HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-75-0000 - Supplemental - 0600 Hinesburg RoadNo Text =Tf C� �r 7/ ,*%3,v �14 ff `ic �. CIO r S�GI ; J %/ t[." r ' 'tt�i7' ± !-,/�S%.✓i'L.t.: ii'G/.v�i.�' ,_—/jf� -„, ,� 77 �x/.A4r��i4FcrUJ✓f�JLcrJ -96 3 iC,�'" `vro' f�,PCv�:r9j�U1✓ 7 � ST,.S' O / d a i _ June 17, 1975 John 'jR. tllkodeard xe .C.tc,r-*'nrd, Conn. 06385 c V'r 2 p 4-111C, South "urfrir- �`crrd of AdIlust- r:.rnt c)-, your rccv,.� st allcw"Lri: for the cr n C, ,,.I.vrc1. vr!-II-I fit 6('110 11inesbur-L: 'FctC. Th f, s unit '-s, ",-.r' If1,00, cr pe—jr,"ancnt, fcun0l&.-.�cn &r.e. conr,cctcd If- ""he Cit-, sewer s; stems. Plans C-etaf-2.4rg thp� newer system v-112, requre apprcv,--2 c.1 the `rig f-rleer. If yoru Yave eny qtiestfons, fev-3 froc tc, contact Die. Very truly, Fichard 11-,ard ZcninF Administri,tive Officer r1w/j hP1.✓ �Sr A: 1 1 � (-• _T.- T'-n [, 7. �.'-'1 -'T.� 2. BONDING OR ESCROW -GREET-'ENTS 7;D_ TT:S�SCI-_rING iT x�r�}{,j r,ITM DR_ INAG E n 'p 'IS OR GNP •,r, - - - • T -IT1; :DFT rDPROVALS GRANTEDrdITH n:T S TC rr T nmrD.�: ACT I C rISCO'.PI,ETED. . ` ► Cat..�hE - � r -;m : -1TC ' mP :.CCEPT 7T) _. R`CC�FID .D FT1- --D r - - '7 T- -- �T , jrC- C C . m r, (- T r - _ - •: l -� -' .. T rl /T m.'. • . . T T 1 ` l' - iT m • .'ter; .1 r'. ..a.O ;.D C_: J_CI IL: 7I1T,Ir -_^.,✓ i�u ��'.0 IT t- r - rt --, -- m • r n - IT r- A- John a. Stoddard 51 Myrcck Avenue idaterford, Conn. 1 _'2034450630 May 10, 1975 Mr. Dick 4ard Municipal Building, South Burlington, Vermont Dear Sir: In reference to cur telephone conversation May 9, 1975, 1 have enclosed with this letter the results of the percolation tests on the Church of God property on Hinesburg Road. Cn the enclosed plot plan we will be using Site No. 1 or 2. I have also forwarded a completed set of plans for the church property. with town approval we plan to use the foundation wall on Sheet 7 of 3, with a gravel crawl space. owe believe that after the plans you will agree that we would like this to be a permanent location for cur church, with plans to --row and serve the community of South Burlington. Rev. E. M. Abbott is forwarding-; a check in the amount of �3CX0 as you. requested. You should receive this by May 114, 1975. de are leckino forward to a June 2, 1975 meetinE. If there are any questions concerninc, these plans and etc. please feel free to contact me. Ver i Truly YC P-r, 3, I A�a�ry John B. Stoddard JBS/cas C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S 9. WFEE BSTER RTI N I N C 0 'R P 0 R A T E D 1025 AIRPORT DRIVE • P.O. BOX 2246 • SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 • AREA CODE 802-864-0223 May 5, 1975 Mr. Jack Stoddard 51 Myrock Avenue Waterford, Connecticut 06385 Project No. 09-51318 600 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, Vermont Percolation Test Results Dear Sir: Forwarded herewith are percolation test results which you requested. Some comments which I believe are pertinent to the locations of the tests are: 1. Assuming that the elevation of the ground at Hole No. 1 is 0.0 feet, the elevation of the ground at Hole No. 2 is +3.0 feet, the elevation of the ground at Hole No. 3 is +8.0 feet, the elevation of the ground at Hole No. 4 is +5.0 feet. 2. Hole No. 4 is located in a stump dump and probably would not be suitable for use as a leach field. Holes No. 2 and 3 are located in an earth fill area; the percolation rate at Hole No. 3 is the maximum allowed by the Vermont State Health Department Regulations, also the elevation of,t,he ground is some 8 feet above the ground level at the existing church structure. This would necessitate pump- ing the septic tank effluent to this location. 