance with the Regulations as confirmed in the Staff Report. Per Section 14.06 the Regulations limit the amount of parking that can be located to the side of buildings.4 As currently presented the width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings (as viewed from the public way) is 112 lineal feet. The width at the building line is 225 feet, exactly 49.77%, in compliance with the Regulations, that allow up to 50%. c. Section 13.01(G)(5) Bike Parking: Per this section of the Regulations, bicycle parking is required. Bike racks are located on the Site Plan attached at Exhibit B in locations convenient to each building. It should be noted that the apartments include interior storage closets that are large enough to accommodate bicycles, so that interior storage is also offered for winter months. Further promoting the use of bicycles. 3. 14.06(B)(3) Proiect Building Scale: As illustrated on the building elevations attached at Exhibit D, the proposed structures will be two stories, and less than 28' in height (as defined by the Regulations), which is the permissible height for a pitched roof within the Residential 7 Zoning District. The existing buildings on the Project site are similar in size. The Country Park congregate care facility is tall, and is approximately 2.5 stories with a pitched roof (half of the first floor is underground), and the Chatham Green apartments (on the northern part of the site) are two-story buildings with typical pitched roof, very similar to what is proposed by the Project. The Project has been designed with architecture that will assimilate to the neighborhood in response to guidance provided by the DRB upon review of initial elevation concepts, and the building is very similar in style to the Rye Apartments directly across the street, Wellesley Grove, and Stonington Circle condominiums. We believe that the structure will fit in well, and that the architecture and size 4 "Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half the width of all building(s) located at the building line." South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 compliments the site and surrounding structures. Elevations have been provided for review at Exhibit D. These elevations include a 3-dimensional rendering. 4. 14.06(B)(4) Project Utility Service Locations: As outlined at Exhibit B, and in accordance with Section 15.13(E) of the Regulations, all utility connections will be located underground. 5. 14.06(C)(1) Protect Building Materials: As outlined at Exhibit D, the Project proposes the use of materials that are similar in texture, form, and detail, to those of surrounding structures and neighborhoods, particularly the Rye Apartments across the street, as well as many neighboring residential buildings. Given this, there are no real discrepancies between architectural styles and we consider the Project to blend in well with its surroundings. For example, the building will be clad in vinyl siding (anticipated to be both the horizontal style, as well as a board and batten style that is similar to the siding on Chatham Green (with which the Project shares a lot), the Rye Apartments, and Wellesley Grove/Stonington Circle), the building will have divided light windows with transoms like most of the surrounding homes, gable-style/traditional construction, a shingle roof, and a massing that is consistent with the surrounding area. The pitch of the roof has been decreased to help minimize the imposing feel that steep pitched roofs often create. The front porch and entry are framed by an inviting gable roof, a glass door, and large square porch columns. The sides of the building have been designed to be attractive, with windows and bump -outs to add depth such that no matter where you view the building, it looks attractive and inviting. Again, this was in response to Board concerns that due to the building placement, the front and sides will be visible by vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The three-dimensional elevation from Hinesburg Road shows how the geometry of the building will look when walking or driving by. Furthermore, as illustrated on the Landscaping Plan, attached at Exhibit E, plantings will be installed to provide visual screening, and breaks to help create attractive transitions between structures. Plants will be of varied types, flowering at different points in the season, to provide an attractive and ever -changing landscape. Landscape buffers are also proposed between the parking that is on the sides of the buildings and Hinesburg Road. Lastly, stone patios and structured outdoor spaces provide for accents and a change in texture in the overall development. 6. 14.06(C)(2) Project Structures Related Harmoniously to Surroundings: As described above, the Project has been carefully designed by site engineers, architects, and landscape experts to provide an infill development that assimilates with its environment. As proposed we believe the Project to be harmonious with its environment, and with the existing buildings that surround it. The project proposes to 3 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 keep in place a number of mature Scottish Pines along Hinesburg Road, and we feel that by retaining this existing landscape the buildings will appear to have "always been there." 7. 14.07(A) Project Access to Abutting Properties: As described in the Staff report: "Staff feels the reservation of land is not warranted to provide an additional access to an adjoining property. 8. 14.07(B) Project Utility Locations: Per item 4 above, utilities will be located underground. In compliance with this Section. 9. 14.07(C) Project Disposal of Wastes: New screened facilities for the disposal of waste will be provided at the location designated on the Project Site Plans. Stockade style fencing will be used to screen the facilities on all four sides and to contain any waste from blowing around. A latching gate will be used for access. At this point, it is anticipated that garbage facilities will be tote -style plastic bins. The area designated for this enclosure is illustrated on the Site Plan, attached at Exhibit B. In previous applications and in the Staff Report, it is noted that the existing dumpster enclosure would be repaired, and new fencing installed surrounding it. Given that the Staff Report recommended a separate dumpster facility for the Project the existing enclosure is proposed to remain the same. 10. 14.07(D) Project Landscaping Requirements: Landscaping for the project must be in conformance with Section 13.06 of the Regulations. As outlined below, the Project meets the requirements of Section 13.06, for both Preliminary and Final review. Specifically: a. 13.06(B) Landscaping of Parking Ate: The Board is charged to review the adequacy of proposed landscaping for several criteria: 13.06 (B)(1) Perimeter Landscaping: Perimeter landscaping is prescribed by the Regulations to "mitigate the view of the parking lot from the public way and from adjacent uses and properties, and to provide shade for the parking lot. As described herein and as shown on the Landscape Plan attached at Exhibit E, a mature row of trees will remain on the southern property boundary, which is one boundary of the parking area. This stand of mature trees is a thick screen to the adjacent condominium complex, and provides significant shade for the parking lot. You should also note, as indicated on the plans, that a cedar stockade fence is proposed to be installed in this location (the southern boundary between the parking area and the Foxcroft Condominiums), to screen the parking and headlights of cars from reaching the neighbors. 7 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 In addition to the retention of the trees and addition of a fence on the southern boundary, several shade trees are proposed to be planted surrounding the large parking lot, adjacent to new walkways, and in the island created in the center of the parking area. These trees will be as specified on the Landscape Plan. You will also notice the evergreen screening that is planted to block the 4- space parking lots located between the buildings such that the parking is screened from Hinesburg Road. With these major items, as well as the more subtle plantings indicated on the Landscape Plan, we believe that this particular criterion is satisfied. ii. 13.06(B)(2) Interior Parking Lot Landscaping: Per this Section parking areas containing 28 or more parking spaces are required to have landscaped islands that are at least 10% of the area of the parking lot. As shown on the Landscape Plan attached as Exhibit E, the proposed parking area does include such an island, which is roughly 12% of the area of the parking lot. As illustrated on the Landscape Plan, a number of trees and water/salt tolerant plants are proposed for this area, which will double as a storm water treatment/capture pond. The specific plants and trees are noted on the Landscape Plan. iii. 13.06(B)(3) Curbing: Per the Regulations, all interior and perimeter plantings shall be protected by curbing. As shown on the Site Plan curbing is proposed to protect many of the plantings and sidewalks adjacent to the parking areas. However, no curbing is proposed around the center island in accordance with the exemptions provided for stormwater treatment. As outlined on the site plans, the central island is a stormwater detention area, and water needs to flow from the parking area into this low point. Moveable pre -cast curbing that water can flow through is currently prescribed in front of the five parking spaces, for safety reasons. iv. 13.06(B)(4)(a) Planting Species: As outlined on the Landscaping Plan, attached at Exhibit E, a variety of plant species, small trees and shrubs are proposed. Salt tolerant plants have been prescribed for areas near the roads and walkways. The Landscape Plan was designed by a landscaping professional (Wagner and Hodgson, Landscape Architects). V. 13.06(B)(4)(b) Shade Trees for Parking Ate: The Project proposes to maintain several mature deciduous and evergreen trees along the southern boundary which will provide shade trees in accordance with this requirement for that portion of the parking lot. Given this, no additional tree planting is proposed in that location. 8 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 In accordance with the spirit of this regulation, major deciduous shade trees are placed on the landscape plan along the perimeter of the parking area. vi. 13.06(B)(4)(c) Tree Caliper: Major trees proposed are at least 2.5" caliper. vii. 13.06(B)(4)(d) Tree Diversity: Tree diversity is as prescribed by the Landscape Architect, for optimal appearance and site benefits. viii. 13.06(B)(5) Planting Islands: As described above, the planting island proposed meets the spirit of this regulation, and it is designed to define the major circulation aisle, entrance and exit to the parking area. Furthermore, the island is proposed for planting as outlined in the Landscape Plan at Exhibit E. Per Section 13.06(B)(5)(c) of the Regulations, no curbing is proposed around the parking lot island, because it is a designed stormwater treatment practice. Water is flowing from all directions toward this parking island. Curbing would disrupt that flow unnecessarily. The only curbing proposed is a pre -cast curb at the head of parking spaces to stop cars. ix. 13.06(B)(6) Snow Storage: Snow storage areas are designated on the plan. These have been reviewed by our maintenance team and are deemed to be suitable in size to accommodate winter storage needs. b. 13.06(C) Project Screening or Buffering: As outlined at this Section, the Board will require screening or buffering between properties for three reasons, none of which apply to the Project.5 Given this, the requirements of this Section do not apply to the Project. That said, the Project does propose screening for all parking areas. A fence is proposed along the southern boundary, such that the neighboring condominiums will not see the parking area. Also, evergreen screening is proposed along the parking that is visible from Hinesburg Road, as shown on the Landscape Plan, attached at Exhibit E. c. 13.06_(D) Project Front Yards: This Section requires the Project to comply with Sections 13.06(F) and 13.06(G) and that front yards be landscaped and maintained in good appearance. As outlined below, the Project will comply with 5 Per Section 13.06(C) Screening or Buffering is required when: "a) two adjacent sites are dissimilar ... b) a property's appearance should be improved, which property is covered excessively with pavement or structures or is otherwise insufficiently landscaped, or c) a commercial, industrial, and multi -family use abuts a residential district. As you know, this project proposes multi -family use that abuts existing multi -family use. Additionally, the Project proposes a detailed and attractive landscape plan, and is very similar to the surrounding uses, and in the one area where the parking does abut neighbors, the Project proposes a fence. V] South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 these Sections. Plantings are proposed along the street fagade. Also, large mature trees along the road are planned to be preserved as part of the Project. We believe that the street presence will be quite nice, and will help to slow traffic as it approaches Kennedy Drive from the south. d. 13.06(E) Project Site Restoration: At the end of construction, and after the landscaping plan is installed, the site will be graded, seeded and mulched to establish grass in areas that are not landscaped. e. 13.06(F) Project Landscaping Plan: A Landscape Plan prepared by a Landscape Professional is attached at Exhibit E. This plan should meet the requirements of this Section for both Preliminary and Final review. As you will note, the attached Landscape Plan, and the Project site plans, indicate existing trees that will be preserved. These include several trees within the site, as well as the first row of Scotch Pines that front on Hinesburg Road. If a tree is not indicated for preservation, and falls within the Project area, it will be removed. Per the requirements of the regulations and attached as Exhibit F, please find a written plan describing the procedure that will be adhered to during construction, for the protection of existing trees. This procedure is provided in accordance with Section 13.06(F)(1)(c) of the Regulations. Please note that while only the first row of Scotch Pines on Hinesburg Road will be preserved in accordance with the tree protection plan attached, we are hopeful that the second row will also survive construction. However, due to the grading required to facilitate stormwater treatment prescribed by State regulations, the root systems of the second row of Scotch Pine trees will be impacted. We are hopeful this impact will be minor and that the tress can survive, but we are not prepared to warrant such in this application. We intend to leave them in place after construction, but will not be able to abide by the Tree Protection Plan for these particular trees. As required by this Section, the Landscape Plan also includes a Phasing Plan, and indicates areas that will be completed first as part of construction phasing. The Project is essentially broken into four phases: i. Phase I (1 Week): The first phase will be the moving the existing garden to the location in the rear of the building. This way residents will be able to use the garden this season. Grass and landscaping disturbed in moving the garden will be repaired and/or reseeded in areas that will not be disturbed by Phase II, III and IV. ii. Phase II (3 Weeks): New Pervious Pavement: The first construction activity will be the construction of 11 new pervious parking spaces in front of the existing Congregate Care Facility. The landscaping of this area will 10 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 A request of allocation was also submitted to the City for wastewater allocation, and we are told that the capacity needed is available and that the letter will issue. The wastewater capacity is normally confirmed after preliminary plat is submitted and before final plat submission. This application was filed simultaneously. We anticipate this allocation will issue prior to the hearing for this Project. A State of Vermont Potable Water and Wastewater Permit Application has also been completed, and will be submitted to the State simultaneous with this application or soon thereafter. Copies of the relevant details for both the water and sewer connections are contained in the Project site plans attached at Exhibit B. 2. Section 15.18(A)(2) Sufficient Grading and Erosion Controls: Grading and Erosion Control Plans in accordance with Section 16.03 and 16.04 of the Regulations are attached at Exhibit B. A combination of fencing, silt fencing, slope stabilization, and other means of erosion control are proposed. Please see the plans for details. 3. Section 15.18(A)(3) Access, Circulation and Traffic Management: As noted in the Staff Report, the Project will utilize an existing access drive which has a dedicated right -turn entry lane. The Project proposes no changes to this entry. Internally, the project proposes the creation of new vehicular circulation, as shown on the Site Plan. Please note that care has been taken to facilitate a proper turning radius for large trucks at each island. Also, sufficient space has been provided for fire trucks and emergency vehicles to turn around and this has been coordinated closely with the City Fire Chief. As discussed with City staff and our traffic consultant Roger Dickenson at Lamoureux and Dickenson, the Project proposes the creation of 24 new apartments. These 24 apartments per applicable trip generation criteria would potentially create about 15 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips. Per State guidelines, traffic studies are typically recommended for projects that will generate 75 or more PM Peak Hour trips. The Project is well below this threshold, and therefore no traffic study was completed. Based on the City and traffic consultants' input, we do not anticipate that the Project will cause any issues with congestion on Hinesburg Road, which is a large State road that handles thousands of cars daily. In accordance with recent State requirements, we have procured a Letter of Intent from VTrans, and they have reviewed the Project and the proposed access. This letter is included herein at Exhibit I. In terms of pedestrian circulation, the Project incorporates a number of new sidewalks, protected from the access road by curbing where possible. Crosswalks are 12 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 proposed where pedestrians will cross the access road to enter their new apartments. The project has also added pedestrian connections to the Hinesburg Road sidewalk system. In general, the Project has greatly increased pedestrian connectivity to the City's sidewalk system, and that the pedestrian facilities within the Project are designed to facilitate safe movement. All of these elements can be seen on the Site Plan. 4. 15.18(A)(4) Wetlands and Open Space: Per the Staff Report:" There are no unique natural features on the site. There are no impact resources identified in the Open Space Strategy." Given this, the provisions of this Section do not apply. 5. 15.18(A)(5) Visual Compatibility with Planned Development Patterns: As an infill project, we have focused on designing the Project to be compatible with its surroundings, and with residential character of the area. Please see Section II above for further details regarding building design and neighborhood assimilation. 6. 15.1_ (A)(6) Contiguous Open Space: As noted in the Staff Report: "There are no significant open spaces on adjoining parcels. There are no nearby stream buffer areas." Given this, the provisions of this Section do not apply. 7. 15.18(A)(7) Fire Chief Review: The Fire Chief has reviewed the project and his input is being incorporated into the Project plans. In particular, the Project parking area was changed to allow for a fire truck turnaround, which is outlined on the site plans. This turnaround allows fire trucks that access the rear parking area to back up, and pull out head first. Also added per the request of the Fire Chief was an additional hydrant, located at the east corner of Building 3, as seen on the Site Plans. Please note that in accordance with applicable building safety codes, each of the new buildings will have compliant sprinkler system. This will include exterior street - facing bells, and interior local strobes/alarms, in addition to other code requirements. Also, please know that we will install emergency key boxes on each building, as well as installing visible numbers indicating each building's 911 address on the street side. 8. 15.18(A)(8) Infrastructure Services to Adjacent Land Owners: As stated in the Staff Report, "the Project will connect to existing water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure and will not impact the extension of such services." 15.18(A)(9) Ci1y Utility and Roadway Plans: Per the recommendation of the Staff Report and the request of the DRB at the Hearing, the Project proposes a sidewalk connection from all three buildings to the existing sidewalk on Hinesburg Road. As you will see, the sidewalk connection for building two requires the removal of two Scotch Pine trees. 13 South Burlington Development Review Board March 18, 2015 10. 15.18(A)(10) Comprehensive Plan: Per the Staff Report, "Staff considers the project to be in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan." IV. Miscellaneous Regulation Requirements As with the design of the structures, care has also been taken to design property lighting in a manner that fits the character of the surrounding neighborhoods, preserves the residential feel of the area, and does not cast light on adjoining properties. Given this, our lighting plan proposes a combination of bollard lights, flush mounted -can fixtures under building porches, and 10' pole mounted lights where necessary for safety purposes, and to facilitate safe access. Pursuant to Appendix A.9 and A. 10 of the Regulations, attached as Exhibit J please see a lighting plan for the Project which includes the fixture locations, as well as the foot candles of light cast on the ground throughout the property. The plan also includes the calculations for the average foot-candles produced by all newly installed exterior light fixtures and the existing light fixtures. Per our lighting designer, the average foot candles are well below 3 (.21 to be exact) as specified by the Regulations. Lastly, cut sheets for all of the fixtures that will be installed are also attached at Exhibit J. You will note that all fixtures are of the "downcast," variety, and are LED highly efficient fixtures. Where bollards are located adjacent to property lines or buildings, the back of such fixtures are shielded to cast light only where it is needed. This has helped to reduce indirect glare, such that no light (0 foot candles) are cast beyond the property line in any locations. You will note that the lighting plan does not include the entire parcel. For the sake of this application, we have only looked at the areas that will be impacted by the Project. Existing areas outside of this have not been evaluated, and no changes to those areas are proposed. V. Conclusion As outlined above and evidenced in the attached exhibits, the Project is in conformance with the Regulations, and the concerns that were raised in the Staff Report and at the Hearing have been addressed. We look forward to your review of this application, and to moving this process forward so that we can commence construction this season. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns, or if anything is missing. Thank you. Enclosures Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Project Coordinator 14 HAYES APARTMENTS HINESBURG ROAD (VT ROUTE 116) SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT MARCH 18, 2015 - LIST OF DRA WINGS F _ Sheet C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN Sheet C-2 SITE & UTILITY PLAN Sheet C-3 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Sheet C-4 UTILITY PROFILES Sheet X-1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN r- Sheet D-1 PERVIOUS PAVEMENT DETAILS Sheet D-2 CIVIL DETAILS �a Sheet D-3 WATER DETAILS Sheet D-4 SANITARY DETAILS < Sheet D-5 STORMWA TER DETAILS Sheet D-6 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Sheet D-7 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Sheet LI.O PHASING PLAN Sheet L1.2 LANSCAPE PLAN LIGHTING LAYOUT (point x point) LIGHTING LAYOUT ("darkness plan) Sheet PI-1 BOUNDARY SURVEY AERIAL MAP r—zm• OWNER & APPLICANT - CPA PARTNERSHIP 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05403 ARCHITECT- SCOTT & PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE 20 Main Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 CIVIL ENGINEER KREBS & LANSING CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 164 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 South Burlmpt9fi" v,. ad 7 7 a +y� L OCA 77ON MAP 1" - 1200' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WAGNER HODGSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 7 Marble Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Paw✓ Pde �= Eekfiq Sfoeeaw !✓ce S'✓roY Lmfrd Pouf SC [A;,rAy ny✓a,r - [ Ylip Ow»Y»ev! Pow - r — E. una✓aame f.•P+Nne FialND w»mml lice — 5'efaadr /m/DvSoinD nWye —w- - - New Mbrr [ne =n `ram New Slam [in/rnfM Ooai+ -+ - — - B4/- E+hrnD Xbl✓ liw/Dan xYw _-_�P � ��_ fiiM Mfan New a✓JhD %YY Y XYY\ Em(iq se me —s— — —D—� foieN.D Sew✓ [Fy C� New Pe.✓re•f -A— — �Ja--U- Eviafn9 Sfam [i^a/rafts boar RxM,frvcfm exawfxn � � �- Ewfiq Cmlaw � - - � ZeariemlM P rro+ o PnAxx oad Notes: r. roo � ;a nor a ae,neoi, ca ya+N.,�✓ m ew�or,.r sw.sy D 9 Engnwa /o- cmprere My n✓ny n/ameltve S daGpods b O1 �nan Gew mC LwnhY Pwk ProNCN Cngirwiq ma /N/D ninny roaaLcfeO Oy n A-csN.s A11. CYrae-ypna urLYus a amdefs. A5 soro�Mrwmo�r«rrw�P-N1ee rerb..aewra,. J afal( ae Eased m M. NAM 88 fA /SA/ wncd a.,:,D re� rd raae.,area will aaraoa yunas-.arn, pane NADty o% 9 Ewafin8V# ➢ - 1.AI aasi a fairfnImprx'da 9r/aee = S!b' aae, fa'eNrD eam,D Cew-aDe - eai.1D - reu Faalig Owdl (or Cowage - SJ8//)9 � ]S& lor' Ana = SW anew RJGnD Cawge � A.SI/1.W - 58.8.D' OwW (ol Cowopa - I.SI/SW - 39.81 RerWrIAY PMNn 2�i' anrsa = S lb aver ellDdi/9 ' Ae] aars= Aran o/Pipae'av, Surbee SAl ane, Away [�Co�araN ¢ 10l/3.16 18JR 8S For Permit Review Bor Scole = !o' H NESBURG R 0 A Ov ---ir-'¢---- ;--�- I1II'I—PD.0II 9'�°"s --- -llsT -i♦ --- _---_--- �., .• v o 5: - - ____ I Cae H',°s.i.°Pr`nvVo i1t 1 1 ' \ �S• �a\�,;\,s+�—a �i�' �I \v\ I nl/�;:A�^e- z` /�.`.�,-':�a\e'•j11'� I �iil 1`�jI1111,{q 1 I me\ �15�232 �66/\.255.\I -♦\-_•-_� _—tl-\. -a,s/F\,..: Pr P,c i 8PAC�IE+I j�I ,.. .I II I, ���---...• r .s.,�9Fs�oP.lr. sz-rz0o1As1�o M1 ..!�i?1 �r' t1t,I�\s�I'll�;ijII /4 _<5,_ A_C'E•roSBrtTUIc NGv r#2. b��4'Fs'�gY,-•N�-'amm Iji I:-1 1- iiI� &,- ' e`�9.�_�__...9:•0- _r_ `_IO_PCAE_(SX._.��/'-'� 1 ,�r-lI.t��i,I ✓Ii1/ ,� / ♦ •1�B�7 -_ BUILDING t3 8U IT 8UNIT R1a3Mg I/I I�!�II5/ 1I I I j Ii psn s 4 Si / rat f1 j314 1 3SPAESatl3-5 °'.aAeO4%Yoswn� _E °ae;nev e ' � t 31e.4 S-#3 _I 3 i "•_ _wlcr / 4 z i i r/' .� 18 �,.., EXISTING CONGREGATE HOUSING BUILDING aM,',ps I '-- -- \♦ i "`Dt "in1 ,' 'r ii%''" N. 4' ve.e9 w ----- ----------- -------------------- b' mFq access. II �\\\�, x I,fiff / Legend w aoa Pw Y-^ rarh9 srocroee r.Kn Notes o' s,. r n.ero awr -w c.;srh9 owrreoe aoea Bor Sco/e = SF r er9 n»e,r - -' — r h9 ua.-acne �.,. m:, d ro ,wr o sw,m-r .,•,.r A.ro- ro e".,.xy s..,.r om>.✓ ar rve a Lans,9 u,,.w,r:,9 en9h,..: m. ce+lwre avmr :•/"nioca,. - - � MP'.=. M.wrr ehs _s_ _ _ _ _ _ Ne. A.e L:,e —„_ _ _ N» MFN Lhr � eOwman �Ca — irsrh9 msspnmf line �r�. /hs d>[r /�' 9 mvtlgoe =5, sr� Ner Slam (iw/mfM bom � Wem pne n�Y ��icYO � ON EnS�min9 A+'+.cbfea pre /Me wrw cwrWcrwf Oy eae Q [mvr9 F Oecprop IO,i. Lhab'A'Wne urhYin tbr..e.we ouvpe� p,n,s m _ v,At . 'w. Site & Utility Plon -.--- — — 9'ps- r:r en•/99re K+" _ -_ 5eh xrmree cmrocree a%p- r e+cowNm. o,.. � yWlryYl c�va+9 r..e the ,v.. w+a 9 O~.,.m�r eer.m , �. mKe ., fn . NAw m /cease rzAl :..rap ,rt aenetl =re Hayes Apartments paFf Grp pear es-eFa �saaaara,_ .r^9 ,•� ,.ame NAce, Izo„� zmaa2 oa,e CPA Partnership �,- - �.,-o- r 9 ran Lh.� ram, �r wK .,,ra.aNa, prs(rvcfnn ,a«n. P,a' 1 t SIs ��- Erisfiq L'mlpw For Permit Review XREBS a L.fNS/NC ConsrslKs�p dhgineers, /nc. - rB4 Main Shea; Cotchesler, Y —t 9",ff C_2 v H N E S B U R G R 0 A D C s/nI �f � N.r Lms R sess� if R.arr .ml 1 swY ro fin J� abn tQpJ w� � '0a•°i c Ytin. .nHP9 - ___ - tom_•. � , � � -- __ - - - -.--,� ------------ 1� % ' ___ ___ ____� 'aT%SII __=_ --- li lTnaon.vwEfi i i r ..s Svo+a r,kl , -00.� I I rank I I I I 1 1 1 1 palaerw, T.. 1 t f,` 1 1 I 1 I 11 1 ' Hmasb Craw \ 1 we. o rcr ''' \ .. „. I � Now I>ie 1 � 1 I 1 1 1 i Arm •bafaesrw� S / e wr taus- 1 8UNT 3 ^r v+ow sro3 ../i` BUIL NG L BUNAING Ni I I .ve. sroDaired .. 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S'if fmremre 1. 1)vs pa° b mr a bavaamY sw..Y Be/w ro eoa+eary 5'wwY a=f...sr a.a.r a.r. G m.NCPe pepww aY Krebs G [msq Cmw/liq Cngnews /w Ya•au'n nnp.f. dw.awr n/wmafiwr.kil, r�ir, Erosion Prevention &Sediment Control P/on z me . a.eP'mad r rn%mo•a m n,:� Yae. now m a.own _ .. esaijsn pbn GA 6es+ me Pak p.whd '. �w.• ooP........... f ... nw pafn c° lme. we edmwrwadelam pp1pa oma. w.rorww.Aa.f. t xa, Hayes Apartments wAw mice w r2AJ CPA PO/tne/Ship verve, „ HA.mw K sw.M ewi, r vwmmr v eemsr.,.arm .Kabrm 4 g ^r Nwi:mrd cme:,oro arl»-e sw,, cvs mse-wnm For Permit Re vie w "A—"' BS d t VSINs Cons IMW dhganesnv. /ne. a,:,y rh-a.er rw..e w.reb! /awrj zo 164 in SHve; Colehest , V rvnont 05446 �' -`3 stFn Rin 321.9 Nv. F Stint In . oul Si1]t 3ra - N. S1F Rin 3]1.)6 RF. STla 311.33 _— aC srom [wMstw R , r J/a - wm S—tory Sewer Profile '. a> s�o doter Service Profile (to Bui/dno 7 ) r. [v J[e SJO —— —_ STJ RYn ]32�iH nv aut l2St 3Te SIS JIO J+aa srJ9 JIe SIO ew'�"ar r ..n Jls F. ,aria - Jls woo � � waJ Woter Service Prof,7e (to Budding T JIS HS _ n•++s/�ro u4iup �� } aw ti ______t__+ly_mr ____ __________ wrny ,Y � wv M !1U -_110 J13 JIJ wau ww ww .Y. Woter Service Profile (to Budd- "i) ,ec r. av i a� Yow'V For Permit Review o' zo' w' �• IYe• Bor 5ca/e \ I �,�, �,�, R 0 UT E�1 I8 ReeiEmtid 12 Zwn g X XRS 8 URGE O A 11 ^ — \ , \ RpieenlidJ Zm:q I. �.�.�.�. .. .. .. .. .. ..�\\ I� CH y � —} ---- ------- - I cR—.Ne,w ^ 8 UN \ I 8 UNI ILDING I T BUILT v APAR BUA APARTMENDING i $ I 8 ` O � �� i - _ ------ - EXISTING CONGREGATE MWSING BUILDING Y Ie y FOXCROFT !1 it EX.IE I— I � / / Y BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM \ Leoend Pow pde - _ 9v Y Lbrrrd Pohr FwwMq msemml /he —.— — — Bf�— ENs/hq Yblr Lhe/gal< Ww fir— ——S/--U- ENlhq S/crm [iis/mfc» eaen Ewathq SlacYaee force -nn E afhq OwAneO Pony - .. E .,q u,ergane rsgN„w. . � � . � C nw Zmhq m"srrxr BounO y No tes: Mwrea AY n'ieds S LmS.p Cms✓liq Engherr rn- rompbfs DdncbY hrwmxrin. omrn� acre., me u,,,,ly Pw crn,:a�.v y A,N EnT�!.'h9 Ansaeiafo era IxM w,wY mdrledey Kreta t oM die no/Ptte,Vw TOJt.��q a canpe(e Pfl Sok snW b ro+lac/s[ P'b' In mY ercowlitn. S f/ewhme as Aaxe m ors NA19 8e (['ed'e J1AJ nsrzd Hn.Fcl Ncrvml> tarMalo MIaV bmr (i5 d6»-wfwr urig rchrnn M1ane A[IH) (1OJU aIJaM yxn. O' 10' 60' 11e' J9O' Bof Scale - m' Of Vplrr� ...R Q,.. mle nwe vmidn owa.s Existing Conditions P/on Hoyes Apartments CPA Partnership For Permit Review gd LINS/NG nearv, c. x"ffs Jn6 x-' c-'in ),- 164,Ym'n srgp c 1 erg nI 0544 vu, r ¢rsnu PERIIEA%E aAY PA FRS BP.r wMm �rwt ew / sn pJ [BM¢ha Mary wt pa .mrab, M tr. ea cam Air.. °i snyrnp oq rnhh ®e. wn srrwwn a°r h, a awns..., srmmv AMaMsrp. M sew at Aw.aah, a s� me aces. s. taravfar m..as ar mt w..rmrr .nae m. WM « m. mom, e ¢ natf grin-� � e" w✓ ro v rm i«rn Mrttw, M+, ,". Macs , tint( �' rM r wkre or mr Mw. _ � aAM arm. rtrr/w n Z,aJratar s iagrm oryM, eeeem M, fmwf «eayema b eM .oe « srf xev. r.,r .owh .wa mre mwro b m, k rr� a m. we,Ma w rawg w.r..ewwmrh ro Asb c,e w _ ";�ar�r.wt.n. rM, rM tins wrr ,. rarrna,A wmm _ _ _ me oaw yeKi s,.,s• more ear a nnw mar m xw, ro PorM.sr p+sv s°ro-t «K stt nn ,ro prMpa(ntrr a Mess r mrw, Ltv rims rm w aurM. e m wr n,ra norm Meng eperi Sow � M6 a°ur d'IM " � t»n w r wow, aw i erb+np. der°m_Mw x�.ut aMix Arrmrn (BAA ,M Br rmwrm / fan x- ram% nma�ewa euanm+r as nwv w/�MJew"wow, M°aw.m, r. rmww� � � .M .•.sn c sat w nzzz. ores �e Mro ��rmerwn�a.� pw+% r. ( aroro� � rrwt,m.rww: />aPad�."tin. r b aa,l M rM «.r_ amm,Jw b rwsm •ten, r /,e: fr"v rn°r arrtnhre raamre, a smrV �b "anw n wr a¢r nertaJ e♦sat m mvh a ro'a w.ut thttur ion ruo r ones pwbsrbm . B.epa [arw wa w,a,ew Atww«, r am"': �.-tg tint a,••�a.. m..n=rt ¢ p.«g metm,mh Asnxsh. sa. �Po.M rr a M a" ,i • a� a �m nwaer;wr. [et..ea«rh a ro M w w�'¢,e n M. eaag, n„a w mace rw_: rent nice„ a rime Ash moat, io, 96t'N� ma, wni mar w ep-pw Mt am ,nA+'/ w rwmuef n . A VIM rs avw ara m.ra wre.r m rM nra m R'+r yv ro rM iM m r� asrw mM �ser a�Wrmri aK rr �¢am m. w.r.:r.M rites ammo a nwevas tnmt s.a eaearw w er m. a «eeme w•'"ea�ea`wMerr� i m aro-w/� r�r rM Mrs«"rTerM m m. m eaw, male a,o/„� ` �:ra�,:�ip-��he•t� �'�.r,eprrera M ermrweaeimp.tr°,..o-e�enaTrn,Mw�is.'�w rMrowY10Mi e+ow a. m.�nr �� m e+/ms ��rsar anrmM� Nn� min � �iey�r fie aavr .wr, �'h'n°pv ere ��r o rrm�, v�r�. mint a °"n� N lei eY� va�va +baew,� `wrwa asrrM a inns me.maa me. rne,. wr, Mpb rrn:a,Ysa r Y' ra mt r. Ar rarr,Nt e/tr ���ueMr ssrM ee; rewr b, � a.etmn rurb awnr. '�• pn0�ro aw mst Maesas mwo-a, w, vd �f� -Y� G`r rartaa�� w a.s sa rrn m mot Am �wM nyenbnt o-n, a M,a rv,n r Mw nmaa a weM¢ rM dot ter m .r+arW ea rsaai _ rirwp./ ray w a _ w-worn—de own -+••Ng tnrtr wia+Y nmtia=auws n o.s Fy 'most a sw+rprM mom nanYu' rr � «am s a nntenr ro ae bvMe n ex� re.aa i e esM'o M�w �V «sr eu tePr,rt � uwp a� r° wrwY i ,M np«m xy M amnrt mrw sr a rwarg° oe m,rMm uwt Tn9nM ExN•POffsn mt dexrAM Dy P:re IM 6ire. YOF ,rot. T-J% " Mxt Pere Nm 6iN� row f Ms Sn/mnPo �� ry Mry/J / cda Y Rm�. to .h¢n.� — era roams 5c I N. J N. a� trrcyoa ro /w e�efn HM a,ww eega a/ nae Pa enu PAtdt B}Si3• Nrict STBYrM1:RC NPa-naa See SYa rYm /e � �sermwrsxu phf (3• wtM� I Oar>' �91-hla eODes -erM In M eAe+dr. reim ra,w a s.. rives ReW 6ws e - serot awm g:e4 .S Nzan� a e4 mre aaa •� j Cet weyo0e fo M1rY wpM 120�Oe pOl naa STPPIkFF,£Gar«s ']" HJoi J/B' 1pl foshN t/ma unW bv's NioF ,lM ' uA SNuclaErye ey Pamax ta't ,z• enu°�ar.�Fe�nr p.tnm ee e•wrm. n,A,,.�v:,'"tds /.e„'"m uxl"" m tuW d untwppafN bgF. °' 11v 'I ig "AASI10'YIJ ra _ _ •e a� w.Q rA Nq z a Np 1x� pe m�w�a�B iro a �.De Sf� sfm. ae 9e o - ,1" Bee PM :, J% " tOsnM when stms.� 6^' h �T" aeNM tlorre wew- Phe o+ ` en sipk Eilme stare fo subeo warn aw awry /m.K (rT• mr:r.l 6•Pr/aefM ro'rugalM smwfh fin hfWn pdjelhy�ms PV¢ AOS-NIT, a sped. as shorn m S'fe Min% Phs dwV Mw CYOo r pahrofbts 4,s .Wah' ,roI s,rowlm Nxss o/ r � Wrof� P{ss »reYaYs rxtr. Typicol Pervious Concrete Porkino Detail Option #1 Ahmhum�Sfrvcl✓EAp by Pnmdx � LW¢� armtvsh � Dv ro+s� sets O/ [wo•3brct r• norm rrxtfnl - we rrpF ,rot a _ • Yaa �= a ----' �;,, wn •'1 .usITO-YIJ F.v ' �t nrra I¢ Ny T a Nm z.� D4 a - tmhd r�mwo, ee = � rgre. sla,e rinse. 'r'"e x�•.Atne BafPmeh i--adrefaaMa+,tara� t/hman 1" walef ; fem unBc PPe mre 6• m evctr sde. r sq stare /o tubeon wPM a,Aa,rfge /m.Jp nz-mhl s�P.-� Oise tn-.rgalea snooM � hrsip"'dXM� Ps. "'" ,,[> earn: m me rorro�. m Jww oa.t / Paiaar hslm F ll(Ys emm aW ro siOn d /mM ereswlim aero„n. Pan edA. aMroae Typical Pervious Brick Porkino Detail Op tion ¢2 P CAST POROUS CONCRETE PA ONC SLA85 [4t �r ['man Pows � WAM coeaarse aas. te.o-raa ( J as sane oana ( I �roH omx- mrennwi re. r°.r,s ws...,ranr wrw,J t,. waanN°«, F°�: _„ :nv c ,x ro"tir: r,,.w,rm. ,rw.t•,ww.«. /..w.w m> Pr,,.t «w. m°.w ro°=/ wrr ,,arm'4� orn rrtu ea.uro. «.anw trine �Ma w'p�°r�r• w�:¢,.w.,s.w. ,rwa. /.��.w.iw. ww.aM w.m.e,.m. �'(eesA n rowan sws tint r.z aw v�.+rm�n «�eu twmt m..e _ rM to r n.r«ar.m as .w,rimmn min c.+rx_ ra .wamrmr, a Asn, wemr a/ay « rwye_-r r°,�.r. / °m.- ar�nw� w,ww ,/� � � ��rerv�s'm�+wr n u�..mr r` s e; m.im o- �rmm a� m w�a'o m .r+'aM mo-onei mrn,r.nn asrommm RNA a afore naa .an.,. n rM w are., ww_evw. er7 r.M.t me .m a•,veraw s««r a nwp AeMmu.ra. f I ••m•r•++.+P'mr.., o+r w. ire cmz arrn mmr tint a emr rR rmm raw"at � areagq Maenaa/tn a qpp me wya taerm awry anwm mamv tB p/aTe �I- A— cut m,vun .Bs a saa Asa O rpi n r✓x'Yot _ rind ja w j � [. emro:r� maw �/ suv ,onavnn ro As>� hmv I pees xyrrmwrn M ['oww Atywpha r b wa*tor� ounm troy traam retww ( J me G>w I % CwronrM aww: hm°+.J .+> n... e.,r.rw..rr pwV w nice u wa.cNrw ma gpro.e er mr aNn .eo,r [ rMrb nz perw.w min M m was rAn a Wo ��-ferw+ � (' � ro,wa m o-resi rw M a raorz 7"e<:� �wtwafr as Mr M eeMr ro am,rrwrar ewAnmr rank. , br�rwpMrr aai r. mom ro dive mr �«� °moth rawmrr ,,,ran � ra�aeymh� ip M� re rM mrwNerbr eI rM FmArew. pw cent ararM exame aw «m twravrwr «auasn wgwwm/ ewws mouth roev V«m wB nrMaM nor Mtn re.w,m 0Y m, GN•a. w,p m, m w wrrrrrvcmn rs'rot yY»s M �,ym.-m aM w'm nnrab nr ,m wr a m/ rnt [Mn°w. ee�°°°v were-uns uNwv m++s *wx,/<+ r mr a rw vurm mono nrrdarm. ayrr mY aTMM Mm,w,es� m a�iwnoMr rttpar r:wd°r mxP h°e��urrvn iKn_r''� .w rrw a•nt ° � � v ,nut �mv� mt � w � au�tesr arvrt �i w j� � M � � � ia,rvr/• rwn pe esrm r°;r°e'°0',wt w /wrzrmwtsJ wMa � '"` �• � M aana°,warn'+at � .wa ram to au mr +a>°a•�rwa m cwryah wseyw, a cMwMPt eon fib: W _ aM.,s M�srw�rear�wnm � It�iwro'rh ,ara'aa mr'aw au h rM1 rumY rwraraa/a' Nmrm� nett max. rnw ,rorz ,frnp ml/ ee_t a ra Mar mawnmr..m w �� .M net M tV x mow s ro n. anoyry wa eM morn for µvmrr « ggaptn mr ae wN fs M bav ew aces a w w%e r° rrar•w wn rAewt wmre a+s Me M ry � tsm,e " �. r tw m, cmµxrw tYarrm aweyw ta,w mow x,ta max ro iris . r atinm mar rw aprm mr �~.euhn �.vw �ww�a '� , a+a-° n A om °a,rN uha_rm �o' �M � �t/aninrr� sweaa�.r � M ar✓� ar � o�t4nr�wrnw t'ms wore rraw M _an•e www a.v w reM •IAae, wh rrMia' �'� mm«,fi. w"�.msspr "o-r o- eM pea fans nwbmro eMnmmre r° a+aaw.wnr ar r«e ,a, inn et me t. - Jne h tNe rw,hhp frev rw,m n[- w«n ex. a .+m o to ;mJ :M . „a.. Ba rmm., Mt ram ma M r wr .ant an;,e r eN'» e'•'e,eMeemrrafa«a :e-r�mr a.,:,°:,.,'"rMr m w a<r w.,r..trvr.¢ a° rw .,o... war ..M .a .«w.w ,r«s< par ema,re mnw.w.: a..a" r I'e ,k :rronrm,e 'Wes"' ww.g, „r...ar wro.. tarm.. ea. raM f..nrrr, .ra.ar rs. a uM.or�r� tW wa mu"`6.h ��attrw °finer r ma 13. A— h fdbtlm of c¢ncrele p'oes � off %T" w'mre(er /iIlinq rides o-iN and/ amour( 5'ho-/lei pint .zGV/e:. A M ttvrywle at sway MnMsrr wa,rtsm,0h b pttteroq rM (M.Mr racer, yawns fs „ehn ra bn� /w mrawNwtsr .rn mw ear. >tn Wasr /fM a.n awn .•s` M•D For Permit Review 0e1g Pervious Pavement Details Dloen Hayes Apartments s<w. CPA Partnership Pro Rwo rn Bun' dAPEBS d LAA'S/NC Conea16,W A {q°neersr /n, s� w �ma /64 ben shr 4 cW A_f , 11 aril Os44e D_ i Construction Notes as r.w>w m °m., m. sa .mwr• ..,maw d m- aw..d Y mxrrram cbue,. Porrrrrrr J rsae e me p+m rsanno, an.nrrerrv, r J wew shwa �ar�-e,a,1°w v.,r.rarAr a�aw ea� mrmry �s�/b, �- crosnuerm rr. Specificohons: �4ra °iwaw w �av t� t vY � a ammsrst ms :sy+snsre,°a woi �� M�iu a crew dw a+d m..r aMe naviaaim �ro�zra Typical AsphaltPavedCross—Section Asphalt Pavement and Crushed Grovel Subbase Construction Notes �aWW �e raae � �^ yam »nmr m me awxp me r°v as ar. raw eaevcra d+w a mrrr+/✓ n �nm .rM ue wrvrr aa�r u, ,.msvram 5'owe •mrmr'my..v ycanrl+v /]m% Leee. xian w pwg ew s.enr.�urrmrr _ �a�ta�q[Mrew.w°n'arm °r nnenry an.nuw rtry aJpau a+� x °bruea e� ,mwn r er on,nurm m°and mm'ro,emrea as a r .wae. � anev� � e. =�rrd = ��rr� Srvav°r ✓i�'b @r-mm my a �aw�w..ra ar: w a emar.� rwrc ar° w, ..dd.®m xa,.° =1 rna mn� J P�Iraoa,r.) Nl.3 ml/ A�anb� (n wrrJ o-a Rey %n rM/ o-a mw m,.mf o-a /w_rm�rmW `La•rrt TVicolbConcrete Sidewalk Detail e+r.ear. �• - sm ,�mrd rma a Tvoiccl Concrete Curb Detail .1. .+.ar9 aor.e axr.n rm w- am °a,r m,.,r.ea,. a.sa. xam mamr. :am em marmb as ao.,a „am m ema _ _ n mrcwr m y �_errrp°r✓. �a'aF�i`Oo �(r[/ �i ar der a °.m r,reray .w`rt+'a9.Y s•es ea. res ae w r. Rnral mM ,T./) om.°rx.wrsa Replacement of Existing Bituminous Pavement .1S Notes: Restoration of Rood and Driveway Areos Disturbed by Utility trenches e ea mrma+.a, aa, r r° .a. w m®,..,r em"xrisra' m �,ri .rma ma fl ar mumerm °r sayam zv mwm re vcmmr r� q..//era., Tnr) wrz r e, are.Mae e, e ma°yn n`�i �unxnmW a�� ue =ZZ eu a »+ mmrun Nard.a ne+ ) e+v. M><M mer a ..maam.0 mmrma e m. re.ra.ro +v ro,.wrrr+ b amsnrb� d ercxrm rmrna n are ime m° ursrq nwres me wma. .e°,z°Re�/em �Ur�ea+er i��Xu�fro+mioza 6avv earw »m .udmro ra a.r .m.r .a armor m roman /H'M�.°r ss+�mwm,. flml ma.ax /mm w.au eur+e. Construction Notes f. �� � °'.:": �:°`s `%„na � ✓ °+ � �:'K'a A �M � 'yam°, "'n' m° �n,,,ars ,,,.a ,�„rx r° Water Main IA— e-em. m. .am sa as r — a.a.ara maerr a,° awa a„a v mermnm, .,r. .� aaa,/a er° m. r.,raw erma aa,mer m ° .ye. 'a,: °e°e iww.ye teyi:�a :marod m'aa me rme a ae°rme rose ama erne ma.ags rmr rti< yma,r °/+arr °e.�r ae sMd* »as e. me.aaa me led.'a9e emr °o, oaxa me wo.vme mwo boa rave o arr w, ma,.ea me °.r..wiwe rvw mryw .epe.ara., °, me wam ,e.eA.,. +w v�ye aw v-e srrd ��Fs � wiw lr °'rra eO�e�� , � � �n [•ax. r� � / � mee r ovn,xxn n myx r mxemyyrta .m,an� use w � rr ae nan r rc rm mrrsr m+R +mMes A /.°mow//rm/ � /w+a °rrw�mtwv er e+e F.ryMv a+! aa+f fa me Stole /a furvq a�a' ro .orw m°:r eeeq paces Sonilory & Storm Moins r. b � r � �wy� ma s/�,a m+m a vfc yoxr ee.e. va say !s! axes 1 °rcn rim., y ye ae vp �rar a wa..wrr a a. raa . Frros... a n der++ra rm am. voMm ar say. year r ar.s9,re em s..e,o. a., a°r rox e. er ° .°r. y-.°r.- rxo amw °aVanh < a..r.�rrm vp. o.i Seaarotion of Water and /or Sanitary & Storm Moins Testi.x� and Notes r rwer,.ra �, a.° maawma .ear a, rara„m, rer.° ar re. a,maarr :, �ar°r,� .,x. ,a. a,,was ba ., h �+a. �° ma aaa�masr rm« maa a„me eaaas - ProviOe 6' hps aAm cvxb rs aapcait .dkrror - PiorNe i' l�n arim curb u �r fo vegelalxn. / flu. 6' Pavemen----------------- pnt To Down Curb End Detail N.T.S Nac/rwnrcd/ cioread °aTn�ry�el Dy Engnar.N For Permit Review 9/eaY //• _�Wn9re srunaa0 5C11v� ori :/ IS' GusheC SvaceJ J/// au>cox 1raoS >«KJ ree0 em.vwr/rppo$� New Bituminous Wolkwoy Detoil .11 A. c .sco-ea srmpre cam n�pMs M Mws os b of cmr r Wcrle m r �; pavaYN dpss aea -rtrirq shm nab saw, sa3a'wt ee Jsfaps cNos w "0" Hn9 5fan SM AN / 6 / r 02 0l mraf Ww bos � o ro'+^9 yew o/ Pm O,i sw onp b oesN^M FmM YOJe maaeH rot o, apro b)loa ,ice:ran aox even a•mm. +n`r a..,re a �K oren're.e >k x alnne arm uamarrrroee �a rr"'O1� cpmpoclm Tivicol Gate VdIve K1.5 . ybah roa�a„.,e pap rr w airr syr �, o.nee bJrwrn+tMMgtm, Fie Dark( mH rM Wage of .bind" LWca�' � GTe .d�M 9+pep P �ro mHPos AN9% �5-aS Cr05% .�m� b�P+9 cord rio.•a yMrry reyblm, i.. r � pma r /AA9,F0-F-p3) p f,x.e.no ee�. pins w —man. ew a v r os NM Typical WaterTrenchDetoils 3 aWaf Npn Cnslig sots mwr rory ,a. ae ryp. Nee 6" rota snlirs v O dee�w o O ro'ro by bee. wH e,aa Confocl JovM &Mhgfen Ifbfr Op(. wf Ny snot/ b nsldbO by pr+ars m0 rM EnOnaw IB naurs Yb' 1p Iqs rppowd br O'e o/ SsuM AHvglen Nbir aepr. m fne Erginsr. TyCJlCO/ T000ino Sleeve and valve Note soar man ro�`rer wK wpia e'a rSz�/gym � .P�r /�) u+aYlureee ws Vm �eod Entl Reeucx ��� m�M' brew.. / phn Ise 90'.45',77 //Z' Rr 11 1/I'B-d Thrust Block Detoils N.1S Minimum Area of Bem/ny Surloce of Concrete Thrust Block (/rl squore (eet) sa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ caal4✓ 0.3 63 65 0.3 AS s0 6s 63 1.0 !.S 1,0 R3 20 23 f.5 I.O AO 15 SO aJ sa.p 14- 0.5 13 P.O 10 a5 SO I.O P.O 1.0 l5 83 35 2a )A 1{ PS !0 4qp ao bi.o na as so as a3 ao ss so so a3 sD 3 so s u es Ia so Sam 1J EO 10 13 P.5 AO 20 50130 20 33 PP. lS 8a b LOUO SO AS P. /.5 SO PO 1.0 T.0 ,RJ 10 60 RO I8 l.0 S IS Sw. 9 naao e5.aea/ f JrsV'Y MNx ma.N so4s ro ease H ,nv ezrmn .oerr b bran.a pia N> b n+loMa as'�.+a !e Em, Otww 1 •Imesss IA . pw+ HwI ". nsla se 9 rm'a 1, 1. rfY mh. Sem oasnpe r.� r r mai. w»�n a' re°'me�nrw rsa wvpra r z/ r rrrrr ,a+w+ � mm Sewer / Water Separation Detoil .11 ex�rlera� mid n1piH/ e Typ/co/ Hydront & Gate Valve Assembly K12 Bosl's of Design Water System ,eea.,em.�ar,.narer'a._ 1�p .10 N'h For Permit Review General Water Main Notes: m S>R•r.er� 0.A,n tr zz aArw mw ms •.snr r rwm m may .•rnn ! w n cn yx.n°h-o-arm 'a' �O.Om K war r mwt.verp map, me ,pr°ero n ovmmxe an me gwmh,�� +wvmr�� � rPT.nr X � a �nr• �'Ye ��� � ��.v%� �' M'e r avn9 ro asrw.,r ro fro,°y rdb°Ne., �r �i,u~n is �"">ra.,�'., r.•. ,.r..».r° .+, nm n s.,. s.r.r..r. e. °.'°.c`: a�� ua,m gip..-.""m, w �d e,.°.°'� � ro,"i +"w."•'n.°w:e �r' � pn'rr�ro a �, n-r ea �wmm+r ama ovm, m r.a ,° sm°rro o. r.,e:nw e trot. a a. r rn � .we pw�r•..,�°p� � '�r� M rro. d � npe�r �oa.e n.• � � �a°i� �n ar ��ml� ag Smarr «fags ma ronro. r. mnrro .". aerrm�r ma, a. aa.ro n row,a. „ h„er „ me rrNg or en° •w. mm mu,l M eYaorimNe� mrsnq a�iseeir . xm M• 'xr��m�roroe eaa'a�+v+'.w b wW+a ro rru �.a��ir`s as e. palseCmxernn, ��� s��imroa m .e� aslnr °ram m, w ere •an nmaxm a .old �aw Awrre�w+» F n. roaMa. sl.�a � ro r rwneNl r awo� pmr aSackflow Preventer Schematic Sanitary Testinq Requirements 1. AN na /hea mM maMdes shay be Mwm{e✓Y /es/etl by fx Caffraclw h ocmQmce nM fx curet( En✓."raunmfd Pro/eetrm Rden /BB/P9/0J o bonF/1.nd/ x .vmm M�rss p-emce o/ f/re En9.ner. Ille aUuc/we shW be �FoFue pl wrY �wcvmr ref snu4 ncr-mifwa a r;s y% fr¢/xansf o�x sfmcfwe pnO relesl. xbb fnfnq mmhdm b rm( accepfm/s 2 AN smu(wy mobs nnW x or (erfM h fx prcxntt of Me En9nev. A(o mhhwm, (x -1 pesare x�pamo's Per sP/we bKh of 1x M1gxsf paint dm9 Me Leaf /w f miwlas Xbfw feslh9 fs naf d �(Teslrg Me Cmtrocfw MOF x ,erywuNe b sr/1eW/ui9 sanilmY lesfn9 of a m✓�vnwn o/TI " al fn9erea'a slo/G fx En9hec ahwY azrvwnoCole fx h(I. Imes o/ the Cmtrx/w rryvaleE tent cbfe/rine En9na rh aNy fesfin9 repreafs /w o mhbnum al S sfmclure pNs fx aecfen pq OeM1eei Mo 9. aMa oCareirecfw noY inmetlwfdY cm/rcf Me Engneer ;/ pre-sMeaWM lesfn9 m % mf / a ' // Caffrocfw Goes not cmtocl Engna asE En9nreu mrh Me urq rx eori.«rd dmr a re.�w,mx✓e !w Er,9hee'r � / aw9e rw mre w Y. re poranml 9,a%e IN onY fvne. Prue to find po.ag�e/iwn s zl of obme x pariq qam su/ be ,dxd M tees/ sn9 qwf w AN/fi-pwpox rubber od,Ldmnt raers dace✓ unhr Me hux. .vamde /� red agahsf Me home ekes Ome ccvir paxn9. fiercbe. al of ebwfcn pre to base cause pom9 a'uY i/ W rx rre paroi9 a to xa> n'Mh u z. F babe � Bom rre �mf rwnntl hone musrebe D n o/ bete caxx pafvm9. �/M a"ange rY rootl u aoam 1p froKx. mwkM SE11ER�y� <�orm fC11B-1, v nWof fo doer P,es� r roanere rb®s ,raw. be, —I n� /rom»e " ore vmaoar ew,oeM emw,da the ri:ea we test P,a n den arpa.. sea ma,hd� tlti ra by varip �e d rT r�n9n e wpere - sM"/ev.a,,,'ww.e ro Asn/ sl— /I-ZO �' A'a44 60 sled d'-b' - .4fr0 .hro' baO ,enbcamwr/ w eyd. wNde /ill Adn shM be 9roufed ndx antl cut O" Fn9 9pMet w Yosx �nootmMhsix nM %Tmcbb/e 9/o✓G agrhdt rm1M sfM egns_M h Erghew. SreeEn9hew Iw leatia9 re9uienailz Y nrn. cart :, dote w aes,-aew 5crtef )w W ppe pwrefmfiurz .921 shuts b hwm Y/3 l 0/ 1• Typical Precast/ Sewer Manhole m 09u /oW9�iAN9 I M'f +a"er n.va sfgfaY rwyafmz Bvdr/H mda-N uncb' rc.Wt w yeas � r pov Bz4N ma(rc' ri or zzz coryacf m n4nfeG E e'd I p l riw mr wY 1 pyn smhnn M Al. Bshs/u2M my/rsM�� s ., Sea � m0 IF I• hfls SWJS�p� anr.�r PYC 3W JS pGe a (mpeafwe r)nps babe 31' F w floes oboes )(X)' F unless pier rpgmd rs ahf� bun rM En9i�a. Erfm cme % re9uveG buadn9 PIC pye N,eg and evpoxC fo pdu+9m pmntln o/ autl' it as py.-dxoHro � M�rwNcrkn /�p®a reryx aHwg/h rY ro / stwM m sfe /ar r mon�n w fwgr X .MrN be mwxtl nttn Typical Sanitary Trench Detail Basis of Design Wastewater System mf. antes . m.n s�.v - fY mlre s ChA'nwrtee 4a met /alua{ u avlaaa�' mruefa (aan rorJ See hes arox S fret Building Service Connection .11 PALEMENr wfw �a�mrd �wr>9 bete., 'or y�ff, a For Permit Review dmu.rs (� fm" trmn Sanitary / Storm Cleonout Detail Storm Mains seal snwu be as »pn w, the mw,s w,e xrw.e bdp.: na ppm"e°.mar'i an ro me /ne we pox a9 sna.n w, me pw,r. tkwc - ww.e cwmrorw - pL„ „> a w ,�», me+ ro ARwro Nees ap, r r.9s mz ALCGVP - cv'nzdes rdeu.a n.ma aae - � � marm ro ama r � s �Awsrr g nia M'a _ r .ax aaim uw v wrs,�, Lmre, : PLC SOR J5 ppe shall nol be nslodM Mro Me lemprolure 0 ws Ado. J1' F w floes above JW' F unless p/d �vro.o' rs uetaned ham the En9ned. E ho core is requrei .hm honMng PYC' pjoe Grrm9 wdd •eothd. PLC P4>e Mo9 not be slwetl w(sMe ana exposed to pdw,9ee pe'iMs or sudigh/ or p¢e dixdwofkav dM redrelan h P$e vrpacl sirm9fA veil occur. t PLC ppe rs to be sfwed nn dfe kv J mmfh w /wage- it shd/ be cowvea wfh cmvws w albs goo9ve motdid. a resew,sx✓e Iw m deea+rsy wd srwmeprd er-pas: P-,.cew.rer .,rerr y ro camp/ef�Ae ".—I Na o.emyh+ pumpw9 Yn1 be drortK Stormwoter System Mointenonce Schedule 1. lAe slwmrofd Hfem 4 canp-ievO of Y PrMar of Me tlfe tho/ Cieeb w cxn n eats. A must be nWecfW re9u/r/Y <^✓ rpaseo as re9ui-ert $ tta' affnfrm mwf b qw+ fo enfr fmr xe cwM)rkns ' J Jhe site drd/ be re`ieea> urtlu�9 m1r» eosins toa'^/'y r^xrMoo'+ frrofmnl pm6x sw'ex .egefofiw,, pv fi etc. asa rWa w d 9 be IwmW os nrcesswY wrcv9 dl pon.N mlwes shd/ be sryf. Ad mgxlM dMns .M�dl be d%sPasea of n ro udma wro ma nvneaoldy srmz„ed w dAnared os wPro.ea br N,e Owns. 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Erosion Control Notes «pbme va a,u eo r s oevM ,TD wvru„ runmm�l ea�yw« u fir, wa rw.wvr m��v�� >e,rrq erynp et °r u, > ro r.r�ur �n�n Io n a mveveem mlumwa Y s� agog �IDn� mwim�ir �' n�Y i �w�n �vve"�mr m rm.n m rM,r m V,enK oem•w'•e,atr •� mmeeae�irwya v _ �mw„u,v+�•�a, �Y A, OMq>�,�w,an �a •OrW «"me�k�� °v i� ,� ro mew me eq nrm,ar �nm�i lvwra w b, ...,ma w�wpea "••..lm.g e.,r « ! e.�.,em k.w,«. m.u,e, ,,,,a�>,l.« „a per •e•a:.a nn..aaa n.>, rm, ... ��� w.A w,n, �Y me r (sr M>" M mar,ro s®frvlm+A am.e a M.. Ra,e o,e an'rrmmm r pmwe > ro,�«m � e/ rna mDe+-+s'ro'l. , A +iror« .,e,.'v.u.. am,.a•m maM vl u« me tat e Y amw nrn v wpe Dmin rnm v ner.m ayse vuq ry ,raztm.o,. 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WAR ro abr, Li �yw I I I J Section A —A Tgical Construction Limit Fencino twuc npnr-or- y C,b/iq yw,q Rap Floaob wpgwwfe Mmsfm eabr 5f>511X✓ Cmslrvclwv o/Irmtt m> FlArir Fptf F EWfig M' f sf'pn p �y of I 9r�e RAM Stabilized Construction Entronce serve ra.. r..m.e roe. A = ,r>n m wane ,rw.rvn.e sr i� Bmc, III 11 II II I Ii II II II II II II II II Sector A —A At f iceocog churl >r a sw�w TyDiCO/ Temaororr Si/f Fence �� p � Erosion Control Barrier M cs room nr F nnrn, rrrr,tl Neegne (tA w! s/rrs gyVkr9kf Repbea fkn -/W LLve„ W R..— A— 9s,n „rwwhn«n «/M1- Cam �mm +e i o w„M e aw m w'�"eia' a (snH� oen maa ,rc/ M rar.a,y AN Erosion ono 5.CK—t C-1,d Measures 5hdl - inspected at Ieost a eriy Mre anramrwi events yVwte! loon lf" For Permit Review Catch Basin Inlet Protectiono .I \ap,` TM L" RM SIN N.M." —Ila ......... et C2, C� ILA F--, Prevention & Sd,--f Control Detldl , -b �44Dra*n Hayes Apartments CPA Portnel-SI71P A For Permit Review J ,�79 L4ASINC C.—IN7W Engineers, pz:-- Nafn Sb-4 C.&A—t—, F,—.ni 195446 D-7 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 30, 2015 SD_14_40_635HinesburgRoad _ CPA _Partnership_PUD Plans received: December 23, 2014 amend_3_apartment_buildings_sketch SKETCH PLAN REVIEW #SD-14-40 CPA PARTNERSHIP— 635 HINESBURG ROAD Agenda # 6 Meeting Date: February 3, 2015 Applicant Owners CPA Partnership Same as applicant 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Contact Person Andrew Gill Same as above (802) 658-5000 Andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com Location Map .., x .lt C ,r. y t f „ CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sketch plan application #SD-14-40 of CPA Partnership for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved plan for a 76 unit congregate care facility and 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings. The amendment consists of constructing 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings, 635 Hinesburg Road. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair, and Dan Albrecht, Planner Temporary Assignment referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on December 23, 2014 and offer the following comments: Overall, staff feels that the proposed project is an infill project that makes efficient use of land and better frames Hinesburg Road. Applicant is proposing to have operable doors facing the Hinesburg Road sidewalk. ZONING DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS Table 1a. Dimensional Requirements R-7 Zoning District Maximum allowed (Commercial) Existing Congregate Care Facility (Commercial) Residential Density Max. Building Coverage 40 % 27.0 Max. Overall Coverage 60 % 59.0 Min. Front Setback (Hinesburg Rd.) 50 ft. > 50 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. > 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. Max Building Height 25 ft. (flat) < 25 ft. ✓Zoning compliance Table 1b. Dimensional Requirements R-7 Zoning District Maximum allowed (Residential) Proposed Residential Residential Density 7 units/acre 6.6 units/acre Max. Building Coverage 20 % 14.6 Max. Overall Coverage 40 % 35.4 * Min. Front Setback (Hinesburg Rd.) 57 ft. 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. > loft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. Max Building Height 25 ft. (flat) < 25 ft. ✓Zoning compliance " Waiver requested There are two (2) charts because there are different dimensional standards for residential & nonresidential uses. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc 1. The Board should discuss the applicant's request for a waiver of 27 ft. to reduce the setback to 30 ft. from the S7 ft. required setback along Hinesburg Road. Staff supports the setback waiver because this configuration promotes better pedestrian connectivity and makes more efficient use of the undeveloped portion of this property. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: (A)(1). Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The City of South Burlington Water Department shall review the plans for the subject project, prior to preliminary plat approval. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer shall review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. (A)(2). Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The applicant shall include sufficient site grading and erosion control plans as part of the preliminary plat application. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. (A)(3). The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. The project will utilize an existing access drive. This access drive has a dedicated right -turn entry lane on Hinesburg Road. (A)(4). The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 6351-linesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc There are no unique natural features on the site. There are no impact resources identified in the Open Space Strategy. (A)(5). The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The applicant has not submitted building elevations so staff cannot make an assessment at this time. (A)(6). Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. There are no significant open spaces on adjoining parcels. There are no nearby stream buffer areas. (A)(7). The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The SBFD Chief has some concern with regards to egress from the property for a fire engine and the need for installation of an additional fire hydrant. The Fire Chief will review the plans at preliminary plat review. (A)(8). Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The project will connect to existing water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure and will not impact the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. (A)(9). Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff notes that the applicant should investigate if it can include a sidewalk for building #2 to connect to the sidewalk along Hinesburg Road. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (A)(10). The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff considers the project to be in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc B. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Forty-four (44) new parking spaces are proposed for the site. This is four (4) spaces short of the 48 spaces required due to the standard of 2 spaces per dwelling unit. The applicant is requesting a waiver of 4 spaces and argues that it can be supported based upon its experience with rental property management, the fact that the 24 new apartments will be 1-bedr000m units and that the property is serviced by a CCTA bus which turns around in the property's parking lot. Staff considers the proposed waiver request to be reasonable. 2. The Board should discuss the applicant's requested waiver of four (4) spaces or 8.33% to the required 48 spaces. This project promotes safe pedestrian movement due to the orientation of the buildings which in turn supports the use of the Hinesburg Road sidewalk. This project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to structure as this is an infill project and will be os a similar scale, hiding a portion of the existing parking. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: B. (2) Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. This requirement is met. (b) ..... (c) .... Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. No bicycle racks are shown on the plans. The applicant should detail the location of a bike rack(s) with its submission for preliminary plat review. B.(3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has not provided building elevations so staff cannot make a formal comment at this time. B. (4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635H inesbu rg Road CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc C. (1) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant should submit architectural details, building elevations and a landscaping plan with the preliminary plat plans. C. (2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant should submit architectural details, building elevations and a landscaping plan with the preliminary plat plans. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: A. Access to Abutting Properties. The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff feels the reservation of additional land is not warranted to provide an additional access to an adjoining property. B. Utility Services. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. C. Disposal of Wastes. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). Although the existing dumpster enclosure along the back edge of the property is proposed to be reconstructed, no new dumpster or trash and recycling tote storage area is included to serve the proposed 24 rental units despite the substantial distance of these new units from the existing dumpster location. The applicant should detail a location of new trash and recycling facilities to serve the proposed 24 rental units with its preliminary plat submission. D. Landscaping and Screening Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PLID review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant should submit a landscape plan and budget in compliance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR as part of the preliminary plat plan application. The applicant should submit estimated construction costs with the preliminary plat application, so that the exact minimum landscaping requirement can be determined. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) (4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. No snow storage areas are delineated. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant should submit a point -by -point lighting plan and cut sheets for the proposed light fixtures with its preliminary plat application. Other The sketch plan should be revised to correctly label (a) the Congregate Care facility as Congregate Care facility rather than as "existing apartment building" and (b) correctly label the three garages at the western corner of the property as Garages rather than "carport" or "existing carport." The preliminary plat plans should show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets. The applicant is proposing to formalize and add additional community garden space. Phasing The applicant should provide information as to the proposed dates of construction and/or phasing for the project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board address the comments noted above especially those in red, italicized and numbered. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Andrew Gill, O'Brien Brothers Agency 0P10E PIT A N 0 M A N A 6 L M E NT VIA HAND -DELIVERY January 12, 2015 South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer Clty of So. Burlington South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Sketch Plan Application Parcel ID #0860-00635 Planned Unit Development Dear Development Review Board, Please accept this letter and packet as a replacement for the complete application filed on December 19, 2014. Since that time the site plan was changed substantially. Rather than trying to explain those changes individually, we have updated the entire packet for your review. All the necessary information follows, in the same format as the original application. Attached as Exhibit A, please find a complete City of South Burlington, Application for Sketch Plan Review, for a Planned Unit Development on an existing 7.26 acre parcel of land located at 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, City Parcel ID # 0860-00635 (the "Parcel"). This application seeks the approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board (the "Board"), on the planned redevelopment of the Parcel, to expand the number of market -rate multi -family dwelling units from twenty-four to forty-eight, in addition to associated site improvements indicated on the enclosed Site Plans attached at Exhibit B (the "Project"). The details of the Project and its compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations, adopted on May 12, 2003 and amended most recently on September 24, 2013 (the "Regulations"), are outlined below for your review. Specifically, the below is broken into a discussion of the following items: 1. Executive Summary; 11. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking; and IV. Discussion of PUD Review Criteria: Section 15.18. I. Executive Summary: As outlined below, CPA Partnership "CPA" proposes to redevelop its existing Parcel to include an additional 24 dwelling units (three buildings, with eight apartments per building), which will be one bedroom, market -rate apartments. CPA believes that this Project will enhance the Parcel for all residents, allowing the expansion of housing opportunities, the redevelopment of key site infrastructure (lights, landscape, walkways), the relocation and expansion of existing shared gardens, and the addition South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 of dwelling units within the City of South Burlington's Core Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. While it would be easy to propose construction of one large building, CPA has elected to break the development into smaller buildings which will better fit the character of the area, and to make efforts to preserve mature trees along Hinesburg Road (Scotch Pines and other mature landscape features wherever possible). As outlined below, the redevelopment is proposed between the existing buildings and Hinesburg Road, and will provide screening for existing parking, currently located in front of the buildings. The Project proposes to locate required parking largely behind the proposed buildings, shielded from view from the public way, with additional landscape screening of parking areas as required. The Project is in conformance with applicable zoning requirements including coverage, density, height, and most setbacks. However, in order to facilitate the development, and within the context of a PUD, CPA has requested some waivers from the Board. The specific requests are as follows: Front Yard Setback: As outlined below, the required front yard setback on Hinesburg Road is fifty (50) feet. Given that much of the existing development on this section of Hinesburg Road is currently within this setback, and that the City's recent efforts have been to promote "street friendly" development, a waiver of this setback is being requested. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setback is 30 feet. We request that the DRB provide guidance as to whether they agree that the proposed setback is in keeping with City's goals and the character of this area. Parking: As outlined below, the Regulations require 2 parking spaces per multi -family dwelling unit. The Project proposes the construction of 44 parking spaces associated with the new apartments. As you will note, this is 4 spaces short of the Regulation requirement, and represents a waiver of approximately 9%. However, we feel (as supported by 40 plus years of rental history) that the spaces are not needed for the Project, as a percentage of the one bedroom apartments will be households with one car only. Also, the Project is served by the CCTA bus line, which turns around in the parking lot. We look forward to your feedback, and hope that we can move forward to preliminary and final plat in the near term. 11. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); The project is located in the Residential Seven ("U") district. The below analysis looks at the dimensional standards of the R7 district and outlines the specific proposals and waivers being requested as part of this application. 1. Allowed Density: Currently the parcel consists of two uses. A residential 24 unit multi- family use at Chatham Green Apartments "Chatham Green" and a public use Congregate Housing facility at Country Park Apartments ("Country Park"). 2 South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 As defined by the Regulations, Congregate Housing is a not a residential use, and therefore is not counted for density on a dwelling unit basis, but on a square foot basis (where coverage is the governing factor). With this in mind, the below chart outlines the current and available residential density of the property: Parcel Acreage 7.26 Units Per Acre Permitted (Multi - Family) 7 Available Multi - Family Density 50.82 Current Multi -Family Density 24 Other Residential Uses 0 Available Multi - Family Density (Allowed - Current) 26 As outlined in the above chart, the Parcel has an available residential density of 26 multi- family dwelling units. 2. Lot Coverage: The lot coverage requirements in the R7 district are different for residential and commercial uses. Given this, determining the total allowed coverage for the Project requires that the two different uses (Congregate Care and Residential) be viewed independently to ensure compliance with the different standards. To illustrate the areas associated with different uses, we have included on the site plan at Exhibit B a red line that separates the Congregate Housing and residential uses creating (for review purposes only) a separate lot for the commercial use. For the sake of simplicity, this site plan analysis has only been completed for the proposed plan and not the existing conditions. The below charts indicate the coverage associated with each use (as separated by the red line on the site plan), and the additional coverage available/proposed for each use. 'South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 COO erdal vs Residential.Land.Analysis; Proposed As Outlined On Site Plan Exhibit B Building Coverage Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 0.54 ac. All Impervious Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 1.18 ac. Building Coverage Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 0.77 ac. All Impervious Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 1.86 ac. Commercial and Residential Coverage Percentages Allowed Per Regulations All Impervious Allowed Per Buildings Only % % % Regulations % Lot Coverage Calculation Commercial (inside red line) 27% 40% 59.0% 60% Lot Coverage Calculation Residential (outside red line) 14.6% 20% 35.4% 40% As outlined above, when analyzed by use, the commercial coverage and the residential coverage are below the district maximums, in compliance with the Regulations. 3. Building Height: While elevations for the proposed buildings are not yet developed, we understand that per the regulations, no height waiver may be granted in the R7 district. Given this, construction of the proposed two-story structures will be completed within the Regulations height limits. Elevations will be submitted to the board for review. Our goal is to submit these in advance of the sketch plan hearing if possible. 4. Required Setbacks: The Parcel is fortunate to have existing dense wooded buffers on three sides (both side yards and the rear yard), which can be seen on the aerial site plan included at Exhibit B. The rear and side yard setbacks prescribed by the regulations will be followed, and the treed buffers will remain to the extent possible, as shown on the site plan. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setbacks are: 'South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 t.,.7... .S Proposed Required Waiver Requested Front Yard 30 50 20 Side Yard <10 10 0 Rear Yard <30 30 0 As outlined above, a waiver of approximately 20 feet is being requested for the front yard setback. This waiver is critical to the Project design that is presented, and we believe that it is in keeping with the goals of the City and the character of this area (including recent development across the street which was granted an identical setback waiver). The Project has been designed so that the new buildings will block the view of existing parking from Hinesburg Road. Because there is an existing structure on the site, the potential location for the new buildings is obviously limited. Other options to build consolidated single buildings within the setback requirements do exist, but these are significantly less attractive. As you can see on the site plan, some connection to the existing sidewalk will be developed, and the buildings will orient toward the street. Each of the three buildings will have a door facing the street, where we envision some sort of porch or deck that will be inviting and useful to tenants. The sidewalk connectivity is difficult, largely because construction of a sidewalk through the existing pine trees would kill many of them, so having three independent connections is not necessarily advisable. Given this, two connections are currently shown, which avoid the trees. Other connections within the site will be sketched out as needed, in conjunction with our landscape plan. We are certainly open to working with the board and the City to facilitate adequate connections to the existing sidewalk so that the development feels right, and is in keeping with the street friendly presence that the City desires. III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking: While final analysis of Section 13 and Section 14 of the Regulations will be discussed at future hearings and in subsequent applications. Some details of Project compliance are provided here for your initial review and discussion purposes. The specific criteria are as follows: 1. Section 13.01: Further to the Requirements of Section 13.01 of the Regulations, the proposed parking for the Project is outlined on the Site Plan, and consists of the addition of 44 parking spaces, and the relocation of 20 existing parking spaces, with a resulting net increase of 44 parking spaces on the Parcel. 5 South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 The existing use for the Parcel has parking requirements that are established in issued permits, and there are no current parking issues on site (there is also not an excess of parking, what we have is used, without issue). Given this, the Project is not proposing any change in the amount of parking associated with the current use. As shown on the site plan, some of the existing spaces will need to be relocated. These relocated spaces are colored gray on the site plan, and are located within the red line designating the Congregate Care use area. The relocated parking spaces are actually moving closer to the Country Park building entrance, and we feel this is a benefit to the senior population that uses them. As outlined in the below chart, the amount of parking proposed for the Project does fall short of what the Regulations require. However, given that the project proposes only one bedroom apartments, and that the Parcel is currently serviced by the CCTA bus (which turns around in the parking lot), we are confident that the proposed parking is adequate. Essentially, the plan provides 2 parking spaces for 85% of the apartments, and one space for 15% of the apartments. We are confident that this proposed parking is adequate given existing use at other rental properties, which falls well within the above percentages. The proposed parking and the waiver requested are outlined below: Parking Requirements and Waiver Request Existing Parking Removed 20 Existing Parking Reconstructed at New Locations 20 Net Change In Parking for Existing Uses 0 Parking Required for Proposed Dwellings (2.00 x # of Dwellings)' 48 Parking Proposed for New Dwellings 44 Handicap Parking Proposed (1 per 25 units required by Table 13-7 of the Regulations) 1 Percent Waiver Requested 8.33% Under 25% and Waivable by DRB Yes We would like the DRB to provide feedback on whether this waiver is acceptable, so that we can move forward accordingly with site design. Per Note I of Table 13-1 to 13-6 in the Regulations: "if all parking spaces are common, i.e. non -reserved, and if there are more than 10 DUs, the requirement decreases to 2 spaces per DU." 6 South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 2. Section 14.06(A): We believe that this application is very much in line with the goals and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan. The application seeks the development of high density residential housing in the City's "core area," as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The project makes use of existing infrastructure and existing lots providing infill development that realizes the frill density potential of the Parcel, as prescribed by the Regulations. If requested by the Board we would be happy to submit a separate letter analyzing more completely the Project's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, and we will await the Board's direction as to whether that is needed. 3. Section 14.06(B): a. Section 14.06(B)1: As part of future applications, and potentially prior to the Sketch Plan hearing, CPA will provide elevations and renderings to make clear that the Project is designed to create desirable transitions from structure to structure and to provide adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. The project is part of a neighborhood and the design will be completed accordingly. As was the case with the infill project at 636 Hinesburg Road, we hope to make use of existing mature landscape features to help give the Project an "always there," curb appeal. b. Section 14.06(B)2(c): As outlined on the Site Plan, we have located parking behind buildings or to the side of buildings in accordance with the Regulations. Per Section 14.06 the Regulations do limit the amount of parking that can be located to the side of buildings. The applicable portion of the regulations states: "t f'liere more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total ividth of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half the width of all buildings) located at the building line. " As currently presented the width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings (as viewed from the public way) is 108 lineal feet. The width at the building line is 229 feet, exactly 47%, in compliance with the Regulations, that allow up to 50%. IV. Compliance with Section 15.18 General Standards fon• PUD 1. Section 15.18(A)(1): We believe that adequate water and sewer capacity exist and we will pursue allocations pending a favorable review from the Board. 2. Section 15.18(A)(2): Complete grading and erosion control plans will be submitted as part of future applications. Compliance with this criterion will be demonstrated at that time. 3. Section 1518(A)(3): Our understanding is that the number of units created by the Project falls short of the number recommended to require a traffic impact assessment, and no impact assessment is currently planned. South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 We intend to work with City Staff and VTrans to make sure that all necessary precautions are taken for safe vehicular and pedestrian access, and these recommendations will be incorporated into the plan as needed. The project as currently presented includes no modifications to the existing access from State Highway 116, which includes a right turn lane. We are confident that this highly travelled road can handle the additional daily trips generated by the Project and that future discussion with the City and State will demonstrate that this access is safe and adequate. 4. Section 15.18(A)(4): The Project proposed is an infill development on an existing lot. The land that will be impacted is currently lawn and it is not a significant watershed or wildlife resource. There is no wetland or stream located within or near the project area that will be impacted by the Project, and so no protection buffers are proposed. 5. Section 15.18(A)(5): As outlined at Section V(2) above, we believe that the Project is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. As part of this application, we intend to submit renderings and elevation sketches that will help to solidify the look and feel of the development, such that the visual compatibility of all the components can be clear to the Board. 6. Section 15.18(A)(6): As illustrated on the site plan, the Parcel contains significant open space for the enjoyment of residents. These spaces include treed parking lot islands with benches, tree -lined walkways and paths, a large backyard, connections to existing public walkways, and large community gardens for the benefit of all the residents of the Parcel (gardens will be shared by all residents in the three different building complexes). New patios and exterior sitting areas are also planned as part of the Project, as is an upgrade to the sites exterior lighting, increasing efficiency and also reducing light pollution from the site with new and better downcast fixtures. 7. Section 15.18(A)(7): We have done our best to propose a development that will be approved by the City Fire Chief, and we look forward to his review. Recommendations of the Fire Chief will be incorporated into future applications as necessary to insure adequate fire protection. 8. Section 15.18(A)(8): The Project is an infill development surrounded by land that is already densly developed. Given this, we have not designed any new systems in a manner that can be extended to adjacent properties because there is no logical need for such extensions. 9. Section 15.18(A)(9): We have attempted to design the Project roads, utilities and sidewalks in accordance with city standards, and we took forward to the additional review of the City engineer, which will be part of fixture applications. 8 South Burlington [development Review Board January 12, 2015 10. Section 15.18(A)(10): As noted at Section II1(2) above, we believe the Project is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. We will submit a separate letter detailing such compliance if required. We appreciate your consideration of this application, and we look forward to discussing it with you at your next available meeting. Fnclosures Sincerely',, (� Andrew Gill Project Coordinator 9 No Text --- ------------- t ---- BEDRO® i' Q ® BEDROOM _ oaD CORN. nECX I ul I WD STOR. AID Nrav�wa+�l IZ� u� I 103E -- CLOSET ® -- CLOSET I K _-- g _o PANTRY, 103 p'- ___ O ______ 103C O O 01. 'm Q PANTRY —.—. _. _------------.---- /WIRY R i O —.—.—. — — — -0 -- -- —. Aawraetewm ctoBET aosE'r NIO' STOR __ _�'- - J.C._MID' STOR I 0 Z 'o wecw ® - O weenm R Q It Z a m� ¢ N $ wlrc Row O __ ___ _ STAIR ___ __ O onus Row W Z = 2A BEDROOM BEDROOM = Q g1am aASET CtoSET 1oaD � (n ® L 8 5 scab: prolaR no. 114/41'035 a clrocked by: TS GA Onxn by: JM tlab: Issue Dab ri Dab 1 R. PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN anaacmo: "� PROPOSED FIRST m B+ FLOOR PLAN d Q r I A2.1 0 -_------------- ®o CLOSET -A I�Br _______ �. DMTT ® o BATH BATH ® p STORAGE O STORAGE 2058 at�aa3uoaarcl — -..: CLOSET two o o PaHmr � ® ® AHRev o o � w LL zo 0 Q _____ PANiR ...........Q 0 z 6 __ 2o2C� o urs O za� _OMIL a CD]SET CLOSET STORAGE I BATH ® ® Z Z ® STAIR ® uMre U, C~7 ® M, Z D J ® Q W s (A m BEDROCIM Z c+nseT - - a,osEr emRoae _ = O zap zoeE zao F y. aa�^ swk: =t•A� P+alK+re. 1 141036 tlrexn by: JM tlak: Issue Date Dek Rem y� F �1 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN sneot tma: '� PROPOSED B' SECOND FLOOR PLAN s snag �o. A2.2 @ a z a s +s D o m A g g 8 HAYES APARTMENTS <o p SCO ET + PARTNERS N o 4 :. HINESBURG RD H 4 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT �. E� �..�. < o g HAYES APARTMENTS ' 1 ® SCCOTT PARTNERS N N o r ` HINESBURG RD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT HAYES APARTMENTS BUILDING SECTION 03/12/15 9A SCOTT + PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE 3ht Limit 28' from average grade 27' - 0" _ _Gable Mid Point 26' - 6" F__n 21'- 0" V FLOOR 10'-w' FLOOR__ n 0' - 0" \) _ Average Grade -1' - 0" 20 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 802,879.5163 802.872.2764 SCOTTPARTNERS.COM HINESBURG ROAD --.0 PHASE 61-- + -- - - + -- + - --- o. uc d5. F I C� • I c � � I I - ` � `� I r .3 GRAISED ARDEN .a L �- _. HAYES I. _ BUILD HAYES HAYES -- - B UNITS I BUILDING #2 no ~� 8 UNITS BUILDING #3 + - J. ff 8 UNITS -- - ---- Z- - - -_ / L — i 8 E 4 i Q + r i COUNTRY PARK SENIOR HOUSING 4 + + GARDENQ\' BEDS PHASE I FOXCROFf i ------ n J 30 M SCALE OF FEET HAYES APARTMENTS PHASING PLAN I HINESBURG ROAD G a srouwwrer - oElaelon ow RAISED GARDEN BE DS �F r HAYES., BUILDING#1 vcw BUILDING #2 HAYES �++ x �., . HAYES - _ 8 UNITS ranImI iva 8 UNITS Ixn BUILDING #3 8 UNITS n.w, o.v,c. �+ iav _ _Fr doI J I I I I ' ' COUNTRY PARK SENIOR HOUSING I sw + r GARDEN BEDS nocra PLANT SCHEDULE DECIDUOUS TREES r:n' Qn. sacursx uawE <onwou uwE slz2 J gg '� 20 0 20 SC EOEE 7 HAYES APARTMENTS LANDSCAPE PLAN REVISIONS pceo. 16e I--2W.W 03.18.15 L 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington Vermont Existing Tree and Landscape Protection Plan Submitted to South Burlington Development Review Board In accordance with Section 13.06(F)(1)(C) of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, below please find a written plan for the protection of existing landscape features, located at 635 Hinesburg Road, and indicated on the Landscape Plan. After consulting with an arborist, we have developed the following procedure to ensure the successful preservation of mature landscape features: 1. Contractual Obligations with Trades: Contract documents and site plans will make reference to preserved landscape features, and will hold contractors accountable for damage to these areas. 2. Protective Barrier Fence at Drip Edge or Edge of Disturbance: Orange barrier fence will be installed at the edges of disturbance within the project, and surrounding each preserved tree at the drip edge to prevent: foot traffic; storage of materials; and excavation, in areas where tree roots are located. This fencing will be located as indicated on the plan. This fencing will be maintained during construction until completion. Utilities will not be run inside the barrier fence either. 3. Selective Pruning and Maintenance of Preserved Trees: As the project progresses, tress will be evaluated and pruned as needed to help them adjust to their new surroundings. 4. Routine Inspection of Protective Elements: O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc., will routinely inspect the protective elements and repair/replace them as needed during construction. Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Unit Total Subtotal PLANTING Flowering Tree; 2.2.5" Cal, 1 EA $650.00 $4,S50.00 Shade Tree; 3.3.5" Cal. 15 EA $650.00 $9,750.00 Shade Tree; 2.5"-3" Cal, 12 EA $500,00 $6,000.00 5 Gal. Shrubs 62 EA $70.00 $4,340.00 3 Gal. Shrubs 224 EA $65.00 $14560.00 Planting Subtotal $39,200.00 PAVEMENT & STEPS Permeable Pavers 540 SF $20.00 $10,800.00 Paving Subtotal $10,800.00 MISC, Bike Rack Hoop 3 EA $500.00 $1,500.00 Misc Subtotal $1,500.00 Subtotal $51,500.00 5% Contingency $2,575.00 SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-4361 Fax: (802) 864-0435 www.sourl.com March 01, 2015 Mr. Andrew Gill 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Hayes Apartments, 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403, SD-14-40 Dear Mr. Currier, In response to your email request as to the capability of the South Burlington water distribution system (WSID 5091) to supply water to the above referenced project we submit the following Preliminary Allocation Determination: 1. Sufficient water storage and capacity is located at the South Burlington East Tank located off Dorset Street in South Burlington. 2. Based upon your final allocation request, water service connection and allocation fees shall be applied to this project according to the City Water Ordinance Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified at any time by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council. 3. Your water supply requirement for this proposed project of 3,240 gpd can be furnished by this Department without restricting or encumbering present South Burlington water customers. 4. You are also required to contact the Champlain Water District (CWD) in order that they verify supply, treatment, and transmission capability as the wholesale water supplier for the South Burlington Water Department. 5. Any significant increase in current demand or any change in use will require water allocation re -approval from the South Burlington Water Department. 6. Water is supplied to the referenced area through 12" distribution mains. 7. Preliminary Allocation Determination shall not constitute a binding commitment of capacity to the applicant and may be revoked by the Superintendent before a final allocation of capacity is granted if uncommitted reserve capacity ceases to be available. A preliminary determination may be used by the applicant that a proposed development has sufficient water capacity available to proceed through the development process. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, South Burlington Water Department John Tymecki Superintendent Cc. (via email) J. Fay D. Pratt J. Rabidoux P. Connor R. Belair E DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL February 23, 2015 Mr. John Tymecki, Superintendent South Burlington Water Department 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary Water Allocation, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Tymecki, Attached as Exhibit A, please find a complete City of South Burlington, Application for Water Allocation for a proposed Planned Unit Development on an existing 7.26 acre parcel located at 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont (the "Parcel"). This application seeks the preliminary allocation of 3,240 gallons per day to accommodate the construction of twenty-four new one -bedroom apartment units. As outlined by our site engineer, the requested allocation is calculated as follows: One Bedroom Unit 24 150 3,600 Less 10% Water Saving Devices 360 Allocation Needed 3,240 Please know that we are eager to proceed to our Preliminary Plat hearing with the Development Review Board, and this allocation is an important part of that proceeding. We hope that you can return the signed allocation as well as any additional information at your earliest opportunity. We greatly appreciate your attention to this, and we took forward to hearing from you. Please call our office with any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Andrew Gill, Project Coordinator Enclosure APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION * Items marked with an asterisk must be filled in by ALL applicants * Applicant Information Applicant: Contact Person: Mailing Address: Telephone & Fax for Contact: Property Owner Name (if not applicant): Property Owner Mailing Address: CPA Partnership Andrew Gill 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT05403 (802) 658-5000 Applicant Annlirant * Phhyysical•loc n of prole 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington * Signature of Applicaht * Project Information If the project is a single-family home, please check one. New Existing (For existing homes, no Application is required if revised demand is less than 1,000 gpd.) If not single-family home, project name: Hayes Apartments * Application or Permit Numbers: (from Department of Planning & Zoning) #SD -14 -40 Engineer's Information for flows over 1,000 gpd Name of Engineer: Scott HomIted Firm: Krebs and Lansing Engineers Mailing Address: 164 Main Street, Colchester, VT 05446 Phone & Fax: 802 878-0375 PE License #: 7893 * Flow Calculations (You may substitute an engineer's calculation or letter containing the information requested below) For additional bedrooms in single-family homes: Number of existing bedrooms: Number of additional bedrooms requested:See Preliminary Allocation dated: December 20, 2013 Page l APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION For other residential Droiects. list number of bedrooms and units reauested: Number of bedrooms x Number of units x Gallons per day per unit = Total flows 1 24 150 3, 2 300 3 1450 4 600 5 750 6+ (specify) TOTAL 3,600 ror commerciai ana inoustriai projects, list existing ana proposea tenants, uses ana tlows: Tenant / Number of Other Business Type of use I seats, SF, etc. x I Flow per unit I Adiustments I Total flow AL * Total development water flow requested: Please do not write below this line Approved by Water Department i Superintendent of Water Preliminary Allocation approved: Final Allocation approved: 'f AA Date Date gallons per day Date Final Allocation Expires: with permit # - - (Date) For Extensions of Final Allocation Only EXTENSION GRANTED to (Date) G:W ord:SBFomis:W ateraliocationForm Page 2 (Date of Expiration) -To F._1 lot, a r I ri xa I� all I- fyy�� r ` E E.,. GIt �i� Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Description PtSpcLr PtSpcTb MotorTyF CalcPts Illuminance Fc 0.21 29.5 0.0 N.A. N.A. Readings Taken at 5'-0'AFG 10 10 Horizontal Passed Property Line I Illuminance Fc 10.00 0.0 0.0 N.A. NA. Readings Taken at 0'-0" AFG 1 10 10 Horizontal Luminaire Schedule Symbol City Tag Label Arrangement Lum. Lumens Arr. Lum. Lumens LLF Description Lum. Watts Arr. Watts Total Watts Filename 7 A ALED3T50 SINGLE 4946 4846 1.000 (TYPE III) 51.7 51.7 361.9 ALED3T50-Cool-ITL80298.IES 8 B BLFD20 SINGLE 1403 1403 1.000 LED20 21.5 21.5 172 BLED20-Cool-LSI27208.IE5 6 C DLED6R12YN SINGLE 824 824 1.000 1 DLED6R12YN I 12.9 12.9 1 77.39999 1 DLED6R12YN-WarmNeutral-ITL77 Expand Luminaire Location Summary LumNo Tag X Y MTG HT Orient Tik 1 A -24.134 245.904 10 0 0 2 A 65.511 232.83 10 0 0 3 A 132.236 231.623 10 178.53 0 4 A 411.524 161.176 10 137.689 0 5 A 442.856 193.895 10 135.909 0 6 A 475.717 129.027 10 137.019 0 7 A 20.564 73.334 10 180 0 8 B 139.019 261.152 3.5 90.582 0 9 B 203.041 261.805 3.5 90 0 10 B 258.731 261.805 3.5 90 0 11 B 316.461 261.805 3.5 90 0 12 B 357.164 260.857 3.5 52.334 0 13 B 343.16 212.295 3.5 0 0 14 B 339.973 103.923 3.5 0 0 15 B 268.571 35.392 3.5 336.362 0 16 C 417.746 359.13 7.9 90 0 17 C 417A71 297.257 7.9 270 0 18 C 280.314 296.% 7.9 19 C 142.961 302.114 7.920 C 143.299 364.389 7.921 jg� C 280.493 359.349 7.9 Total Quantity: 21 NOTES: •Thelightloss)actor(LLP)caproductof manyvariables,only lamp lumen 11th, WWt((LLD) has been applied to the calculated resuhs unless otherwise noted. The LLD is Me result (quotlend of mean lumens /Initial lumens per lamp manufacturen'speci/irations. ' Illumination values shown on foo[candles) are the predkted results for planes of <alaWtlon either hontontal, v,notal or Inclined as designated in the cakuW[Ion summary. Meter orknLIU- Is normal to the plane of calculatlon. 'The cakulated results of this lighting simulation represent an anticipated prediction of system pedormance. Actual measured results may vary from Me anticipated pnformance and are subject to means and methods which are beyond Me control of NAB Lghting Inc. •Mounting height determination is lob site ip ft our lghnng simulations assumes mounting heght (Imenlon point of Me luminaire symbol) to be taken at the [op of Me symbol for ceiling mounted luminaires and at the bonom of the symbol for aN other luminaire mounting configurations. W Lighting Inc.luminaire and productdesgns a re protected antler U.S. and International mtelle 1property laws. Patents Issued 11 pending apply. i d A: ALEWT50 ! e B: BLED20 � a C: DLED6R12YN o Created: 07/17/2014 ALED3T50 Specification grade area lights available in IES Type III distributions. Color: Bronze Weight: 32.0 Ibs For use for roadway, general parking and other area lighting applications where a larger pool of lighting is required. Mounts to 4" square steel poles at 20-35'. Patent pending thermal management system. 5 Year Warranty. LED Info Driver Info Watts: 50W Type: Constant Current Color Temp: 5000K (Cool) 120V: 0.46A Color Accuracy: 67 208V: 0.27A L70 Lifespan: 100000 240V: 0.23A LM79 Lumens: 4,846 277V: 0.20A Efficacy: 94 LPW Input Watts: 52W Efficiency: 97% Technical Specifications UL Listing: Suitable for wet locations as a downlight. Lifespan: 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 results and TM-21 calculations. IES Classification: The Type III distribution is ideal for roadway, general parking and other area lighting applications where a larger pool of lighting is required. It is intended to be located near the side of the area, allowing the light to project outward and fill the area. LEDs: Multi -chip, high -output, long -life LEDs IP Rating: Ingress Protection rating of IP66 for dust and water. Driver: Constant Current, Class 2, 1400mA, 100-277V, 50-60Hz, 0.8A, Power Factor 99% THD: 7.0% at 120V, 7.4% at 277V Surge Protection: 6kV surge suppression protection tested in accordance with IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2. Ambient Temperature: Suitable for use in 40°C ambient temperatures. Cold Weather Starting: The minimum starting temperature is-40°F/-40°C. RiMB L I G H T I N G Tech Help Line: 888 RAB-1000 Copyright ©2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Thermal Management: Superior patent pending thermal management design with external Air -Flow fins provides maximum operational life, even in high ambient temperature environments. Effective Projected Area: EPA = 0.75 Housing: Die cast aluminum housing, lens frame and mounting arm. Mounting: Heavy-duty mounting arm with "O" ring seal & stainless steel screws. Color Consistency: 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent fixture -to -fixture color. Color Stability: LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. Color Uniformity: RAB's range of CCT (Correlated Color Temperature) follows the guidelines of the American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL) Products, ANSI C78.377-2011. Reflector: Specular vacuum -metallized polycarbonate Gaskets: High temperature silicone gaskets Email: sales@rabweb.com On the web at: www.rabweb.com Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice Page 1 of 2 ALED3T50 - continued Created: 07/17/2014 Finish: Our environmentally friendly polyester powder coatings are formulated for high -durability and long-lasting color, and contains no VOC or toxic heavy metals. Equivalency: ALEDTm 50W replaces 20OW metal halide Green Technology: Mercury and UV free, and ROHS compliant. Polyester powder coat finish formulated without the use of VOC or toxic heavy metals. DLC Listed: This product is on Design Lights Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List and is eligible for rebates from DLC Member Utilities. IESNA LM-79 & IESNA LM-80 Testing: RAB LED fixtures have been tested by an independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and 80, and have received the Department of Energy "Lighting Facts" label. California Title 24: See ALED3T50/PC, ALED3T50/PCS or ALED3T50/PCT for a 2013 California Title 24 compliant model. Dark Sky Approved: The International Dark Sky Association has approved this product as a full cutoff, fully shielded luminaire. Patents: The ALEDTm design is protected by patents pending in the U.S., Canada, China, Taiwan and Mexico. Warranty: RAB warrants that our LED products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of delivery to the end user, including coverage of light output, color stability, driver performance and fixture finish. Country of Origin: Designed by RAB in New Jersey and assembled in the USA by RAB's IBEW Local 3 workers. Buy American Act Compliant: This product is a COTS item manufactured in the United States, and is compliant with the Buy American Act. Recovery Act (ARRA) Compliant: This product complies with the 52.225-21 "Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods -- Buy American Act-- Construction Materials (October 2010). RAMB L I G H T I N G Tech Help Line: 888 RAB-1000 Copyright 02014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Trade Agreements Act Compliant: This product is a COTS item manufactured in the United States, and is compliant with the Trade Agreements Act. GSA Schedule: Suitable in accordance with FAR Subpart 25.4. Email: sales@rabweb.com On the web at: www.rabweb.com Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice Page 2 of 2 42" high rectangular Bollard with (1) 20 Watt LED fixture for a low level lighting applications. Equivalent to a 150 Watt MH. Great for pathway lighting! IESNA Full Cutoff, Fully Shielded optics. 5 year warranty. Color: Bronze Weight: 19.6 Ibs Technical Specifications Listings UL Listing: Suitable for wet locations. Dark Sky Approved: The International Dark Sky Association has approved this product as a full cutoff, fully shielded luminaire. LED Characteristics _ Lifespan: 100,000-hour LED Ilfespan based on IES LM-80 results and TM-21 calculations. Color Consistency: 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent fixture -to -fixture color. Color Stability: LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. Color Uniformity: RAB's range of CCT (Correlated color temperature) follows the guidelines of the American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL) Products, ANSI C78.377- 2008. Construction Junction Box: Junction Box Not Included. Ambient Temperature: Suitable for use in 50"C (122"F) ambient temperatures. Cold Weather Starting: The minimum starting temperature is -30"C. Project: Type: Prepared By: Date: Driver Info LED Info Type: Constant Current Watts: 120V: 0.19A Color Temp: 208V: 0.12A Color Accuracy: 240V: 0.10A L70 Lifespan: 277V: 0.08A LM79 Lumens: Input Watts: 22W Efficacy: Efficiency: 91 % Thermal Management: Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for optimal heat sinking. The BLED is designed for cool operation, most efficient output and maximum LED life by minimizing LED junction temperature. Housing: Precision die cast aluminum housing, lens frame. Mounting: 42" Bollard. Gaskets: High temperature silicone. Finish: Our environmentally friendly polyester powder coatings are formulated for high -durability and long-lasting color, and contains no VOC or toxic heavy metals. Anchor Bolt: The anchor bolts for the BLED's have the following dimensions 1/2 - 13 x 12 1/4" long with 2 3/4" hook. Green Technology: BLEDs are Mercury, Arsenic and UV free. For use on LEED Buildings: IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this fixture can be used to achieve LEED Credits for Light Pollution Reduction. Electrical Driver: Multi -chip 10W high output long life LED Driver Constant Current, Class Il, 120V-24OV, 50/60/ Hz, 350mA. "AB L I G H T I N G 20W 5000K (Cool) 70 CRI 100,000 1,401 64 LPW Optical Fixture Efficacy: 64 Lumens per Watt Lumen Maintenance: The LED will deliver 70% of its initial lumens at 100,000 hours of operation. Custom THD: 7.35% at 120V California Title 24: See BLED20/PC for a 2013 California Title 24 compliant model. Patents: The BLED20 RCL design is protected under patents pending in Canada, U.S., China, Taiwan and Mexico. Other IESNA LM-79 & IESNA LM-80 Testing: RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA LM- 79 and 80, and have received the Department of Energy "Lighting Facts" label. Warranty: RAB warrants that our LED products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of delivery to the end user, including coverage of light output, color stability, driver performance and fixture finish. Country of Origin: Designed by RAB in New Jersey and assembled in the USA by RAB's IBEW Local 3 workers. Need help? Tech help line888 RAB-1000 Email: sales@rabweb.com Website: www.rabweb.com Page 1 of 2 Copyright Q 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice BLED20 Technical Specifications (continued) Other Buy American Act Compliant: This product is a COTS item manufactured in the United States, and is compliant with the Buy American Act. Recovery Act (ARRA) Compliant: This product complies with the 52.225-21 "Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods— Buy American Act-- Construction Materials (October 2010). Dimensions 42" 106.7 cm � .1 2.25" { 5 5.7 cm 12.7 cm 13.25" 28 cm Trade Agreements Act Compliant: This product is a COTS item manufactured in the United States, and is compliant with the Trade Agreements Act. GSA Schedule: Suitable in accordance with FAR Subpart 25.4. Features High output LED 100,000 hour life V2" Superior heat sinking with die cast aluminum housing .1 cm Meets ADA Requirements AB L I G H T I N G Need help? Tech help line: 888 RAB-1000 Email. sales@rabweb.com Website www.rabweb.com Page 2 of 2 Copyright D 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice DLED6R12YN Created: 09/16/2014 LED retrofit downlights are perfect for updating existing recessed lighting without changing the fixture. Equivalent to 90W Par. LED Info Driver Info Watts: 12W Type: Constant Current Color Temp: 3500K 120V: 0.11A Color Accuracy: 85 208V: N/A L70 Lifespan: 100000 240V: N/A LM79 Lumens: 824 277V: N/A Efficacy: 64 LPW Input Watts: 13W Efficiency: 93% Technical Specifications UL Listed: Suitable for damp locations. ENERGY STAR&#174;: This product is ENERGY STAR® qualified. Compatibility: Low -profile design for maximum compatibility with 6" incandescent recessed downlight housings. Lifespan: 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 results and TM-21 calculations. LEDs: High -output, long -life LEDs with 3 step binnning and integrated driver technology. Driver: Innovative integrated driver technology with 120V TRIAC and ELV dimming. Lens: Polycarbonate diffusion lens for smooth light output. Surge Protection: 2.5KV Ambient Temperature: Suitable for use in 40°C ambient temperatures. Cold Weather Starting: The minimum starting temperature is-22°F/-30°C. Color Consistency: 3-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent fixture -to -fixture color. Housing: Professional -grade, die-cast aluminum construction. RjMB L I G H T I N G Tech Help Line: 888 RAB-1000 Copyright 02014 RAB Lighting Inc_ All Rights Reserved Color: White Weight: 0.0 Ibs Adapters: Edison E26 medium base adapter included. GU24 socket adapter sold separately. Installation: Pre -installed Torsion springs and optional friction clips are both included to aid in attaching and securing the 6" DLED to the incandescent housing. Correlated Color Temp. (Nominal CCT): 3500K Warm/Neutral. Fixture Efficacy: 64 Lumens per Watt Color Accuracy (CRI): 85 CRI Equivalency: 12W replaces 90W Par. Finish: Our environmentally friendly polyester powder coatings are formulated for high -durability and long-lasting color, and contains no VOC or toxic heavy metals. Email: sales@rabweb.com On the web at: www.rabweb.com Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice Page 1 of 1 o¢ R,, H� A_Eh'/AL MA/2 1 ` — zoo' --- OWNER & APPLICANT. - CPA PARTNERSHIP 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05403 HAYES APARTMENTS HINESBURG ROAD (VT ROUTE 116) SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT MARCH 18, 2015 IIST OF IRA WIAGS Sheet C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN Sheet C-2 SITE & UTILITY PLAN Sheet C-3 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Sheet C-4 UTILITY PROFILES Sheet X-1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN Sheet D-1 PERVIOUS PA VEMENT DETAILS Sheet D-2 CIVIL DETAILS Sheet D-3 WATER DETAILS Sheet D-4 SANITARY DETAILS Sheet D-5 STORMWATER DETAILS Sheet D-6 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Sheet D- 7 EROSION PREVENTION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS Sheet Ll. 0 PHASING PLAN Sheet L1.2 LANSCAPE PLAN LIGHTING LAYOUT (point x point) LIGHTING LAYOUT ('darkness plan) Sheet PL-1 BOUNDARY SURVEY ARCHITECT.- SCOTT & PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE 20 Main Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 .CIVIL ENGINEER KREBS & LANSING CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 164 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 L OCA RON MAP_ 1" = 7200' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WAGNER HODGSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 7 Marble Avenue Burling ton, VT 05401 p- V OEM City Of ,a, Burlington o i i t egend v, Power pole -1 12 Survey Control Point i Existing hydront APp- Property Line Existing easement line Setback hnelbuildmg envelope -w- - - B-w- Existing Water Linelgote va/w Existing tree line -5- - -5-®- Existing Sewer Line/manhole -sr- - Existing Storm Linelcotch basin - 53' Eisting Contour R O U T E-1 1 6 v j � I HI '2 ZoninN E S B U R G� R O A b� \ Doing e.,=n... a - a ono ,ono o n env oo o sin ono- -_ \ dump�0er BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM / Existing Zoning District Boundary 0 o Existing Stockade Fence - 9 Existing Overhead Power - vet — Existing Underground re/ephone -s- - - - - - New Sewer Line —w- - - — New Water Line =5T 5-0-- New Storm Line%arch basin _ . - 536 ` , - _ - Fish Contour New building C� New bo--t Preconstruction —ban "Lot tine between commercial -it resid-ti.l portion of project No tes: 1 This plan is not a boundary survey Pere, to Boundory Survey Prepared by Krebs dr Lansing Consulting Engineers for complete boundary information. 2 The underground utdities shown on this plan are based on design plans for Chatham Creen and Country Pork provided by CM/ Engineering Associates and field survey conducted by Krebs G Lansing in December 2014 Underground utik'ties ore opproximote and not wo anted to be exoct or complete. Dig Safe sho11 be contacted prior to any excowti- 3 Be,otions are based on the NA IUD 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical datum. 4. Project floriontal Coordinates derived from GPS obserwtion using reference home NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 epoch. roxx 7 (_ Lot Coveroce: Lot A--719 acres Areo of Existing Budding - 1.04 acres Area of Existing impervious Surface = 2.J6 acres Existing Building Coverage - 1. 04/719 14.5X Existing Owial/ Lot Cowroge, - 236/719 - 328X PROPOSER: Commercial Portion Lot' Areo = 203 a- A"" of Building = 0.54 acres Area of Impervious Surface - 1.21 ocres Building Coverage 0541 ?6.6X 0-0// Lot Coverage - L21/203 - 596X Residential Portion Lot " Area - 5.16 acres: Area of Budding = 0.87 acres Area of Impervious Surface = 2.01 odes Building Coverage = 08715. f6 - 16. gX Over.// Lot Coverage = 201/516 = 389X Location Mao N. rs R For Permit Re vie w City c" moo. Burlington BOF SCO/E I,, = 30, Design SrAa overall Site Plon Drawn sw+ s�tE�f rE1Pq+G, Checked ,�o-.:w.No.o- Hayes Apartments y-0 4;c�$ scale I - Jo' CPA Partnership Date .worth le, 1015 Project 14287 Hinesbur Rood South Burin ton ✓ermon �..EO ARLBS & L4YSING Consulting Engineers, Inc. 164 Alain Street, Colchester, Vermont 0544E C— % I 1 "I I., 1; "1', \ J H R G R 0 A D M- 8", 8"* =,2'."2 4 Remove - if S U CB Ni" 2-, 12", ff" '27P/,, S-el necessary 19 sidewalk connectiofo�'� M-1 61-k J6 Co.,#M,,,,,, ta M onp hp s-r, 8"Ingh, ftf, �p led-01 E.i,tillf sidewalk 7� J20 5,� .. .... War, 7 r '7 12" _7_7{ W� 0 52 -122- L E ;01-,,� - _320- HDPE N­ 4' - - - - - - 322 New Outlet I D.I. Cl -329 -ructure 7 J�L -�2 See Detail. - - - ��� - - - - - - - - -w- - - - - - - - - - - -------- --- - , 4.,,z V2\1 StOz ant gr all _3 7 in _7L _71 7l —I New 8* .1- -�24,5 �e4 - - - - - - 4 Cai�o and boot Jo mate 71 tee and valve. new penetration. New 1 11, ' F I , 52 Inv. bike III III I Gold" New 1 315.5it ! Proposed beds roc ON�p bike k 1 \ 1 1 ; :-, " I'll // Area with rh"d F.rac* R- T 79 Proposed New obs'hoe' I 5N 5 r0RA "4 BUILD!L. IT hydrant 'd New SfAh#1 N­ "M, Rim 321.9 flin, --bly 'SNOW 5 GE S Inv. in 315.84 Inv. 4 out 315.74 s j Inv. in, 24 0 1,--, - -------- 0 Y Rck j,,,, - - - ST- -------- tT- P, SA S - N 8' P­\�2R 1� SMh#4 0 4 41 Rim 327.5 v. in 321.5 for D° R 11 - - ----- s to_ T si lInv. out 3214 I. I 3SPACE I ew jcc�c�et�id�walkT �SPACES,,' /41.PACESSr / "r SMh#2 22.65 316.5 "Oil FE, ciff ca, 16 4 -326- ------------------- - 'Rai % 31 New Garde %11 bike ---- roc 12" ST- __HDtQ FT HimJig 03 11�n be removed New stairs J14, New SMh#3 t, b Fl. ce I : New C8 j Inv.t iij I Ex LB Rirn 323.B R­ 322,82 Mr Him J2 in 31 7.35 A,- 32,. New Rim 32&5 11 Inv. out 317.25 - J1855.4 Rim 323.0 11 121 :rv. 2225 ASO stairs New 'Dry Well" CB I , 3 oc 2 W a Ne CB New precast r I curbs EXISTING CONGREGATE HOUSING BUILDING Rkri 3252.5 In, 5 --------- typ ul 12 a- a- ..ry uj New 4' poved sidewalk f Wdl,n1a, Rood 12' Drive E. T _21 ir --------------------- -------- -- Stabilimd gross or paver surface' South Burdlington pK� cl to Improve emergency ven Cass. 4 turning oc Proposed Gorden, A- d bed, with -is N:d, 10' 10! it . . .. ... t OCC&2D M12D 1, Proposed 4" Go --- ------- -- -- - - �j E)i CB A• .j City ®t So. Buril L 0, 20' 40' 80' 12G' Power P0Ai D Existing Stockade F-- I ,12 Notes: I Survey Control Point 0-head Po- 1. rhis plan is not a boundary sur�,v. Refer to Boundary S.,,eV Scale I" - 20, E,4;0,9 hydrant .91 Under round rWepho,e prepared by Krebs & Lansing Conslfrq Engineers for AAoox Property Line S - - - - - - Alew, Sewer Line complete boundary information. —w- New Wore, line 2. fie underground utilities shown on this plan are based on Existing easement line d­gn pion, for Chothorn, Green and Ca -try Polk proWded Setback lirelb.ild�lq en enerkee core =ST�5­0= New St— L,�7elcotch basin by C-1 Engineering Associates and f/irld ­/ Conducted by Op yE nor ­w_, r-Cvo- Krebs & Lansing in December 2014 Underground utilities approximate and at worronted to be -act - complete Dig Design ___5'1s_- --- 0,• Site & Utility Plcn W- - - M-W- Wotef Line/gate M/W Finish Contour Safe s,,oll be contacted prior to onv -ovation. ."Ine. 315 5 71 411�� New building J. Vewtion' ori, based on the AVA W 88 (Givoid 12A) vertical Ch,clked Existing t,- line datum.Hc New 0--t scale 20' _yes Apartments Existing Sew- L,�,,rl onhle 4 ProAc I Horizontal Coordinates derived Irom GP5 obseri,ation, CPA Poil11761-Shlp using reference frome NAD8J (2011) 201000 epoch. Date M-h 18, 2015 Existing Storm Linelcotch basin P-onst-tion -1-tion Project 14287 HilesogC1 R: South 8­1,rot�p Vermont Existing Contour For Perm I't Re view AR-rRS & L4jVS1iW Co. liVng engineers, In 16 F_ V Arain Street Colchester, lrermont 0544B C-2 H N E S B U R G R O A D Contractor shall sweep existing Stone in/et driveway, parking, and new protection New barrier New stone check pavement 05 necessary to fence ® (tffl� prevent tracking of sediment off site ,Tye '" "'��� xv Evi9 in sdewalk IX Preserve Remove trees if necessar for Preserve exit— idewalk connection. _ ... exishng New bonier trees fence . ..Yr BF W % y6y 3zo— \ \ — — — — -322— — — 8 t / %Z —31e \ \ I oo. � t din watgrvItt tl II�Ir---azz _ ^^^^ ,•/ .e Ill I: / _ 9 d� t ' kyet n I I "' ---------- rn -- ---I ' ^'}z.B StormwaterTreatinent g s channel 4 New 1� Stone inlet. A �•�oty `'6� 1 I I r..3� bike I l protection.rock I 'I utII i ^ \ I I SNOW New sfab#iied ..... t�a construchon entrance and temporor/ 4 PAC S construction ® I \ I -� SPA ES 4 x32325 / ' -ad -a ^ _ _ _ ' Co X Y — / \ _ �r Relotatetl 3• Dove 9 lWwotk-. / � .. '- /-----___�____ x' \ b.// ' lo•..vi y 3 SPACES I ( - •• /,r�ca.»iic . 2 Stone inlet rs c4 r I. protection r12"cneny....^ _ R 6 p/s Stabilized gross or pover surfoc to improve emergency veh cl¢' turning occess. L egend rp, Power po/e -i r2 Survey Control Point 1% Existing h)vont Approx Property Line Existing easement /ine Setback fine/buAdhg en vefope 3}1 �,�— Existing Contour „jSB ^ , _ — Finish Cant— New budding New pavement ® Preconstruction excavation 6' c+aiws / Preserve existing trees — RF BF 5 / � ��� . Existing sidewalk j y Q_� W BF BF ' \ / New stone check .�" �--.�— 6E zit�eoR s,,-�' dam (t)pJ 330— __ J -326< r _� _ ^_ —32e— — _ \ — _ I .324.5 I44.I / — —3 I New atone check I I 'dam (fyp.) I I 1 I I I Area with raised i F 4' w bike j i III - I I I beds New I f.-. I _il I Proposed I I G°Shed I SNOW STORAGE SP CES // 'i5'NOW ST0 ACE m I_ TTTi Ca _ I � i y 1 i 1 .,!. 