HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0019 Gregory Drive// q cx� 6� 4 1 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATERSHED MANAGEMENT DIVISION 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET WATERBURY, VERMONT 05671-0408 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: April 23, 2012 -May 2, 2012 PERMITTEE INFORMATION PERMITTEE NAME: 19 Gregory Drive Owners Association, Inc. PERMITTEE ADDRESS: c/o 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER: 3-9010 PERMIT NUMBER: 3409-9010.1 i' '7MIC1,1639�laty&IIJUT-1:1*macE0• 91 I . cI1 •i DISCHARGE INFORMATION NATURE: Treated stormwater VOLUME: As necessary RECEIVING WATER: Muddy Brook EXPIRATION DATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE: Ten years from issuance date of final permit DESCRIPTION: This is a draft authorization to discharge proposed for issuance to 19 Gregory Drive Owners Association, Inc. for the discharge of stormwater runoff from Lot #2 of Green Tree Commercial Park located in South Burlington, Vermont to Muddy Brook. The means of treatment include a wet swale, dry swales, overland flow, dry detention basin with control structure, and use of the non -rooftop disconnection credit. i -2- FURTHER INFORMATION The complete application. is on file and may be inspected at the VANR, Winooski Office. Copies will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records and may be obtained by calling 802-338-4835 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. PUBLIC COMMENTS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Written public comments on the proposed authorization to discharge are invited and must be received on or before the close of business day (7:45 am - 4:30 pm) May 2, 2012, by the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Management Division, Attention Vicki Hill, Building 10 North, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671 or send via email to Stormwater@state.vt.us. If sending by mail, the general permit number should appear next to the VANR address on the envelope and on the first page of any submitted comments. If sending by e-mail, the general permit number should appear on the subject line. All comments received by the above date will be considered by DEC prior to issuance of an authorization to discharge under the general permit. FINAL ACTION/APPEAL At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the VANR will make a final determination to issue or to deny an authorization to discharge under the general permit. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $250.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-828-1660) David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel. (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 LDer ineerin .co • Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Soils • Wetlands • Landscape Architecture • TRANSMITTAL ❑ Mail ❑ Fax X Hand carried ❑ To be picked up ❑ Courier service TO: Ray Belair ADDRESS: Dept of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington FAX NO.: FROM: Andy Rowe DATE: January 13, 2010 RE: PROJECT NAME: 19 Gregory Drive PROJECT #: 07085 COPIES DATE SHEET DESCRIPTION X Plans 3 1-13-10 1 Site Plan Shop drawings Report Copy of letter Change order COMMENTS: Specifications Disk For your review For your use For comment X As requested F.Y.I. For execution Signature: Andy COPY TO: ❑ Front Office Copy ❑ Project File Copy revised 3/19/99 PATransmit.wpd II 0 y I ; ZHU, CHU & QIU - N/F �I I I I DWL. I I I ` HART I I� N/F A I U EDLUND COMPANY, INC. NIF LS328 CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER CAST IN CONCRETE SLAB ON TOP OF STRUCTURE SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR INTERIOR PLUMBING LAYOUT AND DEPTH CAST IN PLACE WATERTIGHT GASKET ON ALL PIPES SUITABLE BACKFILL PRECAST MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE MIN. S HEIGHT. ADJUST FRAME WITH PRECAST CONCRETE RISERS AS NEEDED O RING RUBBER GASKET IN ACCORDANCE VAIN ASTM ROPI AND ASTM C-%1 OR BUTYL ROPE `TYPICAL M' TEE WITH PLUG OR CAP FOR INSPECTION PORT TYPICAL OILWATER SEPARATOR NTS ASTM �78 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE AND COVER 11—TER SEPARATOR NOTES 1. OILANATER SEPARATOR TO PROVIDE MINIMUM VOLUME OF 2T5 GALLONS BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPE. g 2. PRIOR TO CASTING STRUCTURE, CONFIRM PIPING LAYOUT AND INLET PIPE ELEVATION FROM INTERIOR 6. PLUMBING LAYOUT ON BUILDING PUNS BY OTHERS. CRUSHED STONE EX'STI NG BVILDI G INVESTORS CORPORATION OF VERMONT N/F PROPOSED LIGHTING KEY Key F/rfLw T)p IMPBntlng Nwom OI EXISTING POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE O EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE EXISTING BUILDING ENTRY LIGHT TO REMAIN NO CHANGE NEW RUUD 12' FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK -100 WATT METAL H LICE 14 FEET Dm NEW RUUD 12' FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK -100 WATT METAL HAUDE 12 FEET D® NEW RUUD 12' CANOPY LIGHT- M WATT METAL HALIDE SFEET Om I NEW RUUD 12'CANOPY LIGHT- TO WATT METAL HALIDE 10 FEET DOnth"IQFn DT AATT T ICT K9y BobnkW NIMN Common Name Sln Ram d. TO Thuga accNenmlu ArLorv9ae 6—He M PAR IV 1 v dm. W n1eNePY 18' TIP 24' HegM B & E IC JuwperchinemA wr. Sargenli Sar M Junger 18' Io 24' HegM .1. CP ('axluann Peregraa Sweet Fpn 24' HeigM B 6 E SB Synnen: bumalda Bumab Sl>hea t8'lo 2M'E,'t B&B n VE ME NT ; J NOTES: 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION. SEWER SERVICE MODIFICATIONS, AND PAVEMENT, SIDEWALK, AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED 'GREEN TREE PARK' BY TRUIELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY 5. 1989 AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 126 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY SE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK OPTED B-25NM, AND A SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-1249, BOTH PUNS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. THIS PLAN ALSO REFLECTS THE DESIGN LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES CONSTRUCTED IN 200T. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 1.0 ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch - 30 IL 16 GREGORY DRIVE INVESTMENT, LLC. N/F W.W. GRAINGER, INC. N/F APPLICANT/LANDOWNER R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SM AVENUE 0 WILUSTON, VT OSM95 LOCATION PLAN NDTTOSCALE LEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY LANE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT — — — — — — SIDELINE OF SETBACK ---W--5---- �s ------8--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE B MANHOLE _W------ EXISTING WATERLINE, VALVE, HYDRANT A VAULT AD EXISTING STORMUNE, CATCH BASIN &GRAIN MANHOLE EXISTING DEgWOUS TREE EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TRANSPLANTED DECIDUOUS TREE T - ) TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED PROPERTY CORNER FOUND CT EXISTING LIGHT POLE OEXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO REMAIN PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK OEXIS TIN. PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED PROJECT STATISTICS ZONING DISTRICT: MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTIC PROJECT AREA: 1. ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% MA%IMUMLOTCOVERAGE'. 70% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 40 FEET FOR PITCHED ROOFS, 35 FEET FOR FLAT ROOFS EXISTNG BUILDING 3 PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 28 FEET MUNICIPAL SEWER&WATER: EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY$ WERSERVICESTOREMAIN,WBTH MODIFICATIONS AS SHOWN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW ADDITION. PARKING SUMMARY: REOUIRED PARKING PER LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: MUNICIPAL FACIUTY: 28.100 SF GFA X 3 SPACESH000 SF • SM 3 SPACES REQUIRED GENERAL OFFICE: 18.600 SF GFA X 3.5 SPACE S11000 SF - 683 SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL REWIRED PARKING -153 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING - 1S3 SPACES LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 2M.500 SF (150%) 25,750 SF (15.T%) PAVEMENT, DRIVES, WALKS 62,2WSF (37.9%) 83,4253F INN) TOTAL COVERAGE 88,100 S1(52.9%) 89,17S SF(SL.4%) PROPOSEDFRONTYARD COVERAGE GREGORY DRIVE • 29A% $HUNPIKE ROAD- 155% Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex, v November 5, 2009 Stephanie Monaghan, Coordinator District 4 Environmental Commission 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 RE: Land Use Permit Amendment (LUP#4C0149-5A) R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington Dear Stephanie: Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 www.LDengineering.com We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC to request an Amendment to Land Use Permit 4C0149-5A. The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park subdivision at 19 Gregory Drive in South Burlington. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A, issued in October 25, 2007, approved construction of a building addition, parking area expansion, and related site improvements. The building was approved for general office use, with a maximum total of 240 employees. This amendment application requests approval for: • construction of a 1250 sf addition, bringing the total gross floor area to 47,600 sf • conversion of 28,100 sf to municipal facility use (police station). • related site improvements including minor parking and drive changes, new sidewalks, building entries, security fence, and exterior lighting. The building is presently served by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. There are only minor changes to the existing sewer service piping as a result of the proposed addition and floor drains. The proposed floor drains in the police station garage area will be connected to an oil/water separator discharging to the municipal sewer service. The proposed change in use results in a decrease in the sewer and water design flows. The new sewer design flow will be 1350 GPD, and the new water design flow will be 1500 GPD. This site was previously granted a water allocation of 3240 GPD and a sewer allocation of 2880 GPD. The Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit has been issued for this change, and is included in the attachments. A summary of the previously approved and the proposed impacts follows this letter. The proposed impacts associated with this project are less than those previously approved. Please contact our office with any questions. Sinc ly, Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Certificate of Service P:\2007\07085\Act 250\Police Sta\cover lettecwpd Civil Septic Design Transportation Wetlands Landscape Architecture Land Surveying 19 Gregory Drive Lot 2- Green Tree Park, South Burlington November 2009 Land Use Permit 4C0149-5B Summary of Approved and Proposed Impacts Lot 2 (19 Gregory Drive) Approved Proposed Vehicle parking spaces 164 spaces 153 spaces Wastewater, GPD 2,880 GPD 1350 GPD Water, GPD 3,240 GPD 1500 GPD AM peak hour trip ends 103 trip ends no change PM peak hour trip ends 70 trip ends no change Average daily trip ends 746 trip ends no change * Approved impacts taken from LUP#4C0149-5A which was issued on 10-25-07. P\2007\07085\Act 250\Police Sta\sur vTmy of impacts.wpd ACT 250 LAND USE PERMIT-- APPLICATION COVER SHEETS NAMES: 1. Applicant(s) Name: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Address 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Phone 864-5830 Legal form: [ ] individual [ ] partnership (attach list of partners) [ ] municipal gov't [ ] state gov't [ X ] corporation: date formed 12-28-99 place formed Burlington, VT date registered in Vt. 1999 Legal interest in land: [ X ] ownership in fee simple [ ] lease agreement [ ] contract to purchase [ ] other: 2. Landowner(s) Name R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Address Phone 3. Names of others with significant interest(s) in the property: Name City of South Burlington Address 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone 846-4165 Description of Interest (easement, right-of-way, etc.): This project involves an addition to, and renovation of, the existing building for lease to the City of South Burlington as the new Police Station. 4. Contact person Andrew Rowe — Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 14 Morse Drive Essex, VT 05452 Phone 878-4450 FAX 878-3135 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 5. Type: [ ] new project; [ ] expansion of project previously exempt from Act 250; [ X ] amendment of existing Act 250 permit or permit condition (permit # 4CO149-5 ) 6. General description of project (include number and size of buildings; use of buildings; number of lots; length of roads; etc.): This application requests approval to construct an addition to the existing commercial building and related site improvements on Lot 2 of Green Tree Park. With the proposed 1250 sf addition, the building's total gross floor area will be 25,750 sf. The project is served by municipal water and sewer. 7. Construction duration 3 years Duration of Permit Request (if project involves earth extraction or solid waste disposal) N/A LAND: 8. Total acres owned or controlled by applicant and landowner at project site 3.76 ; Acres in additional easements or rights -of -way N/A ; Acres committed to this project 3.76 9. Location: Town City of South Burlington Road Gregory Drive & Shunpike Road nearby landmark intersection of Gregory Drive and Shunpike Road State Plane Coordinates (NAD83): N 713239 E 1472872 (preferable) or Latitude Longitude Coordinates 10. Deed(s):Grantee's name as recorded R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Book(s) 785 Page(s) 562-564 Date(s) 06-13-07 City South Burlington County Chittenden OTHER INFORMATION: 11. Check below if you are concurrently applying for any of the following permits from the Agency of Natural Resources: [ X ] Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit; [ ] Stormwater Discharge Permit; [ ] Construction General Permit; [ ] Public Water System Permit to Construct; [ ] Conditional Use Determination; [ ] Air Pollution Control Permit; [ ] other 12. Have you received local zoning and/or subdivision approval? [ ] yes [ X ] pending [ ] none needed Administrative amendment pending 13. Attach the following unless waived by the District Coordinator: [ X ] location map (U.S.G.S. map preferred) [ X ] site plan or plot plan (see instructions) [ X ] building elevation drawings (excluding single family homes) [ X ] schedule A - fee information [ X ] schedule B - Act 250 information [ X ] schedule F - certification of service SIGNATURES: [ ] Municipal Impact Questionnaire [ J School Impact Questionnaire [ X ] Supporting documents as recommended in Schedule B or as needed [ X ] Act 250 fee (payable to "State of Vermont") [ X ] A copy of any Act 250 master permits applicable to this project 14. 1 hereby swear that the information provided above or attached to this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature of applicant(s)��i/��y Date Please clearly print name(s): 15. 1 hereby certify that I understand that I must not commence construction, demolition, remodeling or commercial use of the property as described in Environmental Board Rule 2(C) until I have received an Act 250 Land Use- it as required by 10 V.S.A. Sec. 6083(a). Signature of applicant(S) �/, -- E Date / y y 16. 1 hereby authorize the processing of this application for the above project on land(s) that I own, control, or have significant property interest in. (attach letter if easier) Signature of landowner(s) ��� �'� / ' �6"4� Date Please clearly print name(s): DISTRIBUTION OF APPLICATION PACKAGE: 17. SUBMIT THE ORIGINAL AND FOUR COPIES TO THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR. 18. SUBMIT ONE COPY EACH TO THE MUNICIPALITY, MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION, REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION, AND TO ANY ADJOINING MUNICIPALITIES AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS IF THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON A TOWN LINE. SCHEDULE A Fee Information Submit with the application a check payable to the "State of Vermont". Municipal and state agency projects are exempt from fees but should still report construction costs on this form. Not -for -profit organizations are not exempt. Calculate the fee using the following table: 1) Number of lots to be created x $100.00 = 2) Gravel Pits: $.10/cubic yard of the estimated annual extraction rate = 3) Construction costs (include only common facilities for subdivisions): 4) Site preparation .. ........ $ Buildings:* a) sq. ft. b) $ per sq. ft. Total (a x b) ......... Roads and parking ........ Utilities ................. Off -site improvements ...... Landscaping ............. Other Total costs: $ N/A $ 900,000 . (addition & renovations) $ 45,000 $ 50,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000,000 x 0.00475 = Total Fee (Sections 1 + 2 + 3) _ $ 4,750.00 . $ 4,750.00 ** Applicants note: The construction costs presented on this Schedule A are in addition to those presented on Schedule A of Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0149-5A. The improvements approved in LUP# 4C0149-5A were not fully completed. The costs presented in LUP#4C0149-5A and the costs listed above represent the total construction costs to complete the project as shown on the plans attached to this application. ** Minimum fee of $150 for new applications Minimum fee of $50 for amendment applications Treat expansions of approved projects as new applications. I attest by my signature that the above is true to the best of my knowledge: (signature of applicant or agent) SCHEDULE E Adjoiner Information Submit with the application a list of all adjoining landowners with mailing addresses. An "adjoiner" is a person or organization which owns or controls land or easements on lands which physically abut the tract or tracts of land on which your project is located. Be certain to include landowners on the opposite sides of highways, railways, and rivers. Also include homeowner associations, utility companies, and others with significant legal interest in the project land. It is very helpful if you indicate the location of each adjoiner on your site plan. If you do not provide a list which is thorough and up-to-date, your application could be delayed because of improper notice distribution! NAME Investors Corporation of Vermont WW Grainger Inc. Mergens-Wiltshire LLC Cory Hart Michael, Jeffrey & Sabrina Zhu Shaun & Betty Chu Xiao Chun Qiu Edlund Company Inc. 16 Gregory Drive Investment LLC NEATEC, LLC Paul & Nancy Lyon MAILING ADDRESS WITH ZIP CODE 30 Main St. #401 Burlington, VT 05401 100 Grainger Parkway Lake Forest, IL 60045 PO Box 9338 South Burlington, VT. 05407 251 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 159 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT. 05401 181 Windridge Williston, VT. 05495 P.O. Box 2283 South Burlington, VT 05403 90 Shunpike Drive South Burlington, VT. 05403 SCHEDULE F Certification of Service and Notice of Application You are required by 10 V.S.A. § 6084 to send notice and a copy of your application to the municipality, the municipal and regional planning commission in which the land is located and any adjacent Vermont municipality, municipal or regional planning commission if the land is located on a boundary on or before the date of filing your application with the district commission. You are also required to send notice and a copy of your application to the solid waste management district in which the land is located, if the development or subdivision constitutes a facility pursuant to subdivision 6602(10) of Title 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151. You must also post a copy of the notice in the town clerk's office of the town or towns where the land is located. A notice form is attached for vour convenience. In order to verify that the statutory parties to the application have received copies of the application and thus avoid delay caused by improper distribution of the application, have a representative of the parties sign this form when they receive the application. You may, in the alternative, send copies of the notice and application by Certified U.S. Mail, UPS/Federal Express, or courier and list the names below. Applicant(s) Name R.E.M. Development Company, LLC I, the undersigned, have received a copy of an Act 250 application for the above applicant(s). for the selectmen, aldermen, or trustees date for the municipal planning commission date for the regional planning commission date for an adjacent municipality, if any* date for an adjacent planning commission, if any* date for an adjacent regional planning commission, date if any* for regional solid waste management district, date if applicable I hereby certify that I have forwarded a complete copy of this application to each of the parties entitled to notice pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 6084 and that I have posted a copy of the notice of application in the town clerk's office(s). Applicant(s)/Agent Signature Date Attach additional sheets if more than one town is adjacent to the project lands. Schedule F - Notice Note To Applicants: This notice must be included with all copies of the application. You must also post, or cause to be posted, a copy of this notice in the town clerk's office of the town or towns wherein the land proposed for subdivision or development lies. Notice of Act 250 Application By application dated November 5, 2007 (name and address of applicant) REM Development Company, LLC (599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495) filed an application pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6001 et seq. ("Act 250") to: (description of project including road location and Town) construct an addition to an existing commercial building and related site improvements at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington. This project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park commercial subdivision. A copy of this application may be reviewed at the Municipal Offices, City of South Burlington, Vermont (contact the City Clerk or Manager). g L nature // Si i' Date In the event you wish to receive further notice concerning this application, please) contact the district office for your area: Environmental Comm. Districts #1 and 8 440 Asa Bloomer State Office Building 4th Floor 88 Merchants Row Rutland, VT 05701 (Tel. 786-5920) Environmental Comm Districts #2 and 3 100 Mineral Street Suite #305 Springfield, VT 05156 Tel. 885-8855 Environmental Comm Districts #4, 6 and 9 111 West St. Essex Jct., VT 05452 (Tel. 879-5614) Environmental Comm. District #5 5 Perry Street, Suite 60 Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. 476-0185) Environmental Comm. District #7 1229 Portland St. Suite 201 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (Tel. 751-0120) SCHEDULE G Act 250 Participants Please list below the name and town of residence for all persons not listed on the Cover Sheet who are affiliated with the applicant(s) for the project or who may be involved in presenting the applicant's case as an agent or representative. This information will help District Commissioners to determine if they have potential conflicts of interest. Full and early disclosure of this information will help to avoid delays later in the process. Thank you. Additional Applicants, Landowners, or Persons Affiliated with the Applicant for the Project: [Examples of affiliation include partners, directors, officers, court appointed guardians, family members (e.g. spouse, parents, children), entity members, stockholders (if share is greater than 5%), or any professional whose benefit from the proposed Project indicates more than an agency relationship with the Applicant(s). If you have questions, please contact the district coordinator.] Name (Print) Bob Miller Town of Residence / Incorporation R.E.M. Development Comganv. LLC Tim Miller The Miller Realty Group, LLP Consultants, Attorneys, or other Agents of the Applicant: Name (Print) Town of Residence Witnesses for the Applicant (if known at this time): Name (Print) Town of Residence 9/8/2004 . ACT 250 SCHEDULE B - SHORT FORM Response to the 10 Criteria and Subcriteria This form is designed primarily for projects with limited potential for significant adverse impact under the criteria of Act 250. If you have questions about whether to use this form or the regular Schedule B, please contact the Act 250 District Coordinator for assistance. The Guide to Applying for an Act 250 Land Use Permit, available at the District Environmental Offices or on-line (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup/publications.htm), provides additional information about how to answer the questions below. Criterion 1) Demonstrate that the project will not cause undue air pollution: a) What type of heating systems or other fuel -burning systems are proposed? The proposed addition will utilize natural gas for the building system, as does the existing building. The building systems for the addition will comply with the Vermont Guidelines for Enerav Efficient Commercial Construction. b) What process emissions, noxious odors or sources of noise will result from the project, and what measures are proposed for control? No emissions, odors or unusual sources of noise are proposed. The project is located within an existing commercial park with adequate perimeter buffers between the areas of proposed use and adjacent residential uses. The hours of sitework and exterior building construction will generally be 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday. Work on the interior of the building may continue outside these hours, but as the work will be inside, should not be a significant source of noise. c) What methods will be used to control dust during and after construction? Water and/or calcium chloride will be used to control dust during construction, as well as the sequencing of construction activities to limit the duration and extent of exposed soils. d) Does your project require an ANR Air Pollution Control Permit? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If yes, have you applied to the ANR Air Pollution Control Div. (241-3840)? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Criterion 1 A) Headwaters: Demonstrate that the project will meet any applicable environmental conservation department regulations regarding any reduction of the quality of ground or surface waters in a headwaters area: a) Is your project in a headwaters area? Headwaters contain steep slopes or shallow soils; drain 20 square miles or less; are watersheds for public water supplies; provide significant recharge to aquifers; or are above 1,500 feet. [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If yes, contact District Coordinator. Criterion 1 B) Waste Disposal: Demonstrate that the project will meet any applicable health or environmental conservation department regulations regarding the disposal of wastes and demonstrate that the project will not involve the injection of wastes or toxic substances into ground waters. a) What method of sewage disposal is proposed? The existing building is presently served by municipal sewer service. b) Have you applied to the ANR Wastewater Management Division (see telephone numbers for ANR regional offices) for a Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit to satisfy this criterion? [ X ] Yes [ ] No. Permit # WW-4-0117-2 (see attachments) c) What is the acreage of the project site which will be disturbed during construction? % Acres. Show the limits of disturbance on the site plan. Disturbance will be limited to the area around the proposed building addition, new building entrances, and related sidewalk work. d) What is the acreage of the project site which will be permanently covered with buildings, roadways, parking areas, or other impervious areas as part of this project? 2.05 Acres. If your project is an amendment to a previously permitted project, indicate how many acres of impervious surface currently exist on the site: 1.99 Acres. Show all impervious surfaces on the site plan. e) How will stormwater runoff from the project be treated and disposed? Are you required to obtain a Stormwater Discharge Permit, Construction General Permit, or Multi -Sector General Permit?[ ]Yes[X]No. If you are unsure, contact the ANR Water Quality Division (241- 3770) or visit the web site: www.vtwaterquality.org/stormwater.htm. Stormwater runoff will flow to the existing swales and closed collection system leading to the stormwater detention pond located on site. This project (Lot 2) is currently subject to General Permit 3-9015 (Permit #3409-9015). f) Will hazardous materials (chemicals, pesticides, herbicides) be used or stored on site? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If so, describe the materials, type of storage and use. e) Indicate how construction debris, including stumps, will be disposed of without creating water pollution. If the project involves more than 10,000 square feet of building construction, renovation, or demolition, describe how construction and demolition waste prevention, reuse, and recycling will be incorporated into the project. (Include in the description items required to be recycled through local recycling ordinances, and, if appropriate, the environmentally - responsible management of scrap metals, brick and concrete, wood, drywall, roofing, cardboard, plastics, and any other wastes.) The Agency of Natural Resources has developed a Waste Reduction Plan Template that applicants can use to describe their management plan. The Plan is available at: www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/wastediv/recycling/candd.htm. Additionally, information on reuse and recycling markets is available at the same site. Applicants may contact the ANR Solid Waste Program for guidance at 241-3444. When possible, excess materials and scrap such as clean wood will be re -used. Materials such as plastic, cardboard, steel, and clean wood will be recycled through the local waste hauler, or through the Chittenden Solid Waste District. Where feasible, materials such as paint, drywall, and roofing materials will be recycled through the supplier, Chittenden Solid Waste District, or Recycle North. Materials that cannot be re -used or recycled will be disposed in an approved landfill. Criterion 1 C) Water Conservation: Demonstrate that the project will use the best available water conservation technology: a) Will any water be used for commercial or industrial manufacturing or processing? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. Will any water be withdrawn from rivers, streams, or other bodies of water? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If the answer to either question is yes, describe extent of water use and conservation measures. Are any permit approvals required by the Agency of Natural Resources? Criterion 1 D) Floodways: Demonstrate that the project will not endanger the health, safety and welfare of the public or of riparian owners during flooding: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 1 E) Streams: Demonstrate that the project will maintain the natural condition of any streams, when feasible: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 1 F) Shorelines: Demonstrate that if the project is located along a shoreline, it complies with the four standards relating to the condition of the shoreline listed in b) below: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 1 G) Wetlands: Demonstrate that the project will meet applicable Water Resources Board regulations regarding any impacts on designated significant wetlands: a) Does the tract contain wetlands? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If yes, describe the wetlands and any disturbance that may occur within 50 ft. of the wetland. Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 b) Is a Conditional Use Determination (CUD) from the ANR Water Quality Division (241-3770) required for work in the wetland or wetland buffer? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. Contact the ANR Wetlands Biologist for further guidance. If a CUD is required, are you relying on the CUD to satisfy this Criterion? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Criteria 2 and 3) Water Supply: Demonstrate that the project has sufficient water available for its needs; and that the project will not cause an unreasonable burden on an existing water supply: a) How will water be supplied to the project and what are the demands? Is the water supply public or private? The existing building is presently served by the municipal water supply. b) Is a Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit from the ANR Wastewater Management Division required? [ X ] Yes [ ] No. If yes, what is the status of your application? Permit WW-4-0117-2 has been issued for the proposed project. c) Identify adjacent water supplies. Are there any anticipated impacts to existing private or public water supplies? Surrounding parcels are served by the municipal water supply. Criterion 4) Soil Erosion: Demonstrate that the project will not cause unreasonable soil erosion and will not cause a reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water so that a dangerous situation results: a) Describe the terrain (including slope) in areas where earth work is proposed. Describe the nature and extent of ground disturbance proposed, including the sequence of construction activities. An existing commercial building with related drives and parking areas are presently located on the site. Developed commercial lots are located to the east, south, and northeast. Developed residential lots are located the northwest and west. Much of the site is relatively flat with slopes of 2-5%. There is a small slope along the north side of the lot that rises to the adjacent parcel. A small stormwater detention basin is located in the northeast corner of the site. The site generally slopes from west to east. The project involves constructing a 1250 sf addition off the northerly corner of the existing building. Modifications to the existing drive and parking area are also proposed around the new addition. Other site improvements include new building entrances involving sidewalk construction between the existing parking areas and building. b) Describe what erosion control measures will be taken during construction to prevent eroded sediment from reaching a water body or adjoining property. (Include hay bale dams or silt fences, daily mulching, diversion ditches, sediment basins, etc.) Construction activities will generally follow The Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control. Measures include sequencing activities to limit the duration and extent of soil exposure and prompt stabilization of disturbed areas upon completion of grading. The existing stormwater detention basin will also act as a small sedimentation basin during construction. c) Describe what permanent erosion control measures will be taken after construction to stabilize the site from continued erosion. (Include stone -lined ditches, grassed swales, paving, rip -rap, seeding mixtures, etc.) For more information about the elements of an erosion control plan see ANR's "Erosion Prevention and Sedimentation Control Plan Checklist" available at www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/waterq/stormwater/htm/sw cgp.htm. Permanent measures include paving the drives and parking areas, and establishing vegetation in the swales and all other disturbed areas. d) How frequently will the erosion controls be inspected during construction and who will be accountable for their maintenance? Inspections by the contractor will be conducted at least once every 7 days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event resulting in a discharge of stormwater from the construction site. Criterion 5) Highways and Other Means of Transportation: Demonstrate that the project will not cause unreasonable congestion or unsafe conditions with respect to the use of highways and other means of transportation: a) Describe the access to the project. Access to Green Tree Park is provided by Gregory Drive, which connects to Williston Road at its northerly end, and Kimball Avenue at its southerly end. Access to Lot 2 is provided by a curbcut off the west side of Gregory Drive. There are no changes to the existing curbcut. b) Demonstrate there are sufficient parking spaces for the needs of the project. Show parking areas on the site plan. A total of 153 parking spaces are proposed on the attached Site Plan. The number of parking spaces meets the minimum requirements of the City Land Development Regulations and is expected to be sufficient for the anticipated uses. c) How many one-way trips per day will the project generate? This site was previously approved for 746 vehicle trips per day, and 70 PM peak hour trip ends (see LUP#4C0149-5A). d) Describe the sight distances at the intersection of access points or driveways on state or town highways. There are no changes to the existing curbcut off the west side of Gregory Drive. e) Indicate the speed limit on the adjacent town or state highway. Gregory Drive has a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. f) Has the town or state approved the project access? [ X ] Yes [ ] No. If you are unsure whether a state approval is necessary, contact the Utilities Unit of the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans)( 828-2653). Attach a copy of the approval. Criterion 6) Educational Services: Demonstrate that the project will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of local governments to provide educational services: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 7) Municipal Services: Demonstrate that the project will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of local governments to provide municipal or governmental services: a) Check the municipal services that will be utilized: [ X ] Police, [ X ] Fire Protection, [ ] Solid Waste Disposal, [ X ] Water Supply, [ X ] Sewage Disposal, [ X ] Road Maintenance, [ ] Ambulance. b) Attach letters from representatives of any of the services checked above which indicate that the services are available and will not be unreasonably burdened by the project or submit a completed Municipal Impact Questionnaire or explain why the project will not result in a burden on municipal services. The primary occupant of the building will be the South Burlington Police Department. This project represents an incremental increase in the size of the building and in the demand upon municipal services. The existing and proposed drives provide access to all sides of the building. The existing building is served by a sprinkler system, as will the proposed addition. Criterion 8) Scenic Beauty, Historic Sites, and Natural Areas: Demonstrate that the project will not have an undue adverse effect on the scenic or natural beauty of the area, aesthetics, historic sites, or rare or irreplaceable natural areas: a) Describe the tract (include terrain, existing vegetation and buildings, if any) surrounding area, and any natural areas. (Attach photos if available.) The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park commercial subdivision. Lots to the south, east, southwest and northeast are developed, typically with multiple tenant commercial buildings. A single family lot is located to the north, and a single family home and duplex units are located across Shunpike Road to the west. The topography of the site is relatively flat, but rises to a mature cedar hedge along the northerly property line adjacent to the single family lot. There are also several red pine trees along the southerly and northerly perimeter of the site. A row of pine and hemlock trees is located along the project's frontage along Shunpike Road. b) Describe the proposed landscaping, including number, species, size of new plantings, and areas of existing vegetation to be retained: (Attach plan) Existing trees within the limits of the proposed work will be transplanted onsite. An arborvitae hedge is proposed to screen the emergency generator on the south side of the building. New landscaping is also proposed near the new entry near the southwest corner of the building. c) From where will the project be visible? The project is visible from Gregory Drive and Shunpike Road. d) Describe exterior lighting including fixture numbers and types, pole heights, bulb type and location. There are currently building mounted fixtures at the entries, bollard lights along the sidewalks, and pole mounted fixtures around the perimeter of the parking areas. New building mounted fixtures are proposed over the garage doors at the northeast corner of the building, and canopy mounted fixtures at the new building entries. Cut sheets for the typical light fixtures are included in the attachments. e) Describe all exterior signs including materials, colors and type of illumination and size. A new non -illuminated directory type sign is proposed as a replacement for the former Resolutions Inc. sign at the southeasterly corner of the lot along Gregory Drive. f) Describe building exterior, including design, materials and colors. The proposed addition will be an extension of the architectural style and materials of the existing building. The existing building has a steel frame with gray vertical metal panels. Building floor plans and elevations are included in the attachments. g) Indicate the location of any above -ground utility lines, street lights, and refuse storage areas or receptacles. (Show on plan) The electric and telecommunications services are located underground. An emergency generator will be located on the southerly side of the building, screened by an arborviatae hedge. Dumpsters will be located within an enclosures on the east side of the building. h) Describe any recorded historic sites, including historic structures (more than 50 years old) or districts (i.e., on the State or National Register of Historic Places) located on the tract. Contact the Division For Historic Preservation (DHP) (828-3048) if you have any questions regarding any potential historic sites which might be affected by the project. N/A — see findings of LUP#4C0149-1 i) Is your project located on land that contains or is likely to contain a prehistoric Native American archeological site? [ ] Yes [ X ] No. If you are unsure, contact the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation at 828-3048 or a professional archeologist. To help applicants determine whether a project is located on or near an archeological site, the DHP has developed the Environmental Predictive Model, available from the DHP or at: www.dhca.state.vt.us/DHP/proggrams/model.pdf. For more information about the DHP's role in the Act 250 process, review the Vermont Historic Preservation Act Rules, available from DHP or at: www.dhca.state.vt.us/DHP/aeneral/rules.htmi. Criterion 8A) Wildlife and Endangered Species: Demonstrate that the project will not destroy or j significantly imperil necessary wildlife or endangered species habitat: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 9A) Impact of Growth: Demonstrate that the project will not significantly affect the ability of the town and region to accommodate growth: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criteria 913) Primary Agricultural Soils: Demonstrate that the project will not reduce the agricultural potential of primary agricultural soils. Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 9C) Productive Forest Soils: Demonstrate that the project will not result in any reduction in the potential of productive forest soils: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criteria 9D) and 9E) Earth Resources: Demonstrate that the project will not interfere with the future extraction of earth resources; and demonstrate that if the project involves the extraction of earth resources, it will not unduly harm the environment or neighboring land uses, and will be reclaimed for an alternative use: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 9F) Energy Conservation: Demonstrate that the project reflects the principles of energy conservation and utilizes the best available technology for energy efficiency: a) Residential Buildings: Residential buildings three stories or less are subject to Vermont's Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) (21 V.S.A. §§266-267). Conformance with these standards creates a presumption of compliance with Criterion 9(F) (21 V.S.A. §266(d)). Will the project comply with the RBES? [ ] Yes [ ] No. For more information, contact the Vermont Residential Energy Code Hotline at 1-888-373-2255 or visit publicservice.vermont.gov/energy-efficiency/ee energyefficiency.html. b) Commercial Buildings: Commercial buildings (all buildings which are not residential buildings three stories or less) are subject to Vermont's Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) (21 V.S.A. § 268). The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction serves as the handbook for compliance with the CBES. The Guidelines can be found on the web site of the Vermont Department of Public Service (http://publicservice.vermont.,qov/energy-efficiency/ee commstandards.html) or by contacting the department at 828-4020. Will the project comply with the Guidelines? [ X ] Yes [ ] No Construction of the building addition and related building systems will comply with the Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction. c) Please provide information about any additional energy conservation measures which will be incorporated into your project. Economically feasible energy efficient equipment and conservation measures will be incorporated into the project where appropriate. d) Would you agree to this permit condition: "The installation of electric resistance space heating or stand-alone electric domestic water heating equipment in any building subject to this permit is expressly prohibited without prior District Commission approval"? [ X ] Yes [ ] No. Criterion 9G) Private Utilities: Demonstrate that any private utilities shared by two or more owners will not become a burden on the municipality if it must assume responsibility for them: a) Are any private shared utility systems proposed (i.e. water, sewer, stormwater, roads, etc.)? If yes, what are they and how will they be maintained? Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 91-1) Scattered Development: Demonstrate that if the project is not physically contiguous to an existing settlement, it will not result in greater costs to the municipality than it provides in additional tax revenues and other public benefits: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 9J) Public Utilities: Demonstrate that the project will not place an excessive or uneconomic demand on any necessary governmental or public utility facilities or services: a) Indicate whether an excessive or uneconomic demand will be placed on supportive governmental or public utility services, such as electric services, municipal water or sewer services, etc.). Attach copies of utility letters. Green Mountain Power and Verizon presently provide utility services to the existing building. The proposed addition and use do not represent a substantial increase in load due to the equipment load associated with the activities of the prior light manufacturing use (Resolution, Inc.). The existing services and equipment will be sufficient to serve the proposed addition. Criterion 9K) Public Investments: Demonstrate that the project will not endanger any adjacent public investment: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 9L) Rural Growth Areas: To the extent that the project parcel or any area within the parcel is identified as a "rural growth area," indicate how the project has been clustered or otherwise designed to provide for reasonable population densities and rates of growth to economize on the cost of roads, utilities and land usage: Not applicable — see condition 4 of LUP#4C0149-1 Criterion 10) Local and Regional Plans: Demonstrate that the project conforms to the municipal plan and regional plan. a) Does the municipality have a duly adopted plan? If so, explain how the project conforms to this plan. The project is located in the mixed industrial -commercial (IC) zoning district. The purpose of the IC district is to encourage general industrial and commercial activities in areas of the City served by major arterial roadways and with ready access to Burlington International Airport. A wide range of commercial, industrial, and office uses are encouraged that generate employment and trade in keeping with the City's economic development policies. This project is consistent with the City's economic development policies, including creating opportunities for employment within areas currently served by municipal services, highways, and other infrastructure. b) Have local approvals/permits been obtained? [ ] Yes [ ] No. (Attach copies) Administrative Site Plan approval is pending. c) Explain how the project conforms to the regional plan. The project is located in the Metropolitan Planning Area of the 2006 Chittenden County Regional Plan. Metropolitan planning areas are intended to be regional or subregional centers for jobs, housing, and community facilities and have an urbanized character. These planning areas have existing or planned public infrastructure to sustain existing, and support future development. Infill development is encouraged in appropriate areas. Although this project involves a site that is currently developed, the expansion of the building and redevelopment of the site improvements is similar to infill as it promotes a higher use within an area of existing development. b) Explain how the project conforms to a duly adopted capital program, if the town has one. The City of South Burlington has a capital improvement plan. The City assesses impact fees to assist in offsetting the need for capital improvements as a result of new development. City staff and the Development Review Board consider a project's impact upon capital infrastructure during review. y r {y40 Mate of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0149-5A LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED APPLICANT R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) ADDRESS 599 Avenue D Williston, Vermont 05495 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0149-5A, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 785, Pages 562-564, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to R.E.M. Development Company, LLC, the Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to construct a 6,750 s.f. addition to the existing commercial building on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park. The existing building will be renovated to include the addition of two-story space, and site improvements will be made. The project is located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material or substantial change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus constitutes "development" pursuant to Act 250 Rule 2(A). Accordingly, a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittees, and its assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0149 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittees agree to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and the conditions of this permit. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 - "Site Plan - Landscaping & Lighting," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 15, 2007; Sheet 2 - "Utilities & Grading Plan," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007; Sheet 3 - "Sitework Details and Specifications," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007; and Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 2 of 5 Sheet 4 - "Stormwater Details & Specifications," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the constriction process. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. 8. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the Act 250 Rules. 9. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittees confirmand agree that the conditions of this permit shall run with the land and the land uses herein permitted, and will be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest. 10. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts: 164 - vehicle parking spaces; 3,240 - gallons per day of water; 2,880 - gallons per day of wastewater; 746 - vehicle trips per day; 103 - AM peak hour vehicle trips; and 70 - PM peak hour vehicle trips. 11. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permits: • Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit 4WW-4-01 17-1 issued on September 13, 2007 by the Wastewater Management Division; • General Discharge Permit #3409-9015 (Project ID Number: EJ95-0378) issued on October 23, 2007 by the Water Quality Division; and • Construction General Permit #3-9020 (2006) (NOI #: 3409-9020) issued on August 22, 2007 by the Water Quality Division Any subsequent nonmaterial changes to these permits shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. Subsequent amendments involving material Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 3 of 5 changes to the Act 250 permit shall not be constructed prior to review and approval of the District Coordinator or the District Commission under applicable Act 250 Rules. 12. The Permittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 13. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Quality Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 14. The Pennittees and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 15. The Permittees shall comply with Exhibits #6, 14, and 15 (Schedule B; Site Plan; and Utilities and Grading Plan) for erosion control. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 16. All mulch, hay bales, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Hay bales shall be incorporated four inches into the soil and equipped with filter fence on the upstream side, butted together and all joints filled with loose hay. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 17. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be mulched and seeded before October 1. Between the periods of October 1 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites (2003). 18. Prior to construction of the approved work, the Permittees shall complete the following: a) construction limits shall be clearly delineated with flagging or snowfencing; b) diversion ditches shall be placed on the uphill limits of the construction area; and c) temporary siltation controls shall be placed on the downhill limits of the construction. Immediately following the above, the permanent drainage system and/or roads shall be installed after which normal construction can begin. 19. To the greatest extent practicable, construction debris, including asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, scrap metal, carpet, clean wood and paper products, glass and most plastics, shall be recycled in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the Vermont Construction Site Reuse and Recycling Directory published in April, 1998 by the Agency of Natural Resources. Land Use Permit WO ] 49-5A Page 4 of 5 20. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 21. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. §§ 1250-1284, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 22. The Permittees shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip between all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 23. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State approved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 24. The Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #14 (Site Plan) by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 25. Prior to any site work, the Permittees shall install and maintain temporary fencing around trees to be retained as depicted on Exhibit #14 (Site Plan). 26. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibits #11 and 14 (Lighting Cut Sheets; and Site Plan), and shall be mounted no higher than 18 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 27. The installation of exterior signage is limited to that approved in Exhibit #22 (Sign Typical). The Permittees shall not erect additional exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 28. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. §268, energy design and construction shall comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction and shall further include any custom energy measures referenced in comments by the Department of Public Service if found by the applicant to be cost-effective on a life -cycle -cost basis. 29. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 30. At the completion of the project, and prior to the occupancy of the building, the Permittees shall certify by affidavit that the site improvements have been constructed in accordance with this permit pursuant to Act 250 Rule 32(A). 31. Each prospective purchaser of any lots shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, and the Land Use Permit Amendment before any written contract of sale is executed. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 5 of 5 32. No further subdivision, alteration, and/or development of any parcel of land approved herein shall be permitted without the written approval of the District Commission. 33. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 34. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(b) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittees have not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 35. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 2 S day of October, 2007. By: \ . Stephanie H. Monaghan, District #4 Coordinator As authorized by: Michael Flaherty, Acting Chair in this matter District #4 Environmental Commission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Larry Veladota Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the District Commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision may be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the State of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciarN,.org. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418 Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) W:\Act25MIST4\PROJECTS000001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5\4C0149-5A.pmt.wpd EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION #4C0149-5A Page 1 E( DATE I E I A= Applicant X I R I N T= Town H I E T I 0= Opponent I C ( E I RPC = Regional Planning Commission B I E I R I ANR = Agency of Natural Resources I I I I E I VTRANS = Vt. Agency of Transportation T V D I DPS = Department of Public Services E M = Municipality D I DHP = Division for Historic Preservation WMD = Wastewater Management Division N I I B I L= Landowner 0.1 FYI Nature of Exhibit and Date Entered 1 8/30/07 A 2 ,f „ 3 It „ 4 5 „ 6 7 8 „ 9 „ 10 " 11 " 12 It " 13 It " 14 It " 15 " it Cover Letter by Andy Rowe, Lamoureux & Dickinson (8/29/07) Act 250 Land Use Permit Application Schedule A - Fee Information Schedule E - Adjoiner Information Schedule F - Certificate of Service Schedule B - Act 250 Narrative Summary of Approved and Proposed Impacts - Green Tree Park - Lot 2 Construction General Permit 3-9020 (2006) - Authorization of Notice of Intent #3409-9020 (8/22/07) Municipal Impact Questionnaire Photographs of Site Lighting Cut Sheets Plan: Entry/Elevation Drw. A2.1 (8/8/07) Elevation: North & East Elevation Drw. A2.2 (8/8/07) Plan: Site Plan Sht. 1 (Rev. 8/16/07) Plan: Utilities & Grading Plan Sht. 2 (Rev. 8/28/07) W :\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5\4C0149-5Aex.wpd VERMONT State of Vermont Agency of Naftwal ReSOL(rceS Department of Environmental Conservation WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT RECEIVE LAWIREGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.SA. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit OCT 3 0 fuu Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-0117-2 Landowner: R.E.M. Development Co., LLC 599 Avenue D Williston VT 05495 PIN: EJ95-0378 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0740-000i9 and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 785 Pages 562-564 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of amending Permit #WW-4-0117-1 to construct an addition to the existing building for a total of 25,750 square feet; decrease the number of employees to one hundred (too) and provide three car washes per day served by municipal water and wastewater services, located at 19 Gregory Drive in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i. GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the application, plans and/or documents prepared by Andrew Rowe, P.E. for Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., with the stamped plans listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date 1 Site Plan 10/19/2009 1.2 The project shall not deviate from the stamped plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, withoDt prior revii ,_ ^tw6-4, 4 .-cn approval.fromAhe Wastewater Management Division. 1.3 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety— telephone (802) 879-a3oo, and local officials Prior to proceeding with this project. 1.4 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5 Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown copies of the Wastewater System And Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plans prior to conveyance of the lot. 1.6 All conditions set forth in Permit #WW-4-0117-i shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. 1.7 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. Reqional Offices — Barre/EssexJct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-0117-2 Page 2 of 2 1.8 In issuing this permit, the Division has relied upon the licensed designer's certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these Rules. 1.9 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with io V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 This project is approved for connection to the Milton municipal water system as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,500 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: "I hereby certify that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with: the permitted design and all permit conditions; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; was inspected; was properly tested; and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the oil/water separator. 3.2 This project is approved for connection to the Milton municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,350 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality files a written request with the Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reset&rapacity. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless-tho+nunicipalit3L renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Justin G. Johnson, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By L�BZ%l7� Ernest Christianson, Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated October 28, 2009 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Water Supply Division Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety DIRECT MOUNT t 12" FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK ' f Lens Assembly Rigid die-cast copper -free aluminum and flat glass lens 8.2" (206 mm) Val 6.5" 3.4" 65 mm). I (86 mm) I mm) 11.6" (294 mm) —12.0"(304 mm)� Wiring Compartment Ignitor (Where required) Lampholder Housing Die-cast aluminum Lamp (Included) Reflector Precision aluminum SPEC k WATTAGE t PULSE START METAL HALIDE D 120/277V (Standard:125W PSMH; PSMH MGWC0612-(a)(b) 50 -10oW MH; 5oW HPS) antl,21W 0W PSMH _ MGWC0615-(a)(b) M 120/208/240l277V METAL HALIDE (Standard:15OW PSMH;175W MH; 70 -15OW HPS) T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) 50W MH MGWC0405-(a)(b) (Standard: 15OW PSMH; 70 - 175W MH; 70 -150W HPS) .............__._...._....._..._......._.....__.... .- 100W MH MGWC0410 (a)(b) 1 __.... -.... 120V (Standard: 35W HPS) IAQ 2 277V NIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 27 277V Reactor (150W PSMH Only) -_.._...- HP . -------___--- 35W HP S - MGWC050__---.-_.....-...3 .. a - I ......__..._.._._.._. ((b) 3 208V 5_0.._W...._ M...G_W-.C_0._5_0..5.-...(a)(b) .H_P_.S._ 7_.0W H..P..S _----_-._..-_.M..G-W_.C_0..5..0.7.-(a__b). . .. 5 480V (175W MH; 70 -150W HPS) -- 10OW HPS MGWC0510-(a)(b) 6 347V (Canada Only) 150W HPS MGWCQ515 (a)(b) For voltage availability outside the US and Canada, see Bulletin TO-9or contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Specify (a) Voltage & (b) Options. Full Cutoff Wall Pack fixture for HID lamp, totally enclosed. Housing is seamless copper -free die- cast aluminum. Lens assembly consists of a hinged, rigid die-cast copper -free aluminum frame and clear borosilicate glass lens held securely inside. Lens frame is easily removable and allows for easy attachment and serviceability using top pivoting hinge. Complete silicone gasketing around lens and gasketing at mounting provide a watertight seal. A precision specular aluminum reflector provides forward throw with wide distribution to ensure wide fixture spacings and maximum light levels. Fixture design provides excellent IES Full Cutoff light distribution without glare. The optical chamber is sealed to reduce dirt and insect contamination. Furnished with e-coated, copper -free, lightweight mounting box designed for installation over standard 4-inch square or octagonal and single -gang J boxes and for conduit entry from top, sides and rear. Designed and approved for easy through -wiring. All fixtures use vertical -lamp position. Fixture includes clear, medium -base lamp. Pulse -rated porcelain enclosed, 4kv-rated screw - shell -type Lampholder. Lamp ignitor included where required. Fixtures require a minimum 90°C temperature feed wire. All ballast assemblies are high -power factor and use the following circuit types: Reactor (277V PSMH) 150W PSMH Reactor 120V: 35 - 150W HPS HX — High Reactance 50 - 10OW MH; 50 -150W HPS CWA — Constant Wattage Autotransformer 125 & 150W PSMH; 175W MH ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in the US and Canada for wet locations. (a)F Fusing -(a)P Button Photocell Q Quartz Standby (includes 100W quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) Specify (a) Single Voltage — See Voltage Suffix Key Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuardTA° finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze ultra -durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven-year limited warranty. 6,867,959 and Patents Pending. PC-1 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 120V) PC-2 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 208, 240, 277V) PC"6 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 347V) RUUD LIGHTING 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 FAX (262) 884-3309 © Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA lvww.ruudlighting.com 1 08/03/06 DIRECT MOUNT f 12" (305 mm) CANOPY LIGHT SERIES Housing ---- Surface Mounting -- Seamless. Box Accessory um die-cast alumin(Where surface DeltaGuarde finish wiring is required) Capacitor Ignitor (Where required) Ballast — Lampholder Patented Hinge Assembly Lens - High impact, ##73 crystal tempered glass ^; PULSE START METAL HALIDE 125W PSMH MCL0612 (a)(b) 15OW PSMH MCL0615-(a)(b) METAL HALIDE §#. 70W MH MCL0407 (a)(b) =, 175W MH MCL0417-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 35W HPS MCL0503-(a)(b) ® FK a ..___10OW ® 5OW HPS - — - 70W HPS _._.._._ HPS -- 15OW HPS M505-( CL0a)(b) -- -- MCL0507-(a)(b) _..._._......_. ... .__.... _ --MCL0510-(a)(b)_._.__._._.._.. MCL0515-(a)(b) FLUORESCENT ® 26/32/42W FL MCL0242-U(b) Specify (a) Voltage & (b) Options. Canopy luminaire, totally enclosed. Reflector is specular aluminum. Housing is seamless, die- cast aluminum. Fixture is designed for direct mount over a recessed junction box. Provided with four 0.188" (5 mm) clearance holes and stainless -steel mounting screws with sealing washers. Two 1/2" conduit openings provided for wire supply. SB-16 Surface Box is required with 175W MH and 150W HPS units, unless mounting is to brick, concrete or metal surface. Glass Drop Prismatic Lens option measures 9.6" sq. x 1.8" (244 mm sq. x 44 mm). Lens assembly consists of rigid aluminum frame and high -impact, #73 crystal tempered glass. US 4,689,729 - Reflector Prefinished specular aluminum Lamp (Included) 1 5" (127 mm) I One of four 3116" (5 mm) dia. fixture mounting holes i + +-- ._ 3.2 (81 rural 1.8" (44 mm) + _ - _ 24"(60mm) I-.._....-1- 3.6" (92 mm) 112" (13 mm) conduit entry and exit as viewed through Ions Lens Frame Die-cast aluminum door frame secures lens; sealed with silicone gasket I D 120W277V (Standard: 125W PSMH; 50 - 10OW MH; 50W HPS) M 120/208/240/277V (Standard: 150W PSMH; 175W MH; 70 -15OW HPS) (50 -100W MH) T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) (Standard: 150W PSMH; 70- 175W MH; 70 -150W HPS) 1 120V (Standard: 35W HPS) 1 120V Reactor (50 -150W HPS) 27 277V Reactor 050W PSMH Only) 208V 240V 5 480V (175W MH; 70 - 15OW HPS) 6 347V (Canada Only) U 120 - 277V Universal Voltage (Electronic Ballast) For voltage availability outside the US and Canada, see Bulletin TD-9 or contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Fluorescent fixture supplied with a 26, 32 or 42W quad compact fluorescent lamp. HID fixture includes clear, medium -base lamp. Pulse - rated porcelain enclosed, 4kv-rated screw -shell - type lampholder with spring -loaded center contact. Fixtures require a minimum 150°C temperature feed wire, 90°C for fluorescent. Lamp ignitor included where required. Ballast assemblies are high -power factor and use the following circuit types: Reactor (277V PSMH) 150W PSMH Reactor 120V: 35 — 15OW HPS HX — High Reactance 50 —100W MH; 50 — 150W HPS CWA — Constant Wattage Autotransformer 125 & 150W PSMH; 175W MH Electronic (120 — 277V Universal Voltage) 26 — 42W FL 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA —P�H'ONNE— (262) 886-1900 (rl Ruuri I inhtinn Inr Printcri in I KA (www ruI tirllinhtinn rnm i -(a)F Fusing J Tamperproof Lens Fasteners Q Quartz Standby (includes 100W quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) (N/A on Fluorescent) Specify (a) Single Voltage — See Voltage Suffix Key ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in the US and Canada for wet locations. Enclosure classified IP65 per IEC 529 and IEC 598. Not UL Listed for feed-thru wiring unless SB-16 Surface Box accessory is used. Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuardO finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with white ultra -durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. FWG-12 Wire Guard ...._... _..___.._-_.._._.._..--.-----_...._------_..___..--------.__....... SB-16 Surface Box ...... —---..__..... _............... TPS-1 Tamperproof Screwdriver RU U D FAX (262) 884-3309 LIGHTING 1714nsinq II l I o 0 ZHU, CHU&QIU - N/F �I I DWL I I I I I r EDLUND COMPANY, INC. N/F LS326 CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER CAST IN CONCRETE $LA8 ON TOP OF STRUCTURE SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR INTERIOR PLUMBING LAYOUT AND DEPTH CAST IN PLACE WATERTIGHT GASKET ON ALL PIPES SUITABLE BACKFILL PR ECASTMONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE MIN. 2' HEIGHT. I ADJUST FRAME WITH PRECAST CONCRETE RISERS AS NEEDED O RING RUBBER GASKET IN ACCORDANCE W TH ASTM C-0 AND ASTM C-381 OR BUTYL ROPE TYPICAL P TEE WITH PLUG OR CAP FOR INSPECTION PORT TYPICAL OILMATER SEPARATOR NTS 8'CI TO MUNICIPAL SEWER WELDED STEEL W RE FABRIC ASTM C.— PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE AND COVER OILJINATER SEPARATOR NOTES 1. OILNVATER SEPARATOR TO PROVIDE MINIMUM VOLUME OF 275 GALLONS BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPE. g• 2. PRIOR TO CASTING STRUCTURE, CONFIRM PIPING LAYOUT AND INLET PIPE ELEVATION FROM INTERIOR 8. PLUMBING LAYOUT ON BUILDING PLANS BY OTHERS. ` 3/8- CRUSHED STONE EXj.S IV B[J,L p/ G INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F PROPOSED LIGHTING KEY Key F/Mure Type Mounting KelyM 1p EXISTING POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE O EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE EXISTING BUILDING ENTRY LIGHT TO REMAIN NO CHANGE O(D NEW RUUD 12- FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK -100 WATT METAL HALIDE 14 FEET 00 NEW RUUD 12- FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK -100 WATT METAL HALIDE 12 FEET 90 NEW RUUD 12-CANOPYLIGHT- 70 WATT METAL HALIDE 9FEET 00 NEW RUUD 12-CANOPYLIGHT- 70 WATT METAL HALIDE 10 FEET DDnD(NQVn DT AXTT T TCT Key Bobnleal Nmne Common Nmne 8/2e Renk ft TO 1' ,. occld—he Arb —. 8 feet Hegh1 B & B IV 1W ve 11h4. Wint..— 18- to 24-HegM B & 8 JC Sar9enl Jee -Io 24'HeggM B&B CP Cnmplonla Peregnrro 1$-10 24-HegM B&B SS Syvaea x (nvnelda B-11 SPiree 18.10 24" HegM B & B NOTES'. 1, ME PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION, SEWER SERVICE MODIFICATIONS, AND PAVEMENT, SIDEWALK, AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE, THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE, 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED -GREEN TREE PARK- BY TRUOELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY 5, 1888 AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 126 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTUTIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED 8.25418, AND A SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-1—, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. THIS PLAN ALSO REFLECTS THE DESIGN LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES CONSTRUCTED IN 200T. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET J 1 inch = 30 M 16 GREGORY DRIVE INVESTMENT, LLC. N/F W.W. GRAINGER, INC. N/F APPLICANT/LANDOWNER R.E.M. VELOPMENTCOMPANY,LLC 589 AVENUE D WLLISTON, VT05485 LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY UNE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT SIDELINE OF SETBACK ---Ty-g-------- - -e--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE &MANHOLE *.__Wr------ EXISTING WATERLINE, VALVE, HYDRANT&VAULT [}-_--==-S/T^ ====4D EXISTING STORMLINE. CATCH BASIN &GRAIN MANHOLE ( i (' EXISTNG DECIDUOUS TREE \4}/J EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE (/'`�� TRANSPLANTED DECIDUOUS TREE ( + t TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED • PROPERTY CORNER FOUND EXISTING LIGHT POLE / ) EXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO REMAIN PROPOSE D PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK EXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDISTRICT'. MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IC PROJECTAREA 3.7BACRES(LOT2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE'. 70% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 00 FEET FOR PITCHED ROOFS. 35 FEET FOR FIAT ROOFS EXISTING BUILDING & PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET MUNICIPAL SEWERS WATER: EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICES TO REMAIN. WITH MODIFICATIONS AS SHOWN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW ADOTION. PARKING SUMMARY: REQUIRED PARKING PER LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: MUNICIPAL FACILITY: 28,086 BE GFA X 3 SPACES/1000 SF = B4d SPACES REQUIRED GENERAL OFFICE: 19,511 SF GFA X 3.5 SPACES/1000 SF - W.3 SPACES REWIRED TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING -1W SPACES PROPOSED PARKING • 153 SPACES LOT COVERAGEt—ALKS� EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 82,200 SF (3]8%) 83,425 SF (38.)%) TOTAL COVERAGE 1 88,T00 SF (52.8%) I 88,1755E (544%) PROPOSED FRONTYARDCOVERAGE GREGORY DRIVE • 29A% SHUNPIKE ROAD= 15.5% I SALLY PORT ADDITION orth Elevation 32-1 -O" T.O. ROOF SECOND F FIRST FLO South Elevation 3/32-1'-0" East Elevation 3/32"=1-0" c Famplain MITI I Main 5.^eet, Suite 2' Wlrooskl, Vermont 05404 it Phone 802 bS5 0145 Fax 802 &SS 1983 wwy. k-arc hite�ts.com SALLY PORT ADDITION 1 REM Development Proposal for: 4*7 South Burlington Police Station 19 Gregory Or, South Burlington, Vt. UJest Ele 3/32"=1-0" DECK 144 -L' .00R 112'-O' REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Lt cc www.ramdevelopment.com (802) 864-5830 4 (r."�v E5 State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0149-5B APPLICANT R.E.M. Development Company, LLC ADDRESS 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 and City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0149-5B, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 785, Pages 562-564, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to R.E.M. Development Company, LLC, Co-Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to construct a 1,250 sf addition to an existing commercial building, along with related site improvements (parking, sidewalks, driveways, lighting, etc.), on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park to house the South Burlington Police Department. The project is located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, VT. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a n,..terial change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittees, and their assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0149, 44C0149-5 and amendments are in fuli force and effect except as amended herein. 2. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the proper-y covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 3. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and the conditions of this pen -nit. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 2 of 5 4. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 of 1 - "Site Plan, 19 Gregory Drive City of South Burlington Police Station" dated October 19, 2009, last revision November 4, 2009; [Elevations], South Burlington Police Station" undated; and "First Floor Plan, South Burlington Police Station" dated November 2, 2009. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the rules of the Natural Resources Board (Act 250 Rules). 9. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and their successors and assigns. 10. IIQ project is approved for the following maximum impacts: 153 - vehicle parking spaces; 1500 - gallons per day of water; 1350 - gallons per day of wastewater; 746 - vehicle trips per day; 103 - AM peak hour vehicle trips; and 70 - PM peak hour vehicle trips. H. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permit: • Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit #WW-4-0117-2 issued on October 28, 2009 by the Wastewater Management Division; Any subsequent nonmaterial changes to this permit shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. Subsequent amendments involving material changes to the Act 250 permit shall not be constructed prior to review and approval of the District Coordinator or the District Commission under applicable Act 250 Rules. 12. The Pernittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 3 of 5 13. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Supply Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 14. No later than 30 days prior to commencement of building construction, the Permittee shall submit a Construction Waste Reduction Plan mm: Av w,anr, state. A.usidCOAMS1 OdiVirecvciin,..pubs!ACr:{5oteinhite.doc to be approved by the Agency of Natural Resources Solid Waste Management Program. The contractor shall be obligated to implement the Plan. 15. The Permittees and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 16. The Permittees shall comply with Exhibits #8 and # 11 for erosion control. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 17. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 18, All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time; any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). 19. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, either seeded and mulched or covered in stone or rolled erosion control matting immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be double mulched and seeded before September 15. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, ali earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction' standards and specifications of the Vermont Standards & Specifications for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (2006). 20. Prior to construction of the approved work, the Permittees shall complete the following: a) construction limits shall be clearly delineated with flagging or snowfencing; b) diversion ditches shall be pjaged on the uphill limits of the construction area; and c) temporary siltation coptfols shall be placed on the downhill limits of the construction. Immediately following the above the permanent drainage system and/or roads shall be installed after which normal construction can begin. 21. Starting at the commencement of construction a Landscape Architect or Professional Engineer shall inspect the site at least once per week and at critical times until the project is completed to ensure that the erosion control plans are being followed. He or she shall certify by monthly Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 4 of 5 affidavit to the District Environmental Commission that all erosion controls as specified and approved herein, are in place and properly maintained. 22. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 23. In addition to confonnance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 24. The Permittees shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip between all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 25. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State approved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 26. The Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit 911 by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 27. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibits #10 and #11, and shall be mounted no higher than 14-feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 28. The installation of exterior signage is limited to a similar sign as approved in LUP #4C0149-5A and will not be illuminated. The Permittees shall not erect additions! exterior signage without first obtaining approval .`rom the District Commission. Signag-, inc,iudes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 29. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. § 268, energy design and construction shall comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction and shall further include any custom energy measures referenced in comments by the Department of Public Service if found by the applicant to be cost-effective on a life -cycle -cost basis. 30. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specific.:aily prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission, 31. At the completion of the project, and prior to the occupancy of the building, the Permittees shall certify by affidavit that the site improvements have been constructed in accordance with this permit pursuant to Act 250 Rule 32(A). 32. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit 44CO 149-513 in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 33. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittees have not Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 5 of 5 commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 34. The Permittees shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from the Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or two years from the date of this permit, whichever shall occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee based on actual construction costs must be paid at the time of certification in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittees shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") shall be mailed to: Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification. 35. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., § 6027(g). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this day of December, 2009. By JZ-04-- Thomas Little, Chair District #4 Commission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Larry Veladota Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418 Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) r W:\Act250\D1ST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4CO.149\4C0149-5\4CO 149-5 B\4CO 14975 B.pmt.wpd EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION #4C0149-5B Page 1 E I DATE I E I A= Applicant X I R I N I T= Town H I E I T I 0= Opponent I I C I E I RPC = Regional Planning Commission B I E I R I ANR = Agency of Natural Resources I 1 I I E I VTRANS = Vt. Agency of Transportation T I V I D I DPS = Department of Public Services E I M = Municipality D I I DHP = Division for Historic Preservation 1 I WMD = Wastewater Management Division N I I B I L= Landowner 0.1 1 Y 1 I Nature of Exhibit and Date Entered —I I — 1 11 /5/09 A 2 3 ,9 4 ,9 „ 5 99 „ 6 7 8 „ 9 Cove Letter by Andy Rowe, Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers (11/5/09) Summary of Approved and Proposed Impacts Act 250 Land Use Permit Application Cover Sheets Schedule A - Fee Information Schedule E - Adjoiner Information Schedlal- r Certificate of Oervice Schedule G Schedule B - Act 250 Narrative Wastewater System & Potable'Alater Supply Permit Vk,,'W-4-0117-2 Issued 10/28/09 Lighting Cut Sheets Plan: Site Plan Sht. 1 (Rev. 11/4/09) Plan: Elevations (Undated) Plan: First Floor Plan (11/2/09) Waste Reduction Plan by REM Development (11/11/09) W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5\4C0149-5B\4C0149-5Bexlist.wpd CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 2nd day of December, 2009, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 LAND USE PERMIT #4C0149-511, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the following individuals without email addresses and by email to the individuals with email addresses listed. Note: any recipient may change its preferred method of receiving notices and other documents by contacting the District Office staff at the mailing address or email below. If you have elected to receive notices and other documents by email, it is your responsibility to notify our office of any email address changes. All email replies should be sent to nrb-act250essex0state.vt.us PARTIES: R.E.M. Development, LLC 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers 14 Morse Drive Essex Jct., VT 05452 andyriu.ldenci7.leeri.n£;.com. Chair, City Council/Chair, City Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 - Wino "' 05405 stil ton(&& ccrpevt. orc Elizabeth Lord/ANR 103 South Main St. - Center Bldg., 3rd Floor Waterbury, VT 05671-0.301, anr.act2506%state.vt. us Craig Keller Utilities & Permits/VTrans One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 crai r.k� eller(u),state.vt.us Louise Waterman/Brendan O'Shea Vt. Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 louise.watei7nan(wstate..vt.us brendan. oshea(ir .state. vt. us Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620 scott.dillon@i tate.vt.us devin.cohnp,nL&state.vt,u,�, , FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Thomas Little, Chair James McNamara/Larry Veladota Mike Kundrath/Vt. Dept. of Public Service 111 West Street 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 nuchael.kundratli<cz?state. vt.us Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 2nd day of December, 2009. /s/ Barbara J. Cady Administrative Secretary 879-5614 W:\Act250\D1ST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5\4C0149-SB\4C0149-5B csPennit.wpd ., .. . _ , .....�... ...,ram;,. � _ .. ,- y ray From: Paul Conner Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 4:58 PM To: ray Subject: 19 Gregory Drive Hi Ray, Steve Stitzel has asked us for a little information to put into the condominium documents for the police station. Would you please contact John Klesch (Steve will be out the office during the day) with the following information: 411 , 0/- 40 1. Site Plan permit number for the administrative site plan and any prior plans you see as relevant. 2. Brief description of the most recent permit issued. The type of thing that goes on a label for a plan. 3. Please confirm the numbers of K>ark:.rig spaces required for municipal use and for the the rest of the office use. Thanks! Paul 1 No Text i 11 I IM illMEW M I II Q ulM MIN all 01011pu iti. fir 'del ISMfit �I' „Wr looseiT 7TOM .a fell 19 �jd a -.MMEHIM WIN a� � �` _ � � � �* ,. .�� � � yid R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington Existing building entrance & parking spaces along westerly side of building West face of existing building - site of proposed addition k- " No Text State of Vermont - LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0149-5B LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED APPLICANT R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) ADDRESS 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 and City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0149-5B, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 785, Pages 562-564, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to R.E.M. Development Company, LLC, Co-Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to construct a 1,250 sf addition to an existing commercial building, along with related site improvements (parking, sidewalks, driveways, lighting, etc.), on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park to house the South Burlington Police Department. The project is located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, VT. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittees, and their assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0149, #4C0149-5 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the property covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and the conditions of this permit. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 2 of 5 4. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 of 1 - "Site Plan, 19 Gregory Drive City of South Burlington Police Station" dated October 19, 2009, last revision November 4, 2009; [Elevations], South Burlington Police Station' undated; and "First Floor Plan, South Burlington Police Station" dated November 2, 2009. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 6. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. 7. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the rules of the Natural Resources Board (Act 250 Rules). 9. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and their successors and assigns. 10. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts: 153 - vehicle parking spaces; 1500 - gallons per day of water; 1350 - gallons per day of wastewater; 746 - vehicle trips per day; 103 - AM peak hour vehicle trips; and 70 - PM peak hour vehicle trips. 11. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permit: • Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit #W W-4-0117-2 issued on October 28, 2009 by the Wastewater Management Division; Any subsequent nonmaterial changes to this permit shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. Subsequent amendments involving material changes to the Act 250 permit shall not be constructed prior to review and approval of the District Coordinator or the District Commission under applicable Act 250 Rules. 12. The Permittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 3 of 5 13. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Supply Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 14. No later than 30 days prior to commencement of building construction, the Permittee shall submit a Construction Waste Reduction Plan httv:,"/www.anr,,,talet't.iaectwa,tea;vir�-:yci,ii�./n„bs,ncTr250teml,iate.doeto be approved by the Agency of Natural Resources Solid Waste Management Program. The contractor shall be obligated to implement the Plan. 15. The Permittees and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 16. The Permittees shall comply with Exhibits #8 and #11 for erosion control. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 17. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 18. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time, any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). 19. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, either seeded and mulched or covered in stone or rolled erosion control matting immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be double mulched and seeded before September 15. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Standards & Specifications for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (2006). 20. Prior to construction of the approved work, the Permittees shall complete the following: a) construction limits shall be clearly delineated with flagging or snowfencing; b) diversion ditches shall be placed on the uphill limits of the construction area; and c) temporary siltation controls shall be placed on the downhill limits of the construction. Immediately following the above, the permanent drainage system and/or roads shall be installed after which normal construction can begin. 21. Starting at the commencement of construction a Landscape Architect or Professional Engineer shall inspect the site at least once per week and at critical times until the project is completed to ensure that the erosion control plans are being followed. He or she shall certify by monthly I Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 4 of 5 affidavit to the District Environmental Commission that all erosion controls as specified and approved herein, are in place and properly maintained. 22. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 23. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 24. The Permittees shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip between all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 25. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State approved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 26. The Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #11 by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 27. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibits #10 and #11, and shall be mounted no higher than 14-feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 28. The installation of exterior signage is limited to a similar sign as approved in LUP #4C0149-5A and will not be illuminated. The Permittees shall not erect additional exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 29. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. § 268, energy design and construction shall comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction and shall further include any custom energy measures referenced in comments by the Department of Public Service if found by the applicant to be cost-effective on a life -cycle -cost basis. 30. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 31. At the completion of the project, and prior to the occupancy of the building, the Permittees shall certify by affidavit that the site improvements have been constructed in accordance with this permit pursuant to Act 250 Rule 32(A). 32. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 33. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittees have not Land Use Permit #4C0149-5B Page 5 of 5 commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 34. The Permittees shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from the Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or two years from the date of this permit, whichever shall occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee based on actual construction costs must be paid at the time of certification in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittees shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") shall be mailed to: Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification. 35. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., § 6027(g). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 2' day of December, 2009. By /s/ Thomas Little Thomas Little, Chair District #4 Commission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Larry Veladota Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciary.org. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418 Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5\4C0149-5B\4C0149-5B pmt logo.wpd a XERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-0117-2-R Landowner: R.E.M. Development Co., LLC 599 Avenue D Williston VT 05495 PIN: EJ95-0378 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0740-000i9 and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 785 Pages 562-564 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of correcting Conditions #2.1 and #3.2 of Permit #WW-4-0117-2 for the addition to the existing building and decreasing the number of employees to one hundred (too) and provide three car washes per day served by municipal water and wastewater services, located at i9 Gregory Drive in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i. GENERAL 1.1 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.2 Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown copies of the Wastewater System And Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plans prior to conveyance of the lot. 1.3 All conditions set forth in Permit #WW-4-0117-2 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. 1.4 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 Condition #2.1 of Permit #WW-4-0117-2 is amended to read: "This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal water system as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,500 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division". Regional Offices — Barre/EssexJct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water .,,apply Permit � WW-4-0117-2-R Page 2 of 2 n.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 Condition #3.2 of Permit #WW-4-0117-2 is amended to read: "This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,350 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division". Justin G. Johnson, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest_ Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated November 3, 2009 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Water Supply Division Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety November 20, 2009 Bob Miller R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 599 Avneue D Williston, VT 05495 Re: 19 Gregory Drive Dear Mr. Miller: Enclosed, please find copies of the Findings of Fact and Decisions rendered by the Development Review Board on November 19, 2009 (effective 11/19/09). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. _ If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Jana Beagley Planning and Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com Site Plan Application Permit Number SP APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Revie%,,, OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing addre 1 R.E.M. Development Company, LLC !() �► I 599 Avenue D \ 0 Williston, VT 05495 864-5830 (tel) 864-4172 (fax) 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): Boc 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Bob Miller - R.E.M. Development Company, LLC a. Contact e-mail address: bmiller@rem-development.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 19 Gregory Drive 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 0740-0019 a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Construct an addition to the existing building with related changes to the existing drive and parking, construct new sidewalk and additional entries to the building, install fence and dumpster screeninq. Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): The existing building has a total (gross) of 46,350 sf of space previously approved for office use. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): 28,100 sf for municipal use / police station (all of first floor and a portion of second floor) 19,500 sf for office use (located on second floor) d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): The proposed total (gross) building space will be 47,600 sf. The building footprint will be 25,750 sf. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): The two story building has a flat roof and a height of 25 feet at the eave. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain).. None - not applicable. g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): There are 50 employees for the municipal use, and 50 employees for the office use, for a total of 100 employees. There are expected to be an average of 18 City vehicles onsite. The 153 proposed parking spaces will be adequate (100 spaces for employees + 18 City vehicles + 35 visitor spaces). h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 163,785 a. Building: Existing 15.0 % Proposed 15.7 / 24,500 / 25,750 Sq. Ft. (3.76 acres) sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 52.9 % / 86,700 sq. ft. Proposed 54.4 % / 89,175 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 29.4 % / 3,632 sq. ft. Proposed 29.4 % 3,632 sq. ft. Existing 15.5% / 1013 sq. ft. Shunpike Road Proposed 15.5% / 1013 sq. ft. Gregory Drive 2 Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) -- 20,000 sf * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 75,000 - proposed addition b. Landscaping: $ 2,675 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): Utilities - $50,000, Drives, parking, sidewalk - $45,000 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out) 746 trip ends b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 103 trip ends c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 70 trip ends 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 AM - 4 PM 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Spring 2011 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) See attached list 3 Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 r Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT IGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: I (/ �—lb I REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: R' Complete Incomplete k ,l of Planning & Zoning or Designee 01 :e 5 LAMOUREUX & DICKINS6N Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel. (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 LDengineering.com • Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Soils • Wetlands • Landscape Architecture • TRANSMITTAL ❑ Mail ❑ Fax X Hand carried ❑ To be picked up ❑ Courier service TO: Ray Belair Administrative Office ADDRESS: Dept. Of Planning & Zoning City of South Burlington FAX NO.: FROM: Andy Rowe DATE: November 16, 2009 RE: PROJECT NAME: 19 Gregory Drive PROJECT #: 07085 COPIES DATE SHEET DESCRIPTION Plans 3 11-16-09 1 Site Plan (3 full size & 1-11 x17) Shop drawings Report Copy of letter Change order COMMENTS: Specifications Disk For your review For your use For comment As requested F.Y.I. For execution Signature: Andy COPY TO: ❑ Front Office Copy ❑ Project File Copy revised 3/19/99 P:\Transmit wpd Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex' vT�covember 5, 2009 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Office Planning & Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Site Plan Amendment 19 Gregory Drive Dear Ray: Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 www.LDengineering.com We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC to request a Site Plan Amendment for 19 Gregory Drive. The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park subdivision. In 2007, Site Plan approval (SP-07-59) was granted for a parking area expansion, construction of an addition, and converting the entire building to general office use. This amendment application requests approval for: • construction of a 1250 sf addition, bringing the total gross floor area to 47,600 sf • conversion of 28,100 sf to municipal facility use (police station). • related site improvements including parking and drive changes, new sidewalks, building entries, security fence, and exterior lighting. The building is presently served by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. There are only minor changes to the existing sewer service piping as a result of the proposed addition and floor drains. The proposed floor drains in the police station garage area will be connected to an oil/water separator discharging to the municipal sewer service. The proposed change in use results in a decrease in the sewer and water design flows. The new sewer design flow will be 1350 GPD, and the new water design flow will be 1500 GPD. This site was previously granted a water allocation of 3240 GPD and a sewer allocation of 2880 GPD. We have enclosed the following for your review: • Site plan application (fee waived for municipal facility) • List of abutting landowners • Landscaping cost estimate • Lighting & illumination data • (3) full size & (1) 11 x17" copy of the Site Plan (sheet 1, Please contact our office with any questions. Sincerely, Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller PA2007\07085\City\Police Sta\site plan cover letter.wpd last revised 11-04-09) Civil Septic Design Transportation Wetlands Landscape Architecture Land Surveying 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington Proposed Landscape Estimate of Probable Cost November 5, 2009 Botanical Name Common Name Size n1 Cost Quantity Subtotal Trees Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae 4' - 5' Height $1251 13 1 $1,62 Shrubs Shubs - variety $35 30 $1,05 TOTAL $2,67 LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel:802-878-4450 Fax:802-878-3135 E-mail: mail(4A Dcnginccring com 19 Gregory Drive - R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Site Plan Amendment Application NAME Investors Corporation of Vermont WW Grainger Inc. Mergens-Wiltshire LLC Cory Hart Michael, Jeffrey & Sabrina Zhu Shaun & Betty Chu Xiao Chun Qiu Edlund Company Inc. 16 Gregory Drive Investment LLC NEATEC, LLC Paul & Nancy Lyon P12007\07085\City\P01ice Sta\abutters hstmpd Abutting Property Owners November, 2009 MAILING ADDRESS 30 Main St. #401 Burlington, VT 05401 100 Grainger Parkway Lake Forest, IL 60045 PO Box 9338 South Burlington, VT. 05407 251 Shunpike Road South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 253 Shunpike Road #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 159 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT. 05401 181 Windridge Williston, VT. 05495 P.O. Box 2283 South Burlington, VT 05403 90 Shunpike Drive South Burlington, VT. 05403 r DIRECT MOUNT " FULL CUTOFF PACK Lens Assembly Ba Rigid die-cast copper -free aluminum and flat glass lens 8.2" (208 mm) PULSE START METAL HALIDE ..................._._.........................._.__.._..........................___._................. 125W PSMH MGWC0612-(a)(b) 5l I c t 150W PSMH MGWC0615-(a)(b) METAL HALIDE €°)f' it 50W MI MGWC0405 (a)(b) 70W MH MGWC0407 (a)(b) Sill 100W Mil MGW66410-(a)(b) Spl.(' ;r 175W MH 1VIGWC0417-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 0 Si,i ( 35W HPS MGWC0503 (a)(b) E:] Spi ; r 5OW FIPS 101SWC0505 (a)(b) 0 Sill,a_' /ow HPS MGWCmwja)(b) 0 SPIa V 100W HPS MGWC0516-(a)(b) st,i 15OW HPS MGWC0515-(a)(b) gwclfy (a) Voltage & (b) Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Full Cutoff Wall Pack fixture for HID lamp, totally enclosed. Housing is seamless copper -free die- cast aluminum. Lens assembly consists of a hinged, rigid die-cast copper -free aluminum frame and clear borosilicate glass lens held securely inside. Lens frame is easily removable and allows for easy attachment and serviceability using top pivoting hinge. Complete silicone gasketing around lens and gasketing at mounting provide a watertight seal. A precision specular aluminum reflector provides forward throw with wide distribution to ensure wide fixture spacings and maximum light levels. Fixture design provides excellent IES Full Cutoff light distribution without glare. The optical chamber is sealed to reduce dirt and insect contamination. Furnished with e-coated, copper -free, lightweight mounting box designed for installation over standard 4-inch square or octagonal and single -gang J boxes and for conduit entry from top, sides and rear. Designed and approved for easy through -wiring. All fixtures use vertical -lamp position. 6.5" 3.4" (165 mm) (66 mm) r; +� 3" I mm).:::: 11.6" L(294 mm) ... .................. -- 12.0" (304 mm) Wiring Compartment Ignitor (Where required) Lampholder Housing Die-cast aluminum Lamp (Included) Reflector Precision aluminum D 120/277V (Standard: 125W PSMH; 50 -10OW MH; 50W HPS) ­11111.1.. ................. .... M.......... 120/208/240/277V (Standard: 150W PSMH; 175W MH; 70 -15OW HPS) T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) (Standard: 15OW PSMH; 70 -175W MH; 70-150WHPS) -- 1 120V (Standard: 35W HPS) ...................__ __ . 2 277V 27 277V Reactor (150W PSMH Only) 3 208V —..... _._ ._ . -- ------ .......... _..... _ ........... 4 240V 5 480V (175W MH; 70- 15OW HPS) .................._ ..... ......... ......... ........._.._ ............ 6 347V (Canada Only) Far voltage availability outside the US and Canada, see Bulletin TO-9 or contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Fixture includes clear, medium -base lamp. Pulse -rated porcelain enclosed, 4kv-rated screw - shell -type lampholder. Lamp ignitor included where required. Fixtures require a minimum 900C temperature feed wire. All ballast assemblies are high -power factor and use the following circuit types: Reactor (277V PSMH) 150W PSMH Reactor 120V: 35 —150W HPS HX — High Reactance 50 —100W MH; 50 —150W HPS CWA — Constant Wattage Autotransformer 125 & 150W PSMH; 175W MH ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in the US and Canada for wet locations. Specify (a) Single Voltage — See Voltage Suffix Key Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuard"m finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze ultra -durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven-year limited warranty. 6,867,959 and Patents Pending. ACCESSORIES PC-1 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 120V) 064 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 208, 240, 277V) PC-6 Button Photocell (for fixtures set to 347V) 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 FAX (262) 884-3309 0 Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA vww.ruudhghting.com 08/03/06 RUUD LIGHTING DIRECT 4 12" (305 mm) CANOPY LIGHT Housing Surface Mounting Seamless, Box Accessory die-cast aluminum (Where surface DeltaGuard" finish wiring is required) Capacitor ... -. J12" (305 mn Ignitor -,\ "f-------- >-------------r? i (Where required) i Ballast —� Lampholder ... ..........................., _...� - Patented - - Hinge ?� �.- Assembly Lens Z , High impact, #73 crystal tempered glass CATALOG PULSE START METAL HALIDE Q tl _.............._.._.._.__ .-....._._.._..__..._(. .)(. ___b) _..__......-- StsTc 125W.PSMH MCL0612-a © smtc 150W PSMH MCL0615-(a)(h) METAL HALIDE [ st>EC # 50W MH MCL0405-(a)(b) -st'tc # 70W MH MCL0407-(a)(b) spaq# 10OW MH MCL0410-(a)(b) ®. SPEC_ ..._.........._ 175W MH---...._MCL0417_(a)(b)- ...._-._. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM ---- ........... -.-- sPc 35W HPS- MCL0503 (a)(b) - -- ®.. 50W HPS ....._._MCL0505-(a)(b) ........ _..... __...... ® ..._SPFC #;Y.......- -70W-HPS ........_. MCL0507 (a)(b) ......... __....... ... [ sf f c u 1 10OW HPS MCL0510-(a)(b) .._.__....._.- _ _ _..- _......_...__.....__.... _..__.._..__......_...........__....... ® SITC 150W HPS MCLO515-(a)(b) FLUORESCENT ( st,Ec if 26/32/42W FL MCL0242-U(b) Specify (a) Voltage & (b) Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Canopy luminaire, totally enclosed. Reflector is specular aluminum. Housing is seamless, die- cast aluminum. Fixture is designed for direct mount over a recessed junction box. Provided with four 0.188" (5 mm) clearance holes and stainless -steel mounting screws with sealing washers. Two 1/2" conduit openings provided for wire supply. SB-16 Surface Box is required with 175W MH and 150W HPS units, unless mounting is to brick, concrete or metal surface. Glass Drop Prismatic Lens option measures 9.6" sq. x 1.8" (244 mm sq. x 44 mm). Lens assembly consists of rigid aluminum frame and high -impact, #73 crystal tempered glass. US 4,689,729 - Reflector Prefinished specular aluminum Lamp (Included) 11) One of four 3116" (5 mm) dia. fixture mounting holes f 5" (127 rnm}t 3.2" (81 mm) _t. mm) 7 ,-�2.4" (60 mm) 3.6" (92 mm) UT' (13 rnm) conduit entry and exit as viewed through lens Lens Frame Die-cast aluminum door frame secures lens; sealed with silicone gasket D 120V/277V (Standard: 125W PSMH 50 -10OW MH; 50W HPS) M 120/208/240/277V (Standard: 15OW PSMH; 175W MH; 70 -15OW HPS) (50 -1 OOW MH) _- -.._.. - -- ..... T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) (Standard: 150W PSMH; 70- 175W MH; 70-15OW HPS) 1 120V (Standard: 35W HPS) 1 120V Reactor (50 -15OW HPS) 27 277V Reactor (150W PSMH Only) 208V 4 240V 5 480V (175W MH; 70 -15'0W HPS) ----._._..._.........__.....--..__.._.__... - ._._......__...... — - ._.._.._........... 6 347V (Canada Only) U 120 - 277V Universal Voltage (Electronic Ballast) For voltage availability outside the US and Canada, see Bulletin TD-9 or contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Fluorescent fixture supplied with a 26, 32 or 42W quad compact fluorescent lamp. HID fixture includes clear, medium -base lamp. Pulse - rated porcelain enclosed, 4kv-rated screw -shell - type lampholder with spring -loaded center contact. Fixtures require a minimum 1500C temperature feed wire, 900C for fluorescent. Lamp ignitor included where required. Ballast assemblies are high -power factor and use the following circuit types: Reactor (277V PSMH) 150W PSMH Reactor 120V: 35 -15OW HPS HX — High Reactance 50 -10OW MH; 50 -15OW HPS CWA — Constant Wattage Autotransformer 125 & 15OW PSMH; 175W MH Electronic (120 - 277V Universal Voltage) 26 - 42W FL 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 R t I I P' t d i USA www ruudli htin corn L uud Ig i ng nc. nn e m g g. A Glass Drop Prismatic Lens (1.8" [44 mm] Deep) -(a)F Fusing J Tamperproof lens Fasteners O Quartz Standby (includes 1 DOW quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) (N/A on Fluorescent) .... ..... ---...._....... - . ...._.. ---......._._ ... _ ......__... _ ......_. Specify (a) Single Voltage - See Voltage Suffix Key ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in the US and Canada for wet locations. Enclosure classified IP65 per IEC 529 and IEC 598. Not UL Listed for feed-thru wiring unless SB-16 Surface Box accessory is used. Exclusive Colorfast DeitaGuard`� finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with white ultra -durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. ACCESSORIES FWG-12 Wire Guard 58-15 Surface Box TPS-1 Tamperproof Screwdriver RU U D FAX (262) 884-3309 LIGHTING 04/t 6709 �I ZHU, CHU & QIU N/F 'I I I DWL. I I I HART I I N/F I� EDLUND COMPANY, INC. N/F 1. 1 LS3M CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER CAST IN CONCRETE SLAB W TOP OF STRUCTURE SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR INTERIOR PLUMBING LAYOUT AND DEPTH CAST IN PLACE WATERTGHT GASKET ON ALL PIPES SUITABLE BACKFILL PRECASTMONOUTHIC CONCRETE BASE MIN. 2 HEIGHT. I ADJUST FRAME WITH PRECAST CONCRETE RISERS AS NEEDED O RING RUBBER GASKET M ACCORDANCE VATH ASTIM CJ4.T AND ASTM C-Mt OR BUTYL ROPE / TYPICAL C TEE WITH PLUG OR CAP FOR INSPECTION PORT TYPICAL OILNVATER SEPARATOR NTS ASTM C 4T8 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE AND COVER OIUWgTER SEPARATOR NOTES 1, OILNJATER SEPARATOR TO PROVIDE MINIMUM VOLUME OF 275 GALLONS BELOW INVERT OF OUTLET PIPE, 8' 2. PRIOR TO CASTING STRUCTURE, CONFIRM PIPING LAYOUT AND INLET PIPE ELEVATION FROM INTERIOR 6. PLUMBING LAYOUT ON BUILDING PUNS BY OTHERS. ` I. -CRUSHED STONE EXI STING BUILDING INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F PROPOSED LIGHTING KEY Kay I FJXNb TW. Afountbo Hft* EXISTING POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE O EXISTING BOLLARD LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN NO CHANGE EXISTING BUILDING ENTRY LIGHT TO REMAIN NO CHANGE NEW RUUD 12' FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK- IN WATT METAL HALIDE 14FEET NEWRUUD 12- FULL CUTIFFWALL PACK- IWWATTMETAL HALIDE 12 FEET NEW RUUD 12' CANOPY LIGHT. TO WATT METAL HALIDE 9 FEET NEW RUUD I2-CANOPY LIGHT- TO WATT METAL HALIDE 10 FEET PROPf1CPil PI ATJT 1 ICT KOY Boflnieaf Rona Cammon Name Jib RamaTb TO Thuu/a oaNeawlu Arborvitae a (eN /NyIM e d B IV JMr asnkAlnm WnleNerry 18.10 21-HaUM B89 JC Jxngmr rharema .we. So x-nu SarBenl Junyw 18 21-Haq. B & B CP ConponUpercgrmn Sweet Fem 18-M21H.OM B&B SE 1)rtrnea. Anna B-11 Solrea W.21.6411 B & B A A V E M E NT I A NOTES: 1, THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION. SEWER SERVICE MODIFICATIONS, AND PAVEMENT, SIDEWALK, AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. 2. THE B WNDARY INFORMATION SHOW14 ON TINS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED -GREEN TREE PARK- BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY 5,1989AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME M9 AT PAGE 1M OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PUN. 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PUN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED B-254M, AND A SITE PUN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-12A9, BOTH PUNS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. THIS PUN ALSO REFLECTS THE DESIGN LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES CONSTRUCTED IN 2007. GRAPHIC SCALE SP 8 ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 30 fL 16 GREGORY DRIVE INVESTMENT, LLC. N/F W.W. GRAINGER, INC. N/F APPLICANT/LANDOWNER REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 599 AVENUE D WILLISTON, VT 054% LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT SIDELINE OF SETBACK -----5---- SQ------S--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE &MANHOLE _y2------ EXISTING WATERUNE. VALVE, HYDRANT& VAULT Q======ST======*=== EXISTING STO—LINE. CATCH BASIN A GRAIN MANHOLE V EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE j/,'�j TRANSPLANTED DECIDUOUS TREE L T TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED ��,/ PROPERTY CORNER FOUND EMSTINGUGHTPOLE EXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALX TO REMAIN OPROPOSE. PAVFMENT OR SIDEWALK OEXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDSTRICT: MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTIC PROJECTAREA: 3.T8 ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 4M MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 70% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT'. 