HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0016 Harbor View Roadray From: Deb Sherman <DebSherman@larkinrealty.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 3:18 PM To: ray Subject: RE: 16 Harbor View Road Attachments: 16 Harborview tree replacement.pdf Hi Ray, We have replaced the white pine noted on your plan ( 11"caliper ) with 2 additional white pines at 5-6" calipers. I have noted the location on the attached plan. Let me know if you need any further documentation. Thank you. Deborah Sherman Larkin Realty 410 Shelburne Rd Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 864-7444 -----Original Message ----- From: ray [mailto:ray@sburl.com] Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 11:53 AM To: Deb Sherman Subject: 16 Harbor View Road Deb, I just came back from a site visit to 16 Harbor View Road and found one (1) discrepancy. The White Pine tree highlighted in yellow on the attached plan was missing. Since this tree should be the same size as the other White Pine trees near the dumpster enclosure, you will have to replace it on a caliper by caliper basis. You can measure the caliper of the other White Pine trees and use this as a guide. For example, if the other trees have a 20 inch caliper, to replace the one that is missing, you would plant five (5) 4" caliper trees, or two (2) 10" trees, etc. Let me know when these trees are planted so I can do another site visit. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person 1 GENERAL INFORMATION: STREET ADDRESS, lA HARBOR VIEW ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT 05403 OWNER OF RECORD, P. LA RKIN INC 4OH SHPLOURNE ROAD SOUTH IBURLINGTON. VT OSAO3 APPLICANT. JOHN P. LARKIN INC. 410 SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT 09403 Ciellp prb. 1.1 i, S C7197J' If •Y RELOCATE CINCH ITlR1I ARDOR- j~ Y E CEO— AT S . OCC,oaeTAUa I TRANS'O"tR )VAL ..,$a000 r ra 1 f Existing Budding 9 9 ^ �71 I i a.: tJyI r w ) [yb •l N4maw .+irlf.p CLtlA Q3 os r.,7uYrd !o p LOT INFORMATION: LOT SIZE. I,02S ACRES 44413 SP LOT COVERAGE, TYPE ACTUAL ALLOWARLE bUILDIN6 )OATS SP (33%) 133-13 8P 430% FRONT YO IAt2 SP 111%) 2,100 8F 13OX) TOTAL LOT 23 Aaa SF (E1%) 312FO SP (10%) A GROSS SOUARE POOTAGE OR BUILDING _ 41.904 SP LIGHTING PROVIDED 100 WATT HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM MOUNTED ON AN la' POLE tLALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT FIXTURE AV• M9.Orr vbA%_ .U.I N. Olr 1 . A. 0- _T_ �L, n..w\1� iA4.stl 2.S.S. 00• _rr -- win.we MCIrN �4 tYia�i al .a4par •saov w ca�aor-t ,, 11 .- I "I' r0' I DNRR/.Mw if� V f Cmcrsl. NPt1lk'd® f"T z M RELCCAT! D,RCN CLUMP R.sI4N.. POCA?,U TN PRNCKO I.K,D INGLOSURI rr,l'HISMALf � � _ l�l il' St.rnr Rur4rF t A : i _ I "•<`r '„.,,.a r � ®4�dr K4J PPROVRVOOT BT OT TOOT CANOPT RR tJALKWAY APPROVED AREA NH RRR VARia NCR ----PROM RROuoRRD REAR RD SaT-paG,c ti RSOua STR0 FOR DOTLOTS PURPOI,b oP 11A1Vlw f TO ALLOW A RRT_HS [FIf TINE ILDS.LT CONKNOYVCT�OWG P 01aGTf. W if %T LOCATION MAP: NOT TO SCALE PLANTING SCF-imm.F.- TREES, STM NO. SOENTRIC NAM COMMON NAME. fRI REMARK! +A T ) TRIA CORDAT. UTTLELEAP LINDEN 3-4- CAL. 8.5 + .ccr NxA Arun MAPLE a I.r CAL B•D r+J� DELITR FRAXMNI ►RNNSTLVANIACA ADD ACIR 4 N PLANTANOICBS EMERALD OKLatO uIEN ASH NORIAT MAPLE a -III' CAL. DM ! A eNDUL� i-� LNwre D1RCH CLurms D• a• TAU. e.s tttan 40 Io FINIS ILtsoaoa WHMI PINK 1'-6' TALL a•a MALUa WMITA PLOVERING CRAB 1 117• CAL 6 D ILHRUBai ST. NO SCIENTPK: NAM COMMON NAME SCI REMARKS CORNIUS IRRN:EA RECOVER OOOROOOS ]O-yi'MGT B•D 30 EUONTMUS ALATA BURNING 5UIL14 14.30• NGT 8.8 -- L PORSTTNA •MIADORLARK' PORSTTHIA 3-4' NGT 5•6 7 r4l RN000091/000N P. RHODODENDRON 30-34- HOT a - (�� D i lPIREA --LOA SPRKA M--It• TALL B+D Q ETR.IGA VULGARIS ULAC 3-1' NOT 6•8 4 VIBURNUM OFULU, •NANUM• CRANBERRY WSW O-Ic TALL B•B 1�P �44yr IS JUNIFlRUf CNNlNSIIL ILIA GRERN A Plle I0-34• TALL B•8 }(J} �4 IL I POTINTILLA PRUC'TK'ASC FOTENTnLA If -NI' TALL 5.5 4 TAXLIS Da%y)PCRnS SFRKADING TEtl W-24• TALL B.D ♦ 4� �4Lw y ILIORTNw11f FORTUNE VEGL1Uf v,NTKRCRl6►!R rc-Lr TALI 5.5 42,20,111, 0 c N U U �NrvO QOOm � pl�mm V Kmm nCID- m co SHEET NUMSER SP 1 DATE IQ 28 M1L To: Applicants From: Sarah MacCallum, City of South Burlington RE: Project Staff Notes Date: November 14, 2000 SP-00-59 Site Plan Application, Canopies & Landscaping Alterations,16 Harbor View Road Previous Action: The site plan for this property was last approved by the Planning Commission on June 29, 1999 for a canopy addition. Overview: The applicant has proposed adding a covered walkway and altering the landscaping. Issues: ■ The applicant must revise the plans to depict the covered walkway to the south of the building. The south elevation should illustrate the covered walkway. ■ The elevations should note materials and proposed colors. ■ The west elevation depicts the proposed entry covered walkway as slightly shifted to the north. The plans illustrate the entry as centered. The applicant should note which it is. ■ The applicant should revise the plans to relocate the transformer out of the front yard or address the transformer's location in relation to Sections 25.1130 and 26.105(b) of the Zoning Regulations. ■ The applicant should consult with staff on the landscaping. Staff estimates that the proposed landscaping will be $10,000 short. The applicant should submit a landscaping quote, revise the plans to illustrate additional landscaping, or clarify the proposed landscaping with staff (note that staff could not calculate the cost of a 3 '/2" caliper Amur Maple and substituted the price of a 2'/2" caliper tree as the maximum purchasable). Completeness of Plan: The applicant has submitted sufficient information for Development Review Board to consider the site plan application with the exceptions noted above. Additional information should be submitted no later than November 22, 2000. Recommendation: Staff recommends that this application be authorized to proceed for site plan review at the December 5, 2000 Development Review Board meeting. ��s .T. S'Liric�. �Oue /r�o�G,e 4 2y s 7�/ S-2 37c f 14, are &I r- 74 /1 3 i S-- Rteived" Oct-30-00 12:24am from 1 802 658 4748 - Rabideau Architects page 1 _--FROM City of So. H FAX NO. : 1 802 658 4748 Oct. 30 2000 12:27PM P1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the -fegested-+r w;mation-either-on ihis_.appIication form or on the site plan will result in your -- application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board, PrIPOP ER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) .JOH" l_.A-p-V-I a 106- , 4W Ro" UZl"t g� u "►J \tom (9i..�T O `s ca 3744+ ?.,,,APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) - -*!CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) 47 PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: _Ita V' E-W P2AP-- 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) IF,xtS,Mti(:, b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses - air, -main) gA2AInL APP LZAUfti, QF 61 W6ii =ft17(5-- 9L,--APf1i4VPn- o)f'Z &ai building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Haight of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and,existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) � �iD�-iE3 � 4-S . Ef R!C e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) f) Number of employees (existing and proposed): 0 Rere*ved Oct-30-00 12:24am from 1 802 658 4748 -) Rabideau Architects page 2 FROM : City c+' Sc. B FAX NO. : 1 e02 652 474e Oct.. 50 20OLI 12:27PM P2 g) Othor (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested 7) LOLCOVERAGE a) Building: Existing _ % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storms, etc) Existing -- °/O Proposed � % �). Front yard (alongeach street) 'Existing % Proposed % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) 80ding: $ lb) Landscaping - Other site irnprov eanents (pleas* gist W1th cost): 9) ESTIMATED TRAFMC . -a) Average daily traffic for antirs property (in and oast): bk", Peak hour for entire property (in and out): hour for entiae..propa: v (In and ,out): �.. W_PPEA . HOURS OF OPERATION.' 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: �E�QCQYI A-j QC t- OP(ey) 7 QA-g( r��l' 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: A(j2AQL &xILj' 13) S+rrE PLAN AND FEE - Av to plan shall be s ubmitted which shows the Information listed on Exhibit A aftch+ed. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I V x 17") of the site plan trust be submitted. A simian application fee shall use paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan applicatic+,n (see Exhibit A). R--M i ved Oct-30-00 12 : 24am FROM : City o+, Sc. 8 from 1 802 658 4748 - Rabideau Architects page 4 FAX NO. : 1 802 658 4748 Oct. 30 2000 12:2ePM P4 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. i" 5 URE OF APPLICANT SIGN RE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHOR171': 0 Development Review Board El Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: (Apfrmsp) 0 Complete 0 Incomplete Director of Planning & "Zoning or Designee Cate Read-WS& Oct-30-00 12:24am from 1 802 658 4748 , Rabideau Architects page 3 FROM . c7i t.0 cif Cyr,. B FAX ••r_. hl � �� 1 cL1� E._,� - �-, 4, C{ct.. �C' 1CtE1L 12:28F'hl P3 EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN -The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and x 17") of the -sue- .- 1=ailure to_prouide-the following, information will result in your appilcation being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development ,A&Wew. 4wd . Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) Survey data (distance and acreage) Contours (existing and finished) Proposed landsoeping-sehadWe {4 • ar, variety and size) as required in Section 26.106 of the zoning regulations Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways Zoning boundaries Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(s) of the zoning regulations) a Location of aseptic tanks (if applicable) Location of any easements Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard Forth arrow Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date Exterior lighting details (must be down casting and shielded) Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area _-rrovkledfor patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE New Application $ 60.00` Amendment $ 35.00* -* irneludes $10.00 recording fee PR: E1"ORF To: Fax Email: Date: Subject The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400, Oklahoma Citv, OK 73108 Telephone (405) 840-4344 - Fax (405) 840-2608 Toll Free (800) 344-2944 Ext:4486 Please fax to my direct fax number 405-698-3916 Ray Belair 802 846 4101 rbelair@sburl.com 06/16/2016 Zoning Verification Letter and Additional Documents Ref. Number: 94772-4 RE: Pillsbury Harborview, 16 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'llnfo: Parcel:0780-00016 Attached is our request for property information on the above -mentioned property. Please copy it onto your letterhead, provide the requested information, sign and return to me via either my direct fax, shown above, or via email to erika.escalera@pzr.com. It is my understanding that there will be fees associated with this request. Please be advised that the total fees are not to exceed $40.00 without my approval. If you should expect the fees to exceed this amount, please notify me as soon as possible. Furthermore, any additional costs associated with this request must be approved, in writing, prior to their incurrence. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on the above matter. If there are any questions you are unable to answer please let me know who I should contact. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number 800-344-2944, extension 4486. You may also reach me by email at: erika.escalera@pzr.com. Sincerely, Erika Escalera (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 06/16/2016 ATTN: Erika EScalera Ref. No. 94772-4 RE: Pillsbury Harborview, 16 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo. Parcel:0780-00016 The current zoning classification for the subject property is: Adjacent property zoning designations: North: South: East: West: Is the subject property part of a Planned Unit Development? Yes, part of a PUD (See comment) No, not part of a PUD Comment: Is the subject property part of an Overlay District? Yes, within an Overlay District No, not within an Overlay District Comment: The subject property is currently regulated by: Section of the Zoning Ordinance Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. (copy attached) Site Plan Approval Case No. (copy of plan and case attached) Comment: According to the zoning ordinances and regulations for this district, the use of the subject property is a: Permitted Use by Right Permitted Use by Special/Specific Use Permit Copy Attached Copy Not Available (see comment) Legal Non -Conforming Use (no longer permitted by right due to amendments, re -zoning, variance granted or other changes. See comments) Non -Permitted Use Comment: The subject structure(s) was developed: In accordance with Current Zoning Code Requirements and is Legal Conforming Non -Conforming (see comments) In accordance with Previous Zoning Code Requirements (amendments, rezoning, variance granted) and is Legal Non -Conforming to current zoning requirements Prior to the adoption of the Zoning Code and is Grandfathered/Legal Non -conforming to current zoning requirements. In accordance with Approved Site Plan and is Legal Conforming to approved site plan. If any nonconforming issues exist with respect to current zoning requirement; the subject property would be considered legal non -conforming. Comment: Information regarding variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions: There do not appear to be any variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions that apply to the subject property. The following apply to the subject property (see comments): Variance - Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Special Permit/Exception Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Ordinance Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Conditions Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Comment: Rebuild: In the event of casualty, in whole or in part, the structure located on the subject property: May be rebuilt in the current form (i.e. no loss of square footage, same footprint, with drive through(s), if applicable. May not be rebuilt in its current form, except upon satisfaction of certain conditions, limitations, or requirements. Please see section of the current zoning code/ordinance for details. Comment: To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved zoning code violations? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. *Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved building code violations and/or complaints? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. *Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. Site Plan Information: The subject property was not subject to a site plan approval process. The subject property was subject to site plan approval: a copy of the approved site plan is attached. The subject property was subject to site plan approval, but a copy of the approved site plan is no longer in existence (was lost or destroyed). All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval for the site are attached if availalbe. An approved site plan for the subject property is on file, but our office does not have the necessary resources to reproduce and distribute copies of the plan. All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval are attached if availalbe. Other, (as noted here): Were Certificates of Occupancy issued? If so, please provide all available copies. If copies are unavailable, please fill out our attached form letter. Please call the undersigned at Sincerely: Name: Title: , extension if you have questions or concerns. Department: Email: (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) 6/16/2016 Ref. No. 94772-4 RE: Pillsbury Harborview, 16 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo: Parcel:0780-00016 Based on our records [choose one]: A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is in effect for the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) ElCertificates of Occupancy are not required. Final Building Permits have been issued and are now outstanding for the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year are no longer on file with this office. The Project was constructed in . The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity (such as restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof). We are unable to locate a certificate of occupancy for the Project from our records. We have evidence in our records, however, one was issued and has been subsequently lost or misplaced. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity, restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof. This site is still being constructed. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will be issued when all final inspections have been passed. There are no records of a certifiate of occupancy in any of our files; however, we consider the structures to be legally occupied. Please call the undersigned at , extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Title: 0 000 �%:ttO Pz E O To: Fax: Email: Date: Subject: The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400, Oklahoma Citv, OK 73108 Ray Belair 802 846 4101 rbelair@sburl.com 06/14/2016 Telephone (405) 840-4344 - Fax (405) 840-2608 Toll Free (800) 344-2944 Ext:4495 Please fax to my direct fax number 405.241.9687 Ref. Number: 94772-2 RE: Pillsbury Allenwood, 90 Allen Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo: Parcel:0040-00090 Attached is our request for property information on the above -mentioned property. Please copy it onto your letterhead, provide the requested information, sign and return to me via either my direct fax, shown above, or via email to mickey.wherritt@pzr.com. It is my understanding that there will Not be fees associated with this request. Please be advised that the total fees are not to exceed $100.00 without my approval. If you should expect the fees to exceed this amount, please notify me as soon as possible. Furthermore, any additional costs associated with this request must be approved, in writing, prior to their incurrence. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on the above matter. If there are any questions you are unable to answer please let me know who I should contact. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number 800-344-2944, extension 4495. You may also reach me by email at: mickey.wherritt@pzr.com. Sincerely, Mickey Wherritt (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 06/14/2016 ATTN: Mickey Wherritt Ref. No. 94772-2 RE: Pillsbury Allenwood, 90 Allen Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'llnfo. Parcel:0040-00090 The current zoning classification for the subject property is: Adjacent property zoning designations: North: South: East: West: Is the subject property part of a Planned Unit Development? Yes, part of a PUD (See comment) No, not part of a PUD Comment: Is the subject property part of an Overlay District? Yes, within an Overlay District No, not within an Overlay District Comment: The subject property is currently regulated by: Section of the Zoning Ordinance Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. (copy attached) Site Plan Approval Case No. (copy of plan and case attached) Comment: According to the zoning ordinances and regulations for this district, the use of the subject property is a: Permitted Use by Right Permitted Use by Special/Specific Use Permit Copy Attached Copy Not Available (see comment) Legal Non -Conforming Use (no longer permitted by right due to amendments, re -zoning, variance granted or other changes. See comments) Non -Permitted Use Comment: The subject structure(s) was developed: In accordance with Current Zoning Code Requirements and is Legal Conforming Non -Conforming (see comments) In accordance with Previous Zoning Code Requirements (amendments, rezoning, variance granted) and is Legal Non -Conforming to current zoning requirements Prior to the adoption of the Zoning Code and is Grandfaihered/Legal Non -conforming to current zoning requirements. In accordance with Approved Site Plan and is Legal Conforming to approved site plan. If any nonconforming issues exist with respect tc (,urrent zoning requirement; the subject property would be considered legal non -conforming. Comment: Information regarding variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions: There do not appear to be any variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions that apply to the subject property. The following apply to the subject property (see comments): Variance - Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Special Permit/Exception Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Ordinance Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Conditions Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Comment: Rebuild: In the event of casualty, in whole or in part, the structure located on the subject property: May be rebuilt in the current form (i.e. no loss of square footage, same footprint, with drive through(s), if applicable. May not be rebuilt in its current form, except upon satisfaction of certain conditions, limitations, or requirements. Please see section of the current zoning code/ordinance for details. Comment: To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved zoning code violations? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. 'Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved building code violations and/or complaints? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. "Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved fire code violations and/or complaints? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. 'Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. Site Plan Information: The subject property was not subject to a site plan approval process. The subject property was subject to site plan approval: a copy of the approved site plan is attached. The subject property was subject to site plan approval, but a copy of the approved site plan is no longer in existence (was lost or destroyed). All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval for the site are attached if availalbe. An approved site plan for the subject property is on file, but our office does not have the necessary resources to reproduce and distribute copies of the plan. All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval are attached if availalbe. Other, (as noted here): Were Certificates of Occupancy issued? If so, please provide all available copies. If copies are unavailable, please fill out our attached form letter. Please call the undersigned at extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Department: Title: Email: (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) 6/14/2016 Ref. No. 94772-2 RE: Pillsbury Allenwood, 90 Allen Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo: Parcel:0040-00090 Based on our records [choose one]: A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is in effect for the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy are not required. Final Building Permits have been issued and are now outstanding for the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year are no longer on file with this office. The Project was constructed in . The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity (such as restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof). We are unable to locate a certificate of occupancy for the Project from our records. We have evidence in our records, however, one was issued and has been subsequently lost or misplaced. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity, restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof. This site is still being constructed. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will be issued when all final inspections have been passed. There are no records of a certifiate of occupancy in any of our files; however, we consider the structures to be legally occupied. Please call the undersigned at , extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Title: N PZR: REPORT To: Fax Email Date: Subject: The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Telephone (405) 840-4344 - Fax (405) 840-2608 Toll Free (800) 344-2944 Ext:4486 Please fax to my direct fax number 405-698-3916 Ray Belair 802 846 4101 rbelair@sburl.com 06/16/2016 Zoning Verification Letter and Additional Documents Ref. Number: 94772-3 RE: Pillsbury Manor South, 20 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo: Parcel:0780-00020 Attached is our request for property information on the above -mentioned property. Please copy it onto your letterhead, provide the requested information, sign and return to me via either my direct fax, shown above, or via email to erika.escalera@pzr.com. It is my understanding that there will be fees associated with this request. Please be advised that the total fees are not to exceed $40.00 without my approval. If you should expect the fees to exceed this amount, please notify me as soon as possible. Furthermore, any additional costs associated with this request must be approved, in writing, prior to their incurrence. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on the above matter. If there are any questions you are unable to answer please let me know who I should contact. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number 800-344-2944, extension 4486. You may also reach me by email at: erika.escalera@pzr.com. Sincerely, Erika Escalera (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 06/ 16/2016 ATTN: Erika Escalera Ref. No. 94772-3 RE: Pillsbury Manor South, 20 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo. Parcel:0780-00020 The current zoning classification for the subject property is: Adjacent property zoning designations: North: South: East: West: Is the subject property part of a Planned Unit Development? Yes, part of a PUD (See comment) No, not part of a PUD Comment: Is the subject property part of an Overlay District? Yes, within an Overlay District No, not within an Overlay District Comment: The subject property is currently regulated by: Section of the Zoning Ordinance Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. (copy attached) Site Plan Approval Case No. (copy of plan and case attached) Comment: According to the zoning ordinances and regulations for this district, the use of the subject property is a: Permitted Use by Right Permitted Use by Special/Specific Use Permit Copy Attached Copy Not Available (see comment) Legal Non -Conforming Use (no longer permitted by right due to amendments, re -zoning, variance granted or other changes. See comments) Non -Permitted Use Comment: The subject structure(s) was developed: In accordance with Current Zoning Code Requirements and is Legal Conforming Non -Conforming (see comments) In accordance with Previous Zoning Code Requirements (amendments, rezoning, variance granted) and is Legal Non -Conforming to current zoning requirements Prior to the adoption of the Zoning Code and is Grandfathered/Legal Non -conforming to current zoning requirements. In accordance with Approved Site Plan and is Legal Conforming to approved site plan. If any nonconforming issues exist with respect to current zoning requirement; the subject property would be considered legal non -conforming. Comment: Information regarding variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions: There do not appear to be any variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions that apply to the subject property. The following apply to the subject property (see comments): Variance - Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Special Permit/Exception Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Ordinance Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Conditions Documentation attached or is otherwise, no longer available (see comment) Comment: Rebuild: In the event of casualty, in whole or in part, the structure located on the subject property: May be rebuilt in the current form (i.e. no loss of square footage, same footprint, with drive through(s), if applicable. May not be rebuilt in its current form, except upon satisfaction of certain conditions, limitations, or requirements. Please see section of the current zoning code/ordinance for details. Comment: To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved zoning code violations? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. "Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any unresolved building code violations and/or complaints? ❑ Yes, there are open violations on file in our records. (See attached list and/or copies/cases) ❑ No, there are no open violations on file in our records. 'Please note, this request is for open violations of which you are aware. PZR is not requesting an inspection be made. Site Plan Information: The subject property was not subject to a site plan approval process. The subject property was subject to site plan approval: a copy of the approved site plan is attached. The subject property was subject to site plan approval, but a copy of the approved site plan is no longer in existence (was lost or destroyed). All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval for the site are attached if availalbe. An approved site plan for the subject property is on file, but our office does not have the necessary resources to reproduce and distribute copies of the plan. All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval are attached if availalbe. Other, (as noted here): Were Certificates of Occupancy issued? If so, please provide all available copies. If copies are unavailable, please fill out our attached form letter. Please call the undersigned at extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Title: Department: Email: (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) 6/16/2016 Ref. No. 94772-3 RE: Pillsbury Manor South, 20 Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont Add'IInfo: Parcel:0780-00020 Based on our records [choose one]: A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is in effect for the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy are not required. Final Building Permits have been issued and are now outstanding for the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year are no longer on file with this office. The Project was constructed in . The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity (such as restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof). We are unable to locate a certificate of occupancy for the Project from our records. We have evidence in our records, however, one was issued and has been subsequently lost or misplaced. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity, restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof. This site is still being constructed. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will be issued when all final inspections have been passed. There are no records of a certifiate of occupancy in any of our files; however, we consider the structures to be legally occupied. Please call the undersigned at , extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Title: Lq Howard Bank 111 Main Street, P.O. Box 409 Burlington, Vermont 05402-0409 (802) 658-1010 November 4, 1997 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER 3106 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Ladies and/or Gentlemen: We hereby authorize you to draw on The Howard Bank, N.A. for the account of John P. Larkin, of South Burlington, Vermont, up to the aggregate amount of $16,000.00 available by your drafts at sight. The drafts drawn under this credit are to be endorsed thereon and shall state on their face that they are drawn under The Howard Bank, N.A., Burlington, Vermont, Letter of Credit Number 3106 dated November 4, 1997. The drafts presented for payment under this Letter of Credit must be accompanied by a written notice of sixty (60) day default under landscape plan for Allenwood Phase II at 16 Harborview Road, Lot 6. Documents and drafts must be delivered to The Howard Bank, N.A. and drafts must be drawn and negotiated no later than September 30, 2001. Except so far as otherwise expressly stated, this credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication Number 500. We hereby agree with drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of the bills drawn in compliance with the terms of this credit that the bills shall be duly honored upon presentation at the Howard Bank, N.A. Very truly yours, Howard Bank, N.A. By: . 4."L, d Its Duly Authorized Agent loc3016.sam LIBanlmorth Group, Inc. SITE PLAN LETTER OF CREDIT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT; executed in triplicate between John Larkin Inc., of South Burlington, hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", Howard Bank, N.A., of Burlington, hereinafter referred to as "BANK", and the City of South Burlington, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer has received site plan approval from the MUNICIPALITY's Planning Commission for the development of property located at 16 Harborview Road, Lot 6, as depicted on a site plan entitled "Allenwood Phase II", dated January 29, 1997, and prepared by Krebs & Lansing. WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; Now, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said site plan and related documents: Landscape Requirements 2. The Developer shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than September 1998. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defective or improper work or materials which may be recognized within three (3) years after completion of the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" shall be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has inspected and approved the construction of all the improvements required by this Agreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction is complete. z:\Quinn\Agreemen. sam 4. For the guarantee of DEVELOPER's performance of all requirements hereunder set forth, DEVELOPER has caused the BANK to issue its Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the MUNICIPALITY, the original of which is attached to the MUNICIPALITY'S copy of this Agreement, and a copy of which is attached to the DEVELOPER's copy of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall cause the attached Letter of Credit to be renewed at least thirty (30) days before the maturity date thereof. Failure of DEVELOPER to deliver evidence of such renewal to MUNICIPALITY thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of said Letter of Credit shall constitute a default of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Said Irrevocable Letter of Credit provides that the drafts drawn under said credit, must be accompanied by a written statement signed by a duly authorized agent of the MUNICIPALITY, that In the Judgment of the MUNICIPALITY, the DEVELOPER is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and that the funds to be drawn by the draft are in payment for, or in anticipation of payment for materials, labor and services required for completion of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Payment of each draft will be made at sight when presented to the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY, the payment limited only by the aggregate amounts presented in relationship to the maximum amount of the Letter of Credit. If DEVELOPER shall be in default of the Agreement for seven (7) days because of its failure to provide evidence of renewal of the Letter of Credit, required in paragraph 4 above, the MUNICIPALITY shall notify DEVELOPER by certified mail of said default. DEVELOPER shall then within three (3) business days provide MUNICIPALITY with evidence of said renewal of Letter of Credit or MUNICIPALITY may notify BANK of such default and request payment under said Letter of Credit. 6. The DEVELOPER and MUNICIPALITY hereby agree that the sum of Sixteen Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($16,000.00) shall be sufficient to secure DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement but shall not relieve DEVELOPER from the obligation to pay any additional costs, if actual costs exceed the above -stated cost. 7. The MUNICIPALITY will promptly submit to the DEVELOPER a copy of any draft it submits to the BANK. The consent of the DEVELOPER to payment of said draft by BANK to the MUNICIPALITY under said Letter of Credit shall not be required. 8. The MUNICIPALITY shall not file with the BANK a Statement of default until ten (10) days after notice has been sent to the DEVELOPER, by certified mail, setting forth its intention to do so. 9. All funds drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to the Letter of Credit shall be used solely by the MUNICIPALITY for the purpose of completing construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Any work contracted for by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and material basis, or shall be performed by the MUNICIPALITY's own work force and z:\Quinn\Agreemen.sam equipment, or shall be accomplished in such other manner as in the judgment of the MUNICIPALITY shall accomplish the work more expeditiously and economically. 10. If payments are drawn on the BANK by the MuNIciPALrrY pursuant to said Letter of Credit, and it shall later develop that a portion of the monies drawn are in excess of the MUNICIPALITY'S needs, any such excess amount shall be refunded by the MUNICIPALITY to the BANK, to be credited by said BANK to the DEVELOPER. 11. This Agreement and said Letter of Credit shall terminate and shall be of no force and effect upon completion of the three year warranty period as described in the above Paragraph 3. If the MUNICIPALITY has not delivered any written notice to the DEVELOPER of any defective or improper work or materials in the construction of the improvements within the three (3) year period, or if corrected by the DEVELOPER, the MUNICIPALITY shall forthwith notify the BANK in writing that the Letter of credit may be canceled, and shall return the original Letter of Credit to the BANK, and both the DEVELOPER and the BANK shall be released from all obligations hereunder and under said Letter of Credit. 12. The BANK may not modify the Letter of Credit without first receiving written consent of the MUNICIPALITY. 13. DEVELOPER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold BANK harmless from all claims, causes of action or liability of any kind arising out of this Agreement or the issuance by BANK of this Letter of Credit, including attorney's fees, as long as BANK follows the terms and conditions outlined in said Letter of Credit. 14. This Agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Dated at ��Iy. wow) , Vermont, this IN THE PRESENCE OF: z:AQuinn\Agreemen. sans day of ��'� , 199 , 7 By: Authorized Agent (DEVELOPER) Dated at leLA- rN�fdYJ Vermont, this7tk day of NUVf-41 U , 199 . IN THE PRESENCE OF: By� 1'�� 2 �Ll� Duly Authorized Agent (BANK) Dated at Vermont, this <7 day of,.44�br/,- , 199". PRESENCE OF: By: Wj /,6-- Duly Authorize gent (MUNICIPALITY) zAQt►inn\Agreemen. sam City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 April 15, 1997 Mr. John Larkin 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Zoning Board Hearing Dear Mr. Larkin: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, April 28, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a conditional use approval. Please plan to attend this meeting and be prepared to address the enclosed review criteria. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp 1 Encl SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zonin Board of Adjustment wi I hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices. Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Mondayy April 28, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the fol- lowing: #1 Appeal of Frank Naef seeking approval from Section 15.20 Condi- tional uses sub -section 15.202 automobile sales and Section 15.210 retail businesses of the South Burlington Zoning Regu- lations. Request is for permission to operate an automobile sales busi- ness in conjunction with an autobody repair shop and a 400 square foot re- tail clothing shop in con- junction with general of - ice and storage use, located at 1906-1908 Air- port Parkway. #2Appeal of Robert and Anne Audette seeking approval from Section 15.20 Conditional uses and Section 26.65 Multi- ple uses of the South Burlington Zoning Regu- lations. Request is for permission to occupy an existing 2200 square foot area of an existing 36' x 94' structure with one of the following uses, auto- mobile rental, equipment sales and service, retail business, restaurant, bakery/delicatessen and personal services in con- junction with existing permitted and conditional uses, on a lot containing 2.7 acres located at 1900-1930 Williston Road. #3 Appeal of John P. Larkin seeking approval from Section 13.20 Con- j ditional uses sub -section 13.211 Nursing/conva- lescent homes of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to con- struct a community care facility (48 units) on a lot i containing 1.02 acres, lo- cated at 16 Harbor View f Road. ! #4 Appeal of Michael W. Jordan seeking a vari- ance from Section 25.00 Dimensional require- ments of the South Bur- lington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for permission to remove an existing 6' x 7' addition and replace with a 9' x 14' addition to within ! seven (7) feet of the easterly side yard, lo- cated at 67 Proctor Ave- nue. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Plan- ning and Zoning Office, located at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer April 12, 1997 City of South Burlington ..Application to Board of Adjustment Official Use APPLICATION # Date A 12 i 1�6i? Applicant JC)dYJ� P LiiLi_K3 Owner, leasee, agent HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address 44 jZ P- Telephone # 059 (4 - 74d4- Landowner Address 5*mc- Location and description of property LZrC (a OF TZ(E 3141211.E2:& R W c etc E fro SQt9Tt 5UL . l o c l-W , A- 05� Type of application check one: ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question I a, 'Z- i 1 wWo ma71}t, Owe, Reason for appeal USe tLlkaj; ?_C- oc(-AQ 1.3,20 O�- Tue cooPU'VPoJ I JG 2i4iliL� The following documents are submitted in support of the application: ��_t '� s�.,� � . �-u��►.zw�o� t�e�� zt..`rT►��a$�o�►�ry . �zu-��r��zr� fd128j4� Hearing Date g re of Appellant Jaq J LAW 0 Do not write below this line --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Day of Week Month and Date f Appeal of A at to consider the following: Time V seeking IF from Section//, _ . .<- J sj A-rr�Q P /k, ,^.` ��, � k#. p.. . .}` �.- tn.- J� .� � `� ... �`, v^-�(�. � Fr-�•b�n'.� �'..r1 t of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to r } �•y, � r,,, �.t� �►" u.� - � D '?,.� �i= �� - ram' .. d ,F2,, GENERAL INFORMATION: STRIIIII&T ADDRS646 It, HAIRDOR VIEW ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT 01:403 OWNSR OP "Comm J.}OHN P. LARKIN INC. Sp SHULSURNK ROAD SOUTH aURLINGTON. VT 06403 APPLICANT: JOHN P. LARKIN INC. 410 SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH bURLINGT Off403 LOT INFORMATION: LOT SIZIL 4 44* Sr ea LOT COVtiRACA, TYPIR ACTUAL ALLOWASLU BUILDING 10.19L 8P (23%) 13.343 SP (SOX) FRONT YD 1.182 of' (I1%) 2d00 8F (30%) TOTAL LOT 22.000 SF (81%) 31.280 OF (1076) t GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING - 41AO4 SF_ LIGHTpoING PROVIDED ON AWAN tt PICft PRESSURE SODIUM MOUNTED I WALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT FIXTURE ZONING INFORMATION: ZONIS$ COMMERCIAL 2 (C2) PG. 28 PER XXV PG. 04 MfNIMUM LOT jMs LA0SPLOMC AL /INDUSTRIAL0MUIFAILY 2MutmuM LOT PRONTAGt. 120' ( LOCAL STRUIST ) MAXIMUM RUSIDeNTIAL DKNSITY% 1 UNITS PER ACRE MAXIMUM LOT COVSRAGR - BUILDINWs 30% COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL 20% MULTIFAMILY MAXIMUM TOTAL LOT COVSKAGR' 1016 COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL 40% MULTI --FAMILY =TBACKSt FRONT YARD, 40' RRI.RYYARD, Sb' PUD PERIMETER SETBACK, 30' HARBOR VIEW ROAD LOCATION MAP: NUT 04--ALM • OP MARK COMMON NANO LATIN HAM sum RRIMR" S TC UTTL.M LMORM TLIA CORCATA .1 CAL. W AM AMR MAPLA ACRI! GMNALA J-V2 CAL. 8M 8 M OMM AM PRA)OM i-1/2 CAL M 91ARIN^LL4 BVOLYV FUNIuriVANiACA 11 x BUROPRAM 8M'tt rReN cLunn eOrlaA MNDLLA 17-IL' TALL - Pa &M FM PW STROSOi 4-L' TALL - COMMON MANS LATIN NAME on RRMAR" IUIDO R 006+0006 Cori" some" V-4' TALL LILAC Orm"CA VULGAR$ Y-4' TAU - PdM M40DOCOU)PAN 24'-W TALL - C VAYT14V RY WlII -4' TALL POIMYTNA 1'-Y TALL - 81p0810 MIMI ALATA W-24' TALL No Text CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 10, 2000 Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ms. Sherman: Enclosed is a copy of the December 5, 2000 Development Review Board minutes on the above referenced projects. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum, Planning & Zoning Assistant SM/mcp 2 Encls DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 Members debated whether to require the building wings to be lowered. The applicant stressed that this is not living space. Members felt this would be OK if plans are submitted which show there is no living space in the wings. Ms. Quimby moved the Development Review Board approve site plan application #SP-00-59 of John Larkin, Inc, to amend a previously approved site plan for a four- story, 48 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of 1) revising the parking layout, 2) altering the roofline of structure, 3) constructing a transformer in the front yard area, 4) constructing two covered walkways, and 5) amending the landscaping plan, 16 Harbor View Road, as depicted on a four page set of plans entitled "Allenwood Phase II Lot 6 Bartlett Property Harbor View Road South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, dated 1/29/97, last revised on 11/13/00, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The site plans shall be revised to show the changes listed below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning (hereinafter Director). Three copies of the approved revised site plans shall be submitted to the Director prior to permit issuance: a. The plans shall be revised to replace the White Pine around the transformer with an opaque arborvitae hedge. b. The plans shall be revised to show the clump birch located further away from the building. c. The plans shall be revised to replace the Green Ash with another species approved by the City Arborist. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. 5. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. 6. As -built plans for all floors shall be submitted to the Director to demonstrate consistency with the originally approved number of units. 8 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 Mr. Farley seconded: Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Clerk j 10 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 Mr. Belair said that was for a building addition that wasn't built. There is no indication for an unscreened dumpster. Mr. Belair also showed a photo of the dumpster which is not shown on the plan. Mr. Dinklage said a dumpster is not an "unscreened storage" area. Mr. Kane said that Mr. Judge has no quarrel with items #3, 4, 5, and 6 on the Notice of Violation which will be complied with in the future. Mr. Cameron noted that Item #2 refers to 2 areas shown as green space that were paved. Mr. Belair said there was a condition of approval that those two areas be returned to grass. Mr. Judge said they got a CO after that and they feel the paved areas are grandfathered. The footprint of the building is 1000 sq. ft. less than approved, so there is more green space. Mr. Belair noted that a CO only certifies that what they got approval for was complied with. Mr. Dinklage suggested Mr. Judge come in with a revised site plan so the Board can give him credit for any additional green space. Mr. Daly, representing Healthy Living, said they are caught in the middle. He said they have reached an agreement with Mr. Judge and the city by which Mr. Judge will construct the dumpster placement space. The only remaining issue relates to a floodlight which Ms. Lesser of Healthy Living will attend to immediately. She will also sign a stipulation as to what was agreed to. Mr. Belair noted that violation #9 relates to space approved for retail that is not being used for retail but for storage. There is a question as to whether storage use is allowed in this district. Mr. Kane said they couldn't rent it so they're using it for storage. Mr. Dinklage said this is a site plan and what is there is not in compliance with the plan. Mr. Cameron said he felt there was a "contest" going ors. He didn't see why these things couldn't be worked out. He felt that as much as possible should be solved and then the Board deal with the rest. Mr. Cameron moved to continue the hearing until 16 January 2001. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Site plan application #SP-00-59 of John Larkin, Inc, to amend a previously approved site plan for a four-story, 48 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of 1)revising the parking layout, 2)altering the roofline 7 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 of structure, 3) constructing a transformer in the front yard area, 4) constructing two covered walkways, and 5) amending the landscaping plan, 16 Harbor View Road: Mr. Rabideau said they went to do some financing and found they didn't have a CO. They had a temporary CO, subject to landscaping work. Mr. Rabideau felt they were mostly straight -forward issues: The covered walkway connects one building to another and required legal documents. That process took more than 6 months so the permit expired. Legal documents have been worked out and they are asking for reapproval for the covered walkway. Mr. Dinklage said they will have to revise the site plan to show it. The second issue was another covered walkway from the parking dropoff into the building. This was not approved, but staff feels it is not objectionable. With regard to landscaping, Mr. Rabideau said they had felt that as long as they provided the amount called for it could go anywhere. They now realize this is not the case. An "as is" plan was given to staff who agrees with the amount. The site is very well landscaped and they are asking the DRB to approve the revised planting schedule. Mr. Rabideau felt it is reasonable for the Board to ask for landscaping around the transformer. He noted the power company dictates where it goes, so they had no options. A significant deviation from the plan involves the roof elevation. Mr. Rabideau showed the approved and existing plans. The building is still 45 ft. and 4 stories and there are no additional rooms or units. Mr. Rabideau said that the new elevations were given to the city on 9/30/00 as part of the Act 250 process and the city did not question them at that time. Mr. Belair noted that Dick Ward reviewed the plan for a temporary CO. He also stressed that ACT 250 plans are not a requirement for the city review. The applicant should have submitted an amended plan. Mr. Belair read from the approval (Stipulation 8) which said that the elevations were part of the plan. Mr. Dinklage noted the Board is being asked to approve a "de facto" plan. Mr. Cameron said the applicant is a successful business person and should know better than to do these things. He noted that this is not the first time this applicant has put the Board in this position. Mr. Larkin said he felt they were doing things too fast end had to spend more time before they get going on a project. 8 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 Members debated whether to require the building wings to be lowered. The applicant stressed that this is not living space. Members felt this would be OK if plans are submitted which show there is no living space in the wings. Ms. Quimby moved the Development Review Board approve site plan application #SP-00-59 of John Larkin, Inc, to amend a previously approved site plan for a four- story, 48 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of 1) revising the parking layout, 2) altering the rooiline of structure, 3) constructing a transformer in the front yard area, 4) constructing two covered walkways, and 5) amending the landscaping plan, 16 Harbor View Road, as depicted on a four page set of plans entitled "Allenwood Phase 11 Lot 6 Bartlett Property Harbor View Road South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, dated 1/29/97, last revised on 11/13/00, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The site plans shall be revised to show the changes listed below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning (hereinafter Director). Three copies of the approved revised site plans shall be submitted to the Director prior to permit issuance: a. The plans shall be revised to replace tite White Pine around the transformer with an opaque arborvitae hedge. b. The plans shall be revised to show the clump birch located further away from the building. c. The plans shall be revised to replace the Green Ash with another species approved by the City Arborist. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. 5. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. 6. As -built plans for all floors shall be submitted to the Director to demonstrate consistency with the originally approved number of units. Z DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 DECEMBER 2000 Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Ito U'6 L, Clerk 10 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, `TERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 22, 2000 Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Ms. Sherman: Enclosed please find a copy of the Finding of Facts of the Development Review Board meeting on December 5, 2000 (effective date December 19, 2000). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. You have the right to appeal this decision to the Vermont Environmental Court, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4471 and V.R.C.P. 76, in writing, within 30 days of the date this decision is issued. The fee is $150.00. If you fail to appeal this decision, your right to challenge this decision at some future time may be lost because you waited too long. You will be bound by the decision, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4472(d) (exclusivity of remedy; finality). If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, 4a�rah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant Enclosure o . I Bill ' Ili f 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 1, 2000 Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Site Plan Application, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Ms. Sherman: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and comments from the City Engineer, City Arborist and myself. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, December 5, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer RJB/mcp Encls 12/5/00 MOTION OF APPROVAL I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve site plan application #SP- 00-59 of John Larkin, Inc. to amend a previously approved site plan for a four-story, 48 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of: 1) revising the parking layout, 2) altering the roofline of structure, 3) constructing a transformer in the front yard area, 4) constructing two covered walkways, and 5) amending the landscaping plan, 16 Harbor View Road, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, entitled "Allenwood Phase II Lot 6 Bartlett Property Harbor View Road South Burlington, Vermont", prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, dated 1/29/97, last revised on 11/13/00, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The site plans shall be revised to show the changes listed below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning (hereinafter Director). Three (3) copies of the approved revised site plans shall be submitted to the Director prior to permit issuance. HA e-c, a) The plans sl be revised to replace the White Pine around the transformer with an opaque arborvitae hedge. b) The plans shall be revised to show the clump birch located further away from the building. c) The plans shall be revised to replace the Green Ash with another species d) /approved by the City Arborist. he yanFhabe vito er tl%& wing�to thrstori sho vir6 ly/gip roved `seven page,' etof pl"A nse B left S bdivis'on — I,o 6 ScSu Bur1i prep Rabideau, dat 0/2 96,1 evise on 2/6/1997. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. 5. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. l� to c.1�cT� m Q N Q W W I i 3 4 5 c a , io n is N q Q q a q c1 Q p u a O O 0 0© ®0 0 ©0 0 0 0 0 ® O® 0 0 0 QpW QW' L a r W / U W a U Q L ma z a w 0 w a Ir NOTE: ALL DULLppIING ELEMENTS �•- ADUOI%ING !%R 6 1UTAIR 181 Ili O IC O 108 wi lO D1 I]O� l07 101 \ \ C O im'1 MU- YR MBL PIRG RATIMG Q Q \ N \ JANNRROR'S i0 - - ® ROON • a ❑ z ❑ O q ❑ q ❑ ❑ �� . t WQ W W W W W W W > -- ---- -- W W W W W W W W W -. __--- a a a a a a a a a I UP IBl IBi IGS Ill Il0 N9 4�122 1IS 106 1 IOi 101 - IOI uP q, 1 I 1 113 r ® I5T HI n C DS%% LAWN. • - TO O ■CA(TIWNRGETS SHWR GANNETr•1 I 1 --- z °s ]OI t WORMY - D LMNG / �ROOMO &TTMG ^ I I I I I I Q I W O O 19{ IM I 19; IT ne nl D9 1 I]O IA II] I 1 IIS M1 Q' ^ I I 1 � I I I I I 1 � 1 I 5} a \ 0 19] III O ® I ® ® O ® I o � r J � z --FIN OR m 0 O J O O O E O O N 1 © © Q Q © Z 01-01 FIRST FLOOR PLAN U w F N SCALE: 1/8" - 1-0" N z x o _ ]vi STUDS ° IL' O.C. 2.l STUDS • IC O.C. U o ai STUDS • Ic' O.C. 5/8" THICK 'SHEETROCK- G.W.B../ 2.1 STUDS ° li' O.C. ❑ PIRECODE CORE ONE LAYER 5/8' 'SHEETROCK' S" MIN. THICKNESS OF 14 m a G.W.B. TIRECODE 'C' CORE ON ONE LAYER 1/2' 'SHEETROCK' eATT INSULATION !� (21 LAYERS 5/8' "SHEETROCK' SECURED •/ 1-1/4' TYPE 'W' SCREWS G.ULB. EACH SIDE ] X 1 STUDS • N' O.C. r [6Gj G.W.B. FIRECODE 'C' CORE ON m EACH SIOf ONE LAYER 5/8' G.W.D. W vi EACH SIOE OF WALL °i 1/2' THICK CIO EXTERIOR GRADE ONE LAYER 5/8' "SHEETROCK" N DOUG-FIR PLYWOOD SHEATHING G.W.B. FIRECODE 'C' CORE ON _ I/]' G.W.e. 10 BE PLACED {s��j�{ f 3. MINIMUM THICKNESS BATT SECURED u/ I' TYPE 'S' SCREWS - ON ONE SIDE OF CAVITY '" ❑ 5 MIL. POLYOLEFIN AIR INFILTRATION TYPE INSULATION y m m BARRIER I/]' AIR SPACE Y-1 25 GAUGE I/a' RESILIENT CHANNELS FIBERGLASS DATT TYPE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY ° 71. O.C. INSULATION U q 5 MIL. POLYETHYLENE CONE VAPOR BARRIER 3' E INS THICKNESS GATT m (by INSULATION CONTRACTOR)_ T7PE INSULATION a LL - r N SHEET NUMBER INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY °II" INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY "III" n INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY "IV' " S EXTERIOR WALL TYPE "I" n -- A=, u A -I SCALE -I/a- = I'-0" n-I SCALE: 1-1/a' = 1'-O" SCALE 1-vY = I'-0' A -I SCALE : 1-1/2 " . I'-O SCALE 1-v7 = r-O- USE TO SEPARATE UNITS. AND UTIL17Y ROOMS FROM EXIT CORRIDORS ❑ A 'I USE TO ENCLOSE COMMON EXIT STAIRWAYS USE FOR ALL NON RATED. MISCEL ANEOUS PARTITIONS 1/�1 1 USE ON ALL EXTERIOR WALLS FIRE RATING: ONE HOUR FIRE RATING: ONE HOUR FIRE RATING: TWO HOURS FIRE RATING: NONE p UL LISTING: U-335 U q 6 OATE:7/I2/1991 12- urr-S l4 R�1i2•�ms 0 a x h I Z 3 4 5 L l 8 1 10 II 12 13 li IE m r \ z M P w ? U a Q m � O 1 - i 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0© e E 0 0 0 0 0 Opal W L h = a a P e�i Jce 10 n 10! ® 704 701 O C l n O m \ \ M1 Ow 261 269 3' 38 N N W 89 i > i i W W W w UP DOWN 1 -- GOWN UP - 711 ]I JJ J3 05 pOi�iO� I 1 ! 118 B 26l y,NTO O o L / W C 9a !\Nl16 C M o � Q•A W i I �� 1 � � � I Il9 Jle I I ll � � 63 Jc] I al � � � I � � 16 � �� 11 1 � ]9 I I 30 31 I � • C' 1� I 1 1 I I / � G. o -- A R et ♦ t ♦ 6 z 08 z 91® ® ® " ® E'e) col ` W u z m 0 0 0 ©© © 0 0 0 0 U U 0 - - U z a E-+ N U Z N E- zyd N x d a .e N W E SECOND FLOOR PLAN m SCALE. 1/8' - I-O" m W W Q N E �G O uN TMULLE UNIT UNIT NIT UNIT 0 m It � O SHEET NUMBER u WINDOW TYPE A WINDOW TYPE B WINDOW TYPE C WINDOW TYPE D WINDOW TYPE E SCALE 1/i" = 1'-O' SCALE./9" = I'-D" SCALE:/1' p_p• SCALE: I/1" = I'-O' p /A\ H — 2 SCALE: 1/4- = 1-0'1 1 a U 96 UA7E: 2/12/1997 vi THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: I/6" - 1'-O" O 4 (Z parrs e � w i C vi ro r ;n CllAR IN&DE WALL TO HN. 91LL L'-O' WALL TO WAIL C.M.U. SHAFT WALL l/S' FURRING 5/8 GYPSUM WALL BOARD SHEET NUMBER 3 ° a A— 3 1/1" - 1'-0" q 1/2" = A-3 DATE:2/I2/199T r O m 0 0 O °o r-- I O w ® O O © m O � m O O O O P I 0 ---- --- N O O _ �cn �s o � o 0 � o O O O O ._ r- • C q C,\DCAOI\DWG\9102\4THFLOOR.DCS D REVISIONS: REVISED 9/12/1991: PER MEMO DATED 9/9/91 4I m m m RABIDEAU ARCHITECTS, INC. FOURTH FLOOR PLAN REVISED 11/01/I991: ELEVATOR 1 ADJACENT BATHROOMS -1 REVISED 12/30/1991, PER MEETING OF 12/13/1991 Z 3 SS LAKE STREET BURLINGTON. VERIiONT A (a D 2) e e 3- 0 2 2 2 AT.T.FNWOOD PHASE II Membe: of the Ame,ic- institute of Architects SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT December 6, 2000 Mr. Ray Belair South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 16 Harbor View Road Dear Ray, In accordance with the conditions of approval by the Development Review Board, I am transmitting the following supplemental information regarding the application of John Larkin at 16 Harbor View Road. The attached floor plans, Sheet A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4, prepared by Rabideau Architects Inc and last dated 12/30/1997 show the size, location, and unit numbers of the units as built. The number of units approved was 48 units, The number of units built was 46. The number of units was reduced to accommodate a small central lobby. Because the permit does not note the number of bedrooms, the number of bedrooms approved must be derived from the sewer allocation. The formula used to determine allocation was 1.5 persons per bedroom x 75 gallons per person per day, less 20 percent for elderly occupancy. Therefore an allocation of 5064 is the equivalent of 56 bedrooms of elderly housing. The actual number of bedrooms built is 53 units. I assume that the surplus allocation is to cover the provision of common washing machines on the top 3 floors. There are no common cooking facilities or other uses requiring sewer capacity. Therefore, the as built plans are consistent with our testimony that the minor change to the building elevations did not result in the construction of more units or more bedrooms than were approved. 2. The attached landscape plan, sheet SP-1, prepared by Rabideau Architects Inc., and last dated 12/6/2000 has been modified to show the following: a. Existing white pine surrounding the electrical transformer are to be relocated, and a dense hedge of eastern arbor vitae (cedar) is to be installed. b. The clump birch is to be relocated farther away from the building. 286 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Tel: (802) 863-0222 Fax:(802) 863.6407 greg@rabideau-archilects.com Mr. Ray Belair Page 2 Of 2 12/6/00 C. The Green Ash is to be replaced with another species per the requirements of the city arborist. I discussed this requirement with Craig Lambert, City Arborist and he requested that Norway Maples be used in lieu of the green ash. The applicant will have to obtain a zoning permit and a certificate of occupancy / compliance. We request your guidance as to any fees which will be required to issue said permits. Very truly yours; Greg Rabideau %/ 00 a ' - . , 000 �a b. its } it I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEMO IDECEMBER 5, 2000 MEETING d) bylaws in effect. The proposal is in conformance with the zoning regulations. e) utilization of renewable energy resources. There is no utilization of renewable energy resources to be affected. f) general public health and welfare. No adverse affect expected. 7) & g) CONTINUED - JOLLEY ASSOCIATES — CONVEINENCE STORE & 4 OAS PUMPS — SITE PLAN & CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION, 1110 SHELBURNE ROAD This project was continued from the October 17, 2000 Development Review Board meeting at the request of the applicant (memo enclosed). Staff has not heard from the applicant. A decision must be made at this meeting due to a statutory requirement. 9) "GE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, TEKRAM PARTNERS, & CENTURY PARTNERS- APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DECISION,100 & 102 DORSET STREET & 41IARKET STREET This appeal is from a decision made by the Administrative Officer that the property at 100 & 102 Dorset Street and 4 Market Street is in violation of the zoning regulations (see enclosed Notices of Violation). Enclosed is staff s 11/7/00 memo regarding this appeal. 10) JOLT LAREIN, INC. — ELEVATIONS & SITE PLAN ALTERATIONS, 16 HARBOR VIEW ROAD This project consists of amending a previously approved site plan for a four-story, 48 unit congregate housing facility. The amendment consists of. 1) revising the parking layout, 2) altering the roofline of structure, 3) constructing a transformer in the front yard area, 4) constructing two covered walkways, and 5) amending the landscaping plan. The Planning Commission approved this site plan previously on June 29, 1999 (minutes enclosed). Staff discovered the applicant modified the site and the building elevations and constructed a canopy without approval. Staff placed the applicant in violation. This request is to approve an "as built" plan which again places the Board in the difficult position of being forced to approve changes which it might not like. This property is located at 16 Harbor View Road lies within the Commercial Two District and the Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District. It is bounded on the north by Harbor View Road, on the east by a congregate care facility, on the south by a congregate care facility and an industrial building, and on the west by a light manufacturing facility. Access/Circulation: Access is provided via a 20 foot curb cut on Harbor View Road. Circulation on the site is adequate. t. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEMO DECEMBER 5, 2000 MEETING Coverage/Setbacks: The building coverage will decrease from 24.5% to 24.5% (30% max). The total coverage will increase from 52.3% to 53% (70% max). The front yard coverage will decrease from 16.5% to 12.9% (30% max). All setbacks are met. Parking.A total of 26 parking spaces are required and 29 spaces including four handicapped spaces are provided. A bike rack is also provided. The amendments to the parking layout will square off the corners of the parking lot and will not change the number of spaces. Landscaping_ The minimum landscaping requirement based on building costs is $16,000. The applicant has submitted a quote illustrating that the requirement will be met. The applicant has added a transformer unit to the front yard area without approval. The applicant has submitted a letter stating that the power company dictated the location of the unit. Staff recommends that an oblique arborvitae hedge be substituted for the white pine trees proposed around the unit to provide adequate screening for the unit or require the unit to be placed elsewhere on the property. Transformer as Installed Recreation Path: The proposed alterations. will not impact the recreation path. Sewer: No additional sewer allocation has been requested. Lighting: No changes to the approved lighting have been proposed. Any changes to the lighting must be downcasting and shielded and approved by staff. Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Ovedgy District: The proposed alterations should not impact the previous result of the City's storm water hydrology model. Traffic: The proposed changes will not affect traffic. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEMO DECEMBER 5, 2000 MEETING Building Height: The Planning Commission previously approved a 45 foot height for the building under Section 25.113(c) of the Zoning Regulations. This five foot height waiver was granted as it was determined that the structure: (i) would not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; (ii) would not detract from the important scenic views from adjacent public roadways and other public rights -of -way. The applicant has proposed constructing a covered walkway projecting from the west fagade of the building to parking area and a covered walkway from the south fagade of the building to the adjacent structure. These are minor alterations that staff does not see as problematic. Canopy on ,south pafade as Built, 16 Harbor Kew Road The applicant has also proposed the addition of a fourth story to the north and south wings of the structure. These wings were previously approved for three stories in height which provided the visual effect of stepping down the building on its ends and reducing the visual impact of the projecting height of the main block of the building. By increasing the height of these wings, the applicant has proposed to increase the overall height of the building mass and thereby increasing its adverse affect in the character of the neighborhood (criteria (i) of Section 25.113(c) of the Zoning Regulations). The stepping down of the building served to gently lower the building into the existing landscape. The proposed alterations do not attempt to blend the building into the landscape but rather call attention to the exceeding height of the structure. For these reasons, staff recommends against the proposed alteration of the roofline of the building. 6 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEMO DECEMBER 5, 2000 MEETING West FaVade, 16 Harbor View Road In addition to the above criteria, Section 25.113(d) of the Zoning Regulations requires that for each foot of additional height above the normal 40 foot maximum, all front and rear setback shall be increased by one (1) foot and all side yard setbacks shall be increased by 1/2 foot. The additional setback requirements are being met. Dumpster: A screened dumpster area is depicted on the plans. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: Craig Lambert, City Arborist Re: December 5, 2000 Agenda Items Date: November 22, 2000 White Pine around transformer box will overtake Lilacs in fairly short order unless they are pruned back (sheared) each year. Plants achieving a smaller size at maturity should be considered. Green Ash is over planted in South Burlington and different species should be considered. Recommend moving clump birch further off the building to allow more room for growth. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: William 1. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: December 5, 2000 Agenda Items Date: November 13, 2000 JEFFREY & ELIZABETH GOLDBERG - 4 LOT SUBDIVISION, DORSET STREET 1. Snow plows as they come to the end of the dead end street will push a large amount of snow into the driveway serving the 4 lots. There should be a gravel turn around with 30 foot radius at the end so plows can swing around. 2. The sanitary sewer including the sewage pumping station and force main shall be owned and mGintained by the homeowners. ALLENWOOD PRASE II - HARBOR VIEW ROAD Site plan dated 1/29/97 with latest revision dated 11/3/00 prepared by Krebs & Lansing Engineers is acceptable. PLANNING COMMISSION 29 JUNE 1999 ends during the P.M. peak hour. 4. All exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures. Any change to approved lights shall require approval of the Director prior to installation. Details of any building mounted lights shall be submitted to the Director for approval prior to permit issuance. 5. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall post a $750 landscape bond. The bond shall remain in erect for three (3) years to assure that landscaping takes root and has agood chance of surviving. 6. The Planning Commission approves an additional sewer allocation of 480 gpd (includes 20% reduction allowed by State). The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. There is currently no sewer allocation available at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The allocation granted shall be placed on a waiting list until such time as the allocation is available. No Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance will be issued and the building cannot be occupied until such time as sewer capacity is avadablc. 7. The building shall be sprinklered. 8. Pursuant to Section 26.256(b) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission approves a total of 321 parking spaces (includes 24 "future" parking spaces) which represents a twenty two (22) space of 6.4% shortfall. 9. Any changes to the siteplan shall reguire ap rp oval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. 10. The final plat plans (Sheets L-1, C 1 and C2) shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As Agenda item #6 and #7 were part of the same application, they were heard together: 6. Site plan application of John Larkin, Inc., to construct a canopy to the rear of a forty eight (48) unit congregate housing facility, 16 Harbor View Road: 7. Site plan application of John Larkin, Inc., to construct a canopy to the rear of a sixty (60) unit congregate housing facility, 90 Allen Road: Mr. Rabideau explained that this canopy was the subject of very heated debate. The Zoning Board has approved reduced setbacks to allow for this structure. He noted that there is a fair amount of pedestrian traffic between the two facilities. Mr. O'Rourke asked if side walls are put down on the canopy. Mr. Rabideau said there are panels that go 3 rch i fed st I November 17, 2000 Mr. Ray Belair South Burlington Planning and Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 16 Harbor View Road Dear Ray, C6tu of So. Burl'ingtail In accordance with your request, I am transmitting the following supplemental information regarding the application of John Larkin at 16 Harbor View Road. 1. In lieu of elevations, I am sending you color photos of the previously approved canopy. Our office was not involved in the design or construction of this feature, so we have no record drawings of the canopy. In light of the fact that this canopy was approved, and that the photos show clearly the colors materials and location of the canopy, would you accept these photos for the purpose of re -approving this item? 2. The location of the transformer is dictated by the power company. The provisions of Section 25.113(c) of the South Burlington zoning ordinance applies to the height of structures. Even if you interpret the transformer to be a structure, it would not exceed the nominal height limits of the code, and is therefore not required to comply with this section of the ordinance. The principal structure on the site did in fact meet the added requirements for set -backs and therefore complies with this section of the ordinance. I do not agree that these items are linked. As to compliance with Section 26.105(d), screening plantings have been installed and are reflected on the plan. If it is the opinion of the board that additional plantings are required, we would be willing to discuss that idea with the board at the hearing. Very truly yours, Greg Rabideau 286 (allege Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Tel: (802) 863-0222 Fax: (802) 863-6407 greg@rahideau-architects.com NOTE: SEE SHEET A-6 FOR EXTERIOR MATERIALS AFING — — — --- F _L J35.00, (D4TH LOO EL 121.00' ,$$_FLQQR— EL Ile 00, 4$�2�F L 0 O-P-- EL la 900 00, TOPOFFAG— --- -,- -,-- -- —1 - ---- — ------ ---- — ------ — - - i BE " 0, -:-:::=-- -- --7----.— ---------- ----- - -- ------------- - ------ ----------- ------------- - ------ -- ---------------------------- SOJITH ELEVATION SC:AILE. 1/8" x 1 -0 IQ 2Q 3 4 5 t 1 � 9 � 10 �� IZ 13 14 IS VE INCL- 0 TH IL: 12, L, �3RD FLOOR OlS FLOOR F 100.00' Of, --- — ------------- ------------------- - -------- ---------- - ------------ --- ------- ------------- ----- ----------------------------- - ------- -------------- - -- --------------------------------------- ----------- WEST ELEVATION SCALE. 1/8' - V-O" i 11 Ir .01,1 ? 23 u 0.01 ZZ w 1 LO T u > w > w w w L > 1 CIA cio try 0 z 0 C) z pNti .00 'o o 0 u.-To (D='� x OD � 0 . N.1-u- SHEET NUMBER A- 5 DATE; 8/25/199, ,$BHABING _ EL IS5.00, �iq LH12 L00� EL: 2'1.00' w3Ro FLOOR. 4 ELF: II8.00' ,$.2�LOOB. EL. 109.00, EL; 100.00, Q—OF FQ EL: 9G.00, TT(1DTI7 Fi'T T'a \TATIQ�T SCALE:;4 = I'-O" IS 14 13 11 II 40 � B � I EXTERIOR MATERIALS: SIDING: SIDING PROFILE NUMBER ONE 15 TO BE sO MIL VINYL SIDING IN A TRIPLE THREE PROFILE WITH BRUSHED FINISH SIDING PROFILE NUMBER TWO IS TO BE PAINTED WHITE CEDAR SHAKES -OR- VINYL SHAKES IN CONTRASTING COLOR ROOFING: ROOFING TO BE ASPHALT SELF -TABBING CUT OUT TYPE SHINGLE WITH MINIMUM 20 YEAR WARRANTY OVER ONE LAYER 15 LB, ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FELT, PROVIDE GRACE ICE AND WATER SHIELD AT ALL EAVES. VALLEYS. RAKES, AND AS BACK-UP AT ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS WINDOWS: EXTRUDED VINYL DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS WITH 1/8 DOUBLE INSULATED. ARGON FILLED. LOW-E GLAZING, PROVIDE GRIDS AS SHOWN. TRIM: ALL TRIM SHALL BE PRE -PRIMED PINE, NUMBER 2 GRADE OR BETTER IN SIZES AS FOLLOWS: WINDOWS 5/1 X 4 NOMINAL DOORS: 5/q X q NOMINAL WATER TABLE, 5M X 8 NOMINAL CORNERS: 5/1 X q NOMINAL FASCIA: I X 8 NOMINAL WITH I X 4 NOMINAL DRIP SOFFIT5r 3/q IN. THICK A/C EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD. DOORS: ENTRY DOORS TO BE INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH THERMALLY BROKEN WOOD FRAME BY PEACHTREE OR EQUAL. R-10 MINIMUM MISC. PROVIDE 26 GA. G.I. PREFORMED DRIP EDGE AT ROOF PERIMETER VENT TERMINATIONS SHALL BE VINYL WITH OPERABLE LOUVERS ALL EXPOSED 'HEATING VENTS TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH SHINGLES. a 0 1 N N ! D 0 11J N w- G� <.0 ul `V t ` w 0 m - z Ow w D H m d w m s 0 m ___ .. oo=' NI o-A SHEET NUMBER A- 6 DATE: 8/25/1991 No Text GENERAL INFORMATION: STREET ADDRESS: 14 HARBOR VIEW ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT 05403 OWNER OP RECORD: JOHN P. LARKIN INC. 9tO SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 APPLICANT: JOHN P. LARKIN INC. 910 SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 £xiwmq guard 0 3 Remove exisfin9 curb os squired fo provide new curb cut ---- `lQ LOT INFORMATION: LOT SIZE: 1.L ACRES 94.493 SF LOT COVERAGE, TYPE ACTUAL ALLOWABLE BUILDING IO.IIG SF (23%) I3.3e13 Sr (SO%) FRONT YD 1.162 5F (II%) 2,100 SF (30%) TOTAL LOT 22.888 SP (51%) 31.250 SF CIO%) GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING a 91,509 5F. LIGHTING PROVIDED O0 AN TTIS' PHIGH OLE PRESSURE SODIUM MOUNTED WALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT FIXTURE 20're .f;-/bA-pom --1 fo C", or Cnuln Rur/Aefen—� CANOPY OVER WALKWAY TFOOT APPROVED AREA WHERE VARIANCE 9 REO UE 9TEDD OR BOTH YARD T8 T-DACK PURPOBE OF. WAIVER IS TO ALLOW pCETWEEND EXESTINGRELDECRLY HOu1S1NG PROJECTS. w ":i L j I t 'J LOCATION MAP: NOT TO SCALE PLANTING SCHEDULE: Y�.Msc= S/y NO. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE REMARKS t ) � rl 3 TILIA CORDATA LITTLELEAP LINDEN 3'9" CAL. 5-5 q ACE. GINNALA AMUR MAPLE 3 1/2" CAL. B'B i_ +/�• 5 P.A.INU. PENNSYLVANIACA GREEN ASH 3-1/2" CAL. Bab BETULA PENDULA WHITE BIRCH CLUMPS 12'-11' TALL B'B 10 PILAUS 47ROBOS WHITE PINE +-c' TALL Bab t MALUS PUMITA FLOWERING CRAB t-1/2" CAL. 5,13 SHRUBS: SY\\M� N0. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE REMARKS E II CORNUS SE.I..A REDOSIER DOGWOODS 30-34"HGT B+B 20 EU..IMU. ALATA BURNING BUSH 24-30" HGT B-B I FORSYTHIA 'MEADOWLARK" FORSYTHIA 3-9' HIT. B+B 2 RIM RHODODENDRON PJM RHODODENDRON 30-34" HGT. Bt5 /O B I SPIREA BUMALDA SPIREA IS —IS' TALL B-B 12 SYRINGA VULGARIS LILAC 3-•1' HGT. B.a 9 VIBURNUM OPUIUS %ANUM" CRANBERRY BUSH IZ-IS" TALL B-B 8 JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS SEA GREEN JUNIPER 18-24' TALL B+B �nf 5 POTENTILLA PRUCTICOSC POTENTIILA IS-18' TALL 5-5 T-.U. DENSIFORMIS SPREADING YEW IB-24" TALL B+B EUORYNI.UE PORTUNEI VEGE TUS WINTERCREEPER �--TAIIBBB O o�NO Om U) cMM HIRE O) �N 0 c0M U�mm IDS ..x m mf LL m m N 5NEE7 NUMBER sp-1 DATE: 10/28/199L RECEIVED 2000 MY of So. Burlington H . S-eC / /G11C- /IPI,) /� 7 al < // / ,S�Cl�sl lictrAl w /�t,��l ° is 4 ", P t J:rFIVED 2000 Ci"" Of So. Burlington RECEIVED City of So. Burlington r_,IVED L 2000 CitV Of So. Burlington 4 �ErEfVED 2000 Cif.,V of So. Burlington AW& RECEIVED 2000 ON Of SO. Burlington th' M.DA, MOPE,-h—jr , 4 On r- .she. f, I # idqt of Arm 14 .14, I & I - lmll� No Text Cite Ot So. Burlington 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .... ......... LARKIN REALTY r 410 Shelburne Road, Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 864-7444 (802) 864-0649 Fax November 22, 2000 Ray Belair City of So. Burlington Zoning 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 16 Harborview Site Plan Alterations Dear Ray, RFCElVED 2000 City of So. Burlington Enclosed is a landscaping quote as requested. The revised landscaping plan is being submitted under separate cover from Greg Rabideau. Note that we have planted a greater quantity than was originally approved, with a value over the required $16,000. covered in the Letter of Credit. Thank you and please call with any questions. Sincerely, Deborah Sherman Green Mountain Earth Care 505 Poker Hill Road Underhill, VT RECFIVED 05489 Phone 355-0986 Home Phone 899-2946 E-Mail kzfarmgtogether.net Deb Sherman Larkin Realty City of So. urlu.ngtowr. November 21, 2000 Dear Deb, The following is an estimate for the current value of the plantings at Harborview Pillsbury. 31 Trees $14,837.50 86 Shrubs $4,622.50 Please feel free to call me is there are any questions. Sincerely, David Keszey, , i 1 LOCATION MAP: NOT TO SCA*L_E I� ° PLANTING FREES. _ SYM NO SCIENTIFIC: NAME IN 1r 3 'TILIA CORDATA H ACER GINNALA S FRAXINU5 PENNSYL ✓ANIACA r tbETULA. PE.NDULA 10 PINUS 6TR0505 I MALuS elLtUTA ��� .� �_�,� 7 S+lRuBS: _ .�'f M ! rv0 SCHEDULE: SCIENTIFIC -NAME I II I CORNUS 5ERICEA 20 1 EUON fIlUS ALATA COMMON NAME LITTLELEAF LINDEN AMUR MAPLE uREEN ASH WHITE BIRCH CLUMPS WHITE PINE FLOWERING CRAB COMMON NAME REDOSIER DOGWOODS BURNING HUSH 6 FORS'fTHIA 'HEADOW1.ARK' T_*�" I THIA F'JM RHODODENDRON f-JM RHODODENDRON ° SPIREA BUMALGA. ) SPIREA i 5 fRiNG�Ar VULGAfiI$ LILAC ._,...._.,.. ___. a _..._. ...�. _ C ate'►..., �,^�� � ._..�...�..__.._.___ _ _ ��...__._�..__...._._._ y VIBURNUM OPULUS "NANUM" CRANBERR f BUSH JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS SEA GREEN JUNIFER 1 5 POl EN-rILLA FRUCTICO5�1 POTENTILLA n... 60 ,' 9 T AXu5 DENSIFORMIS SPREADING i EW 3 EUOR 1'NIC:US FORTUNEI E�ETUg % WINTERCREEPER irk � e C�i#,l of So. Burlington 3 A' ( 4L F +hs 3 I Z 1..%._5—.. r T AI_.I. fbjd I- I; _" CAL a+rs J�, ✓� rica I bib Z .. 9 ;� I �. 2S— � � S"�• 2S— .. Li_ r+r IE id' '1 ALL t�ih 16 -2 TALL 1 +b t3' -. /L ►. f3 Es CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 To: L), / From: ` / /X G C�� Fam �-�' �� �Gl� Data Phone: Pages: Re: CC: 1 KREBS & LANSING CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 164 Main Street Ste. 201 COLCHESTER, VERMONT 05446 (802) 878-0375 Fax (802) 878-9618 PA- -1-1 -.,. 1-10 once --al JOB AU"wooer - P"sE 73M SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY A/41% DATE (I's /&o CHECKED BY SC A[F DATE PLANNING COMMISSION 11 February 1997 page 9 the PUD will be one lot. Mr. Giebink agreed. The proposed design will create a "campus feeling." The new building will be exactly the same as what's now out there. The landscaping will also be the same. The new building will have parking under it. An elevator will serve the parking level. Regarding the question of a bus shelter, Mr. Giebink proposed getting it off the front and bringing it in closer to the Pines and closer to the entrance to the hotel. Mr. Weith noted that a meeting was held with CCTA and they agree this is a good location. However, the City Manager says the city will not pay for that bus loop. Mr. O'Rourke asked about the shared parking arrangement. Mr. Weith noted that with this arrangement they are 37 spaces short for the office building up front. He suggested reducing the size of the office building as he could not see a satisfactory shared parking arrangement. Mr. Weith asked if the applicant wanted this phase of the Pines to trigger the requirement for connecting the roads. Mr. Giebink felt there would be very few cars and it shouldn't trigger the road connection. Mr. Deslauriers said the intention is to do all that work this year. Ms. Estey said neighbors want to see the road completed. She agreed that shared parking won't work, especially since it would mean people having to cross two streets. Mr. Beaudin said he hated to see dead end parking arrangements like this where the only alternative is to turn around and come back. Mr. Giebink said they are looking for direction from the Com- mission on leeway for shared parking. Mr. Teeson said they would need a shared parking management study. Mr. Giebink said they would like to go from sketch to final plat. Members were OK with this. 6. Site plan application of John Larkin, Inc., to construct a 4- story, 48 unit congregate housing facility on a 1.02 acre parcel, 16 Harbor View Road: Mr. Rabideau said this would be an expansion of the Pillsbury Allenwood facility. It would be on a separate piece of land abutting the Pillsbury facility. He felt it was a good trans- PLANNING COMMISSION 11 February 1997 page 10 itional use from the commercial to residential zones and noted the other facilities are a great success. The project meets or exceeds all requirements. There would be 220 building coverage and 51% overall coverage. They are proposing more parking than what is required. They are asking for 45 ft. height to take advantage of spectac- ular views of Shelburne Bay. The building won't have a visual impact on neighboring properties as it will nestle in very tall pines. They are also asking for some consideration on landscaping as the site is heavily treed. They suggested an arrangement in- volving the Rec Path on a dollar for dollar basis. Information has been forwarded to Wagner, Heindel & Noyes, but no reply has been received yet. Mr Rabideau was confident they have provided what WH&N will want. Mr. Rabideau said they would like to work out an agreement with the City Engineer regarding the conditions he has asked for, especially the extension of the culvert. It would be very costly, and they feel there is already an adequate connection for the sidewalk. They would rather see the money go to the Rec Path rather than impinging on the CO District. Mr. Teeson had no problem letting this be worked out with the City Engineer. Mr. Dinklage suggested taking the Rec Path and turning it right to connect with the sidewalk. Mr. Weith said he would be willing to give up the sidewalk for the Rec Path. After a brief discussion, members agreed not to require a sidewalk and to have the applicant build the Rec Path. They also agreed the site is adequately landscaped and to waive the shortfall. Mr. Rabideau showed the grading plan. The building would be 4- story, wood -framed. It would be sprinklered. Members had no problems allowing the additional height. Mr. O'Rourke moved thePlannin Commissionapprove rove the sitelan application of John Larkin, Inc, to construct a 4-stor 48 unit con re ate housin facilit on a 1.02 acre parcel,16 Harbor View Road, as de icted on a five a e set of plans, age one entitled "Allenwood Phase II Lot 6 Bartlett Property,.Harbor View Road South Burlin ton, Vermont," re ared by Krebs & Lansing Consult - in En ineers, Inc, dated January 29, 1997, last revised 2/7/97, with the following stipulations: PLANNING COMMISSION 11 February 1997 page 11 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The lan shall be revised prior to issuance of a zoning er- mit to show the changes listed below and shall re wire a roval of the Cit Planner. Three co ies of the revised site plan shall be submitted to the Cit Planner rior to permit issuance. a) The site plan shall be revised _toshow _the entrance __ drive radii concrete curb extended to the Harbor View Road curb. b) The site plan shall be revised to show no frontage_s_ide- walk along Harbor View Road. c) The site plan shall be revised to show the .propo_se_d_ _ recreation path 9 feet wide. 3. Pursuant to Section 26.105(a) of the zoning re ulations, the Planning Commission grants a $7693 landscap_ing_c_redit_.__ 4. The applicant shall post a $16,000.00 landscape bond rior to issuance of a zonin ermit. The bond shall remain in effect for three ears to assure that the landsca _ng takes root and has a good chance of surviv_ing._ _ 5. As expres.s_ly, re resented by the a licant, the appl.icant shall construct the bike path from Allen Road to Harbor View _Road. This ath shall be nine feet wide and built to Cit standard. This bikeath shall be constructedrior to occupancy of the bui_ld_ing ._ 6. For the ur ose of calculating re uired road im act fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Com- mission estimates that the ro osed con re ate housin facilit will generate 8.16 vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 7. A sewer allocation of 5064 d is approved. The applic.ant shall pay the er allon fee prior to issuance of a zonin permit. There is currently -no sewer allocation available at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facilit The allocation re- uested shall be laced on a waiting list until such time as al- location becomes available. 8. Pursuant to Section 25.113(c) of the zoning re ulations, the Planning Commission allows the ro osed building to exceed the forty foot height limitation by five feet. The Commission has determined that the taller structure: PLANNING COMMISSION 11 February 1997 page 12 a) will not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; b) will not detract from the important scenic views from the adjac(nt_ _pu-blic- _roadways and other public rights-of-wav; c) will meet the additional setbacks re uired b Section 25.113(d) of the z_onin_q_r_e_qulations. The design of the__b_uildinq shall be in accordance with the ele vation depicted on the lans entitled "End Elevation, Allenwood Phase II," sheets A-5 and A-6, prepared by Greqor_y T. Rabideau Architect, dated 2/6/97. An si nificant change to these fans shall re quire approval_ by t_hePlanninq Commission. 9. All new exterior lighting -shall consist of downcastin shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the ro ert line. Any,chap e in liqhtinq shall be approved by the Cit Planner__prio_r to installation. 10. The results of Nelson, Heindel & No es stormwater hy drolocry com uter model for this site shall be submitted rior to ermit issuance. All recommendations of the stud shall be incor orated into the _s_i.te _plan with _approval_ _f rom the City Enqineer. . 11. The a licant shall obtain a zonin ermit for the buildin within six months of the Ctatesewer allocation for the_.pro.*ect becmes available, pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zonin re - ulations, or this approval is null and void. 12. The a licant shall obtain a Certificate of Occu anc /Com fi- ance from the Administrative Officer rior to occu anc of the building. 13. An Chan e to the site fan shall re uire a roval b the South Burlington Planning Commission. Mr. Dinkla e seconded. The motion was then assed unanimous) . 7. Site plan application of Farrell Distribution Company to 1) construct a 5808 sq. ft. 2-story addition with 300 sq. ft. vestibule, 2) construct a 640 sq. ft. addition and 3) construct a 5665 sq. ft. addition to an existing warehouse/distribution fac- ility, 5 Holmes Road: Mr. Lamphere said the expansion will be for office use. They are not adding any staff. The lower level addition is for sales staff. The company is also changing from endloadersto sideloaders. Oct 20 00 12:OGp Larkin Realty [802]864-0648 p.1 //;ZF 11 LARKIN REALTY 410 Shelburne Road, Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 864.7444 {802) 864-0649 Fax Fax Cover To:TRap Belair From: Deb Sherman Date. 10120100 Message: Hi Ray, Fax , umber (802) 864-0649 We discovered that a final CO. has never been issued for Allenwood Phase 2 at 16 Harborview Rd (permit # 97-205) A temporary (#98-04) witsissued on 711548 pending landscaping which was completed shortly after. Also, Smart Suites 1, 1700 Shelburne Rd , a f final was pending resolution of the cedar hedge at the east boundary. That was planted this summer. The temp C.O. is # 00-19, permit # 99-141. We would like to finalize these C.O. Is - let me know what further steps to take. 1 will check in with you on Monday. ?hank you 1! State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT LUP #: #4C0526-8 Name: John Larkin Inc. Address: 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05402 Laws/Regulations: 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151 Act 250 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues a Land Use Permit 44C0526-8, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 `v.S.A., Chapter 151. This permit applies to the land identificd in the land records of South. Rurlington, Vermont, as the subiect of a deed to the Permittee, as grantee. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittee to construct a 48 unit elderly housing facility in a four story wood frame building with municipal water and wastewater services. The project is located off of Harbor View Road in South Burlington. The Permittee and its assigns and successors in interest are obligated to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of Land Use Permit 44CO526 and any amendments, are in full force and effect, except as amended herein. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission, and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No material or substantial changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 3. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of permit. 4. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittee confirms and agrees for itself and all assigns and successors in interest that the conditions of this permit shall run with the land and the land uses herein permitted, and will be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. 5. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 6. This permit hereby incorporates all of the terms and conditions of the following permits issued by the Agency of Natural Resources: 0 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit #WW-4-0844-1, 0 Subdivision Permit #EC-4-2125. 7. Prior to any earth disturbance, the Permittee shall install and maintain protective fencing along the tree line to be protected from disturbance. 8. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall install and maintain water conserving plumbing fixtures, including but not limited to low flush toilets, aerator type or flow restricted faucets and if applicable low flow showerheads. Land Use Permit #4C0526-8 Page 2 9. All energy conservation devices shall be maintained in good working order and any failed devices shall be promptly replaced by equipment which is as energy efficient as the failed device being replaced if the device were operating as designed. All energy conservation measures outlined in the Agency of Natural Resource's Entry of Appearance under energy conservation shall be implemented. 10. The Permittee shall comply with all approved exhibits for erosion control and shall be installed prior to earth disturbance. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All soils shall be stabilized within fourteen days of initial disturbance. From October 1 to April 15 of any calendar year, all disturbed areas of the construction site shall be mulched until final grading and vegetative cover is established. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as they deem necessary. 11. The Permittee shall incorporate all erosion controls set forth in the approved plans in the contract documents for site work and excavation. 12. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved by replacing any dead or diseased plantings as soon as seasonably possible. 13. The installation of floor drains is specifically prohibited, unless approved for discharge to a municipal treatment facility. 14. The installation of exterior light fixtures shall be installed and shielded in such a manner as to conceal the light source and reflector surface from view beyond the perimeter of the area needed for illumination. 15. The sign approved for the site is depicted on the approved plans. There shall be no changes made in the size, color, materials or lighting without the expressed written approval of the District Commission. 16. All heated structures shall include the energy conservation measures in accordance with the approved plans and exhibits. 17. The installation and/or use of electric resistance heating is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Commission. 18. No material shall be buried or burned on -site. Construction material shall be disposed of in a State approved landfill. 19. Each prospective purchaser or lessee of the building shall be given a copy of the Land Use Permit before any written contract of sale is entered into. Failure to comply may be grounds for invalidation. 20. All construction on this project must be completed by October 15, 2000. 21. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6091(b), nonuse of this permit for a period of three years following the date of issuance shall constitute an abandonment of the Project and the permit shall be considered expired. "Nonuse" is defined in 10 V.S.A., $6091(b). 22. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6090(b), this permit is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. 23. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6090(b) Land Use Permit #4C0526-8 Page 3 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on this 12 day of January, 1998. By Geoffrey W. Gree District Coordinator as authorized by Helen Toor, Chair - District #4 Environmental Commission Commissioners participating in this decision: Helen Toor, Chair Tom Visser, Commissioner Susan Wheeler, Commissioner Any appeal of this decision must comply with all provisions of 10 V.S.A., $6089 and Environmental Board Rule 40 including the submissions of the original and ten copies of the following: notice of appeal, a statement of why the appellant believes the commission was in error, a statement of the issues to be addressed in the appeal, a summary of the evidence that will be presented, a preliminary list of witnesses, this decision and certificate of services. Decision on minor applications may be appealed if a hearing was held by the district commission or timely requested by the appellant. Page 1 Exhibit List Aix) ication # 4C0526-8 A = Applicant ANR = Agency of Natural Resources T = Town AOT = Agency of Transportation EC = Environmental Conservation DPS = Department of Public Services RPC = Regional Planning Commission VDH = Vermont Department of Health DA = Department of Agriculture DHP = Division for Historic Preservation APP# 4CO526-8 Exhibit # Date Received Entered By Nature of Exhibit and Date Entered 1 9/30/97 A Land Use Permit Application 2 " Schedule A - Fee Information 3 " Schedule F - Certification of Service 4 "ItSchedule B - Act 250 Narrative 5 " Act 250 Municipal Impact Questionnaire 6 " Schedule E - Adjoiner Information 7 " Plan: Site Plan (Rev. 2/6/97) g " Drawing - South/West Elevation g to to Drawing - North/East Elevation 10 of 11Plan: Site Plan (Rev. 414/97) 11 Plan: Details (1/29/97) 12 " Plan: Details (1/29/97) 13 Plan: Details (1/29/97) 14 ANR Interagency Act 250 Review Committee, Entry of Appearance (11 /3/97) 15 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit (12/23/97) 16 Subdivision Permit (12/23/97) 4C0526-8(1).xls PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # DEC PERMITS PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW RESPONSE DATE PENDING APPLICATION #e= —t4 1 SS DISTRICT c/ TOWN 56(4-7!i &40-UWl 770A) PIN # OWNER OF PROJECT SITE. NAME: JA9,-1 b. uAtP-11,1� ADDRESS: Yl0 kd. S0. 6uAUMG7'60 1/7 C S`ga3 TELEPHONE. fffall{— 7(/Sf / Based on information provided bye of land of / -%- acres, located on APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: NAME:_ ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: on / I/ 0I5 7 a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts ' The project is generally described as: it t 1� �12e'FL^�e<aJ ��, i,lK1� j �'CGC16 o21Y /��LtSi�t �n L( �bkv�4v�l �l��'4C Gt /iT&c��`�I�LC"tc-b� Prior Permits From This Office: qCB S-`r PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 6007(C)). Commercial, .residential or municipal project? Length of new/improved road(s) Has the landowner subdivided before? When/where/# of lots AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED YES NO; Copies sent to Statutory Parties: YES NO COMMENTS: r—tlk 34(6 ,'�a � ( ENVIRONMENTAL1SSIQ r DISTRICTS #4 ,6 & 9 111 WEST STREET SIGNATURE:_ ' �� ��� DATE: 2 ;1 i ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT 52 ( ) District4Coordinator Telephone 9 7 y- S-/ / c! jUN1 2. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGInhIAI�OFFICE, pFRn�IT1APPPnVAI„ RP0111RED _ _ _ _ ES NO Wafer Supply & Wastewater Disposal J' n &/or Exemption Deferral of Subdivision Tent/Travel Trailer Campground Mobile Home Park _Floor Drains (UIC) Sewer Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: U AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1 . - ADDRESS.. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIC SIGNATURE: r t "_ /\ r DATE: /Z117 % > 111 WEST STREET wEnvironmental Assistance Division ESSIX JCT., VT 05452 astewater Management Division Telephone: 979- -S 4 5 6 N THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS INDICATED BELOW AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Discharge Permit; pretreatment permits; industrial, municipal Indirect discharge permit Contact- Stormwater permits (state and federal, UIC) Residuals management sludge disposal OVER OTHER PERMITS AND REVIEWS YOU MAY NEED: (Continued) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3840) Contact: Construction/modification of source Open Burning Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation Industrial Process Air Emissions Diesel Engines (> 200 bHP) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) Well head protection areas Construction Permit, water system improvements Contact: _ Bottled Water _ Permit to operate New Hydrants Sprinkler Systems New Source 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hydroelectric Projects (241-3770) Use of chemicals in State waters(241-3777) Shoreland encroachment (241-3777) Aquatic nuisance control (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate, (241-3770) Stream Alteration (748-8787/786-5906) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact:' Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Underground Storage T,.onks (241-'3888) Hazardous waste handler notification requirement (241-3888) Asbestos Disposal Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) Waste oil burning (241-3888) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: _ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.)