HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-96-0000 - Decision - 0008 Harbor View RoadFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application Shelburne Plastics to construct an 18,000 square foot addition to an existing 15,840 square foot light manufacturing facility, 8 Harbor View Road. On the 19th day of March, 1996, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of Shelburne Plastics for site plan review under Section 26.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of constructing an 18, 000 square foot addition to an existing 15,840 square foot light manufacturing facility. This site was last reviewed by the Commission on 5/12/87. The applicant submitted a description of their operation. 2. This property located at 8 Harbor View Road lies within the C2 District. It is bounded on the north by Harbor View Road, on the west by a commercial/industrial building, on the east by an undeveloped lot and on the south by commercial buildings. 3. Access/circulation: Access is currently provided by a 32 foot wide curb cut on Harbor View Road. The applicant is proposing a second curb cut 30 feet in width. Section 26.103 (a) of the zoning regulations allows only one (1) ingress and egress curb cut per lot unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission. Circulation is adequate. 4. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 30% (maximum allowed is 30%) . Overall coverage is 63.7% (maximum allowed is 70%) . Front yard coverage is 16.7% (maximum allowed is 30%) . Setback requirements will be met. 5. Parking: A total of 24 parking spaces are required and 30 spaces are being provided including two (2) handicapped spaces and a bike rack. 6. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $16,000 which is being met. Proposed plantings include White Pine, Red Pine, Sugar Maple, Crabapple and Yew. Staff recommended a row of pine trees be planted along the easterly property boundary. 7. Traffic: This property is not located in the Traffic Overlay District. ITE estimates that the current facility generates 11.9 vehicle trip ends (vte's) during the P.M. peak hour and 25.5 vte's with the addition. This is a 13.6 vte increase. The applicant claims no additional P.M. peak hour trip ends because the new employees will be shift workers and the shift changes will not be during the P.M. peak hour. It has been the general practice of the Planning Commission to estimate trip ends based on square footage, particularly because this manufacturer may leave 1 and another manufacturer take their place which operate differently. Therefore, staff recommended that the estimation of traffic be based on ITE rates for square footage. The applicant was made aware that the road impact fee will be approximately $2200. 8. Phasing: The applicant proposes to construct this expansion in five (5) phases and requests that the approval be for more than the normal six month period. The Planning Commission may grant a longer period of approval for multi -phase development pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations. In the past the Commission has approved up to a two (2) year period. 9. Sewer: The additional sewer allocation needed is 285 gpd. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. 10. Dumpster: The dumpster storage area will be screened. 11. Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District: This property is located within the Bartlett Brook Watershed Protection Overlay District. The proposed development will convert more than 15,000 square feet of undeveloped land to developed land and is therefore subject to the provisions of the overlay district. This plan should incorporate the appropriate storm management design as recommended by Nelson, Heindel & Noyes and approved by the City Engineer. 12. Lighting: Proposed exterior lighting will consist of four (4) 250 watt metal halide lamps with downcasting and shielded fixtures mounted on the building. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Planning Commission approves the site plan application of Shelburne Plastics to construct an 18,000 square foot addition to an existing 15,840 square foot light manufacturing facility, 8 Harbor View Road, as depicted in a two (2) page set of plans, page one (1) entitled "Shelburne Plastics, Lots 4 & 5, Bartlett Property, Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated March 5, 1996, last revised March 13, 1996, with the following stipulations: 1) All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2) For the purpose of calculating required road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed expansion will generate 13.6 additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 3) The Planning Commission approves an additional sewer allocation of 285 gpd. The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. 4) The applicant shall post a $16,000 landscape bond prior to issuance of a zoning permit. The bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. 5) Any new exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 6) Pursuant to Section 26.103(a) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission approves a second curb cut on Harbor View Road. 7) Prior to issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant shall submit its plan and all applicable information to Nelson, Heindel & Noyes for review of the developments' stormwater management system. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall revise the plan, if necessary, to incorporate all recommendations made by Nelson, Heindel & Noyes and approved by the City Engineer. 8) Pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations, the applicant shall obtain a zoning permit for the first phase (s) of the expansion within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. A zoning permit (s) for the remaining phases shall be obtained within three (3) years, or the approval for the remaining phases shall be null and void. 9) The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the expanded area. 10) Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. Chairman or Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission Date 3