3. In view of the foregoing you may want to consider locating the leach field facility in the general area of Holes 1 and 2. AQUATIC BIOLOGY• GENERAL AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING HIGHWAY ENGINEERING WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY ENGINEERING - DRAFTING AND REPRODUCTION PRINTING SURVEYING Mr. Jack Stoddard -2- May 5, 1975 In the event that you select this location it appears on the basis of the population figure which you gave me, i.e. J00, you will require a 2,000 gallon septic tank, a dosing tank and syphon and approximately 1,250 linear feet of leaching trench. The design of this system should be accomplished according to the Vermont Agency of Environmental Conservation Regulations. Call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. Erle A. Lawton, P. E. Project Engineer EAL:app Enc. PHURCH OF GOD MINESBURG ROAD SOUTH 8URLINGTO0, VERMONT ' PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Test Run April 30, 1975 through May 2^ 1975 Hole No. l Depth - I8* Typo Soil Depth Topsoil 411 Gravel 8* Fine Sand 6" Percolation Rate - 19 min/lnoh Soy 20 Hole No. 2 ' ` Depth - 1811 Type Soil - Brown Fine Send Percolation Rate - 43 min/inch Say 45 Hole No. ] Depth - 1811 Typo Soil - Brown Fine Send Percolation Rate - 60 min/inoh Hole No. 4 Would not hold water. Hole located in stump dump. Full of voids. NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance, decision of administrative officer. Property Owner property location & description Variance of Section , a . number title of section f Basis of appeal I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing. Hearing Date Signature of Appellant SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on at day of week 9 month and date .(time to consider the following: -' Appeal of A�^ �-- ti.-�' seeking \\ �r 3 a �Q .�.-�i..�, ..� , from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regula-- tions. Request is for permission to May 22, 1975 Mr. John B. Stoddard 51 Iflirock Avenue .,Waterford., Conn. 063E5 Dear Mr. Stoddard: Be advised that the '-;outh lurlirrton Zoning, Board of Adjust- ment will old a public hearing at the South T.,urling ton City Hall, Conference 1".00m, 1175 'Jilliston IFoad, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, june 2, 1975 at 5:00 D.m. to considier your -.-equest for a zcninr *ariance. '�e , Please Dian to ,-,ttend. Very truly, ichard r d Zoning Administrative O'L.'"'icer 500 SANDY HOLLOW ROAD MYSTIC, CONNECTICUT 06355 (OFF INTERSTATE 95—ALLYN ST. EXIT) i��iQPiGC�c3 � C�% %" Ay '5& m� INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE February 11, 1975 Church of God Nor th.ern 'New England P.O.ox 957 Portland, '-%Ilaine 04104 Dear 14r. 1bott: advised th,.:,t on "arch 5, 10,75 your por-it which was approved by the City Council on ',',arch 5, 1973 for -he location of a modular church unit at b00 Hinesburg Road will expire. As a condition of approval the 1;odular unit is to be removed or replaced 7.,!ith a permanent building. If you elect to construct a permanent building, you will be requir�d to secure approval 'rori thF= City, Zoning Board. of �%djustment and Planning Cor�ission. As for the removal of the modular unit, this should occur no later than 'Varch 159 1975. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Very truly,, Richard 1,%-ard Zoning Administrati�;e Officer RW/j '974 ? - 0. Poy 957 Portland, Maine 10, De,tr 111r. Abbott: �Idvised tI-I,-;jt tle Zoninc,,� Board © ,�dJusti�,ipnt Yeas g3,an!-nd -�xtonslon to the ir 7eb a ru 1, you are, xllrz-,re 4-.,3 -it ki 11 v -ourici-l'. C-.. qpl,ov!'(J yoiz 4- �peri,:x', Ir - �Jh i c e:,rp 12r, e s ar c h "ho "Icnin- n Poard cytcnded the vxiance to, the same date. In thc the e build-inE must be, Collnecli-jed to a sevrer t cr- Thi,,.� of—AL.-c w-7r -SSUC el pe-,-,rI,i4 Un, "arch. 5 a. j your parmil", will expire for AIC ex i s t i n g 4.. You e requir novo b . I llowevelyou (.'o liavc, the opt-lon of L permanent buil-djrjL,, "or this sit,r,. Very tru-7.,., , 7 -icharc.'I Zoning Administrative Officer Rw/j .... n, n, yA ANN, AM r, t r rM. July 239 1974 Tev. Charles T,Tat,,P,,00d F.F.D. #1 ,',aterl,ury, VT 05676 rea r Mr. Watwood: This letter will confirm. our conversation of July 22nd, regarding the Church of Ood Inc. located !-..t 600 Hinesburg n oad. Tn. February 1973 the 13outh FurlinCton Zoning Board. of Adustment P-ranted a Irariance which all owed the church to locate within South Burlington, The Poard granted the variance �Irith a stipulation that they review the matter after one year. ks 1 explained, this board meets ."'.Ugust 51 1974 and it is the feelini.7 o-,' this office that you or Mir. Abbott should P.ttpn(IL to discuss the future plans with the Board. The condition of the variance ha, expired as of Fcbruary 1974, therefore, the church has no legal right to operate from Hine sour g Road. As T -further explained, the mobile church was to have been replaced with a building in the fu'ure. This office will schedule you to appear before the Board on August 5, 1974 unless I hoar otherwise. Very tr,,1y , Richard Ward Zonin7 Administrative Officer EW/j CHURCH OF GOD NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND P. O. BOX 957, PORTLAND, MAINE 04104 TELEPHONE: 207-761-3576 E. M. ABBOTT August 27, 1974 OVERSEER Mn. Richard wand Zoning Adm.iniztAati.ve 0j6icen City o6 South. Buxt i.ngton 1175 OJ.c..e ei ton Road South Bu tti.ngton, VeAmont 05401 Dean Mn. Wand: This w.itt conjiAm my appointment to meet with the Zoning Board o4 South. Bunii.ngton, Monday, September 9, at 5:00 p.m. I t,%urt we w.itPt be abte to come to a mutu.a2 agnee- ment at that time. S.incenet y young, E.V� . 004 — E. M. Abbott Oveueen, N. New Engtan.d BMA: kda ?ebruary 27, 1973 Smith, Eel! & i'auck 1 SOUt-.Inc. 4 ' I r 102 h inooski 1-venue Furl inCton, V1111 05401 Attention: "r. 14ichael Weissman Dear "r. Weissman: This letter is to inform you that the 'South Furlington City rouncil has denied the use variance for the Church of God Inc. "'hey are concerneri with the parcel o" land in question and a provision in the proposed zoninEr ordinance which applies to set -back from property lines. 111 required yards will be 50 feet in the case of a church use. Very truly, Richard Vard oning AdmA. U `�nislrative Officer .-J T J/ 'i w j Fetru"ary 73 Smith, r-ell & Hauck, '-'nc. 102 so-L.J-J. 'venue Furlington,, VT 051+01 Attention: 11r. IT. Weissman Gentlenpin: -ubJ-'(--,t: ux ch of �-od, Inc. 1�' - T'(- a6vl"od that 11'n "'out.' Purlinf, ' ton Zon'-�Y)F, Tlcar' of ;%djust- riont has approved vour request for a use var'ance, t.is request requir^s s,-,.nct-A,on b' the City Counc-111. Before submitting this request tc the Council you will, be required to furnis�i data to this or -'rice showing the proposed sewer s�stom. I also recommend that ycu submit ,::i revised rolot plan. Please advise this c,f'ice wr-en you can furnish the above and I will sc1,(-,,d1.tle a Meeting witl'-� ti-e City Council. Very truly, T-, ichard .'ard Zor,ing Administrative Of"icer Smith, Yell & Inc P,Lttention: tIeissman 102 Sleuth Winooski Avenue Purl ingrtor.iI 4r'11' 0")"! 