1 Ise � \t+•cobav �i f-----^ r I SPACES �} IV •,a,w l`•� �w, w Gardeq/ h Rln 32292 New dais n I _ i _� / / �oj I s E ..n y .Ce - rI / / �• I // / Ex SMF/ Ron 32282 Rim 324.54 Ne m, 3185S stairs St-e in/eIF protection \ / I., New precastQ aa�g (em) i New clearing EXISTING CONGREGATE HOUSING BUILDING / limits Deserve 10' Preserve existing frees \I o// trees 6' diameter or ry I renter outside of the clearing New 4' paved sidewalk / / I / / limits New barrier / fence ---------------------------------, I '`-C, t I i Relocate //lac / ` 1 �6 / 5q"x Preserve i I Proposed Gorden Area 1 t with raised beds w \ 3 \ 1 exishng trees rr, i i i6^ � ^w' ,a" mqw, r 1 Proposed Gorden w —W.. %. - / - r 10' . to' mdosure f r trash/recydi�g totes i Shkd, , 1 t<� ___ ___ - / 10•�mgole I\ Preserve / existing trees „ayar4 ro-mw>k 30 I -i .FOXCRQFT_-..: Notes: Barrier Fence 1 This plan is not a boundary survey. Peter to Boundary Survey Silt Fence prepared by Krebs & Lonsing Consulting Engineers for complete boundary into -notion. Stone check dom 2 The underg ound utild— shown on thrs plan ore based on design plans for Chothom Green and Country Pork provided Stabilized construction entrance by Civil Engineering Associates and field survey conducted by Krebs & Lansing m December 2014 Underground utd't/es ore approximate and not warranted to be exact or complete. Dig Safe shall be contacted prior to any excavation. Stone inlet protection 3 Elevations ore based on the NAID 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical datum. 4. Project Horizontal Coordinates offfi ed from GPS ob—tion using reference frome NAD83 (2011) 201000 epoch. irr rllltr Vfnli4 r��J�4� OWAI ` For Permit Re vie w N "5 Pre-- existing trees C. D' 20' 40' so' - Bor $co/e 1" = 10' Checke./ .. New SMh/1 Rim 321.9 Inv. In 315.84 Inv. out 315.74 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 J+00 3+39 Sonitcry Sewer Profile z. I" - 20• vcf 1' - '0, 335 335 fie c Mocror max excowro n JJO - - - 3JO rosl p:r w fne presence or me Af- Engineer ono )ne L'fy' 8, Burimgron ro rotate exvfinq a" wafer m n SupPY dl /obor, P� J25 - ................... ....._..__ ............-.._.......... - j Ff 3133 325 epugrmmf, molmio% ane En'--- grouse --- sWWmenf fo connect Io exisfmg --- rMe. 6 Ne 4 LC 51 O1 I approxxnore /ocobon or 315 _ -- - ----- ----" 315 eishng B' 0.1 woror mow. 310 ._ __._�-._-._�..._.__�____ _ ... 370 0+00 mee.e�neg 0+50 0+71 gale ro/w 7J 4b•bmes wilh lhrvsr blocxs. Woter Service Profile (to Building Nwiz. /" 20' ✓er1 1" w 10' 340 1 340 me cmrmdi excowre o resr prt m ;, the presence or Me 335 335 Engmen aW Me C- Saint /sor Burlhgraro rotate er1I.?' am Mror "- 0 robes, wolrr mow Svon J30 - --q ""° 330 — eWWmmf, olmd, one drid'ny 1. eWgmmf to consent ro exrsfmg lk'e. E l -- grcune fF J1S ]3 6 Approxrmore /ocofrcn or per New /2" 320 MOPE Wryerr rxisNng 17" 0./ rofx ew 4 51 mom. Dl. wafer 315 New loppdrg 315 0♦00 .aee.e one 0+4J gale rv/re Woter Service Profile (to Building 2 Manz. I 20' ✓erf 1" s 10' J45 -- �-#.- J45 Me cPnnoofor and c rows o 340 - _.. ... _____— —.... ___ _-_.____.-L. J40 fesf PI m Ine presence Pf Me "- E gineer one Me cif, of South Berimgrm fo locate exrsrMg /1".------ _---- ----- -------..... wafer mow Supp/y all labmor, epummmr, oln:d, 4 Msw Bv�'+g '1' equpmml fo [onnml fo ex fmg isline. fF .:180 �� --------- 6' m c 325 rpprox �moro rocorp, of New 4 a sz D.I.D.I.tere, <xr'sfinq 17'01, wort ew fP,nping n1Om' 320 sleek ono 320 gate rolvr 375 -- 315 0400 0+30 0+94 ew B" B' x 1l 4s times i 1 fee wiM Mrusr Ihrwsr a w aoctrs. Woter Service Profile (to Building "J J ventVw t. !" = 10, SMh#4 327.5 in 321.5 out 321.4 .1E°* VET"� For Permit Review Its' 6', So. gymn9t n gp' 12 Bor Scale 1" = 20, , �• I i , \ r'. R O U T E 1 1 6 Resdenf1l I Zonn H N E S B U R G R 0 A DI e L. Zoninghp A'murgI \ ;Y I mP _ ono nP onP ono - _ .. ,. _ ray... d .•wm "'',—,- rig.,., ,. 9 e e-=-`-- ___- - - - _ C 10' cMP Row aka g •. _ x •.ter".:s" .ad'rrov o - ! „ . - �, '' .� i, sefdwtw I � a Bo' r r�et r E 0 / E. I - -. — I ( a 2:r ` a �Yr �EX157MG PARKING JOT C s we r ^ x o 8 UN \. .rl. .:$ UNITr�-flf6'`IM r a o °o APAR BUILDING 1 APARTMENT BUILDING 2 $VDO� 1T �. — — �� L1� E ��'^(f �/'� � .j '._• Y _ 1 F �,� \ to c I'I "° a yore L �w 1'CI'h �I l 1 I T-1 I I_I I I I s ePocee ��""" i �r � � EXISTING CONGREGATE HOUSING BUILDING "'� � �� /° � � h TRANSFORMER PAD Z_ I � r �,�• `u — �, � \ S I � F� n. »fm GARAGE z m 1 , ..„ ,' ' ,e•..x Fa a: l s� r S `wit/sIon Rood DfiVe \ l Kenne 4�F r , .Sh , .wAe: Po W FOXCROFT' a South Burlingtonµry/is1 y q� i R, EX. HED a ° — —�} y ufk n Map - —_, — — — — — — r OS / \ `'^ r. / r N. ff r l; BRIAR WOODS CONDOMWIUM ' l t r I Legend Clfy ®f vo. urlington 0' Jo' r'i' 120 180, Power po/e o—a Existing Stockade Fence I tT Survey Control Point --I ' Exhoeq 0—head Power No te5.• dor Scale l" = 30• Existing hyd ant g, Existing Underground Telephone J. 7his plan is not o boundary survey Refer to Boundary Survey — — Approx Property Line Existing Zoning District Boundary prepared by Krebs R' Lonsing Consulting Engineers for complete boundary information 01, Exhakq easement line 2 fie this based on .p"or.. Y�pr,�,_--- "j"i •}Vf acte reweed Cnecked bate — Setback line/budding envelope underground utilities shown on plan ore design plans for Chothom Green and Country Pork provided by C'vd Eng%neermg Associates and field survey conducted by 10;P W p O' y-0 4'.•i _ a_ m Design Existing Conditions P/an —w— — —pew— Existing Water Line/gate valve Krebs & Lansing n December 2014. Underground utdities ore approximate and not warranted to be exact or complete. Dig Drawn SKN Safe sho/l be contacted prior to any excavation. '•! Checked Existing tree line (CEFI,•� /-- Hayes Apartments —5— — —S-0- Existing Sewer L%ne/manhole 3 E/embons are based on the NA 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical datum. Scale .ra• - Date krPr:n t& aa,s CPA Partnership —ST— — sr—[�-- Existing Storm Line%otch basin 4. Pr act Horizontal Coordinates derived from GPS observation using reference Tome NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 epoch. ct t4z8r Hinesbur Rood South Surlin ton Vermont 3j8 \ Ex%tin Contourg For Permit Re view dBS cY IaNSlNG Cansultatzq �tzgx'neers, lnc. x-t rA, 4 AVain Street, Colchester, Vermont 05448 PERMEABLE CLAY PA 14"RS PART I GENERA/ 161 SECNON/NIXUDES A.P,meab/e c/5e paver units B Open grodee !ring bed (ASTM,/5) C Open -graded dose oggregofe (ASNA f57) D 0_411ded sub -dose ,g9regofe (A51M f2) E Bedding and pm!/pen,hg inlet moferiols F Edge re 1f nle 102 RELATED SECTIONS A. E dlf k and sub -grade prporatian B Bores, bo//osts povempts and appurtenances C Cosf-in p/ace concrete I,OJ REFERENCES A Ampcon SOclety of Tesf/ng b/Ofer/Pls (A5TM) I C902 Standard So, lfkativn for Pedestrian And Light TOM, POwng Bxk 2 C1272 5fP,dwd Specihcotiol for Heavy uM/ vlor Paving Brick J CTJ6 Meflod to, S,eva Anolysu for F/ne ,nd Course Aggregof,. 4 C67 Method of S,mphng end Testing Brick old Srrvcturo/ Cloy Ti/e. 4 if i aales for Road and Brid e 5 D4 6 Stold,d Goss cor'p 1r Sizes l A o 99re99 B Defmificns: I. aed'O' , Course Gammon/y coded Me s th g bed is foe / ter Of pp -graded washed oggregofe directly bpeoM the toy paver units comphsed or rind/ particle -sized rwnee seine cops (1/4" to 3/8" f p) 2 I— Face Te working edge of the PI -elf wh,e the laying c/ the pov,s is ping i Met Slatempt Te pilaw insfnllers and manurnclur,'s plan l,r cpsiruclion pd 4 9 uoA't antra/ of foe eyi Bars' Smolt prior ,Pons on the s o/ pavers ,firth are used In crev.e unif,m belwep and minim ee ch' kn pnrrng pavers ippme 5 S b bore Course' Lays ! pp -greed wo hod g12' to J' I P) )le base course ompnsed of forge Oor Og sired p✓shed stone 'I'n " to 3" I 6 u,id Fi ter: Open,beaded aggregate arse to Hli Me pints between povers. TOO Bedding oggregofe may be used os the wid 'We"i. "I. Course The !p surface o/ the paror. 1.04 GUAL/TY ASSURANCE A. Paver memgohon S✓bc Ontrocr, O✓onfconbns: 1. insfo/lee sloll hove successful/y completed 5 brick paver inst'/af/on projects similar /n design, mo -1 --1 /necated on this protect. Provide Shp submlU, 2 nsfoter se ncx ,nsro%ed or /east 100,000 square feet of tint, povers w%thin me lost 10 yes / B At /east anarweek prior to paver instal/✓lion epee -construe hop meeting sho// be hole with epee enfvtives tram the momslecturer paver insfo/ter 9en,al con frecfor, engineer and owners represenrohw. I05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop or product drawings. LI5✓bra/r permeable toy paver product dad. 1 .ono/ocfurers (Pine Ho// Brick Company, lne) product caroloq sheets with pecifi'cotion, ?. Tree representative !u//-size samples al roc. paver type, thickness and cot,. Submit ample, indicating TO, range or color a petted in Me //.,shed instoliotion. J Accepted some/es become the standoid of ocrepfo C, for the work of this Section. 4. Loborot,y test epee!, ter 1,Oq compliance of Me cloy povers with AIM C 902 or s. Manufocrums mateiio/ svlety eb sleets for the sole nand/mg o/ Me pecihed mot,loI pd praductso C Submit ter( results for c mplionce o/ paving unit rrouaempfs to ASTM L 902 0. ASTM C 1?7T tram on inependenf lestinq /Pb,olo, D 5ubmi/ installer gvolilcotions: Provide safisf I y evidence TOP, the insfo/ter complies wfh Me qual.'FcaUPns n t see I, i-than "II. Te insfo/ter shoes Pro— s/nstPl l", his! y including references rrom projects of O i Ior site old complexity in wrifing with c,nfoct /nf, hoO ("O"Olrng phone amble), demansfrefing to the owner's sollslocfip their oON11 to person the paver estp/lotion and related w lndicoted In the p/ohs POP pecihcolions. 2 Te . td/e, shop haw a ced I-PlOe/ and o —9empl cpob/l/ty to cute the work delviled inn the project drawings and pecileofi,s Te insfo//ors roremon should hove o of 5 yrors a p,iedce in the insfoi/Pf/Pn or unit pass including clay Pommum E Schedule w work RIP, submit d derailed schedule old work p/an I.D6 MOCK UPS (NOT REOU/RED) A. lnsfoll n 10 fl. r 10 ff paver a Tr§ o will be used to dedrmin urge al Me bedding / �. plot el e, line . /dying pattern%), p/,( ), and brr,e or me pb. Tis oleo loll be foe eta dord / om which Ile work will be tvdged, 1.07 DELIWPR ,, STORAGE AND HANDLING losfc bonded or i/osfic w ed A. Dv/i vet brick pavers fo Me stye insfee/ bonded p P rpP cubes or on pallets -pool, o/ Iron$% r by rock lift ,clomp lift 'Jn/ood A ­or ivb site in such v manner lot na damage occurs to the product. 1.08 ENWRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Do not ksfo// bedding or povers P,_, heavy ro/n or snow/ok. B Do not instill haze, Or PART 2 PROOUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURED UN'TS P­ cloy brick pavers hove spacer bons on eooh volts Me- inm um pint -III between ro , -it in which the o99re9afe 'e placed spoc, boys help b event canfocf o/ the edges with oPIP,edt povers and pbsp t chipping A. ermecble cloy brick povers shall be A ClOo pOimrs by b member of de Brick l-DWe of Americo (B/A), 77e 191A nonu+ocfurer/suppler sho/ be: Nome: PINE HALL BRICK Address. P O Box lIG44 2701 SnoreJo%r Drr've Wrlstol-Solem, NO 27116-1044 Ph,e: (BOD) J34-8689 B PrOdvcf n me/shape, ov P# dknedsions, one fhrckness or the permeable cloy p1- units sho/ be: o I Paver rpe: St, Pose (2-J/I ) Mot,/ol 5tondord Comply with ASTAT C 902 or C1272 I . Cow Full Ren9e c Sir, 4 inches x 8 Inches x 2-J/4 inches Mick C PI_ Moll meet Me for/owing requirements set M m m C 12/1 Speci/,'cal/on for Heavy UMmulor Powny Rack and shall cpl m Iv the PX standard 1. Minimum arerage c,ripres I- s-gtl al 1nooll psi: 2 fie overage cold wale✓ lb —eon slt/ hat abe qr-- than 6X with no / ' /dual tnlY _.P or".., thou /$ Absnrptian teres st dt, may not be achieved through✓the ueof sealers or other products pblied to the cloy paver (Sean protection degrades r hme rpulr Oq re-opplrcofip otter sever✓/ pP11.) 3 Res/stonce or s0 freer -/thaw cy,Ies, wn tested in ... a with ASTAf C6.-. In addition the c/ / paver us mt pass.? hoax thaw test in spina slut/an wilhour the use of sealers or P11e, products opp/iee to the I- A test rep,/ must be submitted by the monufoctur,. (Sall /s Me mast common substance used for de-icing dur/nq Ile wmf, man Ms.) 4 Dijn s POP1 foI once, should meet the PX stondord M vedtt/on, Me dmpsipol toeronces , and the mop volve, /w length, width, old dp/h shoes be 1/16" (Studies :now I'd, dimpsi,al fd,pr' ,ore direchy /ink- to %o/nt width are -11-- interlock.) 5 fie pO-o should be sold unify without core fides ,r other perlarnt/ons. 202 AC,GRECA IE MA MRIAl S A Beddng Course and ✓old 111- Aggregofe Me bedl,n, c and win fY/, oggregofe ,fines be washed, I,— r, ,, lea ,f fine.,, or, 11 and sduble sO/rs Or Pther conrominon is /Ikely to muse lef/we.scpce. Te grodlnq requirement rho// camp/y with the loo-n, ton. 7-, 1 - AS7tl No. 8 God/ng RequkemedLz Mr Bed'nq Course A9gregoles ASTM 5, Ye $lie ter Passing (by weigh I) y In. Ipp J18 in. 85 ti 100 No. 4 10 to 3o N...8 0ti TO Np JB 0 ro 5 Vold FU/, Aggregate moy be 118" to 1/4" c/eon woshed washed sro,e /f clTTIPre. 203 EDGE RESTRAINTS sp A. Edge reetrvhfs are rpuked ol off /nstollot/ Edge -Of, ore 1, be Os Meed in the tl ow/ngs /nslo// os p, monuocfurer's specificot/ps 1w H vv Duy -ides. PART J EXECUNON 31l SUBCRADE A. Ile Bile engineer shot, verily that III ass'-sroerraoe been el,,pel Me p1 ......tec in con/ormonce to the /toes geodes on shown p 3.02 SUB -BASE COURSE A. The sub -dose course shall be installed 10 the el"11161 Pnd cress section per foe plan documpfs 3 CJ EDGE RESTRAIN'$ A. All edge restraints shalt be c rucbd be shown On foe detP1 one in 1/ace Ill o the �rsrolbfian of Me bedd-19 coarse and Po- 3 0. BEODING COURSE A. Te bedding .,arse shall be bread loose in v uniform toyer 1. give a depth one, cempoctiol o/ he A— oI lour inches, plus w rus jf'! Te con froclor shall screed the deed/ng .our using eifn, o meth„co. speed be- epporofus or by :he use o screed I-- and III,&5e h l/ not sub' .fed I, fro//re b eider mecnonrcal B The speeded bedd'n ofe s be s o99re9 a � any Y p✓ipment or pedestrian a prior to foe iiith lotion / foe povers. a ,ids /elf offer the of lne screed roils s oil be /Aloe with loose o99re9afe os Me paver bedding course proceeds J05 PERMEABLE CLAY PAVERS A. the povers shale be instilled occording to the in/wmotip or the cube tog Te povers should be old Iron, several cubes thravghpt 11, insbHotipn. h n th W wi s. Loll,- o tom the ex,stln /o n BLo l the astern o povers o povers , P n9 Y wY 9 N 9 Y h th "hulk w e e rest omr m s to p e t of otr- re s sq✓ere. (use o heovi, cn cord% shall be used upon the beedmge a fommointom shoignl lines Joint sp0 ,n between novels sho% be between 1/9" one W : however the loin! width moy need osed to 3/8" to ma/nfv/n sho/ght lines. Giles ono geodes shown Or the plans be established and main dined during the instoll eon or Ile povers. C Povevs should be c✓f o cording 1. Me /nshu 1-I ol the ,be fog Po_ sho// be cut using o fable mounted masonrycwet sow. s hove been D. Once the pavers nave bop placed upp f h e dewing course and a /l c u1 paver sorted ,' pre vide Me complex e, "Oe, roped the pavers for damaged units oe remove end replace those units. Once all poffem /finer hove been sfroigntenhe the vain f�'th shall Ce b placed into the pror ppings to the top o/ the .hamlet , the povers and the sue/ace sorb/ Oroam clean. E fie I—(surface rho% be compvc(ed f0 ochiero .nose/idol%, of the bedding course 110 Old brought to design /e refs and profiles by I. posses of o suieoble Dlofe compactor. Compoctio, of the povers W be a omPlished by the a of o wb,PtO y p/efe compact, capable Of o m,hmum o/ 4,500 pounds of camp,chon for e. No compaction moll be permifled wilnln three het of vnresfroined edger of the POvemerL After compaction, ,fined the posers for damaged units and 1— and rp/ace flew units. F Afte, comptoting -.Nat, fle surloce el -cos shall be plus 0, vs )f'" tiara h led grades The povers shall be Hush to fir" °dove edge reshom fs ACdit/anal void /i/, mote i°/ sho% be swpt into Ile pin is os required, to wilnln y,"ham the bottom o1 the .tiara ter - Me PI - upon comp-6 , the I—- ,sate shall be swept er cI of off mPieriols. Remove ham the site or su plus matenole equom t and debris , ..h Oq ft,,sfhese ope,Ofians. PARr4 MA/NrENANIE 401 /NSPECNON I. At /rose 1.11 o ypr %mined%ofe/y oller a roll event the Owner sho// Inspect Ile permeable bock pom ro n//lrorion of slo�mweter, An inpectian log snot be kept Y. cefirg dole one lime o/ inspeclionprc-Ption o/ brick, evidence o. Or wsib/e bonding, any ,sidle sediment ,h foe spacing between bricks, old Published r,-all omovnl. 4.02 MAINTENANCE Core sho/l be ­e,, by me Own, to prevent roosoi,. Iolde opingg maler ,, IW,, ono other moferia/s tlor could plug Or clog the soles between the br,[4 Irom einq p,PC- on the per✓%bus buck sue/ace. 2. /f C ring %npechols 1—, ore b,,d brawn, Or hove heaved or settled, Me bucks elo/I be removed and repeated 4CJ CLEANING Al o mn'mum pce eve, two pars the pe v%,us br%cr wo w�:r red✓ re "1 remove. of d;II and sedimpll toped by the sin ,xd crushed stone in the roes between the brick. Dirt Ie fypieoly removed by a w m-sweeping street c/ep/ng m I Cleaning /s dole when the pov-rapt surface old d%rt/red-inert ore dy odd con o bed by sweepinq end vP... mhg After -s ping foe sueloch oddlfiono/ c/ron small ,ewes will De needed to r,- Me .rocuumed ,!ahem 2. // during b-onnual Inspections, pew to the scheduled c. nine, it is aef,mined the /l1l,lioI rotes of Me p,vw, pov t is de1l%dn9 , the wide ore 1,11 o ­ and sedil-,, Me crpn119 sc3 neduie should be Mbnged to /nspecti, .9 shall -OI;r f dotes of o/i cleanings and racemes used Eno ar Sec1/on 8:r5:S" thick 570RMCRViF pervious Precast concrete panels. See Site Plan for pone/ pattern. Secure expansion joint (5" deep) to rete panel along In edges that abut pavement. Joint filler shotl be resilient non- trud/fig cellular fiber joint, uniformly saturated with asphalt, offering o minimum of 70Z recovery after compression. Brick shall bed laid in the "English Edge" Pattern as described by Pine Hal/ Brick Mirofi' 1701V 2-314" thick Pine Hall Brick Min. 12 2" thick JIB" St —Pave (Heav), Duty) overtop. HM washed Pervious brick paver. Use drainage stone co/or full Range" under brick povers See site Plbn G p5se See ?,,Pic,/ ° Rood Goss " e° o o o Section Dehod �00=0'2 4" sub a' AASHT(� M43 for ° ° o L \ ° 'WOO 500x, or \ No, 2 or No. 240, stone. Stone ea ° " E L go o veil equal Ppr q \ sho// be washed and c/eon. Sub 9 or rode \' p012 m ° 80 P� coin acted fill P .P• w° a� 3 ft. Cut subgrode to full depth 3 ft. beyond edge of new pervious brick panels See Typical Road Goss Section Detail Mirofi' 500, o, / pproved equo/ Sub9 rode or t compacted fill 3 ft. Cut subgrode to fu/1 depth 3 ft, beyond edge of new STORMCRETE panels / ° o �0o 8oP� 4" ,'¢¢/b AASHTC3 ase o °M43 Tor ° No, 2 or No. 24 e, o° a slope Stone ao shall be washed ° sad and clean. " e ` 8e 00 /2" Over/a 2" thick 3/8" HM washed droincge stone under brick povers Aluminum StructurEdge by Permaloc MIroA 170N. or approved equo) Finish shall be Min. 12" Block Duroflex. Install per o vedop. nufocturer', re ommendotions for Heavy Vehiculor IOdds Use on all sides of unsupported brick. 4" Topsoil (Typical) See I Site Plod Gr,� Micah 17014 or approved equal Extend 3 ft. below base. Pr/oc for bockfi/ling ov sides and tp of stone. 6" Perforoted corrugated smooth wall interior polyethylene pipe, ADS-N12, or opproved equal, as shown on Site Plan. Pipe shall hove C/ass / perforations. Bed pipe in 314" woshed crushed stone.) E Minimum 2" crushed stone under ppe and �, Install Mirofi' 7701V under and 6" on ach side. Extend tone to subbase to sides of trench excavation depth and overtop fabric (12" min.) far storm ppe be/ow subgrode elevation. Typical Pervious Concrete Parking Detail Op tion #1 Aluminum Structu Edge by Perma/or or opproved equa/ Finish sho// be Block Duroflex. Instal/ per nufocturer"s recommendations far Heavy l/ehicu/ar Loods. Use on sides of unsupported brick. Tp,dd (70i,al) WON 170N, or opproved equal. Extend J ftbelow base. Prior to bockfilling cover sides and top of stone 6" perforated corrugated smooth wo// interior polyethylene pipe, ADS-N72, or opproved equal, as shown on Site Plan. Pipe shall hove C/ors / perfaratia's. Bed pipe in 314" washed crushed stone, F Minimum 2" crushed stone under pipe and �:y Install Mirofi 17ON under and 6" on each side. Extend stone to subbase to sides of trench excowtton depth and overtop fabric (72" min.) for storm pipe below subgrode elevation. Typical Pervious Brick Parking Detail Op tfon #2 PRECAST POROUS CONCRETE PAONG SLABS PART I GENERAL 1,0, SUMMARY A. Sec/mn .-des: I.1. ecdsf Porous Concrete Powng Slob 12 Edge Restro/rt t.J Oompvcfed Sfwage Res,w/r (Subbase) and Screed Choker (Bose) 1.02 SUBMirrALS A. Shp drawings; insto//orion p/en showing edge restrolnt detoi/(s) B Test resales p 6armed by Pn indeberdent te,r q rc tory of the followirg- I I Ponc­-sire ono/pis m . cord,,,I with ASW C 136 for the crushed stone stwoge reserwir (subbase) nod crushed stone ranker (bole) with source(,) of ppply noteW'suoi eromination o/ woshed stone. 104 OUALI7Y ASSURANCE A. rnsfol/ofion Contract, OvcINIPltons l f.. lnsfol/ofion sho/l inc/utle planning the work, ho r-to/ old aerator lvyvuf, Rne grading of subgrades, i stv/ling gecte N, in occardonce with the repacrive m nulacforee recommendfiols pacing one compacting crushed stole reoeloil stwoge (subbase), place old screed crushed stone cook, (Dose), "etalIhO, of edge reslroint, and placing precast APP- conwete ._Idg slobs. 1.2 Te ineboo- .,tract, sho/l use vdequoty lo-I incuding egvipmenl oral SkOle, ,,wets. ft.- sho/l De froinsd old a periarcetl in me soy .rolls one completely hm,Y/w with Me pecihed methods needed for proper performance If /firs Sp ecih'cofip. I.J Allcmofei%ols, methods of ,hstollol%w old w kmonship sho% con{arm to requiiempls o/ ASTM, Ir,mont Agency o/ Tronporfotivn,ond/or other pp/icobI stpeor'c. 1,4, Precast pwovs c rote pd q slobs shall be wsuolly inspected by the m nufocturer 1w C omp/efeness tenure-1 consistency with insfo/lotion / ro//owed drawings. A smoi/ omovnl If "skinning'; n,l fa e O IX o! the 1,, yr boflom a! sob suf a ik be 2 Review the con tractor's ins/oHol,'on plan in o p-cpslevcti, meeting with moms/ocfvr,s represenfofr',res powng slob insfo/lotion confrocfor genera/ can hotter project design Orohssionw odd owns represpfohve. 105 wEAN/ER CONS/DERA 71ONS A. Do hat p/ace ond/w compact crushed stone subbase In on tur,red P, III— subgrOde. B Do oaf p/ace and/ reed washed stone base in �so ofuroled or harp subbase. C Do not insfo// p ,ostsp,a-s III,— slobs /n torn , snow, or on saturated or hare. base. V HA l AN MRACE 106 DCo-di , NIX r, C 5 A li r t nor inter/ere wren ofh, ,klilt u[fiPn end ovum dole o,dmafe de ve p y o rklif m ed with 6 fr lcn rklrf fr rued and er enpce ,of,. Fo t ust be eau hoes be off landed ole pl o time b fo 1 ,need b o F p rPP 9 B slobs s p r a forks to sole/y o % load slabs. y C ✓erilfi sole food copocrfy of /arklilt m occardonce with OccupofiwO/ Sofefy $ Heo/M Admrnistrofion (OSHA) recommended practices Only use hrk/iffs wtth nOepore soh load .opacity D $!are Voteon level bed propped with 4-in. by i-in., minimum, .embers placed parallel bone another locate drphy beneo!h imbedded /iff/ng pointt s. Pace fi Idb- between e n slob. E. Slobs shill Da etwetl in, slacks not more than 4 slobs high. F Sfwe slobs such toot they we kept tree Nam mud dirt gloss cuttings, occumootion of foliage and debris. PART 2 MA 7ER/AG5 2.01 CRUSHED STONE STORAOr RESERW3/R (SUBBASE) AND CHOKER (BASE) A. Crushed Store will 903 fractured laces, LA Abrasion less fh, 40 per ASIM C 131, mmrmum CBR If BD$ P, A57U D 188J B Use o/ screened rounded grovel I, protrrbited C All c l- stone shall De double -washed and Uep and tree of off foes POP debris. D Compacted crushed stone for stwoge res k (subbase) sho// conform to ASTM C JJ Size -bev 57 Groding Regvlr t, for Coarse Aggregates. Vmmum thickness or cwT.pocted storage res,wir (subbase) Pe sho n n cr ss section de too E Un-compoctee/screed pushed stone for choker ibo ) sho// c 1f to AST. Cw33 Siz< Number 8 G,e,,g Requirements for Coarse Aggregofe,. Minimum fhkkness o/ un-:ompacfed/screed choker (base) toyer sho// be os shown r cross echo, derail F Product S✓betitufions: Subsfifuli oy be a/lowee /or grodobps of crushed et-, eraroge �esery (ubbose) and choker (dose) Compacted crushed sbne roe stwoge reserwir ( bbose) shill hove o m pwosily of D40 All eubstiht/ans snail be opproved by Me protect design R,P&ee/ono/ pd Me precast porous concrete pownq slob manulvcfurei. 2,02 GEOTEXNLE A. Geofertile between svbgret pd around penmet, of cooker (dose) and storage reservoir (subbase) /dyers, vs detoiled, sho/I be de kilo,,: 1. Moteriol rpe: Goof h7e shall be an Mirofi IM N. w opproved equoI, Nan-Itbven ge0/erfi/e. PART 3 - EXECUNON 301 IMP IRA NON SY.ShM SUHGRADE l%GPARA NON A The subgrode under e/I inMlloli„ /6edl weds .shod "I be cwnpocled , perm, Ny c­dd with impermeable 9enterhle unless approved by the Engn H f'rpwed .subgrode., ,loll oaf le .subd- to c ns/rvrhim equipment loll,, Only /i9hl equpmpr .sho# be used fu build the precast Porous r, rob pnvemenl spleen. D Conlom/nahan , damage b Ile subgrode during cpsliuclion shot/ be 1poked la the-latection of the Engineer. Nris moy include edition' w lion one placement of -I-, ranter/a/ of no -pen" fa the Owner E. Do not -,old with ins/'/olive a! subbase pd precosl porous colcrel, paving sys'Icm until ,ubgrode pus hop renewed by the Engineer. 302 INSM11ANON A Genera/ 1 Any ercess thickness of sod po-d over the soil subrpade b hp seknent Iran.sp,rted by runoff /rum Pop— rnnshucfion areas sh'/ be wd before P/ocemiedt of gplexlile and s/wag, 1—- /alas 2 Keep o rruwhere precosl pwovs 1—- pPmO, slabs we 1. be fill— lee a semrpt during the prase construction period Stwaye shed store, cp laminated with sediment sho/ be re ved and rep/aced will C. nafw/el of n Cott fo NO Owner. J Oo not domog, dompper underdruin.s, roadway I—,O hdeso, any n/her ufi/il,c.s during nrsfo/ohPO 1,P-I any dwnoge immediatoy to Me Ehghe,: D Comppled Reserwk .$/wage Lap, (Subbase) 1. 6-1-- and Pnraus r ol, bed aggregate sho/ be plump immediate/y offer apnea,/ d/ subgrode prporafip. Any o unruly(ion of debris o sediment wnrMas hInked p/ace aft, pprovd of su69ra1e .11 be remnvrn Plkv 1. ns-him of genterfile of no cedec...I to the Owner. T Flo- AASHTO Mof No. 2 P, NO 24 crushed .,fan, P- thprp I'll ,e sub,nde.- -1 I'd and dew/ evenly by raking I. n nr, imam fhrckn_ pec/6ed ol the plops. Do not disturb A,OOP ed subgrode w shill, wr 11 w file Me gearexti/e. "e, ,ushetl stone fo prolacfgearerfJe h,n oar/ng veer pupmpl-lire., d Ir 3 P/ace c oggregofe /n (12 / 1)sm m lilt fhrckness. no o99re9ote mot,/'/ soar be d ,,P,red evenly P r the subgrode in //frs of specified dplh to ochre ve the plpoeed grades w/Moul signifconf o/fero!ip or the gradation ,died Core sho// be raked to limit the dsturbonce of the subgrode moferm/s. 4 CwpOct /opt with o m/nmium of two ­P/et, caverogPe. or, pass each in mutuoly perypd4, dke t/pswifh O J to 5 Ion smooth, double , smgre, drum rd, p,ohd in ,deaf,, mode. F11owin9 wbrot,y compvcf/on, pply two complete coverages, one boss each /n mvNo/y p,ppd,'culw ilk-fid- eirh the rill, p,00d in stork mode. Continue static rdtiny until (here rs na vTb/e movement, --g or deH-cool An the surloce of Me stwog, reserve/ /opt. 5 fie surfce f"once I be crrrrnacred .,forage w r it ivy, shall IN . JA in. under u 10 fI sfro/ghledge one 11, .surface shall be suilab/e for Me placemedt of n 'I., Inure. of aggregate/ 6 FOO-anq poc,nenl or bed ogq,,gole. the gpterh/e shoes be ladle bock dung III bed edges to protect ham sedmpt ,✓.moat along bed edtjO.s. C Ud- -pocdd/Screed f-.sled 51-1 Clpk, (Hose) Lopi 1 Place old brood MOT 704 02 fir 3/8" woshed crushed stone evenly over the COO POCbd Reserver Sfo109c Lopr one screed roes to the fhrckness deailed 1— s "0" al crushed stone with screed. 2 DO not compact or OW-b s iced chdkp / fir. J Te -Aldo rol'od" of tie screed chew toy, sho// be t 114 /n. under O 10 11 sfraighfed9e. 4 Screed chPP, Id -paced shoo not subsronfidly exceee that eOkh is cO vexed by pavkrg slabs by Me end-O%day J DJ SLAB PLACEMENT A. Slob P/pemenf I Loy slobs m pott,n(s) shown pproved &.wings. 2 Slobs sho// only be lifted Ond p/oced using swivels p prevdar chains. Cn' co0/es ,slings flou/e ne✓, be wrapped around slobs for tiff/ng under any ckcumstvnces. Se/vNs sho// be bored s o/y but not ove Ighte ed J Place volts hand fight w/erauf using metal nPmm,e, p y bars Or or," pins. Make 10,4 nfel odpsbnedfs fv placempl of "id slobs wit, nod wedge, and 1­ Old rubbermallets os needed 4 Pr Pw 'O fs I,-- .cobs a/ 1/1, in - ,i/16 k wide No lain/., ,fiat/ a ced J/16" width 5 .tiro, /Tne,, sho/l not le". m e Iho, t;F In vet 50 /f ham .srr/ng /inert 6 F11 gps at the edges of Me Paved wev wed pep,/y- 41d pd slobs. ] C., end slobs 1, be Placed ' , the edge , corn s with a masonry .sow T e masonry sow blade shall be kpt wet during cutting cut unify moll be no shorts fhon 1114 of o wh'e eIb) 6. Adpsf bond Poll,n of po mt edges such Mof cPttmq ,f edge slob., is mmmrired 0o "I e Onse. cal slobs ro ve 111b, huff c. "I slabs al edges os mdin.1- an Me drawings. 9 Kep skid steer pd /wk/ifI eq-pment all unr Nd#,,M pawn, slobs. !0 Alter p ea is c,n pelNy prpored se•I the precast pwwr:i info the screed crushed stone ITaker (base) I,y, by trafficking wilh light"Ober-!/red eq 0p Il Remove pe replace any stole rrocked , d,mayed during hol'toOr/p with new ones. Rr. set slobs not ki canl,mpce with pecihed 07110N1106» IWeronces. Slobs dom,ged during imprp, canrrruclion "I be rp/aced of no .or /o the Owner. 12 Check M,o/ surface dewrions If set slabs lw c,n/wrnance to des/gn dewmgs. Te hno sur/oce tolerance )rum grade dewfions shall not deviate mart loon 3 J/8., under a 10 ft sfrw'gnredge. 13 Tne surface dewt/p of set slobs moll be Hush with mvnhdes or the tp or "Tt' structures. 14 Slobs shall be ,aortal fo accommodate utX y structures. ✓aid b0lled concrete ponds one ut/Ilty structure moll be filled with high sfrc»gth p-stur 9rouf (2" qp , less) Or J,500 psi concrete to, 9ps 91e1ter fhp 2" thick 15, After installation of concrete slobs fi7/ o// 1/2" diameter lifting holes with smoi/ amount SiXo fi1&X joint septet. J 05 PRO WCRON A. Alter WPV /n M4 ,colon comp/et,, the genera, c bo,,fw sho/r be re ,ble for protecfing the precast pwovs Pownq slob system rrom. I S moge pd/or contwninotip w/In mud lkl,, gross c-ffmgs occumu/afion of /o/ioge - debris. Of VEpli E 4 �AP1� Vt�lip�0 e +//�fONAI For Permit Re vie w Dote rewe.1 Dee,,PYiP, Design Sw~ Pervious Pavement Details Drawn SWV Checked Scale Hayes Aportmen is n.rs. Date MorM 18, 2015 CPA Partnership XRZ'BS & "1VSINC Consulting engineers, Inc. 164 Main Street, Colchester, !Vermont 06'"C w D— 1 Construction Notes I Me methods and mote/,/, of construction ,bell conlwm fa Me latest stondbm, of the C,1, o/ 5-M Bur/krgfon old the stole of v ant FI/ wor4 shot/ be M cw'tmonce with all permits and ppavals /sued be, the project In cos o1 cone,'ct, the more stringent spec/bcbtian shall 'pity as determined by the Engineer A// wont/ shill be done in a workmbnlhke manner and coo acted ih Me tone p alfisd ey Owner 2 Me Cp tw shot be espon We An, al/ work ono motor,/, shown, and required to make Me jab complete. these Wowing, do no/ showy bffno w III, /monce Me --..be be os sp Aed an the Wnwmqs. Ndiufr.Iww's woWrct .sV_blcab'cns shot be -mill- Iw d/ molerids11 the Engmew tar bb ro, ✓ Prior to xslWntian .1 Me teal/w: pie .s, n1 ex/slur, ­­1OWN—is nnl ww anted to be a act a rxnPleb ore CmhnNor shall %old /,role M/'/')lien lint slid/ anted the '%red "W" cwnpany, the Enq/nww and the Tam of rarefied.' priw I ",wh, any hod: pis The Con erector 1,111, .'a., resprnsrb/e lw d/ exr'sfing 'bill.., ann /fr.k rmlwrr Pled .s Al/ n11-0e b-111,, shxetin9 and .snnrinq, deewalning, Neorhq and 9ruhbinq, er,srwr eonhd, dull control, I'M,: contra. grnrbnq, and all incidnrta/, .shall le inc/utled as' pvrl nl the required wink 4 Re"W or ill drdu - weal, grading, .seeding m'_.''pair of rand., and curbs, pownq, and other m<idenlvls me /,'laded ns prat o1 /he repaired wwk Al/ al's/wbM leas ,ban be /owned and M./Med until permanpl g,p M, is es tab ~. .5 M. Contractor .11 verify d/ bwiw - crnhol one' Iempwwy ben. mwks bete use. 6 Me workman one p'b//c .shop be pio/ectM by the Cnnrrac/w han, any rmd o/ ha,o I'r w[bd •/M the crnstrucfian wwk Open trenches, mnferids, w equipment enhk, me, wwkinq Arni a fo be. quwded by t 0 odequole b codes wn piny n An bwnc'des /eft kr position ovwniryd we to be p prerty lighted sa "" w �I, occeploble When _A wwk s be '.shoe p n _hbil, flog in, n shall he -,,I,, ed fa aid Me I/ow If trope so that � -I will ben duede/ays. Me Conboctw shall be hod '.span.^„tale 1 Ilia snlety nl d/ wwkmm and Ile general ".. and a% dwnoges to prperty inn/ 1 mmw unu- the work o ce had by ne,hgenw shall be held reyirns'ib/e err the snlety of al/ workmen rmd the genwo/ public and all ddmoge, In rprpwty acruniny bom w poor th wwk n d by -,hi- w day w nigh' wi the wwkinq area. Al/ wwk she% ne in -An, once to OSHA regulations, r1e IV,, Pwfs N26651 and NP6657, and pphcob/e In W."A rn,urn/ims / Perpslructian Ercowtian I,ea, sham an Me Plan Nap be cwnp1ef1d pill /n bewnnin, .sib uldify wwk and pi%a te willing s ' Ii es. Me Contractor .shut dine the Egmee, o week to pawn. design decis ' lased on mb,,_' on oblpnM torn the —shua- I.co-- Me Cmliociw .sod/ crr.Ixl the Engineer al lest 24 hradvance of pert mkrq the a -lion /n nddticm /n the deegne- Pec--cfian Errorolicwrs. Me Cantroclw shut -it, oll .114, innnsec/ionsond contact Engneer and Owner will -bcts. B Canhnclw she% coma,? Ill, Sall pie In any exc.rofian. .q Tprpwory silt lenre shall be '­1 P,,, In ony clenr/nq or cansh,lcfion /'.,tiny may be .reeled in phases, b„t /n no case .s/,n/l r'wrsfrvcliwr o/ c/coring A,-' lxncing Sp,- a may be d..s;,nnled by the Owner 1nr prea'wrofian o/ xri.,ling liens These once., lb" tax the rrntractrv'.s respwrs Irly to ,.sure no Yi n,me is dine Ina be ha"Ied Tres. 10 Ex,E/inq plantings we /oraled k.. gmwd weal as sham an /he plans Conlrodw she% pout'taming, schedoed /o '.noon sn or not Ind .nqe these w rock roar sy,rems 11 Co recln- shoe verify oil Utility inlwseclims by scvro/ion of teas' 300 it m odvw,ce o/ W ppe /oykrg a liwfies. Me Engmew and 'honer must be anfocred with canMirs F'#u Ic .P/y with poccf requkemxnls .shill .sevrNY /'mil Me Cw,tractw lrwn pw.sunq ony dorm /n <rxnpenso/irm reso/ng horn cw &e wl', be em:sfmq old, s 12 Cnnlrocf slid/ cbmpy with ill permits and o/Provals is.,ued Iw Ih':s project tl VI,,' .Waborty porn unenhrraled "'_Wotan' /1 derma conslruclirm z'a/urnfM sons ore en.ounted, crn/acl /be Engneer hni"Ilbley ?" in'", ranweb Pnvemenl top I" - Type /// (4050J) VTAOT Stondoi l See sire p/on to, 5pecih'cothn to, Constructionshop moss s/opBase 2" - Type // (40603) VTAOT Standard 5perih'rarion f Construction - 6` rushed gravel leveling 04.OSA file 'erne VTAOT Standard _.. Spec'I'%cation to, --------- Canslruchon ' 12" crushed grove/ subbase 704 05A tana-, VTAOT Standard ors „• ,- ,,,, Specification for Construction for Fell/OJOJ- Eurl A.,•. SSp cibeofion-•,ogrr, de tiuc!ian 2011 ",at, toot 500x Minim -/p Specifications: to beu4' 1. ➢m mnteriol :.1 ebase dean ins shown o rAnI d ents vesfigorion o/ ex�sfing soR conei1beseis1,1u d Ano dpenCrng rinq en -pals.'%ane, r s„Whose alpine may .,nqe i/ re<ammenden by I si 4d k, / ,In p9i^ew. 2 Gp,abbe r s b, char meet Me rep; -clay o/ VAOT Snow 770 t d I suegroee and unendam trenches. J Sand borrow han meet one requirements o/ VAOT 5ubsechan 070.101 JO4 4. G" base ,hilt meet the requirwnenrs al vAOT 5ubserfion 7U304 5. Gushed gro.N shall meet Inc requirements o/ VAOT Subsnlian IOJ OS 6 C%Ushed stone sho mint fh< rcqukemmis o1 v 07 Subse[fion 70J 10 Typical Asphalt Paved Cross —Section N15 Asphalt Pavement and Crushed Gravel Subbase Construction Notes (A . Ar-p4xare retww,ees A, ro ha -we rwebe e n emeve/w win. mrm. ere ee law.) I pwkmg lot and't wo(ian rands slid/ be cans/rue/ed fo the line and grade shown an the ak. mg' Me rood and utility /potions shd/ be as lypee", detailed unless otherwise slown 2 A, rood -1 pwung cans/ ;u shell be cambWad' k, acconeo- with the Vermont Agency o/ T porention "standard soa,.. r'. _s t Consfruclian"20II. J Me Cantrpt shill Wo. ✓etymon! Hignwoy Specilcafians (2011) 5ecf/an 203 Il Iw piloting and encoding embankments. 4 FR/ math/& shall meet the repukempl f sond borrow section J ..DJ of In, Vemont Agency of Tlo arfohan 5tande,d ,b,bon fa Con koahAb 201, F. shd/ be placed m 12' (JO5 Cm) /its wetted as required and cam peed with Hst y campachbn eWpmenl to hoe less lb- 95X of mot/ nom Wy density as defemmed by Me AASNTO-T-99 sfonee,d pine- 5 Road kr W _';_' shut be piped and compacted o m fir— of J % el (09 mJ abort lop of ony uldify to be mslbeed bekve trench a sirnro/ed t ppe p/ocm mt. m benches and cal sec/ions, the c--- olio provide ill' y sh_'W g, wing and omen' to momlok, compliance with di OSHA/WSHA regulations. 6 Methods t conshucban of subgrap snarl conform to ✓ moos Hignwoy Sp cAft.Hons (.?o") 203 11. 7 An; subgrade w subbase disturbed by Cog -to,., w rendered unsuifab/e by cans(ruchan 'hotline,/, shall be removed and ran aced with sand borrow cent mmQ In sect/on 70JO3 or the V ant Agency of T spwtofwn S(andbrd 5pec,hcotiwrs to,Cansrrucfion T006 .1 be Cwtrplws expense. Me subgmde shall be co -1- to not less than 95.T of mo-ow, Wy density os belermined by Me AAS rm 99 Standee' procfw B Me canfrpfcw shd/ be re e6l. f cowamotron of ond roses of W canpact- f q and Is are .'s as h/vrea by plans ane pn,6catians 9 busbed q-o.N subbase t penment sho// carton to ✓ ant Hignoy Sp ficobb,' (200s) JOI, 7 o5, rode 704 OSA, cows.. 10. 11 nwMg course end/ canlam to ­1 Aho-, SpnMcotians (2011) JOI, 70405, rob/. 70405A, line. 11. B''tummous comer. pI- , shall can/win IG Vemont Highway Spn'lcothwIs (2006) section 404 and 406 Border coarse shall be )hp, 6 bird Rn/sh w h q coupe shall be To, X l2 Sieve AnoYs,'s /w Sieve Ano/ysr's t J0405A Si- Andys,'s to, JOI OSA /My OJ Sind BwrI. (Cow ) ln,sned Coce/ lh' Subbase (Fire) Crusneo Cavell fur subbase sr.. Deswgofipn X An, by ww,lhf sieve Oescrgofiw X lira by war Sivw Oeeahb on x fare, by wephf 2" (50 min) I00 4' (ICYI ) 93-lryl 2' (50 min) too I5 (J7.5 min) 90-l00 /4 (473 min) 25-50 15' (IJ.S min) go-100 .5" (125 mint XI -too /BOO (lsO pen) 0-12 /4 (475 m ) JO-6O H (475 min) 60-)00 /200 (75 pm o-6 Poo 050 pm/ 0-12 /100 (130 pm) 0-20 /20C (75 Ym 0-6 ,4200 (73 {tm) 0-8 AN concrete shill meet .section 50, 01 the Stole o/ Yermw.l Provide expansion joint w cr. standard pecihcofian, for Class A "dawolk is ogo;ns! cu end shall have a 28 a1, and/ against o buRChg. compress%ce strength of 4, 000 psi Use anti-sand/m9 to c Use 4000 Psi c cre(e curb and s,aawow assa"llrbd t .sidesahs one cams in PM.c Wcvks Sperifirc s E+Pension joint every 20' 5anrc !" deep <..ry 5' E posed aggregate %mih cancrele siaewdk (typical) -ray rn ante, 4' fpsail, Seed anal mulch. 1/4"Per f/, (fawwds raadj )/4" per It. �caq, s o'4f bole Teve/ / Mkab 5Wxl Undisturbed earth w oved pPr tall material compacted to 959 J standard Prpfw on12" lifts, Tyoico/ Concrete Sidewalk Detail Al. 7S Pro vide 4" see. and , ,ad,- //�' radius Concrete Curb - Broom %oleo c tree. - D " / w or noted an pan it -AW Iml to be III,/inr'shed b " bitumino[en "et us e - E Gonsbn ,Mots e y 20 E :s'<."v4, fill'!- score t/I far .pith of I > tavermg eo ° rc' mrerror5 - Use J500 pis; cancrefa y a" f f W - Powde exponsian piton share gra vd base s;dewnrk whiner 9" (7rM.0.`M, terse) anti-yrdliny wr rw,erele Concrete curb (fan.) uG deal Concrete Curb Detoi/ NTS C-troctw slier/ excorote and remove lop 6" of pvoe section ana 'puce wth 4' 01 crushed qrI- la -mg car and 2" of bituminous concrete pe-ent New finish grade sh1I mo/cn "Why' ground thickness oI existing pavement W") n d a e 4 d d ° a a d ° n a d s a Ensfing grovN base. Depth tunes 1. Se/ ' and maintain .signs and other ,sn/mfy con Nil devices.. 5. Alp/y //quid ilpho" tack to rent,/ Able, in o unifm mannw. 2 Reshpe ode and pI- w by cuthnq with o wefe sa. Do not pudoe I- coot on bottom of hole info ,gale w ecfanqu/ar shpa and cut side fore, ..'limey Reshpe do-- solid ma!wiol and —1 fide to soorM 6 Fi/I fan of hdwith type ®bituminou and cwnpb[f e lifts na m c fhb, 2" Mick facelift shwld be po.nnent. fnwou y cwnpocfed elm o vrbrotwy plate c-A­tw w J Recklt french m 6" 6fls one' cwnp.et each bill to 95E o/ po'Iabye rWn Expwimce has shown -1 15 to 20 posses with a nbrot y tulle, and mix tempwotlm above 250F (f2f C) am m aensify or ptimum mw'reure content as detnmined by net sly to ensure good umpochan. Hand romp should an/y be ASTM 069E standard procfar. be used f -1 or s (less .bon I .s f) 4, Remove all noose molen'a% bad thoroughly seep Me fide area J C/eon up area Oa not leave excess 671 W excavbted mb(nial c/eon o1 mud and standing worn he powment. Remo.. safety signs. Rep/,cement of Existing Bituminous Pavement N. T. S Notes: Restoration of Rood and Driveway Areas Disturbed by Utility Trenches 1. Roan resforehan shoo be In the line and grade shown an the dbwmgs. Me red ono ut ty lacehlns shalt be as rpcady derailed unless alnnwrse shown. 2 Al/ road and Wivewoy trench reslcwbehan shd/ be completed m bccardon[e warn the wimanf Agency oI T pwrbrian 'srbndwd Specilrcobans f Conshucn,an" 1011, nerplrw co/led Vermont H,gnwoY Speciceti- spec,ncohons hand an foes. plans and CP11T m Specifications hi case of conflict, Me more slringpr sper,J'eanon sho/l ,al' as determined by the Engmen. 3 Me Contract shd/ /whe —t Highway 5peahrohbns (mll) Section 20.111 f placing and speeding embonkmpr.s. 4 'Xi materiao f red embankment stroll be pproved by the Engineer Fib -1 be p/aced in 12` 611s welt., ono camppted will sotisloct y cwpoc!ro eta' men to 95x or -a,-,- density (5faneord Prod ) 3 Rood m lR1 swath hs sbW be posed wen c proofed o minknum of 3 feet beam ran of ony utd'ty to be m toRed bete !ranch is excoroled t pipe placement /n - - and cut sec ion; the C--lbr shd: prowde ok ers nnory sneel/ng, slid ing and I-0, to momton complonce with b// OSHA/V05HArrequ/o1ions. 6 u.Mods /w cansrrur, /irn a1 subgrode shop canton to Vnmanr Highw., Speci/rcarrons 2011) 20312 I, as nelnminea b/ /he Engineci. 7. Any s✓ geed. w subbase d,'slurb<b by Contractor, w renoe,M uns✓itobte by construction machi err shdi be -ave0 bad rp/oced with ppovan granular b" or ttre CanMbctar's expense. Me """a" shop be tempo.' 10 attain el -1 95X of the maximum density (sfandara P actor) ,.tare p/ping roan w emaonx , motwials 6 Me Cahlb w shill be reponsRt/e l coordination of cppflon /wring m the red one a1M, lenmes 9 5and fill shd/ conform to Vnmant Highw / 5pedh'cabons (2011) 7030J, Tole 70JOJA. 6mn- bwraw snarl c Aom, to Construction Notes 1. Ina Contractor will be responsible /tar al/ construction of wore' main, storm and -it-, sewer systems os shown an the plan. He wil/ be repansb/e f all necess y adopters hidings, etc. to make c u-M.. to the existing and prposed uthitie Are Contractor shall be ,.Van.We to, workshown w implied an the plans and/ refnenced in the specie onions and permits. the Cmtroctor shot/ submit f pprova/ by the Engineer a// types of materials and products used Water Main 1. Ore pipe far water main shot/ be ductile iron class 52 manufclured in accordance with AWWA C151-76 A// pipe shall have push an type joints. Al/ hitting,, votree, etc. shot/ hove mechomco/ pints, Pipe fitOng. shall be monufoctured by Claw, US Pipe, ✓ohns-Mon Wh, or oparo ved equal 2 Ad ppe she// be installed in o card ce ww/AWWA C-600. the ppe shall be kept bee of f e/gn matter old debris during instil/,lion. Men the pocess of pipe /oytnq has stppen' on), pen ends of ppe shell be plugged Mere shot/ be o mmimum of 6'-0" coven oven all ppe and _,ice lines. Any pipe defiecfian shod not exceed fifty (50) percent of recommended menu% torn•, maearrum deflectim.. Backhll motwials and proced, .. shol/ be os detailed on the draw/ngs. Me Contractor shall be responsb/e to, any and W sheeting and/ ,bar q necessary to comply /OSHA - W51A regu/atianS 3 the testing of Me wale, main she// consist of the I-ting of at/ Rfsto//ed pipe, services. hyd ants. etc. Me testing sho// consist of o pressure test followed by o lvokoge test Al/ testing shall be done with potable water and in the presence of the Engineer. Me pressure test consists of maintaining a minim 'n/anal pipe pressure of two hundred (200) pounds per square inch /or two (2) hours Foi/ore to hold the pressure (t/- 5 psi) f the speaWed time conslfules firers o/ the test /or the pwticulor section of ppe, fie leakage test shod be conducted to, one (1) hour. Me time f the leakage test may be indoaed with the time of the preswre test D mIg Me leakage test the quantify of otn necesswy to ointain the testing pres sof Me system shall be m s ell Me leakage shad not exceed Me o//owabe w/ues os shown in fable 6 AWWA C- 600 Failure of any test sechon wii nacessn'oh, repair and/or rep/ocement of the /oiled section. Wkmg pressure and test pressure shill be determined r,Wly by E gkren and local qW owl agency. 4. Chileh ation of the system shot/ be occomplished o/ter the wafer mom has been suceessh//y pressure tested and thoroughly flushed Disinfection shell be in occordonce w/AWWA C-601. Me method of disi bection shot/ be approved by the Engineer and on/1 offersamples of water %om the flushed disirrlecfed mom shows no evidence of bacteriological contamination. Use 50 m9/1 for 24 hours. Me cancenlratian must , awn above 25 mg//. r ben Jisinfectian is not occptable. 5 Two water so ae; n two Wf/ ent /oca6- she// be token by the Engineer and sent to the State f testing prior to water mom being placed Sonitory & Storm Mains I Me ppe for sondory sewer and Storm she// be PVC gravity sewer pipe SOR J5 (ASIMO 3O34) with 'abbe, sealing Nhgs. Al/ ppe shut be /bid to the line and 9roae shown an foe plans. 2 Me insholl d sonitwy sewer pipe shall be low pressure air tested in the presence of the Engineer After pipe c/eaninq, the pipe action (manho, to manhole) shd/ be tested according to the /Wowing procedures.An kr6rmdl pipe pressure of 4 pounds per square inch greater than ony back pressure do, to o water table shall be created A m o/ two (2) minutes shall be allowed to, temperature stobRirolian. Me pp, section shall be considered acceptable when, tested of o pressure of J pounds per sWare inch greater than ony bock pressure, Me section does not lose an at a rate greater than 000J0 chn/s.f of h,e mot ppe lea J Sewn mains must hove a m &e pulled th-gh and /loped by the Engineer and with-ed by the Pubic Wks Oportment Seoorotion of Water and /or Sonitory &Storm Moires I No warn main shoo be closer than ten (10) feet to any son/fwy s storm se , or sanitary manhole, and rive (5) beet to ony calm boson. Prbide mmpnum of /B" ve 6e 1 sporotr'cn between wote, man and storm/sanifwy sewer. Testing and Notes A// utaitie and rbodw A shall be designed and cansI u W m occwdance tb Me South Burlington Pblk Woks Standard Specificotion. All testing in ...flan of utilities shall cabibem to OPOSS end shut hove staff hcvn Me P btic W ks Dpwtment present to witness feeling. /n addition to the above regain eats, I// wafer lines and s n lines and mono/es shop be thoroughly ees(ed by the Contractor M occo donce with the current ab&on of the Enironmento/ Pratectia, Ru/es. Note: All c Puceiah shall be accomplished in o cbrdonce with the standards set fen in the latest edition of the public works psi%c,bon of the Cley of South Burlington and relerencea speci%cefians, /n the pse of conflict, the more slrogenl peci%cation she// apply Confrbc/w shd/ kepi o log book of of least three swing lies to se na, /potions and any points of deflection or ate, main biting,. Books shd/ be turned ova to the Own pore acceptance of wwk Elewtians to the top o/ se,Wces shot/ also be retarded - Provide 6' toper when curb is adjacent to wo/kwoy Provide 4' taper when curb is adjacent to w9etotion. Tip Down Curb End Detail NTS Chid Cs.'.f.lOf1 the Ve,mant H,ghe y 5peahcotrcns 70J 04 Conu/w Borrow. Tqb/e r0304A 10 Gro+e/ subbase snot confrm to ✓ moot Hghwoy specibcothns (2011) 70405, Table 704.05A, coon'. For c tiE:° w1 M,.:°x 1P' 4 ' 04 0$ - o Cm Perm it Re vie w nt M-honicody spreod and c-pact bituhnlnous concrete with equpment approved by Engineer refer to plan for width 6" 5" wide grove/ 3" Bituminous co c. 4" tpsod. see site shoulder type / rope in p/on /or grading Miofr' 500'J 15" Crushed grovel Undisturbed ear. or approved subbase (704.05, fine) fill mloteriol composted to 95X//I J standard proctor in 72" lilts. New Bituminous Wolkwoy Detail N. T. S. Gen erol Wo ter Main Notes Got, -/ies shall be A. W. WA. C 500-80 Standard Cote ✓olds with mechanical pints of sizes as required on the plans. All valves sholl be of cost or ductile iron body, parallel brass seats, non -rising stem, inside screw, resilient wedge construction with O" R/ng Stem Seals. A// valves to be equoped with o valve box ,, a minimum of 6 feet (69 of cover material. The and be designed ate w/vas shall open counterclockwise 9 9 P t /. for a workin restate a 200 s' 9p P Cast irarr Cover marked "doter" A// water related work to be performed in accordance with the Specificotions and Details for the Installation of Water /fines and appurtenances for all Water Systems Owned by the Chomploin Water District, the City of South Burlington, Colchester Fire District #1, and the ✓i/faye of Jericho. " 0*2'ma ra-, tchexist'the Cotractor shall be o,ed un�on ib/e f tom / n 5 rasp PN 9 with OSHA - VOSfA regulotrons. slightly Ductile iron pipe shol/ w ed PalY De poly Y wra shall me meet P ANSI/AWWA 0105/A21.5-05. mish grade Final aockh'li moterroi shell �11 , coma/, era stones greater 95% 95% than 3" in domefn, n standard standard `- 8" wafer pipe / m / Proctor actor ozen u P I P p; c Y ar shall have less _ organic mote rim. (AASHTO-T-99) o b, thou three brass Adpr5lob/e iron cub buffo/o P/oce in 12' hills and wedges taste/led style curb box with cover '-pact as indt'ofed at each Joint. 6' min, cover b Use an site sond !l/ for bdckhYl Use 4 mil palyethyfene hounching and ini6q/ bock &I D � D-Me iron, Ct 52 or between w/w and ftou1cnm9 concrete \ und5rabed moreioi Compact undo pipe Water main Provide tam. 6" Excavate trench fa support and cushion over /edge s x • u bell, pints, and pipe 'quo//y xI. ..x x x' x x x Typical Water Trench Details / Crushed stone N rs.. thoroughly compacted Undisturbed soil jVlcal Gate valve N T.S Thrust block Existing water main Verify size and type.? Topping seem and wlke by Clow, New 6" water service &A/er or approved equal Contact South Bur/ington Wofer Dept. Wet top shall be installed by persons and the Engineer 48 hours prior to top. approved by City of South Burlington Water Deptand the Engineer Typical Topoino Sleeve and valve NTS Note A thrust block shall be installed of a// water moin hems reou- end cps ona tees. Minimum one Undistubed soil -,use m, ",a fur/ length of pPe antoiners Buried gate valve with concrete support anal anchor (see buried Yt' gote w/.r a tea obore) 6" (15.2 cm) mi Plug to trench wall n k (toica/J Und'slu bed soil tlolve/Deod End Reducer Undstubed sod Note: Place 3 m,Y. (minimum) palyelhyl*ne street between �yQ>� a// concrete thrust blacks and ppe/w h7lings to prevrnt bond slid/ not CO ; ball; c. o/ fittings. vet baits, et Undisturbed soil Tee 90 e, 45 e, 22 1/2,a or it V. vena Thrust Block Details k,4inimum A— of Re nrl St/ffnce of Conrfete Thrust Block fin SOuOre feet) 3" 4" 6" B" 11 SD/( COVD/DON SAF£ BEARING iOAD(RSI) I Reseu 0.5 G. 0.5 0.5 /.0 05 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 20 25 1.5 1.0 40 5.5 30 1.5 Sound sho/e 10,000 f15 1.0 t0 05 t5 .0 t0 O.5 30 4.0 20 t0 4.5 65 35 20 10.01407.5 4.0 & sond ted �0 4,000 J.O10 OS 20 05 t5 1.0 35 50 3.0 1.5 6.0 85 50 25 130185 I00 50 qqqqr e 25 t5 1.0 25 35 20 t0 5.5 75 4.0 20 9.01 . 70 35 0192Z 15.0 8.0 e ode' can 2,000 4.5 25 1.5 SO 70 40 20 105150 80 4.0 18025 14.0 70 JR0 550 300 15.0 Soft c/oy 1,000 Mowknu , Pressure - 200 PSI (140,620 kg/m T ) Al/ valves shall be AWWA droved nufocfured by M,,Ae, C/ow or approved equal A// va/ors shall be pen counterclockwise. Amide molector in cordonce with Municpal Stoodord Breokowoy 7hnrlt (see d NO MS' / the /o"t- of sewer moms in mlotion to water mains shall be in [cordonce with the Recommended Standords to,Sewage Works" so -tolled Ten State Standards and Woler S PP/y Ru/es. 2 Sewers shelf be laid of least t0 feet horizontally ham any xisting ar prposed water main The drstp shot/ be measured edge to edge. /f this dstonce cannot be obtained, hh A installed occordi, fo EPR Ch fer 1 then the es she be, Pp9 p A endk IA.11a. OP 3 IB" separation shall be mointoined whether -fork; aver or under sewn. // fhls distance cannot be obtained, then the pipes shall be into/led occardng to EPR Chptn 1, 11b. Water IB" min. Sewn /L//�act l c panted in in 6` /oyem-y*rs-95% standard proctor density Crossings; Sewn crossing worn mains shall be laid beneath the orate main with of Most fB inches vet/col clearance between the outside of the sewer and the wfsrde of the doter main. Men it is possible to maintain the 18' Venice/ sporafilo- 4) the trotting sho// be orrpged so that one full length of sewn I entered obow or below the water line with sewer pints as tar as possible Hom water joints; 2) the sewn pipe must be constructed to Water main stonoords lw a m distance 0120 feet either side of the crossing ar a total of three pipe lengths, whichever is greoler,' J..) the section ca,,oeucted to worn standards must be Pressure tested to momfoin 50 psi f /5 mmufes without leakage prior to bbckfa/ing b �d one foot oboes Me pipe to ossu a water tightness 4) white a water moin crosses undo o sewer, adequate structural s pport shall be provided far the sewn to pre.enf damage to the water moin. Sewer / Water Seporotion Detail N T.S A// wale Vine - rooted w k to be pnf mrd m accwdpce with Me CND Sp -A -lions. the Con Noctor shot/ confirm hydront specification with Municipality before bdeing Hydrant shot/ be cordonce with AWWA C-502, 3-way post type breokowoy, Mue//n Super Centurion 250, A-423 0 W terbus Pacer with two 2 -" hose nozzles and r e 4 r," pumper ooz le Secure burp bog over hydoot unlit P/oced Into mice. Obfoin pproval f hyd ant ham CND prior to ordering Adimtob/e will iron a, e bill orked per' / typcca/ a// /v*sJ "di. C152 wofer Iomvwrea gra.*l A// hydpt loins shall I be pnmonenuy plugged Use Polyetha mi1 concrete fen' between ' anal Rtt/ng (typical) Typical Hydrant Basis of Design Water SvStem ., one Cee/oom units ®!50 p % nrt = .!600 0 Subrorol J,600 gild Akow '60 reduction /w wofer sown9 devices: 3600 ill • 09 3, 24G gild Fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of on ancha, tee or o Swivel Joint ble-t Tee, o six inch RW gate valve the oppropriote length of 6" 01.. pipe 9cured to the got* w/w with the appropriate etainer gla, the hire h) ont, -apprpriafe fhrosf block A// hyd ants sho// meet CWD speci%cotions and shalt be plugged pn- to insf0//Orion. wateroas Ere hydonts must be h"fol/eo with a Bosfwr Operotog Nut " .0 Nbfer mom p$ nd'slurbed earth, typical b Concrete thrust block ,x undsfurbed moteriol (see thrust block detoa) Hydrant tee. vo/ve balarted Ancor fee or 11" of 3/4" lee With Foster stile undo frehyd t odoo tit. & Gate valve Assembly I Contractor shoprowee g fits f all water fine bends d elbows. 2 All MJ glands sho/1 be 11egalug ar pProwd W.I. .I.. 3 Mechanical faint restamfs with twist off nuts shall be EBAA, Sigma, ar approved equal wo�1yF11j4Iy Vr. No y4 rum. unurr`I•r`` For Permit Review All wu« ark to be performed ;n ,/. with the "Cnompfom Nbt, As1Nc( Specihcoti'o; ono Deloas l Me MsfoHot/an of Wotp' lines and Appurle --", hence/ M the CNO SPecihcotips' All damestrc services ono ore spr;nkre systems trot oreco. rofeo to the public wafer srsfem shot/ be protected occardhg to their degree of hozwd, wirhna bockflow prevention assembly, ono on opprprio, thermal exoonsbn system. Please confect fh is deportment br more ;ni motion on bo `F Im-lion dewzes. Ire CND Spec;hcorians we eol"eale I m, new ca,sNucnon and recpst-ciao al warn ; &", adore. ✓wiatips Aram the CND *"Ali'cenons wdl not be PWn iN '.reapt os prowled within the CND S o"fk,,fiws. A, pPrpnofa CND S wsw os darned o the CND ecinronons semi determine the o tabeit deviobbn !ram those so [cep r of m r p t I Hivofe water bbes one oGpurfgnpces shoo be designed to the some standardda,ds os public wofer lines oral n the ['COD s. Al worn instoeroin work and wotar distribution oaf I must comply wifn the 'CItt7 Spec;ea COO Defoils /or this pro vcf must be fne some os those Wlnir the above referenced CND SoeciRcofia,. tare prefect then/ be cars ml, camp tel. moofa#e pal p Md io -am-ce with Me approved p/wis No 'loges s/r l be moot in the Project w;Mour rn vrittro pprew/ of Me ail wiore CND supnwsw. A cpy of the nnm pp roved plans Ind/ be Iudn;— Prior to conIt-lion of the wore, system improromen rs. 1h above r reran e CND e ibaonp tare mot n worn /tact shoe be msrolmd der, e c d Sp [ Npwmbn 15 w berate Apnl 1 without prior oppraw/ of the 15 ao f Su ndthe pprpriafe CND spnwsw may resMcf work before Nd vembn 15 ptl alto Apra 1 during ddwvse weom, cpolans. pre prp,ty own, would Hove to yowde access to !re Deportment f the mrons o! und,takng worn d;stnb;.tim emergency -.?1 dud mo/rrtenance, cs - owetl by fne City worn wd;,- Attest w d taro hove to be Pr "'_ ra the Oporrment tar !hose taro stps looted p:s:ire fne city ROW / r d4aao'e 'n g s e to dminavent or, t' prowled that the City of Soufh Buri;ng/p /slows the malemI- let / fh ;n Slate S1pt- of/e 24 V. SA. Cnpter 129, UnY m -1, and Sewer Disconnect E,' rt--1 rcn ono ^c�/�n ppeoI-1 .no n ass en 2 aross wedges insto.'/ed at each pint. qh P%pets nave n 3 wedges nvol'ed of ro ll ,joint pre Soufn Bunmgton Nbrn Deoar -, wdinonce stores trot All wets fines and ppurte.+pees nor focetec in the City right -of- y w puaic grounos shot/ ae cps•eema priwfe Pu suont N Me wdinonce pd others o.' Me O'ty and, n„ Oepe,17t shot/ not mmntoin any water noes Mot how not formally been occepfed by fne at" ercepf m subews;ons loaf are designed to Deportment sped//cations and are -Mended to be accepted, pq All worw lines one powfenon=es loafed within on area so designoled os restricted or o,wm by fne Ce.N shall be crosianed priwfe tnsr ;coo'., the S.:.fh Bur.:;ngtp Nbf, D,,a'_ lit nos µAortal o-ehg foe moan o oirrte, ce of o11 w ter moms anal opPurtnonces of from rhos, moms at :poled ;n the ROW w deeded ore! to the Cif, .1" forma/ oppraw/. It- oe uncle sfopd foot this Deportment would -1, provide th of owrse g the repdr and n,"omnonce of all wo and pppudenances offer we ne,e ;n acted anal pam- rho intro ono, o! Me __'t'o one rune' Ames D l-d the City omad location, the fo tpia a, the s s epno in the Aronogement Cp a/ the Chomp'mn water nd Di-ct eMe C;ty of S-fh Burnngfp, -see' pn..c/i/ fne oboes mlerencea' load and material charges are ;o oda:ion to on/ fee rrou ml under the South Bwiingfw Zen, Deportment Ordinwce, such os but not limited to priwfe hie lip ants anal sprinkler systems. At this time priwfe hire hydrants ore assessed of JJDD per hydwt on Vol / and ore sprinkler systems are assessed JJO annually Cafe .ro/ws ono cub stilt aulvad Me City ROW must now o N'omply Co- !led Iar Ire South BI-9- wel, Drowrmem 1 gainaccess for eemli- ur emngendes ond /w discwrneclmg snit' fo 1.oq eot or, pnfs prowled !lie C':y of Sprit Budinglp ",a- m the repviremen(s sal forth the State Statute All, 24 VSA C9Wm, 129, 'Uniform Nbfer and Sewn Dan necl" P,r South Fu ,,9tp wofer Depart`- shop bd sent any Aurure hard cpy plans row x g this project M renew future pions must innlade details and spec/ncotians os mqu/qd in the above rekren.a, spechcet;ons. Hive to any buadmg conshuctiw, the buamng --to, must -tocf foe South Bur/ington wom, Drowlmenf fa dac✓ss Coy repkemnts f met, sbmg, meta serrmgs xd bo[know 'm-N- the 5-M 8.,1%lgfon Mote, Deportment snml be refined n advance to h/spect all echoic,/ joint h'tfmgs, m m line fps appurte ooces thrust' b/acks voter one crossings, a,d feslmg Prior to occurrnce or buck Wog /t a o va/ahoo M dischw9e -ma wafer rota warns of me State. Al/ wafer used during Ausn;ng pal fesnng o/ the new man must be darhlwinotad p enfenng any worn at the state. Aft, firm # snhg and ae! men he dsnmvnon Intern. two [ ecu fiw sets o ctoble sornplf taken of m fr 24 hoo urs4 1- be I—Hom tee new m one scepubmirma to a Vermont 1-th Deportment ter analysis. At fee let or sdmPles shall be cmlece a ham e,e / 1,000 feet o/ me new wafer m n, plus ono set ram MC end ell M' :in "' of :east on set from e✓e y brooch. All sample reports -I ee submitted to the appmpr;o:e Opwfinenf prior to penln9 any cannecfbn to ao _,song worn one. U- cwmpfetip of the cpnshuction proect, %record Orown9s' she% be supplied to Ire p w,niilm CND "`­waw 7 the loan oI one (lJ nwd cpy and p 'theme cp/ m Auto-f.ADONr, vnsioa 2D0.9 1-1 w Record /hawin, we to me/ude emve lies. anI mwru/ocfur, m and rotor, doleel m/ gate w roh- ties for all curb srpq pod wore. snot n11s (-a'',) soar be µrnwtnM an /the R,wd Orawin9s. NO TES I Aw 'slit ' s wrd /ve spexF/n systems trot -a to the public wofer .systemslim/ by ,0_tad with d pckdaw a,,-- -1 an oprphwe el- eOpsip ream m rwnp/lance with roes' Orlo,ao, For the Contra of Cross Conoa,t its Ntthm me worn System or the City or sa rh Bur/ingfp" 2 All wofer line and !,lot,, work to ae performed ,n accordance wifn Me "Cho - al, Nbfer D/sldc! Specih'ptips pal Lela& for the /nsto//unw of Nbfn /m s and Appurtnwces. " �6d Iva ors Gore valor pod tamper ra 4" � witch t`� Norune 7 -now SOrpeld p 4 4� � Ico mpound worn mere To obmestic BackAow Pieve-k 2' (double ch,ick dero[r) 4 Cary Entrance Baubeo P/evenlip ' nle cnec4 date f See mrohpicm dowmgs b Ct/ musdesign sle data) o/ sprinkler system, C elswa e worn t lie ismored bon sprerMm system with Nbtts Sores 1090CDA (douD/e [neck Oe(rorw ossemb/Y) w pproved equm Sockf/ow Preventer Schematic NTs Sanitary Testinq Requirements 1. All sewer lines old manholes shall be thoroughly tested by the Contractor in accordance with the current Environmental Protection Rules (09/29/07). 2 All sanitory manholes sho// be vacuum tested in the presence of the Engineer The structure shall be tested prior to bockfrTl lest procedures and pressure sholl be determined jointly by the loco/ opprovo/ agency and the Engineer. Failure of any vacuum test shall necessitate repair and/or replacement of the structure and retest Water testing manholes is not occeptoble. J All sanitary mains shall be air tested in the presence of the Engineer At a minimum, the test pressure shall be 4 pounds per square inch of the highest point along the test for 4 minutes. Water testing is not acceptable. 4. Utility Testing. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling sanitory testing of o minimum of 24 hours prior to the test. Bosed on availability of Engineers staff, the Engineer sholl accommodate the testing schedule within 24 hours of the Contractor requested test date/time. Engineer will only accommodate testing requests for o minimum of 2 structures plus the section of pipe between the structures. 5 The Contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer if pre -scheduled testing odd/or wafer/sewer construction is canceled /f Contractor does not contact Engineer and Engineer visits the site, the Controctor shall be responsible for E ginesr"s feeslendeoge for site visit The manhole fromes may be set of base course pavement grode of any time Prior to final course paving the fromes set at base course paving grade shall be raised to final course grades using grout or Multi -purpose rubber adjustment n rs placed under the frame. Manhole fromes set at final grade must /save o 1" reveo/ ogoinst the frame often base course paving. Therefore, manhole fromes may be set of final grade elevation prior to base course paving only if all the fallowing will occur: 1. Final course powng is to occur within 45 days of base course paving. 2. Final course paving /s to occur before snow plowing. 3 Bose course pavement oround home must be pointed orange if road Is open to traffic. Cover to be Fnish ode Frome & cover marked "SEWER" 9r LeBaron LC248-2, - equcl�slope to drain Grout home to cost Pre -cost concrete n'sers. Use class in place concrete 1 A concrete (4,000 psi) between cost Is- 6" iron frame odd precast concrete manhole. Brick n5ers are not occptob/e. Sewer manhole and cover by Pra vide cost in p/ace steps Camp, S.D. Ireland, or equal when denpth exceeds 6' —� _ - ASTM spec 0478 from ° to invert Use i1? - 4, 000 PS/ concrete polypropylene plastic rungs J� - Steel reinforced to ASTM Specs. with 112" grade 60 steel 4'-0" - AASHTO H-?O wheel /cod reinforcement ar equal. 'O' Ring gasket or Mastic A// manhole lift hates shall be grouted inside and out Do not mortar inside foes of manhole. with expandable grout. Manho/e sho/l be vacuum tested 5" while lowest joint 1s still exposed in presence of Asphalt coated Engineer See Engineer for 1. testing requirements B" min. Cost in place or press -sea/ Class A concrete or red ' gasket for o// pipe penetrations hardened brick shelf and invert Shelf sho// be t q"eft rninimum 213 of pipe diameter. 4 000 B ° " • ° ° ° < ° o Mono/ithic base section �3/4' to 1 1/2' crushed Undisturbed mate,/al compacted stone Typical Precast Sewer Manhole N T.S. D+?' powng to match eristin The Contractor shall be responsible for complying paved unpoveo with OSHA - VOSHA ound slightly regulations Bock/ill moteria/ under roods or paved areas must pass subg,ode proof roil. Any Bockfill moteria/ shall ' trench area that does not contain na stones greater j 95R 958 successfully proof ro// shall, at than 3" in diameter n o standard stondore the Conlroctor's expense, frozen lumps, clay or Proctor Proctor + have sufficient material organic moteria/ wed and replaced with P/oee in 12' lifts and occptobl, embankment .� compact as indicated moteria/ and composted to h provide acceptable proof roll _ conditions 1/4"fo 3/4" - '0 crushed stone for PVC 5DR J5 sanitary sanitory Pipe shall coot m to ASTM 6 .Spec/fi'cation D-J034 or F679, (PVC) Undisturbed material , Sewer Ppe and Fittings, SORJ5. PVC pipe with recycle content (Env/ro-tite) will at be accepted PVC SOR 35 pipe sholl not be installed when the temperature drops below J2' F or goes above 100' F unless prior approval is obtained from the Engineer. Extra care is required when handling PVC pipe during cold weather PVC pipe shall not be stored outside and exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight as pipe dscoldeation and reduction in pipe impact strength will occur ff PVC pipe is to be stared on site for 1 month or longer it shall be covered with conws or other opaque materio% Typical Sonitory Trench Detail N r5 Basis of Design Wastewater System 24 one bedroom units 0 140 Wd/anit - L!0 cod TOTAL 1S60 gpd 1 4" min. serwce /ofero/ Provide c/eanouts of 45'bend 100' min. see detail 45'wye 4inin. coven Distance to wry with depth of sewer service 6" service s 12" min. y N' 4" ser,i e : 11" min Slpe 1/4 eft. unless otherwise noted Undisturbed soil Bedding material to be hone c p,cfed Sewer mom to 959 standard proctor (min.) before + placing /ofero/ or US& Class C' concrete (2000 /bs) See trench detail P/on Section Buildin_4 Service Connection NTS PAVEMENT Pavement Jp'�y'�tj ✓acne corn marked �1 1 ..., accor ding to use. et iron r / bar -/LJ ' tap or approved equo% Fber pocking between PIP and valve box. 4" PVC SDR 35 �tiPt 1 wAOt ti ` y:4 m r SYaa�Re For Permit Review EMM3 CROSS COUNTRY watertight cap morAed c/ecnaut" 1" 45"bell and spigot elbow (4i PVC SDR 35 45' wyr I in line c/eanouts (6" X 4") 45" be// and spigot far te.•mino/ c/eonouts (reduce to 4 Sonitory / Storm Cleonout Detail* Al T. S. Storm Mains The pipe for storm sewer shall be os shown on the plans and detoded below: Al/ pipe shall be laid to the line and grade as shown on the plans. RCP - Rein/arced concrete pipe - Pipe rho// conform fa Vermont 5'fondord Speci/r'cafions toy Construction, Section 710,, and -SHTD N770 HDPE - Smooth Wol/ed Cwrugated - Pipe snail be sl/f hghf ono con/arm fo AASHTO M291t Tye 5 (ADS N.`2 High 0--ty Po/yetN"', Pipe or approved ,gaol) ' M294 Virgin Materiel Sp-fih at%on may be waived cs approved by the Enginem. PVC SOR 35 - Poly✓inyi ch/wide ppe - PO, sholl conform to ASTM Specin[otion D-JO34 w F679, (PVC) Sewer Pine and F"fhhgs, SOR35 ACCGMP - Cwrugnfea gnlv,ni>ed met,/ pipe - Ppe shall ca/form to standard go --cations / CGM ppe, AASHTO M190 Pipe rho// hove , po/ynerrc coating conforming to AASHTG M 146 Type B {Mel %ndicoted, Controcfor snot/ -11// 24' wide bonds with a watertight gasket n lieu of.-- p%pe callers. PVC SDR 35 pipe shall not be installed when the temperature drops below 32' F or goes above log' F unless prior approval is obtained from the Engineer Extra care is required when handling PVC pipe during cold weather. PVC pipe shall not be stored outside and exposed to prolonged periods of .sunlight os pipe discoloration and reduction in pipe impact strength will occur. /f PVC pipe /s to be stored on site far 1 month or longer It shall be covered with conves or other opaque material. - Contractor she// be responsible for all dewatering and stormwoter by-pass procedures necessary to complete the project. No overnight pumping shall be of/owed Stormwater System Maintenance Schedule 1. The stormwoter item /s comprised of any portion of the site that directs or conveys water. 2. The storm water item must be inspected regularly and repaired as required Special attention must be given to winter time ice conditions. 3 The site shall be re wed includng catch basins, foreboys, m/cropoots treotment ponds, swo/es, vegetation, pavements, etc. and repairs or cleaning will be performed as necessary, 4. /n the spring o// paved surfaces shalt be swept. All collected debris shall be disposed of in on upland ores and immeoiotely stabilized or disposed as approved by the Owner. 5 Catch basin sumps shot/ be cleaned as required The catch basin/manhole frames may be set of base course pavement grade of any time. Prior to lea/ course poving the Names set at base course paving grade shall be raised to lino/ course grades using grout or Mufti -purpose rubber adjustment rl rs placed under the borne. Frames set of final grode must leave o J" reveal against the borne after base course paving Therefore, manhole homes may be set at final grade 'l-tion prior to base course povmg only if the following will occur 1. Fiho/ course paving is to occur within 45 days of base course paving. 2 F'nol course paving is to occur before snow p/owing. 3 Temporary stormwoter dams shalt be created to direct water h1to the basins as approved by the Engineer. 4 Bose pavement around frome must be pointed orange if rood hs open to traffic. Catch Basin Size • Mox. Pi a P Diameter +Tire catch basin size indicated is a nimum size for o single pie penetrationfie sire of each catch basin structure is dependent on the number of pipe penetrations, ppe sires, types, and angular configuration of the pipes entering the structure A// new catch basins must be Sized to meet the 3' din 12" 4' din. 24' storm design Shown on the Utility Pions. 5' din. 30" 6' din 36" All catch basins shot/ be laid poro//el ogdinst the cub while maintaining full access. Frame shall be na more than 1" from face of urb. c Concrete curb, see detail Catch basin frome and gratef.nisn gran, ripe shall be LeBaron LF248-2, or ro dro%n (wire taro/ equal Use LK120A if slopes See Section Detod ore 5.T or eater Three 3 gr l% above o catch Fmisn grade ,Yong, homes shalt be seal basins net urb. g°ram_ t l l 1pe to drain ogmrra! cubs l�l Storm manhole home and - - Cost m place or precast concrete grade grate shall be LeBaron _ _ rings. Use class B concrete Ps1J LC248-1, ar equal. C.- 'STORM' e r precast ' o °' between cost r on Hoare and prcconost shall be morked or varies _ to catch basin precast Crete ORA1N' °v� 2'-0" se, rings approved equal. Brick and T -actor is at acceptable See chart Catch sin by Comp, S.D. Ireland or equal. A/l manhole lift holes spec. C478 shall be grouted inside - 4,000 PS/ concrete and out with °°° - Steel reinforced to ASTM Specs expandable grout. - AASHTO H-20 wheel load Cost in place or press seal Mastic, "0" ring gasket for on pipe connections or butyl rope. ° D �0 Flow 1 -6" Monolithic base / First /blot shall be higher than 24 / _� sump - ar 4r t out el - 314" to 1 112" crushed stone Undisturbed material Typical Catch Basin / Storm Manhole N. T S. Sockff// malaria/ under roods or paved wens must pass subgrade proof roll. Any french o o that does at su essfu//y proof shall, of the Contractors expense, hove sufficient material oved and rep/aced with acceptable embankment material and compacted to provide acceptable proof roll conditians. m*a exrs in paving to tch f g 2, 2 wide x 6" higH The Contrctor rho// e/ "stal, in - } - /pbe Osib/e f ampeg with with OSHA - ✓OSHA paved unPored nand sghtly concrete structure. regulations Bock/i1/ material she// '$ amain no tones great- than 3" in diameter, he haze. l-P,, 1/1" or stpndard sfondwd 4 pronto. prxtw organic terio/ Place h 11" ells and o compact as indicated Plan Corr m p/ace col 114" to crushed Undisturbed Storm main and -e C- (see site peon) -RCP -ACCGMP -PVC SOR35 Sw - mooch o//ed corrugated polyethylene Tunica/ Storm Trench Detail NTS Connecfw sect%w HDPE I c Plan Reinforced edge d` qe a the trough use :ruin/ess steel meta/ threaded lost,, - Celle, Alternate Connections Notes.' End sections shop be installed in cordon[, with the monufoct- insto/lotion specifi-tians. E/ewtion Connector echo. s C L1 a e trough Cross Section HDPE End Section Detail N.TS Ppe Diomerer Dim A e en Cis 0 l Y Max. 1 �! 1 1/2Y 10 11 s2 9T r4.5 14 5 33 6 15 IB 91 49 r9 T1 J4 4J 6 6 T9 59.5 18 4B 6 J0 i6 8H 35 6J 5 6 Typical lined drainage swo/e. See Plan View for location. Swale to have Not bottom, 5' wide. Side slopes to be 3' 1. See site p/on .J' 7 Grass Swale Cross Section N. T S, Cut w "slots" in c fe structure. Total cot 4' in length, 6" high. C" ssecondos o hi - a 1 to fracture 4" PVC SOR 35 with 1" hale Wi/led in end cop with rrdsh rock Des%n water sur/ace Nev. 3J9. D' /eooredJ 2' connection - Bottom micr pool 3J7.0 / / 4I ------Top of pond_ 321.9 2 15_yDP£ - Booted connection Catch basin by Comp, SD /re/and or equal - ASTM spec. C478-88 4, 000 PSI concrete - Steel reinforced to A57M Specs. - AASH70 H-20 to load ,in 72" oft ° e o compacted ° gro el ° o a Wet Pond Outlet Detail N. T. S. Non c re vosr onc'doh �g the g.11 Adjoining ends mar be memon,coky orroocned or welde0 ro earn roar svemu p drowings i pvrow/ / / �••�or-vE tr,A m For Permit Review Pvc L Nwr cwrosiw mesa cured l l /' 1s•1 to - P", Home. 112" x / NIw Gullet Structure sh, ern ,poring. Svbmir 1 � sop Wowing, !w pprovW Wet Ponds Trash Rack Detail Nor to Scale tka City of 6�1w V. L.i6.di 777 i W "i, 1 Cote SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL: I E osian -d spun-t control rrreas✓res shot be planned -d field mPlemmf-Orr- fo beginn q "1 -9 and s�ogmg p-olians The proper-piemenlvtion Ind mdnt-once o,, nosion/setlimmf an fro shot/ be the C-trocfors responsbdily M/s responsibll%ly rho/l Include onero/uofiw oI probpb/e ,,olio con0'f%ohs and their upocfs and the neresswy p/annHrg br peal -rig angoing e,k The br-Sne Cobioi,. ," sn"I review -orlon canted meas,es Plan- -d b pace the Ckr-She CVardnot," slid/ hole ouM,dy to stgo the C-boclos +ark and order work an d seat cantral me.I✓res -11 rbe erosion -e sea eoand c-bds m pro- ore defined sotisA,ct., the standard to Mrch the project will be held & -pat-lid f o war, q✓dlfy wI h- exists under Ill seas -oily 14-.so ,v--Vfances. Erosi- canna meadrres .notated - the Pl-s we set-d- ro adders specific d Aadriond measures m.y be necess y depmdng - potion of the two. of ttn -cfmn. Vn pwlbu/w, o s roods and staging near -, be sense,, Mr necessoy -s- control measures. /n Va"Van to these Pons and eefols, the "Y ant Nonaboo4 1- 5a7 Erosion and se. Can"" - Construction Si-" shah be used as a referonce guide. An -Ilan anted measures Mdr be m.infvin- -h` fie man- n - le mf/aN .It Permanem ground carer has De- esfo0/iM- ono Mot further measures ar not segueed IMm r anted meas,es we deemed - /anger necessary, e/ mot -ids detomed..ncNdurg runoff ruts and croshu"A n debris -d srobaied -Nonce -atria/ she/be collected and dr;oosed I'm - occeolab/e m-her. 2 MV!-b/sthe contract, shI/l hale -I,, - immediate us Ill WWcn by crushed sr-e - -1ra do -re n"",, chel /n'ngs, e, /oak -a opustin-ces r ercess y ro protect ill w- J noon, of AA,1 -d Soo.- Me trading of mud -d sari cow he"g ropes bv.b -f fo the R41-of-Woy access pour. slid/ not be allowed /f nseess.ry, o sfobilir- c- t-cho, entrance sea be iae-1 consisting of on 8" depth of sl-e 1" fo J' in e, 100' n 1-9. roe -nonce shall be main foinetl la pevenf hockurg of mud and sad -to existing moos 4 mining If stobb iroli- Me c-h-ta, ehd/ seed one mWM d/ ,;I-- -°os as o- as possible.. a-- oV dsfurbed wens soon be stub''✓u- (rpsoa seed and mulch,,) wirnin 48 hoer$ Ines grading con es. Lhr this proti"cf Ibis 4B hour /unit wdl pP/y fo ill disturbed o ems, access roads, slodpaes efcelem. Mere may be times when if is no! possible to cwn0/eb the sfabdirofi- of an arse within 48 nouns due to excph-d useslances. I/ ch I sit vote- arse$ the On -Site C-~, be be noI ll Al that point y t existing rasmn control m s sod/ 4 ell be m- by Me Engine-. Ad e, - earl- tontrnr meos,es eves/ be wtlred or fhaf point, i/ e t need der S prerenf movement or sediment or/ site w w the wafer If Me Stole. Me oIicn a of prompt sfaDH;rdi- is to /unit ms the o/ e s A// e 3 Lond Cowing -a 5(-Pmg: the times of dewing snob be bcoled and marked won- M begmo ng wok. AN prs-n1 shall be o of Me Venire, and all necessary ewe sod/be -- ro prese trees -it regefolian fo be retain- and to p,.I-1 the -peen, wen-ds. Brush V- limbs shall be -1 and ch.pped info piles d-g the low s,'dc of the ereping remits All sow fogs and fee wood shoe be sdw9ea fo / - P.-&". -sfod- in /,./ions as deser- by I -downy An slumps wifhin fee /units a/ Me p/-n- earthwork shelf be ex prof- one disposed o1 m - III, d suilobh /.tali-. Stumps and brush outside the b'mits a bench a ro.trot/ be cut Nush with the ground su Avon See c-$feud/ll- - cond'fi-s to, wen-d areas. 6 Exc.wfian and Back/H/. Subs"/ -d fpsoa own Me ZP-erg and aroei sod/ be sepool- -d pa- nV-oue/y /or reuse so /o as ne ble. See conshuck- candifions for ,,flan, areas rinse 9nodmg and pparoti- /, seeding: Fn,sh graaurq shill be as re-r ed to sfobVhie the dssfurbee or-s. In a--. st-- r,ks -d deals snot be removed own the surloce. A. aeoes m grade shah be wen rounded Me oof.ce No// - be th gtrly soled, dogged, or -wm-ise -ally Dorn-. ,hen neces y the spa slid - /oosm- to a 2" dear°. Me degree of rnrish- 9-5ng sod/ be os soy fo produce o s✓iAb,e canslsf-t wirn Me su .undeig w -d /he Pre-canst-0- -d'Ran At o m, disturb- or-s shel 9rod- w,tn o small Iola", seed- and mulch- where Me ,"Wing loo-I wino, be so nee 1, reuse, supol -fo tpsa/ shot/ be o6ton,d nose other sources. rpsoH 7q la ends be pal,- to march me wand d pth on Ades -d ally mow- gross peas. rpsoa sod/be a/ o b b ify fo suppof vi90rous pl "I growth if shelf be o wwAvble loom, nee a/ refuse -1 1.— Plush we-s w ofhr molrro/ dehimefa to plant growth. 7ba-W shall not contain bss I- "-9-;, mans, humus, by weigh, Lime: lune sho/r be pp//- In ore wire repaired (esfknoeVd Tore o1 2 f-s/acre w 100 -/1,lW sp.2j os nines$ y 10 brig M< spa phi to betwen 6 -d i, Al- pN m-sweet-Is slid/ be tak- 1w,ce an e-h pl.,.g f- F fairer: Fedor,", 10-20-20, $/roll be applied in areas where repuu- of 500 Vbs./acre I,II III, 11, 000 sq. /I S Ierg Schedule Me se- shall be opp/ied of the rotes ind'cotee, if Goan os P. ff °tt 58ceding $hollr v;ggrowOn . noI .chi _,,w 1og is ° y S ,✓s el - on J5M Seed -.lure rev el wens, born a ying ! ads and on ashy dsfara- peas No. M/ Vol -W-e is o slight mrbb- 01 the 'Cone -lion Mix" sold by Oliver Seed Me requk- seed mixture was coos- to -."V Me soil In, -(see Fgure 2) that eal be encountered - this project. SEED Wr/ACRE REC[ MENDED VARbrY Toll Fescue 50 - Ky J1 Cepn9 Roe Fescue 54 lbs Permlown Waste gnem, En Nee Cows vetch 6lbs Penngi/t C-9 Annual Rye JO lbs P-m ,al Roe 20 bs Prano (non endphyfe) white C/o-20 lbs Ken lucky Bluegrass 20 /be 110/ 200 lbe 8 MW V Appi-o- of -Wcn nay slid/ umnediote/y follow seedng p,o( -d m no case 9- M- 24 hours .- use of u/ch -e tone of mulch -eel shill be appeared by l-down-. Mr/en shot/ be ppn- of the rote If 2 f-s/one, I, nM.- 2" to J" don.. Mulch shall be secured in wbd swept areas and - donee by the twine -d peg method, belling, frocking will o darer, dsk harrow. ~ pprov- me-s. in end - emd swill srpel Nwfh Am -icon Drew 5-75" or equal-osbnsc-lid b/weref, msldl- b occardance with Me m-ulocfunw', ;nsfiucliwrs, may be subsfifuf- f In. mulch ,,-V Hoy shoe c-sisf of mow- -d pnpr/y cur- grass w legume wing, -ably nee Nom s amp gross, weeds twigs, debris w other dde/eriaus mot-ia/, if slid/ be free Fan It w maid. 9. Eros%an Coned Bl-ket fr-on c-trd b/-ken ?v- _e xV, 6- 575" ev appear equal shoo be-lot/ed - disturb- ro- side wino-kinents, Vish,ow steep stones -d odocml to wate wogs -d other critical areas Erosion c-Ind -1 Ines be urstaH- ur occ,donce with the manufxlures -Wen instmcfions Erosion Control Notes I Me limit or disturbance sho, be dewy demed by cb fmcfwi sus jo, ow to learng C-1a, and s-Hnent c-hd dewces rho// be eef-/ish- to Map s<dn-f -sate. 2 the site shal then be cleared and grubbed All roofs, stumps one del trb✓I mot-/ols rho/l be removed ham Me sire Me Contract, sent/ 1-1- the amount of d'slurbed land of any gin- lime. Me C-trocfo Md/ -mM Msh sn w /-- ar than -/inked lent, protection b- at Me fib edge of on existing frees to remain wifhin 10 f1 of c-shuclian d;sturoonce. J. An pariah lids slid/ De ursfd/- as "Wed n the pudkofion n, l!I. /Si'sk SMe rA.M ask A, AYoslon Ah wnfwn and Skf-t control and b-cw-nce w7th fees, pre.101, Plans. 4 A// -orlon c-red rho// be Placed as shown an the door%ng° , os ,fined by he Eng/neei the Contract, $/roll maintain the erosion canted measures -tH the Egineer ,s-tW,'ed that pr --, ground core 4-tvb/,s .d and that furor measures o not required /t shall be the nV-Vbdity of the C--- M employ --not. - wn -t- as sho- these raw dings and any Vine measures- neaess y to by s-im-lsan rife. 5 All ercess mofr;d and fpswl to be re -used an- to she/ be stockpied ur o os ppro re0 by the Engne-. /here stockp#.I she/ - $,round- by sot /mce -d slob hie seep a one temp„i/y srobd'red to min ;- end and of -wafer -VAI, pofmhd C 1,00tr ehal 're alse-bonce of ol/ times. AN asses shall be weeded and mu/Meal o/ final grading. rempwory sl.bilirotian, including stockpiles, rho// be -rosy 11w oil oW-bed -- that are not worked / 7 dory or Seeding Ind mWch,ng shal be necessary III,dsfunb- o<os Ihat oe hat worked for 14 days ear roses of di'sf,bance sled/ be p-m-snny , temp, -ay stbe;f - as soon os pbsswl and ,s-aV/y wnn/n 48 hours of Me begonmg of excarofian AN bred ,ens shoo be Ieeded and sfobb}- hem Wind -d sr,mweler easn- p_Md Slababofum es shot crude - -d nelfng, N-M Amerk- Creen -on contra/ -Vag, aushed store , grovel, w pavement 7 Acceptable methods of sfod//elation sod/ include mulching (with netting) (1.5-2 t-s per creJ, eras;- c-frd mofling (See plops I- molting specilicati-sJ, crushed sf-,,, Hushed grove1. an poring $,faces (concrete, What -to). w 01- imp-meeb/e Dori-s and ofh, oral -ids as pprored by he Engine,. B Any dainoge s� s w th o lone greater loan SL sod/ ,.se stone lining to, sfobiieolion. 9 wpm Engne- determines eras., c,Nd measures we deemed no songs, necessoy, a/ monies detainee, including sir. -d canstrucfion Nnof/ deb a,, shoes be collected and dvosed of i o nner occmtob/e M the Engineer. /0 Me C-tract, shill use water /or dust canted /I. Me Cont-lw .shoe sweep and worn be existing rooew o and new pavement DAMr M om/on dust c-fed. au$n- $lane buck washes an $honored conshucfian -tepees*" be regoVM at d site access Pdnfs 10 prevent-1 Nam trod;ng ohFIte. C shed sf-, w4/ need ro be added an / rplac- as sedimmr -#Is p -d minunires , reduces the ef/ecfiveness of the stone. 12 All croshucfian site access moo$ soon be construct- in occa-dance with the Stabaied Construction Enb-ce I wed 13 AV diet.- wens shall be elbblz- -d seeded be/,e C Iabe, 15 14 Addition" -..e -IIImay be deenee necess✓ y to prevent sedm-t own/eating the In, -d snW be nsld/ed as a ecfed by the own- - Me Engmee. 15 Me C-tract, shall be re boneWe for rpouing d/ ll.-b- ,dos bock to -gmal c-doll-, -ding but not /im;led to curbing, Ad -ark, 1-de-ping, site Voli q,, Neafric./, end etc. spoc/ng roes depending on channel s/per A Curol/ Sane E/e-tian trench --- - -- --- --- -Cost 18" wide 6" dep roe _ 24" Max. C-tr PRO7LE Not ro Scale A B A Min. F7t- Fabric Cufo% with 1 t 2 2 B bottom 24" MCK. center SEC77ON A -A Not To 5-/e I Fite, Fabric L� SEC77ON B-B Not To stole CCN5TRUC77ON SPEC/F/CA 770N5 T Stone wolf be plated on o filter fabric foundation to the Ines, grades and locations Mown in the plan. 2 Set spocirrq of check dams to assume that the Mewoti-s of the crest of the downstream door is of the some ,/,,lion of the toe of the upstream don. J Extend the stone a minimum of 1.5 feet beyond the ditch boars to Pr-t tufting wound the dam. 4 Potect the channel downstream of the lowest check a ham s- and -as- with st-e - liner as AorWioty 5 Ensure that channel opporfponces such as c lwt entrances be/ow check dams are not subject to damage orblockage from d;sploced It - Stone Check Dom N.rs Erosion Control and Construction Sequence I the purposes of erosion control shall be d'scussed with and approved by the Engineer and the City of South Burlington prior to any clearing, grubbing, stripping or construction of ony kind. 2 Al/ erosion control shop be placed as shown on the drawings or as ordered by the Engineer All erosion control measures shop be, of inspected weekly and maintained to luildl the intent discussed above. The Contractor sholl maintain the erosion cantrol measures unfit the Engineer is satisfied that permanent ground cover has been established and that further measures ore not required J. been erasion control measures ore deemed no longer necessary, all material detained including silts and construction debris shall be collected and d'sposed of in o manner acceptable to the Engineer and the city of South Burlington, 4. If highly erodible soils are encountered the Contractor may be required to proide jute matting, gobion or rivet mattresses, rp top or Other measures o necessary to prevent erosion. The Controctor shall stockplee hay boles to protect, at . minimum, al/ work in progress. All exposed embankments $half be tpsaded, seeded and mulched as soon as possible offer construction. 5. the Contractor shall use water ond/ cocium chloride f dust control The Contractor shaft also sweep Wellesley Crone access drive and new pavement as required to maintain dust control Fast- fence Wood Stoke to stoke Orange poyester mesh webbing Ww/d Cup Supply/Y or pproled equal (2" wide min.) II I� Sarrtinn A —A ad stakes driven - outside of 7 - Orange polyester mesh webbing by W /d Cup Supp/y a approved equal (2" wide min.) A / II II v I r A v To be insfo/led at the limits a/ the construction area. See Plans. Ti�icol Construction Limit Fencing N r.5 Public light-of-way1 4.i r m6!n. J Existing ground P10f/fe P aide appropriate transition between stabilized Construction Entrance -ol Public R'ght of Way 50'7 Public Exisfing�� 70' 1 1/2" to 2"70' 1 7/2" to 2" Rght of I gro d crushed stone Woy I Pion Stob&:?ed Construction Entrance Mirnfi 100, liter fabric Stp/e took to snow fence Farm /2" deep trench Stoke /by labric i bottom with grove/ ride �1 Bogart 1 I Section A —A Nb.d stokes ,slum - down ripe side o/ / ce M,rofi 100, filter fabric attached to It on ups/pe side A ---� n pp° n I I a I I yp` I I II I II II II u , u 1 A _Typical Temporary Silt__. Fence Erosion Control Barrier N. rS Silt fence spacing chart S/pe Slit fence spacing 5X to 10X 50 ft. a kss WX 10 ?OX 25 It or less 20X 15 ft ar lass Chort of Erosion Control Measures Inspection Measure Requires Action Comments/ (Fill -f where applicable) Yes/No Required Action I Silt Fence A. Parallel to slpe (- -tour,) B toed into sal C No holes/breeches D Sedm-f bird up i fmce 2 tents of Disfwbonce A. mloce B Force wet/onds/srreom bufl, 3 Slab Hired Construction Entrance A. less loon 25X RW w,M sea B Min/mum 8" dpfh of sane I Sf-e Cheek Doors A. Sodde C-Ng-nN- B Fully across ditch wind° C 5edrin-f buildup hived 5 So// Stockpiles A. SHI lint,/bench Va-Viper B Pp, Mu/M co- C. Seeded (f - to be used /or 30 Goys) 6 &-he, Con- -Ing A. MVlaled - 1,Ie 3.1 w more B. Keyed in uphi7/ side C 'Shingled' ovr/opping mars 0 Sfpred tint to ground 7 5raoaixfron A. Fred geode tyros slobl- (Seth, mulch. pave, mots, clef B. ✓eq toti- esfobh'shed C Sf-bY- since lost inp-ban 8. Seaimenroti- Bo - A. Sipes stably B. S-im-t build up removed C Stone outfolls ;matt 9 -1 P-tectim A. /nsfdl- - ill i le. B. c/e- of s-unmt C W-,,g P,I-y 10 Nousekeepingc A. Paved roods /ear o/ sediment B Doss nor feodng it, All Erosion anal Sediment Control Measures Sholl be inspected at least weekly and offer roinfoll events greater than 0", 12" d'omefer crushed stone S uf" ,sopped in MV"i (D" 140N tlroinage fabric Bottom of liami- should ba 7 ft.min from edge of If cotch basin in paved Plea, wrop catch basin rim. 12" damet- c/e- crushed Sf-e "donut" in Miroh' 14pa fare, fabric and entire/, the catch basin corer 0--dop fabric 12" min and place /p der tone. Shallow dpresI,- ft around grate t grate Typical al/ lVel grates For Permit Review Maintain shallow depress,on around grate until paving bid/a final stobdzorron has attuned Sh.#- depression Mler prove wound grofe Pn /r" ciminus ✓ shed stone Bottom of dpres"on shavld be oft.f min Catch Bosse /tomedge f catch basin rim. sire esee p/- /or siz If rip rp "A" protect-. Co tch Basin ln/ Ote %ol� a<� �.n✓ ,SEo� vEA�w {p d i ;tj of So. The Low Risk Site Handbook far Eroslon Prevention and Sediment Control A Jgust 1006 i ] ]C How a Rmtaa Redr9sJ¢ a1:n4iiur xb::ie Dv9tlr Rnonet -' LeMM 01w ngtn NurtnwyN GaMaulb Pec<fil I•M1M ens re gremlMb Af°'me p.. wel 1 In ke.»p eatl'mam•<m t. a nt e.,ran. SfGUn f,lvstOSc:: .. The Low R- Site Nendbaak far Crosson Prevention and Sediment Canttol n In s o w N N wrn rw«care we,a1 ••. 1rv.Xon:r>rd , G ' mtr X 3AU20 µitle• an aht. el Uw pubs el rwx w�lmm an mnrp eatA;N � t e001M w rr. ri Rbk Rwx, , Hw I w�M 0, M nnrv,Klaa ropwrw ' > ,n vMe'm r,b Wlry'Laa'NbA'lu�an: .- 3tac2on a Cole[ IlXalnagoo IT a IN.' wn 9 Set'. .c s aw dtJ to Hww WU yx CSau.. t a9m •nrw..,wre. r tv rveMrmwNw.nw 6. Slow Down Channellaed Runoff rJ,a n.:r A = ,."M n:.wrr txv-vnr.+aae mw. Regrrnnnm s n ixr.., am«.bal« xw less n, oar: Ra .Ideafl. In - 'do. Nan Nao-L wW. h•.Nan WKKX. oar ra.vdxa Ub .J ill gr.rnlaM spat'wa ,- lmamnIr e eb.Nr, tl ;lice mx' iwMt al +�i��.n en, n,w wn:,new.animvw ,ehh cr txecaet. d.n a�vwd Mt,e t .anrN slope. SrawNr.leN Umr W.,r.:•nam ,n l ! Warr >M+neu,lln Melmawrce. nemtae xlrm!nt ew.am.bba xnnl me wm S. Wimm Stabilization Rvprne arnaawaY,acr all rom nrmw wawan ewm wUment tamMnf ww«s wn worm. maawrp.m nwrrt lna rnNlr.a.cwrna•ewrr lyeabr JtnrtB'M aW!eH. snorer, NAwrN UrJni We prnaC aubeeerrOciawr :5 analaall l5. wlwn nwron waeMur. wrd aaarn«.l antes' +wpwita,LN Ra".0 r orb reµ a.na llwo,/sa txnn-„r, arq gmen all mrnnar r+mer a(+awmtflrwe eves Unrest off Nur rM«I pwM grwW nroroYMrin aoudamoru, Wires sbuaown >bWa rem, w r-aml•Rn aann 1m1Frrt adlnlm .Innwmnr Fodod (C.m 18A the IDII✓Mna realiM<meMs must W MM1emtlm: bn WabNum M vrpYntrr. wedmgtt.Nl pbtea naNn llwr. gwr/LIrIMI 15 b wm,.e .ewmu.wpewv. ens tt-..r. aarpkaC LYBeparnbr 15, H...-na ror.regelNm eMe'Ver muY t'e.xc m sr o J Adtacdnien 1 R sources Ull of C.MOMs $eglon L. lntrodtbtlan N'halherwlm pr tlo MeodimeM ap,ol? 1 AI-n Appl, � hccaes ..... ........ 2 Se[oon 2: TM Rages -t. 1 Iblrrk See eamda ..... .3 3 8n,hdo, - tin FAX _.. ...... 7 4..roolSn'anc ... .11 s of ouldarwn ..ss B slaw x ch N <J aeon. ........... t9 ] CaaVlut r<. anent Cena#f 23 8 -1,11 pw d 9 Wit S.N t .. ..29 In. S 1'I. 5s F W ode .. .... 33 IS D M MAN U .... ...,... 35 t2. I 1- S-ion i'. Addhl 1 RrR.au - I Male •I ... ...... 39 rnr n lr arnt ..... 39 sr.rAae canoe«trorr noon:. t roraaaea m alrpw tnsnnN b font Nmugn un onto cMG Mm and Prmemlra!grw, fun wrryiRl w: are Mm. "grwmr: em'r rmm ataeer: r,e a•nmrt raWXbwuum(eE. alwr XwnS a " H ' ebbase rem Nb brtM wlrM pants. i.nb Include W Cawon. Cnmml Mnmrga vu rg Mnhxnry ryw.5eedln(wAn wkner rye a recpmmendsd wrN BarmMnion Jurn(wet sal ng W. venhapu m.pb rngnN2 nchxs 'rU BOBDR . Nwenaub MUatMd a. !aMltrce whh nrlRngin open,mavubeMU'e m w,4 Stw'acwaeM [ uvp� AW�ra maaaa«X. Nn rl .. M1,:iupara wxYM W Nd, rxawmer rar.s,Nwi lawta mwara a�nuq r Xvi tv 5action 1 Introduction Wh. artlaafim-o, ' M G ftF I a<N aw nb.. d] ,s urgari >.�wJMw.vrPoy :nrimw nnbnn >wme Or mwt can ago gea Aa rNo msro o Ma . a rral' Y R apaMir n xarmnis C- tlg b aw apw.dw w H - antpw:.d rW offs w mrTonwpan b M emN numE cl mob psc«ea roYeM naw_r and unlaln rtWi ;n • '""'^ram Vra wnstnbt tte must ar r.r ' r d. Inatell SIR Fence Wpoea: rrow rumM,n1 n':ow euynaeo unmentm sepb nr t flaqu ramanR lsnahre1-rh.11r. nya«X b kt ar wells u! Ill SUta anal w dbturw0 soil 'rue Oahu mar. mumo•s uv r D.w nrxmn mnµwan annlau roan r. dk SS . n ra.rrr-la niK.i:Tr Raqulrenamis fa Wala rnmlrutgal vl, av muY ng v, peN 0.eWr. 15 nor fwgn M.v. AM f a Inr 'WUeIM n W Immenri m. uH a aanerte tor: !. F�brpePa Prrrt-•staeilven to prewMly mrw �. I maaaa:Nadara•maMc"rnplewam noeo w,M.nWwlm.rwn;x rr.n.(ement Pbr. pr!pwed wea.awlt'aw eaamge NM cwxm: d mNnex. rerp ma-exa m aNtroD fam.wa. o' al ova r J Narw -<e wJ ca cl rw,aaUx Ywmm 1. a -1-1. 251om Mm.r-1 be malma.lnn rmm pe mN« .N apWr as as l«a. 8. Ir ernwu nbu La ra•d a,n Nn ruaxbnrlu,ry w1lrin 1C0Isel two mnx N Nhfenpamrt m a. Nrlwpy Nnaurra mM tr 1,0 per. rem Irnr rX .nwa era ire m,w. MnmamD tf[rnirenn me, c+snxnwr:ln Wah QsM>Q Rk.•Sb Nr SaYur. IJl un Ab St BuiU,M 1DHMn Wul b 6Y CSg. OXC6 t I.90'2413i IU 3]]I fa t 2. wwW ,awetwt,ar tY a,N.mrmw,n.ntn, 0o I needa P- v i :.p n:nrg<r,Atw WCo l pbr l-111 rcr aronnwabr mni,Ngratmn ctnxrJMbn App iralion Proctors Onpmm wrw 0elmmem Fo wlw+wX b ly,,y 2 nau-v Yal rombNtw xx r W Yo, mum vWer. arRrawm 'swoon maRw:e Dtr«learn wJalwew+<e mp ryas ec A'aln w.nealtn mNbwxrMJsrvmrx 4.wWan . °p" romnn. ' J r n9anwW b > ay y wmw Mp ,mmbe8wmox reef 19n20 lMa u .du'tmr .vt vX- wral(er. m Where b place ata ce!«•ro a�t,a«Mrhu�or arotr.o Drr 'cuff aeF�m Sulu a nn MI W wl. M ore W UrOler , twrc tn.. a all town muKlM mess o/N rmMerr. nrN nNFMIRea: M a wr. eatmgchamea,w i r»n huYvr HOwairlSldhS !0nctt. • 1:8a YerMDrsMsa,ep eamaw aeaa .krM do be,n. • Emuaal lots art mt'a JtYarill sga•oree'«va suY groan, NaY apemo«mw.Mlr or - Brae Ntrevn • Drie uNwn eR1351nyln MM1Er". a-n trw!cfi m aaMecmm • , rnwnnr err.:oM Dawn M.IlnwmYrrx: W Ill 1 � aaT' [ a�,l r, -.arenlarlwa ryw.Nard mere sww�.:trnve tJ 22 t. 3tbme sac crner lre.Ylcn roaumna eern ,rvNw nala:ed anwdWlroren at.,na� ;n .W [w tem,u aw NeC�MN m nwsl w 3 rr�tt da,tfe:re abnWN rtt<. w e m„ra,um0 irw wilt nr RQ9D'A mwn 9. Ta ers.m .we. M draurbv a•I r. adw,ar?a sae tlAarxr srg Rarer9abHrax vh+lreb:' svq-ansie o- areean uses 2aYwn bbro:M art' Mtaunab arefwrw Jfatrl:W area Malr L r�ax ]ace, aaXhslnn a m: nrsw,ry • D:earraw.' aeax tout cW«t am ram ramp. •rrfi ,ry rb tmwlrr 1d 4.�4; N.. ,.uM to minuet tlreh l'ux:hU thou. a 11 Jwatans mNa['..ae rw pemrwr m cr,IdN(a an,w,::aaa�.r,�w.etm =,rr w�.k air. ap_..Me�ooaer**pe•a ad 10-r mdsa. M lmdc. sealon 2 The Requirements 1" Mark Site 80..d rirr Purpwo y 'r LW t 8> e.aMl and ' Ihn't emaUDn pare ib�x NreUM vagi^leacn. . flawrrenmenn mart plpbe'ry mesa des Intro W aaMmctan. Z1 Ti«♦Z�yz «#t2� YIU TssTSt 7. Cmrf truct Permanent Controls fLlVOso. UOaMSMIer aowa end prier' aow,ebem aa«Wg RPGWNmxmtN m ywr 5;1n. -t wMln ? IlttorMlmn abn d ]waMpmenL well w 1 a mn FermN unmrqgouctr rw e9rXaA P per nbuml etw In yourub. lna•a prwroam xtW nubile[ bef�.va Ure wMmttlm et arR impervious u,neees. Ylpw b LarmVY COMeM!M Wlrc:nl3a•rlrnaw alogmm area rclkM lM roaWree,erle M Ne Wer,mt fYaraater MelwBaMnt MenaN Tn<Slnnrwrrr M•nettmeM Menus a maxrb a[. aww.mn V,Nrty.ag'tt mw-rMm rw•.. riff n., w.mJem , rrowdrn+n! � m «wea r...,a. 2� 10. Stabilize Soil at Final Grade n,rr rr„ :nR aw ate won .reed erd mu Cr wwoewr naMw nnl grace ulna Nac; arym mMaru•anx!rM amew1ln ttnlnuK IhgrrnnnunLs rn dE luwx a•firw//aeerg .eepmo0 vi1 seeaM anc mulerrM ame'Mwyr a-abr. cun:ml mrling r I i3 Haw to comply: 6 ginnagrz wWx:he�Aw 1. Ilbd lru p VV '. r nrwya NY lance SC rott orn :mv b<ewit n'wrN e ebeea e, xinp mesa maen(e r<J How ro nn", R111 nIFYY .a av' W4 rr 1p'+wl puff t. ,.. Armin'. artn .-mlmri b«rnpMrw. 'hn t' are need MrnaRanN uaWam waE emaan urn n,d w•tl rMa,tM uMNdMa tun rasadao ores nw:niM.'at<•, mww ma aCrdsW.mR arvK Ruk 8. •SbMNUi(LeprarJ Swl'. 2. Limit DiaWrbence At" M Nw+U. n oun#..II JMwu tM.atr. Ma pwentiN arwbn on,he. Reaulremadg' a MM on Uu nbn aurM h` dbNoge Cnyme aproa(elhtM�r .Jr.. N.a r rnaywaawawi n glen 5. Dloed Uplemi Runoff Ptepo:u C N aw.e M r Cacum g «W e. Rod y Mfm e all Ho n nn raww a nn wwx a IadbreJw he•w Mrm d. rrh (am nnf ': yYou Banta nR.x uses. cr mum «ra> N wH�. npnm.0 N arYwre ww :mRWemgrandei 2. Awage ebVw W 1w nleatea sma a 20L a NtaW vt 8. Stablitse Eapoaed Sell SeatluN all rev ktlL raNMAanwai cc nrM ,r.mn(end Aw rYa( Nlw,;,m rehTue erpose0� Muh d Uu. (CmaM!en ml ,,. ue pnsaettee ruaKK R narwnli tl Inv lama «y n tleya nl loan er:�mena9n Iwwn � nahrt aulawieemr Urer W M mom/ try'nr ems mart ea tteE rM M ral of e,wal.omapaN. 51 se,�rW N nMwM.a.0 ve trio ZZ- N N,r, sntl arWe wnow N k. llw rw::r- Mwiv. • 9bwaauen a mg rwp W ! IYa warx n aysrrJ,n h)wnn aNwn r' 2 reel v gnaer:wa. Nva sm,MaMr stcevWMtl :.a tN ..M. As I..,..rya«nr(nr.l o,ae use SS_ 12. Dewatming Actirkies Freq!.e rsYlnan aewwerM(sM . a rbw whm Yw•.natrw webncUar re Raqubamem, WM laan dwe'n. aBscUwanlM nvcv uN d Lv mmUra4rnt rw rLn. Wnwl moat not rn w.wlpee Min amrm fewery bMa, a aaaenM vnbntM lbw b oamp r qJ Bell W VKKa aaL+,w� ,epr ra`'nm n«Uawevs. hnPue acnum,leled naM.M r ,w ,,.. N.wr.W ell tt.E lw aw Ne, war a LLIIIIIpJI�1j ''�iG�lf`nl'a For Permit Review ......ply r e N sae m. wmnaDaan w.f as n a re Innl n mr m rMr pxrminW nrmogb m H a,Md nt Enetme� n a eumMlmper4lt b:1.aofedso wlN seed arJn aNm r. arwwr _uMr mnurp bMara r.agwMp law ro Ireron. A Bwn ].0 Nn pDerm W.1dbr2vet D. n:n draXre-res Bee Noyes 1:i w neMr •. L Ctmpeu: IT lemwlln, Nwrwl r:.artM,xWw i DM1 ant mukh 9alnr a'vowr wN «wren m,:le rwmng.miedlereN Nara wn 3. 3ldaue naeuw.har,el wxi wnJ erU slww mui:h !n, L-rorndna, In n.ma BnnrNnnnnl sly wgnawr Uran Y_Y' dpnp�M. Mem Xmnn m en oatMt aWU-:a En rotM erorcbno<raNar MrM ow,n. $. TM dlvasbn Barm sMl: ameln In raU<uM(Me dwuTM er ens mmp �at,.aleM ' Sn Della J9!or My tetuKKlwR law ro comply: P:sWb Oars foil b:swlinN a'A'Mmp, tMl Imnn N rr ell Mnorlrgerr bMe rocxt w b: arKK{� 1Mlrsawri rhA. s+ _ wTrNw.11aqu. sY•• _xr a .r(ar ARII i�Ymt'u` Hrr redraw lMdwa::2rW.'letr•u my t4 .p1:P Iq ere,vw Sn e«p:]a- f. a.eY�.tra�strwrvw alw.r r F'ynaJJ3�� .aes� 3. Stabllin Construction Entrance Pdn ran A M M nn♦ tl yr a reNtn Melem prm<nttrackiM onto Nreer., R"Wo meaw n a raw �. xed Iwp ,r. 12. 1 pest Your Site raaram orb rrw.:aas :,.m.amaa:. rM�namwl.. mnl�watUaawa ARxtmogpraparY N!pnlm ro W w«t+w rb v, c aww..r: warn. ReWlrwewnaw (orwbMfseaaas.. M1rn.•••vr• ♦ Y • ar]ewas r a.a>v MAR 18 of So. HINESBURG ROAD IT IS THE APPLICANTS INTENT TO SAVE EXISTING PINES THIS FIRST ROW OF SCOTCH PINE. IF AT ALL FEASIBLE. HOWEVER. SOME SITE TO REMAIN ... . _. WORK IS REQUIRED IN THIS VICINITY. — w �.- PHASE- B-CA + + + 32 U 322 - •• • - I �\ 329 2. x3245 3) r EXISTING 30" MAPLE TO _ r IN T-IG :, \. _ —. —� � - — — — RAISED STORMWATER ..._ TM ( GARDEN 3j9 BEDS DETENTION _- ' POND WSE 319.0 u _BIKE Ir .. __ e — L —Izrw—."_='�c�s—, HAYES I antic I � HAYES � y RACK ( I I I BUILDING #1 I 5^ I SNow HAYES -- - r 8 UNITS I sroRAGE H++I I BUILDING #2 STORAGE H++ I BUILDING #3 i GARDEN r I yl r 8 UNITS F) I SNow TER E- 8 UNITS TO I F 1^11 +- I�I PERM BLE �../ PAVE .TYP. /--I I � _...._ -METAL EDGING. I METAL EDGING. / METAL EDGING. - - —' .....I TYP. TYP �i TYP. _-___ 4ry s �ry P�.AG POLE BIKE RACK SLRA y y PHASE III — + L - a325. ----- CHER REMAIN FXLSTING IS' CHERRY T I _ _ I I • ' REMAIN I + COUNTRY PARK SENIOR HOUSING 6' / EXSTING I," _" __-_ - �• �� HIG CEDAR STOCKADE C ERRY TO \ l PRIV CY FENCE ��11 R�-1AIN ry -- I - - -- + 11— _ ti I I I PARKING SPACES- -- _ I + ' PERMEABLE PAVEIIS EXISTING / CHERRY TOO ! I - I I I REMAIN r L / GARDEN II `tr I/ EXISTING Tb' MAKE I BEDS I SNOW • I TO REMAIN I GARDEN (I STORAGE SHED ET -----J PHASE 11 L----- - Q� / PHASE I / / / FOXCROFT R E `' �� , � C ��' I / MAR 18 / City of So. Burlington VDU --- - -- -- ------ -- -- - -- -- 20 0 20 ,0 SCALE OF FEET i / L A N D S C A P E A R C H I HAYES APARTMENTS PHASING PLAN REVISIONS DRAWING NO. 108 NO. 4" SCALE 1" = 20'-W DATE 03.16.15 L 1 .0 HINESBURG ROAD IT IS THE APPLICANTS INTENT TO SAVE PINES THI5 FIRST ROW OF SCOTCH NNE. IF AT EXISTING TO REMAINALL FEASIBLE. HOWEVER SOME SITE WORK 15 REQUIRED IN THIS VICINITY. 4QR S-UA _ — — - i- -- — — — — — -- — — — _ Y 0 az H • s "' - i -' W I329 -IMB O s -- - _ _ ' , 328 e; .326,5 25 323.5 %. •324.5 14MB 3 r EXISTING 30" MAPLE TO 'I 94G REMAIN r r I-IMB n Io-IM , RAISED STORMWATER �.l' GARDEN DETENTION / BEDS �k 1 1 • ._...DIKE POND WSE 319.0 KE RAC ':-CA — r- BUILDING #I STORAGE�I� H+H I BUI D NG #2 +MSTNowE K I4G I-AF HAYESHAYES 9 IM "-'" HAYES 8 UNITS HH+I BUILDING #3 �S GARDEN i ........ � Ix -MA Ix-sP 8 UNITS p (� show TER E- ' O UNITS STORAGE PERM BLE 12-HA 12-SP 12-HA 12-SP PAVER . TYP. I Ci; METAL EDGING, METAL EDGING, MET EDG NG I-QR TYP. TYP. _..... __ .�TYP. ISR I-NS '9 I -SR ^i`I' y �3 '1ti I -SR y'1' I -SR ISR I -SR FLAG POLE 71ry I - SR — BIKE RACK Sx-RA 0.8 EXISTING 14 --- 4 ZS f _ CHER REMAIN EXISTING 12" CHERRY REMAIN + COUNTRY PARK SENIOR HOU! EXISTING 10" --------- _. CHERRY TO REMAIN 10- PC I I PARKING SPACES- EXISTING 12" PERMEABLE PAVERS I CHERRY TO r �` I REMAIN ,` L 1 G • TOBRTING ^ MAPLE REMAIN MAPLE I I i� \o-o SCALE OF FEET WArj!NIFR HAYES APARTMENTS LANDSCAPE PLAN REVISIONS DRAWING NO. JOB NO. 468 SCALE I.. = 1.4. L I . DATE 03,18.15 11 az H, a3:E C_ E_ 9 9 R 9- 3_ 9- 9 1 r g r c _C___v 9 / Xi 91� JE� c c- c- C c- c- c- it q 3 c- 9 9 c C-1 9- 9 1 2 R 2 2 g- -r - 4 EEL" \tI_9_E9:i.gEg:,:.:-':-I z 0 c c C_ 9 ....... ...... - r \4- c . . .... S.19 9 a 9 C, c 1. r g g- , 9 9 9 9 19 9 c 1z 19 c gi c' c- 9 c 9- 9 c 9 9 Lighting ­g,, —i—, ("0.AB'I represents an anticipated predittnn of IgM1dng system pefioitnance based upon tledgn parameten antl information supplietl by mheaThese tlesign parameters and information provided by ethers have not been from —d- f.ld that —1, parameter other information be( kverifietlto retlucevariatnn. RRB nekMr warranties, ehher implietl or statetl with regard Lighting ­g, eitherIWy implied er rated, nor represents the approprutenezz, completeness or suitability of the LTs]hHng _gn intent as PII.t -h any 'Wkabk .9uWI­ 1otl1 requirements with IM exception oflhose spe<ifiolly ..l. on drawingscreatetlant submitted by RM, The Lglhli,­gn b i­., in ..1.Orin part, as ativiwrytlocumentz far —i purposes antl is ram intended forconztmttion nor as being p.ft f. ­­ d--ti.. package. Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Description PtSpcLr Readings Taken at 5'-0"AFG 10 Readings Taken at 0' PtSpcTb Meter Type CalcPts Illuminance Fc 0.21 29.5 0.0 N.A. N.A. 10 Horizontal Passed Property Line Illuminance Fc 0.00 0.0 0.0 N.A. N.A. cE E nE`c r. 'e� °`k9E E;sb:doam� Luminaire Schedule a EE4o QceE•;f••u Symbol Qty Tag Label Arrangement Lum. Lumens Arr. Lum. Lumens LLF Description Lum. Watts Arr. Watts Total Watts Filename o 7 A ALED3T50 SINGLE 4846 4846 1.000 (TYPE III) 51.7 51.7 361.9 ALED3T50 -Cool - ITL80298.IE5 < 8 B BLED20 SINGLE 1403 1403 1.000 LED20 21.5 21.5 172 BLED20-Cool - LSI27208.IE5 E�•s .z.s 0 6 C DLED6R12YN SINGLE 824 824 1.000 DLED6R12YN 12.9 12.9 77.39999 DLED6R12YN - WarmNeutral - ITL77 9p: .TvE pE.�g6.P c$Psiii E¢cc llu E'4riE '^ x s otd.g �a<<a a c f-r�Eee-�q Q <€'3ad@Q3o A:ALED350 rya z_.e- .a`-'EE iEg cE ae•c�-g s RN VS � 9 m N © s � g C� B:BLED20 E t 1 C � Y 1 r = o g s 0 m E c u a c 3 g A w LL A 3 Y 6 C:DLED6R12YN E f v E5 m W E nU lam c`g Z W v L O = U j g l 0 lsE Y M Q O Q O nD NOTES: ,� n a The light loss factor (LLF) is a product of many variables, only lamp lumen depreciation (LLD) " ¢ i `off LL ^ 0 m a has been applied to the calculated results unless otherwise noted. The LLD is the result (quotient) «[YJJJ ¢ Z y ofineanlumens/initial lumens per lamp manufacturers'specifications. $q Z m Gm�Ym E "Illumination values shown (in footcandles) are the predicted results for planes of calculation either n i a _ horizontal, vertical or inclined as designated in the calculation summary. Meter orientation is normal to the plane of calculation. The calculated results of this lighting simulation represent an anticipated prediction of system performance. Actual measured results may vary from the anticipated performance and are subject �•.--� "" ". to means and methods which are beyond the control of RAB Lighting Inc. t."R r Z 2 2 • Mounting height determination isjob site specific, our lighting simulations assume a mounting height ♦- (insertion pointof the luminaire symbol) to be taken at the top of the symbol for ceiling mounted luminaires and atthe bottom ofthe symbol for all other luminaire mounting configurations. lga Y'1 i o • RAB Lighting Inc. Luminaire and product designs are protected under U.S. and International intellectual property laws. s Patents issued or pending apply. City of So. Burlington Calculation Summary -16 0 Expanded Luminaire Location Summary LumNo Tag X Y MTG HT Orient Tilt 1 A -24.134 245.904 10 0 0 2 A 65.511 232.83 10 0 0 3 A 132.236 231.623 10 178.53 0 4 A 411.524 161.176 10 137.689 0 5 A 442.856 193.895 10 135.909 0 6 A 475.717 229.027 10 137.019 0 7 A 20.564 73.334 10 180 0 8 B 139.019 261.152 3.5 90.582 0 9 B 203.041 261.805 3.5 90 0 10 B 258.731 261.805 3.5 90 0 11 B 316.461 261.805 3.5 90 0 12 B 357.164 260.857 3.5 52.334 0 13 B 343.16 212.295 3.5 0 0 14 B 339.973 103.923 3.5 0 0 15 B 268.571 35.392 3.5 336.362 0 16 C 417.746 359.13 7.9 90 0 17 C 417.471 297.257 7.9 270 0 18 C 280.314 296.96 7.9 275.381 0 19 C 142.961 302.114 7.9 272.944 0 20 C 143.299 364.389 7.9 90.729 0 21 C 280.493 359.349 7.9 85.21 0 Total Quantity: 21 Wellesley Grove Condominium r u 06r%en Brothers LLC 1P21 Volume 214 Pogo 203 U) p Volume 896 Page 258 J/f' `saw end November d 1985 J September 19, 2009 e' -- - - _ 1P1A p PK noU in pv�ont \ R 0 U T E 1 1 6 1 HINESB U R G R 0 A D �_ -' _.— oh p ohp ohp o p zoos p l ti51°51'05"VV 897.458 a nd �, Ro/ph I � cnsnrvs R"awc w� Goodrich, Inc. O I- 8 UNIT O APARTMENT BUILDING 7 8 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING Volume 39 Page 64 N 0 a ' November 2,-� 1955 18 o CO " Mr J 9�. CPA PARTNERSHIP EXISTING CONGREGATE HOUSING BUILDING Z COP ■ 1 4'r4' CN � _=GM1 found '`ate smg -O S Y BavndwY J�iN£ 'B" 5s- rebvr ate 9 g bond PJA 1.26, f..d 4' down k I N06 4535 �� 16.1 r a,\' Nr W h ';t r; h I Z rh Access Easement _ 9 ---_ ----- _-✓flume 143 Page 160 101 N31 0855 E� N w -i i 1 I 8 W o _ 1.25' ; 7.20 ocres ---- -- — 2on_ 1Ru130RMER V.D 9 volume 896 Page 258 1P2 1P3 September 29, 2009 i ' "- 1-112" pm 1,'°n raw found 1' I pm GARAGE z m I -1 90stm Rood /�C a ; �, �a o PN%/ nj� Drive K oedy Timber da R ae Medical Center, SNI , Inc. Volume 217 Page 371 M September 5, 1986 e / " Savth tRnthgton Alb I ear / Foxcroft Homeowners EX. 1a \ Association o ED / Volume 310 Page 25 August 19, 1991 S� 14" ph s°"eB""°"y �ngB'out / _'r"°eA' _ _ _ _ _ .we S52'00'50"E60.68' � 15r55"E 554.44' _ _ _ o_ ��*. Location Mn Legend �- N.T.s M4 5 / N/F �� 4. _I GD1 Survey control Hemlock Hills �t t Development Corporation / I point ■ Concrete Volume 148 Page 365 / monument BoundNotes Moy 2" 1979 found - - _ -- Brio/Wood Estates" 0Iron pipe found 1. the descriptions controlling the locutions of the boundaries of the land surveyed and the physical evidence located and existing on the ground were composed and ona/yzed to provido boundary locations that are most indicative of Map References the original Intent of the deeds and in harmony with existing monumentation. Nhere coneicts between physical roemd miw ® Iron pipe (16 rebus) With evidence and written evidence ore substantial, deeds and/or documents should be or will be executed to ob-note, 1 Plan entitled "Plot of Country Pork Associates' prepared by Stuart A. Morrow, mwo ,lid 3/01/91" aluminum cop L.L.S. 639 set any co/or of title or conflict. recorded in Volume 275 page 83 2. Ibis plot of survey depicts boundary location of the lands under the title of the CPA Partnership and also the 2 Plan entitled 'floundar Survey, Counts Pork Associates' prepared b C74 En Ihea h? Associates y y ��o y' 9 9 Co%ufated point limits where known, of easmnents, licenses and/or other servitudes and rights that may encumber or benefit the doted July 197B, recorded In Volume 153 pope 5surveyed premises with the exception of utility easements. f the 3 Monuments hove been ref in and on the ground where shown on the plot of survey where, in the opinion 3 P/on entitled "Forest Pork Realty Corp., Parcels /3 and 14' prepared by Warren Robanstem dated AprA � � Prop ery t Line surveyor, it was necessary to perpetuate o comer not otherwise monumenfed. Monuments shown as 'to beoset' 197Z tern ded in Volume 107 page 89.. w171 be set at the title holders direction. 4. Plan entitled 'Cardinal Woods Phase /l, Site Plan, Final Fiat' prepored by Fitzpatrick-L/ewel/n Inc., 4. Any boundary fine location, bored on deeds or documents recorded in the public records by which title or rights dated October 1984, last revised October 1986, recorded !n Volume 200 page 77.. 0' 50' 100' 200' 300' were conveyed to the CPA Partnership, or tit/e or rights In /Dods of the CPA Partnership were otherwise de/ineofed, is subject to accuracy and legality of those deeds or documents. ktere those deeds or documents ore improperly 5 pion entitled Cardinal Woods Phase A,, Revised Fool Plot' prepared by Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn Ina, doted executed as a matter of low or contain erfors or omissions in fact, or contain or are based upon erroneous January 7985 recorded m Volume 200 page 78 conclusions of low, then the depicted boundary locations may not be valid. 6. Pion entitled "Phase f & A,, Umber Lone Modica/ Center' prepared by Trudnii Consulting Engineer, Inc, Bor $Cole r = 50' 5. The boundary line locotions shown are also subject to accuracy and legality or lack of authority of any grantor or dated August 10, 1987, recorded in Volume 252 page 54. g ontee who professed the right or ability to convey, receive or condemn property or rights in the surveyed property. 7 plan entitled "Finn/ Plot, 09rien Home Form` prepared b Krebs & Lansing Consu/tin Engineers, Inc., P eP Y 9 9 9 doted February 2002 last revised in June 2002. I 6. Any depiction on the plats of survey of boundary nines or other structures exclusive of boundary lines for the CPA Date reksed Descryibon Checked Dote Partneistio. were located by tochometry. fie location and depiction of boundary lines other then those of the CPA Partnersho ore not wamonted and a// boundary lines depicted era subriect to the accuracy and completeness Survey Notes C Survey RAK/J8C Y Boundary Survey of the public record 1. Al/ bearings ore calculated and C&IiCat%a0 Ibis surrey is based on phys'cd e ' I`KKKpllllllllyNt ��J"� VfiQ serer Drown RAK/SWH 7 Ibis plot of survey is for the sole use of the CPA Partnership. Use by other property owners privote or referenced to Vermont State Plane and North. Vermont State Plane Grid North found m the Geld and information frmn abstracted deed and other �P Checked /AJ Checked Lands of municfoal, is specifically unauthorized determined from bPS token � recalls and this A,I rn ,a Scale 1 ` - 50' was readings 100 101. pertinent y consistent with the re ml* plot A. _ 8. Coneictfng manumentotion exists at the Timber Lone Medico/ Center boundary Deeded distance along the west line is 195-feet Pipes from the original subdivision layout depict a distance along the west fine as 196.4-feet a control points and . —Axins to 27 .S .sect' = a .�AACFFS rcCPA Na.� r Date .Mar 19._2015.. ortnership Onginot for 2 A dosed traverse was completed in 3�" � subdivision monumentation was used calculated corners March of 2015 using a total station Project 14287 Hhesbu Road South BuNh ton, Vermont - 9. Hinesburg Road Right of Way varies from Krebs & Lansing P/an. See Map Reference /7 theodolite/ electronic distance meter rsgfifjtpnI„�I���K"``\ ,YR6BS' L,lNSING Conaulta'sag .h'nganeers 10 A dead exists fora 10-foot power easement off of power pole 40 which is unable to be placed on the property. (Sokkia SET 330 R) r;:�Ion A. Jewkss L .S 9 Me Main Street, Cotehester, 4ermont 93-"6' PR. 802-878-0575 FAX 807-8I8-9618 MAR 18 20-`"J City ®t So. Burlington HAYES APARTMENTS VIEW ALONG HINESBURG RD 03/11/15 SCOTT + PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE 20 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 ': 802.879.5153 F: 802.872.2764 SCOTTPARTNERS.COM t PlwPROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN =11-ol I® cit,�f 01 2' 4' 81 5 U) 1-- z z - 0 LU 0 0� z < ::) -J a_ Co Cr < U) w W z 0 E in scale: 114" = V-().. project no. 14-1036 checked by: TS dravm by: im date: Issue Date Date Revisions sheet title PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN sheet no. A2.1 M.1 2 A A A A B e B ....--- BEDROOM 2 BE20DRODOM xiTE CLOSET CLOSET z�E 205D A5.1 A 203E L_205E ---0 -------------' LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM _______ LAUNDRY _______ ® 204 A UNIT 7 A a o P03F 205E 205 BATH BATH 203F F-o 205F ii I I w KffCHEWDININOi e�1(;E I �' N STORAGE 2058 F Cr W C gTCHEWDINiNGI C CLOSET ® a C-205A- LOSET Q __ o -203A- -- UNIT 6 i 4- � F 203 _ _ ~ �F O O PANTRY 7oa m6 ANTRY O O `---71---- ------ 203C CORK O 205C ------ �- Q ----Ij---� 1c, w N w� M2 7 zot VPANTRY UNIT 6 --O° i2L�� m DD CLOSET CLOSET D D 202A ® 208A o IGTCHEWDINING' ON MTCHEWDINING STORAGE 202E 206B a BATH -- - BATH Z 202F 206F W O STAIRb Q' F- ® ® UNITS A 200 206 Z m C)f w ® m Q LU � m a LIVING ROOM fo W Z Q_______ _____ _______ A BEDROOM CLOSET CLOSET BEDROOM = 5 202D ® 202E 206E 205E L2osDJ .. 0 ------ ------ b E _ b o B C b n n 6 1 9 scale: 1/4" = t'-0" A5.1 g project no. 141036 3'-0" 6'-91/7 3'-D" 3'•111/7' 5'•1" 37' S' Checked by: TS c im 0 d ae: by. Issue Date z 74! _ 1Q' o Date Revisions a d d w PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN sheet BBe: G'= �;�, I „ _;,.„� PROPOSED M7 SECOND FLOOR PLAN f `a n �, _ sheet no. 1, 0, 2' 4' 81 16' A2.2 3r17201512.0153PM I S\l-SaP-Prolxh\&MULTI-FAMILY-HOUSING\0'Brien Chatham Green Aph\Doga\REVR\HAYESAPARTMENTSM T 0 m a a n o d w 0 project name'. y m n m Qo n ' HAYES APARTMENTS i-� C O p n SCOTTT+RPARTNERS ARCHITEU z o 'o s HINESBURG RD I� o 3 N �/1� SOUTH BURLINGTON, V 20MAJN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION VT 05452 '.'