(241-3451) State funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) SMALL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Contact: Contact: Contact: Judy Mirro 802-241-3745 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact: Nongame & Natural Heritage program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obstruction Approval 11. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office# Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) Storage of flammable liquids, explosives LP Gas Storage Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers Boilers and pressure vessels 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Child care facilities (241-2158) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Contact: Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: _ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) Construction within state highway right -of way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Use/sale of pesticides (828-2431) Milk processing facilities (828-2433) Golf courses (828-2431) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431) Contact: Junkyards (828-2067) Railroad crossings (828-2760) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-2421) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16. PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD (802-828-2358) Hydro projects Sells water to 1 or more persons 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3226) Historic buildings Archeological sites 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals & rooms, amusement machines) 21. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste 22) LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. FEDERAL PERMITS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BLDG 10-18, CAMP JOHNSON, COLCHESTER, VT 05446 (655-0334) 25. OTHER: REVISION DATE: Form Date 11/97 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) STITZEL, PAGE & FLETCHER, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 171 BATTERY STREET P.O. BOX 1507 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402-1507 (802) 660-2555 (VOICE/TDD) STEVEN F. STITZEL FAX (802) 660-2552 or 660-9119 PATTI R. PAGE" E-MAIL(FIRM2555@FIRMSPF.COM) ROBERT E. FLETCHER WRITER'S E-MAIL (TEUSTACE a,FIRMSPF.COM) WRITER'S FAX (802) 660-2552 JOSEPH S.MCLEAN TIMOTHY M. EUSTACE MIA KARVONIDES AMANDA S.E. LAFFERTY (-ALSO ADMITTED IN N.Y ) February 8, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE AND 1ST CLASS MAIL Russell F. Niquette, Jr., Esq. Niquette, Niquette & Associates, P.C. 9 East Allen Street Winooski, VT 05404 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR W. CERNOSIA RE: City of South Burlington/John Larkin, Inc. License Agreement Dear Russ: I am writing to follow up our discussion regarding the license agreement for the canopy over the City's recreation path. The revised draft you sent me by fax dated February 3, 2000 incorporates the changes I requested. However, I must remind you that John Larkin, Inc. needs to obtain approval from the City Council to place the canopy across the City's easement before finalizing and executing a License Agreement. See Condition 3 of the Planning Commission's 8/10/99 and 8/17/99 Decisions, copies of which are attached hereto. In the process of reviewing this request, the City Council may impose certain restrictions/requirements to the installation of the canopy - if it is approved. Moreover, if the Council approves installation of the canopy, such approval may result in modifications to the draft License Agreement that you have proposed. Therefore, until we have received guidance from the City Council, I cannot "approve" the draft License Agreement. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Timothy M. Eustace THE/bjl cc: Raymond Belair PLANNER 658-7955 Greg Rabideau 86 Lake Street Burlington, Vermont City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 05401 February 7, 1997 Re: Allenwood Phase II, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Mr. Rabideau: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and the Fire Department were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, February 11, 1997, at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please JW/mcp Encls cc: John Larkin give me a call. iner JoeeitlyhJ1, PlannerCjt February 10, 2000 .Toe Weith Ray Belair 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Allenwood, Flarborview Canopy, 90 Allen Road A condition of approval for the canopy crossing of a section. of bikepath requires City Council approval and a License Agreement with the City. The agreement has been drafted by our attorney, Russ Niquette, and reviewed by Tim Eustace and we are scheduled for the February 21 st City Council meeting. If, however, we need an extension to the Planning Commission approval, we would like to request that at this time. Let us know if we need to take any further steps. Thank you for your help. Sincerely Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 8, 2000 Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Allenwood, IIarborview Canopy, 90 Allen Road & 16 Harbor View Road Dear Ms. Sherman: The South Burlington Development Review Board decided to grant a 6 month extension for the above referenced canopy at the meeting on March 7, 2000. The site plan approval expiration deadline for this project is now August 8, 2000. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ��� Sarah MacCalltyn Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 March 8, 2000 Deborah Sherman John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road Burlington, SIT 05401 Re: Allenwood, Harborview Canopy, 90 Allen Road & 16 harbor View Road Dear Ms. Sherman: The South Burlington Development Review Board decided to grant a 6 month extension for the above referenced canopy at the meeting on March 7, 2000. The site plan approval expiration deadline- for this project is now August 8, 2000. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallilm Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax#) 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) GfIrMG 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)��.� j 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS:!�i�c�l V'ti 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) E — Cyr �� � 1� L-1 ���%� �� c:.QAYL V VSi ci @ --.0 I � e0 c) Total building square footage (proposed b� fu�ild-inngs and/existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine)4� ?� e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Af 2 �vv1 t"1 l�` f) Number of employees (existing and proposed): g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above): 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing °� % Proposed % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 (,'7v % Proposed i ? c) Front yard (along each street) Existing `{ % Proposed % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: $ � ; C`� o 1 CvN�P' b) Landscaping: $ '240 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC C 010c-10`1 1 iPrS l� Pk�%�� ?�.ftfFi (f i VA WT' a) Average daily traffic (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour (In and out): 3 CA 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). m I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SI U E OF AP15LICANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: Ca /'' 6�7 / / REVIEW AUTHORITY: Planning Commission Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Coplete. ® Incomplete rector of Planning & Zoning or Designee (Apfrmsp) EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. • Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) • Survey data (distance and acreage) • Contours (existing and finished) • Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations • Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping • Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways • Zoning boundaries • Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) • Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) • Location of septic tanks (if applicable) • Location of any easements • Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard • North arrow • Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date • Exterior lighting details (must be down casting and shielded) • Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) • Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations • If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE ❑ New Application $ 60.00* Amendment $ 35.00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee (Apfrmsp) Memorandum - Planning June 29, 1999 agenda items June 25, 1999 Sewer: The additional sewer allocation requested is 480 gpd (this includes 20% reduction allowed by State). The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. There is currently no reserve capacity available at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The approved allocation will be placed on a waiting list until such time as capacity is available. Staff recommends a condition that a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance not be issued until the reserve capacity is available. Lig�htin: Applicant has not provided details (cut -sheets) regarding exterior lighting for the multi- family dwelling. The applicant should provide these details for approval by the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to permit issuance. Dwelling unit size: The minimum dwelling unit size under Section 25.114 of the zoning regulations is 425 square feet. The two (2) units on the first floor will be 646 square feet in size and the unit on the upper floor will be 1292 square feet in size. 6) JOHN LARKIN INC. - CANOPY - SITE PLAN This project consists of the construction of a canopy to the rear of a 48 unit congregate housing facility to connect this facility with the congregate housing facility at 90 Allen Road. The ZBA on 5/24/99 granted the applicant a variance to allow the canopy to project into the rear yard setback. The only issues affected by this application are: coverage, setbacks and recreation path. This property located at 16 Harbor View Road lies within the C2 and Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay Districts. It is bounded on the north by Harbor View Road, on the east by a congregate care facility, on the south by a congregate care facility and an industrial building, and on the west by a light manufacturing facility. Coverame/setbacks: Building coverage is 24.8% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 52.3% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 16.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Setback requirements are not met for the proposed canopy. The ZBA on 5/24/99 granted the applicant a variance to project 30 feet into the required 30 foot rear yard setback. U Memorandum - Planning June 29, 1999 agenda items June 25, 1999 Recreation path: The proposed canopy will cross the existing recreation path and block its use during the winter months. The Recreation Path Committee will discuss this issue at their 7/6/99 meeting. Since this canopy will cross a City easement with a structure, the City Attorney advises that the City enter into a license agreement with this applicant if approved. Staff recommends that the recreation path easement be open to the public at all times. 7) JOHN LARKIN INC. - CANOPY - SITE PLAN This project consists of the construction of a canopy to the rear of a 60 unit congregate housing facility to connect this facility with the congregate housing facility at 16 Harbor View Road. The ZBA on 5/24/99 granted the applicant a variance to allow the canopy to project into the rear yard setback. The only issues affected by this application are: coverage, setbacks and recreation path. This property locatead at 90 Allen Road lies within the C2 and Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay Districts. It is bounded on the north by two (2) congregate housing facilities, on the east by a group home, on the west by a commercial building, and on the south by Allen Road. Coverage/setback: Building coverage is 24.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 47% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 9% (maximum allowed is 30%). Setback requirements are not met for the proposed canopy. The ZBA on 5/24/99 granted the applicant a variance to project 30 feet into the required 30 foot rear yard set back. Recreation path: The proposed canopy will cross the existing recreation path and block its use during the winter months. The Recreation Path Committee will discuss this issue at their 7/6/99 meeting. Since this canopy will cross a City easement with a structure, the City Attorney advises that the City enter into a license agreement with this applicant if approved. Staff recommends that the recreation path easement be open to the public at all times. 5 DRAFFMOTION OF APPROVAL 6/29/99 JOHN LARKIN, INC. I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of John Larkin, Inc. to construct a canopy to the rear of a 48 unit congregate housing facility, 16 Harbor View Road, as depicted on a plan entitled, " 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The 20 foot recreation path easement shall be open to the public at all times. 3. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Council to place the structure across the City's easement. If approved by the City Council, the applicant shall enter into a license agreement with the City to allow the canopy to cross the easement. The agreement shall require approval of the City Attorney and shall be recorded in the land records prior to permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 ofthe zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 5. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to the use of the canopy. 6. Any changes to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: South Burlington Fire Department Re: June 29, 1999 agenda items Date: June 25, 1999 1) S.P. Larson Construction Dated 5/11 /99 90 Ethan Allen Drive The building should be sprinklered 2) Gary Bourne Dated 5/12/99 760 Shelburne Road Acceptable 3) Mitchell & Mercier Dated 5/18/99 350 - 354 White Street Acceptable 4) John Larkin Dated 6/7/99 1720 Williston Road The multi -family dwelling should be sprinklered. 5) John Larkin Dated 6/1/99 16 Harbor View Road & 90 Allen Road The Fire Department is concerned with access due to the canopy. The applicant should be aware that Labor and Industry may require the canopy to be sprinklered. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: June 29, 1999 Agenda Items Date: June 18, 1999 TECHNOLOGY PARK - KIMBALL AVENUE Since the sculpture may be viewed from the Interstate Highway, it may require approval from the State. LARKIN PROPERTY - 388 - 400 SHELBURNE STREET 1. Property at Proctor Avenue is shown on site plan but there has been no improvements to it. 2. Site plan showing the other two buildings prepared by Rabideau Architects dated 10/30/98 is acceptable. ALLENWOOD - HARBOR VIEW An architects sketch of the structure would help the review process. S.P. LARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - ETHAN ALLEN DRIVE New curb cut shall include a depressed concrete curb. The existing curb cut shall be closed with a new concrete barrier curb. GARY BOURNE - SERVICE STATION - SHELBURNE ROAD Site plan received 5/12/99 is acceptable. JAMES & DOROTHY HARDY - 2 LOT SUBDIVISION - 350 & 354 WHITE STREET Two lot subdivision plot plan prepared by Palmer Company Surveyors dated 10/31/83 is acceptable. • Consulting Hy&ogeologists • Engineers HVINHeindel and Noyes • Environmental Scientists H N P.O. Box 64709 Burlington, Vermont 05406-4709 802-658-0820 Fax 802-860-1014 April 18, 1997 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning and Planning Assistant City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Bartlett Brook Watershed Analysis Allenwood Phase II Expansion Dear Ray: As required within the Bartlett Brook overlay district, we have completed a stormwater runoff analysis for the proposed Allenwood Phase II Expansion. The runoff analysis has been performed using the site plan prepared for the proposed addition by Krebs and Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. The results of our analysis, which are summarized on the attached memorandum, indicate that a stormwater retention structure should be provided for the proposed expansion at the location indicated on the site plan. This stormwater retention structure will minimize the impact to peak discharge rates within the tributary stream which receives water from the Harbor View Road stormwater collection system and the south fork of Bartlett Brook. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on the results of this analysis. *achmeint l Noyes rogeologist cc: Bill Nedde, Krebs and Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. U AJNELSON\WPDOOSVBARTLETTAL2x ALLENWOOD PHASE II EXPANSION So. Burlington, Vermont BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED ANALYSIS Prepared fora Krebs and Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. Prepared by.- Heindel and Noyes April 18, 1997 YN Heindel and Noyes P.O. Box 64709 Burlington, Vermont 05406-4709 • Consulting Hydrogeologists • Engineers • Environmental Scientists 802-658-0820 Fax 802-860-1014 ALLENWOOD PHASE II EXPANSION So. Burlington, Vermont BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Allenwood Phase II Expansion located in the Bartlett Brook watershed was modeled to determine the impact of surface water runoff within the watershed. Several possible detention storage scenarios were run using the USDA Soil Conservation Service TR-20 hydrologic model, including runs without storage at the site. The results indicate a detention basin size of 75% of the originally designed basin indicated on the site plans is effective in controlling runoff from the site. This proposed detention structure will retain approximately 14,000 gallons with an outflow pipe diameter of 6 inches. This design will result in the best overall management of peak discharge rates from the property and minimize the potential for future erosion in tributaries downstream of the site. • Consulting Hydrogeologists x N • Engineers Heindel and Noyes • Environmental Scientists P.O. Box 64709 Burlington, Vermont 05406-4709 802-658-0820 Fax 802-860-1014 PHASE II EXPANSION BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED ANALYSIS So. Burlington, Vermont SUMMARY OF FINDINGS BARTLETT BROOK/ALLENWOOD PHASE II EXPANSION March 1997 1. Heindel & Noyes (H&N) has completed a stormwater runoff analysis of proposed Allenwood Phase II Expansion, located on Harbor View Road, within the Bartlett Brook watershed in South Burlington, Vermont. A site plan prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated January 29, 1997 was used to perform the analysis. 2. Stormwater runoff rates were calculated using the USDA Soil Conservation Service TR-20 hydrologic model. The TR-20 data file which includes existing development, as well as approved but unbuilt development within the entire Bartlett Brook watershed was modified to reflect the proposed expansion. 3. The design storm used in the evaluation was a 25 year, 24 hour storm event, or 4.0 inches of rainfall within a 24 hour period. This storm event represents the design standard utilized for all Bartlett Brook runoff evaluations. 4. The Allenwood Phase II facility is located within the drainage area of the south fork of Bartlett Brook. Runoff from the site enters Bartlett Brook at two points. Approximately 35% of the area drains east directly to the south fork via overland flow. The remaining area, including all of the parking lot, drains to an existing storm drainage system beneath Harbor View Road. Stormwater runoff collected by this system discharges to the north of Harbor View Road, into an unnamed tributary, and converges with the south fork of Bartlett Brook. H&N IBARTLETT BROOKIALLENWOOD PHASE II EXPANSION 2 I5. P.revious observations (March 1996) of the unnamed tributary and the south fork of Bartlett Brook have indicated significant erosion of the streambeds along these I channels. I 6. A prior evaluation of stormwater runoff from the adjoining property to the west (Shelburne Plastics) was performed by this office and reported to the city during March 1996. The results of that analysis concluded that two small detention basins I (Structure 13 and Structure 18) were necessary on the Shelburne Plastics site to control peak discharge from the property and ensure that no impact on peak discharge at the south fork of Bartlett Brook would occur. The detention basins included in the prior analysis have not been constructed on the Shelburne Plastics property. As per conversation with Bill Nedde of Krebs & Lansing on March 13, 1997, the Shelburne Plastics Expansion is on hold and the two proposed detention basins (Structures 13 & 18) should not be included in the analysis for Allenwood Phase II. Consequently, these structures were removed from the input file. 7. For the proposed expansion, peak stormwater discharge rates have been evaluated at four locations. These include the overland flow directly to Bartlett Brook (x-section 009) from the eastern portion of the site, the point that runoff leaves the site and enters the Harbor View stormwater collection system from the proposed detention basin (Structure 08), the outfall from the Harbor View collection system to the unnamed tributary (x-section 018), and the confluence of the unnamed tributary with the south fork of Bartlett Brook (x-section 012). 8. An analysis has shown that the Harbor View stormwater collection system (at x- section 018) has adequate capacity to convey the peak discharge rate of 17.40 cfs. These calculations are detailed on the attachment. We conclude that it is only necessary to examine peak discharge rates at the outfall from this system (i.e., the unnamed tributary), and at the confluence with the south fork. 9. A summary of peak discharge rates for the various scenarios evaluated is provided Ion the attachment. These results show the following: There is a slight difference in the timing of the runoff hydrographs during the design storm for all four points of interest. Specifically, the peak for the Harbor View storm drain system occurs at approximately 11.98 hours during the 24 hour storm event, and the peak discharge for the entire South Fork watershed occurs at 12.35 hours. Thus, management of fpeak discharge rates to minimize impacts at both locations becomes somewhat H&N BARTLETT BROOK/ALLENWOOD PHASE If EXPANSION 3 complex. In addition, the peak discharges from x-section 009 and from the proposed detention basin (Structure 08) are also different, occurring at 12.44 hours and 12.10 hours, respectively. 10. Several TR-20 simulations have been performed to determine whether or not stormwater retention is warranted on the site, and to evaluate potential sizing and outflow rates from a proposed detention structure (Structure 08) which would receive runoff from the proposed expansion. The best overall results are achieved with a structure 75% of the originally designed basin indicated on the site plans which will retain approximately 14,000 gallons of water with the outflow rate restricted to a 6 inch outflow pipe (see Basis of Design Summary). 11. The increased peak discharge of the south fork of Bartlett Brook east of the site (x- section 009) is a result of the proposed development. This increase in discharge of 164.24 cfs ultimately influences the peak discharge of 203.26 farther downstream in x-section 012. The time of 12.44 hours in x-section 009 is very close to the peak at x-section 012 of 12.35 hours, contributing to the increase of peak discharge at x-section 012. Although the model predicts that an increase to the peak discharge rate to the south fork of Bartlett Brook (x-section 012) will occur from 201.90 cfs for existing conditions to 203.26 cfs (an increase of 0.67%) following the expansion, the overall effect to the peak discharge within the south fork watershed would be minimized. 12. Under this scenario, the peak discharge of the unnamed tributary (x-section 018) would decrease from a value of 17.62 cfs as projected from the most recent overall TR-20 data file for the watershed to a value of 17.40 cfs (a decrease of 1.25%). This approach will result in the best overall management of peak discharge rates from the property and minimize the potential for future erosion to the unnamed tributary and to the south fork. It is important to note that all detention basin scenarios that were modeled produced a relatively small change in the peak discharge for the south fork of Bartlett Brook (x-section 012), while discharge to the unnamed tributary varied more significantly. This proposed detention basin is the best compromise of peak discharges for both the unnamed tributary and the south fork of Bartlett Brook. I:[ia BARTLETT BROOK/ALLENWOOD PHASE II EXPANSION 4 13. Without any detention structure in place, the peak discharge rate in the unnamed tributary would increase to 18.59 cfs (an increase of 5.5% above existing conditions), and the peak discharge rate in the south fork would be 202.47 cfs. Given the observation of significant recent erosion in the tributary as well as at the point of confluence with the south fork, we do not recommend this option. [U:IJNELSONIWPDOCS\BA RTLETT.AL2] H&N 1 2. 3. CI BARTLETT BROOK/ALLENWOOD So. Burlington, Vermont PHASE If EXPANSION APPENDICES Paae Design Summary 1-3 Peak Discharge Results 1 Basis for Detention Basin Design 2 Pipe Flow Calculations for X-Sec 018 3 Input/Output Data File for Post -Development with 75% Structure 1 - 11 Input/Output Data File for Post -Development without Structure 1 - 11 Input/Output Data File for Pre -Development 1 - 11 H&N 1 � SITE ~` I JI t � y V� f .. f" y{xtxx r3 f .,� �14, ` i i 0 11 1dl t j T 1 �' SOURCE: BURLINGTON, VERMONT USGS QUADRANGLE. (1987) BARTLETT BROOK DATE: At- RIL 22, 1997 Heindel and Noyes SO. BURLINGTON, VERMONT PROJECT NO. •Hydrogeology• Ecology• DRAWN BY: M. Luman • Environmental Engineering SITE LOCATION MAP PROJ. MGR: J. Noyes CONSULTING SQENIISTS AND ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 64/09 - BURIJNGION, VERMONI 05406 SCALE: 1 "=2000' FILE: C:\BARTLETT\SITEMAP APPROVED: J. Noyes PREPARED Ix: INFORMAPON & VISUALIZATION SERVICES Bartlett Brook TR-20 Model Allenwood Phase II Expansion Peak Discharge Summary March 25, 1997 So. Fork Bartlett Brook x-section 009 SCENARIO T hr Q cfs Existing Data File 12.44 163.95 Post -development w/out STIR 08 12.44 164.24 Post -development All STIR 08 designs 12.44 164.24 Outfall from Harborview Confluence with Proposed Detention Basin Unnamed Tributary So. Fork Bartlett Brook Structure 08 x-section 018 x-section 012 SCENARIO T hr Q cfs Elev. ft T hr Q cfs T hr Q cfs Existing Data File 11.98 17.62 12.35 201.90 Post -development 11.98 18.59 12.35 202.47 w/out STIR 08 Post -development w/STR 08 6" outlet 12.11 1.76 214.57 11.98 17.33 12.35 203.36 100% of orig. design Post -development w/STR 08 8" outlet 12.05 2.42 213.57 11.98 17.98 12.35 202.33 100% of orig. design Post -development w/STR 08 6" outlet, 12.10 1.86 214.86 11.98 17.40 12.35 203.26 75% of orig. design Post -development w/STR 08 8" outlet, 12.05 2.42 213.56 11.98 18.05 12.35 202.33 75% of orig. design U:\JNELSON\SPRDSHT\STORWAL2SUM.WBI a EINDEL, & NOYES HJasrttlett Brook/Allenw6od Phase IIo Development - Stormwater Retention Structure is For Design rINDEL,& NOYES Bartlett Brook/Allenwood Phase II lost Development - Stormwater Retention Structure asis For Design jructure: 08 @ 75% design Subwatershed: Allenwood Phase II 1. ELEVATION DATA Bottom Elevation (ft): 212.0 Outlet Elevation (ft): 212.0 I I Top of Berm Elev. (ft): 216.0 Normal Water Level Elev. (ft): 212.0 Normal Wet or Dry: Dry 2. OUTLET DATA Diameter of LF Outlets (in): 6 c = 0.7 Number of LF Outlets: 1 Elevation (ft) Q orif. Ih orif. 212.0 0 0.00 213.0 1 1.10 I 214.0 2 1.56 215.0 3 1.91 216.0 4 2.21 1 3. AREA / VOLUME DATA Surface Area at Normal Water Level (sq.ft): . 212.0 ' Elevation Depth AREA AREA. INCREM. CUMUL. VOLUME (ft) (ft) (sq. ft) (acres) vol.(ft^3) (acre-ft) (gal) 212.0 0.0 75.3 0.002 0 213.0 1.0 215.8 ' " 0.005 148 0.003 1107 214.0 2.0 427.8 0.010. .. 473 0.011 3538 215.0 3.0 700.3 0.016 . 1029 0.024 7697 216.0 4.0 1019.3 0.023 1877 0.043 14040 1:\.JNELSON\SPRDSHT\STORM\STR6lN75 WBI H W�N Wagner, Heindel , and Noyes, Inc. Consulting Geologists 428 Shelburne Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403.11 O Page No. PAGE �_ OF PROJECT ALA .NI �_?nOh -Fd r DATE_ 3// fg-I *****************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA FOR TR-20 HYDROLOGY****************** JOB TR-20 SUMMARY NOPLOTS TITLE 001 BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL 1CN TITLE 002 3/19/97 PROJECT: Allenwood Phase II Str 08,75%, 611pipe, 3 STRUCT 01 8 220. 0.0 0.0 220.5 9.86 0.597 18 8 221.0 19.31 1.194 8 221.25 22.28 1.492 8 221.5 24.53 1.791 8 222.0 28.21 2.388 8 222.25 30.0 2.686 8 222.5 30.1 2.984 8 223.0 30.2 3.581 9 ENDTBL 12 XSECTN 002 1.0 217• f 8 215. 0.0 0.0 8 215.5 2.51 1.13 8 216. 15.37 4.45 8 216.5 45.49 9.83 8 217. 95.90 17.50 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 001 1.0 212.0 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.25 0.81 0.38 8 210.5 5.12 1.38 8 210.75 15.10 3.00 8 211. 33.10 5.75 8 211.25 59.80 8.75 8 211.5 99.34 13.13 8 212. 208.31 22.60 9 ENDTBL XSECTN 003 1.0 208.0 12 8 205. 0.0 0.0 8 205.5 13.97 3.48 8 206. 44.09 7.65 206.5 88.94 12.75 B 207. 147.75 18.50 1 207.5 220.75 24.88 8 208. 312.81 32.40 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 02 13 8 220.0 0.0 0.0 8 221.0 0.053 0.030 8 222.0 0.108 0.060 8 223.0 0.159 0.090 8 224.0 0.212 0.120 1 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 224.17 0.68 0.12001 8 224.50 3.43 0.12002 8 224.83 8.48 0.12003 8 225.17 12.93 0.12004 8 225.33 14.59 0.12005 8 225.50 15.00 0.12006 8 225.67 15.01 0.12007 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 004 1.0 192.0 8 190. 0.0 0.0 190.5 1.90 1.59 I8 8 191. 11.24 2.50 8 191.5 33.44 3.28 8 192. 67.28 3.98 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 005 1.0 198.0 8 195. 0.0 0.0 8 195.1 0.073 0.15 8 195.2 0.33 0.43 8 195.3 0.82 0.81 8 195.4 1.62 1.32 8 195.6 4.19 2.61 8 195.8 8.54 4.40 8 196. 14.90 6.6 18 197. 82.97 23.20 8 198. 268.39 60.00 ffff 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 03 9 ENDTBL 12 XSECTN 006 1.0 193.0 ` 8 190.0 0.0 0.0 3 190.1 0.37 0.48 8 190.2 1.20 1.03 8 190.3 2.42 1.64 8 190.4 4.04 2.32 8 190.5 6.01 3.03 8 191.0 22.43 7.75 j 8 191.5 50.46 13.95 I8 192. 93.63 22.1 8 192.5 151.42 31.5 8 193. 192.03 41.25 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 04 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.4 2.69 0.000215 8 146.2 25.18 0.00187 I1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 1 8 147. 49.8 0.00735 8 147.8 111.27 0.01955 8 148.2 130.47 0.03293 148.6 130.94 0.07313 I8 8 149. 132.79 0.09449 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 007 1.0 151.0 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.2 0.186 0.24 8 145.4 0.83 0.68 8 145.6 2.29 1.44 8 145.8 4.37 2.28 8 146. 8.11 3.65 8 147. 44.81 12.80 8 148. 123.36 27.00 8 149. 321.75 68.40 8 150. 702.80 114.50 8 151. 1225.87 167.10 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 008 1.0 134.0 8 130. 0.0 0.0 8 130.1 0.027 0.10 8 130.2 0.15 0.35 8 130.3 0.37 0.65 8 130.4 1.64 1.66 130.5 2.51 2.23 I8 8 131. 8.06 4.90 8 131.5 16.23 8.03 8 132. 26.28 11.30 8 132.5 39.51 15.25 8 133. 55.6 19.65 8 133.5 248.90 57.15 8 134. 922.10 169.65 ENDTBL I9 2 XSECTN 009 1.0 215.0 3 �8 207. 0.0 0.0 8 208. 8.0 4.64 8 208.5 16.0 7.21 8 209.0 32.0 9.55 18 209.5 45.0 11.81 ` 8 210.0 58.0 13.23 8 211.0 76.0 13.381 8 212.0 92.0 13.382 8 213.0 105.0 13.383 8 214.0 120.0 13.384 i1 8 215.0 130.0 13.385 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** ENDTBL 19 2 XSECTN 010 1.0 212.5 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.5 9.97 2.90 211. 33.41 6.60 18 8 211.5 69.80 11.10 8 212. 120.00 16.40 8 212.5 183.17 22.65 9 ENDTBL 12 XSECTN 011 1.0 206.0 ` 8 200. 0.0 0.0 8 201. 31.60 5.85 8 202. 105.86 13.70 8 203. 217.78 23.10 8 204. 378.38 34.80 8 205. 579.05 47.75 8 206. 828.03 62.40 ENDTBL 19 2 XSECTN 012 1.0 147.0 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.2 0.26 0.16 8 145.4 2.26 0.86 8 145.6 7.76 2.25 8 145.8 16.87 4.04 8 146. 29.00 6.00 8 147. 208.60 27.10 ENDTBL 19 3 STRUCT 05 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.6 9.80 0.00018 8 146.8 91.60 0.00370 8 148.0 241.57 0.0161 8 149.2 404.85 0.0807 8 149.8 474.72 0.11457 8 150.4 512.81 0.1537 8 151.0 513.00 0.2005 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 013 1.0 134.0 8 130. 0.0 0.0 8 130.1 0.05 0.05 8 130.2 0.26 0.18 8 130.3 0.71 0.38 8 130.4 1.47 0.64 8 130.5 2.52 0.95 18 131. 14.73 3.50 ` 8 1 131.5 42.12 7.65 1**********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 132. 87.91 13.20 E8 8 132.2 107.11 16.06 m ` 8 133. 272.20 64.06 18 134. 954.93 160.06 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 06 8 120. 0.0 0.0 8 120.9 20.87 0.065 8 121.8 78.63 0.40 8 122.7 158.40 1.36 8 123.6 264.67 2.79 8 124.5 388.43 4.94 8 125.4 533.68 8.37 8 126.2 705.17 11.39 8 127.1 914.85 14.89 8 128.0 1216.89 18.84 8 128.8 2273.95 22.79 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 014 1.0 104. 100. 0.0 0.0 I8 8 100.1 0.53 0.62 8 100.2 1.65 1.24 8 100.3 3.32 1.86 100.4 5.36 2.52 I8 8 100.5 7.80 3.20 8 101. 24.33 6.75 8 101.5 47.33 10.58 8 102. 75.96 14.70 8 102.5 110.20 19.13 8 103. 