01 Dear Mr. I u"; x ,urlin,ton Zonir,-7 Ffxad o Adjustment r--'Tular meeting- at the City Of'rice3, Corcerence I.,oad or. Wednesday,, ?'C-bruary 1:?73 at 7:30 to consi4-ker the roquest of Church of rod, Inc. for a zonin7 variance. Please ;51an to attend. fiery truly, , Richard Ward Zoning "I.dministrative 0-7.ficer RW/J 4fi�,���. 1i7-. m ti dr��' fiMV Yoh I 0 to 4+ �f'� I vi.rP {t+ �^ 9Y �s ,S r �'Yi'� �. N 4 ' ,.k{.F v��x ;'f t�� a�ou,. q 9;r G a ' a tit f °+.Mk. t t: r, 1_1"n, iiq IS� 'x ,,� rs,'w ', ,M,If'a1 ;� v f �w 6p, k ! [ 5�r , �:d�y1,�., `� i .J y�,;. (,x 41 r� w- kr 4, 1.� fle ,� "1�i:'' J t h C'M� P��l �`�. iV xr,� rat �£Ri f 1 ti �, �,1, �f; "'t .r ;< a �R. 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Churches allowed in Residential District A by special exception and allowed in Residential District B. y A v �r s y rs 1, , {'tr, h } 'i'�t '� �, ,, t t`k1 � 4 "� � sun ee sk L r $tir rd } H r^ x W ff rGs r p r, f p. a w„p .5 ' }� `✓ '' ljs. Sal- - ,r." 9 e r et t m } et F ,+,, i ¢ } k s ,` 't f Y �41 i r d nr, e I p 'x r!, 4 a i � t+ f .: ,. a,, e TA ; i e '�,' ii }i st ,� t Grp r ✓a a r t 1OM AN"; ,i r ,e ,+ t.th Yrtr its is ^ r✓ , e s:: i ✓ e q fi r 1' s' y,..�,ry, 1 k ., d 9 aa» f�a;" �r r ' '' it ,,� �° t..,t +'sl < ;r t: - WARS 1s . ,... e, Fk,1dt .� avp ✓, d 4 x iyr "� ,KIN rr ) a x s l +E 9 ?{ f,: P 6 �a Y' 4 e }i ,'.�8,�$r?rt ti �r}`1.`">� 41 "WIN�',h:}'%k,} " ✓sir r v�y2dS'4r,, ^! � ,9fq 1r` 'k ✓« elb,: ter v' , ht ! f ar f s p e r 'Y"4 ,"n kr, t,a,A 'iS irr �ri�Sr r`wGtis,. 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F � �, t of a {Y Fv� 7 ".�3'�, � ! -s1' , a a , �7 f A r . �": gyp', r s �M Sr r� eta tl� $�r� A4t �, M}}r t, q�,:�tW „�.r12 �:'k ?t 1 �v vf,a��+ ,P J�,• � � t� t Yt .k -r k"� �z} a�e<'2; •`.,s! ✓RP 4: ^*, $ fk rc+ya d+ fry#.s^p r` y �r r r t ` r d}' r '�a f v -fr; r, i=„ d } ✓ �k,., `,+ XK1Phr kr :r++r ePrvd~r1;15 a";"e, A d!d` ✓r idt vsray° til r } x f+` i °'i tk' p y �{ e /a r ? 7e i 7„ir ta' v y 4 y�y5yp'I" ,, Spp f `r' r lq � "P ; r f q ' _, � Yr r PX� 3}x -> 'pR' ^tk"g� �N, ty.5tr 5A .Pre' + d .¢ t '"gfjFisits""wPy {�d"yy, ad:y'F Ja 't,u°rke kk� .P; y .r'?±„5�',ir,'dyf$�,•', e�:� 1 ,�+.7,s� �+'�r �.` ,{' , ,�'a', °:j a,� t`�t` fp e ;<e� ,} y�+r � � 5, WL ,', Pr rt � ",f ` Y v � S n� ' p3''it. t�� t %�;•. r��7. r ,� �"�� � �u b$ � a `a,+ter' �Y��, �� � ., , �� + t x Y. }. z, a t"" "m9 a"✓ ftevi + 7t d rir '; L s e i A t t."' `. r�m;: x ,a 1 ,r i'A., k 3 f y u,a✓e ,� e+ :. ni ,i Rolm 'gyrr �d'is".A,w..h3 y°Md r �Jir4,Srm '?A �4aa °. s;,�rr .y le ,Xx `t="r'rs'ry;E r.; .`;t C'S.,X�ri b�'4T'or He ,Y .i': ��j�p ;t•F;; r.°{�r.�:s tI 4r.ra` f" F °��}r �"t Neer: J 0 9 � ... 1"r 1 - nj 't r {}`._, J pd i,�tt« s�r'{,_ 1 ' a• ,r'. � eater.., t °"t , +' �7 rs" .s$, {r� er a ,kart? $:.rkr C ,�.' ,d `'F.; °i,u,.f. r� r '` ;,,, t �; f, '3, o- , t•,, lea p p, it , A ra kri'� AMP A ,G: ;'rF,' i ;,y,•? s ri a ., r d 4 t v a } it y ,up tia`d `i ✓= 3" H ' r i' j ,.,,,i , k'� „p "t,• e ¢1�°> � 7 dl wp ,,f ts,',��s S �. � F,.., e t,? a u� r:°!, �y� i�t ;':: �4p"r �. •��'k1`r t r ,'� � :,' t 1 �`.,. ?"'£: ,4 �qs 'JA e�N sa• n rp,,( r p y;F w to � r �, y b i,; r,� ,��` ': � �' c P'�': � a, � r1�`� 1 4p a , "f", ! ,{Ya r'� a=�_`S ✓r 1*� iF rrrt . 