.802.879.5153 802.872.276,1 3/172015 12.0203 PM I S \t-S+P-ProjeolaW-MULTLFA)ALY-HOUSING\O'Brien Cha", Green Aph\Dmgs%RE lnFtAYES APARTMENTS.M p a o v m n project name. >' � ' �� �ogod � ' oa HAYES APARTMENTS +� i o n SCOTT + PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE N �' zm u HINESBURG RD C" o A It o W SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT - 20 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 3 A 802.879.5153 502.872.2764 --.: - I Tt 11 "" 11 1 1 "" 11 nn nr� n I ME nn F07n --- ---'. ,■■r�l■■1�I��Iw1�■r�14�1■��Kl�I■r■■��1������I�i��l�t■■i�■■r������—.�� - .� ■■ Height Limit 28' from average grade 2T-0" Gable Mid Point - ROOF _© 21'-0" SECOND FLOOR 10'--61' V _ FIRST FLOOR 0' - 0" Avera_ae Grade —I -I ( _T.O_F. -4' - 0" V HAYES APARTMENTS BUILDING SECTION 03/12/15 20 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 SCOTT + PARTNERS P: 802.879.5153 ARCHITECTURE F: 802.872.2764 SCOTTPARTNERS.COM .�. VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective December 1, 2010 Landowner(s): CPA Partnership Permit Number: WW-4-0344-2 c/o Larry Michaels PIN: EJ15-0095 P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington VT 05403 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: o86o-oo635 referenced in a deed recorded in Book 289 Page(s) 159-16o of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of the proposed construction of three 8 unit apartment buildings (1-bedroom per unit) on an existing 7.2 acre lot with the existing Chatham Green Apartments and Country Park Congregate Housing Facility, construction of new water and wastewater infrastructure and services, served by municipal water supply services and municipal wastewater disposal services located on 635 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i.GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Scott Homsted, P.E. of Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc., with the stamped plans listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date Plan Revision Date Boundary Survey, Lands of CPA Partnership 3/19/2015 C-1 Overall Site Plan, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 C-2 Site & Utility Plan, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 4/16/2015 C-4 Utility Profiles, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 D-2 Details, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 D-3 Water Details, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 D-4 Sanitary Details, Hayes Apartments, CPA Partnership 3/18/2015 1.2 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits PRIOR to construction including, but not limited to, those that may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission; the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division; the Watershed Management Division; the Division of Fire Safety; the Vermont Department of Health; the Family Services Division; other State departments; or local officials. 1.3 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall record and index this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.4 The landowner shall record and index all required installation certifications and other documents that are required to be filed under these Rules or under 'a specific permit condition in the South Burlington Land Records and ensure that copies of all certifications are sent to the Secretary. 1.5 No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) that states: Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water Su Permit WW-4-0344-2 Page 2 of 3 "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all the permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests", or which otherwise satisfies the requirements of §1-3o8 and §1-911 of the referenced rules. 1.6 All conditions set forth in Permit Number WW-4-0344-1 shall remain in effect except as amended or modified herein. This project is approved for the construction of three 8 unit apartment buildings (1 bedroom per unit) on the existing lot. 1.7 Construction of additional nonexempt buildings, including commercial and residential buildings, is not allowed without prior review and approval by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. No construction is allowed that will cause non-compliance with an existing permit. 1.8 Each purchaser of any portion of the project shall be shown a copy of the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plan(s), if applicable, prior to conveyance of any portion of the project to that purchaser. 1.9 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and permit conditions. 1.10 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with io V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 The components of the potable water supply herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition # 1.5 herein. 2.2 This project is approved for connection to the water supply system owned by the City of South Burlington (VT0005091) for a maximum of 3240 gallons of water per day. 2.3 This project is approved for connection to a public water system. The installation of the public water system shall be completed in accordance with the conditions of the Public Water System Permit to Construct PID# c-3224- 15.0 WSID #5091 dated 6/16/2015 or any subsequent approvals for this system issued by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. 2.4 The landowner shall install and maintain backflow prevention devices that conform to Vermont Department of Public Safety standards and NFPA 13 for any connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water system. 2.5 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their water distribution system. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 The components of the sanitary wastewater system herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition #1.5 herein. 3.2 This project is approved for connection to the City of South Burlington wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the plan(s) stamped by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. The project is approved for a maximum of 336o gallons of wastewater per day. Wastewater System and Potable Water Sul Permit WW-4-0344-2 ° l Page 3 Of 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required if the project is served by the municipal wastewater collection system. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Dated June 18„ 2015 Jes a ne Wyman, Regi al Engineer Essex Regional Office Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division cc South Burlington Planning Commission Scott Homsted/Krebs & Lansing Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Act 25o District Environmental Commission-4Co254 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety June 4, 2015 Re: #SP-15-32 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six(6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sinc ly, /ayyVbnd J. Bel air Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Permit Number SP- - —7�i (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑✓ Administrative ❑Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): O'Brien Brothers, LLC. 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): Book 188 Page 314 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Same as Above 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Andrew Gill Phone (802) 658-5000 Fax: (802) 658-5002 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 636-638 Hinesburg Road 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): #0860-00636 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): The project consists of adding new plantings to the approved landscape plan, in addition to adding a small section of fence for a privacy screen on the rear patio of the building as shown on the updated landscape and site plan, attached. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Apartment use. Four two -bedroom and three, one -bedroom apartments. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): Unchanged d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 7716 e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Unchanged f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): Unchanged g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): Unchanged h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): N.A. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 27,443 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 17.5 % / 4803 sq. ft. Proposed 17.5 % / 4803 sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 52.4 % / 14380 sq. ft. Proposed 52.4 % / 14380 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % / Proposed % / d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 50 * sq. ft. sq. ft. * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 0 b. Landscaping: $ 2000 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): N.A. 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): N.A. 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N.A 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N.A. 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: June 2015 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the tim o submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. - ( I o , SI Larry Michaels SIGW'ATURE OF PROP$RTI OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: ✓ // / REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete Administrative Officer The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 7582 Williston Road Williston, VT 05495 ADDRESS O'Brien Brothers Agency 636 Hinesburg Rd So. Burlington, VT 05407 (802)373-8111 plantstone@gmail.com ESTIMATE NO. 1007 DATE 06/26/2015 EXPIRATION DATE C T IV;TY QU N I. =,1 iEE A Planting Northern White Cedar 5'-6" Tall 6 208.00 Planting *New: Juniper'Bar Harbor' 15 46.44 Planting * New: Spirea 'Goldflame' 4 41.60 TOTAL 1248.00 696.60 166.40 $2,111.00 ray From: Craig Lambert Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 3:17 PM To: ray Subject: RE: 636-638 Hinesburg Road Landscaping Plan Ray, Those plans are fine Craig Lambert South Burlington City Arborist 104 Landfill Rd South Burlington, VT 05403 Ph: 802-658-7961 Fax: 802-658-7976 email: clam bert(a)-sburl.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify its immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:02 AM To: Craig Lambert Subject: 636-638 Hinesburg Road Landscaping Plan Craig, I've placed a landscaping plan in the DPW mailbox with your name on it. Would you please look over the "Additional Landscaping Schedule 5/11/15" and let me know if you have any concerns. Thanks. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 51tn lj�� netic Mo9 I 1 1 I gi 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 6 � / lQ I 1 I E. •pl mf I FI Wellesly Gn sear -T 4�11 I _ AY. 4nmx 1 reef lo• n..w I I piwey �- `zz-1 l I NeirIr� sotto / o � Iiwserr as free+ ' a• armr« 5loning(on I« nrdw d Icircle lee r4o%^Y AnHa / I / I 1 ' I I I 1 1 I I I I Landscaping Schedule Desernrnn Nhife Spruce 541 _ 6'-7' /dl 4e�lfitx 6 lamed - Dogwood :1rcf/c Fire' J gal. to Dog d Y r Hot..J gal ! 5paeo Y7ommp M d' J 0.. 13 � if Dwf. N id hor boss 7 -_ LYobopp/e Fab d' 2' cd 2. Mogndro A/.xand o' 4'-5'rad I Ced 1r erdd b 6'-7' 2. Ldh 5'fd/o Doro I gal 60 Arborvitae Lmeswpe J got 6 Landscape Plan provided by Forest White of Plant & Stone Londscoping, 6562 Williston Rood, WNW- ✓—ont. Drafting by Krebs & Lansing. Additional Londscoping Schedule 5111115 .bin;per Bor Herb- J gd. 15 Soe"ea Gddfl-e J gd 4 North- Nhife Cedar 5'-6' td/ 6 �l Nnn de^e prenp Wellesly Grove —V eu -V Nei dwrlp /rMla r e' aI Ir ar Mrr nhee d deeriip aina r -[dn alrbkp e r purl e/ I/w proArl. / 4-./ Notes: 1. the location ono moterids of "islmo uIMAs is not-,vnred to be clod d aer.. the Cant-t- .60 ridd /orate W W#Was end be soWy r..pons0re to, of/ —Mg u14'1as ond Mai- unnfer-pted latices Me c-&-tor . W/ canto[/ Dig Sofa before cammencng any ev k 2. 76is plan is not a bound y swy Rater to plon MI/f/ed 'Boundy Swy Lands of OVViea B olhers LLC' doled Febm y .1 2014, prgoored by Krebs and Lons! g C sutlmg Enginea-; Inc ) coo ate boundy m/ Imn J A// Wolff rotated Wak to be pafamed in occad ca with the Sp-,YkotA-. and Date& fa the nslopollbn of War Ines and gopurlen-- for d/ Nbler S/.lems Owned by the Chow m Nbler D;sN t. the C.'fy of South Budnglan, and the wloge of.av/aa to- .n /o be premed ekaclee by ordr;recr - eb nor to be lirbbae/ nON� / - M 1—( vOg meta Jeer � earsr rr,ak Irona/ria, ^b'�'p fW►4ne snreadee emk mare Ymn aprn flMp Ka awr me rspioK y a rod bmrao bo<xi rpofbe4 b.I bocklNn¢� roe \ Ire rope a' avwloocred pbKlq mprfuro Exislmp subproar � nw.. Inmk � \ _ _ �T wN+wf m ha N.I. P.— eN nan-Nbdeyada6h and«a/ a- pant ph Tree Plonting in Landscape Detoil N,7..5 Legend v, Power po/e -"° Sur y Confrd Pont jz E;sfing h}donf Approve. PWerfy Line - - - - - - - - Sefbock /n �uddng anw/ope ,--y-y-If,� Eeishng free Lne Esising Canfow --�—o Existng Stockade F ee -w E.Wkg 0--h-d Power Nee budding Nee powmml 0' 20' 40' 60' "W. Bor Scale = 20, MIS, May 22, 2015 Andrew Gill CPA Partnership 1855 Williston Road So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Preliminary 8& Final Plat Approval #SD-15-12 — 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. Gill: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on May 5, 2015 (effective 05/21/15). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plans must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by November 17, 2015) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sinceryly, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 6683 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com •�� g�-- PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW MPreliminary M Final PUD Being Requested?E]Yes ❑✓ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1.OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) CPA Partnership, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. (802)658500C Fax: (802) 658-5002 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 289 Page 159 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) Same as above. 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Andrew Gill, Same as above. a. Contact email address: andrew@obrienbrothersagency. com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 635 Hinesburg Road 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0860-00635 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): See attached letter b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): See attached letter c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): See attached letter d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): See attached letter e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): See attached letter f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): See attached letter g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): See attached letter h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): See attached letter i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. See attached letter Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 t 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 7.19 Acres 313,196sgft b. Building Coverage: Existing See Proposed Letter (acres /sq. ft.) square feet % square feet % c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing See square feet % Proposed Letter square feet % d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing See square feet % Proposed Letter square feet % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) No. Wetlands are behind existing garage structure Hundreds of feet from work planned. See Existing Conditions Plan c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 72,000 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 3,100,000.00 b. Landscaping: $ 55,220.00 (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) Site imrpovements as shown on plan Cost included in $3,100,000.00 amount above. 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): See attached letter 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: See attached letter 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: See attached letter 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Spring of 2016 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the applicatio . See the City fee schedule for detailsiRi: NO : NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge SIGNAT RE OF APPLICANT Z, Li.-C o) ce- -S- GNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION:_Mckrc � 19, 'Z o 1 I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: omplete Incomplete The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 ray From: Craig Lambert Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:50 AM To: ray Subject: RE: Stormwater Comments I don't have any follow up comments. Craig Lambert South Burlington City Arborist 104 Landfill Rd South Burlington, VT 05403 Ph: 802-658-7961 Fax: 802-658-7976 email: clam bertCa)sburl.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Tf you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email.. Thank you for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:13 AM To: Tom Dipietro; Craig Lambert Subject: RE: Stormwater Comments Correct, sorry about that. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburi.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:12 AM To: Craig Lambert Cc: ray Subject: FW: Stormwater Comments Hi Craig ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:52 AM To: Scott Homsted Cc: ray; Andrew Gill; Larry Michaels Subject: RE: Hayes Apartments Scott, Thank you. The information provided addresses all of my comments. -Torn Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Scott Homsted[mailto:scott.homsted@krebsandlansing.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:21 PM To: Tom Dipietro Cc: ray; Andrew Gill; Larry Michaels Subject: Hayes Apartments Hi Tom, Please find attached a letter and supporting documentation prepared in response to your comments received via e-mail on April 23, 2015 regarding the Hayes Apartments project. Please contact us if have additional questions or require more information. Scott Scott Homsted, P.E. Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. 164 Main Street Colchester, Vermont 05446 Scott. Homsted(?krebsandlansing.com ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:12 AM To: Craig Lambert Cc: ray Subject: FW: Stormwater Comments Attachments: Hayes Apts4.docx Hi Craig I think Ray meant to send these tree related comments to you. -Torn Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:19 PM To: Tom Dipietro Subject: Stormwater Comments Tom, See responses to your comments. Do you have any follow-up comments? Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. Lf you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Andrew Gill[mailto:andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:07 PM To: ray 1 Cc: Larry Michaels Subject: FW: landscape reviews Hi Ray, In response to the comments from the City Arborist please see the below in Red. Plans will be updated accordingly. Thank you. • Tree and Shrub Planting Details and Specifications should be included with the plan • The Landscape plans will be updated to include details and specifications. • Tree Protection Measures should be specified for the existing trees that are too remain • The plans will be updated to indicate trees that will receive tree protection measures. The plans will also be amended to include and detail the proposed tree protection measures. • Specify that parking lot islands and bumpouts where trees are to be planted should be filled to a depth of 3ft with quality planting soil to form a continuous planting pit to provide maximum soil volume to support tree growth. • The specification will be added to the plans. Andrew Gill I Project Coordinator I O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc I PO Box 2184 - 1855 Williston Rd, So. Burlington, VT 05407 Office: 802-658-5000 1 andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com I www.obrienbrothersagency.com The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:54 PM To: Sheila McIntyre; Andrew Gill Subject: FW: landscape reviews Sheila & Andrew, Attached are your respective comments from the City Arborist. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Justin Rabidoux Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:39 PM To: ray Subject: FW: landscape reviews ray From: Sent: To: Subject: Justin Rabidoux Thursday, April 23, 2015 3:48 PM ray FW: Comments on Hayes Apartments Project From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 3:47 PM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on Hayes Apartments Project Justin, I reviewed the "Hayes Avenue Apartments" site plan prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, dated March 18, 2015 with no revisions. I would like to offer the following comments: The proposed project is located in the Potash Brook watershed. This watershed is listed as stormwater impaired by the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The project proposes to create about 1 additional acre of impervious area on the parcel. The property is already covered by an expired State stormwater permit (1-0237). Therefore, the project will require a new State stormwater permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire this permit before starting construction. We request that the applicant submit hydrologic modeling information so that this information can be reviewed by the City and included in our watershed model for Potash Brook. The project proposes to disturb greater than 1 acre of area. It will therefore require a construction stormwater permit from the Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The applicant should acquire this permit before starting construction. 4. The site plan indicates that there is a "Grease Interceptor" located on the property downstream of the proposed project. Please provide more detail regarding this infrastructure, it's condition, and current state of maintenance. 5. Stormwater from the site flows to the aforementioned "Grease Interceptor", into an 18" pipe, and then into a drainage swale along Hinesburg Road before crossing under Kennedy Drive via a 36" culvert. In order to confirm compliance with section 15.13.F(3) the applicant must submit modeling for the 25 year storm event. We request that this modeling focus on the ability of the 18" pipe to transport runoff during the 25 year storm event. 6. The applicant should provide a drainage area map for the proposed stormwater treatment practices. 7. Confirm that the only utilization of permeable pavement on the project is for the 11 parking spaces located to the northwest of the "existing congregate housing building". Also, confirm that the shading on sheet C-1 represents new pavement, not permeable pavement. Consider adding this shading/hatching to the Legend. 8. The project is broken up into 4 phases. Phase 3 appears to be pavement construction/replacement. Will the stabilized construction entrance indicated on sheet C-3 be constructed and utilized for this phase of the project, or is it intended to be utilized only during phase 4 (construction of the buildings and adjacent areas)? 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. Di Pietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: Tdipietro@sburl.com Web Site: www.sburl.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. Hayes Apts Krebs and Lansing Wagner Hodgeson LA 4/21/15 • Tree and Shrub Planting Details and Specifications should be included with the plan • Tree Protection Measures should be specified for the existing trees that are too remain • Specify that parking lot islands and bumpouts where trees are to be planted should be filled to a depth of 3ft with quality planting soil to form a continuous planting pit to provide maximum soil volume to support tree growth South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 April 27, 2015 Mr. Ray Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Hayes Apartments, Hinesburg Rd. Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for the proposed construction of 3 apartment buildings on Hinesburg Road. They have complied with requests made by staff and implemented our recommendations. We have the following recommendations: 1. Compliance with all requirements of the Vermont Fire Building and Safety Code. 2. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 3. All plans shall be reviewed and permitted by the South Burlington Fire Marshal. At this point these seem to be the major issues which present themselves. As this project moves forward additional items may surface which could be dealt with as needed with the assistance of the developer and the South Burlington Fire Marshal. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, &uq,Iak S. 3 re nt Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief .. VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septicM.°a,,oy April 16, 2015 CPA Partnership c/o Larry Michaels P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington VT 05403 Agency of Natural Resources [phone] 802-879-5656 [fax] 862-879-3871 Subject WW-4-0344-2 Hayes Apartments proposed three (eight) unit apartment buildings on lot with existing Chatham Green Apartments and Country Park Congregate Housing Facility located on 635 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Ladies & Gentlemen: I reviewed the application and technical information submitted for the above referenced project. Unfortunately, there were items that were not included or were insufficient and I was unable to determine if this project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. Please provide the following information: 1. In reviewing our files, we have not received the installation -certifications for the water and sewer line extensions. Please see Conditions 8 and 10 of Permit #WW-4-0344-2• 2. Please submit a copy of the Permit to Construct from the Public Water Program. If any plans are revised during their review, please submit 2 copies to us. 3. Please label the size and material for the building sewer lines on the site plan as was done for the water service lines. 4. Please submit 2 copies of any revised plans and an updated page 4 of the application form listing the latest plan revision dates. Please respond within thirty, (3o) days from the date of this letter. Re -submittals that are incomplete or made after thirty days may result in the denial of the project. I will continue my review of the project once I receive the information requested. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jessanne Wyman Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Scott Homsted Act 250 Coordinator-4Co254 Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jet./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury theOther Paper • otherpapervt.com *April 16, 2015 • 19_ r S S. I fi e d s Pu'1j11*c Notices [TURE: 5-shelf "ladder" and many other smaller items. 3se 72" x 35" (15" deep Call 249-1462. (04/09) i shelf and 7" top shelf) ►ndition, dark cherry $25. TOYS: Playmobil pirate ship with or bistro folding table, 2 flick cannons,, 2 "gold" coin used, $10. Call 802-497- treasure' chests, 3 pirate figures 04/09) and secret treasure compartment. 13" x 5.5" x 13 "h. Excellent condi l: Electra Chopper bike lion. $20. Playmobil playset with 3ike work stand $20, Co- lighthouse tower with working L ladies size 8 boots $35, light; jail cell with trapdoor to ain bike from Walmart - dungeon with secret entrance. )2-999-6085. (04/16) Includes 1 flick cannon, "gold" coin treasure chest, cargo pulley IG SALE: Downsizing - lots and a rowboat with oars. Works furniture. including cus- well with Playmobil knights and ;ecutive desk, Brunswick pirates. 21"x21"xM"h. $25. Both .ble, custom dry bar and 4 recommended for ages 4+ due to ,ols, cherry entertainment smallparts.802-343-3660. (04/16) w/glass shelves, wood table ;hairs excellent condition, The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City 1 lall Conference Room, 575 - Dorset Street, South Burlington,verrnon( on ,May 5„2015 at :00 P.M. to consider the following: Preliminary & final plat application of CPA partnership for a planned unit development to amend a`previously approved plan for a 76 unit congregate care facility and 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings. The amendment consists of constructing24 multi-fanulyunits in three (3) buildings, 635 Hinesburg Road. Conditional use application #CU-15 02 of Dexter Mahaffey to amend apreviously approved plan for a25,200sq. ft. educational facility. The amendment consists of: 1) constntcling a 1.500 sq. ft. two (2) story addition, and 2) constructing a 50 sq. ft. addition 75 Green Mountain Drive. Final plat' application #Sll 15 13 of Sterling Construcuorn, Inc: to create two (2) footprint lets, 54 Prost Street & 138 Chipman Street. Prelirinary & final plat application #SD-15- l l ofChamplainwater District fora planned unit development to amend a prrviously ap- proved plan for a2.1 million gallon water storage tank. The amen(1- meat consists of. 1) constructing a 190 ft. high communications tower including antennas, and 2) constructing a 216 sq. ft. supliort hoilding, 1215 Dorset Street, Tini Barritt, Chair South Burlington Development Review Board Copies ofthe applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the,tocal proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsegtie nt appeal. April 16, 2015 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 14 day of April , 2015 , a copy of the foregoing public notice for Prelim and Final [type of application] #SD-14-40 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) See Attached List of Recipients Dated at South Burl.[town/city], Vermont, this 14 day of April , 202015 . Printed Name: Andrew Gill Phone number and email: 80 g 8 00 Signature: Date: 4/14/15 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 Abutter LisYfor Sketch Ptah Application _ 1 CHELSEA CIR U DAWEI 1 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 2 CHELSEA CIR KENNEY DANIEL M & LYNN NGUYEN 14 CABOT CT S BURLINGTON VT 05403 3 CHELSEA CIR NELSON MEGHANN N 3 Chelsea Circle South Burlington VT 05403-7201 4 CHELSEA CIR GREEN CURTIS E & STEPHANIE T BRADLI6601 SWEETWATER DRIVE DERWOOD MD 20855 5 CHELSEA CIR KINAMAN KRISTEN 5 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 6 CHELSEA CIR LEAHY JASON T 6 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 7 CHELSEA CIR ROSE SCOT C & BRENDA R 7 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 8 CHELSEA CIR ASSEFA ALAZAR 8 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 9 CHELSEA CIR GILCRIS ERIC J & ANNA 1 177 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 30 CHELSEA CIR CERVONE MICHAEL T 10 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 11 CHELSEACIR MOTTTRAVISJ & LINDSAYA 11 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 12 CHELSEA CIR DOSTAL GERTRAUDE A 12 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 14 CHELSEA CIR SUN YU-JING 14 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 15 CHELSEA CIR CUCHURAL G F FAMILY INVESTMENTS L P O BOX 9486 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 16 CHELSEA CIR FOX CRAIG L 16 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 17 CHELSEA CIR BOHAN MARK D & KATHY 1 TRUST 17 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 18 CHELSEA CIR WRIGHTALINA 18 CHELSEA CIRCLE SBURLINGTON VT 05403 19 CHELSEA CIR EDITH SALLY 19 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 20 CHELSEA CIR PORTER C HOWARD & B IRMA 99 ELDREDGE ST #109 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 21 CHELSEA CIR DAVIS JOANNE LIFE ESTATE 21 CHELSEA CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 22 CHELSEA CIR ZHEGU KLITON 22 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 23 CHELSEA CIR AREMBURG RITA M DAVID P & KELLY 23 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 24 CHELSEA CIR KNOTT KIM J 24 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 25 CHELSEA CIR DUPRAT CAROL ANN 640 Vt Route 15 Underhill VT 05489-9720 26 CHELSEA CIR HILL BEVERLY A 640 VT ROUTE 15 UNDERHILL VT 05489 27 CHELSEA CIR MEREDYTH MARC 147 Centennial Court Burlington VT 05401-3482 28 CHELSEA CIR ANDERSON MARY ANNE 28 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 29 CHELSEA CIR EFRAIM MICHAEL D 1400 MERIT CRESCENT APT 30, MONTREAL QUEBEC CANADF H3P 3N6 177 HAYES AVE GILCRIS ANNA & ERIC 177 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 122 HAYES AVE DEMPSEY CECELIA M 122 Hayes Avenue South Burlington VT 05403-6763 124 HAYES AVE KUO ROGER CHIA YEN 124 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 126 HAYES AVE SUKHTANKAR DURGESH S & NILIMA 0 35 BOWER ST S BURLINGTON VT 05403 128 HAYES AVE CANE SHEILA W TRUST 128 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 130 HAYES AVE PAUL SANDRA J & ROBERT H 130 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 132 HAYES AVE BEATTIE JOYA 132 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 134 HAYES AVE MACDONALD COLIN 134 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 136 HAYES AVE SMITH CLAIRE 136 HAYES AVENUE SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 138 HAYES AVE GAMACHE KIMBERLY A P 0 BOX 4038 BURLINGTON VT 05406 140 HAYES AVE STONE ROBERT L & NANCYL TRUSTEES 11118 BROKEN BROOK WAY TEGA CAY SC 29708 142 HAYES AVE FIERI JANINE 142 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 144 HAYES AVE HOPPER FRANCES 1 JOHN ANDERSON DR APT 41:ORMOND BEACH FL 32176-5788 146 HAYES AVE JARVIS LOUIS H 146 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 148 HAYES AVE WILLIAMS BARBARA 148 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 150 HAYES AVE MERNICKY LADISLAV & DARINA 150 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 152 HAYES AVE FELLION CONSTANCE 152 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 154 HAYES AVE DUDEK ARTHUR A 154 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 156 HAYES AVE KRASNOW SUSAN L TRUST 263 HALF MILE RD CHARLOTTE VT 05445 158 HAYES AVE PAQUET RHONDA M 158 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 160 HAYES AVE MESSIER ROBERT E 160 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 162 HAYES AVE LAREAU GLORIA D 162 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 164 HAYES AVE BASS PAULA F 25 Bacon Street Unit 407 South Burlington VT 05403-4496 166 HAYES AVE DIMICK LAURA 166 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 168 HAYES AVE RODRIGUEZ LORENA 168 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 170 HAYES AVE MURRAY OLGA PASZKO TRUST 170 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 172 HAYES AVE GUINN SIDNEY KATE TRUST 172 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 174 HAYES AVE MCINTIRE AMANDA MARIE 174 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 176 HAYES AVE GRZYWNAJOHN B & DEBRA 1537 WILLISTON RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 625 HINESBURG RD GOODRICH RALPH B TRUST P 0 BOX 8 MONKTON VT 05469 630 U01 HINESBURG RD CERASOLI CHARLES & EL17ABETH 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 1 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 UO2 HINESBURG RD CHIOFFI GREGORY TRUST 619 GOLF COURSE RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 UO3 HINESBURG RD NOVINGER LEAH & QUENTIN 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 3 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U04 HINESBURG RD STEVENSON GAIL B 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 4 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U05 HINESBURG RD ULIIENTHAL PATRICIA ANN 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 5 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U06 HINESBURG RD PERROTTE KENNETH & JOYCE TRUST 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 6 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U07 HINESBURG RD BARRETT KAREN M 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 7 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U08 HINESBURG RD HOOPER MONIKA & ELWIN TRUSTEES 286 GOVERNORS LANE SHELBURNE VT 05482 630 U09 HINESBURG RD PFEIFER JOHN C & BRENDA S 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 9 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U10 HINESBURG RD LIVINGSTON PATRICIA 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 10 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 USS HINESBURG RD SWAIN KIM 1 Gold Street Apt 10G Hartford CT 06103-2907 630 U12 HINESBURG RD LABOUNTY WALTER P & THERESA E 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 12 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U13 HINESBURG RD WALKER KATHY 1159 WILDHORSE MEADOWS [CHESTERFIELD MO 63005 630 U14 HINESBURG RD FAIR ROBERT E 1R 7818 WOODBRIDGE COURT SPRINGBORO OH 45066 630 U15 HINESBURG RD IRELAND SCOTT D & STEPHEN D P 0 BOX 2286 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 630 U16 HINESBURG RD DAVE HETAL #2 OLDE ORCHARD PARK APT 1S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U17 HINESBURG RD LEW RICHARD R & MARY W TRUST 18 EAST TERRACE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U18 HINESBURG RD STANLEY HAZEL G LIFE ESTATE 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 18 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U19 HINESBURG RD SMITH ALLEN R 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 19 S BURLINGTON VT OS403 630 U20 HINESBURG RD DAUDELIN NAN 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 20 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U21 HINESBURG RD MASINO NANCY A 630 HINSESBURG RD UNIT 21 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U22 HINESBURG RD CUNNINGHAM ROBERT J 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 22 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U23 HINESBURG RD WULFSON JOAN L 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 23 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U24 HINESBURG RD STRUBLE SUSAN D 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 24 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 635 HINESBURG RD CPA PARTNERSHIP 1855 WILLISTON RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 636 HINESBURG RD O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC 1855 WILLISTON ROAD S BURLINGTON VT 05407 8 STONINGTON CIRCLE MIAO XUEJIA 2 CABOT CT SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403-8500 10 STONINGTON CIRCLE COADY JOAN M TRUST 10 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 18 STONINGTON CIRCLE KACER MARTINA 18 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 20 STONINGTON CIRCLE KENNESON JILL 20 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 STONINGTON CIRCLE COCHRANE ROBERT TRUST 37 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 39 STONINGTON CIRCLE ECKERSON HOLLY 39 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 41 STONINGTON CIRCLE CAFFREY JAMES F & BERNADETTE H TRL41 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 43 STONINGTON CIRCLE PERRIN JODEEN 43 STONINGTON CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 45 STONINGTON CIRCLE BHARADWAJAN SUNDER 45 STONINGTON CIR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403-6789 47 STONINGTON CIRCLE KELLER JAY E & MARIE C 47 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 49 STONINGTON CIRCLE SHAHRIARI PARVIN TRUST 192 SOUTH POINTE DRIVE SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 51 STONINGTON CIRCLE PIERCE DONALD 5 JR & JEANNETTE 51 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 53 STONINGTON CIRCLE PENNSCO TRUST CO 31 NOOSA DUNES COURT CASTAWAYS BEACH OLD 456AUSTRALIA 55 STONINGTON CIRCLE DANDRUDGE MIRA B 45 SUMMIT ST MALDEN MA 02148 56 STONINGTON CIRCLE GUROWSKI MANFRED & SANDRAJ 56 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 58 STONINGTON CIRCLE RICHMOND KERIN R & MARA L 58 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 64 STONINGTON CIRCLE CORNELLJOSEPH W BARBARAJ KERR L 213 HEATHERFIELD DR SOUDERTON PA 18964 78 STONINGTON CIRCLE HALE DONNA B 78 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 80 STONINGTON CIRCLE ROBERTS ANNE Y 80 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 88 STONINGTON CIRCLE KANARD MARY E 88 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 89 STONINGTON CIRCLE GENTES WILLIAM L 40 Thoroughbred Drive Saratoga Springs NY 12866-5046 90 STONINGTON CIRCLE POLL] JAMES 90 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 91 STONINGTON CIRCLE MACKIN KATHLEEN A 91 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 99 STONINGTON CIRCLE PENNSCO TRUST CO 31 NOOSA DUNES COURT CASTAWAYS BEACH OLD 456AUSTRALIA 101 STONINGTON CIRCLE FAUCHER MARC R & MARGARETA 101 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 108 STONINGTON CIRCLE STOVER JEANNINIE G 108 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 110 STONINGTON CIRCLE JENKINS &JACKSON, LLC 120 KIMBALL AVE, SUITE 110 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 117 STONINGTON CIRCLE ROLAND JOHN 117 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 119 STONINGTON CIRCLE LESAGE PATTY 119 STONINGTON CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 120 STONINGTON CIRCLE ESTABROOK RICHARD M P 0 BOX 231 WATERBURY VT 05676 122 STONINGTON CIRCLE LESAGE ALAN 122 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 129 STONINGTON CIRCLE PERELMAN TAMARA 129 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 131 STONINGTON CIRCLE 131 STONINGTON CIRCLE LLC 8 SCOTTSDALE RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 133 STONINGTON CIRCLE EDDY BERNADETTE 133 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 135 STONINGTON CIRCLE PAINTER JEAN W 135 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 137 STONINGTON CIRCLE CONNER AARON A & ASHLEY L 137 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 139 STONINGTON CIRCLE BOUCHETT FRANK & BETTY 139 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 141 STONINGTON CIRCLE KIM HYUN TAE & KEE KYUNG 141 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 143 STONINGTON CIRCLE LAKOBA TARAS 143 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 145 STONINGTON CIRCLE HAGGARTY DAVID D & GAIL S 145 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 151 STONINGTON CIRCLE WHITNEY LOIS M 151 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 158 STONINGTON CIRCLE MCCABE CLAIRE 158 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 160 STONINGTON CIRCLE DOERRING LIEF 160 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 167 STONINGTON CIRCLE GOEHLERT UWE G & ELLEN L 167 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 168 STONINGTON CIRCLE BRETON CYNTHIAJO 168 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 169 STONINGTON CIRCLE RESSLER ALEXIS B 169 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 170 STONINGTON CIRCLE LIAMOS CHARLES T & KAREN M TRUST 2444 VIA DELES MILAGROS PLEASANTON CA 94566 35 TIMBER LN MORWOOD BETTY JO 46 MOSS GLEN LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 36 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 38 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 39 TIMBER LN ACUPUNCTURE VT ORIENTAL MED CLIN 39 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 40 TIMBER LN CRANDALL PROFESSIONAL PROPERTIES 40 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 408 TIMBER LN BELL LESU R 40 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 41 TIMBER LN CRANDALL PROFESSIONAL PROPERTIES 40 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 42 TIMBER LN BROWN SCOTT W III & LORELEE 42 TIMBER LA S BURLINGTON VT 05403 43 TIMBER LN FJL REALTY LLC 1205 NORTH AVE BURLINGTON VT 05401 44 TIMBER LN WISDOM PROPERTIES LLC 44 TIMBER LN S BURLINGTON VT 05403 45 TIMBER LN BASSETT ELIZABETH A TRUST 45 TIMBER LA S BURLINGTON VT 05403 50 TIMBER LN DENNISON W LANDON 1R TRUST P 0 BOX 138 HINESBURG VT 05461-0138 51 TIMBER LN PEDIATRIC ENTERPRISES LLP 51 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 52 TIMBER LN BLS TIMBER LANE LLC 52 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 53 TIMBER LN 53 TIMBER LANE PARTNERS 53 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 54 TIMBER LN EFK REALTY LLC 54 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 55 TIMBER LN OCV REALTY LLC 55 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 56 TIMBER LN OCV REALTY LLC 55 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinlang Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office i11 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septic.vt.gov April 1, 2015 CPA Partnership c/o Larry Michaels P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington VT 05403 Agency of Natural Resources [Phone] 802-879-5656 [fax] 802-879-3871 RE: WW-4-0344-2, Hayes Apartments ; proposed three (eight) unit apartment buildings on lot with existing Chatham Green Apartments and Country Park Congregate Housing Facility located at 635 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above -referenced project on April 1, 2015, including a fee of $2,000.00 paid by check #13305. Under the performance standards for this program, we will have a maximum Of 45 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Scott Homsted/Krebs & Lansing Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jet./Rutland/SDrinofield/St. Johnsburu /�=� VERMONT ' State of Vermont Agency of Transportation Policy, Planning & Intermodal Development Division Policy, Planning and Research Bureau Development Review & Permitting Services Section One National Life Drive [phone] 802-828-2653 Montpelier, VT 05633-5001 [fax] 802-828-2456 vtrans.vermont.gov [ttd] 800-253-0191 1 LETTER OF INTENT 1 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT March 24, 2015 CPA Partnership Andrew Gill 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Subject: South Burlington VT116 L S 165+80 — 170+30 LT Dear Andrew: Your highway permit application to connect to municipal water and construct two sidewalk connections, at the above - referenced location, has been reviewed and found to meet the requirements for work within the highway right-of-way. Please note that any electric and/or phone or cable connection must be applied for by the appropriate utility. Title 19 VSA § 1111 requires that we ensure compliance with all local ordinances and regulations relating to highways. Your highway permit application will be processed after you provide us with copies of your Act 250 and/or local approvals, including all conditions. In cases where local zoning does not exist, a letter from the legis- lative body of the municipality will be acceptable. When issued, the permit will contain, but will not be limited to, the attached Special Conditions. This commitment is valid for two years from the date of this letter. Should your other permits require a longer time period, please contact us relative to an extension of time. This Letter of Intent addresses only access to, work within, and drainage affecting the State highway. It does not address other possible transportation issues, such as access to town highways, use of private roads, and use of railroad crossings. If relevant to the proposed development, such issues must be addressed separately. If you have any further questions about this matter, please call me at (802) 828-2486. Sinc rely, ames Clancy Permit Coordinator Permitting Services Attachment j Reviewed y: gig S. Keller, P.E., Date: 3 Zy /T_ tilt c,%Chief of Permitting Services cc: Town of So. Burlington District Environmental Coordinator #4 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. CPA Partnership South Burlington, VT116, L.S. 165+80 — 170+30 LT March 24, 2015 Page 1 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS This permit is granted subject to the restrictions and conditions on the back of the permit, with particular attention given to the Special Conditions listed below. This permit pertains only to the authority exercised by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (Agency) under Vermont Statutes Annotated, Title 19, Section 1111, and does not relieve the Permit Holder from the requirements of otherwise applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances (e.g., Act 250, zoning, etc.). The Permit Holder shall observe and comply with all Federal and State laws and local bylaws, ordinances, and regulations in any manner affecting the conduct of the work and the action or operation of those engaged in the work, including all orders or decrees as exist at present and those which may be enacted later by bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction or authority over the work, and the Permit Holder shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the State and all its officers, agents, and employees against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, bylaws, ordinances, regulations, order, or decree, whether by the Permit Holder in person, by an employee of the Permit Holder, by a person or entity hired by the Permit Holder, or by a Subcontractor or supplier. The Permit Holder shall accomplish all work under this permit in accordance with the attached plan date stamped March 23, 2015 Permitting Services. A preconstruction meeting to discuss work to be completed must be held prior to the Permit Holder's employees or contractor beginning work. The Permit Holder is required to notify the District Transportation Administrator five (5) working days in advance of such meeting. Please note that the Vermont Agency of Transportation is not a member of Dig Safe. The Permit Holder shall also contact Steve Guyette (802) 343-2188 for Districts #5 & #8 and for all other districts contact Tim Sweeney at (802) 279-0585. They will need to locate and mark all existing buried utility facilities owned by the Agency near the location of the proposed work. Roadway shoulder areas must be maintained free of unnecessary obstructions, including parked vehicles, at all times while work is being performed under this permit. All grading within the State Highway right-of-way associated with the proposed construction shall be subject to inspection and approval by the District Transportation Administrator or his or her staff. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for ensuring that all grading work in or on the State Highway right- of-way complies with applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances. In areas to be grass covered, the Permit Holder shall restore turf by preparing the area and applying the necessary topsoil, limestone, fertilizer, seed, and mulch, all to the satisfaction of the District Transportation Administrator. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for ensuring that all turf restoration work in or on the State Highway right-of-way is in compliance with applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances. Upon completion of the work, the Permit Holder shall be responsible to schedule and hold a final inspection. The Permit Holder is required to notify the District Transportation Administrator five (5) working days in advance of such inspection. CPA Partnership South Burlington, VT116, L.S. 165+80 — 170+30 LT March 24, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Should any portion of the utility facility installed within the State Highway right-of-way require relocation due to future highway improvements, the Permit Holder shall bear all expenses, and all necessary adjustments shall be completed in a timely manner. The Permit Holder shall promptly and unconditionally pay for full repair and restoration of any and all damages to existing underground utility facilities (meaning any underground pipe, conduit, wire or cable, including appurtenances) that have been brought about by the execution of the permitted work. The Permit Holder also is required to pay for any costs to repair the highway following and resulting from any repairs to existing utilities occurring as a result of the work covered by this permit. Except with the specific, written permission of the Engineer, the Permit Holder or his or her contractor shall expose all underground facilities to verify their location and depth, at each location where the authorized boring or drilling work crosses a facility; and at reasonable intervals when closely paralleling a facility. Whenever possible, existing facilities should be crossed at a perpendicular angle. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for obtaining the modification of this permit, if necessary, for any additional survey work before initiating boring or drilling operations under the permit. The Agency will treat the Permit Holder's failure to fully, promptly, and conscientiously comply with all of conditions of this paragraph, including but not limited to the obligation to pay for repairs, as grounds for the Agency to refuse to grant any further requests by the Permit Holder for any other permits for subsurface work unless the Permit Holder furnishes irrevocable financial security, in a type and an amount deemed sufficient by the Agency in its sole discretion, prior to such future subsurface work. The Permit Holder shall install Agency approved Delineator Posts at the designated locations to clearly and quickly identify manholes, pipelines, valves, underground utilities, etc. The Permit Holder shall verify the appropriate safety measures needed, prior to construction, so proper devices and/or personnel are available when and as needed. Traffic control devices, shall be in conformance with the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), Agency standards and any additional traffic control deemed necessary by the District Transportation Administrator. The Permit Holder's failure to utilize proper measures shall be considered sufficient grounds for the District Transportation Administrator to order cessation of the work immediately. The Permit Holder will perform construction in such a way as to minimize conflicts with normal highway traffic. When two-way traffic cannot be maintained, the Permit Holder shall provide a sign package that conforms to the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) or Agency standards, as well as trained Flaggers. The District Transportation Administrator may require a similar sign package with trained Flaggers whenever it is deemed necessary for the protection of the traveling public. In addition, the District Transportation Administrator may require the presence of Uniform Traffic Officers (UTOs); moreover, the presence of UTOs shall not excuse the Permit Holder from its obligation to provide the sign package and Flaggers. The Permit Holder shall ensure that all workers exposed to the risks of moving highway traffic and/or construction equipment wear high -visibility safety apparel meeting the requirements of ISEA (International Safety Equipment Association) "American National Standards for High -Visibility Safety Apparel," and labeled as ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 107-2004, or latest revisions, for Performance Class 2 or 3 requirements. A competent person - one designated by the Permit Holder's Contractor to be responsible for worker safety within the activity area of the State highway CPA Partnership South Burlington, VT116, L.S. 165+80 — 170+30 LT March 24, 2015 Page 3 of 4 right-of-way shall select the appropriate class of garment. The Engineer may suspend this permit until compliance is obtained. Independence; Liability: The Permit Holder will act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees of the State. The Permit Holder shall defend the State and its officers and employees against all claims or suits arising in whole or in part from any act or omission of the Permit Holder or of any agent of the Permit Holder. The State shall notify the Permit Holder in the event of any such claim or suit, and the Permit Holder shall immediately retain counsel and otherwise provide a complete defense against the entire claim or suit. After a final judgment or settlement, the Permit Holder may request recoupment of specific defense costs and may file suit in the Washington Superior Court requesting recoupment. The Permit Holder shall be entitled to recoup costs only upon a showing that such costs were entirely unrelated to the defense of any claim arising from an act or omission of the Permit Holder. The Permit Holder shall indemnify the State and its officers and employees in the event that the State, its officers or employees become legally obligated to pay any damages or losses arising from any act or omission of the Permit Holder. Insurance: Before beginning any work under this Permit the Permit Holder must provide certificates of insurance to show that the following minimum coverages are in effect. It is the responsibility of the Permit Holder to maintain current certificates of insurance on file with the State for the duration of work under the Permit. No warranty is made that the coverages and limits listed herein are adequate to cover and protect the interests of the Permit Holder for the Permit Holder's operations. These are solely minimums that have been established to protect the interests of the State. Workers Compensation: With respect to all operations performed under the Permit, the Permit Holder shall carry workers compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont. General Liability and Property Damage: With respect to all operations performed under the Permit, the Permit Holder shall carry general liability insurance having all major divisions of coverage including, but not limited to: Premises - Operations Products and Completed Operations Personal Injury Liability Contractual Liability The policy shall be on an occurrence form and limits shall not be less than: $2,000,000 Per Occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $ 50,000 Fire/Legal Liability CPA Partnership South Burlington, VT116, L.S. 165+80 — 170+30 LT March 24, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Permit Holder shall name the State of Vermont and its officers and employees as additional insureds for liability arising out of this Permit. Automotive Liability: The Permit Holder shall carry automotive liability insurance covering all motor vehicles, including hired and non -owned coverage, used in connection with the Permit. Limits of coverage shall not be less than: $1,000,000 combined single limit. Permit Holder shall name the State of Vermont and its officers and employees as additional insureds for liability arising out of this Permit. 1.1�3(yti,,k �Ifk,, .QtC)✓1, VTII(n, I LCo tMy /tC�t3d L� l 1 NEW SMH 1 X8 PING RIM=321.0 EX.5 EVE & ALVE INV. IN=316.1 �- INV. OUT=316.0 X. Zoning Resident H_IN_ESB URGS R0 D < �� R O U T E I + RIMA453}"3MH ENCH MARK) i%sidenti l 12Zoni I CORE & SEAL 9 _.._._ . NEW INV-313.5 'tr — OE I. 2— —O— —`— OT Oi-�---- --—OE.T_" OE —0E— FT I-FT.Ul —w— — .._ GREA _ Ilr cuP R.o.w. g "� /may = _ I aeon [ nT�3•" -- wa l „-+w�Jzlie� _ �—I .I.. �, I A �� 16'n'o'•tfo.el AI �J '- - INv-� .�.....�' � ___ —�--age - VA -,C@t A io IVr� _ _ _ - _ - -- ------ - !� �f�.�l� .i INV.- C87-e 11 I711 If �r 1 I I - )Pond IELD VERIF I �• III I p 1 RIM- 20'.0 � 1;\�I I .5.--'1F1Y.=316.0 ����._. A�J� I' II T �V-r__r-'r�-� 'sefb /r�m tine /►n°°sie 6°'M" i I 1 "i A t I I �. r. f I Arwe ,d/A re.OSA , y 1 j / v STi - - �,i / 4 P ES E I 6 I — .I Ir�— B I E 4T 4 I aI� PA v� 1 ' \ �Ss wd C 11 1 \ I \ I 1 It _________ _ C II 1 1 APARTMENT BUILDING 1 APARTMENT BUILDING 2--s -- STIN 'OAROENS � ' I I I I I 8 UNIT /� UNIT 11 -- o ; , � Ili i �, �= s— — — — — — — — — — — — j it 9 I I S 4SPAC S E i I w EX. C8 -320.17 -15" INV. IN.3I5.2 E E 322.67 1 m CB3-A # M=3 3 ePacea C82-A NV.=314.9 RIM=320.5 RIM=320.0 INV.=316.5 CBS -A RIM=320.5 INV.=314.8 o I TRANSFORMER PAD Z I 1].5 I: 1 Il � INV.-318.0 CARPORT "s I z m r 00 I / I I'u II9 mll 1 Slabizee fires or paver / I 1 _--- j s rta b'mpemergeray I 11 (. � I vehicle tom acceRw. I Q II y I I �J a Q bdo I f i it 1 /C) '!'• r=`g\+r INkston Rood Dries JC0 -_ 1 \ CB4-A Nv.=J18.05 1 / SYTE � •emu +}n XCR¢ a South BuNington y�Wp/isl 0 71,/ PERMIT # EIVED N.,s — — — — — — REC D O dumpster endosurs BRIAR WOODS CONDO INIUM 1 Legend ...... _ Exfsthg Zonkrg District Boundary •p, Power pole nExisting Stockade Fence _112 Surrey Control Pant I -ww Ex/stmg Okerheod Power Existing hyWont - .21 — — Existing Underground Tel phone - - Approx. Prgoerty LAT& -5- - - - - - New Sewer LhTe Ex/sth7g ease--f lkie —w- - - — New Wafer line — Setback 1me/2,uhdmg enm1alar =sr sr=C�-- New Storm Lme%tch bosxl -w— — — gw- Existing Woter Line/gate vat. � - -336 -- Finish Contour Existing tree line New buadng —5— — —5—®- Existing Sewn Lme/-onhole New pownlenf 5> Existng Stwm Lme%otch bask/ Preconstructim excowtmn Enstmg Contour - - Lot' line between commercial and residential portion of prompt a LOCATION 8' WATER Notes: 1. 7his plan is not o boundary survey. The property lines shown are based on tax mops and plans prodded by C'nT Enginening Associotes and ore considered vpproxilnote. 2 The underground uUities shown on this plan one, based a1 design plans for Chofhd aeen and Country Park provided by C'v7 EngInning Associates. Underground utXfAes are approximate and not warranted to be exact or coempleta Dig Sore shall be contacted prior to aiy excowtion. J. ElevetIons ore based - the NA 88 (Geoid 12A) rorlfcol datum. 4. Pio,ect H--tal Coardklotes dived from OR5 obsnwtion using reterence fro-e NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 epoch. MAR 23 2015 � 1 / PERMITTING SERVICES rt Lot Coverage: Lot Area = 726 acres O' 30' 60' 120' 180' Area of Existing Budding = 1.04 acres Area of Existing Impervious Surface = 2J6 ocres Bof- Scole 1' = JO' Exisfing Bu®dng Coverage = 1.041726 = 14.JT Existing Ow-11 Lot Coverage = 2J6/726 = J25X PROPOSED: Co--nciol Portion -b'luory A 2015 J budding c 59-lion sM e/J5 ecem Dber 2.; 2014 ming boon 41 ZM J2J//&4 Lot' Area = 2.0 ocres: Dote reNsed Deecripl- Checked I Dote Area of Buildng = 0.54 ocres Area of I -pervious Surface = L18 acres Design 5RN Sketch Plan Building Coverage = 0 5412. 0 = 27.OX Drawn SON 0—// Lot Covxrogs = 1. 18120 = 590T Checked Residential P-tion Scale ° = J0, CPA Partnership lot'A— = 5.26 ocres: Dole Dec. l7, 70!! Area of Buddhg = 0.77 acres Area of 1-pervious Surface = 1.86 ames Pro' at J4281 I "'esburg Rood South Burrlin ton on! Building Coverage = 0.7715.26 = 14.6x /YRBBS It DINS/NC Conmlffng Bngineersr Inc. .... Overo// Lot Covcroge = 1.8615.26 = 354X y64 .fain Shvet, Colchester, verMOni OS446 NEW SMH- �,xB�IQP�ING WV. N =316.1 EX. SMIy_/ �"�_ a ice ✓-- LEEVE k ALVE J( INV. OUT=316.0 - ^ _ ��. SMH (BENCH MARK) _ \\ , _ _ , _ , _ R 0 U T E _1 ? i �~ RIM=324.16 Resident 112 Zoning H_I N E_S B U R G r� R 0 YDY L IMM.=31.3!i33 Sid .- --- . . . . � CORE &SEAL ti Zoning —i ^. I NEW INV.=313.5 "°T � i OE — —_ OE _ —_ �7 1 v f} .I. i— O— _ —f— — _ — 0 _OE,T.� �.+aa OE —0E— —i I _ \ v SI G _ _ _ --W— _ GREAS CEP -I 1 i�. ""' _.. \ _ 2.1 -q 10' CMP R.O.W. F ture L t v! Bo ri ht of wo I NA-321. y y 4.7 FIELD VERIFY I CIM= R iiIM= .0 \ I �••_-_ i.. } .•'-u `~ �`-- 50' setback furs GH i s y� I VV d E I I — " .I. � R __- I oIP _ I /'%IS11NG o �PARKING LOT 0 8 UNIT �I r UNIT n� r ' APARTMENT BUILDING 1 QI �� Q \ RTMENT BUILDING 2 IIII' i EXIS'IN DENS I _ I r r G / I-320.1 NV. IN-315.2 ,,-- E UT.314. 5 12�$g ✓ R 322.6 / x f_. — I r m CB3-A - ---. 3 epocea IM=319 86-A A NV.=314.9 II RIM=3C85-A 20.5 RC82-IM=320.0 I INV.=316.5 INV.®314.8 c, , z RIM=320.5 / J Z INV.= 316.OTRANSFORMER PAD ITS I CARPORT e u z m 00 z Of o_ I OP, ,r I �r - Q CB 31 CB4-A NV .-316.0.De / � 5'ITE ,D •� n qe -RIM=319.5 P I NV.=315.5 XCR a South Burlington $ £ rrisran R AL \ ___r _r setbsck PERMIT # RECEIVED NTn M 5. MAR 23 2015 BRIAR WOODS CONDO�l M y I A ROXIMATE LOCATION r '-r"_..._- ......._ LINE ISTING 8' WATER _ (-._.__• ' PERMITTING SERVICES Legend i O' 3060' 120' /80' •13, Power pole ° ° Exlrting Stockade Fence _172 Survey Control Point -.hp Existing Overhead Poway Notes ROl' scC/e 7. = JO' Existing hydrant ­0— — Existing Underground Telephone 1. 7his plan is not o boundary survey. The property Ana,; shown - - Approx. Property Llne . ' . ' . ' Existing Zoning District Boundary are based on fax mops and plans provided by C'W7 Existing easement line Engineering Assoclotes and ore considered approximate. De b 2L 2014 —.g boundorres swn 12/2.1/14 Setback /!ne/bui/d'ng envelope 2 The underground ut%Yles shown on this p/on ore based on Dote re Wd Descrlpti Checked Dofa design plans for Chofhom &&e and Country Pork provided by CAW7 Engineering Assoclotes Underground utAlfles ore Design Set/ EX/$t//7 Conditions Plan —W— — — BQ--W— Existing Woter Line/gate vo/ve approximate and not worronted to be exact or complete. Dig y Sale shot/ be contacted prior to any excorotion. Dfawn Set/ Exlsting tree line Checks 3. E/erofions ore bored on the NA l9 88 (Geoid 11A) vgrtico/ —S— — —S—®- Existing Sewer Line/manhole datum. Scale I 7--.10' CPA Partnership 4. P ojsct Horizontal Coordinates derive! from CPS observation Dote Dec. 17.2014 Existing Storm Line%fch basin using reference /ram& NAD83 (2011) 2010.00 epoch. Pro'ecL 14291 I hinesbura, Rood South Bu /n ton, om -� 3j8 Exlsting Contour XRCBS c@' L.sINSINC Consulting h'nyineers, Inc. 164 Alain Street, Colckester, {rermont 054416 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 30, 2015 SD_14_40_635HinesburgRoad_CPA_Partnership_PUD Plans received: December 23, 2014 amend_3_apartment_buildings_sketch SKETCH PLAN REVIEW #SD-14-40 CPA PARTNERSHIP — 635 HINESBURG ROAD Agenda # 6 Meeting Date: February 3, 2015 Applicant Owners CPA Partnership Same as applicant 1855 Williston Road South Burlinqton, VT 05403 Contact Person Andrew Gill Same as above (802) 658-5000 Andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com Location Map 1 � CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635H inesburg Road CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sketch plan application #SD-14-40 of CPA Partnership for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved plan for a 76 unit congregate care facility and 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings. The amendment consists of constructing 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings, 635 Hinesburg Road. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair, and Dan Albrecht, Planner Temporary Assignment referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on December 23, 2014 and offer the following comments: Overall, staff feels that the proposed project is an infill project that makes efficient use of land and better frames Hinesburg Road. Applicant is proposing to have operable doors facing the Hinesburg Road sidewalk. ZONING DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS Table la. Dimensional Reauirements R-7 'Zoning District Maximum allowed" (Commercial) Existing Congregate Care Facility (Commercial) Residential Density Max. Building Coverage 40 % 27.0 Max. Overall Coverage 60 % 59.0 Min. Front Setback (Hinesburg Rd.) 50 ft. > 50 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. > 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. Max Building Height 25 ft. (flat) < 25 ft. ✓Zoning compliance Table 1b. Dimensional Reauirements R-7 'Zoning District Maximum allowed (Residential) Proposed Residential Residential Density 7 units/acre 6.6 units/acre Max. Building Coverage 20 % 14.6 % Max. Overall Coverage 40 % 35.4 % * Min. Front Setback (Hinesburg Rd.) 57 ft. 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. > 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. > 30 ft. Max Building Height 25 ft. (flat) < 25 ft. ✓Zoning compliance * Waiver requested There are two (2) charts because there are different dimensional standards for residential & nonresidential uses. 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc 1. The Board should discuss the applicant's request for a waiver of 27 ft. to reduce the setback to 30 ft. from the 57 ft. required setback along Hinesburg Road. Staff supports the setback waiver because this configuration promotes better pedestrian connectivity and makes more efficient use of the undeveloped portion of this property. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: (A)(1). Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The City of South Burlington Water Department shall review the plans for the subject project, prior to preliminary plat approval. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer shall review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. (A)(2). Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. The applicant shall include sufficient site grading and erosion control plans as part of the preliminary plat application. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control as set forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. (A)(3). The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. The project will utilize an existing access drive. This access drive has a dedicated right -turn entry lane on Hinesburg Road. (A)(4). The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc There are no unique natural features on the site. There are no impact resources identified in the Open Space Strategy. (A)(5). The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The applicant has not submitted building elevations so staff cannot make an assessment at this time. (A)(6). Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. There are no significant open spaces on adjoining parcels. There are no nearby stream buffer areas. (A)(7). The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The SBFD Chief has some concern with regards to egress from the property for a fire engine and the need for installation of an additional fire hydrant. The Fire Chief will review the plans at preliminary plat review. (A)(8). Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The project will connect to existing water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure and will not impact the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. (A)(9). Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff notes that the applicant should investigate if it can include a sidewalk for building #2 to connect to the sidewalk along Hinesburg Road. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (A)(10). The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff considers the project to be in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch doc B. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Forty-four (44) new parking spaces are proposed for the site. This is four (4) spaces short of the 48 spaces required due to the standard of 2 spaces per dwelling unit. The applicant is requesting a waiver of 4 spaces and argues that it can be supported based upon its experience with rental property management, the fact that the 24 new apartments will be 1-bedr000m units and that the property is serviced by a CCTA bus which turns around in the property's parking lot. Staff considers the proposed waiver request to be reasonable. 2. The Board should discuss the applicant's requested waiver of four (4) spaces or 8.33% to the required 48 spaces. This project promotes safe pedestrian movement due to the orientation of the buildings which in turn supports the use of the Hinesburg Road sidewalk. This project accomplishes a desirable transition from structure to structure as this is an infill project and will be os a similar scale, hiding a portion of the existing parking. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: B. (2) Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. This requirement is met. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. No bicycle racks are shown on the plans. The applicant should detail the location of a bike rack(s) with its submission for preliminary plat review. e.(3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The applicant has not provided building elevations so staff cannot make a formal comment at this time. B. (4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc C. (1) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant should submit architectural details, building elevations and a landscaping plan with the preliminary plat plans. C. (2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant should submit architectural details, building elevations and a landscaping plan with the preliminary plat plans. In addition to the above general review standards site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: A. Access to Abutting Properties. The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff feels the reservation of additional land is not warranted to provide an additional access to an adjoining property. B. Utility Services. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. C. Disposal of Wastes. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). Although the existing dumpster enclosure along the back edge of the property is proposed to be reconstructed, no new dumpster or trash and recycling tote storage area is included to serve the proposed 24 rental units despite the substantial distance of these new units from the existing dumpster location. The applicant should detail a location of new trash and recycling facilities to serve the proposed 24 rental units with its preliminary plat submission. D. Landscaping and Screening Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch doc Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant should submit a landscape plan and budget in compliance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR as part of the preliminary plat plan application. The applicant should submit estimated construction costs with the preliminary plat application, so that the exact minimum landscaping requirement can be determined. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) (4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. No snow storage areas are delineated. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant should submit a point -by -point lighting plan and cut sheets for the proposed light fixtures with its preliminary plat application. Other The sketch plan should be revised to correctly label (a) the Congregate Care facility as Congregate Care facility rather than as "existing apartment building" and (b) correctly label the three garages at the western corner of the property as Garages rather than "carport" or "existing carport." The preliminary plat plans should show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets. The applicant is proposing to formalize and add additional community garden space. Phasing The applicant should provide information as to the proposed dates of construction and/or phasing for the project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board address the comments noted above especially those in red, italicized and numbered. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 14 40 635HinesburgRoad CPA Partnership PUDamend 3 apartment buildings sketch.doc Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Andrew Gill, O'Brien Brothers Agency NEW SMH ' RIM=321.0 - Ex SMN 'SLEEV &HALVE INV. IN=316.t .'NIFA=32s is Q INV OUT=Y6.0 "'�� E% SMH BENCH MARK) R O U T ERIM-3za.36 Res,1ert 112 ior. _ g H I N E S B UR G ROAD i i / r Y \ _ CORE & SEALsioen t' Zon ng - -_._ A ,V NhW INV.=313.5 �✓s � ,� . OE — OS..... __- -._. _- ....._... D.I. WATER �_ G— ..G_;. — — 77- -w _ -_.. —OE XS1W I- - - —w-- ......Ex. GREASE INTERCEPTOR,, I.`"..,_.... _ :..17IGSSS'236 -' Esc, _ _ _ _.. _. IST1N' 4 _.- ..oTao AIM=}21 Ye, oi_....z.. ❑❑ t0 GMP ROW INV 3tiz�5�FIEL.D VERIFY I W �. CB7 BdN-316.0C�"� 50"setback/ 41-77 .�/E�A'ISTINGPARKING LOT 11 N � y,3 UNITAPARTMENT BUILDING 1 ° �i 8 UNIT ��' VAPARTMENT BUILDING 2I Ih,� � -..- ARDENs\ E%ISTI I T T (L -32Dn CB INVIN-315.2 � 12" ASR RM 322.6 NV OUT_314. 513 M-319CB6-A �oOC NV.=3t4.9RIM-320.5 RIM-320-0��INV=316.5 .5INV3148 cTRANSFORMER PAD 1)S ZINV.=316.0 CARPORT - wooqKCBiNv.=3t6,DaIM 319.5ke INV.=3ty_5/ / FXCR FT' / Sonth Bur/in9ton �� W//i5to .RAL 1NIOMA RDXIMATE utcan LINEONBRIAR WOODS COND0�1OF' 1511N0 8" WATE Legend gy,, Power po/e ° ° Eiting Stockade Fence U J0 Ft; 120 180II I I1?Sury Control Pont -aw Existing 0ve head PowerEiting hydrant - °vt Existing Underground TelephoneBar $CO/e Y' = JdExstin Zonin District Boundar 1. Ths pion is not a boundary survey fie property lines shown Approx. Property Line 9 9 y ore based on tox mops and plans provided by Civl Eisting eo,--t line Engineering Associates. and ore considered opproximote. December 23,, 2Pf4Setback line uitdn n /0 2 The underground utilities shown on this p/an ore based on Dora r-sed Descrol;on/b g e ve pe design plons for Chothom Creen and Country Pork provided by Civl Engneerng Associates. Underground ut/7ies ore Design— — — pew- Existing Woter Line/gote valve opproximote and not worronted to be exact or complete. Dig Drawn sw>a Existing Conditions Plot?Safe shall be contacted prior to ony excovohbn. &h5eng tree line J Elevations ore bored on the NA I9 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical Checked —5— —5—®- Existing Sewer Line/manhole doeum. Scale r - JO' CPA Partn ershlb 4. Project Horizonte/ Coord'notes derived from CPS observation Date Dee. 1�, 2114 -sr— — �T-0-- E,&hng Storm Line%otch bosin using reference !some NA08J (2011) 2010. 00 epoch. rA- t 14297 Hinesbur Rood South Burlin ton Vermant Existing Contour BBS cB- LANSING Consult2"ng Engineers, tnc.V dfain Street, Colchester, !Vermont 0"V6 A l NEW SMH I` - 12u8TAPPING - RIM - Elf 32 SLEEVE & VALVE �:INVIN.316.1 T-3/ RIM 325.I6 T=316.0E%. SMH (BENCH MARKO U T E 1 I 6 RIM-324.36 FN en1: 1 12 zoning HINESBURG R 0 'A D 3 de r I YC =X GREASEIMTERCEPTOR - -_ I t0' GMP R.0 INV-311.69t CB? -A I - INV-14.7 -61 FFI D3VE I L E o�P 8 UNIT o APARTMENT BUILDING 1 - -A 3 spac4s RIM IM-320.5 CB5-A INV.-316.5 RIM=320.5 1 INV =316.0 I CARPORT 1 I \ I 1 1 , r Legend 'C. Power pole -� r2 Survey Control Point I Existing hydrant Approx. Property One Existing easement line Setback /vte/buddivlg envelope -w- - - Bow- Existing wafer tine/gote calve Existing tree line -S S-®- Existing Sewer Line/monhde -5t•- - -Sr --- f?- Existing St- Line%otch basin 330 ��- Existing Contour dumpster encbsure BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM - - - Existing Zoning District Boundary 0 o Existing Stockade Fence -d•o Existing OveMeod Power - u9r Existing Underground Telephone -S- - - - - - Ave. Sewer Line —w- - - — New wbter Line -5r cry New Storm Line%atch basin _ _ - 35B -- _ - _ - - Finish Contour New budding C— New pavement © Preconstruction excovotion "Lot" Able between commercial and residential portion of project 1� Slaa,kzea grass or peter J / eurface to improve emergency vehicle tumirg access'/,fII1l/ /)IIJ Notes: 1. 7his plan is not o boundary survey the property lines shown are based on fox mops and plans provided by C'nt Engineering Associates. and ore considered opproximote. 2 the underground ulxites shown on this plan ore based on design p/ons for Chatham Green and Country Pork provided by Cva1 Engineering Associates. Underground ubyities are approximate and not worronted to be exact or carrlp/ete. Dig Safe sholl be contacted prior to any excavation. J Elevations are based on the NA kD 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical dotum. 4. Project Horizon fa/ Coordinates derived from CPS observation using reference !mine NAD8J (?011) 2010.00 epoch. — — x L Lot COVOr=e, Lot Area - 726 acres Area of Existing Building - 1.04 acres Area of Existing /mpernbus Surloce = 2J6 acres Existing Building Coverage - 1,04/716 - 143X Existing Overall Lot C-oge - 2J6/726 - 3255 PR6POSED: Commercia, Portion "Lot" Area - 20 acres, Area of Skuldi'ng - 054 acres Area of /mpervi-s Surface = 1.18 acres 8-/ding Coveroge - 0.54120 - 2701 0-1/ Lot Coverage = 1. 1812.0 - 5.9 OX Residential Portion Lot" Area - 5.26 acres: Area of Building = 0.77 acres Area of Impervious Surface - 1.86 acres Building Coverage - 077A 26 - 14. 6A Overall Lot Coverage - 1.861526 - 354A / FOXCRI r�� I I Arxo .M roi ed 1 I P opo cw— d7j 1 , // ENS / W / / /1o•.,w rP,d / :croocv / 0, 50• 60' 120• 180 Boi Scale 1" = JD' . , 9. 2015 3 evidwp con/ryarotkn s+h Oecem6er 21,, 2014 tons9 eoundoys sM Oafs reNsed OesC/iot�On ci,-k Design s«rf Sketch P/on Drawn Set Checked Scale iff -J0• CPA Partnership Dote Dec. 17. 2014 Project t4282 Hinesbur Road South Burin tin 2Y�4SBS & L,4zVS1N6- Consulting Fngineers, Inc. 164 .ffain Street, Colchester, Permont 05."6 ; _ESE h VALtiIt } 1VH (Hell H NARK R J U T F L 1 6 1- i RIM 524.36 rl d Wl 112 Z u• i%sfdontl - - - - - . - - - , - , - - - , - . - _ . - - . - - - - _ - . - - - - - - - - _ - - . CORE & SEAL �I�Z7 Ing p g NF SB CIRG RO 4 U -- _- -- � NEW INV.=3135 1 _� �I 7­-F- ULL1 lrL mil, �J�L� ri 1 1� ���_L�T C3��F.i-l�L aT-:�1tJ-P,Tn• way �� �U-_` 1�CT � ASS; i 1� f�- �-L� - - - - - - -�— - �- - - - - - ----- -- -: - - - - 71, Ij Jo l C_Vtlnt,,n BUILt'ING 31A.''.8 NIT 4r _ r _ Bf.IN1T I 45EA ES 5 5 I® r C I BU DING N2 e 3Ip UILDING #3 I.o w1 ice•\/ ..I _ �_ ) • v,�,� /� I 8 UNt7 1 4 PA ES i I I -PAi:I' NT Fil11 11!t 1VAPr, I':1L' I I , L I!`.:' \, s i - - - -s- - - - - -5-� - - -� s- - - - - - �- is GIIHNS \ Y - -w- - - - - � f' Y 1. - -� Ae m / / 1� / / $ TL" G c , _ r ( F, 111 Iasi, RNS C86-A 85 A C82-A INV-3165 NV-314 8 Plo3 JS I11V-f7RAN R PAO N e. i - I T ('f WI(_ SI 11 p 1 �LI v'1 -------------------L pra Sg-Y / Inr r I� (T AVL a I i f � ti✓.t6� � I i P'cpased Gor> n I � J ilC Areo wrm rarsrd / / �"^ I I f� � beds � ruw xvasron aood 1 d9 p L..1 Kane LJ / A V o0 X, South Bur1mgton i w Locotbon Moo darnpster Imo" enclosure \ L� Au 4Q 111;IT111, �I " E SAT H Le end - Lot Coverooe: - y - Existing Zoning District Boundary Pawer pa/e —tea Existing Stockade Fence Lot Area = acres O" JO' 60' IZO' 180' • Area of Existing budding = 1.04 acres 12 Survey Control Point -v^v Existing 0i c hood Power / /. Area of Existing /mperwous Surface - 235 acres -- -- - -- IeS. BOP SCO/E 7" = 30, -__ Existing hydront - 9 --- Existing Underground Telephone Existing Bui/dng Co mroge - /. 041726 = 14, 3X -s- - - - - - New Sewer Line 1. 7his plan is not o boundary sue y fie property /mes shown Existing Overall for Coverage - 2361726 - 325X App,ox. Property Line ore based on tax maps and plons provided by Civil —w- - - New Water Line Engineering Associates. and are considered opprax%mote. PROPOSED.' ✓onuwr g 2015 J b ddine conbeurarim svn r/B/�5 -- Existing easement /ne Commere%o/ Portion December 23. 2014 onng boun1-1- /2/2J/r4 -.s'r-- ...—sr� New Storm Line catch basin 2. The underground unties shown on tha plan ore based on 'tot ` Areo � 20 acres: Dvfe revised Desmronw+ cnecxed pore Setback /in mudding —lop, design plans for Chothom Green and Country Pork prcvided Area of Building - 0.54 acres by Civil Engine Engineering Associotes Underground utd f es ore Area of Impervious Surface - f. /B acres Design s1W -W- - - M-W- Existing Woter Line/gate vo/ve - Finlsh Contour approximate and not warranted to be exact or complete, Dig Drawn SIIM Sketch Plan Safe she// be contacted prior to any excavation. Buddny Coverage - 0.54/20 = 27OX New burYding Overall Lot Ce vero a 1.I820 = 5g OX Checked Existing tree /xre 9 = J. E/emotions ore based on the SAW B8 (Geoid 72AJ vevtrco/ —0- Existfn Sewer Line monha/e - _ dolum. 1" - Jo' -5- - 5 g � �__ __. � New pavement ResrdenGo/ Portion Scale A Partnership 4. Project Horizontal Coordinates derived from CPS obserwtion Cot" Area = 526 — Date Dec. 1 2014 —51= - —ir-Et- Existing Storm Line%otch basin Preconstzctfon excavation usingreference frame NADB3 201/ 2010.00 h. Areo of B p-i = 077 acres r ( % �°C Area of /m envious Surface = LB6 acres p Project 14287 1 Hinesburg Rood South Burlin fan, Vermont Existing Contour _ _ 'tot" line belween a°mmeaiol and 61 rdng Coverage = 0.77/526 = 745X AREBS' & LANSM6G Consulting Engineers, Inc. es denria/ P"t%on of pra/ "t Overall Lot Coverage = 1861526 = 354.Z 164' Oain Street, Colchester, Vermont 0"4f6 : V E L 0 P M E N T VIA HAND -DELIVERY January 12, 2015 AND MANAGEMENT South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer City 0; So Lu,,7,lln�Aon South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Sketch Plan Application Parcel ID #0860-00635 Planned Unit Development Dear Development Review Board, Please accept this letter and packet as a replacement for the complete application filed on December 19, 2014. Since that time the site plan was changed substantially. Rather than trying to explain those changes individually, we have updated the entire packet for your review. All the necessary information follows, in the same format as the original application. Attached as Exhibit A, please find a complete City of South Burlington, Application for Sketch Plan Review, for a Planned Unit Development on an existing 7.26 acre parcel of land located at 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, City Parcel ID # 0860-00635 (the "Parcel"). This application seeks the approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board (the "Board"), on the planned redevelopment of the Parcel, to expand the number of market -rate multi -family dwelling units from twenty-four to forty-eight, in addition to associated site improvements indicated on the enclosed Site Plans attached at Exhibit B (the "Project"). The details of the Project and its compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations, adopted on May 12, 2003 and amended most recently on September 24, 2013 (the "Regulations"), are outlined below for your review. Specifically, the below is broken into a discussion of the following items: I. Executive Summary; II. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking; and IV. Discussion of PUD Review Criteria: Section 15.18. I. Executive Summary: As outlined below, CPA Partnership "CPA" proposes to redevelop its existing Parcel to include an additional 24 dwelling units (three buildings, with eight apartments per building), which will be one bedroom, market -rate apartments. CPA believes that this Project will enhance the Parcel for all residents, allowing the expansion of housing opportunities, the redevelopment of key site infrastructure (lights, landscape, walkways), the relocation and expansion of existing shared gardens, and the addition South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 of dwelling units within the City of South Burlington's Core Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. While it would be easy to propose construction of one large building, CPA has elected to break the development into smaller buildings which will better fit the character of the area, and to make efforts to preserve mature trees along Hinesburg Road (Scotch Pines and other mature landscape features wherever possible). As outlined below, the redevelopment is proposed between the existing buildings and Hinesburg Road, and will provide screening for existing parking, currently located in front of the buildings. The Project proposes to locate required parking largely behind the proposed buildings, shielded from view from the public way, with additional landscape screening of parking areas as required. The Project is in conformance with applicable zoning requirements including coverage, density, height, and most setbacks. However, in order to facilitate the development, and within the context of a PUD, CPA has requested some waivers from the Board. The specific requests are as follows: 1. Front Yard Setback: As outlined below, the required front yard setback on Hinesburg Road is fifty (50) feet. Given that much of the existing development on this section of Hinesburg Road is currently within this setback, and that the City's recent efforts have been to promote "street friendly" development, a waiver of this setback is being requested. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setback is 30 feet. We request that the DRB provide guidance as to whether they agree that the proposed setback is in keeping with City's goals and the character of this area. 2. Parking: As outlined below, the Regulations require 2 parking spaces per multi -family dwelling unit. The Project proposes the construction of 44 parking spaces associated with the new apartments. As you will note, this is 4 spaces short of the Regulation requirement, and represents a waiver of approximately 9%. However, we feel (as supported by 40 plus years of rental history) that the spaces are not needed for the Project, as a percentage of the one bedroom apartments will be households with one car only. Also, the Project is served by the CCTA bus line, which turns around in the parking lot. We look forward to your feedback, and hope that we can move forward to preliminary and final plat in the near term. II. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); The project is located in the Residential Seven ("R7) district. The below analysis looks at the dimensional standards of the R7 district and outlines the specific proposals and waivers being requested as part of this application. 1. Allowed Density: Currently the parcel consists of two uses. A residential 24 unit multi- family use at Chatham Green Apartments "Chatham Green" and a public use Congregate Housing facility at Country Park Apartments ("Country Park"). 2 'South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 As defined by the Regulations, Congregate Housing is a not a residential use, and therefore is not counted for density on a dwelling unit basis, but on a square foot basis (where coverage is the governing factor). With this in mind, the below chart outlines the current and available residential density of the property: Current and Proposed Residential Density Parcel Acreage 7.26 Units Per Acre Permitted (Multi - Family) 7 Available Multi - Family Density 50.82 Current Multi -Family Density 24 Other Residential Uses 0 Available Multi - Family Density (Allowed - Current) 26 As outlined in the above chart, the Parcel has an available residential density of 26 multi- family dwelling units. 2. Lot Coverage: The lot coverage requirements in the R7 district are different for residential and commercial uses. Given this, determining the total allowed coverage for the Project requires that the two different uses (Congregate Care and Residential) be viewed independently to ensure compliance with the different standards. To illustrate the areas associated with different uses, we have included on the site plan at Exhibit B a red line that separates the Congregate Housing and residential uses creating (for review purposes only) a separate lot for the commercial use. For the sake of simplicity, this site plan analysis has only been completed for the proposed plan and not the existing conditions. The below charts indicate the coverage associated with each use (as separated by the red line on the site plan), and the additional coverage available/proposed for each use. South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 Commercial vs. Residential Land Analysis Proposed As Outlined On Site Plan Exhibit B Building Coverage Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 0.54 ac. All Impervious Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 1.18 ac. Building Coverage Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 0.77 ac. All Impervious Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 1.86 ac. Commercial and Residential Coverage Percentages Allowed Per Regulations All Impervious Allowed Per Buildings Only % % % Regulations Lot Coverage Calculation Commercial (inside red line) 27% 40% 59.0% 60% Lot Coverage Calculation Residential (outside red line) 14.6% 20% 35.4% 40% As outlined above, when analyzed by use, the commercial coverage and the residential coverage are below the district maximums, in compliance with the Regulations. 3. Building Height: While elevations for the proposed buildings are not yet developed, we understand that per the regulations, no height waiver may be granted in the R7 district. Given this, construction of the proposed two-story structures will be completed within the Regulations height limits. Elevations will be submitted to the board for review. Our goal is to submit these in advance of the sketch plan hearing if possible. 4. Required Setbacks: The Parcel is fortunate to have existing dense wooded buffers on three sides (both side yards and the rear yard), which can be seen on the aerial site plan included at Exhibit B. The rear and side yard setbacks prescribed by the regulations will be followed, and the treed buffers will remain to the extent possible, as shown on the site plan. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setbacks are: M South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 Proposed Setbacks Proposed Required Waiver Requested Front Yard 30 50 20 Side Yard <10 10 0 Rear Yard <30 30 0 As outlined above, a waiver of approximately 20 feet is being requested for the front yard setback. This waiver is critical to the Project design that is presented, and we believe that it is in keeping with the goals of the City and the character of this area (including recent development across the street which was granted an identical setback waiver). The Project has been designed so that the new buildings will block the view of existing parking from Hinesburg Road. Because there is an existing structure on the site, the potential location for the new buildings is obviously limited. Other options to build consolidated single buildings within the setback requirements do exist, but these are significantly less attractive. As you can see on the site plan, some connection to the existing sidewalk will be developed, and the buildings will orient toward the street. Each of the three buildings will have a door facing the street, where we envision some sort of porch or deck that will be inviting and useful to tenants. The sidewalk connectivity is difficult, largely because construction of a sidewalk through the existing pine trees would kill many of them, so having three independent connections is not necessarily advisable. Given this, two connections are currently shown, which avoid the trees. Other connections within the site will be sketched out as needed, in conjunction with our landscape plan. We are certainly open to working with the board and the City to facilitate adequate connections to the existing sidewalk so that the development feels right, and is in keeping with the street friendly presence that the City desires. III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking: While final analysis of Section 13 and Section 14 of the Regulations will be discussed at future hearings and in subsequent applications. Some details of Project compliance are provided here for your initial review and discussion purposes. The specific criteria are as follows: 1. Section 13.01: Further to the Requirements of Section 13.01 of the Regulations, the proposed parking for the Project is outlined on the Site Plan, and consists of the addition of 44 parking spaces, and the relocation of 20 existing parking spaces, with a resulting net increase of 44 parking spaces on the Parcel. South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 The existing use for the Parcel has parking requirements that are established in issued permits, and there are no current parking issues on site (there is also not an excess of parking, what we have is used, without issue). Given this, the Project is not proposing any change in the amount of parking associated with the current use. As shown on the site plan, some of the existing spaces will need to be relocated. These relocated spaces are colored gray on the site plan, and are located within the red line designating the Congregate Care use area. The relocated parking spaces are actually moving closer to the Country Park building entrance, and we feel this is a benefit to the senior population that uses them. As outlined in the below chart, the amount of parking proposed for the Project does fall short of what the Regulations require. However, given that the project proposes only one bedroom apartments, and that the Parcel is currently serviced by the CCTA bus (which turns around in the parking lot), we are confident that the proposed parking is adequate. Essentially, the plan provides 2 parking spaces for 85% of the apartments, and one space for 15% of the apartments. We are confident that this proposed parking is adequate given existing use at other rental properties, which falls well within the above percentages. The proposed parking and the waiver requested are outlined below: Parking Requirements and Waiver Request Existing Parking Removed 20 Existing Parking Reconstructed at New Locations 20 Net Change In Parking for Existing Uses 0 Parking Required for Proposed Dwellings (2.00 x # of Dwellings)' 48 Parking Proposed for New Dwellings 44 Handicap Parking Proposed (1 per 25 units required by Table 13-7 of the Regulations) 1 Percent Waiver Requested 8.33% Under 25% and Waivable by DRB Yes We would like the DRB to provide feedback on whether this waiver is acceptable, so that we can move forward accordingly with site design. ' Per Note 1 of Table 13-1 to 13-6 in the Regulations: "If all parking spaces are common, i.e. non -reserved, and if there are more than 10 DUs, the requirement decreases to 2 spaces per DU." 9 South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 2. Section 14.06(A): We believe that this application is very much in line with the goals and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan. The application seeks the development of high density residential housing in the City's "core area," as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The project makes use of existing infrastructure and existing lots providing infill development that realizes the full density potential of the Parcel, as prescribed by the Regulations. If requested by the Board we would be happy to submit a separate letter analyzing more completely the Project's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, and we will await the Board's direction as to whether that is needed. 3. Section 14.06(B): Section 14.06(B)1: As part of future applications, and potentially prior to the Sketch Plan hearing, CPA will provide elevations and renderings to make clear that the Project is designed to create desirable transitions from structure to structure and to provide adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. The project is part of a neighborhood and the design will be completed accordingly. As was the case with the infill project at 636 Hinesburg Road, we hope to make use of existing mature landscape features to help give the Project an "always there," curb appeal. b. Section 14.06(B)2(c): As outlined on the Site Plan, we have located parking behind buildings or to the side of buildings in accordance with the Regulations. Per Section 14.06 the Regulations do limit the amount of parking that can be located to the side of buildings. The applicable portion of the regulations states: "Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings) at the building line shall not exceed one half the width of all buildings) located at the building line. " As currently presented the width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings (as viewed from the public way) is 108 lineal feet. The width at the building line is 229 feet, exactly 47%, in compliance with the Regulations, that allow up to 50%. IV. Compliance with Section 15.18 General Standards for PUD 1. Section 15.18(A)(1): We believe that adequate water and sewer capacity exist and we will pursue allocations pending a favorable review from the Board. 2. Section 15.18(A)(2): Complete grading and erosion control plans will be submitted as part of future applications. Compliance with this criterion will be demonstrated at that time. 3. Section 15.18(A)(3): Our understanding is that the number of units created by the Project falls short of the number recommended to require a traffic impact assessment, and no impact assessment is currently planned. 7 l South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 We intend to work with City Staff and VTrans to make sure that all necessary precautions are taken for safe vehicular and pedestrian access, and these recommendations will be incorporated into the plan as needed. The project as currently presented includes no modifications to the existing access from State Highway 116, which includes a right turn lane. We are confident that this highly travelled road can handle the additional daily trips generated by the Project and that future discussion with the City and State will demonstrate that this access is safe and adequate. 4. Section 15.18(A)(4): The Project proposed is an infill development on an existing lot. The land that will be impacted is currently lawn and it is not a significant watershed or wildlife resource. There is no wetland or stream located within or near the project area that will be impacted by the Project, and so no protection buffers are proposed. 5. Section 15.18(A)(5): As outlined at Section V(2) above, we believe that the Project is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. As part of this application, we intend to submit renderings and elevation sketches that will help to solidify the look and feel of the development, such that the visual compatibility of all the components can be clear to the Board. 6. Section 15.18(A)(6): As illustrated on the site plan, the Parcel contains significant open space for the enjoyment of residents. These spaces include treed parking lot islands with benches, tree -lined walkways and paths, a large backyard, connections to existing public walkways, and large community gardens for the benefit of all the residents of the Parcel (gardens will be shared by all residents in the three different building complexes). New patios and exterior sitting areas are also planned as part of the Project, as is an upgrade to the sites exterior lighting, increasing efficiency and also reducing light pollution from the site with new and better downcast fixtures. 7. Section 15.18(A)(7): We have done our best to propose a development that will be approved by the City Fire Chief, and we look forward to his review. Recommendations of the Fire Chief will be incorporated into future applications as necessary to insure adequate fire protection. 8. Section 15.18(A)(8): The Project is an infill development surrounded by land that is already densly developed. Given this, we have not designed any new systems in a manner that can be extended to adjacent properties because there is no logical need for such extensions. 9. Section 15.18(A)(9): We have attempted to design the Project roads, utilities and sidewalks in accordance with city standards, and we look forward to the additional review of the City engineer, which will be part of future applications. South Burlington Development Review Board January 12, 2015 10. Section 15.18(A)(10): As noted at Section III(2) above, we believe the Project is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. We will submit a separate letter detailing such compliance if required. We appreciate your consideration of this application, and we look forward to discussing it with you at your next available meeting. Enclosures Sincerely, Andrew Gill Project Coordinator W Exhibit A PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, hailing address, phone and fax#) CPA Partnership, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403; (802) 658-5000 Fax: (802) 658-5002 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Book 289 Page 159 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Same as Above 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Owner 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Andrew Gill; Same as above 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS Andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 635 Hinesburg Road 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0860-00635 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): See attached letter 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846,4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) See attached letter c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) See attached letter d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) See attached letter e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) See attached letter f) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) See attached letter g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) See attached letter 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing s« % Proposed kv'c'cti� % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing _% Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _% Proposed % 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) See attached letter and site plans 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) See attached letter Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Spring 2016 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (l 1" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1-� SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 ,.B INV. Wi+Jrq.O (?" J — \ 6 EX N RIN JVR (R) "-324- R«lenl ,x Zl , , 11 Fwfenr —gay —' n q q 9 UNIT q _ __ARARTMENT BUILDING 2 o q r I. 1 � I �J19 J 1 -313.5 p Rpp cgRraRFO I i _ 1 -BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM Legend — . _ E,:rriry z :g a,l.Fr eemeor �o+er aae �� Erkrky SYOGvOe f e _—_ — ———— -----.— —— —.— — — —.—. — -- 7 III _ 4 a se �, aWR �R EBB 9 -- - - 11 9 EXISTING VRTMENT BUILDING I i /rNsk, P^e a ; — — sy IF taf .arro - )Te xrer of Enrrip BWalirp + - ji A -Can he —1 Ensln9 er.6mr - E slay Orertse, Powr - 4 — F+irlirfl (hOwywnd 1>eOrrme Notes: .,rev aJ Enareq enpw.ws J'urba - ].%aces E.srny o m°tee >n;, �a nor v eaan�wr wr.Y ,ee w� uer »a.n rssam'vl�ees c ware-a�is%.n,f. JAi.st __ En M1r9 eoserrrmr ,ne —N_ _ _ ne+ eorw Lure Cnsarewnq A m> we rmamWM geeromwre �� Poao, — 5'ereoN /vw/DuyJiq mr »,q„ %re/ a,ce =" s)� rve. Siam [ aawn T. � wrab'gravne urd;ries nlesn m rM pan ae easee m fyr pmr ro, awnee rswr e,e cwrre Po+:. no.rxe Tat' Arw - T a awsf . os, e�..f an Cmrww 0Y ps` ln-9 .laxrntes � !Ks oe yw ro err eaowr;,,. My a/ �wwf Sw/vice = ar«r ro a s. o= T>w %YY-V-XYY\ —9 frn Ina rva" ,p 1 n wl:ure >. ea,w w nr..vrr w al9 rEsarl ,w r.-rco oreoe (ar ea.wax = ,.,d/T o =ryas Poaeaf )rw;ro,fe aae.wpe, ,an �s T�•r�ea = sT� aae, —sr— — �,—o— E., rrfl ram u. / fae ears ® rreae„errrea, .,oewra, �w;�, ae�.af�, rrrny r.,.rwra werre wrrm3 � ,u >aaen awan. � .» ar.er aJ � , sarleee las Baer � Jyl �� - f riliay Gmfwr � _ _ � Tef',:+e Del.em rnnmr�'m m! 9Ybr9 La.waP � a)%ST6 = ,tB.s .esenr a aanm o po/.rr orwae tar cexraye - ,.es/izs - 3x Vl 6oJ Sco/e Sketch Plan mer..a x�. CPA Partnership Bme ra' ct rr,n H r A SovM R A54MS B L4,YS/NC Convuffing 6regxneers, / . 16,e N— Street, CofeAesfer, V rmonf 05"S o I N%wrJ=4.Ja Nal Yu6p n.:e•n t� Iafn9 H I N E S B U R G R O A D \\4c. ROUTE I I�B, -•.Ft tawJ — I NEW Wv.-J13J rt �u.Jw2 a d. � �� —... 7111— �/f - _ --- --- 'w•,r„z __ 6u- ' -] I _— •1ENV.-316.0 �� 1 1 \j1y III II c I �N 0 c s / 16----- �a u _ 8 UNIT I1� .9 UNIT o a APARTMENT BUILDING 1 APARTMENT BUILDING 2 II 15�_ •5 E \`R� II I �__ �•`yrs 1J' \ s ®r1..5 tills I d _M J19.� II E%ISTING APARTMENT gUILDiNG fE TM^' 9-A—319..9 i MY-I]0.6 CB6-A aV 320.0 I v.-Jta.s nn-Jzos Jts.e i I � � I $ CARPORT 1 .wlm vwY / FO%CROFT swrn an:,9ra+ I I E% I % Location Mao BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM I �' rr Legend _ . _ . _ . _ (M,F9 : F° a r �f BaM°ar (Qt C. -R9e: Pow Rde ��O CrhrF9 5f¢toCe Cma P•1 �= w.wr c°,na PoFr - eau,9 o.ene•e ro... No l { eS: A� o or i° �"�' , 1 9 r..,o.-„;„, s„r°.°� •= z m a.., pq Bor Sco/e - AD' �( EFr1F9 °A'.^I - .9 — Crirfig (MOa9'aa,^° 1Nynm• ! kfng 6u✓°F9 C°wo9e � J.RI/r.M - 14.AT (wa/F !anent rice 9 a —•- _ _ NI• ebfa [m fngFerF9 Asauv" fa TB e• ra+mYrM gory°vm°le. A' Psfor �9 !w! � � r!/li/I. — .$If00('A rF%duMin9 mwipe =ss SJ� N•• 6fam [� 6evr _ 2 ,e,T � °Owfrwn fwen m! CRY vo-k M°.!N Ynf".tm a,>ocy = a s. a+e, LYIe w�Ya ��----- ��„ �,fo., r aw E Aeaeare! w.s- amo vrBrR, ae.e or r F,R•,;a.r s„rae ,.le Sketch P/en -._ _._ _ eFN- E.afF9 wra <F �9ae .•,w --'jj° n,e„•r,°bf .a.mfee rn M:,ar > ca„pere Q9 Soh snm M anrafeBTA. l° mr wnwli°x Bu>a•rq f cP � R.H/2R � ]JOl ( YYY XYY1 (r4fF9 Iws rNrs Ne. °vi�A9 os nm•E m IM NAJa) fib i n,w;aa w m /aw Pe-W [IX 6°.vage - JIB/7.0 - SA R9 QMM _6_ _ _!� EMfhp 6o•r tM, N. O M- R°wr °�� ReN . rb Pa f a �6 xa• CPA Pcrtn ersh ip -!F — �l!-o— EWIFp 5/am [:r / fay 6°rr © prermsrr°crrm ern�°Im 4 Aef.'r Fbamfb GaBF9fq a.;..e Larn l.PS e6w-wlim usg re/nrre Ran° .UMI (MJII QQ/0.Gtl yxn N°� o; �✓an �] ,V� q - °/ dimeN°u, 5'✓6tee - I.eB are! f• _ rdu Rea! 5°u1. Bw/F f°+ m °A'.YdBS ��\� CxHfF9 Cmrar. — _ _ — aninacn a O° Bu/°ng(c°.aa• - Qn/Bm - Il6l J' L.fNS/NG C (h'ng EYlysnsers. /na .._ .°l�aara oanw or R.l;•cr Qw.nn °I G.sa9•-tdr/Bn.1e4i 764 Hain Street, Co(eAeater, V Qnt 05446 ' N6w 9MN t 2s6 TAPPING PoN-J2t.0 �)iiwMts !y, SLEEK£ R VA�K INV IN-316 f a NV WT 3160 R— O�Ra..iBmtt f2Hwy HINESB URG— R 0 A D .—.—.---.-—.----.— -- — — —�/ } —` I \i�— ---- -- --- �1o3�`RIs 9' \ a � g 0 � !g ttiV.-316.0 b• N CH ------------- 9 UNIT 8 UNIT n APARTMENT BUILDING 1 - N� APARTMENT BUILDING 2 g 111' ------------- a R EXISTING APARTMENT BUIINNC N-320.5 CBS -A RIM-J200 I E NV-316.5 NV-3t a.8 -316.OPo��A vb � CARPORT I i xU x LL a 0 I PoY-319.5 Hv�rtxan , // .S'/%F da a Au 1 I NV-31S5 / O e Npp / z Cgkp�FO � l / FOXCROFT sarrn a nMgro, }hf wxr;sr I T / A / /Y - i Location Moo / - BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM - Leoend Pow Pme � E,is1vq Slxk,de force Q3Q60" )Xr' NXY �= SwwY Cmbm Pan, -+n , ova p �, a„.mf — E e Td9mme No tes: eQr s�Qie = — - - — .e,, Prq°afY Lne — — — — E,klvq Zmi,q Q4bkf 9ounrp-Y 1 Inrs m '® m �✓s _lOes sno°n 9 9 w, , as w w„a mate. Exvfbq eamnmf lne meq ea.we )p/pyl, aY ur or �e� er�`meim u,wea� �� ,.ra;rrm oe oe,y„ Existing Conditions Plan rYl'YIfYVI cxrsrny free r e �� az ba,ee m ue e.w ra lr�a,e tul .a,.ea rn.am —5---s—� Ex 9Sera-Ln/ ame -�l CPA Partnership I. �Ho-IImlm Cor6rofe, cb;wM ban GPS abavwiw+ Dote fir— — �'t—t)- Esrsn9 5/wm [ne/calM bosh uvq re/aexe hone MMB3 /p)IJ 1QIQW epamr. South BWn Im Nrwmf —o-l— f,nfn9 Cmlav - XR£BS G L4NSINC Cnn.n<�lhiLg Airyrneer� / - 164.Yain Street, Calchest Y onf 05446 'Y-1 B southur f ,,,n PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- q1, - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax#) CPA Partnership, 1855 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403; (802) 658-5000 Fax: (802) 658-5002 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Book 289 Page 159 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Same as Above 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Owner 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Andrew Gill; Same as above 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS Andrew@obrienbrothersagency.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 635 Hinesburg Road 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0860-00635 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): See attached letter 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) See attached letter c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) See attached letter d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) See attached letter e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) See attached letter f) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) See attached letter g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) See attached letter 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing See b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing See % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing See Proposed Letter Proposed Letter % Proposed Letter 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) See attached letter and site plans 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) See attached letter Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Spring 2016 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (I I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid o the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. C NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. _ 1-�) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: �'///(� I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: Complete - ❑ Incomplete strative Officer The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 23 day of Jan. , 2015 , a copy of the foregoing public notice for Sketch Plan [type of application] # SD-14-40 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) See attached list Dated at S. Burl. [town/city], Vermont, this 23 day of January , 2015 Printed Name: Andrew Gill Phone number and email: AndrewCa_)obrienbrothersagencv.com Signature: Date: J nttaiy 23, 2015 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of PIanning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev. 1-2012 TO: South Burlington property owners SUBJECT: Application before the Development Review Board for an abutting property The enclosed Development, Review Board public notice or agenda is being sent to you because you have been identified as an abutting landowner to a proposed land development listed on the attachment. The distribution of this information to the abutting landowners is required by state law. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearing as participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Should you have any questions about the proposal, or wish to view the submittals, please contact the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. They can be reached at (802) 846-4106 or at City of South Burlington, Department of Planning & Zoning, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. Approved for Distribution by South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning I 01S southburlington PLANNING & ZONING AGENDA South Burlington Development Review Board City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:00 p.m. 1. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items. 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. 