HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0033 Harbor View Roadei 2 south y r . PLANNING & ZONING December 18, 2015 Harbor Heights Homeowners Association c/o Property Management Associates P.0 Box 1205 Williston, VT 05495 Re: Open Zoning Permit #ZP-09-212 — 33 Harbor View Road Dear Sir/Madame: A review of our records has indicated that the above referenced property has an open Zoning Permit (copy enclosed) in that a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued for the work authorized by that permit. Section 17.03 (A) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations requires that a Certificate of Occupancy be obtained prior to using that which was approved under the permit. Additionally, condition #5 of site plan approval #SP-09-26 (copy enclosed) also requires that a Certificate of Occupancy be issued. Therefore, please complete and submit the enclosed Certificate of Occupancy application together with a $153 application fee within two (2) weeks from the date of this letter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. SincereI- , Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Harbor Heights Homeowners Ass'n c/o Property Mgmt. Assoc. Z �� ✓ y— �I .Applicant: Application No: [office use only] Address: PO Box 1205 Williston, VT 05495 Daytime phone: 860-3315 Property, 33 Harbor View Road Address/Location: UT 05403 Property Owner: Harbor Heights Homeowners Association Address: 33 Harbor View Road Tax Parcel ID No. 015 0 - 0 0 0 OA Parcel Size: 3.96 ac +/- 1. PROPOSED project including building dimensions (describe): Construction of a 90' x 20' subsurface stormwater retention system, a swirl concentrator, access road and repairs to the existing catch basin/culvert network 2. Present use of property (e.g. single family home, garage, commercial building, etc): Residential Present structure(s) on property (describe including dimensions or square footage): Six multifamily buildings, three carports, associated parking/drives 2. PROPOSED use of property (please describe in detail any change in use of property): No change 3. ESTIMATED total cost of improvements: $ 70,000 ATTACH SKETCH PLAN (see attached sketch plan instructions) OR SITE PLAN. 4. Building footprint— i.e. size in sq.ft of main floor of house and all attached and detached structures including enclosed breezeways, garages, and sheds (describe): Not applicable Total square feet of other impervious surfaces on site (i.e. driveways, patios, decks) 0 S . f . I 5. APPLICANT/OWNER CERTIFICATION l�y The undersigned property owner hereby consents to submit this application and understands that if the application is approved, the Zoning Permit and any attached conditions will be binding on the property. Property dwner Signature PRINT NAME Date The undersigned applicant hereby affirms that the information presented in this application is true, accurate and complete. 11111111111110am Applicant Signature PRINT NAME Date ° OFFICE USE ONLY — ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION — OFFICE USE ONLY k � DATE Received: v � FEE Received; $ 11 Identification of zoning district: Identification of proposed use: ✓ / O, ` h/ k bvuj "PROPOSED USE TYPE: v Permitted Conditional Date of SITE PLAN>approval/denial / j L� A proval Date Date of SUBDIVISION approval/ denial' Approval bate Date of CONDITIONAL USE approval/ denial Approval Date Date of appeal VARIANCE approval/denial Approval Date Date of MISCELLANEOUS approval/ denial Approval Date Denial Date Denial Date Denial Date Denial Date Denial Date FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION Z O PY301 R M I T �l ` U APPROVED r 1 Approval Date Admi strative-0 icer's Signature l % Permit EFFECTIVE date �/Permit EXPIRATION date �( / DENIED REASON for DENIAL Denial Date Administrative Officer'sSignature Notice of Appeal Rights: Any interested person may appeal this decision by filing a written Notice of Appeal with the clerk of the Development Review Board within fifteen [15] days of the date of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $111.00. December 15, 2010 Harbor Heights Homeowners Association c/o Property Management Associates P.O. Box 1205 Williston, VT 05495 Re: Open Permit #ZP-09-212, 33 Harbor View Road Dear Sir/Madame: Please be advised that zoning permit #ZP-09-212 for a stormwater treatment system at 33 Harbor View Road issued on August 11, 2009 is still open. If this project is complete, please submit an application for a Certificate of Occupancy. This application may be downloaded from www.sburl.com/permits . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. SincJr,R . Belai Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0526-12 APPLICANT Harbor Heights Homeowners Association ADDRESS c/o Scott Michaud Property Management Associates P.O. Box 1206 Williston, VT 05495 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0526-12, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 184, Pages 316-319, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to the Harbor Heights Homeowners Association, the Permittee as Grantee. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittee to construct a 90' x 20' subsurface runoff detention structure installed behind units #701-#704. Additional storm sewer piping to be installed to convey runoff to structure. Sediment removal to be provided by a swirl concentrator. The project is located on Harbor View Road in the City of South Burlington. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittee, and its assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of Land Use Pen -nit #4C0526 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the property covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 3. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with: the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission, and the conditions of this permit. 4. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 - "Overall Site Plan, Harbor Heights" dated 3/19/09, last revision 4/13/09; Sheet 2 - "Stormwater Treatment Plan, Harbor Heights" dated 3/19/09, last revision 4/13/09; and Sheet 3 - "Stormwater Treatment Details, Harbor Heights" dated 3/19/09, last revision 4/13/09. Land Use Permit 94CO526-12 Page 2 of 4 5. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 6. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. 7. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. 8. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the rules of the Natural Resources Board (Act 250 Rules). 9. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and their successors and assigns. 10. The Permittee shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 11. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Supply Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 12. The Permittee and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 13. The Permittee shall comply with Exhibit #22 for erosion control. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 14. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 15. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time, any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). Land Use Permit #4C0526-12 Page 3 of 4 16. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, either seeded and mulched or covered in stone or rolled erosion control matting immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be double mulched and seeded before September 15. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Standards & Specifications for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (2006). 17. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 18. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittee shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittee from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 19. The Permittee shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip between all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 20. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State approved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 21. No exterior light fixtures have been proposed or approved by this permit amendment. 22. The Permittee shall not erect exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 23. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 24. Should the town at any time agree to accept any private utilities being then operated by the Permittee and/or assigns and successors in interest, the Permittee and/or assigns and successors in interest shall be responsible to improve the same to Town specifications and shall deed all lands involved with said improvements to the Town. Such improvements may require a land use permit amendment. 25. No further subdivision, alteration, and/or development of any parcel of land approved herein shall be permitted without the written approval of the District Commission or a written determination from the District Coordinator that a permit is not required. 26. The Permittee shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0526-12 in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 27. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittee has not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 28. All site work and construction shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans by October 30, 2012, unless an extension of this date is approved in writing by the Commission. Land Use Permit #4C0526-12 Page 4 of 4 Such requests to extend must be filed prior to the deadline and approval may be granted without public hearing. 29. The Permittee shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from the Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or two years from the date of this permit, whichever shall occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee based on actual construction costs must be paid at the time of certification in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittee shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") shall be mailed to: Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification. 30. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., § 6027(g). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 27`h day of May, 2009. By /s/ Kate Purcell Kate Purcell, Vice Chair District #4 Commission Members participating in this decision: Jim McNamara Chuck Dunham Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the State of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciarv.org. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418 Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C0501-4C0750\4C0526\4C0526-12\4C0526-12 PMT logo.wpd Site Plan Application Permit Number SP-�6 - APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): Harbor Heights Homeowners Association c/o Property Management Associates PO Box 1205, Williston, VT 05495 tel: 860-3315 fax: 985-3305 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Same as above 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Shane Mullen, Heindel & Noyes, Inc. PO Box 4503, Burlington, VT 05406 tel: 658-0820 x 23 fax: 860-1014 a. Contact e-mail address: smullen-heindelnoyes.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS"` Harbor View Road 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0150-000OA 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Construction of a "best -fix" stormwater treatment system for acqusition by the South Burlington Stormwater Utility. System consists of a swirl concentrator and underground stormwater storage chambers connected to the existing infrastructure. Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): 33 residential units in six buildings. Three carports for vehicle storage. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): A manhole -style swirl concentrator device and 100' x 20.5' stone bed with four 98' long arch -shaped open bottom stormwater chambers. Reconfiguration of existing discharge culverts to accomdate changed flows. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): No changes to building square footage will occur due to this project. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): No changes to heights of building/number of floors will occur due to this project. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): 33 residential units in six buildings g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): Not applicable In. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 169,644 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existingno change% / n.c. sq. ft. Proposed n.c. % / n.c. sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 40 % / 68,825 sq. ft. Proposed n.c. % / n.c. sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing n.c. % / n.c sq. ft. Proposed n.c. % n.c. sq. ft. 2 d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 9,281 Site Plan Application * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ 0 0 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): Stormwater infrastructure - $70,000 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): n.c. b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): n.c. c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): n.c. 