4r1: v'ejr 01 mom-' f r r v +isk�7y' gyp" r$f k✓ri p� t� t r s�1. N0r rrY��i, a 7, gg At '< down- � ' r'•`k9+ s B .` ar ' ✓ e n r �s l ✓ tY r d+ pS r c d s F =. Mp"� e t e ry x , ,,r I MAGNOLIA HOMES MANUFACTURING CORP. CHURCH TYPE MODEL NO 43 1. The following represent a detailed description of the mobile church using the expanding principle 2. The chassis shall contain two 8" Jr. I beam longitudinal members 80" O.C. The frame shall bD of all electrically welded steel members. The chassis A frame shall consist of heavy duty box steel and shall consist of a heavy duty scree type leveling jack and coupler. Frames are constructed with peoper umber to minimize deflection. I� 3. `The Center Section floor shall be constructed as follows. Bottom shall be covered with water repellent Simplex Building paper, to protect in- sulation, and fastened to floor joists. Floor joist ashall be 2 x 4 con- struction Kiln Dried Southern';iYellow Pine S4S standard and shall be spaced on approximate 16" centers cilr as required in order to maintain a structur-- ally sound unit and adhere t�� good building practices. End of joist shall be tied together by 2 x 4 perIimeter frame using #16 cement coated nails. Top of joists shall be used s a support for 4 x 10 or 4 x 12, fully sanded to apprgximately 5/8" C an� better under face , exteroor plywood. Flooring is to be attached by means of adhesive as well as mechanical attachment. Floor is to be nailed of per joist with #16 cement coated nails Flooring shall be sanded to mooth finish after being attached to joist, and before tile is laid. Til shall be Congoleum 1/8" vinyl asbestos com- mercial grade floor tile and hall be adhere to floor with cement as recommended by manufacturer. Flooring shall be protected during fabrication bymeans of 90 pound Georgjia--Pacific Kraft Paper, but Kraft Paper shall be removed before shipmen of unit from factory to customer. Floor shall be insulated with 1 1/4" fi erglass insulation with a R, factor of 5. 4. The two side floors consist 'of a sandwich panel construction. The core consists of 2 1/2 " honeycp' mb with 3/8 " fir plywood on top side with a 3/8" fir exterior plywoodlon lower side. This Construction is put to- gether under pressure with ational Caesin Glue (No.3530-P). The lower side is painted with black sphalt paint to preserve and insure long life. There is a 3" x 50' piano hinge that connects the center floor to the side floor. The hinge is covere with sponge to act as a weatherproofing. • 5. The s idew all consists of a s4ndw ich Panel construction with 1 1/2 " ex- panded styrene bead core. The interior is a 5/8" panel prefinished luan with Class "C " Fire Ruing . The exterior is 3/16 " laun plywood glued under pressure with ational Casein Glue (No. 3530-P). The Luan plywood is then covered with .019 Gauge Embossed Aluminum pre --formed and pre --painted with a baked do enamel finish. This is screwed to the side - wall with #7 x 1" hex head{ screws. It is hinged with 1 1/2" x 50' piano hinge which is connected td the outer side of the side floor. 6. The roof rafters shall be a tru s type, pitched for proper drainage. There shall be two l" x 3" si e rails se cured to the rafters. There shall be two 1" x 3" side rail secured to the rafters. There shall be Simplex board applied to t� e top side of the roof framing so as to r form a firm base of the exter, it roof. Roof metal shall be of one piece designed 30 gauge fabricated galvanized steel with cap strip. 