3. Announcements 4. Continued miscellaneous application #MS-14-11 of G. E. Healthcare to alter the grade by removing approximately 240 cubic yards of sediment collected in two (2)sediment ponds, 40 IDX Drive. 5. Continued site plan application #SP-14-60 of Technology Park Campus, LLC to construct a 3-story 54,459 sq. ft. general office building, 88 Technology Park Way. 6. Sketch plan application 4SD-14-40 of CPA Partnership for a planned unit development to amend a previously approved plan for a 76 unit congregate care facility and 24 multi -family units in three (3) buildings. The amendment consists of constructing 24 multi -family units in four (4) buildings, 635 Hinesburg Road. 7. Preliminary & final plat application#SD-14-41 of SBRC Properties, LLC to subdivide an undeveloped lot of 39.7 acres into four (4) lots ranging in size from 3.0 acres to 29.1 acres, 284 Meadowland Drive. 8. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-14-42 of Adam Hergenrother for BlackRock Construction for a planned unit development to construct two (2) general office buildings of 18,500 sq. ft. and 12,000 sq. ft., 284 Meadowland Drive. 9. Sketch plan application #SD-14-43 of F + M Development Co., LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of: 1) 425 residential units in eight (8) buildings, 2) a 91 unit congregate housing facility, and 3) a 4,430 sq. ft. expansion of an indoor recreation facility. The amendment consists of: 1) resubdividing lots #1 & #10 to reduce the size of lot #10 and increase the size of lot #1, 2) removal of a four (4) foot fence on lot #10, 3) after -the -fact reduction in the size of the community gardens on lot #1, and 4) revising the landscaping on lot #10, 25 Bacon Street. 10. Minutes of March 4, November 4, December 2, 2014 & January 20, 2015, 11. Other business. Respectfully Submitted, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting Participation Guidelines The Development Review Board (DRB) presents these guidelines for the public attending Development Review Board meetings to insure that everyone has a chance to speak and that meetings proceed smoothly. The ORB is a Quasi -Judicial Board that oversees the approval of development projects within the City. It, is made up of citizens appointed by the City Council The rote of the ORB is to hear and review applications for development under the applicable regulations. The ORB can only approve applications that comply with the applicable bylaw or state law, and the board can only levy conditions that are permitted under the bylaw. By the same token, if a project meets the applicable bylaw criteria, the ORB is bound by law to grant the approval. 1. The Board asks that all participants at meetings be respectful of Board members, staff, applicants and other members of the public present at the meeting. 2. Initial discussion on an agenda item will generally', be conducted by the Board and the applicant. As this is our opportunity to engage with the subject, we would like to hear from all Board members first. After the Board members have discussed an item, theChairwill open up the floor for; public comment. Please raise your hand to be recognized to speak and the Chair will try to call on each participant in sequence. 3. Once recognized by the Chair, please identify yourself to the Board. 4. If the Board suggests time limits, please respect them. Time limits will be used when they can aid in making sure everyone is heard and sufficient time is available for Board to hear all items on the agenda. 5. Side conversations between audience members should be kept to an absolute minimum. The hallway outside the Community Room is available should people wish to chat more fully. 6. Please address the Chair. Please do not address other audience members or staff or presenters and please do not interrupt others when they are speaking. The Chair will direct responses from applicable people as needed. 7. Make every effort not to repeat the points made by others and keep your comments germane to the issue before the board. 8. The Chair will make reasonable efforts to allow everyone who is interested in participating to speak once before speakers address the Board for a second time. 9. Comments may be submitted before or during the course of a single or multi -meeting public hearing to the Planning and Zoning Department. All comments should identify what application the correspondence is in reference to. All written comments will be circulated to the ORB and kept as part of the official records of meetings. Comments must include your first and last name and a contact (e-mail, phone, address) to be included in the record. % Please note that once a. public hearing has been closed by the ORB, no further comments can be accepted, in accordance with state law. Abutter List for Sketch Plan Application 1 CHELSEACIR LI DAWEI 1CHELSEA CIRCLE SBURLINGTON VT 05403 2 CHELSEA CIR KENNEY DANIEL M & LYNN NGUYEN 14 CABOT CT S BURLINGTON VT 05403 3 CHELSEA CIR NELSON MEGHANN N 3 Chelsea Circle South Burlington VT 05403-7201 4 CHELSEA CIR GREEN CURTIS E & STEPHANIE T BRADL16601 SWEETWATER DRIVE DERWOOD MD 20855 5 CHELSEA CIR KINAMAN KRISTEN 5 CHELSEA CIR 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 6 CHELSEA CIR LEAHYJASON T 6 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 7 CHELSEA CIR ROSE SCOT C & BRENDA R 7 CHELSEA CIR 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 8 CHELSEA CIR ASSEFA ALAZAR 8 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 9 CHELSEA CIR GILCRIS ERICJ & ANNA J 177 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 10 CHELSEA CIR CERVONE MICHAEL T 10 CHELSEA CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 11 CHELSEA CIR MOTTTRAVIS J & LINDSAY A 11 CHELSEA CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 12 CHELSEA CIR DOSTAL GERTRAUDE A 12 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 14 CHELSEA CIR SUN YU-11NG 14 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 15 CHELSEA CIR CUCHURAL G F FAMILY INVESTMENTS L P 0 BOX 9486 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 16 CHELSEA CIR FOX CRAIG L 16 CHELSEA CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 17 CHELSEA CIR BOHAN MARK D & KATHYJ TRUST 17 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 18 CHELSEA CIR WRIGHT ALINA 18 CHELSEA CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 19 CHELSEA CIR EDITH SALLY 19 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 20 CHELSEA CIR PORTER C HOWARD & B IRMA 99 ELDREDGE ST #109 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 21 CHELSEA CIR DAVIS JOANNE LIFE ESTATE 21 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 22 CHELSEA CIR ZHEGU KLITON 22 CHELSEA CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 23 CHELSEA CIR AREMBURG RITA M DAVID P & KELLY 23 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 24 CHELSEA CIR KNOTT KIM J 24 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 25 CHELSEA CIR DUPRAT CAROL ANN 640 Vt Route 15 Underhill VT 05489-9720 26 CHELSEA CIR HILL BEVERLY A 640 VT ROUTE 15 UNDERHILL VT 05489 27 CHELSEA CIR MEREDYTH MARC 147 Centennial Court Burlington VT 05401-3482 28 CHELSEA CIR ANDERSON MARY ANNE 28 CHELSEA CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 29 CHELSEA CIR EFRAIM MICHAEL D 1400 MERIT CRESCENT APT 30e MONTREAL QUEBEC CANADA H3P 31\16 177 HAYES AVE GILCRIS ANNA & ERIC 177 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 122 HAYES AVE DEMPSEY CECELIA M 122 Hayes Avenue South Burlington VT 05403-6763 124 HAYES AVE KUO ROGER CHIA YEN 124 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 126 HAYES AVE SUKHTANKAR DURGESH 5 & NILIMA D 35 BOWER ST S BURLINGTON VT 05403 128 HAYES AVE CANE SHEILA W TRUST 128 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 130 HAYES AVE PAUL SANDRA 1 & ROBERT H 130 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 132 HAYES AVE BEATTIEJOYA 132 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 134 HAYES AVE MACDONALD COLIN 134 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 136 HAYES AVE SMITH CLAIRE 136 HAYES AVENUE SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 138 HAYES AVE GAMACHE KIMBERLY A P O BOX 4038 BURLINGTON VT 05406 140 HAYES AVE STONE ROBERT L & NANCYL TRUSTEES 11118 BROKEN BROOK WAY TEGA CAY SC 29708 142 HAYES AVE FIERI JANINE 142 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 144 HAYES AVE HOPPER FRANCES 1 JOHN ANDERSON DR APT 41c ORMOND BEACH FL 32176-5788 146 HAYES AVE JARVIS LOUIS H 146 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 148 HAYES AVE WILLIAMS BARBARA 148 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 150 HAYES AVE MERNICKY LADISLAV & DARINA 150 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 152 HAYES AVE FELLION CONSTANCE 152 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 154 HAYES AVE DUDEK ARTHUR A 154 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 156 HAYES AVE KRASNOW SUSAN L TRUST 263 HALF MILE RD CHARLOTTE VT 05445 158 HAYES AVE PAQUET RHONDA M 158 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 160 HAYES AVE MESSIER ROBERT E 160 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 162 HAYES AVE LAREAU GLORIA D 162 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 164 HAYES AVE BASS PAULA F 25 Bacon Street Unit 407 South Burlington VT 05403-4496 166 HAYES AVE DIMICK LAURA 166 HAYES AVE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 168 HAYES AVE RODRIGUEZ LORENA 168 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 170 HAYES AVE MURRAY OLGA PASZKO TRUST 170 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 172 HAYES AVE GUINN SIDNEY KATE TRUST 172 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 174 HAYES AVE MCINTIRE AMANDA MARIE 174 HAYES AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 176 HAYES AVE GRZYWNAJOHN B & DEBRA 1537 WILLISTON RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 625 HINESBURG RD GOODRICH RALPH B TRUST P 0 BOX 8 MONKTON VT 05469 630 U01 HINESBURG RD CERASOLI CHARLES & ELIZABETH 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 1 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 UO2 HINESBURG RD CHIOFFI GREGORY TRUST 619 GOLF COURSE RD 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 UO3 HINESBURG RD NOVINGER LEAH & QUENTIN 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 3 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U04 HINESBURG RD STEVENSON GAIL B 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 4 S BURLNGTON VT 05403 630 U05 HINESBURG RD ULIIENTHAL PATRICIA ANN 630 HINESBURG RD UNITS S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U06 HINESBURG RD PERROTTE KENNETH &JOYCE TRUST 630 HINESBURG R0 UNIT 6 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U07 HINESBURG RD BARRETT KAREN M 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 7 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U08 HINESBURG RD HOOPER MONIKA & ELWIN TRUSTEES 286 GOVERNORS LANE SHELBURNE VT 05482 630 U09 HINESBURG RD PFEIFERJOHN C& BRENDAS 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U10 HINESBURG RD LIVINGSTON PATRICIA 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 10 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U11 HINESBURG RD SWAIN KIM I Gold Street Apt IOG Hartford CT 06103-2907 630 U12 HINESBURG RD LABOUNTY WALTER P &THERESA E 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 12 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U13 HINESBURG RD WALKER KATHY 1159 WILDHORSE MEADOWS [CHESTERFIELD MO 63005 630 U14 HINESBURG RD FAIR ROBERT E JR 7818 WOODBRIDGE COURT SPRINGBORO OH 45066 630 UIS HINESBURG RD IRELANDSCOTT D & STEPHEN D P 0 BOX 2286 S BURLINGTON VT 05407 630 U16 HINESBURG RD DAVE HETAL N2 OLDE ORCHARD PARK APT 15 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U17 HINESBURG RD LEW RICHARD R & MARY W TRUST 18 EAST TERRACE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U18 HINESBURG RD STANLEY HAZEL G LIFE ESTATE 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 18 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U19 HINESBURG RD SMITH ALLEN R 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 19 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U20 HINESBURG RD DAUDELIN NAN 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 20 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U21 HINESBURG RD MASINO NANCY A 630 HINSESBURG RD UNIT 21 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U22 HINESBURG RD CUNNINGHAM ROBERT1 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 22 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U23 HINESBURG RD WULFSON JOAN L 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 23 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 630 U24 HINESBURG RD STRUBLE SUSAN D 630 HINESBURG RD UNIT 24 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 635 HINESBURG RD CPA PARTNERSHIP 1855 WILLISTON RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 636 HINESBURG RD O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC 1855 WILLISTON ROAD S BURLINGTON VT 05407 8 STONINGTON CIRCLE MIAO XUEJIA 2 CABOT CT SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403-8500 10 STONINGTON CIRCLE COADY JOAN M TRUST 10 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 18 STONINGTON CIRCLE KACER MARTINA 18 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 20 STONINGTON CIRCLE KENNESON JILL 20 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 STONINGTON CIRCLE COCHRANE ROBERT TRUST 37 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 39 STONINGTON CIRCLE ECKERSON HOLLY 39 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 41 STONINGTON CIRCLE CAFFREYJAMES F & BERNADETTE H TRL41 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 43 STONINGTON CIRCLE PERRIN JODEEN 43' STONINGTON CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 45 STONINGTON CIRCLE BHARADWAJAN SUNDER 45 STONINGTON CIR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403-6789 47 STONINGTON CIRCLE KELLER JAY E &, MARIE C 47 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 49 STONINGTON CIRCLE SHAHRIARI PARVIN TRUST 192 SOUTH POINTE DRIVE SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 51 STONINGTON CIRCLE PIERCE DONALD SIR & JEANNE17E 51 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 53 STONINGTON CIRCLE PENNSCO TRUST CO 31 NOOSA DUNES COURT CASTAWAYS BEACH OLD 456AUSTRALIA 55 STONINGTON CIRCLE DANDRUDGE MIRA B 45 SUMMIT ST MALDEN MA 02148 56 STONINGTON CIRCLE GUROWSKI MANFRED & SANDRA J 56 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 58 STONINGTON CIRCLE RICHMOND KERIN R & MARA L 58 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 64 STONINGTON CIRCLE CORNELLJOSEPH W BARBARAJ KERRI L 213 HEATHERFIELD DR SOUDERTON PA 18964 78 STONINGTON CIRCLE HALE DONNA B 78STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 80 STONINGTON CIRCLE ROBERTS ANNE Y 80 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 88 STONINGTON CIRCLE KANARD MARY E 88 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 89 STONINGTON CIRCLE GENTES WILLIAM L 40 Thoroughbred Drive Saratoga Springs NY 12866-5046 90 STONINGTON CIRCLE POLLI JAMES 90 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 91 STONINGTON CIRCLE MACKIN KATHLEEN A 91 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 99 STONINGTON CIRCLE PENNSCO TRUST CO 31 NOOSA DUNES COURT CASTAWAYS BEACH O,LD 456AUSTRALIA 101 STONINGTON CIRCLE FAUCHER MARC R & MARGARET A 101 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 108 STONINGTON CIRCLE STOVER JEANNINIE G 108 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5BURLINGTON VT 05403 110 STONINGTON CIRCLE JENKINS & JACKSON, LLC 120 KIMBAU AVE, SUITE 110 S BURLINGTON VT 05403 117 STONINGTON CIRCLE ROLAND JOHN 117 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 119 STONINGTON CIRCLE LESAGE PATTY 119 STONINGTON CIR S BURLINGTON VT 05403 120 STONINGTON CIRCLE ESTABROOK RICHARD M P 0 BOX 231 WATERBURY VT 05676 122 STONINGTON CIRCLE LESAGEALAN 122STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 129 STONINGTON CIRCLE PERELMAN TAMARA 129 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 131 STONINGTON CIRCLE 131 STONINGTON CIRCLE LLC 8 SCOTTSDALE RD S BURLINGTON VT 05403 133 STONINGTON CIRCLE EDDY BERNADETTE 133 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 135 STONINGTON CIRCLE PAINTER JEAN W 135 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 137 STONINGTON CIRCLE CONNER AARON A & ASHLEY L 137 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 139 STONINGTON CIRCLE BOUCHETT FRANK & BETTY 239 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 141 STONINGTON CIRCLE KIM HYUN TAE & KEE KYUNG 141 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 143 STONINGTON CIRCLE LAKOBATARAS 143 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 145 STONINGTON CIRCLE HAGGARTY DAVID D & GAILS 145 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VI 05403 151 STONINGTON CIRCLE WHITNEY LOIS M' 151 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 158 STONINGTON CIRCLE MCCABE CLAIRE 158 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 160 STONINGTON CIRCLE DOERRING LIEF 160 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 167 STONINGTON CIRCLE GOEHLERT UWE G & ELLEN L 167 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 168 STONINGTON CIRCLE BRETON CYNTHIAJO 168 STONINGTON CIRCLE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 169 STONINGTON CIRCLE RESSLER ALEXIS B 169 STONINGTON CIRCLE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 170 STONINGTON CIRCLE LIAMOS CHARLES T & KAREN M TRUST 2444 VIA DELES MILAGROS PLEASANTON CA 94566 35 TIMBER LN MORWOOD BETTY JO 46 MOSS GLEN LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 36 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 38 TIMBER LN HUBER BRIAN D 37 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 39 TIMBER LN ACUPUNCTURE VT ORIENTAL MED CLIN 39 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 40 TIMBER LN CRANDALL PROFESSIONAL PROPERTIES 40 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 40 B TIMBER LN BELL LESLI R 40 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 41 TIMBER LN CRANDALL PROFESSIONAL PROPERTIES 40 TIMBER LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 42 TIMBER LN BROWN SCOTT W III & LORELEE 42 TIMBER LA S BURLINGTON VT 05403 43 TIMBER LN FJL REALTY LLC 1205 NORTH AVE BURLINGTON VT 05401 44 TIMBER LN WISDOM PROPERTIES LLC 44TIMBER LN S BURLINGTON VT 05403 45 TIMBER LN BASSETT ELIZABETH A TRUST 45 TIMBER LA 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 50 TIMBER LN DENNISON W LANDON JR TRUST P 0 BOX 138 HINESBURG VT 05461-0138 51 TIMBER LN PEDIATRIC ENTERPRISES LLP 51 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 52 TIMBER LN BLS TIMBER LANE LLC 52 TIMBER LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 53 TIMBER LN 53 TIMBER LANE PARTNERS 53 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 54 TIMBER LN EFK REALTY LLC 54 TIMBER LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 55 TIMBER LN OCV REALTY U-C 55 TIMBER LANE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 56 TIMBER LN OCV REALTY LLC 55 TIMBER LANE 5 BURLINGTON VT 05403 J' N NEW SMH 12EEVE INV x8TAPPING--- RIM=321.0 Ex. SIAN S_& VALVL NV. IN=316,1 �xIM-i25.1s e . OUT=316 0 4 oR_U I — — ------ P I E%. SMH (BENCH MARK) 0 T 1 6 _ RIM-324.36 Resident' 1 12 zoning HINESBURG R 0 A D mom- 3 _ E _ _ CORE 8' SEAL NEW INV-313.5 OE Ot-/-0E— - � _-_ —OE ---. SI L 1 Ez GREASE 7NTERCEPi(ki .. I , - �^ _-_ _ __.�.f, - ".. - -RIM.321.78 10 GNP R.O.W I 1 \ - 3a' Fan! lee ._ _. -.. r_ _ _... Y NF-SI INdW14.b9i. 1 I �z_- \\ CEI1-a _ r ----- ,,.�IMa320.2. '- c7w e —� ill I detention ----- __ --- r ------ - �� INV-31 c.7sj „�` �— Il. :pond -.. ---�_ - r-'L Slamwetef ire�rltBhT rasa channel. a FIELD VERIFY I �1 �3 ,. C87-0 1 I I - ` ~-� r„r RIM=320.0 1 1 \j;\l Il INV-316.0 ��� l��✓ ��II J N• I Y lu_r 1 H B �` 5Tom - -_ _/ 6UN1ILDIN k2 SP CE -- -- W-f BUILDING USILPDlAi IN k3 E6 B•D.. n — 6UNIfi UNIT -_-- --�5 4IU r/ -__ _- J i o1TE 6 N 6�PACS S 4 JPAJ.. 8 UNIT 8 UNIT $ ENT BUILDING 1 8 119 EsnNG cSaDENjAPARTM _-- __ —BS AC '-------1I 1a'sM/e z° / / / / .3201 ] 5 INV -315.2 IN/UT-31' . 5 . 12--ASRI A 22.6] 3 EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING PIR A .C82-A NV 314.9 20.5 RIM=320.0 a 316.5 INV-314.8 c D NV -316OTRANSFORMER PAD Z Prcnosee c den % r / / sef6p-4 IZ Q Area cairn ed I 1 11 00 z CARPORT a II z m 1 \ i N m" �Slabl Mg p 9e J / \� i __..._ _._ _ _ ___` I___'�-__ +y J I surface in Improve emer - / vehicle tum' � ng access. Q / a L �/L17 rl ' .pO —'r bees PI / rq°°s°e / Drive v q EX ce I i / Kennedy � •�'_ RIM.319,47 1___ "C84-A INV.316.08 / E I RIM -319 5 I INV..315.5 COO / / / / FOXCROFT p p A�iOO `SF0 a, South Bur/ington yS NpyiSt EX.' I / --. SHAD I 3 __ so'rear pro r.efbacA location Moo dumpste - -- "- -" -1 - RECEIVED enclosure / BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM A ROxIMATE LOCATION DEC 2 3 2014 OF ISTING 8' WATER / r LINE Legend _ _ _ . _ Eistn 2an/n District Boundor Lot cowroye.' City of So. Burlington 9 9 y Cot Areo = 7.26 acres 0' 30' 60, 120' 180, ¢, Power pole ° ° Existing Stockade Fence Areo of Existing Bui/dng = 1.04 acres ' 1z surrey contra/ Point -moo Existing Overhead Power Area of Ex/sting Impervious Surface = 236 acres _ Notes: _ - - ,� E istinq hyd onf - °9' Existing Undergroun0 Telephone Exissting Bui/dng Covcroge = 1.04/726 = 14.JX BO/ $CO/B 7" = JO' 1. This plan is not a boundary surrey The property lines shown Existing Dvero// Lot Coverage = 2J6/726 = 325X Approx. Property tin 5 New Sewer Line ore based on fox mops and plans provided by Civil PROPOSED.' Exfst/n os -t line - Engineering Associates. and ore considered approximate. —w- - New Wafer Line Cammercio/ Portian 9 e December 2J 2014 z n baundw:es 2 The underground utilities shown on this plan ore based on 'Lot" o , Area il 1g acres. Setbck /ienvelope ' ane/bui/d'ng en ve/ope =5TST�� New Storm Line%otch basin design pions for Chatham Green and Country Pak p—de0 Areo/ Building= 0.54 acres Dore re.:sed Descrpbos Cnec4eb Dale _ _ b Civil En eerin Associates. Under round utilities ore Areo of /-pervious 5 ri - = 1. 15 acres -�� �� Finish Contour y gm 9 g Design sat! -w- - - K-W- Existing Water Line/gate rove - approximate and not warranted to be exact or complete. Dig Sketch P/on Safe rho// be contacted prior to any excorotion. Bui/dng Coverage 054/!9J = 279R Drawn SwI New budding Overo// Lot Coverage - 1. 15/L 9J - 59. 6$ Existing free /ne J E/erotions ore based on the NAVD B8 (Geoid 12AJ vlico/ Checked -- datum. 'Lot' ra, - 5.ian CPA Partnership —5— —S�- Existing Sewer Cine/monhde `- -... - New povemmt Cat" Areo 5JJ acres: Scale !" = 3D" 4. Pro*ct Horizontal Coordinates derived from GPS ob--tion Areo of Bu%d'ng = 0.87 acres Dote Dec 17,, 201f -91- - —Sr—O- Existing Storm L-1cotch basin Preconstructian excavation using reference home NAD8J (2017J 2010.00 epoch. Areo of /mpeivlous Surface = 1.86 acres 336 Project 14287 H-sbur Rood South 8urlin ton, ✓ moot — ��-- Exrstrng Contow --_e_ ..,_ Cot" line between commercio/ and Bui/Ong Coverage 087/53J = 76 JX _ residential portion of pro/ect Overall Lot Coverage - 1.86/5JJ - J4.9X ARWS' S & LAMS/NC Consulting 6ng2'nii Fne. 164' Blain Street, Colchester, Termont 0"416 i F I 1 w Ex SM4 FRENCH VARY, " R 0 I T F 1 1 6i Rlwaraa� P A 2 z e H I N F S B LI R G R 0 .4 D e, 77� � � \ I CORE &SEAL ldenti Vn ng � _ . � � � � � � � � � � � — — — — — — — — — — � — — — � — - z -4' -- NEW INV =373 5 - \ •'-�- .L `-_:-.:,E r....�-oE - _ -- 1 f.i'i Y� h „ - -, - -- — — t1_ �I_I _If L'.111 LLr�I4_ 1 3I 1_ -- FFiLr7_ fU 1I r rFu� m_1�I�- I \ E%, f.nEaS cop Try" y---'F-_ - - sY3r✓.,.376 z F A I - an I Ip _ .�� i r I`� ". •. .� +4 I I. s � �� h rl„tee ,-�-� .N .. ze I_ ' PUi_uNNlSP�CF B_U_I6 DUINIr I -p Z F f BUILDIN #3 r-- I I�D)ING 14 tiU �fi/N1T 6�NITP _8gRAr T-rT r r n 4 PA tS j 66P I i PALLtS r ♦p --1 i i 6� J.i 3 UNIT" 3 UNIT "'' v ExlsnNc !! I .aRWENT FUI IAIIIG I � RTMENT DUIL_DING 0I 1 � IL y I —y— I .1 -. f 8 AC 5 - - irMko- I ,( 1',I T! T RIM 3 017 1 i INV. IN-3152 - ------------------- ---'-- - L3 -cue-n v Fez -a f a'>;I'>L MENT F!JII_DINC r RIM-320.5 t RIM 320 0 3 INV_ 31A� C I IVV 3t6.'i 85 A - PIV IS�ns �' s tr ae T n, 4vw+Ea a+1D� I P 4 !r %-J I I 1 •- K i '' - - — 107f Cdg BS-orudve/ � / ' \ '., i------------------Y--I '-----. .. / i7 -- 1. 00 I III ' i ' ii�t - cunece w nroro�e amergency - 1 y 11 % 7` x II '` � Area O%: vrY I / 1 � I \ t „ dY >I K�jpe F � l cl- i 17E— s sea xe d-pM., - encloswe i �- 0i' u T r�' nix nn ExlSrole e^ -TER j _-Le- eq_nd •p, Power pate �t2 Survey Control Point 1 Existing hydrant Approx. P operty Line Existing easement /me Setback line budding —lope -w— — — A-w- Existng wafer Line/gate vo/ve Existing tree line —s— — —5�- Existing Sewer Linee/manhole 5f- —--sT--O- Exishbg Storm L-Retch basin 379 �� -- Existing Contour — — — Existing Zoning District Boundary Existing Stockade Fence -^' Existing overfleod Power - Existing Underground Telephone -S- - - - - - New Sewer Line —W- - - — New Water Line =sr sr=C�. New Storm Line%atch basin _ .- - y}e - - - - Finish Contour New bui7dm9 New pdvevment C Preconst chon excavation `Lot- line between commercial and residentiol port%on of project Notes: 1. This plan rs not a boundary survey The property fines shown ore based - tax mops and ,01— provided by ci it Engineering Associates. and ore considered opproximote. 2 1he underground utilities shown on this plan ore bused on design plans for Chothom G een and Country Pork prowded by C nl Engineering Associates. Underground utd7ies o approximate and not warranted to be exact or complete. Dig Safe shall be contacted prior to any excavation. J E/—bons ore based - the NA VD 68 (Geoid 12A) vert-1 datum. 4. Project Horizontal Coordinates derived from CPS observation using reference home NAD8J (2071) 201000 !porch. i t Lat Cowerooe: Lot Areo = 726 acres Areo of Existing Buitdng - 1.04 acres Areo of Existing Impervious Surface - 236 acres Existing Bui/dng Coverage - 1.04/726 - 143X Existing Overall Lot Coverage - 2361726 - J25Z PROPO5E0. Commerola/ Portion Lot" Areo = 1.93 acres Areo of Building = 0.54 acres Area of Imp —lies Surface = 116 acres Building Ca veroge = 0 5417. 93 = 27 9X Oeera// Lot Coverage = 1. 1511. 9J = 59. 6% Residential Portion "Lot" Area - 5J3 acres Area of Buitdng - 0.87 acres Areo of Impervious 5urface - 1.86 acres Butdng Coverage - 0.81/533 - 16.d7P 0veroll Lot Coverage - 1.86/5JJ - J4.9$' RECEIV DEC 2 3 2014 City of So. Burlington 0, J0, 60' 120" 780 Bor Scale r _ .W" bean ' 23, 2911 n 9 boundaries swh 12/23/1e Dote reused aescrpfion - cote Design 5w,. Sketch Plan Drawn s w Checked Scale - _' CPA Par to ersh ip Date oec. 1-, 2014 AY?E,aS & L.9NSlNC Consulting Engineers, Inc. =.�Z— 1 164 Alain Street, ColMester, fermont 05446' No Text J \... �` NEW SMH -. _ -_ .._. ..... _... RIM-.3J1.0 Ex SMH .• ' \... ( _• � ... .. _.. 72z8 .APPING-- _ di BSI Ec VE &VALVE INV. IN 316.1 -� HI1A.32516 INV. OUT 3.6.0 E% SMH (BENCH /A-K) - RIM 324 36 Res dent 12 Zoning s }j (J �>' (,' R 0 UTE 1-I_8" 1\ 1 HINE AD ' i & SEAL Tiesleentl Zong — — — — — — — — — — �1.......- nEW of _._ t— _G� G-� - —t.-_ OE _. _ OF..- OE _ I. WAT R %S 1 C "'1 W I .. - - .. —W— — �— Ehl Tl _ E - �w{ 1 1 I 1 -4 1 4 r.T774---1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I >L -�-- .ST1Ni:-51DLltA..K— - - - - - - _ 10' � b / � \..\ - /, _.. -.-. ' Ja. �r��. �gG JJ R \ _ r _ �j' - L _...fig, , rA INV_=3i L.75 50. f15LD VERIFY \ .._ 50 80rbocnr r � v RIM_ 0'.0 �" \ cl _ dNro--J16.0 \ �. t4 1 CH �° 6-_ - — 6"D.I. ,.� \ I E. EXISTING PARKING LOT \ r r UNIT STNIT P 8T BUAPARTMENT BUILDING 2APARTMIIIII f= EZIsnN�cAROENs / o �� 320.T1 \ 1 ! , / / / /' ^" /'i r / / / INV_ N=Si2 E 6 ' / '�/ / � i // I r ,,,{{{ tt / i Nv. 011.314. 5 . 12" AS B / R!i�i�i3226] / / //i / /�i / r// , /, //// /// '//// /// / 1 \ I is svaces IM 31 I CB6-A C82-A NV -314.9 II ' M RIM-320.5 CBS -A RIM-320.0 INV.=316.5 _ INV_=314.8 i -� RIM-320.5 - _ TRANSFORMER PAD 11.6 n (' I INV.-316.D CARPORT PN z m -F / DO v� •� �� / / // Z I f -CB4-A �iNVv 3tboe -319 5 INV.=315.5 I / \ AR r✓// i / /' // ��.... j �•..:- --_� I �. Cq ��� 11 � � �� �... � � '/ri/ i / i// i //�//� /i/(/ i FIOXCRpFT-EX I \ , r Al � I -=r- - _- - �La_ - Locot 7s . Moo / RECEIVED ' BRIAR WOODS CONDO IMO / M DEC /' _ 2 3 2014 G A R XIMAT E LOCATION / \ •\ ,, ..... \/ J LIN16TIN0 8" WATER E / City of So Surlin Mn Lem Power pole ° ° Existing Stockade Fence Survey Control Point -ono Existing O,e head Power _I Existing hyd ant - °R' Existing Underground Telephone Apo— Property line — — Existing Zoning District Boundary Existing easement line Setback line/bui/ding —lap, -w— — — X-W- Existing Woter line/gate valve Existing tree line —5— — —5—©- Existing Sewer Line/manhole -sr— — —sr—p- Existing Storm tin%otch basin Existing Contour Notes.• 1. This plan is not a boundary survey the property lines shown are based on tax mops and plans provided by Civil Engineering Associotes. and ore considered opproximote. 2 fie underground utilities shown on this plan ore based on design plans for Chothom Cr— and Country Park provided by Civil £ gineering Associates Underground utilities ore approximate and not womonted to be exact or complete. Dig Safe sholl be contacted prior to any excovotion. 3. Elevations are based on the NA lO 88 (Geoid 12A) vertical datum. 4 Protect Horizontal Coordhates derived from CPS observation using reference frame NAD83 (2O11) 2010.00 epoch. g L I I I Bar Sca/e oecembn 23, 2014 ning b12123114 oar oosmnron Cneckec' Dore Design sue, Exl'stinq Conditions Plan Drawn SKH Checked Scale L = 3�" CPA Partnership Date Dec. ] 2114 Project 1421/ H/ esbur Road South Bur/in ton, Dana, iYR,'BS & LAVS1,YG Consulting _'ngineers, Inc. 164 h'ain Street, Colchester, Vermont 05446 x-t No Text MENT AND MANAGEMENT VIA HAND -DELIVERY December 19, 2014 South Burlington Development Review Board C/O Mr. Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Sketch Plan Application Parcel ID #0860-00635 Planned Unit Development Dear Development Review Board, Attached as Exhibit A, please find a complete City of South Burlington, Application for Sketch Plan Review, for a Planned Unit Development on an existing 7.26 acre parcel of land located at 635 Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont, City Parcel ID # 0860-00635 (the "Parcel"). This application seeks the approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board (the "Board"), on the planned redevelopment of the Parcel, to expand the number of market -rate multi -family dwelling units from twenty-four to forty-eight, in addition to associated site improvements indicated on the enclosed Site Plans attached at Exhibit B (the "Project"). The details of the Project and its compliance with the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations, adopted on May 12, 2003 and amended most recently on September 24, 2013 (the "Regulations"), are outlined below for your review. Specifically, the below is broken into a discussion of the following items: I. Executive Summary; II. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking; and IV. Discussion of PUD Review Criteria: Section 15.18. I. Executive Summary: As outlined below, CPA Partnership "CPA" proposes to redevelop its existing Parcel to include an additional 24 dwelling units (four buildings, with six apartments per building), which will be one bedroom, market -rate apartments. CPA believes that this Project will enhance the Parcel for all residents, allowing the expansion of housing opportunities, the redevelopment of key site infrastructure (lights, landscape, walkways), the relocation and expansion of existing shared gardens, and the addition of dwelling units within the City of South Burlington's Core Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. While it would be easy to propose construction of one large building, or to isolate the construction work to an undeveloped area of the site, CPA has elected to break the development into South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 smaller buildings which will better fit the character of the area, and to make efforts to preserve mature trees along Hinesburg Road (Scotch Pines and other mature landscape features). As outlined below, the redevelopment is proposed between the existing buildings and Hinesburg Road, and will provide screening for existing parking, currently located in front of the buildings. The Project proposes to locate more than 50% of the required parking inside of buildings, completely shielded from view. The Project is in conformance with applicable zoning requirements including coverage, density, height, and most setbacks. However, in order to facilitate the development, and within the context of a PUD, CPA has requested some waivers from the Board. The specific requests are as follows: 1. Front Yard Setback: As outlined below, the required front yard setback on Hinesburg Road is fifty (50) feet. Given that much of the existing development on this section of Hinesburg Road is currently within this setback, and that the City's recent efforts have been to promote "street friendly" development, a waiver of this setback is being requested. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setback is 30 feet. We request that the DRB provide guidance as to whether they agree that the proposed setback is in keeping with City's goals and the character of this area. 2. Parking: As outlined below, the Regulations require 2.25 parking spaces per multi -family dwelling unit. The Project proposes the construction of 44 new parking spaces associated with the new apartments. As you will note, this is 10 spaces short of the Regulation requirement, and represents a waiver of approximately 19%. However, we feel (as supported by 40 plus years of rental history) that the spaces are not needed for the Project, as a percentage of the one bedroom apartments will be households with one car only. Also, the Project is served by the CCTA bus line, which turns around in the parking lot. Furthermore, as shown on the Site Plan, there is an opportunity for guests of residents to park in tandem with resident cars, thereby facilitating guest parking without the need for additional spaces. Absent the above referenced items, we feel that the Project is in conformance with the Regulations and the goals of the City. We look forward to your feedback, and hope that we can move forward to preliminary and final plat in the near term. II. Dimensional, Density and Other Zoning Requirements (Waivers Requested); The project is located in the Residential Seven ("R7) district. The below analysis looks at the dimensional standards of the R7 district and outlines the specific proposals and waivers being requested as part of this application. 1. Allowed Density: Currently the parcel consists of two uses. A residential 24 unit multi- family use at Chatham Green Apartments "Chatham Green" and a public use Congregate Housing facility at Country Park Apartments ("Country Park"). As defined by the Regulations, Congregate Housing is a not a residential use, and therefore is not counted for density on a dwelling unit basis, but on a square foot basis (where coverage is 2 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 the governing factor). With this in mind, the below chart outlines the current and available residential density of the property: Current and Proposed Residential Density Parcel Acreage 7.26 Units Per Acre Permitted (Multi - Family) 7 Available Multi - Family Density 50.82 Current Multi -Family Density 24 Other Residential Uses 0 Available Multi - Family Density (Allowed - Current) 26 As outlined in the above chart, the Parcel has an available residential density of 26 multi- family dwelling units. 2. Lot Coverage: The lot coverage requirements in the R7 district are different for residential and commercial uses. Given this, determining the total allowed coverage for the Project requires that the two different uses (Congregate Care and Residential) be viewed independently to ensure compliance with the different standards. As is the case in this application, it is possible for the collective coverage of the lot to be higher than the particular residential standards, but for the separate uses to be in compliance with relative coverage standards. To illustrate this point, we have included on the site plan at Exhibit B a red line that separates the Congregate Housing and residential uses creating (for review purposes only) a separate lot for the commercial use. For the sake of simplicity, this site plan analysis has only been completed for the proposed plan and not the existing conditions. The below charts indicate the coverage associated with each use (as separated by the red line on the site plan), and the additional coverage available/proposed for each use. 3 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 Commercial vs. Residential Land Analysis Proposed As Outlined On Site Plan Exhibit B Building Coverage Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 0.54 ac. All Impervious Associated with Commercial Use (inside red line) 1.16 ac. Building Coverage Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 0.87 ac. All Impervious Associated with Residential Use (outside red line) 1.86 ac. Commercial and Residential Coverage Percentages Allowed Per Regulations All Impervious Allowed Per Buildings Only % % % Regulations % Lot Coverage Calculation Commercial (inside red line) 28% 40% 59.6% 60% Lot Coverage Calculation Residential (outside red line) 16.3% 20% 34.9% 40% Lot Coverage Analysis Existing Proposed Overall Building Coverage 14.33% 19.42% All Impervious Coverage 32.51% 41.60% As outlined above, the Project proposes to expand the residential lot coverage. While this results in 41.60% overall coverage for the Parcel, because a greater proportion of that coverage is due to commercial use, the Project is still in compliance the Regulations. When analyzed by use, the commercial coverage and the residential coverage are below the district maximums, as shown in the above charts. 3. Building Height: While elevations for the proposed buildings are not yet developed, we understand that per the regulations, no height waiver may be granted in the R7 district. Given this, construction of the proposed two-story structures will be completed within the 4 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 Regulations height limits. Elevations will be submitted to the board for review. Our goal is to submit these in advance of the sketch plan hearing. 4. Required Setbacks: The Parcel is fortunate to have existing dense wooded buffers on three sides (both side yards and the rear yard), which can be seen on the aerial site plan included at Exhibit B. No changes are planned to those wooded buffers, which provide great screening for neighbors. As shown on the Site Plan, the proposed setbacks are: Proposed Setbacks Proposed Required Waiver Requested Front Yard 30 50 20 Side Yard <10 10 0 Rear Yard <30 30 0 As outlined above, a waiver of approximately 20 feet is being requested for the front yard setback. This waiver is critical to the Project design that is presented, and we believe that it is in keeping with the goals of the City and the character of this area (including recent development across the street which was granted an identical setback). The Project has been designed so that the new buildings will block the view of existing parking from Hinesburg Road. Because there is an existing structure on the site, the potential location for the new buildings is obviously limited. Other options to build consolidated single buildings within the setback requirements do exist, but these are significantly less attractive. As you can see on the site plan, some connection to the existing sidewalk will be developed, and the buildings will orient toward the street. Each of the four buildings will have a door facing the street, where we envision some sort of porch or deck that will be inviting and useful to tenants. The sidewalk connectivity is difficult, largely because construction of a sidewalk through the existing pine trees would kill many of them, so having four independent connections is not necessarily advisable. Given this, two connections are currently shown, which avoid the trees. Other connections within the site will be sketched out in conjunction with our landscape plan at a later date. We are certainly open to working with the board and the City to facilitate adequate connections to the existing sidewalk so that the development feels right, and is in keeping with the street friendly presence that the City desires. We would look to the Board and staff for guidance on this matter and we are happy to discuss this at the hearing. 5 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 III. Section 13.01 and 14.06 General Review Standards and Parking: While final analysis of Section 13 and Section 14 of the Regulations will be discussed at future hearings and in subsequent applications. Some details of Project compliance are provided here for your initial review and discussion purposes. The specific criteria are as follows: 1. Section 13.01: Further to the Requirements of Section 13.01 of the Regulations, the proposed parking for the Project is outlined on the Site Plan, and consists of the addition of 44 parking spaces, and the relocation of 20 existing parking spaces, with a resulting net increase of 44 parking spaces on the Parcel. The existing use for the Parcel has parking requirements that are established in issued permits, and there are no current parking issues on site (there is also not an excess of parking, what we have is used, without issue). Given this, the Project is not proposing any change in the amount of parking associated with the current use. As shown on the site plan, some of the existing spaces will need to be relocated. These relocated spaces are colored gray on the site plan, and are located within the red line designating the Congregate Care use area. The relocated parking spaces are actually moving closer to the Country Park building entrance, and we feel this is a benefit to the senior population that uses them. As outlined in the below chart, the amount of parking proposed for the Project does fall short of what the Regulations require. However, given that the project proposes only one bedroom apartments, and that the Parcel is currently serviced by the CCTA bus (which turns around in the parking lot), we are confident that the proposed parking is adequate. Essentially, the plan provides 2 parking spaces for 85% of the apartments, and one space for 15% of the apartments. We are confident that this proposed parking is adequate given existing use at other rental properties, which falls well within the above percentages. The proposed parking and the waiver requested are outlined below: Parking Requirements and Waiver Request Existing Parking Removed 20 Existing Parking Reconstructed at New Locations 20 Net Change In Parking for Existing Uses 0 Parking Required for Proposed Dwellings (2.25 x # of Dwellings) 54 Parking Proposed for New Dwellings 44 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 Handicap Parking Proposed (1 per 25 units required by Table 13-7 of the Regulations) 1 Percent Waiver Requested 18.52% Under 25% and Waivable by DRB Yes We would like the DRB to provide feedback on whether this waiver is acceptable, so that we can move forward accordingly with site design. 2. Section 14.06(A): We believe that this application is very much in line with the goals and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan. The application seeks the development of high density residential housing in the City's "core area," as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The project makes use of existing infrastructure and existing lots providing infill development that realizes the full density potential of the Parcel, as prescribed by the Regulations. If requested by the Board we would be happy to submit a separate letter analyzing more completely the Project's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, and we will await the Board's direction as to whether that is needed. 3. Section 14.06(B): a. Section 14.06(B)1: As part of future applications, and potentially prior to the Sketch Plan hearing, CPA will provide elevations and renderings to make clear that the Project is designed to create desirable transitions from structure to structure and to provide adequate planting and safe pedestrian movement. The project is part of a neighborhood and the design will be completed accordingly. As was the case with the infill project at 636 Hinesburg Road, we hope to make use of existing mature landscape features to help give the Project an "always there," curb appeal. b. Section 14.06(B)2(c): As outlined on the Site Plan, we have located parking behind buildings or to the side of buildings in accordance with the Regulations. Per Section 14.06 the Regulations do limit the amount of parking that can be located to the side of buildings. The applicable portion of the regulations states: "Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings) at the building line shall not exceed one half the width of all buildings) located at the building line. " As currently presented the width of all parking areas located to the side of buildings (as viewed from the public way) is 144 lineal feet. The width at the building line is 288 feet, exactly 50%, in compliance with the Regulations. IV. Compliance with Section 15.18 General Standards for PUD 7 a South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 1. Section 15.18(A)(1): We believe that adequate water and sewer capacity exist and we will pursue allocations pending a favorable review from the Board. 2. Section 15.18(A)(2): Complete grading and erosion control plans will be submitted as part of future applications. Compliance with this criterion will be demonstrated at that time. 3. Section 1.5.18(A)(3): Our understanding is that the number of units created by the Project falls short of the number recommended to require a traffic impact assessment, and no impact assessment is currently planned. We intend to work with City Staff and VTrans to make sure that all necessary precautions are taken for safe vehicular and pedestrian access, and these recommendations will be incorporated into the plan as needed. The project as currently presented includes no modifications to the existing access from State Highway 116, which includes a right turn lane. We are confident that this highly travelled road can handle the additional daily trips generated by the Project and that future discussion with the City and State will demonstrate that this access is safe and adequate. 4. Section 15.18(A)(4): The Project proposed is an infill development on an existing lot. The land that will be impacted is currently lawn and it is not a significant watershed or wildlife -resource. There is no wetland or stream located within or near the project area that will be impacted by the Project, and so no protection buffers are proposed. 5. Section 15.18(A)(5): As outlined at Section V(2) above, we believe that the Project is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. As part of this application, we intend to submit renderings and elevation sketches that will help to solidify the look and feel of the development, such that the visual compatibility of all the components can be clear to the Board. 6. Section 15.18(A)(6): As illustrated on the site plan, the Parcel contains significant open space for the enjoyment of residents. These spaces include treed parking lot islands with benches, tree -lined walkways and paths, a large backyard, connections to existing public walkways, and large community gardens for the benefit of all the residents of the Parcel (gardens will be shared by all residents in the three different building complexes). New patios and exterior sitting areas are also planned as part of the Project, as is an upgrade to the sites exterior lighting, increasing efficiency and also reducing light pollution from the site with new and better downcast fixtures. 7. Section 15.18(A)(7): We have done our best to propose a development that will be approved by the City Fire Chief, and we look forward to his review. Recommendations of the Fire Chief will be incorporated into future applications as necessary to insure adequate fire protection. 8 South Burlington Development Review Board December 19, 2014 8. Section 15.18(A)(8): The Project is an infill development surrounded by land that is already densly developed. Given this, we have not designed any new systems in a manner that can be extended to adjacent properties because there is no logical need for such extensions. 9. Section 15.18(A)(9): We have attempted to design the Project roads, utilities and sidewalks in accordance with city standards, and we look forward to the additional review of the City engineer, which will be part of future applications. 10. Section 15.18(A)(10): As noted at Section I11(2) above, we believe the Project is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. We will submit a separate letter detailing such compliance if required. We appreciate your consideration of this application, and we look forward to discussing it with you at your next available meeting. Sincerely, Andrew Gill Project Coordinator Enclosures r u southb rlington PLANNING & ZONING September 3, 2008 Anne Duplin O'Brien Brothers Agency PO Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application #SP-08-77, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Ms. Duplin: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer on September 3, 2008 (effective September 3, 2008). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, l Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 'Selo TIMBER LANE MEDICAL 4% NEW SMH- 12x8 TAPPING— RIM-321.0 SLEEVE d VALVE INV, IN-316.1 INV. OUT-316.0 OL UWASE eIMMEPTOR \ y'2p GIP 0.M � -fa• I EXISTING WETLANDS OUTSIDE OF THE COI ZONE SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED INV-314.8 NSFORMER PAD WELLESLEY GROVE R O U T E 1 1 B Ex SMH Rsk-3P5.I6 EX. SMH (BENCH MARK) RIM-324.36 INV. 313'33 CORE k SEAL NEW INV.-313.5 Ory.-._. _..7 2D.D b... ll O -322 INV-318.0 all/c A. ` O 1 rol / i1'I 1 �I w♦ •e• iii111 . a , I, r A •• r• ■ sr OPPOSE W at WOODSBRIAR • •• ASSOCIATES 324 l fo H I N E S B U R G R O A D LEGEND PROPERTY 320 EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR 320---- FINISH GRADE CONTOUR EDGE OF WOODS WATER LINE SEWER LINE GAS LINE ELECTRICAL LINE E OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL eE WETLAND LINE HYDRANT Fj EXISTING PARKING LOT UGHT POWER POLE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE SILT FENCE HAY BALE CHECK DAM -Blil- - �T7 AOOITIOI E>OSTING PARKING LOT,i/ (IACES F NEECCESSARY)i \ ` `l•. rl4i FOXCROFT SCALE: NOTES: / 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are bosed on utility evidence visible at ground surface and are subject to field verification by excavation. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utlitles located upon or adjacent to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies eholl be reported to the Engineer, The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (BOD- 225-4977) prior to any conatruclion. 2. The Contractor shall repair/restore all disturbed ors s, (an or off the alto) os a direct or indirect result of the construction. 3. All grassed areas sholl be maintained untE full vegetation in established. 4. The Contractor stall be responsible for all work necessary for complete and operable focllltlee and utilities. 5. If the building It to be spdnklered, bockllow prevention shell be provided In accordance with AWWA M14. The Site Contractor ahoil construct the water line to two feel above the finished Boor. See mechanical piano for riser &' I. 6. The Contractor shill maintain as —bull plans (with x all underground utilities. Those plans shall be subr, ., to the Owner at the completion of the project 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drowings for all Items and materials Incorporated Into the alto work. Work "I not begin on any Item until shop drawing approval is granted. 8. All pavement outs shell be mode with a Power pavement sow. 9. In addition to the requirements set In these plane and specifications, the Contractor shall complete the work In accordance with ail permit conditions and South Burlington Public Works Standard.. 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, walkways and ]own areas shall be 0.1. 11, Existing utilities not Incorporated Into final design shall be removed. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL AREA 7.23 ACRES 7.23 ACRES BUILDING AREA 57,520 S.F. (6.3%) 58.170 S.F. (18.5%) PARKING/DRIVE 58,000 S.F. (115.5%) 58,200 SF. (18.6%) & SIDEWALKS TOTAL 115.520 S.F. - 36.8% 116,370 SF, s 37.1E ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20% LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 40% NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP 1-oe lus ADDED SMEDcrtc P.O. BOX 2&1 / S0. BURUNGTON, VT. 05407 $AV ADDED WATER AS -BAT MpIIOfS a-P-el NV IEIIED To AS-11AT CaU"IS -PRDM"W Lo�T100, w 10-61 ,AV AGED =W-AL LTENMts e QV CHATHAM GREEN On'" s" WATER N 2-1 "V or rwr A PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS or 1- My Kam PMOC WT a un QMLAAE GRAPHIC SCALE A. tErSED PARMLOT e AS —BUILT PLAN s u s so m Pis 1 tech - 80 IL 14-46 fIAV suaoCS t/1uEs * C [5= s Date Ch'k'd Revision SOUTH B ".04Drown by ACL Date APRIL 1996 Checked by —ftQf . Scale 1" — 30 Approved by SAY Project No. 95150 SFffET gVIL ENGINEERING SHEA�E• INQ AB1 Site Plan Application Permit Number SP- V 4 -11 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): CPA PCL(Toece-W42o 6, a1S+ S--. f3v*rlwi9i r,-) V I U54-U% LG$- 5Gy0 I Fax (0S$-Gooa- 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): vot. 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Anne Dypli/1 p'&(ien (3rot"ers Aococy) Pog a►84-, 5C).By(-lin4hM, V1 1) q0-7 I MR"'JJ �/�1.i1 del Ml=�_ 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): 5 a rVAC Ct s a too VP_ a. Contact e-mail address: exorte P olori,an brvll-secs me "cy. C om 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Io3,3 H ines6ra Rd . So. &1i 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): O S (oO O O Cb 35 G 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): 7o eIAerly Cev1faI Lk (Al MJan+ a.norovaI 1 Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): 7lo el erty rewe'al tww 5 c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 5C Me aS a IQQ ✓ C, d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 5S 1`70 5 P 6e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): + 3 y -f + f 100 Y' s f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): —7 g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): n C., h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: -7. 2 Ac. Sq-Ft. a. Building: Existing 1 5 % / sq. ft. Proposed l . 5 % / sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 3?. 1 % / sq. ft. Proposed 37. 1 % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 5.57 % / sq. ft. Proposed S. 5- % sq. ft. 2 Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) v110- * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ nlc" b. Landscaping: $ VA I! a. c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): n I 0� b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c�_ c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): n C-� 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: n ( Ct 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: C, 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: n I c1 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) n�6u- 3 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. aiYliV.41 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ��IT►." , l On 3 "e' q ' ► C Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewe is site plan application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Incomplete * &&�, ?/Id OY Director Planning & Zoning or Designee 5 Date Site Plan Application EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. o Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) o Survey data (distance and acreage) o Contours (existing and finished) o Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations o Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways o Zoning boundaries o Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) o Location of septic tanks (if applicable) o Location of any easements o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o North arrow o Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be down casting and shielded. o Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations o If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE ❑ Site Plan $ 186* ❑ Amended Site Plan $ 186* Administrative Site Plan $ 86* * Includes $11.00 recording fee T E DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT A G E N C Y I N C April 24, 2008 Betsy McDonough Brown Ray Belair Planning & Zoning Assistant 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: O'Brien Brothers Agency 629-633 Hinesburg Road Site Plan Application #SP-08-18 Dear Ray and Betsy: Enclosed, please find three (3) copies of the revised site plan with the following highlighted areas: Snow Storage Areas (Page 2 Item # 14) Bike Rack location (Page 2 Item # 12) Per your request in your Findings of Fact and Decision letter dated March 21, 2008. Should you need anything else from us, please contact me at our office at 658-5000 x 12. Isie ly, Palmer Leavitt Executive Coordinator O'Brien Brothers Agency Encl. 3 copies of revised site plan SERVING OUR COMMUNITY'S REAL ESTATE NEEDS SINCE 1 958 oUILHON;;G 1855 Williston Road • PO Box 2184 • South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 • 802.658.5000 • fax 658.5002 obrienbrothersagency.com I OPMENT AND MANAGEMENT A G E N C Y I N C April 4, 2008 Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: O'Brien Brothers Agency 629-633 Hinesburg Road Site Plan Application #SP-08-18 Dear Betsy: Enclosed, please find three (3) copies of the revised site plan with the following highlighted areas: Snow Storage Areas (Page 2 Item #14) Bike Rack location (Page 2 Item #12) Per your request in your Findings of Fact and Decision letter dated March 21, 2008. Should you need anything else from us, please contact me at our office at 658-5000 x 12. Sincerely, Josie Palmer Leavitt Executive Coordinator O'Brie rothers ency n . 3 copies of revised site plan ," �", Y � 2 SERVING OUR COMMUNITY'S REAL ESTATE NEEDS SINCE 1 958—ALHOIPPORTUN;;: 1855 Williston Road • PO Box 2184 • South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 • 802.658.5000 • fax 658.5002 obrienbrothersagency.com I LEGEND PROPERTY Lhv. 320 EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR 320---- FINISH GRADE CONTOUR EDGE OF WOODS WATER LINE SEWER LINE GAS LINE WELLESLEY E ELECTRICAL LINE GROVE BE OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL WETLAND LINE HYDRANT NEW SMH EXISTING PARKING LOT LIGHT 12x8 TAPPING RIM-321.0 NV. IN-316.1 INV. Ex. SMH �PoM-32S.te SLEEVE 8 VALVE IOUT-316.0 POWER POLE DECIDUOUS TREE EX. SMH (BENCH MARK) RIM-324.36 CONIFEROUS TREE SCALE: 1'- 2850' RO U T E 11 B INv.-313.33 H I N E S B U R G R O AD CORE do SEAL NEW INV.=313.5 SILT FENCE re HAY BALE CHECK DAM EX.. EX GREASE IN7ERCEPTOR .� - .... ..._ -.RIM-322.3B p - - ' RIM-321.7e 10' GMP R. W. b 32 66&i rRv-314.e91 - o. i CB1�6A o' _ - 1/ NOTES: RIM 310.2 - 4 AwlI J� ' INV.- ; O ^0 �` 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are based on utility FIELp VER1 �. C''87-8 I evidence visible at ground surface and are subject to field ' I 73•.Re - I O Q O - � � 'n RM1�320.0 SnNO f> verification by excavation. Utilities shown do not purport to t "6 -. _. INV.-376.0 0 constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjacent GOODRICH C� to the surveyed premises. Ail discrepancies shall be reported T rn ©kg to the Engineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (800- 1 225-4977) prior to any construction. n ITIONAL. -0 SPA ES 2. The Contractor shell repair/restore all disturbed areas (on or EXISTING PARKING OT �/ NECESSARY)' oft the site) as a direct or Indirect result of the j} fa: 9 3 0 yf43; ¢�(#. T £ L P rnnstruction. 1 Tf7 ((. {t ' 3. All grossed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation Is 32 ROPOSED NIT t / eatablishad. z 8 1 . ......... . .... 1l � PROPOSED 8 UNITN 8 BAR xo BUILDING 114 PAR7ME`N`f'BUI ING 2 P 4 The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for a TA } R �'. U11w� i _7 ti � r r � .o complete and operable facilities and utilities. {L832 SF.)�T II j `^,y 5. If the building Is to be sprinklered, backflow, prevention HIM ° ' ` i v n i `�� shall be provided in accordance with AWWA M14. The Site © J R 8 ' Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above n . v, F� the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser detail. E%. CB N 15. //////6. the Contractor shall maintain as-bu8t pions (with ties) for INV22 7495 2" 322e /// /////// all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to C83-A\ ///,(/,,(/,/�/,,/{,(/�i/�/(,f/� the Owner at the completion of the project. 3' IM-319. of t i / "I INCIV I/OVIl:1J11V1Y ////// 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all Items veal CB2-A NV.-314.9� lrit a�.1 // 7f�'f�R�J}e'1l'/1��,��� materials incorporated into the site work. Work shall not S CBS -A RIM-320.0 /( // / //////// I CJI{ begin on any item until shop drawing approval In granted. 3T6.'S' - RIM -�20 S7RANSFORMER PAD �`( ; /// ///%// 3 INKs3180 -Z'R / 8. All pavement cute shall be made with a power pavement saw. 9. in addition to the requirements set In these plans and specifications, w the Contractor shall complete the work SS �m r accordance with all permit conditions and South Burlington �• *t# F �' i ////%//// ,%. Public Works Standards. a gg 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, welkwoys and lawn areas shall be 01. 11. Existing utilities not incorporated Into final design shall be fffif9p Iremoved. 9999 ' (( /// / LOT COVERAGE i L�wtki )� \ li r f.. I � JI ////////// EXISTING PROPOSED O // TOTAL AREA 7.23 ACRES 7.23 ACRES RN' i Y '--y/ BUILDING AREA 57,52E S.F. (8.3X) 58.17E S.F. (i8.5XJ O CS RNA-319.47/////////////////// CB A A.+ s+v.-31e.Oe I ' PARKING/DRIVE 5g,000 S.F. (18.52) 58.20E S.F. (18.6X EXISTING wE'fLANDS I �J 55 1 -/-// ; /%///////////////%//////i// k SIDE1YALRI OUTSIDE OF THE CONS7RUCTI _ Y�///////////////// ZONE SHALL REMAIN 1 i /6 ,1, FOXCROFT TOTAL 115,52E S.F. 36.8% 116,37E S.F. - 37.1 i UNDISTURBED j !Q � i / NEW CH //////�///////III///// il / q` GREEN MESH ' I///// ZONING TIMBER `,'`' SCREEN ` DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) LANE MEDICAL -..0 - BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20% LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 40% r , i ., STORAGE AREA "`LOCATI (/stpEE DOOR) - -. _._.. _.. __. NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER 554.53' `A\ `� CPA PARTNERSHIP •0�e ' ,1 _ -�...... I AAA 5.0. BOX 284 -2-oe s,M A000) pa1PS1ER StlEfliNC ` - O. BURUNGTON, VT. 05407 SAV AMID WATER AS -BOLT CNfIONS FMV _ e10-01 SAV MGM 1 ro IUM LT M A O CHATHAM GREEN MG Iasi SAV AOOm [IECIPoCAL CaxOUR a av R011 u of oaasTtMG N lKWO-OUNWFUMEPROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS � LW N 2-17- SAV 1f al' 1-18- SAV REVM PARKING taf a 1Df COVERAff GRAPHIC SCALE A ` % SAV MYl4D BWD M UTILITIES, PAWK LOT eat AS -BUILT PLAN BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM + a 022D ' A ASSOCIATES ao 4 s p 4o Date Ch'k'd Revision SOUTH BURUNGTON VERMOt }forslcF Drawn by _9�e.L_ Date APRIL 1996 SHEET Checked by �L_ Scale 1' - 30' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. ANC. AB1 (� �T) SHELBURNE, VERMONT t Inch - 80 rL Approved by SAV Project No. 9615E 1� i% O 1WE southburfinp,ton PLANNING & ZONING March 21, 2008 Stephanie O'Brien O'Brien Brothers Agency PO Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05407-2184 Re: 629-633 Hinesburg Road Dear Ms. O'Brien: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Administrative Officer on March 21, 2008. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Betsy McDo ough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset_ Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Permit Number SP- - p CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) Gi�A � r��-t�srl�td Po' 0��x at EYLI 5c� 3��b��,rJc-err 1/r 05yy7 (v58 -- 5'4Xc---,0 FAX' 4o56- 5'cQZ -- 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Vlt-4 111 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #).prFA►�+iE �'f3VLt C3agHoes & rD• �X Zlti{ o:��l� 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: �Z9 - (p33 Atic-'t3 ,zo RC, + 13LXtJ-4+ tC-576 l 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0660 00(o 3 57 G 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Ee-r CVZL-y (>nt r7-;> b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) SAME A A r-,c>vi5 ---- c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed if basement and mezzanine)" and existing buildings to remain, specify e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) � CPP cr,✓i i) Number of employ, employees): W/A & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 7—ek-- RvC✓,se of -rti+cs 0s*Y0✓2"cAn- -A is TP A M1- ?, 0 TItC i5F KJ %T'h.►(7 • Rtn!:Re r i".:- St+o Arm o A :5ta.e,,� STtDaAc=,e-- Age:A, 8) LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: ` .2 AC, a) Building: Existing /�• $- % / Proposed /� % / sq. ft. sq. ft. b) Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 3� J % / sq. ft. Proposed 3 JJ % / sq. ft. c) Front yard (along each street) Existing S, S' % / sq. ft. Proposed �5': 5 % sq. ft. d) Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) NJ : A * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ �/ A b) Landscaping: $ "IA c) Other site improvements (please list with cost):T Aw Ei;Y�A� 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): II A,— c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION � lr� 2 C10A - t)(kw - 3 o f� 5 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: N/a 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14) ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) 15) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 3 0 '� 01-_6 } I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURF, OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: _511bl0� REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board D/Administrative p Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete %") ❑ c Tannin k Zoning or Designee ate 4 M E N T A G E N � I C Ray Belair So. Burlington Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05407 March 7, 2008 Dear Ray: Enclosed please find the City of South Burlington Application for Site Plan Review for CPA Partnership. Also enclosed are all necessary Site Plans and a check in the amount of $86.00 made payable to the City of South Burlington. We would like to request that this approval be done administratively. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie O'Brien O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc. Enclosures S E R V I N G O U R C O M M U N I T YS R E A L E S TAT E N E E D S S I N C E 1 9 5 8 EQUAL IOUSNO OPPORTUNITY 1855 Williston Road • PO Box 2184 • South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 • 802.658.5000 • fax 658.5002 obrienbrothersagency.com Patented Hinge Assembly Lans Frame. Die cast aluminum door frame secures lens; sealed with silicone gasket. Finish color, black. if 1VOLTAGE UNI-FORM' PULSE START METAL HALIDE M 120/208/240/277V (Standard) 150W PSMH PR1615-(a)(h) 20OW PSMH PR1620-(a)(b) 250W PSMH PR1625-(a)(b) 320W PSMH PR1632-(a)(b) 35OW PSMH PR1635-(a)(b) ® 40OW PSMHPR1640-(a)(b) 450W PSMH* PR1645-(a)(b) METAL HALIDE 175W MH ---...- PR1417-(a)(b) 25 &IMik,. --— ___ PR1426 (a)(b) 40OW MH PR1440-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 250W HPS PR1525-(a)(b) �n 40OW HPS PR1540-(a)(h) 0 Specify (a) Voltage & .b) Options. 'Consult factory for availability. Cn 2-Level Lighting available. See Technical Data Sheet TD-8. Reduced envelope ED28 lamp. Parking lot and roadway luminaire for HID lamp, totally enclosed. Supplied with IES Type III (field adjustable to Type II) optical system. Housing is seamless, die cast aluminum. Mounting consists of a 1.75" (44 mm) wide by 4.5" (114 mm) high by 1.5" (38 mm) long extruded aluminum arm. The arm is held in place with two 3/8' (9 mm) mounting rods fastened to a steel backing plate inside the pole, and by two nuts inside the fixture housing. Mounting rods are provided with sealing washers to prevent water leakage. Lens assembly consists of rigid aluminum frame and high impact, clear tempered glass. T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) (Standard) 1 120V 2 277V 27 277V (PSMH Only) 3 208V -- 240V 480V 6 347V (Canada Only) For voltage availability outside the U.S. and Canada, see Bulletin TD-9 or contact your Ruud Lighting authorized Int'I Distributor. OPTIONS (factoryinstalled) (a)F Frusin (a)H 2-Level Lighting C (120, 277, 347V) -(a)P Button Photocell -51, External Photocell (for 48OV) Q Quartz Standby (non -delay — relay type) (includes 10OW quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor ballast) Specify (a) Single Voltage — See Voltage Suffix Key Cf k"I r-<;—, 'a� r ELECTRICAL Fixture includes clear, mogul base lamp. 320 — 400W PSMH utilizes the ED28 reduced envelope lamp. Pulse -rated porcelain enclosed, 4kv rated screw shell type lampholder with spring loaded center contact. Lamp ignitor included where required. All ballast assemblies are high power factor and use the following circuit type: Reactor (277V PSMH only) (150 — 450W PSMH) CWA — Constant Wattage Autotransformer (150 — 450W PSMH; 175 — 400W MH; 250 — 400W HPS) ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in U.S. and Canada for wet locations and enclosure classified IP65 per IEC 529 and IEC 598. Exclusive DeltaGuard' finish features an E-Coat epoxy primer with medium bronze acrylic powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our 7 year limited warranty. U.S. 4,689,729; 5,451,843 t.= FWG-16 Wire Guard SBL-16 Backlight Shield 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 U.S.A. PHONE (414) 886-1900 FAX (414) 884-3309 RU U D © Ruud Lighting, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. http://www,ruudlighting.com 11/1/98 LIGHTING 1-1/2" CLvJE POLE MOUNT �� (406 mm) PARKING/ROADWAY LIGHT E.P.A. RUING E.P.A..8 for single fixture with 00 tilt (Consult factory for E.P.A. rating on multiple units). 100' W 60' 40' 9n' rr qn, err an, cn, i r 150o Lighting Sciences, Inc. Certified Test Report No. LSI 10473 Candlepower distribution curve of 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light. �,■■■■■■■■■■�. ,■■■■■■■■■■• ■/!Eif\�!M■ „ Oki : :M" '/,//�I■ ENO OON-NOON■ ar 1 3 303 24.4 183 122 &1 Om 6.1 122 183 24.4 3o5 Isofootcandle plot of 25OW MH Parking/Roadway Light at 25' (7.6 m) mounting height and 0° vertical tilt. (Plan view) ■■■■■■■■■■ME , FEA NOW" NOMEN . r Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade. FEW „■■■■NONE■■, Isofootcandle plot of 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light at 30' (9.1 m) mounting height and 0° vertical tilt. (Plan view) r ►►E�rl-■��r�ii , ,EN����i�ii. „ 11 ► WAN „EE■EEEE■■■, Lighting Sciences, Inc. Certified Test Report No. LSI 4941 Isofootcandle plot of 25OW HPS Isofootcandle plot of 40OW HPS Parking/Roadway Light at 25' (7.6 m) Parking/Roadway Light at 30' (9.1 m) Candlepower distribution curve of 40OW HPS Parking/Roadway Light. mounting height and V (Plan view) vertical tilt. mounting height and 0° vertical tilt. (Plan view) �x� Pole Spacing EXaMple Data T %ice 1 Average Initial Light Levels at Grade Test area is centered within a (16) pole layout. Fixtures per pole � 18o°hin (Footcandles > .0929 = Lux) Catalog __. .Lamp Type Lamp Lumens__ Mounting Height Max. Recommended Pole Spacing x Y Footcandles Lux PR1417-M 175W MH 12,000 15' (4.6 m) - _ _X - 90' (27.4 m) x 60' (18.3 m) ^-- --3.97_.._..____..-___ 43 20' (6.1 m) 120' (36.6 m) x 80' (24A m) 2.15 23 PRT425-M 25OW MH 20,000 20' (6.1 m) 120' (36.6 m) x 80' (24.4 m) 3.60 39 25' (7.6 m) 150' (45.7 m) x 100' (30.5 m) 2.22 24 PR1440-M 40OW MH 32,000 25' (7.6 m) 150' (45.7 m) x 100' (30.5 m) 3.56 38 30' (9.1 m) 180' (54.9 m) x 120' (36.6 m) 2.41 26 PR1525-M 25OW HPS 28,500 20' (6.1 m) 120' (35.6 m) x 80' (24.4 m) 4.94 53 25' (7.6 m) 180' (54.9 m) x 120' (36.6 m) 3.08 33 PR1540-M 40OW HPS 50,000 25' (7.6 m) 150' (45.7 m) x 100' (30.5 m) 5.41 58 30' (9.1 m) 180' (54.9 m) x 120' (36.6 m) 3.67 40 RRUD 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 U.S.A. PHONE (414) 886-1900 LIGHTING 0 Ruud Lighting, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. http://www.ruudlighfng.com FAX (414) 884-3309 11/l /98 STEEL AND ALUMINUM SQ*UARE Steel Pole -- Pole Cap. (Supplied if ten on is not used.) Square, Non -tapered Pole 2'x 6' ------(51 mm x 152 mm) Hand Hole Hand Hole Cover 12" — 24" (305 mm_ 690 mm) Tvoplece Steel Base Plate Cover Slotted Anchor Bolt Hole Carbon Steel Base Plate Altffl"Iltiut't"i Pole Square, Non- tapered Pole 12' (305 mrr --- Pole Cap. (Supplied if tenon is not used.) 2' x 6" --- (51 mm x 152 mm) Hand Hole -- Hand Hole Cover Tvoplece Aluminum Base Plate Cover Aluminum Angle Base Plate Anchor --- Bolt Hole Square Steel Poles Square Aluminum Poles H (R) z W (in) x Wall (in) H (m) x W (mm) x Wall (mm) H (R) x W (in) x Wall (in) H (In) x W (mm) x Wall (nmo PS3S10S(a)BZ 10 x 3 x 0.180 3.0 x 76 x 5 PA3S10C(a)BZ ..........1-0 x--3 x 0.125-------- 3.0 x 76-x 3 .. ................ PS3Sl5S(a)BZ 15 x 3 x 0.180 4.6 x 76 x 5 PA3S15C(:I)BZ 15 x 3 x 0.125 4.6 x 76 x 3 PS3S19S(a)BZ 19 x 3 x 0.180 6.1 x 76 x 5 PA4S15C(a)BZ 15 it 4 x 0.125 4.6 x 102 x 3 PS4S10C(a)13Z 10 it 4 x 0.120 3.0 x 102 x 3 PA4S19D(a)BZ 19 x 4 x 0.250 6.1 x 102 x 6 -� PS4S15C(a)BZ 15 x 4 it 0.120 4.6 x 102 x 3 PA5S25D(a)BZ 25 x 5 x 0.250 7.6 x 127 x 6 PS4S19C(a)BZ 19 x 4 x 0.120 6.1 it 102 x 3 PA6S30D(a)BZ 30 x 6 x 0.250 9.1 x 152 x 6 PS4S25C(a)BZ 25 x 4 x 0.120 7.6 x 102 x 3 PS4S25S(a)BZ 25 x 4 x 0.180 7.6 it 102 x 5 PS4S30S(a)BZ 30 x 4 x 0.180 9.1 x 102 x 5 PS5S25S(c3)BZ 25 x 5 x 0.180 7.6 x 127 x 5 PS5S30S(A)BZ 30 x 5 x 0.180 9.1 x 127 x 5 i Single (direct mount) 5 ni�iw Triple (direct mount) PS5S35S(a)BZ 35 x 5 x 0.180 10.7 x 127 x 5 PS6S30S(a)BZ 30 x 6 x 0.180 9.1 x 152 x 5 c H Twin Cal180° (direct mount) -6Quad (direct mount) PS6S35S(a)BZ 35 x 6 x 0.180 10.7 x 152 x 5 3 r Twin Ca 90' (direct mount) T Tenon (order tenon separately) PS6S40S(3)BZ 40 x 6 x 0.180 12.2 x 152 x 5 For fixtures with Fixed 20' Mount, add prefix 2 to configuration numbers: Specify Fa; pole configuration. i.e. 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26. 14L $�SCRiAi3Es Non -tapered poles are supplied with welded base with cover, four galvanized anchor bolts, masonite mounting template and a pole cap (except Tenon Mount). Each bolt is provided with two washers and two nuts. Steel pole base has slotted holes, aluminum base has standard holes. Per National Electrical Code requirements, pole is standard with a 2" (51 mm) x 6" (152 mm) hand hole, located 12" — 24" (305 — 610 mm) above bottom of pole base. A #10-32 stainless steel weld stud with grounding lug is located inside pole, opposite hand hole; a hand hole cover is supplied but shipped separately. For E.P.A. ratings, see "Windloading — Square Poles" sheet. Poles longer than 30' are segmented but shipped assembled. Steel Poles Square, non -tapered pole of structural steel tubing (ASTM A 500); with a minimum yield strength of 46,000 p.s.i. Welded to a carbon steel base plate with a minimum yield strength of 36,000 p.s.i. Aluminum Poles Square, non -tapered pole of extruded aluminum (6063-T6); with a minimum yield strength of 25,000 p.s.i. Welded to a base plate fabricated of structural aluminum angle (6061-T6); with a minimum yield strength of 30,000 p.s.i. T Exclusive DeltaGuard@ finish features an E-Coat epoxy primer with medium bronze acrylic powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our 7 year limited warranty. 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 U.S.A. PHONE (414) 886-1900 FAX (414) 884-3309 RUUD (0 Ruud lighting, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. http://www.ruudlighting.com 11/1/98 LIGHTING PS3S10S.,)BZ 10' (3.0 m) x 3" (76 mm) Wall thickness - .180' (5 mm) Base plate -10' (254 mm) square x .50" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4'-10 x 18' (457 mm) + 3' (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10' (254 mm) 9.25"-11.00' (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 150 lbs. (68 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 79 lbs. (36 Kg) PS3S15S(a)BZ 15' (4.6 m) x 3" (76 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x .750" (19 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 314"-10 x 30" (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25'-11.00' (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 150 Ibs. (68 Kg) Approximate shipping weight -114 lbs. (52 Kg) PS3S79S(3)BZ 19' (5.8 m) x 3" (76 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 10' (254 mm) square x .750" (19 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4'-10 x 30" (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter -10' (254 mm) 9.25'- 11.00' (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 150 lbs. (68 Kg) Approximate shipping weight -141 lbs. (64 Kg) PS4S10C,a)BZ 10' (3.0 m) x 4' (102 mm) Wall thickness - .120' (3 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x .50" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"10 x 18" (457 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25'- 11.00' (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 450 lbs. (204 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 78 lbs. (35 Kg) PS4S15C(a)BZ 15' (4.6 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .120' (3 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x .750" (19 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"-10 x 30" (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25'- 11.00" (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 300 lbs. (136 Kg) Approximate shipping weight -119 lbs. (54 Kg) PS4S19C <['BZ - 19' (5.8 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .120" (3 mm) Base plate - 10' (254 mm) square x .750' (19 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 314'-10 x 30' (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter- 10' (254 mm) 9.25'- 11.00" (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 400 lbs. (181 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 141 lbs. (64 Kg) PS4S25C a)BZ 25' (7.6 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .120" (5 mm) Base plate -10" (254 mm) square x .750" (19 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 314"-10 x 30" (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10' (254 mm) 9.25"- 11.W (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight -175 lbs. (79 Kg) Approximate shipping weight -182 lbs. (83 Kg) PS4SZ5S(a)BZ 25' (7.6 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"-10 x 30" (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25'- 11.00' (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum Fixture weight - 350 lbs. (159 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 252 lbs. (114 Kg) wffffzwzmct�N PS4S30S(a)BZ 30' (9.1 m) x 4' (102 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x 1' (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"-10 x 30' (762 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25' - 11.00" (235 mm - 279 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 250 lbs. (113 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 301 lbs. (137 Kg) PS5S25S(a)BZ 25' (7.6 m) x 5" (127 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate -10' (254 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1"-8 x 36' (914 mm) + 4" (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10' (254 mm) 9.25'- 10,25' (235 mm - 260 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 450 lbs. (204 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 320 lbs. (145 Kg) PS5S30S(a)BZ 30' (9.1 m) x 5' (127 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1'-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" mm (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25' - 10.25' (235 mm - 260 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 375 Ibs. (170 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 379 lbs. (172 Kg) PSSS35S(a)BZ 35' (10.7 m) x 5" (127 mm) Wall thickness - .180' (5 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1 "-8 x 36' (914 mm) + 4" (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 10" (254 mm) 9.25' - 10.25' (235 mm - 260 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 300 lbs. (136 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 493 lbs. (224 Kg) PS6S30S(a)BZ 30' (9.1 m) x 6" (152 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate - 12' (305 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1 "-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 11.5" (292 mm) 10.50"-12.75' (267 mm - 324 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 525 Ibs. (238 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 457 lbs. (207 Kg) PS6S35S(a)BZ 35' (10.7 m) x 6" (152 mm) Wall Thickness - .180' (5 mm) Base Plate -10' (254 mm) square x 1' (25 mm) thick Anchor Bolts -1 "-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4' (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 11.5" (292 mm) 10.50"-12.75' (267 mm - 324 mm) Maximim fixture weight - 525 lbs. (238 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 614 lbs. (278 Kg) PS6S40S;a;BZ 40' (12.2 m) x 6" (152 mm) Wall thickness - .180" (5 mm) Base plate -10" (254 mm) square x 1" (25 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 1"-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 11.5" (292 mm) 10.50"-12.75" (267 mm - 324 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 400 lbs. (181 Kg) Approximate shipping weight - 686 lbs. (311 Kg) PA3S10Ci:aPBZ 10' (3 m) x 3" (76 mm) Wall thickness - .125" (3 mm) Base plate - 8" (203 mm) square x .375" (10 mm) thick Anchor bolts-1/2'-13 x 12' (305 mm) + 1.5" (38 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 8.00' (203 mm) Maximum fixture weight -100 lbs. (45 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 21 lbs. (10 Kg) PA3S15C(a)BZ 15' (4.6 m) x 3" (76 mm) Wall thickness - .125" (3 mm) Base plate - 8" (203 mm) square x .375" (10 mm) thick Anchor bolts-1/2"-13 x 12' (305 mm) + 1.5' (38 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 8.00' (203 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 70 lbs. (32 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 31 lbs. (14 Kg) PA4S15C(a)BZ 15' (4.6 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .125" (3 mm) Base plate -10" (254 mm) square x .500' (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"-10 x 18" (457 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 9.25' (235 mm) Maximum fixture weight -125 lbs. (57 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 43 lbs. (20 Kg) PA4S19D(a)BZ 19' (5.8 m) x 4" (102 mm) Wall thickness - .250" (6 mm) Base plate -10" (254 mm) square x .500" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts - 3/4"-10 x 18' (457 mm) + 3" (76 mm) Bolt circle diameter - 9.25" (235 mm) Maximum fixture weight -175 lbs. (79 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 99 lbs. (45 Kg) PASS25D(a)BZ 25' (7.6 m) x 5" (127 mm) Wall thickness - .250" (6 mm) Base plate - 11' (279 mm) square x .500" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1'-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4' (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter -11.5' (292 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 260 lbs. (118 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 143 lbs. (65 Kg) PA6S30D(a)BZ 30' (9.1 m) x 6' (152 mm) Wall thickness - .250" (6 mm) Base plate - 12" (305 mm) square x .500' (13 mm) thick Anchor bolts -1 "-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" (102 mm) Bolt circle diameter -13" (330 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 323 lbs. (146 Kg) Shipping weight approximately 210 lbs. (95 Kg) RUUD9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 U.S.A. PHONE (414) 886-1900 LIGHTING ® Ruud Lighting, Inc. Printed in U.S.A, http://www.ruudlighting.com FAX (414) 884-3309 11/1/98 ° PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY OF ST. ALBANS P.O. Box 320 ' St. Albans, Vermont • 05478-0320 i (802) 524-2196 Established 1887 September 30, 1997 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street Buflin�-tonl %'T 0554031 RE: Irrevocable Stand-by Letter of Credit #1997-33 CPA Partnership Gentlemen We hereby establish our Irrevocable Stand-by Letter of Credit in your favor for the account of CPA Partnership an aggregate amount of $15,000.00 available by your draft or drafts on us at sight accompanied by a signed statement that these funds are due you under the terms of your agreement with CPA Partnership. All drafts must be marked under Letter of Credit. We engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms and conditions of this credit will be duly honored on delivery of documents as specified if presented at this office on or before 06/01/99. The original of this Irrevocable Stand-by Letter of Credit must accompany drawings presented to us hereunder. Except so far as otherwise expressly stated, this credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and 1. T"! ., .. J:+.. l(f(1'j 'i 1 .+.,.-r..rti .....,I /-`L, ., L 0117 .+ 11ClVL1V�✓ 1J1 VlJvl.ililVl:i(Al �' crediL.l ail%J \L VI.".1VllJ, 151LV111{..L1Vi1G.i 11C111iUl�ir Vi V�J 111111L1 L\ Publication #500." Ve yours } /RichardeV. nahan, Jr. President RVM,JR/sct S U BD I V= S= ON L E TT E R O F C R E D I T AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, executed in triplicate between --CPA PartnPr-hin , of So. Burlington, VT , hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", Peoples Trust Comply' of St. Albans, VT , hereinafter referred to as ""Bank", and City of South Burlington, Vt , hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Developer has received final subdivision approval from the MUNICIPALITY'S Planning Commission for the development of a subdivision consisting of 24 units3-t$-with related improvements, in a development to be known as "_Chatham Green Apartments it as depicted on and in accordance with the specifications as set forth on Sheet_I of 1 on the final plat plan entitled "Chatham Green Proposed Apart. Buildings; -new and existing trees., ", dated Dec 16,1997prepared by Michael Lawrence Assoc. Landscape Architect as recorded in Book 386 pages 117 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington; WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said final plat and related documents: Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Buildings, Plan Showing New and Existing Trees. 2. The Developer shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than June 111999 1 3. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defective or improper work or materials which may be recognized within one year after completion of the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" shall be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has inspected and approved the construction of all the improvements required by this Agreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction is complete. 4. For the guarantee of DEVELOPER's performance of all requirements hereunder set forth, DEVELOPER has caused the BANK to issue its Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the MUNICIPALITY, the original of which is attached to the MUNICIPALITY's copy of this Agreement, and a copy of which is attached to the DEVELOPER's copy of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall cause the attached Letter of Credit to be renewed at least thirty (30) days before the maturity date thereof. Failure of DEVELOPER to deliver evidence of such renewal to MUNICIPALITY thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of said Letter of Credit shall constitute a default of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Said Irrevocable Letter of Credit provides that the drafts drawn under said credit, must be accompanied by a written statement signed by a duly authorized agent of the MUNICIPALITY, that in the judgement of, the MUNICIPALITY, the DEVELOPER is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and that the funds to be drawn by the draft are in payment for, or in anticipation of payment for materials, labor and services required for completion of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Payment of each draft will be made at sight when presented to the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY, the payment limited only by the aggregate amounts presented in relationship to the maximum amount of the Letter of Credit. If DEVELOPER shall be in default of the Agreement for seven (7) days because of its failure to provide evidence of renewal of the Letter of Credit, required in paragraph 4 above, the MUNICIPALITY shall notify DEVELOPER by certified mail of said default. DEVELOPER shall then within three (3) business days provide MUNICIPALITY with evidence of said renewal of Letter of Credit or MUNICIPALITY may notify BANK of such default and request payment under said Letter of Credit. 6. The DEVELOPER and MUNICIPALITY hereby agree that the sum Of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($_ 15,000.00 ) shall be sufficient to secure DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement but shall not relieve DEVELOPER from the obligation to pay any additional costs, if actual costs exceed the above -stated cost. 7. The MUNICIPALITY will promptly submit to the DEVELOPER a copy of any draft it submits to the BANK. The consent of the DEVELOPER to payment of said draft by BANK to the MUNICIPALITY 2 8. The MUNICIPALITY shall not file with the BANK a Statement of Default until ten (10) days after notice has been sent to the DEVELOPER, by certified mail, setting forth its intention to do so. 9. All funds drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to the Letter of Credit shall be used solely by the MUNICIPALITY for the purpose of completing construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Any work contracted for by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and material basis, or shall be performed by the MUNICIPALITY's own work force and equipment, or shall be accomplished in such other manner as in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY shall accomplish the work more expeditiously and economically. 10. If payments are drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to said Letter of Credit, and it shall later develop that a portion of the monies drawn are in excess of the MUNICIPALITY'S needs, any such excess amount shall be refunded by the MUNICIPALITY to the BANK, to be credited by said BANK to the DEVELOPER. 11. This Agreement and said Letter of Credit shall terminate and shall be of no force and effect upon completion of the one year warranty period as described in the above Paragraph 3. If the MUNICIPALITY has not delivered any written notice to the DEVELOPER of any defective or improper work or materials in the construction of the improvements within the twelve (12) month period, or if notice has been given and the defective work or materials have been corrected by the DEVELOPER, the MUNICIPALITY shall forthwith notify the BANK in writing that the Letter of Credit may be canceled, and shall return the original Letter of Credit to the BANK, and both the DEVELOPER and the BANK shall be released from all obligations hereunder and under said Letter of Credit. 12. Upon request of DEVELOPER, but only at the- sole discretion of the MUNICIPALITY, the MUNICIPALITY may agree to reduce the amount of said Letter of Credit required hereunder if the MUNICIPALITY believes that the full amount of said Letter of Credit is no longer necessary to protect its interest, and shall notify the BANK in writing of such reduction in the amount of the Letter of Credit. 13. The BANK may not modify the Letter of Credit without first receiving written consent of the MUNICIPALITY. 14. DEVELOPER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold BANK harmless from all claims, causes of action or liability of any kind arising out of this Agreement or the issuance by BANK of this Letter of Credit, including attorney's fees, as long as BANK follows the terms and conditions outlined in said Letter of Credit. 3 15. This Agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Dated at 5o.f ri✓� ,�� dos/ Vermont, this -day of 1 ate at `iz AA.v--.,,, , S' 199Z. IN PRESENCE OF: Dated at 199 IN PRESENCE OF: Vermont, this iay of By: (BANK Vermont, this day of By: Duly Authorized Agent (MUNICIPALITY) 4 S UB D = V = S = ON L E TT E R O F C RED 2 T AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, executed in triplicate between`CPA Partn rah;_ , of So. Burlington, VT hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", -Peoples r Company' of St. Albans, VT , hereinafter referred to as 111'Bank", and City of South Burlington, Vt , hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Developer has received final subdivision approval from the MUNICIPALITY'S Planning Commission for the development of a subdivision consisting of 24 units-?-c>t$-with related improvements, in a development to be known as "_Chatham Green Apartments as depicted on and in accordance with the specifications as set forth on Sheet_ of 1 on the final plat plan entitled " Chatham Green Proposed Apart. Buildings;. -new and existing trees.'_ ", dated Dec 16,1997prepared by Michael Lawrence Assoc. Landscape Architect as recorded in Book 386 pages 117 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington; WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said final plat and related documents: Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Buildings, Plan Showing New and Existing Trees. 2. The Developer shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than June 1,1999 1 3. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defective or improper work or materials which may be recognized within one year after completion of the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" shall be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has inspected and approved the construction of all the improvements required by this Agreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction is complete. 4. For the guarantee of DEVELOPER's performance of all requirements hereunder set forth, DEVELOPER has caused the BANK to issue its Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the MUNICIPALITY, the original of which is attached to the MUNICIPALITY's copy of this Agreement, and a copy of which is attached to the DEVELOPER's copy of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall cause the attached Letter of Credit to be renewed at least thirty (30) days before the maturity date thereof. Failure of DEVELOPER to deliver evidence of such renewal to MUNICIPALITY thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of said Letter of Credit shall constitute a default of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Said Irrevocable Letter of Credit provides that the drafts drawn under said credit, must be accompanied by a written statement signed by a duly authorized agent of the MUNICIPALITY, that in the judgement of'the MUNICIPALITY, the DEVELOPER is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and that the funds to be drawn by the draft are in payment for, or in anticipation of payment for materials, labor and services required for completion of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Payment of each draft will be made at sight when presented to the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY, the payment limited only by the aggregate amounts presented in relationship to the maximum amount of the Letter of Credit. If DEVELOPER shall be in default of the Agreement for seven (7) days because of its failure to provide evidence of renewal of the Letter of Credit, required in paragraph 4 above, the MUNICIPALITY shall notify DEVELOPER by certified mail of said default. DEVELOPER shall then within three (3) business days provide MUNICIPALITY with evidence of said renewal of Letter of Credit or MUNICIPALITY may notify BANK of such default and request payment under said Letter of Credit. 6. The DEVELOPER and MUNICIPALITY hereby agree that the sum Of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($ 15,000.00 ) shall be sufficient to secure DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement but shall not relieve DEVELOPER from the obligation to pay any additional costs, if actual costs exceed the above -stated cost. 7. The MUNICIPALITY will promptly submit to the DEVELOPER a copy of any draft it submits to the BANK. The consent of the DEVELOPER to payment of said draft by BANK to the MUNICIPALITY 2 8. The MUNICIPALITY shall not file with the BANK a Statement of Default until ten (10) days after notice has been sent to the DEVELOPER, by certified mail, setting forth its intention to do so. 9. All funds drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to the Letter of Credit shall be used solely by the MUNICIPALITY for the purpose of completing construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Any work contracted for by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and material basis, or shall be performed by the MUNICIPALITY's own work force and equipment, or shall be accomplished in such other manner as in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY shall accomplish the work more expeditiously and economically. 10. If payments are drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to said Letter of Credit, and it shall later develop that a portion of the monies drawn are in excess of the MUNICIPALITY'S needs, any such excess amount shall be refunded by the MUNICIPALITY to the BANK, to be credited by said BANK to the DEVELOPER. 11. This Agreement and said Letter of Credit shall terminate and shall be of no force and effect upon completion of the one year warranty period as described in the above Paragraph 3. If the MUNICIPALITY has not delivered any written notice to the DEVELOPER of any defective or improper work or materials in the construction of the improvements within the twelve (12) month period, or if notice has been given and the defective work or materials have been corrected by the DEVELOPER, the MUNICIPALITY shall forthwith notify the BANK in writing that the Letter of Credit may be canceled, and shall return the original Letter of Credit to the BANK, and both the DEVELOPER and the BANK shall be released from all obligations hereunder and under said Letter of Credit. 12. Upon request of DEVELOPER, but only at the - sole discretion of the MUNICIPALITY, the MUNICIPALITY may agree to reduce the amount of said Letter of Credit required hereunder if the MUNICIPALITY believes that the full amount of said Letter of Credit is no longer necessary to protect its interest, and shall notify the BANK in writing of such reduction in the amount of the Letter of Credit. 13. The BANK may not modify the Letter of Credit without first receiving written consent of the MUNICIPALITY. 14. DEVELOPER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold BANK harmless from all claims, causes of action or liability of any kind arising out of this Agreement or the issuance by BANK of this Letter of Credit, including attorney's fees, as long as BANK follows the terms and conditions outlined in said Letter of Credit. 3 15. This Agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Dated at tjy�i�e'7 , 199, IN AF PRESENCE OF: By: Vermont, this day of Duly Autho (DEVE Dated t , Vermont, this ay of 199—. ESENCE OF: 6- By: e9v Dul Authorized ent (BANK) Dated at , Vermont, this day of 199 IN PRESENCE OF: By: Duly Authorized Agent (MUNICIPALITY) 4 S UB D I V= S= ON L E TT E R O F C R E D I T AG RE E M F Nrr THIS AGREEMENT, eXecuted in triplicate between _.CPA artnersh;p , of So. Burlington, VT , hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", Peoples Trust Comply, of St. Albans, VT , hereinafter referred to as ""Bank", and City of South Burlington, Vt , hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Developer has received final subdivision approval from the MUNICIPALITY'S Planning Commission for the development of a subdivision consisting of24 units-1ot-s-with related improvements, in a development to be known as Chatham Green Apartment; to, as depicted on and in accordance with the specifications as set forth on Sheet_ of 1 on the final plat plan entitled " Chatham Green Proposed Art . Buildings, new and existing trees.' ", dated_ Dec 16,1997prepared by Michael Lawrence Assoc. Landscape Architect as recorded in Book 386 pages 117 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington; WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said final plat and related documents: Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Buildings, Plan Showing New and Existing Trees. 2. The Developer shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than June 111999 1 City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Of ial Use APPLICATION # Date 7' K — f Applicant ,�e/ 2401im ran<s Zti� Owner, leasee, 6geAt HEARING DATE FILING DATE' FEE AMOUNT Address �D/�O,f' /By �.� ���dTol�'7 Telephone # 6 -SDC 7 Landowner ✓G��iir/�l `Address Location and description of property (3S� %Xa011k4 Ala, /'ova Sf AX 1111fy1 �iv f l/i`/ 10an Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question �� 2:57. Reason for appeal /o ��,/,, U'e % /�� 7V,- IVA41I4,li`ve . / The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. r Hearing Date Signat re/Ibf Appellant Do not write below this line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Day of Week at to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of lo �Q MCA seeking a �/ f t.__ _ from Section of the South Bu�r..lington Zoning Regulations.,- Request is for permission 114-44� C dLl. TO. FROM: DATE: RE: South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment Dan O'Brien April 17, 1996 Country Park Apartments Background Information - Country Park Apartments are about 17 years old and the project was originally approved for 100 units. At that time we built only 76 units (one being the managers apartment) because we were able to secure only 75 units of HUD Section 8 subsidies. On 6/11/90 the Zoning Board again granted a variance, this time for 50 additional units for a total of 126 units. Since that time the Federal Program upon which this project was based has all but ceased to exist. There is no new funding available for HUD Section 8 elderly housing, or any other type of subsidized elderly housing, that I am aware of us to proceed as originally intended. It is therefore impossible for The fact is that I stand before you with a right to build 50 additional units. That right was previously granted by this board, however, through no fault of my own, we cannot proceed as originally planned. I am asking you, therefore, to reduce the number of units previously approved from 126 units to a new variance allowing only 108 units - reduction of 18 units. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment April 17, 1996 Page 2 Seventy six elderly units have already been constructed whichmeans that instead of the 50 new units now approved by this board, we are now asking for 32 new units. The 32 units would be two bedroom units and while they would not be limited strictly to elderly, they would be marketed to the elderly by emphasizing their immediate proximity to healthcare facilities, 24 hr. on -site management, public transportation and the existing facilities and social functions of Country Park Apartments. Criterion #1 There are unique physical characteristics and circumstances. The unique physical condition is location. The lot is located adjacent to healthcare facilities including offices of physicians of many different disciplines, dental offices, a pharmacy, and an optomotrist. Bus service is provided directly into the project. The unique physical circumstance is that the property has a unique physical presence of a core elderly facility that helps provide not only a physical but a social infrastructure to provide housing and to intermingle persons with different financial backgrounds. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment April 17, 1996 Page 3 The dye is cast in the manner in which this property can be developed. We have relied upon our ability to build 126 units and now, because the government has abandoned the program it is necessary to modify the project. Criterion #2 There is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations. It is not possible to expand and conform to the density requirements. We have a building permit for 50 additional units for a total of 126. We cannot conform to that original plan for reasons stated above. We need to reduce the number of units and modify the plan. Criterion #3 Hardship has not been created by the appellant. The lack of housing for a wide variety of Vermonters has been generated by a number of social, political and economic factors, none of which the applicant has any control over. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment April 17, 1996 Page 4 Likewise the social obligations of communities to provide a variety of housing in a suitable living environment has been imposed by others - not the applicant. The fact that the applicant could not comply to and construct a project for 50 elderly housing units permitting affordable rentals as originally planned is due to governmental realities beyond the control of the applicant. We have already demonstrated this to this board when this board granted the existing variance. We are now asking for a reduction. Criterion #4 The variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. It will however improve its character and livability. There are now 76 elderly units and, while we will be marketing the new units to elderly, there is a possibility that there could be some children in them. If that is the case it will create a more natural and diverse community. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment April 17, 1996 Page 5 A) The preponderance of use of the property surrounding this project is for multifamily housing and medical care facilities. B) The variance will not adversely effect or impair the use of adjacent property, but will simply utilize resources that have long been planned for and anticipated. C) The variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare. To the contrary, it is clearly in the public interest that this variance be granted and that the land be used to fulfil the community's housing needs. Criterion #5 The variance will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief. A) The request is in fact for less variance than this board has already granted, we have already received a variance to construct 50 additional units and the variance being requested is for 32 additional units. The collective impact of this development will be far less than that of conventional housing. South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment April 17, 1996 Page 6 B) Least deviation. There is no deviation in use from the ordinance. The only deviation is in density and we need no deviation for physical conditions, set back, height, building coverage, lot coverage or open space. C) The variance will represent the least modification possible. The project has already been approved for 126 units of housing. Collectively Country Park will have 76 units of elderly affordable units and 32 units of market rate. This seems to be consistent with the demands of Act 200, and the South Burlington Town plan, to provide a variety of affordable housing units for its citizens. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 April 29, 1996 Mr. Patrick O'Brien O'Brien Bros. Realty, Inc. P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Zoning Variance Application Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, May 13, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this hearing and be prepared to address the enclosed review criteria. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, RW/mcp Zoning Administrative Officer 1 Encl 8O1JTN 8U NLt II orCN 2ONIN0 NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter Illy, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal offices, Room 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, M 13, 1996 at 7:00 P.May . to consider the following: #1 Appeal of Daniel & Martha Ferraris seeking a variance from Section 25.00 Dimensional re- quirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to construct a 12'x22' screened porch with a four (4) toot to within sixteen (16) feet of the northerly side yard, located at 1475 Spear Street. ire? Appeal of Rice Memo- Stankenak agent , Ton approval from seeking Section 9•20 Conditional sub -section 9,201 uses Educa- tional facilities & Seddon 25.117 Alteration Of Section - in9 grades of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per_ mission to fill an area (approximately 112 Cubic yards) and to construct a soccer/softball field at Rice Memorial High School located at 9 Proctor Avenue. i#3 Appeal of O'Brien Bros. Agency Inc., Daniel O'Brien seeking a van- ance from Section 25.00 Area, density and dimen- sional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to con_ struct an additional thirty- I two (32) residential units in conjunction with an el- derly housing devel- opment on a lot containing 7.2 acres, lo- cated at 635 Hinesburg #4 Appeal of Charles Parker, Jr. seeking a vari- ance from Section 25.00 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to construct a 8'x28' porch to within twenty-four (24) feet of the front yard lo- cated at 49 Forest Street. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Planning i and Zoning Office, lo- cated at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Bur- lington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer April 27, 1996 � A lvfb AO A 3 / r P-L Soo/o rn� � CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. Box 485, 95 Falls Road Shelburne, Vermont 05482 (802) 985-2323 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: December 16, 1996 Project: Chatham Green Project #96150 To: Mr. Ray Belair Zoning & Planning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street - So. Burlington, VT 05403 From: Stephen A. Vock, P.E. Description: Proposed Apartment Buildings Site Plan - Sheet Cl Message: For your review and comments. Copies To: City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 13, 1996 Irene Roberge Agency of Natural Resources 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Re: Sewer Allocation, 635 Hinesburg Road, Country Park Associates Dear Ms. Roberge: Please be advised that the South Burlington Planning Commission at their meeting held on September 24, 1996 approved 6480 gpd of sewer allocation for a proposed 24 unit residential project owned by Country Park Associates. This property is served by the Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Facility which has sufficient capacity to handle this additional demand. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Si erely, Jo Weith, Ci y Planner JW/mcp cc: Patrick O'Brien PLANNER 658-7955 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, I City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 Vermont 05403 November 18, 1996 Re: 24 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Finding of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on September 24, 1996. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days (12/23/96) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, JW/mcp 1 Encl please give me a call. i ce el , i J Weith, City Planner AGENCY Olt- NA I UNAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND ENVIRONr4EN 1 AL bUl-\ CU (Hl I LJU) \IL_J PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT T 0 T;--' = DEC PE. '.,ITS RESPO.`:SE D..TE -1 PENDING APPLICATION # D:ST c;_T TOWN 5e. �ul2G/rtI(,'TDd1 PIN # - p OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: - AA PAQTAJEreS41,� ADDRESS: 0 0J. 65 4 a�Y� S6 r�U u1(10Td«J1 0 s-Vo-7 TELEPHONE- & S ,Q ^ Ted(-) APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: ADDRESS: -- TELEPHONE: Eased on informa5on provided by &0'.1 flit. on /d a project was reviewed on a trad.,rac s of land of 7,7 acres, located on 14 (114KIEJBukQ 1&, The project is generally described as: ArnrWFJ ww-Y—a-3 qV Z5 .4Lcow Qpk/JrkucTioaJ VC 3 rAi'.�v7 /3u1e`a1A14S Pr•� Permits From. This Office: Lf �a ,GUw_cE-4�4� PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 6007(C)). Commercial, or municipal project? Length of new improved road(s) Has the lando .ner subdivided before? Whentwhere/# of lots AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED- _X1YES NO; Copies sent to Statutory Parties: YES COM%lENTS: EWRON VENTAL COWASU N DtSTRCM #4, 8. 6 9 SIGNATURE: ` DATE: I t L GJG ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT): 111 WEST STREET (" * District Coordinator Telephone n 17-62 ESSEX JLZKMM. Vr 2 2. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQU!RED ✓� YES NO L----V✓ater Supp3y & Wastewater Disposal Subdivision 8/or Exemption Deferral of Subdivision ent/Trav ! Trailer Campground _ Mobile Home Park Server Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: AGENCII OF NATURAL RESOURCES V KK. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SIGNATURE. DATE YO 3c 4 ADDRESS: III WEST STREET y'Environmental A sistance Division ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 Wastewater Management Division Telephone: (802) 879-6563 THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-2413822) Contact: L34A_AJ_ &M Discharge Permit-. pretreatment permits-. industrial, municipal c_- Stormwater permits Indirect discharge permit Residuals management sludge disposal (OVER) jjiER PERMITS YOU MAY NEED: (Continue ) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3840) , Contact: Construction':nodification of source Waste oil burning Open Burning Fumace Boiler Conversion/installation Industrial Process Air Emissions Diesel Engines (> 200 bHP) OWATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) Contact: V, `--Undergrounj injection control (Floor Drains) Well head protection areas Bottled Water Constructior. Permit, water system improvements Permit to operate New Source 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hydroelectriz Projects (241-3770) Use of chemicals in State waters(241-3777) Shoreland ea-xxoachment (241-3777) Aquatic nuisance control (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate; (241-3770) Stream Afterafion (748-8787/786-5906) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) Hazardous tia-a�ste handler notification requirement (241-3888) Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) Lined landtijs: transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) Disposal of r ert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) 8. FACILITIES ENGLNEERING DIVISION, ANR (802--241v737) Contact: Dam opera5Dns (greater than 500,000 cu. ft)(241-3451) Municipal v.a-,--rlsewer 9. POLLUTION PRE-1/ENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact: Nongame & Katural Heritage program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obs�7s Jon Approval 6 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office` Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, access Boiler and pressure vessels Storage of fsnmable liquids, explosives LP Gas Storage Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodgin_ bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Chad care fa�.�ties (241-2158) Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept of Aging & Disabilities) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: Access to see highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Junkyards (828-2049) Signs (Trave information Council) (828-2651) - Railroad crossings (828-2760) Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) Construction within state highway right -of way (Utilities. Signs, etc.) (828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contact: Uselsale of pesticides (828-2431) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Milk processng facilities (828-2433) Animal shefters/kennels/livestock dealers (828-2421) Goff courses (828-2431) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) Green Hous-RJursenes (828-2431) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Oleo/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16. PUBLIC SERV)CE BOARD (802-828-2358) Hydro projects Sells water to 1 or more persons 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3226) Historic buildings Archeological sites 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2366) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals & rooms, amusement machines) ( a�DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste OCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION,, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. FEDERAL PERM TS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BLDG 10-18, CAMP JOHNSON. COLCHESTER, VT 05446 (655-0334) OTHER: REVISION DATE: 8t23/95 PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 October 28, 1996 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 24 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the September 24, 1996 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days (12/23/96) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, JW/mcp 1 Encl please give me a call. i cere y, r,, Jo Weith, Ci y Planner PLANNING COMMISSION 24 SEPTEMBER 1996 PAGE 7 Regarding the stormwater retention pond, the applicant said it is being looked at and will be done if it is deemed necessary. Mr. Weith noted there is no more capacity at Bartlett Bay Sewer Plant. There may be about 8,000 gallons made available with some projects taken off the reserve list. Regarding lighting, it was noted that the relocation of poles depends on the AOT. The applicant will need a building security light that meets the downcasting requirement. Existing lighting will be kept until the State has a plan. The applicant will then come back to the Commission with a new plan. Members said they wanted to see a preliminary plat, not just go straight to final plat. Mr. Burgess reviewed the issues: landscaping, lighting, sewer, setbacks, stormwater retention pond. 8. Public hearing: Sketch plan and Final Plat application of Country Park Associates to amend an existing development consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. .The amendment consists of construction of an additional 24 residential units in 3 buildings and 3 carport structures: Mr. Weith noted that this is a new application since the previous approval expired. Sketch plan and Revised Final Plat are required. He noted the number of units has been reduced from the previous plan. Mr. O'Brien said that access will be from the existing curb cut on Rt. 116. He showed the circulation pattern. The Fire Chief has requested there be no parking lanes in the access areas and this has been complied with. The plan meets all coverages and setbacks. There are currently 76 parking spaces for 76 units. Mr. O'Brien said that history tells them that about 70% of residents have one car. 30% have no vehicles. Although the plan shows they will be 91 spaces short of what is normally required, they do not feel these would be needed. There is space for them if experience shows they are needed. Landscaping is $7400 short. They are saving a lot of trees on the site and are asking for a waiver. There is a park -like ,the which will be kept in tact as much as possible. Mr. O'Brien showed the existing location of the dumpster. He felt that residents need access to it from all sides. Mr. Burgess suggested finding a way to screen it and still use it. PLANNING COMMISSION 24 SEPTEMBER 1996 PAGE 8 Mr. O'Brien noted they are generating less traffic than was originally approved. Regarding the wetland issue, Mr. O'Brien showed the location of the Class 3 wetland. Mr. Weith noted there is less impact than in the previous plan. The carports are, however, in the wetland. Mr. O'Brien said there is a 1/2 acre encroachment and 1 acre is -allowed. Joan Aguire, a Briarwood resident noted the wet portions of the area. Shelley Snyder of the Natural Resources Committee expressed concern with the impact on the wetland. Mr. Dinklage noted the trade-off of the saving of lots of trees. M_r. Crow moved the Planning Commission approve the final plat ap- plication of Country Park Associates to amend an existing development consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road The amendment consists of construction of a_a- mod- ditional 24 residential units in three buildings and three carport structures, as depicted on a seven page set of plans_ page one entitled, "Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Building Site Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated April, 1996, last revised 9/4/96 with the following stipulations 1 All previous approvals and stipulations which are not super- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2 The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall .require approval of the City Planner. Three copies of_the^� L L L T l a The plans shall show the dumpster screened and indicate the type of screening. b The landscape plan shall be revised to show all existing landscaping on the site. c The landscape Dlan shall be revised to increase the sizes of the proposed landscaping. d The site plan shall be revised to note the revised overall coverage information. e. The site Dlan shall be revised to shown the delineated wetland boundary for the wetland located at the north- westerly corner of the property. f The site plan shall be revised to number the apartment PLANNING COMMISSION 24 SEPTEMBER 1996 PAGE 9 buildings. gThe site Man shall be revised to show the sidewalk along the property's frontage extending along the prop erty's entire frontage h. The plan shall be revised to show the revised parking plan submitted at the Planning Commission meeting 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning ermit the a licant shall post a $15,000 landscape bond The bond shall remain in effect for three years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving -4. The Commission approves a sewer allocation of 6480 gpd.The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance 5. The Commission approves a total of 134 parking spaces for the Property which represents a 91 space or 40 4% shortfall It is the Commission's opinion that 134 spaces will be adequate since 76 percent of the total units are elderly housing units 6. Anv new exterior lighting or change in exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting, shielded fixtures so as not to cast glare beyond the property line Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation Prior to issuance of a zoning permit the applicant shall submit details and cut sheets of proposed pole lights which shall be down casting shielded fixtures to the City Planner for approval 7. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit the applicant shall submit a revised _report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regulations The revised report shall address existing wetlands on the site including proposed impact 8. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compli .ance from the Administrative Officer Prior to occupancy of the buildings. 9. Any change to the plans shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission 10. The final plat Dlans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void The plans shall be sianed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to_recordina. Ms. Barone seconded. The motion was Passed unanimously. 8. Sketch plan application of Nile and Julie Duppstadt and John & G x � 9/24/96 MOTION OF APPROVAL COUNTRY PARK ASSOCIATES I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend an existing development consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of an additional 24 residential units in three (3) buildings and three (3) carport structures, as depicted on a seven (7) page set of plans, page one (1) entitled, "Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Building Site Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated April, 1996, last revised 9/4/96, with the following stipulations: 1) All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2) The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the City Planner. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to permit issuance and prior to recording. a) The plans shall show the dumpster screened and indicate the type of screening. b) The landscape plan shall be revised to show all existing landscaping on the site. c) The landscape plan shall be revised to increase the sizes of the proposed landscaping. d) The site plan shall be revised to note the revised overall coverage information. e) The site plan shall be revised to show the delineated wetland boundary for the wetland located at the northwesterly corner of the property. f) The site plan shall be revised to number the apartment buildings. g) The site plan shall be revised to show the sidewalk along the property's frontage extending along the property's entire frontage. 3 Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall post a $15,000 landscape bond. The bond shall remain in effect for three years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. pp ,/ 1 4) The Commission approves a sewer allocation of 6480 gpd. The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. 5) The Commission approves a total of 134 parking spaces for the property which represents a 91 space, or 40.4%, shortfall. It is the Commission's opinion that 134 spaces will be adequate since 76 percent of the total units are elderly housing units. 6) Any new exterior lighting or change in exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting, shielded fixtures so as not to cast glare beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit details and cut sheets of proposed pole lights, which shall be downcasting shielded fixtures, to the City Planner for approval. 7) Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit a revised report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regulations. The revised report shall address existing wetlands on the site including proposed impact. 8) The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the buildings. 9) Any change to the plans shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. 10) The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recording. (motionsp) E Memorandum - Planning September 24, 1996 agenda items September 20, 1996 Page 8 Dumpsters: A screened trash storage area is provided. The plan indicates that a portion of this area will be on lawn area. The plan should be revised to remove the lawn area from the trash storage area. Other: The Planning Commission should decide whether this project should go to preliminary plat or go directly to revised final plat. 8) COUNTRY PARK ASSOCIATES - MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS - SKETCH AND REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of amending an existing development consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project. The amendment consists of construction of an additional 24 residential units in three (3) buildings and three (3) carport structures. This proposal replaces the 32 unit proposal approved on 5/28/96 (minutes enclosed). The ZBA on 5/13/96 granted the applicant a variance to allow a greater density than permitted in the R7 District. This property located at 635 Hinesburg Road lies within the R7 District. It is bounded on the north by a contractors yard and medical office building, on the east by Hinesburg Road, and on the south and west by multi -family residences. Access/circulation: Access is via an existing 32 foot curb cut on Hinesburg Road. No changes proposed. Circulation on the site is adequate. The Fire Chief requests that there be no vehicle parking in the access driveways. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 14.3% (maximum allowed is 20%). Overall coverage is 31.2% (maximum allowed is 40%). Plan should be revised to note these coverages. Setback requirements are met. Parking: A total of 225 spaces are required for the existing and proposed dwelling units (171 for the existing units and 54 for the proposed units). There currently exists 76 spaces and 48 additional spaces are proposed including two (2) handicapped spaces for a total of 124 spaces. This represents a 101 space or 44.9% shortfall. The applicant is proposing 10 overflow spaces for the existing units. Constructing these 10 spaces would result in 134 Memorandum - Planning September 24, 1996 agenda items September 20, 1996 Page 9 spaces which results in a 91 space or 40.4% shortfall. A bike rack is being provided as required. Parking or storage facilities for recreational vehicles will not be provided as required. It is the applicant's position that the existing 76 spaces are adequate for the existing units since they are elderly housing units. The parking standard for the proposed 24 market rate housing units is 54 spaces, and the applicant is proposing 48 new spaces, and 10 additional spaces "if needed," for a total of 58. The Commission granted a similar parking waiver for this property on 5/28/96. L�°Q Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on �x building costs, is $15,000 which is not being met. Proposed plantings are $7450 short of the requirement. Plantings proposed sAe include Red Maple, Downy Shadblow, White Pine, Star Magnolia and Flowering Pear. Landscaping plan should be revised to meet the minimum requirement and show existing landscaping on the remainder of the site. Specifically, the sizes of proposed landscaping should be increased. Sewer: The sewer allocation request for this project is 6480 gpd. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. Traffic: ITE estimates that the proposed 24 residential apartments would generate 17 additional vehicle trip ends (vte's) during the P.M. peak hour. The applicant should be aware that the road impact fee will be approximately $80 per unit. Density: The maximum number of units allowed on this site is 50 units at seven (7) units per acre. There currently exists 76 units and with this proposal would result in 100 units or 13.9 units per acre. The ZBA on 5/13/96 granted a variance for this increase in density. Lighting: New additional exterior lighting will consist of the following: --- four (4) lantern type fixtures with 250 watt metal halide lamps mounted on 16 foot poles. These fixtures are notbV shielded. Staff recommends that these lights be replaced with downcasting shielded fixtures approved by the City Planner prior to permit issuance. J Memorandum - Planning September 24, 1996 agenda items September 20, 1996 Page 10 --- eleven (11) building mounted 150 watt metal halide lamps with downcasting and shielded fixtures. PUD criteria: The applicant submitted a report addressing the PUD criteria under Section 26.151 of the zoning regulations (see enclosed). Dumpsters: No additional dumpsters proposed. The applicant is proposing to not screen the existing dumpster in order to allow the elderly and handicapped access to the side doors on the dumpsters. It is staff's opinion that the dumpster area can be adequately screened and still allow access to the side doors. Wetland: There is a wetland area located at the northwesterly corner of the site behind the carports. The applicant is SUN attempting to stay out of this wetland. This wetland should be delineated and the limits shown on the plan. Impact fees: The applicant should be aware that in addition to the road impact fee, this project will be subject to school and recreation impact fees. Other: --- the apartment buildings should identification. --- plan should show the sidewalk extending along the property's a be numbered to ease along the property's frontage entire frontage. NILE & JULIE DUPPSTADT AND JOHN & DEBORAH ALDEN - 63 LOT SUBDIVISION - SKETCH PLAN This project consists of the resubdivision of six (6) lots into 63 lots involving 62.4 acres. This property is currently developed with a single family dwelling and related accessory buildings. This property located at 1550 Hinesburg Road lies within the SEQ Zoning District, C.O. District, Floodplain Overlay District and Hinesburg Road - South View Protection Zone. It is bounded on the north by Van Sicklen Road, on the east by a single family dwelling, on the west by Hinesburg Road, and on the south by farm land. 10 PLANNING COMMISSION 28 May 1996 page 7 Ms. Barone seconded. Motion assed unanimous) . 6. Public Hearing: Revised Final Plat Application of Country Park Associates to amend a previously approved development consisting of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of 32 residential units in 4 buildings instead of the 50 unit addition: Mr. O'Brien explained that they couldn't do the 50 units for the elderly. The Zoning Board gave approval to reduce the number of units to 32. The units will probably not be 100% for the elderly. There is an existing 32 foot curb cut oh Hinesburg Rd. and an existing deceleration lane. There will be no parking allowed that will obstruct circulation. All coverages are met. They are proposing 55 parking spaces. The parking lot could be extended to add 10 more spaces, if needed, but they would rather not pave over the green space. Mr. Lawrence said the existing trees on Hinesburg Rd. will be retained. They will add some white pines near the existing entrance. There will also be circular arrangements of lilacs and more flowering trees near the units. There will be crab- apple trees along the main drive and white pines around the per- imeter, also a row of arbor vitae. On the south side, they will keep the existing sugar maples and add red maples and magnolias. Traffic: Although the number of units will decrease, traffic will increase because of the nature of the units. There are good levels of service at the entrance. They have re -analyzed the Hinesburg Rd./Kennedy Dr. intersection. This intersection was upgraded this year, and in all cases there will be acceptable levels of service with the proposed development. Connections to sewer and water were shown. All drainage is now in a westerly direction. There will be no alterations to existing building conditions. Mr Burgess said his only concern is for adequate parking. Mr. O'Brien said there are places on the site where more parking can be put if needed. He noted that these will be 2-bedroom units. Mr. Burgess asked if there is any way the senior housing can become non -senior housing and thus require more parking. Mr. O'Brien said they have a 40-year contract with the government and they are in their 17th year. The units are also designed for the elderly. PLANNING COMMISSION 28 May 1996 page 8 Mr. Stiman, President. of Briarwood Estates, said the seniors have been good neighbors. They are concerned with the added density. He felt that with the potential for 2 cars per unitF there wouldn't be enough parking. Mr. Burgess noted that the Zoning Board has granted the density and there is nothing the Commission can do about it. Another resident noted that another natural habitat will be destroyed. She also noted that Hinesburg Rd. resembles a zoo in the morning and didn't see how the road could handle more traffic. Mr. Dugan described the units as having 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, about 1000 sq. ft. each. Mr. O'Brien said they will be afaphased beginning this year and finishing next y_ ty- 4 Mr. Burgess raised the question of the schools, noting that these units were originally approved for senior housing. Mr. O'Brien said he talked with Supt.Chattmanwho had rib problem l or Orwith this project as children can b_aput in either School. Mr. Teeson moved the Planninq Commission approve the revised final plat a Dlicationof Country Park Associates to amend a rgviousl a roved development consistin of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existi n2 76 unit elderl usin ro'ect, Hinesbur Road. The amendment consists of construction of 32 residential units in four buildin s instead of the 50 unit a e set of lans page On entitled addition as shown on a seven a "Chatham Green Proposed Apart ent Buildin s Site Plan re aced b Civil En ineering Associates dated A ril 1996, last revised 5 16 96, with the ollowin2 sti ulations: 1. All revious a royals and stipulations which are not su qr- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plan shall be revised to show the Chan as below and shall re uire a royal of the Cit Planner. Three co ies of the approved revised lan shall be submitted to the Cit Planner prior to permit issuance. a. The lens shall show the dum star screened and indicatq the type of sereeninq. b. The landsca e Dlan shall be revised to show all existin landsca in on the site and show the overflow arkin area as shown on sheet Cl. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit the applicant shall post a $17,5ndsca q bond. The bond shall remain in "f£ert. PLANNING COMMISSION 28 May 1996 page 9 for three years to assure that the landsca in a good chance of surviving. takes root and has 4. The approved sewer allocation shall be reduced from 9,0 additional pd to 8,640 qpd. 5. The Commission approves a total of 147 roDertv which re resents a 96 space or the Commission's o inion that the 147 s a / since n Tl4 -- - F -- i _ . I p�arkinq spaces for the 9.570. shortfall. It is 3s will be adequate 3erly housing tin; t-e 6. For the ur ose of calculatin road impact fees under the South Burl in ton Impact Fee Ordinance the Planninq Commission estimates that the 12roposed ro'ect will enerate 22 additional P.M. eak hour vte's. This re resents nine more vts's than that approved on 12/4/90. 7. Any new exterior li [hting or ehan e in exterior lightinq shall consist of downcastin shielded fixtures so as not to cast Tare beyond hroertlI'll I'in. Any n htin shall be roved b the City Planner Prior to installation. Prior tog issuance of a zonin ermit the a licant shall submit details and cut sheets of proposed oip li hts to the Cit Planner for approval. 8. Prior to issuance of a zoninq permit,the a licant shall submit a revisinq the PUD criteria under se 26.151 of the zonin re ulations. The -revisedsection dress existin weincludin tlands on the site report shall t. ro osed im act._ 9. The final plat Plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 da s or this approval is null and void. The lans s be si ned b the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk rior to recordin . 10. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occu anc Com- liance from the Administrative Officer rior to oecu anc of the buildings. _ 11, Any change to the Plans shall re uire approval by the Burlinaton Planning South Ms. Barone seconded. Motion_ gassed unanimously. 7. Sketch plan applica:.yon of Dorset Land Company to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of 88,740 sq. ft. of medical and general office use and a 124 unit nursing/ convalescent home. The amendment is to substitute an 80 unit short term residential/extended stay hotel building in place of a 48,000 sq. ft. medical and general office building, 421 Dorset St No Text May 16,1996 Raymond J Belair Zoning and Planning Assistant City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Chatham Green, Hinesburg Road Dear Raymond: Here is my written report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regs. I have done this in outline form. A) This project will not result in undue water or air pollution because: 1) The capacity of our municipal sewer facilities is sufficient (We are using less than what we are currently allocated for) . 2) The elevation of this land is above sea level and related flood plains. 3) Ground and surface waters will be protected by the installation of vegetative buffers and collection systems. 4) All applicable regulations of the Health Department and other state agencies (including the department of Labor and Industry) will be met. B) Sufficient water is available for the reasonable foreseeable future. We will be using less water than what we are currently allocated for under our current permit. C) We will not cause unreasonable soil erosion or a reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water. The site is relatively flat, therefore the only erosion that might take place would be in the sloped areas adjacent to the buildings and the burms that are separating the parking areas. We will be limiting erosion in those areas by using hay bale check dams. Silt fencing and turf establishment (seeding and mulching) after construction is completed. D) We will be using an existing curb cut, therefore this project will not cause any unsafe highway conditions. E) This project will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide educational services or facilities. I will be providing evidence of this within the next few days. O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 Raymond J. Belair May 17, 1996 Page Two F) This project will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide municipal or governmental services and facilities. This project will not have an adverse impact on our City's municipal or governmental services or facilities because of this projects size and location. G) There are no important natural resources on or near the project site. H) This project will not have an adverse impact on the natural or scenic beauty of the area. This project will fit in very nicely with the surrounding buildings , all of which are compatible in use. There are no rare or irreplaceable natural areas or historic sites on the project site. I) This project will conform with the City's recreation plan, and there is also an even distribution of common open space to impacted areas. J) All facilities including the driveway will remain in private ownership. K) All of the adjacent property has been developed, therefore the extension of roadways, drainage facilities, utility lines etc. is not applicable. I) This project will conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan, because it will, among other things, provide structurally sound, safe housing for a variety of income levels. I will be forwarding more information to you within the next few days. Please call with any questions. Thank you, Patrick O'Brien chathm2.51 7 LEGEND - - - - - -320 - - -- EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR 320— FINISH GRADE CONTOUR �� � :� �.:.d � ;, e�'C EDGE OF WOODS L i k Wwaa t„'„W a. E - — — --w— — - WATER LINE --------s------ SEWER LINE SEP o ({ / 1996 —C— — - GAS LINE WELLESLEY E — ELECTRICAL LINE GROVE —OE— OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL City of So. Burlington - - - - - - - - - - - - (- -- WETLAND "NE < HYDRANT NEW SMH 8 EXISTING PARKING_OT LIGHT 12x8 TAPPING RIM-321.0 EX. swA I LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"� 2850' — \\�8. SLEEVE h VALVE INV. OUT-3.+-----�Mw-Sxs.te \ POWER POLE W INV. OUT-318.0 —� DECIDUOUS TREE I r RIM- 2"..J6 R 0 U T E 1 1 6 F ICN�3113.333� " H I N E S B U R G R O A D caN1FERous TREE NEW INV-313.5 '•"••"•^. SILT FENCE - — — a —�- —or— OE _- oE_— a �___�__ ® MAY BALE CHECK DAM ---- a --- EX. 12" D.I. WATER- ����� --._.- __ — _ — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — of ------_�--- — _ _--_-- ---_— eI551V — — -w-- — EX. dtEAN MTITICEP - ice• - \ 964.00• - --�- �- _-. -- __-� T _- -- -- -- RIM-3n.3e Q X. w ter\ _ /(� p, mM+39t.7e TOPSOIL SEED W 32 MV-314 ee9 _. pp MULCH) b MIZE TREE' CB7-A i - _ ARING IN THIS ARE RIM-320.2 s 11 \ C737_g NV:-314.753 ELD VERIF _ 322 RIM-320.0 jjj^^^ - INV.-316.0T NOTES: GOODRICH \\l1 �� '"` '1. Underground utflties shown hereon are based on utility eddence dslble at ground surface and are subject to field 1 I ADDITMINIAL veriflcatlan by excavatlan. Utilities shown do not purport to 10 SPACES constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjacent 1 NEW ��\ to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported PAVED \ EXISTING PARI(INO LOT (IF NECESSARY)' to the En ineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (BOO- TAREA. \ + I �225-4977g prior to any construction. 2. The Contractor shall repalr/restore all disturbed areas (on or PROPOSED 8 UNIT I \ PROPOSED NIT�1� I \ / J �����L I off the site as a direct or Indirect result of the APARTMENT BUILDING ./ ,� APARTMENT B DING n eonawaeon. . , - --- — — i � F.F. EL. J23.0 � y'� -.. as � \\ F.F. EL 522.5 - I \---�e---- - � 3. All grassed mess shall be maintained until full vegetation Is -" _ established. ( (8632 S.F.) ,' Tj (8832 S.F.) I '� , `` / I j a .o r �r I s. ti zzo 6r. ` I ( ) 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for /� I, complete and operable facilities and utilltba. EX. CB / I321 J1�,17 � I I I ') 5. If the building proi Is to be sprinklered, h AWWw prevention 1 MV. M-J10.22 I shall be prodded In accordance with AWWA M14. The Site / aeo S-sa3is/ _ JTL4� tY AAA R�,t Su.eTI I I I Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above 8l2 A 0 3 A N �! m e I 1 I\ I i I the finished floor. See mechanical plane for riser detail. IM 31 1 EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING I to � �-3+ •8 INV.-314.9 � I I 1 I � 6. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plops (with ties) for - 76 UNITS (ELDERt.Y) all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to TRIM- 20.5 /�y_,A r� p I I I I the Owner at the completion of the project. INV.16.5 II I I--� / RIM- Ts ? PROP D BUILDING tl---t- I I 1 1 w > INV.w316.0 RACK 1 N LIGH l I \' I 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all Items and , L_ an.Te E materials Incorporated into the site work. Work shall not J P OPOSED 1 QN TNT. � I v I - - -J begin on any item until shop drawing opprowl is granted. N 4 CARPORT' / AfiEA " I "n vi � / � P _ �__- %8 SPACFrS a / , S. All pavement cute shall be made with a poror povemant saw. A ~ d an.�x1 1 \ 9. In addition to the requirements set in these plans and -T/ 320 l' Ile .� I` w�l iti J hry / I 0 specifications, the Contractor shall complete the work In 319 ' `" I` , b accordance with all permit conditions and South Burlington I/ .................. .I................f-AT3.4. N / w Public Works Standards. 10. Thsntdwancs for finish graces for all pavement, walkways and lawn areas shall be 0.1. Re Q�ii1 �� syr" 34, I _ I I , SILT FENCE JJ 41�Y�, J-__-____ _ - LOT COVERAGE ♦ PROPW IJq�oLE ••i4 - _ _ MO NTEO U i �.. EXISTING PROPOSED sae to TOTAL AREA RIY.3/e.47 1 7.23 ACRES 7.23 ACRES 1 BUILDING AREA 24.400 S.F. (7.8+n 53,584 S.F. (17.1%) CB -A u INV.-316.08' / !1 *•' " yf0 't, I // ASDEAI 315S BI31.026 S.F. (9.9%) 60,101 S.F. (19.2%) TER LINE i / 1 �I C 'f�i I I I ✓ 1 EAWASEMENT �a FOXCROFT TOTAL 55,426 S.F. - 17.7x, 113,685 S.F. 36.2% �I TIMBER ZONING ( LANE \� - - - - -- EX. I. i RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) I / 1 11 ME. / /'� D // BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 207C MEDICAL ) 1' / d I n LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM. 40% EXIS71N 1lU Sl R._ _. .yea f LOCATI - NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER 60.60• I - -� 554.53'--=�--- 1 CPA BOXPARTNERSHIP P.O. BOX 2GT \ SO. BURLINGTON, VT. 05407 / 319, - ) APPROXIMM' LOC 1TQ1 r 4, / -1-96 SAY RENSED MAMGS. UTILITIES, PAIWW LOT k GRHAN or EXISTING lr WATER N 30-96 SAY Wn STORM ONAMS a ADDED 11E7tAWS DEIIREA_ CHATHAM GREEN / +•` p t1NE N / 111-16 SAY KMM "a = UTILITIES. PWM LOT a ONOM PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS m-16 SAY RENSID 11UE011G5. UTunEs, PANKNG LOT e GRIM NOTEPROPSITE PLAN : OSED POLE MOUNTED LIGHTS TO BE GRAPHIC SCALE 15-96 SAY aE tAxDR waax 25OW (MAX.) MERCURY VAPOR (TO MATCH BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM w W aT . "tip • " EXISTING) MOUNTED AT A MAXIMUM HEIGHT ASSOCIATES Dats Cn'k'd Redslan SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT OF 16 FT. Drawn by ACL Date APRIL 1996 SHEET IN WETLAND IMPACT AREA IS w .57 ACRES ( FEET Checked by BCE Scale 1" - 30' CIVIL ENGINEERINGS ES UG NE, VERMIONT C1 1 inch - 30 it. Approved by AV Project No. 96150 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 September 20, 1996 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 24 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Wally Possich were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, September 24, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sipmerelu, �y Jo We th, Ci y Planner JW/mcp Encls I a � .s- 1�7-47^!�-� X3e L-JL4, plel� Ae�sb x 3 v `�SUJ )�%JAL = � A, � 14'� September 11, 1996 Raymond Belair Planning & Zoning Assistant City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street So Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Chatham Green Apartments Dear Ray: As you are aware, at the request of the State Wetlands Office we have revised this project. We are now proposing 24 two bedroom units instead of 32 two bedroom units. Below is a list of.. :items that you requested, or that I have question: about. 1) Construction costs have declined $250,000, from $1,000,000 to $750,000. Will this effect the landscape Bond? The revised landscape plan will be forwarded to you once it is complete 2) Sewer allocation, this revised proposal will require 6,480 gallons. We have already paid $22,500 (December 1, 1995) for the 9,000 gallons we were approved for the 50 unit expansion. Will a credit be issued for the unused balance? I believe I am scheduled for preliminary and final site plan approval on Tuesday,, September 24. I also believe that all of the application information, except landscape plan, has been submitted to you, Please correct me if I am wrong, or if you need any additional informatlon. Respectfully, Patrick J O'Brien f:\trans\tlspjo\belair.sep O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 No Text tion. it a uniery neanng request is received, the j hearing will be convened on or before September 30, 1996, or as soon after that date that a hearing can be scheduled. Parties entitled to partici- pate are the municipality, the municipal planning commission, the regional planning commission, state agencies, adjoining prpoperty owners, and person granted party sta- tus pursuant to Board Rule 14(B). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 30th day of August, 1996. By, Faith Ingulsrud, District Coordi- nator, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452.879-6563 Sept. 7, 1996 NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of the Estate of Denise B. Rus- sell Late of Moscow, Ver- mont. I have been appointed Executor of the Above Named Estate. All Creditors Having Claims Against The Estate must Present Their Claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publi- cation to me at the ad- dress listed below with a copy filed with the Regis- ter of the Probate Court. The Claim will be forever barred if it is not pre- sented within the 4 month deadline. Dated August 29, 1996 Continued Next Column wateroury, v i uaoro Telephone (802) 244-8146 Name of Publication: Bur- lington Free Press First Publication: Augus, J 1, 1996 Second Publication: Sep- tember 1, 1996 Address of Probate Court Lamoille Probate Court P.O. Box 102 Hyde Park, Vermont 05655 Auggust 31 & September 7, 1996 PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. 27353 STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF CHIT- TENDEN, SS. IN RE THE ESTATE OF BARBARA A. ANDREN LATE OF SHELBURNE NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Barbara A. An- dren late of Wake Robin, Shelburne, Vermont. We have been appointed as executor of the above named estate. All cred- itors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publi- cation of this notice. The claim must be presented to us at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as de - Continued Next Column Department of Public Service PUBLIC HEARINGS E AND HEALTH IMPACTS FROM RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION 'ublic Service (DPS) is reviewing the available informa- arch concerning non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation ation into interference impacts and whether or not such ,ignificant health risks to the public. The DPS will take n and comments from members of the public at two broadcast live on local cable channels. 9124/96 9126196 7:00 PM 2-00 PM Champlain Valley Union City Hall HS RR3, Hinesburg 1 Strongs Ave., Rutland Small Cities Channel 2 Adelphla Channel 15 luding the full text of H.795, legislation which mandates be obtained by contacting DPS or from our home page http://www.state.vt.us/psd. e public hearings, come to either location. Call the DPS :arings are accessible. If you need an interpreter or any I because of a disability, please call the Department of iately, but no later than September 20. omments at the public hearings, you may provide input or via the Department's Web site Telecommunications must be received by the Department by September 30. tate Street, Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 28-2811 TTY/TTD (VT)1-800-734MN e-mail: YWps@psd.state.vt.us 1996 )epartment of Public Service 1BLIC HEARINGS COMMUNICATIONS PLAN: FINAL DRAFT lent of Public Service has issued its Final Draft of the Ilan. The Plan formulates an electronic community that .he state by itv. availability and affordabilitv: rane, rvt- The Stratevest Group, N.A. 4ddress: PO Box 409 1 Main Street urlington, VT 05402-0409 Phone (802)860-5553 Dated August 27, 1996 Name of Publication: Burlington Free Press 1st publication date: 8/31/96 2nd publication date: 9/7/96 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden County Pro- bate Court 175 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 August 31, September 7, 1996 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, September 24. 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to con- sider the following: 1) Revised Final Plat ap- plication of Greg Beldock to amend an approved planned commercial de- velopment consisting of 150 residential units, a 61 room hotel, a 20,000 square foot movie theater (1000 seats), a 22,500 square foot restaurant/re- tail/indoor recreation building, a 3500 sqyuare foot restaurant with drive - through service, and a bank with drive -through service, located on Shel- burne Road. The amend- ment consists of site modifications to parking layout and landscaping. 2) Final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend an existing de- velopment consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of and additional 24 resi- dential units in three (3) buildings and three (3) carport structures. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission September 7, 1996 PUBLIC NOTICE On July 9, 1996, Lakeside Broadcastingg Corporation ("Lakeside Broadcastin ) tendered for filing with the Federal Communications Commission an applica- tion for consent to assign the construction permit 01 Station WXPS(FM), Ver- gennes, Vermont, to Wa- tertown Radio Associates Limited Partnership ("Wa- tertown Radio"). Station WXPS operates on 96.7 MHz. John Davis is Presi- dent and owner of 100% of the voting stock of Lakeside Broadcasting. Northstar Broadcastinc Corporation ("Northstar"' is the sole general partnei of Watertown Radio. Jef. frey Shapiro is Chairmar and 50% owner of North star. William Goddard iE Vice -President, Treasure and 50 % owner of North star. Joseph DiBr-igida South Burtington Zoning Board of Adjustment will j hold a public hearing at the South Burlington u- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, SUut11 Burll .Ij�lall, Vermont on Monday Sep- tember 23, 1996 at 7: P.M. to consider the fol- lowing: # 1 Appeal of Kenneth Smith seeking approval from Secton 15.20 condi- tional uses and Section 26.65 Multiple uses of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to occupy a structure containing 35,000 square feet with a maximum of ten (10) ten- ants to include general - /medical offices, general contractors, catering and food delivery, auto sales and repair, auto rental, taxi companies and recre- ational/education facili- ties, lot contains 2.5 acres, located at 49 Com- merce Avenue. #2 Roger and Karen Howard agents, seeking approval from Section 13.20 Conditional uses, sub -section 13.214 Auto- motive and marine sales and service of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to occupy an existing 9600 square feet building with a marine sales and service busi- ness (including outside boat display) d.b.a. How- ard Cove Marine, Inc., lo- cated at 1800 Shelburne Road. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Planning And Zoning Office, lo- cated at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Bur- lington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Offi- cer September 7, 1996 STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN, SS PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. 27536 IN RE THE ESTATE OF LESTINA BIDWELL LATE OF BURLINGTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Lestina Bidwell late of Burlington, Ver- mont. We have been appointed as executor of the above named estate. All cred- itors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publi- cation of this notice. The claim must be presented to us at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as de- scribed above within the four month deadline. Dated August 27, 1996 Signed Maureen R. Cochrane, AVP The Stratvest Group, NA PO Box 40S 111 Main Street Burlington, VT 05402-04M (802 a) so-ess3 Name of PutNtcatbn Burlington Free Prefect • vrvvvr barred it is not presented AS described above within thw four month deadline. l Au ust 20, 1996 ed Michael Snow, JUa Matot Address: 37 James Circle Sit . Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: (802) 863- 2047 Date of First Publication: August 31, 1996 Address of Probate Court P.O. Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402- 0511 August 31 & September 7, 1996 STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN, SS. IN RE THE ESTATE OF J. EDWARD VIVIAN LATE OF BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. 27574 NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of J. Edward Vivian late of Burlington, Ver- mont. I have been appointed a personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first pulica- tion of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address list- ed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as de- scribed above within the four month deadline. Dated 26 Aug., 1996 Signed Ann Vivian Printed Ann Vivian Address 127 Mansfield Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone (802)862-9631 Name of Publication Bur- lington Free Press First Publication Date: Au- gust 30, 1996 Second publication date: September 7, 1996 Address of Probate Court County Courthouse P.O. Box 511 Main Street Burlington, VT 05402 August 30, 1996 September 7,1996 TOWN OF CHARLOTTE PLANNING COMMISSION Pursuant to Title 24 V.S.A. and the Charlotte Subdivision Bylaws, the Planning Commission wil meet at the town office: on Ferry Road, Tuesday September 24, 1996 tc hear the following: -Request by GREGC BELDOCK for prellmi nary plat approval of E major subdivision or Plouffe Lane. Meetings start at 7:3( p.m. Agenda time an( complete applications art available for review durinc regular Planning and Zon in Office hours (425 3533). Sep OAGENCY p jrffRANSPORTATION e NOTICE OF piacea Dy this project At the hearing, the VT Agency of Transporation will afford an opportunity for interested persons to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the project. Interested person may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with re- spect to the project. Writ- ten comments must be received by the VT Agen- cy of Transportation, Rail, Air & Public Transporta- tion Division, 133 State St., Montpelier, Vt 05633, by September 24, 1996. A copy of the application for a Federal grant for the proposed project, togeth- er with an environmental document is currently available for public in- spection at VT Agency of Transportation, RAPT Di- vision, 133 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633. William S. Bruzzese, Director, Rail, Air & Public Transportation Division September 7, 1996 ABSOLUTELY FREE Z ADOPT: Make our dreams come true. Loving couple wishes to share warmth, love & laughter w/new- born. Expenses paid. Ellen/Steve 1-800-456- 1499 auto, able 7 days/wk Free junk ear removal Cash for good ones. Dan & Sons 893-3893 auto A FREE JUNK CAR REMOVAL Some cars worth cash Greater Burlington area. Rathe's Salvage Tues- Fri 8-5. Sat 8-12 655-0651 Auto FREE PICKUP OF JUNK VEHICLES We also buy damaged or non -running vehicles. KJs Auto 879-1999 CASH REWARD For your running Froni Wheel Drive JJunk auto, Call 862-0196 CATS 4 spayed females, 2 neu- tered males, need home all are vaccinated. Neu tared male, wired hail mixed breed, good tem perament, has vaccine tions. Call Linda 326-4384 CAT Very affectionate fe male, black. 7 yrs old, R loving home only with nc other pets. 878-1912 GERMAN SHEPHERL MIX, female, 1 yr old spayed, all shots, ver friendly, great with kids To caring home. Call 878-1766. MULCH HAY FREE baled mulch hay. You pid up in Ferrisburg, appro: 400 bales, min. pick up 51 bales. 877-2730 RETIREMENT HOMI FOR BURROS has opening. Free board, ex cellent care. In GeorgiE VT.527-7153. LOST AND FOUND FOUND CAT found mic July. Grey w/short tai Very friendly. New Nort End. 862-0917 _ FOUND CAT young. in Butler Farr area. call to identify, 863 3221 FOUND% DOG male beagle mix, with short to In Essex on 9/6. 985-224 . City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 19 , 1996 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 32 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on May 28, 1996. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days (8/26/96) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. I- In cerely , Jo Weith, Ci y Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl Memorandum - May 28, 1996 May 24, 1996 Page 6 Planning agenda items (3) foot candles. Proposed lighting must be revised so as not to exceed the three (3) foot candle limit. A revised point by point lighting plan should also be submitted. Sewer: An additional sewer allocation of 415 gpd is being requested. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. Dumpster: A screened dumpster is proposed. The plan should be revised to indicate the type of screening proposed. Other: The applicant should consider flip flopping the canopy and building. Such a layout would reduce the number of curb -cuts, move curb cuts further away from intersection, provide larger landscaped corner, and better shield the canopy lights. 6) O'BRIEN BROTHERS AGENCY, INC. - MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS - REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of amending a previously approved planned residential development consisting of the construction of 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elderly housing project. The amendment consists of construction of 32 residential units in four (4) buildings instead of the 50 unit addition. The addition was approved on 12/4/90 and a two (2) year extension granted on 1/25/94 4An (minutes enclosed). The ZBA on 5/13/96 granted the applicant a variance to allow a greater density than permitted in the R7 District. This property located at 635 Hinesburg Road lies within the R7 District. It is bounded on the north by a contractors yard and medical office building, on the east by Hinesburg Road, and on the south and west by multi -family residences. Access/circulation: Access is via an existing 32 foot curb cut on Hinesburg Road. No changes proposed. Circulation on the site is adequate. The Fire Chief requests that there be no vehicle parking in the access driveways. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 17.1% (maximum allowed is 20%). Overall coverage is 36.2% (maximum allowed is 40%). 6 e.1 I s// & If. Memorandum - Planning May 18, 1996 agenda items May 24, 1996 Page 7 Setback requirements are met. Parking: A total of 243 spaces are required for the existing and proposed dwelling units (171 for the existing units and 72 for the proposed units). There currently exists 76 spaces and 551 additional spaces are proposed including six (6) handicapped spaces for a total of 131 spaces. This represents a 112 space or 46% shortfall. The applicant is proposing six (6) overflow spaces for the new units and 10 overflow spaces for the existing units. Constructing these 16 spaces would result in 147 spaces which results in a 96 space or 39.5% shortfall. A bike rack is being provided as required. Parking or storage facilities for recreational vehicles will be provided at the six (6) space overflow parking area. The applicant feels that the existing 76 spaces are adequate for the existing units since they are elderly housing units. The parking standard for the proposed 32 market rate housing units is 72 spaces, and the applicant is proposing 55 new spaces, 6 overflow spaces, and 10 additional spaces "if needed," for a total of 71. t Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $17,500 which is being met. Planting proposed include Red Maple, Downy Shadblow, Burning Bush, Crabapple, White Pine, Rhododendron, Spirea, Lilac and Arborvitae. The landscaping plan should be revised to show all existing landscaping on the site S` and show the overflow parking as shown on Sheet Cl. The RV parking �l area should be well screened from adjoining properties. Sewer: The sewer allocation request is being reduced from 9,000 gpd to 8640 gpd. The per gallon fee has already been paid. `°`"" t A Traffic: A traffic impact evaluation report has been submitted (see enclosed). This report indicates that the proposed 32 units would generate 22 vehicle trip ends (vte's) during the P.M. peak hour. The 12/4/90 approval estimated that the 50 elderly unit addition would generate 14 vte's during the P.M. peak hour. Therefore, the proposed project would generate eight (8) additional vte's. The applicant should be aware that the road impact fee for the additional vte's is approximately $900. Density: The maximum number of units allowed on this site is 50 units at seven (7) units per acre. There currently exists 76 units and with this proposal would result in 108 units or 15 units per acre. The ZBA on 5/13/96 granted a variance for this increase in density. 7 Memorandum - Planning May 28, 1996 agenda items May 24, 1996 Page 8 Lighting: New additional exterior lighting will consist of the following: --- six ( 6 ) lantern type fixtures with 250 watt metal halide lamps mounted on 20 foot poles. These fixtures are downcasting but not shielded. Staff recommends that these lights be replaced �s with downcasting shielded fixtures approved by the City Planner prior to permit issuance. --- eight (8) building mounted 150 watt metal halide lamps with downcasting and shielded fixtures. PUD criteria: The applicant has submitted a report addressing the PUD criteria under Section 26.151 of the zoning regulations (see enclosed). Dumpsters: The applicant is proposing an enclosed dumpster and recycling area attached to the rear of a carport/garage. They are proposing to not screen the existing dumpster in order to allow the elderly and handicapped access to the side doors on the dumpster. It is staff's opinion that the dumpster area can be adequately screened and still allow access to the side doors. Other: --- the apartment buildings should be numbered to ease identification. -- plan should show the sidewalk along the property's frontage extending along the property's entire frontage. --- the east corner of the property is very wet. Is this area a wetland and will it require an Army Corps of Engineers permit? 7) DORSET LAND COMPANY, INC. - MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - SKETCH PLAN This project consists of amending a previously approved planned unit development consisting of 88,740 square feet of medical and general office use and a 124 unit nursing/convalescent home. The amendment is to substitute an 80 unit short term residential/extended stay hotel building (see enclosed description) in the place of a 48,000 square foot medical and general office building (building "B"). The building would also include meeting space and a business center. Since hotels are not an allowed use PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, September 24, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Revised Final Plat application of Greg Beldock to amend an approved planned commercial development consisting of 150 residential units, a 61 room hotel, a 20,000 square foot movie theater (1000 seats), a 22,500 square foot restaurant/retail/indoor recreation building, a 3500 square foot restaurant with drive - through service, and a bank with drive -through service, located on Shelburne Road. The amendment consists of site modifications to parking layout and landscaping. 2) Final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend an existing development consisting of a 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of an additional 24 residential units in three ( 3 ) buildings and three (3) carport structures. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission September 7, 1996 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Revised final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend a previously approved development consisting of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of 37 residential units in four (4) buildings instead of the 50 unit addition. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission May 11, 1996 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Plans Reviewed for May 28, 1996 Agenda Items Date: May 3, 1996 CHATHAM GREEN - HINESBURG ROAD 1. Constructing carports on top of storm sewer lines is not acceptable. 2. The proposed sewer line serving the four buildings is a collector sewer and should be 8 inch. 3. A large portion of this land is a natural retention area for storm runoff. The area drains southwesterly toward Timber Lane. The high density of the development will add to the storm water runoff. The capacity of that system to handle this added runoff should be investigated. APARTMENT - 14 COTTAGE GROVE Plan should include title, sewer and water services, lot dimensions, plan scale. TIMBERLAKE ASSOCIATES - EXXON STATION - WILLISTON ROAD 1. Force main should run in the grassed area along Airport Drive not in the center of the street. 2. Site plan dated 4/15/96 is acceptable. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - 409 DORSET STREET 1. Sherry Road will have to be rebuilt. 2. The sidewalk along the north -south street should tie into the sidewalk along Sherry Road and be continuous across the parking lot entrances. 3. There should be a 5 foot grassed strip between the curb and sidewalk for snow storage and trees. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 31, 1996 Stephen A. Vock Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 485 Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Re: Sewer Allocation, Chatham Green Dear Mr. Vock: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Please be advised that there is sufficient capacity at the Airport Parkway Treatment facility to handle the additional demand of 8640 gpd. Official approval for this allocation is not granted until the project receives final approval from the Planning Commission. Final approval is scheduled for September 10, 1996. If you have any questions, please give me a call. in+r%lyj I JoellWeith, Citt Planner JW/mcp CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL. 864-4361 Mr Patrick O'Brien O'Brien Brothers Realty P.O. Box 2184 So. Burlington, Vermont 05403 July 24, 1996 RE: Act 250: Chattam Green, Hinesburg Road, So. Burlington, VT. In response to your request as to the capability of the South Burlington water distribution system to supply water to the sfsfdsfced proposed project we submit the following: 1. The estimated demand of 8640 gallons per day can be met by the existing water distribution system without encumbering the existing users. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT John Choate Manager CC: J. Fay D. Pratt J. Weith ITT� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P. O. Box 485 (802) 985-2323 SHELBURNE, VERMONT 05482 Fax No. (802) 985-2271 CHARLES R. DUNHAM President STEPHEN A. VOCK Vice President July 25, 1996 JEAN -CAROL DUeNNHAeM Mr. Joe Weith Planning Department 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Sewer Allocation Request Chatham Green Dear Joe: The CPA Partnership (O'Brien Brothers Agency) is in the process of submitting a Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit Application to the Department of Environmental Conservation for the proposed Chatham Green Development. However, before the application can be accepted as complete, a sewer and water allocation must be allocated by the City of South Burlington. Therefore, we would like to officially request a sewer allocation of 8,640 gallons per day for this project. The proposed flows were calculated as follows: Total Number of Bedrooms Unit Flows/Bedroom Total Design Flows 10 % Credit for Low Flow Fixtures Adjusted Design Flows 64 Bedrooms 150 Gallons/Bedroom/Day 9,600 Gallons/Day 960 Gallons/Day 8,640 Gallons/Day If you should have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely lJ� Stephen A. Vock, P.E. SAV:pao STUDIES • DESIGN • INSPECTION • TESTING SURVEYING & LAND DEVELOPMENT HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGY SANITARY & WATER FOUNDATIONS & STRUCTURES CONCRETE & SOIL TESTING PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 June 27, 1996 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 32 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the May 28, 1996 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days (8/26/96) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, fof Weith,M City Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl NEW SM LEGEND ---- PROPERTY LINE --320--- - - - EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR 1EpRiR3j9lls IZEC4 � �--� � --- ---320 --- FrNISH GRADE CONTOUR EDGE OF W0005 - - - -w- - - WATER LINE -------S------ SEWER LINE J ,I 12 1996 - - - -G- - -- GAS LINE WELLESLEY E ELECTRICAL LINE GROVE - - dE- - OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL C CityV of So. Burlington HYDRANT 8 EXISTING PARKING LOT LICHT H TAPPING SLEEVE RIM=320.8 ///--- Dc SW k VALVE INV. IN-314,3-�fsu-J2s.ls O POWER POLE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1'= 2850' INV. OUT-314.23 DECIDUOUS TREE ----- -- ---- 1----�-- -- - - -- E. SIAH I RIM=32CONIFEROUS TREE 4.36 \� R 0 U T E 1 1 B 0. CORE3k3SEal HINESBURG R O A D•............................................... SILT FENCE -- 1 NEW INV.-313.4 1 mmID HAY BALE CHECK DAM -� aE- -pE- _ EX. 12' D.I. WATER-- - - -_ _- - - - - - - - _ --- I - �_ ��- --w-- - - --- -- --rEslSn ALK -S--- ------w----------------------- O Eau CREASE INTERCEPT' --- - -- - - - -a- -+ -- -- -- --- 1 - RM1�J21.Te TOPSOIL, SEED My-Jt 4.e92 r `MULCH) - -4, GB, -A C137-8 76, RtM-320.2 _ . 322 ,RIM-320.0 '� \01 INV.. 314.7 0 INV.-316.0 O. \\ O\ I "� I I NOTES: GOODRICH 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are based on utility evidence visible of ground surface and are sub)e to field 1 1 \ I ADDITOI�A! I verification by emavotion. Uti title. shown do not purport to 1 1 -- NEW �\ 10 SPACES I I constitute or repreaenl all utilities located upon or adjacent Jr. \� (IF NECESSARY) to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported PAVED EXISTING PARKING LOT, II t AREA I \ I I to the Engineer. The Contractor shall contort Dig Sofe (800- f I' I l I IJ 225-4977) p i« to any CanalNt110n. It T PROPOSED 8 UN / PROPO D NIT ( I \ / � _I I� I 2. The Contractor soon repo /restore an disturbed arena (on or a L JJJ--- LLL �-i \ a. off the site) as a direct or indirect result of the APARTMENT BUILDING APARTMEN UILDI "' <analn<ti«. 1 i r. EL 323.0 o, -- - .!»! F.F. EL ,3225 I \ © 3. All grassed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation is (88�2 S.F.) (- (8832 S.F.) 1 I I - _ __ . - ^ I established. C84-A 2 / u R '" a Jn. Jr. n �1 4. The Contract« shall be responsible for all work necessary for \\ �) NV 320.0' �1 � complete and operable facilities and utilities. Nv.-315.2 _ -- - - / 21 '° - 15. - ° _ _ Y 77 r I l I\I 5. If the building is to be sprinklered, backflow prevention -- ` MV. N-JI122 AFL?---� sR�v - T=Jt4 s3 shall be provided m accord Tic with AWWA Mt4. The Site 12 �� Contract« !hall tonitNct the water line to two feet above \ I 83-A I the finished tlo«. See mechanical plans for riser detail. II RIM-320.0 ° ' / RPIM-A T U ' \ EXITING APARTMENT BUILDING 6. The Contractor shall meritain as plans (with ties) for 320.4 - NVr 314.9 I 1 I t II �ca �•t: OSED Bull I I l 76 UNITS (ELDERLY) all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to I I azo INV.-314. ti LS vZ 0 _ NTED LICH l II T (TYP I I the Owner at the completion of the project. o'I II w ,� c ,: � i I 321 DO m N 4 Q 3 ,Q lb \ N 4 7. The Contra<i« shall submit shop drawings for oil items and <11 n vi - L cR =I_ materials incorporated into the site work. Work shall not W tZ y < m Q m `a, Z -ti\p - 9i Y shop 9 PDrowl is granted. / �- -C- - - be non on item until sh drawin a m ' O LL �' II �� Q..F\- 40 d �� S. All v:. S pavement Cuts shall be mode with a power pavement saw. O 4 ilia O M O w / " I v \ D 9. In addtl'an to the requirements set In these plans and x O u Qx: / b a a II D_ < o a a 1 y^ ' specificotiona, the Contractor shall complete the work in ' II ; CC d' n J 5 I aee«donce with oli permit conditions and South Burlington II U co • U aY 1 : PROP �D��P E ry g Public Works Standards. II MOUN /-�� \ 10. lawTh.n o eolwae shoal e finishO.1 grades for all Pavement, walkways and Jr.o 11 J? a2. ( ) I 1d _U / I 4 J]a sea» u . u .o JeO.s CB BIKE BACK B LOT COVERAGE JJ CBS-B 6-B - - v AREA/ RIM,--319.5 EN CL D MP TER�O RIM=3INV.=31619.5 _.'/ - n INV316.0 RECYCLE RE .5 I -- - EXISTING PROPOSED • J2O.! Ae-k EX. ell O / TOTAL AREA 7,2t ACRES 7.21: ACRES s 5 gas J2ds ss2p�s+I� RILI-Jts.4T I BUILDING AREA 320 Nv.-Jte.OE' 24,400 S.F. (7.8X) 53,584 S.F. (17.1 X) 'I PARKING/ORIVE I 31,026 S.F. (9.9X) 60,101 S.F. (19.2X) OVERFLOW 7 spaces 321 \ 11 s uc6s F- I/ / WATER LINE / T SIDEWALKS PARKING I ✓ EASEMENT TOTAL � (6 SPACES) ' FOXCROFT 55,426 S.F. = 17.7% 113,685 S.F. = 36.2%1 OR R.V. --� PARKING - I I /^ ZONING EX. TIMBER PROPOSED p O 0 ED _ DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DiSTRICT (R7) MF 7)1 .,319 a SPA,CE FCRRPOS G 2 Y / 8 SP CE BLDG 1 _ EMI _O BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20% MAINT. 320 + e BLDG LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 40% r - 1 r . J+as.....:..:.:......._................... ..i .. .. $ / FBI � / .• •••i-•• 1 F-I LOX TI / P TER L-J - 18 60.60'�, sss3• NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP e \ P.O. BOX 284 i SILT rENCE �APMMAX SO. BURLINGTON. VT. 05407 OF EXT TINCEOCATER w CHATHAM GREEN , m N (T EXtSTMa e- WATER ti - , UNE , -96 s.,, "M PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS Sv, -M-°° vv K.svi, BLIfM M aRIRS. RARxela L07 e GRAIRX / NOTE: PROPOSED POLE MOUNTED LIGHTS TO BE BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM GRAPHIC SCALE / -"''6 S,R -Mwsi'R - SITE PLAN 25OW (MAX.) MERCURY VAPOR (TO MATCH Dale Ch'k'd Revision SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT EXISTING) MOUNTED AT A, MAXIMUM HEIGHT ASSOCIATES - aF 16 FT. Drown by ACL Dote APRIL 1996 SHEET `- Checked by BCE Scale I- = 30' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. C1 ( IN FEET) SHELBURNE. VERMONT l: I Inrh - :to n Ana�ovea by :A�' Project Na.. 96150 CITY Or SOUTH BURL I NGTON Subdivision Application - F'TNAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant 2) Name of Subdivisio 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plot designer since preliminary plat application 4/ 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, aPPlicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: -AVA 5) Submit five copses and Q= reduced copy (11 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and c ntaining all information required under Section 202.1 0A the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a ) for a maJor subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) fro maJor subdivision. r (Signature) applicant or contact person Date A /4 MICHAE. )WRENCE ASSOCIATES Landscape Architects Site Planning Consultants NAY - 2 19N 1 G h1 A T H A M G R E E N P R O P O E D A P A R T M E N T B U I L D I N G S 9 0 U T M B U R L I N G. T O N. V E R M O N T P Ian t i n g G o 5 t E s t i m a t e May 1. 199G P L A N T L I S T + G O 5 T E S T I M A T E key quantity scientific name common name size/s ecification unit cost sub -total Acr 5 Acer rubrum ___ Red Ma to 1 3/4 - 2 in.. b+b ffi250 ffi1250 Amc 24 Amelenchier canadensie J)owny 51hadblow 5-G fi- b+10. multi -stem ffi217 ffi5200 Fua 24 Euonymus alatus compacta Gom act Winged burning Bush 15-18 in. $17 $400 119 24 Ilex glabra compacta Inkberr 15-15 in. ffi32 ffi770 Mab 7 Malus bacatta _ Siberian Crabapple 1 3/4 - 2 in.. b+b $250 $1750 Mas 2 Magnolia stellata i Star Magnolia 5-G ft b+b heavy ffi225 ffi450 Pis 12 Pinus strobus White Pine 5-G ft.. bd-b $115 $1350 Rhc 24 Rhododendron carolinianum Album White Carolina Rhododendron 15-15 in. $50 $1200 Spa 24 Spirea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Anthony Waterer 5pirea 15-18 in. $25 $GOO Syr 8 5yringa reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac G-8 ft b+b single stem $210 $1G80 Thn 8 Thug occidentalis nigra_, Dark Green American Arborvitae 5-G ft- b+b $100 $800 Sub total $15.450 Partial List of Existing Trees to remain + estimated value $1950 15 Red Ma le 1-2" cal. $132 $G50 2 White Oak 3" cal. $325 $3000 20 Paper Birch 1-2" Cal.— $.150 t350 2 Red Oak 2' cai. $175 2 _ Red Maple 15' cal. _ $15GO CG in. cal.) $3120 2 Red Maple 15' cal. $15GO CG in. (.al.) ffi3120 4 Red Maple 2 ft. cal. $15GO CG in. cal.) tG240 ffi350 2 White Oak 2' cal. 96175 ffi300 1 Scotch Pine 42" cal. $300 ffi9GO 1 Pin Cherry G' cal. 1>9G0 1 Red Oak 2" cal. $15GO CG in. cal.) $15GO t9G0 1 White Ash G' cal. $9GO t9G0 1 White Ash 1 ft. cal. t9GO CG in. cal.) 11 Red Maple 4" cal. $570 CG in. cal.) *G270 70 Various Deciduous 1"- 18" cal. t250 Caverage> t17.500 Eight Linden Lane Sub total 1,47.320 Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Fax/Phone 802.878.2778 TOTAL $G2.800 Member American Association of Landscape Architects P Zt, lJr l LA,MOUREUX, STONE & 01' RY vv IY 11nMM o. ® i .O! .ryes+ r.iV VV• •VrV J 14 Moist Drive Essex junction, verrnontC3452 May 8, 1996 Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05407.2184 RE: Chatham Green Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont Dear Dan: (802) 878-4450 Fax (604 a78.3135 As requested, we have updated the traffic impact evaluation for the above -referenced project to Incorporate the revised number and type of apartment units. Project Data This project was originally approved in the early 1990's as a 50 unit expansion of the existing Country Parts Apartment senior housing complex, located immediately adjacent and to the south of this site. As part of the permitting process for that project, a traffic impact evaluation was prepared by FltzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated, dated October 9, 1990, That Is the study which is being updated heroin. The project has been revised to substitute 32 apartment units, open to all ages, In place of the 50 senior apartments, and permit amendments are being applied for. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes were obtained from several sources, and Included a turning movement count performed at the Kennedy Drive o Hinesburg Road Intersection by the CCRPC in July 1994, an automatic traffic recorder count (7•day) performed on Hinesburg Road between Kennedy Orive and Old Farm Road In 1994, plus the trip generation count performed at Country Park Apartments by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated in March 1990. The above counts were.used to calculated design hourly volumes (DH1n for design years 1996 and 2001 at two Intersections; Hinesburg Road & Country Paris Apartments plus Kennedy Drive & Hinesburg Road. Those volumes were then used in the following analyses to represent "background" conditions. Civil, Environmental & Transportation Engineering • Hydrogeoiogical investigation 0 Planning • Land Surveying -+ 1 L' LI91'IV VI"•G Vl• ? I VI iC_ VL _" 1 GL iV • 001 O I �_ -w' l._' ) r' u—, I Ins 1J JV WGL' 1G�'_ Mr, Daniel J. O'Brien May 8, 9 s e Page 2 Project -Generated Traffic The trip generation of the proposed 32-unit apartment complex was calculated using land -use categories and trip generation data published by the ITE'. Land -use Category 0220 - Apartment was selected as the one best fitting this project, Table 1 presents the estimated vehicular trip generation. Estimated Vehicular Trip Generatlon Enter Exit Total AwV. Weekday (vte/day) 96 96 192 A.M. Peak Hour (vtelhour) 3 13 16 F.M. Peak Hour (vtelhaur) 15 7 22 in comparison, the p.m. peak hour trip generation of the original 50-unit senior apartment complex was estimated to equal 20 vtelhour In the original traffic Impact evaluation. The directional patterns of project -generated traffic utilized the patterns which were observed In the 1990 trip generation count at Country Pads Apartments. Traffic Congestion The potential traffic congestion Impacts of this project were determined by performing Intersection capacity analyses at the two aforementioned intersections, At each Intersection, analyses were performed for each of the two background design year scenarios plus the two "with development" scenarios. By comparing background conditions to "with development" conditions, the Incremental impact of this project can be Identified. Procedures used to perform the capacity analyses were obtained from the Highway Capacity ManuaR (HC". The HCM uses " level of service" to define differing levels of traffic congestion. There Are six levels of service, ranging from A to F. The criteria for Intersection levels of service are shown In Table 2. 'Tdp Generelton, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 5th Edition (1991) and 5th Edklon Update (1995)" "Highway Capacity Manuel - Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 1994" i ti-1 t 1J.. .?lJ WC. 1+ 1G • Yr:r L' Ll"�i iVr_�1`.::,_::�. J i ��l YC LAC CI'l I CC I tJ OYJG 0ll1 0-�J1JJ M✓JGO rVY 1 l Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien MAYS. 1996 Page 3 Table 2 Intersection Leval of Service Criteria Leval of Service Average Delsy (secJveh) Expected Traffic Delay Signalized Unsignalized^ A s5 13 Little or no delay l3 s t s $ t 0 Short traffic delays C s25 s20 Average traffic delays a s40 00 Long traffic delays E Oo 14b Very long traffic delays F >60 y45 i"allure - extreme con estion In urban areas, accepted engineering practice has been to maintain a minimum level of service D at signalized Intersections, On a case by case basis, that can be lowered to level of service E in accordance with VAOT design policy$, At unsignalized intersections, the minor approach movements, particularly left -turns, typically experience lower levels of service due to their having to yield to other traffic. Consequently, traffic congestion condEtions encountered by private driveways located on high -volume collectors and arterials cart easily experience levels of service E and F, This is also caused, in pert, by the differing delay criteria for unslgnalized and signalized intersections, which its explained best by the following excerpt from the HCM: "The primary reason for this difference Is that drivers expect different levels of performance from different kinds of transportation facilities. The expectation Is that a Signalized intersection Is designed to carry higher traffic volumes than an unsignalized Intersection. Additionally, several driver behavior considerations combine to matte delays at signalized Intersections less onerous then st eignaltzed inter'seaQns. For example, drivers at signalized intersections are able to relax during the red Interval, whereas drivers on the minor approaches to unsignallzed intersections must remain attent've to the task of identifying accaptable gaps and vehicle conflicts. Also, there Is much more variability In the amount of delay experienced by individual drivers at unsignaiized than at signalized Intersections. For these reasons, it Is considered that the total delay threshold for any given level of service is less for an unsignalized Intersection than for a signalized Intereection " Table 3, on the following page, presents the levels of service and the corresponding vehicular delays for each Intersection and lane group at the two Intersections analyzed as part of this study, Highway [design "Level of Service" Policy, Vermont Agency of Transportation, May 22, 1987 Mr, Daniel J. O'Brien Maya, Igo Page 4 Table Iniersection Capacity Analyses Results 19�8 2001 Intersaction / Lane Group Background w/ Project Background :E �- w/ Project Hinesburg Road / Country Park Apts, Hinesburg Rd.NB LT A 3.4 A 3.4 A 3.5 A 3.5 Country Park Apt. / Project EB All B 9.6 a 10.0 C 10.8 C 10.9 OVERALL A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 Kennedy Drive / Hinesburg Road Hinesburg Rd. 68 RT B 5.4 B 6A B 5.5 B 5.5 Hinesburg Rd. SS TH B 12.7 B 12.8 B 13.0 B 13.1 Hinesburg Rd. SB LT B 12.1 B 12.1 B 12.7 B 12.6 Kennedy Dr. WB TH/RT C 24,2 C 24.2 D 34.5 D 34.5 Kennedy Dr, WB LT C 18.7 C 16.7 C 16.5 C 16.8 Hinesburg Rd. NB RT 8 5.1 B 6.1 B 5.1 8 5.1 Hinesburg Rd. NB TH B 13.1 9 13.1 8 13.4 S 13.5 Hinesburg Rd. NS LT C 19.4 C 21.0 D 29.9 D 35.0 Kennedy Dr. ES RT B 10.3 B 10,3 B 10.4 B 10.5 Kennedy Dr. ES TH C 18.3 C 18.3 C 22A C 22,6 Kennedy Dr, ES LT D 26.6 D 28.6 D 34.8 D 34.8 OVERALL. C 1 18.0 C 18.i 1 C a2.6 C 1 22.9 The above results indicate that this project will not create any significant traffic impacts at either of the two Intersections, and that both Intersections will experience acceptable levels of service during future design hour conditions. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions concerning the above or if we may be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact me, Sincerely, Roruckinson, P.E. K W IDAYMROGERMOMOBR.RJO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN Name, address, and phone number of: R. owner of record r I� / • b. Applicant r c . Contact? Purpose, location, including number use(s). r Applicant's leg option, etc. and nature of subdivision or development, of lots, units, or parcels and proposed erest in the property (fee simple, Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties 1\[� 2 u 3 iy 131/,L,A 0 l iW46 k7 {'o ii:�►�ies/�i✓[ , f �. L Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. �) tv.� % is wy'��lG*�/I Uti 1 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, s•t- a s, storm drainage, etc. 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affects the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of,!Kh ac ionsC�.�r',GtNz� 8) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (81 x 11, 81 x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the following information: a) Name and address of the owner of record and applicant.-- b) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties.- c) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). d) Boundaries and area of: 1) all contiguous land .- belonging to owner of record, and 2) proposed subdivision. e) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. f) Type of, location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities, and open space. g) Existing zoning boundaries.-- h) Existing water courses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded_ areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. i) Location of existing septic systems and wells. j) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision... to adjacent property and surrounding area. k) All applicable information required for a site plan, as provided in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential development. J,- (Signatu e) applicant or contact person Date Previous Actions 1979 - Received density variance for 100 units on 7.2 acres. 1979 - Received final plat approval for the current 76 units. 1990 - Variance was granted for density. 1990 - Received final plat approval for a 50 unit addition to current building. 1996 - April - received density variance for 32 units on 7.2 acres. 1996 - May - Received final site plan amendment for 32 units on 7.2 acres. 1996 - June - Permits expired. 11 /4 '96, 15:16 CITY OF 'S BUFLINGTOrl CITY OF SoLym.H BURL INGTON Subdivision Application r PRELIXINARY 'PLAT Name of Applicant 2) Name Of 311bdivision 3) Submit Subdivision Fee l_�3� r11,911 A-4 nescribe Subdivision (,i. e. total acreage, number of lots Or units, type of land use, gross floor area for commercial or industrial uses): ?)-,� UNd A��� I A I 5) Indicate any changes to name, address, Or Phone nfnbers of owner of record, aPO'Cants. or contact person since sketcb plan application: Name, address, -and phone number of b. surveyor c. d. Plat Designers 7) Indicate any chanaes, t<> the subdivision such as number Of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the Property. etc., since sketch plan application; H . JLV 11 '96 15:17 CITY CiF S BURLINGTON P2/4 List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all contiguous Properties; 6, /)L,/t'P AJ A, 4c 4e4 9) State title, drawing number, date of original plus any revisions, and designer(s) Of the PreLUninary map(S) J accompanying this application: 60" ww*ece 10) COST ESTIMATES fax planned 'Unit Developments, multi -family and commercial and industrial cOmPlexes' .1 a) Buildings b) Landscaping c) All other site imPrOvements (e-9— cijrb work ii) EESTIMTED TRAFFIC for Planned Unit Developments, multi- family projects, and commercial and ind-u5trial complexes ( 2-way txaf f ic, in plus out) . A.M. Peak hour L_ P.M. peak hour Average daily traffic % of tvucks 12) Attach YE copies and ONZ reduced COPY (11 x 17) of preliminary map showing the following information: a) proposed Subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the CitY.. b) Name and address of 0_t,mer of record, subdivider and designer of Preliminary Plat. c) Number of acres within the proposed slibaivision. location of property 1ine5, structures, watercourse5, Wooded areas, and other essential existing Physical features. N 11 -36 1578 CfT7(' OF BURLINGTIC(l F. 3 4 d) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage. e) The location and size of any existing sewers and water: mains. culverts and drains on the property to be subdi- vided, fl Location, names and widths of exi5ting and proposed streats , private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths. easements, parks and other public or privately main-- tained open spacep as well as 5imilam- facts regarding adjacent property,, g) Contour lines at intervals of five feet, based on United States Geological Survey datum of existing grades and also of proposed finished grades where change of exist- ing ground elevation will be five feet or more. h) Complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land Surveyor i) Nmierical and graphic scale, data and truce north avow. j) Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative means of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. k) Details of proposed connection with the existing sani- tary, sewage disposal system or adeguate provisions for on -site disposal of septic wastes. 1) If on -site sewage disposal system is Proposed, "Location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, roOk and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless pits are dry at depth of five feet; location and results of percolation tests. m) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. A) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culvert which may be required. o) The location of temporary markers adequate to enable the Commission to locate readily and appraise the basic layout in the field. unless on existing -street intersection .is. shown, the distance along a street from one corner of the property to the nearest existing street intersection shall be shown. P) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 11 Jurl 11 15. 19 CITY OF S BURLINGTON F, 4 '4 13) Development, timetable (including number of phases, and start /_ in i and completion dates): 14) foist the waivers applicant desires from the requirements Of these regulations. 15) 1) All existing subdivision, approximate tract lines and acreage of adiacent parcels, together with the names Of the records owners of all adjacent Parcels Of land, namely, those directly abutting or directly across any street adjoining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existing , filed or pro- posed streets, curb cuts, easements, building lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed subdivision and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 above- 3) An outline of the platted area together with its street system and an indicati.on of the future Probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the preliminary Plat submitted covers only Part Of the subdivider's entire holding. /rz aipplicant or contact Person 4 5/28/96 MOTION OF APPROVAL COUNTRY PARK I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend a previously approved development consisting of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of 32 residential units in four (4) buildings instead of the 50 unit addition, as shown on a seven (7) page set of plans, page one entitled, "Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Buildings Site Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, dated April 1996, last revised 5/16/96, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the City Planner. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to permit issuance. a) The plans shall show the dumpster screened and indicate the type of screening. b) The landscape plan shall be revised to show all existing landscaping on the site and show the overflow parking area as shown on sheet Cl. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall post a $17,500 landscape bond. The bond shall remain in affect for three years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. 4. The approved sewer allocation shall be reduced from 9,000 additional gpd to 8,640 gpd. 5. The Commission approves a total of 147 parking spaces for the property which represents a 96 space, or 39.5%, shortfall. It is the Commission's opinion that 147 spaces will be adequate since 70 percent of the total units are elderly housing units. 6. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed project will generate 22 additional P.M peak hour vte's. This represents nine (9) more vte's than that approved on 12/4/90. 7. Any new exterior lighting or change in exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting, shielded fixtures so as not to cast glare beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit details and cut sheets of proposed pole lights to the City Planner for approval. 8. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit a revised report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regulations. The revised report shall address existing wetlands on the site including proposed impact. 9. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recording. 10. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the buildings. 11. Any change to the plans shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. (motion) 5/28/96 MOTION OF APPROVAL COUNTRY PARK I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised final plat application of Country Park Associates to amend a previously approved development consisting of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elderly housing project, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of construction of 32 residential units in four (4) buildings instead of the 50 unit addition, as shown on a seven (7) page set of plans, page one entitled, "Chatham Green Proposed Apartment Buildings Site Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, dated April 1996, last revised 5/16/96, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the City Planner. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to permit issuance. a) The plans shall show the dumpster screened and indicate the type of screening. b) The landscape plan shall be revised to show all existing landscaping on the site and show the overflow parking area as shown on sheet Cl. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall post a $17,500 landscape bond. The bond shall remain in affect for three years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. 4. The approved sewer allocation shall be reduced from 9,000 additional gpd to 8,640 gpd. 5. The Commission approves a total of 147 parking spaces for the property which represents a 96 space, or 39.5%, shortfall. It is the Commission's opinion that 147 spaces will be adequate since 70 percent of the total units are elderly housing units. 6. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed project will generate 22 additional P.M peak hour vte's. This represents nine (9) more vte's than that approved on 12/4/90. 7. Any new exterior lighting or change in exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting, shielded fixtures so as not to cast glare beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit details and cut sheets of proposed pole lights to the City Planner for approval. 8. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit a revised report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regulations. The revised report shall address existing wetlands on the site including proposed impact. 9. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recording. 10. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the buildings. 11. Any change to the plans shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. (motion) PLANNING COMMISSION 25 JANUARY 1994 PAGE 5 the first available date is 22 February. Mr. Austin moved to continue the Heathcote application until 22 February 1994 Mr. Sheahan seconded Motion passed unanimously._ 5. Public Hearing: Request of CPA Partnership for a 2-year extension of a revised final plat approval granted by the Planning Commission for construction of a 50 residential unit addition to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments located on Hinesburg Rd: Mr. O'Brien showed members the approved plan. He said they have also received Act 250 approval. There will be no changes made to the plans. The extension request is necessitated because they haven't been able to put together a financing package due to the bank's inability to get low income tax credits. Mr. O'Brien felt there is a better chance now that tax credit legislation has been made per- manent by the Legislature. Mr. Weith noted the approval expired 4 December 1993, but the applicant requested an extension before that date. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the request of CPA Partnership for a two year extension of a revised final plat ap- proval granted by the Planning Commission for construction of a 50 residential unit addition to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments with the following stipu- lations 1 All previous approvals and conditions shall remain in effect. 2 This approval shall expire on 12L/95 if at that time the ap- plicant has not taken action to construct substantially the p_roj ect . Mr. Sheahan seconded Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review of Agenda for Joint meeting with City Council: Mr. Weith reviewed the Agenda which will include: Zoning Regula- tions Update (I-Ag and CO/Open Space Districts, Southeast Quadrant, Bartlett Bay Watershed District, Traffic Overlay, and the issue of counting wetlands); a discussion of Peter Judge's plan to build buildings that conflict with a proposed street; Section 19.151n of the Zoning Regulations (criteria for PUDIs) I with specific emphasis on conformance with Comprehensive. Plan; setting a date for a joint icant_shall_ ost_a_$22 923 _3= ear_landsca in _bond rmit..__The_Plannin _Commission_ rants_a_$3 25T_credit stirs _ue etation_located-in_the_western_corner_of_the PLANNING COMMISSION 4 December 1990 page 5 4.. Revised Final Plat application of CPA Partnership for con- struction of an addition consisting of 50 residential units to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments, Hinesburg Rd. Chris D'Elia said the plan has almost no changes. They have re- solved the water line relocation and have screened the dumpster. They have also gone with the sewage gallons requirement of 9,000 gallons. They will retain significant landscaping (tree line) on the boarder with the Goodrich property. They asked if this can count in the landscaping cost. Mr. Weith said he felt it was a reasonable request. Mr. D'Elia said they discovered today -that the building is 39 ft. high and not 35 ft. But, he said, the grade is lower. Mr. Craig reviewed the criteria for allowing a higher building and said he felt the criteria were met. Other members had no problem with this. Mr. D'Elia said they will submit a list of new plantings. Mr- -Austin _moved_the_Planning-commission _a rove_the_revised_Final Plato _CPA_ artnershi _far_construction_of_an_addition_consistin of_SQ_residential_units_to_the_existin _Z6_unit_elderl _housin ro ect_known_as_Countr _Park_A artments_as_de icted_on_a_13=a e set -of _ lans -page _1_entitled�_=County _Park_A artments_Gradin Plan _South_Burlin tan _Vermont re ared_b _CiuEn ineerin Associates _Inc __and-dated_,1. ._1990 _last_reuised_9/90 _with_the following_stipulations;. 1._The _a tar -the -ex ro ert 2.,_The_a KenKen ed� - 3.._A_sewer-allocation _of _9 000_ sh- al�r_the_$2 5Q_per_gallon_ he —applicant e � iar_to _permit- 4.._The_Plannin _Commission_a roves_a_hei h buildin . __It_is_the_Cominission 's_o inion_t relate -aesthetically -with -existing _bildin s scenic_miews _an _will _allow_ or_ neater _re _This_a roual_is_con itione _on_a_maximum_ Pitche _roo shown_in_the_plans_ _of_40_ft—for_the at_such_a_hei ht_will _will_not_detract_from ention_o _ reen_s ace_ astory- b u i Id iAQ_wlt PLANNING COMMISSION 4 December 1990 page 6 5--The-Plans-shall-be-revised-prior to-recordin_to_show_the_fal_ _-- a.._Existin _storm_drain_shortened_and_new_catch_basin_installed b._8°_watermain_seruin_Briarwoad_relocated_ta_the_north Of -the -new -addition- _side 6__The_REuised_Einal_Plat_sball_be_recorded_in_the_Sou th tonland_ieecoeds_zhns-or-thisBrl��_9d _aand_uaid. roual_is_null Mr.,_Crai _seconded___Motion�assed_urianimouslr� 5_ Preliminary Plat application of Art Shields and Bill Sabiloski for construction of a 4-unit residential building on a 1.23 acre parcel of land located on East Terrace: Mr. Burgess noted there is a question of adding 4 units to a street with already more than 50 units and only one access. He said the City Attorney's opinion is that the application can be denied on this basis. I Mr. Austin asked when the lot was created in its present form. Mr. Shields said at least since 1974. At that time it was zoned commercial. After 1980, it was rezoned R-4. He noted a building permit was issued this year for a house on that street. Mr. Austin asked how long the current owner has owned the ro Mr. Shields said at least 10 years. Mr. Austin asked whethery creation of the lot predated zoning regulations and exactly when it became residential. Mr. Weith will find this out. Mr. Shields said they have an option on the property and propose to construct 4 units. There will be city water and sewer. There is a 50 ft. strip of land which will provide a 20 ft. right-of-way into the property. Building coverage is 12.1% and lot coverage would be 20.7%. All setbacks are met. Nine parking spaces are required and provided, 5 outside and 4 in garages. There is $7,200 in landscaping. The property was described as having a very steep drop-off which will be fenced for safety. Mr. Llewellyn said the parking lot Will drain west into the drainage swale and eventually going to the north. Mrs. Dooley asked what kind of landscaping is proposed along the right-of-way/driveway. Mr. Llewellyn outlined the plan which includes willow, birch, aspen and Norway spruce. Mrs. Dooley encouraged the Commission to reject the plan as the basis of safety with more than 50 units on a highly congested single -access street. She also noted the neighborhood is almost LEGEND LEX. 12_D.1. WATER> - I GOODRICH TIMBER LANE MEDICAL TAPPING SLEEVE NEW SMH RIM=i7n A -�EX. SMH Pow723.18 , I EX. SMH I RIM-324.36 1 B A INV. 313.33 ( CORE h SEAL I NEW INV.-313.4 WELLESLEY GROVE -- PROPERTY LINE - - - -320-- - - - - EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR - 32D—_ FINISH GRADE CONTOUR EDGE OF WOODS — — — —w— — — WATER LINE ------ems-•----- SEWER LINE —G— — — GAS LINE E — ELECTRICAL LINE OE— OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL HYDRANT 8 EXISTING PARKING LOT LIGHT HINESBURG R O A D TIT,) T7 EXISTING PARKING LOT, /; mow✓ � LL 3226 \ 1 1 I \1 1 I ,li, POWER POLE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"- 2850' O DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE .................................... SILT FENCE �® HAY BALE CHECK DAM - — — — — w— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — U NOTES: 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are based on utility 1 evidence visible at ground surface and are subject to field • verification by excavation. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjocent to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported to the En ineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (800- 225-49773prior to any construction. 2. The Contractor shall repair/restore all disturbed areas (on or off the site) as a direct or Indirect result of the constru ion. —(� 3. All grassed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation is BUILDING � J 'LElIl; LLCARPORT ) 8 SPAC S FOR BLDG 2/ _`_-- B SP CE BLDG 1 u_ , `O —_ 8 320 BLDG -- -- __ / msa '•. ............ {PBTE�R ...... ....... JLI II ...�- ............LOCATI / . .................... _ 554.53' I SILT FENCE I i APPROXIMATE OCATION OF EXISTING 8.L WATER UWE / / NOTE: PROPOSED POLE MOUNTED LIGHTS TO BE BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM GRAPHIC SCALE 250W (MAX.) MERCURY VAPOR (TO MATCH EXISTING) MOUNTED AT A MAXIMUM HEIGHT ASSOCIATES 1. OF 16 FT. I IN FEET ) t inch = 30 tl. +ir � � E / F�CROFT yao MAY 7 199, '.'itof So. Burlington 0 established. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for complete and operable facilities and utilities. 5. If the building Is to be sprinklered, backflow prevention shall be provided in accordance with AWWA M14. The Site Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser detail. 6. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plans (with ties) for all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to the Owner at the completion of the project. 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all items and materials incorporoted into the site work. Work shall not begin on any Item until shop drawing approval is granted. 8. All pavement cuts shall be made with a power pavement sow. 9. In addition to the requirements set In these plans and spe fications, the Contractor shall complete the work In accordance with all permit conditions and South Burlington Public Works Standards. 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, walkways and lawn areas shall be 0.1. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL AREA 7,2t ACRES 7.2t ACRES BUILDING AREA 24.400 S.F. (7.8%) 53.584 S.F. (17.1%) PARKING/DRIVE 31,026 S.F. (9.9X) 60,101 S.F. (19.27.) do SIDEWALKS TOTAL 55.426 S.F. - 17.7% 113,685 S.F. 36.2% ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20X LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 40% NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP P.O. BOX 284 SO. BURLINGTON, VT. 05407 CHATHAM GREEN -I6-96 SAV I REWSEa M&Max UVJIXS• PAR"ewLOT a OROW PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS SITE PLAN SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT :.-"I S!" KVMi 9ABMas. UTEITEs• PARMa LOT. « -IS-116 SAY wxat R s. Date Chk'd ReWelon Drawn by Date APRIL 1996 SHEET IL Checked by BCE Scole I' 1. CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. /'v1 SHELBURNE, VERMONT li 1 Approved by AV Project No. 96150 PLANNER 658-7955 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 Vermont 05403 May 24, 1996 Re: 32 Unit Apartment Complex, 635 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Wally Possich were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, JW/mcp Encls please give me a call. lin erel , Jo Weith, Ci y Planner B R I E I� May 16,1996 Raymond J Belair Zoning and Planning Assistant City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington,Vermont 05403 Re: Chatham Green, Hinesburg Road Dear Raymond: I have received the review comments from Bill Syzmanski, Wally Possich and yourself. Below is a list addressing those comments. --- CPA Partnership is the record owner of this project. --- The plan now shows property line distances. --- The estimated cost for all new buildings is $1,000,000. --- Enclosed is an updated traffic impact evaluation completed by Roger Dickinson, of Lamoureux, Stone & O'Leary Consulting Engineers. Roger indicates in his report that this project will not create any signi- ficant traffic impacts at either of the two nearest intersections. His report also verifies that the p.m. peak hour trip generation is not of significant concern. --- Each carport/garage will have eight parking spaces. --- The plan has been updated to show the apartment building numbers. --- The plan has been updated to show parking for recrea- tional vehicles. --- The plan has been updated to show all required handi- capped parking. Please note that there are handicapped spaces within the carports/garages. --- The plan has been updated to show all easements of record. O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 Raymond J. Belair May 16, 1996 Page Two --- All units will be sprinklered as recommended by the City of South Burlington. --- The plan has been updated to show the locations for all existing and proposed exterior lighting. Enclosed are cut sheets for what we are proposing. --- We have designed an enclosed dumpster and recycling area. See plan for location. The existing dumpster is not screened because it is important that the elderly and handicapped have access to the side doors on the dumpster. --- The sewer allocation request is enclosed. We cur- rently have allocations for 9,000 +/- gallons, we will be asking for less than that. --- The plan has been updated to show bike racks. --- The written report addressing the PUD criteria under section 26.151 of the zoning regulations is attached. --- The landscaping plan prepared by Mike Lawrence has been revised to show the entire site, including all existing landscaping. --- The plan has been updated to indicate that there is a sidewalk along the property's frontage. --- The plan has been revised to conform to the 30 foot PUD perimeter setback area. We feel that there is more than enough existing and proposed parking, and we will therefore be seeking a parking waiver from the commission. --- There are no other feasible or practical places for curb cut additions into the complex. --- The plan has been revised to show that the storm water lines no longer are located beneath any structures. --- The collector sewer line has been changed from a 6" to an 8" diameter line. Raymond J. Belair May 16, 1996 Page Three --- The stormwater runoff system has been designed to receive 90a of the stormwater that will be generated from this project. The remaining 10o will drain South - Westerly over vegitated strips towards Timberlane. This means that the amount of stormwater being received by the natural drainage system in the Southwestern corner will actually be reduced. --- Parking will be permitted in the carports/garages, and designated parking spaces only. Parking will not be permitted in the access driveways. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thankyou, ,`vX4/ Patrick O'Brien chatham.516 — — MAY-15-16 WED 12:38 ID:LAMOURELX STONE OLEA TEL. NO.802 878-3135 #026 P02 1 LAMOUREUX, STONE & 01k,,. Y 14 Morse Orin• ConivIting Engineers and Land Surveyors Essex luned)on, Vermont ®3452 May 8, 1996 Mr. Daniel J, O'Brien P.O. Box 2104 South Burlington„ VT 05407.2184 RE: Chatham Green - Hinesburg Road South Buffington, Vermont Dear Dan: i8021 87$-44gp fax (802) a78.3135 As requested, we have updated the traffic impact evaluation for the above -referenced project to Incorporate the revised number and type of apartment units. Project Data This pmject was originally approved in the early 1990"s as a 50 unit expansion of the existing Country Park Apartment senior housing complex, located immediately adjacent and to the south of this site. As part of the permitting process for that project, a traffic impact evaluation was prepared by FltzPatrlck-Llewellyn Incorporated, dated October 9, 1990, That is the study which is being updated herein: The project has been revised to substitute 32 apartment units, open to all ages, in place of the 50 senior apartments, and permit amendments are being applied for. Background? T►affle Volumes Background traffic volumes were obtained from several sources, and Included a turning movement count performed at the Kennedy Ddve ! Hinesburg Road Intersection by the C ORPC in July 1994, an automatic traffic recorder count (7-day) performed on Hinesburg Road between Kennedy Drive and Old Farm Road In 1994, plus the trip generation count performed at Country Park Apartments by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated in March 1990. The above counts were ,used to calculated design hourly volumes (DHA for design years 1996 and 2001 at two Intersections; Hinesburg Road & Country Peak Apartments plus Kennedy Drive & Hinesburg Road. Those volumes were then used in the following analyses to represent "background" conditions. Civic, Environmental & Transportation Engineering a Hydregeolvgieai investigation • Planning • Land Surveying _. MA'-(-15-'96 WED 12:39 ID:LAMOUREUX STONE OLER TEL NO:802 978-3135 #026 S03 Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien Page 2 Project -Generated Tireffli: The Trip generation of the proposed 32-unit apartment complex was calculated using land -use categories and trip generation data published by the ITE'. Land -use Category 0220 - Apartment was selected as the one beam fitting this project, Table 1 presents the estimated vehicular trip generation, 1,1ble1 Estimated Vehicular Trip Generation Enter Exit Total AV. Weekday (vte/day) 96 98 102 A.M. Peak Hour (vterhour) 3 13 is P.M. Peak Hour (vteJhou! i5 7 22 in comparison, the p.m. peak hour trip generation of the original 50-unit senior apartment complex was estimated to equal 20 vtaMour In the orlglnal traffic impact evaluation. The directional patterns of project -generated traffic utilized the patterns which were observed In the 1990 trip generation count at Country Park Apartments. Traffic Congestion The potential traffic congestion Impacts of this project were determined by performing Intersection capacity analyses at the two aforementioned intersections. At each intersectlon, analyses were performed for each of the two background design year scenarios plus the two "with development" scenarios. By comparing background conditions to'With development" conditions, the Incremental Impact of this project can be identified. Procedures used to perform the capacity analyses were obtained from the Highway Capacity Manugti (HCM). The HCM uses " level of service's to define differing levels of traffic congestion. There are six levels of service, ranging from A to F. The criteria for Intersection levels of service are shown In Table 2. "ri% GeneraPlon, Instate of Transportation Engineers, 5th Edition (1991) and 5th Edition Update (1995)- "Highway Capeclty Manual - Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board,1994" -r- -- hIAY-15-' 96 WED 12:40 3 D: LAMOURE9 U,. '_TOPE OLEA TEL hv0: 602 370-3135 ##0 6 PO4 Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien M41Y B, 1996 Page 3 Table 2 Intersection Level of Service Criteria f ovsl of Service Average Delay (seclveh) Expected Traffic Delay L.tttle or no delay Signaltzed Unsignalized A 15 15 B 115 $10 Short traffic delays C s25 120 Average traffic delays D x40 %30 Long traffic delays E 0o s45 Very long traffic delays F >60 y45 Failure - extreme ccn esflon In urban areas, accepted engineering practice has been to maintain a minimum level of service D at signalized intersections, On a case by case basis, that can be lowered to level of service E In accordance with VAOT design pollcy3. At unsignarlized intersections, the minor approach movements, particularly left -turns, typically experience lower levels of service due to their having to yield to other traffic. Consequently, traffic congestion conditions encountered by private driveways located on high -volume collectors and arterials can easily experience levels of service E and F. This Is also caused, In part, by the differing delay criteria for unsignallzed and signalized intersections, which is explained best by the following excerpt from the HCR "'rho primary reason for this difference Is that drivers expect different levels of performance from different kinds of transportation facilities. The expectation Is that a signalized intersection Is designed to carry higher traffic volumes than an unslgnallzad intersection. Additionally, several driver behaAor considerations combine to snake delays at signalized intersections less onerous then at signalized intersoctionta. For example, drivers at signalized intarsectlons are able to relax during the red Interval, whereas drivers on the minor approaches to unslgnallzed intersections must remain attentive to the task of identifying acceptable gaps and vehicle conflicts, Also, there Is much more variability In the amount of delay experienced by individual drivers at unsignalized then at signalized Intersections. For these reasons, it Is considered that the total delay threshold for any given level of service Is less for an unslgnalized Intersection than for a signalized Intersection~" Table 3, on the following page, presents the levels of service and the corresponding vehicular delays for each Intersection and lane group at the two Intersections analyzed as part of this study. Highway Design"Level of Service" Policy, Vermont Agency of Transportation, May 22,1907 MAY-15--' G6 I,JED 12: 40 I D: LAtIOLIF'EUX 17-JONE OLEA TEL H0: 302 9 -. 3'175 #026 P05 � I intersection Capacity Analyses Results 191i9 2001 Background wf Frcject ! Background w/ Project Intersection / Lane Group Hinesburg Road / Country Park Apts, Hinesburg Rd.i48 LT A 3A A 3.4 A 3.5 A 3.5 Country mark Apt. / Project ES All B 9.8 8 10.0 C 10A C 10,8 OVERALL A 0.1 A 0,2 A 011 A 0.2 Kennedy Drive / Hinesburg Road Hinesburg Rd. SB RT 8 5.4 B SA 8 5.5 8 505 Hinesburg Rd, SS TH B 12.7 B 12.8 8 13.0 B 13,1 Hinesburg Rd. $S LT 8 12.1 8 12.1 B 12,7 B 12.8 Kennedy Dr. WB THIRT C 24.2 C 24.2 D 34,5 D 34.5 Kennedy Dr, WS LT C 18.7 C 16.7 C 161 C 11618 Hinesburg Rd. NB RT i3 5.1 8 5.1 5 5.1 a 5.1 Hinesburg Rd. N3 TH B 13.1 i3 13.1 5 13.4 a 13.5 Hinesburg Rd. hi3 LT C 19.4 C 21.0 D 29.8 D 35,0 Kennedy Dr. E8 RT 8 10.3 B 10,3 8 10.4 8 10.5 Kennedy Dr. ES TH C 16.3 C 18.3 C 22.6 C 22A Kennedy Dr. EB LT D 28.6 D 284 D 34A D 34.8 ®VEftALL C 18.0 i< 18.1 1 C 1 22.6 1 C i2.9 The above results indicate that this project will not create any significant traffic impacts at either of the two intersections, and that moth lnlersecticns will experience acceptable leveis of service during future design hour conditions, We thank you for this opportunity to be of service, Should you have any questions concerning the above or if we may b6 of additional assistance; please feel free to contact me, Sincerely, 9 Rog r Dickinson, P.E. Preliminary Memo - Planning May 28, 1996 agenda items May 3, 1996 Page 2 --- plan should show a bike rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. --- show existing median on Airport Drive. Public Works Director recommends that the median be lengthened to prevent left -turns in and left -turns out. --- applicant should look into moving the westerly curb cut on Williston Road as far to the northwest as possible. Also, this curb cut can not be moved closer to the intersection as proposed. --- provide point by point lighting plan showing the average foot candles not exceeding three (3) foot candles. --- staff recommends that the applicant consider reversing the locations of the building and pumps (see sketch). This would reduce curb cuts, move curb -cuts further away from signal, and help shield glare from canopy. This will require a setback variance. Traffic Analysis: --- similar to the Exxon proposal at the jughandle, estimated future trip ends should be based on an average of the "fueling position" rate and the "gross floor area" rate. This yields an estimated peak hour trip generation of 84. --- the existing estimate of 82 vte' s during the peak hour appears to be high. First, the one trip count was conducted on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, probably one of the highest travel days of the year. Second, the tube counts show the 5/26/95 count to be abnormally high. Therefore, staff recommends that additional trip counts be conducted in the next couple of weeks in order to determine a more realistic average peak hour trip generation for the existing use. Staff suggests that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday be counted. --- it is staff's sense that average peak hour trip generation is somewhere in the 60-70 vte range. The proposed use will generate more traffic. This seems only logical considering the improvements that are being proposed. The applicant will need to show various improvements which result in a net benefit in traffic flow to and from the site. O'BRIEN BROTHERS AGENCY, INC. - MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS - REVISED FINAL PLAT --- application indicates that Country Park Associates is the record owner of this property and the site plan indicates it is CPA Partnership. Which is correct? Preliminary Memo - Planning May 28, 1996 agenda items May 3, 1996 Page 3 v'f --� plan should show property line distances. - ✓ provide estimated cost for all new buildings. --7 the traffic impact evaluation should be updated. --- indicate the number of parking spaces in each of the carports. apartment buildings should be numbered. Section 26.253(c) of the zoning regulations requires parking or storage facilities for recreational vehicles, this should be shown on the plan . --- provide an additional handicapped space and show all existing handicapped spaces. --- show location of any easements. --- provide details (cut -sheets) for all existing and proposed exterior lighting including building mounted lights and show �- locations. --- show screened dumpster locations, if any. The existing dumpster should be screened. --- provide revised sewer allocation request. --- provide bike racks as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. --- applicant should submit a written report addressing the PUD criteria under Section 26.151 of the zoning regulations. --- landscaping plan should show the entire site including all existing landscaping. --- parking areas are not allowed in the 30 foot PUD perimeter setback area. --- plan should clearly indicate that there is a sidewalk along the property's frontage. DORSET LAND COMPANY, INC. - MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - SKETCH PLAN Plan must be revised to include the following additional information: --- name and address of owner of record and applicant. --- graphic scale. --- existing zoning boundaries --- type of, location and size of existing or proposed utilities. Other: --- CD3 zoning does not allow hotel use. It does allow residential but only as part of a mixed -use structure. You may be able to argue that your proposed use is a mixed residential and office (i.e., meeting space and business icac PYuoucry opened and ��•� 'o �a ead aloud. nterested at 893-1471 be- fore 6 pm. > co of the bid specifi- :ation may be obtained at the office of: Mark Bouvier, Business Manager Chittenden South School District R.R. #3, Box 161 Hinesburg, VT 05461 (802) 482-3885 The owner reserves the right to waive any infor- malities in or to reject any or all bids. All work must be com- pleted during the period of June 24, 1996 to July 5, 1996, no exceptions. May 11 & 12, 1996 DOG Collie p. Sheperd mix, 10t/2 liths old. Needs root run. Lov- able dog. Can 862-9465. Watch your business grow. Advertise In our daily 116er- vices" Directory. Call 688- 3321 or 1-800-427-3123. FIREWOOD Approximately 3 cords of dried pine. Please pick up. Call 863-5598 FREE CATS one 5 yr old female, short haired black cat. One 3 yr old male, long haired black & white. To good home only. 644-8979 FREE PIG FOOD Misc. groceries. Call 863-0143 _ ask for Mike. GET EVEN MORE GOAT Male neutered ATTENTION! horned goat. For pet only. Eats an -thin Y R1 USE GRAPHICS PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH SURLIN43TON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesdayy� May 28, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: Revised final plat applica- tion of Country Park Associates to amend a previously approved de- velopment consisting of construction of a 50 unit addition to an existing 76 unit elder)y housing pro- joct, Hinesburg Road. The amendment consists of 6onstruction of 37 resi- dential units in four (4) buildings instead of the 50 unit addition. Copies of the applications ire available for public i spection at the South Idurlington City Hall. f William Burgess Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission FOUND DOG Black lab, female, very friendly, Lake Shore Dr. Colchester area. 878-4174 FOUND DOG Female black lab wearing pink collar in Shelburne on 5/5. call 985-2248. FOUND DOG Small black female, maybe Lab/She. May 11, 1996 pherd mix. On Creek R PUBLIC NOTICE in Colchester. 