40 FEET FOR PITCHED ROOFS, 35 FEET FOR FLAT ROOFS EXISTING BUILDING & PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET MUNICIPAL SEWER&WATER: EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWERSERVICESTOREMAIN,VATH MODIFICATIONS AS SHOVM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW ADDTON. PARKING SUMMARY' REQUIRED PARKING PER LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS_ MUNICIPAL FACIUTY: 28,100 SF GFA X 3 SPACESIIND SF 84.3 SPACES REWIRED GENERAL OFFICE: 19,500 SF GFA X 3.1 SPACESI1DW SF - 88 3 SPACES REWIRED TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING • 153 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING - 153 SPACES LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 24.500 SF (15D%) 25,7S0 SF (15.7%) PAVEMENT. DRIVES. WALKS 62,21K SF (37,9%) 63,425 SF (38T%) TOTALCOVERAGE 85.760 SF (529%) 89.175 $F M.4%) PROPOSED FRW T YARD COVERAGE GREGORY DRIVE • MA% SHUNPIKE ROAD - 15.5% 1 l PROJECT: 19 Gregory Drive/07085 GROUP: New Parking AREA: New Area GRID: New Grid PREPARED BY: ABR VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: 1 IN= 40.017T, HORZ GRID (U), HORZ CALC, Z= 0.0 Computed in accordance with IES recommendations Statistics GROUP I MIN I MAX I AVE AVE/MINI MAF►MIN + 0.00 10.0 0.76 N/A N/A LitePro 2.002 Point -By -Point Results W Nov 04, 2009 Y-AXIS/'� l�/ ! %� C:7" ��t�� ✓'�i :I �7l / C. G.�l)� JT %v.J/ �4��+ 344.60 ^' 334.60 324.60 + 314.60 4?It �... 73 05 U. 9 0.15 0.07 Q03 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.(}4 0.12 0.21 304.60 1.46 1.87 .3 0,8 .46 0,09 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.�10 0 1 .88 1_6 .18 0.06 29460 0.67 1.4) 8 ..1/ 2 .58 .35 0,16 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.12 '"0'ib, , .13 ^ 3.27 1,544 4 OA5 0.02 U.OI 284.60 0.26 038 '3 0.7 038 0.22 0.10 0.06 .05 .04 0.03 0.05 0.2. ; .8.. s .88 0.29 0.09 0. 0. 0. C 14 274.60 __. 0.64 0.. .38 .f>2•.,• .48 0.47 026 018 0.11 00 U.U. 0.0. 0.0 0.06 0.05 0. O.- . 4 .59 0.20 0.10 U.06 0.04 .0.3 .03 0.03 0.03 0.02 264.60 1.0-5 1.59 IA 0.8 5 0.3 0.4 0.35 0.31 021 0.11 0.06 .05 .OS .12 5 _ 22 .06 8'`' 0.42 0.25 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 O.W 0.06 254.60 U.66 1.32 1,98aJ - N � .4 8 .50 0.30 0.22 0, 15 0,15 � (1. 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 � -�"' 0.2(i 0U . 4 ,\ '74- .- '•• .- 5 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.1 .21 244.60 0,32 .60 LS 0. 0.7 0.41 0.26 0.1,5 0.12 0.10 0, 8 0. .05 0.02 0.04 .. �`.. -- -. •, 8.16 8 LOZi'• f -7 .67 .50 .3 0.: 0.33 0.22 0.25 0.3 ). 0,52 ' WI2 234.60 0,25 0.58 87 75 I 0.35 0 6 0.15 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.12 0 .18 0.05 0. 3.55 2.18 .70 .. 96 6 072 9 0.34 0.29 0.5 0. ] 01 1.16 1,1 224.60 0.2U U.38 0.46 0.36 0.29 U.16 009 0. 7 (L 4 0. 4 U. 7 3A5 1. .14 _ 9 ul 1. 1_SO .41 . 0 .84 50 0.33 0.42 0. 1.79 1.88 C N-151 214.60 .18 0.17 0.17 0,11 0.06 OA4 0.02 0,02 3 0,07 O. . 48 5. 1 8 !-.b 1..59 .69 1_81 2. .6 0.36 0.42 7 1.3) 2 \' 204.60 0US 0.08 0.06 0. 0. 2 0. OAI 0.02 �i_ 0.64 0.86 .23 1.84 2. 2 ..(2 .10 0 5 G.3(i 0.45 0.86 1. 1. l-lW _ } . 194.60 0, 4 0,03 0.02 0.02 0 0.01 0,01 0. -"/ \,J 0. 0.31 0.48 0., 3 . 8 4. N-2 .48 0.79 0,45 0.45 0.54 0.9 0. 5 0.46 184.60 00 0.02 0,01 0.01 0.01. 001 0,02 0. 1 .. 0 t.97 .56 0,40 0.39 0.5 0.54 .28 174.60 001 002 .03 0, (A 4h '1.,3 U.5 2.8 2.26 2.06 .63 1.13 .66 0.42 0.27 0.3 0.27 0. 0.09 164.60 0.02 O.03 0. J8 0.17 �.- -D-9. 26 0.22 v 0149 0.8.3 7 . �w .. 6 1.1 4 T 2 0.42 0.26 0,18 14 0. .04 154.60 )A2 QOfi 0. i3 '� � 1..{.26 0.20 0.30 0_52 0.'79- f)93 .94 . 4 T. 2 0.28 0,14 0.08 0.0 0.02 0.01 144.60 .01 0.06 0.3. .09 4.40 1 0,17 0,37 ,.r L 0.18 0.42._0 3 .67 7 )U$ 0.43 0.64 G. LO 1.52 1. 6 0.72 ..2 F 0,15 0,00 03 0.02 0.01 134.60 0. 1 0.(W 0.20 9 "' 3 0,33 0.32 0.35 071 .60 0.51. 0 047 5 `?) .18 0,26 0,35 0.52 2.4. '3 0A0 0.56 Q 0.8 1. 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I (r6 .1,61 1.4 0.86 0.77 09547 _-.3<44._� 1.48 0.88 47 0.24 0.21 0.24 r VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-0117-2 Landowner: R.E.M. Development Co., LLC 599 Avenue D Williston VT 05495 PIN: EJ95-0378 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0740-00o19 and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 785 Pages 562-564 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of amending Permit #WW-4-0117-1 to construct an addition to the existing building for a total of 25,750 square feet; decrease the number of employees to one hundred (too) and provide three car washes per day served by municipal water and wastewater services, located at i9 Gregory Drive in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i. GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the application, plans and/or documents prepared by Andrew Rowe, P.E. for Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc., with the stamped plans listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date 1 Site Plan 10/19/2009 1.2 The project shall not deviate from the stamped plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the -i%ilding,'without prior review and written approval fromthe Wastewater M;>r-gernent Division. 1.3 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety- telephone (802) 879-23oo, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 1.4 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5 Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown copies of the Wastewater System And Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plans prior to conveyance of the lot: 1.6 All conditions set forth in Permit #WW-4-0117-1 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. 1.7 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. Regional Offices - BarrelEssexJct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-0117-2 Page 2 of 2 1.8 In issuing this permit, the Division has relied upon the licensed designer's certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these Rules. 1.9 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with io V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 This project is approved for connection to the Milton municipal water system as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,500 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: "I hereby certifij that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with: the permitted design and all permit conditions; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary; and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; was inspected; was properly tested; and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the oil/water separator. 3.2 This project is approved for connection to the Milton municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the stamped plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 1,350 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality files a written request with the Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve capacity. If the rmaricipal approval emir e-s; this permit -shall be invalidunlessthe-municipality renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Justin G. Johnson, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated October 28, 2009 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Water Supply Division Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety �.VERMONT State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation [phone] 802-879-5656 Wastewater Management Division [fax] 802-879-3871 Essex Regional Office in West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septie.vt.gov October 26, 2009 R.E.M. Development Co., LLC 599 Avenue D Williston VT 05495 RE: WW-4-0117-2, amend WW-4-0117-1 to construct an addition to an existing building for a total of 25,750 square feet and decrease the number of employees to one hundred and three car washes per day located at 19 Gregory Drive in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on October 23, 2009, including a fee Of $105.00 paid by check #22771. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 3o days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Division of Wastewater Management Ernestine Chevner Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Andrew Rowe/Lamoureux & Dickinson Regional Offices —Barre/Essex Jct./Rutlnnrl/,gnrinnfi'a7rl/.4t Jnhnchvry Government Office Building (730) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 2 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 52 Directioi-ial Distribution: 31 % entering, 69% exiting Trip Generation per 1 GOG Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average R:.itt. Range C Rates ;standard Deviation 1.21 1.1-t - 1.22 . YJ = Gam. 6 Data Plot and Equation Caution - Use Carefully - Small Sample Size 100 -; -- -- -- - _ X 80 -------- ------------- ------------ ----- --------------- , ------ fn W 70------ ..................... ............. ---------- ------------- U fU fit60 ----------------------- --------- ..... .................... Q 50 ---------- ........-- ,,.......... •... 40 ---•-•- -------------------------- -------- . ......--- X , 30 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actuat Data Points ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not given R2 = **** Trip Generation, 8th Edition 1249 Institute of Transportation Engineers '1520` merchants �--- BANK IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT Borrower: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Lender: Merchants Bank 599 Avenue D 275 Kennedy Drive Williston, VT 05495 South Burlington, VT 05403 Beneficiary: City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 NO.: 1160060073 EXPIRATION DATE. This letter of credit shall expire upon the earlier of the close of business on 10-24-2010 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time, or the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of this Letter of Credit has been drawn (the "Expiration Date"). AMOUNT OF CREDIT. Lender hereby establishes at the request and for the account of Borrower, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of Twenty-five Thousand & 00/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) (the "Letter of Credit"). These funds shall be made available to Beneficiary upon Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of sight drafts drawn on Lender at Lender's address indicated above (or other such address that Lender may provide Beneficiary in writing) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT BORROWER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Lender shall honor drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions: Drafts under this credit must be marked, "Drawn under Merchants Bank, 275 Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403, IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER 1160060073, dated October 9, 2009" and the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on the Endorsements of Drafts Drawn section of the Irrevocable Letter of Credit hereof by the negotiating bank. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts, Lender shall be fully discharged of Lender's obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of Credit once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit once Lender has honored any draft or other document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by a party or under the name of a party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary without Beneficiary's authorization. By paying an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary, or any other person, for any amount paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. USE RESTRICTIONS. All drafts must be marked "DRAWN UNDER Merchants Bank IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 1160060073 DATED 10-09-2009," and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws are permitted under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted hereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above, less any partial draw(s). PERMITTED TRANSFEREES. The right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the administrator, executor, bankruptcy trustee, receiver, liquidator, successor, or other representative at law of the original Beneficiary; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (judicial, administrative, or executive). TRANSFEREES REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. When the presenter is a permitted transferee (i) by operation of law or (ii) a third party receiving transfer from a legal representative, as described above, the documents required for a draw shall include a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. COMPLIANCE BURDEN. Lender is not responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present wording of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary, and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILITY. If any aspect of this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiction, Lender's entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within this Letter of Credit. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by federal law applicable to Lender and, to the extent not preempted by federal law, the ( IREVOCABLE LETTER OF CRED( Loan No: 1160060073 (Continued) Page 2 laws of the State of Vermont without regard to its conflicts of law provisions, and except to the extent such laws are inconsistent with the 2007 Revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits of the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Publication No. 600. This Agreement has been accepted by Lender in the State of Vermont. EXPIRATION. Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented to Lender on or before the Expiration Date unless otherwise provided for above. Dated: October 9, 2009 LENDER: MERCHANTS BANK By: Authorized S' her ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Amount Amount Date Negotiated By In Words In Figures LASER PRO Lending. Ver, 5,46.00.003 Cop,. Harland Financial Solulions. Inc. 1997. 2009. All Righls Reserved. - VT \LASERPRO\CFI\LPL\C43LOC.FC TR-38050 PR-94 1 � *1520* merchants i� BANK IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT Borrower: R.E.M. Devleopment Company, LLC Lender: Merchants Bank 599 Avenue D 275 Kennedy Drive Williston, VT 05495 South Burlington, VT 05403 Beneficiary: City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 NO.: 1160060073 EXPIRATION DATE. This letter of credit shall expire upon the earlier of the close of business on 10-01-2009 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time, or the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of this Letter of Credit has been drawn (the "Expiration Date"). AMOUNT OF CREDIT. Lender hereby establishes at the request and for the account of Borrower, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of Twenty-five Thousand & 00/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) (the "Letter of Credit"). These funds shall be made available to Beneficiary upon Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of sight drafts drawn on Lender at Lender's address indicated above (or other such address that Lender may provide Beneficiary in writing) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT BORROWER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Lender shall honor drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions: Drafts under this credit must be marked, "Drawn under Merchants Bank, 275 Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403, IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER 1160060073, dated October 24, 2007" and the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on the Endorsements of Drafts Drawn section of the Irrevocable Letter of Credit hereof by the negotiating bank. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts, Lender shall be fully discharged of Lender's obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of Credit once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit once Lender has honored any draft or other document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by a party or under the name of a party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary without Beneficiary's authorization. By paying an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary, or any other person, for any amount paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. USE RESTRICTIONS. All drafts must be marked "DRAWN UNDER Merchants Bank IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 1160060073 DATED 10-24-2007," and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws are permitted under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted hereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above, less any partial drawls). PERMITTED TRANSFEREES. The right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the administrator, executor, bankruptcy trustee, receiver, liquidator, successor, or other representative at law of the original Beneficiary; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (judicial, administrative, or executive). TRANSFEREES REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. When the presenter is a permitted transferee (i) by operation of law or (ii) a third party receiving transfer from a legal representative, as described above, the documents required for a draw shall include a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. COMPLIANCE BURDEN. Lender is not responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present wording of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary, and 60 that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILITY. If any aspect of this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiction, Lender's entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within this Letter of Credit. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by federal law applicable to Lender and, to the extent not preempted by federal law, the i ,AREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, Loan No: 1160060073 (Continued) Page 2 laws of the State of Vermont without regard to its conflicts of law provisions, and except to the extent such laws are inconsistent with the 2006 Revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits of the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Publication No. 600. This Agreement has been accepted by Lender in the State of Vermont. EXPIRATION. Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented to Lender on or before the Expiration Date unless otherwise provided for above. Dated: October 24, 2007 LENDER MERCHANTS BANK By: LLa�'�4—'u Au orized Sign ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Amount Amount Date Negotiated By In Words In Figures LASER PRO landing, -1 5.38 10.001 C— Harland Gin--1 Solutions, Inc. 1997, 2007. All flights R--d. - VT c\LASER PR ME FhLPL\C43LOC. FC TR-28672 PR-94 cci y S 2 T E P LAN L E TT E R O F C RED = T AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,' executed in triplicate between zc_i i P'.`' C_L"fy,4 Z, ' L-i-C , of 17 D w , r If S Trrr- �,/T--, hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", /14 erzcR rr-t'- of u3vYLC ire/>J , hereinafter referred to as ""Bank", and A�1_ ISO ;1�U/Z-L _F+6A-' , hereinafter referred to as iiva1.i%1.irratUt W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Developer has received site plan approval from the MUNICIPALITY'S Planning Commission for the development of property located at i 9 6rJI&6or,� �2j-L as depecited on a site plan entitled S'{ T �i r�r i"y pu+r,_ t) .IC dated 9 -,S--0 "7 , and , prepared by o i7- Ea55 �� WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said site plan and related documents: 2. The Developer shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than 3. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defective or improper work or materials which may be recognized within one year after completion of the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" shall be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has inspected and approved the construction of all the improvements required by this Agreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction is complete. 4. For the guarantee of DEVELOPER's performance of all requirements hereunder set forth, DEVELOPER has caused the BANK to issue its Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the MUNICIPALITY, the original of which is attached to the MUNICIPALITY's copy of this Agreement, and a copy of which is attached to the DEVELOPER's copy of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall cause the attached Letter of Credit to be renewed at least thirty (30) days before the maturity date thereof. Failure of DEVELOPER to deliver evidence of such renewal to MUNICIPALITY thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of said Letter of Credit shall constitute a default of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Said Irrevocable Letter of Credit provides that the drafts drawn under said credit, must be accompanied by a written statement signed by a duly authorized agent of the MUNICIPALITY, that in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY, the DEVELOPER is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and that the funds to be drawn by the draft are in payment for, or in anticipation of payment for materials, labor and services required for completion of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Payment of each draft will be made at sight when presented to the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY, the payment limited only by the aggregate amounts presented in relationship to the maximum amount of the Letter of Credit. If DEVELOPER shall be in default of the Agreement for seven (7) days because of its failure to provide evidence of renewal of the Letter of Credit, required in paragraph 4 above, the MUNICIPALITY shall notify DEVELOPER by certified mail of said default. DEVELOPER shall then within three (3) business days provide MUNICIPALITY with evidence of said renewal of Letter of Credit or MUNICIPALITY may notify BANK of such default and request payment under said Letter of Credit. 6. The DEVELOPER and MUNICIPALITY hereby agree that the sum Of j"t�'��r ; y F/�� aicy,.-'A7-4) ($�Zr_G'Gu = ) shall be sufficient to secure'DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement but shall not relieve DEVELOPER from the obligation to pay any additional costs, if actual costs exceed the above -stated cost. 7. The MUNICIPALITY will promptly submit to the DEVELOPER a copy of any draft it submits to the BANK. The consent of the DEVELOPER to payment of said draft by BANK to the MUNICIPALITY under said Letter of Credit shall not be required. 8. The MUNICIPALITY shall not file with the BANK a Statement of Default until ten (10) days after notice has been sent to the DEVELOPER, by certified mail, setting forth its intention to do so. 9. All funds drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to the Letter of Credit shall be used solely by the MUNICIPALITY for the purpose of completing construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Any work contracted for by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and material basis, or shall be performed by the MUNICIPALITY's own work force and equipment, or shall be accomplished in such other manner as in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY shall accomplish the work more expeditiously and economically. 10. If payments are drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to said Letter of Credit, and it shall later develop that a portion of the monies drawn are in excess of the MUNICIPALITY'S needs, any such excess amount shall be refunded by the MUNICIPALITY to the BANK, to be credited by said BANK to the DEVELOPER. 11. This Agreement and said Letter of Credit shall terminate and shall be of no force and effect upon completion of the one year warranty period as described in the above Paragraph 3. If the MUNICIPALITY has not delivered any written notice to the DEVELOPER of any defective or improper work or materials in the construction of the improvements within the twelve (12) month period, or if notice has been given and the defective work or materials have been corrected by the DEVELOPER, the MUNICIPALITY shall forthwith notify the BANK in writing that the Letter of Credit may be canceled, and shall return the original Letter of Credit to the BANK, and both the DEVELOPER and the BANK shall be released from all obligations hereunder and under said Letter of Credit. 12. The BANK may not modify the Letter of Credit without first receiving written consent of the MUNICIPALITY. 13. DEVELOPER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold BANK harmless from all claims, causes of action or liability of any kind arising out of this Agreement or the issuance by BANK of this Letter of Credit, including attorney's fees, as long as BANK follows the terms and conditions outlined in said Letter of Credit. 14 This Agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 3 .s Dated at i r �5 �� , Vermont, this day of 2.7 20 -f IN THE PRESENCE OF: ly Authorized Agent (DEVELOPER) Dated at a. —F-% r ) i , Vermont,, this day of C-)(i OX-fbb(-+- , 20. IN THE P , (SCE OF: �� By. ' � - it ,� `t-�1J��vp Duly Au orized Agent (BANK) Dated at ✓" / , Vermont, this day of 6 a � q , 204!:4 E FIN 14 p � q=j=f0PJf ff 30 p - By: CUL Duly Autfiorized Agent (MUNICIPALITY) 0 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 18, 2008 Todd Hall, Director of Finance Resolution, Inc. 687 Marshall Avenue, Suite 101 Williston, VT 05495 Re: Landscaping Bond Release — Bond #Peerless 018859382 — 19 Gregory Drive Dear Mr. Hall: Please be advised that the City of South Burlington herby releases Resolution, Inc. from the obligation of maintaining the above referenced landscaping bond. Should you require further information, please let me know. Xv y, d J. Belair Administrative Officer Office: Liberty Mutual Surety Lber€y Address: Colony Mill Marketplace �Ut:ayl,. 222 West Street Suite 25 '0Keene NH 03431 Phone: 603-357-1607 Fax: 603-358-4016 CONTRACT BOND STATUS In order to allow us to monitor the progress of our contractor, please complete and return this form. Your response will not prejudice your rights or affect our liability under our bond(s) referred to below. We enclose a prepaid return envelope for your use or you may fax your reply to the number provided. City of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 Date of Request: November 9, 2005 2rd REQUES"14 L17 Bond Number: Peerless 018859382 Contract: $ 900.00 Inception: December 16, 1998 Contract: Subdivision Landscaping Our Bond On Behalf: Resolution, Inc., 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403 Bond Executed in the Following: Peerless Insurance Company Signe Nberty Mutual Surety 1. HAS CONTRACT BEEN 2. IF COMPLETED, PLEASE a. Date of acceptance b. Total amount of completed 3. IF NOT COMPLETED, PLEASE a. Probable completion date b. Amount paid contractor to date c. Amount withheld as retained percentage 4. HAS WORK PROGRESSED ''II �I% D LAIV ` U O(M 45 k67 E17'" `] 5. ARE THERE ANY UNSATISFIED CLAIMS OR LIENS ON FILE? REMARKS: Dated b Signed Name Title •� / r/ Phone 0-996V6( c f-/ `' Fax � �DYuJV16/ LMIC-2410 Rev. 03/04 EDPeerless Insurance Company DThe Netherlanau Insurance Company Peerless Insurance Member The Netherlands Insurance Companies SUBDIVISION BOND Bond No: f KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That RESOLUTION, INC. (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal and PEERLESS INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation of the State of New Hampshire, with its Home Office in the City of Keene, New Hampshire, (hereinafter called the Surety) as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON (hereinafter called Obligee), in the full and just sum of **NINE HtINDREL)A* Dollars ($ 900.00 ) to the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 16th day of December Whereas, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the obligee for 19 98 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee against any and all loss or damage directly arising by reason of the failure of the Principal to faithfully perform said contract then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond is executed and accepted upon the following express conditions precedent: 1. That the Principal shall faithfully and punctually perform all the terms and conditions of said contract to be performed by the Principal. 2. That if the Principal shall abandon said contract or be lawfully compelled by reason of a default to cease operations thereunder, the Surety shall have the right at its option to complete said contract or to sub -let the completion thereof. 3. That the Obligee shall notify the Surety by registered letter, addressed and mailed to it at its Home Office, of any breach of said contract within a reasonable time after such breach shall have come to the knowledge of the Obligee or the Architect, or Engineer. 4. That the Surety shall not be liable for any provisions of the contract or specifications respecting maintenance guarantees of efficiency or wearing qualities or for maintenance or repairs, nor is the Surety obligated to furnish any other bond covering such provisions of the contract or specifications. 5. The Bond amount shall be reduced automatically by the percentage of the work completed and appravGd by the Obligee or the Architect or the Engineer. 6. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person, or corporation other than the Obligee named herein. WITNESS (Seai) (Seal) WITNESS./ i�/�l!.� BYOJ4/ �` (Seal) Attorney UC! 346.609 (W92) Z00[A saxoq OURN TCtt SSC C09 XVJ ST:ZT NOW 96/fT/ZT ERLESS INSURANCE COMPA THE i4ETHERLANDS INSURANCE COCANY 208963 62 MAPLE AVENUE KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, 03431 POWER OF ATTO' I'his p<zwer of attorney is invalid for any instrument dated after May 1, 1999___ K.N(M •� 1,1, kl!V. ? RV 1'HESE PRESEN'rs: That Peerless Insurance Company and/oretherlands Insurance Company, each being a New Hampshire al office in the City of Keene, County of Cheshire, State :mpshire do/does herehv make, constitute and appoint. ****Pearl S. Bittner; Angelo W. Finelli; John McAuliffe; Linda Cushing**** Williston Vermont bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, unlimited as to Dollar Amount: 01N1P:N' ^z xiinunenl is idt•:,ltlit%l by an "X" in the box ol,1 ostlr "dic t :. ,[ '11,;t,,ls Insu rat cc I 'c,,tipany to use th;, in.etru jie it 'or the +rci ! W:tness Whereof X 1' r s?LF_SS INYTRANCF C'-l1PANX t'It'; NET1IERI,ANU4 INSURANCE; C'O:N1PANY t.lid its Coi,)a.a,, Seal to be hereto affi,rc•d by its Secretary, 12th November 97 ,'ANC PE:ERI.ESS I,NS(JkiAN(A,. CONNIPANY �c,'`� goo a 1901 0 W � u1 ; t By:_ -- — -- - „ Prctii.lent "suq THE NETHERI—ANDS INSURANCE COMPANY; 1978= . r i c. WC I CM I STATE OF NPAV 1IANIPS11 10� nowlcdged heloi me this ._.I2. day of November ,,any and The Netherlands Insurance Company and 'Aif. �mpany, New Hanpshire Corporations, on behalf of the cor,a,t�io 'Notary i'ubiic r � Impact Fee Calculation for New Non -Residential Construction A Project Name B Effective Date C Type of use D Type of construction E Value of construction per square foot from Appendix 1 F Total square feet of new construction G Total value of new construction �(,o CW E x F H Above in units of$1,000�—G / 1000 T- I Existing and value Grand list J Above in units of $1,000 tj�'� 1 / 1000 K Total value of site and improvements after construction G + I L Above in units of$1,000 p �S. K / 1000 ROAD IMPACT FEE M Base road impact fee per VTE N Estimated PM peak hour VTEs O Base road impact fee P Credit per $1,000 (Table RD-5) for past payments Q Credit for past payments R Credit per $1,000 (Table RD-6) for future payments S Credit for future payments T Total road impact fee FIRE PROTECTION FEE Estimated post construction value of structure and contents U in units of $1,000 V Base fire protection impact fee Credit per $1,000 of land value 9) for past tax payments W (Table FP-4) X Total credit applicable to project for past tax payments Post -construction value of structure and land excluding Y contents Z Above in units of $1,000 Credit per $1,000 of post -construction value for future tax AA pmts (Table FP-5) AB Total credit applicable to project for future tax payments AC Total fire protection impact fee TOTAL ROAD AND FIRE IMPACT FEE $144.56 -(• 3t? MxN �J /• r J x P 0E�, G 6L9. oq LxR N �/3 O-Q-S 3 / I Hx1.875 �$0.87 x U ,► From FP-4 WxJ G + I Y / 1,000 From FP-4 AAxZ o V-X-AB Calculation sheets.xls C� 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 October 4, 2007 Cathyann LaRose Planning & Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Revised plans - SP-07-59 19 Gregory Drive Dear Cathyann: Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@ Wengineering As required by conditions 3, 4, & 5 of the Development Review Board's Decision regarding Site Plan application #SP-07-59, we have revised the plans for 19 Gregory Drive. Enclosed are 3 full size and one reduced copies of the plans. Please contact our office with any questions. Sincerely, a_"_ 4 /�W_ Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller PA2007\07085\City\site plan approval followup.wpd 6&6t,") 14 /VfK Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying \ lY \ j I' - -\ Q 11 JOSEPH�I�If�fDN I ja a /. / � I/ !! 9EI 1 i /PAUL&NI%NCYI I r �/ lr / ! I Il �I I I I i LYON I N/FIIj^'Lyl I j I _ _ _ __ =— EXISTING CgOAR HEDGE I!/ 1 III ROPOSEDR AININO VJALI/ //—/ /-- 1 \ I \\ /\— �/ 8RED PINE TREJESTOB /(DESIGNBf 1 1 TRANSPLANTEDYFROWG SI / 1 I 1 % Q // • • py �FM / I 1 1 1 1 / // // / \ \—'-----'— SPENCER & NANCY j 1 > —�. -- —.—/ / l \--,�-c� //// // ' // �,' \\ BAKE R / I N/F I I ( / SPR,�.�' / ,,.-/ _ �-�� —�/' ' -- } / M11 �'' // j // s�—'�' / • PROPOSED DUMPSTERS Sl1RROlNOEDBVBFT HIGH CHAIN LINK F E WITH VINYL PRIVACY \----—\-- SIATEXISTI REE No 1 / I — _ ✓ ✓ 1 /��.� --.-- �� _ Foos-----__. —/ /' MERGENS-WILTSHIRE, LLC. E%ISTNG PAVEMENTAEA SUBBASE TO BE RECLAIMRD AND REPAVED(SEE TYPICAL N/F DETAI, SHEET 3) LOT3 I PROPOSED LIGHTING LEGEND BTML DESCRIPTION FIXNRE TYPE MOUNTNO • RECESsEDINCPNOPY 13 WATT CO&PACTFLUORESCENT UNMRCANOPYAT la+A RUUD AREA CUTOFF 100WATTMETALWILIDE BUILDING MOUNTED -13 FEET FORWARD THROW CUTOFF 2x RUUD PARKINGIROADIWAY LIGHT (1) 100 WATT METAL HALIDE TYPE RI DISTRIBUTION POLE MOUNTED -Ia FEET Q# RUUD PARKI NOROADNAY LIGHT (2) ISO WATT METAL HALIDE TYPE III DISTRIBLI110N PCLE MOUNTED-18 FEET sk,aar Kay BobnkalNama Common Kama Sfie Relnarlu CP Canpronlo peregrine Sweet Fem Is- l0-Haghl BbB IV /lux vMhcdlm VAMer— Is- l0-HegM B&B JC Jr ehnn Sl JUi 18'04HeGmBbB PO PhYsacomyux opW#f-T'4nur' —1 Nmehah Ia'1021I gn SIB RA Rhus 4rmwacs Fragrant Sumac 18' b 2e Helphl B & B BB Spiraes xM .Ids BumMd SpVsa W10-Hsght B&B ST Spirnes Ih,xGn Th.—M Spree 1IP 102e HegM BbB SM Syringe me , Palihin' PallSg Lilse 11s,to 24' NegM1t hl B b B 1M11 Texw xmedb Yew 18'to 21' Meg B b B EXISTING BUILDING I INVESTORS CORPORATION 1 OFVERMONT I 1 N/F ! ! PI.ANT LIST rhea Key Bobnk fMinN C--M a BM Remarks AF Acer xfreemanll'Alra4nn Bla:e' Freeman Msple 2-laic 3'Cal. B&G5 Bm0Min9 HegM BN ­1 n,grn'Herlmge' RNer 81. 1AX W 2' CM., heaY, clump B & B, 6 Bmlwhin9 HegM FP Fraemn..pemuy(wn Green Ash Tmnp—.—ftI—ans0e B&B, 8'Is.-n9 HegM GT (i(11— lrmrenthru HoOI.— 2A1 -1,3-Ca I. B& B, 6 Bm0Ming Heigh NA Moles. •ply. Cr ppb 1-1 to 2 Cal. B & B, G B.-mg Helghl PS Pmm..yi a-Ia Pure B•10 TIHeghl Bbe PR Pinar res—, Real Pine 8't0 T HegM ortrenepknl existing bees ona0e B & S PIN Prams sergentii sa .. Ch.,2-12' 103' Cal. 8 b B, a B.-In Hseht SR ,Tyringo reOnJma Japanese Tm Lilac 1-M-1O2' Cal. B & B. 6 B20ahil HegM TO ThIV40ccWenmlu AW ft.. 3-1/2'ro3'Cel. Bb B. B BNOdIIIIg HegM !14REGORY DRIV \\\ WVE'STOENT-, 4C f 1 \ _—N/F \ I \ I —/ I I I I I I I I I11\ W.W. GRAINGI 1 N/F /I 1 / r I PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDISTRICT'. MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IC PROJECT AREA: 3.T5 ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% MAXIMUM LOT CCVERAGE: 70% MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGNT: 40 FEET -EXISTING BUILDING& PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET APPLICANT/LANDOWNER PARKING 164 SPACES PROPOSED -3.5 SPACES PER 1000 SF REQUIRED FOR OFFICE USE R.EM. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 598 AVENUE D SERVICE TO REMAIN,WITH MUNICIPAL SEWER&IONALS SANITARY AN ADDITIONAL SPNITARY SEVER SERVICE PROPOSED FOt THE ADDITION. SEAR RAND SANI OPME FOR WILLISTON, VI'05495 GRAPHIC SCALE �� 'PqA f ZOpL = h ` No. son ^ h = CIVIL V� 1 Inch = 90 !L Ii11118�` LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND PROJECTPROPERTY LINE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT — — -----B8--- SIDELINE OF SETBACK EXISTINGSANTARYSEWERLINE&MANHOLE —�yS 5— PROPOSED SEVER LINE --_2_-- .�--W------ EXISTING WATERLINE, VALVE, HYDRANT&VAULT W_ PROPOSED WATERLINE AND HYDRANT WITH DATE VALVE ==0=== EXISTING STORMUNE, CATCH BASIN& DRAIN MANHOLE S— PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN EXIST No GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC& TELEPHONE LINES l �f/j[\'/may} EXISTING -.DUO SIREE -•ij,/e� j BASTING TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED OR REMOVED 0 PROPOSED DE.—OIS TREE C) EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE *� PRO POSED CONIFER -.TREE PROPERTY CORNER FOUN) iY EXISTING LIGHT POLE O PROPOSEDUGHTPO.E EXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVEDORRECUNMED NOTES: 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOsM4 ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED 'GREEN TREE PARK BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY 5, 1989 AN[ RECOiOED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 128OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAYBE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF W NOT SHCW ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTILITIESS1 ONTHISPLANMEMSEDUP ALIMITEOFIELDSURVEYPERFORMEDBY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED 0- B-88, ANDA SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 442419, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOVrN IS BASED UPON LIAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE 2004 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTIIOIMAGERY PROJECT. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 10.7% 150% PAVEMENT, DRIVES. WALKS 29.7% TOTAL COVERAGE 1 40.4% 529% These plans shall only be used forthe purpose shown below: ED Skekh/Concapt Act 250 Review Ej Prelnninaly 0 Construction Final Local Review Q Record DrmYing 19 GREGORY DRIVE 07085tNo. 51 R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC ey MG S LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK ka;m i SITE PLAN o kad L LL F— Date o LANDS APIN LIGHTING C G& G G _ _ I 7 31-0� Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers ,Inc. snee�nOBber 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 902-879-4450 www.LDengineenngcom \�\ I /-'--'-� I � /'/ /// / 1 !l 1 ! l! ! ) 1 II I i 1 1 1 \ 1 1 �•"--� � ,. -�-- JOSEPH,r 4INVA I \I \\\ \\\ /� \\ R T Wu,ST B#C OWL. l/PAUL& NNCY I f��'Tr'. 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1/-"- R N/F; / I Pool I \/ 1 i I !/ I I 1 ,• i/// II \ N 1 I I \\ 'A / E%ISTIFG CEDAR HE[/GE l ! l l / } r Fed / / I .I \\ IN / \\\- `' AOPOSEDl1 TAININGWALI// ' f { O ! I ADESIGN BW OTHERS) 1 •r '• - / '� / 1 V f AIR REALEASEJMNHOLE / \ \ � W E \,.^c'- �// �.,�.'. •\-v__ a BTO SPENCER & NANCY _EIT,jW/ \----- �p-I BAKER RIM2PROJECT N/F EIAO3sRFRAME / `-` 3 LOCATION 1 / I1 +a - . Y ( ' 4 .,STRUCTURE / 6 / I I ' \!, f'rons a ,. \sF` >>�.;c< / MERGENS•WILTSHIRE, LLC.s TowN OF / � \ � / /- Bs Tr t � klr T.l� .sec / _ - __3s3.t� ..• � �� - E,1./B / N/F wILLISTON REGRADE EXISTING GRASS (LOT 3) SWALE TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE I! ( 1,k \J+ i /355-^gVF'IF T DRAINAGE TO DETENTION AREA -- _ BIT WIDE UTILITY EXISTING BUILDING BOTTO / \%:4 _ \- 5 \\ \ \Z �\ //"`\NrroarY \ W ] NVOCATION PLAN E' Vr1DE BOTTOM DRY SWALE a3 (�-' BEE DETAIL ON SHEET \\ 6•w6__ 91f'' - `\ C" \ LEGEND .\Q 1/ FILM SMH \ CARRER PIPE TO EN AND BEGIN4" '�„r+ /�j tY � \ � � RIM=351.90 \ CARRIER PIPE TO DAVLIGHi PROJECT PROPERTY LINE INN-347.fi5 1 ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE \ h S %6• DR35 PVC El I T.SMH - " ' 5=0.032 S , I EXISTING B"SEWER // \ {f\ `� I \ \ ` �_ -�^'�I / SIDELINE OFSETSACEASEMENT DVJL RII 352.70 / \I \ / 9 ,+ SERVICE SIDELINE OF SETBACK EXISTING OVERHEAD // ' \ ` +\pQ �•,^i/ .__ ---8-- EXISTINGSANITARYSEWERUNE&MANHOLE AND MANDOOR 1// { _.g. ___� _ I -5 B- PROPOSEDSEWER LINE EXIST. SMH / \ NIM•352A3 / a �1 pE,M /______ ��y&A EXISTING WATERLINE VALVE HYDRANT & VAULT INV•338.18/ iN I I L I 1 1 • ce �� ,u \ b SN / / / - ? M ,wruNy340.20 / C' / / EXISTING BUILDING // \ I \ \j \-i�/wq� ^/ / / yA0 W� PROPOSED WATERLINE ANDHYIXUNTWITHGATEVALVE BE DETAIL SHEET4 \ F SS/ / FFE•365.88 a/ J \" \ \ I�\a �/ J' I sEWSW1DE BOTTOM WETSWALE \ `� ! A \ / - \ / y'____-__= EXISTING STORMLINE, CATCH BASIN DRAIN MANHOLE ME DETAIL ON SHEET r• 'a 1 p ( (PROPOSED / %// \ , \ \ y. \ ^\ ` \\`� \ \ / j f40 / Sly PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN j\ 'a II I\ I (\DDITION \ \ \ Vie• w /� d HART . „ / ! ' I' \ \ S P \ L -MSr - - >® PROPOSED GRASS SWALE DEVELOPMENT, LLC. I II gy I / (..,� ., \'\.f" \ \ /�\\ �V �G\\ I /_. / + I f• i ( 1 EX 1N [R 1 EXISTING HVAC TO BE /� ( 1 PL y, \ I \ \ I \ /= ��� -�51 -- EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR _ \ N/FHc\oc RELOCATED HYDRANT WITH /, O q G�tE \ \+\ \ / I•- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� ~ \ ^ / - \ I / RELOCATED TO ROOFTOP mil. 510 X i \ / 1 f EXISTING UNOEROROVND / NEWa'GATEVALVE / ( O / \ \ \ \%/ y I / 11i ELECTRIC & TELEPHONE LINES \\ �P` (`�i \ ,\✓ /��/� EXIST. DMH/I' SHOE O \\ \1 N't. I I IEXIB,AgTN�d'S OR�rIW4T\` \ S\ D // -• O \ \ ^ / REM•354.55 +/ \ I gETENTwRF`\\ ` /\ / / / PROPERTY CORNER FOUND 12-PE CULVERT / I x II I I r- r / I� 8' PVC IN•307A (ROOF) / )'� \ \ 1 I // \-1A/,(' \ \ / ( /! ! / y -} )' i \ { I \ \% !! {7 EXISTING LIGHT POLE WITH END SEC GRS r f _ 1 I I - \ / / ; \ / / EN- 1.48 \ �am9 r p • Jf �> � 1r Pvc lNrour.34Ta � } / / ) /'' � a i 1 I G 1 � / / ! / � PROPOSED LIGHT POLE 6' ,1 EXIffT. B'PVC UC> r1 1 O INN 3 OUII-]51.30� / I I 2�.., fir/ � ./ a (� 5 ,• � / / ROOF % V 7 // REMOVE �11\ EdEV I� / ) i I ) / / /l l NEW�1S5'WIDE ONCRETE-13.55..: f/ •,T`r X ` I(� 1,', , � J ' G)` APPROXISQ\TE 11 EXISTING \ \ / / / L !Il / SIDEIA'ALK (dROMM TO IIIIII mG 4• \I PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK fill tP P l S b / IM-,9 d]I DRAT A 1STI1MPOINTI / ...\' WI�COIVCR BIKE CK 35 5x �• / �_.. E%STI ® OF N 6 HYDRANT 01 /// /B MATCHIEXIBTIyQ GRADE ( ( ETE- 11 \ 1 WATERLINE \ 176 Cap RIM 3(13 3 v& 353fi5 IS \{ 1. ALL WATER LINE AND RELATED WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1 PIN • 349.3�" ( T \ i ! , i y / I / / CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT S FOR NSTAU-ATON OF WATER .121i1JT iJ { / \ 4 85 w Vyy^ f , ,( -, / E STB W B lajT. 1] PVC OUT INV.•345J9 LINES&APPURTENANCES. \ } { \ yy 5 CONCRE TALl}rND CAP WITH BE DIAMETER 1r PEXHW LF S•0005]-� \ (4 �f ESI ! / / @ ( b IFIGI IN CAP. INV. S' ORIFICE -315.5 2. ALL DOMESTIC SERVICE AND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMCONNECTIONSE SHALL BE PROTECTED ) IN COMPLIANCE WPREVENTION ASSEMBLY AND AN APPROPRIATE CONNECTIONS NS WTIN SYSTEM TO B $EMOVED / h / IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE N ME I 3 / 3 r / lET IIHE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, RM-33EM \ \ / \ a * / 1 ^/ \ (2) 4- PVC IN. 34B 49 / / h\ . 1! 1 \ 9F,DANENS AS jHE BOTTpA OF THE "1 . 3 \ �- ' \ A 3. THE EXISTING HYDRANT LOCATED SOUTH OF ME BUILDING SHALL BE RELOCATED. THE \EDLUN 12' VC UT•i4&j9 EXIST. 12'PV TO \I p / NEW H�DRANT VVIM \ \�}INiTNO DETE TIOIPAQ€A SHALL BE 1j \ Cy ` NEWL'GATEVALVE I 1 REMOVED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 12" EXISTING HYDRANT LOCATED EAST OF THE BUILDING SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITIA COMPANY, INC. i1 -, \ \ t BE REMOVED \ \ - / ` / \DEEP SURIPBE`LOW THE OUTLET PIPE NEW HYDRANT AT IS LOCATION BHOWN ON THIS PLAN. ' N4W 1YE 5.1yV=346.00 4.MEEXISTING S GATE VALVE AND BE RVICE LINE TO THE EXISTING HYDRANTS SHALL BE ''Br / / ` ASANDONEDINPLACE. AFTER REMOVING EACH HYDRANT ASSEMBLY INSTALL MEND CAP AND THRUST BLOCK BEYOND TIE GATE VALVE THE GATE VALVE SHALL BE IN THE CLOSED POSITION, 1 \ \ I 1 1 // •• ZwSlYr a ,�`` / # / ( '� // I / '%\ \ \ WITH THE VALVE BOX REMOVED. R ETEXI.T.COIfREMEND d'L�,LERF. PVC HEADER GRAIN krA°\ 1tr ri f EC / ten' / [\ SCION QN E%ISY PVC PIPE STHEMWMCTORSHALLCODRDINATETHEINSTALUITONOFTIENEWORRELO MO �� �} ' \ 1 ` IMV•348 1 HYDRANTS WITi THE OWNER THE CONTRACTOR WITH PERMISSION FROM TIE OWNER, MAY SHUT I 1 SEPp ETAIL S!)BPF4 / / \ 7 \-r r / U I I I / DOWN THE EXISTING WATERLINE TO INSTALL NEW TEE IN THE EXISTING WATER ENE FOR THE I I ENv. Mev:3sl.es / /' `,'�*; �.. ,� s _ I y 71 / "*,,•a` 35\ I I / HYDRACTIONT THEXISTING WATER Y. LINE FOR INSTALLATION SHALL PERFORMNEW NET RANTAP S. =54 ,7Tt 3 1 / I / / // / CONNECTION TO TH EXISTING WATER LINE FORINSTALLATON OF THE NEW HYDRANTS. I I -/ / ( PROPOSED TOW ER �'� ��y4 ��I "'/ 351 9 TB \ / / I t \ -\ nP&+ 352 'is°Eo- I I `G / I I /16g6EGgRYDRIVIF YLSTJBQ ELECTRIC, TELEPHONER 1 ,S I N\4ESYM ENT, LLU GENERAL NOTES: FIBER OPTICIPADS I PEDESTALS a$- - \ .+ Y 4 / I I o (,� a / / 1 THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TOPRESENT TIE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 .� I / / NEW CB 81 I 0' I I / / N/F / GREGORY DRIVE THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE F / 1 I 1 I / \ .. r1 '•1' ,.y Y.ntJrnn. RIM • 349.5�01(((999��, / P IN • 349.59 S I / I 1 /X / l 2, THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED EXIST -- a9a - LS j_' 11 V 12- OUT •3ABA ///""" I, 1 / / ! / "GREENTREE PARK' BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. EAST REVISED MAY 5, 1989 AND IN d„ 'Tfy I- / V Y / RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 126 OF THE BOOTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. P A N \ EXIST. CB •- 1 1/ t I / / E M E)A T EXIST. RIM = 352.05 Y r+A I / THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT - a.,, 1^'lc R �„ / I\ 1 I ( / SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. / \ \ 4A60-.- 1 q1, Tom. _ 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY tr PVC OUT =347.50 -^�-- " t_ \ /I/ - 5 1 ! ! /- - THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN THE E PARK DATED S-2-, AND SITE / / / / ^ / PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-12-69, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING 1, ^R [ / \'•' NEW O'WIDE BOTTOM DRY SWALE Ai BOTTOM // / 1 / /// / / ENGINEERS, INC. f \ / \ SEE DETAIL T4 / E z j s T / IJ / / [ / / f \_ \ END 4'UNDERDRAINA DBEGINI" / Iy/ PAV If 1 ! I I/�/ 4, CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON UCM DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE J ) !\ CARRIERPIPETONEW B41 Sf'ONE SWALE S61LLWAY EAIE Ni I ! !(I 2004 CHITTENDENCOUNTY REGIONALPLANNING ORMOIIMGERY PROJECT. L'.EV-351.0 5. DESIGN PIPE SLOPES SHOWN ARE IN FEET PER FOOT. X i S T I N G B u' 1L D\\\ ! I \ 1\ 9 -07 REVISED PER STAFF REVIEW ABR DING \w• \ Z I / I 8-2847 REVISE NEW SEWER SERVICE, HYDRANT REPLACEMENT NOTE ABR 1 ! \ \ \ v4z ! I I W.W. GRAINGER, INC. 1 _ \ \ \ I A ( / N/F 8-1547 REVISE SWALES& RELATEDGRADINGIPIPINGI MOVEDUMPSTERS ABR INVESTORS CORPORATION \ � "1\ I o 1 ! OF VERMONT ' \ \ \ \I \ ♦ \ I / % % j Dew Revision By 1 1r N/F I) I \ ^ I \\ 1 II ! J I / / I These plans shall only be used for the purpose shown below. 1 1 Q Sketch/Concept Act 250 Review CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM 5 FT BY 5 FT PAD AREA SHALL BE PRONOEO AT EACH BUILDING ENTRY WITH A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 1:50. 2. THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1:12 (BAT, THE MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1: 50. 3. ALL TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EXISTING PAVEMENT OR CONCRETE AND NEW WALKS SHALL BE SMOOTH. IN NO CASE SHALL THERE BE A TRANSITION WITH A VERTICAL EDGE GREATER THAN 1/4•. 4. ALL CRASS AND LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO THE NEW WALKS AND BUILDINGS SHALL BE GRADED TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ME BUILDING OR WALK. LOW AREAS SHALL BE FILLED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED AS REQUIRED. S. ME CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RE-ESTABLISHING A VIGOROUS GROWTH OF GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 6. SEE BUILDING / ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7. SEE OTHER SHEETS OF THESE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2 Q PTelunlrlary Q Construction Find local Review Q Record Ding 0 19 GREGORY DRIVE 700185LNo. R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MG/As NLOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK Design Z SOUTH BURLINGTON Vr ABR APPLICANT/LANDOWNER R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC o UTILITIES & B 599 AVENUE VM1-USTON,VT054S5 Checked GRAPHIC SCALE .``a'jlr��� �� O LL l- GRADING PLAN OJG Dae �•� FL 'P;A ji Z 7-31-07 Swle =e` Ne. ama ^' __ CIVIL ( lx reel') Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Shoat number I inch = 30 [L irJ/ r1aMN `\��� 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 /1ENAI lZo 802-578-4450--.LDengineenag.(Kan of [/11111 PRIOR TO PAVING, THE PORTION OF CURBING TO BE IN CONTACT WITH THE PAVEMENT SHALL BE COATED WITH EMULSIFIED ASPHALT 1/A- RADIUS r DEPRESSEDR . .. CURB CLASS B CONCRETE EN AIM COVER..KER'WATER' STABLEVALVE BOX GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAI'IONS �WMAR N6 4" THICK CONCRETE 1IIE1V1 I WIDTH AS SHOWN 4000 PSI TAPPING VALVE -SEE NOTES i. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY AND IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE LATEST B. TENPORARV CONSTRUCTION SOUS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TAPPING SLEEVE VERMONT AD CY OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, THE IN ACCORDANCE WN STATE AND CHY STANDARDS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WIN THE OWN R TO INSURE ADEQUATE ACCESS TO AND THROUGH THE SITE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. THE SEE DRIVE AND PARKING AREA 1 4 IN 12 (SEE D E IL) SEE NOTES MJ WITH MEGA -LUG RESTRAINT OR MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DENCES, THE CITY O SOUTH BURLINGTON PUBLIC E OJ S DETAIL THIS SHEET FOR SUBBASE 6" (SEE DETAIL) MPROVEO EMAIL PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS AND THESE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VMANS AND PAVEMENT REQUIREMENTS //r CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS WHEN PERFORMING WORK THAT IS ADJACENT TO EXISTING VEHICULAR AND \ / �3/4`COR AS IN FIRST LENGTH 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATION TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ROUTES. O' PIPE AS REQUIRED OR TESTING ANY UNDERGROUND LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY `DIGSME` AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE . OUTSIDE OF PAVID SURFACE 9 TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WN THE PLAN(S) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 24 13 ASPHALT TREATED FELT TO BE . USED BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND • CONCRETE CURB. Ate/ MIN. 12" THICK CRUSHED GRAVEL CONCR_ `EXISTING GRAVE PER VT STATE SPEC #704.05 BLOCKS GANSTE T 9T ` UNDISTURBED EARN FABRIC NOTES CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR SUBBASE (704.05) 1) CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS WITH 1/8" JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS. 2) CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING TO MSHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2" SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK). CONCRETE CURB AND PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT NITS HICK DOW STYROFOAM GR EQUAL INSULATION FD UNDER CONCRETE WALK BUILDING ENTRANCE DETAIL NITS SEE STE PLAN FOR GRADING ;FT. MIN. CONCRETE CURB �1�LuN� �, 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED WITH AN ADMIXTURE PRODUCING AN AIR CONTENT OF BETWEEN 5R AND 7% BY VOLUME. 2. HALF INCH (1/2") TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY FEET (201 SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SCORED TO A DEPTH OF ONE INCH (1") EVERY FIVE (5') FEET. CURB AND SIDEWALK SECTIONS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ASPHALT TREATED FELT. 3. AFTER THE INITIAL CURING PERIOD IS OVER (APPROXIMATELY 28 DAYS). ALL EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF ANT-SPALLING COMPOUND. 4, SEE ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS AT BUILDING ENTRANCE LOCATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT DETAILS. CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. 1 1/2` NICK VTRANS TYPE III WEARING COURSE 2' 2` NICK VTRANS TYPE II BASE COURSE - rV C �3/4' CRUSHED STONE NOTES: MIN. 12" THICK 1. WET TAPS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY PRE -APPROVED Mass ONLY, POSSESSING A CURRENT CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. 2. PRIOR TO POURING THRUST BLOCKS, ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE. 3. STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SLEEVES SHALL BE USED ON ASBESTOS CEMENT, CAST HIGH. DUCTILE IRON, AND PVC MANS. SLEEVES SHALL BE POWERYAL MODEL 349MJ STAINLESS STEEL TAP SLEEVE WITH MECHANICAL JOINT OUTLET OR APPROVED EO.AL 4. TAPPING VALVES SLAIL BE MUELLER, DRESSER, KENNEDY. OR APPROVED EMAIL, ALL VALVE BODY SKI SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. 5. TAPPING BIEEYE AND VALVE MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY THE MUNICIPALITY AND SHALL CONFORM WN THE CM SPECIFICATIONS. TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE DETAIL NITS ALL WATER LINE AND REBATED WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES. (ALSO REFERRED TO AS THE'CWD SPECIFICATIONS") SOUTH BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT'EBWO SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BACHFILLING TO INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS. MAIN LINE TAPS, APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE CROSSINGS. NO WATER LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AFTER NOVEMBER 15 OR BEFORE APRIL 1 WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. THE SUPERINTENDENT MAY RESTRICT WORK BEOFRE NOVEMBER 15 AND AFTER APRIL 1 DURING ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS. 4` TOPSOIL AND PLANT DENSE GRASS MIRAD MOX GEOTEXTLEJ SLOPE TO MATCH FINISH % Y / FABRIC OR EQUAL GRADE OF PAVEMENT \ \/x � X - :DENSE GRASS NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE (VTRANS \ ���,/N` �� ' 7p4.05A FINE OR 704.06) OR RECLAIMED NATIVE SOIL OR GRANULAR BORROW OR EXISTING GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL SAND BORROW IN AREAS WHERE TILL IS NEEDED TO REACH SUBGRADE ELEVATION I Fc. I. AREAS BASTING PAVEMENT AND GRAVEL SUBBASE RECLAIMED SUCH THAT THE EXISTING PAVEMENT IS PULVERIZED TO A MAXIMUM PARTICLE SIZE OF 3 INCHES AND MIXED WITH G FINDERLWNG GRAVEL SUBBASE THAN IN A DEPTH OF NDT LESS THAN B INCHES PRIOR TO PAYING, THE RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE FINE GRADED WITH ADDITIONAL SA CR.SNED GRAVEL (VTRANS ]04.OSA C FRE) PLACED AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE THE PROPOSED GRADER SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. IN AREAS WHERE THERE IS NO EXISTING PAVEMENT, NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL, OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED PRIOR TO PAVING. 3. IN ALL AREAS WHERE UNSTABLE/UNSUITALLE SUBGRADE SOILS ARE PRESENT, THE SUBMADE SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED TO REMOVE THE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND BACKFILLED WITH SAND BORROW OR SELECT NATIVE MATERIAL BUBGRADE SQL, NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL, AND RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE ADEQUATELY COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95% OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE STANDARD PROCTOR TEST (ASTM D69B). TYPICAL DRIVE & PARKING AREA CROSS SECTION NITS MODIFIED R7-8 SIGN RESERVED I-FAIiRIIW! RESERVED PARKING SLOPE PAD 1/8" SIGN (SEE DETAIL) 5 PER FT TOWARD CURB ® RAMP P CONCRETE WALK 5' DOWN DOWN �1,�R!AM VAN H I_RA SIGN �� ACCUNNa DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (SEE STD. DETAIL C-3A) —6O 2 LB PER FT FLANGED DEPRESSED CURB CHANNEL STEEL POST 4 WHITE \ SYMBOL `4" WIDE WHITE STRIPE (TYPICAL) 88' JIM. 5' MIN. / 8' MIN. FOR ND VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE (SEE PLAN) 1, ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE PAINTED. 2. EACH ACCESSIBLE SPACE SHALL BE SO DESIGNATED WITH THE MODIFIED R7-0 SIGN SHOWN. VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES SHALL HAVE THE ADDITIONAL R7-8A SIGN MOUNTED BENEATH, SUCH DESIGNATING BEAN ACCESSIBLE". THE LOWEST SIGN ON THE POST SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4 FEET ABOVE GRADE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE DETAM NTS HEIGHT VARIES SEE TABLE ON SH. 2 18" DIA. CONCRETE FOOTING T 24' :' 6q TYPICAL CUTOFF LIGHT FIXTURE - SEE SITE PLAN FOR TYPE, LOCATION AND NUMBER OF FIXTURES PER POLE IF LIGHT POLES ARE GREATER THAN 5' FROM PAVED AREAS OR AT LEAST 2' BEHIND THE CURB, THE FOOTING HEIGHT CAN BE REDUCED TO 6" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE P OVIOE CONDUIT AS REQUIRED TO -A� COMPLY WTH ELECTRICAL CODE PARKING LOT LUMINAIRE DETAIL NTS BACKFILL WITH APPROVED �UGHLY COMPACTED IN 12 LIFTS (SEE NOTES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. HOURS IN ADVANCE OF STARTING MY WORK, CUTTING THE PAVEMENT, BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION J. URLIMAY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM LIMITED SWRIFY AND MAY OF THE NEW UTILITIES BRINONG IN ANY NEW GRAVEL FOR THE NEW SUBBASE PAMNG AND WA OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. THE CONNLE OR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT FINAL INSPECTION. LOCATION 8 ALL EXISTING .DUTIES AND SHALL W RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTRITY, PUBLIC PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT 10. THE HORIZONTAL AND ART A. SEPARATION FOR SEWER. STORM, AND WATER LINES STALL BE AL OR RECONNECT ALL UTILITIES TO ME NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION WTI UTILITY OWNER. IN ACCORDANCE WN THE LATEST EDITION O THE `TEN STATE STANDARDS - RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR WATER` 4. THE CONTIi SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOUITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING VEGETATION, PAVEMENT AND STRUCTURES NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT MIS PROJECT UNLESS 11 TOPSOIL 41ALL BE STOCKPILED. SEEDED, AND MULCHED UNTIL REUSED. SILT FENCE SHML BE ON RINSE NOTED ON THESE PLANS. NE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL, INSTALLED ALONG THE DOWNSLOPE PERIMETER OF THE TOPSOIL PILES. DEBRIS AND TRASH FROM THE SITE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED By THE OWNER. 