7. The side roof shall consist o a sandwich panel construction with 1 1/2 " expanded styrene bead core.; The interior is a 3/16" vinyl ceiling panel prefinished. The exteror is /8" fir plywood glued under pressure with National Casein Glue ( No. 3530-P). The fir plywood is then covered with one piece designed 30 gaugd' fabricated galvanized steel with a cap strip. This is screwed and nailed to the exterior side. It is then hinged with 3" x 50' piano hinge which i connected to the outer edge of the center roof. 8. All exteroir wall metal shall be .019 aluminum, preformed to insure extra rigidity and fastened to the $ody with #7 x l" cadium plated hex head twin thread screws. All seams, vertical and horizontal, shall be sealed with Permagum. The center roof metal shall be one piece designed 30 gauge fabricated galvanized steel �ith a cap strip lapped and sealed with Perma- gum. All corners and edges of walls on exterior shall be cowered with Aluminum molding. 9. Electrical supply and distribution shall be controlled by means of circuit breakers, 110/220 volt, 60 cy+le , single phase. Entrance will be through conduit with all wiring devices, conduits, etc., being properly sized to meet or surpass National Electrical Code as well as the Mobile Homes Manufacturers Association A 119 l minimum wire size #12--2 with ground. All wire and receptacles are to be grounded. All receptacles are to be polarized and in sufficient qtkantity as required be either National Electrical I I i i Code or Mobile Homes MAN JFACTURERS Association 119 1 . The equipment'used herein shall be or commerci l quality and installed with accordance with present recognized building!practice as well as th above mentioned gov- erning bodies. All the wiring in this unit is to be copper. 11. Exterior doors shal be 3'0" 6'8" on End Walls and 6' 0" on side walls, with panic hardware on the �Iront door and all doors shall be made of aluminum. 12. Aluminum framed jalouise hpng with single- strength glass, size to be 46x 27 mobile home type. 13. PLUMBING Y SCOPE: This section covers Ithe plumbing system: The system shall stub out six (6) inches elow module. GENERAL: The plumbing system shall conform to the applicable rules of the National Plumbing Code. PIPING: All water supply piping in floors shall be in hard drawn copper or galvanized pip Minimum size of entrance to be 3/4" dia. pipe. Pipe from f xture to floor stub out of main line shall be 3/8" O. D. Fle ible Copper Tubing. FIXTURES: A. Water closets shall be vitreous china, standard size, color white Peerless No. 1012B or equal. Water closet shall have modesty par'itions, two paper holders. Bo Lavatories s all be wall hung vitreous china, 18 " x 15 " Peerless or qual. C. Bathroom Power Vent Fans 14. AIR CONDITIONING AND HATING A. Heating to Electric or 4as, as specified on Sales order. Bo Electric Heat shall be Irby Texas Thermal, upflow with minimum of 50,000 BTU out -put. I C. Air and Heat Combos all be by TTI, if electric and Intertherm if gas, if specified on Shales Order. Corte Officer Copy TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PERMIT NO. ......................... . A( LICATION FOR BUILDIP PERMIT DATE, ... ............ . The undersigned hereby applies for permission to make certain building improvements as described belAw. (Plans to be submitted if required by Building Inspector.) All construction to be completed in accordance with the Zoning Laws and Building Regulations of the Town of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and conform to the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and any and all Federal Regulations now in effect. • CONSTRUCTION NUMBElt. • VCCUPANCY FLOORS • Depth• i— WATER SUPPLY:.0� Private ..