879-0882 The Board of School Di- rectors of the South Bur- iington School District requests sealed bids for the supply of Computer and Duplicating Pa- pery Office Supplies, and Art/School Sup- plies. Bids will be ac- cepted on or before May 116 1996 at 11:00 am. For information and bid documents, contact the Business Office, 550 Dor- set Street, South Burling- ton; 658-9055. May 9, 10, & 11, 1996 TOWN OF MILTON PROPERTY TAXES are due on or before May .5, 1996. Only US Post - narks will be accepted, 'o metered stamps. An 3% penalty and 1 % per nonth interest charge will le assessed after that late. In the event a check s returned after the due late, it will be considered i late payment and sub- iitted to the Delinduent FOUND Papers on Amtrak Train on 4/28. "A Tradition With No Name Call 802- 860-1360 eves & week- ends and I'll be glad to mail them to you. F O U N D T I G E R STRIPED CAT name is Tati, found at Champlain College. 434-3042 LOST CAT Female, small, round, mostly gray, some brown, Osgood Hill Rd. area, Westford. Last seen Friday, 5-3, reward, 878- 8665. PERSONALS 6 ADOPT An angel guardian will oversee this loving couples care of a new- born. We've so much to offer. Expenses paid. Please call Sandy and Bill at 1-800-760-5842. ADOPTION Give your newborn the chance to grow up in country sur- roundings with loving family & friends to em- brace. Our family of 3 wishes to adopt sn wa g ou pick up. Call 453-5731 KITTENS Gray tigers, male and female. 7 weeks old, box trained. Call 482- 3996. KITTY Small female tiger kitty. 8 yrs old. Declawed, spayed. Vaccinations. Needs good home. Pam 679-6311 or 849-234 PUMPING U. ULTIMATE Now in Plattsburgh and PRIVATE Burlington. If you have SESSIONS changed to gas or have fuel oil or kerosene, I will Parties &morel Females/ Pump it out free and dis- males, service to your Pose of oil & tank. Call door for VT & NY. Our collect 518-585-4009, af- customers recommend us. ter 6pm 1-800-449-4122 ROTTED Employment Opportunities HORSE MANURE A FIRST EASY ACCESS. 425-2213 AFFAIR WOODEN SCREEN HOUSE for Camping Professional, Beautiful la Trailer. with 20' awning. dies specializing in Per Also deck rug. 878-8075. sonal one on on LOST AND FOUND S entertainment. Call 1 800-416-9600 evenings. FOUND A HOUSE PLANET ROCK BUNNY on Colchester Ave. Please call to identify A FUN Showl 658-3265 127 No Main, Barre BEST Bachelor & private parties 1-802-479-0234 Open Tues-Sat, 6pm on. NEW ENGL.AND Entertainment Unitd Gorgeous guys/girls The #1 exotic dance company in Vermont. 802-862-1086 BIRTHDAY, DAD Mother's Day you turn 50, & it's a rather special day, because you're the best Dad & Papa in the world - in every way. Always there to lend a helping hand & give out good ad- vice, even when you know we've been. naughty or nice. So enoy your day, Dad, & even though we're not there to help you cele- brate, remember we love You & miss you. See you soon. Dillon -Can't wait! All our love, Scott, Kim & Dillon Merchandlse Thrifty ads: quick, easy, and they work greatl Call 658-3321. ADULT ENTERTAIN- MENT **CLUB** FANTASY 1087 Williston Rd So Burlington 658-8800 Open 7 days from 6pm on ------------------ For private parties, both male & female. Call Fantasy Ent 1-800-347-2468 Quality & Satisfaction Guaranteed d SOLID GOLD DANCERS Birthdays, Strip-O-Grams, Bachelor(ette) Parties Ca11862-1377 INSTRUCTION 9 * VERMONT 7 TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOL • Classroom Prep for CDL Permit & Road Train- ing for CDL Licenses. • All scheduling done, written & road test dates. • Now training 7 days a week in Burlington and Rutland. • Proven success. When our students succeed, we succeed. • Job placement for qual- ified students. Locally & Long Haul. • One price covers all training. & licensingg fees. Call: 1.800-371-9353 or 775-4242 FINANCIAL 10 AAA CREDIT NOT REQUIRED Bad credit/good credit Cash for any reason Homeowners only Nitli disabilities Advanced compute; required (both Mar and DOS based sys Knowledge of wore essing, data base agement and gra Some bookkeepi, counting exper, Strong organization, interpersonal skills. Minimums: High diploma and two employment experie an Administrative tant level position. Salary: $23,000 an benefits. Position v, based in Waterbury. Send resume and letter by Friday, Me to: Lynne Cleveland sistive Techology Pr .03 South Main S Weeks Bldg., Water VT 05671-2305- Individuals with dir ties are encourage apply. EOE. ADMINISTRATIV ASSISTANT Nissan of So Burlin has a career opport; for a professional, de minded individual phone, typing and entry skills. Fier hours. If you are quali have a stable employ, history and want to I. more about joining professional team, pli call Mr. Shapiro or Allen for a confide interview, (802) 864-7 (800)888-9135 GET EVEN MOF ATTENTION! e USE GRAp HIC. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST Entry level, for active estate office. Room rapid advancement bonus income after f bationary period. fvj have significant comer skills and willingness learn more, plus hig developed customer re tion skills. Available nc 878-1740 AIRLINE Caterer looking for pendable, hardworki safety- conscious indivi al to service the airlir Work includes: stripp aircraft, rebuilding foo, beverage for flights driving. Willing to train right individual. Send sume or letter of intent 602 North Ave. #28, B, ,in ton, VT 05401 or c 862-1819 for more inf, mation. AIRPORT SECURITY I.T.S is hiring men a women for part time a full time security and sk cap positions at Burlir ton International Airpc $4.75/hr. AM & PM shi available. Apply at airp, gates 1 & 2. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 3, 1996 Patrick O'Brien P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 32 Unit Apartment Complex, 6;15 Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Wally Possich and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans no later than Friday, May 17, 1996. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Si?od ly, Ra J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp Encls M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Wallace Possich, South Burlington Fire Chief Re: Plans Reviewed for May 28, 1996 Agenda Date: April 22, 1996 I have reviewed the following site plans and my comments are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Timberlake Associates (Convenience store) Williston Road Acceptable 14 Cottage Grove (Apartment Building) Acceptable Chatham Green Hinesburg Road Dated 4/8/96 Dated 4/12/96 Project No. 96150 Due to the somewhat congested appearance of the complex, absolutely no vehicle parking could be permitted in the access driveway areas. Any parking other than in designated lots would severely limit emergency vehicle access. All apartments should be sprinklered. Also I would prefer a secondary access into the complex. 4. 409 Dorset Street Dated 4/10/96 (Apartment building) Preliminary plan appears to be acceptable except for concerns with entrance access by fire apparatus. Circular drive will need to be adequate for emergency vehicles (i.e., width, turning radius, no parking, etc.). TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE - 0 OE - EX. 12" D.I, WATERr- - - - -�� Ex. GREASE INTERd / RIM+321.76 1111314,6112, GOODRICH 12;� / 1 I\ I\ PROPOSED 8 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING F.F. EL 323 D .. I (8832 S F ) C84-A RIM-32001 ,322� IJ � Z t Z I c Z G3 Jt' z 'I O © �!i a. QQ/LL l i3xt-0 I 13zaz3 I 3zo.Te I / I O 3 20 +1 N .di TIMBER d LANE MEDICAL f9 NEW SMH - RIM-320.8 INV. IN-314.3 INV. OUT-314.23 �A 83-A RIM-320.0 IM-320.4 INV.-314.9 INV.-314.8 00 �O O Ifni d d II• J % _ LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE - --- -320- - - - - EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR 320 FINISH GRADE CONTOUR RECEIVED EDGE OF WOODS - - - -w- - - WATER LINE ------- � - - - - - SEWER LINE MAY Iu� 2 1"6 - - - -G- - - GAS LINE WELLESLEY - - E - - ELECTRICAL LINE GROVE OtY of So. Burlington - -GE- �.( - OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL 7J( HYDRANT 8 PARKING LOT LIGHT EX -----RIM-b25.16 POWER POLE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"= 2850' DECIDUOUS TREE EX. SMR32H CONIFEROUS TREE R0 U T E 11 6 fl. INV.-313.33 H I N E S B U R G RO AD SILT FENCE I CORE & SEAL NEW INV-313.4 �® HAY BALE CHECK DAM OE -M- - - - - fir- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -W- - - - - - - - - - -- --cy_ 32 - NL, SEED CB -B I 0 2��RV.-316.0 3 INV.= 20.0 _ \ V �I NOTES: I��I'j i \ V 1. Underground utilities shown hereon ore booed on utility \` �� i T I �\ \ I 1 evidence visible at ground surface and are subject to field verification b excavation. Utilities shown do not y Purport to �71� 1 constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjacent 321. NEW b \ ` �, / / / 1 1 to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported 11 J �� EXISTING PARKING LOT/ I \ \ to the EngQineer. The Contractor *hall contact Dig Safe (800- III AREA �j� / i I 1 225-4977) prior to any construction. PROP O D NIT II I I ` LM / a 2. The Contractor shall repair/restore all disturbed areas (on or off APARTMENUILDI IIN / / I construction) olte as °direct or Indirect result of the F.F.EL 322.E "� (8832 SF.). 3. All grossed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation is �\ 1 \� ( p - \ _ � \ � I established. =. II - 11 1 I I / _ ° -" - \ 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary far complete and operable facilities and utilities. � _ 75- -3267 I I I I ' 5. If the building Is to be sprinklered, backflow prevention \ 3? xae IN-�21, 2� I iq• �s \ 1 I shall be provided in accordance with AWWA M74. The Site r J14.96 _-�L,/TI _ NM t� Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above `I 11 the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser de all. N l \ I EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING I I I 1 6. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plans (with ties) for C.Q.1 H Z I I \ i 76 UNITS (ELDERLY) p\� all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to th Ow t th I tl f th 6 z M N II L i � M W W m cit b ��! ©© ■�.w■■■r■■� I PROPOSED CARPORT r.......... -_ SILT FENCE I / I / ^5 W"MM'i I 320.41 I at -319.47 I - -316.09 I \ 1 1 BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES 31 1 N I �( I ) f Or I I I I / ryb OF EXISTING LOCATION L, LI EXISTING 6• WATER N / TINE N / GRAPHIC SCALE / x n x ( IN FEET ) I inch = 30 ft e ner a e comp a on o e project. 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for oil Items and materials incorporated Into the site work. Work shall not begin on any item until shop drawing opprovol is granted. 8. All povement cuts shall be mode with a power pavement saw. 9. In addition to the requirements let in these pions and specifications, the Contractor shall complete the work In accordance With all permit conditions and South Burlington Public Works Standards. 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, walkways and lawn areas shall be 0.1, LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL AREA 7.23 ACRES 7.2f ACRES BUILDING AREA 24,400 S.F. (7.8%) 53,584 S.F. (17.1R) PARKING/DRIVE 31.026 S.F. (9.9%) 60,101 S.F. (19.2%) & SIDEWALKS FOXCROFT TOTAL 55,426 S.F. - 17.7E 113,685 S.F. - 36.2E -26-961 SAY IREYSED RXDNGS, MIMS, PARRNG LOT ! GRADI -15-95 SAY -M REWSION Date Ch'k•d Revision Drawn by ACL Date APRIL 1996 Checked by BCE Scale I" = 30_ Approved by SAV Project No. 96150 ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20% LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 40% NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP P.O. BOX 284 SO. BURLINGTON. VT. 05407 CHATHAM GREEN PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS SITE PLAN SHEET CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. C1 SHELBURNE, VERMONT No Text 324 322 320 318 316 314 312 310 FXISTING GRAD. APPROX.LOCATDN D.I. WATER MAI WATER SERVICE EX. 16" TORM DRAIN 10+00 11+00 12+00 WATER PROFILE TOPSOIL. SEED k 1" - 3' VERTICAL I. . 30' HORIZONTAL ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX SMOOTH CUT EXIST. IT. WITH COVER MARKED "WATER" PAVEMENT PRIOR TO PAT ALL JOINTS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED EXISTING 12" SLEEVE dt GATE VALVE AND COATED WITH EMULSIFIED ASPHALT WATER MAINH. JOINT, AWWA APPROVED PRIOR TO PAVING I'-D" MIN. (SEE PLAN)SPECIFICATIONS.SEE kTAPPING PUNS EXIST.00NEW D.I. PIPE PAVEMENTE%IST.(SEE PLAN) SUBBASE 1 CONCRETE VALVE SUPPORT CONCRETE POLYETHYLENE THRUST BLODTAPPING SLEEVE &VALVE N TS ..... 00 op0o "o 0 0° e000c ooOOOppOo °o o °° o o'Ooo°°o°°°O°°°1 oOo°o°oo°°ppoo NOTES: oo°Ooa °000°°o°oOo°o°000°o pp OC °o°°, 1. Compaction of bockfill and bedding shall be a P 9 °opOaos000°000pO0000000O0000°000 minimum of 9076 (957G under roadway surfaces) of maximum dry density determined in the r standard proctor test (ASTM D698). APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen e IN 8" LIFTS subgrade. I 3. Approved backfill shall not contain any stones 1 more than 12" in largest dimension (6" in o roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, 6 2 wet, or organic material. WATER LINE 4. Trenches shall be completely dewatered prior to placing of pipe bedding material and kept dewatered during Installation of pipe and backRll. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5. In trenches with unstable materials. trench BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of filter fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). on 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as dented by O.S.H.A. standards. 7. Bedding material shall consist of crushed stone, TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL gravel or sand with o maximum size of 3/4". Submit a sample to the Engineer for approval. _-. --- N.T.S. EFFECTIVE MINIMUM ONE FULLBEARING AREA BURIED GATE VALVE LENGTH OF PIPE CONCRETE SUP SUPPORT VALVE e ANCHOR PLUG UNDISTURBED ) NDISTURSED S SOL VALVE/OEAD END RED CER NOTE: 5 OIL PLACE 3 MIL (MINPOLE BETWEEN ALLLEN SHEET " BETWEEN ALL CONCRETE ` THRUST BLOCKS AND Lam ; �" PIPE AND/OR FITTINGS TO PREVENT BOND UNDISTURBED 90', SOIL SOIL Fe UNDISTURBED OR 11 1/4' BEEND ... N.T.! N.T.A MINIMUM AREA OF REARING SURFACE OF CONC, THRUST BLOCKS M BSaA18: fEFn 3"1 4"1 6" 1 12' SOH. CdDITION eE�G LOAD PSF EW W W45- ELB. ELB. 225' ELB. ES ! W ELB. 45- EUI 225' ELB. ! 00- ELB. 45' EIJf. 225' ELB. !s W' ELB. 45- ELS. 225' ELe. ES W ELB. 45' M.B. 225' ELB. 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 M5 1.0 1.5 1.0 MS 20 2.5 Is to 40 55 3.0 1.5 SOUND SHALE 10.000 1.0!0.55 .01.00.3 I.3 3.04,02.01.0 4.36.5352. . 1.0 O.S 2.0 2.S 1.SI.0 3.5 S.0 3.0 I.S 9.0 B.S S.0 2.5 13.0 18.5 10.0 S0 1.5 .3 1.3 1.0 2A 3.3 2.0 o S..1 7.s 4.0 2.0 9.0 1J.0 1.0 3.5 0. 27. 15.0 B.0 2,1. 3.0 .5 2.5 1.S 5.0 ].0 {.0 2.0 10.5 I5.0 B.0 4.0 18.025. 14.0 7.0 9. 55. 30. 15. SOUND SHALE 1.000 MA%IMUM WATER PRESSURE 300 PSI NOTE: REDUCER BEARNG AREA - 45' SEND °F LARGER PIPE THRUST BLOCK DETAILS N.T.S. WATER SEWER MINIMU BETWEI WATER SEWER BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 12 MAX, PRECAST CONCRETE w/MONOLITHIC BASE 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETT. PAVEMFNTI I' TYPE IV FINISH COURSE 2' TYPE 11 BASE COURSE - - - - -°-° 4" TOPSOIL _-COMPACTED SUBGRADE--_ -STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI SOOX OR APPROVED EQUAL TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION ADJACENT TO EX. PAVEMENT I -T 118- SUMP 4 (OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS) 1 LEBARON LF248 24" x 24" C.I. GRATE W/4 FLANGED FRAME (OR APPROVED EQUAL) SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED ADJUST TO GRADE WITH BRICK (2-6 COURSES) WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET (SEAL EXTERIOR JOINTS AND LIFT HOLES w/NON SHRINK GROUT) SEAL w/HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR CAST -IN -PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES *PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. C478 (LATEST EDITION). TYPICAL CATCH BASIN TYPE A N.T.S. MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1" TYPE IFINISH COURSE 2" TYPE It BASE COURSE I SEE PANS 4 (OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS) I 4" TOPSOIL 1-COMPACTED SUBGRADE---_ - STABILIZATION FABRIC MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION RECE3VEU M AY 2 1996 City of So. Burlington SEE PLAN 2 1/2" TYPE II BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK d O°O°O°O°O°o°O°O°o°o°oOo°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°o° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /. 6" 10" GRAVEL SUBBAS 6" UNDISTURBED SOIL OR APPROVED COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL EXISTING GROUND 1 1 f'Z LF248 24" x 24" 12' EROSION CONTROL MATTING IN /-LEBARONC.I. GRATE w/4 FLANGED FRAMEBITUMINOUS CONCRETE (OR APPROVED EQUAL) TOPSOIL DITCHES w/PROFIST GRADES PAVEMENT EXCEEDING 55L STAPLE AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. SET FRAME ON 12" FULL MORTAR BED MAX. ADJUST TO GRADE MATH GRASS LINED DITCH BRICK (2-6 COURSES) - -- N.T.S. PRECAST CONCRETE 4" z 24" MONOLITHIC BASE STRUCTUR SEAL w/HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR, OR CAST -IN -PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES NOTES: 1. AT CROSSINGS, ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER/SEWER PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED SO BOTH JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM THE WATER/SEWER AS POSSIBLE. 2. IF THE SEWER MAIN IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, THE FIRST SEWER PIPE JOINTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WATER MAIN MUST BE CONCRETE ENCASED. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE WATER AND SEWER PIPES MAY BE REQUIRED. 3. WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAINTAIN THE 18" SEPARATION, THE SEWER MATERIALS SHALL BE WATER MAIN PIPE OR EQUIVALENT AND SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS. 4. WATER MAINS AND SEWER LINES OR MANHOLES SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. THIS DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED EDGE TO EDGE. WATER/SEWER CROSSING DETAIL N.T.S. 18" SUM 7-- 6" MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL 4< CHATHAM GREEN * PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS SHAH M TO ASTM SPEC. WATER & ROADWAY DETAILS C478 (LATEST EDITION). A-25-96 SAV ftEN5E0 NATIR PADRE !ROAD SECllal Date Ch'k'd Revision TYPICAL _CATCH BASIN Drawn by ACL Date APRIL 1996 SHEET TYPE B N.T.S. Checked by BCE Scale AS NOTED CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ^� Approved by _S +LV ProProjectSHELBURNE, VERMONT l� Project No. 96150 nA 2"UV 61 305.. 00 (MM.) 0+00 1+00 2+00 SEWER PROFILE 1" - S VERTICAL i" . 30' HORIZONTAL TOPSOIL, SEED & NOTES: 1. Compaction of backfill and bedding shall be a minimum of 90% (95% under roadway surfaces) e of maximum dry density determined in the �+ standard proctor test (ASTM D698). APPROVED BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 2. Bedding material shall not be placed on frozen i ! IN 8" LIFTS subgrade. RIGID INSULATION AS 3. Approved backfill shall not contain any stones REOUIRED. USE 1" OF more than 12" in largest dimension (6" in n INSULATION FOR EVERY roadways, 2" maximum diameter within 2' of FOOT DEPTH OF PIPING the outside of the pipe), or contain any frozen, D 2' IS LESS THAN 5'-6" wet, or organic material. PVC SEWER PIPE 4. Trenches shall be completely dewotered prior to placing of pipe bedding material and kept 6 dewotered during Installation of pipe and backfitl. THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 5. In trenches with unstable materials, trench BEDDING MATERIAL bottom shall first be stabilized by placement of filler fabric then crushed stone (3/4" maximum). 6. The sides of trenches 4' or more in depth entered �`-- UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK by personnel shall be sheeted or sloped to the angle of repose as defined by O.S.H.A. standards. 7. Bedding material shall consist of crushed stone, TYPICAL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL gravel or sand with a maximum size of 3/4'. — N.T.S. Submit a sample to the Engineer for approval. EXISTING SEWER MI EXISTII.., AND INVERT MANHOLE AND USE RESS SEAL GASKET 'PROVED EQUAL) FOR TIGHT CONSTRUCTION )POSED 6" SDR 35 NER CONNECTION :XISTING SHELF AND FORM NEW INVERT ELEVATION CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE N.T.S. U THREADED SDR 35 PLUG w/ COUNTER SUNK SCREW KCASTVE CLEANOUT BOX ON INDEPENDENT ED OF PIPE CLEANOUT TO BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF BEND(S) IN BUILDING SEWERS) WHEN 4" SDR 35 CHANGE IN PIPE DIRECTION EXCEEDS 45' WYE 45- (USE LONG SWEEP FITTINGS WHEN EXCEEDING 45') FLOW I I r Illz' -.ill IR 'I jT TT II 4" SDR 35 PVC CONCRETE CRADLE w/ 3 MIL POLYETHYLENE PLACED BETWEEN PIPE & CONCRETE TYPICAL CLEANOUT DETAIL N.T.S. SET FRAME ON FULL MORTAR BED & SEAL JOINT 2-6 COURSES OF BRICK FOR ADJUSTMENT. MORTARED ON EXTERIOR SURFACES(12" MX.) POLYPROPYLENE MANHOLE STEPS ® 8" O.C. WATERTIGHT JOINTS USING MASTIC OR RUi18ER GASKET COAT EXTERIOP OF ENTIRE MANHOLE NTH AWATERTIGHT SEALANT (2 COATS) CAST IN PLACE FLEXIBLE MH SLEEVES OR APPROVED EQUAL (TYP. ALL PIPES) USE 3" (MAX.) STUPs AT ALL MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTIONS —CONCRETE FILL TO HIGHEST CROWN OF PIPE — 12" MIN. UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ROCK 6" MIN. CRUSHED CLASS B CONCRETE STONE BEDDING SHELF AND INVERT ELEVATION NOTES: 1. INVERTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST. 2. EXTERIOR MNTS SHALL BE SEALED ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF LEAKAGE TEST, 3, INTERIOR JOINTS SHALL NOT BE GROUTED. 4. IF DEPTH OF MANHOLE IS 7' OR LESS FROM RIM TO CENTERLINE INVERT. THEN A FLAT TOP SHOULD BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE CONE SECTION. TYPICAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE t�EC�9VED N AY 2 1996 City of So. Burlington MANHOLE WALL MANHOLE OPENING ABOVE "-0" MIN. tADIUS PLAN LEBARON FRAME & COVER LC266 TYPE C OR EQUAL ADJUST TO MEET FINISH GRADE. Pr24-1" RISE CHATHAM GREEN PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS -26-9131 SA„ RE„� �WR PROFILE SEWER PROFILE & DETAILS Date Ch'k'd Revision Drawn by ACL Date APRIL. 1996 SHEET Checked by BCE Scale AS NOTED CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ^ Z SHELBURNE, VERMONT lip.! Approved by SAV Project No. 96150 1p� WELLE5LEY GROVE R o u t e 1 1 G GOODRICH ° e 4 Pls — 2 Acr TIIMBEEER 4ADN1GAL B ThA H n e s b u r g R o a d 2 Acr L e g e n d G) Existing Tree Existing Woods ONew Deciduous Tree New Evergreen Tree RECEIVEU 0AY z 1996 City of So. Burlington ,.- T. G AMC 44 Rhc ,. I HO W wen r New Flo jng Tee Eue _. _. i7L® • New Evergreen Shrub — 7 Meb o New Deciduous Shrub EXISTNG APARTMENT BUILDNG 7G UMT5 (ELDERLY) P L A N T L I S T kev mummy wm Vfc — G Ex. 24 Amelmcn.=c ab Do db m SHED _Amc 44 con w. -t.. --t. r como.ct wnme 1—*. ft h u-te b. — m 44 r. awe Ooxt. etne.rr to-te n rem z n.moAa .were t r /- 71 n. sa ehee°e.no-m crow.. ae�.. wti F / II �J ' __ __ ilm E Tlub ecc 4enty. tlsm D. Gr_een_Awe11- Mbervlt�. D-2 fft., b!b BRIAR WOODS GONDOMMIUM A550GIATE5 G A T H A M G R E E N P R O P O S E D A P A R T M E N T B U I L D I N G S 5 0 U T M B U R L I N G T O N. V E R M O N T . L a n d s c a p e P l a n GPA PARTNER SHIP P.O. BOX 284 50 BURLINGT ON VT 05407 M i k e L a w r e n c e A s s o c L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t s E s s e x V e r m o n t 1' - JO' C '6;1-x C -=- i%'711" SITE PLAN CHECK LIST --- Lot drawn to scale l%r --- Survey data (distances and lot size) - ✓ Contours (existing and finished). -� Existing vegetation and natural features. --- Proposed landscaping (number, variety and size) equal or greater than the required amount in section 19.104 of the Zoning Regulations. --- Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings. -- ` Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways. --/- Zoning boundaries --- Number and location of parking spaces. (RV parking for multi- family projects over 25 units). ,� --- Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. --- Location of septic tanks (if applicable). --- Location of any easements. i- --- Lot coverage information: Building, overall and front yard. --- Location of site (Street # and lot #). --- North arrow --- Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. --- Exterior lighting details (must be downcasting and shielded). --- Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened). --- Existing and proposed sidewalks (public). --- Sewer calculation --- Height of new construction. --- Setbacks (residential district, planned r.o.w., Interstate). --- C.O. Zone --- Bike racks --- Traffic generation --- Traffic Impact fees PUD/PCD standards --- Airport Approach cone --- Outside storage/display --- F.A.R. --- Lot merger agreement .f --- Setback from planned r.o.w. --- If boundary line adjustment, need subdivision? �r --- Nonresidential use setback from Residential District EX. 12' D.I. WATER+ -- I GOODRICH HAY BALE CHECK DAM SILT FENCE TIMBER LANE MEDICAL LEGEND -- PROPERTY LINE - --320--- -- - - EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR —32p FINISH GRADE CONTOUR RECEIVEDv...�..nwn.i...n.�,.r_._�.. EDGE OF WOODS — — — —w— — — WATER LINE APR 1 9 1996 -------5------ SEWER LINE - - - -0- - - GAS LINE — E — ELECTRICAL LINE — — 0E— — OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL City of So. Burlington HYDRANT 8 PARKING LOT LIGHT HELD VERIFY I I POWER POLE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1'= 2850' EX. INV. BEFORE mw- to /J 1\ - --- DECIDUOUS TREE SEWER CONSTRUCTION EX• SftAFI� CONIFEROUS TREE 7 T E l I B Kt NV"313.33 H I N E S B U R G R 0 A D................................................ SILT FENCE I CORE dt SEAL I NEW INV.-313.4 �® MAY BALE CHECK DAM —� _ - -- BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES 0 _ I \\O\ I ± III TTTI ITTT''' J as I NOTES: 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are based on utility evidence visible at ground surface and ore subject tofield. EXISTING PARKING LOT I veriflcotion by excavation. Utilities shown do not purport to constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjocent to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported to the En ineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (800- 225-4977� I t t tl a 2. pro r o any cone me on. The Contractor shall repair/restore all disturbed areas (on or o!! the Site) as a direct or indirect result of the construction. '�-` -- - ---------- -- - -- - _ O O - - � - � � I I I I 1All greased arena shall be maintained until lull vegetationIs estoDlished. , \ �,y�, 'veil' I I 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for complete and operable facilities and utilities. I 5. If the building is to be sprinklered, bockflow prevention Shall be provided in accordance with AWWA MIS. The Site Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above 1 the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser detail. \ EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING I 6. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plans (with ties) for all underground utilities. Those plane shall be submitted to \ I the Owner at the completion of the project. 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all Items and J mat,in Is incorporated into the Site work. Work than not begin on any Item until shop drawing approval Is granted. � LorAtigis OF t7naflNa !' wAtm N / IaIE � GRAPHIC SCALE / a w rw ( IN ►1!cr 1 I Inch - 3a It 8. All pavement cuts shall be mode with a power pavement saw. 9. In addition to the requirements set In these plans and apecific.one, the Contractor shall complete the work in accordance with all permit conditions and South Burlington Public Works Standard.. 10. The tolerance for finish grades for all pavement, walkways and lawn areas shall be 0.1. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL AREA 7,2f ACRES 7.2t ACRES BUILDING AREA 24.400 S.F. (7.8%) 53,584 S.F. (17.1R) PARKING /DRIvE 31.026 S.F. (9.9R) 60,101 S.F. (19.2%) k SIDEWALKS FOXCROFT TOTAL 55,426 S.F. - 17.7% 113.685 S.F. - 36.2%. ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 7 DISTRICT (R7) BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 20% LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM, 40% NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP P.O. BOX 284 SO. BURLINGTON, VT. 05407 CHATHAM GREEN PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS �k u� uxa sr ca SITE PLAN Dote Ch'k'd Revision SOUTH B' Drown by ACL Date APRIL 1996 Checked by. BCE Scale II'�00' ITN Approved by — Project No. 96150 ON CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 SHELBURNE, VERMON' I C I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record doomtry RAN)( ASSoe,-� 1�C7 x 'Duq S, N), 1l 0'�)y(0 b . Applicant 2-d'hx?w .91),91 /L,t c . Contact r� ��li� /� /.�✓Si P� — �/�/�9i /).h"u- . 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). 3) Applicant's leg 1 interest in the prope ty (fee simple, option, etc . e /'10 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. u n1 j 5 J 1 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. 4el_ #Mf je. <✓,fA tewe-i. : k,4 ON 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Z"oning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affects the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: 8) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (81 x 11, 81 x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the following information: a) Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. b) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. c) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). d) Boundaries and area of: 1) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record, and 2) proposed subdivision. e) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. f) Type of, location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities, and open space. g) Existing zoning boundaries. h) Existing water courses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. i) Location of existing septic systems and wells. j) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. k) All applicable information required for a site plan, as provided in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential 'qevelopment. (Signature),applicant or contact person Date s hcei ved de,is►` VOU)'�, c� 100 UAJ Oki 13) I c1 � 9 Re c t )'Ve-d roj C-� r I� a fP ,/) o 4 C) �eceivej. c e/I v6(r1,cu)ce co As y D) lqqC) — p)J— qpjoLjW �l�/'f C�'7T �„� ��f l S }iill�i F" C�v�✓I�� /� �[ %���� �rtC�,� 7..S v" r'a"IL e a) D) a`Ve'm G S 14 'ves b L ,A, rP�Q 00a), V-r bey, ) we Mhv4c,,1) 9, k, 5o i `M be,) 19-4)' Ste. 96,,4 t/T �OXCno t- k)L461 p62ex '-')1_�'3 I) LEGEND EX. 12" D.I. WATER+— - GOODRICH I b I I HAY BALE - CHECK DAM SILT FENCE TIMBER LANE MEDICAL -- PROPERTY LINE - - -- - -320— - - - -- EXISTING GRADE CONTOUR N 32p---- FINISH GRADE CONTOUR ti .. EDGE OF WOODS . — — — —w— — — WATER LINE Sir - - - - - - - ------- SEWER LINE a —c— — — GAS LINE A - I WELLESLEY E — ELECTRICAL LINE GROVE — —OE— OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL n HYDRANT a u 8 PARKING LOT LIGHT FIELD VERIFY POWER POLE SE INV. BEFORE —� w-az ,tor LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 2850' SEWER CONSTRUCTION DECIDUOUS TREE I EX. SMH CONIFEROUS TREE T T E 1 1 6 0 INV.-313.33 HINESBURG R 0 A D................................................ SILT FENCE I CORE & SEAL NEW INV.-313.4 119oumvm HAY BALE CHECK DAM —OE _- aE—_ Q—®��� OE __ — --- -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —w— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- n5N Ew CB _/"` __ - - — 324 ray/ ` - ox RIM-32U.0 "hgQ REW GO IM-321.0 � _ 1 � �. s I NOTES: yI I 1. Underground utilities shown hereon are based on utility ati.e , r 1 �\� /I ` ``1 evidence visible at ground surface and are subject to field ...ill I \ I verification by excavation. Utilities shown do not purport to // I 1 constitute or represent all utilities located upon or adjacent / EXISTING PARKING LOT 1 \ 1 to the surveyed premises. All discrepancies shall be reported \N 0 BRIAR WOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES to the En9Ineer. The Contractor shall contact Dig Safe (800- 11 � i 225-497 1 prior to any construction. �����L� c� /2. The Contractor shall repalr/restore oil disturbed areas (on or off the site) as a direct or Indirect result of the construction. 3. All grassed areas shall be maintained until full vegetation is established. r \ APPROXMATE LOCATION OF EXISnNG 8" WATER N UNE f BUIDING G-----I FOXCROFT So. Burlington 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work necessary for complete and operable facilities and utilities. 5. If the building Is to be sprinklered, backfiow prevention shall be provided in accordance with AWWA M14. The Site Contractor shall construct the water line to two feet above the finished floor. See mechanical plans for riser detail. 6. The Contractor shall maintain as -built plans (with ties) for all underground utilities. Those plans shall be submitted to the Owner at the completion of the project. 7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all Items and materials Incorporated Into the site work. Work shall not begin on any Item until shop drawing approval is granted. 8. All pavement cuts shall be made with a power pavement saw. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL AREA 7,2} ACARES 7.23 ACRES BUILDING AREA 24,400 S.F. (7.8%) 53.584 S.F. (17.1%) PARKINGLRIVEKS 31,026 S.F. (9.9X) k SIDEW 80,101 S.F. (19.2X) TOTAL 55,426 S.F. - 17.7% 113.685 S.F. - 36.2X ZONING DISTRICT: INDUSTRIAL h OPEN SPACE BUILDING COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 30% LOT COVERAGE MAXIMUM: 50% NAME OF RECORD LAND OWNER CPA PARTNERSHIP P.O. BOX 284 SO. BURLINGTON. VT. 05407 CHATHAM GREEN PROPOSED APARTMENT BUILDINGS SITE PLAN Drawn by ACL I Date APRIL 1996 SHEET Checked by BCE Scale i" = 30, CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. (�� SHELBURI VERMONT v Approved by Project No. 96150 1 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 February 9, 1994 Leo O'Brien, Jr. Country Park Associates P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Two (2) Year Approval Extension Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact & Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on January 25, 1994. If you have any questions, please give me a call. S -n)c erel y, ,vl�l J Weith, C ty Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp cc: Dan O'Brien City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 7, 1994 Leo O'Brien, Jr. Country Park Associates P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Two (2) year Approval Extension Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the January 25, 1994 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. S'n erely, Joe Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp cc: Dan O'Brien 1/25/94 MOTION OF APPROVAL CPA I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the request of CPA Partnership for a two (2) year extension of a revised final plat approval granted by the Planning Commission for construction of a 50 residential unit addition to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments with the following stipulations. 1. All previous approvals and conditions shall remain in effect. 2. This approval shall expire on 12/4/95 if at that time the applicant has not taken action to construct substantially the project. (mo-cpa) Memorandum - Planning Janaury 25, 1994 agenda items January 21, 1994 Page 6 Recommendation: The proposed plan improves some existing deficiencies on the site (e.g., illegal parking in front of the ATM), but it causes new problems (e.g., forcing all traffic onto O'Dell Parkway). The best situation in terms of traffic safety and circulation would be to relocate the bank to the rear of the property where there is adequate space for such an intense use. Regardless, any approval should include a stipulation that no zoning/building permit be issued until O'Dell Parkway is improved to City standard as shown on the approved plans for the new bank behind Ben Franklin. 5) CPA PARTNERSHIP - 2 YEAR EXTENSION - REVISED FINAL PLAT This application is for a two (2) year extension to the expiration of a revised final plat approved on 12/4/90 (minutes enclosed). This project consists of the construction of a 50 residential unit addition to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments, 635 Hinesburg Road. Pursuant to Section 605 of the subdivision regulations, the Planning Commission may extend the approval for up to two (2) additional years if, after a public hearing, the Commission determines that the developer has since final plat approval, been diligently and consistently pursuing financing or other approvals necessary for the project. The applicant has submitted a written explanation detailing their attempts to obtain financing (see enclosed). The applicant obtained Act 250 approval for the project on 11/25/92. 6) WILLIAM THOMPSON/DANIEL MORRISSEY - SIGN ORDINANCE APPEAL This is an appeal taken by William Thompson and Daniel Morrissey of a decision made by Code Officer Richard Ward to deny a permit for a wall sign at 550 Hinesburg Road (see enclosed sign application, letter from Richard Ward and appeal letter). This appeal is being taken pursuant to Section 29, Appeals, of the South Burlington Sign Ordinance. The section of the sign ordinance which is in question is Section 18, Signs in Residential Areas. The applicants applied for a wall sign for an office building in an R-7 District and Mr. Ward 6 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 21, 1994 Leo O'Brien, Jr. Country Park Associates P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Two (2) year Approval Extension Dear Mr. O'Brien: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, January 25, 1994 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. rely, Jde Weith, City Planner Encls JW/mcp PUBLIC HKARINQ so UTH SURLINQTON P NNINQ COMMI ION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January 25, 1994 at 7:30 P M to con- y sider the followingh: Ot 1) Requests of CPq,' Warship for a �y ' I,exteriabn of j nal plat apprbir by the Planrii slon for cons .50 residential un$ to the existing 79 bIt elderly housing known as Coun ark Apartments located HI- 1 nesburg Road. 2) Revised final plat,. cation of Heathcote ciates to ' amend' ,e condition of appproval ;re- quiring termination of'.e ddrive-through service at the Outlet Mall, : Sheib Road. The requeat�, allow the drive-t ` service to remain. e�td Dudes proposed changes I to the bank building and revisions In parking and f circulation In the vidnoy f of the bank building: 0 `v Copies of the application's are available for public Inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. { William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission January 8, 1994 LOCATION MAP SC4LE1 3i7D a / r l--"REMOVE�xIST. --._—�BITUVOUS PAV ENT, �\ — ?OPP��OOIL, SEED, e IFRO 9UILDINC, /�// I III .� \•.�_ � _ / (-y----- l y Iti CB I ,• / , LEGEND: . r — It { } '..IF L SLOPE TO / f Il DRAW, I 1 ErlsTnc coN1GUN I Rr j r uts I" — WOPOSfD CON700N I,IE �I I Erls•NG I—, Y.�� — NEwJ I PROPOSED l / O� E.IST.w c4TCH e•sw . I. 9utL2,4. fr -,I / 'CUS I - / I ADDITION FF. 32K! J T _ ®,A PROPOSED CATCHBASIN l •.I�f --� I R� 1 l /� ,�'•� Uu, EXISTING MAN HOLE J SLOP AWAYUILa Ex15 TING LIGHT OR— /� I I -T / �ttlll///...—����yyy1l / I/� , •\ ROM BDI / // / �• HYDRANT — — — ------ I I -. I'�' f, •.:L.. / .. JI x•',; ITYP.) , ,� / I I r ' [[+�� j6�1F � / _ --- - .. _ • w•tER SHUT -OFF POWER POI I' TRANSFORMER I I• R•]203 _ / J �I I tj �U I1 I _ IT 4C P]ua0 ` U' y. ROONA I� / --_� PROPERTY LINE,I I--------- - Cs 1--_---C9 i..1b3 la. l --w—_ EXIST. W4 TE R LINE /'V—rl -- I ] I I \\ I \ ~ ��\\ -- CLEANOUT \ = EXIST. SEWER L.4 f 9Q �I"��\ll °'i Il `llll 1 NEw nN2� / 1 —ST-- EXIST, STORM LINE \ / CBS �^ \. i� I�R.a1,.1// 0 --pE-- EXIST. OVERHEO ELEC. LINE —_ y..X3a _ _ 1 —� _._.--- _ — _. _ � '\ NEW WATER '_WE —S]— NEW SEWER LIKE NEW STORM LIKE j2L lfi y�\ / EXISTING PARKING I I \ / 1 CONIFEROUS rPEE \ ,,*LOT I L01 \ `•rT \ \ \ LOT I I/ I 'k\\ \�\ ! \ t © Decwuous TREE 1 8 ® CLE-OUT AN SPOT ELEVATION PAVEMENT— v, \ - fAP LNG SLEEVE ,(_ z� yqt� ]��� j,E ; [ J 5 v LVE NOTES Os_ "1 ' !� �'♦Vi ✓�r� "IN '1/`' W ( I _iJP n IQ _. _ �, R• 8 \\ �^'� \\\ _ice..\SO �,.(S��^j�; /� �` i•�S• '32K .— �\ \. 1. •ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE PROJECT BENCH MAHK. _ 3t �— s5 \ \\SD HE ELEVATION 15 FROM 4 PLAN TITLED "SITE PLAN- =�— — �M' -- — r_� — W �._•—?� —i ..�• w ` a \ COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS FOR FOREST PARK _ t ����.tTy'�Jr —..W REALTY' PREPARED - 4 NE GATED -----0E--- ------ +3Fi 1-----�0E---�—jy' — --- MAYL30, 1978. AEV15CO ANE 227,, 197M. %IE 1 �• 2. UNDERGO' VTILITE3 ARE APNIOXMATE AND MAY -- -------- I _ C------------ NOT BE COMPLETE. FIELD VERIFICATION WILL BE ..—___..,—_ _— _.._ _.-w... — — — — — — — — — ROUTE l/6 -- --- - II �\ rvEEES54ART TO CONFIRM ANY AND ALL UTILITE S. H(NEWURG ROAD 3.—3�\ SSEE ARCHITECTURAL TECTURAI SITE TE PLAN FOR PARKING LOT 45 ---------------—------ I III CB -- BU.OING DIMENSIONS. -0.3232 —AEEXISTING GRE INTERCEPTOR �\ WELLESLEY 'RGvE SITE PLAN XD COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS GRADING PLAN Drawn by '"'"=W Dale zILY I9siQ SHEET Checked by BCE SCa1e r F . KO �•y� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES , INC. C I. SHELBURNE. VERMONT 7 Approved by sAV Project No. 90152 - ro f B R I E % November 26, 1990 Mr. Joe Weith Planning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Joe, This letter is a follow up to your comments regarding the expansion over at Country Park. Item 1: As we agreed during our phone conversation, the plat which is already in your possession will be sufficient enough for recording. Item 2: Screening for the proposed dumpsters is clearly indicated on the landscaping plan. Item 3: The estimated total cost for the project is $1,873,000+-. With regards to chief Goddettes comments, we have already built in fire connections on each floor and on the outside of the facility. As for Bill Symanskils comments, the storm drain under the proposed addition will be relocated to the new parking lot. Bill has agreed to eliminate the use of footing drains due to the enormous amount of water we would be collecting and sending off site. As for the 811 watermain, we are working with Bob Gardener to come up with a solution, so the line can stay where it is. we hope to have the issue resolved by the meeting on the 4th. If you have any questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 M E M O R A N D U M To: Proiect Files From: William Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Comments, December 4 and December 11, 1990 agendas Date: November 16, 1990 "OUNTRY. PARK APARTMENTS, HINESBURG ROAD 1. Site plan shows building being constructed on top of an existing storm drain. This drain shall be removed or capped and aban,loned . 2. The building shall include foundation drains outletting into a catch basin. This should be shown on the plans. 3. The connection structure between the old and new building is on top of an 8 inch watermain serving the condo development to the west. This watermain must be relocated. LAKEWOOD COMMONS, SHELBURNE ROAD Plans dated 1C/5/90 prepared by Trudell Engineering are accept- able. EASTVIEW CONDOMINIUMS. EAST TERRACE 1. The 12 inch storm drain along the north side of access drive shall include a manhole where it connects to existing culvert. This storm sewer shall be plastic or concrete pipe not metal. 2. The adequacy of the water supply for fire protection was requested. This information has not been submitted. 3. The long headwall along the south side of the access drive should have a guard rail along the top of it because it is only about 3 feet from the edge of the driveway. 4. Relocating the power lines along the northerly side of the lot conflicts with the proposed landscaping also for the view in that direction. These lines should be placed underground or located elsewhere. M E M O R A ._1 U U M To: Project Files From: Joe Wei.t.h, City Planner Re: Preliminary comments, December 4 and December 11, 1990 Agenda items Date: November 16, 1990 1) LAKDWOOD COMMONS, FINAL PLAT Plat submitted does not comply with Section 512 of the subdivision regulations and the Vermont Plat Law since some of the lettering on the plat. if5 less than 1/10th of an inch in height. Need detailed information for easterly boundary of 30 foot and 40 foot right-of-way including length of straight lines, radii and length of curves. Limits of -'.she southbound left turn lane needs to be shown. At preliminary approval 388 parking spaces were approved, the plan on page SP5 shows only 374 spaces leaving the plan 14 spaces short and page SP2 shows only 371 spaces. Note #8 on page SP2 states that 398 spaces are provided. All plans should snow a minimum of ?88 spaces and the note corrected. 2) EASTVIEW CONDOS, PRELIMINARY PLAT Additional information needed: Proposed landscaping is approximately $1200 short of the requirement. Exterior lighting details, if any are proposed. Indicate type of screening proposed around dumpster. At the last meeting, the Commission raised a question concerning a requirement that a maximum of 50 units are allowed on a cul-de-sac. The City Attorney has provided an opinion that the Commission has the authority to deny the application since there are over 50 units served by the Eastwoods cul-de-sac. 3) CPA PARTNERSHIP. REVISED FINAL PLAT Additional information needed: Plat must show proposed addition and parking areas. --- Indicate what type of screening is proposed for the new — dumpsters . I `Q s t. Total cost of project. ,a,0 City of South Burlington WATER DEPARTMENT 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL. 864-4361 September 26, 1990 Mr. Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05407-2184 0 Re: Act 250 Revi Country Park, Hinesburg Road South Burlin ton Dear Mr. D'Elia, In response to your request as to the capability of the South Burlington water distribution system to supply water to the above referenced project I submit the following: 1. Your estimated demand of 9000 gallons per day can be met by the existing water distribution system without encumbering the existing users. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT Tracyette Administrative Assistant cc: J. Weith ✓/ J. Fay City of South Burlington WATER DEPARTMENT 403 QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL. 864-4361 August 14, 1990 Mr. Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, VT 05407 RE: Act 250 Review; Country Park, Hinesburg Road South Burlington Dear Sir, In response to your request as to the capability of the South Burlington water distribution system to supply water to the above referenced project I submit the following. 1. Your estimated demand of 4,513.5 gallons per day can be met by the existing water distribution system without encumbering the existing users. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT Trac A. Bessette Administrative Assistant cc: J. Weith 00" R. Gardner J. Fay Memorandum - Planning September 18, 1990 agenda items September 14, 1990 Page 6 6) COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS - ADDITION = HINESBURG PLAN ROAD SKETCH This project is located at 635 Hinesburg Road and is within the R7 District. Abutters include Ralph B. Goodrich, Timberlane Medical, Briarwood Condos and Foxcroft Condos. The proposal is to construct an addition containing 50 units to an existing 76 unit building. The two (2) buildings will be joined by a commu- nity room. The Board of Adjustment on 4/23/90 granted the applicant a vari- ance to exceed the density limitation and to set-off 106 parking spaces (see enclosed ZBA minutes). A variance was also granted on 12/6/76 for the original 76 units. The 126 total units will result in a 147% greater density than allowed. Normal zoning allows a maximum of 51 units on this 7.26 acre parcel. Setbacks/coverage: All setback requirements are met for both the proposed and existing buildings. Building coverage will be 14% (maximum allowed is 20%). Building, parking and storage coverage will be 30.6% (maximum allowed is 40%). Access/Circulation: Access to the property is via a 30 foot curb cut on Hinesburg Road. No changes to the access are proposed. Parking layout not submitted as requested. This information would be necessary to properly review internal traffic circula- tion. CCTA should review the plan since it serves this project. Parking: 284 parking spaces required and only 106 spaces are to be provided. The ZBA approved a variance for 106 parking spaces. Included is a sheet which lists parking ratio's at other elderly housing projects in the area. The 106 spaces are consistent with other ratios. There is ample area on the site if more parking is needed. We are unable to determine whether the spaces and aisles will meet minimum requirements since this information was not provided. Landscaping: No details submitted. 6 Memorandum - Planning September 18, 1990 agenda items September 14, 1990 Page 7 Traffic: This property is within Traffic Overlay Zone 5 which allows 356 peak hour trips. `Traffic information provided by the applicant and Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn (enclosed) indicates that the P.M. peak hour trips for the project, including the additional units, would be 36 tips. The applicant will be required to contribute money toward the Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive Improvement fund based on the addi- tional peak hour trip ends. Other: Additional information required for Sketch Plan but not submitted: Distances along all property lines. Individual parking spaces need to be shown. Each building should include the number of units, existing or proposed. Name and address of the owner of record and applicant, True north arrow. Graphic scale. Sewer: A sewer allocation of 9000 gpd is required based on 40 one bedroom apartments and 10 two bedroom apartments. 7) 100 DORSET STREET - RETAIL ADDITIONS - SKETCH PLAN Expansion of 100 Dorset Street, presently an office and retail mixed -use project, to include 20,178 square feet of net addition- al retail space comprised of four buildings which will front on both Dorset Street and Corporate Way with the inclusion of the "back parcel" of the Ramada Inn. The existing theater building will be renovated and expanded for retail use. The buildings which currently house the Cork and Board and the Net Result will eventually be razed and replaced with a single building. This property is located in both the Commercial 1 District and Central District 1. It is bounded to the north by Mills & Greer, to the east by the Ramada Inn, to the south by the Anchorage Motor Inn and to the west by Dorset Street. This project also includes a parcel with frontage on Corporate Way, which is con- tiguous to the main parcel, recently acquired from Ramada Inn. 7 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: 1. 2. 3. IiI IItAtoll E�Jc-ar#Illtilt tT 'tnitit +� urlir!�trrtt. ]icrttt«itt 05,103 (802) 658-7960 SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION CHIEF GODDETTE TUESDAY SEPT. 18,1990 AGENDA ITEMS TUESDAY AUGUST 21,1990 27 SAN REMO DRIVE PROPOSED RETAIL STORE I AM PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THAT I DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM FOR THE DEPARTMENT ON THIS PROJECT. COLONIAL MOTOR INN SHELBURNE ROAD ADDITION PLANS WERE REVIEWED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND AT THIS TIME THERE IS NO WAY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CAN GIVE PROPER PROTECTION DUE TO THE SIZE OF THE PROJECT BECAUSE PROPER ACCESS CAN NOT BE GIVEN FOR EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT, 100 DORSET STREET PROJECT PLANS REVIEWED ON THIS PROJECT AND THE FOLLOWING WILL BE NEEDED TO ENABLE USE TO GIVE PROPER FIRE PROTECTION A: REMOVE PARKING BEHIND EXISTING 2-STORY BUILDING. B. ADD TWO HYDRANTS TO THE DORSET BUILDINGS AT A LOCATION APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND ADD ONE HYDRANT BY BUILDING-C OFF CORPORATE CIRCLE — ALSO APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT OF LOCATION C. INSTALL A LOOP WATER MAIN FROM DORSET STREET TO CORPORATE CIRCLE. 4. COUNTRY PARK APT. ADDITION HINESBURG ROAD PLANS REVIEWED ON THIS PROJECT AND THE ONLY PROBLEM I SEE AT THIS TIME IS PROPER ACCESS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING MUST BE PROVIDED TO ENABLE USE TO DO PPgrTTP. Tn7nPV TITTP Tn 91WW CT'7R !lF TRR RTTTT.nTT\T(] ANT M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: September 18, 1990 agenda items Date: September 14, 1990 3) LAKEWOOD COMMONS, BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS.SHELBURNE ROAD Plan SP2 prepared by Trudell Engineering dated 7/16/90 is accept- able. 5) COLONIAL MOTOR INN.SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Work on Shelburne Street will require a permit from the City of Burlington. Work will be in accordance with their standards. 2. Modification and closing of curb openings on Hadley Road will require a permit from South Burlington. The curb opening that will be closed shall include removing the existing depressed curb and pouring a concrete barrier curb. 3. The existing curb opening should be flared to allow for turning. 6) COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS, HINESBURG ROAD 1. There should be a drainage inlet behind the new building (west side) because the area is very wet. Perforated pipe is recommended. 7) 100 DORSET STREET, DORSET STREET 1. Location of building and curb opening shall conform to the proposed Dorset Street improvement plan. 2. Sending all traffic out to Corporate Way may have an impact on the Dorset Street intersection. 3. Site drainage must be controlled off this site. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hal], Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, December 4, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Revised Final Plat application of CPA Partnership for construction of an addition consisting of 50 residential units to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments located on Hinesburg Road. The property is bounded by Foxcroft Condominiums, Birchwood Estates, Timberlane Medical Center, Inc., Ralph B. Goodrich, Inc., and Hinesburg Road. 2) Preliminary Plat application of Art Shields and Bill Sabi- loski for construction of a four (4) unit residential building on a 1.23 acre parcel of land located on East Terrace. The property is bounded by J. Dooley, W. Oakes, Assembly of God Church, J. Chadwick, H. McKenzie, N. Rorris, Quarry Hill Tennis and Swim Club, and East Terrace. 3) Revised Final Plat application of Lochmore Associates for construction of a 108 room hotel and 18,000 square foot office/retail building in conjunction with an existing planned commercial development consisting of office, retail; restaurant and hair salon use, Lakewood Commons, Shelburne Road. The property is bounded by T. Farrell, City of South Burlington, A. Lewis, Holmes Road and Shelburne Road. Copies of these documents are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission November 17, 1990 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 November 16, 1990 Mr. Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc.. P.O. Box 2184. South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 50 Unit Addition, Country Park Apartments Dear Mr. D'Elia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed, please find preliminary comments on the above refer- enced project from the planning staff, City Engineer Bill Szym,-ln ski and Fire Chief Goddette. Please respond to these comments at least one (1) week before the meeting which is scheduled for December 4, 1990. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. S erely, foe Weith, City Planner Encls JW/mcp //- / - q�) Plant List 3.Buriirgbn, Vermont Plant List SymbolQuani UnW Common Name Botanical Name Size Type Evergrosn Trees AP-1 4 ea Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 54.6' B&B AP-2 7 Austrian Pine Pima nigra V-T B&B RP-1 3 Red Pine Pinus resinosa 5'.6' B&B RP-2 7 Red Pine Pinus remora V-T B&B NS 5 Norway Spruce Picea abies 6'-T B&B CS 6 Colorado Spruce Picea pungens V-8' B&S Deciduous Trees GMSM 8 ea. Green Mountain Sugar Maple Acer sa cherum'Green Mountain 2-1/20 cal. B&B SDC 4 Snowdrift Crabapple Malus'snowdrifC 2-1/2" cal. B&S RC 5 Royalty Crabapple Males Ysoyalty' 2-1/2• cal. B&B YWB 1 Young's Weeping Birch Betubi PNM" `younglill 2-112• cal. B&B STM 1 Star Magnolle Magoiia swilala V-V ht. S&B Evergrosn Shrubs TJ 45 as. Tam Juniper Juniper sabina, vnwr>ad#oiia' 16"-24" CG DM P 2 Dwarf Mugo Pine Pinus mugo mugo 2'-2-112' CG Si 2 Spartan Juniper Juniper chinensis 'apeman' 54-64 B&B WGA 2 Woodward globe Arborvitae Thuja occidentaiis Woodwardii' 2-1/Z-3' B&B MA 15 Mission Arborvitae Thu4a techney $'.6' B&B Deciduous Shrubs MKL 31 ea. Miss Kkn Lilac Syringe page miss kim' 16"-24" B&B DFV 7 Marios' Doubla ie Viburnum Viburnum plicaaxn tomenbsum 'marl 3'-4' B&B ROD 14 Redosier Dogwood Comus sencea T-4' B&B D KL 8 Dwarf Korean Lilac Syringa meyeri 'peiibin' 1$"-24" CG ALS 7 Allegheny Serviceberry Amelanchier laevis 51.6% B&B E MH 14 Emerald Mound Honeysuckle Lonicera xyiosteum 'emerald mound' 1 r-24' CG MSM 6 Min w wla Snowflake Modcorang PhiladolpFus x v 3'-4' B&B 8/24/90 Revised: 9/12/90 Page 1 =368`° 04 1!6 = Toy1,Qa e� Wrye Y3, 8C iyg° = / 5 6 �-lj �Y�s,3a Lt SGH' Plant List EFTA 9 S BV 8 FS 10 RVE 9 CL 11 LPS 22 GFS 5 ea. Exbtq Azalea Srnowbd Viburnum Froobeli 81*oa RecMen Enldanthua Common Lilac LiUle Prat o*w 81*sa Goldlame Sl*sa Lawn and Ground Cover GC 276 ea. Poremial Ground Covor-952 of 19000 of Sodded Lanni 14500 of Seeded lawn 4500 at Wildflower Overaeed N11"laneou s 1137 112 840 88 5 5680 31270 6 cy eel sf if cY cY sf sf ea. loape Materials: Azdea Sp. Vibumum opulus 'roseum' Sl*oa x bumaida'fro"O' Enldandm comparndaws %iinga Sp. French Hybrids 81*oa japonica. T da princ ow' Sirea x hxrWda'goklflame' 24" o.c. (.2914 W-81 2'-3' 18"-24" 4'-4-1/2' 3'-4' 12"-18" 190-24" 1 Year Sod & Place On -Sits Top"I for planing artd Lawns 0 apeciflod dopths of Wand 1 i" Granite Stone Basin Stepping Stone Walk Flagstone set flush to grade, 1'6" x2'x2-1 / 2 " p Planting Bed Edging 'Permaloc" edging 4"x 1 /8" Bark Mulch I Shredded Bark Mulch for indiv. trees/shrubs Shredded Filter Fabric Iwoven Polypropylene Clear and Grub Existing Trees I Transplant/Relocate Existing Trees /at 4" 4" 8/24/90 Revised: 9/12/90 Page 2 /ice �o 1oga.9a r �5br 7 60 SU n s) c srH Photometric Data CITATION SERIESType III CT3-250SMH-F SINGLE/FLAT LENS 250W SUPER METAL HALIDE TWIN/FLAT LE 4MH 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 MA 1MH E 2MH F 3MH FRONT 4MH 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 iMH 2MH 3MH 4MH FRONT I 3MH 2MH 11VIH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH 4MH Mounting Configuration Foot Candle Values For The Following Curves Height A B C D E F 16' Sin le 9.1 °� 4.5 Twin 18:0 . 9.1 4.5 . , 8 18' Single 7.2 3.6 1.5 .7 .36 .15 Twin 14.2 7.2 3.6 1.5 .72 .36 Single `5.8?2 9 ^", 1.2ti .6 ,1< ts! �d7 Twin 11.5 5.8 " 2.9=' 22' Single 4.8 2.4 1.0 .5 .24 .10 Twin 9.5 4.8 2.4 1.0 .48 .24 24' Single Twin 4.0 '2 0 1 26' Single 3.4 1.7 .7 .3 .17 .07 ---28' Twin 6.8 3.4 1.7 .7 .34 .17 Single Twin 3.0 5.9 1.5 3.0 30' __Single 2.6 1.3 .5 .3 .13 .05 Twin 5.1 2.6 1.3 .5 .26 .13 MH-Mounting Height 1:3 lighting systems inc. LSI-CT REV-10/86 4201 Malsbary Rd. • P.O. Box 42728 • Cincinnati, OH 45242 Telex 62838369 (513) 793-3200 CT °'Mount E Series SECURITY LIGHTS \\A,/ E3 Series A�rinaeter Cutoff Reflector directs light downward to wash wall below and to the sides of the fixture. The wide distribution permits maximum spacing between fixtures. Same optics are also available for vertical mounting. Add suffix " V" to catalog number. E5 Series Up/Down Cutoff Optics provide con- trolled uplight and downlight with side cutoff. Same optics are also available for vertical mounting. Add suffix W" to catalog number, (Gold color shroud option shown). f'x * E4 Series Projection Cutoff Reflector projects light out and away 4 from the fixture. Excellent for lighting small parking areas '1 next to buildings. E8 Series Deep Shielded When mounted as pic- tured, this unit provides front brightness shielding without sacrificing wide light distribution. Ideal over entrances. Some wattages suitable for inverted mounting (See chart below). (Bronze color shroud option shown). Security Light Order Information 6.a5^' /- 4,2 �' Ballast/ Catalog Mounting / 8.5" I- 2.25 i n r Description Lamp Number Position I� I' SOW MH E3405-D Wall/Ground 70W MH E3407-D Wall/Ground `4 Perimeter 35W HPS E3503-1 Any 6.0" > Cutoff 50W HPS E3505.1 Any PAS-7 70W HPS E3507-1 Any j Mounting Bracket IOOW HPS E3510-1 Wall/Ground Mounts any "E Series" light to 50W MH E4405-D Wall Downlieht side of a square pole. Steel 70W MH E4407-D Wall Downlieht 10.0" backing plate and two thread- Projection 35W HPS E4503-1 Any ed bolts secure fixture to pole. Cutoff SOW HPS E45o5-t Any Cast aluminum with bronze 70W HPS E4507.1 Wall/Ground finish. 10" X 6" X 2.4". SOW MH E5405-D Wall 35W HP5 E5503.1 Any NOTE: q . Up/Down SOW HPS E5505-1 Any Dimension varies with voltage Cutoff 70W HPS E5507-1 Any and lamp type. (Consult factory) SOW MH E8405-D Wall/Ground 70W MH E8407-D Wall/Ground 100W MH E8410-D Wall Onlv Deep 35W HPS E8503-1 _ Any Shielded 50W HPS E8505-1 Any ESB-7 70W HPS E8507-1 Any Surface Mounting BOX IOOW HPS E8510-1 Wall Ground Options: (factory -installed) Lamps included with fixture. Cast aluminum with bronze 208 Volt (HPS only) change suffix "t" to "3" finish. Standard with (6) 1/2" 240 Volt (HPS only) change suffix "1" to "4" tapped & plugged holes. 277 Volt (HPS only) change suffix "1" to "2" 1 0" x 6" x 1 1/4". High Power Factor add suffix "H" Quality for Less — BUY DIRECT RU[� �D Toll Free 800 236-7000 Racine 414 886-1900 LIGHTING Milwaukee 414931-7883 �N, Photocell add suffix "P" .�..�,� Bronze Color Shroud add suffix "BS" Gold Color Shroud add suffix "GS" Vertical Mounting add suffix "V" (E3 and E5 Series only) Tamperproof Lens Fasteners Accessories: fie -insta e ) Surface Mounting Box consult factory ESB-7 Tamperproof Screwdriver _ TPS-1 PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 i October 1, 1990 Mr. Christopher D'Ellia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 50 Unit Addition, Country Park Apartments Dear Mr. D'Ellia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 The above referenced project will require a sewer allocation of 9000 gpd. This project would be served by the City's Airport Parkway Treatment Facility which has sufficient capacity to handle such demand. Please note that this letter does not constitute approval for the 9000 gpd sewer allocation. Official approval is granted by the Planning Commission at Preliminary Plat or Final Plat review. P th, City Planner JW/mcp <-a w i19- Cat L DS LlD D)/c /S D 4-0 X / !�-o = ea, lyvv L�»C� °vC) 5ra/ ©0L) J(c) FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services One Wentworth Drive • Williston • Vermont • 05495 • (802) 878-3000 October 9, 1990 Mr. Daniel O'Brien O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Traffic Impact Evaluation - Country Park Apartments Hinesburg Road, South Burlington FILE: 90047 Dear Mr. O'Brien: As requested, we have analyzed potential traffic impacts of the above -referenced project. This project will be the construction of an additional 50 senior housing apartments to the existing 76 unit Country Park Apartments senior housing complex located along the westerly side of Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116) approximately 600 feet south of the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection in South Burlington. This project will access Hinesburg Road via the existing entrance to Country Park Apartments. This existing access is directly across from the entrance to a residential development, Wellsley Grove, thereby forming a four-way intersection at this location. Three major areas of concern to local and state officials are addressed herein: Traffic Congestion, Traffic Safety, and Geometric Improvements. The objective of this evaluation is to identify and assess potential impacts created by this project in each of the above areas of concern, for both existing and future traffic conditions. For this evaluation, the study area includes two intersections in the immediate vicinity of this project: Hinesburg Road/Country Park Apartments/Wellsley Grove and Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road. TRAFFIC CONGESTION Information regarding traffic volumes within the aforementioned study area was obtained from the following data: 1. Automatic Traffic_ Recorder_ Count, Hinesburg Road - Station D124, Vermont Agency of Transportation, 1988. Design • Inspection • Studies • Permitting • Surveying Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Two 2. Turning Movement Count, Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road, FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated, November 2, 1989. 3. Turning Movement Count, Hinesburg Road/Project Access, FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated, October 3, 1990. 4. Enter/Exit Traffic Count, Country Park Apartments, FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated, March 29, 1990. The results of the above referenced traffic counts were used to develop 1990 and 1995 design hour volumes at the aforementioned intersections. The calculation of future design hourly volumes (DHV) involves several steps. First, annual average daily volumes (AADT) are projected at an annual background growth rate of 3.50. DHV's are then determined from future AADT's, using DHV/AADT ratios recommended by the VAOT. The third step, which is applicable to this project because of the magnitude of development which is occurring in the immediate area, is to add already permitted, but not yet constructed, other development -generated traffic to the DHV's. A summary of other development -generated traffic is included as Appendix A. The resulting total constitutes future background traffic volumes. For this evaluation, DHV's for the P.M. peak weekday hours were calculated. Having determined the existing background traffic volumes, it was necessary to next estimate the volumes and directional patterns of the additional vehicular traffic which this project will generate. An estimate of the traffic generation for this project was developed through the use of vehicular trip generation rates from the "ITE Informational Report, Trip Generation, 4th Edition". That report outlines the results of trip generation studies for numerous land -uses. For this project, the applicable land -use category is "Retirement Community". Table 1 outlines the projected vehicular trip generation for this project. Detailed calculations are attached as Appendix B. TABLE 1 PROJECTED VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION Average Weekday A.M. Peak Hour Enter Exit TOTAL P.M. Peak Hour Enter Exit TOTAL 165 vte/day 12 8 20 vte/hour 11 9 20 vte/hour FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Three Previous turning movement counts at the entrance to Country Park Apartments indicated that actual trip generation rates were lower than rates given by the aforementioned ITE reference. Since this traffic study incorporates the higher ITE trip generation rates, it is anticipated the analyses reflect a conservative condition. The directional distribution of project -generated traffic was based on the existing directional traffic patterns on the adjacent roadway network. Appendix C illustrates the projected P.M. peak hour traffic distribution of additional project -generated traffic. Potential traffic congestion impacts were determined by performing intersection capacity analyses at both of the intersections within the study area. The methodology used to determine intersection capacity was obtained from the "Highway Capacity Manual - Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 1985". Traffic conditions were analyzed using the projected 1990 and 1995 P.M. peak hour, both without and with this project. The intersection capacity analyses also include an assessment of geometric and/or signal timing improvements needed to maintain desirable levels of traffic congestion or to mitigate any adverse impacts specifically created by this project. Levels of traffic congestion are defined by several parameters. For example, signalized intersections use vehicular delay (seconds), arterial highways use average running speed (miles per hour), and unsignalized intersections use reserve capacity (vehicles per hour). In all cases, those parameters are subdivided into ranges which are then referred to as levels of service (L.O.S.). L.O.S. "A" represents very low loading with ample reserve capacity and no vehicular delays; L.O.S. C represents average conditions; and L.O.S. E represents a street or intersection at capacity, causing long queues when traffic volumes exceed the available capacity of an intersection or street. Urban highways and intersections are generally designed to maintain Level of Service D or better during DHV conditions. One notable exception occurs at unsignalized intersections, where Level of Service E is not considered to be unreasonable on minor street approaches. For clarity, the results of the intersection capacity analyses at both of the intersections are presented separately. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Four Hinesburg Road/Country Park Apartments/Wellsley Grove This intersection is the four-way junction of Hinesburg Road and the entrances to Country Park Apartments and Wellsley Grove. The 1990 and 1995 capacity analyses for this intersection include: background traffic volumes without this project or build -out of other development, with build -out of other development but without this project, and with build -out of both this project plus other development. Table 2 summarizes the results of the capacity analyses at this intersection. Detailed results are enclosed as Appendix D. TABLE 2 HINESBURG ROAD/COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS/WELLSLEY GROVE INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSES RESULTS Country Park Apartments LT THRU Wellsley Grove LT THRU 1990 P.M. Peak Hour (DHV) Background Growth Only C B C B W/ Other Development D C D C W/ Other Development & Project D C D C 1995 P.M. Peak Hour (DHV) Background Growth Only C C C C W/ Other Development D C D C W/ Other Development & Project D C D C All other turning movements not listed in the above table will be L.O.S. A. The above results indicate that this project will not create adverse levels of traffic congestion at the intersection of Hinesburg Road/Country Park Apartments/Wellsley Grove. Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road Future traffic conditions at the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection were previously evaluated for the City of South Burlington in a report prepared by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated dated October 21, 1986. The objectives of that evaluation were to FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Five determine the cumulative impact of a number of developments which were being proposed along Hinesburg Road and the scope of needed improvements which would be created by those developments. This project was not anticipated at the time of that earlier report. Additionally, most of the developments which were proposed at that time have either been completed or are presently under construction. The capacity analyses at this intersection also project out to a design year of 1995, whereas the original evaluation was based on 1992. The 1990 and 1995 capacity analyses at this intersection include traffic generated by other developments plus this project, as well as differing scenarios for combinations of geometric and signal timing improvements. Table 3 outlines the existing geometrics and signal conditions at this intersection, together with the previously recommended improvements. TABLE 3 KENNEDY DRIVE/HINESBURG ROAD EXISTING CONDITIONS & PREVIOUSLY RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Geometrics Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Signal Operation Controller Type Phasing Plan Existing Previously Conditions Recommended Improvements 2 Lanes 3 Lanes (LT & R) (L, T & R) 2 Lanes 2 Lanes (LT & R) (LT & R) 2 Lanes 3 Lanes (L & TR) (L, T & R) 2 Lanes 3 Lanes (L & TR) (L, T & R) Two-phase Pre -timed w/o TOD plans Two-phase (N-S & E-W) Eight -phase Actuated w/ TOD plans Two-phase (N-S & E-W) With other development having already been found to require certain geometric improvements at this intersection, baseline conditions for the 1995 capacity analyses incorporate both, instead of existing geometrics and background growth only. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Six Table 4 presents the results of the capacity analyses at this intersection. Detailed results are enclosed as Appendix E. The results of the capacity analyses indicate that traffic congestion conditions will deteriorate to unacceptable levels by 1995, regardless of whether or not this project is constructed. TABLE 4 KENNEDY DRIVE/HINESBURG ROAD INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSES RESULTS Approach EB WB NB SB OVERALL 1990 P.M. Peak Hour (DHV) Existing Conditions Background Growth Only D* B C B C W/ Prev. Recommended Improvements W/ Other Development B B B B B W/ Other Development & Project B B B B B 1995 P.M. Peak Hour (DHV) W/ Prev. Recommended Improvements W/ Other Development F C* E* B F W/ Other Development & Project F C* E* B F *Left -turns experience level of service E or F. Other potential improvements to provide additional capacity at this intersection were also evaluated. The one additional geometric improvement included an exclusive left -turn lane on the southbound Hinesburg Road approach; making that a three -lane approach similar to the other approaches. Alternate signal timing and phasing plans were also evaluated, particularly to define the best cycle length and left -turn treatment. At this intersection, protected/permitted left -turn phasing on the eastbound, westbound and northbound approaches provided better traffic service than did protected left -turn phasing alone. Table 5 presents the results of those additional capacity analyses. Detailed results are enclosed as Appendix F. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Seven TABLE 5 KENNEDY DRIVE/HINESBURG ROAD INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSES RESULTS WITH ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Approach 1995 P.M. Peak Hour (DHV) EB WB NB SB OVERALL W/ Prev. Recommended Improvements W/ Other Development D C B C C W/ Other Development & Project D C B C C The results of the additional capacity analyses, as outlined in Table 5, indicate that the cumulative traffic congestion impact of other already permitted development plus this project can be adequately mitigated by relatively minor additions to previously recommended improvements at the intersection of Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road. TRAFFIC SAFETY The safety of vehicular traffic traveling to and from this project is largely dependent on the geometric and physical conditions of the existing and proposed streets and intersections, projected traffic volumes, and the presence of adequate traffic control devices. The most recent available five-year (1984-1988) accident history at the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection was examined. During that period, a total of 30 accidents occurred at that intersection, resulting in an accident rate of 0.83 accidents per million vehicles. In comparison, the statewide average accident rate at similar intersections equaled 0.59 accidents per million vehicles. Because the actual rate (0.83) at the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection exceeded the statewide average (0.59), the critical accident rate was also calculated for that intersection. The critical rate, which is a statistical test of the expected variability in the average rate at a given location, equaled 0.79 accidents per million vehicles. Comparing the actual rate to the critical rate lead to the conclusion that because the former is higher, this intersection is a high accident location. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Eight To better understand the possible causes of the poor accident history at the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection, the types and causes of each accident were tabulated. Of the 30 accidents, 23, or 77%, were either right-angle (broadside) or rear -end collisions. The causes of the 23 accidents were more diverse, however the three highest causes, following too close, stop -light violation and failure to yield right-of-way, accounted for 16 accidents, or 70% of the total. These types and causes of accidents are indicative of a high -volume intersection lacking appropriate turning lanes and signal phasing. The signal phasing is important primarily in its treatment of left -turns. As pointed out in the preceding analyses of traffic congestion conditions, improvements in both areas are being necessitated by traffic growth at this intersection. GEOMETRIC IMPROVEMENTS Kennedv Drive/Hinesburg Road Based on the cumulative impact of other already permitted development and background growth, it is anticipated that the construction of one additional turning lane on the southbound approach of Hinesburg Road would be necessary to mitigate projected traffic congestion at this intersection. Such an improvement is recommended regardless of whether or not this project is constructed. That turning lane is in addition to others which have been previously recommended at this intersection. CONCLUSION This report has evaluated the potential traffic impacts resulting from the construction of an additional 50 senior housing apartments to the existing 76 unit Country Park Apartments senior housing complex located along the westerly side of Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116) approximately 600 feet south of the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection in South Burlington. This project will access Hinesburg Road via the existing entrance to Country Park Apartments. FITZPATRIC K- LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Daniel O'Brien FILE: 90047 October 9, 1990 Page Nine This project will not create unreasonable levels of traffic congestion at either the Hinesburg Road/Project Access or the Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive intersection. At the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection, however, the cumulative impact of other already -approved development plus background growth will require additions to previously -recommended improvements at that intersection. Those findings are based on updated capacity analyses which project further to the future than previous ones. At the Kennedy Drive/Hinesburg Road intersection, the existing poor accident history will be improved by the planned construction of recommended geometric and signal improvements. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions, or if we may be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Brendan J. Kelly, P.E. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services .r ti FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services One Wentworth Drive • Williston • Vermont • 05495 • (802) 878-3000 March 30, 1990 Mr. Daniel O'Brien O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 21e4 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Trip Generation Count - Country Park Apartments Hinesburg Road, South Burlington FILE: 90047 Dear Mr. O'Brien: As requested, we counted the traffic entering and exiting Country Park Apartments on Thursday, March 29th. Enclosed please find the results of that count. Those results compare favorably with trip generation rates published by the Institute of Tianspor-ation Engineers. Should you have any questions concerning the above or if we may be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, 6 fR7e)J. Dickinson, P.E. Design 0 Inspection • Studies 0 Permitting 0 Surveying COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS - HINESBURG ROAD - SOUTH BURLINGTON TRIP GENERATION COUNT - 3/29/90 BY: DAVE GREGORY 30-MIN. PERIOD ---ENTER--- ---EXIT---- ------- TOTALS ---------- BEGIN RT LT LT RT ENTER EXIT TOTAL 0700 0 0 2 U 0 2 2 0730 1 0 2 0 1 2 3 0800 4 1 5 G 5 5 10 OG30 1 G 6 U 1 6 7 1100 6 1 5 0 7 5 12 1130 5 G 8 1 5 9 14 1200 8 1 3 0 9 3 12 1230 lU 1 4 0 11 4 15 1500 5 0 4 1 5 5 10 1530 7 2 3 G 9 3 12 I600 4 1 4 G 5 4 9 1630 8 U 2 1 8 3 11 1700 2 2 3 2 4 5 9 1730 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 G 2 0 1 2 3 ---ENTER--- ---EXIT---- ------- TOTALS ---------- PEAK HOURS RT LT LT RT ENTER EXIT TOTAL A.M. 5 1 11 0 b 11 17) NOON 18 2 7 0 20 7 P.M. 12 2 7 1 14 8 l2I) FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services April 187 1990 Inter Office Memo To Dan: As per ,vour request, I have expanded on Roger Dickinson's letter dated !arch 30th regarding the traffic counts over at Country Park. You w-antod to r.ompare thc, existing t.-affic counts from Country Park: to counts that might have been generated if the site wars used for 31 r as:de,-)tial units (a permitted use). According to Mr. Dict sir:;r: letter- Country Pa; I<s traffic counts read as follows: proposed - 26. 19 '1 F'r'! F'e rL. F1our 22 + 14..47' praposed = 36.47 r. In c�rdr�r to cc'TrpaI-e those figures with the hypothetical 51. units, 1 werr, :(' t"e Institute of Transportation Engineers Tables and came p, tr e fo11.-rr-)ing calculations: /aM PF?,D!< HC'Ur 31.05 I LN = 3. '?J x . e0 = 3. 15 + . 29 = 3.44 �`M F'E 3 wit: ur 35. 61 L N •- 3- ?3 x 84 = 3. 30 + . 27 = 3.57 e;: } All worked out or) a scientific calculator. As stated rn Mr. Dickin:un's Ietter and as shown in the calculations abo\•e, the prorrosed additional 50 units plus the existing 5/6 ur'r-- compares quite favcrably with the permitted u=_.e of 51 ,-esidentia a -its. u c, . Chr i. stophr'r D' E 1 i Lj O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM (230) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC, ONE HOUR BETWEEN 4 AND 6 P.M. TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday —Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 P.M.) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.561 0.179-1.238 44 196.4 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION 600 CO 0 z w a 400 ❑ ❑ I— w J U_ 2 w > ❑ w 0 Q 200 w ❑ Q CID, ❑ ❑ ❑ II F— ❑ ❑ 11 ❑❑ 0 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 X = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS ❑ ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.84 Ln(X) + 0.27 RZ = 0.798 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 67% enter, 33% exit. Trip Generation, September 1987/Institute of Transportation Engineers 7An RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM (230) :J Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS }fif On a: WEEKDAY g,�ff PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC, ONE HOUR BETWEEN 7 AND 9 A.M. TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday —Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 A.M.) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.446 0.147--0.952 44 196.4 45 4( 0 z 3� w _a_ ir 3C t— w _U 25 w > 20 w C9 15 w 101 5( DATA PLOT AND EQUATION X = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS ❑ ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.80 Ln(X) + 0.29 R2 = 0.744 s DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 16% enter, 84% exit. Trip Generation, September 1987/Institute of Transportation Engineers 348 5. PLANNING C0101ISSION Public hea-rinr on revised final elderly housing it of Countrl NOVEMBER 8, 1977 unit Mr. Lamphere said that under the original layout the cost of the buildings could not have been.amortized satisfactorily, so the units'havd been organized into 3 buildings. Each would be 3 stories tall, but only 2 1/2 stories above ground. Each building will have a recreation room within it and the area provided will be larger than in the original community building, although divided. There will be room for meetings of people from all buildings and the same facilities will be present thgt were in the original recreation building. Mr. Morency asked if the units would have facilities for the handicapped and was told that a certain percentage of them would. There will be 75 parking spaces arranged in a circular pattern. b:r. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat applicationn f F rear {�--eal_ty f or a Z_P- as-e+ _1_UT i�housizig project for the elderly, as depicted on a plan set pages drawn. by :d emi ann- Lamp ere Architects and Civil..ngineerzng Associates, wi page 1 I site plan ated 9/6/'/'1. revis 1) The following stipulations of the 4/26_/_77 final plat approval are to be altered as follows: (a) #7* to be reworded: number and location of fire hydrants shall be as approved by the City ngineer and Fire CIH_ef . (b) #11* to be reworded: approval for phase 1 (buildings U 2, total of 76 units) sna71 expire 6 nontFis 1'ro Tanuary T; 7978; phase lwall b_e - ----- completed prior to January 1, 1979; approval for phase 2 building 3, 24 units , shall expired months from January 1, 1979; phase 2 shall be completed prior to January T-1-9-80: -- -- ----- - -- 2) Bus stops shall be indicated on the final- plat. 3) 75 parking spaces shall be shown on the plat. 4) This approval supplements the stipulations of the final plat approval obtained 4/26f77. 5) The project will be subject to a final engineering review by the City En�rireer. -- - - - - - - _ - --- - - 6) The Commission will accept a name change_ * t7 previously read - "show hydrant in picnic area on the plat" r11 previously read - "phas-ing to be stipulated by the applicant" The motion was seconded by 'Zr. wing and passed unanimously. P,allic hearing on revised final plat of Twin Oars Associates (184 units) "r. Page said that neither representative was present but t^at the plan was almost identical to the one that had gained a_:.royal. Some of t::e units had been relocated and the building types had been charred somewi.at. There had been ar. increase of 4 dkellin€ units and a redistribution of bedrooms. Tire number of bedroom units has decreased markedly. There will be 7 more yarding, spaces. 'r. -tioolery moved that the :South Eurlington = lar.r.ing Co �,ission approve the revised final plat of Twin :Saks '_ssociates, for 1�4_apart- ent units as depicted —P— ------ — -- — _ - - --- 4 . PLAN"WING COE4ISSIOIN JUN>!, 27� 1�78 that did not go in they would have to go to CWD (Champlain Water District) or work on putting in the Brand line early. Vr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Corar�.ission approve the revised final plat for Country_Park Apartment s,-as_ depicted on_a plan entitled "Site Plan '--Country Park Apartments....",drawn by_Wiemann-Lamphere, dated 5%30/78, and accompanying 4 page set of engineering_ plans -by Civil Engineering Associates, subject to the following_st_ i 4lationsz 1. All stipulations of the approval of_11/8/77 shall still apply. 2. A storm drainae eas6ment shall be extended to the ;nest property__ line; sizing of this lire shall be decked by the :ievelo-)ers of these two properties on a reasorable, pro -rated cost sharing basis. 3. An e:Lerge-:cy &_cc�-:ss s'.all be i:•r.cviced on tl-:e west .ro perty_.lir_e_- 3y eatendi!ig tl�e 24' _v-dt. rkir_g aisle and installing a lockable gate. This access shall be plo•,!ed_during the tinter a d injintained year-round by Country Park Apartments. 4. A revised final plat shall be reviewed by the Planner for conforLity to these conditions and recorded within 90 d ays of this date. 5. The a�roval for phase 1 (76 units)shallexpire 4 months from July__l,_ 1 �8 and -phase 1 shall be completed prior to July 1, 179. Ap,roval for :phase 2 sr_all_e_xpire 6 months from Jul ls_979-_na �hflse 2 shall be cor.:pleted prior to July 1, 1980. ^.4e motion :gas secc:nded by Mr. Forency, and it passed unani_nouGly. Mr. Levesque said that now that the plan had passed he would like the City C.uncil to look at the Capital Budget plan as to when there would be idtwalks on Hine;;burg ?cad for the existing homes. Site plan review. addition to P.J.'s Auto Village, 2073 illisf.a 'cal Mr. rage said that 2 buildings already existing were going to t e connected and another 60' x 30' building built. ys. Choiniere told the cor_inission the connection of the buildings was to increase their service area and the new building was for additional story e s_race. Page said they had a variance from the Zoning Board, circulation would be the same and he did not expect much traffic increase. He also rFlt that they did not need to ask for land for road widening because t:-ere was a bend in the road at this point, and land for improves-ents would probably coke out of the other side so t;,e bend could be straightened. Yr. Poger told Yr. Choiniere that if there was a subdivision or further development on the back of the property, land for read improvements might .be taken out of the front .of the property and -Wras told ::r. Choiniere somewhat understood that. 'r. Page said t}_ere should be Z690 of landsc=_•ring done and that sore rea1iunent of '.asking S;,zaces should be dr-ne. _ J'r. Choiniere said they would try to direct pec Ile wantine :.ervice to the rear of the land. T`r. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission azi,rreve th,e _site_plan_of Paul Choiniere, for a 900_s _uare_ foot addition and an 18C0 souare foot freestanding buildin;, at 2073 'ailliston '.oad, as City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 September 14,'1990 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont. 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments, Addition Dear Chris: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Also en- closed are Bill Szymanski's and Chief Goddette's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, September_ 18, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. Sin.erely, Joe Weith, City Planner Encls JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 August 14, 1990 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments Addition - Sewer Allocation Dear Chris: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced project, if approved, would be served by the City's Airport Parkway Treat- ment facility. At this time, the treatment facility has suffi- cient capacity to handle the additional 4,513.5 gallons per day you have estimated for this project.. Please note that this letter does not serve as official approval for the sewer allocation described above. Sewer allocation is approved by the Planning Commission at time of preliminary or final plat approval. If you have any questions, or if I can be of additional help, please call me. Sincerely, JA" ram►�L Weeith, Planner JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 August 22, 1990 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments Addition Dear Mr. D'Elia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed for your review, please find preliminary comments on the above project from the City Planner, City Engineer and Fire Chief. Should you have any questions, please feel free to con- tact me. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant 1 Encl RJB/mcp CI'].'Y OF' SOUTH BURLINGION Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Nane, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record ON-) �.�� U�YJr�7 b. Applicant C_PA P"-j. rSOre,'. c. Contact person 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). tx+�.rai 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc) 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties k.)I;` U. [ _ - F 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.,a 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. c,,]�• J,,. Y/Cy,�'1 Af ll�'.h'--^�-` Gew+�p�Xo i1! �.['nD s ✓� a `.r(.E�.r-V n Y .man a1 .✓.e ,sl+'.i 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or ' by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed sub- division, and include the dates of such actions: `',�F-"'a'-= `i--i 1996 zX.e 8) Submit f ive, copies of a sketch plan showing the following information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Bol.indaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land be.lon;ing to owner cf record an6 (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existlio,, u;.= 2-gout of property lines; type ai�� of existing and proposed re:tricz ices on land, such as easements acid co\/L- nants . 4) Type of, location, and approximate size. of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. S) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. (Signature) applicant or contact person tbate" 7 ' B R I E August 6, 1990 Mr. Joe Weith Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Joe: This letter is to inform you that O'Brien Brothers Agency is planning to construct 50 additional units to the existing elderly housing project known as Country Park located at 635 Hinesburg Road. We estimate the sewer demand for the additional 50 units to be 4,513.50 gallons per day. In order to arrive at that figure we worked out an average of 90.27 gallons per unit based on 1989's water consumption. We then applied that number to the proposed 50 units and came up with our estimate. Since the project requires an Act 250 minor amendment, a letter is needed from your office stating that the 50 units will not place a burden on the South Burlington municipal system. Thank you for your help in this matter and if you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 M E M O R A N D U M- PRELIMINARY PLANS To: Joe Wei.th, City Planner From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Future agenda items Date: August. 17, 1990 COLONIAL MOTOR INN.SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Work on Shelburne Street will require a permit from the City of Burlington. Work will be in accordance with their standards. 2. Modification and closing of curb openings on Hadley Road will require a permit from South Burlington. The curb opening that will be closed shall include removing the existing depressed curb and pouring a concrete barrier curb. 3. The existing curb opening should be flared to allow for turning. COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS, HINESBURG ROAD 1. There should be a drainage inlet behind the new building (west side) because the area is very wet. Perforated pipe is recommended. 2. The new building should have a sidewalk along the front. RETAIL STORE 27 SAN REMO DRIVE Site plan No. SP-1, dated 8/13/90 titled Proposed Retail Store at. 27 San Remo Drive is acceptable. 100 DORSET STREET, DORSET STREET 1. Location of buildings and curb opening shall conform to the - — proposed Dorset. Street improvement plan. 2. Sending all traffic out. to Corporate Way may have an impact on the Dorset. Street intersection. 3. Site drainage must be controlled off this site. STUDY OF IMPACT OF ELDERLY HOUSING ON DENSITY Actual # of Density # of # of people # of parking # parking Project Units Units/Acre People per._unit spaces_ unit Heineberg Senior Housing 80 20 96 1.2 45 .56 Burlington Cathedral Housing Burlington 100 200 113 1.13 25 .25 230 St. Paul Street 160 80 170 1.06 40 .25 Burlington N. Champlain Street 50 50 65 1.3 20 .40 Burlington Courtyard Apartments 101 17.7 110 1.09 39 .58 Winooski McKenzie House Burlington 36 41 39 1.08 21 .58 Country Park (Existing) 76 10.5 89 1.17 64 .84 S. Burlington Country Park (Proposed) 146 17.4 148 1.17 106 .84 S. Burlington Winchester DlarP (Family) 166 1n 680 4.1 296 1.78 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: 1. 2. 3. �--Iltitl1 6urtill 11ton, 11crtilout 115,1113 �� %► 4 '� yf • (802) 658-7960 SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION CHIEF GODDETTE TUESDAY SEPT. 18,1990 AGENDA ITEMS TUESDAY AUGUST 21,1990 27 SAN REMO DRIVE PROPOSED RETAIL STORE I AM PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THAT I DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM FOR THE DEPARTMENT ON THIS PROJECT. COLONIAL MOTOR INN SHELBURNE ROAD ADDITION PLANS WERE REVIEWED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND AT THIS TIME THERE IS NO WAY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CAN GIVE PROPER PROTECTION DUE TO THE SIZE OF THE PROJECT BECAUSE PROPER ACCESS CAN NOT BE GIVEN FOR EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT. 100 DORSET STREET PROJECT PLANS REVIEWED ON THIS PROJECT AND THE FOLLOWING WILL BE NEEDED TO ENABLE USE TO GIVE PROPER FIRE PROTECTION A: REMOVE PARKING BEHIND EXISTING 2-STORY BUILDING. B. ADD TWO HYDRANTS TO THE DORSET BUILDINGS AT A LOCATION APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND _ ADD ONE HYDRANT BY BUILDING-C OFF CORPORATE CIRCLE - ALSO APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT OF LOCATION C. INSTALL A LOOP WATER MAIN FROM DORSET STREET TO CORPORATE CIRCLE. 4. COUNTRY PARK APT. ADDITION HINESBURG ROAD PLANS REVIEWED ON THIS PROJECT AND THE ONLY PROBLEM I SEE AT THIS TIME IS PROPER ACCESS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING MUST BE PROVIDED TO ENABLE USE TO DO RESCUE WORK DUE TO THE SIZE OF THE BUILDING AND IT'S USE. M E M O R A N D U M To: Project Files From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: September 18, 1990 agenda items - Preliminary comments Date: August 20, 1990 1) Proposed retail store at 27 San Remo Drive Site = Plan Additional information required: Location of loading area. Proposed or existing dumpster locations. Details and locations of existing or proposed outdoor lighting. Estimate of daily and peak hour traffic generation for all businesses on the property. 2) Colonial Motor Inn addition - Shelburne Road Final Plat Additional information required: --- Contours, in order to review drainage. Location of existing or proposed dumpsters. Details on existing or proposed outdoor lighting. Property line distances. 3) Count ry Park Apartments - Addition - Hinesburg Road - Sketch Plan Additional information required for Sketch Plan: Distances along all property lines. Individual parking spaces need to be shown. Each building should include the number of units, existing or proposed. Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. True north arrow. Graphic scale. 11 Preliminary Report September 18, 1990 agenda items Page 2 Information required for Preliminary Plat: Planting details and schedule. Indicate locations of all dumpsters. Details on outdoor lighting including locations of proposed lights, type and wattage. Traffic analysis. Walkways labeled as such. 4) 100 Dorset Street - Retail Additions - Sketch Plan Additional information required: Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. Location map. Breakdown of square footage of office space and retail space. Dimension of all property lines. Show existing and planned right-of-way for Dorset Street. Show correct C1 zone boundary. The proposed one-way entrance and driveway should be changed to a two way entrance and driveway. It is suggested that the parallel parking spaces along Corporate Way and along the easterly boundary be increased in length to 22 feet. The preliminary plat application should include a survey of the parcel (stamped by licensed land surveyor) and calculations of square footage in the C1 Zone. 2 a5y7�� 780 5-6 4 -V, -1- 7' / 0 4L C, 70 yix 34 : �� 94 jx V oow� 023) ye� x ) 6 e.) 7/ 83o Ys,06 = 5; 8�8 85x��; A-/, 70 9.DX15::- 1/0 ;fir Y7 630 4 0;18190 A) G� L Ian e56cJ&J7n4' (01kli,,L.. 40 E--- -rap� re Adfif4n to P&k Apwri� t�a7„�. .w...,,. �,• , ;xr Lam' ,grad .Yq' ,ZvK%e, a c z err - _ 10111s _ ,' 1 • i ��� as '■a aiTIM i r-rN. ,i +�IIN no ar RUMler - + !3 si ■ ii _i Pr �s sa jli i j :r n+ lamJk lair I.—/ Nef.) Ap(S yoft/ 'A 106 - )%4 /01 - =V PLANNING COMMISSION 4 December 1990 page 5 4. Revised Final Plat application of CPA Partnership for con- struction of an addition consisting of 50 residential units to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments, Hinesburg Rd. Chris D'Elia said the plan has almost no changes. They have re- solved the water line relocation and have screened the dumpster. They have also gone with the sewage gallons requirement of 9,000 gallons. They will retain significant landscaping (tree line) on the boarder with the Goodrich property. They asked if this can count in the landscaping cost, Mr. Weith said he felt it was a reasonable request. Mr. D'Elia said they discovered today ghat the building is 39 ft. high and not 35 ft. But, he said, the grade is lower. Mr. Craig reviewed the criteria for allowing a higher building and said he felt the criteria were met. Other members had no problem with this. Mr. D'Elia said they will submit a list of new plantings. Mr.._Austin_moued_the_plannin _Commission_a rove_the_reuised_Einal plat-of_CpA_ artnershi _for_construction_of_an_addition_consittin of_5Q_residential_units_to_the_existin _26_unit_elderl _housin pro 4ect_known_as-Count r -Park _A artments_as_de icted_on_a_13, a e set -of -plans _ a e_1_entM_edt_"_County _Park_A -Apartments Plan _South_Burlin ton _Vermont re ared_b _Ciuil_En ineerin Assoc iates,._Inc..__and- ated,,I,uly._11� 9 go last_reuised_9/90 -with-the ._._.--- --------------------- 1_-The—au licant_shall-lost_a_$22�973 �3�ear landscapi�bond rior_to� ermit _ The �lanninc-Commissionµgrants-a-$3x252-credit foy_the_existin ve etation-located -in -_the-western -corner _of _the 2-_The_a licant_shall._contribute-$2,316-to_the-Hinesburc-Road Kenned _Driue_Im roovemenk_Fund_based_on_the_additional_14-peak _ � hour_tri _ends_to_be—generated b teis' developmentµ--"µ- 3.._A_sewer_allocation_of_9,000zd_i� s-cranted---The_ac licant shall�a _the_$2..5Q_'er_gallon_fee�rior_to_permit� '�` 4-_The_Planninq_Commission_approves_a_height-of _4Q_ft,-for -the beildinh� It_is_the,Commission's_OPinion_that_such_a_height_Will _reThlaiste_a_'aersotuh�acl- itheisatein_g._...b_i_l.dincs,_wsill not__ade_t.r_act_frometial_ sci ne1-eiews_ad_will,alloa_f '_eeatet_reie en_c_.te a._mumoni_ --.. h_-_ in�_with itched_rnof_as_shown_ie_the_ Tans. ` PLANNING COMMISSION 4 December 1990 page 6 5_�Theµ�lans�shall be -revised prior-to-recording-ta-show-the_fol= lowin�� a,._Existin storm-drain_shortened_and_new_catch_basin_installed ti� _-....._.ti-.._._._.._.,_—._._._.._w-._----._-.,.---..._.._._... - watermain_servinq_Briarwood—relocated-to-the-north-side of .the _new_addition- 6..-The_REvised_Einal_Plat_shall-be_recorded_in_the_South uurlin_qton_ land -records -within_9Q,days-or-this_apn_ roualis_null and -void- �` _.� " "` _ w Mr.._Crai -seconded..Motion-passed-unanimously_ 5_ Preliminary Plat application of Art Shields and Bill Sabiloski for construction of a 4-unit residential building on a 1.23 acre parcel of land located on East Terrace: Mr. Burgess noted there is a question of adding 4 units to a street with already more than 50 units and only one access. He said the City Attorney's opinion is that the application can be denied on this basis. Mr. Austin asked when the lot was created in its present form. Mr. Shields said at least since 1974. At that time it was zoned commercial. After 1980, it was rezoned R-4. He noted a building permit was issued this year for a house on that street. Mr. Austin asked how long the current owner has owned the property Mr. Shields said at least 10 years. Mr. Austin asked whether creation of the lot predated zoning regulations and exactly when it became residential. Mr. Weith will find this out. Mr. Shields said they have an option on the property and propose to construct 4 units. There will be city water and sewer. There is a 50 ft. strip of land which will provide a 20 ft. right-of-way into the property. Building coverage is 12.1% and lot coverage would be 20.7%. All setbacks are met. Nine parking spaces are required and provided, 5 outside and 4 in garages. There is $7,200 in landscaping. The property was described as having a very steep drop-off which will be fenced for safety. Mr. Llewellyn said the parking lot will drain west into the drainage swale and eventually going to the north. Mrs. Dooley asked what kind of landscaping is proposed along the right-of-way/driveway. Mr. Llewellyn outlined the plan which includes willow, birch, aspen and Norway spruce. Mrs. Dooley encouraged the Commission to reject the plan as the basis of safety with more than 50 units on a highly congested single -access street. She also noted the neighborhood is almost -0 ' B R I , E717 December 3, 1993 Mr. Joe Wyeth, City Planner City of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington, Vt 05403 Dear Joe: � . We are requesting a two (2) year extension for Country Park Apartments addition in order to obtain suitable financing. project received final plot approval on December 4, 1990. It was our intention to finance this project using a combination of conventional lending sources, some participation from the Vermont Housing Finance Agency and an allocation of low income housing tax credits. We have been unable to put the financing package together,as of this date, because of our inability to obtain an allocation of tax credits. Up until the passage of the Revenue Reconcilliation Act of 1993 tax credit legislation was extended from year to year creating uncertainty in the financing industry as to whether the tax credits were going to be available on a long term basis. This uncertainty has now been resolved by the current congress with the passage of this act which make the tax credit programs permanent. With all of the financial uncertainties now resolved it is our intention to put a financing package together that will be acceptable to the above mentioned financial resources and proceed with construction of the project during the extension time frame. Sincerely, Leo O'Brien, Country Park O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, January 25, 1994 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Requests of CPA Partnership for a two (2) year extension of a revised final plat approval granted by the Planning Commission for construction of a 50 residential unit addition to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as Country Park Apartments located on Hinesburg Road. 2) Revised final plat application of Heathcote Associates to amend a condition of approval requiring termination of the drive -through banking service at the Factory Outlet Mall, Shelburne Road. The request is to allow the drive -through service to remain and includes proposed changes to the bank building and revisions in parking and circulation in the vicinity of the bank building. Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission January 8, 1994 SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Re lotions and Chapter Il Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will �n South urlington umcipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, April 23, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: # 1 - Appeal of CPA Part- nership, Daniel O'Brien, agont seeking o variance from Section I8.00 Density requirements and Section 19.25 Off street parking requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Re- quest is for permission to construct and additional fifty (50) elderly housing units (presently seventy six (76) Knits existing) on a parcel containing 7.2. acres, also requires a variance from the off-street parking require- ments, request to set-off 106 spaces in conjunction with the apartment complex i located at 635 Hinesburg Road. #2 - Appeal of Edward Aus- tin Jr. seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Dimen- sionol requirements of the South Burlington Regular Lions. Request is for permis- sion to construct a 520 square feet addition and a 24' x 26' attached garage to within fifteen (15) feet of the southerly side yyard, also removing a 15'X24' de- tached garsge presently lo- cated to within (5) feet of the southerly side yard, lo- cated at 54 Baryett -Bay Road. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1 ) ivali�c of App11.C:--- /3 ./ /%' 2 ) Name of Subdivision //V Pia 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant contact person, en41nc r surveyor, at-torror plat designer since preliminary plat application V ey 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: 5) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. l% 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) for a ajor subdivision. J (Signature) app icant or conta t'-person liate N City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 April 30, 1991 Mr. Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Addition, Country Park Apartments Dear Chris: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 The Planning Commission's approval for the above referenced application required the 8" water main serving the Briarwood development to be relocated to the north side of the new addi- tion. This relocated water line and easement is shown on the recorded plat which is recorded in volume 275, page 83 of the South Burlington land records. Please be informed that revised legal documents addressing the relocated easement need to be recorded. These revised documents should be approved by the City Attorney and recorded in the land records prior to the issuance of a building/zoning permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. S' cerely, e Weith, ,ity Planner JW/mcp cc: Richard Ward City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 Maur 28. 1991 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments Addition Dear Mr. D'Elia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Pursuant to your request to know when the approval for the above referenced project expires, I refer you to Section 605 of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations which states as follows: "If no action is taken by the subdivider to construct substan- tially his proposed subdivision within three years of the final plat approval, said approval shall become null and void; however, said approval may be extended for up to two additional years if, after a public: gearing, the Commission determines that the de- veloper has, since final plat approval, been diligently and consistently pursuing financing or other approvals necessary for the project." Since your project received final plat approval on December 4, 1990, you have until December 4, 1993 to have substantially constructed on your addition or apply for a two (2) year exten- sion. If you have any further questions, please give me a call. S ` i ere y e Weith, ity Planner JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 22, 1991 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Parks Addition, Hinesburg Road Dear Chris: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the December 4, 1990 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please meet the stipulations contained in the approval motion before recording the final plat and before applying for a building permit. Please call if you have any questions. �Snce ly, e Weith, ity Planner Encl JW/mcp O B R I E N October 11, 1990 Mr. Lou Borie Environmental Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Dear Lou, This letter is a follow up to your request dated 9/24/90 for additional information concerning Country Park Apartments located in South Burlington. With regards to items #1, 4 and 5, I have sent letters and site plans to the coordinators for their review of the project. It is my hope that they have no problems with our site and are able to respond rather quickly. As for item #2 stormwater discharge permit, we have sent all the necessary information to Nancy Manley's office. It has been several weeks and we have yet to hear back from them. Item #3 has been addressed by the traffic study performed by Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn (documentation enclosed). The source of submission for item #6 was the City of South Burlington's Comprehensive Plan dated 1985. Also enclosed are letters from Champlain Valley Water District, South Burlington Water Department and Joe Weith granting 1.1s an allocation of 9,000 gallons per day for water and sewer. The allocation had to be changed to satisfy Ernie's office. As additional information comes into my office for items #1,2,4 and 5 I will forward them for your review. If you need any additional information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers Agency Incorporated 1855 Williston Road P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05407-2184 802-658-5000 Fax 658-5002 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 20,'1990 Mr. Chris D'Ellia O'Brien Brothers P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments Addition Dear Mr. D'Ellia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact & Decision for the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Since,? ely, Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant 1 Encl RJB/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 17, 1990 Mr. Chris D'Ellia O'Brien Brothers P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Apartments Additon Dear Mr. D'Elia: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the September 18, 1990 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please call if you have any questions. Sin ere , Joe Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp PLANNING COMMISSION 18 September 1990 page 6 Mr. Burgess noted receipt of a memo from the Fire Chief saying he can't protect the property properly. Mrs. Maher, Ms. PUgh and Mr. Craig said they would vote for the new rooms if there were a sprinkler system. Other members were hesitant to go against the Fire Chief. Members agreed to a continuance to allow the applicant to bring in someone to provide testimony as to why they feel there is adequate provision for fire protection. Regarding landscaping, Mr. Weith said the plan meets the required value. �4rs..I�aher-moved-to-continue the-hearin _until-16..October-until the µa_p�_licar�t -can- rovide_additional_information. _ _[�s.. �Pu h ,seconded ,-.-Lotion-.passed_unaniwQuEly 6�-Sketch -Plan _a lication_of-CPA-partnership-for -construction -of an-addition-consistin-of -50-residential ...Units -to -the -existin _ 76-unit -elderly, .housin _ ro'ect-known-as_Countr -Park-Apartments, Hinesburg -Rd, Mr. Weith said he hadn't had time to scale the parking plan. Mr. Delia said they propose a 3-story building connected to the existing building by a community room. They will move some parking from back to front and all parking will now be in front. They will tie into municipal water and sewer. They are trying to maintain as much tree coverage as possible. They will use the existing curb cut. There is an area in front of the existing for fire access. There will be a sidewalk around both facilities. The garden will remain. Dumpsters will be screened. Mrs. Maher noted the age limit will be dropped to 55 and asked how it can be assured that 55 year olds don't rent apartments and allow their younger children to live there. She said she wanted very specific assurance this won't happen. Mr. Delia noted they are requesting less sewer capacity than the standard and have figures from the existing building as evidence of the need for less. Ms. PUgh said she was not comfortable with this. Mr. Craig agreed and felt the Commission had to be consistent and apply formulas uniformly to all applicants. 7,._Sketch- lan_a Iication-of -Judge-Development -Corpora ti on -for -a Tanned-commercial_develo ment_consistin-of_48,900-s ._ft,_of retails ace-and_17,500_sq._ft�_of_office-s ace-in.4_buildin s, 100 _ Dorset -St.. _and _Corporate_Way Mr. Judge said this is the lot created by the recent Ramada sub- division. It would be an expansion of 100 Dorset St. The -goal City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR PLANNER 658-7958 658-7955 December 10, 1990 Mr. Chris D'Elia O'Brien Brothers, Agency P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05453 Re: 50 Unit Addition, Country Park Apartments, Hinesburg Road Dear Mr. D'Elia: The South Burlington Planning Commission approved the above referenced revised Final Plat application on December 4, 1990. As part of the approval, the Commission granted a sewer alloca- tion of 9,000 g.p.d. This project will be served by the City's Airport Parkway treatment facility which has sufficient capacity to handle such demand. .re 1 . oe Weith, City Planner JW/mcp �autlj N urftngtnn .dire Department 575 Burnet street utitl� +�urlinuton, Ifermunt 054113 TO: South Bu&Zington PZann.ing Commission Prom; Ch.ie6 Goddette Re; Tuesday Deeemben 4,1990 Agenda Items Date; Friday November 16, 1990 1. Lakewood Common Pnofeet # 85086-52 Shetbunne Road Rt.7 Ptans have been reviewed on this pno1 eet and the 6ottow.ing must be eonreeted bon 6 ire protection; , r (802) 658 ,'960 A. The main water system must be tied .in to the main waters system at a d.i66xent toeation due to the size o6 the pno1ect so .incase o6 a probtem the devetopment woutd not be with out wa.ten bon b.ire protection. B. The hydrant at the south end o6 the hotet .is to close to the bu.itd.ing and must be netoeazed to an area approved by this o46.iee. C. Fine department hose stations must be .ins.tatted .in each stair way at each itoon which the devetoper said he would do, .in exchange 6or having to instaf-t 6oun hydranzd. 2. COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS PROJECT #90152 HINESBURG ROAD Ptans have been reviewed by this department and the only thing needed box 6.ixe protection .is a 6ixe depaAtment connection .is needed at each sta.ix way on each 6toox and a 6.ire department connection out side at the 6xont o6 the bu.itd.ing 6or our equipment to tie .in to the bu.itd.ing system. vodornl Raoister 'Vol. 54. No. 13 I Mondav, January 2;.. �89 Rules and Regulations unit of general local government that o includes the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (c). Paragraph (f) was not the subject of substantial public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. Paragraph (g)(1) was not the subject of substantial public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. It declares that it is the policy of HUD to encourage States and units of local government to include in their existing procedures for the review and approval of newly constructed covered multifamily dwellings. determinations as to whether the design and construction of such dwellings are consistent with paragraphs (a) and (c). Paragraph (g)(2) states that a Slate or unit of general local government may review and approve newly constructed multifamily dwellings for the purpose of making determinations as to whether the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) are met. Paragraph (g)(2) was not the subject of substantial public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. Determinations of Compliance by Stale or Local Agencies. Paragraph (h), which is unchanged from the proposed rule, states that determinations of compliance or noncompliance by a State or a unit of general local government under paragraph (f) or (g) are not conclusive in enforcement proceedings under the Fair Housing Act. Some commenters argued that this paragraph should be revised to state that determinations by State and local governments will be given substantial weight. These comments concede that neither the statute nor its legislative history indicates the weight to be given to such determinations. The Department believes it would be inappropriate to accord particular "weight" to determinations made by a wide variety of State and local government agencies involving a new civil rights law, without first having the benefit of some experience reviewing the accuracy of the determinations made by State and local authorities under the Fair Housing Act. Paragraph (i) states that subpart D does not invalidate or limit any law of a State or political subdivision of a State that requires dwellings to be designed and constructed in a manner that affords handicapped persons greater access than is required by this subpart. Paragraph (i) was not the subject of substantial public comment. it is unchanged from the proposed rule Subpart E—Housing for Older Persons The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of familial status. However, the Act exempts "housing for older persons" from the prohibitions against discrimination because of familial status. The purpose of the prohibitions against discrimination because of familiz;i status and the housing for older persons exemption is to protect families with childran from discrimination in housing, without unfairly limiting housing choices for elderly persons. 134 Cong. Rec. S10455-66 (daily ed. August 1, 1988) (statement of Sen. Karnes). The statutory definition of "housing for older persons" comprises three categories of housing: (1) Housing provided under any State or Federal program that the Sccrctary of HUD determines is se2cifically designed and operated to assis' elderly persons; (2) housing intended for, and solely occupied by, persons 62 years of age or older, and (3) housing intended for, and solely occupied by, at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit, provided tl•,at various criteria are met. ,1,nbile tfome Parks. The Department received thousands of comments relating to the housing for older persons exemption. A significant portion of t1 ese comments care from people who live in mobile horse parks which are currently restricted to adults. These commenters point out that mobile home park living is unique. Mobile home park residents typically own their own homes but rent the space. Frequently, there is relatively little space between homes. Many of these commenters state that they prefer to live.in an all -adult atmosphere and that if children are admitted there will in most cases be no place for them to play. Furthermore, many commenters made it plain that they do not want or need special services or facilities. Rather, they want mobile home parks to provide an environment where they can be with others of their age group, while at the same time remaining independent and self-sufficient. Some commenters asked that mobile home parks be exempted outright from the Fair Housing Act. Mobile home parks are covered by the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to refuse to sell or rent a "dwelling" because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap. familial status, or national origin. The statutory definition of "dwelling" includes vacant land which is offered for sale or lease for the construction or location thereon of a structure. In addition, the legislative history of the Fair Housing Amendments Act indicates that Congress intended that mobile home parks %would be covered by the Act, and specificall> I;, the familial status provisions. See 1134 Corti. Rec. 510551 (daily ed. Aug. 2. 1988) (colloquy between Sens. and Specter). Thus, the Departrnei.t Ili!, no basis for exempting mobile limne parks from the prohibition of discrimination against families with children. Other commenters asked HUD to create an additional exemption for "n• 40" or for "all -adult" mobile home pair'.• - There is nothing in the Fair Elousing Amendments Act or its legislative history to indicate that Congress intended that mobile home parts be afforded a housing for older persons exemption that is broader than the exemption that applies to other types t). housing (e.g., apartments and condominiums). To the contrary, the legislative history indicates that "ino!).. home parks ar eligible for the same exemptions as are other comniuni'ies under the 'housing for older person provisions ' ' of the Act. Id. Therefore, mubile home parks are subject to the same rules that apply to other types of housing. More specific comments received on this subpart v, ' be discussed in connection with the exemption for " 55 or ever" housing. "Dual Purpose tlousi;�, Facilities. num er o commenters raise t le question of whether it is permissible t., operate a "dual purpose" housing facility. In a "dual purpose" housin". facility specified units or sections t-, o,. be designated for older persons and other units or sections would be open everyone. For example, one comm•�,r:v- representing the interests of mobile home park owners suggested that regulations be promulgated to permit 1 operation of "dual purpose" propertic so that certain sections or units are r.o: restricted to persons of a certain age and others are designated for housin;; for older persons. This commenter stated that the proposed rule did not address this question. However, this issue was addressed in the proposed rule. Section 100.70(c)(5) of the propos:• rule (53 FR 45025, November 7, 1988) stated that it is unlawful to assign "ar person to a p u ar section of communt y, nerg or pod or n or to a art' f- tng ecause o ' familia s same pruauo�uon a pears a c f the final rule. As the epar mart explained i:a connection with public comments received on subpart A. the legislative history of the Fair Housing Act and In development of fair housing law after the protections of the Fair Housing Ac, Federal Register S4, No. 13 / Monday. } January 23, 191 )Rules and Regulations 3253 -ere extended in 1974 to prohibit discrimination because of sex support the position that persons with handicaps and families with children are entitled to the same protections as other classes of persons. fus2Larn2le, "dual housing . facilities segregated by race color or rely ion clearl would violate the Fa* Ho +sing Act Similary t e epar m nt �elteves that it is unlawful for a housin facility to segregate because of familial Status. Section 100,300 Purpose. Section 100.300 explains that the purpose of subpart E is to effectuate the housing for older persons exemption in the Fair Housing Amendments Act. This section was not the subject of public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. Section 100.301 Housing for Older Persons Exemption. Section 100.301 provides the analytical framework for subpart E. Paragraph (a) implements the second sentence of section 807(b)(1) of the Fair Housing Act, as amended. It states that the prohibitions against discrimination because of familial status in this part do not apply to housing which satisfies the requirements of §§ 100.302 ('State and Federal Elderly Housing Prograrns'l. 100.303 ('62 or Over Housing'), or 100.304 (' S5 or Over Housing'). Paragraph (a) was not the subject of public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. Paragraph (b) states that nothing in this part limits the applicability of any reasonable local. State, or Federal restrictions regarding the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy a dwelling. Paragraph (b) implements the first sentence of section 807(b)(1) of the Fair Housing Act. Many jurisdictions limit the number of occupants per unit based on a minimum number of square feet in the unit or the sleeping areas of the unit; HUD also issues occupancy guidelines in its assisted housing programs. Reasonable limitations do not violate the Fair Housing Act as long as they apply equally to all occupants. A substantial number of comments were received asking that the Department adopt occupancy restrictions that housing providers can apply in jurisdictions that do not have governmentally -adopted occupancy restrictions, and in jurisdictions where the governmentally - adopted restrictions are tantamount to no restrictions. There comments are discussed in the preamble discussion relating to Subpart A. Section 100.302 State and Federal Elderly Housing Programs, Section 100.302 implements section 807(b)(2)(a) of the Fair Housing Act. Section 100.302 exempts housing provided under any Federal or State Program that the Secretary determines is specifically deslgne a operated to assist elderly persons, as defined in the State or Federal program from the prohibitions against discrimination because of familial status in this part. Section 100.302 was not the subject of substantial public comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. It should be noted that the eligibility requirements for housing for elderly persons in HUD -assisted and insured programs differ from the requirements in §§ 100.303 and 100.304. State or Federal definitions are not superseded by those established in this Part for other housing. Section 100.303 62 or Over Housing. Section 100.303 implements § 8C7(f)(2)(B) of the Act. It exempts from the prohibitions against discrimination because of familial status housing intended for, and solely occupied by, persons 62 years of age or older. Transition Provision. Paragraph (a)(1) contains a transition provision to ensure that the interests of current residents of housing that excludes children will not be unduly disturbed by the Fair Housing Act. 134 Cong. Rec. S10456 (daily ed. August 1, 1988) (Memorandum of Sens. Kennedy and Specter Regarding Their Substitute Amendment). It provides that ho +cing satia$ev the ren nrPR+o.+— § 103.303 even though the real to m such housin o Septem er 13. 19AR who are +ender 62 Years or agE. Pmv;dpd That All ., occupants thereafter are persons 62 Years o age or o dd_ Section 6(d) of the Fair Housing Amendments Act provides that housing shall not fail to meet the requirements for housing for older persons by reason of "persons residing in such housing as of the date of enactment of this Act [i.e.. September 13, 1988)" who do not meet the age requirements of the housing for older persons exemption, provided that all new occupants meet the age requirements of the housing for older persons exemption. Section 13(a) of the Act provides that "[t)his Act and the Amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the 180th day beginning after the date of enactment of this Act." The date described in section 13(a) is March 12, 19M. Several commenters questioned whether the appropriate date for the transition provision in § 100.303(a)(1) is September 13. 1988 or March 12. 1989. In the preamble of the proposed rule the Department explained that if section 6(d) of the Act is applied literally, then housing providers, in order to avail themselves of this transition provision, had to begin filling units in accordance with the age requirements of the housing for older persons exemption on September 13. 1988. which is before the effective date of the Act. The proposed rule adopted this interpretation, but in view of the consequences of such a determination, invited public comment on the question. Comments were received on both sides of the issue. One group of commenters argued that the transition rule should become effective on March 12, 1989 instead of September 13. 1989 as proposed by the Department. Some of these commenters conceded that the proposed rule followed the plain meaning of the statute, but argu=_d that this is a case where adherence to the statute's plain language will frustrate Congress' intent to provide a workable transition rule that ensures that the interests of current residents of housing that excludes children will not be unduly disturbed by passage of the bill. 134 Cong. Rec. S10456 (daily ed. August 1. 1908) (Memorandum of Sens. Kennedy and Specter Regarding Their Substitute Amendment). These commenters also stated that a ?March 12. 1989 transition date would be fairer. A different group of commenters agreed with the Department's interpretation of the transition provision that appeared in the proposed rule as consistent with the plain meaning of the Act and Congressional intent. These commenters agreed with the Department's statement in the preamble of the proposed rule that the general language in section 13(a) was not intended to render the more specific language in section 6(d) a nullity. Moreover, under the interpretation of the Act in the proposed rule there is no inconsistency between sections 6(d) and 13(a) of the Fair Housing Act. The Act will take effect on March 12, 1989 and, by its terms, the housing for older persons exemption will be satisfied even though, on September 13. 1988. there were persons in the housing facility who did not meet the age requirements, provided that all new occupants after September 13, 1988 meet the age requirements. Some commenters added that under fundamental principles of statutory construction the more specific language of the Act prevails over more general language covering the same subject. See e.g.. Ginsberg !s Sons. v. 1 I 3254 Federal Register / Vol. 54, No. 13 / Monday, January 23. 1989 / Rules and Regulations Popkin, 285 U.S. 204. 208 (1932) (''General language of a statutory provision, although broad enough to include it, will not be held to apply to a matter specifically dealt with in another part of the same enactment."). Therefore, these commenters concluded that the more general language in section 13(a) describing the effective date of the Act as a whole should not be interpreted to delete the specific language in section 6(d) defining the appropriate date for the transition provision. After carefully considering the comments received on this question, the Department has determined not to modify its interpretation of the transition provision that was included in the proposed rule because it appears that this is what Congress intended. The transition provision in section. 805(1))(3) of the statute relating to persons residing in a housing facility who do not meet the age restrictions for housing for older persons is expressly limited to "persons residing in such housing as of the date of enactment of this Act." The same date (September 13, 1986) is, for the same reasons, referenced in § 100.304(d)(1) ("55 or Over housing"). In addition. some commenters proposed that the rule state that a mobile home park may change its age requirements to either family. 55 or over or 62 or over, a, any time —arguing that such a provision would be consistent with the legislative intent of the Act to step discrimination against families with children but to allww for distinct housing opportunities fot older persons. As previously explained, the Department sees no legal basis for providing special treatment or exceptions for mobile home parks in light of the legislative history to the contrary. Furthermore, the transition provision in section 807(b)(3)(A) makes specific reference to the date of enactment. In light of this temporal limitation in t e s a u e M a epar ment does not believe it wou a at i u to the statute to create in is rue a proce ure permitting a housin�der e i s age requirements at an time in order to exclude families with children. A related issue raised by some commenters is the relationship between the .Act and various State laws that regulate existing relationships between landlords and tenants. For example, under the California h4obilehome Residency Law, a rule or regulation of a mobile home park may be amended at anv time with the consent of a homeowner, or without his or her consent upon written notice to him or her of not less than six months. Calfornia Civil Code § 798.25 (1982 & Supp. 1988). These commenters pointed out that this and other notice requirements made it very difficult, arri in some cases, impossible for mobile home park owners to avail themselves of the transition provision in section 807(b)(3)(A) of the Act. On October 21. 1988 the General Counsel of HUD, J. Michael Dorsey, issued a legal opinion on this question. In that opinion, Mr. Dorsey concludes that the Fair Housing Act does not preempt or supersede § 798.25 of the California Civil Code since there is no language in the Fair Housing Act, as amended, or its legislative history to support a conclusion that the Act was intended to invalidate or limit any State law, unless that State law requires or permits a discriminatory housing practice. 42 U.S.C. 3u16 (as redesignated by the Act). Section 798.25 of the California Civil Code neither requires nor permits a discriminatory housing practice; it -imply sets forth a procedure that a mobile home park must follow in order to change a rule or regulation. In addition, the comments submitted by Senators Kennedy and Specter and Representative Don Edwards state as follows: 5-rice enactment of the 1988 Amendments to the Fair Housing Act, many mobile home parks have changed their status from an r-ightcen and older "adult" park, whi .h is ai owt-d under existing California law. bc! p'chibited by the Fair Housing Amendments Act to a "housing for older persons" park in nrd!•r to qualify for an exemption under the Act Nlany of these parks have claimed that the Act preempts California law, and thus six months' notice of a change in policy is not required. This is an incorrect interprelation of the Act. It was not the intent of Congress to preempt this notice requirement, and the regulations should so specify. (Footnotes -1niitted-) Paragraph (a)(2) states that housing satisfies the requirements of §100.303 even though there are unoccupied units (at any time), provided that such units are reserved for occupancy by persons 62 years of age or over. Paragraph (a)(2) was not the subject of substantial comment and is unchanged from the proposed rule. A new paragraph (a)(3) has been added to the final rule. It states that housing satisfies the requirements of § 100.303 even though there are units occupied by emp!oyees of the housing (and their family members residing in the same unit) who are under 62 years of age provided they perform substantial duties directly related to the mcmagement or maintenance of the housing. This paragraph was added by the Department in recognition of the fact that it is common for a manager of a housing facility or maintenance worker to reside in one of the units. Frequently. such arrangements benefit the residents of the housing facility. The Department does not believe that Congress intended for a housing owner to lose its ­62 or over" exemption simply because the manager of the facility or a maintenance worker resides there. However, the Department wishes to stress that any employees who live at the housing facility must perform substantial ditties directly related to the management or maintenance of the housing in question. For example, if the employee v.-orks primarily at a different housing facility, then that employee does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) and the housing facility where that employee lives wili not qualify for the ­62 or ox er" exemption. paragraph (b) contains two examples that illustrate the application of paragraph (a). These examples were rot the subject of substantial comment and are uncharged from the proposed rule. Section 100.304 55 or Over Housim, Section 100.304 implements section 807(b)(2)(C) of the Fair Housing Act. which exempts housing intended and operated for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or over per unit that satisfy certain criteria. This section of the proposed rule was the subject of many public comments. As an initial matter, a number of commenters asked that the Department clarify the meaning t of the phrase "housing intended and 1 operated for occupancy by at least one per son 55 _years of age or older, per unit in paragraph (a). Specifically, these commenters asked that HUD address the issue of the age of any other person occupying the unit along with a person 55 years of age or older per unit. A housing provider may use any non-discriminatory method of 1 qualifying for the exemption that comports with applicable State and local laws. Since the Fair Housing-3 Amendments Act does not prohibit discrimination because of age, nothing in the Act prohibits a housing provider seeking to qualify for the exemption for ­55 or over" housing from setting age restrictions that are more stringent than those set forth in the Act. Thus, a housing provider may, for example, require that a// residents be 55 years of age or older, provided that such a rule is consistent with applicable State and local laws. The other comments on § 100.3154 fall within four areas. First, some commenters stated that § 100.304(c)(1) should state that all units. upon initial occupancy, must be Federal Register / Vol. No. 13 / Monday, January 23. 1989 / Iles and Regulations �2�d oc,, t pied by at least one person 55 years of age or older. Under the Act. the jxemption for housing for persons 55 years of age or older requires, among other things, that 80 percent of the d:,ellings hive at e.asFone reside t who is 55 years of age or older rn hat the housing complex adhere to po icies demonstrating an intent to provie— housing to persons of that age group. Section 807(b)(2)(C). The Children's Defense Fund and other commenters state that Congress' purpose in permitting up to 20 percent of the units to be occupi—ecTsoleTy-by persons under the aQe' of 55 was to prevent disruption of the lives of surviving spouses and cohabitants under age 55, when the over 55 member of a household dies or otherwise leaves the unit. See 134 Cong. Rec. H 6498 (daily ed. August 8. 1988) (N!,dement of Representative Edwards): House Report at 31. Specifically, these cummenters argue that the "55 or over' exemption was not meant to permit the o-wrier of housing for older persons to "set aside" 20 percent of its units for ircnnrino households (as opposed to surviving spouses or companions). These commenters feel that such a "set aside" is inconsistent with the exemption's requirement that the owner or manager demonstrate an intent to provide housing for persons 55 years of age or older. These commenters correctly point out that statements in the legislative history discuss the need to permit up to 20 percent of the units to be occupied by persons all of whoni are under 55 years old in 55 or over housing in order to accommodate persons such as surviving spouses under the age of 55 and nurses and other personnel to care for the elderly 134 Cong. Rec. H 6498 (daily ed. August 8. 1988) (statement of Representative Edwards): House Report at 31. However, the Department does not believe that the examples that appear in the legislative history were intended to be exhaustive. Particularly, the Department is not of the view 1 at these units for persons under 55 years of age cannot be occupted by Inc rn8 house o s as oppose o surviving spouses or companions .. Indeed. some incoming households may be persons under 55 related in some way to residents who are over 55 years old. For example, an elderly owner of a `condominium might die and leave the condominum to a relative who is under 55 years old. if the 20 percent of the units available to persons under 55 years old were not open to incoming households then the recipient of the legacy would be in the anomalous situation of not being able to live in a condominium he or she owns. Further, the Department does not believe that the_ proposed rule can tatrly be irnr Prt9P AS PStal]IIS}11n4 a 20 percent er 55 dear"`�eQe. In order to be assured of preserving the exemption, an owner of "55 or over" housing will not, as a practical matter, be able to sell or rent a full 20 percent of the units to incoming persons. all of whom are under 55 years of age, because if the owner does so he or she will risk losing the exemption if some of the over-55 occupants die with surviving spouses who are under 55 years old. In this regard, a number of commenters expressed concern about the last sentence of example 1A in paragraph (e). This sentence indicates that a housing provider could rent a unit to persons (John and Mary in the example) all of whom are under 55 years old even if doing so would reduce the percentage of units occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older to just a fraction above 80 percent. Although the housing provider in fact could rent to John and Mary without losing the "55 or over" exemption the Department agrees that doing so is not advisable under the circumstances described in the example. Since the owner would be just a fraction above the 80 percent minimum required to maintain the "55 or over", exemption, renting to John and Mary could lead to the owner losing the exemption if some of the over-55 occupants die with surviving spouses who are under 55. In order to avoid any confusion. therefore, the last sentence of example 1A in paragraph (e) of the proposed rule has been deleted in the final rule. Beyond this, the owner must take care to—p—ub-lish and adhere to policies and proce urea wE cb demonstrate an intent ro—pro—VAiffe—liousing for persons 55 years of age or oider For example. this requirement would preclude an owner or manager from marketing 80 percent of the units for persons 55 years of age or older and marketing the remaining 20 percent in a radically different way (e.g.. young adults). The policies and rocedures for the housing facility as a whole must demonstrate an intent to provide housing for persons 55 years of age or older. "In essence, this means that the housing in question must in its marketing to the public and in its internal operations, hold itself out as housing for persons aged 55 or older." 134 Cong. Rec. S10456 (Memorandum of Senators Kennedy and Specter Regarding Their Substitute Amendment). Accordingly, the Department has determined not to revise paragraph (d)(2). The second major issue relating to 55 or over housing concerns paragraph (c)(1). which requires that at least 80% of the units in the housing facility be occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older unit except that a newly constructed housing facility for first occupancy after March 12, 1989 need not comply with paragraph (c)(1) of this section until 25% of the units in the facility are occupied. The exception for partially occupied newly constructed housing facilities was proposed by HUD to deal with the practical problem of filling units in a new and unoccupied housing facility in a reasonable manner, consistent with the "55 or over" exemption. For example, it would be unreasonable for a large newly constructed housing facility that intends to qualify for the exemption to lose its right to claim the exemption simply because the first unit happens to be filled with persons all of whom are under 55 years of age. however, once a certain percentage of units has been filled the housing facility can reasonably be expected to comply with the percentage requirement in paragraph (c)(1). Thus, the Department proposed to require that a housing facility comply with the 80% requirement in paragraph (c)(1) once 25% of the units in the housing facility have been filled and invited comment on the question of whether the 25% point is too high or too low. The National Association of Ilemebuilders, among other commenters, felt this percentage was too low to make a meaningful assessment of a particular housing facility. The National Multi Housing Council argued that a building should lie eligible for the "55 and Over" exemption (luring initial occupancy so long as not more than 20 percent of the total units are occupied by non -qualifying residents. The Council argues that marketing and market conditions will vary widely throughout the country and suggest that it is unnecessary for HUD to attempt to fix a universal demarcation point on this subject. The Council proposes that the final rule permit an owner to sell or rent the first 20 percent of the units to non -qualifying occupants, if he or she wishes. On the other hand, the Children's Defense Fund and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, among other commenters. objected to paragraph (c)(1) since the 25 percent point referenced in the proposed regulation is not contained in the Act or its legislative history. These commenters further argue that this 25 percent point of reference be deleted because it stems from what they 3256 Federal Register ' �ol. 54. No. 13 / Monday, January 23, 9 / Rules and Regulations r -- regard as an incorrect interpretation of the 55 or over exemption. In otiir.r words, if the 20 percent of the emits for non -qualifying households wure restricted to surviving spouses, nurses and companions there would he no need for the 25 percent point of reference for initial occupancy. Since the Department has not adopted the narrow interpretation of the 20 percent limitation urged by some commenters, the Department continues to believe that the regulation must contain some point of reference so that everyone concerned will know how to calculate whether a housing facilit.v has complied with the 80 percent requirement during initial occupancy. However, the Department does not believe it would be consistent with the intent of the statute to permit an owner or manager seeking to qualify F_,,r the or Over' exemption to sell or rent the first 20 percent of the units to persons all of whom are under 55 years of ;rfr.. Filling so many units with non - qualifying persons might create an impression that the housing is not intended for older persons. Further. the owner would not have any leoway to provide for units occupied by under 55 surviving spouses and nurses or companions. For these reasons. the Department has retained paragraph (c)(1) as it was proposed. In addition, as in § 100.303ta)(;i), a new paragraph (d)(3) has been ;!ddml to § 100.304 of the final rule.. It suites that housing satisfies the requirenio its of this section even thouolt there are unit, occupied by employees of the housing (and family members residing in the same unit) who are under 55 years of age provided they perform substantial duties directly related to the management or maintenance of the housing. Thus, as in § 100.303. units occupied by employees of the housing who do not meet the age: threshold are not considered in determining a project's eligibility as housing for older persons. "Significant Facilities afid Srri%res". Third, the Department received a great many comments asking for clarification of the phrase "significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons." A large number of commenters viewed the definition in proposed paragraph (b)(1) as requiring facilities and services on the order of what one might expect to find in a facility for severely- disabled elderly persons who arc not able to care for themselves. Other commenters v. ant to qualify for the ­55 or Over" exemption and want to know precisely what services and facilities must 1w provided in order to qualify for the exemption. Paragraph (b)(i) of the proposed rule suited that "significant facilities and services specifically designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons" include an accessible physical environment, congregate dining facilities, social and recreational programs, emergency and preventive health care or programs, continuing education, welfare, information and counseling, recreational, homemaker. outside maintenance and referral services, transportation to facilitate access to social services, and services designed to encourage and assist residents to use the services and facilities available to them. The list of significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons in the proposed rule is drawn from section 202(f) of the Ilousing Act of 1959, 12 U.S.C. 3 1-01y. listing examples of facilities and scrvic:es for older persons. The I louse Report (at p. 32) relies hcavilV upon the listing in section 202(0 of the Housing Act of 1959 in its discussion of such facilities. In addition, the proposed rule made it clear that the housing facility need not have all of these features to qualify for the exemption. Based upon the reaction hundreds of commenters had to the proposed definition of "significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older pursons'' it appears that the presence early on in the definition of "congregate dining; facilities" and an "accessible physical environment" may have created an impression that only housing for older persons who are not capable of living; independently would satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b)(1).'Lhe Department %vishes to stress that a housing facility may have significant facilities and services designed to meet t c p vsical or social needs of older pCPSORS en Still rnvirla hnuvin fur active older persons .vho live very independently. A housing act ity, or examp e, ned fi eat necessarily have congregate dining facilities or an accessible physical environment in order to qualify. In fact, many of the facilities and services on the list can readily be associated with active older persons. These inclu& social and recreational programs, preventive health care, information and counseling, recreational services, and transportation to facilitate access to social services. Moreover, the list of services on this list was not intended to be exclusive. As a result of this reaction, the Department h,es reordered the list of service, and facilities in the final rule. In additicm. ..welfare" has been deleted from the list because it appears only to have relevance in the context of governmental programs for elderly persons which tore covered by § 100.301. The facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persona must be "significant" in order to satisfy paragraph (b)(1). It is not possible for the Department to define precisely what services and facilities must be present before they are considered "significant." The services and facilities will necessarily vary based on the geographic location and the needs of the residents. However, it is clear, for example, that the installation of a ramp at the front entrance of a housing facility would not constitute it .'significant" facility designed to meet the physical needs of older persons. Similarly, the, provision of minor amenities —such as putting a couch in a laundry room and labeling it a recreation center --would not constitute - a "significant" facility designed to meei LReport e social needs of older persons. I tous�- at 32. "Important Houshig Opportunities (t>r- O!derPersons ". Some commenters suggested that the Department establish a " precertification" procedure erhich would enable housing providers to seek HUD certification that a housing facility has —significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or su(:i;il needs of older persons" or that the - housing facility satisfies the requirements of paragraph (b)(z). One commenter representing the interests of mobile home park o,.vners argued that such a procedure would prevent nianv lawsuits and "frivolous" administrative complaints of discrimination from bisiug; filed. The Department does not believe at this early stage of the enforcement of the Fair Housing Amendments Act that there is a reasonable basis to conciude> that many "frivolous" complaints will bo filed unless it "pre -certification" procedure is established, Further. the Department does not believe that it has sufficient resources to support such a procedure. However, if experience with enforcement of the exemption for ­55 or over" housing shows that such a procedure would be cost-effective the Department will consider adding a "pre - certification" procedure in the future. The fourth area of major public comment concerns paragraph ( ) 2 of t e propose. ru e. oustng act i v a t e or over" egiu=ireinents event it oe gatisf} tlu rof pars rah b 11. Under paragraph , a housing facility that does not provide significant facilities Federal Register / V I54, No. 13 / Monday, January 23, 198' )Rules and Regulations 3257 and services specifically designed to ineet the physical or social needs of older persons may nonetheless qualify for the "55 or over" exemption. Such a housing facility must demonstraTeTFial it is not practtca_g o rovt e stgnii icaiti facilities and services estgne to meet the p ysica or social needs ot older persons. and must also emo�that the housing facility is necessary to Provide important hour Dy opportunities for older persons. The proposed rule contained eight factors, among others, that the Department proposed to consider in determining whether a housing facility satisfies the requirements of paragraph (b)(2). Paragraph (b)(2) was criticized by many commenters for not being sufficiently precise. These commenters state that listing eight factors is not sufficient. especially since the proposed rule did not state how many (or how few) of the factors must be fulfilled in order to obtain a waiver of the requirement of providing significant services and facilities. ~� Further, some commenters cited legislative history which they believe is c helpful in construing the exception. Senator Kennedy stated that the exception was intended "to be narrowly used only when it can be demonstrated that the costs of providing the facilities iirid services would result in depriving low- and moderate -income persons of needed and desired housing. Independent and objective evidence must be provided to establish }} impracticability." 134 Cong. Rec_ S10549 i (daily ed. August 2, 1988) (statement of iSen. Kennedy). Representative Edwards explained that § 807(b)(2)(C)(i) was "not intended to provide a broad exemption ' '." 134 Cong. Rec. H0498 (daily ed. :August 8, 19811) (statement of IRepresentative Edwards). Mr. Edwards %vent on to explain the impracticability lest as follows: The fact that the facilities and services are expensive to provide is not alone sufficient to meet the standard of impracticability. This standard cannot be satisfied only by estimates of increased costs. business inefficiency or loss of profit. Independent and objective evidence must be provided to establish impracticability. Mere opinion that the provision of such facilities and services is impracticable is not sufficient. /d. With regard to the requirement that the housing qualify as an "important housing opportunity for older persons" Representative Edwards stated that it must be shown that "Ja)ffordable housing for older persons of lour or moderate incomes must not be otherwise available in the community." Id. The Department agrees that additional guidance is needed and the Department has been guided by this legislative history in revising paragraph (b)(2) to provide for a somewhat more precise definition of this exception. The first sentence of paragraph (b)(2), which mirrors the statute, is unchanged from the proposed rule. The following sentence explicates this statutory test in a manner that is consistent with the legislative history regarding this exception. It states that an owner or manager, in offer to satisfy th . requirements of paragrApAb 2 , must cmonstrate t h credible an ive evidence tha ovision of stgnthrant acilities and services designed to meet the sical or social needs of older persons would result in depnvmg�persons in the relQvant geographic area oFn—e-e-ded and desired �o�u-sing�..--The D e p a rtment a ieves that �efrevised standard is both clearer and consistent with the intent of Congress. The eight factors in the proposed rule have been reduced to seven factors in the final rule. Specifically, the first and second factors that appeared in the proposed rule have been consolidated and clarified in the final rule_ The seven relevant factors in the final pile are as o- Uows: (t�E-ether the owner or manager of the housing facility has endeavored to provide significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons either by the owner or some other entity. Demonstrating that such services and facilities are more expensive to provide is not alone sufficient to demonstrate that the provision of such services is not practicable. The preceding sentence relating to the cost of providing significant services and facilities is based on the legislative history. See 134 Cong. Rec. H6498 (daily ed. August 8, 1988) (statement of Representative Edwards) ("The fact that the facilities and service (sic) are expensive to provide is not alone sufficient to meet the standard of impracticability.") (ii) The amount of rent charged, if the dwellings are offered for rent. The price of the dwellings, if they are offered for sale. (iii) The income range of the residents of the housing facility. (iv) The demand for housing for older persons in the relevant geographic area. (v) The range of housing choices for older persons within the relevant geographic area. (vi) The availability of other similarly priced housing for older persons in the relevant geographic area. If similarly priced housing for older persons with significant facilities and services is reasonably available in the relevant geographic area, then the housing facility does not meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(2). The second sente .ce is new and has been added to clarifv the appropriate application of this factor. (vii) The vacancy rate of the housing facility. Subpart F—Interference. Coercion or Intimidation Section 100.400 Prohibited interference, coercion or intimidntio:!. Subpart F provides the interpreta!ion of the Department as to the conduct which constitutes a discriminatory housing practice under section 818 of the Fair Housing Act. Section 100.400(b) sloes that it is unlawful to coerce, intimidate. threaten or interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of that person having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of that person having aided or encouraged any person in the exercise or enjoyment of any right granted or protected by Part 100. Such conduct can also involve harassment of persons because of race. color. religion, sex, handicap, faniiiial status, or national origin. The illustrations in this section also indicate that a broad range of activities can constitute a discriminatory housing practice. Threatening or intimidating actions include acts against tine possessions of persons, such as damage to automobiles or vandalism. which limit a person's ability to have full enjoyment of a dwelling. 1n addition, the protections against discrimination reach any person, including persons selling or renting dwellings and persons engaged in activities promoting fair housing. Further, persons who are not invoived ir: any aspect of the sale or rental of a dwelling are nonetheless prohibited from engaging in conduct to coerce. intimidate, threaten or interfere with persons in connection with protected activities, or from retaliating against any person involved in any way in a proceeding under the Fair }-lousing Act. Part 103—Fair Housing Complaint Processing Enforcement responsibility within 1 UD Generally, the proposed regulations placed the responsibility for the reasonable cause determination and the prosecutorial functions with the General Counsel, while retaining the investigation and conciliation functions with the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. _90 Federal Register / Vol. 54, I`' �3 / Monday, January 23, 1989 / Rulf `nd Regulations ,t) An accessible route into and rough the covered dwelling unit; (ii) Light switches, electrical outlets, ermostats. and other environmental :ntrols in accessible locations; (iii) Reinforcements in bathroom walls allow later installation of grab bars 'ound the toilet, tub, shower, stall and lower seat, where such facilities are ovided; and (iv) Usable kitchens and bathrooms ,ch that an individual in a wheelchair in maneuver about the space. (d) The application of paragraph (c) of is section may be illustrated by the llowing examples: F_.comale 11J: A developer plans to ,nstruct a 100 unit condominium apartment Acting with one elevator. In accordance ith paragraph (a), the building has at least :e accessible route leading to an accessible ,trance. All 100 units are covered Atifamily dwelling units and they all must designed and constructed so that they mpiy with the accessibility requirements of ragraph (c) of this section. fixarr:ole (2): A developer plans to nstruct 30 garden apartments in a three )ry building. The building will not have an !valor. The building will have one c:essible entrance which will be on the first ,or. Since the building does not have an -valor, only the "ground floor" units are vcred multifamily units. The "ground floor" the first floor because that is the floor that s an accessible entrance. All of the +elling units on the first floor must meet the cessibility requirements of paragraph (c) of s section and must have access to at least e of each type of public or common use m available for residents in the building. (e) Compliance with the appropriate quirernents of ANSI A117.1-1986 ffices to satisfy the requirements of ragraph (c)(3) of this section. (f) Compliance with a duly enacted .v of a State or unit of general local vernment that includes the quirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) this section satisfies the requirements paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. (g)(1) It is the policy of HUD to courage States and units of general :al government to include. in their isting procedures for the review and proval of newly constructed covered iltifamily dwellings, determinations as whether the design and construction such dwellings are consistent with ragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. 12) A State or unit of general local vernnent may review and approve wly constructed multifamily dwellings the purpose of making ,erminations as to whether the luirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) this section are met. h) Determinations of compliance or icompliance by a State or a unit of —ral local government under paragraph (n or (g) of this section are not conclusive in enforcement proceedings under the Fair Housing Amendments Act. (i) This subpart does not invalidate or limit any law of a State or political subdivision of a State that requires dwellings to be designed and constructed in a manner that affords handicapped persons greater access than is required by this subpart. Subpart E--Housing for Older Persons §100.300 Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to effectuate the exemption in the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 19158 that relates to housing for older persons. § 100.301 Exemption. (a) The provisions regarding familial status in this part do not apply to housing which satisfies the requirements of § § 100.302, 100.303 or § 100.304. (b) Nothing in this part limits the applicability of any reasonable local. State, or Federal restrictions regarding the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy a dwelling. complex which is an elderly housing complex operated for persons 62 years of age or older. John is 62 years of age. Mary is 59 years of age. If Vista Heights wishes to retain its "62 or over" exemption it must refuse to rent to John and Mary because Mary is under 62 years of age. However. if Vista Heights does rent to John and Mary. it might qualifv for the "55 or over" exemption in § 100.304. £.eomple (2J: The Blueberry Hill retirement community has 100 dwelling units. On September 13. 1988.15 units were vacant and 35 units were occupied with at least one person who is under 62 years of age. The remaining 50 units were occupied by persons who were all 62 years of age or older. Blueberry Hill can qualify for the "62 or over" exemption as long as all units that were occupied after September 13. 1988 are occupied by persons who were 62 years of age or older. The people under 62 in the 35 units previously described need not he required to leave for Blueberry hill to qualify fur the -62 or over" exemption. § 100.304 55 or over housing. (a) The provisions regarding familial status shall not apply to housing intended and operated for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit. Provided 71ial the § 100.302 State and Federal elderly housing satisfies the requirements of § 100.304 (b)(1) or (b)(2) and the housing programs. The requirements of § 100.304(c). provisions regarJino familial in this part shall not apply to (b)(1) The housing Facility has housing provided under anv Fed Federal or n significant facilities and services State program that the Secretary specifically designed meet the determines is specifically designed and physical or social needs of older operated to assist elderly persons, as persons. "Significant facilities and defined in the State or Federal program. services specifically designed to meet the physical or social needs of older § 100.303 62 or over housing. persons" include. but are not limited to. (a) The provisions regarding familial rF social and recreational programs. status in this part shall not apply to continuing education, information and housing intended for, and solelv - counseling, recreational. homemaker, occupied by, persons 62 years of age or ? outside maintenance and referral older. Housing satisfies the services. an accessible physical requirements of this section even � environment, emergency and preventive though: health care of programs. congregate (1) There are persons residing in such dining facilities, transportation to housing on September 13, 1988 who are facilitate access to social services. and under 62 years of age, provided that all services designed to encourage and new occupants are persons 62 years of assist residents to use the services and age or older, facilities available to them (the housing (2) There are unoccupied units, facility need not have all of these provided that such units are reserved for features to qualify for the exemption occupancy by persons 62 years of age or under this subparagraph); or over. (3) There are units by (2) It is not practicable to provide significant facilities and services employees of the housing (and family de -signed to meet the physical or social members residing in the same unit) who needs of older persons and theousi ng are under 62 years of age provided they perform substantial duties directly = act ity is necessary to provt 0 important related to the management or housing opportunities fo older er persons. In order to satisfy this maintenance of the housing. (b) The following examples illustrate 'P-J paragraph (b)(2) of this section the the application of paragraph (a) of this `f owner or manager of the housing facility must demonstrate through credible and section: '(--'-objective Example ',fart' evidence that the provision of 0). John andappl>' for I housing significant facilities and services at the vista Heights apartment designed to meet the physical or social Federal Register / Vol. lNo. 13 / Monday, January 23, 1989 / es and Regulations 3291 needs of older persons would result in depriving older persons in the relevant geographic area of needed and desired housing. Tice following factors, among others, ure relevant in meeting the requirements of this paragraph (b)(2) of this section— (i) Whether the owner or manager of the housing facility has endeavored to provide significant facilities and services designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons either by the owner or by some other entity. i D Dau rating tha�Much services and facilities are ex ensive to `provirTe iss not ' alone sufficient to demonstrate that l e provision o sue services is no L- practicab e._ (ii) The amount of rent charged, if the dwellings are rented, or the price of the dwellings, if they are offered for sale. (iii) The income range of the residents of the housing facility. (iv)'rhe demand for housing for older persons in the relevant geographic area. (v) The range of housing choices for older persons within the relevant geographic area. (vi) The availability of other similarly price ousing for older p-ersons in the re evanFgeographic area. If sin ' arly pfic_H_Fio ising-for older persons with signif—icantl'acciifies an services is reason__a5Tv evai a e rat the re evant geogr� it area_tE n iFhuu5insfarility do`es_not meet the requirements of this paragrdphjhg21 of_this_section. (vii) The vacancy rate of the housing facility. (c)(1) At least 80% of the units in the housing facility are occupied by at least i one person 55 years of age or older per ` unit except that a newly constructed housing facility for first occupancy after March 12, 1989 need not comply with this paragraph (c)(1) of this section until 25% of the units in the facility are occupied. and (2) The owner or manager of a housing facility publishes and adheres to policies and procedures which demonstrate an intent by the owner or manager to provide housing for persons % 55 years of age or older. The following factors. among others, are relevant in determining whether the owner or manager of a housing facility has complied with the requirements of this paragraph (c)(2) of this section: (i) The manner in which the housing '1 facility is described to prospective residents. �'C (ii) The nature of any advertising Z h designed to attract prospective J residents. (iii) Age verification procedures. �J (iv) Lease provisions. (v) Written rules and regulations. (vi) Actual practices of tite owner or manager in enforcing relevant lease provisions and relevant rules or regulations. (d) Housing satisfies the requirements of this section even though: (1) On September 13, 1988, under 80% of the occupied units in the housing facility are occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit, provided that at least 80% of the units j that are occupied by new occupants fafter September 13, 1988 are occupied by —t at least one person 55 years of age or older. (2) There are unoccupied units, provided that at least 80% of such units are reserved for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or over. (3) There are units occupied by employees of the housing (and family members residing in the same unit) who are under 55 years of age provided they perform substantial duties directly related to the management at - maintenance of the housing. (e) The application of this section may be illustrated by the following examples: Example 1: A. John and Mary apply for housing at the Valley Heights apartment complex which is a 100 unit housing complex that is operated for persons 55 years of age or older in accordance with all the requirements of this section. John is 58 years of age. Mary is :,a years of age. Eighty (80) units ;ire occupied by at least one person who is 55 years of age or older. Eighteen (18) units are occupied exclusively by persons who are under 55. Among the units occupied by new occupants after September 13. 1988 were 18 units occupied exclusively by persons v ho are. under 55. Two (2) units are vacant. At the time John and Mary apply for housing, Valley Ileights qualifies for the "55 or over" exemption because 82% of the occupied units (84,198) at Valley Heights are occupied by at least one person 55 years old or older. if John and Mary are accepted for occupancy, then 81 out of the 99 occupied units (82%) will be occupied by at least one person who is 55 Years of age or older and Valley Heights will continue to qualify for the -55 or over" rxempliun. B. If only 78 out of the 98 occupied units had been occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older, Valley Heights would still qualify for the exemption. but could not rent to John or Mary if they were both under 55 without losing the exemption. Example 2 Green Meadow is a 1,000 unit retirement community that provides significant facilities and services specifically designed to meet the physical or social needs of older persons. On September 13, 19M. Green Meadow published and thereafter adhered to policies and procedures demonstrating an intent to provide housing for persons 55 years of age or older. On September 13. 19W 100 units were vacant and 300 units were occupied only by people who were under 55 years old. Consequently. on September 13. 19M 67% of the Green Meadow's occupied units (800 out of 900) were occupied Icy at at least one person 55 years of age or older. Under paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Green Meadow qualifies far the ­55 or uver" exemption even though, on September 13. 1988. under fl0% of the occupied units in the housing facili?y were occupied by at least one person 55 gears of age or older per unit. provided that at least 80% of the units that were occupied after September 13. 19B8 are occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older. Under paragraph (d) of this section. Green Meadow qualities for the ­55 or over' exemption, even though it has unoccupied units, provided that at least 80% of its uno::cupied units are reserved for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or over. Example J: Waterfront Gardens is a 200 unit housing facility to be conxtrurted r.ftet March 12. 1989. The owner and manager of Waterfront Gardens intends to operate the new facility in accordance with the requirement:.- of thi; section. Waterfron! Gardens need not c,:rrpix v:iih Ihe. requirement in par:graph (':l(11 of I`Ai that at least 8W; of. the occupied units be occupied by at least one person 55 vears rl age or older per unit witil Su units (.5'<,) are occupied. 'When the. 50th unit is umnpwd. then wof t:ie 50 orcupied units (i.e.. 40 arils► mus; br. occupied be at lean! one person whc is 55 %ears of age or older f � Waterfront Gardens le q;,.:!ifv for th0 "55 W over e\ea1p!im1 Subpart F—Interference, Coercion or Intimidation § 100.400 Prohibited interference. coercion or intimidation. (a) This subpart provide; the Department's interpretation of lh,t conduct that is unlawful under sectior. 818 of the Fair Housing Act. (b) It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten. or interfere with any person in the e.xcrcise or enjoyrent of, or on account of that person having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of that person having aided or enccuraged any other person in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by this part. (c) Conduct made unlawful under this section includes. but is not limited to. the following: (1) Coercing a person, either orally. in writing, or by other means, to deny or limit the benefits provided that person in connection with the sale or rental of a dwelling or in connection with a residential real estate -related transaction because of race. color, religion, sex, handicap. familial status. or national origin. (2) Threatening, intimidating or interfering with persons in their enjoyment of a dwelling because of the race, color. religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin of such persons, or of visitors or associates of such persons. M CITY OF :�)UI'ii IMZLItMION Sulx3ivision A[ADIication - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant CPA �..���.,� a Goo : ��5ty (' �;� . Vt, os4oi 2) Name of Subdivision-- 3) Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: 1 6 �,a 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: Submit five copies of a final set of porlsisting of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit tfo draft copies of all legal documents required under section 202.1 (.11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. (Signature) applicant or contact person Da to M E M O R A N D U M :mouth Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: December 4, 1990 agenda items Date: November 30, 1990 4) COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS, HINESBURG ROAD 1. Site plan shows building being constructed on top of an existing storm drain. The plan should show the drain shortened and new catch basin installed as agreed to by the applicant. 2. The connection structure between the old and new building is on top of an 8 inch watermain serving the condo development to the west. This watermain must be relocated. 5) EASTVIEW CONDOMINIUMS EAST TERRACE 1. The 12" storm sewer shall be plastic or concrete not metal. 2. Landscaping along the north property line conflicts with the relocated power line. The power lines also conflict with the view in that direction. All other comments in the November 16, 1990 memo have been ad- dressed. 6) JASON'S DRY CLEANERS, 370 DORSET STREET 1. The Dorset Street widening r.o.w. will be approximately 22' from the existing building. All access to this property is planned from San Remo Drive. 2. The back (easterly) portion of lot should be leveled top soiled and seeded. 3. The area reserved for parking and driveway should be as planned in conjunction with the Dorset Street improvements and shown on the plan. Except for the curb along San Remo Drive, the entire area including the Dorset Street side is black top and a driveway. 7) BURGER KING RESTAURANT, WILLISTON ROAD Site plan titled Burger King Restaurant dated 11/14/90 is accept- able. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 November 30, 1990 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Mr. Christopher D'Elia O'Brien Brothers P.O. Box 2184 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Addition, Hinesburg Road Dear Chris: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Also en- closed are Bill Szymanski's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, December 4, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. 5' cerely, V oe Weith, City Planner 2 Encls JW/mcp Memorandum - Planning December 4, 1990 agenda items November 30, 1990 Page 2 j) Route 7 TMA - The applicant the propsoed TMA. He proposed are established when the TMA acceptable. Other: has agreed to become a member of that they contribute the dues that is established. I feel this is o Existing building on Lewis property is shown as "to be removed" on Sheets SP3 and SP4. This should also be indicated on Sheet SP2. o Notes on SP2 indicate 40' setback from Route 7. Require- ment is 50' setback. This should be changed. 4) COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS. REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of constructing an addition containing 50 units to an existing 76 unit building. The two (2) buildings will be joined by a community room. The sketch plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on September 18, 1990 (minutes not yet available). Very few changes have been made to the plans. Most changes made involve providing the additional information requested by staff. Items such as setbacks/coverage, access/circulation and parking have not changed. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement for this project is $22,973. The landscaping plan submitted is $3,257 short of the requirement. The landscaping plan involves 23 different species of plant material including: Austrian and Red Pine, Norway and Colorado Spruce, Sugar Maple, Birch, Juniper, Arborvitae, Viburnum and Lilac. Traffic: This property is within Traffic Overlay Zone 5 which allows 356 peak hour trips. Traffic information provided by the applicant indicates that the present P.M. peak is 22 trips and with the addition it will be 36 trips. The applicant will be required to contribute $2,316 toward the Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive Improvement Fund based on the 14 additional peak trips. Sewer: A sewer allocation of 9,000 gpd is required based on 40 one bedroom apartments and 10 two bedroom apartments. 2 Memorandum - Planning December 4, 1990 November 30, 1990 Page 3 Other: Fire Chief Goddette has reviewed these plans and does not see a problem in providing emergency protection. 5) EASTVIEW CONDOMINIUMS _ PRELIMINARY PLAT This curu;isLs of ruction of a four ( 4 ) unit multi -family dwelling on a 1.23 acre lot located off East Ter- race. This property is in the R4 District with a small portion of the lot at the southerly end in the R7 District. The Planning Commission reviewed the Sketch Plan on August 7, 1990 (minutes enclosed). This property is boundeo on the north, south and west by the Quarry Hill Club and on the east by single-family homes. Access/Circulation: Access to the lot is via a 50'x 150' strip of land located between two (2) single-family homes which gives this lot 50 feet of frontage on East Terrace. This strip of land is part of the lot. Within this strip will be constructed a 24 foot wide paved roadway. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 12.1% (maximum allowed is 20%). Overall coverage is 20.7% (maximum allowed is 40%). All setback requirements are being met. Parking: The project requires 9 parking spaces and 9 spaces will be provided. Five (5) of these spaces are outside while the remaining four (4) spaces are in the garages. Parking space size and aisle width requirements are being met. Landscapine/screening• The minimum landscaping requirement for the project is $7,350 and this requirement is being met. The landscaping will include Paper Birch, Green Ash, Honeylocust, Spruce, Pine and Willow trees in addition to shrubs such as Dogwood, Forsythia and Honeysuckle. Staff recommends that a berm be placed directly in front of the five (5) space parking area to shield headlight glare from the adjacent property to the east. We further recommend that the willow and ash located between the parking area and the easterly Property line be replaced with four (4) Norway Spruce to further screen this parking from the adjacent residential property. The dumpster will be screened by a four (4) foot stockade fence. Sewer: The applicant will be required to pay $2.50 per gallon for sewage. The sewer allocation for this project is 1800 gpd. 3 a CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. P. O. Box 485 (802) 985-2323 SHELBURNE, VERMONT 05482 Fax No. (802) 985-2271 CHARLES R. DUNHAM President JEAN -CAROL DUNHAM Treasurer October 17, 1990 South Burlington Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Country Park Association Boundary Plat Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to verify that the Plat titled "Plat of Country Park Associates" dated October 1990 was prepared by myself. The Plat is based on deed research, field evidence, and other pertinent information. Please don't hesitate calling should you have any questions or need further verification. Sincerely, Stuart J. Morrow Registered Land Surveyor #565 SJM/pao STUDIES • DESIGN • INSPECTION • TESTING SURVEYING 8 LAND DEVELOPMENT HYDRAULICS 8 HYDROLOGY SANITARY 8 WATER FOUNDATIONS 8 STRUCTURES CONCRETF 8 SOIL TESTING 12/4/90 JW MOTION OF APPROVAL I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised Final Plat of CPA Partnership for construction of an addition consisting of 50 residential units to the existing 76 unit elderly housing project known as country Park Apartments as depicted on a 13 page set of plans, page one entitled, "Country Park Apartments Grading Plan, South Burlington, Vermont." pre- pared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., and dated July 1990, last revised 9/90, with the following stipulations: 1. The applicant shall post a $22,973, 3-year landscaping bond prior to permit. The Planning Commission grants a $3,257 credit for the existing vegetation located in the western corner of the property. 2 The applicant shall contribute $2,316 to the Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive Improvement Fund based on the additional 14 peak hour trip ends to be generated by this development. 3. A sewer allocation of 9,000 gpd is granted. The applicant shall pay the $2.50 per gallon fee prior to permit. __A , 4. The Planning Commission approves a height of feet. for the building. It .is the Commission's opinion that such a height will relate aesthetically with existing buildings, will not detract from scenic views, and will allow for greater retention of green space. This approval is conditioned on a maximum 3-story build- ing with pitched roof as shown in the plans. 5. The plans shall be revised prior to recording to show the following: a) Existing storm drain shortened and new catch basin installed, and b) 8" watermain serving Br.iarwood relocated to the north side of the new addition. 6. The Revised Final Plat shall be recorded in the South Burl- ington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. ACCESS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with a place of business in South Burlington, Chittenden County; State of Vermont (hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), and the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Vermont. I%TH.EREAS, Owner has applied for and obtained approval of a subdivision for the construction of a 100 unit housing project for the elderly, located adjacent to and westerly of Hinesburg Road in the City of South Burlington; and WHEREAS, the City of South Burlington, acting through its Planning Commission, has approved the application subject to certain conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the final plat approval of said 100 unit housing for the elderly subdivision by the City of South Burlington, and other valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Owner does hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: 1. That Owner or its principals owns a parcel of land located adjacent to and southerly of the parcel approved for housing for the elderly by the City of South Burlington. 2. That access to service said adjacent property may best be provided through a portion of the property comprising the housing for the elderly. ! 3. That, in the event Owner proposes a use for said adjacent property which is defined as a "subdivision" or /7 "development" under the then existing ordinances and by-laws / of the City of South Burlington, therefore requiring the approval of the South Burlington Planning Commission, then ov g Owner does hereby give to the City of South Burlington, by and through its Planning Commission and at its sole discretion, the option to provide for and demand that access for the benefit of said adjacent property and its proposed use be located over a portion of the property comprising the parcel of the housing for the elderly, the portion thereof over and through which access may be demanded being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked by an iron pin, said point located in the westerly sideline of Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116) and further marking the southeasterly corner on a recorded plat entitled "Site Plan - Country Park Apartments, for Forest Park Realty, dated May 31, 1978," and approved by the City of South Burlington Planning Commission; thence proceeding N 37' 45' 00" W in and along the westerly sideline of Hinesburg Road 180 feet to a point; thence turning to the left and forming an included right angle and proceeding westerly to the intersection with the southerly or southwesterly boundary of said aforementioned property (depicted as 540.14 feet on said aforementioned plat); thence turning to the left, forming an acute included angle and proceeding S 84' 44' 18" E to the point or place of beginning. -2- ;.. i iR 4. Owner will not build any structure within or upon that portion of its property immediately hereinabove described; f. .' or in any other way interfere with the subsequent ability.to G use said property or portion thereof for purposes of vehicular, ingress and egress to said adjacent parcel from Hinesburg Road. 5. By execution of this agreement, Owner for itself, its successors and assigns, in no way consents or agrees that any portion of or all of said area to which this reservation applies should or shall be used for highway purposes other than for access to the adjacent property, and it shall be free to contest, block, fight and/or oppose any attempt by the United States Government, the State of Vermont, or the City of South Burlington, or any of their agencies, officers, boards, etc., to take, buy, condemn or use said reserved area or any portion thereof as a highway or for any other purpose other than access to the immediate, adjacent_, southerly property as hereinabove referred to. 6. Owner does hereby acknowledge and agree that in the event of transfer of the parcel comprising housing for the elderly, said transfer and conveyance shall be made subject to this agreement for an easement for access to the adjacent property. The parties hereby do acknowledge that one of the conditions of approval by the City of South Burlington -3- P _lanning Commission is the extension and construction of a sidewalk along the entire frontage of the elderly housing lot on Hinesburg Road. The City of South Burlington does hereby waive the necessity of construction of said sidewalk within the 180 foot wide reserved area until such time as final action is taken concerning the use of a portion or all of the reserved area for roadway and access purposes to the adjacent property. Upon completion of said roadway for access, or upon the decision that the use of said reserved area, or any portion thereof, is not necessary for access purposes to the adjacent property, then Owner shall be obligated to complete the requirement of constructing a sidewalk across said reserved area to the southeasterly corner of the approved subdivision. it is acknowledged and agreed that these terms and conditions, and this agreement itself, shall be null and void and of no further force and effect upon the filing in the land records of the City of South Burlington of a plat as approved by the South Burlington Planning Commission depicting the development or subdivision of said adjacent parcel, if said plat does not depict the access to said parcel as proceeding through a portion of the reserved area as hereinabove defined. -4- a A� This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their day of , 1978. hands this Y IN PRESENCE OF: Owner FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION By Duly Authorized Agent CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By y Authorized Agent �. tit -5- CLARKE A. GRAVEL CHARLES T. SHEA LAWRENCE A. WRIGHT THOMAS S. CONLON STEPHEN R. CRAMPTON ST EWART H. MCCONAUGHY ROBERT B. HEMLEY JOHN C. GRAVEL WILLIAM G. POST, JR. BROOKE PEARSON GRAVEL, SHEA & WRIGHT ATTORNEYS AT L A W 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE B U R L I N G T O N. VERMONT 0 5 4 0 2 Mr. Steven Page Planning Dept. City of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05401 July 19, 1978 Re: Forest Park Realty Corporation Dear Steve: TELEPHONE B5B-0220 AREA CODE 602 Pursuant to our conversations, I enclose two documents, the first concerning the reservation area for future access, and the second reserving an easement and right of way for present and future water piping. Copies this day are being hand -delivered to Dick Spokes. In view of the fact that construction has commenced with the approval of the City, I would request that we process this expediently, as the building permits should be issued upon Bill Szymanski's return on Monday. Cordially, GRAVEL, SHE & WRIG T Stephen R. Crampon SRC:vmm Enclosures CC: Richard A. Spokes, Esq. (w. enc.) 60 q 157 :ss t kO =rA, i oir Owner Town.... So.uth..Burlington.......................................... Street .................... ) ✓ 1. .!1..... ..�. ..a�.............. ....................Noz Address......................... .............^ ..^............................................................ Description............................,............................................................................. Additions....................................................................................................................... FOUNDATIONT I FLOORS L / Concrete 1 �— I BI 1 1213 Concrete Block I v Cement I VI I I Brick or Stone ( Pine I I I I Piers Hard Wood I 1 1 i IIII No Cellar I Attic Fl. & Strs. i I EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS Clapboards i ✓ I BI 1 1213 Wood Shingles 1 Plaster I Id I Asbes. Shingles I Wall Board Solid Brick 1 Pine Finish I I 1 1 Brick Veneer I Unfinished ( I I Conc. or Cind. Bl. I 1 I TNTFRTOR FTNTSH IV'Nation I V W eatherstrip I v" Soft Wood I I I I Hardwood I I ✓1 I 1 Paneling I I ROOFING HEATING Asph. Shingles i Pipeless Furnace Wood Shingles 1 I Not Air Furnace i Slate ! , Forced Air Furn Metal I I Steam Roll Roofing I Stoves I Composition I 1 Not Water I - O-A"NJ;I-_"l.a COMPUTATIONS Lot No. Frontage Donth Acres ,z,z r�ti.�t.. G°"'4 UNIT RATE I�TOTAL- 1 Ar1 !leer ?. y c. S. F. jpU^S. F.1 .. I S. F.1 I Additions I i Basement j 1 I I I I ( I I I I I UTILITIES Electricity 1- Water 4o Gas NO. OF ROOMS PLUMBING Bsmt. 12nd iJ Bathroom 1st. S 13rd Toilet Room Garage (No. Cars) I Auto. Wat. Heat 1 Fireplace ( Stand. Hot Water 1 Porches 1 Laundry Tubs Finished Attic i No Plumbing I Air Conditioning \e c.. v,l00�GN T)�+o 1iv 19 Previous Owner--��;.a�y, Year Built Present Occupants Tnsulation I 1 I I Town of So. Burlington, Vt. I" SOUTH BURLINGTON SENIOR CITIZENS'CLUB INFORMATIONAL STATISTICS J ULY 1,1976-.J ULY 1,1977 TOTAL ATTENDANCE .. Transported to meetings .............. Information referral ................. Outreach .r••••••••..•••.••....••••• Health: Blood Pressure ............... Flu Shots .................... Shopping Services ... Reader Service ....................... Letterwriting ........................ Chore Services ....................... Visitation ........................... Telephone Reasurance Calls.,......... Housing Assistance ................... Legal Counseling .................•... Recreational activities .............. Nutrition,(Monthly Dinners) .......... Educational .......................... Trips ................................ Number Persons 1774...0 50 meetings 510 ....256 car trips 96 28 381 .... 12 Clinics 112 .... 1 23 5 3 5 40 138 ...made by members 4 38 1774 .. Bridge , Bing,o , Gait! es 632 496 ... 14 programs 121 ... 3 trips AGE RANGE OF CLUB MEMBERS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP JULY 1,1977 55--60 Age ........................... 7 60-65 16 65-70 ..........•............... 34 70-75 33 75-80 15 80-90 14 119 No Text SOUTH BURLINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 FREDERICK H. TUTTLE Superintendent LAWRENCE E. LECOURS Assistant Superintendent Mr. Stephen Page Planning Assistant City of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve, OFFICE: SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 550 Dorset Street May 3, 1977 At their regular meeting on February 9, 1977, the South Burlington School Board voted that the proposed Housing for the Elderly project on Hinesburg Road would not place an unreasonable burden on this municipality to provide educa- tional services. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely yours, Frederick H. Tuttle Superintendent of Schools FHT:cl M Lay 3, 1977 Mr. Curtis Carter, Environmental Coordinator District *4 rh-.nvironiiental Commission 111 West :street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Re. Forest Park Realty :dousing for the l.lc;erly, Hinesburg ?.oad South buriington, Vermont 3 Dear Curt. the water and sever services for ctie above referenced Dproject will he connected to the municipal systems. is inal design and cons t-ruct- ion will corrforru to the city standards. "Very -truly yours, wiliiar_i J. Szymanski City rianager WJS/h RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with a place of business in South Burlington, Chittenden County, State of Vermont, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration paid to its full satisfaction, does hereby Give, Grant, Convey and Confirm unto the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Vermont, 15-foot wide easements and rights of way in perpetuity for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing, restoring and/or replacing underground sanitary and storm sewer lines and water lines, together with all fixtures required therefor or appurtenant thereto, together with the right of entry on said 15-foot wide easements and rights of way for the aforesaid purposes, the location of same being as depicted on a Plat entitled "Utilities, Housing for the Elderly, South Burlington, Vermont," dated March, 1977, as approved by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Planning Commission and recorded in Map Volume , Pages , of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Said 15-foot wide easements and rights of way extend for 7 1/2 feet on either side of the 8" water mains, 8" sewer mains, and 12" storm sewer mains as depicted on said Plat. The within conveyance does not include easements and rights of way along the water service and sewer service leading from said mains to the individual apartment buildings. The within easements and rights of way are given on portions of property located adjacent to and southwesterly of Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116) as depicted on said aforementioned Plat. Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to make use of the surface of the lands, subject to No Text these rights of way and easements such as shall not be inconsistent with the use of said easements and rights of way, and specifically shall place no structures, landscaping or other improvements within said easements and rights of way which shall prevent or interfere with Grantee's ability to repair, replace and/or maintain said lines, other than improvements to roadways where said easements and rights of way are within the roadways as depicted on said Plat. The CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON agrees that any structures, improvements and/or landscaping affected by said City's maintenance and/or replacement shall be returned to the same condition that they were in prior to any change by the City and within a reasonable time after said maintenance and/or replacement. The City agrees to hold the Grantors harmless from any and all liability arising out of the City's maintenance and/or use of said sanitary and storm sewer lines and water lines and said easements and rights of way. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, its successors and assigns, forever, and the within Grantor does covenant that it is the sole owner of the premises and has good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, free and clear of every encumbrance, and Grantor herein engages to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor hereunto sets its hand this day of , 19770 IN PRESENCE OF: FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION By Duly Authorized Agent -2- STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , this day of 1977, personally appeared , Duly Authorized Agent of FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, and he acknowledged the within instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed. Before me, Notary Public -3- AGREEMENT AND WAIVER THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of , 1977, by and between FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with a place of business in South Burlington, Chittenden County, State of Vermont (hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), and the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Vermont. WHEREAS, Owner has come before the South Burlington Planning Commission and the South Burlington City Administra- tion for approval of a subdivision as defined under Section 103 Definitions of the City of South Burlington Subdivision Regulations, said application being known and designated as "Country Park Apartments", and WHEREAS, the subdivision will be serviced by a private roadway of 24' in width and parking areas, all of which shall remain private, and the Owner has no intention at the present time that the roadway or parking areas be dedicated, accepted and/or maintained by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and WHEREAS, the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, acting through its Planning Commission and City Administration, has approved the application with said private roadway subject to certain conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, Owner agrees it will not apply to the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON to have said right of way and parking areas accepted as a public street without first complying with all applicable construction requirements and specifications set forth in the then existing South Burlington Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Regulations or other applicable municipal ordinances. The Owner agrees that in the event of such application the expense of complying with said requirements and specifications is to be borne solely by the Owner, its successors and assigns. Further, the Owner waives any rights it may have or any claim it may allege, by virtue of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON's approval of said private roadway and parking areas, to request the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON to maintain and/or accept said private roadway and parking areas as set forth hereinabove. Until such time of acceptance by the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON as a public street, Owner acknowledges that it shall be responsible for and shall maintain said roadway, right of way and parking areas in a proper manner necessary to adequately service said subdivision. The Owner also acknowledges and agrees that it will not change the location of said private roadway and parking areas nor extend them without the prior approval of the South Burlington Planning Commission and City Administration, nor shall it permit said private roadway and parking areas -2- to service more than the presently approved 100 dwelling units without the prior approval of the South Burlington Planning Commission and City Administration. The Owner further agrees and acknowledges that the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, prior to any approval and acceptance of said private roadway and/or parking areas as a public streets or streets, shall have and bear no liability or, claim of liability arising from the approval of said private roadway and parking areas. This Agreement and Waiver is binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their hands this day of , 1977. IN PRESENCE OF: -3- Owner FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION By Duly Authorized Agent CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON By Duly Authorized Agent By Chairman, Planning Commission STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , this day of , 1977, personally appeared , Duly Authorized Agent of FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, and he acknowledged the within instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION. Before me, Notary Public STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , this day of , 1977, personally appeared , Duly Authorized Agent, and WILLIAM WESSEL, Chairman, Planning Commission, of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, and they acknowledged the within instrument, by them signed, to be their free act and deed, and the free act and deed of the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. Before me, Notary Public -4- BILL OF SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with a place of business in South Burlington, Chittenden County, State of Vermont, in consideration of One Dollar and More, does hereby Grant, Sell, Transfer and Deliver unto the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Vermont, the following described property: Being all that piping, joints, T's, valves, gates, gauges and all other items and appurtenances installed by the within Grantor for the purpose of water conduction, sanitary sewage conduction and storm drainage conduction in, under and through land and premises of the within Grantor located on the southwesterly side and adjacent to Hinesburg Road (Vermont Route 116), the location of same being approximately as depicted on a Plat entitled "Utilities, Housing for the Elderly, South Burlington, Vermont," dated March, 1977, as approved by the City of South Burlington Planning Commission and recorded or to be recorded in the Land Map Records of said City of South Burlington. Said piping is described as being 8" water mains, 8" sewer mains, and 12" storm sewer mains, all as depicted on said Plat. The above -described property is conveyed in an "as is" condition and is conveyed "as located" under and through said real property. With the acceptance of this Bill of Sale, the City of South Burlington shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all property conveyed hereunder, and the Grantor shall have no responsibility or liability for the repair, maintenance and/or replacement of same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property unto the City of South Burlington, its successors and assigns, to its own use and behoove forever, and FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION hereby warrants and represents that it is duly authorized to transfer said property and that there are no liens, claims or encumbrances of any kind against said property. This Bill of Sale is executed in duplicate, each copy to be considered a duplicate original. Reference is also made to a Right of Way and Easement Agreement of 15' in width given by the within Grantor to the within Grantee and conveying certain rights to the real property in which the within piping and its appurtenances are presently located. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the within Grantor hereunto sets its hand this day of , 1977. IN PRESENCE OF: FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION By Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At , this day of , 1977, personally appeared Duly Authorized Agent of FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION, and he -2- acknowledged the within instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION. Before me, Notary Public -3- April 26, 1977 Richard A. Spokes, Lsq. Ev ing & Spokes ` 86 St. Paul Greet I,urlimgLcan, V105401 { Dear Dick: "11cl.08(-�c1 Pl(!"Ise fi.tid legal docuimentation for application. y Cordially, St.aphen k, . Crompton S RC : vmTrj hnclosures �1. CC: William TJC-Ssel 1�1 ! William Szymanski Steven Page Richard Wn-rd toe2 VKtTs I•ZS 1u��T 17t�"--C ov es awe L-N&L— R---e gcPE-- 5z, &va/S. 3'71s Gl.���d�ET,ib MEMORANDUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: RICHARD WARD, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR RE: FINAL PLAN) FOREST PARK REALTY COM141UNITY BIBLE CHURCH DATE: APR IL 81 1977 Forest Park Realty Any documents relating to this project should be reviewed and certified by Attorney Spokes prior to the issuance of any permits. Bonding requirements for all site improvements should be established by the City Engineer. Performance bonds are required prior to issuance of permits. Landscaping bond is estimated at $15,000 - this bond should be included with performance bond. Community Bible Church Variance granted by Zoning Board of Adjustment March 21, 1977 for addition to non -conforming use. Relocated driveway will require a State Highway Permit. Landscaping bond required $7,000, credit due for existing vegetation, however, amount is not known. Proper drainage of parking area should be reviewed by City Engineer prior to construction. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: City Manager William J. Szymanski Re: Housing for the Elderly Date: April 8, 1977 1. Water main must be extended across entire frontage and tied into existing system. 2. Place another hydrant in picnic area near westerly line for fire apparatus access from woodland properties for fire fighting rear of buildings #2 and #3. 3. Road widths to be 30 feet except rotary where 24 feet is o.k. 4. Travel clearance in parking area shall be 30 feet. 5. Sidewalk on Hinesburg Road should extend across entire frontage. 6. Parking and access road should be curbed. 7. Minimum cover over water main and services shall be 5 1/2 feet. Respectfully submitted, jadA&m�-Ijo#�- William J. Szymanski City Manager M E 14 ORA NDUMI TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COTUVIISSION FRO1,4: STEPHEN PAGE, PLANNING ASSISTANT RE: FOREST PARK DATE: APRIL 8, 1977 The application conforms to the conditions of preliminary plat approval and the necessary information required for final plat approval. I suggest the following changes: 1) give a name to the project 2) the applicant record an agreement pertaining to access for future development of adjoining properties, which would run with this property 3) in light of the recently adopted recreation lands/ equivalent fee policy, the applicant should be permitted to delete whatever private, on site recreation amenitites he may have previously been required to supply. Recreation land and fee calculations will be ready prior to the hearing. This project will be subject to the usual requirements on utility easement review, posting of bonds, etc., prior to issuance Of building permits. I suggest the Commission ask for additional information to show this project will be constructed in accord with the schedule proposed. LAW OFFICES OF EWING & SPOKES 86 ST. PAUL STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 JOHN T. EWING (] AREA CODE 802 RICHARD A. SPOKES February 22, 1977 863-2857 JOSEPH F. OBUCHOWSKI Stephen Page Planning Assistant 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Steve: I received the enclosed correspondence from the attorneys representing Forest Park Realty Corporation. Will you please send me the list of conditions which were imposed by the Planning Commission. On the surface, it appears this letter is appropriate, and should be recorded in the Land Records. Very truly yours, Richard- A-.- "Spokes RAS/tb Enclosures South Burlington Planning Commission 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Application of Forest Park Realty Corporation For Approval to Construct Housing for the Elderly on Seven Acres of Land on Hinesburg Road Off Kennedy Drive Following the granting of certain zoning adjustments by the Board of Adjustment following a hearing on January , 1977, this proposal for construction of 100 units of housing for the elderly was presented to the South Burlington Planning Commision, which Commission approved the proposal, such approval conditioned on the use of the project as housing for the elderly. In consideration of the approval by the Planning Commission, Forest Park Realty Corporation, the applicant, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees that the proposed project shall be used solely and exclusively for the purposes of elderly housing, in accordance with the conditions of the Planning Commission's approval. Any change in the use of the facilities would necessitate a new application and require approval by the Planning Commission. PRESENCEIN THE I STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At Burlington in Daniel J. O'Brien duly CORPORATION personally ment by him signed and the free act and deed FOREST ALTY CORPORATION By: Danie . O'Brien said county this is day of February, 1977, authorized officer of FOREST PARK REALTY appeared and he acknowledged this instru- sealed to be his free act and deed and of FOREST PARKREALTY CORPORATION. Notary Public GRAVEL, SHEA 8 WRIGHT CLAIIIIIIIIIA ORAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CNAPL89 T. SwKA 109 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE LAWR6MC1 A. WR16wT TWOMAS S. COMLOM B U R L I N G T O N, VERMONT 0 5 4 0 1 STEPMEN R. CRAMPTON STEWART M. MtCONAUOMT JOwN C. GRAVEL WILLIAM O. POST, JR, SROOKE PEARSON February 15, 1977 Richard Spokes, Esq. 86 St. Paul Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Application of Forest Park Realty Corporation for Approval to Construct Housing for Elderly Dear Dick: TELEPMONE •se -Otto AREA CODE 002 Enclosed is the letter which you requested to the South Burlington Planning Commission concerning the above. If this letter meets with your approval, you may deliver the same to the Planning Commission. Very truly yours, GRAVEL, SHEA & WRIGHT Thomas S. Conlon TSC/mds Enclosure NOTICE OF APPLICATION 10 VSA, CI)apter 151 (Act 250) Pursuant to 10 VSA, 96084(b) notice is hereby made that Forest Park Realty Route 2A, Williston, Vt. filed an application with District Commission # 4� on April �} 1 77 for a Land Use Permit for' the construction of a 100 unit apartment cornn7_eY. on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vt. Parties to the application are the applicant, the municipality, the planning commission, the regional plannfx commission, state aFena es, adjoining property owners who request a hearing, and such parties as nay b,, designated by the comttssion. A copy of the application is on file at the Environmental Commission Office. District Commission #''4 Ill West Street, Essex Jct. Vt. 879-6563 11; G LJ L J Post Light Col. No. A9430 22" diameter bronze sphere octagonal Pole Multi -form Post Light Cat. No. .6.9430 (4) 10" white spheres, oclagorill pole Wall Bracket Cat, No. D9430 18" diameter bronze spliere 4 Post Light Cat. No. A{',433 20" x 20" clear cube, cruciform polo Multi -form Post Light Cat. No. A9433 (4) 15" x Jr," white cube, cruciform pole W'.Al Bracket Cat. No. D9433 15" x 15" clear cube PUBLIC NOTICE SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION HEARING The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, April 12, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the Final Plat application of Forest Park Realty, 1336 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont, for approval of a multi -family development (100 units, housing for elderly) on a parcel of land containing seven point two (7.2) acres of land situated on the westerly side of Hinesburg Road, bounded on the west by properties of Woodland Properties, Inc. and Mediprop, Inc. on the north by Ralph B. Goodrich Construction, Inc. and on the south by properties of Leo and Daniel O'Brien, as per plan on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator. William B. Wessel, Chairman ' South Burlington Planning Commission 3/26/77 r � ceuf� E!07: I :P I llr;�-j SOUTH BURLINGTON -LEG ^ T N-aj T^T' SUBDIVISION HEARING The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a Public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 'lli�sto Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m. to consider the FtMAL- PL4'1- subd-i-�� application of Forest Park Realty, 1336 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont, for approval of a multi -family development (100 units, housing for elderly) on a parcel of land containing seven point two (7.2) acres of land situated on the westerly side of Hinesburg Road, bounded on the west by properties of Woodland Properties, Inc. and Mediprop, Inc. on the north by Ralph B. Goodrich Construction, Inc. and on the south by properties of Leo and Daniel O'Brien, as per plan on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator. William Wessel, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 3Iw/-7 -� W IEMAN N - LAM PH ERE, ARCHITECTS 346 SHELBURNE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 TELEPHONE (802) 863-5056 RICHARD H. WIEMANN A.I.A. JAMES A. LAMPHERE A.I.A, March 18,1977 Mr. Steve Page City Manager City Hall South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Forest Park Dear Steve, I would like to request a Special Meeting with the Planning Commission for a Final Sub -Division hearing on Tuesday, April 5,1977. Please let me know if this is agreeable to you. V truly yours, James A. Lamphere WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 346 Shelburne Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 JAL/ jh irE PrPartment � eixr#Prs DORSET STREET OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER 863-6455 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. January 21, 1977 Mr. William B. Wessel Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, vermont -Dear Mr. Wessel, After reviewing the preliminary site plans on the Forest Park Apartments the following would be needed to maintain efficient fire protection through out the city and to the Forest Park Apartments. A) Added equipment B) Update to the water system in that location. C) More Man Power. D) Proper Hydrant system in the apartment complex to meet fire emergency needs. E) Relocation of parking spaces so not to interfere with fire operations. F) Main road in complex should be wider for fire equipment. G) A better means of access to around all buildings. As far as the water system it is not adequate to protect the property in that area now. If there is any other imformation you would like from me please feel free to call me at 863-6455. Sincerely "James W. Goddette Sr. Chief ALLAN S. HUNT Executive Director VH FA VERMONT HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY February 22, 1977 Bruce M. O'Neill South Burlington Recreation Department 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Veirmont 05401 Dear Mr. O'Neill: RICHARD A. MYETTE Chairman Regarding recreation facilities for South Burlington Senior Citizens housing, I agree with your reconmyendations for shuffleboard courts, although these facilities are not as popular as we used to think. Your suggestions about picnic areas, walking trails, and a nul.ti-purpose room with a kitchen are also excellent. In addition, the following recreational facilities are recormiended: 1. Outside sitting areas, such as a little park with benches, possibly with a covered pavilion 2. Raised box gardens for vegetables and flowers 3. Badminton court 4. Crafts rocxn The State Department of Forests and Parks has offered to consult with developers and architects interested in recreation facilities for the elderly. Several of the developers with whom we have worked in the past have had very useful discussions with them. Either you or the developer or his architect should oantact Ms. Barbara Berley, 828-3375. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Donald E. Dickson Elderly Housing Program Director DED/jmd Post Office Box 408 Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 864-5743 No Text TUWAY MESSAGE TO FROM SUBJECT: T DATE j 1-2-17 -7 S - M E A G E w w4-z w�� �w�)' �' SIGNED R E P L Y DATE: SIGNED CASCADE® L1-C2375 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 64 A- ScTF--- RA K tEN4-- D k -J-n vE� 7F-r�t \A Lj ��v 1 � �'�. �Gu�• � � ass � �.�--c-��r_.�p.�. - Ap'mvQfiq- Fig.. liNc — \Vt t_L cL x- ��/tTti- Q[TLc - b-iGlALs i Tom- I o 4 Cff) T LkIA�- ��`, ; i �' ,i ' .. � ;�'� �. i �� �] '; 1 � � ,�- i i \ �� � � � / � � y` / � c� s �..C� / , FAG v'. G� +.•:�' j ' J��.� � � � !� ��� � w ,,�nhj, �-� i� �-. / a. t ' / t` �� �• l / F*1 t �.A&., M E M O R A N D U M To: Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Elderly Housing Site Plan Review Date: January 21, 1977 I. A portion of the southeast corner of the parcel should be reserved so that a future road along the southerly property line can intersect Hinesburg Road at right angles. 2. A bus shelter should be considered. 3. Sidewalk should extend over entire Hinesburg Road frontage. 4. Final detailed utilities plan to include water main on Hinesburg Road extended to southern line (12 inch diameter minimum). Also include yard lighting. Respectfully submitted, ®Q,c William J. Szymanski City Manager MEMORANDUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COI-M-ISSION FROM: RICHARD WARD, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR RE: FOREST PARK HOUSING FOR ELDERLY DATE: JANUARY 21, 1977 1) Proposed development conforms under Section 6.30, review required under Section 12.002 (A). 2) Community building to contain 750-1000 square feet not 2000 as shown under general data. 3) Community building should serve as a bus stop shelter. 4) Width of entrance (241), two way entrance sho?:.ld be a minimum of 30 feet. 5) Consideration should be given to connectinv Timber Lane, Twin Oaks through to Hinesburg Road. 6) Landscaping plan not available - should be submitted prior to final review. 7) Clean outs should be installed on proposed sewer lines which exceed 150 feet in length. GRAVEL, SHEA F5 WRIGHT ATTORNE S AT L A W CLARKE A. GRAVEL CHARLES T. SHEA IOB SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE LAWRENCE A. WRIGHT B U R L I N G T O N, VERMONT 0 5 4 0 2 THOMAS S, CONLON STEPHEN R,CRAMPTON STEWART H. McCONAUGHY ROBERT B. HEMLEY (J JOHN C. GRAVEL July 6, 19 7 8 WILLIAM G. POST, JR. •/ BROOKE PEARSON Susan Cain, Coordinator District Environmental Commission No. 4 11 West Street/P. 0. Box 108 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Forest Park Realty Corporation e rmif`"No . 5 4 Dear Susan: TELEPHONE 658- 220 AREA COCE 602 Pursuant to our phone conversation, I enclose an appropriate Amendment reflecting the change in title to the property issued the above -captioned Land Use Permit. Be advised I have forwarded copies of the Amendment to the South Burlington City Council, Attn: William Szymanski, City Manager; South Burlington City Planning Commission, Attn: William Wessel, Chairman; and Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, Attn: Arthur Hogan, Executive Director, Cordially, G VEL, SH A & WRIGHT �) li�q Stephen R. mpton SRC:vmm Enclosure CC: Daniel J. O'Brien (w. enc.) ,.�'1ISTItOCTIONS : Ube this form for all Land U1Jo 1 ,,riiAt amendments, i.ncludinq permit transfers. Anplioationa for permit transfers are to be completed by the transferree, ION ,1�-�; viz orrzcr USE O'n AL�plication No. Filing Date: Laws Involved: Deemed Complete By: ION II TO M COi•1PLLTED BY THE APPLICANT 1049, B , 0Box P. 1. APPLICAM: Country Park Associates, c/o Gravel, Shea & Wright, P. nBoxnL_ VT_ 05402 (Name) (Address) (Phone tl0, j- 2,. PROPERTY OVMR: Forest Park Realty Corporation c/o Daniel J. O'Brien, 1336 Williston Rd. (Nan1e) South Burlington, Vernmt (Address) (Phone. t,o. )�_ 13. PERSON TO Bt COMACTED ABOUT THIS APPLICATION (Complete only if different than 41): Stephen. R. Crampton Gravel, Shea & Wright, Box 1049, Burlington_,_ VT (Name) (Address)_ (Phone t1o. ) 4; MLr1T IS YOUR LEGAL INTGREST IN THIS PROPERTY? Purchaser under Contract. e.. !. 5. IF YOU ARE NOT FILING THIS APPLICATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL, COMPLETE THE FOLL(Y.