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Not applicable 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Late fall 2009 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) 3 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT -.!� L/` `' , k n -. SIGN TURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 3 �$Jo 1 �,T, A r' c j PRINT NAME REVIEW AUTHORITY: development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: 4/60-mplete ❑ Incomplete �40 Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Dhte Harbor Heights Condominiums — Abutters Physical Address Mailing Address 1. 25 Harbor View Road John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 2. Bay Court Condominiums 3. Harbor Meadow Condominiums 4. 19 Baycrest Drive 5. 22 Keari Lane 6. Irish Cove Condominiums Bay Court Condominium Association Fred Hogdon, President PO Box 64962 Burlington, VT 05406-4962 Harbor Meadows Association, Inc. Bonnie West, Registered Agent 32 Baycrest Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Charles Myers 19 Baycrest Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Barbara and Paul Collins 22 Keari Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Irish Cove Condominium Association Molly Dillon, President 31 Irish Cove Road South Burlington, VT 05403 UAPROJECTS\Harbor Heights Stormwater\Harbor Heights_abutters.doc DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 21 APRIL 2009 PAGE 2 and 46 of the previous approval to allow access to the cabinets to face the road, 15 Community Drive: Mr. Behr asked why the applicant can't comply with the stipulations. Mr. Gallo said the position of the cabinets didn't allow access from the rear because of slope and other conditions. If any plantings are removed during access, they will be replaced. Mr. Belair said staff is OK with this. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SD-09-24 of Technology Park Partners subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Site Plan Application #SP-09-25 of Technology Park Partners to amend a previously approved plan, site plan approval #SP-09-11, for a 111 sq. ft. utility cabinet vault and cabinet mounted on top. The amendment consists of eliminating conditions #3 and #6 of the previous approval to allow access to the cabinets to face the road, 25 Community Drive: Mr. Gallo said this is the same issue as the previous application. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SD-09-25 of Technology Park Partners subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Site Plan Application #SP-09-26 of Harbor Heights Homeowners Association to amend a previously approved plan for 33 multi -family dwelling units in six buildings. The amendment consists of constructing a "best fix" storm water treatment system, 33 Harbor View Road: Mr. Mullin of Heindel & Noyes reviewed the history of the application. The subdivision was built in the early 1980's, and the storm water facility was not installed according to the plan. The storm water permit from the state has expired, and the Association wants to meet the "best fix" standards. The proposal will meet state standards for a one-year design storm. Mr. Belair said Tom DiPietro says the requirements are met, but he may ask for some minor changes after approval. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-09-26 of Harbor Heights Homeowners Association subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. f 1 r , �y T� T���� Q UNNAMED TRIBUTARY RAT .---- _ ; 1 i ► ' OF BARILETT BROOK I\ I - v y EXISTING \ 36' STEEL `�I �� 1 �� II�� ����1 ♦ i �I w\ \I /'.i T� PLATE ARCH T 11 I I 1 `—_ `lV 1 1' / �.� I I I' >/ I 1 11 4 / I 4 / / / /' •�/T /' 111LLC 1 It I , YI�I r 1 ©\--- EXMTM 1 1 SHIMMING POOL I ` 1 I I I 1 _ - - -- PROPOSED SUBSUROACESSTORMWATER NTRUCRE ; =� S1MHI 11 II I CARPORT —1r/^/ 'I ► 1 � I __ _ 1 I I 1/ I L1 I ' II I I IeM_ r _ - _ eN_ I 'r \I 1 I ❑� 11 11 1 I I rj I \ ti TEMPORARY BENCHMARK L I 1 I 1 Y 1 I — _ I �, I S MH RIM ELEV: 237.50 1 c) m ® 1 I I I NI --- I 1❑ 1 o I I \ I �N,'t� vv vv AAvhw� CARPORT ► 1 1 I 1 / -t- �� � ,10*41- kRD. EN SITE LOCUS NOT TO sC� RECEIVE MAR 10 2009 City of So. 01. LEGEND EXISTING CATCH BASIN ® EXISTING MANHOLE iT EXISTING HYDRANT 0 PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR - EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE — PROPERTY LINE — — — EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT ... — STREAM TREE LINE 1, EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY GENERATED FROM 2004 CCMPO DEM 2. STORMWATER AND BUILDING FEATURES IDENTIFIED BY 3-10-09 TOTAL STATION SURVEY BY HEINDEL 6: NOYES 3, PROJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM PLAN TITLED 'REVISED LOT PLAN, HARBOR HEIGHTS CLUSTER B* BY KREBS 6: LANSING CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED 6/23/86. ALL OTHER PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SOUTH BURLINGTON TAX MAPS. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 4. ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 2 - - OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 HARBOR HEIGHTS HARBOR VIEW RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT GRAPHIC SCALE s T4 s u Tm ( OIL — IN rm) 1 Inch - SO N. Heindel & Noyes, Inc. ' Hydrogeology • Ecology HN. Environmental Engineering �. CONSULTING SCIENTISTS AND ENG. i NOTED 13-19-09 S.M.S. S,M.M. 17M.M. I I 434 Shelburne Road - P.O. Box 4503 nLE,lWWWMu1JmICI DRAFT O FINAL Burlington, Vermont 05406 (802) 658-0820 1 3 I 30' STEEL PLATE OUTFALL INV: 207.931 ■ 12" SDR 35 PVC DUVALL - T019UT�Y INV: 208.78 UNN OF �� 12' SOR 35 PVC OUTFACE INV: 209.62 CORE HEAD WALL TO FIT REPLACEMENT 15" SDR 35. PVC PIPE REPLACE EXISTING PIPE IMTH 15" SDR 35 PVC. PIPE 1 ` \ 1 I 1 I PROPOSED STORM IMANHOLE STMH4 RIM: 224,So INV. IN: 212.97 INV. OUT: 212.87 1 EXISTING CONCRETE HEAD WALL J— � I _ 0SSTEEL PLATE ARCH PROPOSED OUTLET SRq i TRUCTUE TO REPLACE EXISTING STORM MANHOLE \ SOOTING I 1� RIM: 223.69 STORM MANHOLE INV. IN: 212.84 Os INV NV. OUT 219.219.3, I I STRUCTURE BOTTOM! 