150.57 24.00 8 103.5 231.30 34.00 8 104. 393.99 54.00 j 9 ENDTBL I2 XSECTN 015 1.0 135.3 8 132. 0.0 0.0 8 132.5 12.0 2.5 8 133.0 43.6 6.8 8 133.5 114.0 14.4 8 134.0 239.0 23.2 8 134.5 393.7 32.5 8 135.0 587.5 42.2 135.3 701.7 48.2 I8 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 016 1.0 149.5 8 148. 0.0 0.0 8 1 148.2 0.32 0.31 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 148.5 2.03 1.19 8 149.0 9.59 3.75 f 8 149.5 25.0 7.68 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 017 1.0 163.5 8 162. 0.0 0.0 162.2 0.71 0.67 8 I8 162.5 3.38 1.92 8 163.0 11.9 4.67 8 163.5 26.0 8.25 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 018 1.0 198.29 8 196.29 0.0 0.0 8 196.79 0.73 0.393 8 197.04 1.48 0.628 197.29 2.22 0.785 I8 8 197.79 3.65 0.786 8 198.29 4.6 0.787 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 019 1.0 147.0 8 145.5 0.0 0.0 s 8 145.7 0.32 0.31 8 146.0 2.03 1.19 8 146.5 9.59 3.75 8 147.0 25.0 7.68 ENDTBL 19 2 XSECTN 020 1.0 215.0 8 210.8 0.0 0.0 8 211.0 0.30 0.25 8 212.0 13.0 3.5 18 213.0 60.8 11.0 8 214.0 136.7 21.3 8 215.0 251.8 34.6 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 07 8 180. 0.0 0.0 8 181.0 4.80 0.001 8 181.5 9.10 0.002 182.0 12.0 0.003 18 8 183.0 25.0 0.006 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 08 8 212.0 0.0 0.0 8 213.0 1.10 0.004 8 214.0 1.56 0.011 8 215.0 1.91 0.023 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 216.0 2.21 0.043 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 09 8 147.5 0.0 0.0 8 148.0 0.0 0.00129 8 148.5 0.0 0.00257 8 149.0 0.9 0.00386 8 149.5 2.8 0.00514 8 150.5 7.7 0.00771 8 151.5 9.0 0.01028 8 152.5 11.0 0.01286 8 153.5 12.3 0.01543 8 154.5 14.0 0.01800 8 155.0 15.5 0.01928 8 155.5 18.5 0.02057 8 156.5 25.5 0.02314 8 157.5 30.5 0.02571 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 10 8 140.00 0.0 0.0 8 140.50 0.087 0.0079 8 141.00 3.52 0.0174 8 141.50 4.35 0.0288 8 142.00 6.57 0.0421 8 142.50 7.21 0.0579 8 143.00 8.01 0.0755 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 11 8 150.5 0.0 0.0 8 151.0 2.0 0.004 8 152.0 3.1 0.030 8 153.0 3.9 0.070 8 153.8 4.5 0.120 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 12 I3 8 147.00 0.0 0.0 8 147.50 0.087 0.0030 8 148.00 4.95 0.0065 8 148.50 7.45 0.0108 8 149.00 8.82 0.0158 IM 8 149.50 10.39 0.0217 8 150.00 11.21 0.0283 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 13 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 14 I............... ******"*80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 15 8 220.00 0.0 0.0 8 220.50 0.022 0.0015 8 221.00 0.031 0.0030 8 221.50 0.618 0.0045 8 222.00 1.44 0.0061 8 222.50 1.85 0.0076 8 223.00 2.45 0.0091 8 223.50 2.86 0.0106 8 224.00 3.26 0.0121 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 16 8 214.00 0.0 0.0 8 215.00 0.031 0.0055 8 216.00 1.44 0.0278 8 217.00 2.45 0.0669 8 218.00 3.26 0.1288 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 17 8 217.00 0.0 0.0 8 218.00 2.6 0.0026 219.00 3.7 0.0052 8 220.00 4.6 0.0077 I8 8 220.01 10. 0.00771 9 ENDTBL 6 RUNOFF 1 01 6 0.257 77. 0.57 6 RESVOR 2 01 6 7 220.0 6 REACH 3 001 7 5 500. 3.27 1.23 6 RUNOFF 1 002 6 0.083 64. 0.52 6 ADDHYD 4 003 5 6 7 REACH 3 005 7 5 1000. 6 RUNOFF 16 1 02 6 0.175 61. 0.61 6 RESVOR 2 02 6 4 220.0 6 REACH 3 004 4 6 600. 1.5 1.20 6 ADDHYD 4 03 5 6 7 6 RESVOR 2 03 7 5 190.0 6 REACH 3 006 5 6 50. 6 REACH 3 007 6 7 1250. 6 RUNOFF 1 007 5 0.110 71. 0.40 6 ADDHYD 4 007 5 7 6 6 RESVOR 2 04 6 7 145. 6 REACH 3 008 7 5 650. 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00076 90.9 0.0468 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0,00048 98. 0.0229 6 ADDHYD 4 008 6 7 4 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00095 81. 0.15 ADDHYD 4 008 4 6 7 16 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00172 59.2 0.0287 6 ADDHYD 4 008 7 6 3 6 RUNOFF 1 008 4 0.00163 85.7 0.0273 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0.00069 83.9 0.0155 6 ADDHYD 4 008 4 7 6 No Text 6 ADDHYD 4 008 3 15 4 6 ADDHYD 4 008 5 4 7 6 RUNOFF 1 009 5 0.255 76.5 0.87 6 RUNOFF 1 009 2 0.0009 75.9 0.0678 6 RUNOFF 1 009 6 0.0007 83.0 0.29 6 RUNOFF 1 17 4 0.0015 89.9 0.0738 6 RESVOR 2 17 4 3 217.0 6 ADDHYD 4 009 5 2 4 6 ADDHYD 4 009 4 6 5 6 ADDHYD 4 009 5 3 1 6 RUNOFF 1 15 5 0.0014 89.0 0.0597 6 RESVOR 2 15 5 2 220.0 6 RUNOFF 1 16 6 0.0017 84.5 0.118 6 RESVOR 2 16 6 5 214.0 6 RUNOFF 1 020 4 0.0005 83.4 0.0219 6 RUNOFF 1 020 3 0.0007 71.9 0.0312 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 5 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 4 2 16 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 3 6 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 1 3 6 RUNOFF 1 010 2 0.050 69. 0.54 6 ADDHYD 4 011 3 2 4 6 REACH 3 011 4 3 1200. 6 RUNOFF 1 07 6 0.0086 72.6 0.0945 6 RUNOFF 1 08 1 0.0013 86.8 0.15 6 RESVOR 2 08 1 2 212.0 6 ADDHYD 4 07 6 2 5 6 RUNOFF 1 13 4 0.0031 69.1 0.149 6 ADDHYD 4 018 4 5 2 6 REACH 3 018 2 1 1200. RUNOFF 1 08 5 0.00257 86. 0.043 I6 6 ADDHYD 4 012 5 1 4 6 RUNOFF 1 09 2 0.0134 87. 0.048 6 RESVOR 2 09 2 5 147.5 ADDHYD 4 012 3 5 1 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 4 2 16 6 RUNOFF 1 012 3 0.00140 76.6 0.040 6 ADDHYD 4 012 3 2 1 6 RUNOFF 1 012 5 0.00188 74.3 0.06 (1 **********************80 80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 5 2 6 RUNOFF 1 017 3 0.0116 75. 0.17 6 RUNOFF 1 017 5 0.00490 85.6 0.135 6 ADDHYD 4 017 3 5 1 6 REACH 3 017 1 4 290. 6 ADDHYD 4 012 4 2 1 6 RESVOR 2 05 1 4 145. 6 REACH 3 015 4 2 270. 6 RUNOFF 1 015 3 0.00283 84. 0.074 6 ADDHYD 4 015 2 3 1 6 RUNOFF 1 11 6 0.00136 87.5 0.034 6 RESVOR 2 11 6 5 150.5 6 REACH 3 016 5 3 175. 6 RUNOFF 1 12 6 0.00024 84.0 0.035 6 RUNOFF 1 12 2 0.00097 98.0 0.015 6 ADDHYD 4 12 3 6 5 6 ADDHYD 4 12 5 2 4 6 REACH 3 016 4 2 200. 6 RUNOFF 1 14 6 0.0011 95.0 0.041 6 RUNOFF 1 14 5 0.0007 97.0 0.017 6 RUNOFF 1 14 4 0.0011 88.0 0.096 6 ADDHYD 4 14 6 5 3 6 ADDHYD 4 14 3 4 6 6 ADDHYD 4 14 2 6 4 6 REACH 3 019 4 2 210. 6 ADDHYD 4 015 1 2 3 I 6 REACH 3 013 3 . 2 630. 6 RUNOFF 1 013 3 0.0068 69.0 0.10 6 ADDHYD 4 013 2 3 1 6 ADDHYD 4 06 1 7 4 6 RESVOR 2 06 4 3 120. 6 REACH 3 014 3 4 700. ENDATA 7 INCREM 6 0.10 7 BASFLO 5 0.0041 1.0 24.0 7 COMPUT 7 01 008 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 7 BASFLO 5 0.0041 1.0 24.0 7 COMPUT 7 009 014 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 ENDCMP 1 ENDJOB 2 0 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** h*************+*****************END OF 80-80 1 IJOB 1 SUMMARY TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED 3/19/97 MODEL PROJECT: Allenwood Phase II - Str 08,75%, 6"pipe, 1CN PAGE REV PC I 09/83(.2) UMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) ECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION PEAK DISCHARGE ---- -- - - --- -------- TRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME INCREM -- ---- ------------'-" BEGIN AMOUNT DURATION RUNOFF AMOUNT ---------- ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE ID OPERATION AREA # COND (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) (SQ MI) TALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 TSTRUCTURE 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.81 --- 12.24 223.97 871.5 1 RUNOFF .26 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.81 229.34 13.52 31.47 122.4 STRUCTURE 1 RESVOR .26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.81 210.98 13.52 31.47 122.4 XSECTION 1XSECTION 1 REACH 26 2 .10 .0 2 4.00 24.00 1.611 206.25 12.24 66.93 196.9 XSECTION 3 ADDHYD .34 2 .10 .0 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.61 196.75 12.36 65.95 194.0 TXSECTION 5 REACH .34 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 .82 --- 12.32 53.11 303.5 STRUCTURE 2 RUNOFF .17 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .82 925.74 12.32 56.19 321.1 STRUCTURE 2 RESVOR .17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .80 191.83 12.42 56.10 320.6 XSECTION 4 REACH .17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 --- 12.41 121.21 235.4 STRUCTURE 3 ADDHYD .51 2 .10 .0 TSTRUCTURE 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 --- 12.41 121.21 235.4 3 RESVOR .51 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.33 192.24 12.41 121.21 235.4 XSECTION 6 REACH .51 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.34 147.96 12.51 120.36 233.7 7 REACH 51 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.40 --- 12.15 88.95 808.7 jXSECTION XSECTION 7 RUNOFF .11 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.35 148.19 12.33 160.09 256.1 XSECTION 7 ADDHYD .63 2 .10 .0 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 152.77 12.52 150.23 240.4 STRUCTURE 4 RESVOR .63 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.33 133.24 12.52 150.23 240.4 (XSECTION 8 REACH .63 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.98 11.95 2.14 2815.8 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.76 __- 11.95 1.50 3124.7 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.28 130.60 11.95 3.64 2935.0 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 .10 .0 TXSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.12 --- 130.75 11.99 11.96 1.73 5.31 1818.9 2426.3 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.78 11.98 1.36 788.2 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .73 1.88 130.87 11.97 6.66 1702.2 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.53 --- 11.96 4.10 2514.1 8 RUNOFF .00 .10 .0 (XSECTION XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.38 130.79 11.96 11.96 1.66 5.76 2409.6 2483.0 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD 00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.48 2.10 131.27 11.96 12.40 1991.0 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .01 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.34 133.25 12.52 151.49 240.0 TXSECTION 8 ADDHYD .63 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 12.44 163.54 641.3 XSECTION 9 RUNOFF .25 2 .10 .0 9 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.70 --- 11.97 12.08 1.58 1.12 1756.8 1602.1 �XSECTION XSECTION 9 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.28 --- TTR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: Allenwood Phase II - Str 08,75%, 6"pipe, 1CN PAGE 17 I SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH IA QUESTION MARKO) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) /o STANDARD. RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION -PEAK-DISCHARGE - - - - SECTION/ I STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME - __ BEGIN --------- AMOUNT DURATION RUNOFF AMOUNT ---------- ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE ID OPERATION AREA # COND iNCREM (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) (SQ MI) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 + 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.94 2.94 --- 219.19 11.96 11.97 4.04 3.87 2695.1 2581.4 STRUCTURE 17 RUNOFF 00 (STRUCTURE 17 RESVOR STRUCTURE .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.78 218.37 12.44 163.71 639.7 XSECTION 9 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 218.40 12.44 163. 63 XSECTION 9 ADDHYD .26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 218.42 12.44 164.24 636..3 XSECTION 9 ADDHYD .26 2 2 .10 .0 STRUCTURE 15 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.79 2.8E --- 22440 11.9E 3.74 2674.2 STRUCTURE 15 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 2.3912.11 .2E 11.97 3.69 2171.6 STRUCTURE 16 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.39 216.- STRUCTURE 16 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.33 12.00 1.10 2191.0 �XSECTION 20 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.4E --- 12.00 1.04 5.21 1489.5 1680.5 XSECTION 20 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.60 211.39 11.99 6.36 1767.2 XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .00 2 .0 4.00 24.00 2.56 211.48 11.98 1632.8 XSECTION (2 20 ADDHYD 00 .10 XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .00XSECTION 4.00 24.00 1.79 214.25 12.44 166.04 20 ADDHYD .26 2 2 .10 .0 XSECTION 10 RUNOFF .05 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.27 1.71 --- 202.75 12.25 12.40 29.72 189.74 594.4 607.4 IXSECTION 11 ADDHYD 31 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 1. 20--- 12.40 18 XSECTION 11 REACH .31 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.4 11.97 12.48 1450.6 STRUCTURE 7 RUNOFF .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.62 --- 11.99 2.86 2201.1 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 ISTRUCTURE STRUCTURE 8 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.61 1.27 214.86 182.1E 12.10 1.86 13.33 1430.2 STRUCTURE 7 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1. 12.00 1073.4 STRUCTURE 13 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.54 205.03 11.98 17.40 1338.E IXSECTION 18 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.54 205.03 11.98 17.40 1338.6 XSECTION 18 REACH .01 2 2 .10 .0 2 2 4.00 24.00 2.53 --- 11.96 6.46 2515.3 STRUCTURE 8 RUNOFF .00 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.71 145.91 11.97 23.75 1525.4 XSECTION I2 12 ADDHYD 02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.62 --- 11.96 34.48 2573.5 STRUCTURE 9 RUNOFF .01 2.00 .10 .0 24.00 2.71 157.89 2587.3 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.90 12.39 191.34 XSECTIONSTRUCTUR 12 ADDHOYD .33 2 2 .10 .0 2 2 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.93 12.37 195.16 571.7 I XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 11.9E 1877.E XSECTION 12 RUNOFF 00 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.93 12.37 195.44 570.2 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 2 .10 .0 15 XSECTION1.75 2 4.00 24.00 146.93 12.37 195.79 8.01 12 ADDHYD .34 2 .10 .0 IXSECTION 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.67 --- 12.01 15.89 1369.4 XSECTION 17 RUNOFF .01 .10 1 i TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY Allenwood Phase II Str 08,75%, 6"pipe, 1CN PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: 18 SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION ------ RUNOFF ------------- PEAK DISCHARGE ------------ STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME ---------------- ---------------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCREM BEGIN AMOUNT DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE (SO MI) (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) ALTERNATE 1 _STORM 1 XSECTION 17 XSECTION 17 XSECTION 17 (STRUCTURE RUNOFF ADDHYD REACH ADDHYDXSECTION15 RESVOR .00 .02 .02 .36 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 .51 1.92 1.92 1.76 --- 163.51 163.51 147.70 11.98 12.00 12.00 12.35 10.66 26.38 26.38 203.47 2175.2 1598.8 1598.8 563.4 IXSECIION15 XSECTION 15 XSECTION 15 STRUCTURE 11 STRUCTURE 11 REACH RUNOFF ADDHYD RUNOFF RESVOR 36 .00 .36 .00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1.76 2.76 1.68 2.68 2.74 133.86 3. 13--- 151.51 11.35 11.9 11.96 12.01 203.47 204.25 2.57 2.57 2563.4 622.2 1886.9 1886.9 iXSECTION 16 STRUCTURE 12 STRUCTURE 12 STRUCTURE 12 REACH RUNOFF RUNOFF ADDHYD .00 .00 .00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2.74 2.33 3.76 3.09 148.54 148.23 1 12.11.00 94 11.96 2.57 . 2.53 53 6.10 1886.9 2211.2 2374.2 XSECTION 16 STRUCTURE 14 STRUCTURE 14 I STRUCTURE 14 STRUCTURE 14 REACH RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF ADDHYD 00 00 .00 .00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 3.09 3.41 3.65 2.69 3.50 148.77 -__ --- 11.96 11.95 11.95 11.96 11.95 6.10 3.33 2.17 2.75 5.50 2374.2 3 3100.00.7 2496.3 3054.7 STRUCTURE 14 STRUCTURE 14 XSECTION 19 15 XSECTION 13 ADDHYD ADDHYD REACH ADDHYDXSECTION REACH .00 .01 .01 .37 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 3.19 3.14 3.14 1.78 --- --- 146.65 132.68 11.95 11.96 11.96 12.35 8.24 14.34 14.34 205.54 2840.0 2620.7 2620.7 556.3 XSECTION 13 XSECTION 13 STRUCTURE 6 ISTRUCTURE 6 XSECTION 14 RUNOFF ADDHYD ADDHYD RESVOR REACH 01 .38 1.01 1.01 1.01 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1.25 1.77 1.50 1.51 1.51 132.68 124.23 124.07 103.80 11.98 12.34 12.45 12.60 12.60 8.20 206.81 350.83 329.91 329.91 1205.9 549.7 348.2 327.5 327.5 1 TR20 XEO BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: Allenwood Phase II - Str 08,75�, 6"pipe, 1CN 19 I******************86-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA FOR TR-20 HYDROLOGY****************** JOB TR-20 SUMMARY NOPLOTS 001 BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL (TITLE TITLE 002 3/19/97 PROJECT: Post -Allenwood Phase II - w/o 08, 1 CN 3 STRUCT 01 8 220. 0.0 0.0 8 220.5 9.86 0.597 8 221.0 19.31 1.194 8 221.25 22.28 1.492 8 221.5 24.53 1.791 8 222.0 28.21 2.388 I 8 222.25 30.0 2.686 8 222.5 30.1 2.984 I 8 223.0 30.2 3.581 9 ENDTBL XSECTN 002 1.0 217. I2 8 215. 0.0 0.0 8 215.5 2.51 1.13 8 216. 15.37 4.45 8 216.5 45.49 9.83 8 217. 95.90 17.50 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 001 1.0 212.0 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.25 0.81 0.38 8 210.5 5.12 1.38 8 210.75 15.10 3.00 8 211. 33.10 5.75 8 211.25 59.80 8.75 8 211.5 99.34 13.13 8 212. 208.31 22.60 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 003 1.0 208.0 8 205. 0.0 0.0 I8 205.5 13.97 3.48 8 206. 44.09 7.65 8 206.5 88.94 12.75 207. 147.75 18.50 I8 8 207.5 220.75 24.88 8 208. 312.81 32.40 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 02 8 220.0 0.0 0.0 I3 8 221.0 0.053 0.030 8 222.0 0.108 0.060 8 223.0 0.159 0.090 224.0 0.212 0.120 I8 1 **********************80 80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 224.17 0.68 0.12001 8 224.50 3.43 0.12002 8 224.83 8.48 0.12003 8 225.17 12.93 0.12004 1 8 225.33 14.59 0.12005 8 225.50 15.00 0.12006 8 225.67 15.01 0.12007 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 004 1.0 192.0 8 190. 0.0 0.0 g 190.5 1.90 1.59 8 191. 11.24 2.50 8 191.5 33.44 3.28 8 192. 67.28 3.98 9 ENDTBL I 2 XSECTN 005 1.0 198.0 a 8 195. 0.0 0.0 8 195.1 0.073 0.15 8 195.2 0.33 0.43 8 195.3 0.82 0.81 { 8 195.4 1.62 1.32 I8 195.6 4.19 2.61 8 195.8 8.54 4.40 8 196. 14.90 6.6 197. 82.97 23.20 8 I8 198. 268.39 60.00 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 03 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 006 1.0 193.0 ` 8 190.0 0.0 0.0 8 190.1 0.37 0.48 8 190.2 1.20 1.03 190.3 2.42 1.64 I8 8 190.4 4.04 2.32 8 190.5 6.01 3.03 8 191.0 22.43 7.75 8 191.5 50.46 13.95 8 192. 93.63 22.1 8 192.5 151.42 31.5 8 193. 192.03 41.25 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 04 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.4 2.69 0.000215 8 146.2 25.18 0.00187 �1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** f 8 147. 49.8 0.00735 8 147.8 111.27 0.01955 8 148.2 130.47 0.03293 8 148.6 130.94 0.07313 8 149. 132.79 0.09449 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 007 1.0 151.0 145. 0.0 0.0 8 I8 145.2 0.186 0.24 8 145.4 0.83 0.68 8 145.6 2.29 1.44 8 145.8 4.37 2.28 8 146. 8.11 3.65 8 147. 44.81 12.80 I! 8 148. 123.36 27.00 8 149. 321.75 68.40 150. 702.80 114.50 I8 8 151. 1225.87 167.10 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 008 1.0 134.0 8 130. 0.0 0.0 8 130.1 0.027 0.10 8 130.2 0.15 0.35 8 130.3 0.37 0.65 8 130.4 1.64 1.66 8 130.5 2.51 2.23 8 131. 8.06 4.90 8 131.5 16.23 8.03 8 132. 26.28 11.30 8 132.5 39.51 15.25 8 133. 55.6 19.65 8 133.5 248.90 57.15 8 134. 922.10 169.65 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 009 1.0 215.0 8 207. 0.0 0.0 8 208. 8.0 4.64 8 208.5 16.0 7.21 8 209.0 32.0 9.55 8 209.5 45.0 11.81 8 210.0 58.0 13.23 8 211.0 76.0 13.381 8 212.0 92.0 13.382 8 213.0 105.0 13.383 8 214.0 120.0 13.384 8 215.0 130.0 13.385 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** ENDTBL I9 2 XSECTN 010 1.0 212.5 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.5 9.97 2.90 8 211. 33.41 6.60 8 211.5 69.80 11.10 8 212. 120.00 16.40 8 212.5 183.17 22.65 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 011 1.0 206.0 8 200. 0.0 0.0 8 201. 31.60 5.85 8 202. 105.86 13.70 1 8 203. 217.78 23.10 I8 204. 378.38 34.80 8 205. 579.05 47.75 8 206. 828.03 62.40 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 012 1.0 147.0 I9 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.2 0.26 0.16 8 145.4 2.26 0.86 145.6 7.76 2.25 I8 8 145.8 16.87 4.04 8 146. 29.00 6.00 8 147. 208.60 27.10 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT I9 05 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.6 9.80 0.00018 8 146.8 91.60 0.00370 8 148.0 241.57 0.0161 8 149.2 404.85 0.0807 8 149.8 474.72 0.11457 8 150.4 512.81 0.1537 151.0 513.00 0.2005 I8 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 013 1.0 134.0 8 130. 0.0 0.0 8 130.1 0.05 0.05 8 130.2 0.26 0.18 8 130.3 0.71 0.38 8 130.4 1.47 0.64 8 130.5 2.52 0.95 8 131. 14.73 3.50 8 131.5 42.12 7.65 1 I**********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 132. 87.91 13.20 8 132.2 107.11 16.06 7 8 133. 272.20 64.06 I 8 134. 954.93 160.06 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 06 8 120. 0.0 0.0 8 120.9 20.87 0.065 8 121.8 78.63 0.40 8 122.7 158.40 1.36 8 123.6 264.67 2.79 8 124.5 388.43 4.94 8 125.4 533.68 8.37 8 126.2 705.17 11.39 8 127.1 914.85 14.89 8 128.0 1216.89 18.84 8 128.8 2273.95 22.79 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 014 1.0 104. 100. 0.0 0.0 I8 8 100.1 0.53 0.62 8 100.2 1.65 1.24 8 100.3 3.32 1.86 100.4 5.36 2.52 8 100.5 7.80 3.20 I8 8 101. 24.33 6.75 8 101.5 47.33 10.58 8 102. 75.96 14.70 102.5 110.20 19.13 f8 8 103. 150.57 24.00 8 103.5 231.30 34.00 8 104. 393.99 54.00 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 015 1.0 135.3 8 132. 0.0 0.0 8 132.5 12.0 2.5 8 133.0 43.6 6.8 8 133.5 114.0 14.4 8 134.0 239.0 23.2 8 134.5 393.7 32.5 8 135.0 587.5 42.2 135.3 701.7 48.2 I8 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 016 1.0 149.5 8 148. 0.0 0.0 8 148.2 0.32 0.31 �1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** ' 8 148.5 2.03 1.19 8 149.0 9.59 3.75 149.5 25.0 7.68 9 I8 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 017 1.0 163.5 8 162. 0.0 0.0 8 162.2 0.71 0.67 8 162.5 3.38 1.92 8 163.0 11.9 4.67 8 163.5 26.0 8.25 9 ENDTBL t 2 XSECTN 018 1.0 198.29 8 196.29 0.0 0.0 `I 8 196.79 0.73 0.393 8 197.04 1.48 0.628 8 197.29 2.22 0.785 8 197.79 3.65 0.786 8 198.29 4.6 0.787 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 019 1.0 147.0 8 145.5 0.0 0.0 8 145.7 0.32 0.31 8 146.0 2.03 1.19 8 146.5 9.59 3.75 8 147.0 25.0 7.68 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 020 1.0 215.0 8 210.8 0.0 0.0 8 211.0 0.30 0.25 8 212.0 13.0 3.5 8 213.0 60.8 11.0 8 214.0 136.7 21.3 8 215.0 251.8 34.6 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 07 M3 8 180. 0.0 0.0 8 181.0 4.80 0.001 8 181.5 9.10 0.002 182.0 12.0 0.003 I8 8 183.0 25.0 0.006 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 08 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 09 8 147.5 0.0 0.0 8 148.0 0.0 0.00129 1 LIST Of INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 148.5 0.0 0.00257 I8 8 149.0 0.9 0.00386 8 149.5 2.8 0.00514 8 150.5 7.7 0.00771 151.5 9.0 0.01028 I8 8 152.5 11.0 0.01286 8 153.5 12.3 0.01543 8 154.5 14.0 0.01800 8 155.0 15.5 0.01928 8 155.5 18.5 0.02057 8 156.5 25.5 0.02314 8 157.5 30.5 0.02571 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 10 I9 8 140.00 0.0 0.0 8 140.50 0.087 0.0079 8 141.00 3.52 0.0174 8 141.50 4.35 0.0288 8 142.00 6.57 0.0421 8 142.50 7.21 0.0579 8 143.00 8.01 0.0755 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 11 8 150.5 0.0 0.0 8 151.0 2.0 0.004 8 152.0 3.1 0.030 8 153.0 3.9 0.070 8 153.8 4.5 0.120 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 12 8 147.00 0.0 0.0 8 147.50 0.087 0.0030 8 148.00 4.95 0.0065 8 148.50 7.45 0.0108 8 149.00 8.82 0.0158 { 8 149.50 10.39 0.0217 tl 8 150.00 11.21 0.0283 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 13 1 9 ENDTBL LIM 3 STRUCT 14 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 15 8 220.00 0.0 0.0 8 220.50 0.022 0.0015 8 221.00 0.031 0.0030 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 221.50 0.618 0.0045 8 222.00 1.44 0.0061 8 222.50 1.85 0.0076 223.00 2.45 0.0091 8 223.50 2.86 0.0106 8 224.00 3.26 0.0121 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 16 8 214.00 0.0 0.0 8 215.00 0.031 0.0055 216.00 1.44 0.0278 I8 8 217.00 2.45 0.0669 8 218.00 3.26 0.1288 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 17 I3 8 217.00 0.0 0.0 8 218.00 2.6 0.0026 8 219.00 3.7 0.0052 8 220.00 4.6 0.0077 8 220.01 10. 0.00771 9 ENDTBL 6 RUNOFF 1 01 6 0.257 77. 0.57 6 RESVOR 2 01 6 7 220.0 6 REACH 3 001 7 5 500. 3.27 1.23 6 RUNOFF 1 002 6 0.083 64. 0.52 6 ADDHYD 4 003 5 6 7 6 REACH 3 005 7 5 1000. 1 6 RUNOFF 1 02 6 0.175 61. 0.61 I` 6 RESVOR 2 02 6 4 220.0 6 REACH 3 004 4 6 600. 1.5 1.20 6 ADDHYD 4 03 5 6 7 6 RESVOR 2 03 7 5 190.0 REACH 3 006 5 6 50. 16 6 REACH 3 007 6 7 1250. 6 RUNOFF 1 007 5 0.110 71. 0.40 6 ADDHYD 4 007 5 7 6 6 RESVOR 2 04 6 7 145. 6 REACH 3 008 7 5 650. 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00076 90.9 0.0468 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0.00048 98. 0.0229 ADDHYD 4 008 6 7 4 6 16 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00095 81. 0.15 6 ADDHYD 4 008 4 6 7 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00172 59.2 0.0287 6 ADDHYD 4 008 7 6 3 j 6 RUNOFF 1 008 4 0.00163 85.7 0.0273 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0.00069 83.9 0.0155 6 ADDHYD 4 008 4 7 6 6 ADDHYD 4 008 3 6 4 6 ADDHYD 4 008 5 4 7 6 RUNOFF 1 009 5 0.255 76.5 0.87 6 RUNOFF 1 009 6 0.0007 83.0 0.29 6 RUNOFF 1 009 2 0.0009 75.9 0.0678 6 RUNOFF 1 17 4 0.0015 89.9 0.0738 6 RESVOR 2 17 4' 3 217.0 6 ADDHYD 4 009 5 2 4 6 ADDHYD 4 009 4 6 5 ADDHYD 4 009 5 3 1 16 6 RUNOFF 1 15 5 0.0014 89.0 0.0597 6 RESVOR 2 15 5 2 220.0 6 RUNOFF 1 16 6 0.0017 84.5 0.118 RESVOR 2 16 6 5 214.0 6 RUNOFF 1 020 4 0.0005 83.4 0.0219 16 6 RUNOFF 1 020 3 0.0007 71.9 0.0312 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 5 6 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 4 2 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 3 6 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 1 3 6 RUNOFF 1 010 2 0.050 69. 0.54 6 ADDHYD 4 011 3 2 4 6 REACH 3 011 4 3 1200. 6 RUNOFF 1 07 6 0.0086 72.6 0.0945 6 RUNOFF 1 07 1 0.0013 86.8 0.15 6 ADDHYD 4 07 6 1 5 6 RUNOFF 1 13 4 0.0031 69.1 0.149 ADDHYD 4 018 5 4 2 16 6 REACH 3 018 2 1 1200. 6 RUNOFF 1 08 5 0.00257 86. 0.043 6 ADDHYD 4 012 5 1 4 6 RUNOFF 1 09 2 0.0134 87. 0.048 6 RESVOR 2 09 2 5 147.5 6 ADDHYD 4 012 3 5 1 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 4 2 6 RUNOFF 1 012 3 0,01140 76.6 0.040 6 ADDHYD 4 012 3 2 1 6 RUNOFF 1 012 5 0.00188 74.3 0.06 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 5 2 6 RUNOFF 1 017 3 0.0116 75. 0.17 ` 6 RUNOFF 1 017 5 0.00490 85.6 0.135 6 ADDHYD 4 017 3 5 1 6 REACH 3 017 1 4 290. 6 ADDHYD 4 012 4 2 1 i1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 RESVOR 2 05 1 4 145. 6 REACH 3 015 4 2 270. 6 RUNOFF 1 015 3 0.00283 84. 0.074 6 ADDHYD 4 015 2 3 1 6 RUNOFF 1 11 6 0.00136 87.5 0.034 6 RESVOR 2 11 6 5 150.5 6 REACH 3 016 5 3 175. 6 RUNOFF 1 12 6 0.00024 84.0 0.035 6 RUNOFF 1 12 2 0.00097 98.0 0.015 6 ADDHYD 4 12 3 6 5 6 ADDHYD 4 12 5 2 4 6 REACH 3 016 4 2 200. 6 RUNOFF 1 14 6 0.0011 95.0 0.041 6 RUNOFF 1 14 5 0.0007 97.0 0.017 6 RUNOFF 1 14 4 0.0011 88.0 0.096 6 ADDHYD 4 14 6 5 3 6 ADDHYD 4 14 3 4 6 6 ADDHYD 4 14 2 6 4 6 REACH 3 019 4 2 210. 6 ADDHYD 4 015 1 2 3 6 REACH 3 013 3 2 630. 6 RUNOFF 1 013 3 0.0068 69.0 0.10 6 ADDHYD 4 013 2 3 1 6 ADDHYD 4 06 1 7 4 6 RESVOR 2 06 4 3 120. 6 REACH 3 014 3 4 700. IENDATA 7 INCREM 6 0.10 7 BASFLO 5 0.0041 1.0 24.0 7 COMPUT 7 01 008 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 BASFLO 5 0.0041 1.0 24.0 17 7 COMPUT 7 009 014 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 ENDCMP 1 ENDJOB 2 ******************.....******. END OF 80-80 1 JOB 1 SUMMARY �20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL od Phase II - w/o 08, 1 CN PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: Post-Allenwo 16 SUMMARY TABLE 1 SELECTED RESULTS OF SSCHARGEAND ETIMEVAND RATECONTROL (CFS)RVALUESSINDICATESIN THE RAEFLATRTOPMHYDROGRAPH (A STAR(*PEAK DISCHARGE I) AFTER THE PEAK DI A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) Is RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION--- PEAK DISCHARGE-- - - ECTION/ STRUCTURE STANDARD CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME AMOUNTDURATION - RUNOFF AMOUNT --' '"""- ELEVATION _ TIME RATE RATE ID OPERATION AREA 11 COND IN(HRM BEGIN (CFS) (CSM) I(SQ MI) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 12.24 223.97 871.5 STRUCTURE 1 RUNOFF •26 2 2 10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.81 STRUCTURE 1 RESVOR •26 2 2 .10 . 0 4.00 24.00 1.81 210.98 13.52 31.47 122.4 440.0 XSECTION 1 REACH .26 08 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .98 ___ 12.24 12.24 36.52 66.93 196.9 XSECTION 2 RUNOFF 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.61 206.25 XSECTION (2 3 ADDHYD .34 .10 24.00 1.61 196.75 XSECTION 5 REACH .34 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 .82STRUCTURE 12.32 53.�1 303.5 321.1 2 RUNOFF 17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .82 925.74 12.32 56.19 320.6 ,STRUCTURE STRUCTUR 2 RESVOR 2 17 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 .80 191.83 12.42 56.10 121.21 235.4 XSECTION12.41 REACH .17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 STRUCTURE 3 ADDHYD .51 .10 12.41 121.21 235.4 STRUCTURE 3 RESVOR .51 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.33 1.33 --- 192.24 12.41 121.21 235.4 (XSECTION b REACH .51 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1. 147.9E 1 808.7 XSECTION 7 REACH .51 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 1.88.95 40 12.15 160.09 256.1 XSECTION 7 RUNOFF .11 2 .10 4.00 24.00 .35 1 35 148.19 12 . 33 XSECT1oN 7 ADDHYD .63 2 .10 .0 ISTRUCTURE 4.00 24.00 1.33 133.24 12.52 150.23 240.4 XSECTION--- 8 REACH 63 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 2.98 11.95 2.14 1.50 2815.8 3124.7 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.7E -_- 11.95 11.95 3.64 2935.0 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 3.28 130.60 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 .10 11.99 1.73 1818.9 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF 00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2. 2.78 78 --- 13- 426.3 2788.2 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 .73 -- 11.98 1.36 0 I XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1. 13 2514.1 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.53 53 -11.97 -- 11.96 0 4.10 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 .10 ` XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.38 2.48 --- 130.79 11.9E 11.9E 1.6E 5.7E 2409.E .0 ` XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 2.10 131.27 11.96 12.40 1991.0 1991 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD 01 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 1. 13 12 0 641.3 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .63 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.78 --- .44 163.54 XSECTION 9 RUNOFF .25 2 .10 .0 9 RUNOFF 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.28 12.--- 11.08 08 97 1.12 1.12 1 602 .1 1602.8 XSECTION .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.70 XSECTION 9 RUNOFF .00 11 JOB 1 SUMMARY TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL 3/19/97 PROJECT: Post-ALLenwood Phase 11 - w/o 08, 1 CN PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 17 I SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION PEAK DISCHARGE f v RUNOFF --- - - - --- I TRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME --------- ---------------- ----------------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCHR) BEGIN A�oN�T DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION (HR) RATE RATE (CSM) (SQ MI) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 11.96 4.04 2695.1 TSTRUCTURE 17 RUNOFF 00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.94 - 2581.4 TRUCTURE 17 RESVOR •00 2 2 4.00 24.00 1.78 218.37 12.44 163.71 639.7 SECTION 9 ADDHYD 26 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 164.24 636.3 SECTION 9 ADDHYD .26 2 10 4.00 24.00 1.78 218.42 12.44 XSECTION 9 ADDHYD •26 2 .0 11.9E 3.74 2674.2 TRUCTURE 15 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.79 2.86 --- 224.26 11:97 TRUCTURE 15 RESVOR .00 2 2 2 .10 10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.40 3.69 2171.6 TRUCTURE 16 RUNOFF 00 2 2 2 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 2.39 21--- 12.00 1.1.10 2191.0 STRUCTURE 16 RESVOR .00 2 .10 4.00 24.00 2.33 SECTION 20 RUNOFF .00 2 .10 .0 12.00 1.04 1489.5 20 RUNOFF .00 2 2 10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.4E XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 2.56 211.48 11.98 6.36 1767.2 173. SECTION 20 ADDHYD 2 2 •10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 2.38 211.5E 11.98 7.4E 166.04 6328 X4.6 SECTION 20 ADDHYD �XSECTION .00 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.79 214.25 12.44 20 ADDHYD .26 2 .10 .0 12.25 29.72 594.4 XSECTION 10 RUNOFF .05 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.27 1.71 -- 202.75 12.40 189.74 07.4 6607.4 XSECTION 11 ADDHYD .31 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.71 202-- 11:�� 112.48 1450.6 IXSECTION 11 REACH .31 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 1.62 2.86 2201.1 STRUCTURE 7 RUNOFF .01 2 .10 4.00 24.00 2.62 11.99 STRUCTURE 7 RUNOFF .00 2 .10 .0 1.63 182.26 9813.33 I12.00STRUCTURE 7 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.XSECTION 1548.322 10 .0 18.59 1430.1 18 ADDHYD .01 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 ..11.98 4.00 24.00 1.55 205-- 11.96 16.46 6.4E 2515.1 2515.3 XSECTION 18 REACH 01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.53 11.9E (STRUCTURE 8 RUNOFF .00 .10 1.71 145.93 11.97 24. 1602.E xsEcrloN 12 ADDHYD .02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.62 11.96 34.48 2422.5 STRUCTURE 9 RUNOFF 01 2 2 10 .0 295 587.3 STRUCTURERESVOR 2 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.90 12.39 191.34 569.7 XSECTI12 ADDHYD lXSECTION .01 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.9212.38 194.49 12 ADDHYD .34 2 2 .10 .0 11.96 2.63 1877.6 XSECTION 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.78 1.60 --- 14--- 11.97 193.15 `XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75566.1 1673.0 IXSECTION 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 14--- 12.01 115.89 1369.4 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.67 XSECTION 17 RUNOFF .01 2 .10 .0 11.48 10.6E 2175.2 XSECTION 17 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.51 --' 1 JOB 1 SUMMARY TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL Post -Allenwood Phase 11 - w/o 08, 1 CN REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: 18 I PAGE SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED ( AFTER THE DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPHAND WI7HATE PEAKFAS LASTVALUES POINTI;ATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A PEAK DISCHARGE SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION RUNOFF ------------ STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME ------------------------- ---------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCHR) B(HR) AMOUNT DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION �HR� RATERATE (CSM) (SO MI) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 SECTION 17 ADDHYD 02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.92 163.51 12.00 26.38 1598.8 XSECTION 17 REACH .02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.92 163.51 12.00 26.38 1598.8 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD 36 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.76 146.97 12.35 202.47 560.6 TRUCTURE 5 ADDHYD .36 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.76 147.69 12.35 202.67 561.2 1.76 13 SECTION 15 REACH .36 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.85 12.35 202.67 561.2 I 11.96 6.52 2303.2 XSECTION 15 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.34 SECTION 15 ADDHYD .36 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.76 133.86 11.35 203.44 2558.5 TRUCTURE 11 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.24.00 74 TRUCTURE 11 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.74 148.54 12.01 2.57 1886.9 XSECTION 16 REACH --- 12.00 .53 2211.0 TRUCTURE 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.33 -- 12.00 2.53 2211.0 TRUCTURE 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.76 68 STRUCTURE 12 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.68 147.81 11.98 3.11 1943.8 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.09 148.23 11.96 6.10 2374.2 STRUCTURE 12 ADDHYD 00 2 STRUCTURE 16 REACH .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.09 148.77 11.96 6.10 2374.2 XSECTION 11.95 3.33 3025.4 STRUCTURE 14 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.41 __ 11.95 2.17 3100.7 STRUCTURE 14 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.65 _-- 11.96 2.75 2496.3 3.50 ,STRUCTURE 14 RUNOFF 00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.511.95 5.50 3054.7 STRUCTURE 14 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 -- 11.95 8.24 2840.0 STRUCTURE 14 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.19 STRUCTURE 14 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.14 --- 11.96 14.34 2620.7 01 37 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.14 146.65 11.96 14.34 2620.7 XSECTION 19 REACH XSECTION 15 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 133.86 12.35 204.73 554.2 XSECTION 13 REACH .37 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.13--- 11.98 208.20 1205.9 XSECTION 13 RUNOFF .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.25 ISTRUCTURE XSECTION 13 ADDHYD .38 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.77 132.68 12.35 206.00 547.5 6 ADDHYD 1.01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.50 124.24 12.45 352.29 349.7 STRUCTURE 14 REACH 1.01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.51 103.80 12.60 329.65 327.2 .XSECTION JOB 1 SUMMARY ITR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL Phase II - w/o O8, 1 CN PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/19/97 PROJECT: Post-AILenwood 9 J I,, ............ ****80'-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA FOR TR-20 HYDROLOGY****************** JOB TR-20 SUMMARY NOPLOTS 001 BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL (TITLE TITLE 002 3/13/97 PROJECT: Pre-ALLenwood Phase II Expansion, No str 13 or 18 3 STRUCT 01 8 220. 0.0 0.0 220.5 9.86 0.597 18 8 221.0 19.31 1.194 8 221.25 22.28 1.492 8 221.5 24.53 1.791 8 222.0 28.21 2.388 8 222.25 30.0 2.686 8 222.5 30.1 2.984 8 223.0 30.2 3.581 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 002 1.0 217. 8 215. 0.0 0.0 8 215.5 2.51 1.13 8 216. 15.37 4.45 216.5 45.49 9.83 I8 8 217. 95.90 17.50 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 001 1.0 212.0 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.25 0.81 0.38 8 210.5 5.12 1.38 8 210.75 15.10 3.00 8 211. 33.10 5.75 211.25 59.80 8.75 I8 8 211.5 99.34 13.13 8 212. 208.31 22.60 9 ENDTBL XSECTN 003 1.0 208.0 8 I2 205. 0.0 0.0 8 205.5 13.97 3.48 8 206. 44.09 7.65 8 206.5 88.94 12.75 207. 147.75 18.50 I8 8 207.5 220.75 24.88 8 208. 312.81 32.40 9 ENDTBL STRUCT 02 I3 8 220.0 0.0 0.0 8 221.0 0.053 0.030 8 222.0 0.108 0.060 8 223.0 0.159 0.090 8 224.0 0.212 0.120 I**********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 224.17 0.68 0.12001 8 224.50 3.43 0.12002 8 224.83 8.48 0.12003 8 225.17 12.93 0.12004 8 225.33 14.59 0.12005 8 225.50 15.00 0.12006 8 225.67 15.01 0.12007 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 004 1.0 192.0 8 190. 0.0 0.0 8 190.5 1.90 1.59 8 191. 11.24 2.50 8 191.5 33.44 3.28 8 192. 67.28 3.98 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 005 1.0 198.0 a 8 195. 0.0 0.0 8 195.1 0.073 0.15 8 195.2 0.33 0.43 8 195.3 0.82 0.81 8 195.4 1.62 1.32 8 195.6 4.19 2.61 8 195.8 8.54 4.40 8 196. 14.90 6.6 8 197. 82.97 23.20 8 198. 268.39 60.00 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 03 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 006 1.0 193.0 8 190.0 0.0 0.0 8 190.1 0.37 0.48 8 190.2 1.20 1.03 { 8 190.3 2.42 1.64 I 8 190.4 4.04 2.32 8 190.5 6.01 3.03 8 191.0 22.43 7.75 8 191.5 50.46 13.95 I8 192. 93.63 22.1 8 192.5 151.42 31.5 8 193. 192.03 41.25 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 04 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.4 2.69 0.000215 8 146.2 25.18 0.00187 11 **********************80-80 LIST Of INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 1 8 147. 49.8 0.00735 8 147.8 111.27 0.01955 8 148.2 130.47 0.03293 f 8 148.6 130.94 0.07313 I 8 149. 132.79 0.09449 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 007 1.0 151.0 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.2 0.186 0.24 8 145.4 0.83 0.68 8 145.6 2.29 1.44 8 145.8 4.37 2.28 8 146. 8.11 3.65 8 147. 44.81 12.80 8 148. 123.36 27.00 8 149. 321.75 68.40 i 8 150. 702.80 114.50 8 151. 1225.87 167.10 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 008 1.0 134.0 130. 0.0 0.0 8 I8 130.1 0.027 0.10 8 130.2 0.15 0.35 8 130.3 0.37 0.65 8 130.4 1.64 1.66 8 130.5 2.51 2.23 8 131. 8.06 4.90 8 131.5 16.23 8.03 8 132. 26.28 11.30 8 132.5 39.51 15.25 8 133. 55.6 19.65 8 133.5 248.90 57.15 8 134. 922.10 169.65 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 009 1.0 215.0 J 207. 0.0 0.0 I8 8 208. 8.0 4.64 8 208.5 16.0 7.21 8 209.0 32.0 9.55 8 209.5 45.0 11.81 I 8 210.0 58.0 13.23 8 211.0 76.0 13.381 8 212.0 92.0 13.382 213.0 105.0 13.383 I8 8 214.0 120.0 13.384 8 215.0 130.0 13.385 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 4 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 010 1.0 212.5 Ij 8 210. 0.0 0.0 8 210.5 9.97 2.90 8 211. 33.41 6.60 8 211.5 69.80 11.10 8 212. 120.00 16.40 8 212.5 183.17 22.65 9 ENDTBL I 2 XSECTN 011 1.0 206.0 8 200. 0.0 0.0 Il 8 201. 31.60 5.85 8 202. 105.86 13.70 8 203. 217.78 23.10 8 204. 378.38 34.80 8 205. 579.05 47.75 8 206. 828.03 62.40 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 012 1.0 147.0 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.2 0.26 0.16 8 145.4 2.26 0.86 8 145.6 7.76 2.25 8 145.8 16.87 4.04 8 146. 29.00 6.00 8 147. 208.60 27.10 F 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 05 Ij 8 145. 0.0 0.0 8 145.6 9.80 0.00018 8 146.8 91.60 0.00370 148.0 241.57 0.0161 I8 8 149.2 404.85 0.0807 8 149.8 474.72 0.11457 8 150.4 512.81 0.1537 151.0 513.00 0.2005 I8 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 013 1.0 134.0 8 130. 0.0 0.0 8 130.1 0.05 0.05 8 130.2 0.26 0.18 8 130.3 0.71 0.38 8 130.4 1.47 0.64 8 130.5 2.52 0.95 8 131. 14.73 3.50 8 131.5 42.12 7.65 1{ 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 132. 87.91 13.20 8 132.2 107.11 16.06 y 8 133. 272.20 64.06 8 134. 954.93 160.06 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 06 8 120. 0.0 0.0 8 120.9 20.87 0.065 j! 8 121.8 78.63 0.40 8 122.7 158.40 1.36 8 123.6 264.67 2.79 8 124.5 388.43 4.94 8 125.4 533.68 8.37 8 126.2 705.17 11.39 8 127.1 914.85 14.89 8 128.0 1216.89 18.84 8 128.8 2273.95 22.79 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 014 1.0 104. 100. 0.0 0.0 I8 8 100.1 0.53 0.62 8 100.2 1.65 1.24 8 100.3 3.32 1.86 8 100.4 5.36 2.52 8 100.5 7.80 3.20 8 101. 24.33 6.75 8 101.5 47.33 10.58 8 102. 75.96 14.70 ( 8 102.5 110.20 19.13 8 103. 150.57 24.00 II 8 103.5 231.30 34.00 8 104. 393.99 54.00 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 015 1.0 135.3 I 8 132. 0.0 0.0 8 132.5 12.0 2.5 8 133.0 43.6 6.8 L8 133.5 114.0 14.4 8 134.0 239.0 23.2 8 134.5 393.7 32.5 8 135.0 587.5 42.2 8 135.3 701.7 48.2 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 016 1.0 149.5 8 148. 0.0 0.0 8 148.2 0.32 0.31 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** ' 8 148.5 2.03 1.19 8 149.0 9.59 3.75 149.5 25.0 7.68 9 ENDTBL I8 2 XSECTN 017 1.0 163.5 8 162. 0.0 0.0 8 162.2 0.71 0.67 162.5 3.38 1.92 I8 8 163.0 11.9 4.67 8 163.5 26.0 8.25 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 018 1.0 198.29 8 196.29 0.0 0.0 8 196.79 0.73 0.393 8 197.04 1.48 0.628 8 197.29 2.22 0.785 8 197.79 3.65 0.786 8 198.29 4.6 0.787 9 ENDTBL 2 XSECTN 019 1.0 147.0 8 145.5 0.0 0.0 S �$ 07 145.7 146.0 146.5 147.0 1.0 210.8 211.0 212.0 213.0 214.0 215.0 0.32 2.03 9.59 25.0 215.0 0.0 0.30 13.0 60.8 136.7 251.8 0.31 1.19 3.75 7.68 0.0 0.25 3.5 11.0 21.3 34.6 180. 0.0 0.0 181.0 4.80 0.001 181.5 9.10 0.002 182.0 12.0 0.003 183.0 25.0 0.006 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 148.5 0.0 0.00257 8 149.0 0.9 0.00386 8 149.5 2.8 0.00514 8 150.5 7.7 0.00771 8 151.5 9.0 0.01028 8 152.5 11.0 0.01286 8 153.5 12.3 0.01543 8 154.5 14.0 0.01800 I8 155.0 15.5 0.01928 8 155.5 18.5 0.02057 8 156.5 25.5 0.02314 8 157.5 30.5 0.02571 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 10 8 140.00 0.0 0.0 8 140.50 0.087 0.0079 8 141.00 3.52 0.0174 8 141.50 4.35 0.0288 8 142.00 6.57 0.0421 8 142.50 7.21 0.0579 8 143.00 8.01 0.0755 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 11 8 150.5 0.0 0.0 8 151.0 2.0 0.004 8 152.0 3.1 0.030 8 153.0 3.9 0.070 8 153.8 4.5 0.120 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 12 8 147.00 0.0 0.0 8 147.50 0.087 0.0030 8 148.00 4.95 0.0065 8 148.50 7.45 0.0108 8 149.00 8.82 0.0158 8 149.50 10.39 0.0217 8 150.00 11.21 0.0283 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 13 1 9 ENDTBL **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 148.5 0.0 0.00257 8 149.0 0.9 0.00386 8 149.5 2.8 0.00514 8 150.5 7.7 0.00771 8 151.5 9.0 0.01028 8 152.5 11.0 0.01286 8 153.5 12.3 0.01543 8 154.5 14.0 0.01800 I8 155.0 15.5 0.01928 8 155.5 18.5 0.02057 8 156.5 25.5 0.02314 8 157.5 30.5 0.02571 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 10 8 140.00 0.0 0.0 8 140.50 0.087 0.0079 8 141.00 3.52 0.0174 8 141.50 4.35 0.0288 8 142.00 6.57 0.0421 8 142.50 7.21 0.0579 8 143.00 8.01 0.0755 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 11 8 150.5 0.0 0.0 8 151.0 2.0 0.004 8 152.0 3.1 0.030 8 153.0 3.9 0.070 8 153.8 4.5 0.120 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 12 8 147.00 0.0 0.0 8 147.50 0.087 0.0030 8 148.00 4.95 0.0065 8 148.50 7.45 0.0108 8 149.00 8.82 0.0158 8 149.50 10.39 0.0217 8 150.00 11.21 0.0283 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 13 1 9 ENDTBL M. 13 STRUCT 14 ` 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 15 8 220.00 0.0 0.0 8 220.50 0.022 0.0015 8 221.00 0.031 0.0030 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 8 221.50 0.618 0.0045 8 222.00 1.44 0.0061 8 222.50 1.85 0.0076 8 223.00 2.45 0.0091 8 223.50 2.86 0.0106 224.00 3.26 0.0121 I8 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 16 8 214.00 0.0 0.0 8 215.00 0.031 0.0055 8 216.00 1.44 0.0278 8 217.00 2.45 0.0669 8 218.00 3.26 0.1288 9 ENDTBL 3 STRUCT 17 8 217.00 0.0 0.0 8 218.00 2.6 0.0026 8 219.00 3.7 0.0052 8 220.00 4.6 0.0077 8 220.01 10. 0.00771 9 ENDTBL 6 RUNOFF 1 01 6 0.257 77. 0.57 6 RESVOR 2 01 6 7 220.0 6 REACH 3 001 7 5 500. 3.27 1.23 6 RUNOFF 1 002 6 0.083 64. 0.52 6 ADDHYD 4 003 5 6 7 6 REACH 3 005 7 5 1000. ` 6 RUNOFF 1 02 6 0.175 61. 0.61 6 RESVOR 2 02 6 4 220.0 6 REACH 3 004 4 6 600. 1.5 1.20 6 ADDHYD 4 03 5 6 7 RESVOR 2 03 7 5 190.0 6 16 REACH 3 006 5 6 50. 6 REACH 3 007 6 7 1250. 6 RUNOFF 1 007 5 0.110 71. 0.40 6 ADDHYD 4 007 5 7 6 6 RESVOR 2 04 6 7 145. 6 REACH 3 008 7 5 650. 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00076 90.9 0.0468 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0.00048 98. 0.0229 6 ADDHYD 4 008 6 7 4 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00095 81. 0.15 6 ADDHYD 4 008 4 6 7 6 RUNOFF 1 008 6 0.00172 59.2 0.0287 6 ADDHYD 4 008 7 6 3 I6 RUNOFF 1 008 4 0.00163 85.7 0.0273 1 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 RUNOFF 1 008 7 0.00069 83.9 0.0155 6 ADDHYD 4 008 4 7 6 6 ADDHYD 4 008 3 6 4 6 ADDHYD 4 008 5 4 7 6 RUNOFF 1 009 5 0.255 76.5 0.87 6 RUNOFF 1 009 2 0.0009 75.9 0.0678 6 RUNOFF 1 17 4 0.0015 89.9 0.0738 6 RESVOR 2 17 4 3 217.0 6 ADDHYD 4 009 2 3 4 6 ADDHYD 4 009 4 5 1 6 RUNOFF 1 15 5 0.0014 { 6 RESVOR 2 15 5 2 220.0 16 RUNOFF 1 16 6 0.0017 6 RESVOR 2 16 6 5 214.0 6 RUNOFF 1 020 4 0.0005 16 RUNOFF 1 020 3 0.0007 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 5 6 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 4 2 6 ADDHYD 4 020 2 3 6 6 ADDHYD 4 020 6 1 3 16 RUNOFF 1 010 2 0.050 6 ADDHYD 4 011 3 2 4 6 REACH 3 011 4 3 1200. 6 RUNOFF 1 07 6 0.0099 6 RUNOFF 1 13 4 0.0031 6 ADDHYD 4 018 6 4 2 6 REACH 3 018 2 1 1200. 6 RUNOFF 1 08 5 0.00257 6 ADDHYD 4 012 5 1 4 6 RUNOFF 1 09 2 0.0134 6 RESVOR 2 09 2 5 147.5 6 ADDHYD 4 012 3 5 1 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 4 2 6 RUNOFF 1 012 3 0.00140 6 ADDHYD 4 012 3 2 1 6 RUNOFF 1 012 5 0.00188 6 ADDHYD 4 012 1 5 2 6 RUNOFF 1 017 3 0.0116 6 RUNOFF 1 017 5 0.00490 6 ADDHYD 4 017 3 5 1 6 REACH 3 017 1 4 290. 6 ADDHYD 4 012 4 2 1 6 RESVOR 2 05 1 4 145. 6 REACH 3 015 4 2 270. 6 RUNOFF 1 015 3 0.00283 6 ADDHYD 4 015 2 3 1 89.0 0.0597 84.5 0.118 83.4 0.0219 71.9 0.0312 69. 0.54 72.6 0.0945 69.1 0.149 86. 0.043 87. 0.048 76.6 0.040 74.3 0.06 75. 0.17 85.6 0.135 84. 0.074 **********************80-80 LIST OF INPUT DATA (CONTINUED)********************** 6 RUNOFF 1 11 6 0.00136 87.5 0.034 6 RESVOR 2 11 6 5 150.5 6 REACH 3 016 5 3 175. 6 RUNOFF 1 12 6 0.00024 84.0 0.035 6 RUNOFF 1 12 2 0.00097 98.0 0.015 6 ADDHYD 4 12 3 6 5 6 ADDHYD 4 12 5 2 4 6 REACH 3 016 4 2 200. 6 RUNOFF 1 14 6 0.0011 95.0 0.041 6 RUNOFF 1 14 5 0.0007 97.0 0.017 6 RUNOFF 1 14 4 0.0011 88.0 0.096 6 ADDHYD 4 14 6 5 3 6 ADDHYD 4 14 3 4 6 6 ADDHYD 4 14 2 6 4 6 REACH 3 019 4 2 210. 6 ADDHYD 4 015 1 2 3 6 REACH 3 013 3 2 630. 6 RUNOFF 1 013 3 0.0068 69.0 0.10 6 ADDHYD 4 013 2 3 1 6 ADDHYD 4 06 1 7 4 6 RESVOR 2 06 4 3 120. 6 REACH 3 014 3 4 700. ENDATA 7 INCREM 6 0.10 7 BASFLO 5 0.0041 1.0 24.0 7 COMPUT 7 01 008 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 r-M 7 BASFLO 5 0.0041 7 COMPUT 7 009 014 ENDCMP 1 ENDJOB 2 1.0 24.0 4.0 1.0 2 2 01 01 p*******************************END Of 80-80 LIST ******************************** .1 v II R20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/13/97 PROJECT: Pre-AIIenwood Phase II Expansion, No str 13 or 18 16 (SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF THESPEAKADDAND ISCHARGEETIMEVANDORATEL(CFS)RVALUESSIN THE INDICATESRAEFLATRTOPMHDYDROGRAPH (A STAR(*) AFTER A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) `SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION PEAK DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME ----'--'--'--'--- ------- RUNOFF -------------------------------------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCREM BEGIN AMOUNT DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE I (SQ MI) (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 { 26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.81 1.81 --- 229.34 12.24 13.52 223.97 31.47 871.5 122.4 1 RUNOFF (STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTUR 1 RESVOR .26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.81 210.98 13.52 31.47 122.4 XSECTION,XSECTION 1 REACH 26 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .98 - 12.24 36.52 4XSECTION 2 RUNOFF .08 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.61 206.25 12.24 66.93 196..9 3 ADDHYD .34 2 .10 .0 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.61 196.75 12.36 65.95 194.0 XSECTION 5 REACH .34 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 .82 --- 12.32 53.11 303.5 STRUCTURE 2 RUNOFF 17 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .82 925.74 12.32 56.19 321.1 STRUCTURE 2 RESVOR .17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 .80 191.83 12.42 56.10 320.6 IXSECTioN 4 REACH 17 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 12.41 121.21 235.4 STRUCTURE 3 ADDHYD .51 2 .10 .0 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 --- 12.41 121.21 235.4 CTURE 3 RESVOR .51 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.33 192.24 12.41 121.21 235.4 ,STRUxSECTION 6 REACH 51 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.34 147.96 12.51 120.36 233.7 XSECTION 7 REACH .51 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.40 12.33 XSECTION 7 RUNOFF .11 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.35 148.19 12.33 60.95 160.09 256.1 256.1 XSECTION 7 ADDHYD .63 2 .10 .0 (STRUCTURE 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 1.33 152.77 12.52 150.23 240.4 4 RESVOR .63 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.33 133.24 12.52 150.23 240.4 XSECTION 8 REACH .63 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.98 --- 11.95 2.14 2815.8 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.76 --- 11.95 1.50 3124.7 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 3.28 130.60 11.95 3.64 2935.0 (XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 .10 .0 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.12 2.78 --- 130.75 11.99 11.96 1.73 5.31 1818.9 2426.3 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 .73 --- 11.98 1.36 788.2 IXSECTION XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.88 130.87 11.97 6.66 1702.2 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.53 11.96 4.10 2514.1 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 .10 .0 XSECTION 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.38 2.48 --- 130.79 11.96 11.96 1.66 5.76 2409.6 2483.0 IXSECTION 8 ADDHYD 00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.10 131.27 11.96 12.40 1991.0 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .01 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.34 13--- 12.52 153.54 241.3 XSECTION 8 ADDHYD .63 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 --- 12.44 163.54 641.3 XSECTION 9 RUNOFF .25 2 .10 .0 IXSECTION 9 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.70 ___ 11.97 11.96 1.58 4.04 1756.8 2695.1 STRUCTURE 17 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.87 1 I TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL 13 JOB 1 18 SUMMARY PAGE REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/13/97 PROJECT: Pre -Allenwood Phase II Expansion, No str or h7 SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION PEAK DISCHARGE is STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME ------------------------- RUNOFF -------------------------------------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCREM BEGIN AMOUNT DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE (SQ MI) (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 2.94 219.19 11.97 3.87 2581.4 STRUCTURE 17 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 2.48 207.68 11.97 5.45 2271.9 XSECTION 9 ADDHYD 00 2 2 .10 .0 .0 4.00 24.00 1.78 218.40 12.44 163.95 637.0 (XSECTION 9 ADDHYD .26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.79 11.96 3.74 2674.2 STRUCTURE 15 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 2.86 224.26 11.97 3.47 2475.8 STRUCTURE 15 RESVOR .00 .10 .0 STRUCTURE 16 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.40 2.39 --- 216.53 11.97 12.11 3.69 1.97 2171.6 1161.0 (STRUCTURE 16 RESVOR .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.33 12.00 1.10 2191.0 XSECTION 20 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.46 --- 12.00 1.04 1489.5 XSECTION 20 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.60 211.39 11.99 5.21 1680.5 XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .00 .10 .0 lXSECTION 2 2 .0 4.00 24.00 2.56 211.48 11.98 6.36 1767.2 20 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.38 211.56 11.98 7.46 1734.6 XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.79 214.25 12.44 165.75 633.4 XSECTION 20 ADDHYD .26 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.27 --- 12.25 29.72 594.4 lXSECTION 10 RUNOFF .05 2 2 .10 4.00 24.00 1.71 202.75 12.40 189.41 607.7 XSECTION 11 ADDHYD .31 .10 .0 XSECTION 11 REACH .31 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.71 202.75 12.40 189.41 14.36 607.7 1450.6 STRUCTURE 7 RUNOFF .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.48 1.27 --- --- 11.97 12.00 3.33 1073.4 (STRUCTURE 13 RUNOFF .00 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.43 205.14 11.98 17.62 1355.1 XSECTION 18 ADDHYD .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.43 205.14 11.98 17.62 1355.1 XSECTION 18 REACH .01 .10 .0 (STRUCTURE 8 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.53 --- 145.92 11.96 11.97 6.46 23.99 2515.3 1540.7 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.61 2.62 11.96 34.48 2573.5 STRUCTURE 9 RUNOFF .01 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 2.71 157.89 11.94 32.46 2422.2 STRUCTURE 9 RESVOR .01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.90 12.39 190.99 587.5 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .33 .10 .0 lXSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.74 146.92 12.38 193.96 569.4 1877.6 XSECTION 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 1.78 1.74 --- 146.92 11.96 12.38 2.63 194.24 567.8 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.60 --- 11.97 3.15 1673.0 lXSECTION 12 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.74 146.92 12.38 194.59 565.7 XSECTION 12 ADDHYD .34 .10 .0 XSECTION 17 RUNOFF 01 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.67 --- 12.01 15.89 10.66 1369.4 2175.2 IXSECTION 17 RUNOFF .00 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 2.51 1.92 --- 163.51 11.98 12.00 26.38 1598.8 XSECTION 17 ADDHYD .02 2 2 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.92 163.51 12.00 26.38 1598.8 XSECTION 17 REACH .02 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 146.96 12.35 201.90 560.1 12 ADDHYD .36 .10 .0 IXSECTION {STRUCTURE 5 RESVOR .36 2 2 .10 .0 4.00 24.00 1.75 147.68 12.35 202.10 560.7 ITR20 XEO BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/13/97 PROJECT: Pre -Allenwood Phase II Expansion, No str 13 or 18 PAGE 18 SUMMARY TABLE 1 - SELECTED RESULTS OF STANDARD AND EXECUTIVE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORDER PERFORMED (A STAR(*) AFTER THE PEAK DISCHARGE TIME AND RATE (CFS) VALUES INDICATES A FLAT TOP HYDROGRAPH A QUESTION MARK(?) INDICATES A HYDROGRAPH WITH PEAK AS LAST POINT.) SECTION/ STANDARD RAIN ANTEC MAIN PRECIPITATION PEAK DISCHARGE STRUCTURE CONTROL DRAINAGE TABLE MOIST TIME ------------------------- RUNOFF -------------------------------------- ID OPERATION AREA # COND INCREM BEGIN AMOUNT DURATION AMOUNT ELEVATION TIME RATE RATE (SO MI) (HR) (HR) (IN) (HR) (IN) (FT) (HR) (CFS) (CSM) ALTERNATE 1 STORM 1 W IXSECTION fiXSECT1oN XSECTION STRUCTURE STRUCTURE 15 15 15 11 11 REACH' RUNOFF ADDHYD RUNOFF RUNOFF 36 .00 .36 00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1.75 2.34 1.76 2.68 2.74 133.85 133.86 --- 151.51 12.35 11.96 12.35 11.96 12.01 202.10 6.52 202.88 3.57 2.57 560.7 2303.2 558.5 2622.5 1886.9 XSECTION STRUCTURE (STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE 16 12 12 12 12 REACH RUNOFF RUNOFF ADDHYD ADDHYD .00 00 .00 .00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2.74 2.33 3.76 2.68 3.09 148.54 --- --- 147.81 148.23 12.01 12.00 11.94 11.98 11.96 2.57 .53 2.74 3.11 6.10 1886.9 2211.0 2826.2 1943.8 2374.2 XSECTION (STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE 16 14 14 14 14 REACH RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF ADDHYD .00 .00 .00 00 .00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 3.09 3.41 3.65 2.69 3.50 148.77 ___ --- - 11.96 11.95 11.95 11.96 11.95 6.10 3.33 2.17 2.75 5.50 2374.2 3025.4 3100.7 2496.3 3054.7 ISTRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE XSECTIONXSECTION XSECTION 14 14 14 15 13 ADDHYD ADDHYD REACH ADDHYD REACH .00 01 .01 .01 .37 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 3.19 3.14 3.14 1.78 1.78 -__ 146.65 133.86 132.67 11.95 11.96 11.96 12.35 12.35 8.24 14.34 14.34 204.17 204.17 2840.0 2620.7 2620.7 553.7 553.7 XSECTION XSECTION ISTRUCTURE STRUCTURE XSECTION 13 13 6 6 14 RUNOFF ADDHYD ADDHYD RESVOR REACH .01 .38 1.01 1.01 1.01 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1.25 1.77 1.50 1.51 1.51 --- 132.68 124.23 124.07 103.80 11.98 12.35 12.45 12.60 12.60 8.20 205.43 351.90 329.08 329.08 1205.9 547.0 349.5 326.9 326.9 I TR20 XEQ BARTLETT BROOK WATERSHED MODEL JOB 1 SUMMARY REV PC 09/83(.2) 3/13/97 PROJECT: Pre Allenwood Phase II Expansion, No str 13 or 18 PAGE 119 KREBS & LANSING Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 May 6, 1998 Telephone (802) 878-0375 Joe Weith City of South Burlington Planner 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Allenwood Recreation Path Dear Joe: Please find enclosed the final recreation path plan for Allenwood Community Center in South Burlington. The revised path has been presented to and approved by the Recreation Committee. The Applicant is hoping to start the construction of the path soon. We hope this minor modification of the site plan may be done administratively. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, William H. Nedde III WHN/sbh enclosure cc: John Larkin Deb Sherman Greg Rabideau Bruce O'Neil 96194:recpath KREBS & LANSING Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 Telephone (802) 878-0375 May 14, 1998 Joe Weith City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Allenwood Recreation Path Dear Joe: Please find enclosed a site plan amendment application, fee and three plans for the above referenced project. As discussed, we hope this minor modification of the site plan may be done administratively, as the applicant is hope to start construction of the path soon. Sincerely, William H. Nedde III WHN/sbh enclosure cc: John Larkin 96 ] 94:weith CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AMENDMENT All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) John P. Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 864-7444 Fax: 864-0649 _ 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) SAME 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) William H . Ne d d e III, Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc., 10 Main Street, Colchester, Vermont 05 -Fax:STS-9618 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: A 1 1 e n Ro a d/ H a r b o r V i ew Ro a d 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION 94 a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Allenwood Community Care Facility- Phase 11 b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) — c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) f) Number of employees (existing and proposed): g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above): This application is to amend the approval of the recreation path. The revised path has been presented to and apnrowpri by the Recreation Committee. 71 LOT COVERAGE N / A a) Building: Existing % Proposed .% b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing __ % Proposed % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _ % Proposed % 8) COST ESTIMATES N / A a) Building: $ b) Landscaping: $ c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour (In and out): N/A 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: N / A 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE As soon as possible. A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted, A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). FROM : LARKIN REALTY PHONE NO. : e02e640649 May. 14 1998 11:06AM P4 May-13-98 01:11P Robert G. Krebs 802-878•-9618 P.Oq I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. E OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: Planning Commission Zr�c'ity Planner I have reviewed this,s0 plan application and find it to be: Comp Incomplete Cf Planner or Designee (Apfrmsp) t� City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 June 3, 1998 William H. Nedde, 111 Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10 Main Street Colchester, Vermont 05446 Re: Recreation Path Mxlification, 90 Allen Road & 16 Harbor View Road Dear Mr. Nedde: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the City Planner on June 2, 1998. If you have any questions, please give me a call. incereI Joe Weith, City Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl State of Vermont SUBDIVISION PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules Effective August 8, 1996 Case Number: EC-4-2125 PIN: EJ95-0303 Landowner: John P. Larkin Address: 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 This project, consisting of subdivision of Lot 6 being 1.025 acres for forty-eight (48) unit elderly housing facility approved in WW-4-0844-1 , served by municipal water and sewer services, located off Harbor View Road in the city of South Burlington, Vermont is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above, subject to the following conditions. This permit does not constitute approval under Act 250 case number 4C0526-8. 1. This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Labor and Industry -phone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 658-2199, the Vermont Department of Health - phone (802) 863-7220, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 2. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Project: 81 139 "Bartlett Property Commercial Lots (Lot 6 only)" dated April 1983 revised May 4, 1988 prepared by William H. Nedde, III, P.E. of Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc.. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans without prior written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan and this Subdivision Permit prior to conveyance of the lot. 4. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for the recording of this permit and the "Notice of Permit Recording" in the city of South Burlington Land Records within 30 days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 5. All conditions set forth in Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal Permit 9 WW-4-0844-1 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. Subdivision Permit EC-4-2125 John P. Larkin Page 2 6. A copy of the approved plans and this permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction and, upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. WATER SUPPLY 7. The project is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system. No other means of obtaining potable water shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 8. The project is approved for wastewater disposal by connection to the Bartlett Bay municipal sewer system for a maximum of 5064 gallons of sewage per day. No other method of wastewater disposal shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division, and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. 9. A professional engineer, registered in the State of Vermont, is to generally supervise the construction of the sanitary sewer line extensions and, upon completion of construction, the supervising engineer is to submit to the Wastewater Management Division a written certification stating all construction has been completed in accordance with the stamped approved plans. The engineer's certification is to be submitted to the Division prior to the occupancy of any unit and the certification shall include, but not be limited to, the numerical results of all leakage testing performed on each segment of the sanitary sewer extension and all manholes, as described in Appendix A, of the Environmental Protection Rules. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on December 23, 1997. Canute E. Dalmasse, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Jessanne Wyman Assistant Regional Engineer c For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Selectboard William H. Nedde, III, P.E. of Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. Act 250 coordinator-4C0526-8 State of Vermont yid" WATER SUPPLY & WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT ^. fir. .. LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules Effective August 8, 1996 Case Number: WW-4-0844-1 PIN: 095-0303 Landowner: John P. Larkin Address: 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 This project, consisting of construction of four story, forty-eight (48) unit elderly housing facility on Lot 46 (approved in EC-4-2125), served by municipal water and sewer services, located off Harbor View Road in the city of South Burlington, Vermont is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above, subject to the following conditions. This permit does not constitute approval under Act 250 case number 4C0526-8. l . This permit does not relieve the permittee from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Labor and Industry - phone (802) 828-2106 or (802) 658-2199, the Vermont Department of Health - phone (802) 863-7220, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 2. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans which have been stamped "approved" by the Wastewater Management Division: Project: 96194 "Allenwood Phase II, Lot 6 Bartlett Property" Sheet 1 "Site Plan" dated January 29, 1997 revised April 4, 1997; Sheet 2 "Details" dated January 29,1997; Sheet 3 "Details" dated January 29, 1997 prepared by William H. Nedde, III, P.E. of Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans without prior written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 3. No alterations to the building that would change or affect the exterior water supply or sewage disposal, or the approved use of the building shall be allowed without prior review and approval from the Agency of Natural Resources. 4. The Wastewater Management Division now reviews the sewage and water systems for public buildings under 10 V.S.A., Chapter 61 - Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit. 5. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental/health statutes and regulations, with this permit. Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal Permit WW-4-0844-1 John P. Larkin Page 2 6. All conditions set forth in Subdivision Permit # EC-4-2125 and Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal Permit # WW-4-0844 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. 7. A co0y of the approved plans and this permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction and, upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. WATER SUPPLY 8. The project is approved for water supply by connection to the municipal water system. No other means of obtaining potable water shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 9. The project is approved for wastewater disposal by connection to the Bartlett Bay municipal sewer system for a maximum of 5026 gallons of sewage per day. No other method of wastewater disposal shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division, and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. 10. This project has been granted a 20% reduction in design wastewater flow, based on the proposed installation of water saving plumbing fixtures. Accordingly, the plumbing fixtures utilized throughout the project shall comply with the following performance specifications: water closets - 3.5 gallons/flush, maximum; showerheads - 2.0 g.p.m., maximum; and lavatory/sink faucets (aerators or flow regulators) - 2.0 g.p.m., maximum. Fixtures complying with such performance standards shall be permanently maintained throughout the project. Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal Permit WW-4-0844-1 John P. Larkin Page 3 11. The project is approved based on the anticipated daily volume of wastewater from an elderly housing facility with forty 1-bedroom units and eight 2-bedroom units. There shall be no expansion of the project or increase in occupancy beyond this basis of design without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this December 23, 1997. Canute E. Dalmasse, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By c� W Jessanne Wyma Assistant Regional Engineer For the Record South Burlington Planning Commission & Selectboard William H. Nedde, III, P.E. of Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. Act 250 coordinator-4C0526-8 Department of Labor & Industry AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # DEC PERMITS RESPONSE DATE PENDING APPLICATION #/Mill- q-o,?VV— i DISTRICT TOWN :S_04 74 4aU400,67-6,,J PIN #�g S _ 9 363. D:. OWNER OF PROJECT SITE NAME: � aNu P. LA-P-ICI1) IxiC, ADDRESS: U/o '04iL&JJI Ill E P01. . AUuKI(^ 6A \r, TELEPHONE: kG r(- -7 r/Y Based on information provided byk_'A� of land of /• D aS' acres, located on APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: ADDRESS. TELEPHONE: on /4&1-:� 7 �.�-7 a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts T°-The project is generally described as: CoG1STQ,u�TlOK.1 Orr �f� U�1r l (,�d�'I�f4°f17F f�/LJ/BUG �� S7o�P.i�s) , �i,��lliC�pAC_ WATE�2 S�ul�� . A31W SzoP_w. p2aasIWp-tr) (iAJES ALLF_t� tc!1Cl0 - P4,41,-L-F Prior Permits From This Office: 010i -q- 0,?qq ! 4� ltdD 5-? b PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION I. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD (ACT 250) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V.S.A. SEC. 6007(C)). Commercial, residential or municipal project? Length of new/improved road(s) Has the landowner subdivided before? When/where/# of lots AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED:�YES NO, Copies sent to Statutory Parties: YES NO COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIOt DISTRICTS #4, 6 & 9 111 WEST STREET SIGNATURE:ti�, ` % t--Z_DATE: 11 l �`l % ADDRES,s ((IF DIFFERE Cif (Asstmn� District Coordinator Telephone ` i— )1 - 16 G 7 52 2. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIREDy YES NO Water Supply& Wastewater Disposal Subdivision &/or Exemption Deferral of Subdivision Tent/Travel Trailer Campground Mobile Home Park _Floor Drains (UIC) Sewer Extension REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES / DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATI( SIGNATURE: DATE::/ 3A; -7 ADDRESS: I11 WEST STREET Environmental As' istance Division MEX JCTM VT OW2 _J,, Nastewater Management Division Telephone: THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BINDING DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PERMITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENTS INDICATED BELOW AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: OCA � f, ,4j dj, (IS/3 Discharge Permit: pretreatment permits; industrial, municipal /-- Stormwater permits (state and federal) Indirect discharge permit Floor Drains (UIC) Residuals management sludge disposal OVER Y. PUM rllLLU I IUIV %,UIV 1 MUL UIVIJI%JIM, ^IMF% k0U4-Z1+ I-.Sol+ul �.Vlll.al,a. Construction/modification of source Open Burning Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation Industrial Process Air Emissions Diesel Engines (> 200\ bHP) 0 ��r WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) Contact:z �/c (ai) PTI r-Ov�k ) Well head protection areas Bottled Water Construction Permit, water system improvements Permit to operate New Source 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR Hydroelectric Projects (241-3770) Shoreland encroachment (241-3777) Wetlands (241-3770) Stream Alteration (748-8787/786-5906) Contact: Use of chemicals in State waters(241-3777) Aquatic nuisance control (241-3777) Section 401 Water Quality Certificate; (241-3770) Water Withdrawal (241-3770) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facility certificate (241-3888) Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) Hazardous waste handler notification requirement (241-3888) Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities, drop off (241-3444) Composting Facilities (241-3444) Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) HW transporter certificate (241-3888) Waste oil burning (241-3888) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.)(241-3451) State funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) SMALL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Contact: Contact: Contact: Judy Mirro 802-241-3745 10. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & WILDLIFE, ANR (802-241-3700) Contact: Nongame & Natural Heritage program (Threatened & Endangered Species) Stream Obstruction Approval �11 ` DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (802-828-2106) or District Office# Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans wio Disabilities Act) Storage of flammable liquids, explosives LP Gas Storage Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers Boilers and pressure vessels 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors Program for asbestos control & lead certification Children's camps Hot Tub Installation & Inspection - Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Child care facilities (241-2158) Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) Nursing Homes (241-2345) Therapeutic Community Residence (241-2345) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) Junkyards (828-2067) Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) Railroad crossings (828-2760) Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) Airports and landing strips (828-2833) Construction within state highway right -of way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contact: Use/sale of pesticides (828-2431) Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-2426) Milk processing facilities (828-2433) Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-2421) Golf courses (828-2431) Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431) Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-2436) 16. PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD (802-828-2358) Hydro projects Sells water to 1 or more persons 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3226) Historic buildings Archeological sites 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) Liquor licenses General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) Business registration Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551) Business taxes (sales, meals &rooms, amusement machines) 21—IDEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2074) Fuel taxes; commercial vehicle Franchise tax/solid waste 22. LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) `2`F`EDERAL PERMITS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BLDG 10-18, CAMP JOHNSON, COLCHESTER, VT 05446 (655-0334) 25. OTHER: REVISION DATE: 11197 04- STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES INTERAGENCY ACT 250 REVIEW COMMITTEE John Larkin Inc. ) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION #4 APPLICATION #4C0526-8 November 3, 1997 Please enter the appearance of the Agency of Natural Resources ("Agency"), State of Vermont, by and through its attorney, Jon Groveman, Esq., in the above -captioned matter. Criterion 1(B) -WASTE DISPOSAL Stephen P. Bushman, an engineer with the Waste Water Management Division (WWMD) of the Department of Environmental Conservation has reviewed the application and reports that the WWMD has not yet received the Stormwater Discharge Permit Application referenced in the Land Use Permit application. The WWMD has contacted the applicant regrading this permitting requirement. Criteria 9(F) and 9(J) - ENERGY CONSERVATION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES The Department of Public Service (DPS) participates in the interagency review of Act 250 applications with, regard to Criteria 9(F) and 9(J). Criterion 9(J) requires that ".. . t 1...� Planning J .7... 615.. L _I ...i...,.,..,., .....L 24.... �...., .. 1..s t U 16 Pla 11 i g and desigi 1 VI U IC J:JI.JLIY iJ1o. i ail 4.iCvel.opt i ICI iC r GI 1`6CL ii iri P1 ii ivri,.ilfiJ Vi energy conservation and incorporate the best available technology for efficient use or recovery of energy." Stuart Slote, Energy Engineer with DPS, reports that because the structure proposed is four stories, the project is not subject to the recently enacted Vermont law regarding compliance with Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES). Accordingly, Mr. Slote has reviewed the application to determine whether the proposed elderly housing complex reflects the principles of energy conservation and incorporates the best available technology for efficient use or recovery of energy as prescribed under Criterion 9(F) and whether an excessive or uneconomic demand will not be placed on public utility facilities and services as prescribed under Criterion 9(J). Application #4C0526-8 November 3, 1997 John Larkin Inc. Pa e 2 The applicant has agreed to standard conditions in the application requiring insulation levels, windows, doors and the prohibition of electric resistance space heating. The DPS commends the applicant for this action, but also would like to point out that significant cost-effective energy savings can be achieved through additional technologies available in the marketplace. In general, the DPS finds that these additional measures are cost-effective over their life span. That is, energy savings more than offset the initial purchase and installation cost. To this end, the DPS requests that the Commission and the applicant consider measures to ensure that such energy efficiency measures are adopted by the builders and owners of these units. The DPS recommends that one of the foiiowing approaches be used to accomplish this: The Commission condition any Land Use Permit issued to require the applicant to adopt all of the energy efficiency measures listed below (except for suntempering) unless he or she can demonstrate to the Commission (or to the DPS, if the Commission prefers) that a measure is not feasible for this project site. Mr. Slote can provide assistance with these design recommendations. ENVELOPE: 1. Ceiling - min. R-38 insulation in the flats and R-30 insulation in the slopes. 2. Walls - min. R-19 insulation (including band joist). 3. Foundation Walls - min. R-10 insul. from top down to footings or R-19 for floors. 4. Slabs - min. R-10 insulation for slabs under heated spaces. 5. Doors - min. R-10 insul. (excluding glazing); glass doors are considered windows. 6. Windows - min. R-2.5 (double pane with "low E" coating or storm, or triple pane). AIR INFILTRATION: 7. Maximum 0.5 air changes per hour. 8. Doors and windows - fully weatherstripped and all seams, joints and attic bypasses completely caulked or sealed. 9. Ceiling and walls - full vapor barrier. 10. Dampers on all vents (including dryers and fireplaces). 11. Kitchen and bathroom ventilation. Whole house mechanical ventilation is recommended at this level of air tightness. Application #4C0526-8 November 3, 1997 John Larkin Inc Page 3 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS: 12. Electric resistance space and hot water heaters - generally not acceptable. 13. Oil/gas heating systems - min. Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) of 83% 14. Stand-alone oil and gas hot water heaters - min. Energy Factor (E.F.) of 0.62. Sealed combustion units - minimum E.F. of 0.58. 15. All space heating - install automatic set -back thermostats for each zone. 16. Boilers - zoned and at least R-4 pipe insulation installed in unheated spaces 17. Hot water tanks - R-18 insul. (usually achieved by adding R-10 tank wrap). 18. Hot water - install heat traps on hot water heater incoming/outgoing lines, X install at least R-4 pipe insulation on all hot/cold water pipes within 9 feet of the hot water heater in unheated spaces. 19. Furnace ducts - insulate with at least R-6 insulation in unheated spaces. 20. Showerheads - install low -flow, max. 2.75 gallons per minute (gpm) at 80 PSI. 21. Faucet aerators - install low -flow, max. 2.75 gpm for kitchen and utility sinks at 80 PSI and bathroom sinks below 50 PSI. Max. 1.75 gpm for bath sinks over 50 PSI. LIGHTING and APPLIANCES: 22. At least 25% of interior and exterior hardwired fixtures should utilize fluorescent lamps. Ballasts should be high power factor. ZV. fi ItGI IVI1`-.%lGf i4ii a 1l.gi ItJGJ�,GF.I+JI ilr IIVVu iI I IL - �.i Li l J halogen lamps. 24. Refrigerators & freezers - exceed 1992 U.S. DOE standards by 16%, or meet 1993 standards. 25. Woodstoves - meet the EPA Phase II guidelines. 26. Fireplaces - prevent excessive infiltration and exfiltration either through installation of tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors or a tight fitting damper. 27. Gas appliances - automatic ignition (not a constant burning pilot light). The above measures are recommended for all projects. Application #4C0526-8 November 3, 1997 John Larkin Inc. Page 4 The following measure is listed, but not expressly recommended for all projects since it is highly site specific: SUNTEMPERING: 28. Home should be sited (preferably lengthwise) within 300 either side of true south (true south is 150 west of magnetic south). 29. A maximum of about 7% total south -facing glass as a percentage of total heated house floor area. In the alternative, regarding Criterion 9(F) the applicant could agree to a permit condition requiring all homes to be designed to a "Four Star Plus" rating by Energy Rated Homes of Vermont, Inc., or an equivalent level using an alternate home energy rating system. Such a rating assures that the homes are energy efficient and may allow for the builder or owner to borrow more money for construction. Jane Whitmore, Residential New Construction Program Administrator with GMP, and Sandy Laflamme, Workplace Program Administrator with VGS, can provide further assistance about how to obtain such a rating. Mr. Slote can be reached at (802) 828-4038. Dated November 3, 1997, at Waterbury, Vermont. Respectfully submitted, State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources By tn Grov an, Esq. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I, Christian Sleeper, Secretary for the Planning Division of the Agency of Natural Resources, sent a copy of the foregoing Entry of Appearance and Prehearing Comments dated November 3, 1997, regarding File #4C0526-8 (Larkin) by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the following; John Larkin, Inc. 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Gregory Rabideau Rabideau Architects, Inc. 86 Lake Street Burlington, VT 05401 So. Burlington City Clerk & Chair, Selectboard & Chair, Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington , VT 05403 Chittenden County R.P.C. PO Box 108 Essex Junction, VT 05453 Dated November 3, 1997 Waterbury, VT Christian Sleeper NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND HEARING ACT 250 MINOR APPLICATION 444C0526-8 10 V.S.A., CHAPTER 151 Notice is hereby given that on September 30, 1997 an application was filed by John Larkin Inc., 410 Shelburne Road. South Burlington, Vermont, 05402 to construct a 48 unit elderly housing facility in a four story wood frame building with municipal water and wastewater services. The project is located off of Harbor View Road in South Burlington. The District Environmental Commission will treat this application under Environmental Board Rule 51— Minor Applications (amended effective 9/1/84). A proposed permit has been prepared by the Commission based on plans available at the Commission's office. The preparation of findings of fact and conclusions of law will be waived unless a public hearing is held. If a hearing is requested by a party or the District Commission, it shall be limited to those criteria or sub -criteria identified by a party or the District Commission (before or during the hearing) as requiring the presentation of further evidence; any hearing request shall state with specificity why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented. No hearing will be convened unless, on or before November 12, 1997 a party notifies the Commission or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. If a timely hearing request is received, the hearing will be convened on or before November 19, 1997. Parties entitled to participate are the municipality and planning commission, any adjoining municipalities, municipal planning commissions, the regional planning commission, state agencies, adjoining property owners, and persons granted party status pursuant to Board Rule 14(B). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on October 9 , 1997. By Geoffrey W. en, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 E (802)-879-5657 This is a DRAFT permit, please submit any comments or corrections by November 12, 1997 to the District Office, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452 or call the District Coordinator @ 879-5657. LUP #: #4C0526-8 Laws/Regulations: Name: John Larkin Inc. 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151 Address: 410 Shelburne Road Act 250 South Burlington, Vermont 05402 District Environmental Commission 44 hereby issues a Land Use Permit #4C0526-8, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151. This permit applies to the land identified in ?, of the land records of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to the Permittee, as grantee. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittee to construct a 48 unit elderly housing facility in a four story wood frame building with municipal water and wastewater services. The project is located off of Harbor View Road in South Burlington. The Permittee and its assigns and successors in interest are obligated to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0526 and any amendments, are in full force and effect, except as amended herein. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission, and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No material or substantial changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 3. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of permit. 4. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittee confirms and agrees for itself and all assigns and successors in interest that the conditions of this permit shall run with the land and the land uses herein permitted, and will be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. 5. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 6. This permit hereby incorporates all of the terms and conditions of the following permits issued by the Agency of Natural Resources: 0 Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit #WW-6- 7. Prior to any earth disturbance, the Permittee shall install and maintain protective fencing along the tree line to be protected from disturbance. Land Use Permit #4C0526-8 Page 2 8. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall install and maintain water conserving plumbing fixtures, including but not limited to low flush toilets, aerator type or flow restricted faucets and if applicable low flow showerheads. 9. All energy conservation devices shall be maintained in good working order and any failed devices shall be promptly replaced by equipment which is as energy efficient as the failed device being replaced if the device were operating as designed. 10. The Permittee shall comply with all approved exhibits for erosion control and shall be installed prior to earth disturbance. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All soils shall be stabilized within fourteen days of initial disturbance. From October 1 to April 15 of any calendar year, all disturbed areas of the construction site shall be mulched until final grading and vegetative cover is established. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as they deem necessary. 11. The Permittee shall incorporate all erosion controls set forth in the approved plans in the contract documents for site work and excavation. 12. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved by replacing any dead or diseased plantings as soon as seasonably possible. 13. The installation of floor drains is specifically prohibited, unless approved for discharge to a municipal treatment facility. 14. The installation of exterior light fixtures shall be installed and shielded in such a manner as to conceal the light source and reflector surface from view beyond the perimeter of the area needed for illumination. 15. The sign approved for the site is depicted on the approved plans. There shall be no changes made in the size, color, materials or lighting without the expressed written approval of the District Commission. 16. All heated structures shall include the energy conservation measures in accordance with the approved plans and exhibits. 17. The installation and/or use of electric resistance heating is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Commission. 18. No material shall be buried or burned on -site. Construction material shall be disposed of in a State approved landfill. 19. Each prospective purchaser or lessee of the building shall be given a copy of the Land Use Permit before any written contract of sale is entered into. Failure to comply may be grounds for invalidation. 20. All construction on this project must be completed by October 15, 1999. 21. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6091(b), nonuse of this permit for a period of three years following the date of issuance shall constitute an abandonment of the Project and the permit shall be considered expired. "Nonuse" is defined in 10 V.S.A., $6091(b). 22. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6090(b), this permit is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. 23. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., $6090(b) Land Use Permit #4C0526-8 Page 3 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont on this day of 1997. " uruSED By District #4 Environmental Commission Commissioners partici,Mw-this decision: Helen Toor, Chair`' Tom Visser, Commissioner Susan Wheeler, Commissioner Any appeal of this decision must comply with all provisions of 10 V.S.A., $6089 and Environmental Board Rule 40 including the submissions of the original and ten copies of the following: notice of appeal, a statement of why the appellant believes the commission was in error, a statement of the issues to be addressed in the appeal, a summary of the evidence that will be presented, a preliminary list of witnesses, this decision and certificate of services. Decision on minor applications may be appealed if a hearing was held by the district commission or timely requested by the appellant. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 7, 1997 John Larkin 410 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Sewer Allocation, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Mr. Larkin: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Please be advised that reserve capacity has recently become available at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The City hereby allocates the 5,064 gpd which had been placed on a waiting list. Please note that you have six (6) months from the date of this letter to obtain a zoning permit (condition #11 of the 2/11/97 approval). The operative date for the beginning of this six (6) month period shall be the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please give me a call. syhn erelyt' Joel eith, Cit Planner JW/mcp KREBS & LANSING Consulting Engineers, Inc. September 24, 1997 Joe Weith City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Allenwood - Phase II 16 Harbor View Road So. Burlington, Vermont Dear Joe: g) 76- �W 10 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 Telephone (802) 878-0375 Please find enclosed a site plan and details for the above referenced project. The project received City of South Burlington approvals on February 11, 1997 and are currently pursuing State permits. Accordingly, we are requesting a letter from the City South Burlington indicating the sewer demand of 5,064 gallons per day will not adversely effect current customers. We estimated the sewer as follows: 56 bedrooms x 1.5 personsibedroom x 75 gpd = 6300 gpd 2 employees x 15 gpd = 30 gpd 6330 gpd Municipal reduction (20%) -1266 gpd Total Allocation: 5064 gpd Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, William H. Nedde III WHN/sbh cc: John Larkin Greg Rabideau alnwd2:wp#76 L City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 February 27, 1997 Greg Rabideau 86 Lake Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Allenwood Phase II, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Mr. Rabideau: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the February 11, 1997 Planning Commission meeting minutes and Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project. Please note the conditions of approval and the requirement that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. si c e , J e Weith, City Planner JW/mcp 2 Encls cc: John Larkin 2/11/97 MOTION OF APPROVAL JOHN LARKIN, INC. I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of John Larkin, Inc. to construct a 4-story, 48 unit congregate housing facility on a 1.02 acre parcel, 16 Harbor View Road, as depicted on a five (5) page set of plans, page one (1) entitled, "Allenwood Phase II Lot 6 Bartlett Property, Harbor View Road South Burlington, Vermont, prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated January 29, 1997 last revised 2/7/97, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plan shall be revised prior to issuance of a zoning permit to show the changes listed below and shall require approval of the City Planner. Three (3) copies of the approved revised site plan shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to permit issuance. a) The site plan shall be revised to show the entrance drive radii concrete curb extended to the Harbor View Road curl,, aAd' ramped for the frontage—jiueu1k. L; b) The site plan shall be revised to show � frontage ��,-,,,-+o,� �rA r _fret -from the street r.o.w. line. sidewalk�c..on � ,-1-1- The it�e plan _s_hall be_-r�vised�"bhow ; ectens�A.place n tie' B tlett' Br6ok�l art girder Ha or U,h ew R6a and e idewalk�oTistructed�one (7foot fr� the sttre� d") T11 si e pja�rf s all b ised to -show catch--a'n-_" (p3aced so Lth�e-'sidewa 1 mi when "t-eked. )af The site plan shall be revised to show the proposed recreation path 9 feet wide. 3 The proposed side�alk shall be constructed prto occupancy f the building. rior to jssu ce of a ' ng perms plica t-"shall pos a bond�fc5r t sidewa i an amount' proved by e City Engin er. This sid walk 11 b cons,t�fict d to,,,th`� specifications ap ro by the P 'c Works i ector. Pursuant to Section 26.105(a) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission grants a $7693 landscaping credit. The applicant shall post a _42-4;$'00 landscape bond prior to ` issuance of a zoning permit. The bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. 1,6. As expressly represented by the applicant, the applicant shall construct the bike path from Allen Road to Harbor View Road. This path shall be nine (9) feet wide and built to City standard. This bike path shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. ,•7. For the purpose of calculating required road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed congregate housing facility will generate 8.16 vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 1 A sewer allocation of 5064 gpd is approved. The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to issuance of a zoning permit. There is currently no sewer allocation available at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. The allocation requested shall be placed on a waiting list until such time as allocation becomes available. Pursuant to Section 25.113(c) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission allows the proposed building to exceed the forty (40) foot height limitation by five (5) feet. The Commission has determined that the taller structure: a) will not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; b) will not detract from the important scenic views from the adjacent public roadways and other public rights -of -way; and c) will meet the additional setbacks required by Section 25.113(d) of the zoning regulations. The design of the building shall be in accordance with the elevation depicted on the plans entitled "End Elevation, Allenwood Phase II," sheets A-5 and , prepared by Gregory T. Rabideau Architect, dated 2/6/97. Any significant change to these plans shall require approval by the Planning Commission. el ' k0" . All new exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. The results of Nelson, Heindel and Noyes stormwater hydrology tomputer model for this y site shall be submitted prior to permit issuance. All recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the site plan with approval from the City Engineer. 2 ,/1'2. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit for the building within six (6) months of the date sewer allocation for the project becomes available, pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations, or this approval is null and void. f��-f3. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. X4. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Commission. 3 Memorandum - Planning February 11, 1997 agenda items February 7, 1997 Page 9 the estimated cost of building 114d" and the revised cost of building "A". Building height: A portion of proposed building "4d" will exceed the 45 foot height limit by seven (7) feet. The ZBA on 1/27/97 granted the applicant a variance to exceed the height limitation. Other: --- the revised final plat should show the CD3 boundary line as recently adjusted for the extended stay hotel and for building "4d". -- the subdivision plat should be revised to note that the portion of the public street labeled "Sherry Road Extension" is "Aspen Drive." --- a bus shelter should be provided for the P.U.D. 6) JOHN LARKIN INC. - CONGREGATE HOUSING - SITE PLAN This project consists of constructing a 4-story 48 unit congregate housing facility on a 1.02 acre parcel. The applicant must obtain a conditional use permit from the ZBA for the proposed use. This property located at 16 Harbor View Road lies within the C2 and Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District. It is bounded on the north by Harbor View Road, on the east by a congregate care facility, on the south by a congregate care facility and an industrial building, and on the west by a light manufacturing facility. Access/circulation: Access will be provided by a 20 foot curb cut on Harbor View Road. Circulation on the site is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 22.8% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 51.3% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 16.