- TIG : _Limited Partnership Vernunt (Legal Entity) (Date Formed) (State) (Date Registered 3..n Vt.) v, WHAT IS THE NATURE OF THIS REQUEST TO AMEND TILE LAND USE PERMIT: Solely to transfer _ the legal ownership in the property frein the present corporation to a limited Partnership with Forest Park Realty Corp and Dan O'Brien as general partners_ -all . for beneficial tax and ownership purposes. AtTt CHANGES IN TIE- FOLL04ING ITEMS FROM INFORMATION IN THE ORIGINAL Ar-I:'LICATIC 1 A; rca:;e in tho entire tract of land n/a ticreage in this project_ ri a C T`,zte the project will be started n/a :., bato the project will be com,*?letcd n/a .- unu,ing or bonding of this project; n/a Municipal services to be used n/a w ru-Y�L I�Wolti41 TION RL(�UIRED O'N P'13R1,2.'T 'i t r,SFERS . F3. T.iCI;N:ii:EIZREE : Y 11ercby agree to cbmplet o this; project as set forth in the appl_ Lc i tion, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Twila and the Land Use Parm:0- number 4CO254 , and as ende abov CO Y ASSOCIATES B (Tr isferre General Partner 9, TIL1NSI-TRROR: I hereby agree to the transfer . •--T nd Use Permit It 4CO254 ryet forth above: � ARXe s REAL Mt, '7 nsferior) y Aut o ized'Agent� ;I'10-TO P1,027LS - TO 'BE COC,IPLE:TED BY ALL APPLICMIrS FOR ACT 250 PROJLCT-S 10, iili app"Lication must be signed by the applicant:. By signing this applicati.no tale u;>p,1j.can:t assumes responsibility for the information provided and, when the ailwuclr-ent i.nvolvus Act 250, confirms that the town selectmen, Planning Commission and Regional Planning Commission were given a copy of tha--aj�plx ation as required, ufty P AS�OC -, (S a :uro Applicant) General Partner JUIT 3, 1978 Mr. Daniel O'Brien Forest Park Realty 1336 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr, O'Brien: This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving the revised final plat for your elderly housing project, on June 27, 1978 !Ill,5j7g The minutes of this and the previous final plat hearings are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your approval. All applicable conditions of these approval motions and the subdivision regulations must be complied with prior to the issuance of a building permit. The final plat must be recorded prior to September 27, 1978. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page, City Planner SP/mcg 2 Enc1 6/27/78 S SP SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised final plat for Country Park Apartments, as depicted on by a plan entitled "Site Plan - Country Park Apartments....", drawn Wiemann-Lam here, dated 5/30/78, subject to the following stipulations: 1. All stipulations of the approval of 11/8/77 shall still apply. 2. A storm drainage easement shall be extended to the west property line; sizing of this line shall be decided by the developers of these two properties on a reasonable, pro -rated cost sharing basis. 3. An emergency access shall be provided on the west property line by extending the 24' paved parking aisle and installing a InckC ,,tom,. i`- able gates This G.access s _, all be plowed during the winter ,�e 4. A (�evised final plat shall be reviewed by the Planner for conformity to these conditions and recorded within QO days of this date.C. �. SSP 11/8/77 SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL Elderly_Housing I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of Forest Park Realty for a 2 phase, 100 unit housing project for the elderly, as depicted on a plan set (6 pages) drawn by Wiemann-Lamphere Architects and Civil Engineering Associates, with page 1 (Site Plan) dated 9/6/77, revised 10/17/77 and 10/31/77. 1) The following stipulations of the 4/26/77 final plat app- roval are to be altered as follows: (a) #7*to be reworded: number and location of fire hydrants shall be as approved by City Engineer and Fire Chief. (b) #11*to be reworded: approval for Phase I (buildings 1 & 2, total of'94) units) shall expire 6 months from January 1, 1978; Phase I shall be completed prior to January 1, 1979; approval for Phase II(building 3, 21 units shall expire 6 months from January 1, 19794- Phase II shall be completed prior to January 1, 1980. 3) Bus stop, Community building? 4) 75 parking spaces shall be shown on the plat* 5) This approval supplements the stipulations of the final plat approval obtained 4/26/77. 6) The project will be subject to a final engineering review by the City Engineer. 7) Name change? #7 previously read - show hydrant in picnic area on the plat. #11 previously read - 'hasing to be stipulated by the applicant. ADiIINISTRATIVE C-.TECKLIST PROJECT REFERE'CE 1. L"-=2-R OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDINGS & ORDER .s1Y771 /114/77 2. B01ND ING OR ESCROW AGREEME17rS IL ANDSCAP ING ER _ ` I A"DRA IN AG R0rDS CURBS S IDE;rALKS (NOTE AIL RELEASES OR AGREEMENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, AND PrLRMTT 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS * BILLS OF SALE RECORD�� ACCEPTED 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6. RO1D`,' YS DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED PRIVATE ROAD & T4AIVER AGREEMENT x 7. FIr?AL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - ST E 8. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED GRANTED & S`ITE ' 7� 4 �z&(-7"7 Rev":MV'FWN— I, Ig Vl'-7 SIGNED, & FILE W RECORD 9. MIS CELI.l'NEOUS AGRE:.�4ENTS LA'-D FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDIC TION *FUTURE ACCESS POINTS oR- p )LcPJO�� slc�-'j- SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER LO. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CTi�NGE IN PROPERTY LINES) !I. FEES - PAID DATE BU ± LDIi G PZ?14IT z14GINEERING INSP. S E`'i ER RECREATION JRECORD CALCULI TIONS .2. _.� tr FOL_�0, UP i e "ON L It . , IId . S4 �?,U<�T LO?1: SCHOOL �S C �R COUP TS 3. a PLANNING CUie2-iISSION DUNE 27, 1976 1. Final plat_layout shall be revised to incorporate the suggestions of the Fire Chief and Planner concerning a turnarounds and resiting of units and parking areas _ 2. A strip of land 12' in width for widening Dorset Street shall be secured by an offer of irrevocable dedication. 3. Aecess_t_o_the_Iroject- may be relocated, at the _ city's__expense,_ to a point north of but within 100 feet of this property, when and if the ---- abutting municipal property is develope . 4. Land shall be reserved for a north bound on ramp to the Interstate_ and _shown apnropriately_on the final_ plat. 5. A_.Erodect name shall be chosen which does not duplicate or__ rese:ble that of any other projects or streets in tl_e city. 6. The final plat shall be accompanied by professionally drawn plans_ for sewer,, water. storm drainageZ and site layout,_ and shall incorporate the survey data. _ 7._e.rtification by the School Board of adequate scbool_-capacity_-.is required before final apl,roval. 8. A recreation fee of $48 shall be paid.,. 9. Condominium documents_ shall- be_ approved by.the_--City Attorney.. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing. 2+ir. Poger wanted to include a stipulation that the purchaser must view the final plat, which would show the possible on -ramp location. Yr. Woolery added that the .city was 'in record as having requested additional ramps in the area. Mr. Wessel took a straw vote on adding' that stipulation and Yessrs. Poger aid ?'orency voted yes. Mr. Foger stated that he would vote against the motion because that stipulation would not l5e.included. Mr. Levesque asked the price range of the units, and on being told they were $30 - 40,000, went along with 7-Sr. Poger because people in that price range do not tend to check city records. The motion passed with Mr. Poger voting no. Publ hous N,r. Jim for 100 units at that point have a final has a pitched will include will be near will ran the the old plan deve"110" ent. evised final plat of Country Fark Apartments fielder Lamphere told the commission that they had originally asked in 3 buildings and that had been approved. The structures had flat roofs and the f irancing did not work out. Now they design of one single structure for the first 76 units which roof and is on a more residential scale. The landscaping maples, evergreens, and flowering crab trees. The evergreens the road to give more privacy to the buildings. A sidewalk length of the property. Traffic circulation is identical to and there will be an emergency access to the adjoining I,'r. Lamphere asked that the dates for completion of the ld ut in and maintain project be changed. 3e added that Forest Park wou p the emergency access to the next development. He said that they would !-:ave an adequate water flow when the Brand property was developed and that if 4. PLAT IidG COI +IISSION JUNE 27, - 7a that did not go in they would have to go to CWD (Champlain Water District) or work on putting in the Brand line early. M,r. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning -_Corn mission approve the revised final plat for Country_ Park Apartments, as depicted on a pl_�n . _. _ --- p b ann -Lampher, entitled "Site Plan - CountryPark drawn A artments.... , _ _ — dated 5 30 78, and accompanying 4 page set of engineering plans by Civil Engineerir_g Associates, subject to the followin&_stipulations: 1. Allstipulations of the approval of 11/8/77 shall still apply. 2. A. storm _drainage easement shall be extended to the west property linei_sizing of this line shall be decided by t e developers of these_ two properties on a rem c- ble, me-ratFd cost sharing basis. - 3. An be __rc,vi0,ed on tl-.e test r�ropeKty line-- extendin tie 24' _-a-,�d ��arkirg a sln And ir.stalling.a lockable gate. This access shall be l , ed during tie winter and maintained year-round _ by Country Park hp;art :eras . 4. A revised final Flat shall be reviewed by the Planner for conformity to -these conditions and recorded within 90 d ays of this _date. 5. Theroval for phase_1 (76 units)_ shall_ expire,4 months from Jul 1 1 8 and base 1 shall be com completed prior to July�h_ 9751. Approval _. -fir --,��_�_ LP for. phase 2 shall expire 6 months from Jul 1I-1979 and phase 2 shall be completed prior to July1, 1980. J _ __ The motion was seconded by Mr. Morency, and it passed unanimously. Mr. Levesque said that now that the plan had passed he would like the City Council to look at the Capital Budget plan as to when there would be sidewalks on 3inesburg Road for the existing homes. Site+plan review addition to P.J.'s Auto Village, 2073 Williston Rcad Mr. Page said that 2 buildings already existing were going to le connected And another 60' X 30' building built. Yr. Choiniere told the counission the connection of the buildings was to increase their service area and the new building was for additional storage space. Mr. Page said they had a variance from the Zoning Board, circulation would be the same and he did not expect much traffic increase. _le also felt that they did not need to ask for land for road widening because there was a bend in the road at this point, and land for improvements would probably come out of the other side so the bend could be straightened. Yr. Poger told ','fir. Choiniere that if there was a subdivision or further development on the back of the property, land for road improvements might be taken out of the front of the property and was told I"r. Choiniere somewhat understood that. Mr. Page said there should be Z690 of landscaping done and that some realignment of parking spaces should be done. Isar. Choiniere said they would try to direct people wanting sex -vice to the rear of the land. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission - ape the site plan of Paul Choiniere, for a 900 square foot addition and prov an 1800 square foot freestanding building, at 2073 Williston Road, as _ 5. PLANNING COI+MISSION NOVEIVII',ER 8, 1977 Public hearing on revised final plat of Country Park Apartments 100 units elderly housing Mr. Lamphere said that under the original layout the cost of the buildings could not have been.amortized satisfactorily, so the units havd been organized into -3 buildings. Each would be 3 stories tall, but only 2 1/2 stories above ground. Each building will have a recreation room within it and the area provided will be larger than in the original community building, although divided. There will be room for meetings of people from all buildings and the same facilities will be present that were in the original recreation building. Mr. Morency asked if the units would have facilities for the handicapped and was told that a certain percentage of them would. There will be 75 parking spaces arranged in a circular pattern. B:r. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final plat application of ForestPark .ea y for a 2 phase;100 unit ousing 1) The following stipulations of the 4/26/77 final plat approval are to be altered as follows: _ (a) ##7* to be reworded: number and location of fire hydrants shall be as approved by the i y ngineer and Fire Chief. (b) rill* to be reworded: approval for phase 1 (buildings U 2, total of 76 units) sTiall expire 5 mop s rom anuary ; I978;—Rase-IMs%.--alI-_e_ completed prior to January 1, 1979; approval for phase 2 building 3, 24 units), shall expire months from January 1, 1979; phase 2 shall be completed prior -to January l—, 19SO ------ 2) Bus stops shall be indicated on the final plat. 3) 75 parking spaces shall be shown on the plat. 4) This approval s_u_PP_lements the stipulations of the final plat approval �al obtained 4%26/77._—_—_ _ 5) The project will be subject to a final engineering review by the City Eneineer. 6) The Commission will accept a name change. * #7 previously read - "show hydrant in picnic area on the plat" #11 previously read - "phasing to be stipulated by the applicant" The motion was seconded by 'Mr. Ewing and passed unanimously. Public hearing on revised Final plat of Twin Oaks Associates (184 units) Mr. Page said that neither representative was present but that the plan was almost identical to the one that had gained approval. Some of the units had been relocated and the building types had been changed somewhat. There had been an increase of 4 dwelling units and a redistribution of bedrooms. The number of 3 bedroom units has decreased markedly. There will be 7 more parking spaces. r.r. iJoolery moved that the South BurlingtonPlanningCommission approve the revised final art.:.ent units as depicted W IEMANN - LAM PH ERE, ARCH ITECTS 346 SHELBURNE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 TELEPHONE (802) 863-5056 RICHARD H. WIEMANN A.I.A. JAMES A. LAMPHERE A.I.A. November 8, 1977 Mr. Stephen Paige, City Planner City of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont Re: Country Park Apartments Dear Steve: On behalf of the owner we are submitting a revised site plan for the above mentioned project. As you will note on the enclosed drawings, we have changed this project to include a three-story apartment house development with two and one-half stories above grade. At the present time we have an approval from the Vermont Housing Authority to con- struct seventy-five (75) units plus one (1) unit for a manager, how- ever, we still intend to build one hundred (100) units on the site as shown in our earlier submission. The reason for this change is threefold and as follows: 1. As you can see, the buildings that we have now developed for this site are much more energy efficient and allow us to be in a much better position with the rent structure allowed by HUD. 2. After a complete review of our earlier submission and a cost estimate from the contractors we found that it was economically unfeasible to develop the project as we had planned. However, with the rent structure provided to us by the Federal Agencies we can make an elevated unit similar to the project seen on the enclosed plans work. The economic situation on this project has changed somewhat from our earlier submission in that the units available for development in South Burlington were not sufficient to develop the entire project. As you are aware, we have a great deal of front-end cost on this particular project and when the project was cut back by HUD to seventy-five (75) units this year and twenty-five (25) units in later years, we then had to find other ways to make the rent structure support the project. We have totally reviewed the enclosed project and have agreed on a rent structure with the Vermont Housing Authority and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency so at this point can assure you that if Mr. Stephen Paige, City Planner November 8, 1977 Page 2 approved by the City of South Burlington this project will proceed as shown on these plans. 3. This office feels that the development shown on the enclosed plans is a much better land use in that it allows us to develop at the same density, however, with much less site coverage. This would leave more open land in a rural area where it might be of concern to the adjacent neighbors. As we understand it, we are being scheduled for the Planning Commission Meeting on November 8th and if you have any detail questions regarding the above submission, please call me. Sincerely yours, WIEMANN-LA1GHERE, ARCHITECTS James A. Lamphere JAL:pc Memorandum - Next meeting's agenda items November 4, 1977 Z Page II IA Country Park Apartments (Elderly Housting) - Revised Final Plat This is a revision of the final plat approved April 26, 1977. There are two major changes: First, the 100 units are now located in 3 buildings (4 previously) and secondly, the projected is being divided into 2 phases, 76 units and 24 units. Also, a deceleration lane, which will improve access,has-been shown. Utilities will be reviewed again so that, among other things, water lines may be extended to the west and south property lines. I assume the community building and bus stop will be retained in the center island. Parking spaces have been reduced from 88 in the previous plan to 63 - if a waiver is granted, a minimum of 75 must be shown. The construction of the second phase should be subject to restrictions which have been applied to other multi phase projects. Twin Oaks - Revised Final Plat Revisions to this plan include: 1) Total of 184 units (formerly 180) and 7 addition parking spaces. 2) More 1 and 2 bedroom units, fewer 3 bedroom units. 3) Buildings on the south edge of the project have been relocated to save more existing trees. These changes generally improve the project. b/ G i/ r S SP SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL_ - COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS I move that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the revised final plat for Country Park Apartments, as depicted on a plan entitled "Site Plan - Country Park Apartments....". drawn by Wiemann-Lamphere, dated 5/30/78, subject to the following stipulations: PNi7 acGOir.p ct►-tC� �l Wig sa--T C~ H4cA �oFth ?It Gv►L 1. All stipulations of the approval of 11/B/77 shall still apply. 2. A storm drainage easement shall be extended to the west property line; sizing of this line shall be decided by the developers of these two properties on a reasonable, pro -rated cost sharing basis. 3. An emergency access shall be provided on the`west property line by extending the 24' paved parking aisle and installing a lock- able gate. This access shall be plowed during the winter. 4. A revised final plat shall be reviewed by the Planner for conformity to these conditions and recorded within 90 days of this date. MEMORANDUM To: File From: SSP Re: School Impact of Elderly Housing Project, Hinesburg Rce d Date: 6/11/79 The following information was obtained from Mr. Cliff Dubie, project manager on June 8, 1979. The 75 unit building will be occupied by approximately 87 people, of whom 8 moved from residences elsewhere in South Burlington. (A significant number of the other 79 tenants were South Burlington residents at one time, who were re- turning from areas outside the City). 5 of the 8 South Burlingtonians were rentors in their previous South Burlington addresses (2 Pine Tree Terrace, 291 Hinesburg Road, Horizon Heights, and Ethan Allen Motel). The 3 remaining tenants moved from 52 Birch Street, 18 Circel Drive and 23;1 Pine Tree Terrace. To determine the impact on schools, it will be necessary to check these addresses against the annual school census to arrive at the net increase in school aged children. %gU City of South Burlington 1175 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 TEL. 863-2891 May 3, 1977 Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien Forest Park Realty 1336 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. O'Brien: This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving your request for final plat subdivision approval for your elderly housing project on April 26, 1977. The minutes of this meeting are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your final plat approval. These conditions, plus the requirements of the subdivision regulations which are applicable to approved final plats, must be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page, Planning Assistant SP/dlg November 14, 1977 Mr. Daniel J. O'Brien Forest Park Realty 1336 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. O'Brien: This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving the revised final plat for your elderly housing project, on November 8, 1977. The minutes of this meeting are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your approval. These conditions, plus the requirements of the subdivision regulations which are applicable to approved final plats (i.e., plat must be recorded prior to 2/8/78), must be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page Planning Assistant SP/mcg 1 Enc 1 MOUSING FOR ELDERLY FOR December 28,1976 FORREST PARK REALTY SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SITE PLAN REVIEW 11.70 Site P1an.Approval Pertaining to Adequacy of Traffic Access Circulation and Parking Landscaping and Screening 1. Site Plan by IViemann-Lamphere, Architects dated December 27,1976. Site and Landscape Plan by Wiemann-Lamphere, Architects (to be presented at hearing). 2. Specifications and size of Plant Material to be shown on Landscape Plan. 3. Improvements Schedule Spring 1977 begin Construction Completion Fall 1977. 4. Estimated Cost- $1,300,000.00 5. Performance Bond as required. 6. Memo dated Dec.6,1976 (Finding of Facts) from Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator regarding compliance with City Ordinances. Attached letter dated December 7,1976. 7. Data required by Planning Committee; 100 Units Elderly Housing- -ground coverage approx. 32,500 sf. -Building Area 65,000 sf. -Lot Size 7.36 Acre -% of coverage -Parking requirements -Parking provided -Front yard -Side yard -Rear yard 10% 75 (per varience) 75 spaces 75 25 30 8. City Engineer Regarding Traffic; Memo from City Manager - Engineer dated December 23,1976. Item 4 to be reviewed and discussed with City Engineer and Regional Highway Planner before hearing. HOUSING FOR ELDERLY FOR December 23,1976 FORREST PARK REALTY SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT -2- 9. Soil Test Not applicable with municipal water and sewer (3000 #/sq.ft.) 10. Development Timetable - (Info provided for hearing). NOTE: 1. Owner and Architect to meet with Regional Planning Staff and Recreation Director before hearing. 2. Transportation has been addressed see attached letter dated - October 14,1976. 3. :Utilities; Water at Kennedy Drive Sewer - Hinesburg Road Electrical - Hinesburg Road WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 346 Shelburne Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 M E M O R A N D U M To: Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Site Plan Reviews Date: December 23, 1976 Digital The architects are working with the city on the services. The entrance and circulation appears satisfactory. R.D.R. Enterprises The water main is along the west side of Shunpike Road. The installation of the service should be coordinated with the sewer construction. Kennedy Drive Apartments I would prefer a single entrance onto Kennedy Drive opposite the Industrial Road. The road opening requires state and federal approval. Provisions could be made to tie the entrance to the land to the west for an alternate entrance — Forest Park Apartments 1. A sidewalk should be constructed along Hinesburg Road. 2. There should be a grassed strip separating walkways from parking areas to facilitate snow removal and for pedestrian safety. 3. A sidewalk to the medical complex should be investigated. 4. Consideration should be given to relocating the entrance southerly so that development of the large parcel across the road would have its entrance opposite to this development entrance. Respectfully submitted, t tL !iLC�CIi William S` manski, City Manager December 7, 10/76 C'z-,rien Erothers realty s . _ aniel 011 r ien 1360 t:il' iston I;oad ;.ouch I urlin-ton, 11T 05401 Dear ',ir. . O'Frien : Fe a6visf Cl Ahat btr request for a 2onin� varil ante was granted by th:_ oni.ni- Toard of _ c. justment with t%ie foil_owing stipula- J tion: that the variance is based upon the need for elderly housinf . 're nature of the proposedi proj ct cic s not ce_;f I ict u_th t r, e spirit of the Censi 1 y_ regl�_rer ent. ne vz:T`is 'ntencecCi for use for elder-\ hou_=in;" -'n; th's liE3c' only. n .lcierly housin{- is defir.=:c y t-e Toarc as that definition usid by U.S. reusing and Urban Davelogment. cur proposed project is subjf:ct to subdiv_s-fon and site plv.n review by the South Turainrton Planning Commission. Very truly, - ichar5 !-! rd Zoning ydmini.strative ' fficer Forest Park Aoart.rnehtmants Subdivision This prop sal is, subject to subdivision, RPUD, and plan ro.,view, all 0-f v%jhich could occur simuitaneousiy (as with Horizan Heights). Zoning Board stipulations are attached, ,,iith regard to the variance on density. Note that the variance is for use as an elderly housing project only. I T, he special needs of the elderly, such as for recreation, transit should be seriously considered. Consultation ,vith the Citylo recreation director and Regional Planning Staff ,,,iould be beneficial. s Thi�, pro-posal represents a major scte,or p in implementing the ',-iousing, Chapter )5 the Conpre'—,,nsive Plan. Findings of Fact Re: Appeal of Forest Park Realty Daniel G'BriE�-n On the 6th . day of December 1 1976 the South Burling- ton Zoning Board of Adjustment approved the appeal of Forest 'Park Realty, Daniel O'Brien. 635 Hinesburg -Road. —South Burling:ton, Vermont based on the following facts: Proposed one bedroom units willrestrictthetotal number of occupancy. 2) Variance is based upon the need for elderl housing. 3) Proposed project does not conflict with the spirit 4) of the density requirements. Conforms with Section 4468 of the Vermont Planning and Development Act. Chairman CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 Industrial Parkway Burlington, Vermont O5401 P.O. Box 609 Telephone 864-0211 Mr. James A. Lamphere Wiemann - Lamphere, Architects 346 Shelburne Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Jim: C IVY ED , 0(%T 313 1976 ARCI-ii i C- :> October 14, 1976 In response to your letter dated October 11, 1976, we would be happy to provide service to your new multi family housing project. This service will be provided on a "demand response" type system. In other words, the passenger would call our office and we would radio dispatch the next regular bus to your project. Since it would be necessary for our buses to turn around to return to their regular route, a bus turn around would be welcome. If you need any further information Jim, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Very, truly VVM , 4lpnpceral 'H . Cramer Manager RHC/sc CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF This is to certify that -��4J�:___11 L has submitted a complete appl c� at' n Planning Commission on -( purpose of APPLICATION READINESS to the South Burlington ,\for the The Zoning Administrator finds that the applicant has filed all applicable submissions and is in conformance with the city's zoning regulations. Zoning Administrator Date The applicant as granted a Zoning Board of Adjustment variance on la-1-7 (j See attached memo The Planning Assistant finds the application is in con- formance with the master plan.a-#�a-t-ansanr-�s-a�-gtis- ra ised---by-- the;•�-e.ui.euu�e�ss . . s/ ,, t i Z& Planning Assistant) Dc1te [See attached memo The Fire Chief certifies that this application does adversely affect the fire department's ability to protect life and property in the city or at this site "wk�create a need for add,�tional personnel, programs or equipment. See attached memo The School Directors certify that the proposed project (to be specifically named) will/will not place an unreasonable burden on the ability of this municipality to provide educational services. If a negative response is given, information will be provided to explain the Board's decision. Chairman Date CDSee attached memo PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION READINESS Page 2 The Police Chief certifies that this application does not adversely affect the Police Department's ability to protect life and property in the city or at this site or create a need far additional personnel, programs, or equipment. Police Chief Date CDSee attached memo The undersigned City Engineer certifies that this applica- tion is in conformance with the city's transportation plan, represents sound engineering practice and will not create an unsafe traffic ,condition. s/ 4&) zge", City Engin er 9j,ae.e attached memo a e The Planning Assistant certifies that this application raises no legal questions that he can foresee, or if it does that they have been answered by the City Attorney in the attached opinion. �- s/ anning Assistant )�D$ee attached memo ate The City Engineer certifies that the application is in conformance with city engineering standards and represents sound engineering practice as shown. s/ City Engineer Date (O See attached memo This completed certificate shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Chairman rior to the applicant's being placed on the agenda of a regu Tarry scheduled meeting. This certificate is required for site plan review, sketch plans, preliminary plats, final plats and right-of-way approvals. The Chairman shall determine with the advice of the Planning Assistant if any of the above signatures are not necessary, however, it is assumed that all apply. MEMORA1'DUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING CO12.IS;SION FROM: RICHARD WARD, ZONING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER RE: FOR'ST PARK HOUSING FOR ELDERLY DATE: DECLNIBER 27, 1976 Forest Park Housing for Elderly, 6�5 Hinesburg Road 1) ^,rea in question zoned Residential 7 District, maximum density allowed - 50 units. 2) Zoning Board of Adjustment granted a density variance which allows for 100 units (December 7, 1976) findings of fact by Board is part of Steve Page's memo. 3) Zoning Board of Adjustment stipulated that this variance is based upon the need 'or elderly housing, the nature of the proposed project does not conflict with the spirit of density requirement. The variance is intended for use for elderly housing and this use only. 4) Set -back on sketch plan shown at approximately 50 feet, minimum required is 75 feet - a revised plan will be submitted showing a conforming set -back. 5) Parking requirements also granted a variance by Zoning Board - according to ordinance - 145 spaces would be required, 75 spaces are proposed. Findin s are that elderly persons tend not to use automobiles, bus system will be available, area is large enough to provide additional parking if needed. 6) Proposed development conforms under Section 6.30, review required under Section 12.002 GO. 7) Growth rate should not be a problem - project conforms to a section of the City master Plan. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMEM OR SUEDIVISION PERMIT 1. Applicant's Name, Address, and Phone Number Forrest Park Realty 1336 Williston Road. South Burlington. VT Dan'l J. O'Brien 863-2814 2. Name, Address, and Phone Number of the Person Whom the Commission should contact regarding this Application T nTn Fr{-, Arr h i t prt $63...;OaA Wiemann-Lamphere Architects 346 Shelburne Street1 Burlington. VT' 3. Nature of the Development or Subdivision Housing for Elderly 100 units. Location of Development or Subdivision Hinesburg Road So. Burl.VT. See attached plan dated December 27,1976. 5. High and Low Rlevations of the Tract of Land involved with the Development or Subdivision _ See Contour plan 6. Address of each of the Applicant's Offices in Vermont See Item I above. 7. Applicant's Legal Interest in the Property (Fee Simple, Option, Etc.) Owner _ 2 ) 8. If the Applicant is not an individual, the Form, Date, and Place of Formation of the Applicant FORM: DATE: January 1968 PLACE: Burlington, Vermont 05401 9. Estimated Cost, y,xcliisive of Land Cost, of the Pevelopment (Applicant for a Subdivision T,ieed Not 10. Application for a Subdivision, the Number of Lots N.A. 11. What Restrictive Covenants are Planned for any Deed(s) to be issued? None 12. Description of the Proposed Development of Subdivision A. Plans and Specifications: (1) Attach a detailed plat or plot plan of the proposed project drawn to scale, showing the location and dimensions of the entire tract. This plan should also show: all lots, streets, roads, water lines, sewage systems, drain systems, buildings, existing or intended. (2) In subdivisions where individual water and sewa`-e facilities are intended, indicate the proposed location(s). (3) Show all easements, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial, existing or intended. (4) Include a contour man of the land involved drawn on a scale of 5 foot contour intervals. (5) Indicate on the plans the location and width of any easements for utilities, roads, etc., exist- ing or intended. Attach a written explanation of any such easements. _3� 13. What is the purpose of this Subdivision or Development and What is the intended use of the land after Subdivision or Development? Housing for Elderly (Section 8) 14. Describe the Site of the Proposed Development or Subdivis- ion including information, if available, on Soils, Streams or Other bodies of Water, Bedrocks, Etc. Soil is a sandy material with a high water table in areas. Designer to pay particular attention_ to storm drainage system. 15. Acreage: A. Number of acres owned, or in which you have a legal interest 7.3 B. Number of acres in this project 7.3 C. Number of acres previously developed approximately 5Q____ D. ?,Then do you anticipate beginning the project Spring 1977 E. When will this development or subdivision be completed Fall 1977 16. Water System: A. What type of water system is to be provided, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, municipal system, etc. Municipal water B. Where is the nearest municipal water system and is it available and feasible to use it? Kennedy Drive 17. Sewage System: A. I -That type of sewage disposal system is to be provided or intended, such as: Individual system on each lot, community system, or municipal system? Municipal Sewer B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? C. If the sewage system is other than a community' miinicipal, or individual lot septic tanl•; and leaching field, include competent professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners. Mediprop Inc. Timberl.ane. South Burlington, VT Ralph Goodrich H:i�nesburp Road, South Burlin t� on VT B. What is the adjacent property used for at present? Medical, commercial and farm land. C. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? Per zoning requirements (R7) 19. Zoning: A. Which District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? R-7 District (See varience granted for Housing for Elderly dated December 6,1976. DATE �i, /�rZ6 S I ( B. Where is the nearest community sewage system and is it available and feasible to use it? C. If the sewage system is other than a community, municipal, or individual lot septic tank and leaching field, include competent %professional engineering evidence that it will perform satisfactorily. 18. Adjacent Property: A. List below the names and addresses of adjacent property owners. Mediprop Inc. Timberlane South Burlington VT Ralph Goolri h Hines urg Road South Burlington VT ' B. What is the adjacent property used for at present? C. Medical, commercial and farm land. What is the future usage intended for the adjacent property? Per zoning requirements (R7) 19. Zoning: A. Which District or Districts is the proposed site with- in according to the official zoning map of the City? R-7 District (See varience granted for Housing for Elderly dated December 6,1976. DATE]2:;�. a S% M E M O R A N D U M To: Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Site Plan Reviews Date: December 23, 1976 Digital The architects are working with the city on the services. The entrance and circulation appears satisfactory. R.D.R. Enterprises The water main is along thewestside of Shunpike -Road The installation of the service -should be coordinated with the sewer construction. Kennedy Drive Apartments I would prefer a single entrance onto Kennedy Drive opposite the Industrial Road. The road opening requires state and federal approval. Provisions could be made to tie the entrance to the land to the west for an alternate entrance. Forest Park Apartments 1. A sidewalk should be constructed along Hinesburg Road. 2. There should be a grassed strip separating walkways from parking areas to facilitate snow removal and for pedestrian safety. 3. A sidewalk to the medical complex should be investigated. 4. Consideration should be given to relocating the entrance southerly so that development of the large parcel across the road would have its entrance opposite to this development entrance. Respectfully submitted, William J. S;,ZYmanski, City Manager CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. SHELBURNE, VERMONT 05482 802 985-2323 RECEIVED OAR 8 1977 CHARLES R. DUNHAM President ROBERT C. KREBS Vice President JEAN C. TRONO Treasurer MANAGER'S OFFIce March 8, 1977 C"y SO. BURLINGTON Mr. William Szymanski City Manager City of South Burlington South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Szymanski: We have been engaged to design utilities for the Housing for the Elderly on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington. The area is on the southwest side of Hinesburg Road adjacent to R. B. Goodrich Inc. and consists of approximately 7.3 acres. Because of the relatively flat terrain, proper storm drainage is essential. The most favorable method for achieving site drainage would be to collect the storm water in catch basins and discharge to the ditch on the northeast of Hinesburg Road by Georgetown Condominiums. This would also most likely mean that the pipe would have to be jacked under Hinesburg Road. We have done some preliminary calculations which indicate a ten year frequency storm would produce 8-12 cfs of runoff. There is presently a 48" ACCGMP under Kennedy Drive which will pass 50 to 60 cfs of water. Consequently, there is more than sufficient capacity. We spoke to Mr. Audette of the Street Department this morning and he indicated that this approach and proposal seemed satisfactory. Would this be acceptable to you provided these lines were designed and installed in accordance with South Burlington standards? Please call if you have any questions or comments as time is an LLportant factor for obtaining Federal subsidies. Very truly yours, Robert C. Krebs RCK/j ct cc: D. O'Brien J. Lamphere STUDIES • DESIGN • INSPECTION SURVEYING & LAND DEVELOPMENT HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGY SANITARY & WATER FOUNDATIONS & STRUCTURES M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington City Council From: Stephen Page, Planning Assistant Re: Setting o-, Recreation Fee for Elderly Housing Project Date: August 1, 1977 The Planning Commission has asked me to briefly explain, how the decision of the recreation fee for the elderly project was reached. A fee of$10/unit was set, based on the following information: 1 ) The primary impact of this project would be on the capacity of the O'Brien civic center to accomo�'ate the weekly meetings of the Senior Citizen's Club; polltax, population, and attendence in- formation indicate that about 8-10 persons (from the new project) would attend these weekly meetings. 2) Because of a zero school impact, and a less than average demand for other municipal services, it is expected that this project will yield a surplus of tax revenues over expenditures, as high as $20-40,000 annually. 3) The fee calculated for this project is higher, ($70) on a per unit basis, than any of the other projects recently approved; the fee on those projects ranging from $10-60/unit. 4) The overall recreation demand created by this project is less, on a per unit basis, than any of the other residential projects re- cently approved. 5) The fee charged does not set a precedent because it is compatible with the fees charged of other developers, yet it takes into account the unique circumstances of this particular development. PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 26, 1977 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 1977 at 7:30 pm. in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. Members Present William Wessel, Chairman (left early), Ernest Levesque, Sidney Poger (late), David Morency, Jan Rozendaal (left early), James Ewing :ember Absent Kirk Woolery Others Present Planning Assistant Stephen Page, William Schuele, Daniel O'Brien, Bob Blanchard, John McGovern, Gerald :pilot, Bernardine Gokey, Robert Haney, Fran Brock, Free Press Minutes of July 12 and July 19, 1977 Mr. Morency moved to approve the minutes of July 12 and July 19, 1977. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rozendaal and passed unanimously. Request for modified recreation fee on elderly housing project Mr. Page summerized his July 22, 1977 memo on the project's estimated impact on recreation. He explained that the Civic Center is at capacity based on the fact that at the regular weekly meetings there is no more room, but said that this does not mean that it is full all the time. Using demographic information, they have determined that 17% of the residents of the project may join the club and of these 25 people, 8 will probably attend regularly, which will put the building 8 over capacity. He said that Mr. Poger had pointed out that since these people will all be living near each other, they may be closer socially and more may tend to go to the meetings, which would strain the facility even more. As far as fiscal impact went, he said, a crude estimate showed that the facility would probably create a surplus of tax revenue over municipal costs. Mr. Daniel O'Brien said that because of the small impact on services and the estimated tax revenues, he requested a waiver of the recreation fee for this project. He said that there has never been a similar project is South Burlington and may not be another for a long time if ever. He added that there will be a recreation area for residents and an item in the budget for recreation, and said that some of the senior citizens who will move into the project are probably using the Civic Center now, which would reduce that impact. The area will be about 1500 square feet in size and available for group functicns. Mr. Page asked if this room could be used by other senior citizens who now use the Civic Center but was told that that would probably not be possible. Mr. Page said that it would not have to be public, but might be used for weekly meetings, where the crunch is felt. Mr. O'Brien said that he did not know. .sir. Page said that the recreation fee is determined in part by the appraised value of the land a project is on because of the 2. PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 26, 1977 assumption that the City will have to provide recreation near the new project and that the land in one area will probably be similar in cost. Some land is more expensive than others and this property is expensive, which puts the fee up. Mr. Rozendaal said that the fee assessed for 220 units of another project was between $3-4,000 and that it did not make sense for it to be so much higher for these 100 units. The fee was over $7,000. Mr. Levesque favored waiving the fee but Mr. Morency and Mr. Rozendaal felt that it would set a precedent and that it would be better to set a lower fee. Mr. Rozendaal :roved to assess a recreation fee of $.00 per unit on Forest Park Elderly Housing Project on the basis that this is roughly 172 of what other projects are that will impact more heavily on City services. The motion was seconded by Mr. Levesque. Mr. Page said that the average for other projects had been $10.00 - $50.00 per unit. Messrs. Rozendaal and Levesque voted aye, the rest voted nay, and the motion failed 3 to 2. Mr. Yorency moved to assess a fee of $10.00 per unit for the Elderly Housing Project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing and passed unanimously. Mr. Morency then moved that in the event that the Elderly Housing project is not realized, if the project does revert to another use, the Planning Commission will reassess the recreation fee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ewing and passed unanimously. Continuation of Site Plan Review for Limoge Brothers Motel, Queen City Park Road Mr. Page went over his July 20, 1977 memo on the motel and said that the bulk of the traffic would be coming north off the ramp at I-89. The Commission felt that it wanted to have the connector between the two motels. Mr. roger moved hat the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan of the-Limoge Brothers, for a 30 unit motel, as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Motel for Limoge Brothers", dated 14 February 1977 drawn by R.G. Blanchard Design Associates, subject to the following stipulations: 1) Directional signs shall _be posted, and�ent arrows -painted, so as to show -the clockwise circulation pattern. 2) Storm drainage shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 3) A landscaping bond of $3720 shall be posted, with a refund salvable trees. 4) A sidewalk shall be extended across the frontage of the property. 5) Bonds for curbing shall be posted, in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer. 6) An access point to the Just�old�roper one way; in, from existing Ma leleaf~motel shall be shown on theplan; applicant shall ave_an inter- connecting access to Justgold in the event abuttor's permission can be obtained; such an access shall be located so as to discourage_ high speed "through" traffic and serve local circulation purposes. M, E lvl 0 R 1\1 D U 14 To: South Burl.ington Planning Comr-,.i,-,Si(:)n Froi-ri: Stephan Pane, Planning Assistant Re: Forest Park Elderly Housing Project - Recrccti.on Fee Date: July 22, 1977 As originally set up, t1ric recreation fee was aimed at. satisfying the active recreation needs cre�-,ted by typical neev residential sut)- divisions. Because of t1rie age restrict i�,)eA4thi s project, s residents, the primary concern is restricted to the impact 'of this nr,)ject on the Senior Citizen's Center. .Lm.p!nct on Civic Center 11. Based on the poll tax data and attendance inforsrnation for the senior citizen's club,* approximately 17�6 of the residents of the no�p.r project could be expected to join this club. (.17xI50=25). Of these twenty five . nev,- members, approximatel,i, 1/3 regularly attend the weelely meetings at the civic center. Based on Bruce O'Neil's statement that the civic center is presently at capacit, ';7, rccrea-tion fee could be derived by determin- ing the cost of an addi.—n. necessary to accomodate the neVl, re,,,ul;,r members based on the existing r,--tio of floor area to T-i (- m b e r i.0.9 900 square feet u�able floor- area = 26 square feet/person 35 persons z�76Tage wee'.Ily atlendance new members x 26 square feet square feet acir`i t. ion indicated. Project's Fiscal _kp ct L2_ An oversimplified fiscal Lmpact analysis of tl:is -roj,-ct indicates that there will be a si-,nilicant surplus of tax revenues over Ml-n- icipal costs. The apparent surplus is due, of course, to the of schoolchildren althouqc-, it should be recocnized that. t1flere be an undetermi-n-d, socondary :impact: due to any fam-,,A,W-7movinn nto homes vacated by senior citizens movin,-," ini'lo the hous.inq project: I Costs tvlunicipal Government (City Goverr;mentt Receration r-)d Fine Arts, Fire, Open Space, Police, i-,ighway, S)el,%'er) Capita ./Year. A B . Schools - 0 TCTJ%I, = 150 Project residents x $145.20= $219,780.00 Memora nclum July -u2, 1977 Page II II Revenues Tax revenues per unit, based on I.RAV of existing, condominium and proposed apartment units, range from a of $462.00, to a mid point of S523.00, and a high of 100 units x $462.00 = $4(pv2.00-00 1.00 units x $523.rl,0 = $52,300.00 100 u,-1its x S596.00 = $59,9600.00 SurplusIII $'�8,000.00 annually.Approximately. $24,01)0.00 to 10,76 Polls over ac:ie sixty five- (65) = 570 Sou E: out h Burlington Ser;Ior Citizens over ale sixty fi.ve (65) =96,or 17% of 5'-.0. Sout1h Burlington Senior Citizens total = 119 Averarie [,,-ten(jance = 35 or. 2")5/b/ of 119, n n ".j C, r:. -n 54 01 'c' C-,- c": i, i c; -I f- " - I i. is c on zr, . the a c t i , n the lu t h Ir n 13 1 1-1 5 (� t k: �7 Itt,)n c --co , lie 10 ze n :j r pro J'�C- + ")(-"r U""'iL dcondltlon :7 t anprovi-a t C' S r, r.L 1 469, lc�77). Tl dll j�.'e payl-,hle t,ie tlre c, rl —t . ic is�ucr: Yu r _ -'rUlL 'D - k, f " -t- I .3..r"hcn 3p/mcg M E M 0 R A N D U'M To: South Burlington City Council From: Stephen Page, Planning Assistant Re: Forest Park Elderly Housing - Recreation Fee Date: June 6, 1f-`77 The Planning Commission a, -,proved this project with a stip- ulation that the developer and the council negotiate a figure for the equivalent value of .6 acres of land. (The alternative of requesting the dedication of .6 acres of land was rejected.) The reason for this stipulation is that the Commission felt that the strict application of its recreation land/equivalent fee procedure resulted in an excessive fee for this particular development. The calculations are as follows: 1) Projected Population 100 units x 1.25 persons/unit - 125 residents 125 less 6% vacancy rate = 117.5 residents 2) Park Site Obligation 117.5 persons x 5 acres parkland = .5675 acres 1000 residents 3) Equivalent Fee Calculation (current appraised value) $9,795/acre x 1 (equalized assessment ratio) = $13,060 acre .75 $13,060/acre x .5875 acres = $7,673 equivalent fee. ny 10t 1977 ix. Cu-rtis Coordin, s i"zict Y Envirommic, �..l 4 S,�ex Jcj-., Verrif)nt . L " - i P, e : Folrc'st Par`, �-xalty , 1,1. rly ;--;usin,-, lz,-.J,;'ct Dear Curt: requested V,it I C nvey you "hehe Z; 1-1 II)r t s n I s (-::", ricL u s ie, ns ;Aing, and the impact ,,:n servicl nd a c 11 i S Pol ice I't s -:!r,Jjoct ,vzs xcvie!,,�ed uriti,.'r t',te 'Alty"s �)ubrdiviA in ne, w,4Lhich conain ,, t,r,- t c ., cr the four -.. ri's IDO 1 of c nc -n. The firizi l approwl :n-,-Acd th4is inr..,icto's ij t c C r,,Im i s s i,-) n -,?- c cried s i t i v 0 c n C I u s i o n s u n er t,,, e crit(oria, based r. the be info i r exi,.ting c ndilli,,.ms• c py of the fin,Il a,rr,,)vF,l it-,,,ti n is encal-of-,od, Yc,U-,-s trulyo tephen les .:Ain g ssis-'Cant 1 Incl. ,*, , ., "m c ( cc: Jr n, s Lampliere COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS APRIL 26, 1977 FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 FINAL PLOT REVIEW A. APPLICATION 1. a. Name: Country Park Apartments b. Owner: Forest Park Realty Corporation Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 c. Surveyor: Civil Engineer Associates Robert Krebs Number: 3379 d. Boundaries: Location, etc. See Plans: Grading Plan dated December 27, 1976 Revised April 27, 1977 1. Utility Plan March, 1977 Rev. April 27, 1977 2. Water Lines March, 1977 Rev. April 27, 1977 3. Profiles March, 1977 Rev. April 27, 1977 4. Details March, 1977 Rev. April. 27, 1977 2. a. Streets: Private streets (No name anticipated) b. Easements: (See attached easements for:) Water Sewer Storm Drain Electrical Service 3. See Utility Plans: Street data not applicable with private streets. 4. Highway Information: Not applicable with private streets. 5. Public Spaces: Not required. 6. Lot Number: This project is for one lot for Multi -Family Housing. 7. Location of Improvements: See Plans listed above. 8. Corner Markers: See Plans listed above. 9. Construction Details: See Drawing Number 4 - Details. COUNTRY PARK APARTMENTS FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 IMPACT ON CITY APRIL 26, 1977 PAGE 2 1. WATER: (Existing Development) a. MANOR WOODS (76 Units) 2/76 to 5/76 5/76 to 8/76 8/76 to 11/76 11/76 to 2/77 16 Units 22,000 24,400 25,100 23,700 26 Units 24,200 29,300 31,500 23,400 Part of 26 Units 24,800 25,700 27,600 21,800 Pool 7,700 1,300 #8 21,400 21,600 22,200 21,800 #12W 19,200 22,100 22,200 22,300 #12E 22,100 21,700 22,400 18,900 Total Usage: Apartments only 9,875 cubic feet per unit includes pool. 750,526 cu. feet annually; 9,875 cubic feet per unit. 203 gallons per unit. b. FOREST PARK (36 Units) 64,600 62,800 62,300 65,600 61,800 59,400 55,900 61,600 Total Usage: 13,722 cubic feet per unit. 281 gallons per day. c. NORTH CHAMPLAIN STREET APARTMENTS FOR ELDERLY (51 Units) July, '76 Oct. '76 Jan. '77 April, '77 48,500 51,400 47,100 53,800 600 600 700 2,000 Total Usage: 4,014 cubic feet per unit. 81 gallons per unit. NOTE: Water and sewer use should be approximately 35% of normal apartment development. WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 346 SHELBURNE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 City of South Burlington 1175 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 TEL. 863-2891 February 23, 1977 Attorney Richard Spokes 186 St. Paul Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Dick: Enclosed is the approval for the preliminary plat of Forest Park Apartments. I assume the agreement you sent me should be recorded by the applicant after final plat approval. Sincerely, �-'- t (' Steve City of South Burlington 1175 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 ••. �.,.•'` TEL. 863-2891 February 16, 1977 Mr. Dan O'Brien Forrest Park Realty 1336 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Dan: This is to formally confirm the action of the South Burlington Planning Commission in approving your request for preliminary plat subdivision approval for your elderly housing project on January 25, 1977. The minutes of the Jan. 25th meeting are enclosed, which specify the conditions of your preliminary plat approval. These conditions, plus the required submissions for final plat approval, must be submitted to us prior to our being able to warn for the final plat hearing. Don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Yours truly, Stephen Page, Planning Assistant SP/dlg 7- PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY -25, 19?7 Mt. Beecher, stating tie -represented Mediprop, said they wanted to know where the water will come front If --it would come from the Chittenden Water Yorks only. He said Mediprop is now monitoring the water line and knows what they have now for pressure, and the City Manager has a memo on file regarding this. Their first question is about the water; they have inadequate water for safety. He would Jike:to see that'line tied in, and if there is anything dlse going in on Timberlane they are definitely going to fight it. Mr. Lamphere said he had discussed this with Mr. Szymanski, and naturally with this coming down here it leaves less distance for them. The problem is a 12" coming down fed by a 6" coming up the other way. This has to be tied through but this puts it that closer. The Chairman asked if the Commission should give conceptual approval. Mr. Page said the Commission should either make a decision or table the hearing until another time. He said he had written a suggested motion for a format if they wish to approve. It could be made a condition of approval that the Commission get favorable findings from Mr. O'Neill that there isn't an - impact on the Civic Center. After the Commission made a slight change to the suggested memo, adding to stipulation 11 and omitting stipulation 12, Mr. Levesque made the following motion& That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat of Forest Park Realty, as depicted on a site plan entitled "Housing for the Elderly for Forest Park Realty" dated 12 2 .1 is based on positlire findings reached by the Commission under the 12 general standards for P.U.D. Evaluation, the specific standards for R.P.U.D, Evaluation, and the parking circulation, and access aspects of Site Plan Review. Further, this approval is contingent upon the following stipulations& 1 The concerns of the Fire Chief regarding fire protection be resolved, prior to final approval, through a joint meeting of the Fire Chief, City En veer Water Department Superintendent, and the applicanta 2 A_ community _recreation building, adequate in size for the needs of the project residents, shall be providedL 3 A bus shelter shall be provided 4 Water, sewer, storm drainage. and yard lighting details shall be submitted to. and approved the City Manager, prior to final plat approvall- 5J Entrance shall be widened to 30 feet; 6 _Final landscaping plans -shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any building permitstto the 7 Applicant shall submit the project C.C.T.A. Board for review and approval; The project name shall be changed so as not to duplicate or resemble other projector street names in South Burling -ton; 9 The applicant shall execute a legally binding agreement, to run with the land, which requires subdivision review if a change in use is requested; 10 A triangular piece of land at the extreme southeast corner of the project shall be reserved for a future collector road; 11 The applicant will decuss with City officials, prior to the final plat hearing, meiFiodaor ns n access o istwo a oining parcels will be vita cur cu s a a e aligned writh respect o nes rg Road, and the possibility of an emergency access in the southwest corner of the project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lidral and voted unanimously. South Burlington Recreation Department 1175 WILLISTON RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 TEL. 802-863-2891 TO: Steven Page, Planning Assistant FROM: Bruce OfNeill,Recreation Director RE: Senior Citizens Housina DATE: January 25, 1977 As per your request I am submitting several general recommendations regarding recreation facilities for the purposed Senior Citizens apartments, outdoor recreation facilities that I feel would be most beneficial would be shuffle board courts, as this is a very popular activity with older people. I am not aware of any other installation in this area, but my experience has shown this to be a very popular activity in other places. I also think that facilities for picnicing, including tables and grills would be very beneficial, and if the physical layout of the area allows, that some walking trails or paths be developed. I find that many Senior Citizens do enjoy walking and I believe that they would use these. It should be kept in mind that many seniors would have trouble walking and some may actually have to use walkers, canes, and some may even be dependent on wheel chairs so the chairs should be laid out accordingly. The indoor area should consist of a good size multi -purpose room with dividers so that several smaller rooms could be made when neces- sary. The rooms should be furnished with 6 to 8 foot long tables, folding chairs, bridge tables, possibly a pool table and ping pone table. I would envision the room being used as a drop -in center,,a place for dancing and meetings. This room should also include a full size kitchen since Senior Citizens at all activities like to have refreshments. The kitchen should include a commercial size stove as they do enjoy cooking very much for other people, whether it be other seniors living there or entertaining visitors. I have discussed briefly these recommendations with the Area Agency on Aging and they are in concurrence with them. If you need any more specific information, please let me know. I should point out that the South Burlington Recreation Department currently sponsors a Senior Citizens organization which uses the O'Brien Civic Center in Jaycee Park. The organization gets together on Thursdays for luncheons, speakers, social activity, and field trips. The various activities draw anywhere from 30 to 50 people, and when activities begin to reach 40 people the building very quickly becomes inadequate. The tverage attendance since July has been 36 People per me. point is that it is very doubtful that the recreationaletinqoutletsmy of additional Senior Citizens are going to be able to be me Civic Center; therefore it seem' t at the O'Brien S imperative that facilities for leisure time activities be provided at this apartment project, Sincerely, ruse M. Ot () Nei! Recreation Director 14 E IV, 0 R A N D U M TO: PLANNING COW,11ISSION FROM: S-'TEPHEN PAGE, PLANNING ASSISTANT RE: FOREST PARK APARTIVENTS9 PRELIMIMI1RY PLAT DATE: JANUARY 21, 1977 1) Reviews, Format This project is subject to site plan, major subdivision, and RE ; I would suggest that review follow the format outTIned on p. 2.1-22 of the zoning for RPUD review. 2) Change of Use Attorney Spokes has indicated that a contractual agreement along the follo,.,vinq lines would be appropriate: Any change of use which would impact on schools, roads sewer, water, etc, shall be considered a resubdivision and must be received by the Commission. 3) Access As an alternative to moving the entrance further south (which does have disadvantages for the residents), a secondary access road should be considered, which could lead to a potential east -west collector street in this area, (see sketch) DEMO To: Superintendent, South Burlin,*ton School Department From: Planning Assistant Re: Additional information on elderly housing project Date: January 19, 1977 1. The project was granted a density variance by the Zoning Hoard of Adjust- ment, under which it was stipulated that the project is limited to housinn for the elderly (:,,,62). 2. The Planning Commission may require a legally binding agreement to insure this stipulation, and prevent conversion to other uses without appropriate review. 3. The applicant has stated that it is not economically feasible to convert the buildings, as shown, to other types of residential units, i.e. apart- ments, condominiums, etc. 4. The units will be predominantly 1 bedroom, with some two bedroom units for people with medical problems. 00 � '.' � � .'� _-- ` --� S;,o- &_r ;s P-CU. U ? Cam'-" vim' a.r�c.c.�2 bA CA'7ae^. Wjk&A 0141 cVCO�Ecv. " 'f. -K jA- -74 \-,\// a., pi- - +-� AmTmrrt;e- h act.ti. D J ate_� 117. Ulu JAA 7fC lw. Va.,fR� �„ I�u�nT 6c. tA,. /a�- 4/,477 ,,/0/77 5�•o�.v�.LK._ _ _ _ State of Vermont Deparrment of Fish and Garne Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Protection Natural Resources Conservation Council Susan Cain, Coordinator III West Street Essex Jct., Vermont 05452 RE: Act 250 Application #4CO254-1 Forest Park Realty - Landscape Plan Dear Susan: AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Montpelier, Vermont 05602 DIVISION OF PROTECTION June 22, 1978 r Enclosed please find the comments of Jim Sairs regarding the revised landscape plan for Forest Park Realty. You already have a memorandum from Russell Reay regarding this plan. In summary, the landscape plan is vague in some respects. The property boundary planting is not indicated. The numbers of individual plant species is not indicated. Are the tree stamps intended to represent individual plants or are they symbolic of more than one planting? Since the tree stamps do not appear to be to scale, it is impossible to tell what is contemplated. There is no information as to the length of time it will take to achieve a landscaped effect at the subdivision. How long will the proposed plants take to achieve a height sufficient to have an effect? There is no landscape maintenance plan submitted. As Russell Reay mentions, this should be made an aspect of the proposal. We will be glad to work further with the applicant in this regard if the Commission deams it necessary. Yours very truly, Stephen B. Sease, Administrator Land Use and Development cc: To all parties 1 State of Vermont +► AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Department of Fish and Game Department of Forest and Parks Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Environmental Protection Division of Recreation Division of Planning Natural Resources Conservation Council 1a WODAXMIT r Montpelier, Vermont 05602 DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS AND PARKS TO: Stephen B. Sease, Administrator, Land Use & Development Control FROM: Jim Sairs, Landscape Architect � SUBJECT: Review Act 250 Application 4CO254-1, Forest Park Realty Landscape Plan DATE: June 16, 1978 The landscaping plan is sketchy and vague in some areas. The entire planting along the property boundary is not indicated. We should know if these are existing trees or if they are to be planted. If they are to be planted, their size, kind and number should be indicated; if they, are existing, it should be indicated on the plan. Planting Red Pine along Hinesburg Road is not a good choice because of their susceptibility to salt damage. Russell Reay's suggestion, in his memo, of substituting Austrian Pine or White Spruce is good. The applicant has not indicated the numbers of the individual plant species he is going to use. This should be shown; preferably with the planting schedule on the plan. We have gone around about this just recently over another application from this same architectural office. JS:ab Enclosure PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, L u:n= 27 , 197,., at 7:30 p.m., to consider the following: .v? sc= - ,dal '7? c�� Of C0unl l0� . c. - 1 !lv -l- ^p-`c--G �rO ��� ^a C'- 7C _ 5 involve _ L _ a�' + S C � - _ - ?C 1 = 'G?`--- Copies of the ='�` 1i==tl-on are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William B. Wessel, Chairman South Burlington Planning Co=ission �y P . �-I mont state of Ver AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Department of Fish and Game Department of Forests, parks and Recreation Department of Water Resources Environmental Board Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Environmental Protection Division of planning, Natural Resources Conservation Council MEMORANDUM 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 February 22, 1978 To: Parties to Permit Amendment 4CO254-1 Forest Park Realty From: Curtis Id. Carter, Environmental Coordinator QAJI-p -- Subject: Status of Review The hearing held February 8, 1978, on the above amendment was recessed by the District #4 Commission to enable the permitee to meet with the Agency of Environmental Conservation to discuss further the landscaping of the project. If the permitee and the Agency do not come to any agreement in the near future, the Commission will reconvene the hearing to hear further testimony. If an agreement is reached, the hearing could be adjourned and a decision issued. The permitee was also asked to submit a copy of the local approval to the Commission. Distribution: Commission Members Permitee Agency of Environmental Conservation So. Burlington Planning Comm. December 7, lc,76 C11rien Frothers ILealty .1 1.1, . . '! ,. -, . -11. c - 7, - 0 r i e -r 1 136C '.iton I.'-I,oLd r- Cal "ri 1 il.r - in,,, ton , 17T 05401 Dear :,r. C,'Trien: FE a-Cvis-6 thLLr request for a zoning variance was �rrantad 'L'f- .,oninr Toarri of ;.ciustment with th-e, following stJpu.la- t on: that the variance is basc-,,-- u,,-,.-,n th., need for elderly li'I)USinf, ture of I PT-opr )-eo proj �,�S not C c.", f 11 i C t spirit of th�,-) Cerlsi'4 t-ent. '--he i for use for hous-In. J)is 01 only. - --r oarc as that definition usid by 4.)eve.- an opment . :cur .icur proposed T-!roject is subjF,ct to subdiv-Isfon amf-- site plan review by the c7o-uth 1iu--7incton Planning Commis :;ion. Very truly lr,ichayd ',Ward Zoning "Idministrative .fficer RII°,T/j LUNDGREN 14 Birchwood Court Area zoned R-4 District. Section 11.001 Dimensional Requirements Rear yard 30 feet, proposed 24 feet. Side yard 15 feet, proposed 2 feet. Propose to construct a detached garage 21+1 x 241. Lot 59.21 x 125.01 - set-off in 1950. DISABLED AMERICANVETERANS Site: Airport Parkway near Treatment Plant Area zoned Airport Industrial District. Proposed use (private club) is allowable in BR District. Lot located to the south of the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant. Lot size approximately 2 acres with 300' frontage. Land is owned by the City of South Burlington. D.A.V. will lease from the City. Lease agreement has not been completed. Proposed building will be a module unit 30' x 601. ,OVERLAKE DISTRIBUTORS Lot #13 Green Mountain Drive Area zoned BPD District. Section 8.10, Condtional uses, subsection F.104 wholesale business and storage buildings. Proposed building contains 8,400 square feet. 6,000 square feet warehouse and 2,400 square feet office -sales area::. NORTHERN TERMINALS 1160 Williston Road Area zoned BR District. Existing pump island under variance as of March 15, 1976. Section 11.702 and Section 11.001 Dimensional Requirements. - 2 - Board considered shopping complex presently under construction. Request to construct a self-service station, with 26' x 42' canopy to within 14 feet of the required front yard. Pump island 9" x 38' with 8' x 131 attendants building located on island. Section 11.00, Dimensional requirements +'rant yard 75' proposed 14' Section 11.702, Buffer area requirements. 50% of front yard with min. 15' strip along street line. No strip or landscaping is proposed. THELMAIS RESTAURANT 1834 Shelburne Road Area zoned B.P.D. District. Existing structure is non -conforming. Restaurant is allowable use, residential unit is non -conforming. Structure is non -conforming to dimensional requirements. Section 13.00, Non -conforming uses and structures and Section 11.15, Multiple uses under consideration. Structure is non -conforming - setback requirement is 75' - existing 63r. Lot size 28,500 square feet - required lot size 80,000 sq. ft. Lot frontage 95' - required frontage 2001. Request to convert structure to include an apartment, picture framing shop and restaurant. DESLAURTERS Dorset Street near Green Mountain Power Substation Area zoned B.P.D. District. Parcel located northerly of Green Mountain Power Substation containing approximately 12 acres, 8 acres proposed .for this facility. Section 8.10, Conditional uses, subsection 8..111, Cutdoor recr'ational facilities. Proposed two swimning pools 401 x 701 and 15' x 35s. 10 tennis courts and a 38' x 38' club house. - 3 - FOREST PARK APARTMENTS Hinesburg Road, southerly of R. Goodrich #625 Area zoned R-7 District. Section 11.00, Density requirements. 7 units per acre on a gross base under Residential Planned Unit Development. Parcel in question contains 7.2 acres maximum density allowed 50.4 units. Proposed density 100 units. Section 13-40, Off-street parking Table I total number required 145 parking spaces - proposed 75 parking spaces. FOREST PARK REALTY December 6,1976 HOUSING PROJECT DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT LAND VALUE COMPARISON Typical Breakdown (per unit) (assume value per unit $30,000.00) Land Value: Construction Cost 72% $21,600.00 Land Cost 5% 1,500.00 Land Development 8% 2,400.00 Fees, Design, Real Estate, Environmental etc. 14% 4,200.00 Miscellaneous 1% 300.00 Total $30,000.00 Present Zoning (7 units per acre) 7 units per acre @ 1500.00/unit = $10,500.00/acre Requested Zone Change (14 units per acre) 14 units per acre @ 1500.00/unit = $21,000.00/acre Comparable Land Sales: A) Timberlane Dental (Woodland Properties) Year of sale 1973 Acre 6.95 Selling Price $143,450.00 Value per acre $20,640.00 1977 value (5% per year) $24,768.00 B) Aesculapius Year of sale 1968 Acre 2.48 Selling Price $34,900.00 Value per acre $14,072.48 1977 value (5% per year) $21,108.00 C) Timberlane Health (Mediprop) Year of sale 1972 Acre 6 Selling Price $137,500.00 Value per acre $22,916.66 1977 value (5% per year) $28,645.00 WIEMANN-LAMPHERE, ARCHITECTS 346 Shelburne Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 NOV 2 ,(MEMANN - LA'YI?HERrL--f ARCHITECTS MA-1 a F-Amn H,UD-392-F(2) (Previous Edition J Curren-z',1 I une 1976 'Is ' -, ection E Flousing H LIE; i d -c lim 21- Assist;Rncc Payrnzi-lts PrOgrairr. -[OU.S. Department of Housing -f and Urban Development UD's Mew Section El He uziing Assistance Payments Program When President Ford signed tine Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HCD Act) into law, HUD was directed to replace, by January 1, 1975, th- Section 23 leased housing program with a new Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) proem for lower -income families, Although many characteristics of former program have been retained, there are several sigrn.,cant changes that extend the benefits of Federal housing assistance to more people who nesd housing while expanding program participation for owners, devlopers and Public Housing Agencies (PHA's). For example, owners and devc!opers of new or substantially rehabilitated dwelling units may now contract directly with HUD as well as with a PHA for housing assistance payments on behalf ,of eligible families. In addition, more families may be eligible for assistance becaus'e ncome limits have been increased, and housing assistance payments are now authorized for families -whose ad- justed gross incomes dp� not excecc 30 percent of the median income for the area. \ \ This leaflet answers sornt of the questions about HUD's new Section 8 program. Specific irk ormation about how to participate in the program is available from�the n-;surest HUD Regional ar field office listed on the back page, or from the nearest PHA/ WH^,S THE PROGRAM DESIG',flD TO DO?--' It is designed to enable families to live in decent housing who would be unable to afford such housing from their own resources. The program utilizes existing, substantially rehabilitated and newly constructed housing units. HOW MANY FAMILIES ARE EXPECTED TO BE ASSISTED? It is anticipated that the program -,vill assist more than 300,000 families to obtain good housing. WHAT ARE THE PRIORITIES FOR 'rXiSTING UNITS, SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION AND NEW CONSTRUCT ION IN THIS PROGRAN I? HUD field offices allocate fund n for Section 8 units to the various localities on the basis of such factors as need and conformance with approved local housing assistance plans. Where an adequate supply of existing housing is available, such housing will be used first, with substantial rehabilitation and new construc- tion generally utilized where there is an insufficient supply of acceptable existing housing within the rent limitations of the program. HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK FOR EXISTING HOUSING? A family determined eligible by the PHA will be given a Certificate of Family Participation. The family may then seek a suitable unit anywhere within the operating jurisdiction of the PHA. If the owner is willing to lease a unit to the family, and if the unit is decent, safe and sanitary, the gross rent (Contract Rent plus allowance for tenant -paid utilities, if any) is reasonable and within the HUD -established Fair Market Rent for existing housing, and if the PHA approves the lease, a lease may be signed by the owner and the family, and a Housing Assistance Payments Con- tract will be executed between the PHA and the owner. Pursuant to this Contract, the owner will receive a monthly payment from the PHA equal. to the difference between the rent payable to the owner by the family and the approved rent for the unit. FAIR MARKET RcNTS These are established by HUD and published in the Federal Register at least annually for each housing area by unit size and structural type. Fair Market Rents for new and substantially rehabilitated units are the same, but there is a separate schedule for existing housing. The local HUD office can provide the relevant- schedules. HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION? Non-profit and profit motivated private owners and developers, PHA's, and owners and developers working with PHA's may submit development proposals in response to HUD -published invi- tations or may apply to State housing finance or dcvelopment agencies in their State. If preliminary and final proposals are acceptable to HUD, an agreement will be executed which provides, among other thine that upon satisfactory completion of the project, a HAP Contract will be executed for the units to be occupied by eligible fa nilies. \T KIND OF FINANCING Is AVAILABLE? 4hile the Section 8 program does not provide construction or permanent financing, it provides long-term commitments of hous- ing assistance payments pursuant to Housing Assistance Payments contracts which can be pledged as security for mortgage loans or loans obtained through the issuGi',ce,_Qf tax-exempt notes or bonds by State or local public agencies. This pledge may be used with any type of financing, including a HUD/FHA insured mortgage. HUD must approve any financing, however, that pledges the Agreement or the HAP Contract as security for any loan or obligation. HOW MUCH RENT CAN THE OWNER COUNT ON? Generally, the Contract Rent plus the allowance for any utilities paid by the family, ma) not exceed the HUD -established Fair Market Rent for the housing area in which the units will be located. In certain cases, the Fair Market Rent may :be exceeded b-''�p to 10 percent: for new construction and substantial r� ilitation where HUD field offlce directors determine that special circumstances so warrant; aid for existing units if the PHA certifies that such higher rents arc reasonable, specifies the factors upon which that determination is bawd and secures HUD approval. The Fair Market Rent may be exceeded by up to 20 percent upon approval by the HUD Assistant Secretary for Hous. ing Production and Mortgage Credit, if he determines that special circumstances so warrant or that higher rents are necessary to implement a local housing assistance plan. In all cases, Contract Rents must be determined to be reasonable in relation to the quality, location, amenities, and tha management and maintenance services for the units. CAN THE CONTRACT REPOT ICE IIlCREASED DURING THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT 11F THE OWNER'S EXPENSESINCREASE? Yes. Contract rents for new construction and substantial rehabilitation are adjusted annually by applying an Automatic Annual Adjustment Factor. This is determined by HUD at least once a year and published in the Fedora/ Register. If the utilities are paid directly by the family, the factor is reduced accordingly. Special additional adjustments may be approved by HUD for increases in the actual and necessary expenses of owning and maintaining the contract units resulting from substantial general increases in real property taxes, utility rates or similar costs (i.e. special assessments and utilities not covered by regulated rates), but only to the extent such general increases are no; compensated for by the Automatic Annual Adjustment. For existing units, an annual adjustment is permitted . on the anniversary date of the lease, upon request to the PHA by the owner (provided such request is accompanied by a certification signed by the owner and \`^ the tenant that the unit is in decent, safe and sanitary condition and otherwise in compliance with. the lease), not to exceed th.s percentage change in the applicable Fair Market Rent. Special adjustments may be permitted, subject to HUD approval and effective on the date the owner may legally terminate the tenancy. Such adjustments may reflect increases in actual and necessary expenses resulting from general increases in real property , taxes; utility rates or similar costs to the extent that the owner clearly demonstrates that . such increases have increased the owner's operating costs and are not compensated for by annual adjust- ments. In such cases the owner must submit a financial statement supporting the increase to the PHA. The adjustments discussed above may not, however, cause the rents of Section 8 units to be materially different from the rents charged for comparable un- assisted units. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM TERM OF A HAP CONTRACT? The term of a HAP Contract for existing units is concurrent with the lease (i.e., not less than one year nor more than three, subject to any provision permitting termination). If, however, the family remains in occupancy under the same terms and conditions of its original lease, the Contract may be extended up to five years. For new or substantially rehabilitated units, the maximum term (including renewals) is generally 20 years; in the c�-Qf a project owned by, or financed by a !oan or loan guarantee from a State or local agency, the maximum term may be 40 years. This max'"—'-n is established on the basis of the amount of capital expo. cures reasonably required. for the project, the reasonable rate of amortization for the financing, and the approved Contract Rents. WHAT FAMILIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRA ,11? The program helps "lower -income" and "very low-income" families. A "lower -income" family is one whose adjusted income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income in the area. A "very low-income" family is one whose adjusted income does not exceed 50 percent of the median income in the area. The adjustments take into account the size of the family, among other , factors. WHAT DO THESE CLASSIFICATIO., MEAN TO THE OWNER? For new construction or substar„icily rehabilitated units, an owner s required to rent 30 pc.cent of the units to very low-' ie tenants during the initial rr.nt up, and to exercise his best e.,orts to maintain that ratio during the Contract period. WHAT ABOUT SINGLE PEOPLE LIVItIIG ALONE? If the income is within the limits defined by HUD, a "family" in this program may .,be a single person 62 or older, or a handicapped or disab)ed person as dsf ined by law, or a displaced person, or the remaining member of art eligible tenant family. Two or more elderry, disabled or handicapped persons living together, or one or more such individuals Irving •,R,ith another person needed to care for them, are also eligible for housing assistance in this program. HOW ARE THE SUBSIDIES COMPUT,''0-? As its share of the rent, the farm l; pays between 15 and 25 percent of its gross income, depend ,? on income, number of ninors, and medical and child care c;-,.penses. The housing assist- ance payment to the owner is the difference between the family's share and the Contact Rent for the units, and is paid monthly on behalf. of the family. The family's share of the rent may be adjusted .up or down, depending on any changes in the family's circumstances (with appropriate adjustment in the housing assist. ance payment). HOW OFTEN ARE THE FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES REVIEWED? The owner reviews the circumstances of families occupying new and •substantially rehabilitated units at least annua!ly. The PHA conducts the annual review of circumstances of families occupying existing units. Reviews for elderly and handicapped families take place every two years. WHAT HAPPENS IF A UNIT UNDER CONTRACT IS VACANT? For newly constructed or substantially rehabi!itated units, if a unit is not leased on the effective date of the Contract, the owner may .receive 80 percent of the Contract Rent for a period not to exceed 60 days, provided the owner has complied. with his approved fair housing marketing plan, has taken all feasible actions to secure a tenant and has not rejected any eligible applicant w except for good cause. if an eligible family vacates an occupied unit, the owner may receive 80 percent of the Contract Rent for a vacancy period not to exceed 60 days, provided the owner promptly notifies HUD of the vacancy, or pending vacancy, together with, the reasons therefore, and continues to take affirma—tive action to fill the vacancy. Payments for vacant units will not be made if the owner fails to follow HUD procedures requiring that he give written notice to a family he wishes to evict, or if the owner has evicted the family in violation of the lease or applicable law. For existing units, u vacancy payment may be made in the same ratio and under the same conditions as those for new construction when a unit occupied by an eligible family has been vacated in violation of the lease, except that the payments will be made for a maximum of 60 days or the expiration of the Icase, whichever is sooner. IOW MANY UNITS MAY BE ASSISTED IN ANY TRUCTURE OR PROJECT? .Up to 100 percent of the units in any new construction or Jbsta,•' Ily rehabilitated project may be assisted. To encourage a road -)nomic mix of families, however, HUD will give pre- !rence to those projects in which 20 percent or fewer of the units :ceive assistance. This preference does not apply to projects with 0 units or fewer, or those designed specifically for the elderly or andicapped. V14AT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE LOCAL 'OVERNNIENT IN THIS PROGRAM? The unit of general local governmp-sit has an opportunity to eview all complete proposals for ne-w and substantially rehabi- itated dwelling units and all complete applications for the use of xisting housing. Where there is a HUD-2pproved housing assist- nce plan in effect, review is for consistency with that plan. Where here is no plan, the local gov2rnmcnt has an opportunity to omment upon, or provide information concerning the need for ousing assistance and the availability of local facilities and public ervicce�4 serve the proposed housin-o. IOW DUES AN OWNER OR DEVELOPER PARTICIPATE N THE SECTION 8 PROGRAM? Owners and developers may submit preliminary proposals for ew construction or substantial rehabliitation in response to ivitations for Preliminary Proposals published in local newspapers y HUD. Owners of existing units may -:Main additional informa- on about participation by communicl.-zir.g with the nearest local ousirg agency or HUD field office listad on the back page. of t`te Depenmcnt of ' ( Housing and Urban Development Region 1 Area Offices: John F. Kennedy Federal Building Manchester, N.H.; Boston, Mass.; Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Hartford, Conn. Connecticut, Mane, Massachusetts, New Hamps:lire, jRhode Island, Vermont Region If Arta Offices: 26 Federal Plaza. New York, N.Y.: Newark, NJ.; i New York, New York 10007 Camden, NJ.; Buffalo, N.Y.; T New Jersey, New York, San Juan, P.R. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Region III Area Offices: Curtis Building Pittsburgh, Pa.; Philadclphla, Pa.; 6th and Walnut Streets District of Columbia; Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 Richmond, Va. Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Region IV Area Offices: Pershing Point Plaza Birmingham, Ala.: Jacksonville, Fla.: 1371 Peachtree St., N. E. Atlanta, Ga.; Louisville, Ky.; Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Jackson, Miss.; Greensboro, N.C.; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Columbia, S.C.; Knoxville, Tenn. Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee Region V Area Offices: 300 South Wacker Drive Detroit, Mich.; Chicano, Ill.; Chicago, Winois 6C>606 Indianapolis, Ind.; Minntapofls, Minn.; Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Columbus, Ohio; N'llwaukee, Wise. Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin Region VI Area Offices: Earle bell Federal Building G Tex.; Dallas, Tex.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; / U.S. Courthouse San Antonio, Tex.; New Orleans, La.; 1100 Commerce Street Little Rock, Ark. Dallas, Texas 75202 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Re,; on V11 Area Offices: I Federal Or ice Building Kansas City, Kans.: 911 Walnut Strect St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha, Nebr. Kansas City, Missouri 64106 y Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Region Vill NO AREA OFFICES Federal Building Insuring Ofr.ccs: 19th & Stout Strects Casper, Wyo.; Helena, Mont.: Denver, Colorado 80202 Fargo, N.Dak.: Sioux Falls, S.Dak.; Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Sall Lake City, Utah South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming Region IX Area Oftces: 450 Golden Gate Avenut San Francisco, Calif.; P.O. Box 36003 Los Angeles, Calif. San Francisco, California 94102 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, Amencan Samoa Rt�ion X Area Offices: Arcade Plaza Building Seattle, Wash.; Portland, Oreg. 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98:0I Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington No Text x ocageRA#oo PROP pem,rwi. C T*. -rim 8 E' R 1. A/V& NPojg I SAL/Sd!/RG iQdA"n' mtrplc An. OR.I No Text No Text 0 V Cctober 1976 ",aml-el O"Trien 1336 'I.-'i'ston ,outh 7,ur-7-ing-ton, Dear "r. advised that the L'.Icut'j ',,urline,-ton onin; aoard of djust- i,"ill hoU public hea.-in�p at the -ity�iaf- ll, Co�-ferene 1 n' 01M) 75 dliston ;cad on c "tober 1P, 1 976 -t '-` 5:00 p.m. tc consi6er your requ-st for a zonin- variance, to AtF,nd. t - U !Achard '"ard -onino Administrative fficer RECEIVED NOV 2 Mc WIEMANN - LA"r3?H.ERE, ARCHITE0 ► S im HUD-392-F(2) n (Previous Edition Current) June 1976 riou5ing ror LowIncome Families m HUD's New Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program ApU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development O n HUD's New Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program When President Ford signed the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HCD Act) into law, HUD was directed to replace, by January 1, 1975, the Section 23 leased housing program with a new Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) program for lower -income families. Although many characteristics of the former program have been retained, there are several significant changes that extend the benefits of Federal housing assistance to more people who need housing while expanding program participation for owners, developers and Public Housing Agencies (PHA's). For example, owners and developers of new or substantially rehabilitated dwelling units may now contract directly with HUD as well as with a PHA for housing assistance payments on behalf of eligible families. In addition, more families may be eligible for assistance because income limits have been increased, and housing assistance payments are now authorized for families whose ad- justed gross incomes do not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area. This leaflet answers some of the questions about HUD's new Section 8 program. Specific information about how to participate in the program is available from the nearest HUD Regional or field office listed on the back page, or from the nearest PHA. WHAT IS THE PROGRAM DESIGNED TO DO? It is designed to enable families to live in decent housing who would be unable to afford such housing from their own resources. The program utilizes existing, substantially rehabilitated and newly constructed housing units. HOW MANY FAMILIES ARE EXPECTED TO BE ASSISTED? It is anticipated that the program will assist more than 300,000 families to obtain good housing. WHAT ARE THE PRIORITIES FOR EXISTING UNITS, SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THIS PROGRAM? HUD field offices allocate funding for Section 8 units to the various localities on the basis of such factors as need and conformance with approved local housing assistance plans. Where an adequate supply of existing housing is available, such housing will be used first, with substantial rehabilitation and new construc- tion generally utilized where there is an insufficient supply of acceptable existing housing within the rent limitations of the program. HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK FOR EXISTING HOUSING? A family determined eligible by the PHA will be given a Certificate of Family Participation. The family may then seek a suitable unit anywhere within the operating jurisdiction of the PHA. If the owner is willing to lease a unit to the family, and if the unit is decent, safe and sanitary, the gross rent (Contract Rent plus allowance for tenant -paid utilities, if any) is reasonable and within the HUD -established Fair Market Rent for existing housing, ..., and if the PHA approves the lease, a lease may be signed by the owner and the family, and a Housing Assistance Payments Con- tract will be executed between the PHA and the owner. Pursuant to this Contract, the owner will receive a monthly payment from the PHA equal to the difference between the rent payable to the owner by the family and the approved rent for the unit. FAIR MARKET RENTS These are established by HUD and published in the Federal Register at least annually for each housing area by unit size and structural type. Fair Market Rents for new and substantially rehabilitated units are the same, but there is a separate schedule for existing housing. The local HUD office can provide the relevant schedules. HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION? Non-profit and profit motivated private owners and developers, PHA's, and owners and developers working with PHA's may submit development proposals in response to HUD -published invi- tations or may apply to State housing finance or development agencies in their State. If preliminary and final proposals are acceptable to HUD, an agreement will be executed which provides, 2 3 among other things, that upon satisfactory completion of the project, a HAP Contract will be executed for the units to be occupied by eligible families. WHAT KIND OF FINANCING IS AVAILABLE? While the Section 8 program does not provide construction or permanent financing, it provides long-term commitments of hous- ing assistance payments pursuant to Housing Assistance Payments contracts which can be pledged as security for mortgage loans or loans obtained through the issuance of tax-exempt notes or bonds by State or local public agencies. This pledge may be used with any type of financing, including a HUD/FHA insured mortgage. HUD must approve any financing, however, that pledges the Agreement or the HAP Contract as security for any loan or obligation. HOW MUCH RENT CAN THE OWNER COUNT ON? Generally, the Contract Rent plus the allowance for any utilities paid by the family, may not exceed the HUD -established Fair Market Rent for the housing area in which the units will be located. In certain cases, the Fair Market Rent may be exceeded by up to 10 percent: for new construction and substantial rehabilitation where HUD field office directors determine that special circumstances so warrant; and for existing units if the PHA certifies that such higher rents are reasonable, specifies the factors upon which that determination is based and secures HUD approval. The Fair Market Rent may be exceeded by up to 20 percent upon approval by the HUD Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing Production and Mortgage Credit, if he determines that special circumstances so warrant or that higher rents are necessary to implement a local housing assistance plan. In all cases, Contract Rents must be determined to be reasonable in relation to the quality, location, amenities, and the management and maintenance services for the units. CAN THE CONTRACT RENT BE INCREASED DURING THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT IF THE OWNER'S EXPENSES INCREASE? Yes. Contract rents for new construction and substantial rehabilitation are adjusted annually by applying an Automatic Annual Adjustment Factor. This is determined by HUD at least once a year and published in the Federal Register. If the utilities are paid directly by the family, the factor is reduced accordingly. Special additional adjustments may be approved by HUD for increases in the actual and necessary expenses of owning and maintaining the contract units resulting from substantial general increases in real property taxes, utility rates or similar costs (i.e. special assessments and utilities not covered by regulated rates), but only to the extent such general increases are not compensated for by the Automatic Annual Adjustment. For existing units, an annual adjustment is permitted on the anniversary date of the lease, upon request to the PHA by the owner (provided such request is accompanied by a certification signed by the owner and the tenant that the unit is in decent, safe and sanitary condition and otherwise in compliance with the lease), not to exceed the percentage change in the applicable Fair Market Rent. Special adjustments may be permitted, subject to HUD approval and effective on the date the owner may legally terminate the tenancy. Such adjustments may reflect increases in actual and necessary expenses resulting from general increases in real property taxes, utility rates or similar costs to the extent that the owner clearly demonstrates that such increases have increased the owner's operating costs and are not compensated for by annual adjust- ments. In such cases the owner must submit a financial statement supporting the increase to the PHA. The adjustments discussed above may not, however, cause the rents of Section 8 units to be materially different from the rents charged for comparable un- assisted units. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM TERM OF A HAP CONTRACT? The term of a HAP Contract for existing units is concurrent with the lease (i.e., not less than one year nor more than three, subject to any provision permitting termination). If, however, the family remains in occupancy under the same terms and conditions of its original lease, the Contract may be extended up to five years. For new or substantially rehabilitated units, the maximum 4 5 term (including renewals) is generally 20 years; in the case of a project owned by, or financed by a loan or loan guarantee from a State or local agency, the maximum term may be 40 years. This maximum is established on the basis of the amount of capital expenditures reasonably required, for the project, the reasonable rate of amortization for the financing, and the approved Contract Rents. WHAT FAMILIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM? The program helps "lower -income" and "very low-income" families. A "lower -income" family is one whose adjusted income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income in the area. A "very low-income" family is one whose adjusted income does not exceed 50 percent of the median income in the area. The adjustments take into account the size of the family, among other factors. WHAT DO THESE CLASSIFICATIONS MEAN TO THE OWNER? For new construction or substantially rehabilitated units, an owner is required to rent 30 percent of the units to very low-income tenants during the initial rent up, and to exercise his best efforts to maintain that ratio during the Contract period. WHAT ABOUT SINGLE PEOPLE LIVING ALONE? If the income is within the limits defined by HUD, a "family" in this program may be a single person 62 or older, or a handicapped or disabled person as defined by law, or a displaced person, or the remaining member of an eligible tenant family. Two or more elderly, disabled or handicapped persons living together, or one or more such individuals living with another person needed to care for them, are also eligible for housing assistance in this program. HOW ARE THE SUBSIDIES COMPUTED? As its share of the rent, the family pays between 15 and 25 percent of its gross income, depending on income, number of minors, and medical and child care expenses. The housing assist- r ance payment to the owner is the difference between the family's share and the Contract Rent for the units, and is paid monthly on behalf of the family. The family's share of the rent may be adjusted up or down, depending on any changes in the family's circumstances (with appropriate adjustment in the housing assist- ance payment). HOW OFTEN ARE THE FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES REVIEWED? The owner reviews the circumstances of families occupying new and substantially rehabilitated units at least annually. The PHA conducts the annual review of circumstances of families occupying existing units. Reviews for elderly and handicapped families take place every two years. o. WHAT HAPPENS IF A UNIT UNDER CONTRACT IS VACANT? For newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated units, if a unit is not leased on the effective date of the Contract, the owner may receive 80 percent of the Contract Rent for a period not to exceed 60 days, provided the owner has complied with his approved fair housing marketing plan, has taken all feasible actions to secure a tenant and has not rejected any eligible applicant except for good cause. If an eligible family vacates an occupied unit, the owner may receive 80 percent of the Contract Rent for a vacancy period not to exceed 60 days, provided the owner promptly notifies HUD of the vacancy, or pending vacancy, together with the reasons therefore, and continues to take affirma- tive action to fill the vacancy. Payments for vacant units will not be made if the owner fails to follow HUD procedures requiring that he give written notice to a family he wishes to evict, or if the owner has evicted the family in violation of the lease or applicable law. For existing units, a vacancy payment may be made in the same ratio and under the same conditions as those for new construction when a unit occupied by an eligible family has been vacated in violation of the lease, except that the payments will be made for a maximum of 60 days or the expiration of the lease, whichever is sooner. 6 7 HOW MANY UNITS MAY BE ASSISTED IN ANY STRUCTURE OR PROJECT? Up to 100 percent of the units in any new construction or substantially rehabilitated project may be assisted. To encourage a '-)road economic mix of families, however, HUD will give pre- rerence to those projects in which 20 percent or fewer of the units receive assistance. This preference does not apply to projects with 50 units or fewer, or those designed specifically for the elderly or handicapped. WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THIS PROGRAM? The unit of general local government has an opportunity to review all complete proposals for new and substantially rehabi- litated dwelling units and all complete applications for the use of existing housing. Where there is a HUD -approved housing assist- ance plan in effect, review is for consistency with that plan. Where there is no plan, the local government has an opportunity to comment upon, or provide information concerning the need for housing assistance and the availability of local facilities and public services to serve the proposed housing. )W DOES AN OWNER OR DEVELOPER PARTICIPATE tN THE SECTION 8 PROGRAM? Owners and developers may submit preliminary proposals for new construction or substantial rehabilitation in response to invitations for Preliminary Proposals published in local newspapers by HUD. Owners of existing units may obtain additional informa- tion about participation by communicating with the nearest local housing agency or HUD field office listed on the back page. of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Region I Area Offices: John F. Kennedy Federal Building Manchester, N.N.; Boston, Mass.; Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Hartford, Conn. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Region 11 Area Offices: 26 Federal Plaza New York, N.Y.; Newark, N.J.; New York, New York 10007 Camden, N.J.; Buffalo, N.Y.; New Jersey, New York, San Juan, P.R. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Region III Area Offices: Curtis Building Pittsburgh, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa.; 6th and Walnut Streets District of Columbia; Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 Richmond, Va. Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Region IV Area Offices: Pershing Point Plaza Birmingham, Ala.; Jacksonville, Fla.; 1371 Peachtree St., N. E. Atlanta, Ga.; Louisville, Ky.; Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Jackson, Miss.; Greensboro, N.C.; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Columbia, S.C.; Knoxville, Tenn. Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee Region V Area Offices: 300 South Wacker Drive Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, III.; Chicago, Illinois 60606 Indianapolis, Ind.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Columbus, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wisc. Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin Region VI Area Offices: Earle Cabell Federal Building Dallas, Tex.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; U.S. Courthouse San Antonio, Tex.; New Orleans, La.: 1100 Commerce Street ' Little Rock, Ark. Dallas, Texas 75202 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Region VII Area Offices: Federal Office Building Kansas City, Kans.; 911 Walnut Street St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha, Nebr. Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Region Vill NO AREA OFFICES Federal Building Insuring Offices: 19th & Stout Streets Casper, Wyo.; Helena, Mont.: Denver, Colorado 80202 Fargo, N.Dak.; Sioux Falls, S.Dak.; Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Salt Lake City, Utah South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming Region IX Area Offices: 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, Calif.; P.O. Box 36003 Los Angeles, Calif. San Francisco, California 94102 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa Region X Area Offices: Arcade Plaza Building Seattle, Wash.; Portland, Oreg. 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington l NOTICE OF APPEAI Sob �tT BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT , I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: coond4,L.6 l use���v**ariance� decision -of administrative officer. property Owner !!'t�i• r /''-s4 /P�� lsy ,�"►� ,. �roperty location & descriptior__Z�i'fy jt ,r.y� ,/ „ �, ..• , ��,�.7- �04- J j L/ . I Variance of Section number title of section Basis of appeal -? I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall) Conference -Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington.rree Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set the .costs of advertising and -the hearing. Hearing Date a are of _A7p7GO ant � -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i - SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on �.at to consider the - day of week month and data time following: ;'Y7 Appeal of �a--r...G.�.�_.- ��c-� � ��...��:; �. fir' �..���} � , ,s�.�.�.t...G..�.�eking a f ©� from Section �'/ � ,.,�.-��. �=�'� iz.� .wu .��, . of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for permission .to .d�-o / e I/' / �—,G. as. { sue. ..... .•�:7�ra .ea... ...�C.-/1'��.�f y°--d`'".. �.�..�6.�.+G�":J� �J�!.a._ �.�9.,.d�� A'+c�..� �,,.. ��4�✓i'�A..A.w rrt./'Y��y� . 6J"'�^'. C4... /a�.�C.R... a'r-;'t�r� �.�:.,,y�'"..=E'�fi�"^ �"�" t�"y.^ti�' /��.'°¢!�"'p.�` �"�"'� k ^•v�.=�„pr _ ,_ 7 IIi ILL F LjF'17 - ------- - -T -; � i -- -- -,�- � - _ I I -� I I lam- • I -- I - T --i I ►� - �. I O � o C!,l � ion �'�t 9P � �� : � --_ _ �._ August 30, 1-973 Foulsham "Farms Real Estate 1100 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 051+01 Attention: Mr. 1"Tthur Shields Dear Mr. Shields: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjust. ment will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Road on Wednesday, September 5. 1973 at 7:30 p.m. to consider your request for a zoning variance, Please plan to$,,,.ttend. Very truly, Richard 1,%Iard Zoning Administrative Officer Ew/J ia�d , xues'' J 5kn 4Of"''! e yg zWOW '1 &s � , Ya s,r r `tAl Vol d Pp k,„ ,s+4 ArM „ v +ig s �, r g s e o a sae r a "' OD "W 7 ar' a z y9P ,�7" T' r r"i i k µit {{g ¢j 1{Jar dog" u,n rt 'Sy •'S $ °^ t I �` i r9AWAN off i v r Y V aM I e;a IA—F a-+ l l u„:N "&�*r,} a, i d k"0 f '� j ➢.ra k a Y 599' it hk 'q b pr. p"'1 `d i �, ':�,,d '� .` tyb r 9 v �'``R u r s tk � 4 ,ua i a In.Wr ��? :js 1r _ ��i'k�,r "0 rr�& 0 , ,nM 1� ! l �� raja;-� AJ ww 't"ko "� s " ,,. +^f. ,, y� a �tr," 1 r 7 7 } .? Y��'t .E.r 9 "r ti ¢ j .^,a ~s" t ) a MIT ei h x r` n � #�".r dS ? k wr �'4.? x'b ':" . is s ;' .� a :.. >� r=r r:, g i }''k't 1 ��'.7 ,r, Y ,r ws !" 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I am interested in having the property's zoning Gtbeaic changed from its present residential use to a Business A Useage. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, Arthur F. Shields AFS:mgk �'"��� +.)t1..! � � •r�4^-s ,j���_y•i } �'>� aid E'�i �� 'I,t�`' �.):'�N"1 � !`,i'•I .� f. �.. � ,aid"* % Ir . J.) i Foresi V, ox 2 " ,;-;cUth Ile, Dear The B the d the f xi order ; . I amount :hese le . we so may consiuer a Duiluxllv many feet Of the PUMP site. very truly yours lia i r ,.zown i�lariager HL/h Encl. 1 cc-, Don wilitten, Plant operator William Szymanski, Town Engineer rareh 27, 1968 Engineers Incorporated of Vermont South '3urlint.;ton, Vermont.. J5401 r4e: Forest Park South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: Tlie construction now underway at the Forest ;?ark Development is not in conformance urith, the approved plans. It appears the natural drainae is being diverted toward T%ennedv '')rive. This draina.,,e area when developed will provide a large run-off and create future problems for the, Tovm Department. Any revision fror the approved plans nest be subm-1tted for approval prior to construction. is/h. cc; Daniel O'Brien W. "). Kellner Very txn)ly yours, 'Jilliow J. Szymanski Town Engineer No Text No Text No Text I RECEIVED AP.R 7, 0 1963 TOW iv OF MAN',lGr-'-'S 01:1:i(-F Area Code 802 863-6a..j MEALP-O 01F UhZKn- M UzZL TO Engineers Incorporated Of Vermont R.D. #2 South Burlington, Vt. 05401 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter DATE JOB O. B ATTENTION RE: r Ni Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Ate` THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: C"For approval ❑ Approved as submitted Ei-lor your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS �r/GiA� f 2/ew .osr ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: __-'L If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Form 240.0—New England Business Service. Inc. Townsend. Mass. KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. Soils and Structural Engineering RFD 2 South Burlington, Vermont O54O1 STEPHEN C. KNIGHT, JR., P. E. ROGER W. DORWART, P. E. ELROY L. LANGDELL, P. E. JOHN T. BOOTH, P. E. ROBERT K. DOTEN, PH. D. April 15, 1968 Mr. William Szymanski Town Engineer South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Kennedy Drive Drainage O'Brien Development Dear Mr. Szymanski: Telephone 902/863-6868 We have reviewed the drainage problem as we discussed it earlier today with Mr. Pinkham of Engineers, Inc. Based on the assumption of a trapezoidal shaped. ditch with a 2 foot flat bottom and 2:1 side slopes, a Manning roughness coefficient of 0.03 an average slope of 4.2%, and a maximum flow of 13 cfs, we have estimated a maximum possible velocity of 6 feet/second.. This compares unfavorably with the 3 to 4 ft./sec. maximum velocities recommended for similar soil conditions on page 230 of Hewes & Oglesby, Highway Engineering (John Wiley 1958) Consequently, we feel there is a possibility of erosional problems developing along the ditch line under the assumptions listed above. We do not feel that the situation is critical enough to warrent the installation of underground culvert the full length of the ditch. It is our opinion that adequate compromise solutions can be developed, such as use of sod and jute matting on the present ditch surface, installation of a paved gutter or use of more stone rubble, or running the flow into the existing storm sewer inlet on Kennedy Drive. Any one, or combination of several, of the above approaches could probably be incorporated into an acceptable drainage design. Very truly yours, Roger Dorwart, P.E. RD:k cc: Mr. Butterfield. No Text Yarch 27, 1968 Engineers Incorporated of Vermont South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Forest Park South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: The construction now underway at the Forest Park Development Is not in conformance with the approved plans. It appears the natural drainage is being diverted toward Kennedy Drive. This drainage area when developed will provide a large run-off and create future problems for the Town Jfighway Department. Any revision from the approved plans must be submitted for approval prior to construction. WJS/h cc; Daniel O'Brien W. D. Kellner Very truly yours, William J. Szymanski Town Engineer o��iEN pomp ::sT4, 15 1 5 5 ,� Qom w -�- v,n �-►�► � S i i C 1 � � , o -� Fo rze 1 yj 1 ,, @ rV1. 3 1 Ar o 0 �70 \ow ; 1S5 Q��s @ 4 pe.^so�-r�c�P� (ap -7S Gpc 4(,, Soo GPD CN• Y• Sim,,.. card S , P�., �> 3 Office f`5l el s • Z S e.so,n S L'atc� a� ZO G /PC Z /.50o G Pp CAscE ��. zr� 7—aT.4L 4�, aaa GPI i or Z 3- 3 6IC'*I /o v G -/�q ��ct d . f ��o S� a� /a d GPrvt ;' 7. � � = /3• � ���-+� -6 0 O .2 2- c,�'� Q = AV ' = 4v ©•zz= d-os ✓ o-zz= a•zc v For 4� C.2, G = /DD /3�000 Frtc l,,,o Lo s s IS X. a70 7` jaumP:f .,2uA)7.1W f-Y/c�ra+�r �aSS SO h' �70 z 3/3. -S Frro�iovA Zoss / S 476 Zoo GPM c = �Do 6. 5�ioov' i �vrc_��ov, Go Ss G.S X•47D _ •yL.q/ F w• r c_+i we-a.j 3,70 I ss 8 o ca i :� � � � � �� a � m� ,.: No Text le��/?o/,tcrc�c aSe�/Pcl,��7a,*eJ /77 W61,051C dr-S 71Lr 1"J4 IVIV e- e4 7 s T/� < � Go�7C ire CXG lf r� Z5cyJiGc r. L©�.+ /_ / � � �- �i.� �S e"r� `y c"•7 � � _,,%� • err Tv ✓ ���+ r � � �O1r7 � �ql�d �u��.�� c�,�' CGc'.r-r �~ �,�� C v �`ze !!-7..3 61 G u Vv-,3 Zhc�,r�/ AlpG COi7CC/T r'Y� G L4 1' '�° /dws�► �i� insceY Sao a'gt w /ar�'�'�Ilic f4,1 .� ess e-, /We l4o:v,.s oo:s < c,-r, 4u "3 c ! S ye 4/ ti / ✓� ��s Pcf s9 < e c / n ue.S- `i� c�v6vrs.S,, No Text C/7?7tS 7`b✓ ec1a '!/ �1r�d �Seccr�!'� v�7 ,�JY�vG y ,r d �ucS, T-�coscr�«t qrc 170 ice top ,wa / ae�t� ��.� tie�-c uo