210.74 / . INV. OUT 2: 221.04 DETAIL) I I (SEE D --``_`\1 I ,I I I PROPOSED OPT SKIRL CONCENTRATOR- \ MH I I ST M H 2 INV IN: 212.72 I I INV. OUT: 210.79 I (SEE DETAIL) \ ` RESET OR REPLACE EXISTNO PIPE MATCH EXISTING AND INVERT \ MH REMOVE PIPING PROPOSED INVERT ELEVATION$ CONCENTRATOR AND INV OUT: 213.00 EMSTING STORM MANHOLE I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I� I i I I I I 1 I I - B„ - - > I I I _ I II I II SUBSURFACE SWRMWATER RETENTION STRUCTURE 1 (SEE DETAIL) I I I I O II I I II � I II � I I II I I II 1 _I L i I I II PROPOSED STORM I I I MANHOIE STMH3 I STMH 1 I I I RIM: ! 218 I INV. IN: 218.4J I I NV. OUT: 218.33 MH _ J __ 50 i (—�-- I MH 135P MH--__--I I C`�' B9 II I ' PROPOSED I DIVERSION MANHOLE RIN: 225.75— INVS. IN: 214.54 INV. IN: 218.29 INV. OUT. 216.04 I I (SEE DETAIL) I ) ��. I / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 Inch - 10 ft. RECEIVED MAR 2 0 2009 City of So. Burlington STORMWATER TREATMENT PLAN HARBOR HEIGHTS HARBOR VIEW RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Heindel & Noyes, Inc. NOTED 3-19-09 • Hydrogeology • Ecology • S. M. S. HVN • Environmental Engineering • J r xu: CONSULTING SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS S.M.M. S.M.M. 434 Shelburne Road - P.O. Box 4503 fILE:t IinRton, Vennont 05406 (802)658-0820 MIRAFl S00X g6'- FOR SCOUR PROTECTION, _START F A OVERFLOW MANIFOLD MIN. S" DIVERSION -[• MANHOLE 56.4" (SEE DETAIL)(14J i m INLET (BY-�J L424" (610 mm) 4AIRAFI 50OX L INSPECTION PORT RACTOR) PIPE AROUND CHAMBER I A PLAN VIEW O 96.2" (2443 mm) UY LENGTH START 55,4" e6.s" 04" S,D mm)W (2169 mm) (2246 mm) X 1.5 (38 mm) H LAY LENGTH UV LENGTH SLOTTED N O ENO SIDEWALL OPENINGS ELEVATION VIEW TYPICAL LAYOUT 4" (102 mm) SCHEDULE 40 PVC RISER WITH RING AND COVER (SUPPLIED BY OTHERS)1 CONTECH C-40 _re (305 mm) MIN. f (152 mm) MIN. / Sa3 (170 mm) SUITABILITY OF SUBGRADE TO BE VERIFIED BY ENGINEER DF RECORD �;1(152 I mmHOPE UNER 3064mm) 7{•4"mj-L12" (305 mm) TO PREVENT ( ) CROUNOWAIER (� MIN. (TYP) 5" (12T m IN1R1140N tI6CTION AA MIN. SPACIN ( ) PE- ­ MI AM 50OX FOR SCOUR PROTECTION 20.5' ISEY0 1. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 2. GRANULAR ROAD BASE. 3. WELL GRADED GRANULAR FILL. AASHTO M145 At, A2, OR A3. COMPACT TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T99. 4. FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE 3/4" (19 mm) - 2" (51 mm) PARTICLE SIZE. COMPACT TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T99. STORM CHAMBER STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ENDS OF EACH SECTION SHOULD BE TURNED UP GRADIENT TO CREATE "J-HOOK" WIRE OR CABLE TIES LOCATE FENCE 8' to 9' FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO =� N ALLOW PONDINO FABRIC i OST TRENCHING METH OO 'BEST T-POST NTM ATTACXUENT TO POST LP USE STEEL T-POST IF CANNOT ACHIEVE 20" DEPTH NTH WOW POSTS. _SILT FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEEDING AND MULCHING NOTES 1. ALLAREAOFOISTURBANCEMU$TIUVETEMPORARYORPERMANENTSTABILIZ MM NTHIN T DAYS OF THE INITIAL DISTURBANCE. AFTER THIS TIME, ANY DISTURBANCE IN THE AREA MUST BE STABILIZED AT THE END OF EACH NARK DAY. THE FOLLOWING EXCEPRONS APPLY: (1) STABIUZATION IS NOTREOURED ID WORK IS TO CONTINUE IN THE AREA WITHN THE NEXT 24 HOURS AND THERE IS NOT PRECIPITATION FORECAST FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS, OR (2) STABIUZ nM IS NOT REQUIRED IF THEW K IS OCCURRING IN A SELF-CONTAINED EXCAVATION (I.E. NO OUTLET)'MTH A DEPTH OF 2 FEET OR GREATER (E.G. HOUSE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION, UTILITY TRENCHES). 2. TOPSOIL STC IKRLE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM LOSS BY ENCIRCLING THE PILE NTI4 SILT FENCE (SEE NAIL). DO NOT RACE TOPSOIL STOCKPILE IN WETLANDS, WETLAND BUFFER6, OR NEAR STEEP SLOPES, 3. FOR THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION ON STEEP SLOPES (E.G, DISCHARGE CULVERT TRENCHING), USE SEED MIX IS AS SPECIFIED IN THE VERMONT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (NOB), CONSISTING OF'. CREEPING RED FESCUE (0,0 LBSI1,000 SO, FT.) TALL FESCUE In 16 LBSNp00 SO. FT) PERENNIAL RYEGR/ 9S (010 LBSSO. FT.) BIRCSFOOT TREFOIL In4 LBSI1.000 S0. FT.) FOR THE LAWN AREA, USE THE FOLLOWING SEED MIX, APPLIED AT A RATE OF 8 LB511,000 SO. FT.', SU%CREEPING RED FESCUE N%KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 20%PERENNIAL RYEGRASS 4. MULCHING FOR AREAS NTH SLOPES LESS THAN 3H'. 1VSHALLUSESTRAWMULCHAT A PATE OF TWO TONS PER ACRE. FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 3H : 1V. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SHALL BE USED. A DOUR NETTED STRAW BLANKET WITH A BIODEGRADABLE NETTING SHALL BE USED, SUCH AS NORTH AMERICAN GREENS SCI50BN. SEE THE INSTALLATION DETAIL ON THIS SHEET FOR ROLUNG,STAPLING INSTRUCTIONS. MANHOLE 2. 1800 mm1 CIA I.D. TOP SLAB OPENING. TYPICAL O.O."18,145l-1 PLAN VIEW ASSEMBLED VIEW ---------- ---------- ----------- LEFT SIDE VIEW u« IALUMINMPONENTe IICIRiTYI RIGHT E SIDE VIEW o IALUMINMM T101 a TYI SWIRL CONCENTRATOR DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1 PLAN VIEW FOR CONCRETE DIVERSION WEIR (B" THICK) PLAN VIE NOTES NOTE - IN ROADWAY AREAS, REPLACE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND GRAVEL BASE (COMPACTED TO 95X MODIFIED PROCTOR) TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. FOR NEW ROAD CONSTRUCTION SEE ROAD DETAILS. FIS OVERFILL FOR SETTLEMENT (EXISTING GRADE PLUS a") //- TOPSOIL, SEED, . MULCH 1L . EXISTING GROUND APPROVED BAC%FlLL COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR 2" X 8" RIGID STRUCTURAL - POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SIDE VIEW WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS it OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ,F'a SIDE VIEW DIVERSION MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE i. STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (SWTS) SHALL BE A VORTGENTRY MODEL VSTOORAPPROVEDEOUAL. 2. ADESIGNFLOWOFI.NUSISMWDONTHEWATEROW TYSTORMEVEM (0.9• STORM DEPTI9. 