12 REALNY BASTING TREES. AS SHOWN OR ME PLANS, ON AND ADJACENT TO ME SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 5. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING THAT THE DUST CREATED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CREATE A NUISANCE OR A SAFETY HAZARD, 13 AT COMPLETIONOFGRADING, SLOPES. DITCHES, AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SMOOTH WHERE AND WREN DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED AND FREE POCI(Ei5 WITH SUFFICIENT SLOPE TO ENSURE DRAINAGE. TO W£T SECTORS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA WN WATER, APPLY CALCIUM CHLORIDE Ofl SWEEP ASPHALT ROADS WN A POWER BROOM AS DUST CONTROL. 14. FINISH SLOPES, DITCHES AND DISTURBED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE p MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND BE FERTILIZED. SEEDED, LIMED, AND MULCHED. TURF ESTABLISHMENT STALL BE B. ANY SURFACES, ONES, OR STRUCTURES VMICH HAW BEEN DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDED N THEY PLANS. OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO THE CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF OPERATORS t5. ALL FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6 INCH LIFTS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DEN9TY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 0698 STANDARD PROCTOR, 7. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED ON THEY PLANS BE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. OBSERVED BY LAMOUREUX M DICKNSON CONSULTING ENONEERS, INC., ESSEX JUNCTION, ARNOW, TO DETERMINE IF THE WORK IS BEING PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WN THE PLANS. MD PERMIT 16. THE STONE CHECK DAMS, SLT FENCES, DITCHES, AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. REQUIREMENTS. LAMOUREUX A DICONSON WAIVES ANY MO ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY SHALL BE MANTAINED ARD REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER EVERY RANFALL FOfl PROBLEMS MAT MAY ARISE FROM THE FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT MAT THE MANS CONVEY, AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED TO OBSERVE THE WORKS AND TESTS IN PROGRESS. UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN GRASSED AND APPROVED BY THE OWNER. THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION 00i1ROL DEVICES WILL INCLUDE REMOVAL OF ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT. IF COVER IS LESS THAN 6' PLACE THE SIDES OF TRENCHES ,i 2 PIECES OF 2" THICK INSULATION 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH BOARD, SUITABLE FOR BURIAL, ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL BE SHEETED OR _____ _--_ OVER THE PIPE WITH STAGGERED JOINTS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE SLOPED TO THE ANGLE OF REPOSE 12 ex s r14� f PIPE HAVE LESS THAN 4' OF COVER. ALL WATER SERVICE LINES UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL BE APPROVED ROCK FRE INSULATED REGARDLESS OF DEPTH. BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 6` + D/2 ('D' IS OUTSIDE DIAMETER COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS (NO STONES .� OF PIPE) LARGER THAN 1 1/2" DIAMETER) 6" + D/2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE TRENCHES ENTIRELY APPROVED GRAVEL OR FREE OF WATER UNTIL ALL WORK IS SAND FOR D.I. PIPE FINISHED AND READY FOR BACKFILLING D + 2 FEET UNDISTURBED SOL NOTIFR. 1. EIGHT -INCH AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON (DI) WATER PIPE SHALL HAVE NO LESS THAN THREE (3) BRASS WEDGES INSTALLED AT EACH JOINT. 2. COMINON FILL MATERIAL COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS (STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD) - 90% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OCCURS ON A CROSS-COUNTRY ROUTE. - 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OCCURS IN TRAVELED WAYS. TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL RELOCATED OR NEW HYDRANT. WHERE NEW HYDRANT IS USED, ` THE MANUFACTURER AND MODEL SHALL MEET CND SPECIFICATIONS ADJUSTABLE IRON VALVE BOX WITH COVER MARKED TS`-21 "WATER" UNDISTURBED SOL 6" NJ RW GATE VAL' ANCHOR TEE OR TEE .f " WN FOSTER ADAPTER - WATER j.4 CONCRETE MAIN*STONE, 6" CLS2 D.L. BLOCK SEE WATER TRENCH DETAIL . FOR BEDDING REQIIREMENTS 3/4` CRUSHETHRUST BLOCK AGAINST NOTES. MIN 12` NICK UNDISTURBED EARTH 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL HAVE WEDGE STYLE RETAINER GLANDS WTH TWIST OFF NUTS (EBAA IRON 'MEGALUG', SIGMA CORPORATION 'ONE LOW. OR APPROVED EQUAL) 2. PRIOR TO POURING THRUST BLOCKS, ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH 4 WILL. POLYETHYLENE. 3. HYDRANT DRAIN SHALL BE PLUGGED. HYDRANT DETAIL NITS MINIMUM AREA OF BEARING SURFACE OF CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (IN SQUARE FEET) FLAG ®®®®MMM®MUMMUM®MOMMIM ® E EXPANDING PLUG I 3) 1` 4 HOLES IN F TO ART. 0 THE EXISTING BE MADE BY i THROUGH THE SEALING THE WATERTIGHT r CONNECTION 2" WOE :EL STRAPS MANHOLE WALL X3" MIN. HEX N SHALL I ER THE TROUGH HE TOP OF THE DROP INTO EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE NITS FINISH MADE UNDISTURBED SOL SACKFUL WTH APPROVED EXCAVATED MATERIAL NOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS FOR SANITARY LINES, IF COVER IS LESS NAN a AND THE SIDES OF TRENCHES LINES. FOR COVER IF COVER IS LESS MAN 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL OR n Y E LACE 1` NICK ISUITABLE IS SUITABLE BOARD BURIAL FOR BURIAL OVER PIPE. TE THE SLOPED TQ NE ANGLE -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OF REPOS APPROVED ROCK FREE SACKFUL THOROUGHLY 12. (D'IS OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE) COMPACTED IN 6` LIFTS IN STONES -------_ LARGER THAN 11/2` DIAMETER) 1 O THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE TRENCHES O n ENTIRELY FREE OFWATER I UNTIL ALL WORK S FINISHED AND READY FOR BACKFILLING UNDISTURBED SOL J LEDGE PAYMENT CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR PE OR PVC PIPE LIMIT TYPICAL SEWER & STORM TRENCH NITS 9-05-07 TREE DETAIL TO SHEET 4, ADD THRUST BLOCK DET. B-28-07 REVISE WATER DETAILS, ADD DROP MANHOLE DETAIL Date I Revision These plans shall only 1, us,,d IT,, the purpose shown below: Sketch/Cone'la Ad 250 Review PTeI....y Constrwtion Finel Local Review Q Record Drawing Z 19 GREGORY DRIVE � R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC � LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK o SITEWORK DETAILS AND eked ose SPECIFICATIONS Y,Ai '�S Scale -- CIVIL =° Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. N T.S. sneer numlxr 14M... Ddve,EX..,VT 05452 3of 4 N Ns 802-878-4450 w 113engineeing.com NON OF SWALE 12" MIN. 4' SOLID PVC TO CB 4" PERFORATED PVC WRAPPED IN MIRAFI 140N WITH HOLES DOWNWARD 20' NEW CBp2 3/4' — 1 1/2" CLEAN CRUSHED STONE OVER �` PERFORATED HEADER PIPE. DO NOT USE UMESTONE. 4" PERF. PVC LAID INV = 351.65 INSERT 1" DIAMETER CO ORIFICE INSIDE 4' DIAMI NON —PERFORATED PIPE 4" SOLID PVC Al BETWEEN HEADEI WET SWALE #2 4" PERF. PVC HEADER DRAIN N.T.S. EROSION MATTING TO BE APPLIED OVER WET SWALE SEED MIX AND 4' TOPSOIL NORMAL HIGH WATER rELEV . 352.75 NORMAL LOW WATER FELEV 351.65 IIIW DENSE SILT LOAM NATIVE SOIL' USE E SITE PLAN FOR GRADING OF SWALE BOTTOM WET SWALE #2 TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. MIRAFI 140N FABRIC OR EQUAL UNDER AND TO SIDES OF STONE. WET SWALE SEED MIX Common n• Spft a Botenkel name %TaW PaMcum vbpeNm 20% Q.eapin0 ntl Rescue FeAuu mbn 16% VNpMIa WIM Rye EA+INa NrpNkus 15% B�pom s•tlp• S SIN Cenx wlpinokke IS% can. nNekdoa Io% Wool Green B Stlrmis ryFeMus 5% Stlqua 5% ubuaM1 N4tltllnp BYl ermNrena Demos 6% Cro•pinp BeMg.. mpnaa A— Apmatk afolonRem 2% 6o RUM waelNaua 2% G..—dGoldenmtl Se,nN. Fem oFJopo pnminl/dla % 1% New EMg AMm a�RAbe 1% J—P,. Weed Euperorwm mecurerum 1% U.— BNe Vew•in EuperoMlm1% Verbena heaMle 1% SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 35 POUNDS PER ACRE TO THE BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES OF THE WET SWALE. SEED MIX MAY BE OBTAINED FROM VERMONT WETLAND PLANT SUPPLY, LLC (802) 948-2553 OR VERMONTWETLANOPLANTS.COM WET SWALE #2 SEED MIX PROVIDE 4' OF TOPSOIL AND ESTABLISH GRASS 4' PERFORATED PVC PIPE WRAPPED IN MIRAFI 14ON FABRIC 3/4" — 1 IA"AN CRUSHED STONE OVER PERFORATED HEADER PIPE. DO NOT USE LIMESTONE. jjppPw TYPE I STONE PER STATE OF VT PLAN)DEEP, SEE TYPICALSLOP TRENCH TO DRAII UNDISTURBED] NTH A MIN. SLOPE OF STONE NTS NEW CBN2 EROSION MATTING TO BE APPLIED OVER WET SWALE SEED MIX AND 4" TOPSOIL —4" SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL I_T.�.YMlil SEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING OF SWALE BOTTOM NORMAL HIGH WATER rELEV m 351.00 1 SAND BORROW PER VTRANS SPEC. 703.03A MIRAFI 140N FABRIC ALONG SIDES OF TRENCH 3/4" CLEAN CRUSHED STONE DO NOT USE LIMESTONE MIRAFI 14111 FABRIC COMPLETELY SURROUNDING CRUSHED STONE WITH A MINIMUM 12^ OVERLAP 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC DRY SWALE #1 TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. EROSION MATTING TO BE APPLIED OVER WET SWALE SEED MIX AND 4' TOPSOIL 4" SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL SEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING OF SWALE BOTTOM NORMAL HIGH WATER rELEV 351.00 1 SAND BORROW PER VTRANS SPEC. 703.03A MIRAFI 140N FABRIC ALONG SIDES OF TRENCH 3/4" CLEAN CRUSHED STONE DO NOT USE LIMESTONE MIRAFI 140N FABRIC COMPLETELY SURROUNDING CRUSHED STONE WITH A MINIMUM 12" OVERLAP 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC DRY SWALE 113 TYPICAL SECTION DRY SWALE SEED MIX common ne BOMnkal name %Total C—ph. rea Ieswa Fealuca mae zoz Red lop A9maa . 20% SVMCM1pnca Penkum Ng -kw vbe 20% • vAld rya EMnna C—pi20% reePinp benipnea Apmsns arolonl/ 20% SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 25 POUNDS PER ACRE TO THE BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES OF THE DRY SWALE. SEED MIX MAY BE OBTAINED FROM VERMONT WETLAND PLANT SUPPLY, LLC (802) 948-2553 OR VERMONTWETLANDPLANTS.COM DRY SWALE #1 & #3 SEED MIX NOTE: ADJUST FRAME ELEVATION AS NEEDED NTH CONCRETE RINGS AND NON —SHRINK MORTAR. DO NOT USE BRICK FRAME k GRATE LEBARON LF 246 OR EQUAL FINISH GRADE, 6" —4- VARIES ALL BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 36' MIN. COMPACTED IN 6' LIFTS PROVIDE WATERTIGHT RUBBER PIPE PRECAST REINFORCED BOOTS FOR ALL STORM PIPE CONCRETE CATCHBASIN OPENINGS 5" OR LARGER —_-- --r + DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADING 24' B, .p 12" .--r•->-;,: UNDISTURBED SOIL 6" / EXTEND BEDDING TO LEDGE PAYMENT LIMIT 3/4' CRUSHED STONE BEDDING OMITS OF EXCAVATION PRECAST CATCH BASIN NTS PLUMB TREE TRUNK TREE PIT 2" THICK MULCH A MINIMUM OF 3" AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK TO EDGE OF DRIP LINE CONCRETE SIDEWALK LACE ROOT BALL ON `.J / TAMPED PLANT MIX OR CONCRETE CURB UNDISTURBED SOIL —ROAD .... \ I. 3 TIMES THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER ' UNDISTURBED SOLD L GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PLANTIN. NO a 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL Ca TO THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK — ANSI 260.1. 2. STREET TREES TO ARRIVE FRO NURSERY PATH 6 FEET BETWEEN THE FINISHED GRADE AND ME FIRST TREE BRANCH. 00 NOT PRUNE THE TREE AT PLANTING. 3. TREES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% UVE CROWN RATIO. 4. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. TREES WHERE THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE NOT VISIBLE SHALL HAVE EXCESS SOIL REMOVED TO LOCATE THEM. PLANT TREES SO THAT THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE AT FINISHED GRADE. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL OR MULCH. 5. EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS. TREE WRAP, ROPE, STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PREVENT GIRDLING. 6. CUT AND REMOVE ORE MESH BASKET. CUT AND REMOVE ROPE AND BURLAP WRAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALL AFTER PLACEMENT IN TREE PIT, LOOSEN REMAINING BURLAP TO ALLOW FOR ROOT DEVELOPMENT. IF SYNTHETIC ON TREATED BU LAP, REMOVE IT ENTIRELY AFTER PLACING ROOT BALL IN TREE PIT. 7. PLANT MIX SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING RATIO: E PART COMPOST, ]/4 PARTS TOPSOIL. B. BREAK APART EDGE OF EXCAVATION 'NTH SHOVEL AND BLEND PLANT MIX WITH EXISTING SOIL TO PROVIDE SOIL TRANSITION. 9. TREE PIT AREA SHALL HAVE A'MINIMUM DEPTH OF 36". THE TREE PIT AREA SHALL HAVE THE PLANT MIX SPECIFIED ABOVE. 10. STAKING REQUIRED ONLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE TREES WILL BE SUBJECTED TO WNDY CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEERAANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. STAKES SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE END OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. 11. PRUNE ONLY DEAD OR CRUSHED ROOTS AND DEAD OR INJURED BRANCHES. 12. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER PLANTING. TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS TRRF'AND PLANTPROTECTION 1. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) FENCE IN LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS FOR TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION. TPZ FENCE SHALL BE PLACED AT THE EDGE OF TREE DRIP LINES. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET. 2. TPZ FENCE SHALL PROTECT EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS AND OTHER VEGETATION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AGAINST CUTTING, BREAKING OR SKINNING OF ROOTS; SKINNING AND BRUISING OF BARK; SMOTHERING OF TREES BY STOCKPILING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR EXCAVATED MATERIALS; EXCESS FOOT OR VEH,CULAR TRAFFIC; AND PARKING OF VEHICLES. 3. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLANNED AND EXECUTED TO AVOID AND MINIMIZE WORK WTHIN AND DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE. 4. WHERE TEMPORARY CLEARANCE IS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT MAY CONFLICT WITH EXISTING TREES, BRANCHES SHALL BE TIED BACK TO HOLD THEM OUT OF THE CLEARANCE ZONE. 5. WHEN EXCAVATION IS TO OCCUR CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING TREES, ROOT PRUNING SHALL BE DONE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ROOTS SHALL (N BE CLEANLY CUT, NTH CUTS TO E OEPTH OF THE REQUIRED EXCAVATION. WHEN COMPLETED. REPLACE SOIL IN THE TRENCH AREA. 6. ROOTS ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION IN THE VICINITY OF TREE PROTECTION ZONES SHALL BE CLEANLY CUT AND PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. TEMPORARILY COVER EXPOSED ROOTS WTN A DOUBLE LAYER OF DAMPENED BURLAP TO PREVENT ROOTS FROM DRYING OUT UNTIL THEY CAN BE COVERED WTH SOIL. COVER ROOTS NTH SOIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE REMOVING BURLAP FIRST. 7. WATER EXISTING TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION TO REMAIN WITHIN LIMITS OF CONTRACT WORK AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THEIR HEALTH DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 8. IF ANY TREES OR SHRUBS DESIGNATED TO BE SAVED ARE DAMAGED AND REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED, TREES OR SHRUBS OF THE SAME SPECIES AND VARIETY SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PLANTED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE TOTAL INCH DIAMETER OF THE REPLACEMENT TREES OR SHRUBS SHALL EQUAL THE DIAMETER OF NE TREE OR SHRUB TO BE REPLACED. 9. PRUNING OF EXISTING TREES, AS IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS, SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE'S TREEPRUANNGOWDELINES, THE ANSI A300 PRUNING STANDARD AND THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF ANSI Z133.1. 10. REMOVE TEMPGRARY PROTECTION DEVICES AND FACILITIES INSTALLED DURING COURSE OF WORK AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL WORK AND RESTORE PLANT PROTECTION AREAS TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION. p A V Li A AAA A A A CONSTRUCTION FENCE V A OR SNOW FENCE V® n EXISTING E TO 6' STEEL POST EXISTING GRADE 4'-0' MIN TREE PROTECTION ZONE DETAIL N.T.S. 9-05-07 1 ADD EXISTING TREE PROTECTION h NEW TREE These plans .,hull only he used Cor the puose rpshown below E] SkRwh/Co Vt Aot 250 Review Preliminary 0 Construction Final Local Review lI Record Thawing ° 19 GREGORY DRIVE Projeo1N' 07085 5 R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MC As H- LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK nea;pn o AND SPECIFICATIONS STORMWATER DETAILS Z Lamoureux &Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drivq Essex, VT 05452 802-878-0450 www.].Dengnuzrim ng.co AYm� ��qq.A e` i 4„s• apTp4T �iCIVIL rf/ AyM ��11�1NY`, 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 October 18, 2007 LDLamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Stephanie Monaghan, Coordinator District 4 Commission I I I West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 RE: Land Use Permit application #4C0149-5A Lot 2 - Green Tree Park, South Burlington R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Dear Stephanie: t Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering As requested in the minor application notice, enclosed is a detail of the sign proposed for 19 Gregory Drive. The applicant anticipates using this sign to identify the overall site, with additional directional type signs identifying the location of tenants at each entrance to the building. In regards to the conditions of the proposed permit, we request that condition 17 be deleted. This project has obtained coverage under General Permit 3-9020 and will be subject to the requirements of the Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control during construction. In addition, as noted in condition 18, more restrictive requirements apply for winter construction activities. Condition 17 is unnecessarily more restrictive than the requirements contained in the General Permit and the Handbook. As we discussed, the public notice period for the notice of intent to seek coverage under General Permit 3-9015 runs through today. We will get you a copy of the authorization as soon as it is issued. Please call our uffice with any questions. Sincerely Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Certificate of service Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on October 18, 2007 a copy of the attached letter and exhibit regarding Land Use Permit Application #4C0149-5A was sent, first class mail, postage prepaid, to the following: Donna Kinville, City Clerk Chair - City Council & Chair - Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 206 South Burlington, VT 05403 Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney Agency of Natural Resources 103 South Main Street - Center Bldg., 3`d Floor Waterbury, VT 05671-0301 Louise Waterman Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 Craig Keller Utilities & Permits Section Agency of Transportation One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 Scott Dillon Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620 John Becker VT. Dept. of Public Service 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 Date: 7 By: Andrew Rowe l R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Land Use Permit Application 4C0149-5A Lot 2 - Green Tree Park Y' `r W All Typical proposed non -illuminated sign Maximum height of structure = 4 feet Maximum width of structure = 20 feet (Structure and sign dimensions to conform with the South Burlington Sign Ordinance) P:\2007\07085Wct 250\sign typical.wpd CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 September 5, 2007 Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: 19 Gregory Drive Dear M'r. Rowe: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on September 4, 2007 (effective 09/04/07). Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Betsy VDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7006 3450 0002 0949 1970 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATER QUALITY DIVISION 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET WATERBURY, VERMONT 05671-0408 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: October 9, 2007 -October 18, 2007 PERMITTEE INFORMATION PERMITTEE NAME: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC PERMITTEE ADDRESS: 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER: 3-9015 PERMIT NUMBER: 3409-9015 PROJECT ID NUMBER: EJ95-0378 DISCHARGE INFORMATION NATURE: Treated stormwater VOLUME: As necessary RECEIVING WATER: Muddy Brook EXPIRATION DATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE: Ten years from issuance date of final pen -nit DESCRIPTION: This is a draft authorization to discharge proposed for issuance to R.E.M. Development Company, LLC for the discharge of stormwater runoff from Green Tree Park - Lot 2 located in South Burlington,Vennont to Muddy Brook. The means of treatment include wet and dry swales and non - rooftop disconnection credit. FURTHER INFORMATION The complete application is on file and may be inspected at the VANR, Waterbury Office. Copies will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records and may be obtained by calling 802-241-3770 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. I -2 PUBLIC COMMENTS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Written public comments on the proposed authorization to discharge are invited and must be received on or before the close of business day (7:45 am - 4:30 pm) October 18, 2007, by the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Quality Division, Attention Michelle Lavigne, Building 10 North, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671 or send via email to Michelle.Lavigne@state.vt.us. The general permit number should appear next to the VANR address on the envelope and on the first page of any submitted comments. All comments received by the above date will be considered by DEC prior to issuance of an authorization to discharge under the general permit. FINAL ACTION/APPEAL At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the VANR will make a final determination to issue or to deny an authorization to discharge under the general permit. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciar .org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-828-1660) Justin G. Johnson, Acting Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 4, 2007 Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Minutes - 19 Gregory Drive Dear Mr. Rowe: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved September 4, 2007 Development Review Board meeting minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Iv "' Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. T sbesbt l(3C-� -� U SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Minutes SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Mr. Dinklage reminded the applicant that there can be no outside storage and no lighting on the shed. Condition #9 was added to the draft motion indicating that the tree be shown on the plan. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-07-50 of 3 Baldwin Avenue subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Site Plan Application #SP-07-59 of R.E.M. Development Co., LLC, to amend a previously approved plan for a 28,000 sq. ft. general office/manufacturing building. The amendment consists of. 1) converting the entire existing building to general office use, and 2) constructing a 19,500 sq. ft. GFA addition for general office use, 19 Gregory Drive: Mr. Miller noted he had had a discussion with staff regarding landscaping. Ms. LaRose noted the presence of a sizeable arborvitae cedar hedge. She showed the location on the plan. Mr. Dinklage noted that the applicant was requesting a one space parking waiver. Ms. LaRose showed photos of an artists' rendering of the building and photos of the existing building. She said no height waiver is being requested. Mr. Dinklage asked Mr. Miller to confirm that they will build essentially what is shown in the rendering. Mr. Miller said they will. Mr. Belair said there is no issue with landscaping. The only concern is complaints from abutting residents about dumpsters being picked up too early. Dumpsters have been moved further away from residences. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Site Plan Application #SP-07-59 of R.E.M. Development Co., LLC, subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Sketch Plan Application #SD-07-50 of Technology Park Partners to subdivide 177.2 acres into 16 lots ranging in size from 3.98 acres to 29.46 acres, Community Drive: Mr. Plumeau recused himself during this presentation due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Matosky showed the existing Digital Building and the almost completed building on Lot #7. The proposed new building would be on Lot #2. He indicated that they don't anticipate any problems with water or sewer. They also have all erosion control in place. They are constructing the lane on Kimball Avenue. -3- ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 On September 18, 2007, R.E.M. Development Company, LLC filed application # 4C0149-5A for a project generally described as: The construction of a 6,750 s.f. addition to the existing commercial building on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park. The existing building will be renovated to include the addition of two-story space, and site improvements will be made. The project is located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the South Burlington Municipal Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board's web site (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup) by clicking on "District Commission Cases," selecting "Entire Database," and entering the case number above. No hearing will be held unless, on or before Thursday, October 18, 2007, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Thursday, October 18, 2007. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 26th day of September, 2007 By /s/Stephan H. Monaghan Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/802-879-5662 E/ stephanie.monaghan@state.vt.us W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4CO 149\4CO 149-5A.not.wpd This is a DRAFT permit; please submit any written comments or corrections by Thursday, October 18, 2007 to: Stephanie H. Monaghan, District #4 Coordinator, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452. A permit will NOT be issued by the District Commission until the following information is received: 1) Discharge Permit (stormwater) issued by the ANR-DEC Division of Water Quality 2) Sign Typical AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0149-5A LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED APPLICANT R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 10 V.S.A'§§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) ADDRESS 599 Avenue D Williston, Vermont 05495 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0149-5A, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 785, Pages 562-564, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to R.E.M. Development Company, LLC, the Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to construct a 6,750 s.f. addition to the existing commercial building on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park. The existing building will be renovated to include the addition of two-story space, and site improvements will be made. The project is located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material or substantial change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus constitutes "development" pursuant to Act 250 Rule,2(A). Accordingly, a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittees, and its assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0149 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. By acceptance of this permit, the Permittees agree to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 3. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission and the conditions of this permit. 4. The approved plans are: Sheet 1 - "Site Plan - Landscaping & Lighting," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 15, 2007; Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 2 Sheet 2 - "Utilities & Grading Plan," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007; Sheet 3 - "Sitework Details and Specifications," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007; and Sheet 4 - "Stormwater Details & Specifications," dated July 31, 2007, last revision August 28, 2007. 5. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 6. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. 7. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. 8. The District Environmental Commission maintains, continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the Act 250 Rules. 9. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittees confirmand agree that the conditions of this permit shall run with the land and the land uses herein permitted, and will be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest. 10. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts: 164 - vehicle parking spaces;.,, 3,240 - gallons per day of water; 2,880 - gallons per day of wastewater; 746 - vehicle trips per day; - AM peak hour vehicle trips; and 70= PM peak hour vehicle trips. 11. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permits: • Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-4-0117-1 issued on September 13, 2007 by the Wastewater Management Division; and • Final Discharge Permit # issued on (date) by the Water Quality Division Any subsequent nonmaterial changes to these permits shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. Subsequent amendments involving material changes to the Act 250 permit shall not be constructed prior to review and approval of the District Coordinator or the District Commission under applicable Act 250 Rules. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 3 12. The Permittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 13. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Quality Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 14. The Permittees and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 15. The Permittees shall comply with Exhibits #6, 14, and 15 (Schedule B; Site Plan; and Utilities and Grading Plan) for erosion control. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 16. All mulch, hay bales, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all permanent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Hay bales shall be incorporated four inches into the soil and equipped with filter fence on the upstream side, butted together and all joints filled with loose hay. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 17. Grading shall be phased so that all exposed earth is mulched and water bars are in place at the end of each construction day. 18. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be mulched and seeded before October 1. Between the periods of October 1 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Handbook far Sail Erosion and Sediment Control on Construction Sites (2003). 19. Prior to construction of the approved work, the Permittees shall complete the following: a) construction limits shall be clearly delineated with flagging or snowfencing; b) diversion ditches shall be placed on the uphill limits of the construction area; and c) temporary siltation controls shall be placed on the downhill limits of the construction. Immediately following the above, the permanent drainage system and/or roads shall be installed after which normal construction can begin. 20. To the greatest extent practicable, construction debris, including asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, scrap metal, carpet, clean wood and paper products, glass and most plastics, shall be recycled in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the Vermont Construction Site Reuse and Recycling Directory published in April, 1998 by the Agency of Natural Resources. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 4 21. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 22. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. §§ 1250-1284, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 23. The Permittees shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip between all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 24. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State approved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 25. The Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #14 (Site Plan) by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 26. Prior to any site work, the Permittees shall install and maintain temporary fencing around trees to be retained as depicted on Exhibit #14 (Site Plan). 27. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibits #11 and 14 (Lighting Cut Sheets; and Site Plan), and shall be mounted no higher than 18 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 28. The installation of exterior signage is limited to that approved in Exhibit # . The Permittees shall not erect additional exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 29. Pursuant to'21 V.S.A. §268, energy design and construction shall comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction and shall further include any custom energy measures referenced in comments by the Department of Public Service if found by the applicant to be cost-effective on a life -cycle -cost basis. Exhibit #_ (ANR Entry of Appearance, dated ). 30. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 31. At the completion of the project, and prior to the occupancy of the building, the Permittees shall certify by affidavit that the site improvements have been constructed in accordance with this permit pursuant to Act 250 Rule 32(A). 32. Each prospective purchaser of any lots shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, and the Land Use Permit Amendment before any written contract of sale is executed. Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A Page 5 33. No further subdivision, alteration, and/or development of any parcel of land approved herein shall be permitted without the written approval of the District Commission. 34. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0149-5A in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 35. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(b) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permttees have not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 6091(b). 36. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this day of 2007. By: MichaelFlaherty, Acting Chair in this matter District #4 Environmental Commission Members participating in this decision: James McNamara Larry Veladota Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the District Commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision may be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the State of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciarv.or,2. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418'Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0 l 49\4C0149-5 A.pmt.wpd CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 26`h da of Sepptember, 2007 a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 NOTICE OF MINOR APPLICATION #4C0149-�A, was sent by U.S. mail, Fostage prepaid to the following individuals without email addresses and by email o the individuals with email addresses listed. All email replies should be sent to nrb-act250essex(c)state. Vt. us PARTIES: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Jct., VT 05452 Donna Kinville, City Clerk Chair, City Council/Chair, City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street City Planning Commission South Burlington, VT 05403 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 30 Kimball Avenue Suite 206 South Burlington, VT 05403 Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney/Agency of Natural Resources 103 South Main St. - Center Bldg., 3rd Floor Waterburyry, VT 05671-0301 anr.act25D(7state.vt.us John Becker Vt. Dept. of Public Service 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montppelier, VT 05620-2601 0ohn.becker(a)state.vt.us Craig Keller Utilities & Permits/VTrans One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 craig.keller(a)state.vt.us Louise Waterman, Education Coordinator Vt. Agency of Agnculture, Food & Markets 116 State Streef, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 louise.waterman(cbstate.vt.us Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 0562 iane.pendwa state. vt.us judith.ehrlics a e.v .us sco .ion(Ws a e.v .us FOR YOUR INFORMATION District #4 Environmental Commission Michael Flaherty, Acting Chair/James McNamara/Larry Veladota 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Page 2/COS/#4C0149-5A NRCS, District Conservationist USDA Soils Conservation Service 1193 S. Brownell Road Suite 35 Williston, VT 05495-7416 0essica.andreoletti(a-.vt.nacdnet. net Tom Bushey District Supervisor, N.R.C.D. 48 Bushey Road Shelburne, VT 05482 County Forester/Agency of Natural Resources 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 John M. Austin/ANR, Dept. of Fish & Wildlife 5 Perry Street, Suite 40 Barre, VT 05641-4266 Lohn.austin@state.vt.us Seven Days/Classified Ad Section 255 South Champlain Street, PO Box 1164 Burlinggton, VT 05402 classifieds[a)sevendaysvt.com Green Mountain Power Corporation 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446 Michael Russom/Vermont Gas Systems PO Box 467 Burlington, VT 05402 Dan Gaherty/Efficiency Vermont 255 South Champlain Street Burlington VT 05401 dgaherty0veic.org Michael Barsotti, Water Quality Director Champlain Water District 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlingqton, VT 05403 mikeb cwd%- 20.org ADJOINING LANDOWNERS On File at District Commission Office Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 26" day of September, 2007. /s/Christine Commo Natural Resources Board Technician 879-5660 christine.commo@state.vt.us W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\300001-4CO250\4C0149\4C0149-5Acscc.wpd State of Vermont WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective January 1, 2005 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-0117-1 PIN: EJ95-0378.09 Landowner: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 599 Ave D Williston VT 05495 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # 0740-00019-C and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 785 Pages 562-564 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of amending Permit #WW-4-0117 to construct an addition to existing building for a total footprint of 24,500 square feet and increase the maximum number of employees to 240 served by municipal water and wastewater services located at 19 Gregory Drive in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions: L GENERAL 1.1. The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. listed as follows: Project No. 07085, Sheet number 2 of 4 "Utilities & Grading Plan" dated 7-31-07 last revised 8-28-07 and Sheet number 3 of 4 "Sitework Details and Specifications" dated 7-31-07 last revised 8-28-07. 1.2. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 1.3. This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission, the Department of Environmental Conservation, Water Supply Division — telephone (802) 241-3400, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety— telephone (802) 879-2300, and local officials Arior to proceeding with this project. 1.4. The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this pen -nit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (30) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5. All conditions set forth in Permit #WW-4-0117 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. 1.6. By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vernlont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 1.8.This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply.with these riles. In issuing this permit, the Division has relied solely upon the licensed designers certification that the design -related information submitted was true and correct and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-4-0117-1 Page 2 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1. This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 3,240 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 2.2. The relocation of the existing hydrant shall be reviewed and approved by'the Agency of Natural Resources, Water Supply Division prior to construction. 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1. No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed wastewater system until the Secretary receives a certification from a designer, or the installer, signed and dated, that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation - related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with the permitted design and all permit conditions, was inspected, was properly tested, and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the wastewater service line to the proposed addition. 3.2.This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 2,880 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 3.3.This pen -nit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality files a written request with the Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve capacity. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Justin G. Johnson, Acting Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated September 13, 2007 C South Burlington Planning Commission Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Water Supply Division Act 250 District Environmental Commission #4 — Case #4C0149 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety AGENCY OF NATUPAL RESOURCES (ANR) AND NATUI1' . RESOURCES BOARD http://www.an ate.vt.us/dec/ead/pa/index.htm / http:. jvw.nrb.state.vt.us/ PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # OF DEC PERMITS: PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW: RESPONSE DATE: PENDING APPLICATION #: (,LA0­q- l l � - J DISTRICT: TOWN: 56L AA &41:,� PIN: rjy5.. ©3:-8: 09 OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: (Name) R _ "toQ� (o•, Lt_C (Name) (Address) SS$ Avy-. � (Town) (State) (Zip) tv IISS}a� 04. 05(49S (Address) (Town) (State) (Zip) Tele hone ?U';�- 'Rb4- 5 SO Tele hone) Project Name: A, o f a 6. ram. ,_ez. ?,,-k Based on a written or oral request or information provided byV9vOr - o. _received on 9-=Wai a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of*;,,,ecres, located on I¢4,c,os Dr, The project is generally described as: . �1yw�. �v�s F ►-c r icc� c>�rs �o e�is M.� Cam,, ..�wc Jr .° I � ), Zu0 4_ — Z M Jo Prior permits from this office: WLJ `y �OIF+ y CC - 4 ° 00 Ll0)4960 PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ® I hereby request a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordin o ss t t istrict Coordinator regarding the jurisdiction of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250) over the project described above. ❑ La/do6kAgent ® Permit Specialist ❑ Other Person 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION, AND A WRITTEN REQUEST FROM THE ANR PERMIT SPECIALIST, THE LANDOWNER/AGENT, OR OTHER PERSON. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY REQUEST RECONSIDERATION FROM THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR (10 V.S.A. § 6007 (c) AND ACT 250 RULE 3 (C)) OR MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V. S.A. Chapter 220). (#47) ** Project:Xclommercial ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal Has therlandowner subdivided before? ❑ Yes ❑ No When/where: # of lots: _ AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: J, rYes ❑ No Copies sent to Statutory Parties: ❑ Yes ❑ No BASIS FOR DECISION: 1_07 SIGNATURE: -, \N DATE: yz WADDRESS: District# t-I Environmental Commission District Co rdinator Telepho if e WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED? ® Yes ❑ No '®. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (#1 & #2)** ❑ Notice of Permit Requirements (deferral language ) (#2) ❑ Floor Drains (#1.2) ❑ Campgrounds (#3) ❑ Extension of sewer lines (#5) REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: ��l SIGNATURE: DATE: 9 'c('I.I ADDRESS: Dept. of Environmental Conservation 'FE1 Environment A iiAance Office, Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Telephone: 802-879-5676 ❑ Wastewater Man Bement Division, Telephone: 802-879-5656 OVER »»»»»»» **NOTE: NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES (#) REFER TO PERMIT INFORMATION SHEETS IN THE VERMONT PERMIT HANDBOOK http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/permit hb/index.htm THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON-BINDIN 'TERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PER WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONS)RUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPART _NTS INDICATED BELOW. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: ❑ Discharge Permits: pretreatment; industrial, municipal (#7_1, 7_2, & 8) ❑ Indirect Discharge Permits (#9 & 9_1) ❑ Residuals Management (#10) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888-520-4879) Contact: ❑ Construction/modification of source (#14) ❑ Open Burning (#18) ❑ Wood Chip Burners (>90 HP) (#14) ❑ Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation (#14) ❑ Industrial Process Air Emissions (#14) ❑ Diesel Engines (>450 bHP) (#14) 5r WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) (800-823-8500 in VT) Contact: 'New Hydrants (#22) ❑ >500' waterline construction (#22) El Community Water System (CWS) El Bottled Water (#20) El Operating permit (#21) ❑ Transient Non -Community water system (TNC) (#21) ❑ Capacity Review for Non -transient non -community water systems (NTNC) (#21) 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR STORMWATER PERMITS 1#6 - 6.5 ) Contact: Contact: _ PA!Ltt _0LLj�. C ❑ Flood Plains (241-3759) El Ponds (#32.1) ❑ Construction General Permits >1AC of disturbance (#6.1) ❑ Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Steve Hanna (#28) �g-Stormwater from new development or redevelopment sites (#6.2 & 6_3) ❑ Wetlands (241-3770) (#29) EgMulti-Sector General Permit (MSGP) industrial activities w/ SIC codes (46.4) ❑ Stream Alteration / Section 401 Water Quality Certification / Stream Crossing Structures (476-2679 / 879-5631 / 786-5906) (#27 & 32) t ZtWASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: C �1 r ti� VJ°:.i +err ❑ Hazardous Waste Handler site ID (241-3888) (#36) ❑ Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) June Middleton (#33) ❑ Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities drop off (241-3444) (#37,39140) ❑ Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) '.Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) (#41 & 44) ❑ Composting Facilities (241-3444) (#43) ❑ Waste oil burning (241-3888) ❑ Waste transporter permit (#35) ❑ Demolition waste 241-3477 ❑ Used septic system components/stone (#41) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: ❑ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.) (241-3451) (#45) ❑ State -funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MERCURY DISPOSAL HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) (#46) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS & MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: Judy Mirro/John Daly 10. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (802-241-3700) Contact: ❑ Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) (147 A) ❑ Stream Obstruction Approval (#47.5) 1 ` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (802-479-7561) or District Office 879-2300 Contact: Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) (#49, 50, 50.1, 50.2) ❑ Storage of flammable liquids, explosives ❑ LP Gas Storage ❑ Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers (#50.2) ❑ Boilers and pressure vessels (#50.3) Ga DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: J*4-V1 'Pe - Soy—, ❑ Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors (#51, 51.1, 52, 53, 53.1) Program for asbestos control & lead certification (#54, 55, 55.1) ❑ Children's camps OHot Tub Installation & Inspection —Commercial (#51.1) 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: ❑ Child care facilities (1-800-649-2642 or 802-241-2159) (#57) ❑ Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) (#59) ❑ Nursing Homes (241-2345) (#59) ❑ Assisted Living and Therapeutic Community Residences (241-2345) (#59) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Contact: ❑ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) (#66) ❑ Junkyards (828-2053) (#62) ❑ Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) (#63) ❑ Railroad crossings (828-2710) (#64) ❑ Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) (#61) ❑ Airports and landing strips (828-2833) (#65) ❑ Construction within state highway right-of-way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) (#66) ❑ Motor vehicle dealer license (828-2067) (#68) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (800-675-9873 OR 802-828-3429) Contact: ❑ Use/sale of Pesticides (828-3429) (#72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) ❑ Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-3429) (#81) ❑ Milk Processing Facilities (828-3429) (#83, 83.1, 85, 87) ❑ Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-3429) (#89, 89.1) ❑ Golf Courses (828-2431) (#71) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431)(#79) ❑ Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) (#88) ❑ Medium and Large Farm Operations (828-2431) ❑ Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-3429) (#75.1, 80, 16. VERMONT ENERGY CODE ASSSISTANCE CENTER TOLL FREE 888-373-2255 ❑ VT Building Energy Standards (#47.2) 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) ❑ Historic Buildings (#47.1 & 101) ❑ Archeological Sites (#47.1 & 101) 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) ❑ Liquor Licenses (#90) ❑ General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) ❑ Business Registration (#90.1) ❑ Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) (#90.2) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551 & 828-5787) ❑ Income & business taxes (sales, meals/ rooms, etc) (#91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96) 25DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2070) ❑ Fuel Taxes; Commercial Vehicle (#69-70) 2'22' LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 8 Carmichael St., Ste. 205, Essex Jct., VT 05452 (802) 872-2893 (#97, 98, & 99) 24. OTHER: Sections #3424 above have been completed by Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Date: `W I may be reached at 802-879-5676 Copies have been mailed to: Revised 6/06 P_ .CITY_.OF-SOUTH .BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing and having been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of notice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: bQ*fflb1P(- — IT2� �r NAME MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INTEREST 141�z_- S, SWZ- 107- OS% 00 kye 3 ®x 7 L) 8U MLip ��oN ��� O Z_ c A-r u lt--� n✓a-,��� �w3 Jim u COO 4nU,Llr��� FULL �. CUTOFf t� PR Series (TI 6" Extended Pole Mount You'll see an increase in street side efficiency with the redesigned reflector and repositioned lamp in the PR Series. The 12-inch and 16-inch housings of the Parking/Roadway Light have a Type III asymmetric distribution pattern. The 22-inch housing has Type II asymmetric distribution. Ideally suited for roadway applications, parking areas or for building -mounted security lighting. 6� Three Sizes: LU 12" square x 5" deep (305 x 127 mm) 16" square x 6.5' deep (406 x 165 mm) C( 22" square x 9.3' deep (559 x 235 mm) Typical Candlepower Distribution of 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light. Isofootcandle plot of one 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light at 30' (9.1 m) mounting height, and 0" tilt above horizontal. n U Z 4� Vi J lffn Housing Wattage/ Catalog Ae�ary Mounting Code e�Cty, Size (sq.) Lamp Number A/" (Insert Code at * in Catalog #) fdddev 12" 15OW PSMH MPR'615-M $209 1=1-1/2' Close Pole Mount $9 16" 32OW PSMH PR*632-M $253 2 = 6' Extended Pole Mount $14 12" 50W MH MPR*405-D 193 3 = 2" Adjustable Fitter $22 12' 70W MH MPR'407-D 193 4 = Yoke Mount $10 12' 10OW MH MPR*410-D 193 6 =1/2' Adjustable Fitter $10 12' 175W MH MPR*417-M 192 (12' housing only) 16" 175W MH PR*417-M $229 8 = Without Mounting (hardware) $3 16' 25OW MH PR*425-M 231 (faclorydr lied) 16- 40OW MH PR'440-M 237 K = Round Tube Off -Center $132 22' 1000W MH PR 499 M 407 Tenon Mount (16" housing only) 12' 35W HPS MPR*503-1 165 (For 2-3/8" or 3' O.D.) 12' 50W HPS MPR*505-D 186 M = Round Tube Off -Center $11 S 12' 70W HPS MPR*507-M 196 Direct Mount (16" housing only) 12" 10OWHPS MPR*510-M 196 W=Wall Mount $20 12' 150W HPS MPR*515-M $196 16' 250W HPS PR*525-M $251 NOTE: When using multiple 22" sq. housings 16' 40OW HPS PR'540-M $261 at 90' configuration, a special 12' arm is required; see page 156. 22" 1000W HPS Pfl*599-M 473 * Specify Mounting (additional cost) Other lamp wattages available. --consult factory f Reduced envelope lamp. ED28 for 320W PSMH and 40OW MH. Options: (Factory -installed) Change Add After P-AI ey Description Suffix To Suffix ridden 27TV Reactor Ballast (PSMH only) 27 ora adder 120V Reactor ballast (50-15ow HPS 12' housing only) 1 dacha $21 480V ballast (320W PSMH,175-1000W MH & 70-1000W HPS only) 5 $9 480V ballast (70-10oW MH only) 5 $1S 34TV ballast (50W HPS only) 6 rca addea Quad -volt ballast (50-100W MH only) M 9 Quad -volt ballast (50W HPS only) M rsa adder Tri-volt ballast (320W PSMH, T rra adder 175-1000W MH & 70-1000W HPS only) Tri-volt ballast (50-100W MH only) T $9 Single Fuse (277V Reactor,120V, 277V or 347V) 27,1, 2 or 6 F $12 Dual Fuse (20BV, 240V or 460V) (n/a Canada) 3, 4 or 5 F $22 Quartz Standby (delay -relay type) (includes 100W 0lamp) (n/a 277V Reactor) Q 40 Uptight Lens Frame (Backlight Shield included) u $8 Button Photocell (Factory -installed with all mountings other than 2" Adjustable Fitter) NOTE: n/a on 1000W w/120V; all 480V 27,1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 P $to External Photocell (Factory -installed) (Page 133) For fixtures w/1000W,120V 1 P $22 For fixtures w/480V 5 P $22 Accessories: P-A-* P-A" (Field -Installed) 12" Pu-w 16" A/" 22" dice Wire Guard FWG-12 $10 FWG-16 $12 FWG-22 $24 Backlight Shield SBL-12 $3 SBL-16 $5 SBL-22 $6 Button Photocell (Field -installed in fixtures with 2' Adjustable Fitter) Catalog # P",# 4y puke For fixtures w/120V (rVa on 1000W) PC-1 $9 For fixtures w/208, 240 or 277V PC-2 $9 For fixtures w/347V PC*6 $22 Mountings .................................................... Page 116 Catalog Number LogicNoltage Suffix Key ........................... Page 115 Optical Systems ........................................... Pages 104-107 Accessories................................................... Page 133 Mounting Alternatives ...................................... Pages 156-157 Mounting Brackets ......................................... Pages 158-159 Poles .................................................... Pages 160-169 Dependability... DIRECT! (800) 236-7000, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT Fax: (800) 236-7500 • www.ruudlighting.com C� LitePro 2.002 Point -By -Point Results Aug 08, 2007 PROJECT: 19 Gregory Drive/07085 GROUP: New Parking AREA: New Area GRID: New Grid PREPARED BY: ABR (VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: I IN= 40.OFT, HORZ GRID (U), HORZ CALC, Z= 0.0 ..lputed in accordance with IES recommendations Statistics GROUP I MIN I MAX I AVE I AVE/MIN I MAX/MIN + 1 0.001 4.17 1 0.69 1 N/A I N/A C Y-A GS 344.60 334.60 II 324.60 J 314.60 73 0.5 0. 0 0.17 0.10 0. 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0. i 304.60 1.47 1.88 .35 0.87 .48 0. 0.14 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.19 0.13 0.08 0.06 0.06 0. 0.0 0. 0. 4 0 + + +QN_I + + + + + + 294.60 0.68 1.41 . 9 i. . 4 1 0.38 0.23 0.21 0.30 .48 0.61 0. 0.25 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.18 .16 .11 .07 0.04 0.03 0.02 284.60 0.27 0.39 0.7 1 0.42 0.30 0.24 0.35 0. .26 1.4 0. 7 .34 0.15 0.27 .47 0.57 0.48 32 0.19 0.11 0.0 0. 0. 0. 1 0 1 274.60 0.64 0 0. 9 0. 0. 2 0.53 0.35 0.32 0.25 0.27 0.4 1. 9 1.9 2. .71 0. 0.21 0.19 0.4 0 1.44 1.32 81 0.40 0.21 0.11 0.06 0.04 .03 .03 0.03 0.03 0.02 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 264.60 1.05 1.60 1.1 0.81 53 0.40 0.43 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.3 0. 0. 0. . 4 2.17 3.5 as 1 0.21 0.17 1.39 2.19 1. 0 114 0.59 0.34 0.24 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0,06 0.06 0.06 AC 254.60 + 0.66 + 1.33 + Q 1.99 I N-I I. 0. 0. 3 0.34 + 0.27 + 0.27 + 0.37 .55 + . 4 + 0. 0. 0.24 0.49 0. 1 .66 .11 .4 + .3 + 0.26 + + 0.22 0.18 + 0.18 + 0.15 + 0.13 + 0.17 + 21 + + + + + + + + + + + + ACI + + + + 244.60 0.32 .60 5 1.81 .11 0.77 0.45 0.31 0.23 0.24 0.29 0. 4 1 1. 1 0. .35 0.9 0. 3 5 .66 .50 .3 0.33 0.22 0.25 0.35 0. 0.52 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ;4.60 0.25 0. 8 9 7 0.42 0.36 0.31 0.28 0.24 0.31 0. I 1 .2 2.94 1. 7 0.76 1.45 1. 66 95 6 0.72 9 0.34 0.29 0.5 0. 1. 1 _ F 224.60 0.20 .39 0.48 0.39 0.37 0.32 0+ 0. 5 0+ 0+ 0. .38 2.4 AC 69 36 195QNd 1+ 1.49 0 . 9 84 50 0.33 0.42 0. 1.78 Lp + + + + + + + �N-1 214.60 .19 0.20 0.25 0.29 8 9 1.24 0. 7 0.22 0.26 .44 0. 3 0. 0 1. 1.57 .68 1.81 2. 1.28 .6 0.36 0.42 7 1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 204.60 010 0.12 0.18 0. 3 0. 1. 8 1.69 75 .27 0.43 0.82 .21 1.83 2. 2 .61 .10 . 0 5 0.36 0.45 0.86 1. 1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 194.60 0. 0.08 0.14 0.32 1.52 .06 0. 0.24 0.46 0. 4. N-2 .48 0.79 0.45 0.45 0.54 0.9 0. 0.46 + + + + AC + + + + + + + + + + 184.60 0. 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.38 1.1 .37 0. In .9 97 .56 0.40 0.39 0.5 0.54 .28 O + + + + + + + + + + + + + 174.60 0.05 0.08 .13 0.25 - 3 0.58 2.8 2.25 2.06 .6 1.13 .66 0.42 0.27 0.3 0.27 0. 0.09 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 164.60 0.05 0.10 0. 7 0.24 0.3 6 0.22 0.49 3 1. . 6 1.1 2 0.42 0.26 0.18 .14 0.0 .04 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 154.60 .07 0.16 0. 0.52 .94 i.26 0.20 0.30 0.52 0. 0.93 .94 0.28 0.14 0.08 0.0 0.02 0.01 + + + + + a0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 144.60 .08 0.22 .5. 1.17 . 4 3 0.16 0.3 0.17 0.42 0. 2 .67 7 38 0.43 0.64 0. 1. 1.52 1. 0.72 2 0.15 0.06 03 0.02 0.01 AC1 + + . + + + + + + + + + + + 134.60 0. 7 0.21 63 .55 2. 7 0.23 0.28 0.30 0.35 0.70 .6 0.51 0. 0.47 0.52 .18 0.26 0.35 0.51 2.4 O 13 0.40 0.56 0. 1. 1,96 .1. 7 0. 0.24 0.10 0.04 02 0.01 + + + + + + + + N-1 + + + + + + + + 124.60 0.0 0.15 0. 1. 1.6 0. 