HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0034 Hadley Road0 API- I March 21, 1967 The Burling,.c— Free -1-11ress dissociation College Street ton, Vermont Gentlemen: W-1,tit. you please Insert the fo Display) in your isaue of Wed SOUTH Ufg legnotice , (Clannif ied ay, Mar22, 1967: CE The South Burling,',r, Z?nIng' Pjjrd Adjustment will hold a tj j__j I'v " I-treet, puiblic iiear"L"ne, , " own J A pe !rig, 555 Dorset 0 South Burlington lVermont on 40nesd&;!r, March 29, 1967 at 7:30 P., �-e con der the fol'win_,=: 1. peal. of Al f r d n Doe"ges, 34 hadley Road, seeking ermission "E) co�n�et an addition to house within 6-5 feet from side I line. Faquest, Is for a varlaace from Section 6 . 40' ard quirements) of the South Burlington Zoning r diriatice. 2. App Edward IN7. Dusablon, 3.5 Adams Street, Burlington, Vermont seeking permission to constn.4ct a residence at I ifyors Court, South Vermont. Request is for a variance from Section 6.40 (Yard Requirementsjof the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Albert I. Reynolds, Chairman Zoning Boaxd of Adjustment Please send bill and two tear sheets to this office. Very truly yovrsv Henry LeClair NL/h Town Manager March 21, 1967 Mr. Alfred Doenges 34 Hadley Road So uth "'Itirliii,-ton, Vermont 05401 ",-'Fr. Doenges: Th4-s is to notify you that the Southh�u� Wing Board of Ad Wstment will hold a publ-lm,b arin t the 4' ir 'h P M Town Off �Lce '14vtJ lding, 555 Dors*t' Street, oath ington, Vermont on Wednesday, March 967 at 30 P.M. consideryour request for a iKince. v SL ruly yours, Tienry LeClair Town Manager I iv 70 s 1 y.� .."„/ / f / _..._ W_ __,_ _ ___ —i �----�r-�__-..:- is d: ae f March 20, 1967 The Burlington Free Press Association College Street Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: Will you please insert the following legal - notice (Classified Display) in your issue of Wedne*day, March 22, 1 17- SOUTH 13URLII,'TGTON LEGAL ,,,tOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at �61T&�w�ffia ' e Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington ermont o� , Wednesday, March 29, 1967 at 7:30 P-M- to coij*'ider the following: Appeal of Alfre! �and Marion Doenges, 34 Hadley Road for a vari?,nce froim Section 6.40 i-equirements) of the South Bur;,Ul�'�gton Zoning Ordinance-. Request is to construct an 1, to ad tion to home with3ff--6-5 feet from side lot line. Albert I. Reynolds, Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment Please send bill and two tear sheets to this office. Very truly yours, Henry LeClair jTL/h Town Manager