3. SEA THE INTERNAL BAFFLE TO THE INSIDE TOP OF TAM( TO COUNTERACT RE -SUSPENSION OF FLOATASLES DURING LARGER STORM EVENTS 4. STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (SVITS) SMALL BE DESIGNED TO MEET PERFORMANCE GOALS BASED ON FULL SCALE LABORATORY PERFORMANCE DATA 5 SWTSSHALL BE DESIGNEDTORETNNFLOATASLESAND TRAPPEp SEgMENf AT FLOW RATES UP TO AID INCLUDING PEAK TREATMENT CAPACITY B. SOURS INVERTS IN AND OUT SHALL BE AT THE SAME ELEVATION T. SOURS SHALL NOT BE COMPROMISED BY EFFECTS OF DOV NSTREAM TAILWATER 8. SNRS SHALL HAVE NO INTERNAL COMPONENTS THAT OBSTRUCT MAINTENANCE ACCESS 9, PIPE ORIENTATION MAY VARY; SEE SITE PLAN FOR SIZE AND LOCATION 10. PURCHASER SHALL HOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSEMBLY OFINTERNALCOMPOT.ENT6 11, MAN HOLEFRAMESANOOCVERSSUPPUEDNTHSYSTEM, NOTINSTALLED 12, FUR ER TO PREPARE EXCAVATION AND PROVIDE UFTING EOUPMENT 13. VORTSENTRY BY CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS, PORTLAND, OR (800) 548-4B87; SCARBOROUGH, ME (877) 9 7-W7S: UNTHCUM, MD (8)T403318 VARIES CUSS II BLANKET (SAND) CUSS I BEDDWC MATERIAL \����1 f��// • A WET TRENCH SHALL BE DEWATERED PRIOR TO INSTALLING BEADING SHALL COMPLY NTH THE FOLLON�N�G GRADION REQ UIRE M ENTS: _ _ __O,$YL.SIZE P RAT P ONyO NO. 4 100 N0. 100 0-30 NO. 200 0-12 STORM SEWER TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BRICK ADJUSTMENT 70" CIA, COVER TWO COURSES MIN. SIX COURSES MAX. r- FINISH CRAOE UNDISTURBED SOIL OR 6" OF THOROUGHLY COMPACTED GRAVEL STORM MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STORMWATER DETAILS RECEIVED HARBOR HEIGHTS HARBOR VIEW RD. MAR 2 0 2009 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT r, �W'� Heindel & Noyes, Inc. NOTED 3-19-09 CityYI So. Burlington • Hydrogeology • Ecology • S. L I. S. �T � H�N • Env ronmental Engineering • S. M. J CONSULTING SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS S. M . M . S. M . M . 434 Shelburne Road - P.O. Box 4503 FILE:t KIRM11111k®DRAFT O FINAL Burlington, Vermont 05406 (802) 658.0820 3 3 r '• southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Irish Cove Condominium Association Molly Millon, President 31 Irish Cove Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, ):�Iml< Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 577 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r 40.� f� southburlinp-ton PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Barbara and Paul Collins 22 Keari Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com r ►ice•O southburfington PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Charles Myers 19 Baycrest Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Erml. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com southburlington PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Harbor Meadows Association, Inc. Bonnie West, Registered Agent 32 Baycrest Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com e(N -r, V-104►PA,II southb►urlineton CP PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Bay Court Condominium Association Fred Hogdon, President PO Box 64962 South Burlington, VT 05406-4962 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com r 4 �l 1WAIN I southb►urli gton PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board meeting. The enclosure includes a proposal that abuts property you own. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburi.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com southbuirlinatov PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Harbor Heights Homeowners Association c/o Property Management Associates PO Box 1205 Wiliiston VT 05495 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburl.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, 407 OJana BeagAle y Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. Cc: Shane Mullen Heindel & Noyes, Inc. PO Box 4503 Burlington, VT 05406 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com eer 41 - south wA '111 1,011 PLANNING & ZONING April 10, 2009 Harbor Heights Homeowners Association c/o Property Management Associates PO Box 1205 Williston VT 05495 Re: 33 Harbor View Road Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is the draft agenda for the April 21, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburi.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. Cc: Shane Mullen Heindel & Noyes, Inc. PO Box 4503 Burlington, VT 05406 575.L?orset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com • Consulting Hydrogeologists • Engineers Heindel & Noyes, Inc. • Environmental Scientists H P.O. Box 4503 Burlington, VT 05406-4503 Voice 802-658-0820/Fax 802-860-1014 April 16, 2009 Mr. Raymond Belair Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Post -it® Fax Note 7671 Date To I D From Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone Fax #k Fax # # of aces Re: Harbor Heights Condominiums — Response to Stormwater Comments Dear Ray: Thank you for forwarding the comments of Tom DiPietro, Stormwater Superintendent. Since our original submittal, we have made some changes to the layout of the stormwater system. Enclosed with this letter is a revised set of drawings; please refer to these when reviewing the responses to Mr. DiPietro. 1. We typically like to see a minimum SW pipe size of 15". Can that be used here? All proposed piping will be 15-inch or larger. 2. Provide an invert out elevation for the "proposed outlet structure to replace existing storm manhole". Refer to the revised Stormwater Details (sheet 3 of 3) for invert out elevation. 3. What size storm will be directed to the infiltration gallery? All runoff will be directed to the infiltration gallery. Modeling through the 100-year storm event indicate that no surcharging of existing or proposed structures will occur. 4. Please provide any results from soil investigation? Groundwater elevation? Two soil borings via hand -auger were performed on April 15. Results are as follows: HA-1 (Located 9 feet SW of outlet structure) 0 — 4": Dark brown topsoil/fine sandy loam 4 — 30": Dark orange fine sandy loam, few stones, moist @ 18" 30" — 57": Light grey very fine sandy loam, increased moisture, mottles @ 30" 57" — 69": Dark grey silt loam, standing water @ 69" Mr. Raymond Belair Re: Harbor Heights Condominiums — Response to Stormwater Comments April 16, 2009 Page 2 HA-2 (Located 57 feet west of southwest corner of building 6) 0 — 15": Dark brown fine sandy loam to very fine sandy loam 15 — 40": Light grey very fine sandy loam, moist @ 36" 40 — 55": Silt loam, standing water @ 55" 5. The detail provided for the swirl separator shows a pass through design, not a 90 degree turn as would be required by the proposed configuration. Provide an updated detail. Refer to the revised Stormwater Details (sheet 3 of 3) for a revised swirl concentrator detail. 6. How will the containment row function? A note on the detail says that there is an impermeable liner (typo?). The revised structure details clarify that a permeable filter fabric, not an impermeable liner, surrounds the containment row. The containment row's purpose is to trap sediment the swirl concentrator is unable to remove. The filter fabric prevents sediment from migrating through the rest of the structure and allows for ease of cleaning. 