0.56 0.63 .44 0.33 0.41 0.66 1.1 1.08 1. 1.20 .7 0.57 0.51 0.62 0. 0.55 1 . 2 0.72 0.63 0.77 0. 4 0. .45 2.09 1. 0.5 0. 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. .00 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 114.60 0.04 0,08 0.24 .5 . 2 0.53 129 1.44 1.53 1. 1 0. 0.43 0.50 0.9 1.55 2 4 2.91 3.07 .33 1.54 1. .79 113 1.51 1.42 1.32 0.80 0.69 78 .30 1.51 1.50 1.25 0.72 0.67 .77 0. 0.14 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 +Q N_ I + + + + +m N-2 + + + + + + o + + +o -1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 104.60 0,05 0.12 24 0,35 0.33 0,34 0.4 0+ 1.72 2.05 1.29 0.74 0.48 0.53 0.9 1.63 3. 0 4.14 2.66 1 49 0.9 0.97 1.41 2.06 2N-1 L76 05 0. 0.98 1.56 2.13 1.55 0.88 0.37 0.20 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 94.60 0.03 0.06 0. 1 0.16 0.20 0.30 0.5 0,8 1.1 1. 0 119 .00 .7 0.51 0.53 0.92 1.4 2. B 2. 39 .03 I 1. .02 1.14 L2 1. 1. 9 102 .98 1.02 1.18 1.25 1.23 L1 0.8 0_ 0.5 0.4 0.36 0.31 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.09 0.00 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 84.60 .04 0.05 0.07 0.15 0.23 0.33 0.3 0. 0. 8 0 62 .42 .40 0.38 0.44 0.6 0.7 0.9 0. 00 .95 0.71 0.59 0.51 0.6 0. 0. "1 0 53 .61 .5l 0.55 0.60 0.57 0.5 0.4 0.43 0.29 0.25 0.28 0.39 0.36 0.28 0.13 74.60 007 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.13 0,18 O.19 026 0,28 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.36 0.43 0.42 0.36 0.41 0.48 0.47 0.41 0.37 036 0.32 0.30 0.34 0.35 0.29 0.35 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.32 0,30 0.24 0.29 0.30 0.33 0. 0. 0. .38 0.17 ;q 60 0. 5 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.24 0,24 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.29 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.31 0.31 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.26 0.25 0.28 0.41 .59 1.27 .58 87 .45 0.22 + + + + j�+54.60 0.3 0.59 .4 0.5 0 6 31 . 0.27 0. 0.51 0. 0. 9 0. 1 23 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.36 0.6 0, 0 8 .38 0.34 0.34 0.39 0.5 0. 0. 7 .40 0.36 0. I 0 6 1 �i9�._ 1VV 14 1 1 0 9 + + �+30 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 44.60 0.69 .93 1.13 1.0 1.1 3 0 40 .45 0.69 0.95 0.8 0.9 3 0. .28 17 .18 0.30 .62 0. 1.1 1. 1 1 4 0 .70 0.44 0.42 .66 0. 1.1 1. 2 1.16 .T2 0.45 0.44 0.99 1+4 1+ 1.09 Page 1 + + 26 + 2.00 + 'IN- + + + 0.37 + 0.42 + 0.76 + + 1.98 + Qon + L74 54 + 0.25 + + + 7 I. + 1.89 }}� 2MN_13 + + I. 4 + 0. + 0.39 + 0.37 0. 0 1. + 1.88 j� + 2.bf�,-15 + 1. 5 + 0. .3 0.38 + 0+2 + 0.39 + 0. + 0.89 34.60 .68 .76 .95 .56 .29 .99 .15 .15 24.60 0.4 0.9 1.5 1.3 0.71 0.43 0.30 0.35 0. 1. 1.64 1.66 1.43 0.73 0.41 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.42 0.78 1.42 1,49 .88 .48 0,32 0.31 0.45 0.78 .40 1.48 0.88 .47 0.29 0.21 0.24 _W 22 W ILL. Ice F� W C =U Z Z)�_ D_ U `/ncludedJ R7F New Construction e =r R7FR Remodel 10 times longer -lasting than incandescent lamps Whether you call it a Double Deluxe, a PLC, a Double Twin Tube or simply a Quad, the compact fluorescent (CFL) light is a remarkable light source. With an average rated life of 10,000 hours, it will last 10 times longer than an ordinary Al incandescent lamp, while using only one-fourth of the electricity. And unlike typical fluorescents, the 900- lumen-output compact lamp (included) has a color temperature of 3500K and a high Color Rendering Index of 82. It generates a light that is quite similar to an incandescent light source. Fluorescent recessed fixtures are the obvious choice for installations where lighting is used continuously. Not only does the long lamp life save on relamping and maintenance, but the cool operating temperature reduces air conditioning loads. R7F Features Adjustable housing Adjusts up to 1-3/8 inches in plaster frame to accommodate different ceiling thicknesses. Oversized junction box The R7F is designed for easy through - branch circuit wiring. Eight (4 in — 4 out) No.12 AWG (90C) conductors are permitted in the box. For a quick and easy wiring access, junction box covers are retained with a snap latch. The R7FR is designed for end -of -run wiring. Rigid bar hangers These rigid bar hangers are for use in 16-inch to 24-inch O.C. wood joist or T-Bar construction. This design permits sturdier installations that are less prone to sagging. Because the recessed fixture can now slide anywhere along the bar hanger, they are handy in T-Bar ceilings where centering of the fixture within the ceiling panel is desired. One-piece 27-inch bar hangers (RBH27) are available where required. Versatile plaster frame Adaptable to new or existing ceilings. For existing ceilings, remove bar hangers and use RRC Remodel Clips. ordWhformation Wattage/ Lamp Type Description Volts Catalog # PU-W (1)13W CFL New Construction 120 R7F-1 $34 Quad Tube Remodel (supplied with 4 remodel clips) 120 R7FR-1 $34 New Construction 277 R7F-2 $34 Remodel (supplied with 4 remodel clips) 277 R7FR-2 $34 Accessories Catalog # Pair 27" Flat Bar Hangers (R7F only) RBH27 $4 T-Bar Clips (4) (R7F only) (use with RBH27) RTBC $3 Internal Trim Reflector RITR $10 (use with RT13, RT14, RT15. RT25) Oversize Metal Trim Ring (7-7/8" o.d.) ROTR $7 (Not for use with RT18) Remodel Clips (4) (R7F only) RRG $3 Accessories ....................................................Pages 336-337 Photometrics and Coefficients of Utilization ....................... Pages 338-340 R7F and RUR Features High power factor ballast Ballast reduces line current and allows more fixtures on an individual circuit. Ballast is accessible from below the ceiling and is Class P thermal protected. Minimum starting temperature 32°F (O°C) in open fixtures. Temperature is lower for enclosed fixtures. Adjustable socket Socket plate is adjustable as required for different trims. R7F New Construction O L plaster frame 6,43' dlmenslons: 10.51 x 7.25"W Labels Both housings are UL and cUL Listed for damp locations or wet locations when used with RT13, RT63 or RT113 style trims. Fixture rating For line volt/amps, multiply total lamp wattage by 1.25. NOTE: This fluorescent fixture cannot be dimmed. See page 326 for a fluorescent fixture that has a dimmable ballast option. 211 Product Availability... DIRECT! (800) 236-7000, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT ISM" Fax: (800) 236-7500 ® www.ruudlighting.com / / '1 I I \ I I I / / SPENCER & NANCY j BAKER / N/F I 1 1 I / r I 1 1 DWL. \ I / / I E%ISNNG LIGHT/�� TO BE REMOVES HART I\ DEVELOPMENT, LLC. —, N/F / \ PROPOSED LIGHTING LEGEND / SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FIXTURE TYPE MOUNTING < RECESSED IN CANOPY 13 WATT COMPACT FLUORESCENT UNDER CANOPY AT I D'+/- RUUD AREA CUTOFF 1 DD WATT METAL HALIDE BUILDING MOUNTED -18 FEET FORWARD THROW CUTOFF LY RUUD PARKING/ROADWAY LIGHT (1)1 WATTMETALHAUDE POLEMOUNTED-18FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION �([ RUUD PARKINGIROADWAY LIGHT (TI 1W WATT METAL HALIDE POLE MOUNTED -18 FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION RECEI'VED SMRM Key BobnkzfM ro CORNRon F/e111e 81. Remnb CP Canyronlo peregrino S- Fem 18'10 24" Heigbl B & B N Ilex —,al- Wlnte-" 18'to 2C Height B & S JC ✓en per cAlneruU vu. SarBsno Sapent Juniper 1W 24'Heg1,1 BBB PO Physocamyw opulq'alau W.— D .l Nlnebalk 18.10 2 -SH B & S RA M. aromatka Fragrant Suma 1w 1024"BeigM B— SS SPi,aeaxbamlda Bumald SpIme IS-10 24--gN B&B ST Salsa. Munlurgll Thunbeq Spine 18'to 24" HaIpM B & B SM Syrfny.. meyert PaBbb' Palibin Liles 18' Io 24' HeigM B & B TM Tastyxmedb Y— 1WW 24'Heghl BBB — A— T TOT EXISTING 8UILCr G INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F T— Key fit M kN Nerve Gammon N— af- Rammke AF e, xfream nil Aunmrn Sl Freemen M.P. - B & B.6 Brensbing Height BN BeWanMra Nnimge' RW.Birch 1-1I2"10 2-Ca1., heavy clump B& B,B Branching Heigbl FP Fraclnua PenwWwnba Glean Ash Trenplanl existing frees orrs2e B d B, 8 Br 01. Hegh1 GT G(sdltrb MacunrM1m HanMloouel 2-112- to r Cal. B & B. B Branchirp Heghl IAA Malue Crebappla 1-1C'l02-Cal. B& B, B BmneMng Haigh PS Pmess4-- S—Pine BIo THelghl B&B PR PmuereeNru'a RaJ Pine 8' 0 T Helghl or trensp—ex Ming trees ans8a B&B PH Prumre unyenlii ISergnl Cheery 2-1/2'to 3'Cal. B8B,88renehing Height SR Sy,inga rcncvbla Japanese Tree Lilac 1.1I2' 1. r Cel. B & B. B Brenching HeigM TO lh, Alb.1d. 2-la'm r Cal. e&e,a 13—Nng Hegm MERGENS- WILTSHIRE, LLC. N/F (LOT 3) 3g\ Y4 / 41� 1I / 11 REGORY DRI\ \�VESTA)tEPfT-1 11" \I\\- N/F / AF- 1 1 t I/ I �l III c I I I I I W.W. GRAINGI 1\ I I Co11 /^ j 4 N/F I ! I 1 PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDISTRICT: MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTIC PROJECT AREA: 3,76 ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: ]o% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT'. 40FEET-EXISTINGSUILDINO& PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET APPLICANT/LANDOWNER PARKING'. 164 SPACES PROPOSED-3.5 SPACES PER 10008F REOUIRED FOR OFFICE USE R.EM.DEVELOPMENTCOMPANY,LLC S8e AVENUE G MUNICIPALS EWER&WATER: EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO REMAIN, WITH WILUSTON, VT051% AN ADDITIONAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR THE ADDITION. GRAPHIC SCALE °sA tr Nb ( IN FEET) CIVIL 1 inch = 30 ft. '��`/i®�A LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND — PROJECTPROPERTYLINE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE — — SIDELINE OF EASEMENT SIDELINE OF SETBACK ------S--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE B MANHOLE —S S— PROPOSED SEWER LINE -_--�.�__W------ EXISTING WATERLINE, VALVE, HYDRANT B VAULT W_ PROPOSED WATERLINE AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE SP- EXISTING STORMLINE, CATCH BASIN& GRAIN MANHOLE PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN —_�3`'T EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC & TELEPHONE LINES f/'�'�j ••J L -f,r(r��/�} EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE ��Lf\) EXISTING TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED OR REMOVED PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE W EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE +� PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE PROPERTY CORNER FOUND {] EXISTING LIGHT POLE C PROPOSED LIGHT POLE EXISTING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED OR RECLAIMED THE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMEN OREGORY DRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE, 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAIN WAS TAKEN FROM PLAN ENTITLED 'GREEN TREE PARK' BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY 5, 1888 AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 25e AT PAGE 126 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3, UTUTIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2W7. A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED 8.25 , AND A SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4.124e. BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. 4, CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON LIDAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE 2W4 CHITTE MOEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOIMAGERY PROJECT, LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING PAVEMENT, DRIVES, WALKS TOTAL COVERAGE 40.4% 62.0% These plans shall only be used for the pinpose shown below: Q SkewlVConcept W Act 250 Review 0 hO.Ininwy Q Construction I final local Rcview p R—d Drawing 19 GREGORY DRIVE 085`N". 51 R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MCArys LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK SITE PLAN DJGBR ked o LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING 7D-31-07 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. sneer gnnbe 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 1 of 4 soz-s7a-aaso www.fneng;nee,;ng.enm I \\ I I \ I 1 / SPENCER & NANCY j BAKER / N/F I 1 / EXIST No LIGHT+ TOM REMOVED HART DEVELOPMENT, LLC. -— N/F PROPOSED LIGHTING LEGEND / I SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FIXTURE TYPE MOUNTING w RECESSEDIN CANOPY 13 WATT COMPACT FLUORESCENT UNDER CANOPY AT ttl al- RUUD AREA CUTOFF 100 WATT METAL HALIDE BUILDING MOUNTED -18 FEET FORWARD THROW CUTOFF /} RUUD PARKINWROADWAY LIGHT (1) 100 WATT METAL HALICE POLEMOUNTED-18FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION QQ RUUD PARKINGIROADWAY LIGHT (2)10o WATTAETALHAUDE POLE MOUNTED -18 FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION RECEIVE' SAI.er Ray OW kd NMRa Com—NMB9 8h9 Ramr/o CP Cmgronwpere8rinc Swesl Fem Is-1.24'HBgM B&B IV llu verHcillob WI-asay I W 24'HBgIs BBB JC Jw/psr chimmis wr. S—A SM,9 1A-4— IV l02e Hel9N S&B PO PFNeemnPa*°PW7'seN Dwa4 Ng 1Wl021-Haghl BBB RA Rh-- Fra — 3ullwc 1W LP W I-I-M B & B 38 Spmaesi NerwMo Bumsld Spar IW 1, 21'-PM B&B ST Spircen lhwhr811 Thanaar9 SpIaM 18'1024"HegM B&B Z.Syringe meyeri Palihm' PaIIbID LING I IS-1, 24'HegM lass TM Tamaxmdb Y. 18'Ip21IbgM BBB PT.ANT T IT EXISTING BUILDING INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F n.- My 806.10a1NMIM Common10— Of- Ramrb AF AcerxJreemnii'Aahmm81—' Fre—Maple 2-112'1, 3-Cal. B&B, 6.—I"HftIs ON Bebla n,gra NarX`ge' River Bach 1-t12.1c 2" Cel., I—Y clump 8 & B, 6 Bwnchilw Hei9M FF Fraslnes pennsyhwnim Glees AM T,-PIant asialin9 ueea omia B & B, 6 Bmr N, Heghs SIT GW,ab 0iacmrUu HanaYbwN 2-11T tP 3-Cal. B & Is. 6 B.—sa Hal9M MA Alalus eFR CoMAPpN 1-1n. 1. 2-CaI. BB Is, 68mn "4.19M PS Pbuerylwsma SOUS Paw IV. THegM BBB PR Pmmrwin— Rad Ph. V. T HegM or lranaplam.-ing l--h, B&S PH P—xargentii Sar9em Cherry 12--l03'Cel, B&B,6BwncM1lllp H1111I SR Syri relkWab Japanese Two LIMc 1 1-112- W 2" Cal. B & B, 6 Bmnahin9 HNpM TO I Th, otttlaacla A-.— 2-112- Ip 3' Csl. B & B, 6 BwrchiW Ha9hl MERGENS - WILTSHIRE, LLC. N/F (LOT 3) / f III 1 / 1 f a /lil�l' /r I r itI Irl � r l I 1 !l! { REGORY DRIVE f 1 \ N/F I a \ \ I \ / � 1 r t 111/,i I I#rrll — I I f W.W. GRAINGEF r N/F / r I PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDISTRICT: MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IC PROJECTAREA: 3.18 ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) —MUM BUILDING COVERAGE'. 40% MAXIMLM LOT COVERAGE: TO% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: IOFEET- EXISTING BUILDING& PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET APPLICANT/LANDOWNER PARKING '.164 SPACES PROPOSED-3.S SPACES PER 100D SF REQUIRED FOR OFFICE USE MUNICIPAL SEWER&WATER:—STING AND REMAIN, WITH TOTHE R.E.M. DEVEL PMNTCOMPANY LLC O E a. AVENUED N/ILLISTIXi, VT06K5 5EATER ERVICE PROPOSED FORSERVICE AN ADDITIONAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR THE ADDITION. GRAPHIC SCALE 00,11114, o f If f 1* = k ' No. 8070 d �^ CIVIL � IN FEET 2 ch — 30 ft. ' h�w IIII 111\\ LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND — PROJECT PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE — — SIDELINE OF EASEMENT — — SIDELINE OF SETBACK -----5---- I------5--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWS R LINE &MANHOLE —S S— PROPOSED SEWS R LINE -- — -- — W______ EXISTINGWATERUNE, VALVE, HYDRANT&VAULT W_ PROPOSED WATE RUNE AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE D EXI STING STORMLINE, CATCH BASIN& CRAIN MANHOLE c ST PROPOSED STORMUNE AND CATCH BASIN �. —�351` --_- EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR EST EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC& TELEPHONE LINES 0f�[\/j EXISTING DE —US TREE EXISTING TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED OR REMOVED 1 - r�•7 PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE EXISTING COMFEROUS TREE PROPOSEDCOMMROUSTREE • PROPERTY CORNER FOUND Q EXISTINGLIGHTPOLE P PROPOSEDLIGHTPaE ': ':�':�:. EX I STING PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK TO BE .:. "-: REMOVED OR RECIAIMED NOTES: 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE, THIS PLAN 18 NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM PLAN ENTITLED `GREEN TREE PARK' BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MAY s, 1B89 AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 252 AT PAGE 128 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY HOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED IRON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 200T, A RECORD DtAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED S,2 . AND A SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 1--. BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING E NGINEERS, INC. 1. CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON LICAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE 2001 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOMAGERY PROJECT. LOT COVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING lo.T% ts.o% PAVEMENT, DRIVES, WALKS 29.7% 37.9% TOTALCOVERAGE 404% 52.9% These plans shall only be used for the purpose shown below: Skewh/Cooeept 0 Act 250 ReYiew 0 Preliminmy Q Const—tion Final Local Rexiew Q Record Drawing 2 ° 19 GREGORY DRIVE 1'rolwt No 07D� � R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MG,AS Ir LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK rx i- LL SITE PLAN ABR H Da4 of LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING 7-31-07 Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Di,., Engineers,Inc.meat n untie 14 bioTae (hive, Essex, VT 05452 802-878-4450 www.LDallgmeesing— 1 0l 4 \I P _ Y'�-' I f ' -\\ \\ j I I� /-_; \ 1 / j Il 1 JOSEPH�lIVIDA I I \\ \\ \ \ oa T LLIST \ \ 1 I 7�' i / �/ t `` BALYRE III I I ♦/"-. / / O PAU LYO NCYI I / ( ! I/ // YON 1/ IPOOL N/Fl _ P \\ I \ •( /\L 1/ E%ISTFG CEDAR HED\3E (I 11 ,t, +/ I, t i I \\ N Q RROPOSEOAETAININGWALV O I ,(DESIGN B+P OTHERS) / -' / / / / / // AIR REALEASEfaPNNOLE / \ \ �- — W E SPENCER & NANCY I 1 —� _ --�— W 1 \ _ _ _ // / L EXIST. s y \ - - ROW*°Eu BAKER // RIMr /n \ PROJECT RD ' _ / " 3389 -`-- LOCATION N/F 1 (% / 5 R'v - 35r L4,'� "y'"Yf E.ORTAR FRAME / 5 _ ' , ' y �„�\ L TO STRUCTURE / 6 2�,''/�`'''Ci .....` �-/ \ap">"m+t!'4' MERGENS-UNLTSHIRE,LLC. N/F s TGWTI of REGRADE EXISTING GRASS (LOT 3) WILLISTON SWALETOMAINTAINPOSITVE q"EyENr DRAINAGE TO DETENTION AREA XW1DEUTILITY EXISTING BUILDING LOCATION PLAN lnc.\NTTOGTv NEW 3' WIDE BOTTOM DRY SWALEp NTS _- g•PVs. •_` Lgc'' ... "" \ \\ C \ \ SEE -AIL ON SHEET _LEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY LINE EXIST SW \ CARRIER PIPET DAYLIGHT BEGIN 4" \ \ \ \ I �- -- /' �� / L,.,. / /�/, \ \ \ RIM • 35150 \� NVRR14R PIPE TO DAYLIGHT ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE C. EXI$T. SMH ' S-pp32 3 � ' .. //E%ISTNO B-SEWER '�// � (}\ � � ` �.� ---- _lei — — SIDELINE OF EASEMENT t �,r ]D—RIFT•332.T0 ^' SIDELINE OF SETBACK \{ \ /! { / //// EXISTING //�/�//. \ \ Y \ r yac- —�—i/ //-----8---------5--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE BMANHOLE AND MANDOOR /� \ ` r / —pyS. 8— PROPOSED 6EWER LINE EXIST / 1 \ PR 'SDR POSED35 \ \ R S\ RIM•352.13 / I PqL / / ,y3� ___+_-- A&--W------ EXISTING WATERLINE, VALVE, HYDRANTB VAULT IN -• .'8/ �� I I { I \ / 5EyWER SERVICE ./� t �,1 (1t \{ \'" 8 EMEN / // `M ^'• ww-S: 348.20 ... I } EXISTING BUILDING "" \ �} i \ ,�{\ �wqr r// "'— PROPOSEDWATERUNEANDHYDRANTWITHGATEVALVE SEE DETAIL SHEET \ / \ „ i - FEE • 358.B3 -ST- /J - --- EXISTING STORMLINE, CATCH BASINB DRAIN MANHOLE HEWS WIDE BOTTOM WETSWALE __�___ iEE DETAIL ON SHEET4 /•\ '/ i N I /// \ \ ro 1 \ V �� \ / jF F \� u ST PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN HART I\I II \\ I\ .�4 ... t .. /�� 7 \. \ \ _ \ I\ \ ��\; w�-� /I A/ - _ - - >� PROPOSED GRAss SWALE DEVELOPMENT, LLC. \\ \\ EXISTING HVAC TO BE EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR \ 1 / RELOCATED TO ROOFTOP ATYG g1° \ \ I ^ \, •"'\ ( 1 \ / I ,V, / RELOCATED HYDRANT WITH O TE �\ \ \ / I EXISTING UNDERGROUND NEW 8"OATE VALVE � OE LORE O \ \ \G � I \ \ \ \� \ J/ / \ 1 ! (Jj I � ELECTRICB TELEPHONE LINES \ / I 1 1 (p1 \ RT.,. B✓ / // Y EXIST, WH S� O \` ` I I EXIS N(3STpR1. WiTE S� / /6` / -� //j I 1 TENTOlI'AR A\ // • PROPERTY CORNER FOUND RIM.- 55 / r \�\ / /� 12'PE CULVERT / I N I 1 1 ^)L / 8"PVC IN• 34T.8\\ \ I I �\--\111//A/��• \ \ / 1 / /I C ( C W PECHO / EXISTING LIGHiPIXE NEW 'WIDEI ONCRETE "" I I } 25 ,� /r. • '//, ROOOF DRAY/ / j�'i: n \\ n \\ I I • _ '} .�' £ i(' �� i/ 12" PVC INA)UT • 34].B / J C _ I 41NV / I I % J ( / / O PROPOSED LIGHT POLE ou as1.3p / 7 / l EdEv Tb / / 1 / // m I REMOVE \ / / I // ! / SIDEJALK (ER OWN TO .1., APPROXRATE m` \ EXISTING 4•RyC\ \I ' I 4q }�ryj1(pr PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK �DARAIN ATLONQO DE + ( .,' �O CREiE 51 BIKE CK 3 Sx �,, ,// \._ 4 EXISTNEdd NPR. HYDRANT 5 01 = __ / /// / II •'!' / LOCATIO OF '\ WATERLINE _/Aw// // WATER LINE CONSTR UCTION NOTES: RIM 2.0 3 x6 '� 3 x I / \I ! /� �� n / �W f} I a � / (/J/ / / 1. ALL WATER LINE AND ftEIATED WORK SMALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Ra W \ �' / / ' (�1 /PVC OUT INV.•315.39 CHAMPlA1N WATER DISTRICTSPECIFICATIONS ND ETAIL F F A R \ 2p { / •' \ $5 5.,� EX / f j LINES A APPURTENANCES. 1lii pp.. ,." 'L� •�, ypt /'., / ` / MTAIf'iNO CAPWRH B- DIAMETER t { 12 PE %264\ 5�000E3—� \ ` Li y °pN°RE 511 �� 0 / / # / / 5 ` I /1b{BIIFlCE INCAP. INV. B"ORIFICE•a15.5 2. W /y / f 1 I WITH DOMESTIC SERVICE AND FIRE SPRINKLER MBLYAND SYSTEMCONNECTIONSTHERMAL L BE EXPANSION CTED SYSTEM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ASSEMBLY AND AN APPROPRIATE TIERMAL EXPANSION SYSTEM TR04B WATER OF THE THEC OF CROSS CONNECTIONS TH ! I N4 \/ I \ 3 / / 3 / / i i /,' r C AT AE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, WATER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, ( \ OS \ (2) 4- PVC 11 v US- / \ \ / S� ,\,\ / ' (\ 1 \ 99DBTEAR AT 211E BOTTOM OF THE \EDLUNq ( 1T VC UT•NS" EXIST, 11"PV TO \I NEW f�ORANT WITH 'EgTNG DETE IWRAQ€A SHALL BE 3,T/HEEXISTING HYDRANT LOCATED SOUTH OF THE BUILDING SHALL BE RELOCATED THE S C� Y / EWL"GATE VALVE / ' 1 \ \ RLMA�DTO PROVIDE A MINIMUM I2- EX STING HYDRANT LOCATED EAST OF THE BUILDING SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACEDYNTHA COAM1PANY, INC T _ " 3 'S3 r �. \ .� \ \ — \ 4 BE REMOVED / I\ ` / ` / / / ! I \\EE'45UIB—�LOW THE OUTLET PIPE NEW HYDMNT AT THE LOCATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. NSW 1TE.S.INV • 348.80 4. THE EXISTING B-GATE VALVE AND SERVICE LINE TO THE EXISTING HYDRANTS SHALL BE \\ ABANDONED IN PLACE. AFTER REMOVING EACH HYDRANTASSEMBLY, INSTALL AN END CAP AND THRUST BLOCK BEYOND THE DATE VALVE THE DATE VALVE SHALL BE IN THE CLOSED POSITION, \I , ' \ \ I 1 />rS,^ / / �' "' n� ,Lpt'-^"'� \ F•..,-, / - ^' {S / II / y]1\ \ \ WITH THE VALVE BOX REMOVED R ET EX�ST. COTS ETE END 1 I _ kF'1�� '{ �^'I^M T1 L�r SLLLCTONQN EXIS' IF PIPE S THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW OR RELOCATED IPVCHEADERDSAIN ` ], 'In �\ t1 �\ ` I I 'V ' / II{y.3y % HYDRANTS WITH THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR, WITH PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER, MAY SHUT } I I BE ETAIL SGiL'r4 // �/ i / !� \ I G / \ X U k,.� jj I ( I / ( / DONBH TIE EXISTING WATERLINE TOINSTALLA NEW TEE INTHE EXISTING WATER LINE FOR THE 1 N I INV, BLN iSL% CONNECTION TO HEXI ALTERNATELY, THE FOR PE NEWHY RANTAP S. � i 1 / / / / � � •. � _ � 35q ,fit _= r. T5 CONNECTION TO TH EXISTING WATER LINE FOR INSTALLATION OF THE NEW HYDRANTS. PROPOSED TRROA i QII�ER x = kT, 1 _ �� �_ ", ;t 3�U0'' j5 S ` I 1 G /\ / 16 gREGORY DRIVE �FI—B y ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE IL - I '�" / IN\4ESF ENT, LLC! GENERAL NOTES: FIBER OP IOTPADS (PEDESTALSe p I / % / / N/F / 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS AI 15 IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR IS �dT3i Y Y Y A i I / / NEW CB / OREOORY DRIVE. THIS PLAIN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. �'Z( TAT / / RIM.348.50 / Vr 1 �/ / / C / 1 I Iq\ 12"OUT•3_I13. yf ! / 2. THE THE PRY INFORMATION SHOWN TITHIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM APLANENTITLED --` -_ __��— — C Sil *%.� H41 'T- / 4'IN •395.59 S r �/ I ,/ I / RE CREED IN PARK" LLIME 2ELLCONSULTNG THE SOUTH INC, BUEAST REVISED MAY RECORDS, RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 2B8 AT PAGE ifOOF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON Cltt LAND RECORDS. 4, EXIST. CB THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT P —\ ( I / / (1 E ] •�, _. EXIST. RIM • S5205 SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. TJEWRRA.e3S2B0 12"-PVC IN � I 43 .w _— " ,�+- - k„, _ \ I �'7'--,/- — 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY 12"PVC our •34].50 THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED 825Ji0, AND A SITE PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-12-BB, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELLCONSULTING \ y Il NEW 4' WIDE BOTTOM DRY SWALE Yt / / / Y' / / 11 / / / / �' / / / ENGINEERS, INC. !\ / \\ SEE DETAIL ON SHEET END 4"UNDERDRAINA DBEGIN 4'. / X'STI VG !/ / \ r { / \ / P A V I I I / / 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON LIOAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE CARRIER PIPE TO NEW At 9fONE SWALE S�ILLWAY E ENT I ( I I ! 2004 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOWAGERY PROJECT. NV \ \ El EV•351.0 ( / I I I i 5. DESIGN PIPE SLOPES SHOWN ARE IN FEET PER FOOT. XIV(+T E^�11l� � >W I ITV G 8Ujjj` Il I I \ \\ 9-04-0i REVISEDPERSTAFFREVIEW ABR II �DING / 1 \\\\ \\ \\ \I 1 lI 1 j 8-28-07 REVISE NEW SEWER SERVICE, HYDRANT REPIACEMENTNOTE ABR W.W. GRAINGER, INC. INVESTORS CORPORATION ( \ ��\ \ \ \ I FO ( % / I 8-15-0] REVISESWALESf.RELATEDGRADINGNIPINGIMOVEOUMPSTERS ABR \ \ \ \ \ \ / / 1 Date Revision By P.� OF VERMONT I I \ I 1 \ p11 / / ! ",A 1 L +../ i wr a<a N/F ( ' \ \ I I f ' I / I rnese Dims shau poly be used a me plBBpeB shDwD belDw: SkemNCu pt Act 250 Review p FrINnp c f rrHery on3trucDDD Final L-BIReview ED Record hawing 19 GREGORY DRIVE 11, N. 085 N R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC '- LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK D-S. Z SOUTH BURLINGTON VT ABR A M.DEVEOPMNDOWNER RE M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC UTILITIES & B 593AVENUED WILUSTON,VTOs415 0f O S CI3.W DJG GRAPHIC SCALE ,` gl r y""If �, U. o GRADING PLAN 7-1-07 , f Z q4 ji = 'n _ SCSI. c nA. -B CIVIL ( IN FEET J ' o v: Lamoureux &L Dickinson COriSUt11N� Engineers, Inc.1 Sheet—b. inch = 30 (L 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VC 05452 802-878-4450 www.LDengimering.com ° I LAMOUREUX & DICKINSvN Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel. (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 LDengineering.com • Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Soils • Wetlands • Landscape Architecture • TRANSMITTAL ❑ Mail ❑ Fax X Hand carried ❑ To be picked up ❑ Courier service TO: Cathyann LaRose FROM: Andy Rowe ADDRESS: Dept. of Planning & Zoning DATE: September 4, 2007 FAX NO.: RE: PROJECT NAME: 19 Gregory Drive PROJECT #: 07085 COPIES DATE SHEET DESCRIPTION X Plans 5 09-04-07 1-2 Revised site plans Shop drawings 5 Full size architectural plans (by Gardner Kilcoyne) Report Copy of letter Change order COMMENTS: Hi Cathyann, we have made the revisions to the plans as we discussed this morning. The front yard coverage along Shun Pike Road is 29.4% (3632 sf of coverage / 12371 sf total). Thanks for meeting with us - see you this evening. Specifications Disk For your review For your use For comment As requested F.Y.I. For execution Signature: Andy COPY TO: ❑ Front Office Copy ❑ Project File Copy City Of SO. Ui lii�� revised 3/19/99 P:\Transmit.wpd YERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation August 31, 2007 R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 599 Ave D Williston VT 05495 Agency of Natural Resources Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 Telephone: (802) 879-5656 RE: WW-4-0117-1, Lot 2 Green Tree Park construct an addition to existing building for a total footprint of 24,500 square feet and increase previous 55 employee's to a maximum of 240 employee's, municipal water and sewer, 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on August 30, 2007, including a fee of $362.25 paid by check 419680. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 45 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need -under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. For the Division of Wastewater Management `� (3�Aj Mary Baril Administrative Technician II cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Andrew Rowe Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St.Johnsbury CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 August 30, 2007 Andy Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: 19 Gregory Drive Site Plan Application #SP-07-59 Dear Mr. Rowe: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and staff comments to the Board. Please be sure that someone is at the meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, C Bets cDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: August 28, 2007 \drb\sit\remdevelopment\REM_siteplan.doc Plans received: August 9, 2007 19 Gregory Drive SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-07-59 Agenda #6 Meeting date: September 4, 2007 Owner/Applicant R.E.M. Development Company LLC 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Engineer/Contact Property Information Andrew Rowe Tax Parcel 0740-00019 C Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers Mixed Industrial Commercial Zoning District 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING R.E.M. Development Co., LLC, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking site plan approval to amend a previously approved plan for a 27,500 sq. ft. general office/manufacturing building. The amendment consists of: 1) converting the entire existing building to general office use, and 2) constructing a 19,500 sq. ft. GFA addition for general office use, 19 Gregory Drive. COMMENTS Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on August 9, 2007 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements: IC Zoning District Re uired Proposed Min. Lot Size 40,000 S.F. 3.76 acres Max. Building Coverage 40% 15% Max. Overall Coverage 70% 52.9% Max. Front Yard Coverage (Gregory Drive 30% 15.7% �l Min. Front Setback (Gregory Drive Road 30 ft >200 ft ## Max. Front Yard Coverage (Shunpike Road 30% ####% ##Min. Front Setback (Shunpike Road 65 ft 65 ft �l Min. Side Setback 10 ft./65 ft# >65 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. NA- thru lot Max. Buildin Hei ht 40 ft. E25 ft. Zoning Compliance ## The subject property is located within the Mixed Industrial/Commercial Zoning District and as such shall be subject to Section 3.06(I) of the SBLDR, where a new non-residential use is adjacent to or within fifty (50) feet of the boundary of a residential district. In such a case, the required side or rear setback shall be increased to sixty-five (65) feet. A strip not less than fifteen (15) feet wide within the sixty-five foot setback shall be landscaped with dense evergreens, fencing, and/or other plantings as a screen. The plans do not depict the zoning district boundaries. They should be revised to do so. Front yard coverage from Shunpike Road shall be established based on the 65 foot setback from the zoning district boundary which is located in the center of Shunpike Road. 1. The plans shall be revised to show the zoning district boundaries and the related setbacks and coverages. The proposed new addition is located 65 feet from the property boundaries to the north and west, which follow the residential/ commercial zoning boundaries. This meets the setback requirement. The proposed pavement is located exactly fifteen (15) feet from the property boundary. This meets the setback requirement. However, staff does not find that the proposed landscaping meets the intent or specifications of Section 3.06(I) with respect to requirement for densely planted evergreens. The landscaping in this area needs significant revision. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING 2. The plan shall be revised to include a dense plantings of evergreens along the northern property boundary, between the residential and IC zoning district boundaries. This shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Development Review Board. Staff is also concerned about the proximity of the dumpsters to this northern property boundary/ residential zoning district. Please refer to comments on this matter found below in other sections of this report. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. There are no changes to the accessibility or transition between structures as a result of this proposal. The current building is accessed via a 24 foot access drive. This is an acceptable width. Staff does not feel that any changes to the access are needed. Based on 47,000 square feet of general office use, the site requires 165 parking spaces. The site plan includes parking for 164 vehicles. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a parking waiver of 1 space, or 0.6%. 3. The Board grants a parking waiver of 1 parking space, or 0.6% Six handicapped parking spaces are required; six are provided. All parking spaces, including handicapped accessible spaces, meet dimensional and aisle requirements. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. This lot has frontage on two public roads and is thus considered a through lot with two front yards, and two side yards. There are no rear yards. Parking is proposed to be located to the side of the building, with some existing parking in the front yard along Gregory Drive. Given the existing nature of this parking, and the commercial nature of the Gregory Drive side of the property, staff finds this conformance with this criterion. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The height of the building is proposed to be 25 feet, well below the maximum height of 35 feet for a flat roof. No height waivers are requested or needed. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated August 23, 2007 (attached). There will be minimal impact on the water lines. 5. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated July 30, 2007. The applicant has also requested wastewater allocation for the increased number of employees. No decision on this application is available at this time. 6. The applicant shall receive final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit for the proposed addition. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has not yet submitted architectural details. 7. The applicant shall submit architectural details prior to plan approval. (t) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has not yet submitted architectural details. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. At this time, there are no appropriate opportunities for connecting access to surrounding properties with vehicular access. However, staff strongly advises a pedestrian connection, via a sidewalk or paved path, at the southwest corner of the lot, near Shunpike Road. There is currently a sidewalk which exists along the first lot on the western side of Shunpike Road. A path to Shunpike from the subject lot would allow pedestrians safer, easier access to Kimball Ave. The Board should discuss this matter. 8. The plans shall be revised to show a sidewalk at the southwestern portion of the lot connecting to Shunpike Road. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans shows proposed dumpsters are adequately screened. However, staff is concerned about their proximity to the residential property to the north. The DRB has been consistent in regulating the location and hours of trash removal on other properties along this district boundary, on Gregory Drive and Green Tree Drive. The dumpsters should either be relocated, or the applicant shall be subject to restrictions on hours of trash pickup. The Board should discuss this matter. 9. The applicant shall mitigate the trash pickup per the direction of the Development Review Board (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Based on submitted building costs of $1,700,000, the minimum landscaping budget should be $24,500. The applicant is proposing $31,490 in new landscaping. This meets the minimum budget. The City Arborist is reviewing the plans and should have comments prior to the hearing. The applicant should adhere to these stipulations. 10. The applicant shall adhere to the comments of the City Arborist. The plans shall be revised accordingly. It is unclear to staff which existing trees are to be removed and which are to remain. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan which clarifies this matter. 11. The landscaping plan shall clearly identify which existing trees are to remain and which are to be removed. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, the plans shall depict snow storage areas that will minimize the potential for run-off. Adequate snow storage areas are not shown on the plans. 12. The site plan shall be revised to show adequate snow storage areas A bicycle rack is depicted on the plans. Lighting Pursuant to Section 13.07(A) of the Land Development Regulations, all exterior lighting shall be shielded and downcasting to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent properties and rights -of -way. The lighting fixtures proposed by the applicant meet the standards set forth in the SBLDR. However, staff has visited the site and notes that several of the existing building -mounted lights are CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING not in compliance with the regulations. These shall be brought into compliance as part of this application. 13. The building mounted lights shall be replaced with fixtures that are down -casting, shielded and otherwise in compliance with the Land Development Regulations. However, the applicant should also submit a point -by -point lighting plan so staff can evaluate the proposed lighting levels for compliance. 14. The applicant shall submit a lighting point -by -point plan depicting the lighting levels across the subject lot. This shall be in compliance with the limitations specified in the Section 13 of the SBLDR. Traffic The estimated traffic based on 47,000 square feet of general office is 70.03 pm peak hour trips. It has been established through previous approvals and impact fees paid that the current business produces 36 vehicle trip ends. The applicant shall pay impact fees based on the difference, or 34.03 vehicle trip ends. Staff recommends that the South Burlington Development Review Board continue Site Plan Application #SP-07-59 until the applicant can provide more information regarding the setbacks and coverages relating to the increased setback from the residential zone, to provide a new landscape plan, and to provide building elevations and point -by -point lighting plans, per staff comments above. Respectfully submitted, qr Rose,- Copy to: REM Development Company LLC, applicant August 23,2007 Mr. Andrew Rowe Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers 14 Morse Drive Essex junction, VT 05452 RE: 19 Gregory Drive Dear Andy: The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. Based upon the final water allocation request, water service fees shall be applied to the project based on the current Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council, and therefore subject to change prior to completion of the project. 2. All construction drawings and plans shall have a note saying "All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Champlain Water District Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances, henceforth the "CWD Specification." 3. The CWD Specifications are applicable to all new construction and reconstruction of water infrastructure. Variations from the CWD Specifications will not be permitted except as provided within the CWD Specifications. The appropriate CWD Supervisor as defined in the CWD Specifications shall determine the acceptability of any deviation from the those specifications. Private water lines and appurtenances shall be designed to the same standards as public water lines and appurtenances. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD Specifications". Details for this project must be the same as those within the above referenced CWD Specifications. 4. The project shall be constructed, completed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the approved plans. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the appropriate CWD supervisor. A copy of the final approved plans shall be submitted to the Department prior to construction of the water system improvements. 5. The applicant, developer or owner of record shall procure all permits, licenses, and easements that may be required to complete planned construction, including payment of all applicable fees, and shall comply with all conditions set forth in each permit. 6. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control Of Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City Of South Burlington, henceforth the "Backflow Ordinance." Please contact this department for more information on the installation and proper setting of backflow prevention devices. 7. The above referenced CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The appropriate CWD Supervisor may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. 8. Stainless Steel tapping sleeves shall be used on Asbestos Cement (AC), Cast Iron (CI), Ductile Iron (DI) and PVC C900 distribution mains. Sleeves shall be Powerseal Model 3490MJ Stainless Steel tap sleeve with mechanical joint outlet, or approved equal. 9. Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or approved equal. 10. It is a violation to discharge chlorinated water into waters of the state. All water used during flushing and testing of the new main must be dechlorinated prior to entering any water of the state. 11. Fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of an anchor tee or a Swivel Joint Hydrant Tee, a six-inch RW gate valve, the appropriate length of 6" DI pipe secured to the gate valve with the appropriate retaining glands, the fire hydrant, and appropriate thrust block. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned CWD Specifications, and an approved hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant. Hydrant drains shall be plugged prior to installation. Note: Waterous fire hydrants must be installed with a "Boston Operating Nut." The fire hydrant located on the eastern side of the existing building, which is slated for relocation shall be replaced with an approved fire hydrant per the above referenced CWD Specifications. 12. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City," and; 13. "The Department shall not maintain any water lines that have not formally been accepted by the City, except in subdivisions that are designed to Department specifications and are intended to be accepted," and; 14. "All water lines and appurtenances located within an area so designated as restricted or private by the developer shall be considered private." 15. Historically, the South Burlington Water Department has practiced overseeing the repair and maintenance of all water mains and appurtenances off from those mains not located in the ROW or deeded over to the City after formal approval. For this project, the water main shall remain private. 16. It must be understood that this Department would only provide the service of overseeing the repair and maintenance of the water mains and appurtenances after we have inspected and approved the installation of the water main and service lines beyond the City owned locations. 17. No parallel underground utility shall be designed or installed within four feet (4') of the water main from either side, or above the water main from the bottom of the main to finish grade. The exceptions of storm sewer and sanitary sewer are only as allowed by the CWD Specifications and the VT Water Supply Rule. No building or structure shall be built above the water line or within the water line easement. Generally storm sewer and sanitary sewer will be designed to be installed with a five-foot (5') separation unless provisions have been included to allow for proper support of either the storm water or sewer structures or water lines in the event of a needed excavation of the water main. No utility shall be placed within five feet of any gate valve or ten feet of any fire hydrant. Generally, trees and shrubs shall not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of any appurtenance, including fire hydrants. 18. The SBWD shall be notified in advance to inspect all mechanical joint fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, thrust blocks, water line crossings, and testing prior to occurrence or backfilling. 19. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. Future plans must include details and specifications as required in above. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, Jay Nadeau Superintendent CC. Cathyann Larose Bruce Hoar Doug Brent Plan Reviews: 19 Gregory Dr 8-07 / / '\ I l / / SPENCER & NANCY I BAKER / N/F I 1 I_ ( OWL l\ I I / � I EXISTINGLIGHT/ TO BE REMOVES HART I\ DEVELOPMENT, LLC. \ N/F \ PROPOSED LIGHTING LEGEND / I SYMBOL DESCRIPTON FIXTURE TYPE MOUNTING LT RECESSED IN CANOPY 13 WATT COMPACT FLUORESCENT UNDER CANOPY AT I6 N- RUUD AREA CUTOFF Nee WATT METAL HALIDE BUILDING MOUNTED -18 FEET FORWARD THROWCUTOFF i/ RUUD PARIUNGIROADWAY LIGHT (1)1W WATTMETALHALIDE POLE MOUNTED -19 FEET TYPE III DISTPoBUnON IiIQ RUUD PARKINdROADWAY EIGHT (2) 100 WATT METAL MUM POLE MOUNTED -1S FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION SArab Kay 600ded NMRF Cdeaal N— xls IB&m&rla Cis Cmnprmaperegrlm Sweal Fem 18.1e 24' Hayhl B a 8 re (lexwrnalaa Wnterbel IS -to 21'Has. B&B JC i-lpn cAfnnn.tr wr. Sargenn Sargent Juniper 18-1. 24- HNIgN S&B PO PBy.oc.myma I#WuW.nm' D.l Ninsaa. 18. 10 24-HaeN Ban RA RAAr.ramrc. FraOnnt Sumac 18-to 21-Heigal B&B Be Sp.— 11—Spats te-b 21HegM B8B ST Sp. rl-bags Th.—,,Spats 18-b 21-HegM B88 SM Syi„g. n,e)arl Tdlba' PaiGn lLn 18'10 21'Neghl B&B TM TavN smeda Vew 18-lo —iila B&B EX'ST'NG BUILOI G INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F of ALIT T TQT r— Key aoMldulAWM Corr—N— ads IB.IRar/rt Blme' Freemen Mapb 2-tn-b3-CeL B&B. 6 Bmnchi,q Height BaNl. nlgra'Hnituge' RNnBimM1 2- C.I. Lea, clam 1-In- o y p B& B 6 Bmnchln Hel M 9 gFra.lnaspenmylwnLw Omen Ash 2-112-to r 0.1. or—pl.M a.ielag I—as8e B& S. 6 Barchine HegMGledlba kAFAcersjrasman„..1„lmnn nl.canMm Honeybwat L1n-to 7Cal. Ba B, TB—hmg Heghl U.—F, C—PWe I-In•torC.I. B&B,6Bnnchh,pHaigh[ Pu,u.Jr— Scd. PM 61. r HgM B&B Pam mama Red PHe6b r Haeld or—spMnl asses.Pruau.A.gmm $.spend Clarry 2-In. to 3-Lal. B a B, 6 BmrcM,M HNpM SR &yringa rde+Jm. J.pane.eT Ulan I.-102-Cal. B& B, 6 Branching HegM TO Thg. ocxidenalb An,.— 2-1/2.1.7 Cat, B a B. 6 Barching HegM MERGENS - W LTSH I RE, LLC. N/F (LOT 3) TnUTY thlJ I INk, bUILUINU LOCATION PLAN VT TO CITY HISLEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY LINE \ — ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE I SIDELINE OF EASEMENT SIDELINE OF SETBACK -----5---- 49 ------ S--- EXISTING SANITARY$EWER LINE& MANACLE / PROPOSED SEVER LINE ------ EXISTING E%ISTNO WATERLINE, VALVE, HVDRANTa VAULT ♦ �1 / W STORJyVCATER / D2 PROPOSED WATERLINE AND M'DRANT T. GATE VALVE \ �\ EAS�MENTFOI1 yA BENEFIT OF LOTJ/ / y / EXISTING STORMUNE. CATCH BASIN& DRAIN MAINNODE pROpO$ED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN �151_ — E XISTIW GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC& TELEPHONE LINES EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (_ - r PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE / \\\\\\I 1 ///� p / / / / I / //%/ � ♦ F EXISTING CONIFERWBIREE \ i )))/// F � � r I / /'A,'/ ' / I/ ,//� PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE 5A PROPERTY CORNERFOUND EXISTING POLE PROPOSEDUGHTPO I£ I ( I1f(GRE_GORY DRIVE ��l{uuJ y REMOVED OR DEWA KTOBE \\\\WVESTMLYV , REMOVED OR RECLAIMED \ LLC. --N/F PROp05EDPAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK >s r.:>=..•i:;iii:=: `:t ::iiiii:3ii /' % •' _' . ...... 1�THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 IT I - - I e••1 I I / / / GREGORY DRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE, TRANSP. T I REPLACd == / 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOVYN ON THIS PLAN WA$ TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED j / / / -GREEN TREE PARK- BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. LAST REVISED MAY S. 1989 AND \ E%ISTNOO�EENASM (FP /\ / / / I RECORDEDIN MAPVOLUME259ATPAGE1250FTHESOUTIIBURUNGTONCITYLANDRECORO.S- THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT SHOAIR HI�'E.C' N. .KiaYr TO BE REMOVE i I jJSE AND PAVEME I , / / // / // J.USP/YtRFFF,,,BBB SEDUPONALIMITEDFIELDSURVEY PERFIXNMEDBY OILOUSHEET 3)/� I / / / / THIS1-P B, BD A�IN(ipF�fiGFN��E PARK DATED&25d&, ANDASITE / ENGINE P RUK A D4 �]H PL(N3IY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. _� C U 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON LIDAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE 2004 CHITTENO NTY NA RE TOL PIANNINO IXNTMpMAGERY PROJECT. ,�� 2["01 S T r Al G /p A V/l �' L ERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED EMEINT I Ity IL 1o.7% 1Be% PAVEMENT. RI 37.9% I ' TOTALCOVERAGE A' // f W.W. GRR NI FGER, INC. 8-1547 MOVE OUMPSTERS. HVAC TO ROOF ABR These plans shall only be used for the pui shown below: Q S ketch/Concept M Act 250 Review PROJECT STATISTICS p Preliminary O cDrtmdl),on FiMI Local Review 0 Record Drawing ZONINGDISTRICT. MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIALDISTRICTIL 19 GREGORY DRIVE P`°"atNn OJ. PRECT AREA: 3.T8 ACRES (LOT 2 OF GREEN TREE PARK) 07085 MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% 5 R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MCdA'yS MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: TO% LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK sign MAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT, 40FEET-EXISTING BUILDING& PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET Z SOUTH BURLINGTON VT ABR APPLICANT/LANDOWNER U B PARKING: 184 SPACES PROPOSED-3.5 SPACES PER 10003E REOURED FOR OFFICE USE R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SITE P LA N 599AVENUE STON,V 0 Checked MUNICIPAL SEWER&WATER: SANITARY SEMRRAND ERVICESANITARYSED FOR THE AD TOREMAIN, WITH WILLISTON, VT05405 AN ADDITIONAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR THE ADDITION. O DIG GRAPHIC SCALE 0, ISLANDSCAPING & LIGHTINGse 0 a; \� �« � �i� ; z to 1. Scale =* B• B0ni Lamoureux & Dickinson i CIVIL $heel rtlSnher Consulting Engineers, Inc. IN -3T r,, <lalp \♦: 14%40IBe Olive, Essex, Vf 05452 1 inch aD TL ��iA/0/I ( l��A�� 802$78-0450 www.LlJeB®ncelvlg.c°m 1 °f �^ } �Flfill%%\ Permit Number SP- 01 - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) R.E.M. Development Company, LLC 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 864-5830 864-4172 (fax) bmiller@rem-development.com 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Volume 785 pages 562-564 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Same as landowner 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Andrew Rowe - Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 878-4450 878-3135 (fax) andy@LDengineering.com 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 19 Gregory Drive 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0740-00019 C 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Office and media duplication (formerly Resolution, Inc.) b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Office (with multiple tenants) c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Existinq building gross floor area = 27,500+/- sf Proposed building qross floor area = 47,000+/- sf d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Existing building and proposed addition are 2 stories, with a height of 25 feet. e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) Not applicable f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): A total of 240 office employees are proposed (to achieve this total number of employees, public transportation, multiple work shifts, and/or carpoolinq would need to be utilized) g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8) LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 163,785 Sq. Ft. (3.76 acres) a) Building: Existing 10.7 % / 17,500 sq. ft. Proposed 15.0 % / 24,500 sq. ft. b) Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 40.4 % / 66,200 sq. ft. Proposed 52.9 % / 86,700 sq. ft. Greqory Drive Shunpike Road c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 15.7 % / 1020 sq. ft. Existinq 0 % / 0 sq. ft. Proposed 15.7 % 1020 sq. ft. Proposed 4.7% / 410 sq. ft d) Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 2.7 acres +/- * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) b) Landscaping: $ 31,745 $ 1,700,000 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): Utilities and parking area improvements = $250,000 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 746 trip ends b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): 91 trip ends c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 70 trip ends 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 4:30 - 5:30 PM 2 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday through Frid 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Spring 2008 14) ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) See attached list 15) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). L\ I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: � I vl L t�-- REVIEW AUTHORITY: VDevelopment Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete El Incomplete 6 9 01CMaJqa2 '10 Directo niPlanning & Zoning or esignee Date 4 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 August 17, 2007 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Office Planning & Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Revised plans Site Plan Amendment 19 Gregory Drive Dear Ray: Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC regarding the Site Plan amendment request submitted last week. Since that time, the applicant has continued working on building related details with the architect, and we have reviewed this project with the State Stormwater Section staff. As a result, we have made the following modifications to the plans: • The HVAC unit will be relocated to the rooftop, rather than be ground mounted on the south side of the parking area. The proposed dumpsters have been moved to the easterly end of the parking area on the north side of the building. This location is more convenient to the majority of the building, and will effectively be screened by the small retaining wall, existing hedge, topography, and fence. Although there is an existing stormwater basin located at the northeast corner of the parcel, additional measures are necessary to provide treatment of stormwater runoff from the new impervious areas. Minor adjustments to the proposed grading and drainage have been made to comply with the requirements for wet and dry swales. Additional stormwater related typical construction details have also been added on Sheet 4. We have enclosed 5 full size and one reduced set of plans for your review. A revised landscaping cost estimate is also enclosed. Please contact our office with any questions. Si rely Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller PA2007\07085\City\site plan cover letter2.wpd RECEIVED AUG City of So. Burlington Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying C 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 August 9, 2007 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Office Planning & Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Site Plan Amendment 19 Gregory Drive Dear Ray: Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC to request a Site Plan Amendment for 19 Gregory Drive. The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park subdivision. Resolution, Inc. previously occupied the 27,500 sf two story building with their office space, call center, and media duplication facility. The current owner plans to renovate the existing building and construct an addition to create several office suites having a total gross floor area of about 47,000 sf. The existing loading area on the south side of the building will be replaced with a new building entrance. With the proposed increase in office space, additional parking will also be required. A total of 164 parking spaces are proposed (47,000 sf x 3.5 spaces per 1000 sf). The existing parking areas along the north and east side of the building will be expanded slightly and repaved. The existing parking and loading area along the south side of the building will be reconstructed and reconfigured. New parking is proposed along the west side of the proposed addition, along with a new drive allowing circulation around the entire site. There is no change proposed to the existing curb cut off Gregory Drive. The building is presently served by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. There are no changes proposed to the existing water service. New domestic and fire protection service for the proposed addition will be extended from the existing water piping within the building. A new sanitary sewer service is proposed for the addition. This new sewer service will connect to the existing cross country sewer main located along the north side of the project parcel. We have submitted requests for water and wastewater allocation associated with the proposed increase in employees under separate cover. Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying Raymond J. Belair August 9, 2007 Page 2 We have enclosed the following for your review: • Site plan application & $186 fee • List of abutting landowners • Landscaping cost estimate • Lighting & illumination data • l 1x17" copies of building elevations & floor plans • Five full size & 1 l 1x17" copy of plan sheets 1-3 We are available to meet with you to review this project and discuss any questions. Sincerely, \/V/%T�/�%,�/ Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller PA2007\07085\Citytsite plan cover letter.wpd 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington Proposed Landscape Estimate of Probable Cost Revised - August 16, 2007 Botanical Name Common Name Size Unit Cost Quantity Subtotal Trees Acerx freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' Freeman Maple 2 1/2" - 3" Cal $600 5 $3,00 Betula nigra 'Heritage' River Birch 1 1/2" - 2" Cal $425 3 $1,27 Gleditsia triacanthos Honeylocust 2 1/2" - 3" Cal $550 11 $6,05 Malus spp. Crabapple 1 1/2" - 2" Cal $400 11 $4,40 Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine 6' to 7' Height $325 12 $3,90 Pinus resinosa Red Pine 6' to 7' Height $300 10 $3,00 Prunus sargentii Sargent Cherry 2 1/2" - 3" Cal $600 2 $1,20 S ringa reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac 1 1/2" - 2" Cal $350 4 $1,40 Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae 4' - 5' Height $45 23 $1,03 Shrubs Shubs - variety $35 178 $6,23 TOTAL $31,4901 LAMOUREUX & DICKINSON Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 Tel:802-878-4450 Fax:802-878-3135 E-mail: mail(it,),LDenginecring.com Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Drive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Essex Junction, VT 05452 August 9, 2007 Jay Nadeau, Retail Superintendent Water Department City of South Burlington 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Water allocation request 19 Gregory Drive Dear Jay: Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC to request additional water allocation for 19 Gregory Drive. The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park subdivision. Resolution, Inc. previously occupied the 27,500 sf two story building with their office space, call center, and media duplication facility. In 1989, a water allocation of 825 GPD was granted to Lot 2, apparently through Ken Desmond of Green Tree Park, Inc. from the Park's allocation. The current owner plans to renovate the existing building and construct an addition to create several office suites having a total gross floor area of about 47,000 sf. A maximum of 240 employees is anticipated, which will require an additional water allocation of 2415 GPD. An Application for Water Allocation is enclosed. The building is presently served by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. There are no changes proposed to the existing water service off the watermain on Gregory Drive. Two existing hydrants on this lot will be relocated to accommodate the proposed parking area layout. An existing cross country watermain is also located along this lot's northerly boundary. We recently submitted a site plan amendment request for the proposed building addition and related site improvements. We have enclosed a copy of plan sheets 1-3 for your review. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, G0 4""f- Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller Ray Belair PA2007\07085\City\water cover letter.wpd Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying 1 ( APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION * Items marked with an asterisk must be filled in by ALL applicants * Applicant Information Applicant: Contact Person: Mailing Address: Telephone & Fax for Contact: Property Owner Name (if not applicant): Property Owner Mailing Address: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Bob Miller 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 864-5830 864-4172 (f) R.E.M. Development Company, LLC * Physical location of project: 19 Gregory Drive *Signature of Applicant * Project Information If the project is a single-family home, please check one: New Existing (For existing homes, no Application is required if revised demand is less than 1,000 gpd.) If not single-family home, project name: 19 Gregory Drive (Lot 2 — Green Tree Park) * Application or Permit Numbers: (from Department of Planning & Zoning) # - - (site plan amendment application submitted 8-8-07) Engineer's Information for flows over 1,000 gpd Name of Engineer: Andrew Rowe P.E. Firm: Lamoureux & Dickinson Mailing Address: 14 Morse Drive Essex, VT 05452. Phone & Fax: 878-4450 878-3135 (f) PE License #: VT # 8070 * Flow Calculations (You may substitute an engineer's calculation or letter containing the information requested below) For additional bedrooms in single-family homes: Number of existing bedrooms: Number of additional bedrooms requested: Page 1 ( APPLICATION FOR WATER ALLOCATION For other residential Droiects. list number of bedrooms and units requested: Number of bedrooms x Number of units x Gallons per day per unit = Total flows 1 150 300 2 3 450 4 600 5 750 6+ (specify) TOTAL I -or commeraai ana t!naustriai protects, Ilst existing ana proposes tenants, uses ana tiows: Tenant I Number of Other Business Type of use I seats, SF, etc. x Flow per unit Adjustments Total flow 19 Gregory Drive various office tenants 240 employees x 15 GPD/employee x 0.90* = 3240 GPD Prior existing allocation (1989) _ (825 GPD) * 10% reduction taken for water conserving plumbing fixtures TOTAL 2415 GPD * Total development water flow requested: 2415 gallons per day Please do not write below this line Approved by Water Department Superintendent of Water Date Preliminary Allocation approved: Date Final Allocation approved: Date Final Allocation Expires: with permit # - - (Date) For Extensions of Final Allocation Only EXTENSION GRANTED to (Date) (Date of Expiration) G:W ord:SBForms: W aterallocationForm Page 2 C C 14 Morse Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 August 9, 2007 Juli Beth Hinds, AICP LDLamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. Director, Planning & Zoning Department City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 054503 RE: Wastewater allocation request 19 Gregory Drive Dear Juli Beth: Tel (802) 878-4450 Fax (802) 878-3135 Email: mail@LDengineering We are writing on behalf of R.E.M. Development Company, LLC to request additional wastewater allocation for 19 Gregory Drive. The project involves Lot 2 of the Green Tree Park subdivision. Resolution, Inc. previously occupied the 27,500 sf two story building with their office space, call center, and media duplication facility. In 1989, a wastewater allocation of 825 GPD was granted to Lot 2, apparently through Ken Desmond of Green Tree Park, Inc. from the Park's allocation. The current owner plans to renovate the existing building and construct an addition to create several office suites having a total gross floor area of about 47,000 sf. A maximum of 240 employees is anticipated, which will require an additional wastewater allocation of 2055 GPD. An Application for Wastewater Allocation is enclosed. The building is presently served by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. There are no changes proposed to the existing water service. A new sanitary sewer service is proposed for the addition. This new sewer service will connect to the existing cross country sewer main located along the north side of the project parcel. We recently submitted a site plan amendment request for the proposed building addition and related site improvements. Please call our office with any questions. Sincerely, Andrew Rowe P.E. c: Bob Miller Ray Belair PA2007\07085\City\wastewater cover lettermpd Civil Environmental Transportation Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying APPLICATION for WASTEWATER ALLOCATION *Items marked with an asterisk must be filled in by ALL applicants *Applicant Information Applicant: R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Contact Person: Bob Miller Mailing address: 599 Avenue D Williston, VT 05495 Telephone and fax for contact: 864-5830 864-4172 (f) Property owner name (if not applicant): R.E.M. Development Company, LLC Property owner mailing address: *Physical location of project: 19 Gregory Drive �_� *Signature of Applicant *Signature of Property Owner (Both applicant and property owner MUST sign the application!) *Project Information If the project is a single-family home, please check one: New Existing If not single-family home, project name: Lot 2 - Green Tree Park *Application or Permit Numbers: (from Dept. of Planning & Zoning) # - - (site plan application submitted 8-8-07) Engineer's Information for flows over 1,000 gpd Name of Engineer: Andrew Rowe P.E. Firm: Lamoureux & Dickinson Mailing address: 14 Morse Drive Essex, VT 05452 Phone and fax: 878-4450 878-3135 (f) PE License #: VT # 8070 APPLICATION for WASTEWATER ALLOCATION *Flow Calculations (You may substitute an engineer's calculation or letter for the information requested below) For additional bedrooms in single-family homes: Number of existing bedrooms: Number of additional bedrooms requested: For other residential projects, list number of bedrooms and units requested: Number of bedrooms x Number of Gallons per units x day per unit = Total flows 1 150 2 300 3 450 4 600 5 750 6+ (specify) TOTAL For commercial and industrial projects, list existing and proposed tenants, uses anc Tenant/ Number of Other Business Type of use seats, SF, etc. x Flow per unit Adjustments Total flow 19 Gregory Drive various office tenants 240 employees x 15 GPD/employee x 0.80 * = 2880 GPD Prior existing allocation (1989) = (825 GPD) " 20% reduction taken for connection to municipal treatment facility TOTAL 12055 GPD *Total development wastewater flow requested: 2055 gallons per day Flow characteristics (for commercial and industrial projects) Volume: 2055 GPD during normal working hours (-7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday) Flow rate: domestic use during normal working hours (-7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Strength: domestic wastewater I flows: APPLICATION for WASTEWATER ALLOCATION Please do not write below this line Application & Recording Fee Received: Name Receiving Plant: Airport Parkway Bartlett Bay City Center District: Yes No Approved by Water Pollution Control Department (Commercial and Industrial Projects) Director of Water Pollution Control Date Preliminary allocation issued: (payment of fee is not required) Director of Planning & Zoning Date Final Allocation Issued: (payment of fee is required, either in full or pro -rated for projects with multiple zoning permits involved) Director of Planning & Zoning Final Allocation Expires (Date) with permit # - - Zoning Permit Issued permit # (Date) Associated WW connection permit (if applicable ) # For Extensions of Final Allocation Only EXTENSION GRANTED to (Date) 50% EXTENSION FEE PAID (Date) (Date of Expiration) (Amount) Investors Corporation of Vermont WW Grainger Inc. Mergens-Wiltshire LLC 30 Main St. #401 100 Grainger Parkway PO Box 9338 Burlington, VT 05401 Lake Forest, IL 60045 South Burlington, VT. 05407 Hart Development LLC 264 Broadway Methuen, MA. 01844 Edlund Company Inc. 159 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT. 05401 16 Gregory Drive Investment LLC 181 Windridge Williston, VT. 05495 W. Spencer & Nancy L. Baker Paul & Nancy Lyon Joseph & Linda Bacigalupe 123 Shunpike Rd. 90 Shunpike Drive 55 Green Tree Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington, VT. 05403 South Burlington, VT. 05403 W_ Fe W Ce S i Q U Z D­_ )_ U �J { Ind } T < w R7F New Construction R7FR Remodel 10 times longer -lasting than incandescent lamps Whether you call it a Double Deluxe, a PLC, a Double Twin Tube or simply a Quad, the compact fluorescent (CFL) light is a remarkable light source. With an average rated life of 10,000 hours, it will last 10 times longer than an ordinary At incandescent lamp, while using only one-fourth of the electricity. And unlike typical fluorescents, the 900 lumen -output compact lamp (included) has a color temperature of 3500K and a high Color Rendering Index of 82. It generates a light that is quite similar to an incandescent light source. Fluorescent recessed fixtures are the obvious choice for installations where lighting is used continuously. Not only does the long lamp life save on relamping and maintenance, but the cool operating temperature reduces air conditioning loads. R7F Features Adjustable housing Adjusts up to 1-3/8 inches in plaster frame to accommodate different ceiling thicknesses. Oversized junction box The R7F is designed for easy through - branch circuit wiring. Eight (4 in — 4 out) No.12 AWG (90C) conductors are permitted in the box. For a quick and easy wiring access, junction box covers are retained with a snap latch. The R7FR is designed for end -of -run wiring. Rigid bar hangers These rigid bar hangers are for use in 16-inch to 24-inch O.C. wood joist or T-Bar construction. This design permits sturdier installations that are less prone to sagging. Because the recessed fixture can now slide anywhere along the bar hanger, they are handy in T-Bar ceilings where centering of the fixture within the ceiling panel is desired. One-piece 27-inch bar hangers (RBH27) are available where required. Versatile plaster frame Adaptable to new or existing ceilings. For existing ceilings, remove bar hangers and use RRC Remodel Clips. --ord0formation Wattage/ pzeara�y Lamp Type Description Volts Catalog # ,aztee (1)13W CFL New Construction 120 R7F-1 $"34 Quad Tube Remodel (supplied with 4 remodel clips) 120 R7FR-1 $34 New Construction 277 R7F-2 "$344 Remodel (supplied with 4 remodel clips) 277 R7FR-2 $34 Accessories Catalog # Pair 27" Flat Bar Hangers (R7F only) RBH27 $4 T-Bar Clips (4) (R7F only) (use with RBH27) RTBC $3 Internal Trim Reflector RITR $10 (use with RT13, RT14, RT15, RT25) Oversize Metal Trim Ring (7-7/8" oA.) ROTR $7 (Not for use with RT18) Remodel Clips (4) (R7F only) RRC $3 Accessories ....................................................Pages 336-337 Photometrics and Coefficients of Utilization .................. ... Pages 338-340 R7F and R7FR Features High power factor ballast Ballast reduces line current and allows more fixtures on an individual circuit. Ballast is accessible from below the ceiling and is Class P thermal protected. Minimum starting temperature 327 (0°C) in open fixtures. Temperature is lower for enclosed fixtures. Adjustable socket Socket plate is adjustable as required for different trims. R7F New Construction 7.5" plaster frame97,25*' dimensions: 10.51 x 7.25"W Labels Both housings are UL and cUL Listed for damp locations or wet locations when used with RT13, RT63 or RT113 style trims. Fixture rating For line volt/amps, multiply total lamp wattage by 1.25. NOTE: This fluorescent fixture cannot be dimmed. See page 326 for a fluorescent fixture that has a dimmable ballast option. n 324 Product Availability... DIRECT! (800) 236-7000, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT Fax: (800) 236-7500 • www.ruudlighting.com (A _W W d. Lamp Included! M PR Series 6" Extended Pole Mount You'll see an increase in street side efficiency with the redesigned reflector and repositioned lamp in the PR Series. The 12-inch and 16-inch housings of the Parking/Roadway Light have a Type III asymmetric distribution pattern. The 22-inch housing has Type II asymmetric distribution. Ideally suited for roadway applications, parking areas or for building -mounted security lighting. Three Sizes: 12" square x 5" deep (305 x 127 mm) 16" square x 6.5' deep (406 x 165 mm) 22" square x 9.3" deep (559 x 235 mm) Typical Candlepower Distribution of 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light. 120 too' 9o' W' 40' 2o' o' 20' Q' W' 80' 1oo' 100. 38.6 as _ - 24.4 80' - 18.3 <o' i. L8 12.2 20' -- Al o. 20 i 3' _. ---- -. .-. 6.1 40' ---- - - 12.2 W' 303 31A I" lu a1 om a1 1. 1aA foe a,s 24A Isofootcandle plot of one 40OW MH Parking/Roadway Light at 30' (9.1 m) mounting height, and 0" tilt above horizontal. 2 t I 1-formati1 Housing Wattage/ Catalog PreAa* Mounting Code �ae�zary Size (sq.) Lamp Number Aae (Insert Code at * in Catalog #) r"1da'vr 12" 150W PSMH MPR*615-M 209 1=1-1/2" Close Pole Mount $9 16' f. 320W PSMH PR*632-M $253 2 = 6' Extended Pole Mount $14 12" 50W MH MPR*405-D fMq 3 = 2" Adjustable Fitter $22 12' 70W MH MPR*407 D 193 4 = Yoke Mount $10 12' 10OW MH MPR*410-D $193 6 =1/2' Adjustable Fitter $t o 12' 175W MH MPR-417-M $192 (12' housing only) 16" 175W MH PR*417-M $229 8 = Without Mounting (hardware) $3 16" 250W MH PR*425-M $231 (factory -drilled) 16' T 40OW MH PR*440-M 237 K = Round Tube Off -Center $132 22" 1000W MH PR*499-M $407 Tenon Mount (16' housing only) 12' 35W HPS MPR'503-1 165 (For 2-3/8' or 3' O.D.) 12" 50W HPS MPR*505-D $196 M = Round Tube Off -Center $118 12" 70W HPS MPR*507-M $196 Direct Mount (16" housing only) 12" 10OW HPS MPR°510-M 186 W= Wall Mount $20 12" 150W HPS MPR*515-M $1T6 16" 250W HIPS PR*525-M $251 NOTE: When using multiple 22' sq. housings 16" 40OW HPS PR*540-M $261 at 90" configuration, a special 12' arm is 22' 1000W HPS PR*599-M $473 required; see page 156. * Specify Mounting (additional cost) Other lamp wattages available -consult factory f Reduced envelope lamp. ED28 for 320W PSMH and 40OW MH. Options: (Factory -installed) Change Add After Preg6" Description Suffix To Suffix 14dden 277V Reactor Ballast (PSMH only) 27 sea addax 120V Reactor ballast (50-150W HPS 12" housing only) 1 dedraa 21 480V ballast (320W PSMH, 175-1000W MH & 70-1000W HPS only) 5 $9 480V ballast (70-10ow MH only) 5 $19 347V ballast (50W HPS only) 6 ofa adder Quad -volt ballast (50-10OW MH only) M $9 Quad -volt ballast (50W HPS only) M ofa addez Tri-volt ballast (320W PSMH, T afa adder 175-10DDW MH & 70-1000W HPS only) Tri-volt ballast (50-10OW MH only) T $9 Single Fuse (277V Reactor,120V, 277V or 347V) 27,1, 2 or 6 F $12 Dual Fuse (208y, 240V or 4e0v) (Na Canada) 3, 4 or 5 F $22 Quartz Standby (delay -relay type) (includes 10OW Q lamp) (rVa 27TV Reactor) 0 $40 Uptight Lens Frame (Backlight Shield included) U $9 Button Photocell (Factory -installed with all mountings other than 2' Adjustable Filter) NOTE: n/a on 10DOW w/120V; all 480V 27.1. 2, 3, 4 or 6 P $10 External Photocell (Factory -installed) (Page 133) For fixtures w/1000W,120V 1 P $22 For fixtures w/480V 5 P $22 Accessories: P-A" P1relrafy P-0-9, (Field -installed) 12" -Vuee 1611 XtKce 22" Auce Wire Guard FWG-12 $10 FWG-16 $12 FWG-22 $24 Backlight Shield SBL-12 -$3 SBL-16 5 SBL22 $6 Button Photocell (Field -installed in fixtures with 2' Adjustable Fitter) Catalog # P2e,5rafy Price For fixtures w/120V (n/a on 1000W) PC-1 $9 For fixtures w/208, 240 or 277V PC-2 $9 For fixturesw/347V PC*6 $22 Mountings .. ................. ................................. Page 116 Catalog Number Logic/Voltage Suffix Key ........................... Page 115 Optical Systems ........................................... Pages 104-107 Accessories................................................... Page 133 Mounting Alternatives ...................................... Pages 156-157 Mounting Brackets ......................................... Pages 158-159 Poles. . ........ ........................................ Pages 160-169 Dependability... DIRECT! (800) 236-7000, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT Fax: (800) 236-7500 • www.ruudlighting.com • AC Series 6" Extended Pole Mount t) W WThis compact forward -throw reflector has a main beam of 60+ degrees from vertical (30 degrees from horizontal), providing wide lateral distribution and excellent rJ uniformities. A Backlight Shield accessory (standard on Wall Mount) permits precise Q cutoff adjustability, Three Sizes: 12" square x 5" deep (305 x 127 mm) 16" square x 6.5" deep (406 x 165 mm) 22" square x 9.3" deep (559 x 235 mm) Candlepower distribution curve of 40OW MH 16' Area Cutoff Light. 1 lea 14a 12a 100, En oa 80' 60' 40' 20' o' 201 40' 60' 80' 100' 3 - E f G) .._.. 305 24A 183 122 6.1 Om 8.1 122 183 24.4 30.5 Isofootcandle plot of 40OW MH Area Cutoff Light at 25' (7.6 m) mounting height, 0° tilt above horizontal, with backlight shield removed. 6.6 0.5 4.4 8.3 2.2 .1 Housing Wattage/ OrdWhformation Catalog Mounting Code Size (sq.) Lamp Number Aim (Insert Code at ` in Catalog #) �4eedm 12" 150WPSMH MAC*615-M $219 1= 1-1/2" Close Pole Mount $9 i6" T 32OWPSMH AC-632-M $263 2= 6' Extended Pole Mount $'14 22' 750W PSMH AC*675-M $'473 3 = 2' Adjustable Fitter .�22 12" 50W MH MAC*405-D 203 4= Yoke Mount $to 12" 70W MH MAC*407-D 203 6 = 1/2' Adjustable Fiffer .$ l0 12" 100W MH MAC*410-D 203 (12' housing only) 12" 175W MH MAC*417-M 192 6= Without Mounting (hardware) �3 16' 175W MH AC*417-M $239 K= Round Tube Off -Center $1.s2 16' 250W MH AC*425-M $241 Tenon Mount (16' housing only) 16' 40OW MH AC*440-M $247 (For2-3/8" or 3" O.D.) 22" Q 1000W MH AC*499-M $417 M = Round Tube Off -Center $ / I s, 12' 35W HPS MAC*503-1 175 Direct Mount (16' housing only) 12" 50W HPS MAC*505-D 196 (Direct Fitter for 4" sq. pole) 12' 70W HPS MAC*507-M $196 W = Wall Mount $20 12" 100W HPS MAC*510-M $'196 (Backlight Shield is standard) 12" 150W HPS MAC*515-M $'196 16" 250W HPS AC*525-M 261 NOTE: When using multiple 22' sq. 16" 40OW HPS AC*540-M $271 housings at 90" configuration, a special - 12" arm is required; see page 156. ` Specify Mounting (additional cost) Other lamp wattages available -consult factory ;' Reduced envelope lamp. ED28 for 320W PSMH and 40OW MH; BT37 for 1000W MH. Options: (Factory -installed) Change Add Afterce�&cay Description Suffix To Suffix o4ddac 277V Reactor ballast (PSMH only) 27 ua 4ddem 120V Reactor ballast (50-15OW HPS 12" housing only) 1 deduct $21 480V ballast (320W PSMH, 175-1000W MH & 70-400W HPS only) 5 $9 480V ballast (70-1ogW MH only) 5 $18 347V ballast (50W HPS only) 6 era addez Quad -volt ballast (5D-100W MH only) M $9 Quad -volt ballast (50W HPS only) M era addm Tri-volt ballast (320W PSMH,175-1000W MH & T om 4ddet 70-40OW HPS only) Tri-volt ballast (50-100W MH only) T .$9 Single Fuse (277V Reactor,120V, 277V or 347V) 27. 1, 2 or 6 F $12 Dual Fuse (208V, 240V or 480V) (rVa Canada) 3, 4 or 5 F $22 Quartz Standby (delay -relay type) (includes 100W 0 lamp) (n/a 277V Reactor) Q $40 Button Photocell (Factory -installed with all mountings other than 2' Adjustable Fitter) NOTE: n/a on 1000W w/120V; all 480V 27,1, 2, 3,4 or 6 P $10 External Photocell (Factory -installed) (Page 133) For fixtures w/1000W,120V 1 P $22 For fixtures w/48OV 5 P $22 Accessories: (Field -installed) 12" Aaw 16" Azd,e 22" ,'mice Wire Guard FWG-12 $'10 FWG-16 $'12 FWG-22 $24 Backlight Shield SBL-12 $3 SBL-16 $'5 SBL-22 $6 (standard on AC Series Wall Mount) Button Photocell (Field -installed in fixtures with 2' Adjustable Fitter) Catalog # �ae�uaey �tiee For fixtures w/120V (n/a on 100oW) PC-1 $9 For fixtures w/208, 240 or 277V PC-2 $9 For fixtures w/347V PC*6 $22 Mountings .................................................... Page 116 Catalog Number LogicNoltage Suffix Key ........................... Page 115 Optical Systems ........................................... Pages 104-107 Accessories................................................... Page 133 Mounting Alternatives ...................................... Pages 156-157 Mounting Brackets ......................................... Pages 158-159 Poles .................................................... Pages 160-169 pU Z Performance... DIRECT! 1= ::)_ (800) 236-7000, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT W 1 40 Fax: (800) 236-7500 • www.ruudlighting.com PROJECT: 19 Gregory Drive/07085 GROUP: New Parking AREA: New Area GRID: New Grid PREPARED BY: ABR VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: 1 IN= 40.017T, HORZ GRID (U), HORZ CALC, Z= 0.0 Computed in accordance with IES recommendations Statistics GROUP I MIN MAX I AVE AVE/MI MAX/MIN + 0.00 4.17 0.69 N/A IN/A Y-AXIS 344.60 334.60 324.60 314.60 304.60 294.60 284.60 274.60 264.60 254.60 244.60 234.60 224.60 214.60 204.60 194.60 184.60 174.60 164.60 154.60 144.60 134.60 124.60 114.60 104.60 94.60 84.60 74.60 64.60 54.60 44.60 34.60 24.60 LitePro 2.002 Point -By -Point Results Aug 08, 2007 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 73 0.5 0. 0 0.17 0.10 0. ' 0.0 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0. + + 1.47 1.88 .35 + 0.87 + .48 + 0. 0.14 + 0.13 + 0.17 + 0.21 + + 0.19 0.13 + 0.08 + 0.06 + 0.06 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0. + 0. 4 + 0 + 0.68 1.41 +N_1 9 L 1 . 4 1 0.38 + 0.23 + 0.21 + 0.30 .48 + 0.61 + 0. 0.25 0.11 + 0.09 + 0.13 + 0.17 0.18 .16 .11 .07 0,04 0+.03 0.02 + + 0.27 + 0.39 + + + + 0.7 + 1 + 0.42 + 0.30 + 0.24 + 0.35 + 0. + .26 1.4 + 0. 7 .34 + + 0.15 + 0.27 .47 0.57 0.48 + 32 + 0.19 + 01 + 0.0 + 0. 0+ 0. 1 0 1 + + 0.64 + + 0 0. 9 0. + 0 0. 2 0.53 + 0.35 + 0.32 + 0.25 + 0.27 + 0.4 1. 9 + 1.8 2. + .71 0. + 0.21 + 0.19 0.4 + 0 + 1.44 + 1,32 + 81 + 0.40 + 0.21 + 0.11 0.06 0.04 + .03 + .03 + 0.03 + 0.03 + 0.02 1.05 + 1.60 + 1.1 0.81 + .53 + 0.40 + 0.43 + 0.40 + 0.39 + 0.38 + 0.3 + 0. 0. 0. . 4 + 2.17 + 3.5 + + 1 + 0.21 0. 7 + 1.39 + 2.19 + 1. 0 1 14 + 0.59 + 0.34 + 0.24 + 0.14 + 0.10 + 0.08 + 0.07 + 0.07 + 0.06 + 0.06 + 0.06 + + + 0- + + + + + + + + + + + + AC + + 0.66 + 1.33 1.99 N-1 1, 0. 0. 3 0.34 0.27 0.27 0.37 .55 4 0. 0. 0.24 0.49 0. 1 + + .66 + .11 + + + .4 + .3 + 0.26 + 0.22 + 0.18 + 0,18 + 0.15 + 0.13 + 0.17 + .21 0.32 + .60 5 1.81 .II 0.77 0.45 + 0.31 + 0.23 + 0.24 + 0.29 0. 4 1 1. 1 + 0. + .35 + ClA .8 0.9 0. 3 5 .66 .50 .3 + + 0 + 0 0.25 035 + 0. 0.52 0.25 + 0. 8 + 9 + + 7 + + . 4 + + 0.42 + 0.36 + 0.31 + 0.28 + 0.24 + 0.31 0. 1 + 1 .2 2.94 + 1. + 7 + 0.76 1.45 + + 1. 66 + 95 + 6 0.72 + t9 + 0.34 + 0.29 0.5 + 0. 1. 1 + 1.16 0.20 .39 0.48 0.39 0.37 + 0.32 + 0. + 0. 5 0. 0. 0. .38 .9 2.4 Al .69 + .36 +QN_1 1.95 .cc + 1. 1.49 0 9 + .84 + 50 + 0.33 + 0.42 + 0, 1.78 + 1.0 + + + .19 0.20 0.25 0.29 0 8 9 1.24 0. 7 0.22 0.26 .44 0. 3 + 0. + 0 + 1. 1.57 .68 1.81 2. + 1.28 .6 + 0.36 + 0.42 +N-1 010 0.12 + 0.18 + 0. 3 + 0. I. S _ 1.69 75 .27 0.43 0.82 .21 1.83 2. 2 .61 .10 0 5 0.36 0.45 0. 6 0.08 0.14 0.32 + + 1.52 .06 0.1 + 0.24 + 0.46 + 0. + 4. N-2 + .48 + 0.79 + 0.45 0+.45 0.54 + 0.9 0. + 0.46 +++++ AC 0. 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.38 . I1 .37 2. ++ 0 YJ ++ g + + + + + + + + + .2 On 97 .56 0.40 0.39 0.5 0.54 .28 /1 E (tI' 0 + 0+ .13 0+ - '3 + 0.58 2.8 + 2.25 + 206 .6 + 1.13 + 66 + 0.42 + 0.27 + 0.3 0.27 0. + 0.09 LJ 0.05 0.10 0.17 0.24 0.3 +6 +3 +'72 0.22 049 1__ M I.1 0.42 0.26 018 .14 0.0 04 AUG o + .07 .1 0.16 0. 0.52 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .84 l26 0.20 0.30 0.52 0.7 0.93 .94 . 4 0.28 0.14 0.08 0.0 0.02 0,01 City + .08 + 0.22 + + + + + + AC1 + 0.16 0.3 o 0.17 0.42 0, 2 .67 + 7 + 38 + 0.43 + 0.64 + 0. + LO + L52 + I . 6 + 0.72 + 2 + 0.15 + 0.06 + 03 + 0.02 + 0.01 of So Burifn 9t0n 0. 7 0.21 63 1.55 2. 7 0.23 + 0.28 0.30 + 0.35 0.70 .6 0.51 + 0. _ 0.47 0.52 .18 0.26 0.35 0.51 2.4 Q B 0.40 0..56 0.8 1. + 1.96 .1. 7 O. + 0.24 + 0.10 + 0.04 02 + 0.01 0.0 + 0.15 + 0.4 1. 1.6 + 0. 0.56 + 0.63 + .44 0.33 + 0.41 0.66 + 1.15 + 1.0 1.26 1.20 L0.7 0.57 0.51 0.62 0. + 0.55 ( 2 0.72 0.63 0.77 + 0. 4 + 0. + .45 N-1 2.09 1. 0.5 0. + 0.14 + 0.06 + 0.03 0.01 0.01 + + + 0.00 + + + + + + + + + + + + 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.0 .00 0.04 0.08 0.24 .5 0. 2 0.53 1.29 1.44 1.53 1. 1 0. + 0.43 + 0.50 + 0.9 + 1.55 2r42710,17,+33 + 1.54 + 1.04 .79 113 + 1.51 + 1.42 + 1.32 + 0.80 + 0.69 78 + .30 + 1.51 + 1,50 + 1.25 + 0.72 + 0.67 I + + 77 + 0. + 0.14 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.05 0.12 24 0.35 0.33 Qi4 0 4 0+3 1 72 2.05 _11 29 0.74 0.48 0.53 0.9 1 63 3. 0 -- 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.0] 0.01 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+.00 4144 2.66 149 097 0.97 141 2.06 2N-11.76 OS 0. 0.98 1.56 2.13 N-1 L55 0.88 0.37 0.20 0.13 + + + + + + + + + + + 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0. 1 0.16 0.20 030 0.5 0.8. 1.1 1. 0 ] 19 .00 .7 0.51 0.53 + 0.92 1.4 + 2."'i 2. 39 + 03 + 1' + 1. _ + .02 1.14 + 1.2 + I. 1. 9 r 102 .98 + ].02 1.16 + 1.25 + 1.23 LI + 0.8 0. 0.5 0. + 0.36 + 0.31 + 0.30 + 0.24 + 0.20 0.16 + 0.09 + + + + + + + + + + + 0.00 .04 + 0.05 + 0.07 + + 0.15 0.23 0.33 0.3 0.5 0. l8 0 62 .42 .40 0.38 + 0.44 0.6., + 0.7 + 0.9 0. 00 + .95 + + 0.71 + 0.59 + 0.51 0.6 0.5 0. 1 053 + .61 + .51 + 0.55 0.60 0.57 0.5 + 0.4 + _ + 0.43 + 0.29 + 0.25 + 0.28 + 0.39 + 0 + + 0.28 + 0.13 007 0.08 0.08 0.10 + 0.13 + 0.18 + 0.19 + 0.26 + 0.28 + 0.26 + 0.27 + 0.27 + 0.24 + 0.24 + 0.32 + 0.36 + 0.43 + 0.42 + + 0.36 0.41 + 0.48 + 0.47 + 0.41 + 0.37 + 0.36 + 0.32 + 0.30 + 0.34 + 0.35 + 0.29 + 0.35 + 0.34 + 0,30 + 0.28 + 0.32 + 0.30 + 0.24 + 0.29 + + + + 0.30 0.33 0. 0. 0. .38 0.17 0. 5 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.22 028 0.36 0.36 0,32 0.32 0.29 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.31 0.31 0,27 0.28 0.30 0.26 0.25 0.28 + + + 0.41 .59 1.27 .58 87 .45 0.22 0.3 0.59 .4 0.5 0.,6 + .31 J.+40 + .30 + 0.27 + 0.4 + 0.51 + + 0. 0..9 0. 1 .23 0.17 0.17 + 0.25 + 0.36 + 0.6 t 0. 0.'8 + + .38 + 0.34 + 0.34 + 0.39 + 0.5 + 0. 0. 7 + + ,40 0.36 + 0. 1 I 0 . 6 1-14 + 1 1 0 9 + 0.69 + .93 + 1.13 1.0 1. t 3 0. + .45 + 0.69 + 0.95 0.8 0.9 + . 3 0. 3 + .28 [D+8.1 + 0.30 + .62 + 0. L 1 1. 1 1.14 + 0 + .70 + 0.44 + 0.42 + .66 + 0. + L 1 1. 2 F 1. I6 + + ,72 + 0.45 + 0.44 + + 0.99 + 1.54 + 11VVVVV 1.67 1.09 + .68 + .26 2.00 + .76 + 9S .56 0.37 + 042 .76 + .29 + �.98 + Q�R N-1+ + �.74 .99 54 + 0.25 + + .15`�' . 7 I. 1.89 2ON-ii 1. 4 0. ++j� 0.39 0.37 0. 0 t. 1.88 2.M�r-15 1. 5 0. 0.38 0.32 0.39 0, 0.89 Pagel 0.4 0.9 + 1.5 + L3' 0.71 + 0.43 0.30 + 0.35 0. ' 1. .64 L66 1.43 + 0.73 0.41 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.22 0,42 + 0.78 + 1.42 + + 1.49 + 0.88 + .48 + 0.32 + 0.31 + 0.45 + 0.78 + .40 + + .48 0.88 + .47 + 0.29 + 0.21 + 0.24 NEW ENTRY ELEVATION REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC Oe�el 599 Avenue D Company C Williston, VT 05495 (802) 864-5830 °aie/oe/off 5<1a ENTRY ELEVATION N.T.S. 19 GREGORY DRIVE '''""` N. WILLISTON, VERMONT /&0 ® / QL�rAw._ ,42. 0 T.O. ROOF DECK 2�'-L' SECOND FLOOR 12'-0= FIR5T FLOOR O-O" ELEVATION T NO LEVATION REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC tt 599 Avenue D Cpa�ny,LLC Williston, VT 05495 (802) 864-5830 Data SC1e NORTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS Iq GREGORY DRIVE P'°'e" "°. WILLISTON, VERMONT T.O. ROOF DECK 24'-L" SECOND FLOOR 12'-0" FIRST FLOOR O'-O' C 6aa city OfSD � BU ''9ton 5heet Number /-42.2 "C? AN " REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 599 Avenue D ray` Williston, VT 05495 (802) 864-5830 Data Revision Dada/08/0-1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Shoat Number l I 5-1. N.T.S.19 VE WILLjISO�RVERMIONT P r.Jact No. REM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 599 Avenue D C.'4. ` Williston, VT 05495 (802) 864-5830 I SECOND FLOOR PLAN N.T.S. 19 GREGORY DRIVE Project No. WILLISTON, VERMONT 03 C, 'EGG 40 Sheet Number ,41.2 — N '1 I `\ I 1 / r I SPENCER & NANCY j BAKER / N/F 1 1 1 / / r t\ I I' / / If PROPOSED LIGHTING LEGEND YB MBOL N DESCRIPTION RECESSED IN CANOPY M1111ETYPE 13 WATT COMPACT FLUORESCENT MWNTNG UNDER CANOPY ATIO'a/- 10 RUUD AREA CUTOFF 1GOWATTMETALHAUDE BUILDING MOUNTED -18 FEET FIXtWARD THROW CUTOFF >? RUUD PARKING/ROADWAY LIGHT (III W WATTMETALHALIDE POLE MOUNTED-18 FEET TYPE III DISTRIBUTION ®1} RUUD PARKINGIROADWAY LIGHT (2) IM WATT METAL HALIDE TYPE In DISTRIBUTION POLE MOUNTED-18 FEET 19/.\\YrsLWLI S&rxr81 Key B0Mrak lAW- COB.mox Nerve SIB. fi—ft CP Canpxan,a peregr,ea Sweet Fam 18" to 24' HegM 810 W I(u verricrllata Wine" 10" 1. 24- Height B & B JC Juniper chlnenav wr. Sargentt S9lge.1 Juniper 18'. 24-Heg1,1 BIB PO PXyeocompw opalfdour Dxad Nh.bah IS-W 24-Haight S&B RA .Rhw arwmfiaa Fragrant Sumac 18'to24-Ha0gat B&B SB S111— bowldn Bumald $pvea 18'to 24'MegM S&B ST Splraeo rhunhergll ThunMrg Spire. 18" to 24 HegM 8 d B SM Syrr„ga m¢y¢rl'Po1IDln' P.LAac 18" to 24' HegM B d B TM Tawx a'd Y. 18"10 24'HegM BSB --- EXrSTrNG BUrLDrNG INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT N/F PT ANT T TCT T— Key aeMnleN Ne019 C--Nerve She Rehab AF Aaer xfreemnll 'AMNnn Blaze' Freemen Meple 2.1/2'10 7 Cal. B&B, B Bre N,,, Heigh BN ..M nlgra Nerlrag' RNar Birch 141r to 2- Cal., Me, clump B & B. 6 B—Iav HagM FP Fraxrnux pe—yf — Ghee Aeh 2-112' W 3" Cal. or—Inalt—og trees mega B & S. B Boa —mg HegM GT GMV—Plac An Hma,,—aa 2-1M'.. TC.I. B& B, B Bnnchlag Height MA Molu xpp. C—Pple 1-1/2' M r Cal. B 15, 6 S.-hiag Height PS Plnua xyiwsn ScoN Floe 8' 1. T' HegM B & S PR Pmw—... Red Pine 8'1.T' Height or lr.n.pNnteaaag tree.one0e BBB PH Prumuxargenm Sargent Co, 2.1/2"10 3"C.1 B& B, B BMncM1l,p HegM SR Syringe reHnJara Japanese Tree Lilac 1-112- to 2' Cal. B & B, B Branching HegM TO Th,ga xctlenm(u Arborve.e 1 2-1/2' 1. 7Cal. B& B, T Branching Heigld / r \ �•' I / \ It If / f I, (I �1dGREGORY DRIVE \`�IN;EST(JIENT; t'LC. I T I \ \ I / I 4 I / 1 / / 1 r I 11 I I I PROJECT STATISTICS ZONINGDISTRICT: MIXED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IC MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: 40% MAXIMIRA LOT COVERAGE' 7— MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 40 FEET -EXISTING BUILDING & PROPOSED ADDITION ARE 25 FEET PARKING: 164 SPACES PROPOSED -BS SPACES PER IWO SF REQUIRED FOR OFFICE USE MUNICIPAL SEWER & WATER: EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO REMAIN, WITH AN ADDITIONAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR THE ADDITION, GRAPHIC SCALE 15 >0 ( IN FEET I 1 inch = 30 n N W E 8 PROJECT - LOCATION I— OF WILLISTON LOCATION PLAN NTS LEGEND PROJECT PROPERTY LINE — ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE — — SIDELINEOF EASEMENT — — — — — — SIDELINE OF S EMACK -----5---- -----S--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE &MANHOLE —�q5 S— PROPOSED SEWER LINE -_ w--W------ EXISTINGWAMRUNE,VALVE,HYDRANT&VAULT W PROPOSED WATERLINE AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE D======ST=====0=== EXISTING STORMUNE, CATCH BASIN& DRAIN MANHOLE O ST PROPOSE D STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE LINES EXISTING DECI DUO US TREE t r✓ PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE �✓ EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE *� PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE PROPERTY CORNER FOUND O EXISTING LIGHT POLE LT PROPOSED LIGHT POLE EXISTING AV....WALK TO BE RECNTOR REMOVED LAIMED ORREC PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK 1�THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 GREGORY DRIVE, THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE. 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED 'GREEN TREE PARK' BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. LAST REVISED MY 5, 1959 AND RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 128 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WA' NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED 8.25418, AND A SITE PtAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-12439, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON UDAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE 2c04 CHITTENDEN COL Nry REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOIMAGERY PROJECT. W.W. GRAINGER, INC. N/F RECEIV AUG 0 9 City of so. E. AVENUE D WILLISTON, VT D5495 a* i e079 'c - �� CIVIL LOTCOVERAGE EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING tO.T% 15.0% PAVEMENT, DRIVES, WALKS 29.T% 3TA% TOTAL COVERAGE 40.4% 528% 4hefNS shall only be used f the ptlT-c Shown below: mh/Concept Act 250 Review 0 Preliminary Q Construction Final Local Review Record Drawing 19 GREGORY DRIVE R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK SITE PLANABR o LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING 17-314, Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. sneetngnbe 14 Morse Drive, ES—, VT 05452 802-----4450 -- w.LDengincering.com 1 GT 3 \� ! r �-IIiS)/ "// // , 1 1 1 1 / \ I) I„ 1 1 \ w---� � X 1 __' •, I / JOSEPH 'IMQP) I '`'"�L(rl't6 �` 4 C\ \ r = PAUL & NIANCY, 1 i i , •\/.-. - ; T lLI3T OWL. LYOFl I/I CEDAR if EXIST', G HEDFHE 1 1+, ;. / / � ) rI / N - - \ II w y \ \ y DAOPOSEDIEETA ININO WALL/ //.';1. '' c -•. SPENCER&NANCY j / O _ I nF •DESIGN B'T OTHERS) AIR REALEASEr1ANilOI.E —W'—_— ��-.'_ _ / l \__—.c-/' / Exlsr.sryHf/ ,(/ \\ \�---_ _= _ r `+ W'A \ K/ 0 Jill 8 v B Toso. BAKER N/F I I ( I OI WA I //�— —, _— ,t,c.,.' I / thY.7, W—w / �/ RIM y3aF].19 ,y / T— _ `-- 35)\� I" \ ' 3f ✓ y- EA90RTAR FRAME / \ _ '� DELL PROJECT LOCATION 1 // I �1 \ `py / r ' 85 C �Yfi Fr.:(t 9`'0 / STRUCTURE // MERGENS- WILTSHIRE,LLC. - ---'Ts i➢-�--'" ♦\ - FxfST / N/F '` /NG•P ' TOM— .----_'/ II/) ` t\ •u �,iM,:. _ - -_ "��---_.-�ppg�-_-_�. \. _ REGRA // DE EXISTING GRASS TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE(LOT 3) ' SWAUE MAINTAIN yEYE DRAINAGE TO DETENTON AREA i— F " rT -�355_ - - - °1ti s� /-�� 35515 _ ♦ \ / 355 `\ / f EXISTING BUILD G I " /- \♦ — r,WI „i - 30'OEUPUTY IN LOCATION PLAN \ / , L,r-. -.. 'f ' B' \ �ASEMENTTOCITY Gl ) / A\\ \ EXIST.SMH\\ LEGEND 3 / RIM • \ 351.90 \ -� 1 - '� � •",� / `// /� / / e / `\ * � PROJECT PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE Fa T-T - g ;;:, / EXISTING B'SEWER / \ KK\ `"-' w ( - - O,WL. RIf�• 352.]0 ( n \ \ � / 1'� SERVICE � � \ I \S a w w _ -� - - _� / SIDELINE OF EASEMENT \ ` I A / / // �// \ /\ ♦ \ E,r] _ _wv 1 — — SIDELINE OF SETBACK EXISTING\ AND MANDOOR // 355 `` 1 w ;\ \ \� NO pq / '--"S ---�-----5--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE BMANHOLE —S S— PROPOSE D SEWS R LINE rosw,a 9 EXIST.�MH ,aSpI . Vj� I I ")'3 / 1L% \ �• \ �`\R 1\/ STORMWATER - / / 1�� pn /--- RIM---- W------ E%ISTNO WATERLINE, VALVE. XYDRANfSVAULT •GS2.13 C -/ 4' ( I ;`/ Q \ \r'�`, \\ ♦ \ EASEMENT FER / / )-- INLr,ggg,g / I r �Y}� } 1 / / '.. / EXISTING BUILDING I )\ \ \ -_ BENEFIT / ,�02 W— PROPOSED WATERLINE AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE w\/'r FFE.3SS.88 1 \ \ ( -.// / TYPICAL GRASS SWALE \L^r I I I I I N-,I.. \ PR�PpS'EDk \ -�� 1\ � ` i -\ \ ♦ \ / S / 4ry // D=_ - -STI ====O=== EXISTING STORMUNE CATCH BASIN &DRAIN MANHOLE HART \ /\ \ I `,(gDDITION / \ ,r"" `, , RESET E%I§T.\ Sg, \N, \ / / / d ~O Iw-STI PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN ..F TIO PROPOSED GRASS SWALE DEVELOPMENT, LLC. 1 �.,,, • ¢ con�RETE ND \ L _ EXISTING HVAC TO BE RELOCATED %✓C Plp O IE 3 / \ \ \ / \\ / - - _ Nf MERT3 / RELOCATED HYDRANTWIM / 0 ES i6 \ - EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR BE RE49CA..- / ORET 10EW \ 31 92 ( \ EXISY /2'1W e•GATE VALVE /, \ 1 1 1^ \\J , /ram EXISTING UNDERGROUND °yl',OEG O \ I I'�°•'W S /) I ELECTRIC& TE LEPHONE LINES \ w w� — \ / 1"',: I �' 1 d"',� .,'✓ / /� , Exlsr pAH 4 ° \ \ 1 1 � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � ns\ y / /�,(/ 1 / / I I I \ O I w �/ , RIM • d50 BE /(ROOF) /� / \ \ I I / \ \ / / / / T� / t- • PROPERTY CORNER FOUND / I , ;; •. ' `{ / 'v e• vvC IN • 047.8 (ROOF), : / f 1` I , I 11) nmG BraiM.AAs>GR EXISTING LIGHTPOLE ` \ z ": • / 1z• Pvc INrour • 34T.e ,a t ' o. \ m "� I OEfENTON AREA \ / / 1 Exlsr. r vpv�yc lcr, / z 1 y _ — / 1, I RELOCATE 1 ( 1 Ii \ / 1(� PROPOSED LIGHT POLE 1 I S,WI I • Sm.I / roan I EXISTING \\1\\\I 1� / / 1 / " / /p1'/l1�( PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR S IDEWALK 1 ,. • 1 - ( t \ N�NGHETE SI W K BIKE ACK ) 3 \ ,, • 1 �_- )t / HYDRANT :..., \ \ - - " /// ( -RItN •pp.431 I HEw I RIM.301. E BT B Gt�W sr 1r PEXz64 LF s.G.00s3—_.EXIS Ca ST / llK L / / �W �i ♦ f RIM 01gE / \ \ (2)1• PVC INs 340.49 - - - \ \ ' 321x ` W ( 1 89 TrHE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, DAOIENT AT HE BOTTOM OF THE EDLUNLA nil tY VC UT• 9 EXIST. iT PV TO RELLX �.TED HYDRANT "'I \ I I \ t ji \ ..•, T \ y; \ / ` , j.-. ' \ LECTINGDETEFIIRD x ASHALL BE !� ) x BE REMOVED WI-TEMVALVE / \ \ \ :OMPANY,INC. •� \ ..n /I I R DTOPROVIDEAMINIMUMI2• N� I \\\ESP "SLOW THE OUTLET PIPE 1 \ )/ 1 \ l .r.. m // I 16 RE � \ RY RIVE 1TH- 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO PRESENT THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR IS I VEbTMENT/LLC. GREGORYDRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOTFOR PROPERTY CONVEYANCE REL--IPLHVAC-.54 .. - �•• / _ "e1 'yl I N/F / 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM APLAN ENTITLED PROPOSED TAAHBF ER 1r"�•��y� C - - u „f•GREENTREE PARK• BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. LAST REVISED MAYS, 1989AND 0 -- ,r' j .. r 353 / \I I ) /\ I / 1 RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 258 AT PAGE 1280FTHE SOUTH BURUNGTON CITY LAND RECORDS. ELECTING, TELEPHONE AnP• w / THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAYBE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT FIBEROTCpADS/ PEDESTALS-m6'---s �, : // 1....0 I \ 1 �ibb / / y T PICALsswALE / I / I ! / SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPONA LIMITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY �`. �w ryh - - - `y. e"9 -- q, rumor / / ' / , .�I / / / THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007, A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED&2"8, AND A SITE 1 I I I I \/ �• / �^ I E X I S N N5g _ 'd +' / / PLAN OF LOT z GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-12-89, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. EX sr. CB 1^ ,Y _. a` % -, 11 I + I I ( // FxIST RIM•352.05 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOWNIS BASED UPON UDAR DIGITAL TERRAINDATA OBTAINED FROM TE ---N RIME —so .,(' * w /� , / / / 2004 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOIIMGERY PROJECT. tz'PVC IN'Ii,BQ•-r �'� _/� /_- �� 12• PVC OUT • U7.50 - NEW CBAt ) T5 / �;_- \ / /T� -/ „•,\// //�■ < IF\\ / \ R31I� 2MOUT•/-"'I% l VEM/TUT r 01—/ V \ 1 1r I III EXISTING BU i 1"l\ 4 (LDING / 1 \\ \\ \ \ 1 I I ! W.W. GRAINGER, INC. INVESTORS CORPORATION 11 \\ww "^\ \\ \\ 1\I o 1 j / / / f N/F ' OF VERMONT \ \I ) I l/ »a>e Reva, By N/F These plans shell only be used forthe propose shown belo . CONSTRUC110N NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM S FT BY 5 FT PAD AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH BUILDING ENTRY WITH A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 1:50. 2. THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1:12 (SI THE MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1: 50. 5. ALL TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EXISTING PAVEMENT OR CONCRETE AND NEW WALKS SHALL BE SMOOTH. IN NO CASE SHALL MERE BE A TRANSITION WITH A VERTICAL EDGE GREATER THAN 1/4'. 4. ALL GRASS AND LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO THE NEW WALKS AND BUILDINGS SHALL BE GRADED TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING OR WALK. LOW AREAS SHALL BE FILLED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED AS REQUIRED. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RE-ESTABLISHING A VIGOROUS GROWTH OF GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 6. SEE BUILDING / ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. 7. SEE OTHER SHEETS OF THESE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS, EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENT THIS PROTECT I SUBJECT TO GENERAL PERMIT L11TIG WHICH REGULATES STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM CONSTRUCTION SITES. THIS PROJECT HAS QUALIFIED AS HAVING A LOW RISK FOR IMPACTS TO WATER DUALITY, BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING: MAXIMUM AREA OF SOIL DISTURBANCE IS LESS THAN 2 ACRES AT ANY ONE TIME - MAXIMUM EXPOSURE OF DISTURBED SOIL OF 14 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS BEFORE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION THEBE CRITERIA FORM THE BASIS FOR THE LOW RISK DETERMINATION. ANY CHANGES TO THESE CRITERIA REQUIRE THAT THE RISK ANALYSIS BE RE-EVALUATED TO DETERMINE IF THE POTENTIAL RISK TO WATER QUALITY, AND THE RELATED PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS, HAVE CHANGED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE LOW RISK SITE HANDBOOK FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED ON THE SITE PRIOR TO AND THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. AT A MINIMUM, THESE SHALL INCLUDE: - MARKING THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TO PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION - LIMITING THE DISTURBED AREA TO THAT WHICH IS ACTIVELY BEING WORKED - INSTALLATION OF A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT - INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCE ALONG THE DOWNSLOPE PERIMETER OF THE DISTURBED AREA AND AROUND ALL SOL STOCKPILES - INLET PROTECTION AROUND ALL EXISTING CATCHASNS AND DRYWELLS. STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM ALL EXISTING DRYWELLS. - PLACEMENT OF EROSION MATTING ON ALL SLOPES 3H:1V OR STEEPER, AND MULCHING ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS - -1 Sk-fic ncept Preluninary Construction Final Local Review Record Drawing 0- 19 GREGORY DRIVE 86 PU7C085 S) R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC N LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK MG/AS Design Z SOUTH BURLINGTON VT ASR Drown APPLICANT/LANDOWNER O R.E.M. DEVELOPMENTCOMPANY, LLC of UTILITIES & ABR 599 AVENUE D WILLISTON, VT 05485 0 Checked DIG LL GRAPHIC SCALE z GRADING P LAN °_D7 a Se t `1tipwL&`,' Scale 4 , ( IN FEET) ® CIVIL 1 inch 30 n. Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc, sheet numlzr // e, v\♦� iYAB ,T\, 14 Morse Drive, Essex, VT 05452 802-878-4450 ^ ^ 2 Of 3 � 1 i L www.LDengineerirlg.com PRIOR TO PAVING. THE PORTION OF CURBING TO BE IN CONTACT WITH THE PAVEMENT SHALL BE COATED WITH EMULSIFIED ASPHALT 4" THICK CONCRETE WIDTH AS SHOWN 4000 PSI 1/4" RADIUS SEE DRIVE AN'PARKING AREA 1 4' IN 12' CONRETE CURB DEPRESSED CURB F' DETAIL MI5 SHEET FOR SUBBASE 6' (SEE DETAIL) 7" AND PAVEMENT REQUIREMENTS ... SEE BUILDING PLANS BY OTHERS FOR POSSIBLE DOWEL CONNECTION 18" P •"(•�, CLASS B CONCRETE -- • ' ASPHALT TREATED FELT TO BE •1�" .. USED BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CONCRETE FOOTIZNG _ CONCRETE CURB. MIN. I. -THICK CRUSHED GRAVEL ZBETWEEN CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR PAVEMENT 1 '... EXISTING GRAVEL} 1 II PER VT STATE SPEC 1704.05 OJ FABRIC 12' CEb 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED WITH AN ADMIXTURE PRODUCING AN AIR CONTENT OF BETWEEN _ 1 2 5% AND 7% By VOLUME. 3' SAND BASE' : NOTES CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR SUBBASE (704.05) 2. HALF INCH 1 2" TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOIN HA P (/ ) JOINTS SHALL BE LACED AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY FEET (20'). SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SCORED TO A DEPTH OF VAOT SPEC 703:03 _ 1) CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS ON INCH (1') EVERY FIVE (5') FEET. CURB AND SIDEWALK SECTIONS SHALL BE _ WITH 1/8• JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS. SEPARATED BY ASPHALT TREATED FELT. - _ 2) CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 3. AFTER THE INITIAL CURING PERIOD IS OVER (APPROXIMATELY 28 DAYS), ALL EXPOSED 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF ANTI-SPALUNG COMPOUND. 5' MINIMUM TO MSHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2" SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK). 4. SEE ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS AT BUILDING ENTRANCE LOCATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT DETAILS. 2' THICK DOW STYROFOAM SM OR EQUAL INSULATION BOARD UNDER CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE CURB AND PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL BUILDING ENTRANCE DETAIL NTS N.T.S. NTS PROVIDE 4" TOPSOIL BERM AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN 12" DEPTH AND GRASS COVER AND 0.DO5 Fr/FT. MIN. (CONSERVATION MIX) SLOPE IN DITCH 2 FT / DEPTH VARIES PROVIDE MIN. OF 12" ORIGINAL -� GROUND ��`�Sa�1 ,I ___ 1� ORIGINA u `` GRO ND MAINTAIN SWALE ------ INVERT-SLOPE TO DRAIN WTH MIN. OF 0.005 FT./FT.AND 2 FT MIN. NOTE: PLACE 12' NICK TYPE. I STONE IN MAX . OF 4 SOURCE WHERE SLOPES EXCEEDS 5% TYPICAL GRASS DRAINAGE SWALE NTS 1/2' THICK VTRMS SEE SITE PLAN FOR TYPE III NEARING COURSE GRADING 5m1/4'/FT. MIN. CONCRETE CURB 2' NICK ViRANSI TYPE COURS11 E BASE I 11LL'IfY 0 r 1 0-V 0 0 0; ' 0 0 0, ' Z 'p „0 E%]STING HYDRANT TO 4ET.YDRANT RELOCATED. IF NEW HYDRANT IS USED, THE FLAG MANUFACTURER SHALL CITYSTANDARDS. GROUNDVALVE BO4_ \ L 8' UNDISTURBED MINIMUM SOIL2' BOLTED HYDRANT TEE - ' TOPSOIL AND CONCRETE _ PLANT DENSE GRASS THRUST BLOCK WATER MAIN THRUST BLOCK (9 S.F.) SEE WATER TRENCH DETAIL FOR BEDDING REQUIREMENTS CRUSHED STONE NOTES 1. ALL MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINER GLANDS SHALL BE 'MEGALUG' OR APPROVED EQUAL SLOPE TO MATCH FINISH -J///{��•`/// / �/ �/ `�/ \�/ 7 / 2' TQPSO4 AID 2. HYDRANT DRAIN SHALL BE PLUGGED. FVIEW ERRIC OR EOURXTILE GRADE O PAVEMENT , 'f�� \/\\\j\\j\`�\\ �\C�T� DENSE GRASS NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE (VTRM5J ��-"'VVV�"`000//�<!�/HYDRANT DETAIL 70905A FINE OR 704.06) 4 OR RECLAIMED NATIVE SOIL OR GRANULAR BORROW OR EXISTING GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL SAND B IN AREAS WHERE FILL IS TO K NEEDED TO REACH A T SUBGRADE ELEVA ON 11ARREAS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND GRAVEL SUBBASE SHALL BE RECLAMED SUCH THAT ME EXISTING PAVEMENT 15 PULVERIZED TO A MAXIMUM PARTICLE SIZE OF 3 INCHES AND MIXED WN ME UNDERLYING GRAVEL SUBBASE TO A DEPTH OF NOT LESS NAN B INCHES PRIOR TO PAWNG. ME RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE FINE GRADED ON ADDITIONAL CRUSHED GRAVEL (VTRANS 704.05A FINE) PLACED AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE ME PROPOSED GRADES SHOWN ON ME PLANS 2. IN AREAS WHERE THERE IS NO EXISTING PAVEMENT, NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL, OVER GEOTEXTE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED PRIOR TO PAVING. 3. IN ALL AREAS WHERE UNSTABLE/UNSUITALBE SUBGRADE SOILS ARE PRESENT, ME SUBGRADE SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED TO REMOVE ME UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND BACKFILLED ON SAND BGRRGW GR SELECT NATIVE MATERIAL 4. SUBGRADE SOIL, NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL, AND RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE AMOUAMLY COMPACTED TO NOT LESS MAN 95M OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ME STANDARD PROCTOR MST (ASTYPICAL DRIVE & PARKING AREA CROSS SECTION NTS r-- L__ MODIFIED R7-8 SIGN WMERM PARMHO RESERVED PARKING SLOPE PAD 1/8" SIGN (SEE DETAIL) PER FT TOWARD ® 1(y I I CURB CONCRETE RAMPjj� RAMP HEIGHT VARIES WALK 5' DOWN DOWN SEE TABLE ON SH. 2 2' VAN DETECTABLE WARNING R7-BA SIGN �� AOCWIW SURFACE (SEE STD. DETAIL C-3A) 60' 2 LB PER FT FLANGED / DEPRESSED CHANNEL STEEL POST tv, CURB 4' LwHNE SYMBOL 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPE (TYPICAL) 8' MI 5' MIN. / B' MIN. FOR NOTES: VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE (SEE PLAN) 1. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE PAINTED. 2. EACH ACCESSIBLE SPACE SHALL BE SO DESIGNATEDWITH THE MODIFIED E MOD ED R7-13 SIGN SHOWN. VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES SHALL HAVE THE ADDITIONAL R7-BA SIGN MOUNTED BENEATH, SUCH DESIGNATING "VAN ACCESSIBLE-. THE LOWEST SIGN ON THE POST SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4 FEET ABOVE GRADE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE DETAM NTS 18' DIA. CONCRETE FOOTING i 24' _ 1 PARKING LO' NTS NTS ALL WATER LINE AND RELATED WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES FOR ALL WATER SVS�MS OWNED BY THE CHAMPLAIN WAI�R DISTRICT. THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTONTHE CITY OF SOUTH C�CHESTER FIRE DISTRICT.1 AND ME VIUGE OFFIRE DISMICTti AND ME VI�GE OF JER1� HENCEFORTH THE -CWD SPECIFICATIONS'. SOUTH BURUNGTON WATER DEPARTMENT 'SS- SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING TO INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS, MAIN LINE TAPS, APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE CROSSINGS. NO WATER LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AFTER NOVEMBER 15 OR BEFORE APRIL 1 WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. THE SUPERINTENDENT MAY RESTRICT WORK MOFRE NOVEMBER 15 AND AFTER APRIL 1 DURING ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS. TYPICAL CUTOFF LIGHT FIXTURE - ME SITE PLAN FOR TYPE, LOCATON AND NUMBER OF FIXTURES PER POLE IF LIGHT POLES ARE GREATER THAN 5' FROM PAVED AREAS OR AT LEAST 2' BEHIND THE CURB. THE FOOTING HEIGHT CAN BE REDUCED TO 6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE PROVIDE CONDUIT AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH ELECTRICAL CODE LUMINAIRE DETAIL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY AND IN ACCORDANCE ON TIE LATEST B. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTAn. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTEN, THE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND CITY STANDARDS. TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ON ME MANUAL W UNICORN TRAFFIC CGJMW DEVICES, ME CITY O SOUTH BURLINGTDIR PUBLIC PUBLIC WORKS REWIREMENTS AND THESE PLANS OWNER TD INSURE ADEQUATE ACCESS TO AND THROUGH ME STE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT TRAFFIC CCNMW SAFETY MEASURES IN ACCORDANCEON ME VS 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATION TO VERIFY ME LOCATON OF CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS WHEN PERFORMING WORK MAT IS ADJACENT TO EXISTING VEHICULAR AND PEDESMIM TRAFFIC ROUTES. ANY UNDERGROUND LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE' AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO MY EXCAVATION. 9. TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WTH ME PLAN(S), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ME ENGINEER 24 3. UTILITIES INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM LIMITED FIELD SURVEYS µD MA Y HOURS IN ADVANCE OF STARTING ANY WORK, CUTTING THE PAVEMENT, BEGINNING ME INSTALLATION OF THE NEW UTILITIES, BRINGING IN My NEW GRAVEL FOR ME NEW SUBBASE, PAVING, AND OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ME EXALT LL LOCATION OF ALL ENSnNG UTILITIES AND SHABE RESPWSBLE FOR MY DAMAGE TO MY FINAL INSPECTION. UTUTY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT 10, ME HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION FOR SEWER. STORM, AND WATER UNES SHALL BE OR RECONNECT ALL UTILITIES TO ME NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION ON UTILITY OMER. IN ACCORDMCE WTH ME LATEST EDITION OF ME "TEN STATE STANDARDS - RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR WATER.' +. THE CWNALPAV SHALL RESPONSIBLE FOR AND REMOVAL O ALL EXISTING N NECESSARY To OTHERWISE PAVEMENT AND SINUS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THIS UNLESS 11. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SEEDER MULCHED UNTIL REUSED. SILT FENCE SHALL BE ME EXCESS D BRIS AN NOTES ON THESE PLANS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL, DEBRIS AND MASH MdA THE SITE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS OTHERWSE ME DOWNS INSTALLED ALONG THE DOWVSLOPE PERIMETER O THE i0P5OL PILES. ETE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. 12. HEALTHY EXISTING NEES, AS SHOWN ON ME PLANS. ON AND ADJACENT TO ME SITE SHALL BE 5. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL RESPONSIBLE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING MAT OUST PROTECTED BY ME CONTRACTOR. CREATED F A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CREATE A SAFETY NUISANCE H A SAFETY 13. AT COMPLETION OF SLOPES, DITCHES, AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SMOOTH D WHERE AND WHEN O THE NECESSARY BY THE OWNER, TE CAPPLYCAL SHALL O DEOUIREO CONTRACTOR ]RED TO WET SECTIONS O" THE CONSTRUCTION AREA WATER, APPLY CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR OGRADING. POCKETS µD FREE O POCKETS WTH SUFFICIENT SLOPE TO ENSURE DRAINAGE. SHEEP ASPHALT ROADS WTH A POWER BROOM AS DUST CONTROL. S D 14. FINISH SLOPES, DITCHES AND AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND BE SEEDED. LIMED. SEEDED. LIMED, AND MULCHED. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S B. ANY SURFACES LINES, R STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE BEEN ASTDAMAGED QU L THE ATIN OPERATION$ SHALL BE RESTORED TO THE LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY ACCORDANCE PEERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WTH ME SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDED IN MESS PLANS. EGNGTON F IVE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF OPERATIONS. 15, ALL FILL SHALL PLACED IN B INCH LIFTS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO OF MAXIMUM ]. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT CONSTRUCTION ON THE IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED ON THESE PLANS BE S95%TANDARD OPTIMUM DENSITY AT ERWSE ECSMRE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASN O698 STANDARD PROCTW, PROCTOR. UNLESS OTHERWSE SPECIFIED. OBSERVED BY LF MOE M GBEINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., JUNCTION, WO N M D PERMIT, RE DETERMINE IF NE WORN IS BEING PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WM PLANS MO PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, Mt OCKINSW 16. THE STONE CHECK DAMS SILT FENCES, DITCHES, AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL DENCES, IB WAIVES MY AND ALL CONTRACTOR TO F AND LIABILITY AT MAY A FOR PROBLEMFI MAT MAY ARISE ME FAILURE NRE OF THE COR CANTOR i0 FOLLOW THESE SHALL BE MAINTAINED RE REPAIRED B BY ME CONTRACTOR AFTER EVERY RAINFALL UNTIL ALL DISTURBED MESS HAVE BEEN GRASSED AND APPROVED By THE OWNER. ME DESIGN PLANS CONVEY, µD FROM FAILURE TO PLANS, SPECIFICEN NOTIFIED AND THE DESIGN INTENT MAT TESTS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED TO OBSERVE THE WORKS AND 1EST5 IN PROGRESS. MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WILL INCLUDE REMOVAL O ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT. NOTE: ADJUST FRAME ELEVATION AS NEEDED RAGE WITH CONCRETE RINGS AND NON -SHRINK UNDISTURBED FRAME A GRATE LEBARON MORTAR. DO NOT IISE PRICK SOIL LF 246 OR EQUAL u � � FINISH GRADE-\ \w THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 6" UFTS (SEE NOTES) a i W w IF COVER IS LESS THAN 6' PLACE THE SIDES OF TRENCHES "i 2 PIECES OF 2' THICK INSULATION 4 FT. (IR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL ? BOARD, SUITABLE FOR BURIAL, OVER THE PIPE WTH STAGGERED SHALL BE SHEETED OR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOINTS.IN NO CASE SHALL THE ROPED TO THE ANGLE OF REPOSE 12 3 s PIPE HAVE LESS THAN 4' OF COVER. ALL WATER SERVICE LINES UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL BE APPROVED ROCK FIRE INSULATED REGARDLESS OF DEPTH. BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 6" + D/2 ('D' IS OUTSIDE DIAMETER COMPACTED IN 6' LIFTS (NO STONES 'D. OF PIPE) LINGER THAN 1 1/2" DIAMETER) 8' + D/2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP ME TRENCHES ENTIRELY APPROVED GRAVEL OR SAND FOR D.I. PIPE FREE OF WATER UNTIL ALL WORK IS FINISHED AND READY FOR BACKFILLING D + 2 FEET UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES Ep 1HT-INCH AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON (DI) WATER PIPE SHALL HAVE NO LESS THAN THREE (3) BRASS WEDGES INSTALLED AT EACH JOINT. 2. COMMON FILL MATERIAL COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS (STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD) - SOX OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OCCURS ON A CROSS-COUNTRY ROUTE. - 95a OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATON OCCURS IN TRAVELED WAYS. TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL , _VARIES M ALL BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 36' MIN. COMPACTED IN 6' LIFTS PROVIDE WATERTIGHT RUBBER PIPE I PRECAST REINFORCED BOOTS FOR ALL STORM PIPE {{{{ CONCRETE CATCHBASIN '1". OPENINGS 6' OR LARGER -_-- --("' I DESIGNED FOR H-20 (P� LOADING SOL I EXTEND BEDDING TO LEDGE PAYMENT LIMIT 3/4' CRUSHED STONE BEDDING LIMITS OF EXCAVATION PRECAST CATCH BASIN NTS FINISH GRADE USE TWO STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS TO FASTEN SADDLE TO SEWER PIPE UNDISTURBED SOIL ` BACKFILL WM APPROVED NEW 6' MR 35 PVC CAT]DryG EXCAVATED MATERIAL SE P IT THOR T XER WC+HL COMPACTED A SEVER PIPE P/PE 20W IN 0' LIFTS FOR SAN F CIS LE55 THIN 4' A® 6' FLEXIBLE SEVER SADDLE WYE J (USE CORE BIT DRILL TO DRILL NE SIDE OF TRENCHES STORM LINES, HOLE INTO EXISTING SEVER PIPE 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH V, , VER IS LESS MAN ]' ENTERED BY PERSONNEL FOR ,�,1�!ICH IiPF 1�O `1 SHALL BE SHEETED OR n SLOPED TO ME ANGLE _____- __---- [jfV"O SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION OF REPOSE INTO EXISTING SEWER MAIN eU APPROVED ROCK FREE 1Y' ('D' IS OUTSIDE NTS BACKFILL MIN 6" DIAMETER OPIPE) THOROUGHLY F ; �P COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS (NO STONES ----- _ .+L` LARGER MAN 1 1/2' O DIAMETER) R' LH NE CMES KEEOR SHALLAt TINAT C c ME TRE ENTIRELY FRM OF WATERGHES �=� UNTIL ALL WORK IS FINISHED v\ ids AND READY FOR BACKFILLING PLUMB TREE TRUNK TREE PIT 2' THICK MULCH A MINIMUM OF 3' AWAY FROM TREE HUNK TO EDGE OF DRIP UNE CONCRETE SIDEWALK .MMMW I PLACE ROOT BALL ON u /� TAMPED PLANT MIX OR rCONCRETE CURB UNOISTURBEO SOIL / -ROAO 3 TIMES THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER ' UNDISTURBED SOIL- L GEOTEXTILE FABRIC P ACTIN NOT P. 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK - ANSI ZBO.1. 2. STREET NEES TO ARRIVE FROM NURSERY WITH 6 FEET BETWEEN THE FINISHED GRADE AND ME FIRST TREE BRANCH. DO NOT PRUNE THE NEE AT PLANING. 3. TREES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% LIVE CROWN RATIO. 4. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE MAIN ORDEI WERE THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ME NOT MS18LE SHALL I THAT ME MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE AT FINISHED GRADE. C 5. EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, M TO PREVENT GIRDLING. S. CUT AND REMOVE ORE MESH BASKET. CUT AND REMOVE R PLACEMENT IN MEE PIT. LOOSEN REMAINING BURLAP TO I BURLAP. REMOVE IT ENTIRELY AFTER PLACING ROOT BALL 7. PLANT MIX SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING RATIO: 1/4 8. BREAK APART EDGE OF EX TI B EXCAVATION WITH SHOVEL AND LE 1 NEE PIT AREA SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DEPTH TREES 36'. THI 11 STAKING REQUIRED ONLY ARCHITECT. SITUATIONS NHERE NEES CULL 11. PRUNE EOENRLY DEAD ORE USHDROOTS DEAD BE OR RINJU 12. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEAR TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS WRAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALL AFTER DEVELOPMENT. IF SYNTHETIC OR TREATED 7/4 PARTS TOPSOIL. TTHH EXISTING SOIL TO PROVIDE SOIL NANSI' AT THE END OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. UNDISTURBED SOL LEDGE PAYMENT/ LIMIT CRUSHEDGRAVEL FOR PE OR PVC PIPE TYPICAL SEWER & STORM TRENCH NTS These plena shell only be used for the puT w drown below: Q SketchlConcept Act 250 Review Ej PrelimiT Y 0 C-t-tion Fi-1 Local Review Q Record DGwing ZM F.070 ° 19 GREGORY DRIVE 8 07085 n R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC s urvey LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK MCi/AS m o SITEWORK DETAILS AND Caked U. SPECIFICATIONS Date 7-31-07 CIVIL zz Lamoureux & Dickinson N.T.S. Consulting Engineers, Inc. sheerlNDlTd1e i 1 LZ,A`� 14 Morse Drive, Esser, VT 05452 H 802-878-4450 www.LDengineering.com 3 Qt 3 F O ill I I I ! JOSEPH IVIDA I-- ` CtLtllj�9 fl I i 1 \\/_ .- T LLls 1 I / PAULB I IANCY DWL. 1 / 1 / �'Iry�-1° LYON li Pool ! 1 I I! I 1 r/ N/Fl I III I �\� /-- I I I I I I I ( / / / / ----- --___// II \ 0 EXIST GCEDAR HEnbE w , / r r l I,�/' IT, \RAO` / / INING ETA / \ 1 I \ "YOU�• / /- 'i� I 1 / I \ I 1 I ,(DESIGN V OTHERS) EWALV I Y // / �';/ „ AIR REALEASEPAHOLE \ \ -- W E L SPENCER & NANCY / -- /y t \ _ .•a' /I ,. Exlsr. s�M1r / y / \ \ \ �- - B BR°W�EiL BAKER / . _ /�'��, 7ftA - w - / // , 1B.apT ].19 i' \ PROJECT RD, T- X v^+' IM/•339.94 \_�,__-�-- 352\� - •� / E-MORTAR FRAME / LOCATION _ 3 TOSTRUCNRE MERGENS- WILTSHIRE,LLC. 9 TONM OF (LOT WTLusroN REGRADE EXISTMAINTAIN GRASS OSIT (LOT 3) S WALE TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO DETENTION AREA 3aWIDE UTILITY EXISTING BUILDING LOCATION PLAN I \ r\ - �� -- E \ .(,,,\• /'� MENTTOCITY \ \ \ \ / \ NEW3'NADEBOTTOMMYSWALE03 TUTS S0•P`„-_\`� C-- \ SEE DETAILON SHEET4 LEGEND \ EXIST. SMH \ END 4- UNDERDRAIN AND BEGIN '' o ^ \ \ \ \ C RIM • 351.W \d CARRIER PIPE TO DAYLIGHT PROJECT PROPERTY LINE INV • 347.53 ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE EX:.SMM ^' / E%ISTNO B"SEWER / �/ \ �` `� \ s `• I - - SIDELINE OF EASEMENT DWL. RI 332.70 -/. \ \ 5 - / . SERVICE \� - - - - - - SIDEUNEOFSETBACK EXISTING OVERHEAD I AND MANDOOR / / 1 � � `\ , •• / I ----- �------ S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE AMANHOLE -S S- PROPOSED SEWER LINE _1 EMSTj. .3 I L I ( . 1z/ LJ (r \ ""` \ \/ Pq VE / /';� ------�$--w------ EXISTING WATERLINE. VALVE. HYDRANT&VAULT \ / S RIM. --MV��.10 EXISTING BUILDING � r I \\` 11 \ \mow 4rENr ,/ / / ' p2� W- PROPOSED WATERLINE AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE FFE.335&5 4EW S WADE BOTTOM WETSWAL E \ /, iJ \ / p / •A \ \R % / y / �' ST EXISTING STORMLINE, CATCH BASIN S DRAIN MANHOLE ;EE DETAIL ON SHEET 4 \ '� I X I c PROPOSED \ o HART I\ kiJj�.PDDITION /"'\ \ \ I/`\ d• W PROPOSED STORMLINE AND CATCH BASIN V I I \ .EFE 3 35 / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S\„C L -13Y� /( \ - - - m PROPOSED 3M55 SWALE DEVELOPMENT, LLC. / fY *I ( FxlsrrlNc ELLc I / /- N/F \ i 1 THAN. Mtft TO { // E%ISTNO HVAC TO BE _351'---- EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR ` \ 1 / RELOCATED TO ROOFTOP RELOCATED HYDRANT WITH 'DAEAL EXISTING UNDERGROUND _ PROPERTY CORNER TELEPHONELINES //T' I I rp>tiTENTIIXi /� 8" PVC IN • 347A (ROOF) 10 J °l i 1 1 I I v v 1 1 12-PVC INroUT•34T.8 / \m 1 1 \ •Y / // l /1 ( ! E%ISTNO LIOHTPOLE EXIST.8 PVC // o, 4" PERF. P/C HEADER DRAIN �'j1 / {� / /// RWFDIRAI / / PROPOSEDLIGHT POLE SEE DETAILS CB t1 ; 1�5 pp BIKE CK 5 /i/�. / / W. ELEV • 3.1% I Y I 2 -^w n e / I 1 % ! / O ^ RELOCATE/�1 I J °I I A3 ^/ 1 / O m 1. Exm3 \ 1 / �ry�/m/i PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR SIDEWALK / S WIDE I S123 3 11. // / \ £ HYDRANT i Sp /// / M1I •1ad.{31 1 I _` I - ( I 1 / / / \ RIM,• U2. ( X , ... Z / £y I .� r �. �• / ' , / R , / / \ -12" } 1 +y I \ \ Q 5 CON \•-.. rR 4 / , to ^END CAP WITH B�DIAMETER 12' PE %204 LF 3=D0053 -� \ L'1 �E E SI r -„ y Iy F /;N.-..,� , J \ �W ��^L � / , � b IFICE IN CAP. INV. B"ORIFICE •345.3 gceMov3o `• sr 4 . .._,. ! .. ^' (' RIM. ai 1 \� / / .Q Y / s BE wlrr✓eAcnre vn�ive T / �EDLUN / I \ 3 \ (2) 4' urr 34fi09B \ / \ \\ lti !(\ Q / F%UST. 13'PV TO ' Tl{IE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, aEA COMPNtFY,INC.�lI \ \ \_ ` BE REMOVED / 3 / / ` , /I ' I I/\\�EEPnSJMR 94DI14- ATLOWEEOOUTITLEUE BOTTOM OF PIPE \ \\ 0 1 \\ \ , Z� Ir \' _ EXISTINWW 1z"Tss.Il�v.3le.eD y 1 � 1 Rq ET EXIST. CO _ Jt RETE END NOTE3, SL�CTONDN EXIST' PVC PIPE 1. THE ( II I ` 1 1 f! \t - _ / / / // / / / _ / - ` ` _ _ `-^\ �. / \ U YI I I I II ' I I • 3b� ,I PURPOSE GREGORYDRIVE. THIS PLAN IS NOT FOR PROPERTYPRESENT THE CONVEYANCE. ROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 19 CONVEYANCE 54 2. THE BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM PLAN ENTITLED PROPOSEDTFtA11iF ER •�`=1 ' '{� 1 r�xTS 'GREEN TREE PARIC BY PVOLU E2NAIUDELL CONSUL2 OFT ESOUS INC. LAST ONCTREVISED ANDRE88PAND �'! - +}• �� 2 355 p� 55 3 \ \ / ! RECORDED IN MAP VOLUME 259 AT PAGE 126 OF THE SOUTH BURLINpTON CITY LAND RECORDS. -EMS103 ELECTRIC, TELEPHONER \�_� < - - 35 / U i Ir p / I1 /16. Cj�2EG9RY DRIVE THE SUBJECT PARCEL MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY NOT I I I �T 1 / / // / FIBEROPTIC)PADS/PEDESTALS-rP6--- '��� -"� �' �+�.�"� - - { I I W / IN\lES ENT, LLCI SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. I / \) I // /// 1`` \� c l'i ,r,Ly� ! // / NE^W c3e�e1� 1 SD O I / a / 1 1� // N/F 3, UTILITIES SHOVM ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED UPON A UNITED FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY 1 -' - _ 4' IN •SIB SI ,((�T�[� ^ / THIS OFFICE IN JULY 2007A RECORD DRAWING OF GREEN TREE PARK DATED &2383 AND A SITE K. „� ✓ 2 / 1 I/ l / PLAN OF LOT 2 GREEN TREE PARK DATED 4-1249, BOTH PLANS BY TRUDELL CONSULTING EJ(/Sr/N �� j r 1e 'Mr,� 3r,w 12'OUT•3f8. / u ENOINEERS.INC. M g E UST. CBJ2, Yw„/ �.. M:r /i+i -��` NNN rA I I I 1 / // _ "mil y� V 4. CONTOUR DATA SHOWN IS BASED UPON UDAR DIGITAL TERRAIN DATA OBTAINED FROM THE -�_ EXIST. RIM•352.05 = / - __Ras.E 352 fi0 " `Y. .Y�" _ \ ( / 2004 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ORTHOTMAOERY PROJECT, 12-PVC IN -`SI �L / "'�'j icy "cx.. L•�\ /�I ; / _/- I / 2-PVC OUT •34].W- 'NEW 4'WIDE BOTTOM DRY SOURCE k1 / F\ / / \ \ SEE DETAIL IXJ SHEET / \ END 4"UNDERDRAINA DD BEGIN 4" CARRIENPIPETONEVYIQ891 EXISTING BUILDING I INVESTORS CORPORATION OFVERMONT ' \ N/F t CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM 5 FT BY 5 FT PAD AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH BUILDING ENTRY WITH A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 1:50. 2. THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1:12 (ex). THE MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF NEW WALKS SHALL BE 1:50. 3. ALL TRANSITIONS BETWEEN EXISTING PAVEMENT OR CONCRETE AND NEW WALKS SHALL BE SMOOTH. IN NO CASE SHALL THERE BE A TRANSITION WITH A VERTICAL EDGE GREATER MAN 1/4-. 4. ALL GRASS AND LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO THE NEW WALKS AND BUILDINGS SHALL BE GRADED TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING OR WALK. LOW AREAS SHALL BE FILLED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED AS REWIRED. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RE-ESTABLISHING A VIGOROUS GROWTH OF GRASS IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. S. SEE BUILDING / ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. 7. SEE OMER SHEETS OF THESE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS THIS PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO GENERAL PERMIT 3-9020 WHICH REGULATES STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM CONSTRUCTION SITES. THIS PROJECT HAS QUALIFIED AS HAVING A LOW RISK FOR IMPACTS TO WATER QUALITY, BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING: - MAXIMUM AREA OF SOIL DISTURBANCE IS LESS MAN 2 ACRES AT ANY ONE TIME - MAXIMUM EXPOSURE OF DISTURBED SOIL OF 14 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS BEFORE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION THESE CRITERIA FORM THE BASIS FOR THE LOW RISK DETERMINATION. ANY CHANGES TO THESE CRITERIA REWIRE THAT THE RISK ANALYSIS BE RE-EVALUATED TO DETERMINE IF THE POTENTIAL RISK TO WATER DUALITY, AND THE RELATED PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS, HAVE CHANGED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE'9W RISER cIT�Hgup9pOK FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED ON ME SITE PRIOR TO AND THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AOTIVITIES. AT A MINIMUM, THESE SHALL INCLUDE: - MARKING THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TO PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION - UNITING THE DISTURBED AREA TO THAT WHICH IS ACTIVELY BEING WORKED - INSTALLATION OF A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT - INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCE ALONG THE DOWNSLOPE PERIMETER OF THE DISTURBED AREA AND AROUND ALL SOIL STOCKPILES - INLET PROTECTION AROUND ALL EMSTING CATCHASINS AND DRYWELLS. STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY ROM ALL EXISTING LMYWELLS. - PLACEMENT OF EROSION MATTING ON ALL SLOPES 3H:IV OR STEEPER, AND MULCHING ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS / I / /EX/srl/Nc &NE SWOLE SPILLWAY A V ME I ( _ / \ \ I \ 1 1 /I, r l r I I \ 1\ ( 11 1 W.W. GR NI FGER, INC. R GRAPHIC SCALE a4 1. ( IN FEET 1 inch o 30 It, APPLICANT/LANDOWNER RE M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 599 AVENUE D WILLISTON, VT D5495 !~ pfW AL tr Nr. 8070 O �•� CIVIL AIIII LII\� RE �1, These plans shell only be used for the purpose shuwMelovv: j 4 Skemh/Concepr %� Act 250 Review [] Frel-nary V%(y O COnslruceoG Final Local Review 19 GREGORY DRIV I R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT UTILITIES & GRADING PLAN Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse DRi-, Essex, VT 05452 502-575-4450 www.LDenlpnssr*.- 20f41 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATI PRIOR TO PAVING, THE PORTION OF CURBING TO BE IN CONTACT WITH ME PAVEMENT SHALL BE COATED WITH EMULSIRED ASPHALT- 1/4- RADIUS y . DEPRESSED CURB 7. CLASS B CONCRETE 18 P "" 1 WIDTH AS SHOWN 4' THICK CONCRETE 4- P51 SEE DRIVE AM PARKING AREA 1 4" IN 12" CONRETE CURB DETAIL THIS SHEET FOR SUBBASE ---1 S. (SEE DETAIL) AND PAVEMENT REQUIREMENTS ... . •12 ASPHALT TREATED FELT TO BE USED BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND 2 MIN. 12' THICK CRUSHED GRAVEL CONCRETE CURB. EXISTING GRAVEL PER VT STATE SPEC #704.05 FABRIC NOTES - 2' CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR SUBBASE (704.05) 1) CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS WITH 1/8- JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS. 2) CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 20 AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING TO AASHTO DESIGNATION M-153 (1/2' SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK). CONCRETE CURB AND PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT NTS NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED WITH AN ADMIXTURE PRODUCING AN AIR CONTENT OF BETWEEN 5S AND 7% BY VOLUME. 2. HALF INCH (1/2") TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY FEET (20'). SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SCORED TO A DEPTH OF ONE INCH (I-) EVERY FIVE (5') FEET. CURB AND SIDEWALK SECTIONS SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ASPHALT TREATED FELT. 3. AFTER THE INITIAL CURING PERIOD IS OVER (APPROXIMATELY 28 DAYS), ALL EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF ANTI-SPALUNG COMPOUND. 4. SEE ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS AT BUILDING ENTRANCE LOCATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT DETAILS. CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. PROVIDE 4' TOPSOIL BERM AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN 12' DEPTH AND 0.005 FT./FT. MIN. AND GRASS COVER (CONSERVATION MIX) SLOPE IN DITCH 2 FT / DEPTH VARIES PROVIDE MIN. OF 12' GROUNOL/'`�� v OR GR ND `` MAINTAIN SWALE - - - - - - - INVERT -SLOPE TQ DRAIN ;SMIN. OF O.WS FT/FT. 2 FT MIN. NOTE: PLACE 12' THICK TYPE STONE IN AND MAX. OF 4FGRASS SWALE WHERE SLOPES EXCEEDS 5x TYPICAL DRAINAGE SWALE NITS 1 1/2NICK VMANS TYPE III WEARING SEE SITE PLAN FOR COURSE GRADING 2' THICK MANS TYPE Y CONCRETE CURB S 4 /�FT�. IM�INY. n BASE COURSE 0. CE ME SON GEOMXTIIE-/ SLOPE TO MATCH FINISH FABRIC OR EQUAL OF PAVEMENT 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY AND IN ACCORDANCE WN ME LATEST 8. TEMPORARY COMMUCTIW SIGNS AND TRAFFIC OWTROL SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY ME CONTRACTOR VERMONT AGENCY OF MANSPORTATON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR C0NSMUCn0N, ME IN ACCORDANCE VAN STATE AND CITY STANDARDS. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WIN THE ME MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, ME CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON PUBLIC OWNER TO INSURE ADEQUATE ACCESS TO AND THROUGH ME STE THROUGHOUT CONSMUCN)N. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME MANS PUBLIC WORKS REOUIREMENTS AND THESE PLANS. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS WHEN PERFORMING WORK THAT IS ADJACENT TO EXISDNG VEHICULAR AND M CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES BEFORE TI i0 VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ON 2. E C PEDESTRIAN MAMIC ROUTES. SEE BUILDING PLANS BY OTHERS S T HA N nFY 'DIGSAFE' AT 1-BBB-DIG-SAFE IFY'DI ANY UNDERgi0UN0 LINES ME CONTRACTOR SHALL O24 9. TO ENSRE COMPLIANCE WM ME PLANKS). CONTRACTOR ME ENGNNS FOR POSSIBLE DOWEL CONNECTION PRIG TO ANY EXCAVATION. UL PAVEMENT, BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION , C WMEL . BEGINNING HOURS W ADVANCE STARTING ANY WORK, CUTTING BETWEEN CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND 3. UTUTES INFORMATION SHOW HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM LIMITED FIELD SURVEYS AND MAY OR NEW TIOUTES, BRINCNC IN MY NEW GRAVEL FOR ME NEW SUBBASE, PAYING AND S, CONCRETE FOOTING OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ME EXACT L I FINK INSPECTION. FINAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTUTES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAM ACE TO ANY 10. ME HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION FOR SEVER, STORM, AND WATER LINES SHALL BE OR PAVEMENT UTILITY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT W ACCORDANCE WITH ME LATEST EDITION O THE 'TEN STALE STANDARDS - RECOMMENDED OR RECONNECT ALL UTILITIES TO ME NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION WTH UTILITY OWNER. STANDARDS FOR WATER." 4. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOUTION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING 11 TOPSOILSHALL BE STOCKPILED, SEEDED, AND MULCHED UNTIL REUSED. SILT FENCE SHALE BE VEGETATION, PAVEMENT AND SMUCTURES NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THIS PROJECT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON MESS PLANS. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL, INSTALLED ALONG ME DOWNMOPE PERIMETER OF THE TOPSOIL PILES. - DEBRIS AND MASH FROM NE SITE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS ONERWSE 12. HEALTHY EXISTING TREES, AS SHOWN ON ME PLANS ON AND ADJACENT TO ME SITE SHALL BE ' DIRECTED BY ME GMER. PROTECTED BY ME CONMACTOIR. f 5. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING THAT ME DUST 13 AT COMPLETION OF GRADING, SLOPES, DITCHES, AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SMOOTH }'\SAND BASE-' 2' TRICK DOW STYROFOAM CREATED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CREATE A NUISANCE OR A SAFETY HA2AR0. SHALL BE REWIRED AND FREE OF POCKETS WIN SUFFICIENT MOPE TO ENSURE DRAINAGE. _VAOT SPEC 70303 WHERE AND WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY BY ME OWNER, ME CONTRACTOR SEE OR EQUAL INSULARGN TO WET SECTIONS OF ME CONSMUCTON AREA WIN WATER, APPLY CALLOW CHLORIDE OR BOARD UNDER CONCRETE T4. FINISH MOPES, DITCHES AND DISTURBED AREAS 9RALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF - SWEEP ASPHALT ROADS WITH A POWER BROOK AS OUST CONTROL SIDEWALK TOPSOIL AND BE FERTILIZED. SEEDED, LIMED. AND MULCHED. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BE 6. ANY SURFACES, LINES, OR STRUCTURES WHICHHAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY ME CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDED IN THESE PLANS. - OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED i0 THE CONDIGN AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY 15. ALL FUELSHALLBE PLACED IN 5 INCH LIFTS AND MORWGNLY COMPACTED TO 95X OF MAXIMUM HERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE MOANING OF OPERATIONS. DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOSTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D698 STANDARD PROCTOR, 7. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT CONSMUCTON OF ME IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED ON THESE PLANS BE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEOFM. 5' MINIMUM OBSERVED BY LAMOUREUX k DICKINSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT, TO DETERMINE IF THE WORK IS BEING PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WIN ME PLANS AND PERMIT 16. ME STONE CHECK DAMS, SILT FENCES. DITCHES, AND OTHER EROSON CONTROL DEVICES. REWIREMENT9. LAMWREUX N DICNINSON WNWS ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND UABILITY FOR PROBLEMS THAT MAY ARISE FROM ME FAILURE OF ME CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW THESE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED BY ME CONTRACTOR AFTER EVERY RAINFALL UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN GRASSED AND APPROVED BY ME OWNER. ME PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND ME DESIGN INTENT THAT THE PLANS CONVEY, AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED TO OBSERVE ME WORKS AND TESTS IN PROGRESS, MAINTENANCE OF ME EROSION CONTROL DEVCES WLL INCLUDE REMOVAL OF MY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT. BUILDING ENTRANCE DETAIL NTS EXISTING HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED. IF NEW HYDRANT IS USED, THE YDRANT FLAG MANUFACTURER SHALL MEET CITY STANDARDS. a VALVE BOX_ I1B"-21' 8' MINIMUM UNDISTURBED MINIMUM 6' BURY sdL� S. GATE VALVE THRUST BLOCK BOLTED HYDRANT TEE -A (9 S.F.) CONCRETE WATER MAIN 8' CL52 D.I. THRUST BLOCK SEE WATER TRENCH DETAIL FOR BEDDING REOUIREMEN75 CRUSHED STONE NOTES- 1. ALL MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINER GLANDS SHALL BE 'MEGALUG' OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. HYDRANT DRAIN SHALL BE PLUGGED. HYDRANT DETAIL _..__ 70405A ONE OR 704.06) OR - _ - RECLAIMED - •'A `Y*•"•"•"•• `NATIVE SOIL OR GRANULAR BORROW OR EXISTING GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL SAND BORROW IN AREAS WHERE FILL IS NEEDED TO REACH SUBCRADE ELEVATION MOTH AREAS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND GRAVEL SUBBASE SHALL BE RECLAIMED SUCH MAT ME EXISTING PAVEMENT IS PULVERIZED TO A MAXIMUM PARTICLE SIZE OF 3 INCHES AND MIXED ON THE UNDERLYING GRAVEL SUBBASE TO A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 9 INCHES PRIOR TO PAYING, ME RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE FINE GRADED VAN ADDITIONAL CRUSHED GRAVEL (VTRANS 704.05A FINE) PLACED AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE ME PROPOMO GRADES SHOWN W ME PLANS. 2. IN AREAS WHERE THERE IS NO EXISTING PAVEMENT, NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL SUBBASE MATERIAL, OVER GEOTEXTLE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED PRIOR TO PAVING. 3. IN ALL AREAS WHERE UNSTABLE/UNSUITALBE SUBGRADE WELLS ARE PRESENT, ME SUBGRADE SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED TO REMOVE THE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND BACKFILUED WIN SAND BORROW OR SELECT NATIVE MATERIAL 4. SUBGRADE SOIL NEW CRUSHED GRAVEL AND RECLAIMED MATERIAL SHALL BE ADEQUATELY COMPACTED TO NOT LEM MAN 95% OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ME STANDARD PROCTOR TEST (ASM D69B). TYPICAL DRIVE & PARKING AREA CROSS SECTION NTS r--� L__r MODIFIED R7-B SIGN RLflRYLD PAMNO RESERVED PARKING SLOPE PAD 1/B" SIGN (SEE DETAIL) I..�� PER FT TOWARD ® I I CURB HEIGHT VARIES CONCRETE RAMP RAMP SEE TABLE ON SH. 2 WALK 5' DOWN DOWN VAN 2'LU DETECTABLE WARNING R7-8A SIGN-� ACG!{flll� SURFACE (SEE STD. DETAIL C-3A) DEPRESSED 2 LB PER FT FLANGED CURB CHANNEL STEEL POST 4' WHITE SYMBOL 4' WIDE WHITE STRIPE (TYPICAL) S' MI 5' MIN. / B' MIN. FOR NOTES: VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE (SEE PLAN) 1. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE PAINTED. 2. EACH ACCESSIBLE SPACE SHALL BE SO DESIGNATED WITH THE MODIFIED R7-8 SIGN SHOWN. VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES SHALL HAVE THE ADDITIONAL R7-8A SIGN MOUNTED BENEATH, SUCH DESIGNATING VAN ACCESSIBLE". THE LOWEST SIGN ON THE POST SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 4 FEET ABOVE GRADE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE DETAM HIS 18' DIA. CONCRETE FOOTING 24' NTS ALL WATER LINE AND RELATED WORK SHALL USE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE S PECIFICAIONS AND DETAILS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES FOR ALLWATER SYSTEMS OWNED BY THE CHAMPLAN WgTER DISTRICT. THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINOTON COLCHESTER FIRE DIGTRICT.,. AND THE VILLAGE OF JEMC M;CEFORM THE'CWD SPECIFICATIONS. SOUN BURLINGTON WATER DEPARTMENT'SBW'D• SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO BAOKFILLING TO INSPECT ALL JOINTS, FITTINGS, MAIN LINE TAPS. APPURTENANCES AND WATER LINE CROSSINGS. NO WATER LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AFTER NOVEMBER 15 OR BEFORE APRIL 1 WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. ME SUPERINTENDENT MAY RESTRICT WORK IMOME NOVEMBER 15 AND AFTER APRIL 1 WRING ADVERSE WEAMER CONDITIONS. TYPICAL CUTOFF LIGHT FIXTURE - SEE SITE PLAN FOR TYPE, LOCATION AND NUMBER OF FIXTURES PER POLE IF LIGHT POLES ARE GREATER THAN 5' FROM PAVED AREAS OR AT LEAST 2' BEHIND THE CURB, THE FOOTING HEIGHT CAN BE REDUCED TO 6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE PROVIDE CONDUIT AS TR REWIRED TO COMPLY WITH ELECTRICAL COPE PARKING LOT LUMINAIRE DETAIL NTS TREE BACKFILL WITH APPROVED- ��O,ROLIGHLY COMPACTED IN w IF COVER IS LESS THAN IS' PLACE THE SIDES OF TRENCHES �� 2 PIECES OF 2' NICK INSULAI ON 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPTH V o BOARD, SUITABLE FOR BURIAL, ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL BE SHEETED OR ----- ___ OVER THE PIPE WE STAGGERED JOINTS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE SLOPED TO THE ANGLE YL s PIPE HAVE LESS THAN 4' OF OF REPOSE 12 s COVER. ALL WATER SERVICE LINES UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL BE INSULATED REGARDLESS OF APPROVED ROCK ME DEPTH. BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 6" + D/2 ('D' IS OUTSDE DIAMETER COMPACTED IN 6' .0" LIFTS (NO STONES OF PIPE) LARGER THAN 1 1/2' NE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL DIAMETER) 8' + 0/2 TIMES KEEP THE TRENCHES ENTIRELY APPROVED GRAVEL OR AkeFREE OF WATER UNTIL ALL WORK IS SAND FOR D.I. PIPE 7pFINISHED PND READY FOR BACKFILLING D + 2 FEET UNDISTURBED SOIL 1..91EIGHT-INCH AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON (DI) WATER PIPE SHALL HAVE NO LESS THAN THREE (3) BRASS WEDGES INSTALLED AT EACH JOINT. 2. COMMON FILL MATERIAL COMPACTION REOUIREMENTS (STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD) - 90% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OCCURS ON A CROSS-COUNTRY ROUTE. - 951E OF MAXIMUM DENSITY WHEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OCCURS IN TRAVELED WAYS. TYPICAL WATER TRENCH DETAIL USE TWO STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS TO FASTEN SADDLE TO SEWER PIPE NEW 6' SDR 35 PVCc p� SEWER PIPE XLOW 6" FLEXIBLE SEWER SADDLE WYE (USE CORE BIT DRILL TO DRILL HOLE INTO EXISTING SEWER PIPE) SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION INTO EXISTING SEWER MAIN NTS {-PWME TREE TRUNK 2' THICK MULCH A MINIMUM OF 3' AWAY FROM MEE TRUNK TO EDGE OF DRIP LINE CONCRETE SIDEWALK rTLACE ROOT BALLMIX OH OR CONCRETE TAMPED PLANT ETE UNDISTURBED Shc .-ROADAD NOTE: ADJUST FRAME ELEVATION AS NEEDED WITH CONCRETE RINGS AND NON -SHRINK FRAME k GRATE LEBARON MORTAR. DO NOT USE BRICK LF 245 OR EQUAL-\ FINISH GRADE-V ALL BACKFILL THOROUGHLY 36' MIN. COMPACTED IN 6' LIFT PROVIDE WATERTIGHT RUBBER PIPE PRECAST REINFORCED BOOTS FOR ALL STORM PIPE CONCRETE CATCHBASIN OPENINGS 6" OR LARGER ---- --(- ; DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADING 24" B. 12' �. UNDISTURBED SOIL EXTEND REDOING TO LEDGE PAYMENT UMIT 3/a' CRUSHED STONE BEDDING LIMITS OF EXCAVATION PRECAST CATCH BASIN NTS BACKFILL WIN APPR EXCAVATED MATERIAL NORWGHLY COMPAI IN 6" LIFTS ME SIDES OF MENCHEI 4 FT. OR MORE IN DEPI ENTERED BY PERSONNEL SHALL BE SHEETED OR MOPED TO ME ANGLE OF REPOSE APPROVED ROCK FREE BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 1N 6' LIFTS (NO STONES LARGER MAN 1 1/2" DIAMETER) UNDISTURBED SOL A SANITARY LINES, IF COVER i LESS MAN 4' AND A STORM LINES. ' COVER IS LESS MAN 3' LACE 4" THUG( WSULATED CARD WHICH IS MITASE OR BURIAL OAR PIPE. '0' IS C UTSDE %AMETER OF PIPE) I ME CONTRACTOR SHALL AT AU~S KEEP THE TRENCHES c LE EE' F E II I WATER T LL IS FINISHED 0 A FILHLING , .� TURBEU SOIL J j,fJ LEDGE PAYMENT CRUSHED GRAVEE`FOR PE OR PVC PIPE LIMIT DDDD ��y��y111III7777, `////..'''''••••�HRHH'-j�]Jf TYPICAL SEWER & STOTT��C • T ;p {� INTS air Oro III Due Revision f n _ III -III -III -III-_ These plans shall GRdy be used a the purpose sho- below: _ -III _ III-III-I11_1I I -I I I-1I I -I o Skewh/Concept N Act250Review 11=111=1 I1-111=111 III=1 I -1 I 11 I- +I I _­1 1M11XILE 0 PLaISTUnsTy p C-Duet- 3 TIMES THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER UNDISTURBED SOIL J G FABRIC Fin61 L-Eil Review Q Record lh6wi4 PLANTING NOTES L 19 GREGORY DRIVE PJeC1No- 07085 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK - V R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC Survey ANSI 260.1. 2. STREET TREES TO ARRIVE FROM NURSERY NTH 6 FEET BETWEEN THE FINISHED GRADE AND THE FIRST TREE BRANCH. DO NOT PRUNE ME NEE AT PLANTING. LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK MI 3, TREES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% LIVE CROWN RATIO. 4. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. TREES (n Z SOUTH BURLINGTON VT Dig. ASR WHERE THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE NOT VISIBLE SHALL HAVE EXCESS SOIL REMOVED TO LOCATE THEM. PLANT TREES SO THE ROOT BALL SOIL OR MULCH. O Drea,TT THAT THE MAIN ORDER ROOTS ARE AT FINISHED GRADE. DO NOT COVER ME TOP OF WITH 5. EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, TREE WRAP, ROPE, STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING i0 PREVENT GIRDLING. SITEWORK DETAILS AND 6. CUT AND REMOVE WIRE MESH BASKET. CUT AND REMOVE ROPE AND BURLAP WRAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALLTHE AFTER UL CABR hecked PLACEMENT IN TREE PIT. LOOSEN REMAKING BURLAP TO ALLOW FOR ROOT DEVELOPMENT, IF SYNTHETIC OR TREATED PIT. LL DJG BURLAP, REMOVE IT ENTIRELY AFTER PLACING ROUT BALL IN TREE TI 1 4 PART POST 4 PARTS TOPSOIL. 7. PLANT MIX SHALL CONSIST CE THE FOLLOWING RA d COM O$ 3 / III SPECIFICATIONS Date I T PROVIDE OIL TRANSITION. N SHOVEL AND BLEND PLANT MIX EXIS NG SOIL 0 D 5 EXCAVATION WITH 8. BREAK APART EDGE OF E TA 0W ((`f, 7-31-07 3S THE TREE PIT AREA SHALL HAVE THE PLANT MIX SPECIFIED ABOVE. W A MINIMUM DEEM A S TREE PIT AREA SHALL HAVE , A v Z 10. STAKING REQUIRED ONLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE TREES WILL BE SUBJECTED TO WINDY CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE 1 I TREES THE CONTRACTOR AT THE END OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. ``; I Seek ENONEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. STAKES SHALL BE REMOVED BY 11. PRUNE ONLY DEAD OR CRUSHED ROOTS AND DEAD OR INJURED BRANCHES. 12. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER PLANTING. n aNIL .`.- "'� =?r „� ��� Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. N.T.S. Sheet mRnber TREE PLANTING DETAIL ; ;'� �� ;♦ 14 Morse Drive, Esser, VT 05452 3-4 ;; 802-878-0450 www.LDeogineelvlg.com NTS WIDTH OF SWALE EROSION MATTING TO BE SEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING 12" MIN. APPLIED OVER NET SWALE SEED OF SWALE BOTTOM MIX AND 4' TOPSOIL NORMAL HIGH WATER 4' PERFORATED PVC PIPE rELEV 351.00 WRAPPED IN MIRAFI 140N FABRIC 1 4" SOLID PVC TO CB 4' SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL 3/4" - 1 1/2' CLEAN CRUSHED STONE 4' PERFORATED PVC OVER PERFORATED HEADER PIPE. DO NOT WRAPPED IN MIRAFI USE LIMESTONE. 140N WITH HOLES DOWNWARD ORIGINAL a°Sq 1 d FEET 1 GROUND NEW CBi2 /F 2D•. NEW CBp2 4" PERT. PVC LAID LEVEL INV 351.65 28 SAND BORROW PER 3/4" - 1 1/2" CLEAN VTRANS SPEC. 703.03A CRUSHED $TONE OVER INSERT 1' DIAMETER CONTROL MIRAFI 140N FABRIC ALONG PERFORATED HEADER PIPE. \\ ORIFICE INSIDE 4' DIAMETER DO NOT USE LIMESTONE. NON -PERFORATED PIPE 2 SIDES OF TRENCH 4' SOLID Is AND FITTINGS INV-36 3/4- CLEAN CRUSHED STONE BETWEEN HEADER AND CB 6 DO NOT USE LIMESTONE MIRAFI 140N FABRIC COMPLETELY SURROUNDING CRUSHED STONE WITH A MINIMUM 12" OVERLAP 4' DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC WET SWALE #2 DRY SWALE #1 4" PERF. PVC HEADER DRAIN TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. N.T.S. EROSION MATTING TO BE EROSION MATTING TO BE SEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING APPLIED OVER WET SWALE SEED APPLIED OVER WET SWALE SEED OF SWALE BOTTOM MIX AND 4' TOPSOIL NORMAL HIGH WATER MIX AND 4' TOPSOIL NORMAL HIGH WATER �EL V - 352.75 [ELEV 351.00 NORMAL LOW WATER 4' SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL ELEV , 351.65 DENSE SILT LOAM NATIVE SOIL' LSEE SITE PLAN FOR GRADING OF SWALE BOTTOM WET SWALE #2 TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. MIRAFI 14M FABRIC OR EQUAL UNDER AND TO SIDES OF STONE. WET SWALE SEED MIX Commonn BMBNcal name %Tole) sMICM1Brev Pankum wwass 20% PaYuv 15% mePinp retl nie VAM R" Rye rvM Erymua WpMkw 15% seaoe Breoml seape carer wpawnee 1s% Carexrllyp to% WooGrey so-. rypwpwa S% Green BauN u tllnO BurmaepoM sdrpua efre�Yvle S% BMana camas S% sz,,.t. arsv saR Rua, A,—. afdarpere 2% Jude 2% GreaHe W -de— el _ s__ BremMoae 1 % Sv ". Fem Orwdae se _ 1% New El .os Mar Aalprravaanplba 1% Jo M VAetl BP— Eupalonum macuramm 1% Eups,­ parlaeNm 1% Bare — Vx0apa MW.M 1% SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 35 POUNDS PER ACRE TO THE BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES OF THE WET SWALE. SEED MIX MAY BE OBTAINED FROM VERMONT WETLAND PLANT SUPPLY, LLC (802) 948-2553 OR VERMONTWETLANOPLAN TS.COM WET SWALE #2 SEED MIX PROVIDE 4' OF TOPSOIL AND ESTABLISH GRASS ITIE I STONE PER STATE VT SPEC. 706.04 .. , ,y ,�,,.,,,.. TYPICALSLOPE TRENCH TO DRAIN UNDISTURBED] NTH A MIN. SLOPE OF GROUND 0.01 FT/FT. NEW STONE NTS MIRAn 140N FABRIC COMPLETELY SO ROUNDING CRUSHED STONE NTH A MINIMUM 12" OVERLAP 4' DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC DRY SWALE #3 TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. DRY SWALE SEED MIX Comnlmneme ­_ %Total CreepNB retl fvwa FeWuce rvBre 30% RW top AB ..Ibs 20% V I Nrev Penkum v .-s 20% .—Pii. WM rya Agese NgNkus 20% Creeping BmlBrev ABmatls atdonN a 20% SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 25 POUNDS PER ACRE TO THE BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES OF THE DRY SWALE. SEED MIX MAY BE OBTAINED FROM VERMONT WETLAND PLANT SUPPLY, LLC (802) 948-2553 OR VERMONTNETL ANDPLANTS COM DRY SWALE #1 & #3 SEED MIX RECE' VE AUC) 17 2007 City of So. Burlington These plans shall only be used for (he purpose shown below: .—a, Act 250 Review (] Prelirnirlaly (] Construction Final Local Review (] Record Drawing 19 GREGORY DRIVE "No 0"85 5 R.E.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC MG/as LOT 2 - GREEN TREE PARK Design Z SOUTH BURLINGTON VT ASR STORMWATER DETAILS a ked DJG AND SPECIFICATIONS Date 7-31-07 A. % /;11 O E; Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14 Morse Rs05452 N.T.S. Sheetnurnber A � 802-878-0450 wID-gineeing -4 Limited Liability Partnership Information Name RESOLUTION REALTY, LLP STATUS ACTIVE Date 11/05/1999 Formed File 0000075 Number Type Domestic State VT Office 19 GREGORY DR Address City State SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 Zip Registered WILLIAM SCHUBART III Agent Address 19 GREGORY DR City State Zip SO BURLINGTON VT 05403 Last Report 03/14/2005 Date Partner(,) WILLIAM SCHUBART Listed Partner(s) Listed MICHAEL COUTURE 03/24/2005 LA DTE CHANGED, was: 01/31/2004 02/02/2004 LA_DTE CHANGED, Record was: 03/07/2003 03/28/2003 LA_DTE CHANGED, was: 03/14/2002 03/15/2002 History LA_DTE CHANGED, was: 02/26/2001 02/27/2001 LA_DTE CHANGED, was: 02/04/2000 02/04/2000 LA DTE CHANGED, was: / / Inforniation Contact Wome, I Site Search I Help Vermont State Page I Contact I Disclaimer This Web Page is http://cgi2.sec.state.vt.us/cgi-shl/nhayer.exe 1 /4/2006 Tradename Information Trade Name RESOLUTION REALTY, LLP Status Active File Number 0119908 Address 19 GREGORY DR City State Zip SO BURLINGTON VT 05403' Description REAL ESTATE Registration Date 11/05/1999 Member 1 WILLIAM SCHUBART III Address 19 GREGORY DR City State Zip 05403 Member 2 MICHAEL COUTURE City State Zip Member 3 JAMES TAYLOR Member 4 2 MORE IN FILE Agent WILLIAM SCHUBART III Address 19 GREGORY DRIVE City State Zip ISO BURLINGTON , VT, 05403 Above accurate as of. 01/03/2006 ITLf017n..J.P.0 C;ontact Home, i Site Search i Help V...ermont Stat.e., page i Contact I Disclaimer This Web Page is http://cgi2.sec.state.vt.us/cgi-shl/nhayer.exe 1 /4/2006 # L6 M-00 City of South Burlington Zoning permit for land development Pursuant to provisions set forth in Title 24, Chapter 117 Section 4443 subsection (1) and Section 17.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulat??'�p-ns this9permi is hereby issue o this day of �J� f 19 to %/t),l A&AL.T,/ � 1,'GI�S/-//�To i4lll) / A n accordance with a application approved by the South Burling on Plan Commission on Ul% VF 1-6 This permit s subject to appeal within fifteen 5 ays from the date of issuance in accordance with Section 4443 subsection (3). Title 24 Chapter 117. Am fti±s—tratitiv�eGf�ficer City of South Burlington This permit allows for site improvements only it does not permit the construction or alteration of any structures. Permit is subject to conditions and bond requirements set forth by the City of South Burlington. 1 �l11l �r CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. VERMONT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY d In accordance with Section 20 of th Z Wing Regulations the premises located at �d1 V j A N5 having been completed as per specifications outlined in Zoning Permit No. `J/ — �g --0& dated �' v may now be used for /6 VK06 occupancy. Temporary Certificate valid €of ("J L GC dam. �C Svt4Tltn) k4o l � ��� Zoning Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX (802) 658-4748 PLANNING (802)658.7955 November 24, 1998 Jim Driscoll Resolution, Inc. 19 Gregory Drive .South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Add Parking Dear Mr. Driscoll: ZONING (802)658-7958 Enclosed please find copies of two (2) Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Director of Planning & Zoning on November 20, 1998. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Joe With, Director Planning and Zoning JW/mcp I Encl CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the Requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD Resolution Realty Partnership, 19 Gregory Drive South Burlington, Vermont, 05403 (802) 862-8881 FAX (802) 865-2308 2) APPLICANT Resolution, Inc. same data as above 3) CONTACT PERSON Jim Driscoll, same data as above, phone ext, 132 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS same data as above 5) TAX MAP NUMBER 0740-00019.0 building / 0740-0019.P pers prop 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property Office/Tech 27,943 gross square feet (16,960 nsfl b) Proposed Uses Same uses, application is for 18 net additional parking spaces c) Total building square footage 16,875 of footprint (no proposed addition) d) Height of bldg & # of floors 2 floors except one only at loading area e) No. of residential units none f) No. of employees 200 over 3 shifts existing g) Other 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building Existing 10.3 % Proposed 10.3 % b) Overall Existing 36.6 % Proposed 40.4 % c) Front Yard Existing Proposed 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building $ b) Landscaping $ c) Other site improvements Parking/site lighting $ zy.boo 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic (in and out) b) A.M. Peak hour (in and out) b) P.M. Peak hour (in and out) 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE June 1999 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best o LL y knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line a DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: [ ] Planning Commission City Planner I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: [&C/Omplete [ ] Incomplete City Planner or Designee Date CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) / 6E2 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) VT ��N t �),e Sc_o // 9�2- Ex_ f 1 3 - 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: I 6: 0 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) 4 L- es i c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) ZeX/.STi"vh /6, c,97x—'T /Ves d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) f) Number of employees (existing and proposed): Zoa 2 -, �,I Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above): 7) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing /G, 3 % Proposed 42L21.,f % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing _3 5 % Proposed 36.6- % c) Front yard (along each street) Existing % Proposed % 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: $ b) Landscaping: $ c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): ,n'" '_ I,--,,,"r. W 3 ooa 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic (in and out): b) A.M. Peak hour (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour (In and out): 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNA R �FAPPJJCANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: Planning Commission � City Planner I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: ©� Complete ❑ Incomplete City Planner or Designee at (Ap ft=p) EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. • Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) • Survey data (distance and acreage) + Contours (existing and finished) • Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations • Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping • Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways • Zoning boundaries • Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) • Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) • Location of septic tanks (if applicable) • Location of any easements • Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard • North arrow + Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date • Exterior lighting details (must be down casting and shielded) • Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) • Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations • If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE New Application $ 50.00 El Amendment $ 25.00 (APfrmsP) Abutter Muni � EoM^'en Area l wt 1d O ;. w se N ADDITIONAL PLANTING_ SCHEDULE _ OUANnTY CaWAM MAW BOTANACAL NAYS SIZE 1 Llrn£"LINDEN nUA CORDATA 2 1/2'-J 1/2' 6 OUR MC BUSH CCOWACTA WS 24'-30' LOT Na 1 15 Aaw PROPOSED SITE PLAN SCALE. 1` . 0-0' SCOPE of WORK: Add 22 panting prcu aW 2 Rot *dLen to nafM sxkstkq pd. ftf . Nets sat 4 of Mass spaces — n-tocat.d dMM coca. Not. tat 2 of Mass spocu ars odd N.W drfprgtd Aordcgopd amen" Pakhp swba to 0. praw kwidbLb. A!-wota o1 I9Ptt, a p W*N of IM Add n tordfoopki9 psr rAat and r.-Ioo&o pdn*p os mo*wl MOM A# avblbp dft tnArmdlon srb—W aM — td A— ad*4d *&*me 4mmsots by M,40 CaredfiW e0we t ad woeooA C.0—kp Aor Aftdutkan 'a atpbd cm.OWtbn proAwt A 1989. rrdd-npbkvdcn of a *ft oondltAwn by Af*710 h Iete o. net N.voy-rA t and ea knt~ Nr mncsptud dsslpn and pkwAV pr.poaM only ISEY a'� Ddstkq V t prods anOD Nsw 410 grads (ad 30a00) A 9 C D FZ, E": C E I V E r Nov 0 4 M . City of So. Burlipogi I -MH 5 / A - iB•io'0 1 1 R 330.00' r . 57.20' L 11127' Lot Covera a Informotion ABowabte/Rsgaked Existing 1998 Pnpnsad Totd '99 LOT AREA 164786 dt (.176 A) aoms BU,t MNC FOOTPRMT 1ae75 of same Pavlog + Wdks 43,a40 if 49,370 of 8 + C 59,895 if 66.245 at Lot Coverage D/A 7OX X8 X 4O4 X Pmkkq Spdus 79 97 including 4 MC Ustkq Zone • C-1 Scale 1'-30' Drawn by LRB Date 11/04/98 Revisions Ei� Drawing Number C-1 A Sheet 1 Of 1 PLANNING COMMISSION 11 February 1997 page 5 Members then considered the outstanding issues. There were no objections to the waiver on parking space width. Members suggested moving the green space back 18". Members had no problem with the added building height because of the elevator towers, but noted the structure must meet the additional setback requirement. Any decrease in that requirement would require a variance from the Zoning Board. Members suggested the Commission write to the Council with regard to the stop sign. Mr. Weith noted that the traffic study recommends two left turn lanes on Airport Drive. He felt the southbound one should be provided at a minimum. Mr. Beck felt that could be accomplished via striping of the pavement, and they are prepared to do it. The right turn lane is part of the plan. Mr. Beck felt the left turn lane onto Airport Road is not part of this project, but, he noted, it is part of the 10-year design plan. Members were OK on this. Mr. Weith asked if the applicant would be willing to dedicate a 7' strip along Airport Parkway for future widening. Mr. Ham- ilton said not as part of this approval, but they are always willing to talk with the city about it. Mr O'Rourke moved the Planning Commission approve the site Plan application of the City of Burlin ton to: 1) construct a 13,240 s . ft. addition to an existing 72,625 s . ft. airport terminal buildin 2) construct a multi -level parking structure for 1143 vehicles, and 3) construct new employee and longterm surface parking areas, 1200 Airport Drive, as depicted on a 25-gage set of plans, page two entitled "Burlington International Airport, South Burlin ton Vermont," re ared _b_y Webster -Martin, Inc, dat_ed_1/29/97, last revised 2/3/97,, with the following stipulations: 1. All revious approvals and stipulations which are not`su er- seded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South -Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed terminal expansion and parking structure will aenerate zero additional vehicle trip ends duri the P.M. peak hour. 3. The Planning Commission approves a sewer allocation of 1500 No Text KAD 100S Arm -mounted Soft Square Cutoff Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles KAD R2 rest no. 1193111202 KAD R3 Test no.1193111902 IAEFMENT Of Vnt11A11ON COEFFICIENT OFUTIUW10N 0 1 2 3 . s A o 1 .2 .3 A s A 2 ' i a s I f t 2 � tlarf. al re 1 D U Tasted to current IES Ind NEW stAndards56rnderastabilise Isboraiary condition). Vstiots Oprriahn0 factors Ian ci measurements. Dimanotons and spocdicopons are based c i the most currant available date and are subject 10 chl 100W NI h Pressure Sodium lamp, 9.500 rated 100W High Pressure Sodium tamp, 9.500 rated lumens, FOCtcandle values based on 1S' lumens. Foaundia values based on 15' mounting mounting hoight Distribution TV90 0, cutoff. height, Distribution Type Ul. cutoff. KAD RMS Test no. 1193111901 KAD R5S Test no. I ISW2703 COEFFICIENT Of UTIIIL1110N COEFMIENT OF U11 9ATWN a 1 .2 -1 4 .S .e 0 .1 .2 a 1 5 A 5Y ar at?- 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 2 3 e 5 KAD R4 Test no. 119311ism COUP *W9FuTltwinofr 1 o s t 2s 2 9 ; Om.tS 3 et 1 diffohnea! D/t wrrtt fabgdlory 41d so fit ffald 1o0W . Attrg P Sodium lamp, 9.500 rated lum.rW �oosee wlwa based on 1S' wtwoun l height. Dhvitweion Type 1V. cuToN_ WOW Hi PrefsVrl Sodium Iamp, $,SOO rued lumens, eoteanWe veluos based on 15' mounting height, Distribution Typo IV, cutoff 106W High Pressure Sodium lamp, 9.500 rated tumena, Fowandle values based on 15' mounting height Distribution Type V. cutoff, I Mounting Height Correction Factor IMultiply dts It; level by fate ao(reetion factor) to n.. 2.25 12 h. - 1.e6 20 ft..." ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS �Vou"O"�$ , correction Faster Line current Primary Near MOW"V"WON Primary (amps) dropout Input Power Regulation Wattagalbattast voltage stardoperating voltage watts factor 1%I line V = lamp lumens 120 WAS 96 20e 16/.67 166 10O NX-HPf 240 fiW58 192 130 90t 15% = 02% 277 601.50 222 Tested to current IES and NEMA standards under stabihaad laboratory condition$. Various operating flows can cause ddlotenees between labors,o,y due end actual field mossuremants. Dintonsions and specifications on this cats" shoot are based On the most current available due and etc subject to change without notice. KAD S2 fA t/TmamA t/GHT/NCI Hl•TEK INDOOR A OUTDOOR H.I.D. LIGHTING 01992Lrthomltiphrutp,Rav 7N6 PMe I&ISEAST ELMOMSr..aaIAs0wavela.INota0A479 .TEL PHOW? M2-1437-FAXM.361-aaee KAD-s2. IN CANADA- 1100 $OTH AM, EAC►ONE. OUEKCM M. A UNIT OF N6.1, "MOMOS. MC. s �a 1 ;I- G-rp i Al State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT CASE NO 4C0149-5- APPLICANT Resolution Realty Partner- ship, LTD__ Chace Mill One Mill Street Burlington, VT 05401 AND Green Tree Park, Inc. 123 Industrial Ave. Williston, VT 05495 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A., CHAPTER 151 (Act 250) and Vermont State Environmental Protec- tion Rules Chapter 4, Public Buildings Chapter 7, Sewage Disposal Chapter 8, Water Supply District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues a Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5, pursuant to the authority vested in it in 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 279, Pages 370-371, of the land records of the Town of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to Green Tree Park, the "Permittee" as "grantee". This permit specifically au- thorizes the Permittee to construct a two-story 27,500 square foot headquarters and manufacturing facility for a video production company on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park, located off Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont. This facility shall utilize municipal sewer and water services. The Permittee, and its assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate, and maintain the pro- ject as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All the conditions of Land Use Permit #4CO149-1 and amendments are in full force and effect, except as amended herein. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the plans and exhibits stamped "Ap- proved" and on file with the District Environmental Commission, and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the District Environmental Commission. Page 2 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 3. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing juris- diction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accor- dance with the terms of the permit. 4. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittee confirms and agrees for himself and all assigns and successors in interest that the conditions of this permit shall run wi th the 1 and and the 1 and uses herei n permi tted, and wi 11 be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and all as- signs and successors in interest. 5. By acceptance of this permit the Permittee agrees to allow repre- sentatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascer- taining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and with this permit. 6. The project is approved for the following maximum cumulative impacts: 67 vehicle parking spaces; 825 gallons per day of water and wastewater; 128 vehicle trips per day; 36 peak hour vehicle trips; 382 KVA. 7. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit #WW-4-0117 issued on July 20, 1989 by the Regional Engineer, Division of Protection, Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Re- sources. Conditions #2, #7, #8, and #9 of said permit are as follows: (2) The project shall be completed as shown on the plans "Subdivision Plat of Green Tree Park" dated 3/16/89 last revised 2/7/89; "Site Plan - SPl" dated 4/12/89; "Water Details and Sewer Details - SP4" dated 1/26/89 prepared by trudel 1 Consulting Engineers, Inc. and which have been stamped "approved" by the Division of Protection. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans without prior written approval from the Division of Protection. (7) The project is approved for water supply by construction and utilization of the municipal water service depicted on the approved plans. No other means of obtaining potable water shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Division of Protection. Page 3 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 (8) The project is approved for wastewater disposal by connec- tion to the City of South Burlington municipal sewer system. No other method of wastewater idsposal shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Division of Protec- tion, and such approval will of be granted unless the propo- sal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. (9) The project is approved for connection to the City of South Burlington wastewater treatment facility for a maximum of 825 gallons of sewage per day. 8. The Permittee shall apply and maintain water and/or calcium chloride on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 9. Prior to commencement of construction the Permittee shall file either an amended Discharge Permit issued by the Agency of Na- tural Resources or evidence that such an amended permit is not required. 10. The building approved herein is not approved for the on -site disposal of any process wastes. The Permittee shall apply and receive approval for any change in the use of the buildings which involves the storage or handling of any regulated substances or the generation of hazardous wastes. 11. The installation of floor drains is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 12. The Permittee shall apply to the District Environmental Commis- sion for approval for any change in the use of the building and land which would cause noxious or unhealthy emissions into the air or injection of toxic wastes into the soils. 13. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall install and maintain water conserving plumbing fixtures. The plumbing fixtures shall operate with the following specifica- ti ons: (1) internal system water pressure of 50 psi maximum, (2) toilets with a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush, (3) showerheads operating with a maximum of 3 gallons per minute, and (4) faucets on sinks and 1 ays shall operate at a maximum of 3 gallons per minute. An alternative water conservation plan may be presented to the Commission for approval before implementation. The ap- proved alternate shall be implemented and maintained by the Permittee for the duration of the permit. Page 4 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 14. The Permittee shall comply with Exhibits #13 and #18 for erosion control. Hay bale dams and silt fences shall be installed as depicted on the plans prior to commencement of construction. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All disturbed areas of the construction site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched wi thi n 1 to 14 days of i ni ti al di sturbance, and pri or to October 1, to ensure proper stabilization of disturbed soils. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, re- placed and maintained until vegetation is permanently estab- lished on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission re- serves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems ne- cessary. 15. Prior to commencement of construction the construction entrance shall be stabilized. 16. In addition to conformance with the requirements of condition #14, the Permittee shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste materials into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittee from compliance with 10 V.S.A., Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 17. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibits #4 and #15 by replacing any dead or diseased plantings as soon as seasonably possible. 18. The Permittee shall place a $20,500 three-year landscaping bond with the City of South Burlington. 19. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibit #19, and shall be mounted no higher than 20 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be in- stalled or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 20. The Commission reserves the right to schedule a hearing and impose further conditions regarding the back -lighted sign, and shall reserve this right for a period of six months beginning at the time of sign installation. 21. No exterior signs shall be installed without the prior written approval of the District Commission. Page 5 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 22. All heated structures approved herein shall be constructed with insulation with an R Value of at least R-19 in the exterior walls, at least R-38 in the roof or cap and at least R-10 around the foundation or slab to comply with the ASHRAE 90-80 standards. 23. The installation and or use of electric resistance space heating is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 24. All construction on this project must be completed by October 1, 1990. 25. This permit shall expire on October 1, 2020 unless extended by the District Commission. Notwithstanding the latter date, this permit shall expire one year from date of issuance if the Permit - tee has not demonstrated an intention to proceed with the pro- ject. In any event, substantial construction must occur within two years of the issuance date. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 6090(b). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 8th day of August, 1989. By W. G. Livingston, Chairman District #4 Commission i Commissioners participating in Caftib MaiJK9­:Pugh,, Assistant this decision: District #4 Coordinator Helen Lawrence M. Lynn Whalen EXHIBIT LIST FOR APPLICATION # _ 4C0149-5 E D R E X A E N H T C T I E E E B I R I V E T E D D N B 0. Y 1 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5/ 1/89 A 22 " " 23 5/ 18/89 A07 24 5/23/89 A 25 " 26 A 27 " 28 6/7/89 29 7/25/89 t A=APPLICANT T=TOWN TPC=TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION RPC=REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION AEC=AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NATURE OF EXHIBIT DATE ENTERED Master Land Use Permit application (4/19/89) Certificate of service & cost (4/7/89) Notice: commencement of construction requires a permit (4/19/89) Act 250 Information - Schedule B with adjoining property owners (4/19/89) Cumulative impact statement table Traffic data Excerpt from South Burlington Planning Commission minutes Exterior sign information Building elevations/exterior materials, North & South Building elevations/exterior materials, East & West Letter byWilliam G. Bissell, P.E., Hallam Associates Inc. Re: public utility services (4/11/89) Plan: subdivision plat Plan: site plan, SP1 (4/12/89) Plan: Dimensional plan/lighting plan, SP2 (4/12/89) Plan: Planting plan , SP3 (3/10/89) Plan: water details/sewer details, SP4 (1/26/89) Plan: Stormwater details SP5 (3/9/89) Plan: erosion control details, SP6 (1/26/89) Plan: Miscellaneous details , SP7 (2/10/89) Plan: miscellaneous details , SP8 (3/10/89) Letter (6/30/89) from So. Burlington regarding sewer capacity Letter (6/5 /89) from Champlain Water District AOT comment Letter (5/19/89) W/ Supplemental information from applicant Cutsheet: backlighted sign Letter (5/4/89) from GMP Letter (4/24/89) from Vermont Gas Letter (6/5/89) deed information W W Permit I ResWmUal Abutter i PLANTING KEY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME AUSTMAN PW PAnto Nlgm UT71.E LEAF LINDEN TN.0 CMATA BI Rt" BUSH EUONYMUS ALA COAIPA TA Ndwoy MOPlo Am PlotmloWeo Ssov_ J-0- ,1u,pe.oe Chk» " Mdwc ,Arrlbr .A-0mW oeprseeo Lor Na I 13 Aree EXISTING SITE PLAN SCAV, I' - 36'-a' Nots, We Informotlan ro -cmled bom atgind conatnlctim dm*p A by TnxW Engw"�ering Plus non-e Yed Redd vem&ation of exiotAtg CAW kns by .Ajd th 50 Hwift and Lorl Buxton B C D LOT No. 3 srT� R , E. (07, 1 E Is V E L, OCT 2 6 IW City of So. Borlinatf Lot Covera a Information ANowoW@A#WFad Mgind ('89) Pemlll Conn! ('98) Plan LOT AREA t647M of (176 A) IM786 of (J 76 A) W UM FOOTPRMT 18,873 of M875 of PaMg + WMV 406470 of 4-A020 of B + C 57,345 of 59,80 of Lot Covwogo D/A 70 x 35 x 36.6 x Pafj Spaces 66 70 EAstNg Zane - C-1 y 0 U z a 3 Scole 1"-30' Drown by LRB Dote 10/26/98 Revislons L-1 Sheet 1 Of I TRANSMITTAL cc FROM DATE RE ENCLOSED Joe Wyeth Planning and Zoning Office City of South Burlington Jim Driscoll - Resolution Judith Bell Harris Monday, October 26, 1998 Amendment to Site Plan Application RECEV,�:,, OCT 2 6 199 a G,ty of So. Site plans 5 copies at 24" x 36" (1" = 30') 1 copy at 11" x 17" (not to scale) 1 copy at 24" x 36" per original permit Original Permit Findings of Fact Application for Site Plan Review (Current) Application Fee of $35.00 REMARKS Thank you for meeting with me on Friday, October 23rd regarding this project. Per our discussion, I am submitting the necessary materials for an administrative amendment to Resolution's original Site Plan Application. Please note that the changes which are in place consist of 400 sf of additional asphalt walkway at the NW corner + 1300 sf and 850 sf of additional asphalt paving area for parking in the southeast corner of the paved turnaround These additional spaces were originally permitted, but shown in different locations than currently installed. Please feel free to call me with any questions regarding this application, as Resolution is anxious to keep their relationship with the City of South Burlington in good standing. U D I T H ELL H A R R i S ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTING &, DESIGN f ' 514 WEST RIVER ROAD LINCOLN VERMONT 05443-9635 Phone AC . 802 . 453 . 6384 Fax 453 . 7210 E-Mail harris@together.net M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: March 21, 1989 agenda items Date: March 17, 1989 2) SSL CORPORATION. 350 DORSET STREET Enclosed is the draft motion of approval for the proposed change of use at 350 Dorset Street (old Alco Building). Stipulation #2 sets the maximum peak hour generation at 59 and gives review responsibility to the zoning board. 3) FINAL PLAT, 3-UNIT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. WHITE & CHARLES STREETS Michael Dugan proposes to add two units and renovate an existing house on the corner of White & Charles Street for a 3-unit town- house complex. At the 2/14/89 meeting, members approved the Preliminary Plat application for the above project, with stipulations. Each of the stipulations required to be satisfied prior to Final Plat review have been addressed. These are: 1) Property surveyed by a licensed surveyor. 2) Approval by City Engineer of a site drainage plan. 4) SITE PLAN APPLICATION RESOLUTION. INC_ LOT 2. GREEN TREE PARK SHUNPIKE ROAD Resolution Realty Partnership, Ltd. proposes to construct a two- story, 27,500 square foot building for office/light manufactur- ing/warehousing on a 3.76 acre lot (lot 2) in the Green Tree Park industrial park subdivision. The property is bounded on the north by GTP lot 3 and a single-family residence, on the east by Grego- ry Drive , on the south by GTP lot 1, and on the west by Shunpike Road. A single-family residence is located on the other side of Shunpike Road directly west of the lot. The lot is zoned Indus- trial -Commercial. Memorandum - Planning March 21, 1989 agenda items March 17, 1989 Page 2 Access/Circulation: Access is shown from a 48 foot wide driveway from Gregory Drive. This narrows to a 24 foot wide drive ap- proaching the building. Circulation is shown along the southeast and east sides of the site. A loading dock is proposed on the southern side of the building. The building screens the loading dock from the residence to the north and somewhat screens the dock from the residence to the west. Parking: The proposed use requires 57 spaces. This is based on square footage use of number of employees and company vehicles. The plan shows 67 spaces, with provision for 81. 2 handicapped spaces are provided. Parking lot aisles,are of adequate (24') width. Landscaping: The proposed building requires $20,500 in landscap- ing. The plan is valued at $17,400. It includes Austrian pine, seagreen juniper, sargent crabapple and little leaf linden trees. As part of the Green Tree Park subdivision, a landscape plan was approved showing landscaped berms along the north and west property lines Qf this lot. The proposed landscaping for this lot (valued a � ) has not been put in. Also, the plan shows a continuous berm, however, the berm which was built has a break along Shunpike Road. I will try to get in touch with Ken Desmond prior to Tuesday's meeting to find out the status of getting this work completed. Even with the proposed landscaping as required by subdivision approval, it is my opinion that more landscaping is needed on the berms to properly screen this project from adjacent residences. Traffic: This is expected to generate 36 trip ends per peak hour. Based on its location, a $356 contribution will be re- quired to be made to the Williston Road Impact #2 Improvement Fund. This includes improvements to the Williston Road/Kennedy Drive/Airport Parkway intersection and the Kennedy Drive/Kimball Avenue intersection. Setbacks/Coverage: The plan meets all setback (including the 65' setback from the R-4 district lot) and coverage requirements. Provision has been made for the required 5' buffer strip between paved areas and property lines for snow storage. Sewer: A sewer allocation of 825 gpd shall be granted based on the estimated 55 employees. This shall be subtracted from the entire GTP allocation. The $2.50 per gallon fee must be paid prior to permit. 10/15/98 10:14 FAX 802 864 Olt Langrock,sperr9&Wool Bur' Q 002 FINDINGS OF FACT STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of Resolution Realty Partner- ship for construction of a 27,500 square foot building for corpo- rate headquarters and manufacturing use, lot #2, Green Tree Park, Shunpike Road. On the 21st of March 1989, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of Resolution Realty Partnership for site plan approval under Section 19.10 of the South Burling- ton Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. TRAFFIC ACCESS: Access is shown from a 48 foot driveway from Gregory Drive. This narrows to a 24 foot wide drive N g approaching the building. 2. CIRCULATION AND PARKING: Circulation is shown along the �p southeast and east sides of the site. The proposed use requires 57 parking spaces. The plan shows 67 spaces, with provision for 81. 3. LANDSCAPING & SCREENING: Landscape value required is $20,500. A 3 year bond of that amount shall be posted prior to permit. A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City Planner showing: 1) More plantings along the north-west corner of the building and 2) an additional $8,278 worth of landscaping to meet the proposed landscaping as shown on the subdivision plat. 4. OTHER: 1) The applicant shall contribute $356 toward the Williston Road Impact Area #2 Improvement Fund based on the 36 peak hour trips to be generated by this project. 2) A sewer allocation of 825 gpd is granted and will be subtracted from the entire Green Tree Park sewer allocation. The $2.50 per gallon fee shall be paid prior to permit. 3) The plan shall be revised to show a depressed concrete curb across the entrance drive, and shall be submitted to the City Planner for approval prior to permit. 4) The driveway and loading area shall be constructed with a gravel base of at least 18 inches and a 3 inch bituminous surface. 5) Applicant shall add another fire hydrant at a location to be determined by the Fire Chief. This shall be reviewed by the City Planner prior. to permit. 10/15/98 10:14 FAX 802 864 01' Langrock.SperrAWool Bur, 9003 om OTHER: This approval is based upon the expressed representation by the applicant that a) all shipping and receiving shall be between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., and b) no trailers shall be used for storage or be present on -site for more than 24 hours without the approval of the Planning Commission. OTHER: A zoning permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. , _ Chairmaji or -Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 August 22, 1990 Mr. James Driscoll Manager Technical Services Resolution, Inc. 1 Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514 Re: Landscaping at. Lot 2, Green Tree Park Dear Jim: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 This is to follow-up on our conversation of yesterday regarding landscaping. I found the landscaping to be in substantial con- formance with the approved site plan. There are six (6) dead or dying Austrian Pines on the property. The City requests that these trees along with any other dying plants be replanted this fall instead of in the spring. It is my understanding that landscapers prefer to plant in the fall because it is so wet in the spring. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincr-ely, Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant. RJB/mcp oc, c T�4 w" C` AL nc 44 (�Oe ee �"etco� i PLANNER 658.7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 February 8, 1990 Resolution Realty Partnership, Ltd 1 Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Sir/Madame: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find your copy of Findings of Fact. If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely, '9 Joe Weith, City Planner JW/mcp 1 Encl l� _ �jel 011ev,o 04 ie �- / ("QrAv.s Otbo- � - t s e, 11 1cl 12 q I D q, 7 r 1, - �111 I �l A " I" " e- lt4L45 A li f -k 2- 36, 2-,<;- Z�,�o oo PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, April 4, 1989, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Preliminary Plat application of Richard Farnham for consutrc- tion of a 3-unit residential building on a 1.34 acre parcel off East Terrace. The property is bounded on the north by R. De- slauriers and J. Dooley, on the east by R. Deslauriers and on the south and east by N. Rorris, H. McKenzie, J. Chadwick, Assembly of God Church, W. Oakes and East Terrace. 2) Amendment to Final Plat application of Randy Berard for an 8 lot subdivision on Ethan Allen Drive. The proposed amendment would subdivide lot 7, a 3 acre lot, into 2 lots of 1 acre and 2 acres, thereby creating a 9 lot subdivision. The property is bounded on the north by Ethan Allen Drive, on the east by K. Smith, on the south by J. Belter, and on the west by A. Berard. Copies of the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat amendment are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Peter L. Jacob Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission nnv� State of Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering Natural Resources Conservation Council Resolution Realty Prtnshp. Ltd i Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 0.1501 RE: WW- 1-0117 Construct 27,500 sgft building on Lot.,"2 of EC-4-1120 w/mun water & sewer & 55 employees. Greetings: AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Essex Junction Regional Office Ill West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 May 11, 1989 We received your completed application for the referenced permit on May 5, 1989, including a fee of $100. This application falls under the Water/Wastewater: 501 - 1000 GPD Program area, and under the Performance Standards for this program area, t,e have a maximum of 45 days of 'in-house' time for our review of your' application. Based upon the present workload, we anticipate review of your project within the nest 3-4 weeks. If we need further information from you in order to reach a decision on your- application, the time we wait for your submittal of that information does not count against the allowable in-house time specified in the performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the permitted time of 45 days in-house, please contact this office at 879-6563. Sincerely, Ernest 1�. Christianson Regional kriLvineer cc: Trudell Consulting So. Burlington Planning Commission • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND HEARING ACT 250 MINOR APPLICATION #4CO149-5 10 V.S.A., CHAPTER 151 Notice is hereby given that on April 27, 1989, an applica- tion was filed by Resolution Realty Partnership Ltd., Chace Mill, One Mill Street, Burlington, Vermont, and Green Tree Park Inc., 123 Industrial Ave., Williston, Vermont, for a project generally described as the construction of a two-story, 27,500 square foot headquarters and manufacturing facility for a video production company on Lot #2 of Green Tree Park, located off Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont. This project shall utilize municipal water and sewer facilities. The District Environmental Commission wi 1 1 treat this appli- cation under Environmental Board Rule 51 -- Minor Applications (amended effective 9-1-84). A proposed permit has been prepared by the Commission and is available at the Commission's office. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless a public hearing is requested. The request shall state in writing with specificity why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented. No hearing will be convened unless, on or before May 29, 1989, a party notifies the Commission or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. If a timely hearing request is received, the hearing will be convened on or before June 5, 1989. Parties entitled to participate are the municipality, the municipal planning commission, the regional planning commission, state agencies, adjoining property owners, and persons granted party status pursuant to Board Rule 14(B). , Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this, day of May, 1989. By Larrie a s-Pugh istant Distric Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 879-6563 STATE OF VERMONT ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION # 4 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 879-6563 TO: All Parties FROM: Carrie Mauhs-Pugh Assistant District #4 Coordinator DATE: May 8, 1989 RE: Land Use Permit Application #4C0149-5 Resolution Realty Partnership, LTD Chace Mill One Mill Street Burlington, VT 05401 AND Green Tree Park, Inc. 123 Industrial Ave. Williston, VT 05495 Enclosed for your review is a copy of the proposed land use permit for the above referenced project. As indicated in the Notice of Applica- tion and Hearing, this application is being processed as a "Minor" pursuant to Environmental Board Rule 51 (as amended on September 1, 1984) and no hearing will be held unless specifically requested. Any hearing held at the request of a party would only be for the purpose of considering issues raised by the requesting party under the appro- priate criteria of Act 250. Because this proposed permit has been prepared based upon consultations with only the Chairman of the Dis- trict Commission, it is subject to further revision or amendment after review by the full District Commission. Page 3 #4C0149-5.mem The District Commission will not issue a Land Use Permit in this case until the applicant has filed a Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit, current book and page numbers of the deed in town records, letters from utilities regarding ability to provide service, a revised wall sign design and rendering showing no backlighting, specifications on the cooling tower including materials, colors, and dimensions, a revised lighting plan with white lamps (rather than the yellow high pressure sodium lamps) and backshi elds on the two southern fixtures, a detail of the road sign landscaping, and plans showing the roof -top equipment and how it shall be shielded. The 60 day deadline for issuance of a Land Use Permit set forth in 10 V.S.A., Section 6085 (d) shall be deemed waived until such information is filed, unless written objection is filed with the Commission on or before May 29, 1989. If you have any questions regarding this proposed permit, or the "Mi- nor" application procedure being used to process this application, do not hesitate to contact me at the District Office. State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT This is a Proposed Permit, please submit your comments by May 29, 1989. CASE NO 4C0149-5 APPLICANT Resolution Realty Partner- ship, LTD Chace Mill One Mill Street Burlington, VT 05401 AND Green Tree Park, Inc. 123 Industrial Ave. Williston, VT 05495 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A., CHAPTER 151 (Act 250) and Vermont State Environmental Protec- tion Rules Chapter 4, Public Buildings Chapter 7, Sewage Disposal Chapter 8, Water Supply District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues a Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5, pursuant to the authority vested in it in 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book , Pages , of the land records of the Town of , Vermont, as the subject of a deed to Green Tree Park, the "Permittee" as "grantee". This permit specifically authorizes the Permittee to construct a two-story 27,500 square foot headquarters and manufacturing facility for a video production company on Lot # 2 of Green Tree Park, located off Shunpike Road in South Burlington, Vermont. This facility shall utilize municipal sewer and water services. The Permittee, and its assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate, and maintain the pro- ject as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All the conditions of Land Use Permit #4CO149-1 and amendments are in full force and effect, except as amended herein. 2. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained as set forth in accordance with the plans and exhibits stamped "Ap- proved" and on file with the District Environmental Commission, and in accordance with the conditions of this permit. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the District Environmental Commission. Page 2 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 3. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing juris- diction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accor- dance with the terms of the permit. 4. By acceptance of the conditions of this permit without appeal, the Permittee confirms and agrees for himself and all assigns and successors in interest that the conditions of this permit shall run wi th the 1 and and the 1 and uses herei n permi tted, and wi 11 be binding upon and enforceable against the Permittee and all as- signs and successors in interest. 5. By acceptance of this permit the Permittee agrees to allow repre- sentatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascer- taining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and with this permit. 6. The project is approved for the following maximum cumulative impacts: 67 vehicle parking spaces; 825 gallons per day of water and wastewater; 128 vehicle trips per day; 36 peak hour vehicle trips; 382 KVA. 7. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the Water_ Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit # issued on by the Regional Engineer, Division of Pro- tection, Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Resources. Conditions of said permit are as follows: 8. The Permittee shall apply and maintain water and/or calcium chloride on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 9. Prior to commencement of construction the Permittee shall file either an amended Discharge Permit issued by the Agency of Na- tural Resources or evidence that such an amended permit is not required. 10. The building approved herein is not approved for the on -site disposal of any process wastes. The Permittee shall apply and receive approval for any change in the use of the buildings which involves the storage or handling of any regulated substances or the generation of hazardous wastes. Page 3 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 11. The installation of floor drains is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 12. The Permittee shall apply to the District Environmental commis- sion for approval for any change in the use of the building and land which would cause noxious or unhealthy emissions into the air or injection of toxic wastes into the soils. 13. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall install and maintain water conserving plumbing fixtures. The plumbing fixtures shall operate with the following specifica- tions: (1) internal system water pressure of 50 psi maximum, (2) toilets with a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush, (3) showerheads operating with a maximum of 3 gallons per minute, and (4) faucets on sinks and 1 ays shall operate at a maximum of 3 gallons per minute. An alternative water conservation plan may be presented to the Commission for approval before implementation. The ap- proved alternate shall be implemented and maintained by the Permittee for the duration of the permit. 14. The Permittee shall comply with Exhibits #13 and #18 for erosion control. Hay bale dams and silt fences shall be installed as depicted on the plans prior to commencement of construction. The Permittee shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All disturbed areas of the construction site shall be stabilized, seeded and mulched wi thi n 1 to 14 days of i ni ti al di sturbance, and pri or to October 1, to ensure proper stabilization of disturbed soils. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, re- pl aced and maintained until vegetation is permanently estab- lished on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission re- serves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems ne- cessary. 15. Prior to commencement of construction the construction entrance shall be stabilized. 16. In addition to conformance with the requirements of condition #14, the Permittee shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste materials into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Permittee from compliance with 10 V.S.A., Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. Page 4 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 17. The Permittee and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibits #4 and #15 by repl aci ng any dead or di seased pl anti ngs as soon as seasonably possible. 18. The Permittee shall place a $20,500 three-year landscaping bond with the City of South Burlington. 19. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibit # , and shall be mounted no higher than 20 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be in- stalled or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be i 11 umi nated. 20. No exterior signs shall be installed without the prior written approval of the District Commission. 21. All heated structures approved herein shall be constructed with insulation with an R Value of at least R-19 in the exterior walls, at least R-38 in the roof or cap and at least R-10 around the foundation or slab to comply with the ASHRAE 90-80 standards. 22. The installation and or use of electric resistance space heating is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 23. All construction on this project must be completed by June 1, 1990. 24. This permit shall expire on June 1, 2020 unless extended by the District Commission. Notwithstanding the latter date, this permit shall expire one year from date of issuance if the Permit - tee has not demonstrated an intention to proceed with the pro- ject. In any event, substantial construction must occur within two years of the issuance date. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 6090(b). Page 5 Land Use Permit Amendment #4C0149-5 Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this day of , 1989. By W. G. Livingston, Chairman District #4 Commission Carrie Mauhs-Pugh, Assistant District #4 Coordinator Commissioners participating in this decision: Helen Lawrence M. Lynn Whalen CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I, Carrie Mauhs-Pugh, Assistant District Coordinator for the #4 District of the Environmental Board, sent a copy of the foregoing Minor Hearing Notice & Proposed Permit regarding #4CO149-5 by U.S. Mail, postage paid, on this 8th day of May, 1989 to the following: Resolution Realty Partnership Ltd. Chace Mill One Mill St. Burlington, VT 05401 Green Tree Park Inc. 123 Industrial Ave. Williston, VT 05495 Margaret Picard City Clerk 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, Chairman, Board c/o City Clerk's 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 of Selectman Office VT 05403 Chairman, City Planning Commission c/o City Clerk's Office 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 Joe Weith, City Planner 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 City Manager's Office 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission PO Box 108 Essex Junction, VT 05453 Mark Sinclair, Esq. Representative, State Agencies Agency of Natural Resources 103 South Main St. - 2 Center Waterbury, VT 05676 PLANNING COMMISSION 21 MARCH 1989 page 3 2. A sewer allocation of 900 gpd is granted for the 2 additional units proposed for the site (existing single family home already has sewer allocation). The applicant shall pay the $2.50 per gallon fee for the 900 gpd allocation prior to permit. 3. The applicant shall pay a $200 per unit recreation fee for the 2 additional units prior to permit, 4. The plan shall be revised to show no sidewalk. 5. The plat shall be revised prior to recording to not show a Proposed sewer clean out on Charles Street. 6. A revised plan meeting stipulations 4 and 5 shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to recording. 7. In lieu of a sidewalk, the Planning Commission required a fee of $15 per lineal foot to be paid into the City sidewalk fund. 8. The Final Plat must be recorded within 90 days or this approval is null and void. Mr. Belter seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Site plan application of Resolution Realty Partnership for construction of a 27,500 sq. ft. building for corporate headquarters and manufacturing use, lot 2, Green Tree Park, Shunpike Road Ms. Bell noted this is a 3.76 acre lot, the second lot in at this site. The building will be 2 stories with warehousing/manufac- turing on the first floor and offices on the second. Mr. Schubart said they are now located in Chace Mill. The business has 50 employees. 85% of their work is duplication of films. They operate 24 hours a day on weekdays. Ms. Pugh asked about noise and lighting at night. Mr. Schubart said there is none. They use a staff of 3, and there are no trucks in or out at night. Trucks mainly operate between 9am and 4 pm. Mr. Schubart said they are talking with a recycler who would provide a trailer for storage on the premises. If the Planning Commission doesn't want a trailer, they would abandon their re- cycling efforts. Mr. Jacob suggested the applicant come back to the Commission if they do decide to get involved in the recycling project. Ms. Peacock questioned the status of Gregory Drive. Mr. Weith will check on this. PLANNING COMMISSION 21 MARCH 1989 page 4 Ms. Bell advised the berm is already in place. It is about 5 ft. high. Mr. Weith said there is a gap in the berm on this lot for access to the sewer and water easements. Mrs. Maher suggested Mr. Weith look at the gap and ask the City Engineer the narrowest it can be. Mr. Weith said Mr. Szymanski said 15-20 ft. Ms. Bell said they have oriented the working area of the building away from the nearby residences. Ther@-will be 3 loading dock doors. They meet all building and lot coverages and all setbacks. The building will be 24 ft. high. 63 parking spaces are required with 67 shown including 2 handicapped. Mr. Weith questioned the value of proposed landscaping and noted that even if they do meet the requirement, there is a lot more landscaping needed on the berm. Ken Desmond has advised that the landscaping that was required there will be put in this spring. He feels that this landscaping and any new requirements should be presented together. Mr. Jacob suggested some hardwoods to soften the Shunpike Rd. side of the building. Mrs. Maher suggested ever- greens as well. Mr. Weith noted the Fire Chief doesn't think the access drives are adequate for fire protection and wants 30 ft. He also wants another hydrant and to have the road closer to the building. Ms. Bell noted the building will be sprinklered. Mr. Craig stressed that if this plan is changed by some other review process, the Commission wants it to come back to them for review. Lighting will be 15 ft. cuf-off lumineres. Ms. Peacock moved the Planning Commission approve the Site Plan application of Resolution Realty Partnership for construction of a 27,500"sq. ft. building for Corporate headquarters and manufacturing use as depicted in the plan titled "Lot 2 Green Tree Park, South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc, and dated 3 10 89 with the following stipulations; 1. The applicant shall post a $20,500, 3 year landscaping bond prior to permit. A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted to the City Planner showing; 1.) more plantings along the north west corner of the huild;ng _ CL,7i 2) an additional $8,278 worth of landscaping to meet the proposed landscaping as shown on the subdivision plat. 2. The applicant shall contribute $356 toward the Williston Road Impact Area #2 Improvement Fund based on the 36 peak hour trips to be generated by the project. PLANNING COMMISSION 21 MARCH 1989 page 5 3. A sewer allocation of 825 c is granted and will be subtracted rom the entire Green Tree Park sewer allocation. The $2.50 per gallon fee shall be paid prior to permit. 4. The plan shall be revised to show a depressed concrete curb across the entrance drive. 5. The driveway and loading area shall be constructed with a gravel base of at least 18 inches and a 3-inch bituminous surface. 6. The applicant shall add another hydrant at a location to be determined by the Fire Chief. 7. A revised plan addressing stipulations 1, 4 and 6 shall be submitted to the City Planner for approval prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 8. A zoning permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. 9. This approval is based on the expressed representation by the applicant that: a) all shipping and receiving shall be between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm., b) no trailers shall be used for storage or be present for more than 24 hours without the approval of the Planning Commission. Mr. Burqess seconded. Motion passed unanimousl 5:' Public Hearing: Final Plat application of IBIS Corp. for a 3- lot subdivision of a 6.8 acre lot located on the east side of Spear Street directly opposite Deerfield Drive Mr. Geer noted the following changes since Skc+c1 Plan the existing house is shown, the lot line between lots 1 & 2 is shown as the north ^dge of the right-of-way which has already been deeded, building envelopes on lots 2 & 3 are shown, contour lines are shown. `nccy have agreed that access to lots 1 & 2 will be off the new city street. Existing curb cut will be closed when this is built. The minicipal sewer hookup for lots 2 & 3 is shown and it is presumed that lot #1 owner will want to hook on as well. Mr. Jacob raised the view question and stressed that the Com- mission would like a view remaining that is not blocked. He suggested the building envelopes be removed from the plan as this may not be where the Commission wants houses put. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1) OWNER OF RECORD (name, address, phone #) c/o Re_solution,Inc. 1 Mill Street Resolution Realty Partnership, Ltd. Burlington, Vt 05401 -- ph (802) 862-8881 2) APPLICANT (name, address, phone #)_ _ same as #1 above 3) CONTACT PERSON (name, address, phone *) Managing Partners Bill Schubart, Bill Cimonetti c/o Resolution, Inc. -see no.1 4).PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Green Tree Park Shunpike Road, South Burlington, Vt 5) LOT NUMBER (if applicable) Lot No. 2 ** 6) PROPOSED USE(S) Mixed Industrial and Commercial - IC Corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility for video tape duplication and fulfillment, TV production 7) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e. total building square footage, # units, maximum height and # floors, square feet per floor) Building S.F. = 27,500 Height = 24" - 2 stories First floor = 16, 875 S.F. Second floor = 10,625 S.F. 8) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 55 9). LOT COVERAGE: building 11). "22 %; landscaped areas% building, parking, outside storage % 10) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings $ 1,300,344, Landscaping $ 20,500 Other Site Improvements (please list with cost) $ 65,653 11) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: December 1, 1989 ** 12) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) iZ6 Estimated trip ends (in and out) during the following hours: Monday through Friday 9-11a.m. 11-12 noon 12-1p.m. 1-2 p.m. 8 2-3 p.m.__4-__ )"Z 3-4 p.m._ 4-5 p.m._ 5-6 p.m.�; 6-7 p.m. B^ _ 13) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:30 to 4:30 even load 14) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: AMonday thru Friday even_lo_ad_ ,)Sal and Sun occasional DATA O iHi�' BMISSION SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DA O ARI NG ** See attached supplemental information PLEASE SUBMIT FIVE COPIES OF THE SITE PLAN WITH THE, FOLLOWING INFORMATION Lot drawn to scale (20 foot scale if possible.) Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping. Existing and proposed curbcuts, pavement, walkways. Proposed landscaping plan (number, variety and size) equal to of greater than the required amount in the Zoning Regulations. Number and location of Parking Spaces: (9' x 18') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required. Number and location of compact car spaces. ( This requires separate Planning Commission approval). Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. (13 feet by 20 feet in size, one per every fifty spaces) Location of septic tanks (if applicable). Location of any easements. Lot coverage information: Building footprint, building, parking and outside storage, and landscaped areas. Location of site (Street # and lot #). North arrow. Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. 2 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 April 18, 1989 Mr. Bill Cimonetti c/o Resolution, Inc. 1 Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Resolution, lot #2, Green Tree Park Dear Bill: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are the March 21, 1989 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please meet the stipulations contained in the approval motion before applying for a building permit. Please call if you have any questions. S' cerely, Car. G� Joe Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp 3/21/89 JW MOTION OF APPROVAL I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Site Plan application of Resolution Realty Partnership for construc- tion of a 27,500 square foot building for Corporate headquarters and manufacturing use as depicted in the plan titled "Lot 2 Green Tree Park, South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Trudell Con- sulting Engineers, Inc. and dated 3/10/89 with the following stipulations: 1. The applican shall postrdlandscaping 500, 3 year landscaping bond prior to pe mit. A revi plan shall be sub- 4. mitted to t e C City Planner'showing: 1) more plantings along th �_.e._ .__. b�ernS, z�-,i---a F►-lan meeting tt-, $29inn---iuc, an Z) an additional $8278 worth of landscaping to meet the proposed landscaping as shown on the subdivision plat. 2. The applicant shall contribute $356 toward the Williston Road Impact Area #2 Improvement Fund based on the 36 peak hour trips to be generated by the project. 3. A sewer allocation of 825 gpd is granted and will be sub- tracted from the entire Green Tree Park sewer allocation. The $2.50 per gallon fee shall be paid prior to permit. 4. The plan shall be revised to show a depressed concrete curb across the entrance drive. 5. The driveway and loading area shall be constructed with a gravel base of at least 18 inches and a 3 inch bituminous surface. 6. The applicant shall add another hydrant at a location to be determined by the Fire Chief. 7. A revised plan addressing stipulations 1, and 6 shall be submitted to the City Planner for approva prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 8. A zoning permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. 3/21/89 JW MOTION OF APPROVAL I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Site Plan application of Resolution Realty Partnership for construc- tion of a 27,500 square foot building for Corporate headquarters and manufacturing use as depicted in the plan titled "Lot 2 Green Tree Park, South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Trudell Con- sulting Engineers, Inc. and dated 3/10/89 with the following stipulations: 1. The applicant all post a $20,500, 3 year landscaping bond prior to pe mit. A revised landscaping plan shall be sub- mitted to t e City Planner showing: 1) more plantings along ��_th�.ee be-pws, - 2 ) a p� the $205nny l '_ --iu � an v �additional $8278 worth of landscaping to meet the proposed b�, landscaping as shown on the subdivision plat. 2. The applicant shall contribute $356 toward the Williston Road Impact Area #2 Improvement Fund based on the 36 peak hour trips to be generated by the project. 3. A sewer allocation of 825 gpd is granted and will be sub- tracted from the entire Green Tree Park sewer allocation. The $2.50 per gallon fee shall be paid prior to permit. 4. The plan shall be revised to show a depressed concrete curb across the entrance drive. 5. The driveway and loading area shall be constructed with a gravel base of at least 18 inches and a 3 inch bituminous surface. 6. The applicant shall add another hydrant at a location to be determined by the Fire Chief. 7. A revised plan addressing stipulations 1jand 6 shall be submitted to the City Planner for approval prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 8. A zoning permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: March 21, 1989 agenda items Date: March 17, 1989 3) SITE PLAN PROPERTY SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF CHARLES STREET - WHITE STREET The site plan dated 11/11/88 and revised 2/14/89, prepared by Mike 'Dugan is acceptable with the following revision: That the sewer service clean out shall be placed Just before the service branch and not in Charles Street. 4) LOT N0, 2 GREEN TREE PARK, SHUNPIKE ROAD 1. A depressed concrete curb shall be constructed across the entrance drive. 2. Large trucks must be anticipated at this facility, the drive- way and parking area for the large trucks must be of sufficient strength to accommodate these trucks. It is recommended that the gravel base be at least 18 inches thick with a 3 inch bituminous surface. 3. The plans are well done. I question the need for the reten- tion pond since the area is so close to Muddy Brook, the dis- charge point. Any quick runoff from the site will have an insig- nificant impact on this brook. 5) I.B.S. CORPORATION. SPEAR STREET These lots shall be served by the city sewer system which will require the main to be extended up Deerfield Road. Plans for this extension shall be furnished to the City for approval. r-, -'�nutb Burlington Nire T—Iepurlilletlt 575 i8urset —,*trect niitilillurlitultan, liermnnt 1154111 TO: SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: RE: DATE: 2. CHIEF GODDETTE TUESDAY MARCH 21,1989 AGENDA ITE.,4S FRIDAV MARCH 17,1989 I.B.I.S. CORP. SPEAR STRF(T 3-LOT SUB -DIVISION � Y OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF (802) 658.7960 PLANS WERE REVIEWED BY THIS DEr .�TMEN1 AND AT THIS I'DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THE SUB -DIVISION. RESOLUTION INC. LOT �2 GREE TREE PARK PLANS WERE REVIEWED AND THE FOL:-OWING WAS FOUND WHICH NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED IF i:.)E ARE 10 GIVE FIRE PROTECTION: A. AT LEAST TWO HYDRANTS ARE REQUI%-:ED AT + LOCATION APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT. B. PROBLEM WITH THE ROAD WAY FOR A�- _ESS r,)R EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT WHICH MUST BE ADDRESS"---D. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 PLANNER 658-7955 March 17, 1989 Mr. Bill Cimonetti c/o Resolution, Inc. 1 Mill Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Re: Resolution Realty Partnership, Lot 2, Green Tree Park Dear Bill: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Also en- closed are Bill Szymanski's and Chief Goddette's comments. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, march'21, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. Sincerely, J�. Joe Weith, City Planner Encls JW/mcp a. I ( i ! I � , �. EJ a ..rn"•sla .: ., •if 4 1 I j �' i i j I; /., .. w. ,,, el a ORArR W w. / e Ye ., I ! �.\�� I i(' • �. - sE.Fv aE+wnvr e I Lr S t LJ�� 'rr - Y l ' \ / \ice• � 2 v SFuEHr o5 ^ S 7J� �'/ uA r,sr urMr t9'SB TA:3 pJ,eM S If e \ (I _�•.: a:M - _ . - - -; -.,,,. 'fir/ �.' - -: /;� / � �__� � `e' a.c sE,rw e - • S \ r EAS[NMr ARlA ./ ` - I . �__.- � • uV \ � .,O j/ •f PA Kn P.ro ewO/ Jy _ 4 � i 1 �� 09F • � '� Spe T. • 'T , I 1 _.. •. / / / 0 �y \, � rfAMSFORMCn •'/ , - �[17 bn J,J .•r 1 I , ��A / / 1 Y9v,iL' ' PEOEsra 1 '' __f __ I l _ / �I FT (,6z. A0 JS _A, We— __ ; � �,G �./ I I ;oJ 1 {In�%�J✓ iI \I 1 / i .+i4• ��9,f1 AlJ I I 1 �n+/J.6mi30N yy 1, 1 1 �nw/cn Y.Js0 .0 e V z'• al II 11 \ \ \ �0+ \ b� LO / /' ff .Mw G sYl a SlpEwiCinE Sp , ' I _ 1 N0#1 p6�f . � rdw[[ nd� ? • I { rl -- - R . lJ0.00 a ) ; I 1 I \ - •�'' ° -"'�- � � u , " ! xR je•or. MA IER J5o � -r ♦ { •) •\ •\ �EAT.�. r i / 1 ' ,cuss Sz ,\ • yr I ,JPI I , "� \ ! UMPS RP � yr LV.a SPl ! •1 J"•13r " VAL (I. CAIJ • i 1 'ie,v y, \\ �, _ Y \ we" \ 3e \ •{ C 369.37 @ Js•. en I 31 � -srwM „an R.van c.l uaurw r n..P sve j \ — sA I rc c( ,re _C r _. /e nr. ., _. 7 --� C I \\ MS'. { t GS IefMtw iPR I 4 \ ,_-fJt vAl'R / 1\_ wA R. '/fwd, a •,� e W �___�,�� , REAHrrM f.(WRrllt I '< o V . p VRonrnrwn rl ErR1CAL l 8 P { _ rroN Aru RUPHdr �REwrH e - n •,w•Jsz 90 Z _Y_ _.-_ �-- snr ter✓.[ - � I GBOALARES 1. OWNER OF RECORD: RESOLUTION REALTY PARTNERSHIP LTD. 1 MILL STREET BURL INGTON. VERMONT 05401 2. DEVELOPER! BREADLOAF CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. P.O. BOIL 1z6 MI00LEBURY, VERMONT OS753 1. TOTAL AREA OF LOT 2 : 167.786 IF 17.76 AC) 1, ZONING OISTR ICY: COMMERCIAL BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: FRONT YARD 10• REAR YARD: 70' SIDE YARD: 15' BERM PROTECTION: 65' S. UTILITY INFORMATION: ELECTA ICITY - GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER TELEPHONE NEW ENGLAND TELI PHONE NATURAL GAS _ VERMONT GAS COMPANY 6. SOILS : IFROM CHITTENOEN CO. SOIL SURVEYI AOA ADAMS B WINDSOR LOAMY SANDS 0.5% SLOPES 7. LOT COVERAGE: BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 16,875 IF PAVEMENT I INCLUDING WALKS 8 fNTRIE51: /0./70 IF TOTAL: S7 7/5 SF PERCENT OF TOTAL LOT: 751 6. PARKING: ESTIMATED NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SS 1 0. BURLINGTON SPACES REQUIRED: 67 SPACES PROVIDED! 67 WITH PROVISION FOR 81 HANDICAP SPACES PROVIOED1 2 MOwD d3LEt s +-,Ae a --_ . woM uoMFwr AP ,PR - - - 3 P.a,o . - CdCRE IE e ^wU S(rM1d • •]A, 9J -WA .r rp e.s., e' ra ;p9rtY sr,R,r Ce dSrnUcnd n FM IRAw[C r Oncnplion I Dote 9y Rewalons Project titre LOT Z GREEN TREE PARK i South Burlington, Vermont SNent ❑Ne I Site Plan Project num69r_t59U79 Propcl m ger N_G C_ Or.— -Blcµ Dore __-3 / 10 / e9'_-_-- S•eWe _ LLg APP,P—d LOT 2 1 .. ! i / 310 Aa •� Y. / OrlrrlL fOwuwN (O[rNItM \ [ ~mob `\ [ e A A I r I C ! C A t I rur w R roo rao Lao .oe K 0 K ra N r0 Nrlr KrY, lrlrht Iffi rwtl a]o.a J [l ru nrtr , a Y[t Rxr trelro a rrl ror Irrwel rr( 1 0.r1 a crtn [,o. Iq roil H nor uq �__ IulOrr rlrllCY mu .r. • 1L,y .rra lOui« e.rOLK(rD0 O:.iLOrw! lC iewC[! I.0 I+rn.rf s ren � sea[a. ntiN na Lnfrrr a.xL.m all no. I.we.n r.raar se rr a.[rrrf • r Ir rrLLq IOrI ,r.�;l. a R../D [:w_w :wr rD:v,.•.':_ a ' Tll iTaTgw CrwTADI :e0r[RY ! • hli LMT.TC[0 'rlii Or LwvC W • [Alf •.�!]r!' D•[[D TIC l: l «Dw TICSa:er ] ,tr0lwLr.�. /:f «:L.wAr p[allr r_w' . TIC 1«411TL0 OffD RElfR lC! l!!r[AC1C0 IRON r�C C'1 Of lr rr ir:_.A:rOw L"Z CLLD.D3. — ltr 1/Or 0 (Y[r(nr r I0o(1. iftar«Owt II'. I ••Nrr Yrr[ l wr urwl Yr rrprr !00 HO(Irlu1 L.Y. 3veolvlslora nAr or GREEN TREE _ PARK SHUN PIKE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT .•.« lrl « ,rwrrr _•.w .�o.r � •� b.Iaa TRUOELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Inc. »._, In this age of information, video is the medium of choice for effective and captivating communications At Resolution, our mission is to pro- vide our clients with leading edge technology, creative energy and technical expertise so that they may realize the full potential of this dynamic marketing tool. In a short time, we've built a reputation as one of the country's leading video facilities. Resolution's full service approach totally integrates all aspects of the video process.. Creative, Production, Duplication and Fulfillment. Our production staff takes your ideas and transfers them into award - winning videos for marketing, sales, orientation or training purposes We feature one -inch video, 35mm film, and sixteen track, SMPTE synchro- nized audio production capabilities. Our %" off-line suite offers clients a cost-effective environment for creative editing that results in a compu- terized edit decision list. In our 1" on-line suite, our editors utilize a full complement of special effects technology, including ADO, Vista, and the Quanta paint system. Resolution's automated duplication facility is all Hi-Fi and features the very latest in video duplication and quality assurance technology. Quality is not only important to us, but to our clients as well. Therefore, we use only the finest grade materials, and QC every tape that passes through our system. Custom printing and packaging is available to give your cassettes a stand -out look. Our fulfillment operation offers a broad menu of services to direct marketing clients, including an inbound 800# and mail order center, credit card and check processing, inventory maintenance, pick, pack and ship, and full account reporting. As you can see, from concept to customer order, Resolution puts the power of video to work for you. Our 20,000 square foot production and manufacturing facilities are located in a renovated 19th century woolen mill on the Winooski River. A comfortable environment, a dedicated staff and our fully integrated capabilities serve to maximize the impact of your video projects. We look forward to sharing our experience in video marketing and publishing with you. Sincerely, William H. Schubart President . IUDEo AIVO I Chace Mill, One Mill St., Burlington, VT 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 800-862-8900 Creative Scripting, Directing, Casting, Location Scouting, Lighting, Props and Wardrobe Recording One Inch Video, 3/" Video, 35mm Film,16 Track Audio, Two Track Audio (digital and analogue) Post -Production 1" on-line computerized editing with ADO Digital Special Effects, Paint and Graphics, 3/" 3 machine, off-line/on-line with dissolves, wipes and computerized decision list for on-line;16 track audio sweetening with synchronous video monitoring, digital sampling, full stereo production, digitally recorded sound effects and music library. Transfers Audio mixing, video -video, video -film, film -video, audio - audio (all formats). Duplication Video: One Inch, 3/" & 112" masters to: 1", 3/", VHS & Beta (Capacity: 2000-6000 VHS & Beta per day) Custom loaded with high grade tape and shells. Custom printing and packaging available. Fulfillment National inbound WATS order service Direct drop shipping Climate controlled warehousing Inventory control Returns processing Consultation Video Marketing Systems and Implementation 1. Direct Video Marketing 2. Point of Purchase Systems 3. Video Assisted Sales 4. In-house Sales Training Chace Mill, One Mill St., Burlington, VT 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 800-862-8900 .,oEo A�o,o ANo F,�M Video Production: Technical Resolution is a complete production facility offering high quality services in 1" and 3/" video and 35mm film production. Our full service approach includes: creative and scripting, preproduction plan- ning, 1" field production in full stereo, computerized editing, ADO and paint sys- tems for graphics, SMPTE-locked 16 track audio recording, audio for video sweeten- ing and a high volume, competitively priced duplication facility. The following is a breakdown of our technical equipment: Field Production Ikegami 79EAL w/computer set-up TRAM mini -lavaliere Fuginon 9 x 126mm lens, w/2x extender Neumann boom microphone Fuginon 6.5 x 25mm, extreme wide angle lens Ikegami 14" broadcast monitor Sony Broadcast BVH 500A with time code Hitachi waveform monitor Sony Broadcast BVU 110 with time code Lights, stands, filters, reflectors Sennheiser 816 TU shotgun Dolly Neuman RMS 190i-s stereo shotgun 20' x 20' and 6' x 6' butterflys HME wireless microphone system Mathews reflector JVC RM-9 battery -powered portable monitor 14' Production truck wall field gear Editing Computerized 1" on-line editing Ampex VPR-6's, Zeus time base correction Ampex Vista digital switcher Ampex ADO with perspective and rotation Digimatte and Digitrail Paint System and character generation Color graphics camera Programmed slow motion 16 track with Dolby A locked to video record Computerized 3/" off-line/on-line editing 3 Sony Broadcast BVU 800's A & B roll for dissolves and wipes Digital noise reduction, freeze frame & compression Graphics camera Computerized edit list for 1" on-line �/2" or 3/" dubs of field tapes with supered time code Audio for Video Computerized 16 track audio editing Dolby A on all tracks Synchronized video monitoring with sound editing Sony APR 5003 2 track w/center track timecode & Dolby SR Full stereo production Digital sampling, digital reverb, digital delay Parametric EQ, compression/limiting Sound Booth and recording studio Duplication 1 ", 3/" mastering 3001/z" video slaves (VHS Hi-Fi and Beta Hi-Fi) Chace Mill, one Mill street, Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 .,,oEo AIJOIO ANO F,�,.,. Resolution Clients win Awards Client: U.S. Government Golden Screen Award from the National Assoc. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Government Communicators. Awarded to the Agency: Washington Consulting Group best works in the Federal Government System, Work: "Enterprise Zones In America" 1986. Also Second Place Best Short Film Category, Pegasus Award, 1986. Client: Howmedica (Pfizer) First Place in the JVC Pro Awards sponsored by Agency: Image Innovations/Technigraphics JVC's Professional Communications Division from a Work: "You Only Fail When You Don't Try" field of 350 entries in 38 states. Also won First Prize in the Birmingham Film Festival and the Houston Film Festival, 1986, Client: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Second Place, Vermont Broadcaster's Award, Agency: Knox, Nimick and Harwood 1986 Work: "Then and Now" Client: Green Mountain Power Corporation First Place, Public Utility Communicator's Assoc. Agency: Worthly and Wheeler Better Communications Contest. Considered the Work: "What If..." best commercial produced by any utility with under 250,000 customers out of a field of 48,1986. Client: McKenzie Meats Second Place, Pegasus Award. Best 30 second Agency: Knox, Nimick and Harwood commercial, 1986. Work: "Cheddar Dogs" Client: Worcester PolyTech Case Award, Communications Arts, $5000 Agency: Meeting Arts awarded to WPI, 1986. Work: "The WPI Story" Client: Vermont Travel Division First Place, Pegasus Award, Best Short Film, 1986. Agency: Destination Television Work: "July In Vermont" Client: Troy Bilt Rototillers Merit Award, Pegasus, 1986. Agency: Garden Way Marketing Assoc. Work: "Tiller Catalogue" Client: The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel First Place, Pegasus Award, Best Short Film,1984. Agency: Resolution Work: "Every Bit As Good As You've Heard" Client: Vermont Bicycle Touring Best Short Film, Pegasus Award, 1983. Agency: Resolution Work: "The VBT Spirit" Client: Central Vermont Public Service Second Place, Public Utilities Communicator's Agency: Resolution Award, 1983. Work: "Hunter Safety" Client: The Ice House Restaurant Best Campaign of the Year, Pegasus Award, 1983. Agency: Resolution Work: "Hot," "Fresh "& 'Alive" Client: Sanders for Mayor Campaign First Place, Pegasus Awards, Best Political Com- Agency: Resolution mercial, 1983. Work: "Bernie" R 1.J 0 1, U-T 10 l At .E 3,o Ate" �,L ,.,, Chace Mill, One Mill Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 Audio Recording -Technical Console Sound Workshop Series 34B-24/24 Recorders Otari MX 7016 track Sony APR-5003 2 track w/timecode MCI JH-11OB-2 track Sony PCM-F1 Digital 2 track with 3/" U-matic, Beta, or VHS Editing Adam Smith Synchronization & Editing Noise Reduction Dolby A —all channels Dolby 280 SR 2 channels Single end NR-2 channels Monitors UREI 813 Time Aligns Auratone Echo/Revert Lexicon PCM-70 Lexicon PCM-60 Lexicon PCM-42 Outboard UREI 1176 Ln Compressor/Limiter Soundcraftsmen Graphic E.Q. UREI LA-3A Compressor/Limiter-2 EXR Aural Exciter DBX 160—Compressor/Limiter-3 Orban-536A D'Esser Aphex Compellor Compressor/Limiter stereo Eventide Phaser Audio Arts 4100—Parametric E.Q.-2 Microphones Neuman RMS 1901-S Stereo Neumann U-87-5 Neumann KM-84-2 AKG 414 eb AKG C451 E-3 Sony ECM-33F-2 Shure SM-57-4 Shure SM-58-2 Shure 330-2 Sennheiser 421 Beyer 160 PZM RCA DX-70 Electro-Voice Re-20 Electro-Voice Re-16-3 Headphones Beyer Sennheiser Koss instruments Akai S900 Sampler Steinway 51/z' Grand Piano Fender Rhodes Piano Misc. Percussion 7� T r -T \ T - EJ T ' - J A�J l l �„ ,u_� ��o,�3 �"� F,�,.,, Chace Mill, One Mill Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 i Video Duplication: Technical Technical Resolution's entrance into video duplication follows a 15 year history of professional audio, video and film production experience. We have a 1" video production unit, editing facility and creative team. We record albums and "sweeten" video productions in our audio department. We operate the nation's premiere real-time audio cassette duplication facility. This production -oriented background led us to an open-minded approach to video duplication. Resolution's duplication facility uses the highest quality equipment possible at every link in the duplication process. We load our own tape to precise standards in an environmentally controlled clean room, using only the best tape and shells available. Our computerized duplication controller continuously monitors the quality of the signal and recording parameters at every duplication deck during the entire program run. The quality con- trol and technical maintenance people on our staff are an independent and autonomous group who maintain the highest standards of machine performance and personnel routines. At the mastering end of our facility we have a Sony BVH 2O00 one inch deck with full quality assurance monitoring (vectorscope, waveform, audio signal monitor) as well as an Asaca Shiba-Soku high resolution,19", broadcast color monitor. Specially trained video/audio technicians con- stantly check technical performance and visually monitor picture quality. Active switchers and video and audio distribution amplifiers carry the program material to our VHS Hi-Fi and Beta Hi-Fi duplicators. And we believe in Hi-Fi. Our distribution system has an audio signal-to-noise ratio of 115db from 20-20,000 hz. We've chosen the JVC BR 7000U VHS Hi-Fi and the Sony SL 1400 Beta Hi-Fi as our current duplication decks. Their unassailable reputation and their ability to interface with our computerized control system, made them the obvious choices. A computerized control system is at the heart of our duplicating process. This recent innovation maintains a constant check on the signal quality and the recording characteristics of each machine. If any problem is detected it ejects the tape from the machine in question and records the cause of failure in its memory. Errors appear in a computer print-out, not in your delivered order. We feel we produce the finest product in the industry. �I �CD A"o,o ,, F,�,.,, Chace Mill, One Mill Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 Fulfillment servi mces & Prices Basic Fulfillment ► 800# Order Taking and/or Mail Order Services Package ► Credit Card Verification/Check Depositing ► 48 hour turnaround ► Monthly Reports (Sales, Billing, Inventory, Media Source Tracking) ► Warehousing 800# Service One Time Set-up ...................... $150.00 (includes scripting up to 2 lines) Monthly Line Fee ...................... $50.00 Per Call, Order Taken .......... .......... $2.00 (includes name, address, tel. p time and date of order, credit card info, media source) Per Call, No Order ....................... $1.25 (name, address, tel. #) Mail Order Service $1.50 per order received Checks held for credit clearance ten days. Drop Shipping Single product — $.50/ea and .02 per insert plus freight Multiple product — $1.00 and .02 per product plus freight. (includes pick, pack, mailing label & mailer) Credit Card MASTERCARD and VISA -- 4% of total order* Bank Processing AMERICAN EXPRESS — 5% of total order* * total order = product price, shipping and handling. Reports Monthly Sales, billing and media source tracking — No charge. Interim reports as requested — $25.00ea. Returns $1.50 per tape, plus return postage. Processing (includes receiving, repackaging, restocking & inventory adjustment) Options Customer survey setup $95.00 includes one question. Additional questions $25.00/each. Additional script line items (i.e., upsells, cross sells, survey questions) — $.35 each Other shipping options charged at cost. Other packaging options on quote basis. List Maintenance Add/delete names to customer list — .50 ea Address corrections — .50 ea Customer list printouts: (Segmented randomly, by zip, customer descriptor, state, sales history, etc.) Pressure Sensitive Labels — $14.00/1000 Paper -- $7.00/1000 Terms Fulfillment charges are billed monthly, net 30 Depository account must be maintained to cover common carrier charges. (2 months estimated shipping cost.) RESOLUTION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE LISTINGS OF TAPES DUE TO SUBJECT MATTER. -'� Tl{ V ICJ F_O AUC71C7 ANO FILM Chace Mill, One Mill St., Burlington, VT 05401-1514, Tel. 802-862-8881 800-862-8900 1 1 Resolution Clients Bose The Ford Motor Company Janklow/Bender: Skyr, Disney Licensing, Dynastar Digital Music Products Academy Home Entertainment IBM Prestige, Inc. Polygram Taunton Press Time/Life Records Garden Way New England Digital London Records ABC Sports Hartley Film Foundation Standard Motor Products H.U.D. Image Innovations: Howmedica (Pfizer) Rossignol Kurzweil Rounder Records A Prairie Home Companion Western Video American Optical Ortho Carrera Byte Magazine National Endowment For The Arts Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream General Electric Troy-Bilt Rototillers .,IOEo 41J0I0 Atio FILM I Chace Mill, One Mill Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401-1514, Tel. 802 862-8881 "Am ------ lord Pv` (4d4414'.? 7 rot) 4�� J� wy 7-7 03/08/89( 10:39 RESIDLlITI0H 002 0--- t"A R�T��U_ T_ 1 0 1 PVT VIDEO AUDIO AND FILM PRODUCTION TRIP'j BY VEHICLE/TIME TRIP ENDS EMP. VEHICLES VISITOR VEHICLES CO. TRUCKS COMMER. TRUCKS Sam to 12am 4 2 1 2 12am to 4pm 10 2 2 2 4pm to 8pm 34 2 1 2 Parked on site overnight 2 0 2 0 "f ki p PERSONNEL OCCUPANCY SQUARE FOOTAGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE Warehouse 8,125 8 Manufacturing 11,625 24 Offices 7,500 23 Chace Mill • One Mill StrQer Burlingron, VtDrmQnt 05401-I M14 Tel. 802-682-86A 1 30 J'� YJ L2 70 3 d 69 V S fo veauejw) No Text C 1� cwr/ 3 X Z 7 !;" 'o-`' / z V 0 0VA eAr jII �j e H 11-4-G s ( G) — O T--A `. 5 30 Co �- Ulo-,tts vtir) �AT pi lot 0 M.0 .191-1k � .. 1 31 1� �,; 1 -7 l l 7vT&U y�,Va f(o Yea - fSvo 7 JO /()Yd 00 Lip �(�- 3i�'� qO ((o 9600 C� Iry lY�- - 6 '76 1 70 �6a lud dt 4 evvs� Old I lb-1110 .41M Flo s- ITO qg Ana us MAL ov en, alreo s 4 � 4�� UIY4 / L4) U4. Okvv\�) La. I L4 VIA c) '4, 6iwval E. C-G i?�,,