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Setback requirements are met (see building height discussion below). Parking: A total of 26 parking spaces are required and ..3-6 spaces 0 Memorandum - Planning February 11, 1997 agenda items February 7, 1997 Page 10 including four (4) handicapped spaces are available. A bike rack will be provided as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement based on building costs, is $23,000 which is not being met. Proposed landscaping isu E' $7693 short of the requirement. Proposed plantings include"„ Littleleaf Linden, Maple, Ash, Birch, Pine, Dogwood, Lilac, Rhododendron, and Burning Bush. �v The applicant is askingfor a partial landscape waiver in exchange for construction of the recreation path from Harbor View Road to Allen Road. Staff supports construction of the path as does the %+.t recreation path committee (see enclosed letter). The path should be 9 feet wide and built to City standard. Sewer: The sewer allocation being requested is--633-9 gpd. There is currently no sewer allocation available at the Bartlett Bay V Wastewater Treatment Facility. The allocation requested will be placed on a waiting list until such time as allocation becomes Qavailable. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon ; fee at that time. A* Building height: The proposed building exceeds the 40 foot height `' k limitation by five (5) feet. Section 25.113(c) of the zoning regulations allows the Planning Commission to approve a non- residential structure with a height in excess of the limitations "provided the Commission determines that a taller structure: (i) will not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; (ii) will not detract from the important scenic views from adjacent public roadways and other public rights -of -way." �j 0 In additio o the above criteria, Section 25.113(d) of the zoning regulation requires that for each foot of additional height above the normal 36> foot maximum, all front and rear setbacks shall be increased by one (1) foot and all side yard setbacks shall be increased by 1 foot. The additional setback requirements are being met. Section 25.113(e) of the zoning regulations requires that the request for approval of a taller structure shall include the submittal of plans showing the elevations and architectural design 10 Memorandum - Planning February 11, 1997 agenda items February 7, 1997 Page 11 of the structure, existing grade, post -construction grade, and height of the structure. These plans have been submitted. The applicant will be required to abide by the approved elevations. Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District: This property is located within the Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection 1 Overlay District and is subject to the standards in Section 23.10 of the zoning regulations. The applicant has submitted the applicable information to Nelson, Heindel and Noyes for inclusion into the City's stormwater hydrology computer model. The results may be available for the meeting. Traffic: ITE estimates that this facility will generate 8.16 vehicle trip ends (vte's) during the P.M. peak hour. The applicant should be aware that the road impact fee is $0. Sidewalk: The applicant is proposing a sidewalk along that portion of the property's frontage which lies east of the access drive. This would provide a connection to the recreation path. A sidewalk exists along Harbor View Road. Lighting: Proposed exterior lighting consists of the following: --- four (4) 100 watt high pressure sodium lamps with downcasting shielded fixtures mounted on 18 foot poles. --- 16 building mounted lights of two (2) types, type 1 is a 13 watt fluorescent and type 2 is a 70 watt metal halide, both have downcasting shielded fixtures. Dumpster: A screened dumpster storage area will be provided. 7) FARRELL DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION - WAREHOUSE/DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ADDITIONS - SITE PLAN This project consists of: 1) constructing a 5,808 2-story addition with 300 square foot vestibule, 2) a 640 square foot addition, and 3) a 5665 square foot addition to an existing warehouse/distribution facility. The last review of this property by the Commission was on 8/11/87 (minutes enclosed). The ZBA on 2/10/97 will consider a request from the applicant for a use variance to expand this facility which is a nonconforming use in the district. 11 Memorandum - City Engineer February 11, 1997 agenda items February 10, 1997 Page 2 6. The short dead end of Airport Drive should be extended and tied into Airport Parkway at approximately the sewer plant area. 7. The garage entrance should be opposite Ledoux Terrace especially if traffic signals are planned. PIZZERIA UNO - SHELBURNE ROAD Site plan received 1/16/97 with revision dated 1/8/97 prepared by Pinkham Engineering is acceptable. ALLENWOOD PHASE II - HARBOR VIEW ROAD 1. The entrance drive radii concrete curb shall extend to the Harbor View Road curb and ramped for the frontage sidewalk. 2. The frontage sidewalk shall be constructed one foot from the street line. 3. An extension should be placed on the Bartlett Brook culvert under Harbor View Road and the sidewalk constructed one foot from the street property line. 4. Catch basin #4 shall be placed so the sidewalk when extended will miss it. TO: Planning Commission FROM: Recreation Path Committee RE: Allenwood Phase II DATE: January 8, 1997 The Recreation Path Committee was asked to review the request of Allenwood Phase II as it affects the goals of this committee. It is our understanding that the developer is requesting a reduction in the amount of required landscaping in exchange for constructing a Bike Path on an easement across an adjacent property which he previously granted to the City. This section of path is important because it is potential link to a N-S path being planned by the Town of Shelburne in this vicinity. Last summer, Committee representatives met with Mr. Larkin and with the company that was doing the site work on Allenwood Phase I, with the hope that we could get the path constructed while that site work was being done. At that time, the site works firm provided an estimate of $15,215. to construct a 9' wide paved path running from Allen Road to Harbor View Road. We were informed that no City funding was available, so we could not proceed. We feel that the applicant's offer to construct this section of the path would be of great benefit to the City and would accelerate the effort to complete a connection with Shelburne's path. For this reason the Committee urges the Commission to accept the applicant's offer. The Committee is prepared to help move this project forward in whatever way it can. KREBS & LANSING Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10 Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 Telephone (802) 878-0375 February 7, 1997 Ray Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Allenwood - Phase II Harbor View Road South Burlington, Vermont Dear Ray: Please find enclosed a revised Site Plan for the above referenced project. The revisions include moving the building and parking 21/2 feet to the west and 5 feet to the north. In addition, one parking space was removed just west of the entrance drive. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, William H. Nedde III WHN/amm enclosure cc: John Larkin Greg Rabideau belairlwp#68 ■ --long IN =_ IN II sa ��j AN1, ---•.�1v— Pillsbury South Community Care /OF LARKIN On - 21591 I I ,hu auf +. 2026f % 8 j -� AWN / AWw 5' mbWVv* q Oardtt00 J s� fen � I \ C tL tt. I ...x �B. a .3''r n°yettdev� r�aM I b rh fB I. 22472' x+s rnrr� ' fuc saf, 7n� 20` Sun frailly pard naI 7Wi2fiAdT r ____ Qa2 MIN, � T10 2Y9Kr � 4'2tl — i SJYt fence . / � � —--zfs-�3a ---- -z¢a- _ Y •,.,,,�I `\\ �-.._ Mn YiLC17 AP wc,sbn ■ conereto monument found O 1•on p,pe .lwnd n utftty pile X m2ter /Jnt gate vary NON tagNng stme I f I r 1 3 y P7YR Nrdso,4r ands. ��t �z'J a st I `' I I I t I Fi t l� # It ii" ;II fill i II II 119 ! I t I� ✓�� r�'Ij ��Ill�' artght or Avylproperty /hne I a I I f �I] ly W I I �_ a �_ E:�aserront /fie I I I f I I I'd b � I Jo' -----248------------ F,hm groob "Nov' ■ z Sz :a —are ---- tikht ag cmta r & x toenaoYeJ txdr&rp aurD`"'+w ,wat Pena& a rogt rd t WAD � RAn X f h h PfA 6b ". jZ, e.K riA IY 2t7K2 F,htsh spo+' grode q'owb7r AId CYND w/t ar eww t "Zd I It y 3 r +er 4 Ord sec"ar`. 2110 /Vow „ B /''I Z7 �n - _`�,,2f&... 71 ceAM 21 A Jr 2f3dddd0 £xtsthg Su.Cdfig Allen wood (, Phase /I iftWiAe llmdot/ e+►tYnY •213 i` �,4 R a.C` Af►dra rotM 00$k7 all w.2tIV ah 2t2- �RronsW ------------'— --- —' M - _ Oft m4o -------- --- tee' ,i :258---_`-_ _ Mu 1ri85 �. '� 7 Etc SOB _ e ,Wn a MAIM - ___'��>__--_-4., I F)rd t1KX st -sr crrraosee f5 Pvt' 't FFB 0 7 1997 lVr�tes ,I�,rasJ rB'.�Yrurara3n I �, os.d'� J ��7T�Ti��i7,?'iliT! . \ y�� Ott~ water aWd f✓a f A*. - M350' % . y.L4ied CB City of So. Burlington r GI■b',eMaekn xw tatti aafu Nre AifNetyF�' Debary taYr pyC rs � s ) Inv..r 20d90' a ven enndse'"ism A%mW/AfIC au+.risaed awe � Md6a" --�` — Il aK-anew` 1�ars' _6 IFe9ws7 7 7887 urove 6aNdhp mrd parkhip �.t�e�i rY�' r �'� .0 XC �� j e _, _� .� i Design Gew"ce - 1192G' `�C \�/; �) � / , I N Site Plan Drown 0' ?0' 44, 80' >20' I f �, \ / Pr osvd Checked _ °� - Allenwood Phase scw�, _f��=- I I� astd pavan u t , Date A". 2s IAR7 lot 6 Bartlett Property Bar Scale er pdzng f Pro ct gsfss Yor Wow Rood South &tritnyrton. Varmost 7T�, >O AZOW" Stream CO&Apster, renmont Afgfff Area Lighting 41 List Locations r�Pr O eWetLocoG� SMAHl 3 E86021 'o z Z� ;4 RCL Series 9G'1'MENt'�y Roadway Luminaire 150 watts to 400 watts High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ❑ APPLICATIONS Roadway, parking lot lighting. Any outdoor application where tight light control to prevent glare and light trespass is desired. ❑ CONSTRUCTION Seamless one-piece die-cast aluminum housing eliminates the threat of leaking. Finished in Duraplex II® bronze polyester powder for superior resistance against the elements. One-piece die-cast aluminum lens frame with integral hinges held fastened with captive stainless steel hardware. Heat and ORDERING INFORMATION shock resistant tempered glass is sealed to frame via liquid silicone. Lens frame assembly is sealed to housing via silicone rubber gasket. Deluxe porcelain socket pulse rated for 4KV. One piece extruded aluminum arm provided with fixture but not factory installed. Arms designed to mount to minimum 4" square poles. ❑ OPTICS One-piece hydroformed Alzako reflector for consistant and efficient photometric Catalog No. * Watts Lamp Base IES ClassO Ballast Weight HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM RCL3150LX 150 E18, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 34 lbs. RCL3250LX 250 E18, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 38 lbs. ■RCL3400LX 400 E18, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 42 lbs. METAL HALIDE RCL3175MA 175 628, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 32 lbs. RCL3250MA 250 B28, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 34 lbs. ■RCL3400MA 400 B37, Clear Mogul Type III HPF-CWA 36 lbs. VOLTAGE: Specify voltage, 120V, 208V 240V. 277V or 480V For Multi -Tap (120V. 208V, 240V and 277V) order "MTB". iD Consult factory for type II and Type IV distribution, change "3" in Cat No. to "2" or "4". Type 11 and IV 400 Metal Halide fixtures require special ED28 (reduced outer jacket) lamp. *For fully assembled factory installed 6' arm with reversible mounting plate for square or round pole, change "RCL" to "RAL". OPTIONS To add factory options add appropriate suffix to Cat. No. Suffix FUSING: Fusing protects HID circuitry in Pole mounted installations. It is suggested that fuses are mounted within pole base for accessibility and ease of maintenance. For 120V and 277V Single fusing ...... FS For 208V, 240V and 480V Double fusing ...................... FFS PHOTOCONTROL: Factory -installed plug -in -twist -to -lock dusk -to -dawn control (P400 Series) meets EEI-NEMA standards. Temperature range minus 50OF to plus 150°F. Built-in time delay eliminates off -and -on cycling due to momentary light flashes. Control matches specified fixture voltage rating ......... TLR/PC PHOTOCONTROL: (Button -Type) factory installed in housing back ......PCB ACCESSORIES The following are field installed accessories. Order by Cat. No. Cat. No. GLARE SHIELD: Architectural bronze painted aluminum sections may be field installed in patterns of two (at any corner) three side or four side configurations. Four side assemblies provide 150 cut-off, 4 piece assembly ...................RLS50 LEXAN VISOR: Clear vandal -proof polycarbonate shield protects against rocks, air -gun pellets, or other missiles. To mount Glare Shield and Lexan visor on the same fixture, consult factory .... R L552 4" ROUND POLE ADAPTER.......... RPA performance. Reflector system is precisely designed for IES Type III cut-off. Excellent control places only 14% of the light on house - side to minimize trespass and 43% on street - side for superior efficiency. Refer to Section 12 for photometric data. ❑ BALLAST High power factor CWA ballast. Refer to Section 12 for electrical data. ❑ INSTALLATION Mounting arm is equipped with steel reinforcing plate. Arm attaches to fixture and pole via two 9" threaded studs. ❑ LAMP Clear mogul base lamps as specified. (Not supplied.) Refer to Section 12 for lamp data. Template 3" 14" •__ ; ---17%" 5 7� EPA=1.30 sq. ft. ■Stock Item: Normally carried in factory stock and/or at local regional warehouses. STONCO G 43 (�Y Listed for Wet Locations PATENTED E86021 f '' I' MPW Series MicroPro® 13 watts to 70 watts High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide Compact Fluorescent PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ❑ APPLICATIONS Wall mounted installation for accent, security, area and perimeter lighting. Suitable for residential or light commercial applications. Compact design offers an aesthetically pleasing appearance for new construction or an energy saving alternative to replace existing outdated light sources. ❑ CONSTRUCTION Lightweight die-cast aluminum housing lags directly to wall. Units may be back fed or accessed for surface conduit via two 112" NPS tapped holes. Tapped holes suitable for threaded or button -type photocontrols. (See accessories.) Electrical components are mounted directly to cast aluminum housing for maximum heat dissipation. Porcelain socket rated for 4KV on high pressure sodium and metal halide fixtures. Compact fluorescent sockets accept quad -tube type lamps Component cover is injected molded. UV stabilized, impact resistant polycarbonate in dark bronze finish that won't peel, chip or fade Lens is high impact acrylic. ❑ OPTICS Combination prismatic lens and specular reflector provides Type II disitribution. Spacing to mounting height ratio is 6 1. Refer to Section 12 for photometric data ❑ BALLAST See ordering information. Refer to Section 12 for electrical data. ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog No.* Watts Lamp Base Volts Ballast O Weight HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM MPW35NLXL 35 E/B17 Medium 120 Reactor (NPF) 5 lbs. MPW50NLXL 50 E/B17 Medium 120 Reactor (NPF) 5 lbs. MPW70LXL 70 E/B17 Medium 120/277 HX-HPF 9lbs. ■ MPW70NLXL 70 E/B17 Medium 120 Reactor (NPF) 6 lbs. METAL HALIDE MPW50MAL 50 ED17 Medium 120/277 HX-HPF 8lbs. MPW50NMAL 50 ED17 Medium 120 HX-NPF 6lbs. ■ MPW70MAL 70 ED17 Medium 120/277 HX-HPF 9 lbs COMPACT FLUORESCENT MPW13NFL 13 PLC GX23-2 120 NPF 5lbs. MPW22NFL 22 PLC GX32d-2 120 NPF 5lbs. ■ MPW28NFL 28 PLC GX3201-3 120 NPF 6 lbs. *LAMPS: Medium base lamps included with all High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide units. PLC -type compact fluorescent lamps provided. tQ Consult factory for high power factor ballast. ACCESSORIES The following are field installed accessories. Order by Cat. No. Cat. No. MOUNTING PLATE: Optional die-cast aluminum mounting plate. Plate mounts directly to wall for easy installation over any size recessed box ...............MPW10 PHOTOCONTROL: Button Type, 120V .................. P105A Swivel Type, 120V .................. P150A Pencil Type, 120V........... ........ P110A ■Stock Item: Normally carried in factory stock and/or at local regional warehouses. ❑ INSTALLATION Housing mounts directly to wall via standard hardware (not supplied). Optional die-cast aluminum mounting plate (Cat. No. MPW10) mounts directly to wall for easy installation over any size recessed box. Component cover snaps into place. Captive lens screws close unit and complete installation. O LAMP Supplied with fixture as detailed. Refer to Section 12 for lamp data. 111 /g" 65/g" 73/16" WITH MPW10 MOUNTING PLATE WITHOUT MPW10 MOUNTING PLATE MPW10 D IU 21 4-8 Square Wide Angle Square Adjustable Louver SMALL LARGE SMALL LARGE ALS 176A 70MH ALS 178A - 10OMH ALS 176B 70MH ALS 178B 100MH ALS 176A 10OMH ALS 178A - 175MH ALS 176B - 10OMH ALS 178B 175MH ALS 176A 175MH ALS 178A - 250MH ALS 176E 175MH ALS 178E 250MH ALS 176A 70HPS ALS 178A - 100HPS ALS 176E - 70HPS ALS 178E 100HPS ALS 176A-100HPS _ ALS 178A-150HPS ALS 176B-100HPS ALS 178B-150HPS ALS 176A 150HPS ALS 178A-250HPS ALS 176B 150HPS ALS 178E 250HPS Square Cast Guard Square Downlight SMALL LARGE SMALL LARGE ALS 176BG 70MH ALS 178BG - 10OMH ALS 176D 70MH ALS 178D 10OMH ALS 176BG - t00MH ALS 178BG - 175MH ALS 176D 10OMH ALS 1780 175MH ALS 176BG 175MH ALS 178BG 250MH ALS 176D 175MH ALS 178D - 250MH ALS 176BG 70HPS ALS 178BG 100HPS ALS 176D 70HPS ALS 178D-100HPS ALS 176BG 100HPS ALS 178BG -150HPS ALS 176D 100HPS ALS 178D 150HPS ALS 176BG 150HPS ALS 178BG 250HPS ALS 176D 150HPS ALS 178D-250HPS M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: January 14, 1997 Agenda Items Date: December 19, 1996 TYGATE PROPERTIES - ECONOLODGE - WILLISTON ROAD Site plan dated 12/12/96 prepared by Wiemann-Lamphere is acceptable. ALLENWOOD PHASE II - HARBOR VIEW ROAD 1. The sidewalk on Harbor View Road must be continuous across access drive. 2. Next step review plans must include utilities, drainage and site contours. AUTOHAUS - GREGORY DRIVE 1. Existing and final filling contours should be shown for entire area of filling. 2. A detail of proposed retaining wall should be shown on the plans. 3. The area to be filled should be cleared of trees. No filling between trees. 4. Clean fill should be used no trees, brush, or stumps. GOSS DODGE - SHELBURNE ROAD Site plan dated October 1996 prepared by Warren Robenstein is acceptable. — 6 � e,-* ; XC Z :M, � 6 C 3 3 6� b= �� y�� iLI_I ._i -_ inc.�V0 FsS _ jr I VERMONT 05452 9 August 1996 Recreation Department City c° soutn Bur.ington South Bur: ington,• Vermont 05401 Attention: fir. Bruce O'Neill Dear Mr. O'Neill, TFL.: 872-8111 FAX: 872-811 r�Odt•its' k'.e `a :,s 'd:'1 �Oa!a To Tr . `�"r tw�•.� irrom s +74 1r�x A 872 — 9 At the request of Lenore F. Dudd, tine f0l!0T,?j.ng proposal is submitted on the bicycle path at Allen Road Community Cara, connecting Allen Road with Harbor View Road in South Burlington. This proposa: is in two sections, with t'�to bass proposal including clearing and grubbing, stripping an stoc;rpj't;,ng topsoil, cutting and filling as appropriate to blend in, a -it the existing to o rap hy, placement of 500X stabilization fabric, a laver of compacted 6 ,� shurpac, spreading topsoil, seeding and m�a?::hang the disturbed areas. Finish width is 10' and tMe length is 71C'14.. This also includes a curb cut on Harbor View Road. All this can bo accomplished for $7,042.28. The second half includes placement of art additional 6" of compacted shurpac and paving a 9' wide path wit`r. 2" of type IV bituminous concrete. T;?e typical detail call-s ror 81, but I will give you the additional foot of width at no charge. Mec'r:anical limitations on my equipment preclude a width of 8' and 3t11 have a smooth, finished appearance. This can be done for $9,173.58.. The total of the two sections is $13,215.86. T'nese prices are based can the assu;ipi s cn that this work ai Al we performed whi!a my equipment is s}i L? o � s+ La, I. arft? bipa}e comp.4e:,i . cr Llntra�t �r ; on this site within two wae%s. Mobilization of -,Iy equipment after have moved out wit° a TMobiliaatian fee. If yaw should :have any questions, pleass -flee! free to call :tie. Sincerely yours, 0riron, bushel, Jr. President OBJr : j sc d�5 M E M O R A N D U M To: Applicants/Project ,�F%.les From: Raymond J. Belair, bout h Burlington Planning & Zoning Assistant Re: Preliminary Comments, January 14, 1997 Agenda Items Date: December 19, 1996 TYGATE COMPANIES - INDOOR POOL MODIFICATION - SITE PLAN --- coverage information should be revised to reflect the changes proposed. --- this plan reduces the landscaping shortfall from $4875 to $750. DAVID FLAGG - PARKING LOT EXPANSION - SITE PLAN --- plan submitted is acceptable. JOHN LARKIN INC. - NURSING/CONVALESCENT HOME - SITE PLAN --- plan should include contour lines. --- landscaping should be labeled. --- planting schedule should include quantity of plant material. --- the minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $19,500. --- provide front yard coverage information. -- plan should include property's street address (16 Harbor View Road). --- provide exterior lighting details (cut -sheets). provide sewer allocation request. There is currently no sewer capacity available for this project. The sewer allocation requested will be placed on a waiting list until capacity is available. --- indicate height ofnewconstruction. --- a bike rack should be provided as required. -- the applicant should be aware that the road impact fee is $0. -- this property is located in the Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District. Applicant should submit information regarding storm water management design to Nelson Heindel and Noyes for inclusion into the City's stormwater hydrology computer model. GENERAL INFORMATION: STRUT A ID��DRis1. p aOUTHD6LIRRLIN TON VT Ot40s OaNER OF RECORD, JJOHNSHP..L ARR�KNNIN ROAD SOUTH 6URLINGT OleVT APPLICANtr HN P. LARKIN INC. 410 SHELDURNE ROAD SOUTH EURLINGTON. VT Oi40S LOT INFORMATION: LOT SMA6 44A4S sF ES LOT COVERAGE. TYPE ACTUAL ALLOWADLE BUILDING IOJIL OF (1s%) Isam OF (SO%) FRONT YD IJ51 SP (11X) 2.100 SP (30%) TOTAL LOT 22ASS OF (81%) 31,150 OF (10%) LIGHTING PROVIDED ON AN N P r PRESSURE SODIUM MOUNTED WALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT FIXTURE ZO�L COMMERCIAL 1 (C1) PG. ZS PER XXV PG. 51 ���pp 4 8r MULOIMrMAERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL 1I71 YY 000 M�M��NTA�UL 120' ( LOCAL STREW > MA����i I UNITS PER ACRE MA 11 M LOTCOVERAOM - bUL.DINGir 1011E MI.IL711lALYL / INDUSTRIAL MAXIMUM TOTAL LOT COVERAQEr IC+0TI FAMILY / INDUSTRIAL 40X I SETBACKS, i1y-�p NT Y Ito. 40' H,R Y Ito. 40' PUD PERIMETER SETBACK, s a $ City of So. Burlington AM G P I L11 4. .B V,ROAD 1 In Ur 1 J L,TO CALK MAP: MOT PLANTING SCHE.DDUULP_._ TRW t Op NARK COMIC" NAIL LAM NAME Nit RtMARKt t TC LIiTLEUW L u= Tt1A CONOATA 1-1/1 CAL be AN AMR NAM AGAR 01190LA t-" CAL. tM { Rcoam AN :-V� CAL tM %A*MOM IS Nt MW 1S M�ItTLVAMACA mumal-amtNn oror"p Cum own" POW" V1W TA"e 1 M NNW FM run ff"wa t *-V1 CAL COMION NAM LAIN NAM, Nit RtNARKt BLOOM[ COOtPOm Comm son" " TALL - LLAC tpRNOA WM.OAM s'- TALI. - pill 1144000130100ON - x-Nr TALL - CRANNOW 8 MN vm_,,l opw.w r-r TA" - pORtTTw V--r TALL - varmm am -t. ALATA Wl*r TALL - GVDCADI\OI Q\J0RICNOV MPLN2.D= I'1I ( • ri 40 ,_ I DATE, 1 'm ocation Mad_ n. to gend Ca, a to monum4nf loured O /ro P4- loured Uty'ty pas N DQ NbtM the Vote .nV.v Hydros t v- Sir ---- --'f--. A'dlna9e way Right of way/Prgow-tY ihre £a3vment line ------------ py,/O p'ade eienrour -are - £xhthp conta.r rance of -r.2 f71PA'pot gW da Notes /. dt1J(y k6—tar — rat- nun tha A6ba9p Naga' A. Fv- -lwHd 9arMH Rty+wi�' .a'o:aW AAw✓, rA�wE 91rr S7! ave' N —� Pillsbury South Community Care Mtn N/F LARKIN ; a RLn 215.91 7 I 8 J /nu aut ?0261 (ex. j (�l I 0 //• B glook,.i -� frLrthg bugdhg A o -- & J� T'1\7 �w4`r n, cxy a/ saywaN ,b, IB tx-7r� (. 1 a« o - .nro , —earn a.�rom iQ>� = 22a n' T/ roa ow �tasa -I ._„z 10' Sae 6z___ , ---) ---------- �ivB.J_ fr �tr+'ir was--�`.'r , AM"/aWA*?*B• n e„n,g. e., Ar ✓. h tanssa /eovmJ � ,, � erosion cy/trd �' i � 7 . �jr �7. G as° � � 1 i �1 ANAj (�R fT \` t?` � ,� ry / R3» 219. QQ / f p *147-0— ftw �ZY W�TFRy„ ` �•�� �'2h I O - '� 2 _- a'• \ ti� w a2 1tlWw I inbTa Z.4 21. y , a . � •. Aer r PlC .stae raoas � � � ' ` Am , P,s,1 0 r I I 3' C s ahlr 2201,o '�, n n Re~_exlrrAg cure'�••° fP `` p �% t N i 3 t a9 requfrsd to ' �i �! ) 1 I i '� w.K P R82 �`` P y7•- �• s 1 provide new curb cut N/F D. B. 1. INC. MW liwalamr , , aauoe A'scaawd can ar.nwa I (i+l •, u --N4w ERd ..au ,�`. \ % '` '""jai' OeretAHr Pad t/nro P New ce P4 O i "s 6 _ ;�y�� �,� x • cg Rhn 21550 I i� a r-zta--- - -- _ Rrsn 1� lnv. ZO9.5 I '' i f r-273'-_ ' 1-��'�.� r \ <> F� h lnv. �?1.tf P/C.9de h-lot' eetWew, I , ___ ,-. n ` /P PYL'-I - arm ;�,81d g AdIMP catch bas.n voter ,1'�lwh I ' '-272 -ED 1 _'�__ "'216 --Rill— I �C i New laweei _ .-• Inv ZT.�9 HAn P14V S ow aaAaP 5 rr o noosed 1s P C ) I) N Pl2tl J AN 3 0 1997 Alalntoh, 16' Paparotim between water and etc I Rib, - RPn XaSa' t / rgrosed CB I Nun Pm9' I = 27920' t : �� n t1l ine = 20890' City of So. Burlington m 18A✓ �1I 3\ I'1 wi j "; / / _ — — _ _ — _ yl� Oat. nnwd u wbd- sward eae. 8-It / Design low Site Plan 1 � Drown p' p• ¢0' BO' 120' I ..: Checked ° Scala T- = p' Allen wood Phase H Shelburne I�',s " prcposedpotavnant -` PlaStiCS ! f ( I �I Date ten. IV, Lot 6 Bartlett Property Bar Scale 1 = zo H Buwaw,g I Pro t 9619d Harbor View Rood South Budlnyton Uammalt rr XMBS & L4A'S1WC Co—&02. lirtgsnwers, lna '°• COA,CIOU'4'r F071' and 0"'46 M E M O R A N D U M To: Bruce O'Neill, South Burlington Recreation Director From: Ray Belair Aching and Planning Assistant Re: Allenwood Phase II Date: December 23, 1996 On January 14, 1997 the Planning Commission will review a site plan for a 36 unit congregate care home (Allenwood Phase II). This project is proposed for 16 Harbor View Road west of Pillsbury Manor south and north of Allenwood Phase I (see enclosed plan). Allenwood Phase I included an easement for a bike path between Allen Road and Harbor View Road. The applicant is proposing to reduce the amount of required landscaping on the site in return for constructing the bike path. Unfortunately, the Commission can only grant a landscaping credit for existing trees on the site. Please have the Recreation Path Committee review these plans for any comments they may have. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 20, 1996 Greg Rabideau 86 Lake Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Allenwood Phase II, 16 Harbor View Road Dear Mr. Rabideau: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Wally Possich and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans, if appropriate, no later than Friday, January 3, 1997. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Si7onIdJ. y, �f/�,cG/l Ra Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp Encls cc: John Larkin M E M O R A N D U M To: Joe Weith, South Burlington City Planner From: Wallace Possich, South Burlington Fire Chief Re: Plans Review for January 14, 1997 Date: December 17, 1996 I have reviewed the listed site plans and my comments are as follows: 1. Allenwood Phase II 16 Harbor View Road Acceptable 2. Autohaus/Dave's Automotive 10 Gregory Drive Acceptable 3. Goss Dodge 1485 Shelburne Road Acceptable 4. Tygate Properties 1076 Williston Road Acceptable Dated 12/2/96 Dated 12/4/96 Dated 12/11/96 Dated 12/16/96 10`use � >� � �GZ FORM MR-1 X&��dWoj ��X�4 -7 COMPUTATION OF TOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL IMPACT FEES �/_/� z7_7 PROJECT DATA: (1) "EFFECTIVE DATE" FOR TAX CREDITS: / (2) ESTIMATED PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP ENDS �'e vph (3) ESTIMATED PRE -CONSTRUCTION VALUE IN UNITS OF $1,000 (From current tax assessment) ff< units (4) TOTAL FLOOR AREA AFTER CONSTRUCTION % s.f. ( 5 ) TYPE OF USE ( 6 ) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IMPACT FEES: (7) TOTAL ROAD IMPACT FEE (From Form NR-2) FORM NR-2 COMPUTATION OF ROAD IMPACT FEES (1) BASE ROAD IMPACT FEE RATE PER PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP END (2) ESTIMATED PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP ENDS (From form NR-1) (3) BASE ROAD IMPACT FEE (1) x (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) $ 226.00 / vte PRE -CONSTRUCTION VALUE IN UNITS OF $1,000 ,/(� / ( from line ( 3 ) of Form NR-1) `�('� • 6 units CREDIT PER $1,000 OF PRE - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1991 BOND / (From Table ST-9) $ �� / unit CREDIT FOR PAST TAX PAYMENTS - 1991 BOND (4) x (5) $ CREDIT PER $1,000 OF PRE - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1998 BOND (From Table ST-10) $ / unit CREDIT FOR PAST TAX PAYMENTS - 1998 BOND (4) x (7) $ CREDIT PER $1,000 OF PRE - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1999 BOND (From Table ST-11) $ / unit (10) CREDIT FOR PAST TAX PAYMENTS - 1999 BOND (4) x (9) $ D (11) CREDIT PER $1,000 OF PRE -CONSTRUCTION VALUE - ANNUAL TAX ALLOCATION (From Table ST-12) $ / unit (12) CREDIT FOR PAST TAX PAYMENTS c (4) x (11) $ �`�•� (13) POST -CONSTRUCTION VALUE IN UNITS OF $1,000 (From line (8) on Form NR-3) % 0\v q 66 units (14) CREDIT PER $1,000 OF POST - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1991 BOND v (From Table ST-13) $ unit vte FOAM UR-2 (continued) (15) CREDIT FOR FUTURE TAX PAYMENTS - 1991 BOND (13) X (14) (16) CREDIT PER $1,000 OF POST - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1998 BOND (From Table ST-14) $ / unit (17) CREDIT FOR FUTURE TAX PAYMENTS - 1998 BOND ,ram (13) x (16) $ f' (18) CREDIT PER $1,000 OF POST - CONSTRUCTION VALUE - 1999 BOND (From Table ST-15) $ / unit (19) CREDIT FOR FUTURE TAX PAYMENTS - 1999 BOND $ C� C (13) x (18) (20) CREDIT PER $1,000 OF POST -CONSTRUCTION VALUE - ANNUAL TAX ALLOCATION (From Table ST-16) $ (21) CREDIT FOR FUTURE TAX PAYMENTS (13) x (20) (22) TOTAL ROAD IMPACT FEE (3) - (6) - (8) - (10) - (12) - (15) - (17) - (19) - (21) / unit FORK AR-3 ESTIMATION OF POST CONSTRUCTION VALUE (1) TYPE OF USE (From line (5) on form NR-1) (2) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (from line (6) on Form NR-1 (3) TOTAL FLOOR AREA (From line (4) on Form NR-1) (4) ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT VALUE PER SQUARE FOOT (From Table ST-17) (5) ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS (3) x (4) (6) LAND VALUE (From current tax records) (7) ESTIMATED POST -CONSTRUCTION VALUE (5) + (6) (8) ESTIMATED POST -CONSTRUCTION VALUE IN UNITS OF $1,000 (7) / $1,000 W oOO Ff 4AJ�_ 3e2 S � s.f. 1Co units SITE PLAN CHECK LIST --- Lot drawn to scale --- Survey data (distances and lot size) --- Contours (existing and finished). --- Existing vegetation and natural features. --- Proposed landscaping (number, variety and size) equal or greater than the required amount in section 19.104 of the Zoning Regulations. --- Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings. --- Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways. --- Zoning boundaries --- Number and location of parking spaces. (RV parking for multi- family projects over 25 units). --- Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. --- Location of septic tanks (if applicable). --- Location of any easements. --- Lot coverage information: Building, overall and front yard. --- Location of site (Street # and lot #). --- North arrow --- Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. --- Exterior lighting details (must be downcasting and shielded). u' --- Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened). --- Existing and proposed sidewalks (public). --- Sewer calculation --- Height of new construction. --- Setbacks (residential district, planned r.o.w., Interstate). i --- C.O. Zone --- Bike racks U --- Traffic generation ---/ Traffic Impact fees --- PUD/PCD standards -- Airport Approach cone --- Outside storage/display --- F.A.R. --- Lot merger agreement --- Setback from planned r.o.w. --- If boundary line adjustment, need subdivision? --- Nonresidential use setback from Residential District �c��AJ��o�J 1��95� Z/7 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1) OWNER OF RECORD (name, address, phone #) CzL�(L►�l,►�(L)C—�3� z t 2) APPLICANT (name, address, phone #) JCX-4,,-3 �A% 4e-O i,3(-- `� I O � 11. �iXl.ir:_l; Fl�l`� � �?T�-i �� � tiX:-�1�.► � �� `�`� 3) CONTACT PERSON (name, address, phone #)SG 2 (� LAKE- A 6L,Y(.(�(Ll} , �t" �' � <t c% t � `c��Z� (-D(, Z, - OZZZ. r. 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: LOI.t*► o6z,vie-Li d-a -P 5) LOT NUMBER (if applicable) i,cr(J CoCLT1,E1" SJC'�at�►G,cci� 6 ) PROPOSED USE (SHOVS>0(,, A-�-,66C (4-11:70 7) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e. total building square footage, # units, maximum height and # floors, square feet per floor) tQ ti l& <,F %Pt0q/ - ,�, �2 CZ) roe Fr V ToTwtt, ' t u(Lk t't iL� 3� 1� 2-} rn t ujowl- 8) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES �NF'i .= ij(FXT POM F;Ac'-eiri 9) LOT COVERAGE: building X; landscaped areas 4fl % building, parking, outside storage -c;l % 10) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings $ Z6 00o , Landscaping S. `a(�,000 Other Site Improvements (please list with cost') $_5�Z ;1-5-0v 11) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Ft-\', < 12) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) Estimated trip ends (in and out) during the following hours: Monday through Friday 11-12 noon 12-1p.m. 1-2 p.m. 2-3 p.m. 3-4 p.m. 4-5 p.m. ; 5-6 p.m. 6-7 p.m. 13) PEAK HOURS OF FM Pep4r OPERATION: 2 K� izt='SiOc�n►�"t-- 14) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATIO DATE OF SUBMISSION'' DATE OF HEARING ,-z -Jcvc/ Lit C Lj .. w4'4Q� -c�,v04c, e- December 2, 1996 Mr. Joe Weith, City Planner South Burlington Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Dear Joe: Please find enclosed five copies plus one reduction of a new site plan proposal for John Larkin. Also attached is a check for the application fee. We will submit for conditional use approval under separate cover. The idea here is to expand the Pillsbury Manor Campus on Harbor View Road with a new wing to be built on a vacant lot north of the Allen Road project and west of Pillsbury Manor South. We would like to propose providing for construction of the bike path indicated on the plan in lieu of some of the required landscaping dollars required. We also propose a pedestrian connection between this new project and the Allen Road Building currently being built. Would you please schedule us for a hearing at the next open Planning Commission meeting? If there is anything else you need to perfect this application, please let me know. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Gregory T. Rab'd u enclosure: Preliminary Site plan 40 O`P,