7. We prefer not to see steps in manhole structures. This encourages people to enter without following the appropriate safety procedures, and can become a hazard over time if the steps rot. Steps have been removed from all concrete structures. Refer to the revised Stormwater Details. We look forward to presenting this project before the Development Review Board on April 21. Sincerely, Shane M. Mullen, P.E. Project Engineer cc: Scott Michaud — Property Management Associates Tom DiPietro (via email) U:\PROJECTS\HARBOR HEIGHTS STORMWATER\LETTERS\SMM TO SBURL 041409.DOC A (SE DIVERSION (SEA 30 MIL PVC LINER TO PREVENT GROUNDWATER INTRUSION PLAN VIEW STORM CHAMBER STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SECTION AA ELEVATION VIEW TYPICAL LAYOUT STORM CHAMBER STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CHAMBER MAXX NOTE - )WAY AREAS, REPLACE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND BASE (COMPACTED TO 95X MODIFIED PROCTOR) 'ON EXISTING CONDITIONS. FOR NEW ROAD JCTION SEE ROAD DETAILS. I OVERFILL FOR SETTLEMENT (EXISTING GRADE PLUS 6') TOPSOIL SEED. h MULCH V. — EXISTING GROUND APPROVED BACKFILL COMPACTED IN I UFTS TO 95x MODIFIED PROCTOR 2" X 6" RIGID STRUCTURAL POLYSTYRENE INSULATION WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS — CLASS 11 BLANKET (SAND) CLASS 1 BEDDING MATERIAL PRIORI TO INSTALLLINGLBEDOING ATERED tt WI II MATERIAL LSpND1 SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ENTS.. G GRADATION REOUIREMENTS: LI a %EW m2E PERCENT PASSING NO. 4 100 N0. 100 0-}0 N0. 200 0-12 STORM SEWER TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ENDS OF EACH SECTION SHOULD BE TURNED UP GRADIENT TO CREATE 'J-NOON' WIRE OR CABLE TIES 1.5"H D SIDEWALL��' C 6, u9' LOCATE FENCE 6' lP 9' T%a FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO PCNDNC i ALLOW I FABRIC R ,I I 'BEST —STEEL OST T-POST W1M POST pRAC MENT TO 4 USE STEEL T-POST IF CANNOT ACHIEVE 20' DEPTH WITH W000 POSTS. SILT FENCE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SCREW LID C� CLOSURE INLET CONCRETE COLLAR ® .I ::'.:: TREATMENT CENTER OF FRAME MANHOLE STRUCTURE ;!'IF.-,L s i r��'I�' • Nr'• fir=C AND P STRUCTURE OVER CONTRACTOR TO GRCU 220.50 TO FINISH GRADE To 220.DO RIM: 228.40 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE G GRADE RING/RISERS (TYP) INLET PIPE sp�sp KE10 1. 6-INCH (MIN.) TOPSOIL. SEEDED (SEE SEEDING AND MULCHING NOTES) 2. WELL GRADED GRANULAR FILL. AASHTO M145 Al. A2, OR A3. COMPACT TO MIN. BOX STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T99. 3. FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE 3/4' (19 mm) - 2' (51 mm) PARTICLE SIZE. COMPACT TO MIN. 9OX STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T99. SECTION B-3 (HPOLIVE LOAD) PERR MSW012 STORM CHAMBERSTRUCTURE DETAIL SCALE NOT TO SECTION AA SWIRL CONCENTRATOR DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEEDING AND MULCHING NOTES 1. ALL AREA OF DISTURBANCE MAST HAVE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION VA N T DAYS OF THE INITIAL DISTURBANCE. AFTER THIS TIME, ANY DISTURBANCE IN THE AREA MUST BE STABILISED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. THE FOLLOMNG EXClPTIONS APPLY: (1) STABILIZATION IS NOTREOMRED ID NARK IS TU G NUE IN THE AREA CATION TIE NEXT 24 HOURS AM TIER! IS NOT PRECRTATION FORECAST FOR IRE NE%T 24 HOURS, OR (2) STAMUZATION IS NOT REQUIRED IF TE AORK IS OCCUR.No IN A SELFCCNTAINED EXCAVATION B.E. M CARET, WITH A DEPTH OF 2 FEET OR GREATER M.G. HOUSE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION, UTILITY TRENCHES). 2. TOPSOIL STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM LOSS BY ENCIRCLING THE PILE WTI SILT FENCE (SEE DETAIL). DO NOT PUCE TOPSOIL STOCKPILE IN AETANDS. WETLAND BUFFERS, OR NEAR STEEP SLOPES, 3. FOR THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION DIN STEEP SLOPES(E.G. DISCHARGE CULVERT TRENCHING), USE SEED MIX MH AS SPECIFIED IN THE VERMONT STANDARDS AM SPECFlCATCIS FOR EROSION PREVENTION AM SEDIMENT CONTROL (2.M. CONSISTNO OF: CREEPING RED FESCUE (0.,16 LBSH,000 SO. FT.) TALL FESCUE (0A5 LBSIl.M SO. FT.) PERENNIAL RYEGRASS (0.10 USS/SO. FT.) SIRDSFOOT TREFOIL (0.45 LB9I.=SQ. FT.) FOR THE LANM AREA, USE THE FOLLOAMNG SEED MIX, APPLIEDATA RAn OF 6 LSSH,000 SO. FT.: 50%CREEPINGREDFESCUE 30% KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 20%PERENNIAL RYEGRASS 4. MULCNINO FOR AREAS VMTI SLOPES LESS THAN 3H : IV SH U. USE STRAW MULCH AT A RATE OF TWO TONS PER ACNE. FOR SLOPES GREATER TITAN 3H : 1 V. EROSION LON1110L 6LANRET S WALL BE USED. A DOUBLENETTED STOW BLANKET YMTH A BIODEGRADABLE NETTING BHALL BE USED, SUCH AB WRTUAMERICAN GREENS SC1500N. SEE THE INSTALLATION DETAIL CI THIS SHEET FOR ROLUN&STAPUNG INSTRUCTIONS. SWIRL CONCENTRATOR NOTES i. STORMNMTER TRFAIMEW SYSTEM (SAYS) SHALL BE A VORTSEMRY MOOEL VSM OR APPROVED EOLW.. 2. A DESIGN FLOW OF 1.n CFS IS BASED CN TIE VFTER QUALITY STCAt EVENT (00 STORM DEPTH), 3. SEAL THE INTERNAL BAFFLE TO THE INSIDE TOP OF TANK TO COUNYEMCT RESUSPENSION OF FLCATABLES OURINGLARGER STORM EVENTS 4. STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (SV—) SHALL BE DESIGNED TO MEET PERFORMANCE GOALS BASED DIN FULL SCALE LABORATORY PERFORAANCE DATA 5, SCATS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RETAIN RMTABLES AND TRAPPED SEDIMENT AT FLOW RATES UP TO AND INCLUDING PEAK TREATMENT CAPACITY 6 SNTS INVERTS IN AM OUT SHALL BE AT THE SORE ELEVATDI ]. SAYS SHALL NOT BE COMPROMISED BY EFFECTS OF DO STREAM TAILWATER B. SCATS SHALL HAVE NO INTERNAL COMPONENTS THAT OBSTRUCT MMINIEHANLF A6ESS 9. PIPE ORIEWATION MAY VARY: SEE SITE PLAN FOR SIZE AND LOCATION 10. PURCHASER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSEMBLY OF INTERNAL CYMPONENTS 11. MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS SUPPLIED WTI SYSTEM. NOTINSTALLED 12. PURCHASER TO PREPARE EXCAVATION AND PROVIDE UFTNG EQUIPMENT 13, VORTSENTAY BY CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS; PORTLAND. OR (RX) MB46B7: SCARBOROUGH. ME (877) 907 ?S UNT9C MI. MD (666) 7a0G313 CONCRETE DIVERSION WEIR (8- THICK) N INLET OVERFLOW OUTLET PRIMARY OUTLET PUN NSW SOLID MANHOLE LABEL-STORM- ELEV. NLET �� _ — OVERFLOW OUTLET NV: 221.J7 24' PRIMARY CUTLET 12 /1 ' CRUSHED SIDE VIEW STONE BEDDING DIVERSION MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE - SOLID MANHOLE COVER LABEL *STORM' 4- SCR 35 PVC 5' SDR 35 PVC 222 00— STAINLESS STEEL PUN VIM15' SOR 3S PVC FROM STM114 STRAPPING DRILL 1' ORIFICE 4' FROM UNDERDRAIN 'OR33 IS" SDR 35 PVC RECEIVED APR 16 2003 City of So. Burlington Q6.1L DESCRIPIM a 4-13-09 RE-ROUTE CULVERTS, S.M-S RE -SIZE SSRS WIRE DOME BASKET FOR DEBRIS PROTECTION 1—217.90 2 ,`.:� ,✓`r,.r <i, - < < _. < �/4' - 1t CRUSHED SIDE VIEW STONE BE to OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BRICK ADJUSTMENT }D• DIA. COVER TWO COURSES MIN, SIX COURSES MAX. —FINISH GRADE NO E. 48' DIA. REFER TO SHEET 2 VARIES FOR ELEVATION DATA ,0 Y-0' SUMP ,,v<-..r,.v<rrvr„=r. .i,<.