�i ... SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Public D Septic Tank r--1 Permit # ROAD OPENING: (Show layout) Permit # • Overhead Permit .�i ■ ■ • • ' ■r■/rr ti . f .. ... OZONE ■■■ a ERN OEM min MIN Sao I ass son mmu;mMlro.mm—:o a OEM Emmons Immun ..twon sn slim son son _ :.. nwwm anvil MIN sltnw■■■ man n■■IN/w■ ■ . _ = ■■r� � ■ monsoon ■ ■■sn■■/■ r0 Cellar Arema Fullr ■._■ Rome, monsoon on■r■in�■.■ ■ann ■nnr■..■■■■■/■si■■ ■■ ■ns� Riots' ; moons 1n■■t ■nn■rn■n■ � 'Finished Attic .rr■r�r■/ /■C :MEIsonN :'r:a am r■nio mow ad,Fireplace on ....HEATING i ■�i.is■■■so i San siii ar 1i �o0■.2 • ' ■ soon //■ soon .■■■■nlnt /■MEIN", son Drop ■■it.■st ■■un ■l.,■ ,��..■.■s■..u..m■■■■■s.■r/■ No n ■nMam ■a■ sI ■anrounso■■■nn■onns■sm.on d Shingles a litsi■w�iiimossma = %iii ii be ago ■ =■r■■■■■o■ ■i summon Stucco ■ /n■.■o■ nus//■■/■■ ■n ■■■Mt ■■ Stucco summon an urnNI\1■I " ■■/■■■■ Brick Veneer I' Gas /■■ son ■■ / ■ ■■■■n■s■ /■■■■■. //■■■■o■■ ■■■ ■■s■■■■■■■■■ Brick on Tile 1 .; ■■■ow■s.■■...■/■■ ■�■t0m■■�■'o■i■i.i■ .i■i.■.m.o.■n■0■■�■■■0 ■■ Solid Brick ■■■■r.r■n■■s.■■n.■o■.n.nrn■ .■�■Bas■sonns.■MON■■ON ■■.■■■■n■owns■■nn■■ w■ ors■■,■■■■//■■/■■■■ ■■■■.■■■■ Stone•..., : ■nnt ■ n r0ww ■■i.■ E0*os■tn.■sls Mims ■■.■■■ �■s■nnos■s■■■ns■ ■■ .isi w�■r■ o�i■r 1 ■�w■o■mo■onn.w■ .. ••` on son �moo�i�%�f�■so��onoo�tt EVES%����■�f���%�� ■■r■■■■=%rnw■s■swi=s1■■inowt■ n..■isiiiiii�ii son n r■ nt■.t.■■■s■ //■�n■■■ ■n■r.rnnrn�.■■■tr■r Plate Glass■■■■sVitrolite Insulation Auto. Wat. Heat Remarks Demolition[] Utilities closed RejectedE] Ja/ 'A I Laundry x,• ROOFING -Asph.Shingles No Plumbing .. s-- TILING ,.Shingle Tile LIGHTING Metal 1, Electric CompositionRoll Roofing NO. OF ROOMS Insulation L..,, Ist. 13rd. MUOMPU A Ij jN$.............................. -.............. SIGNATURE of 6WNER or AGENT Plans received ! 1 Yes F] No. El 1 ................................. -----------..-:.............................. ............................... ADDRESS of OWNER APPLICATION: REJECTED ❑ APPROVED SIGNATURE OF CODE OFFICER ISSUEDTO ..... . ................................................................ ...... .... ....................... ............. _.......... ....................................... ....................... .................................. Date............................................................ 19............ PERMIT VALID FOR SIX MONTHS Hearin Date -k.� (T( f+�Advt. Date g South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: Advertise 6 days prior to meeting. I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of $30-00 which fee is to off -set costs of holding said hearing. Signature and Addr ss Church o6 God, Inc., 2 Winstoty Road, E. M. Abbott, Oveueen and Agent January 24, 1973 Date P.O. Box 957, Pound, Maine 04104 SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 .Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on —wednesdat day of week_s FP_b&aaAV 7- 1973 at _C= ��' to consider the following: month and date timer_ Appeal of Church o4 God, Inc. seeking a name variance from Section '' , - �' of number title of section the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to panh a mobile chuh.e pnopeAty Located at 600 ffinesbulcg Road, South BwtUngton. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT