HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU-02-29 - Decision - 0012 Gregory DriveCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MULTIPLE USES -12 GREGORY DRIVE SITE PLAN #SP-02-64 & CONDITIONAL USE #CU-02-29 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Ken Desmond, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is requesting approval for amending a previously approved site plan to add 10 permitted uses as possible uses within the 17,400 sq. ft. building at 12 Gregory Drive. In addition, the applicant is requesting conditional use approval to add 6 conditional uses as possible uses within the building on the site. The South Burlington Development Review Board (DRB) held a public hearing on February 4, 2003. Based on testimony given at the above mentioned public hearing and on the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the DRB finds, concludes and decides as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is requesting site plan approval to add 10 permitted uses as possible uses within the 17,400 sq. ft. building and conditional use approval to add 6 conditional uses as possible uses within the multi -tenant building at 12 Gregory Drive. Specifically, the applicant requests an umbrella permit to allow the following permitted and conditional uses: Permitted Uses. 15.101 General office 15.102 Medical office 15.103 Light manufacturing 15.104 Research and testing laboratories 15.105 Printing, bookbinding, publishing and engraving 15.106 Wholesale establishments 15.107 Warehousing, storage and distribution facilities 15.113 Artist production studios 15.114 Radio and television studios 15.115 Accessory uses to the permitted uses listed above. Conditional Uses. 15.204 Rental of equipment and miscellaneous items 15.208 Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities 15.209 Educational facilities 15.210 Retail businesses (no shopping centers, supermarkets, department stores, or discount stores) 15.216 Federal, State and municipal facilities 15.221 Equipment service and repair shops that include retail 15.230 Accessory uses to the conditional uses listed above. 2. Green Tree Park, Inc. received Site Plan approval from the South Burlington Planning Commission on August 6, 1998, for the construction of the existing structure for multiple tenant warehouse use. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 12 GREGORY DRIVE - #SP-02-64 & #CU-02-29 3. On February 5, 1999, the Director of Planning and Zoning approved the request of Green Tree Park, Inc., to add (a) research and testing laboratories and (b) printing, bookbinding, publishing and engraving uses within the structure. 4. D2, LLC, is the record owner of the property (warranty deed in Volume 436, Page 191 of the city land records). The property is identified as Tax Parcel 0740 00012 C. 5. The subject property contains 78,844 sq. ft. and is located in the Mixed Industrial and Commercial (IC) District. CONCLUSIONS SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 26.102 of the zoning regulations, the DRB may consider the following in its review of a site plan application: (a) Pedestrian and vehicular access. Pedestrian and vehicular access to the site will remain unchanged. (b) Circulation. 2. No changes to the existing traffic circulation patterns are proposed. (c) Parking. 3. The Site Plan shows 48 existing parking spaces, including 4 reserved handicapped parking spaces. A bike rack is shown on the approved site plan, but no bike rack is present in the approved location. (d) Landscaping, screening and outdoor lighting. 4. No changes to the landscaping plan are proposed; however, the 18 Youngstown Juniper shrubs shown on the west side of the structure on the previously approved site plan are not present. 5. There are two dumpsters on the subject property, one of which is not screened with fencing, and neither of which is in the previously approved dumpster location. 6. The 2 pole mounted lights approved along the easterly side of the parking lot are not located where they were previously approved. (e) Other 7. The August 6, 1998 site plan approval by the Planning Commission allowed 12.88 vehicle trip ends during the PM peak hour. The applicant has not requested an increase in allowed traffic generation from the site. \sit\desmond\S P#02-64.fcd.doc 2 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 12 GREGORY DRIVE - #SP-02-64 & #CU-02-29 CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA The DRB must find that the proposed uses will not adversely affect the following: (a) The capacity of existing or planned municipal or educational facilities. 8. No changes in traffic generation, lot coverage, or gross floor area of the existing building are proposed. In addition, no residential uses are proposed. Consequently, the proposal will not adversely affect municipal services. (b) The essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor ability to develop adjacent property for appropriate uses. 9. No changes in traffic generation, lot coverage, or gross floor area are proposed. Consequently, the proposal will not adversely affect the character of the area or the ability to develop adjacent properties. (c) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. 10. No changes in traffic generation are proposed. (d) Bylaws in effect 11. The proposed changes are in keeping with current regulations. (e) Utilization of renewable energy resources. 12. No changes are proposed that would affect renewable energy resources. (f) General public health and welfare 13. The proposed uses will not have an adverse affect on general public welfare. DECISION MOTION by Gayle Quimby, seconded by Chuck Bolton, to approve site plan application #SP 02-64, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals shall remain in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. This approval will allow the following uses, which are currently allowed within the IC District: a. Permitted uses: general office; medical office; light manufacturing; research and testing laboratories; printing, bookbinding, publishing and engraving; wholesale establishments, warehousing, storage and distribution facilities; artist production studios; radio and television studios; \sit\desmond\S P#02-64.fcd.doc 3 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 12 GREGORY DRIVE - #SP-02-64 & #CU-02-29 and accessory uses to these permitted uses. b. Conditional uses: rental of equipment and miscellaneous items; indoor and outdoor recreational facilities; educational facilities; retail businesses (except shopping centers, supermarkets, department stores, and discount stores); federal, state and municipal facilities; equipment service and repair shops that include retail; and uses accessory to these conditional uses. 3. No change of use shall require more than 48 parking spaces on the subject property, or cause there to be more than 12.88 vehicle trip ends generated from the subject property during the PM peak hour as estimated from ITE data. 4. The applicant shall obtain approval from the Director of Planning and Zoning prior to the change of any tenant on the subject property. The Director shall approve the proposed new tenant only if the proposed use fits within the limitations established by this decision. In making such a determination, the Director shall apply the parking standards as set forth in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and trip generation rates provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. If the proposed use does not clearly fit within the parameters of this decision, or if a shared parking concept is proposed to meet the parking limit imposed by this decision, the applicant must obtain the approval of the DRB for the proposed use. 5. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six months of this decision pursuant to Section 27.302 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. 6. Prior to the issuance of a zoning permit, the applicant must complete the following: a. The applicant shall provide a bike rack as depicted on the site plan b. The applicant must show that all dumpsters are in approved locations and screened with appropriate fencing. C. The applicant must submit 3 copies of as -built drawings showing the actual location of outdoor lighting fixtures. d. The applicant must demonstrate compliance with the approved landscaping plan. 7. Prior to occupation of any area for which use has been changed, the applicant shall obtain a certificate of occupancy/compliance from the Administrative Officer. \sMdesmond\S P#02-64.fcd.doc 4 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 12 GREGORY DRIVE - #SP-02-64 & #CU-02-29 Chuck Bolton —yea/nay/abstain John Dinklage —yea/nay/abstain Roger Farley—yea/nay/abstain Larry Kupferman —yea/nay/abstain Gayle Quimby —yea/nay/abstain MOTION CARRIED by a vote of 5-0-0. Signed this day of ti 2003, by i ohn Dinklage, Chair \sAdesmond\S P#02-64.fcd. d oc 5