<..,�v.3/a• - 1(• CRUSHED STONE BEDDING STORM MANHOLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STORMWATER DETAILS HARBOR HEIGHTS HARBOR VIEW RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Heindel & Noyes, Inc. _NOTED 3-19-09 . Hydrogeology • Ecology . c • L A • S. H�N Envvonmenlal Engineering . J I. — CONSULTING SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS S, M • M . S. M. M . 434 Shelburne Road - P.O. Box 4503 FILE: VAM no IN DRAFT O FINAL Burlington, Vermont 05406 (802)658-0820 3 F CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep.a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person.status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3) Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days.-24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: AMA V, ko(? JIMUV) CLMKL MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INTEREST D✓Ql`� lac` �ie-�- w�t� P�G�j�.. �-oo os. EoO �T. L4W-�S1 �� �' e � L� Lrs✓ � d..o12 P�C� IryS 2 2�� �C. So. T� firera.`� ►,�„� �� � . yr 0- gox 3c �C4 y per- { ►�WE� PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner DATE: April 17, 2009 CC: Shane Mullen, Heindel & Noyes, contact for applicant Site Plan Application #SP-09-26 Meeting Date: April 21, 2009 Agenda #6 The applicant, Harbor Heights Homeowners Association, is seeking site plan approval for the construction of a new stormwater treatment system. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tell 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com Agenda #6 interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. No changes to the existing buildings are being proposed as part of this application and therefore the aforementioned criteria are not applicable. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. At this time, staff does not suggest providing additional accesses. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). There are no changes proposed to the existing trash facilities. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements As there is no building construction proposed for this site, there are no minimum landscaping requirements. As the application includes the alteration of more than twenty cubic yards of fill, this application shall also be reviewed under Section 3.12 of the Land Development Regulations. The removal from land or the placing on land of fill, gravel, sand, loam, topsoil, or other similar material in an amount equal to or greater than twenty (20) cubic yards, except when incidental to or in connection with the construction of a structure on the same lot, shall require the approval of the Development Review Board. The Development Review Board may grant such approval where such modification is requested in connection with the approval of a site plan, planned unit development or subdivision plat. This section does not apply to the removal of earth products in connection with a resource extraction operation. Agenda #6 Standards and Conditions for Approval: (1) The Development Review Board shall review a request under this Section for compliance with the standards contained in this sub -Section 3.12(B). An application under Section 3.12(A) above shall include the submittal of a site plan, planned unit development or subdivision plat application showing the area to be filled or removed, and the existing grade and proposed grade created by removal or addition of material. The applicant submitted a plan showing the new pond and subsequent re -grading on the subject property. This plan is sufficient to satisfy this requirement. (2) The Development Review Board, in granting approval may impose any conditions it deems necessary, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Duration or phasing of the permit for any length of time. Staff does not feel this requirement is applicable to the subject application (b) Submission of an acceptable plan for the rehabilitation of the site at the conclusion of the operations, including grading, seeding and planting, fencing drainage, and other appropriate measures. The applicant is proposing to install a stormwater retention structure. The South Burlington Stormwater Superintendent has been working with the applicant to review the plans and will continue to do so. Staff finds it sufficient to grant approval of this application conditional upon the satisfaction of the Stormwater Superintendent. (c) Provision of a suitable bond or other security adequate to assure compliance with the provisions of this Section. Staff does not feel this requirement will be necessary for the subject application. (d) Determination of what shall constitute pre -construction grade under Section 3.07, Height of Structures. The pre -construction height for future development will be the existing grade Other. The South Burlington Stormwater Superintendent has been working with the applicant to review the plans. He has provided comments in a memo dated April 17, 2009 (attached). 1. The applicant must comply with all requests of the South Burlington Stormwater Superintendent and shall meet with his approval prior to the issuance of a zoning permit. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the DRB approve site plan application #SP-09-26 subject to the applicant addressing the numbered items above. I Page 1 of 1 ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:11 AM To: ray Subject: Harbor Heights SW review Ray, I have reviewed Shane's responses to my comments (letter dated 4/16/09) on the Harbor Heights stormwater project. They are satisfactory. As you know, when a neighborhood wants to turn a stormwater system over to the Stormwater Utility, we have an application and review process that we go through. I received the application and necessary technical information for the SW Utility review process yesterday. I will be reviewing it next week. As a result of this process it is possible that there could be some changes to the plan. Ideally, I would have received this information prior to the DRB hearing. In case the applicant comes back with changes, I thought I should mention it now. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Stormwater Superintendent South Burlington Stormwater Utility 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658 - 7961 Fax: (802) 658 - 7976 email: td.ipietro.a-)sb_url.._com < www.sburlstormwater.com > 4/17/2009 � a.eREen oo•r /I � t . \ A \ I 1 1 �Pf1.GRAaD PK RWINM p1411 1 I I 1 ' r1e1[r4e[ ■■M OOrOIR .Y pry M \ -- � — — �' — -- -^— I !�-�a�� 11eM R1Y.14 eT IOGS O f0•IeI.C[ — { r P]PM .� .SR. 4reueiNlL 1 1 ' 1 — � —1 + 1 V•rY ,raP � Ise c�.. a weurCOr1 \ � _ "u" erEl� wo.` Y� � ,1 _ - ,- 11 1 1 ar•" _ L/ r I 1 ooEnnEw inucn.E wr PPa • w v.na .or � _. 1 l � i � Go.roEM. ,EUCaeE MV w PP.fe — :�:' r 1 - I�'� a< en a.e:e°ro"i � 1 _ J I.._ _- -. 1 _ + '1 1 •• 1 mrarwn Ewre.r _ '- ""f 1 � 1 i` '- 1 1 — 1 I I 11 `�I�1-9pll MrG11r• 1 a 1 I I 1 ' - ` ��` I I 7!c• 1 WPM" a ,tom — ��` I 1i,'f — —__ ^---`/ ; ► r JL i GRAPHIC SCAIE 0 NMI W ! w 1 ► SITE IFC,EN peen¢ u� .Nr e� c�aEa ..M.o• p orsEa ..•rar p .{-war 4TOAY YMrOI • re -war aEr.w Irr nuMMr • MI-wwr eror awes .c-arr • o.aEo ,Tar „M. i.. —<— nEo-.wEn our.E.e cooui _ -- anTec ewwn s rrE�® (/pprT ut A E mME+o A .E ory v feuM OIEKiOr — oe.ro f.E.r rnrrc r om.E rvoEMnr. ma.rm rrEr m m.o rra L usro fEEeMrU Mo E\GrG R.V[,t •WEIm .. P-10-01 1•TY RnEM �. N r00� . e•El l I.p►CI IeOf1rM1 •l1,OMr M0.4 Tq rNOr red Nr ,Tatp '+E� wr nr wMOG, roan 9II,Q r s• Mlus .use Con;rey OlitFlli eE, tuT elvo e/,eAe Ml oM, leO01Y S•( e.CEle.•r fM(Or fnlr swM •a.E,E TN wn P.plpn uE, ME yu,T1uK MO 4C •O� eele[r TepY waaR M gMrT 11e, e..Eel ,IEs r01 rQ'i M iINOMEi d T Y'M r.N NO E M)T . ,PMYrr t..li.r. f4 TP.ryE, TQ rpi p[Tp1/Ep EM M OPQrr v orC-sn[ .eEsO[ 06M Ul,rfT SLf q�6 f4r ,Y[ YH10Me,R w0 Npr eWO,w Tm A t pSKi v RIR[II b•IeeK'Ae MMl GpitM:T OFW[ OO[ �O eE. M OOIEKIOS 1Wl E AfOerf 11E TIED Ye�T,• MO eIT•.EM, M lOfirlbr d eLL 06r•C YIU10 I-•1 A Mf pNT K mr.e.cnor. M pEm swat rc rPEo r wrc v wr tuaowm a uwsis ro.p rearvEo EM T.vvn mETOS,W MlrOE.E E<I�IM M:ql 1MIL t tM.r dt* 111,�• OM ��. e ew.. •n.cror srorra Earn rMW6 •.a. rM¢ 1(ayeY rE( A .IDI[Cr /AIEa ,111r IIrW roronM ew.as.$ r . E4Ear v •rs.a D— au..e•r urc WWIdYQ MOM eV01 M:MTQ . m.E O,ECT epodrw P T .s-war •n n.w.e. rc r.m r+or or. o su, i:wu r oi�ac.�v.w.va n�o x�o�n v�iour r�i �a as tOta,•M r rOOw • IOrO IeM/r01 AS —BUILT SITE PLAN ` HARBOR HEIGHTS 7. HARBOR VIEW RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Heieiel & Noyes, Inc. NOTED 7-21-10 NOWC— ""'°""°D SMS Sk11M 02330 H17N F..� I.p -m . ccx swnma �c�rtssis A,m m9m`mn SMM S M M 434 Sbel Rood - P.O. gat 4503 b•pm VwmoN 05" (W2)6SS-0920 � f � 1 1 \ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY : /(� R rI \ l' .I I \ \ 11 1 \ OF BARTI,ETT BROOK EXISTING 36' STEEL PLATE ACH \ 1 1 1 I I V .50 I L_-----_— \ I �_— PROPOSED SUBSURFACE STORMWATER RETENTION STRUCTURE (SEE SHEET 2) , STUHI I CARPORT , I r--j I_ _------ as1 R _\ E C E' V \ I I ED APR 16 2009 I _ I ©M_ 0 r—, i I �____ 1 I I , , y I 11 I _ _ _ , _ _ _ - I� I I _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - I 1 , I ICity of So. Burlington r- 1 L_ �— r r O•I TEMPORARY BENCH2S].5MARK s yd< II II _ J —`_ t _ J II I I I I ,I All ELE r \' v y:y I_ vy , I ❑ _ I I I I I a�YylYh I•---- �----' r ;I n \„r II ❑ I 1 I � II I \ v 1w \ I I I \ #04 L L sr #00 A \ \ 3 �� \o\'b "l7' *01 e" r96� ----__ GRAPHIC SCALE �s ( IN rM ) I Inch - 30 M REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION BY 4-13-09 RE-ROUTE CULVERTS, S.M.S. RE -SIZE SSRS III HARBOR NEW RO. SITE \ \\ SD D l SITE o LOCUSSCAILE NOT LEGEND C EXISTING CATCH BASIN E) EXISTING MANHOLE F EXISTING HYDRANT B PROPOSE" STORM MANHOLE _ - EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR --+�— EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE - - PROPERTY LINE — — — — EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT — ... — STREAM ........,AAA,,, TREE UNE NOTES 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY GENERATED FROM 2004 CCMPO OEM 2. STORMWATER AND BUILDING FEATURES IDENTIFIED BY 3-10-09 TOTAL STATION SURVEY BY HEINDEL & NOYES 3. PROJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM PUN TITLED 'REVISED LOT PLAN. HARBOR HEIGHTS CLUSTER B' BY KRESS & LANSING CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC., LAST REVISED 6/23/86. ALL OTHER PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SOUTH BURUNGTON TAX MAPS. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 4. ZONING DISTRICT: RESIDENTIAL 2 OVERALL SITE PLAN HARBOR HEIGHTS HARBOR VIEW RD. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Heindel &Noyes, Inc. NOTED 3-19-09 H V • Hydrogcology • Ecology • S.M. S. N Environmental Engineering • _ _ �� CONSULTING SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS S. M . M . S.M.M. 434 Shelburne Road - P.O. Box 4503 FILE: t lington, Vermont 05406 (802) 658-0820 1 — - 36' STEEL PLATE DUVALL INN 207.93; 12• SDR 35 PVC OUT ALL UHNAME00K —... 209.78 .. pE BARTUE 12 SDR 35 PVC CUTPALL INV: 209.62 CORE HEADWALL TO FIT REPLACEMENT 15" SOR 35 PVC PIPE REPLACE EXISTING PIPE. WITH 15' SDR 35 PVC I � / EXISTING CONCRETE HEADWALL I I " " 36 STEEL PLATE ARCH I - _ I I Jtj� OUTLET STRUCTURE 70 REPLACE EXISTING GRAVEL -JACKETED \ ' CATCH BASIN EXISTING -( RIM: 223.69 \ INV. IN: 219.90 INV. OUT: 219.90 IT STORM MANHOLE INV IN: 219.74 INV. OUT 1: 218.39 ` , STRUCTURE BOTTOM: 217.80 (SEE SHEET 3) INV. OUT 2: 221.04 ISEAI. OUTLET TO I ` EXISTING GRAVEL EL IJACKETEO CATCH BASIN \ ` . CUT AND CAP EXISTING-- _ PIPE DRAINING TO �. II _ GRAVEL JACKETED CATCH BASIN ` ` �\ MH II S T M H 2 . A "'•5... ._ .. 4' UNDERDRAIN (SEE SHEET 30 SD SO L I I CB10 f _ I I rl I� I I I I 811 II I I I II I I I I I I I , I I I I L� I I I I ESTRUCTURE I I RETENTION I (SUEBEURHFEAECT 1 I I II II I I I I $ I I I PROPOSED SWIRL CONCENTRATOR RIM: 228.40 I INV IN: 222.57 INV• OUT: 222.5] I (SEE SHEET 3) I I II I I SEAL OUTLET TO CB10 I NA-2 I I I RESET OR REPLACE I , T5 50R 3S PVC i EXISTING CULVERT I TO MA7- NEW INVERT ELEVATIONS , I , MH I STMI I INVS. IN: 221.25 I 1I I I PROPOSED I DIVERSION MANHOLE — —' ' C89 I I NV. IN: 222.24 — — — INV. OUT: 221.33 — I (SEE SHEET 3) , I RESET EXISTING CATCH BASIN — I I II II V. IN227.10 222.75 _ _ V. OUT: 222.65 1 t GRAPHIC SCALE REVISIONS: ( IN I = 1 inch . 10 RECEIVED APR 16 2;.:,3 City of So. Burlington